P 100
P 100
P 100
November 2010,
Introduction, 1 General Requirements, 2 Site Engineering and Landscape Design, 3 Architecture and Interior Design, 4 Structural Engineering, 5 Mechanical Engineering, 6 Electrical Engineering, 7 Fire Protection and Life Safety, 8 Design Standards for U.S. Court Facilities, A Appendices,
G S A S P u b l i c b u i l d i n G S S e r v i c e An Overview
G S A S P u b l i c b u i l d i n G S S e r v i c e An Overview
Design Excellence,
Since 1994, GSAs design excellence program in the Office of the chief Architect has resulted in dramatic improvements in the design, preservation, and construction of Federal buildings. its mission is to create Federal buildings of enduring value and ensure the continued viability of GSAs existing portfolio of building types ranging from courthouses to land ports of entry and Federal office buildings. Grounded in the 1962 Guiding Principles for Federal Architecture, the program engages the broad and diverse spectrum of Americas most creative designers, engineers, and artists who have successfully delivered buildings that embody the finest design quality and enhance the communities in which they are built. buildings of enduring value fulfill our customers changing needs in safe, cost-sustainable, and energy efficient environments while meeting programmatic, budgetary, schedule, and high-performance green building objectives. The design excellence program involves participation from distinguished private-sector professional peers ranging in expertise from architecture, historic preservation, landscape architecture, urban planning, interior design, civil engineering, transportation, mechanical engineering, and structural engineering. Peers, appointed biennially to the PbS commissioners national register of Peer Professionals, serve as independent voices on evaluation boards in the selection of the lead designer and architect/ engineer (A/e) team and during project critiques in peer reviewsfrom concept design through construction. The insights and expertise of these individuals are invaluable in ensuring that GSA fulfills its design excellence goals and mandates for each project. For additional information see the design excellence Policies and Procedures: www.gsa.gov/designexcellence.
G S A S P u b l i c b u i l d i n G S S e r v i c e An Overview
Art Programs,
GSA has a long-standing commitment to supporting its two art programsArt in Architecture and Fine Arts. The Art in Architecture program commissions contemporary artists to create works for new buildings and major modernizations. The Fine Arts program is responsible for the portfolio of fine arts assets under GSAs stewardship, including establishing policy for the placement and removal of artworks, conservation of the works, access, and creation of educational materials. The Fine Arts collection consists of permanently installed and moveable mural paintings, sculpture, architectural and environmental works of art, and works on paper dating from the 1850s to the present day. These civic works of art are located in Federal buildings and courthouses across the united States. An additional 18,000 small moveable works of art created under the new deal art programs are on long-term loan to museums and other nonprofit institutions. The source of GSAs policy to commission art through the Art in Architecture program is the Guiding Principles for Federal Architecture, issued by the Kennedy administration in 1962. These guidelines established a new, qualityconscious Federal attitude toward architecture, and advocated the inclusion of fine art in public buildings. GSAs review and selection process for commissioning artists through the Art in Architecture program follows policies and procedures developed over the past four decades. One-half of one percent (.5%) of the estimated construction cost of new and major repair and alteration projects is reserved for commissioning works by living
Sol LeWitt, Artist Wall Drawing #1259: Loopy Doopy, United States Courthouse, Springfield, Massachusetts, Undulating lines sweep across the curved wall that visitors pass by as they enter the buildings courtrooms. Shown is a small detail of Sol LeWitts enormous wall drawing.
American artists. The A/E team must work with GSA to ensure that art is an integral component of the building. For each Art in Architecture project, GSA relies upon a panel of local and national art experts, the projects A/E lead designer, client and community representatives, and GSA staff to assist in the commissioning process by conducting a search for candidates, reviewing artists portfolios, and recommending a small pool of finalists. GSA evaluates this group and awards the commission to the strongest candidate, who develops a design concept. The panel and GSA review the artists concept and, once approved, the artwork is fabricated and installed.
GSA Technical Preservation Guidelines, available online at www.gsa.gov/technicalpreservationguidelines, document creative design solutions to resolve conflicts among preservation, codes, and functional requirements of modern office use. GSAs Technical Procedures database, compact Preservation Notes, and additional preservation design studies may be accessed at www.gsa.gov/historicpreservation>technical resources.
Sustainability is an integral part of design excellence and is vital to GSAs mission of providing superior workplaces for the federal worker and superior value for the American taxpayer. GSA supports high-performance design strategies that can produce efficient buildings to operate with increased asset value and higher occupant productivity. GSA desires to be a green proving ground for new sustainable products and designs. Utilizing a sustainable design philosophy encourages decisions at each phase of the design process that will reduce negative impacts on the environment and the health of the occupants, without compromising the bottom line. It is an integrated, holistic approach that encourages compromise and tradeoffs. Such an integrated approach positively impacts all phases of a buildings life-cycle, including design, construction, operation, and decommissioning. For more information, see www.gsa.gov/sustainabledesign.
G S A S P u b l i c b u i l d i n G S S e r v i c e An Overview
G S A S P u b l i c b u i l d i n G S S e r v i c e An Overview
and equipment that require little maintenance and are designed with backup capabilities to ensure minimal loss of service or downtime. Identifiable: endow the workplace with a unique familiarity, character, image, and business identity or sense of place that enable and convey a sense of pride, purpose, and dedication in both the individual and the workplace community. Safe: Provide workplaces that are healthful, free from hazards, and safe from fire.
8 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chapter 1 ,
Sa n F R a n c iS c o F e d e R a l Bu i ldi n G, Sa n F R a n c iS c o, c a l i F o R n i a, a R chi t e ct : M oRp h oSi S, p R o j e ct M an aGeR: M aRi a t . c i p Raz o,
General Requirements
8 A I
1.1 Purpose of the Facilities Standards, 1.2 Deviations from the P100, 1.3 Application of the P100, 1.4 Federal Laws, Regulations, and Standards, 1.5 Nationally Recognized Codes and Standards, 1.6 State and Local Codes, 1.7 Program-Specific Guides and Standards, 1.8 Sustainability, 1.9 Energy Use Targets, 1.10 Health and Safety, 1.11 Design for Physical Security, 1.12 Methodologies,
GeneRal RequiRements
Purpose of the Facilities standards
Best practices are included in this document and shown graphically in this sidebar format. these are recommendations and are not mandatory requirements.
San Francisco Federal Building San Francisco, California, Manually controlled windows allow fresh air into upper floor levels, conserving energy used for air conditioning and improving air quality in the workplace environment.
life-cycle cost consistent with required performance, reliability, quality, sustainability, and safety. VE increases value, raises productivity, and improves quality. VE is not a means of reducing cost at the expense of performance. VE cannot be allowed to adversely affect building energy efficiency performance. VE is most effective when applied as early in the design process as possible. VE can be performed by the A/E or by a separate contract. The Office of Design and Construction must approve, in writing, VE proposals that modify the approved concept design before changes are incorporated in the construction documents. If VE affects energy usage or sustainability goals, the energy analysis must be revised and an analysis of sustainability impacts must be submitted.
Deviations from the P100 require an approved waiver. Waivers must be requested in writing by the regional commissioners and approved by the Office of Design and Construction before the concept submission is presented. Waivers must be processed through the responsible regional program coordinator in the Office of Design and Construction.
Alternatives to the P100 requirements should be proposed by the A/E at the earliest possible stage in the design process to allow GSA to consider and take action on the proposal before design has proceeded to a point where denial of the proposal would disrupt the project and its progress.
Proposed Alternatives,
GSA encourages the development of new, innovative building systems.The provisions of this document are not intended to prohibit the use of alternative systems, methods, or devices not specifically addressed by the P100. Generally, all technical documentation for alternatives must be submitted and approved before the final concept submission. Fire protection and life safety issues must first be reviewed and approved by the GSA regional fire protection engineer. Proposed alternatives must be equivalent or superior to the P100 requirements concerning quality, cost, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, efficiency, and safety. All proposed alternatives must be accomplished within the project budget and schedule. The approved alternative will be recognized as being an equivalent design solution and compliant with the P100.
Cost Reduction,
The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.236-22, Design Within Funding Limitations (cited in the A/E contract), requires the A/E to design the project within the contractually stipulated funding limitation and states that the A/E will be required to make revisions to the design if the funding limitation is exceeded by the lowest bid, except when the causes for such excess are beyond the A/Es control. Cost reduction measures are needed when the estimate for a project as designed exceeds the funding limitation. Cost overruns in one discipline must not be funded by reducing the budget and available funds in other disciplines. Cost reductions must not be accomplished through reduction of scope or deviations from the P100. All reductions in cost must be analyzed based on life-cycle cost, not just the first cost. The Office of Design and Construction must approve, in writing, changes to the project design proposed through the cost reduction process.
VE should be conducted before completion of the design development submission, and any recommendations arising from the VE must be incorporated into the design development submission.
Value Engineering,
Value engineering (VE) is required of GSA by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-131, Value Engineering. VE is an organized effort directed at analyzing the functions of systems, equipment, facilities, services, and supplies for achieving essential functions at the lowest
the P100 applies to all new construction projects. new construction includes additions and annexes to existing facilities. in addition, this section describes how to apply the P100 to projects for repair and alterations, modernizations, lease construction, and lease construction with Government option to purchase.
Tenant Improvements,
tenant improvements are defined in the GSA Pricing Desk Guide at http://www.gsa.gov/gsa/cm_attachments/ GSA_DOCUMENT/pricing_guide_R2F-cI-v_0Z5RDZi34K-pR.pdf.
Lease Construction,
lease construction is new construction of a facility for Government use required by Gsas formal lease solicitation for Offers (sFO). the construction may be either on a preselected site assigned by Gsa to the successful offeror or on the offerors site. specific requirements for lease construction, such as seismic, security, environmental, fire protection, life safety, accessibility, and others, are described in the sFO.
Federal Laws, Regulations, and Standards
Legislation directed toward energy efficiency and sustainability continues to increase. Laws, regulations, and Executive Orders affecting the design and operation of Federal buildings include:
z Executive Order 13514: Federal Leadership in
(EISA 2007) ,
z Executive Order 13423: Strengthening Federal
Environmental Protection,
In addition to building-specific codes, all projects must comply with all Federal, State, and local environmental laws, regulations, and Executive Orders. Federal regulations are found typically, but not exclusively, in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 40, Protection of Environment, Executive Order 13423Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, and Executive Order 13514Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance. In matters of environmental compliance, GSAs policy is voluntary conformity to certain State and local code requirements even when permitting or approvals from local regulators are not required. Confer with the regional environmental coordinator for specific applicability.
For information on the implementation of sustainable design and energy, see Section 1.8, Sustainability.
The Lewis F. Powell, Jr. U.S. Courthouse , Richmond, Virginia, One of only two buildings in the historic core of Richmond to survive the devastating 1865 fire during the last days of the Civil War, the courthouse is the second oldest in GSAs inventory. Shown is the restored lobby.
GeneRal RequiRements
Federal laws, Regulations, and standards
Historic Preservation,
the national historic Preservation act (nhPa) of 1966 mandates that Federal agencies use historic properties to the greatest extent possible and strive to rehabilitate them in a manner that preserves their architectural character, in accordance with the secretary of the interiors standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating historic Buildings (36 CFR 67).
Gsa policy is to make all Federal buildings accessible without the use of special facilities for persons with disabilities. the intent of this policy is to use standard building products set at prescribed heights and with prescribed maneuvering clearances to allow easy access by disabled employees and visitors. Building elements designated specifically for use by persons with disabilities should be kept to a minimum. The Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standard (ABAAS) is mandatory for all Gsa projects. if local accessibility standards exist, the a/e must follow the most stringent requirements between the local standards and aBaas. the criteria of these standards should be considered a minimum in providing access for persons with disabilities. Dimensions that are not stated as maximum or minimum are absolute. all dimensions are subject to conventional industry tolerances except where the requirement is stated as a range with specific minimum and maximum end points.
the Occupational safety and health administration (Osha) does not directly regulate facility design; however, the construction, operation, and occupation of facilities must comply with Osha regulations. the a/e must ensure that facilities can be constructed in a manner compliant with 29 CFR 1926; the design must anticipate facility operations and maintenance and ensure they can be performed in compliance with 29 CFR 1910; and must not subject building occupants to conditions in violation of 29 CFR 1910.
Randolph-Sheppard Act,
the Randolph-sheppard act provides qualified blind persons the opportunity to operate businesses on Federal, state, or other property. the a/e must coordinate design with the vending facility operators to meet the needs of vendors covered by the act.
Social Security Administration Teleservice Center, Auburn, Washington, In an exceptional case of adaptive reuse, Warehouse 7, one of eight almost identical 1940s storage buildings on the 138-acre GSA Auburn Campus, has become a gleaming model of sustainability and workplace quality.
National Standards,
Organizations writing voluntary national standards, including nFPa, the american society of heating, Refrigeration, and air Conditioning engineers (ashRae), the sheet metal and air Conditioning Contractors national association (smaCna), the institute of electrical and electronics engineers (ieee), and the american society of mechanical engineers (asme), publish standards on health, safety, welfare, and security that are recognized by Gsa in various chapters of the P100. Consistent with Gsas long-standing policy to comply with nationally recognized standards to the extent practicable, these standards must be used as indicated in the P100. the latest edition of the nationally recognized standards herein, in effect at the time of design contract award, must be used during design and construction.
Parking as required by the building program takes precedence over zoning ordinances. the project team must seek creative alternatives and partnerships to address local parking concerns brought about by Gsas development. Considerations may include shared parking facilities and strategies to encourage transit use.
the a/e team must offer local officials an opportunity to review and comment on the design concepts for compatibility with local plans, zoning, and design guidelines. local review must be done in coordination with the project design schedule. if local officials choose not to review the design concept, the project manager must document this in the project file. By law, the a/e must incorporate the national environmental Policy act (nePa) record of decision (ROD) requirements in the design documents.
