Internship Report

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A Project Report submitted to the P P Savani University

For the Award of

Bachelor of Science



Krishna R. Kahar

Mr. Vipul Maniya, HCL Laboratory, Surat

School of Sciences
P P Savani University

I certify that Krishna Kahar has prepared her training report entitled TRAINING AT HCL
PATHOLOGY LAB, for the award of Bachelor of Science degree in Biotechnology Science of
the School of Sciences, P P Savani University She has carried out the work under the guidance of
Mr. Vipul Maniya at HCL Laboratory Surat. I have evaluated her work thoroughly and gave
comments during her viva.

External Examiner Dr. Aakanksha Wany

Name & Sign Program Coordinator
Associate Professor

Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Dr. Anish Kumar Sharma

Training and Placement Coordinator, Principal,
School of Sciences, School of Sciences,
P P Savani University P P Savani University

Date: 29th April, 2024

Place: PPSU, Surat


I declare that the thesis entitled “Training at HCL Laboratory” has been prepared by me under the
guidance of Dr. Ashutosh Kumar, Associate Professor, School of Science, P P Savani University
Surat. No part of this thesis has formed the basis for the award of any degree or fellowship

Krishna R. Kahar
School of Science, P P Savani University

Date: 29th April, 2024

Place of Training: HCL Pathology Laboratory, Surat


I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who gave me the opportunity to finish this
report. I would like to express my gratitude and respect to Mr. Vipul Maniya for giving me the
opportunity to complete a two-month internship in their renowned and well-equipped laboratory.
Having him as a mentor makes me feel valued. I must express my deepest gratitude to every
employee at HCL Laboratory.

Without the HCL Laboratory staff and without help and support from teaching staff of P P Savani
University, this report would not be possible.

Krishna Ravindrabhai Kahar


Sr. No. Title Page No.

Chapter : 1 10

Department 11-25

1) Blood collection 12
2) Clinical Pathology 14
Chapter : 2 3) Biochemistry 17
4) Hormones(CLIA) 19
5) Hematology 21
6) Serology 24

Chapter : 3 Products / Manufacturing process 26

Technology/Instruments 27

1. Microscope 27
Chapter : 4 2. Biochemistry Analyzer 27
3. Cell counter 27
4. ESR Machine 27

Chapter : 5 Day wise report 28

Chapter : 6 Outcome of Internship 30

Chapter : 7 References 31



1. Hematology Normal Ranges of Cell Counter Mindray BC-6000

2. Hematology Results chart of Blood Grouping

3. Hormones normal Ranges of test

1. Microscope

2. Biochemistry Analyzer
3. Cell counter

4. ESR Machine

5. day wise work report (Feb 01,2024 to March 30,2024)



Figure 1 Types of sample

Figure 2 Types of blood collection

Figure 3 Process of slide Preparation

Figure 4 Clinical pathology Analyzer

Figure 5 Physical examination of Urine

Figure 6 Glucose urine test

Figure 7 Biochemistry Analyzer

Figure 8 Cell counter Mindray BC-6000

Figure 9 Normal Ranges of Cell Counter Mindray BC-6000

Figure 10 ESR Machine

Figure 11 Blood Grouping Kit and Result Chart

Widal Test (Slide and Tube Method)
Figure 12

Figure 13 Instruments (Microscope, Biochemisty analyser, Cell

counter, ESR Machine)


ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate

Hct Hematocrit
RBC Red Blood cell
WBC White Blood cell
Hb Hemoglobin
BUN Blood urea nitrogen
HIV Human Immune deficiency virus
RFT Renal function test
LFT Liver Function test
KFT Kidney Function test

ASO Anti Streptolysin-O

VDRL Venereal disease research Laboratory
WIDAL Widely investigated disease assay Transaminase
SGOT Serum Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transminase
SGPT Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transminase
ALP Alkaline Phosphatase
G6PD Glucose 6 Peroxidase
Mm Milli Meter
IU International Unit
H High value
L Low value


Pathology is a medical specialty that diagnoses disease through the analysis of biological samples,
including blood, tissue, and other body fluids. It involves the study of the anatomy and physiology
of blood cells and other cells that make up the blood (such as red blood cells, white blood cells,
and platelets in a blood test) to diagnose diseases and medical care.

