KRX Digital
KRX Digital
KRX Digital
Troika Hack
by Luke Gearing
Table of Content
Characters 5
d66 Deviations 6
Equipment 9
Patrons 10
Objectives 11
What 11
To What 12
Where? 14
11 Krx, Insect Overlord 17
12 Freeborn 17
13 Yakul-Drak 18
14 Hunting Beasts 18
15 Rotten Husks 19
16 Hunter-Killer 19
21 First-Wave Shock-trooper Survivors 20
22 Wolf-Squid 20
23 Fighting Machine 21
24 Resistance Fighters 21
25 Occupation Machine 22
26 Bombardier Beetle 23
31 Steel-Tree Slaves 23
32 Parasite Host 24
33 Bloated Organic Dropship 24
34 Allswine 25
35 Emissary of the Stars 25
36 Dog Tower 26
41 Cargobeast Parasites 26
42 Ss’lth 27
43 Prey Beast 27
44 Cleaner Mites 28
45 Imagineer Slaves 28
46 Amplification Arachnids 29
51 Misery Batteries 30
52 Overseer Insect 30
53 Feed Grubs / Insect Larvae 31
54 Plasticbone Tumour 31
55 Palanquin Walker 32
56 Ashmouthed Fumedrinker 32
61 Soldier Slave 33
62 Compliance Engine 34
63 Culture Haruspex 34
64 Leafwork Automatons 35
65 Skinshifter Elite 35
66 Harnessed Annelid 36
Rule 0:
Don’t tell the players
S H I T.
Humanity is in thralldom to the enslaving insects, black carapace nightmares
brandishing their neural whips else lounging in their quilled towers, purple-
shine black metal walls studded with spikes hung with taut fungus-flesh
rupture-loom above rioting corpse-built slums filled with the un-engaged
surplus. Bruise-hue skies studded with eight tumour-moons loom above such
vistas. Some amongst these pitiful dwellers covet the parasites swarming
the hives, becoming willing hosts to alien biologies, accretions of strange
fluids limbs and senses. The empire of the Insects is decadent and vile and
unchallenged, the whole world locked in their mandible grip – rot farms,
mines, wilderness and cities alike are unquestionably their dominion. All castes
of owned beings throng and move through society, all bound up and up to the
pitiless insects, attempting to eke out survival when not under orders. All of
this is witnessed through alien compound eyes. They are known as the Krx.
Born in slime from a womb-tower, all emerge fully formed adults – denying
slaves culture or familial bonds allows the overlords to dictate culture and deny
the possibility of alternatives.
Generate Skill, Stamina and Luck normally, then roll for deviations.
d66 Deviations
Each character is born with 1d6-2 deviations from the human average.
11 – Carcinoma armour plating entombs you – armour as Heavy.
12 – Thick/Patchy/Long/Crystalline/Metallic/Prehensile Fur.
13 – d3 additional limbs – 50/50 arm or leg per limb.
Duplicate deviations if any have already been rolled.
14 – Flexible bones.
15 – Gliding wings.
16 – Quills, can be fired via muscle contraction, take two weeks to regrow.
41 – Single, powerful claw.
42 – Ability to project reeking, fuming bile.
The fumes thick enough to block sight.
43 – Blood, when exposed to air, rapidly forms thick, sticky, flammable
web. A cupful of blood would be enough to coat an average door.
44 – Useless, vestigial wings.
45 – Hollow bones and an air-sac allow flotation, locomotion provided by
the wind and flatulence.
46 – Head is a smooth dome of skin.
Hidden mouth can still generate sonar pulses.
61 – Incredibly long, tough optic nerves and eyeballs which are removable.
62 – Immune to Neural Whips.
63 – Torso and head taken over by Plasmic Projector and support organs.
Ability to fire as Fusil d6 times per feeding but must feed on exotic
energies and radiations.
64 – Flexible exoskeleton carapace – Armour as moderate.
65 – Compound eyes.
66 – Incredibly nutritious, smell delicious.
Metal is exceedingly rare, and the exclusive domain of the overlords, the
overseers and the hated Trueborn. All other materials owned by the subject
species are re-purposed and organic in origin – bone and carapace blades,
corded sinew bowstrings and shell shields.
