By Laws

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Pharmacy Students Society

By Laws

Article I: Name, Purpose

Section 1: The name of the organization shall be the Pharmacy Students Society.

Section 2: The Pharmacy Students Society (INCLUDE THE MISSION/VISION nateng


Article II: Membership

Section 1: Membership in the Pharmacy Students Society shall be open to all students

currently enrolled in College of Pharmacy - OLFU QC Campus.

Section 2: Active membership shall be maintained by attending meetings regularly and

participating in any PSS activities/projects.

Section 3: The President shall have the authority to establish and define non voting

categories of membership.
Pharmacy Students Society
By Laws

Article III: Officers

Section 1: The officers of the Pharmacy Students Society (PSS) shall consist of a

President, Vice President, Secretary, Finance, P.R.O., and 1st to 4th year


Section 2: Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the active members at the end

of each academic year.

Section 3: Officers shall serve a term of one academic year or until their successors are

elected and installed.

Section 4: Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the

parliamentary authority adopted by the PSS.

Article IV: Meetings of Members

Section 1: Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the members of the PSS shall be

held every and after announcement of an event. A monthly meeting shall also be held

every first Monday of the month at Our Lady of Fatima University - QC Campus, at such

time and hour as the President may designate.

Pharmacy Students Society
By Laws

Section 2: Special Meetings. Special meetings of the members of the PSS shall be

held whenever called by the President, and such special meetings shall be called for the

purpose of unexpected events/tasks. A written notice signed by the PSS Adviser may

be needed to call a special meeting.

Section 3: Notice of Meetings: Notice of meeting shall be disseminated to each

member, by messages, group chat or in face-to-face days/hours before the meeting.

Article V: Organization Power

Section 1: Members who have deemed not active or doesn’t act according to rules and

regulations laid out by the college, may be voted out by executives through voting


Section 2: Members who may want to resign on current position must have a

successor to which they have picked with resume that fits the officer rank being vacant.

Section 3: If there is no successor to take on the role, the President may appoint one

who is deemed worthy along with majority votes of executive officers.

Pharmacy Students Society
By Laws

Article VI: Committees

Section 1: The President, with approval of the other officers, may appoint committee

members to carry out different works for the organization.

Section 2: Each committee shall be responsible for specific tasks assigned to them

according to which committee they have applied on. Following committees are as


Section 3: Logistics Committee: Committee that plans and handles the event launched

by the PSS. Members of this committee plan the program flow and host the event.

Section 4: Technical Committee: Committee that handles the audio-visual equipment,

lighting, stage set up and any other technical requirements deemed necessary for the


Section 5: Documentation Committee: Committee in charge for taking pictures during

the event and the one in charge on creating write up reports.

Pharmacy Students Society
By Laws

Section 6: Theatro De Pharmaceutica Committee: Committee that gives an opportunity

to showcase their talent. Members perform on stage during events hosted by the


Section 7: Pharmacy on Call: Committee that helps the students if they have any

difficulty in any of their lessons by means of peer tutoring before every scheduled


Section 8: Sports Committee: Committee that gives opportunity to students who have

great athletic skills to join sports events hosted by the department or by the university.

Section 9: Design Committee: The members of this committee plans and creates the

layout of stage designs in each event. Also, they are responsible for the publication

material for every activity needed to be posted on the PSS Official Facebook Page.

Section 10: De Materia Medica Committee: Committee in charge of taking care and

maintaining the Pharmacy Botanical Garden.

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