United States Courthouse , Austin, Texas, Sited on a full city block of a historic square, model renderings show the building mass from various angles.
local regulations must be followed without exception in the design of systems that have a direct impact on off-site terrain or infrastructure. these systems include, but are not limited to, fire protection services, storm water runoff, erosion control, sanitary sewers and storm drains, water, gas, electrical power, communications, emergency vehicle access, roads, and bridges.
Construction Inspections,
if state and local government officials elect to perform code compliance construction inspections, the Gsa project manager must include provisions in both the a/e and construction contract for coordination of the work with local officials. state and local government officials do not have the authority to reject, accept, or make changes to the work, and their inspections are done only to assist Gsa in achieving code compliance.
local officials should be provided a specific time for their review (e.g., 30 calendar days), in coordination with the project design schedule. Comments should be received in writing. if comments are not received after the allotted time frame (e.g., 30 calendar days), the Gsa project manager proceeds with project execution.
the Gsa project manager should maintain a project record of comments made by local officials.
United States Courthouse , Springfield, Massachusetts, A catalyst for civic redevelopment, the new courthouse has transformed an urban site.
Program-Specific Guides and Standards
Federal Courthouses,
The Office of Design and Construction provides guidance on all levels of development of courthouse projects between Congress, OMB, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC), and GSA and serves as a liaison for all courthouse projects. See Chapter 8, Design Standards for U.S. Court Facilities, for detailed descriptions of the publications listed below and their application.
z GSA Courthouse Visitors Guide, February 2003, z GSA Courthouse Project Handbook, August 2004, z U.S. Courts Design Guide, z U.S. Marshals Service Judicial Security Systems
Please see the following documents for more information on the security design requirements for Federal buildings:
z Interagency Security Criteria (ISC)
Specifications for Special Purpose and Support Space, Volume One: Architectural & Engineering, 2007; Volume Two: Electronic Security & Hardware, 2007,
Other Guides,
z GSA National Business Space Assignment Policy, z GSA P120 Project Estimating Requirements, z GSA Order 8000.1C GSA Metric Program, z GSA 3490.1A on Document Security for
Sustainability is the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations. Sustainable design seeks to ensure that future generations are not disadvantaged by the depletion of natural or nonrenewable resources by the current generation. Sustainable designs follow an integrated, synergistic approach, in which all phases of the facility lifecycle are considered. Following sustainable design principles improves building performance, promotes the health and comfort of building occupants, minimizes environmental impacts, and supports natural resource availability. The result must be an optimal synergy of cost, environmental, societal, and human benefits while meeting the mission and function of the intended facility or infrastructure. Subsequent chapters of the P100 include requirements and recommendations to meet these objectives. The essential principles of sustainable design and development are:
z Optimize site potential , z Minimize nonrenewable energy consumption, z Protect and conserve water, z Use environmentally preferable products and materials, z Enhance indoor environmental quality, and, z Optimize operations and maintenance practices,
These principles must serve as the basis for planning, programming, design, budgeting, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and disposal of all new facilities, major renovations, and existing building alterations. These principles must be applied as appropriate to every project scope. Applicable strategies and opportunities to improve sustainable performance must be included in all projects. New construction and major renovations of GSA buildings, as well as applicable work in existing GSA buildings, must comply with the Guiding Principles for Federal
While Federal sustainability mandates establish minimum performance levels, designers can gain multiple benefits by maximizing environmental performance. For this reason, GSA has set a goal for Federal buildings of achieving a zero environmental footprint. High performance green buildings need not be more expensive when inspired
design identifies creative solutions. For example, highly energy efficient buildings can save money by downsizing their HVAC systems to meet the reduced load. One green building system that promotes strategies and deeper systems thinking in pursuit of true sustainability is the Living Building Challenge (www.ilbi.org).
Another important strategy is passive survivability, which supports the ability of a facility to maintain life-support conditions for occupants if essential utilities are lost for an extended period. Passive design protects occupants and the public if events such as a natural disaster or terrorist act interrupt access to critical resources. Key passive design features include: cooling-load avoidance strategies, natural
ventilation capabilities, a highly efficient thermal envelope, passive solar gain, and daylighting. A third strategy to maximize environmental benefits is design for deconstruction & reuse see the Lifecycle Building Challenge (www. lifecyclebuilding.org) for more information and ideas.
leadership in high Performance and sustainable Buildings. strategies to meet the Guiding Principles are included in each appropriate chapter of the P100. For the latest guidance on implementing the Guiding Principles see www.wbdg.org/sustainableEO.
leeD is to measure and quantify building performance achievements in relation to our mandates and goals. Pursue leeD credits appropriate to the goals of Gsa and to the type of project being designed. For projects seeking leeD certification, the following prerequisites and credits must be achieved to comply with the Guiding Principles for Federal leadership in high Performance and sustainable Buildings, unless specifically exempted from the project scope. Credits are listed under each Guiding Principle. additional credits listed are interrelated and synergize with the Guiding Principles but are discretionary to achieve.
LEED Certification
through integrative design and application of sustainable design principles, all new construction projects and substantial renovations must achieve, at a minimum, a leeD Gold rating through the leadership in energy and environmental Design (leeD) Green Building Rating system of the u.s. Green Building Council. Gsas use of
NOAA Satellite Operations Facility , Suitland, Maryland, The facility, featuring restored native and adaptive plants, earned a LEED Gold rating the year following its completion in 2006.
Outdoor Water , Water efficiency: Water efficient landscapingReduce by 50 percent , sustainable sites: stormwater Design quantity Control (imperviousness), sustainable sites: stormwater Design quality Control (Best management Practices) ,
Energy Use Targets
Major Renovations,
Pending the final rule on fossil fuel reduction for major renovations, the A/E must design all systems to be replaced with systems that offer the highest level of energy performance available. All designs that improve HVAC systems must include recommissioning of the entire HVAC system. For modernizations where all systems are replaced, the A/E must target at least a 20 percent reduction from the 2003 energy usage of the building. The buildings 2003 energy usage can be obtained from the Office of Design and Construction.
A February 2008 study on high performance buildings conducted by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of the Department of Energy shows that designing to 30 percent below ASHRAE 90.1-2004 results in a target energy use intensity slightly less than the 55 percent reduction required by EISA 2007. The study is available at: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/ buildings/publications/pdfs/commercial_initiative/ energy_use_intensity_targets.pdf. Based on this study, a new building design that is at least 30 percent more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2004 will satisfy the requirements of EISA 2007 for designs started from 2010 to 2014.
targets are for kBtu/GsF/yr, Climate Zones are defined in ansi/ashRae standard 169-2006, see Figure 1-1. Data is from: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/publications/pdfs/commercial_initiative/energy_use_intensity_targets.pdf.-Table1.
marine (C),
Dry (B),
moist (a),
all of alaska in Zone 7 except for the following boroughs in Zone 8: Bethel, Dellingham, Fairbanks n. star, nome, north slope, northwest arctic, southeast Fairbanks, Wade hampton, Yukon-koyukuk,
Zone 1 includes hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin islands,
approach to risk management, utilizing codes, regulations, guidelines, and best practices to identify and mitigate facility-created health and safety risks early in the design phases of the project life cycle.
mitigation with preferred methods generally requires higher initial cost. however, these methods provide the most effective protection, often with lower life-cycle costs. Where preferred methods are too costly, less preferred recommendations may be combined to provide redundant or overlapping solutions.
Order of Precedence
Lead-Based Paint,
Paint must be tested for lead content when alterations or demolitions require the sanding, burning, welding, or scraping of painted surfaces. lead-based paint controls must be implemented in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62. lead-based paint that is intact and in good condition must not be abated, unless required for alteration or demolition. lead-based paint must be abated in child care centers. Refer to PBs-P140 for specific details. Construction waste containing lead-based paint must be considered hazardous waste unless testing proves otherwise.
at each phase of the design, the a/e must identify and mitigate safety and health risks in accordance with the following order of precedence (refer to ansi/aiha Z10-2005):
Confined Spaces,
the designer must avoid the creation of confined spaces except where required as part of a system (e.g., tanks, pits). Confined space is defined in 29 CFR 1910.
Fall Protection,
the design must consider the inspection, operations, and maintenance of the site, facility, and equipment. access and fall protection, especially to difficult maintenance needs in high locations, including lighting fixtures, mechanical equipment, and skylights, must be considered in the design. specific detail is provided in the appropriate technical chapters.
Soil Contamination,
if soil or water contamination is a concern during construction of new buildings, major and minor alterations, and work in historic structures, ePa regulations under 40 CFR must be followed.
the security budget is a product of a project-specific risk assessment. to facilitate funding, cost control, and risk management, customer agencies are required to consider a work breakdown structure, which summarizes security expenditures in a specific account that can be clearly identified and monitored throughout design phases. the standard Practice for measuring Cost Risk of Buildings and Building systems, astm e1946, may be used to manage cost risk.
each team must develop an effective and realistic strategy for its unique project requirements, resources, and location, using a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to security design. the team must include appropriate specialists, including a blast mitigation specialist and the fire protection engineer.
Oklahoma City Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, This building successfully addresses security in an open and humane way, providing users a sense of the outdoors.
Space Measurement and Building Efficiency,
the a/e must design to the area authorized in the approved prospectus and delineated in the program of requirements. the area must be confirmed at each phase of design and is to be measured in accordance with the Gsa national Business space assignment Policy dated may 2009 or current edition, including any addendums or other clarifications. Projects that exceed the congressionally authorized area will need to be redesigned. Gsas national Business space assignment Policy establishes current PBs practices for the assignment of building construction is 80 percent. the national Business space assignment Policy established the definition of usable and gross area. in all building types, space efficiency must be balanced against effectively achieving space requirements and desired aesthetics. the plan configuration, floor-plate depth, planning module, and circulation patterns together determine the space efficiencies of a building. the historic character of a building can create major inefficiencies where the primary circulation is typically wider and thereby affects the amount of usable space available. however, a buildings historic value or design aesthetics should not be compromised to achieve greater space efficiencies. Plan configuration describes the geometry of a typical floor within a building. a square or rectangular plan with a single central core will be inherently more efficient than a plan that is highly irregular, with distributed service cores. Building types other than office buildings, like courthouses and land Ports of entry (lPOe), will likely have lower usable to gross ratios based on numerous special requirements that are addressed in their design guides. When efficiency ratios fall, the floor plan is likely to have more irregularities that, in turn, will increase space utilizations per full-time equivalent (Fte) and restrict furniture and tenant space planning. Configuration of space is an important consideration when selecting a new building design or comparing one with another.
space within the federally owned and leased inventory. it provides the methodology and information necessary for the correct assignment of space. additionally, this policy document provides details and illustrations of how PBs uses the commercial american national standards institute (ansi) and Building Owners and managers association international (BOma) standard method for measuring Floor area in Office Buildings (ansi/BOma Z65.1) as the foundation for space measurement and assignment. PBss measurement and assignment principles are not 100 percent compliant with ansi/BOma measurement standards. For example, PBs uses a PBs-specific category in conjunction with ansi/BOmas categories. this document provides the details and illustrations showing how PBss assignment and measurement processes relate to and differ from ansi/BOma processes. space efficiency is defined as the minimum necessary space for the desired functions to be properly accommodated, with minimum waste between usable area and gross area. the target for the usable-to-gross ratio in new
the target for the usableto-gross ratio in new building construction is 80 percent. in all building types, space efficiency must be balanced against effectively achieving space requirements and desired aesthetics.
Best PRaCtiCe, 3 D, 4 D, a n D B i m ,
Gsa encourages project teams to adopt 3D, 4D, and Bim technologies beyond the minimum requirement and to explore potential efficiencies created by the application of such technologies throughout a projects life cycle. Bim analyses can include 4D phasing optimization, virtual construction, collision detection, energy analysis, cost analysis, life-cycle cost analysis, circulation validation, and use in operations and maintenance.
Change Management,
this involves a broad segment of the organization to help define workplace needs and build project consensus. By engaging occupants early on, change management can be approached as an organizational opportunity, and occupant expectations can be managed proactively.
the primary goal of the Gsa 3D-4D-Bim program is to incorporate digital visualization, simulation, and optimization technologies in project planning and design and to increase quality and efficiency of business processes throughout Gsa project life-cycle. all major projects are required to have a spatial Bim program submitted to Gsa before final concept presentation. Gsa uses Bim to validate spatial program requirements (e.g., area and efficiency ratios). see the Gsa Bim Guide series 02 spatial Program Validation for specific requirements at http://www.gsa.gov/bim.
Feedback Loop,
this involves identifying connections between business and workplace goals and design solutions, measuring for desired outcomes, and using the findings to improve existing and future organizational operations and workplace projects. this includes preoccupancy and post occupancy surveys, design commissioning, testing, and measurement. For more information on workplace analysis processes and tools, visit www.gsa.gov/workplace.
in addition to hard copies, the a/e must specify that operation and maintenance manuals be provided in electronic format with training videos for the start up and maintenance of all major equipment. at the conclusion of design, the a/e must provide an electronic document describing the design intent for all building systems. these instructions must be developed during the design phase and incorporated into the comprehensive training for operations and maintenance personnel.