Neural whips are the weapons of the overseers. Strikes with neural whips
cause no damage, but do causing pain strong enough to induce a full-body
cramp and unconsciousness.
Firelances are the most devastating weapons of the Krx, each a family
heirloom passed down the equivalent of knightly orders. Anything struck by
a Firelance is destroyed utterly. Batteries of them have been used to destroy
stars when planets refuse the yoke.
Weapons cost around two weeks food, more for the highly lethal or easily
hidden. All weapons are illegal in the hands of State-Slaves.
Armour costs weeks of food equal to it’s damage reduction times two.
For many of these, you will be dealing with fronts and intercessors – meeting
directly is a rare privilege for such as yourselves.
1d6 1 2 3
Scion of a Noble
2 Event Horizon Scout Arbiter of Punishment
Rot Guild Adjudicator of
3 Chitin-Beautician
Representative Worthiness
Master of Webs and Arch-Judge and Racing Beetle Stable
Secrets Marshal of Trueborn Magnate
6 Brood Sicarian Divinity Epicure
Patrons (cont.)
1d6 4 5 6
Scholar of Direction
1 Trueborn ‘Nobility’ Sub-Arsonist
and Subversion
Pheromone Scholar of Fire
2 Vertebrate Intercessor
Merchant and Death
Scholar of Stars
3 Profligate Trader Gluttonous Sampler
and Sacrifice
Eccentric Mammal- Bound Daemon- Scholar of Genes
Keeper Supplicant and Metal
Scholar of Misery
5 Breeding Specialist Subjugator-Admiral
and Art
Scholar of Domina-
6 Final Imago Warlord Womb-Tender
tion and Morality
Objectives What
1d6 1 2 3
An elaborate garment,
1 Use [Where?] A favoured slave
sure to impress in court
Extensive collection of
A compromised
2 Use [Where?] slave-species cultural
guard or warrior
pre-conquest artefacts
A porcelain court-mask,
5 Use [Where?] A noted philosopher
as worn by Freeborn
A highly guarded
6 Use [Where?] An entertainer
To What (cont.)
1d6 4 5• 6
1d6 1 2 3
An abandoned
Work-site for a Mountain The Psychotropic
1 tower of a rebel
Deconstruction Team Quagmire
A forgotten laboratory,
A Grand Cathedral The Glass-Slag
2 overrun with failed
to Domination Plains
Where? (cont.)
1d6 4 5* 6
Beached bio-mass
Within the State- Biomass Reclamation
3 caused by mutations in
Slave Slums Plant
local fauna
Refuelling Golden
Amongst the The House of Splin-
4 Barge with visitors
pre-conquest ruins tered Glass
A black chitin monstrosity, sat squat on four legs with it’s thorax erect. The
face of a slaver, mandibles wild. Compound eyes purple-dark, unable to see
suffering as more than art. Pitiless and secure in it’s superiority.
Stam 10 1 Domineering
2 Sadistic
Init 3
3 Megalomaniacal
Armour 2 4 Paranoid
Damage as Small Beast or Weapon 5 Scheming
6 Ecstatic
12 Freeborn
The chosen children of bootlickers and serviles, born in the Old Way – grown
inside a human womb, not from some tower.
The first to submit to the dominion of the Krx, Yakul-Drak have adapted
to become ideal symbiote-slaves. The Krx mount them in times of war,
their entire nervous system fusing with the will of the rider. In appearance
they are heavy, bulky beetles with a curious depression in the back of their
vestigial wing-covers.
1d6 Mien
Skill 5 1 Grazing
Stam 14 2 Waiting
3 Seeking Maintenance
Init 1
4 Rutting
Armour 2 5 Mock-Fighting
Damage as Maul 6 Raising Young
14 Hunting Beasts
Lithe half-reptiles, bipedal and constructed like javelins. Each the size of a large
dog, t hey are loosed ahead of the Krx on their hunts, whether the prey is in
|the wilderness or the slave-slums.