Pathology testing equipment is frequently used in clinical practice to diagnose liver disease,
monitor known diseases, and monitor the effects of hepatotoxic drugs. This includes researching
and testing new technologies and methods to improve the accuracy and reliability of laboratory
tests. I will briefly describe the work I did in the laboratory during my training at Sterling Accrues
Diagnostics. The results of the report highlight the key findings of the exercise and its
implications for staff career development.

This report will describe my internship, highlight key learning points and identify opportunities
for further development.


This report briefly describes the work I performed in the laboratory during my employment at
HCL Laboratory. I worked in the laboratory during the study period between February 1 and
March 30, 2024.I worked in six departments: clinical pathology, CLIA, biochemistry,
hematology, serology and microbiology.

Sample report detailing daily activities and skill development during the two-month internship. It
provides an overview of the purpose of the internship, information about the laboratory from
which the employee was selected, and project results. The conclusion section of the report
highlights the key findings and outcomes of the internship to improve employee performance.

Pathology internships are a valuable educational opportunity for students seeking a career in
medical care. During their internship, students are introduced to all aspects of pathology,
including diagnostic procedures, laboratory procedures, and patient care.

In this report, I will provide an overview of my pathology internship experience, including the
skills and knowledge I gained, the challenges I encountered, and how these experiences
contributed to my personal growth and development.

This report will outline my internship experience, focusing on key areas of learning and
professional development to identify opportunities for further development. Overall, the
pathology internship was a valuable experience and I am grateful for the opportunity to gain
knowledge in this field.


1) Blood collection


Collecting blood is called phlebotomy and the technology used to collect blood from the
patient is called phlebotomy. MMC forms are filled out at reception. A phlebotomist takes a
sample of the patient's blood. Samples are collected by phlebotomists in the central registration
area, processed, entered into the computer and assigned a test number, and then distributed to

The Basic steps of blood collection:

1. Preparation: Gather necessary equipment such as collection tubes, needles, and antiseptic
2. Patient Preparation: Inform and prepare the patient, ensuring they are comfortable and
informed about the procedure.
3. Venipuncture: Inserting a needle into a vein, usually in the arm, to draw blood.
4. Blood Collection: Using vacuum tubes or syringes to collect the desired amount of blood.
5. Labeling: Properly labeling the collected samples with patient information and other
necessary details.
6. Post-Collection: Applying pressure to the puncture site to stop bleeding and providing
care instructions to the patient.
7. Transportation: Ensuring proper storage and transportation of collected samples to the
laboratory for analysis or processing.

Types of samples:

1. Serum
2. Plasma
3. Urine
4. Cerebrospinal Fluid

[Figure 1:- Types of Sample]

Two types of blood collection:

1] Capillary blood collection: mostly taken from the finger.

2] Venous blood collection: usually collected from veins in the elbow or forearm most
commonly used

[Figure 2:- Types Blood Sample Collection]

Slide preparation:

1. A clean glass slide should be placed on a flat surface. One end should have a small drop of
2. Grab another clean slide and, while holding it at a 45-degree angle, touch the blood with
one end so that the capillaries in the slide cause the blood to stream along the edge.
3. Create two smears, let them air dry, and then properly mark them.

4. Slides with thick layers are fixed by dipping for 30 seconds in 100% methanol or ethanol.
5. If differently stains bacterial and human cells, respectively, in purple and pink. It can be
applied to some bone marrow specimens and the histological diagnosis of malaria. 15
minutes for a gesso stain.

[Figure 3:- Process of Slide Preparation]

1] Blood smear: - Thick blood smear is most useful for detecting the presence of parasites,
because they examine a large sample of blood.

2] Thin blood smear: - A thin blood smear is a drop of blood that is spread across a large
area of the slide.

2) Clinical Pathology


This is a medical specialty that diagnoses diseases by examining body fluids such as urine, semen,
and feces (stool).

Types of Sample:

1] Urine
2] Feces

[Figure 4 :- Clinical pathology Analyzer]


The reaction of the Siemens Multistix 10 SG test paper is based on the color production,
which works as a measure of the concentration of the reaction in the test below.

