Apixaban Dabigatran
Table II: Risk estimation matrix (REM) for Bioanalytical RP-HPLC method of apixaban
and dabigatran
Run Factor 1 Factor 2 Response 1 Response 2 Response 3 Response 4
A- pH retention
B-Amount time of Retention Theoretica Theoretical
of apixaban time of l plates of plates of
acetonitrle dabigatran apixaban dabigatran
6 4 60 2 6 3020 4992
amt ofterms
ACN F0.053
value 0.8
p value Insignificant
Model 2.63
14.88 0.16
0.01143 Insignificant
Table VII: 17 surface quadratic0.09
ANOVA for response model Significant
B2 13 0.036 Significant
Table VIII: Confirmation report of the model
Factor Selected level Predicted response Predicted response
of dabigatran
of apixaban
1 10 59832
2 20 87566
3 30 126352
4 40 153902
5 50 183894
6 60 219915
Mean 59.35
% Accuracy 98.91%
Acceptance Criteria: The % mean accuracy for all samples should be within 85.00-
1 77985 59984
2 78736 59763
3 77884 59937
SD 469.27 116.42
% CV 0.6 0.19
% mean 76.59%
1 179288 130968
2 182354 131784
3 181787 131098
SD 1613.3 438.43
% CV 0.9 0.33
1 315198 235984
2 316215 223978
3 315185 235998
SD 590.95 1162.22
% CV 0.18 0.49
1 0.7 58552
2 0.8 59179
3 0.9 61325
Mean 59352
% CV
Wavelength (nm)
1 278 59547
2 280 59739
3 282 59792
Mean 59326
% CV
pH of mobile phase
1 5.3 61882
2 5.5 62351
3 5.7 60887
Mean 61706.67
% CV
Table XIV A: Freeze and thaw stability result of Apixaban (10µg/mL) (LQC)
Replicate Peak area of standard Peak area of drug spiked in
drug plasma
1 59638 56971
2 59912 56628
3 59352 55715
SD 280.02 649.19
% CV 0.46 1.1
Table XIV B: Freeze and thaw stability result of Apixaban (60µg/mL) (HQC)
Replicate Peak area of standard Peak area of drug spiked in
drug plasma
1 249172 223691
2 245582 225894
3 244935 227958
SD 2282.5 2133.87
% CV 0.92 0.94
1 59786 57649
2 59862 57590
3 58857 58577
SD 559.58 844.90
% CV 0.93 1.4
1 238586 232650
2 238861 228967
3 236894 227684
SD 1065.174 2577
% CV 0.44 1.1
c.Long-term stability:
Table XVI A: Long-term stability result of Apixaban (30µg/mL) (LQC)
1 59806 53981
2 60758 53562
3 59872 52123
SD 531.61 974.54
% CV 1 1.8
1 249839 214356
2 249662 211638
3 248796 216542
SD 558.1419 2456.805
% CV 0.22 1.1
d. Stock-solution stability:
Table XVII A: Stock-solution stability result of Apixaban (30µg/mL) (LQC)
1 231259 219689
2 232254 219333
3 229872 214358
SD 1196.364 2980.406
% CV 0.5 1.3
1 58823 56917
2 58706 57069
3 57989 58706
SD 541.54 991.91
% CV 0.77 1.7