1d6 Mien
Skill 5
1 Leaping
Stam 6 2 Sprinting
Init 1 3 Fighting
4 Shrieking
Armour 0
5 Feeding
Damage as Moderate Beast
6 Contented
15 Rotten Husks
One of the few acknowledged threats to the Krx is the Brainsponge. The
fungus grows in the brain and extends into the mind, dominating the will
utterly, subsuming them into the colony. Where ever Krx domination expands
to, Brainsponge colonies erupt and consume entire slave populations.
16 Hunter-Killer
Init 3 2 Watching
3 Drifting
Armour 2
4 Stalking
Damage as Greatsword 5 Descending
6 Eviscerating
21 First-Wave Shock-trooper Survivors
When a sphere is first identified for occupation, the Krx first send in their shock-
troopers to break the fighting ability of the sphere. This is then followed by
a clean-up virus, wiping out these terrors.
Ten foot of muscle and bone-plate armour, a mind tuned to savagery and bred
with the knowledge of untold battles. It bears the scars of the war to break the
sphere and the war to survive since then.
1d6 Mien
Skill 12 1 Resupplying
Stam 18 2 Ambushing
3 Resting Fitfully
Init 2
4 Interrogating Captives
Armour 2
5 Maintaining Mission Profile
Damage as Fusil (range) or Large Beast 6 Destroying all Resistance
22 Wolf-Squid
A cruel predator animal, used for terror-raids by Krx and then left to infest the
wilderness of their new holdings. They appear as compact, dense squid, somehow
slicing through the air with no resistance. They form packs of six.
1d6 Mien
Skill 4
1 Toying with Prey
Stam 8
2 Fighting other Packs
Init 2 3 Rooting out Corpses
Armour 0 4 Slumbering amidst Bones
Spewing Eggs into
Damage as Small Beast Chemical Waste
6 Raiding other Nests
23 Fighting Machine
Some among the Krx find the Yakul-Drake crude, and instead have turned to
their technology to breed a superior mount. These semi-autonomous fighting
machines stride above the battlefield, emblazoned with personalized flags of
dominion and victory. The base is something like a crab, reinforced with metal
and equipped with energy weapons, grown to fantastic proportions.
Special: If piloted by a Krx, use which-ever statistics are better. All damage
is dealt to the Fighting Machine.
24 Resistance Fighters
Some amongst the native populations refuse the yoke of Krx, despite the
terrible price. They form all manner of doomed resistance bands across the
dominion, plotting and planning their ineffectual guerilla actions.
1d6 Mien
Skill 6 1 Maintaining Operational Security
25 Occupation Machine
Upon the success of the Fighting Machine concept, some decided to develop
similar creatures for differing purposes. The most successful of these is the
Occupation Machine – based on a species of Land-Octopus, it is able to camou-
flage itself before using it’s ridged tentacles to snatch dissidents from a crowd
before they incite violence.
1d6 Mien
1 Playful
Skill 8
2 Faux-Hunting
Stam 15
3 Actually Hunting
Init 2 Clambering Over Buildings to
Establish Hierarchy
Armour 0 5 Spewing Ink
Damage as Special 6 Sunbathing
Special: If piloted by a Krx, use whichever statistics are better. All damage
is dealt to the Occupation Machine. Occupation Machines do not deal
damage, but instead always Grapple and crush, dealing damage as Modest
Beast. Up to eight creatures of human size can be grappled at once. Alter-
natively, victims can be thrown – test Luck. On success, they land relatively
softly, taking damage as Club. On failure, they strike a hard object, taking
damage as Longsword.
26 Bombardier Beetle
A biological siege weapon, the abdomen filled with a pair of chemical sacks.
When these combine in the air, they form a terrible explosion, rending defences
into so much rubble. As with many such weapons, once the occupation begins
they are left to infest the wilderness, occasionally hunted for sport.
31 Steel-Tree Slaves
One of the stranger slave-species, these metallic trees are prized for their
hideous screeching. They are primarily used for the creation of agony-sympho-
nies and their utility as alarm systems. They are known to reach down with
their bladed leaves and slice intruders apart.
32 Parasite Host
The natural parasites of the Krx have unpredictable effects on the physi-
ology of the slave-species. Many experience extreme mutagenic effects, their
systems overcome with alien fluids and instructions. Those who do not go on
destructive rampages as a result of these mutations instead form an under-
class to the slaves.