Urine Test Procedure:

Routine (complete) urine test is divided into two parts: -

A:- Physical Examination

[Figure 5 :- Physical examination of urine]

Physical Examination of urine determination:

After collecting the first step of urine examination is physical examination. Its involve urine
color, odor, transparency, volume, specific gravity, sediment study.


 Visually inspect the urine for color and clarity.

 Normal urine color varies from pale yellow to deep amber.
 Note if the urine is clear, cloudy, or turbid.

 Hold the container up to light to assess clarity.

 Normal urine is typically clear or slightly hazy.

 Gently smell the urine to assess its odor.

 Normal urine has a slightly aromatic odor.
Specific Gravity:

 Estimate density by observing urine concentration.

 More concentrated urine will have higher specific gravity.

 Agitate the urine and note the presence of foam.

 Excessive foam may indicate protein presence.

 Allow urine to sit and observe the bottom for sediment.

Sediment may include cells, crystals, or other solids.

B:- Chemical Testing

1. Glucose
2. Proteins

1) Sugar (Glucose) Test: -

A urine sugar test measures the amount of sugar in your urine. Glucose is a type of sugar.
It is the energy source of the cells in the body. Your blood carries sugar to your brain.

Usually urine contains little or no sugar. However, if there is too much sugar in your
blood, your kidneys release some of the excess sugar through urine. Therefore, high urine sugar
may mean that your blood sugar is high, which can be a sign of diabetes. If your blood sugar is
high, your doctor will often order a blood sugar test to help diagnose the condition. Other names:
urine sugar test; urine sugar test; urine sugar test; urine sugar test. diabetes test, glycosuria test;
blood test

Procedure of glucose:

 After you provide a urine sample, it is tested right away.
 The health care provider uses a dipstick made with a color-sensitive pad.
 The color the dipstick changes to tells the provider the level of glucose in your urine.

Observation & Result:

 Glucose is not usually found in urine. If it is, further testing is needed.

 Normal glucose ranges in urine: 0 to 0.8 mmol/l (0 to 15 mg/dL)

Blue clear = Negative

Green, no ppt = Trace
Green with ppt =+
Brown with cloudy = ++
Orange with cloudy = +++
Red with cloudy = ++++
[Figure 6 :-Glucose urine test]

2) Albumin test:

Urine protein test is a test designed to check if there is too much protein in the urine. One
of these proteins is called albumin.

A protein urine test is a way to look for protein in your urine. When the kidneys are
healthy, protein does not pass from the kidneys into the urine. However, if your kidneys are
infected or damaged, protein begins to appear in the urine. One of the main proteins your doctor
looks for in this test is albumin.

Routine stool examination

Laboratory investigation:

1) Gross and physical examination by visual observation:

2) Chemical examination of stool by Benzidin Test:


No change in color- occult blood absent
Color changes green to blue – occult blood present.


Clinical biochemistry is a branch of medicine that uses chemical and biochemical methods
to study diseases; In theory it covers all morphological studies, but in practice it is mostly (but not
exclusively) limited to the examination of blood and urine. Although analysis is performed for
other body fluids such as gastric aspirate and cerebrospinal fluid, such samples are very easy to
analyze at the time of collection. Biochemical tests are useful in determining the severity of
disease in many organs.


The measurement principle is based on Lambert's law and Beer's law. Optical density is
directly proportional to drug concentration and cuvette thickness.

[Figure7:- Biochemistry Analyzer]

Name of the test:

1. Glucose:

 Fastingbloodsugar
 Randombloodsugar
 Postprandial blood sugar

2. Renal function test ( RFT ):

3. LiverFunctionTest(LFT):

 Bilirubindirectandtotal

4. Lipidprofile:

 Cholesterol
 Triglyceride


I). Use a tiny pipette to separate the serum from the plain (Red) or fluoride(Gray) tube
II). In a suspension tube, take the sample.
III). Give the analyzer the command and choose the tests.
IV). Press the start button.
V). Thereafter, put a suspension under the sample accepted pipe of the analyzer.
VI). Analyzer automatically produces a result.

Normal Range of Glucose:

Fasting 70-110 mg/dl

Post-pyramidal 70-150 mg/dl
Random 100-150 mg/dl


Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

Normal range: - 7-10 mg/dl


Liver function tests are commonly used in clinical practice to screen for liver disease, monitor the
progression not known disease, and monitor the effects of potentially hepatotoxic drugs.