Life-Cycle Costing
Federal facilities must be designed to achieve the lowest life-cycle cost. a projects design must comprehensively define reasonable scope and performance requirements within the appropriated budget and authorized prospectus for design and construction. Consistent with these constraints, building systems and features must be analyzed and selected to achieve lowest life-cycle cost. life-cycle costing (lCC) must be used when selecting a system from several alternative systems or components for a project. lCC is the economic analysis method required by CFR title 10, Part 436, subpart a, Program Rules of the Federal energy management Program. OmB requires this methodology, through the Federal energy management Program, to evaluate the cost effectiveness of systems that use energy and water. lCC compares initial investment options and operating and salvage costs over the life of the equipment and identifies the least costly alternatives. examples of building systems that affect energy use are the building thermal envelope, passive solar features, fenestration, hVaC, domestic hot water, building automation, and lighting. many established guidelines and computer-based tools that effectively support present value lCC analyses are available. the national institute of standards and technology (nist) has prepared the Life Cycle Costing
For more information describing how the designer must include commissioning requirements, see the Building Commissioning Guide, available at http://www.wbdg.org/ ccb/GSAMAN/buildingcommissioningguide.pdf. see Chapter 7, Fire Protection and life safety for additional information on commissioning the fire protection and life safety systems.
the project team must integrate the lCC analysis into the concept design process, and the analysis must be completed by the design development phase.
Manual for the Federal energy management Program (nist handbook 135) and annually issues real growth energy price indices and discount factors for life cycle cost analysis. as a companion product, nist has also established the Building life Cycle Cost (BlCC) computer program to perform lCC analyses. the latest versions of the BlCC program not only structure the analysis but also include current energy price indices and discount factor references. these nist materials define all required lCC methodologies used in Gsa design applications. the a/e may obtain the BlCC software and updates from nist. the latest BlCC software is available at www.eere.energy.gov/femp. the project team must integrate the lCC analysis into the concept design process, and the analysis must be completed by the design development phase. Design alternatives must be compared against a baseline reference that is the lowest first cost of the alternatives being considered. the analysis period should be chosen to fully represent all costs. When optimizing the design of a single system, all compared alternatives must be considered over the same analysis period. Where possible, the analysis period should be the smallest whole multiple of the service lives for the major systems involved in the analysis. service lives of hVaC equipment can be found in the ashRae applications manual. in any case, the analysis period should not be over 40 years unless otherwise directed by Gsa. investment and replacement actions over time may have an impact on recurring costs. For simplicity, fluctuating recurring cost savings may be assumed to be proportionate to the savings realized at the start of the analysis period. the savings to investment ratio (siR) must be used for comparisons of dissimilar alternatives, such as comparing
an hVaC alternative to a lighting alternative. the net savings economic analysis must be used for comparisons of similar alternatives, such as optimizing insulation thickness in a wall. Both of these methodologies are described in nist 135. a sensitivity analysis must be conducted using extremes of the cost parameters in question. Due to margins of error in estimating costs, alternatives with a life-cycle cost differential of less than 10 percent are considered inconclusive.
Metric Standards
Federal requirements for metric design are detailed in the Metric Design Guide (PBs-Pq260). all projects must comply with Gsa Order 8000.1C Gsa metric Program dated 01-06-2004. a project is metric when:
z specifications show international system (si) units only, z Drawings show units only, z Construction takes place in si units only, z inspection occurs in si units only, z Cost estimating is based on si units only,
Registered ProjNet users are able to submit CCRs using a similar process, as follows,
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z type the details of your proposed solution
illustrate the solution. if so, click on the Browse button on the right-hand side of the field marked e. solution Backup.
z Click on the submit CCR button.
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Chapter 2 ,
okl a h oM a c ity F e d e R a l Bu i ldi nG, okl a h oM a c ity, okl a ho M a, a R chi t e ct : RoSS B aRn ey + j an k owSk i aRc h i t ec t S, p R o j e ct M an aGeR: t i M t h uRy, a R t i S t : BR ad Gol d B eRG, a R t w o R k : Foundation ,
8 A I
2.1 Goals and Objectives, 2.2 GSA Programmatic Requirements, 2.3 Site Analysis, 2.4 Site Planning, 2.5 Physical Security, 2.6 Grading, 2.7 Site Utilities, 2.8 Site Circulation Design, 2.9 Pavements and Curbs, 2.10 Sustainable Landscape Design, 2.11 Planting Practices, 2.12 Site Lighting, 2.13 Site Furniture, 2.14 Site Signage, 2.15 Flagpoles,
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48,
Harmony among elements on site and between the site and its surroundings is the hallmark of a well-planned gSa project. the quality of the site design should be a direct extension of the building design and should make a positive contribution to the surrounding urban,
suburban, or rural landscape, in terms of conservation, community design and improvement efforts, local economic development and planning, and environmentally responsible practices.
Food and Drug Administration Headquarters, White Oak, Maryland, The FDA headquarters campus occupies the former 130-acre site of a Navy research center just north of Washington, DC.
in all cases, the number of parking spaces will be determined from the requirements of the program rather than zoning regulations. Landscape provisions in local jurisdictions are a minimum requirement for the project. Local regulations must be followed without exception in the design of systems that have a direct impact on off-site terrain or utility systems. these include storm water runoff, erosion control, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water lines, gas lines, electrical and communications lines, emergency vehicle access, roads, and bridges.
gSa follows a good neighbor policy to collaborate with local officials and community stakeholders and implement their suggestions regarding design issues related to local zoning, official planning initiatives, economic development, and design guidelines wherever practicable. in order to have meaningful consideration and to effectively incorporate appropriate recommendations, relevant research and collaboration must occur well before completion of the design concepts. Unless there is an overriding reason and justification to the contrary, gSa respects local restrictions on setbacks, height, massing, signage, and site design requirements.
Site analysis
Successful site planning and site design depend on a thorough review and understanding of existing conditions, opportunities, and constraints of the site. a site inventory and analysis, including an on-site investigation, must be carried out before any design effort. the site analysis includes a site survey and geotechnical investigation. in some cases the program may also include a requirement for archeological testing to determine the historical significance of the site. Coordinate geotechnical investigations to avoid damaging archeological resources. the requirements for the site analysis are described in appendix a, Submission requirements.
Waivers must be approved by the customer agency, the public Buildings Service assistant Commissioner for portfolio Management, and the Office of Design and Construction. if a floodplain waiver is approved, mechanical and electrical equipment rooms must be located 1,500 mm (5 ft.) above the level of the 100-year flood plain. Do not locate mechanical and electrical rooms in a basement or sub-basement.
Flood Plains,
By Executive Order and gSa policy, buildings must not be built within the 100-year flood plain without an approved waiver. Buildings designated by agencies as critical actions must not be built within 500-year flood plains. Courthouses are designated as critical actions and the 500-year flood plain rule applies. For information on waivers and limitations for building within a flood plain, see gSa order, gSa aDM 1095.6: Consideration of Floodplains in Decision Making, and the GSA PBS Floodplain Management Desk Guide found at www.gsa.gov/environmental.
Radon Testing,
Soil must be tested for the presence of radon in Epa Zone 1 (high potential) locations. Soil must be tested in Epa Zone 2 locations where occupancy is expected below grade. refer to http://www.epa.gov/radon/zonemap.html for radon zone determinations.
projects constructed on brownfield sites where occupancy below grade is planned must test the soil for volatile contaminants.
Site planning
Site planning must be integrated with the design of the building and respect the surrounding context. For more information on site planning related to building design, see Chapter 3, architectural and interior Design.
Land Port of Entry, Warroads, Minnesota, A continuous canopy links three buildings and shelters inspection plazasallowing protection from the harsh northern climate.
Site design must contribute to energy conservation and sustainability. proper solar orientation of the building and well-placed plant material will improve thermal performance in the winter and reduce heat gain during the summer. Building separation and requirements for rated exterior walls and openings for protection from exposure to adjacent buildings or hazards must comply with the requirements of the international Building Code (iBC).
preserve existing natural features on the site and use them as a starting point for the overall site design. to the maximum extent possible preserve existing vegetation, particularly mature healthy trees and plant specimens. protect and integrate existing vegetation and natural terrain into the site design.
physical Security
Federal facilities must be safe and secure, accessible, welcoming, and effective workplaces. Site and landscape design must address building and personal security while enhancing the pedestrian experience and fully engaging the surrounding context. the design must comply with the iSC physical Security Criteria for Federal Facilities. the GSA Site Security Design Guide (2008) describes design methodologies to address these requirements. Effective site engineering and landscape design can enhance the security of a facility. Security considerations must be an integral part of all site planning, perimeter definition, lighting, and landscape decisions. grading of the site near perimeter barriers, vehicle inspection areas, guard booths, and other physical security features must mitigate the impact of water, ice, and snow on pedestrian and vehicles access points including the operation of gates and active vehicle arrest devices. grading also must support the surveillance of the site by closed-circuit tV cameras and roving patrols. Design of perimeter barriers such as fences must provide for crossing streams and other waterways with barriers in the watercourse to prevent surreptitious breach by unauthorized persons. provide concrete culverts with grilles consisting of 16 mm (5 8 in.) steel bars protected from corrosion, spaced at not less than 150 mm (6 in.) between bars, and embedded in concrete not less than 100 mm (4 in.). provide access to grilles for inspection and cleaning. Manholes must be secured from unauthorized access using tamper-proof bolts. Where fences, walls, cable systems, and other perimeter barrier designs are used, the design must accommodate mowing and maintenance of landscaping. Do not place
trees near fences or walls where overhanging branches would permit surreptitious entry. Where in-ground vehicle arrest devices are used, the a/E must provide adequate drainage of the pits. Where feasible, use uphill approaches to vehicle gates and barriers. Where snow and ice are to be expected, gates and other operable devices must operate when adverse conditions occur and must allow for removal of accumulated snow and ice without damage to the barriers and other devices.
Designs should include the ability to increase security in response to a heightened threat, as well as reduce security when threat levels decrease.
the design may incorporate earth berms, low walls, terracing, water features, boulders, and other features as part of the perimeter barrier system. refer to the GSA Site Security Design Guide for more information.
Oklahoma City Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, The form and orientation of the building is a direct response to the environment. It is designed to save energy and give users a sense of the outdoors.
Design the landscape to conceal aboveground security, electrical, communications, signal panel boxes, and hydraulic control and pump enclosures from public view. grading must provide positive drainage away from such devices. Coordinate landscaping with underground security utilities to avoid interference. approaches to the site and building must be well lit and easily direct the visitor to the entrance. gradelevel pedestrian approaches are preferred over elevated
approaches that require steps and ramps, but they need to be coordinated with the overall approach to provide building security. the design of vehicular approaches must be coordinated with electronic security devices such as under-pavement loop sensors, traffic signals, card readers, and other devices requiring buried services. Where vehicle screening takes place at the site perimeter, provide adequate vehicle queuing and screening lanes to prevent interference and congestion with other traffic.
iSC Design Criteria recommends this well-known array of strategies for site design and crime prevention that follow the premise that proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to both a reduction in the fear of crime and the incidence of crime, as well as an improvement in quality of life. the application of CptED techniques can help reduce or even prevent crime. good strategic thinking on CptED during site planning, (perimeter definition, sight lines, lighting, etc.) can reduce the need for some engineering solutions.
Anthony J. Celebrezze Federal Building Plaza, Cleveland, Ohio, Safety and accessibility are balanced through the use of bollards and walls combined with the innovative use of plantings and lighting within the topography.
Site grading addresses the control of runoff, storm water management, and the manipulation of topography to improve a site, or address any existing topographic challenges. a good grading plan will balance cut and fill and minimize environmental impacts caused by excessive grading, particularly in campus settings. no grading will be performed within delineated wetland boundaries unless specifically permitted in the nEpa rOD. Design the slopes of planted areas to control runoff, and encourage percolation. grading and landscaping must also be designed to permit easy maintenance of the grounds. the maximum slope for turf areas is 3:1 and the minimum slope is 1 percent. a 2 percent slope is desirable. plant slopes of 2:1 with ground cover or use other landscape materials specifically designed to control erosion. Slopes greater than 2:1 are not permitted. terracing is an appropriate solution for sites with large grade differentials, as long as access for lawn mowers and maintenance equipment is provided. turf areas adjacent to buildings must slope away from the building at a two percent grade for a distance of at least three meters. in order to provide positive drainage, paved areas adjacent to buildings must slope away from the building at a 2 percent grade to a curb line, inlet, or drainage way. Whenever possible, grades and slopes should contribute to the concept of universal accessibility. Slopes of walkways and ramps along a sites accessible routes must meet the requirements of the architectural Barriers act accessibility Standard (aBaaS).
Tree Preservation,
On projects where existing trees are to be preserved, care must be taken during grading to avoid impact or damage to root systems. Existing trees or other plant materials to be preserved must be reflected in the grading plan. Because each species has different root patterns, and because local soil and water table conditions vary, an arborist must be consulted to recommend limits of grading for tree preservation. Snow fencing must be erected at the limits of grading to protect existing trees from damage and soil compaction by construction materials or equipment. Other measures such as root and crown pruning may be needed so that existing trees can adapt to the new site conditions.
United States Courthouse, Springfield, Massachusetts,
Preservation of two historic treeseach predating the Revolutionary Warwas key to the spiraling courthouse design.
Site Utilities
During site design, the location and coordination of utilities (water, sanitary sewer, electricity, gas, communications, etc.) must be coordinated with other site design features and finalized.
Locate sanitary sewer lines in unpaved areas where possible. Follow code requirements on separation of water and sanitary sewer lines. Manholes must not be located in the main pedestrian walkways, plazas, or entry courts.
the a/E is responsible for coordinating the utility design with local utility companies and/or other service providers. the a/E must be sure the utility systems have sufficient capacity and reliability to meet the building design requirements. gSa will negotiate rates and connection charges with the utility providers.
Utility Location,
the a/E must ensure all that utility elements, such as electrical transformers, emergency generators, backflow preventers, and meters, are easily accessible by the utility companies. integrate utility elements into the building and landscape design to minimize their visual impact. Design site utility lines to avoid street trees, large trees, and signature planting areas. Locate utility lines so that future maintenance and repair will not damage trees and plantings. Storm drainage pipes should be located in unpaved areas wherever possible. Water lines should be located in the unpaved area behind curb lines or under sidewalks. Minimize locating water lines under streets, drives, or other areas where access is severely limited. Do not place main waterlines under foundations or within the building footprint.