1d6 Mien
Skill Special 1 Isolated
Special: Roll d66 and consult this section to determine the Skill, Stamina, Init,
Armour and Damage of these unfortunates. For speed, roll one and use the
entire statistic block, otherwise roll once per statistic.
1d6 Mien
Skill 7
1 Swarming Around Tower
Stam 21 2 Gathering Detritus for Nest
Such an empire produces quantities of waste too vast for any reasonable
solutions – instead, the Krx enslaved and modified a species similar to swine.
Their hunger quite literally knows no bounds as they greedily devour all refuse,
maiming and killing one another in their clamouring.
To the horror of the Krx, they are not alone in their conquest of the spheres.
Others lurk beyond, their influence absorbing and crushing cultures unimagi-
nable. These are representatives of just one such despoiler, fractal starfish
undulating with mood-colour and sensitive to insensate winds.
The invaders will spare things they find useful or amusing. In the case of
the Dog Towers, it was both. Some fifty hounds of mixed breeds are melted
together, forming a pillar of whining, growling dog heads. All are eager
when they see someone approaching, and begin baying madly. Attempting
to pacify the tower by feeding it would require such mountains of food as
to be impracticable.
Stam 15 1 Braying
2 Barking
Init 1
3 Whining
Armour 2 4 Growling
Damage as Small Beast, 5 Whimpering
strikes d6 times 6 Slumbering
41 Cargobeast Parasites
The Ss’lth are a recent addition to the Enslaved Legions, and have pleased the Krx
in their brutality. These bronze-clad reptiles can often be seen as honour-guards
for notable members of Colonial Governments, clutching alien weapons. Some
suggest that their servitude is a ruse, and revolt grows in glacial lizard minds.
43 Prey Beast
The Krx have bred and engineered these slight, flighty beasts across all of their
conquests. Their ability to suffer extends far beyond rational limits, and as
such they deploy a great multitude of prey adaptations to avoid pain. As such,
they are perfect for the Krx to hunt – not only are they highly challenging, but
their amazing capacity for suffering is the height of sadism.
1d6 Mien
Skill 10
1 Breakneck Pace Running
Stam 10
2 Hiding using Adaptive Camouflage
Init 4 3 Swelling to Immense Sizes
Rapidly Generating and Spitting
Armour 1 4 Toxins (Damage as Firebolt)
44 Cleaner Mites
Cat-sized nymphs, neutered to ensure they never progress to the next instar. They
are driven to relentlessly seek smaller amounts of filth, preening and cleaning city
and denizen alike. The Krx delight in torturing them, and beneath their towers the
ground is covered in the shells of those flung from atop the towers.
Stam 3 1 Huddling
2 Scuttling
Init 1
3 Feeding
Armour 0 4 Clambering
Damage as Small Beast 5 Observing
6 Limping
45 Imagineer Slaves
Not all slaves are bred for labour or war – some are bred for their minds. These
unfortunates, shrivelled vestigial bodies beneath globe-skulls, spend their lives
imagining. They are able to visualize their imaginings in such detail that they
can be birthed into reality. As such, batteries of Imagineers are stored for times
of great need – relying on such whimsy has proven disastrous in the past.
One of the stranger conquests of Krx – the spiders seem in line with the size of
their more widespread cousins. However, the tiny puncture wounds their bites
inflict rapidly grow in size – not due to any necrosis, but simply expanding in
size, as if something much, much larger had caused the wound. As such, they
are commonly introduced to haunt the wilderness.
Stam 1 1 Waiting
2 Watching
Init 1
3 Crawling
Armour 0 4 Dancing Beneath Alien Moons
51 Misery Batteries
Stam 8 1 Misery
2 Misery
Init 1
3 Misery
Armour 0 4 Misery
Damage as None 5 Misery
6 Misery
52 Overseer Insect
Some Krx were not born to rule. Domination over lesser species is important, but
the internal hierarchies take precedent. These are the unclean, the malformed
and the dishonoured. They are those tasked to live amongst the slaves to ensure
that they are reviled, and to sow fear and obedience. The cruelties inflicted on
the overseers are magnified and paid forward to their charges.
Throughout their dominion the fat green young of the Krx crawl and slither.