1.) Total Bilirubin:

Normal range: - 0.20-1.00 mg/dl

2.) SGOT (Serum oxaloacetate transaminase):

Also called AST (Aspartate transaminase)

Normal range: - 15-37 U/L

3.) SGPT (Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transminase):

Normal range: - 30-65 U/L




A total cholesterol test (also known as a lipid panel or lipid profile) is a blood test that
measures cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Cholesterol testing can help identify the risk
of atherosclerosis, the buildup of fatty deposits (plaque in the arteries) that can cause narrowing or
blockage of arteries in the body. How much: - 0-200 mg/dl :



The change in absorbance due to quinimine formation is proportional to the total amount
of glycerol and its precursors in the sample and is measured by the dichroic (510,700 nm)
endpoint method. A triglyceride test is a blood test that measures the amount of fat called
triglycerides in the blood. High triglycerides can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke.
Triglyceride testing can help you decide whether you need to take steps to reduce your risk. Your
body uses triglycerides for energy.

How much: - 15-1000 mg/dl


The principle is a sandwich method based on the antigen-antibody reaction. Acredium

Ester binds to antibodies in the presence of specific antigens and forms a sandwich structure (Ag-
Ab-Acrediumester) due to the chemical structure of Ags. Ab & Acredium Esters Light emission
occurs from Acredium esters and the amount of light emission is directly proportional to the
antigen present in the sample.

Name of the test:

1) T3 (Triiodothyronine)
2) T4. (Thyroxine)
3) TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (Thyroxine):

Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). thyroid gland. >Triiodothyronine (T3) is approximately
four times more toxic than thyroxine (T4) Function.


Thyroid hormone stimulates metabolic activity.

 It increases oxygen consumption in most tissues of the body.

 Effects on protein synthesis: Thyroid hormone stimulates protein synthesis by acting like a

Clinical significance:

 Increase in the size of the thyroid gland is called goiter

 Increase in thyroid hormone level is called hyperthyroidism,
 Decrease in thyroid hormone level is more commonly called hypothyroidism.

TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone):

TSH is a dimeric (a) glycoprotein with a molecular weight of approximately 30,000. TSH
release from the anterior pituitary gland is controlled by feedback mechanisms. Hormones of the
thyroid gland (T and T) and thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) of the hypothalamus.


 Improving the thyroid's uptake of iodine from the circulation (iodine pump)
 The process of improving the conversion of iodine to iodine is often called tissue paper.
 Ensure the proteolysis of thyroglobulin by releasing T and T into the system.


 Increase level of TSH: Hypopituitarism

 Decrease level of TSH: Hypopituitarism

Normal range:

 T3:- 1.2-2.8 nmol/L

 T4:- 77-105 nmol/L
 TSH:- 0.5-5.0 mU/L

(5) Hematology


Hematology is the study of blood, blood components and blood disorder. It involves studying the
anatomy and physiology of blood cells and other cells that compressed blood like red blood cells,
white blood cells, platelets and hemoglobin.

Test Name:

1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)

2. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
3. Blood Group


CBC stands for Complete Blood Count, which is a common blood test that provides important
information about the types and numbers of cells in the blood. The CBC typically includes the
following components:

1. Red Blood Cell Count (RBC): Measures the number of red blood cells in a given volume
of blood. It helps evaluate oxygen-carrying capacity and overall health.

2. White Blood Cell Count (WBC): Measures the number of white blood cells, which are
important for fighting infections. Abnormal levels can indicate infection, inflammation, or
other conditions.

3. Hemoglobin (Hgb): Measures the amount of oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells.
Low levels may indicate anemia.

4. Hematocrit (Hct): Measures the percentage of blood volume occupied by red blood cells.
It is often used in conjunction with hemoglobin to diagnose anemia.

5. Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV): Measures the average size of red blood cells. It can
help classify anemia into different types.

6. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH): Measures the average amount of hemoglobin

per red blood cell. It provides information about the amount of hemoglobin in each cell.

7. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC): Measures the concentration

of hemoglobin in red blood cells. It helps diagnose and classify different types of anemia.