Follow all regulations of the local water authority. the service connection between building and public water lines must be coordinated with the local water authority. the service connection must be placed in a secure enclosure to prevent unauthorized access and potential contamination. requirements for water meters and backflow preventers are in the plumbing Systems Section of Chapter 5. the Building automation System (BaS) must monitor all water meters and record water usage. Consider loop-fed systems with multiple water connections on large buildings or campuses. install-dual feed systems if required by code for the building occupancy. the water supply system must be capable of supplying the required water flow for fire protection in accordance with nFpa 24. See Chapter 7, Fire protection & Life Safety, for additional information.
Sanitary Sewer
Follow all regulations of the local sanitary sewer authority. Separate storm drains from sanitary sewers within the property limits, even in cities where separate public systems are not yet available. provide cleanouts 5 feet from the building on all service lines. Service lines should enter the main at a manhole. provide drop manholes if the service line does not enter at the invert. in areas where no public sewers exist, use of septic tanks and leach fields is acceptable. install the septic systems in accordance with local codes. Locate septic systems where they can be expanded to meet future needs of the discharge system; plan for a 50 percent larger system.
Where appropriate, consider rainwater harvesting for irrigation or flushing toilets. rainwater harvesting systems must comply with all local codes and standards. Use permeable pavements and vegetative swales within surface parking lots and other large paved areas. Consider the use of gray water for irrigation to enhance water conservation. For low-impact development strategies for storm water management refer to www. epa.gov/owow/nps/lid/lidlit. html. the international Stormwater Best Management practices Database project website, http://www.bmpdatabase. org, also provides information on the use of a variety of biofiltration facilities such as designed vegetative, wet, or continuous inflow swales and flat filter strips.
Storm Drainage,
Design the storm water system for a 25-year storm, unless local criteria are more stringent. Use gravity flow for all storm drain systems. Where possible, locate storm drainage pipes in unpaved areas; offset inlets from main trunk lines to prevent clogging. rainwater not collected for reuse from the building roof drainage system must be discharged into the storm drain. Small buildings in rural areas may use gutters, downspouts, and splash blocks.
Site circulation includes roadways, emergency accesses, drives, building entries, parking, loading and service areas, sidewalks and pathways, and connections to transit services. Design site circulation to segregate pedestrian access, vehicular access (including parking), and service vehicle access. in addition, site circulation must provide the security requirements described in Section 2.5, physical Security.
Public Transportation ,
in keeping with Federal policy and directives to improve sustainability (e.g., Executive Order 13514), gSa encourages the use of public transportation by employees and visitors. Using public transportation reduces the impact of private auto use on the environment, promotes active lifestyles, and creates opportunity for interaction in the community. in cooperation with regional planners of the public transit system, designers must consider access to public transportation early in the design process to orient and design the site accordingly. provide a covered, wind-sheltered seating area for each bus stop. Bus shelters must comply with aBaaS requirements for clear floor or ground space within the shelter and be connected by an accessible route to a boarding and alighting area complying with aBaaS (See aBaaS Figure 810.3).
Urban Sites,
Service Traffic ,
Service dock access may be from an alley, from a belowgrade ramp, or from a site circulation drive. provide sufficient space for large trucks to maneuver and service the facility, and screen the service drive as much as possible. always separate the service drive from access to the parking garage. One-way design for service traffic is preferred to avoid the need for large turning areas. the service area of the facility must not interfere with public access roadways.
Bus Shelters,
Bus shelters should provide rain and wind protection and offer seating for awaiting passengers. they should be designed to be compatible with architectural and landscape design and must comply with aBaaS standards.
Loading Docks ,
Design the loading dock area to be nearly flat with a 1:50 slope for drainage. the minimum headroom in the loading berth and apron space is 4,600 mm (15 ft.). When a steeper slope is required in the apron area, the headroom must increase with a gradient allowance to permit trucks to traverse the grade change. if the approach to the loading dock is ramped, the design must permit easy snow removal.
Pedestrian Circulation
the orientation of the building, site design, and landscape should encourage the use of public transit and control pedestrian traffic. pedestrian walkways should concur with the desired line that a pedestrian would use when walking from a building entrance to transit stop or nearby amenity. aBaaS requires each pedestrian site arrival point to be connected by an accessible route to the accessible building entrance or entrances served. in addition, the accessible routes must serve all of the accessible entrances on the site.
Drop-Off ,
if feasible based on the building security analysis, provide a vehicular drop-off area located on the street nearest the main entrance. the area must comply with aBaaS requirements for passenger loading zones.
of the largest fire department apparatus, and minimum vertical clearance of the largest fire department apparatus.
Bicycle Racks,
Bicycle racks promote alterative modes of transportation, healthy lifestyles, and interaction with the community. Locating bicycle racks and showers in a project will earn the project one LEED point toward U.S. green Building Council (USgBC) certification, with one additional point possible for including these features as part of a comprehensive transportation management plan that reduces personal automobile use. refer to Section 2.13 for more information about the location of bicycle racks near building entrances in visible and secure locations.
Design pavements and curbs using local design standards and materials. if no local standards are available, use the appropriate standards of the State highway or transportation department.
areas for truck maneuvering must be paved with concrete. pavement markings must comply with local standards. Design walkways with durable materials suitable to the climate and conditions involved. Walkways must be stable, firm, and slip resistant and drain to avoid accumulations of water and ice. Walking surfaces for accessible routes must comply with aBaaS and have a running slope not steeper than 1:20. the cross-slope of these walking surfaces must not be steeper than 1:48. Walkways in the public right-of-way must comply with the standards of the governing authority.
Materials must be suitable for the traffic volume and loads expected. they must be durable for the climate and the anticipated use conditions. in choosing materials, select those that will be easiest to maintain. in northern climates, the design must encourage snowmelt, allow easy snow removal, and not damage snow removal equipment. Do not use surface-applied precast concrete curbs or asphalt curbs.
in northern climates, consider the use of dark-colored walkways. Dark surfaces can significantly reduce or eliminate the need to use de-icing chemicals and provide safer surfaces for pedestrians and vehicles.
IRS Regional Offices, Kansas City, Missouri, The courtyard expands this facilitys usable space to the outdoors, adding to the workplace amenities.
Conservation of existing site features and site vegetation can help minimize long-term maintenance requirements, if these materials are thriving and in good condition. During site analysis and landscape design, identify and address existing conditions such as steep slopes, trees that drop fruit or nuts, and standing water that may require more labor-intensive maintenance. Do not use turf on small islands in parking lots because it is too difficult to maintain. trees, shrubs in low hedgerows, and low-maintenance ground covers are more suitable in these locations. in locations with snowfall, design areas for piling snow removed from roads and parking areas. Design the snow storage areas to control the runoff and refreeze of melt water. plants must not obstruct access to fire service equipment such as sprinkler or standpipe fire department connections, fire pump test connections, and fire sprinkler post indicator valves. plants must not obstruct the field of vision for vehicles at critical intersections. plants must be set back from the building and located where they do not impede the maintenance of the building envelope. When planting adjacent to building openings, air intakes, entries, or operable windows, do not use allergycausing plants or plants that require chemical treatment.
2.10 2.x
Landscape Elements,
Outdoor Plazas and Courtyards,
the a/E must consider human scale and comfort when designing outdoor public spaces. Design plazas and courtyards for employee and visitor use during both planned and passive activities. Both fixed and moveable seating may be appropriate to support these uses. program requirements such as outdoor dining or meeting areas may be incorporated into these spaces, but landscape, lighting, and security features must always be an integral component of the design.
low, especially in dry climates with high evaporation rates. Consider the use of nonpotable water sources and the opportunity to recycle water through a fountain, pool, or pond. in colder climates provide for easy shut-off and drainage during the winter season. Fountains and reflecting pools with pumping systems are restricted to Category i areas of the site. Water features must not be placed over occupied spaces.
the a/E must coordinate the site design with any existing exterior work of art or new work commissioned by gSas art in architecture program. Such works of art may include sculpture, fountains, earthworks or other landscape work, real or implied furniture, and so on. the site design must permit routine maintenance of the artwork and not create safety hazards.
United States Courthouse, Fresno, California, Artist and landscape architect worked collaboratively to create a setting of rocks, trees, and other natural elements that celebrate the San Joaquin Valley.
planting practices
Use sustainable landscape design principles; select regional plant materials, minimize the need for chemical supplements, reduce or eliminate the use of potable water for irrigation, and use biobased landscaping materials including compost and mulch. Sustainable landscape design considers the characteristics of the site, its soil, the selection of plants, and the intended effect and use of the developed area. Use approved standards, prepared by the american nursery and Landscape association (anSi Z60.1), for the selection of plant materials. Use regional or native plants where appropriate. plants must be hardy for the regional climate of the site. avoid plants that require meticulous soil preparation, fertilization, and spraying. Do not use exotic or invasive species. plant selection must be made with their mature size and growth habit in mind to avoid overplanting that may potentially conflict with other plants, structures, or underground utility lines. Species whose root systems can damage water and sewer lines must not be planted near these utility lines. Design a planting plan around existing trees and shrubs. plants must be set back from the building and not be located where they may impede the maintenance of the building envelope. plants must be set back from the building and placed to deter rodent harborage. Future growth must be considered. Create zones or group plant materials if an irrigation system is used. plant selection is a critical element in water conservation. Maximum water conservation depends on selecting appropriate plants that naturally grow together,
are self-sustaining, and require minimal amounts of supplemental water. For larger transplanted trees, the consulting arborist from the design team must provide instructions and guidance on the installation and management of the tree to ensure its survival and future growth. the arborist must also provide a specific maintenance plan for watering, mulching, fertilizing, pruning, and mechanical support of transplanted trees. Where hydroseeding is proposed, specify hydraulic mulch with recycled paper binders.
Soils vary significantly from site to site and even within sites. Conduct a soil test, based on random samplings, to obtain the information needed for proper selection of plant materials and soil amendments. the design must include appropriate soil amendments to enhance the health and growing potential of the selected plant materials.
be used. Use nonpotable water for the irrigation system when it is available. reliable performance must be a prime goal in the design of irrigation systems. Materials must be durable and relatively maintenance-free. irrigation systems are most successful in the long run if local design practices are followed and local materials are used. install all major components in protected, accessible locations. provide freeze sensors for systems in cold climates. irrigation controllers and remote sensing stations must be placed in vandal-proof enclosures. aboveground components, such as backflow preventers, must be placed in unobtrusive locations and protected from freezing. install quick coupling valves (two-piece body design) throughout the system so that hoses can be connected to the system. Locate drain valves to permit periodic draining of the system. avoid mixing different head or nozzle types (such as a spray head and a bubbler) on the same station. to properly calculate sewage fees, meter irrigation water separately from domestic water. provide automatic controls so watering can be scheduled at night or in the early morning to reduce water losses from evaporation. Use zone irrigation systems so that different areas can be watered at different times. any irrigation system must be controlled by a smart controller that uses evapotranspiration and weather data to adjust irrigation schedules and that complies with the
minimum requirements of the irrigation associations Smart Water application technology Climatological Based Controllers. all such control systems must also incorporate an on-site rain or moisture sensor that automatically shuts the system off after a predetermined amount of rainfall or sensed moisture in the soil. the irrigation system must be part of the commissioning plan and training must be specified for operations and maintenance personnel. allow for expansion of the irrigation system, both in area and in flow rate, so the system can be adjusted as plants mature.
the a/E must specify a 1- year contractor maintenance period. also specify a 1- year guarantee that trees and shrubs will be alive, free of defects and disease, and growing satisfactorily. Specify that all plantings on green roofs be guaranteed to be alive, free of defects and disease, and growing satisfactorily for 1 year. the 1- year performance period must start from the date of building acceptance by gSa, or 1 year after installation of the landscaping, whichever is later.
Site Lighting
the technical requirements for site lighting are described in Chapter 6, Electrical Engineering. generally, unobtrusive lighting designs and luminaires placement are preferred. Where the primary intent of the lighting is aesthetic, consider using low-voltage systems. Site luminaires should complement and be integrated with other site elements. place luminaires to reduce direct glare and light pollution. to avoid damaging plants and creating a fire hazard, high-intensity or heat-generating luminaires must not be located immediately adjacent to plant material. Luminaires must be resistant to vandalism and easily replaceable from local sources.
United States Courthouse, Orlando, Florida, A raised, landscaped terrace in front of the facade provides both a secure perimeter and a shady canopy between the sidewalk and the building.
Site Furniture
Site furniture is included as part of the site design. the selection of site furniture must be compatible in size and color with the surrounding architecture and landscape design. Selected site furniture is submitted as part of the design development package.
Where appropriate, design perimeter walls and stair elements to be a comfortable height and depth for seating. provide seating in both sunny and shaded areas.
Seating ,
provide outdoor seating in appropriate locations such as bus stops and plazas. Use fixed seating in public areas. Movable seating may be used in interior courtyards where theft is not a concern.
Bicycle Racks,
place bicycle racks in visible and secure locations that are convenient to the building entrance. the bicycle rack must allow bicycles to be securely locked to the rack. Bicycle racks must be compatible with the architecture and landscape design.
Materials for outdoor furniture must be durable and resistant to vandalism. install devices that discourage skateboarders from using site furniture and design elements inappropriately. Consider the use of recycledcontent materials, when appropriate.
Jacob K. Javits Federal Building, New York, New York, Rendering shows plaza design.
Site Signage
a well-designed site uses as few signs as possible. Signs should make the site wayfinding clear to the first-time user by identifying multiple site entrances, parking, and the main building entrance. generally, graphics and style of site signage should be consistent with signage used inside the building. Signs integrated with architectural elements can also be very effective. Signage must be consistent in font, style, and color as well as with any directional symbology used in site and building signage. Signage placement can be an important detail element of the building design whether prominently displayed and tooled into the exterior building wall materials or as a freestanding component near the entrance to the facility. Exterior signs identifying permanent rooms and spaces must comply with aBaaS (see aBaaS Section F216). See also Chapter 3, architectural and interior Design, guidelines for Building Elements, artwork and graphics, and Exterior Closure, Cornerstone and Commemorative plaques for applicable standards. additional information about gSa graphic standards can be found at www.gsa.gov/logo.