Many are neutered, and grow into the Cleaner-Mites. Others are eaten by Krx,
slave and wildlife. The fraction that survive remember ever cruelty endured on
their years-long journey to maturity.
Stam 5 1 Squirming
2 Eating
Init 1
3 Escaping
Armour 0 4 Brooding
Damage as Knife 5 Committing Cannibalism
6 Building Pupation Chamber
54 Plasticbone Tumour
The strangely soft deposits of bone common to occupied spheres are created
by these cancerous lumps. They are some cross between mammal and fungus,
wrapped in an exoskeleton of bone kept soft and malleable by the secretions of
the flesh within.
1d6 Mien
Skill 0 1 Nope
Stam 15 2 None
3 Not
Init 0
4 Nothing
Armour 3 5 No
Damage as None 6 Nil
55 Palanquin Walker
An adaptation of a custom the Krx absorbed – the powerful carried to and fro.
Rather than relying on multiple slaves, the Krx bred tripod beings, their brain
exposed and pillowy – the perfect display of luxury. The rest of the beast is
supported by a dun armoured shell.
56 Ashmouthed Fumedrinker
Soaring taut-skin all-bone jutting rib squares of leathery flesh, they seem to
delight in the noxious fumes released by the occupation of the Krx, diving
through them and drinking deeply. Some say slaves – or resistance fighters –
have tamed them. Those who say such things are rarely seen again.
61 Soldier Slave
Amongst the earliest acquisitions for the Krx, this species enabled many of
their early conquests. Which of their features have been bred in by the Krx,
and which led to their selection as the perfect slave-soldiers originally can
no longer be determined – but their effectiveness can certainly be measured.
Overall, their character is decidedly molluscoid – their faces, when not hidden
by their helmets, are a mess of sensory organs and grasping tendrils. Beneath
this is a compact body, stacked with muscle and bone plates, giving them
natural armour. They are able to digest and eat minerals as well as organic
substances, and their primary limbs (2 arms, 2 legs) are tipped with digging
claws. Their secondary arms are used to steady weapons. They breed in
batches of hundreds. Once they had a name, but are now simply Soldier-Slaves.
62 Compliance Engine
When extermination is not an option, the Krx will deploy a Compliance Engine.
These arcane assemblages are unknown to their science, having been discov-
ered inert and lifeless between the Spheres. How they operate is unknown
– the only detectable mechanism the subtle flows of some minute energies.
The results, however are immediate and dramatic – the previously rebellious
and emancipatory are broken utterly, albeit to the will of the Compliance
Engine. It does not communicate, and it’s goals seem to be allied to those
of the Krx, for now.
1d6 Mien
Init 8
Damage as None 6 UNKNOWABLE
Special: All creatures present for the activation of the Compliance Engine
use it’s initiative, their will utterly subsumed.
63 Culture Haruspex
Much can be read in the entrails of sacrificed animals. The same concept
applies to sacrificed cultures.
1d6 Mien
64 Leafwork Automatons
A true rarity in the Dominion of Krx – genuine art. Life born from twisted bower
and cunning horticulture, automatons made entirely of twisted branches. Why
the Krx find delight in such benign creations is unknown, but it has ensured
that their home sphere is spared the excesses of Insectoid rule.
Stam 5 1 Coy
2 Delighted
Init 3
3 Exquisitely Sorrowful
Armour 0 4 Curious
Damage as Weapon 5 Inspired
6 Complementary
65 Skinshifter Elite
Long before the violence and plagues and terror-raids, the Krx will infiltrate
the societies of their prospective conquest. These Skinshifters are their tool,
able to generate and cast away personalities with mere thoughts, able to read
the assumptions from the minds of those observing them, adding layers upon
layers of subtle stereotype confirming mannerisms and behaviours. Observers
feel justified in their biases upon meeting such creatures.
The transformation of conquered Spheres does not only occur above ground
– in the soil itself churn alien worms, harnessed and controlled, chemically
altering the soil to better serve the needs of the dominion.
Stam 26 1 Tunneling
2 Churning
Init 1
3 Slithering
Armour 0 4 Paused, Thinking
Damage as Gigantic Beast 5 Recovering from Toxic Shock
6 Slumbering Fitfully