8. Platelet Count: Measures the number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are important for
blood clotting, and abnormal levels can indicate bleeding disorders or other conditions.


The coulter method accurately counts and sizes cells by detecting and measuring changes in
electrical resistance. When a particle in a conductive liquid through a small aperture. Each cell
suspended in a conductive liquid acts as an Insulator. This cause is measurable electronic pulse.

Param Linearity
Precision carryover
eter Range

0-500 X
WBC < 2.5% (> 4X 109/L) < 1.0
10 /L

0-8.60 X
RBC < 1.5% (> 3.5 X1012/L) < 1.0

HGB 0-260g/L < 1.0% (110-180 g/L) < 1.0

HCT 0-75 % < 1.5% (30%-50%) < 1.0

PLT < 4.0% (> 100X109/L) < 1.0
Mindray BC-6000 X10 /L

[Figure 8:- Cell counter Mindray BC-6000]

[Figure 9:- Normal Ranges of Cell Counter Mindray BC-6000]

ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate):

Elevated ESR levels indicate increased inflammation in the body, but they do not provide specific
information about the cause of the inflammation. Conditions associated with elevated ESR include
infections, autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus), inflammatory bowel
disease, certain cancers (such as lymphoma or multiple myeloma), and tissue injury. It's important
to note that ESR can be influenced by various factors such as age, sex, anemia, pregnancy, and
certain medications


 Red blood cells on the roulette wheel, sedimentation/sedimentation of red blood cells
occurs at a constant rate.
 It can also be gathered and pressed to the bottom of the tube due to crowding.

[Figure 10:- ESR Machine]


1. Take whole blood in cuvette at first (bottom) mark by micro pipette.

2. Add the buffer solution till second mark, and Mix it well.
3. Enter the cuvette tube in the machine reader.
4. After 30 minutes’ machine saw the result automatically.

Normal range:

Male: 01-15 mm/hr

Female: 01-20 mm/hr



ABO blood grouping is a system used to classify human blood based on the presence or
absence of specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells. It is essential for blood transfusions
and organ transplants to ensure compatibility between donor and recipient blood types. Here's an
overview of the ABO blood grouping system.

Blood Types:

 Type A: Individuals with A antigen on their red blood cells and anti-B antibodies in their
 Type B: Individuals with B antigens on their red blood cells and anti-A antibody in their
 Type AB: Individuals with both A and B antigens on their red blood cells and no anti-A or
anti-B antibodies in their plasma. Considered the universal recipient.
 Type O: Individuals with no A or B antigens on their red blood cells and both anti-A and
anti-B antibodies in their plasma. Considered the universal donor.

Rh Factor:

In addition to the ABO system, blood is also classified based on the presence or absence of
the Rh factor (Rh-positive or Rh-negative). The Rh factor is important for Rh compatibility in
blood transfusions and pregnancies.

Antibodies and Antigens:

Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system that recognize and bind to
specific antigens. Antigens are molecules (usually proteins or carbohydrates) present on the
surface of cells that can trigger an immune response.


ABO blood typing is typically performed using a blood sample obtained through a finger pick or
venipuncture. The blood sample is mixed with anti-A and anti-B antibodies. The reaction
observed determines the blood type. For example, if the blood agglutinates when mixed with anti-
A antibody but not with anti-B antibodies, the blood type is A.


1. Clean the fingers top portion by alcohol swab

2. Prick by lancet
3. Take 3 drops of blood on clean glass slide
4. Add one-one drop of anti-A on 1 st drop of blood, anti-B on 2 nd blood drop and anti-D/O
on the last blood drop.
5. Conceder as positive result which is drops agglutinated.

[Figure 11:- Blood Grouping Result Chart]


Type A blood can receive blood from type A or type O donors.

Type B blood can receive blood from type B or type O donors.

Type AB blood can receive blood from type blood type (universal recipient)

Type O blood can receive blood from type O donors (universal donors)

6) Serology


Serology is the examination of blood and other body fluids. Serology is the study of the immune
system in human blood. Principles of serology in antibody-antigen therapy.

Widal test

WIDAL test is one of the best ways to check your body's resistance to salmonella bacteria that
causes typhoid fever. It looks for O and H antibodies in the patient's blood sample (blood). This
test helps detect life-threatening diseases such as typhoid fever.