Site Wayfinding,
Minimize the number of wayfinding signs on the site. For complex sites with multiple buildings or other destinations, consider developing a wayfinding plan for review by the project manager and users. Obtain approval of local authorities for entrance signs in the public rights-of-way. Use variable message signs for high-volume areas where entrance patterns need to be altered.
Construction Signs,
Construction signs are to be 3,600 mm by 1,800 mm (12 ft. by 6 ft.) and constructed of a durable, weatherresistant material, properly and securely framed and mounted. the sign will be blue with white lettering and mounted at least 1,200 mm (4 ft.) above the ground. the sign must include the official gSa logo no less than 400 mm (16 in.) square. the lettering, graphic style, and format should be compatible with the architectural character of the building.
a ground-mounted flagpole, located preferably at the left of the entrance (facing the building), must be provided for new Federal buildings. if ground-mounted poles are not feasible, a roof-mounted pole is permissible; or, if roof mounting is not suitable, an outrigger pole may be used. Only one flagpole is needed for a complex of buildings on a common site. the flag must be illuminated. the following are approved flagpole heights and the corresponding flag sizes.
Flagpole Height, 20 ft., 30 ft., 40 ft., 50 ft., 60 ft., Flag Dimensions, 3 by 6 ft., 5 by 9 ft., 5 by 9 ft., 8 by 17 ft., 8 by 17 ft.,
Carl T. Curtis Midwest Regional Headquarters of the National Park Service, Omaha, Nebraska, An exemplar in the use of sustainable materials, this lease construction building earned a LEED Gold rating on completion.
8 3
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Chapter 3 ,
u nite d S ta te S c ouR t ho u S e, FRe S n o, c a l iF oR n ia, a R chi t e ct S : M ooRe RuB l e yud el l / GRuen aSSoc i at eS, p R o j e ct M a n aGeR: M aRi a t . c i p Raz o,
8 A I
3.1 Goals and Objectives, 3.2 Codes, Standards, and Guidelines, 3.3 Site Design, 3.4 Facility Planning, 3.5 Interior Design and Planning, 3.6 Child Care Centers, 3.7 Tenant Spaces, 3.8 Building Support Spaces, 3.9 Systems Support Spaces, 3.10 Specialty Areas, 3.11 Daylight and View, 3.12 Lighting, 3.13 Acoustics, 3.14 Exterior Building Elements, 3.15 Interior Facility Elements, 3.16 Interior Finishes, 3.17 Artwork, 3.18 Signage, 3.19 Alterations in Existing Buildings and Historic Structures,
49, 50, 51, 52, 58, 63, 64, 67, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 80, 91, 93, 103, 104, 106,
this chapter includes architectural planning and design objectives for creating a lasting architectural legacy that will serve the American people for many decades. the A/e must be committed to excellence in architectural design and project development. this includes an integrated approach that achieves the highest quality of aesthetics in meeting gsA requirements, and cost effective operation and maintenance throughout a buildings useful life.
of these expectations. to the maximum extent possible, the A/e must apply those architectural elements that optimize building performance and functional capabilities. Performance and functional issues raised during the projects design program and/or as addressed in Appendix section A.2 must be specifically addressed in concept presentations.
the natural setting of the site, its contours and vegetation, must be viewed as assets to be preserved and woven into the design as much as possible. In settings that include historic buildings, adjoin historic properties, or are located near historic properties that will be affected by gsA construction, external design review, including public participation, is required under the section 106 of the national historic Preservation Act and may also be required under the national environmental Policy Act. Compliance reviews should be coordinated through the regional historic Preservation officer early, so that comments can be effectively addressed during the course of design.
beginning of a project,
z establishes and documents comprehensive design
and performance goals at the beginning of a project and incorporates them throughout the building process, including program documents, construction documents, and material provided to the building owner and operator,
z Considers all stages of the buildings life cycle, including
Urban Context,
Facility design and orientation should be consistent with existing and planned development patterns and nearby uses. the buildings exterior should be consistent with existing local design guidelines. Where appropriate, the project team should help to develop design guidelines for the project and neighboring undeveloped sites.
GSA Programs,
A complete list of gsA programs and their descriptions is provided in the Introduction. the A/e must integrate appropriate gsA programs, policies, and guidelines to ensure proper project development.
Zoning Regulations,
the policy for compliance with local zoning regulations is stated in Chapter 1, however, the number of parking spaces to be provided is described in the prospectus and program requirements documents of the project. this number may be different from what is required by local zoning regulation. If there is a difference, the program parking requirements govern.
United States Courthouse, Seattle, Washington, A one-acre landscaped plaza marks the main entrance and provides an inviting transition between the urban environment and the judicial realm.
site Design,
the building security design must be integrated with site security. the GSA Site Security Design Guide should be used as a reference. Consideration should be given to designing different areas in public plazas and courtyards to allow for varying uses and intensities of public activity. Potential users of the space in addition to building tenants could include nearby
Building Entrances
properties and organizations, such as performing arts or vendors, artists, schools, and the greater community, which could all bring activity to the public space. the treatment of elements such as seating, shade, water, art, security features, landscape, circulation, and flexibility of the space are important to supporting a variety of uses. Plazas should be designed with sufficient infrastructure (electrical outlets, water, etc.) to support future flexibility and a wide range of uses. egress should be designed to meet nFPA 101 for the maximum expected occupant load.
gsA buildings should have one main entrance for staff, visitors, and the public. In large buildings a second entrance may be designated for employees only. Buildings may have additional doors used for egress or access to service areas. these doors should not be used as entrances. original primary entrances at historic buildings should be retained as such. Closure of ceremonial entrances and redirecting public access to below grade and other secondary entrances for security or accessibility purposes is discouraged. Wherever possible, access for the disabled to historic buildings should be provided at, or nearby, original ceremonial entrances. For building entrances and unsecured areas of building lobbies, raised floor systems must not be used. see the Interagency security Committee (IsC) design criteria for access controls and intrusion detection systems.
Retail Shops,
generally, retail shops should be located on the nonsecure side of the lobby. exceptions could exist where commercial establishments serve the building population only. some buildings may have multiple levels of retail around an atrium. In that case, the security checkpoint should be located at the elevator lobby. Designers should coordinate opportunities for retail with the retail tenant services Center of expertise as well as the Center for urban Development.
Facility Planning,
Security Design,
Criteria for site and building security are also described in detail in Chapter 2. some of the planning concepts are stated here because of their importance to building planning, but architects should familiarize themselves with the IsC Physical security Criteria for Federal Facilities before developing schematic design concepts. the IsC criteria can be obtained from the project manager.
Space Efficiencies,
space efficiency is defined as the minimum necessary space for the desired functions to be properly accommodated, with minimum waste between usable area and gross area. the target for the usable to gross ratio in new building construction is 75 percent. (see the national Business space Assignment Policy for the definition of usable and gross area.) In all building types, space efficiency must be balanced against effectively achieving space requirements and desired aesthetics. the plan configuration, floorplate depth, planning module, and circulation patterns together determine the space efficiencies of a building. the historic character of a building can create major inefficiencies where the primary circulation is typically wider and thereby affects the amount of usable space available. however, a buildings historic value or design aesthetics should not be compromised to achieve greater space efficiencies. Plan Configuration describes the geometry of a typical floor within a building. A square or rectangular plan, with a single central core, will be inherently more efficient than a plan that is highly irregular, with distributed service cores. Building types other than office buildings, like courthouses and land ports of entry (LPoes), will likely have lower usable to gross ratios based on numerous special requirements that are addressed in their design guides. When efficiency ratios fall, the floor plan is likely to have more irregularities which, in turn, will increase space utilizations per full-time equivalent (Fte) and restrict furniture and tenant space planning. Configuration of space is an important consideration when selecting a new building design or comparing one with another.
General Layout ,
Future security problems can be prevented by planning a clear, simple circulation system that is easy for staff and visitors to understand. Avoid mazes of hallways and hidden corners. exterior doors should be readily visible.
see Building Planning, Conveying systems section of this chapter. elevator control panels must have lockout provisions for all floors (passenger and freight).
Primary circulation is the areas on a floor necessary for access to egress stairs, elevator lobbies, public toilets, refuse area, building lobbies, and entrances. (see the national Business space Assignment Policy for the definition of circulation.) secondary circulation refers to circulation inside the tenants space and is not included in primary circulation. the efficiency of both primary and secondary circulation will be determined by core placement, depth, planning modules, and plan configuration. new office buildings must have clearly defined circulation patterns that achieve a maximum primary circulation factor of 1.3 percent. this factor may be slightly higher in renovated buildings but should remain the goal of the design team.
Tenant Improvement
to ensure that tenant improvement allowances are applied consistently in all regions, PBs defines standard tenant improvements for owned space (see PBs Pricing Desk guide for additional information). the existence of standard finishes does not mean that PBs covers these as part of building core and shell; they are still tenant improvements. A standard simply represents restrictions on what the tenant can elect to do within the tenant space.
Planning Module,
the planning module describes the internal dimensions for the placement of structural columns and window mullions. the planning module often determines the ease with which internal space is planned. the most common planning grid is based on a 5-foot module, which allows for highly efficient and flexible partitioning. When selecting new space, consider the planning module and bay size if there is a high demand for enclosed space. the minimum recommended bay size is 9,100 mm by 9,100 mm (30 ft. by 30 ft.). Workstations should be designed to align with the planning module and bay size dimensions. An open plan using flexible furniture typically results in higher efficiencies than increased use of floor to ceiling partitioning. Furniture workstations should be planned early in the design to align with the planning module and bay size dimensions.
the primary circulation connects the buildings exits and all public spaces. secondary circulation refers to other circulation leading off of primary circulation, usually inside the tenants space. the efficiency factor of both primary and secondary circulation types will be determined by core placement, depth, planning modules, and plan configuration. Federal buildings must have clear circulation systems. utility system backbone pathways should be routed in circulation spines, providing service access to utilities without disrupting the buildings tenants. Access to the building exits must be maintained from public areas (e.g., elevator lobbies, corridors) without having to pass through locked tenant spaces.
Wayfinding must connect programmatic elements and clearly organize the building both horizontally and vertically. Circulation patterns must be efficient and minimize travel distances. Wayfinding should be intuitive and not solely dependent upon signage. Avoid mazes of hallways and hidden corners.
levels, the floor plan is likely to have more irregularities which, in turn, will impede space utilizations. Configuration of space is an important consideration when selecting a new building design or comparing one with another.
Vertical Transportation
All new and altered elevators and escalators must comply with AsMe A17.1. All new and altered lifts must comply with AsMe A18.1, safety standard for Platform Lifts and stairway Chair Lifts. see Chapter 7, Fire Protection and Life safety, for additional information regarding requirements for elevators, fire service access elevators, and occupant evacuation elevators. the selection of type and quantity of conveying systems, such as elevators, escalators, and wheelchair lifts, must be made in conjunction with a thorough vertical transportation traffic analysis of the facility.
Richard Bolling Federal Building, Kansas City, Missouri, A modernization of this landmark building included redesigned elevator lobbies which improved visitor wayfinding.
period of up-peak traffic used to measure average interval. gsA buildings must always be designed for a 12 percent handling capacity, even if the building is designed as a multitenant facility. elevator cab sizes must be in accordance with the standards established by the national elevator Industries, Inc. (neII), which are available at http://www.neii.org/ neii-1/neii-1.cfm. elevator cabs must be designed to reflect the architectural character of the building design.
Elevator Classifications,
Passenger, Passenger elevators must be sized to qualify for the disabled. Capacities of 1,590 kg to 1,810 kg (3,500 to 4,000 pounds) must be used for passenger elevators. Service, A passenger elevator designed to meet the AsMe A17.1 Code requirements for Carrying Freight on Passenger elevators is required. the minimum rated load must be based on the inside net platform area for passenger elevators. see Figure AsMe A17.1 2007. the car doors must be horizontal sliding type. the car platform must be designed to the applicable freight class loading. Freight/Service , A passenger elevator designed to meet the AsMe A17.1 Code requirements for Carrying Freight on Passenger elevators qualifies for freight purposes. Security , security or specific purpose elevators are designed to transport designated groups of people such as judges, cabinet members, or prisoners. these will be custom designed to meet specific program requirements. Shuttle, typically a passenger elevator that services a limited number of landings, e.g., parking garage to main lobby. Machine Roomless (MRL), A machine-room-less elevator is an elevator with the drive machine, governor, and other related components located in the elevator hoistway. these elevators require specific government approval. the elevator must have a metal belt and the control system must be located outside of public areas to facilitate safe maintenance procedures. the MrL must meet the following minimum requirements:
z Controls must be installed in a fire rated control room,
If no separate freight or service elevator is provided, one passenger elevator must be designated as a service elevator with pads to protect the interior wall surfaces of the cab. the passenger elevator designated as a service elevator must not be considered as one of the elevators required by the traffic analysis. A minimum ceiling height of 2,700 mm (9 ft.) is required in service elevator cabs. Freight elevators must have a ceiling height of not less than 3,700 mm (12 ft.). In large or high-rise gsA buildings, the number of freight elevators provided should be determined by the elevator traffic analysis. the use of more than one freight elevator will provide better freight service for the tenants as well as provide redundancy for normal maintenance and during times when repair work is conducted. Where equipment penthouses are provided, service elevators or freight elevators must provide access to that level. An elevator must service all maintenance floors. trap doors and hoist beams must be provided at the elevator machine rooms for traction elevators where the machine room is not served by a freight or service elevator for removal of equipment for service and repair.
the distance from workstations to toilets must not exceed 61m (200 ft.). to the greatest extent possible, toilet rooms should stack vertically and share common chase partitions to maximize plumbing, maintenance, and operations. Locate toilet rooms adjacent to lobbies, elevator cores, cafeterias, conference/training facilities, auditoriums, and other large assembly areas.
