DLL in English

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School Grade Level 6

Teacher Cabudlan, Princess Elizabeth Learning Area English

Escoton, Eduardo
Pogoy, Chelsea
Quiamco, Bianca Jaireh
Rojas, Crizha Mae
Teaching dates and time Quarter Quarter 1


A. Content Standards -Demonstrates an -Demonstrates understanding --Demonstrate understanding of -Demonstrate understanding of -Demonstrate understanding
understanding of the that English is stress-timed text elements to comprehend English grammar and usage in of library skills to research
elements of literary and language to achieve accuracy various texts speaking or writing on a variety of topics
informational texts for and automaticity
-demonstrates an
understanding of text
types to construct
B. Performance Objective Recalls details in a Reads aloud texts with Use knowledge of text types to Uses the classes of words Uses library skills to gather
selection listened to accuracy and automaticity correctly distinguish literary aptly in various oral and written appropriate and relevant
from informational texts. discourse information
C. Learning Competencies Note details in a selection Read words, phrases, poems Analyze a story in terms of its Use plural form of irregular Locate information using
( Write the LC code for listened to or stories with long vowel i setting. nouns print and non-print resources
each) (EN4LC-Ic-3) sound (EN4RC-Ic-2.1.1) (EN4G-Ic-2) (using map)
( EN4F-Ic-3) . (EN4SS-Ic-3)
II. CONTENT Noting Details in a Reading words, phrases, Analyzing a story in terms of its Using Plural Form of Irregular Information Through Print
( Subject Matter) Selection Listened to poems or stories with long sequence nouns Sources
vowel i sound “Location Map in particular
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages 35-36 37 38-39 40-42 42-43
2. Learners Material 23 23-25 27-28 28-30
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Poem: “We Are One World” by Poem: Help by Gretel Laura M. Books, Maps
from LRDMS Meish Goldish Cadlong
B. Other Learning Powerpoint Presentation, Power point Presentations, Powerpoint Presentations, Powerpoint Presentations Powerpoint Presentations
Resources images flashcards Flipcharts,Textbooks
A. Reviewing past lesson Review about the story Recall the story about “The Reviewing the past lesson. Read the poem:” Help” by Shows a printed materials
or Presenting the new Androcles Trip of Bianca and Chelsea” Read Poem: “We Are One Gretel Laura M. Cadlong that entails relevant location
lesson World” by Meish Goldish Reviewing about the last map.
Unlocking of difficult words What are the words in the discussion. Reviewing about the last
( Drill/Review/ Unlocking of
from the story Androcles story that have long i sound? Asking questions about the Asking questions about the discussion.
 Trip poem. poem. Asking about what they
 Dine Unlocking of difficult words from Unlocking of difficulties (words observe in the printed
 Limes the poem. related to the poem) materials.
Present these words: Unlocking of difficulties
Settings (Areas they are not
Characters particular)

B. Establishing a purpose Bianca and Chelsea would Showing and Reading the Tell a story about the “The Watch videos related in Post a big map on the board.
of the new lesson like to travel go to different words from the story that has Crow and the Pitcher” pronouncing plural of regular Ask related questions about
(Motivation) places in Asia. Let us find long vowel “i” sound using Ask related questions about the nouns. the illustration.
out what they did so that flash cards short story. (Fables) Ask questions about the video Relate the big map in the
they can visit those places shown. discussion.
that they wanted to go.
C. Presenting Examples/ Listening to a story: Reading the poem: Conduct discussion. Conduct discussion. Conduct discussion.
instances of the new “The trip of Bianca and “The Mile High Pie” Illustration of story in terms of Guidelines in forming the Shows another map that
lesson Chelsea” its setting. plural of regular nouns. presenting information
connected to the lesson.