Slide test

Take a clean glass slide → add serum 1 drop in each four circle → add a drop of all 4 antigens in
each circle. 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Tube test

1. First, take a clean tube.

2. Add N/S to plan tube at 1400 ul.
3. Add 100 ul of serum.
4. Serial dilution in tubes.
5. All test tubes in this serial dilution tube have
6. Added 300ul anti-H and 300ul anti-O.
7. Then, H and O tube put in incubation for 1 hour than, observed result.

[Figure 12:- Widal Test (Slide and Tube Method]


Pathology testing equipment is mainly used to analyze chemical samples, including blood, tissue
and other body fluids, to diagnose disease and monitor treatment.

These products include reagents, antibodies, drugs for testing antibodies, solvents, buffers,
controls and measurements.

The production process of pathology products consists of various stages, including production,
testing and quality control.

Microscope: Microscopes are important tools in pathology laboratories that allow doctors to
image and analyze tissue at the cellular level. Pathology laboratories often use a variety of
microscopes, including microscopes and electron microscopes.

Stains: Stains are used to examine tissue and facilitate the identification of different types of cells
and structures. Stains commonly used in the laboratory include hematoxylin and eosin (H&E),
used to identify cell nuclei, and periodic acid Schiff (PAS), used to identify carbohydrates and
glycogen in tissues.

Fixatives: Fixatives are chemicals used to protect tissue and prevent deterioration. Formalin is a
substance frequently used in pathology laboratories because it helps protect tissue and prevents
autolysis (dissolution of tissue).

Reagents: Reagents are chemicals and molecules used in pathology laboratories to detect and
identify various compounds. Reagents commonly used in the laboratory include antibodies,
enzymes, and dyes.

Antibiotics: Laboratories use antibiotics to prevent infection and disease. Disinfectants commonly
used in laboratories include bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and rubbing alcohol. Packaging:
Pathology Laboratories use a variety of packaging to store and transport tissue and other body
fluids. Examples of containers commonly used in the laboratory include bottles, plastic bags, and

Laboratory Equipment: Various equipment is used in pathology laboratories to prepare tissue for
examination. Examples of equipment commonly used in pathology laboratories include tissue
processors, microtome, and cryostat microtome.

Information Technology (IT) Systems: IT systems have become important in pathology

laboratories because they help manage and analyze large amounts of data. Pathology Laboratories
use a variety of IT systems, including laboratory information management systems (LIMS) and
digital pathology.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE is important for doctors working in the laboratory
because it helps protect them from contamination and other materials. Personal protective
equipment commonly used in the laboratory includes gloves, aprons, goggles, and respirators.


1. Microscope

A microscope is an instrument used

to examine small objects. They are
frequently used in laboratories. Convex
lenses are used in simple microscopes to
control how light enters the eye. There are
different types of microscopes used for
different purposes.

2. Biochemistry analyzer

Biochemical analyzers can be used

in hospital laboratories to perform various
tests such as albumin test, blood sugar test,
or to determine blood enzyme and
creatinine, CRP, urinalysis levels and uric
acid measurement. Some types of
biochemical tests can be used in the
hospital to measure the antigen-antibody
reaction in the biochemical reaction.
3. Cell counter

BC-6000 can load up to 50 samples at a

time and offers a throughput of up to 110
tests per hour. BC-6000 requires less
sample volume as well as reagent
consumption. For a CBC+DIFF test with
NRBC result, BC-6000 only requires 80μL
of whole blood and 35 μL of capillary

4. ESR Machine

The ESR is typically higher in

females than males and increases gradually
with age.Normal values for the erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR), as obtained
using the Westergren method, are as
follows: Male <50 years old: ≤15 mm/hr.
Female <50 years old: ≤ 20 mm/hr.
Male >50 years old: ≤20 mm/hr.

[Figure 13:- Instruments (Microscope, Biochemisty analyser, Cell counter, ESR Machine)]


1/02/2024 Day1:-On my first day at pathology lab, I was introduced to the laboratory

2/02/2024 Day2:- Introduced Pathology lab andinstruments.