Electrical Closets,
electrical closets must be stacked vertically and located so that they are no more than 45 m (150 ft.) from any occupied space. secondary closets off permanent corridors may be used for receptacle panelboards where the distance between the riser and the farthest workstation exceeds 45 m (150 ft.) and a separate riser is not warranted.
the hoistway,
z the suspension means must be manufactured for
Due to their high operation and maintenance costs, use escalators only where necessary. their use must be justified by the vertical transportation analysis. escalators may be installed as supplements to elevators when vertical transportation is required for a large unpredictable volume of public traffic. they should be used where the first floor is not large enough to contain the high public traffic so that the interval for elevators can be calculated with accuracy. escalators should be located to be visible from the building entry and convenient to the areas they serve.
Telecommunication Closets
Communications rooms must be stacked vertically within the building. rooms must be sized to contain adequate floor space for frames, racks, and working clearances for current need and future expansion. Agency requirements for separate, dedicated communication closets must be verified. Provide a telecommunication closet for each 930 m2 (10,000 sq. ft.) of office space or a minimum of one closet per floor. Closets must be located so that wiring runs do not exceed 90 m (300 ft.). Closets must tie into vertical telecommunication backbones. telecommunication closets must meet the requirements of eIA/tIA standard 569: Commercial Building standard for telecommunications Pathways and spaces (and related bulletins).
Wheelchair Lifts,
Wheelchair lifts must comply with the current edition of AsMe 18.1 safety standard for Platform Lifts and stairway Chairlifts. Proper design of accessible routes in new construction should not require the use of wheelchair lifts. In repair and alteration projects, ramps are preferred to wheelchair lifts.
Public Spaces,
these are areas accessible to the general public, such as entrances, lobbies, atria and monumental spaces, stairways, elevators and their lobbies, escalators and their lobbies, and the permanent corridors at each level. Public functions such as child care, conference facilities, training rooms, auditoria, exhibition halls, and dining areas should be located near the main lobby. spaces accessible to the general public include entrances, lobbies, stairways, public elevator lobbies, and primary circulation corridors. For security reasons, public use spaces must be separated from access to other areas of the building during public events. security design must allow access to spaces programmed for public use without compromising the secure access to the remainder of the building. entrance lobbies and atria are the focal point of the Federal building. they are the landmark to which all other
Al Held, Artist, United States Courthouse, Orlando, Florida, A dramatic 92-foot-high atrium conveys a sense of civic purpose. Six colorful, abstract art glass windows designed by Al Held are installed in this space.
areas with related moisture-resistant, high-quality, durable materials. the depth of vestibules should be designed to capitalize on minimized air infiltration, no less than 2,100 mm (7 ft.). Accessible entrances to historic buildings should be provided at, or nearby, the original ceremonial entrances.
use glazed doors at building entrances and vestibules to facilitate orientation and safe movement. Coordinate the public entrance design with site and security requirements. Doors must be ABAAs compliant. Locking, where provided, must comply with nFPA 101. revolving doors are the most energy conserving types, and automatic sliding doors are preferred over automatic swinging doors. swinging automatic doors should swing in the direction of traffic and offset to mitigate drafts. use safety devices to prevent a person from being struck by a swinging door. Power-assisted doors may be used instead of automatic doors. slope floor drainage toward the
Lisa Scheer, Artist, Beacon, United States Courthouse, Brooklyn, New York Twin cast-iron sculptures frame the entrance, clearly marking the front door and directing visitors to the courthouse.
Floors ,
All entrance areas require a means to prevent dirt and moisture from accumulating on the entrance lobby floor. Buildings must have permanent entry way systems (grilles, grates, etc.) to catch dirt and particulates from entering the building at high-volume entryways. Buildings located in areas with severe weather conditions will require more elaborate entry mat and drainage systems to prevent the tracking of melting snow and rain. Buildings located in more moderate climates require a natural or synthetic fiber floor mat. noncarpeted floors must meet the slip-resistance guidelines delineated in AnsI/Asse A1264.2-2006 Provision of slip resistance for Walking/Working surfaces. Door thresholds must be ABAAs compliant.
variety and consolidated with other equipment to minimize bulk. For building entrances and unsecured areas of building lobbies, raised floor systems must not be used.
Lobby Security,
the building lobby must always be designed to permit subdivision into a secure and a nonsecure area. the two areas could potentially be divided by turnstiles, metal detectors, or other devices used to control access to secure areas. there must be space on the secure side for a control desk and an area where bags can be checked. Mechanical ductwork, piping, and main electrical conduit runs should not extend from one area to the other. In building entrance lobbies, vending machines, automatic tellers, bulletin boards, and other tenant support services should be located in ancillary space outside of entrance lobbies or consolidated in a retail tenant service core. equipment that must be installed in lobbies should be of a low profile
Multi-Level Lobby,
When a multilevel lobby or atrium is used, monumental stairs, escalators, or both may also be used if justified by the amount of pedestrian traffic between the two entrance levels. Mechanical, electrical, and communication systems must be integrated into the lobby design. Fixture and outlet locations, and forms, sizes, finishes, colors, and textures of exposed mechanical and electrical elements must be coordinated with all other interior elements. It is desirable to conceal hVAC supplies and returns. Lighting should be part of the lobby architecture. Indirect and spot lighting should be considered. Incandescent fixtures must be limited to accent lighting.
Public Corridors
A complementary palette of materials should be used to establish a hierarchy in the treatment of spaces and corridors as they lead visitors from the entrance lobby to the main corridors and finally to departmental corridors. Introduce as much natural light as possible into corridors, through windows, transoms, or other means.
Child Care Center, United States Courthouse , Central Islip, New York, A separate building with an outdoor play area, this child care center is located on the grounds of the courthouse.
tenant spaces,
When designing and planning the tenant space, the following are standards unless gsA modifies the requirements:
z Maximize natural light in open spaces and avoid
and wayfinding must be user friendly. Proceeding through the office should be pleasant and intuitive for the users, encouraging informal communication ,
z Provide efficient and adequate storage that best
data, and video collaboration among distributed co-workers, local and remote ,
z Choose workplace components and furnishings that
occupants can easily move themselves and reconfigure to accommodate change, without skilled labor or technical contract support ,
Office Space,
In designing office space, all aspects and decisions must provide long-term flexibility for future floor plan changes. Most of the buildings owned or managed by gsA are office buildings and at least partially use an open plan layout. the success of an open plan design depends on a good floor plan, acoustics, views, daylight, and well-designed systems furniture. the open plan approach is encouraged with limited height furniture partitions. open plans have a higher degree of efficiency and flexibility, and provide easier distribution of natural light, heating, and cooling to the working areas. this approach can be adapted to a larger building depth and still present an open and airy atmosphere. It also encourages interaction between individuals and work groups. An open plan approach provides less acoustical control, less visual privacy, and less environmental control than closed offices. these drawbacks can be countered effectively by creating closed rooms for functions that are either particularly noisy or require special acoustical privacy. examples are rooms housing copiers and conference rooms. the average net workstation size in a Federal building is 7 m2 (75 sq. ft.), which excludes circulation and support spaces. this demonstrates that small workstations are in the majority. good open plans allow for ample circulation and open space between groups of workstations. grouping workstations around open, informal meeting areas can increase communication between workers. glazed partitions fronting the open area add to a feeling of spaciousness and should be used extensively where appropriate. In laying out workstations, avoid long rows of cubicles. the planning grid described in this chapter can be adapted to function with layouts that are rotated
or even curved. At a minimum, grids can be set at 90 degree angles with each other and have small open spaces in between. Where glazed partitions are used between workstations, desks must be oriented so that occupants do not face each other directly.
Ceiling Height
the general office space should have a ceiling height that provides long-term flexibility for future floor plan changes. In historic buildings, however, original ceilings in significant spaces should remain exposed to view. new suspended ceilings in standard office space within historic buildings should maintain the original ceiling height to the greatest extent possible, maintaining full clearance at windows and grouping systems, as necessary, to minimize the reduction of ceiling height. In office space containing vaulted ceilings, oversized windows, or similar features, consideration should be given to thoughtfully
designed, exposed system solutions that maintain full ceiling clearance and allow ornamental surfaces to remain exposed to view. the clear ceiling height for office spaces is a minimum of 2,700 mm (9 ft.) for spaces that are larger than 14 m2 (150 sq. ft.). the clear ceiling height of individual office rooms not exceeding an occupiable 14 m2 (150 sq. ft.) is a minimum of 2,700 mm (9 ft.). the clear ceiling height of private toilets and small closets, which are ancillary to other office spaces, is a minimum of 2,300 mm (8 ft.). enclosed offices should have the same ceiling height as adjacent open office spaces to allow future reconfiguration flexibility. the clear ceiling height for office space is a minimum of 2,700 mm (9 ft.) for spaces that are larger than an occupiable 14 m2 (150 sq. ft.). the clear ceiling height of individual office rooms not exceeding an occupiable 14 m (150 sq. ft.) is a minimum of 240 mm (8 ft.). the clear ceiling height of private toilets and small closets, which are ancillary to other office spaces, is a minimum of 2,300 mm (7 ft. 6 in.).
Individual training and conference rooms may be located within the building to best suit the tenant. If such spaces are grouped to form a large training or conference facility, they should be located near the ground floor to avoid excessive loading of vertical transportation and to provide immediate egress for large groups of people. rooms designed for video teleconferencing or training should have a minimum clear ceiling height of 3,000 mm (10 ft.). the design should address how unusually large pieces of prefabricated millwork, furniture, such as conference tables, or equipment will be transported into place.
Fitness Centers,
Fitness centers must be structurally capable of supporting the loads of the equipment they may contain. hVAC must be adequate to serve the space use. Finishes will be cleanable, and glass must be tempered safety type.
toilet counts must be sized to meet occupant loads for the floor. Counts for large assembly functions must be sized to accommodate short-term, high-volume demands. toilet fixture counts in repair and alteration and/or modernization projects must be sized to meet revised occupant loads. sight lines into toilet rooms must be completely screened without the use of double door entrance vestibules. unisex and family restrooms are excluded from this requirement. gsAs toilet requirements differ from model building codes. gsA fixture counts shown in table 3-1 supersede building code requirements. Table 3-1, Number of Toilet Fixtures,
number of Persons per toilet room, 1 to 8, 9 to 24, 25 to 36, 37 to 56, 57 to 75, 76 to 96, 97 to 119, 120 to 134, Above 135, WC, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 1/20, Men, ur, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1/40, Lav, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1/30, Women, WC, Lav, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 9, 3/40, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 1/24,
Custodial Spaces,
Custodial spaces are devoted to the operation and maintenance of the building and include maintenance storage rooms, stockrooms, and janitors closets. Locations and configurations of all custodial spaces must be coordinated and approved by the operations and building management staff.
Janitors Closets,
Janitors closets must be centrally located on each floor adjacent to the toilet rooms. Janitor closets must have direct access from the corridor; they must not be accessed through the toilet rooms. the closet must accommodate all the maintenance equipment, cleaning gear, and supplies required to serve the adjacent work areas. At a minimum, the closet must have a 600 mm (24 in.) square mop basin, a wall-mounted mop rack, and 900 mm (3 ft.) of 250 mm (10 in.) wide wall shelving; the floor area should be a minimum of 1.7 m2 (18 sq. ft.).
Locker Rooms,
Locker rooms are finished spaces. Wet areas (toilet rooms and showers) must be separated from dry areas. sight lines into locker rooms must be completely screened without the use of double door entrance vestibules. Locker rooms must be provided and located adjacent to fitness centers.
Loading Docks,
Loading dock areas must be separated and visually screened from the main public building entrance(s). Loading docks must have a direct route to freight elevators and be sized to accommodate the transport of supplies, equipment replacement parts, and building goods. Service circulation must be separated from public areas such as lobbies, corridors, and elevators. Loading dock stairs must be located on the drivers left when backing into the dock. The grade of the apron must slope away from the loading dock and it should not to exceed an 8.3 percent slope. At least one loading berth must be equipped with a dock leveler. The dock must be protected with edge guards and dock bumpers. Open loading docks must be covered at least 1,200 mm (4 ft.) beyond the edge of the loading dock platform over the loading berth. In regions where energy conservation is mandated, dock seals must be used at each loading dock platform or when possible the entire load dock bay should be enclosed. Separate or dedicated loading docks should be considered for food service areas. A ramp must be provided from the loading dock down to the truck parking area to facilitate deliveries from small trucks and vans. This ramp must have a maximum 8.3 percent slope and comply with ABAAS. A dock managers room must have visual control of the entire dock area as well as and the building entrance and exit. Loading docks must not be used as emergency egress paths from the building.
for the longest vehicle serving the building as determined by the facility manager. Additional loading berths do not need to be wider than 3,600 mm (12 ft.) if they are contiguous with another loading berth. An apron space must be provided in front of the loading berth for vehicle maneuvering equal to the length of the berth plus 600 mm (2 ft.). The apron must be relatively flat and have positive drainage with a minimum slope of 2 percent. The minimum headroom in the loading berth and apron space is 4,600 mm (15 ft.). If programming forces a steeper slope in the apron area, the headroom should increase with a gradient allowance to allow trucks to traverse the grade change. A ramp should be provided from the loading dock down to the truck parking area to facilitate deliveries from small trucks and vans. This ramp should have a maximum slope of 12:1 and comply with ABAAS, ensuring that it may be easily maneuverable for deliveries on carts and dollies. If the approach to the loading dock is ramped, the design should permit easy snow removal.