D. Discussing new Guided questions: What common sound do you Read the short story “The wolf Assessing learners in accurate Assessing learners in
concepts and practicing 1. Who are the hear?” and the grapes” pronunciation, uses, in forming locating information.
new skills no.1. characters in the What words have the long i? Asking questions about the the plural of regular nouns. Teaching/Modeling on
story? How is the sound pronounce? short story. Modelling the use in forming locating information
2. What does the Sequence of the settings: the plural of regular nouns.
characters in the where, when, what, why, how.
story planning to
3. Where did they
4. What are the
preparations that
they did in order to
visit different
5. Why do you think
preparation is
important when
visiting to different
E. Discussing new Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1(Time Me!) Teaching/Modeling Teaching/Modeling
concepts and List down the different Give and pronounce words Timeline illustration about the Exercise 1 Matching Type Exercise 1 Tracing their
practicing new skills places where Bianca and from the poem that has long short story “ The Fox and the ( Flash in PPT the Questions) Location
no.2 Chelsea went. vowel “i” sound. Crane” (Give tracing map/ location

F. Developing Mastery Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2 ( Fill Me) Exercise 2 Spelling Bee Exercise 2 Outline of
Separately list down the Arranging the jumble sequence (Use whiteboard and erasable Location
things Bianca and Chelsea List down 5 words that have of the story in title” The Fox and pen) ( Draw the location of
took with them in order to long vowel “i” sound and the Crane” designated area given)
visit different places that read it afterwards.
they like.
G. Finding practical Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity Group Activities Group Activities
application of concepts and Presentation of Rules for Presentation of Rules for Presentation of Rules for group Presentation of Rules for Presentation of Rules for
skills in daily living group activities. group activities. activities. group activities. group activities.

Group 1 Group 1 and 2 will guess the Group 1 ( Read the story about Group 1 (Read a poem. Make Group 1 (Draw a particular
Draw out from the box the given words with long i sound “The shiny Squid”.) sure to identify and write the map / area that represent
pictures of places where by doing charades forms of the plural of regular your group such as library or
Bianca and Chelsea went Group 2( Arranging the nouns. classroom.)
during their vacation. Group 1 Group 2 sequence of settings from the Group 2 (Watch a video and Group 2 (Make an
1. Shine 1. Time story “The shiny Squid”.) write the forms of the plural of advertisement that indicates
Group 2 2. Ice 2. Line regular nouns that can be persuasion on how a
Paste in column A the 3. Ride 3. Dive Group 3 Create a role playing heard. At least (10 words). particular objects must be
pictures of items that 4. Fight 4. Light entails on the story “The shiny Group 3 (Create a poem that place.)
Bianca took during their trip 5. Smile 5. Drive Squid”.) consist (5 words of forms of Group 3 (Create a role play
while paste in column B the the plural of regular nouns.) that signifies your family,
pictures of items that (Rubrics) friends and yourself the
Chelsea took with her choices they make when it
during their trip to the comes to arranging things or
different places in Asia. objects.


H. Making Generalization What is the story all about? What is the sound of i when What is our discussion is all How do you form plural form of How does locating
and abstraction about Who are the characters in letter e is added at the end of about? irregular nouns? information using print and
the lesson the story? a word? How would you arrange the non-print resources can be
Where did they went. What is the sound of the long sequence of the story? use?
I. Evaluating learning Draw a if the place is Encircle in each item the Arrange the events by putting Writing one word into Independent Practice
on the list of places where words that have long vowel “i” numbers. sentence. Treasure Hunt with 4
Bianca and Chelsea went sound and read those words (Reads the story “The Selfish At least 5 words / items. stations
during their trip and draw a after checking. Bee”)
if it is not.
J. Additional activities for Assignment Homework Assignment Remediation: Fill in the blanks. Remediation: Trace the
application and Using the internet, search Aside from what’s being Study in advance the Reinforcement: Sentences map.
remediation and list down 5 words that discussed, list down 10 “Guidelines in forming the plural completion. Reinforcement: Outline your
have long i sound. common words that have of irregular nouns.” Enrichment: Create a own area.
long i sound. sentence using the form plural Enrichment: Draw your
form of irregular nouns. favorite location using map.

Homework: Create a poem Homework: Make a video

using the form plural form of that shows location in your
irregular nouns.( At least 15 respective Barangay.(At
words that can be used.) least 2-3 minutes.)

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