3/02/2024 Day3:-Blood Collection department

4/02/2024 Day4:- Holiday

5/02/2024 Day5:- Blood Collection department

6/02/2024 Day6:-Slide preparation

7/02/2024 Day7:-Blood Collection department

8/02/2024 Day8:-Home visit for Blood Collection

9/02/2024 Day9:- I observed the preparation of Clinical Pathology department

10/02/2024 Day10:-Physical test of urine

11/02/2024 Day11:-Holiday

12/02/2024 Day12:-Holiday

13/02/2024 Day13:-Chemical test of urine

14/02/2024 Day14:-I learned about Bio chemistry department

15/02/2024 Day15:-I learned about the IMMONOLOGY machine

16/02/2024 Day16:-Procedure of the machine of Urine analysis

17/02/2024 Day17:-Glucose test (FBS, PPBS, RBS)

18/02/2024 Day18:-Holiday

19/02/2024 Day19:-Holiday

20/02/2024 Day20:-Renal Function test

21/02/2024 Day21:-Lipid profile test

22/02/2024 Day22:-Liver function test(SGOT, SGPT)

23/02/2024 Day23:- Creatinine test

24/02/2024 Day24:- I learned about the hematology Department

25/02/2024 Day25:- Holiday

26/02/2024 Day26:- Holiday

27/02/2024 Day27:- I learned about CBC analyzer machine(Mindray BC-6000)

28/02/2024 Day28:- CBC test

29/02/2024 Day 29: - ESR. Blood group, urine analysis

1/03/2024 Day30:-CBC test

2/03/2024 Day31:-ESR Machine

3/03/2024 Day32:-Holiday

4/03/2024 Day33:-Blood grouping

5/03/2024 Day34:- ABO Blood group (Tube Method)

6/03/2024 Day35:-Holiday

7/03/2024 Day36:-ABO Blood Group (Slide Method)

8/03/2024 Day37:- Holiday

9/03/2024 Day38:-General information about semen examination

10/03/2024 Day39:-Holiday

11/03/2024 Day40:- I learned about Hormones department

12/03/2024 Day41:- Perform T3, T4 and TSH test

13/03/2024 Day42:-FSH, IGE, AMH, LH, FERR test

14/03/2024 Day43:- Quality control

15/03/2024 Day44:- PT, APTT test

16/03/2024 Day45:-PT, APTT test

17/03/2024 Day46:- Holiday

18/03/2024 Day47:- general Information about SD Biosensor

19/03/2024 Day48:-Holiday

20/03/2024 Day49:-B-HCG Test performin SD Biosensor Machine

21/03/2024 Day50:- Electrolyte

22/03/2024 Day51:-Biochemistry Test recheck in FujiFilmsemi-automaticmachine

24/03/2024 Day52:-Holiday

25/03/2024 Day53:-Holiday

26/03/2024 Day54:- WIDAL Slide method

27/03/2024 Day55:-Holiday

28/03/2024 Day56:- Visit Reception

29/03/2024 Day57:-Holiday

30/03/2024 Day 58 :- WIDAL Tube method


Throughout the training program, I concluded that theoretical knowledge. The worker individual
must not only be knowledgeable but also be versatile in the skills to perform defined work or job.

Although the two-month time of our training in HCL Lab flew very quickly, with the co-operation
of the authority and all the personnel, I have learnt a lot and gathered a lot of information and
experience which will be helpful for our future practical purposes. They initiated my curiosity and
interest regarding the relevant subject. I am so happy with behavior of every person toward me.
Thus, I have completed my training with the great satisfaction.

During this training I have observed the tests that how can the tests performs in the laboratory,
microscopic examination of Urine slide. Other than that, all the test that I have mentioned were
performed by me. Thus, I turned out to be a great experience, and full of new advancements in
learning regarding the industry.



2. Jawetz, E., Adelberg, E. A., & Brooks, G. F. (2019). Medical microbiology (28th ed.). McGraw-
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3. Burtis, C. A., Bruns, D. E., & Tietz, N. W. (2019). Tietz textbook of clinical chemistry and
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4. de la Serna, J., & Perez, M. A. (Eds.). (2019). Clinical laboratory hematology (4th ed.). Pearson.
(pp. 121- 141).

5. Wilkins, M. R., Appel, R. D., & Hochstrasser, D. F. (Eds.). (2017). Proteome research: Two-
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