Staging Area,
An internal staging area must be provided adjacent to the loading dock. The staging area must not interfere with emergency egress from the building.
Trash rooms must be adjacent to loading docks or service entrances. Trash rooms must be sized to accommodate the trash handling equipment required and provide storage for trash and recycling generated during a three-day occupancy of the building. Space must be allowed for sorting and recycling of paper, bottles and cans, metals, and other materials. Facilities that use trash containers that are picked up by vendors must have at least one loading berth for the trash container.
Loading Berths,
Provide at least one off-street berth for loading and unloading. Loading berths must be located adjacent to the loading dock areas. Unless otherwise specified by the program and/or local zoning regulations, a single berth must be a minimum of 4,600 mm (15 ft.) wide and sized
Provide space for the building engineer even if not included in the building program. Most gsA buildings require such a space, which houses the consoles for the building automation system (BAs). this space should normally be located near the loading dock or main mechanical spaces.
All Level IV (medium) and V (high) Federal facilities require an on-site security control center. All gsA buildings with a local security force must have a control center. If the building will not have a local security force, this function can be combined with the building engineers office or the fire control center. the security control center must be located adjacent to the main lobby. Approximately 21 m2 (225 sq. ft.) should be allocated for this room which is intended to house the command station for the security guards and their equipment for current as well as future building needs. there should be an expectation in the planning of the building that a security command center and inspection station may be needed in the future, if it is not required at time of building design. refer to the gsA design guide Lobby Security in Historic Buildings for detailed guidance and prototypical designs. screening capabilities, the mail sorting room must be located near the loading dock and segregated from other building spaces and vital services in the same way as the loading dock. (see the IsC criteria and Chapter 5, Mechanical engineering, section: Mail sorting rooms.)
Oklahoma City Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, The public lobby is separated from the adjacent offices by three-story, one-foot-thick, cast-in-place concrete walls.
Mail Rooms
Where mail sorting is conducted in the gsA building rather than in a separate federally controlled facility with
platforms must also be provided. All preventive and repair maintenance tasks must be considered in providing work platforms and determining their size. this requirement applies to both interior and exterior building equipment. In some buildings special fire protection measures may be required. All equipment spaces must be designed to control noise transmission to adjacent spaces. Floating isolation floors are recommended for all major mechanical rooms. see the section in this chapter on acoustics for noise isolation criteria. A minimum of 4 percent of the typical floors gross floor area must be provided on each floor for air-handling equipment. A minimum of 1 percent of the buildings gross area must be provided for the central heating and cooling plant (location to be agreed upon during preparation of concept submission). Mechanical equipment room must not be less than 3,700 mm (12 ft.) clear in height. All mechanical equipment rooms must be accessible via a freight elevator at that level for the purpose of operations and maintenance, and replacement of equipment. the freight elevator must be of a size to accommodate the largest component of the equipment. ships ladders and alternating tread devices are not permitted as a means of access to mechanical equipment. Main electrical switchgear must not be below toilets or janitor closets or at an elevation that requires sump pumps for drainage. If electrical switchgear is housed in the basement, provisions must be made to prevent water from flooding the electrical room in the event of a pipe breaking. Automatic sprinkler piping must not be installed directly over switchgear equipment. Mechanical rooms as a rule must open from nonoccupied spaces such as corridors. If mechanical rooms must open from occupied spaces because of configuration constraints, consider incorporating a vestibule with partitions that extend to structure and sound-gasketed doors at each
these spaces include, but are not limited to, mechanical and electrical equipment rooms, enclosed cooling towers, fuel rooms, elevator machine rooms and penthouses, wire closets, telephone frame rooms, transformer vaults, incinerator rooms, and shafts and stacks. Mechanical and electrical equipment rooms must be designed with adequate aisle space and clearances around equipment to accommodate maintenance and replacement. hoists, rails, and fasteners for chains should be provided to facilitate removal of heavy equipment. the working environment in equipment rooms should be reasonably comfortable. Doors and corridors to the building exterior must be of adequate size to permit replacement of equipment. this path (may include knock-out panels, hoists, and provisions for cranes) is necessary and must be demonstrated for equipment replacement. When floor hatches are used to transport equipment from one level to another, overhead clearances should be provided to allow the equipment to be hoisted over the guardrail. If this is not feasible, an active fall protection system must be provided to protect workers during removal of the guardrail and floor hatch. Access to the equipment rooms and penthouses must be at the same level as the freight elevator stop. equipment that is over 6 feet above the floor must be provided with stairs and guarded work platforms. If guarded work platforms are not feasible, an active fall protection system must be provided to protect workers during maintenance and repair tasks. Within the equipment rooms and penthouses, stairs are the preferred access to equipment spaces and required when access is more frequent than once per week. stairs must be standard (angle of rise between 30 and 50 degrees). If ladders must be used they must be of the caged safety ladder type. ships ladders and alternating tread devices are not permitted as a means of access to mechanical equipment. In all cases, guarded work
side for acoustic and vibration separation. the architect must coordinate with the mechanical engineer to place mechanical equipment with easy access for maintenance and replacement. Design of equipment placement must allow maintenance of motors and replacement of filters from the ground. When there is no practical alternative to overhead placement, filters must be able to be safely replaced by one person from a standard stepladder.
battery manufacturers installation instructions for weights, dimensions, efficiency, and required clearances. Allow space for storage of safety equipment, such as goggles and gloves. special attention must be given to floor loading for the battery room, entrance door dimensions for installation of the uPs, and ceiling height for clearance of the appropriate hVAC systems and exhaust systems.
Vertical Shafts,
shafts for pipes, ducts, flues, and other services must be straight vertical runs located adjacent to other core elements and sized to accommodate future expansion. Consider sound isolation when planning location of shafts. Provide sound transmission isolation in accordance with the acoustical section of this chapter. shafts must be closed at top and bottom, as well as at the entrance to the mechanical room, for sound isolation. shafts containing critical utilities such as power and communications must be run remotely from the building exterior, entrance lobbies, mail rooms, and loading docks or encased in blast-mitigating construction. Vertical shafts for running pipes, ducts, and flues must be located adjacent to other core elements to the maximum extent possible. Be aware of the requirement to locate fire alarm vertical risers remotely.
specialty Areas,
Food Service Areas,
space allocations for food service facilities are established in gsA handbook, Concession Management Desk Guide (PMFC-93). In most cases, food service areas perform better when not isolated within a facility. Consider making food service directly accessible to the public and integrated with the site design. Mitigate security concerns by placing food service within freestanding structures or by providing hardened partitions. the entrances to the dining area should be visible from the main circulation paths, but should not impede lobby traffic. they should be located to take advantage of natural light and outdoor eating areas whenever possible. Food service areas should be laid out to minimize waiting times for customers. scramble service is recommended.
the construction of new laboratories in existing office buildings is strongly discouraged. see Chapter 7, Fire Protection and Life safety, for additional requirements.
Outleased Spaces,
this term defines building space leased to businesses as commercial stores. outleased spaces and the connection between them and the remainder of the building should be designed so they can function as government office space in the future. Consideration should also be given to those building without programmed outleased space to allow for this flexibility in the future.
Parking Layout,
to the extent possible, parking spaces should be arranged around the perimeter of the parking deck for maximum efficiency. two-way drive aisles should be used with 90-degree vehicle parking stalls on each side.
Drive Aisles,
two-way aisles must have a minimum width of 7,000 mm (23 ft.). one-way aisles and aisles with stalls on only one side are less efficient and should be avoided.
from building entrances to parking structures, outdoor eating areas, off-site child-care facilities and neighborhood amenities should have designated pedestrian walkways that are protected from traffic. Provide curbs, bollards, low walls, landscaping, or other barriers to prevent vehicles from encroaching upon pedestrian walkways. Provide security measures such as painted crosswalks and signage to identify pedestrian crossings of vehicular traffic lanes.
Vehicle Stalls,
stalls must be a minimum size of 2,600 mm (8 ft. 6 in.) wide and 5,500 mm (18 ft.) long. special consideration must not be given to compact vehicles. structural elements must not intrude upon the required stall dimension. Columns must not be located within 610 mm (2 ft.) of the required aisle except where the aisle has no stalls perpendicular to it. each stall must have access to an aisle. stacked parking is not permitted.
Accessible Parking,
Accessible parking spaces must comply with ABAAs. Accessible routes will not be located behind parking spaces.
Drive ramps must not exceed 8.3 percent slope. sloped parking garages must not exceed 5 percent. there must be gradual transitions between the slope of ramps. the entire length of entrance and exit ramps must be covered to protect them from snow and ice. Provide moisture protection and drainage of the parking deck. snow melting systems should also be considered, including the potential impact on the energy target.
Pedestrian walkways should provide a link to all areas that might be used by employees and visitors. Circulation
United States Courthouse, Orlando, Florida, Outdoor terraces allow judges access to the outdoors while allowing daylight to filter into courtrooms.
environment give building occupants visual comfort along with physiological and psychological benefits. Daylighting design must mitigate the adverse effects of glare and solar heat gain.
Lighting is a critical and energy-intensive component of office building design. good lighting design is a careful integration of daylight and artificial lighting to enhance the appearance of the space, save energy, and support the performance of the occupants. Lighting design uses a combination of ambient and task lighting to provide light levels that support occupant productivity. Brightness and glare must be balanced from both natural and artificial lighting sources to reduce high contrast and prevent eyestrain. use appropriate controls to balance daylighting, occupant needs, and energy efficiency. see Chapter 6 for lighting standards.
Artificial Lighting
Artificial lighting is a combination of direct and indirect sources provided by ambient and task lighting fixtures and should complement, not duplicate, natural lighting. separating lighting into several categories, or layers, increases visual comfort, provides user flexibility, and creates visual interest. these include architectural and local ambient lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting.
Ambient Lighting
Task Lighting,
the tenant will provide task lighting.
In office space over 9 feet-6 inches high, use suspended fluorescent pendants that are 80 percent indirect and 20 percent direct. For specific tasks, other combinations of direct and indirect lighting may be considered. office space that is less than 9 feet-6 inches may use lay-in lighting units in a suspended ceiling using perforated baffles to create a direct/indirect distribution similar to pendant fixtures. Chapter 6 describes the required minimum lighting levels. Coordinate ambient light with daylighting and the reflectance levels of furniture, walls, ceilings, and floors.
Accent Lighting
Accent lighting balances contrast on window walls, and enhances the workspace by highlighting special areas, artwork, or architectural features. synchronize color and light levels as described in the IESNA Lighting Handbook.
the standards in this section establish adequate acoustic qualities in Federal buildings. Post-construction commissioning will confirm that the acoustical standards have been met.
Floor and ceiling assemblies separating office spaces must achieve an nIC of not less than 50 (when furnished) and Field Impact Isolation Class (FIIC) of not less than 50. table 3-2, column 4, lists the minimum noise isolation (nIC) for spaces requiring acoustically rated walls. For constructions on suitable slab floors, when properly detailed and constructed, and with all connections caulked airtight with acoustical sealant, the following wall assemblies typically will satisfy the minimum specified nIC requirements, with the spaces furnished typically. these wall examples are not the only constructions that will satisfy the performance criteria; they are intended
Oklahoma City Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
Open workstations placed near the courtyard exterior share daylight with the interior spaces.
solely to provide guidance on projects that do not require a qualified acoustical consultant during the design phase.
z nIC 53 (teleconference room): Double stud wall, two
layers of gypsum board each side, batt insulation in the stud cavities. Full height (slab to slab).
z nIC 48 (meeting rooms, training facilities): staggered
stud wall, two layers of gypsum board each side, batt insulation in the stud cavity. Full height (slab to slab).
z nIC 45 (private offices, confidential speech privacy):
single stud wall, two layers of gypsum board each side, batt insulation in the stud cavity. Full height (slab to slab) or 6 inches above a hung gypsum board ceiling.
z nIC 40 (private offices, normal speech privacy): single
stud wall, two layers of gypsum board one side, one layer of gypsum board the other side, batt insulation in stud cavity. slab to slab (preferred); minimum 6 inches above acoustical tile ceiling (minimum CAC 44).
z nIC 35 (private offices, normal speech privacy, sound
masking): single stud wall, single layer gypsum board each side, batt insulation in stud cavity. Minimum 6 inches above acoustical tile ceiling (minimum CAC 44).
z nIC 31 (private offices, normal speech privacy, low
voice level, miscellaneous other spaces): single stud wall, single layer of gypsum board each side, batt insulation in the stud cavity. terminates at underside of acoustical tile ceiling (minimum CAC 35). Acoustical performance will be verified during the commissioning of the building. the commission requirements are further defined in the GSA Building Commissioning Guide.
space, teleconference facility Meeting rooms, training facilities, Private offices, confidential speech privacy Private offices, normal speech privacy, Plan offices, normal speech privacy, sound masking Private offices, normal speech, low voice level, open plan offices, normal speech privacy, ,, sound masking open plan offices, no speech privacy, Child care center
1 2 3 4
Absorption should be placed on two adjacent walls. operable walls and partitions must achieved the required nIC rating for the spaces that they are separating. steady state background noise provided by electronic sound masking system: 40-42dBA. steady state background noise provided by electronic sound masking system: 45-48dBA.
Future Maintenance,
the use of different exterior materials, window designs, sun control devices, and other design elements contribute to the design articulation of a building. each of these components, their use, and how they are combined on a building must be reviewed for future maintenance needs including replacement, repair, cleaning, weathering, and damage from bird roosts. Consider the use of steeply sloped surfaces, limited use of horizontal surfaces at window sills, sun control devices or other design features or design approaches to minimize bird roosts.
Building Enclosure,
the building enclosure is an environmental separator for thermal, moisture, air, acoustic, and daylighting properties, and also provides structural protection for blast, seismic, wind, and other hazards. since the building enclosure has a major impact on energy conservation and on blast mitigation, the A/e must coordinate all systems selection and design with the requirements in Chapter 4, structural engineering, for blast mitigation and Chapter 5, Mechanical engineering, for building energy analysis. exterior wall assemblies must be designed to work in concert with hVAC systems to optimize energy performance. envelope load criteria are described in AshrAe 90.1.
Moisture Control,
Design of the above-grade building enclosure must be demonstrated early in the design development. AshrAe 160, Criteria for Moisture Control Design Analysis in Buildings is an acceptable basis of design. Demonstration of the transient hygrothermal behavior of the various multilayer building components for all critical building enclosure systems must be confirmed through modeling.
United States Courthouse, Fresno, California, A system of distinctive precast concrete wall panels form an irregular pattern of folds, extrusions and corrugations across the buildings buff-colored surface.
Membrane waterproofing should follow the recommendations of the national roofing Contractors Association (nrCA) in The NRCA Waterproofing Manual. Membrane waterproofing must be fully bonded and seamless.
Wall Systems,
Connections and Fasteners Exposed to Weather,
Products constructed of carbon steel are not permitted in exterior construction, which includes exterior walls, soffits, or roofs, except where protected by a galvanic zinc coating of at least 460 grams per m2 (1.5 ounces per sq. ft.) of surface or other equivalent protection.
Membrane Protection,
Below-grade waterproofing must be applied to the positive pressure side and must be covered by a protection mat to shield the waterproofing membrane from deleterious effects of construction activities, ultraviolet radiation, or aggressive vegetation.
Waterstops must be used at construction joints in below-grade walls, footings and other elements where a water-proof system is required. Wherever possible use level changes to create a redundancy with the substrate in the event the water barrier fails.
Underslab Insulation,
Provide insulation under concrete slabs on grade where a perma-frost condition exists, where slabs are heated, and where they support refrigerated structures.
If soil radon or contaminant levels are a concern, a substructure depressurization system must be provided. If a passive system is designed, it must have the capability to accommodate future active depressurization. see Chapter 5, Mechanical engineering, for additional requirements.
z consisting of materials and components that are, either
individually or collectively, sufficient in stiffness and rigidity to resist air pressure differentials across the exterior wall assembly without permanent deformation or failure
z durable and structurally rigid to withstand the
construction process, the interior and exterior air pressures across an air barrier system that need to be examined include, but are not limited to, pressures caused by wind, stack effect,
and mechanical systems. Air barriers may be located at different locations within a wall system, and the placement of the air barrier needs to be indicated by the designer on the drawings. the designer must carefully consider placement of the air barrier when the air barrier material(s) will act both as an air barrier and as a vapor retarder to determine if drying of the system will be inhibited by the location of this material within the assembly. Portions of the air barrier may require regular maintenance and an allowance should be made within the design to accommodate this maintenance.
1 the air permeance of materials comprising part of the air barrier system must not exceed 0.004 cfm / ft2 at 0.3 in. wg (0.02 L/s.m2 at 75 Pa) when tested in accordance with AstM e 2178 standard test Method for Air Permeance of Building Materials. 2 the air leakage rate of opaque assemblies that comprise the air barrier system must not exceed 0.04 cfm / ft2 at 0.3 in. wg (0.2 L/s.m2 at 75 Pa) when tested in accordance with AstM e2357 standard test Method for Determining Air Leakage of Air Barrier Assemblies or, for assemblies whose structural integrity is otherwise determined, AstM e283 standard test Method for Determining rate of Air Leakage through exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors under specified Pressure Differences Across the specimen. 3 the whole building must not have an air leakage rate of more than 0.4 cfm / ft2 (2.0 L / s / m2) at a pressure differential of 0.3 in. w.g.(75 Pa). the test method used should be developed for each specific project by the testing Agency and general Contractor, and approved by the government (or representative). existing methods such as AstM e779, Determining Airtightness of Buildings Air Leakage rate by single Zone Air Pressurization; AstM e-1827, standard test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Buildings using an orifice Blower Door; or CgsB 149.15, Determination of the overall envelope Airtightness of Buildings by the Fan Pressurization Method using the Buildings Air handling systems, modified as necessary, should be used whenever possible. Penetrations of the air barrier system must be sealed to the air barrier system in an airtight manner. these penetrations include, but are not limited to: lighting fixtures, wiring, conduit, gas lines, cable services, windows, doors, ducts, fire protection standpipe connections, and plumbing pipes.
A continuous plane of air tightness, herein called the air barrier system, must be installed as part of the building enclosure (both above- and below-grade) to effectively separate all conditioned air from outdoor and polluted spaces. the air barrier system must be shown on the drawings as continuous through all section drawings of the enclosure. the air barrier materials and components of each assembly must be clearly identified and labeled as Air barrier on construction documents, and detailed at all penetrations, joints, and transitions. the pressure boundary of the air barrier system(s) and the zone(s) to be tested must also be shown on the drawings. the air barrier material of each assembly must be joined and sealed to the air barrier material of adjacent assemblies with sufficient flexibility to allow for the relative differential movement and with sufficient strength to resist expected peak air pressure differences. the air barrier systems and the materials or assemblies used must meet either Items 1 and 3 or 2 and 3:
the air barrier system (and all materials and components comprising it) must last the anticipated service life of the enclosure or allow for easy maintenance, repair, and/or replacement. Any louvers installed within elevator shafts must have a motorized damper set to the closed position, be connected to the fire alarm system to open on call, and fail in the open position. All ventilation and make-up air intakes and exhausts, atrium smoke exhausts and intakes, etc. must have motorized dampers that are set to close when not active. Parking garages (attached to or under buildings), other structures connected to the building, including those connected via tunnels, walkways, service conduits, etc., and any storage with contents that can negatively affect indoor air quality must be separated from all other conditioned spaces by an air barrier system. Access to such spaces must be provided by doors in air-tight vestibules or airtight hatches at building access points. Boiler rooms not using sealed combustion equipment must be separated from the rest of the building space by an air barrier system and provided with make-up air for combustion. stairwells, shafts, chutes, and elevator lobbies must be provided with full height sealed walls and doors that meet air leakage criteria for exterior doors and components, complete with necessary gaskets and weather stripping. Additional equipment and other items required for testing the buildings airtightness are to be installed by the contractor as specified by the testing agency. this may include: indoor-to-outdoor pressure taps at various locations across the air barrier system, air flow and pressure measuring stations in air conveyance and handling systems, and tight-sealing dampers on all ducts carrying air across the air barrier.
Fenestration Systems,
Structural Integrity,
Wind loads must be determined in accordance with the applicable edition of AsCe 7. however, large complex structures, especially those located in hurricaneprone regions that in the opinion of wind-engineering professionals would benefit from a more reliable performance prediction, should be wind tunnel tested as early as practical in the design process.
Thermal Performance,
the facility must have windows based on climate and energy conservation that comply with security requirements. the design of the fenestration, size, glazing
properties, and shading must be closely coordinated with the design of the mechanical systems to maximize performance. see Chapter 5, Mechanical engineering, for further requirements.
must meet the requirements of AAMA/WDMA 101/I.s.2/ nAFs. AW Architectural Class. replacement of windows in historic structures should exactly match original frame and muntin profiles. First consideration should be given to rehabilitating the existing windows. retrofitting existing monolithic glass in a nonweeped wood sash with insulating glass units is prohibited.
Operable Windows,
Although fixed windows are customary in large, environmentally controlled gsA buildings, in certain circumstances operable windows may be appropriate. operable windows should be considered in all new buildings. the facility may have operable windows, where appropriate, to support facility survivability and window washing. Consider using operable windows that pivot and can be washed from inside the building. the exterior of an operable window should pivot so it may be cleaned from inside the building.
Aluminum Windows,
Aluminum windows must meet the requirements of AnsI/AAMA standard 101- 85. only optimal performance classes may be used. Metal windows other than aluminum must meet the requirements of the national Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers standard sW-1 for the performance class required. Wood windows should meet the requirements of AnsI/nWMA standard I.s. 2-87, grade 60.
Consideration of glare control plus heating and cooling loads must be factored into decisions on number and placement of windows.
Window Frames,
Aluminum frames must have thermal breaks where there are more than 1,670 heating degree days C (3,000 heating degree days F). Window mullions, as much as possible, should be located on the floor-planning grid to permit the abutment of interior partitions. Metal windows other than aluminum must meet the requirements of steel Window Institutes (sWI) Specifiers Guide to Steel Windows for the performance class required. Wood windows must meet the requirements of AnsI/ nWMA standard I.s. 2-87, grade 60. Wood windows
the choice of single, double, or triple glazed windows should be based on climate and energy conservation and security requirements. use thermally broken frames when double and triple glazing units are specified. highly reflective glass that produces mirror images should be used with care to avoid creating glare in surrounding streets and buildings. note: Clear glazing is also available to meet a fire protection rating. the use of wire glass should be avoided unless required to meet a fire protection rating.
Entrance Doors,
entrance doors may be aluminum and/or glass of heavy duty construction. glazed exterior doors and frames must be steel and meet the requirements of sDI grade III with a g-90 galvanic zinc coating. Vestibules are desired to control air infiltration. sliding automatic doors are preferred over swinging type. Motion detectors and push plates are preferred over mats as actuating devices. All public entrances provided in accordance with Paragraph F206.4.1 (Public entrances) of the ABAAs must have at least one entrance door complying with section 404.3 (Automatic and Power-Assisted Doors and gates). Where a public entrance has a vestibule with exterior and interior entrance doors, at least one exterior door and at least one interior door must comply with section 404.3.
Roof Systems,
Roofing Design,
roofing design must follow the recommendations of the national roofing Contractors Association as contained in nrCA publication, NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual. the design of metal flashing, trim, and roofing must follow the recommendations of the sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors national Association publication, Architectural Sheet Metal Manual. Four guiding principles for low slope roofing include:
z Insulations or insulating assemblies that are highly
reuse or recycle in future roof iterations A vegetative roof must be constructed utilizing only an Inverted Membrane roof Assembly (IrMA). the waterproofing membrane must be fully bonded to the substrate, seamless with an overburden consisting of a protection course, root barrier, drainage layer, insulation, moisture-retention layer, reservoir layer, filter fabric layer, and engineered soil-based growth medium with plantings. If trayed systems are employed, they must be installed above the insulation layer and be designed to resist wind uplift via tie down or some other methodology.
Where existing roofing is to be replaced, it should be completely removed and the substrate prepared for new roofing. the new roofing system should not be of greater weight than the old roofing system, unless a structural
analysis shows that the framing system can carry the additional weight. Do not overlay new roofing membrane systems over existing roof membranes. Installing new roofing systems over an existing roof will place additional load on the building structural system and may trap moisture remaining in the original roof. this trapped moisture can facilitate the premature deterioration of the building materials.
Roof Drainage,
roof drains or scuppers are the only low points permitted. For low slope roofing provide slope to the structural deck wherever possible. For other than IrMA assemblies provide a minimum slope to drains of 1:50 on roofing surfaces.
Best PrACtICe, rooF PenetrAtIons,
roof insulation should use multiple layers to maximize thermal breaks in the roof system.
the roof structure should consider the future addition of multiple antennae. An integrated anchoring system such as light c-channel should be installed on parapets to eliminate subsequent multiple and varied attachment methods. Cable trays leading to a roof penetration to a utility room or chase should also be considered. the intent is to eliminate or reduce haphazard antenna installations, cable routing that presents a trip hazard and interferes with building maintenance, and multiple roof penetrations.
no building element may be supported by the roofing system except walkways. Provide walkways on the roof along routes to and around equipment for maintenance. When installing roof top photovoltaic systems, consult with the local building and fire departments for additional access and safety requirements.
overheating in the building interior. Condensation gutters and a path for the condensation away from the framing should be designed. Consideration must be given to cleaning of all sloped glazing and skylights, including access and equipment required for both exterior and interior faces. skylights must be guarded for fall protection or meet oshA structural requirements.
Exterior Soffits,
Design exterior soffits to resist displacement and rupture by wind uplift. Design soffits for access to void space where operating equipment is located or maintenance must be performed. soffits can be considered totally exposed to weather and should therefore be designed to be moisture resistant. Provide expansion and contraction control joints at the edges and within the soffit. spacing and configuration of control joints should be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the soffit material. operating equipment or distribution systems that may be affected by weather should not be located inside soffits. Where it is necessary to insulate the floors over soffits, the insulation should be attached to the underside of the floor construction so that the soffit void may be ventilated to prevent condensation.
Edge Protection,
Flat roofs designed for access must include a parapet or perimeter railing at least 42 inches in height. Where parapets and railings are not feasible, personal fall protection anchorage points must be provided. equipment should be located away from roof edges and oriented with access panels inboard of the roof edge.
Quality Assurance,
Many unique contemporary building solutions require full scale, laboratory, and on-site mockups of critical portions of the building facade. the testing of the laboratory mockup almost always assists in determining the final design solution. Mockups should be constructed by same team that will construct the facade.
air leakage rate of the building enclosure does not exceed 0.4 cfm / ft2 (2.0 L / s / m2) at a pressure differential of 0.3 in. w.g.(75 Pa). the test methodology used should be selected and tailored for each specific project by the testing agency, and approved by the government.
Acceptable test methods include: AstM e779, Determining Airtightness of Buildings Air Leakage rate by single Zone Air Pressurization, AstM e-1827, standard test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Buildings using an orifice Blower Door , CgsB 149.15, Determination of the overall envelope Airtightness of Buildings by the Fan Pressurization Method using the Buildings Air handling systems, tests can be conducted using either pressurization or depressurization: conducting both provides diagnostic information. the building must not be tested until verifying that the continuous air barrier system has been installed as per the design in accordance with installation instructions.
Window Cleaning
the facility must have provisions for cleaning the interior and exterior surfaces of all windows, skylights, and other glazed openings. the A/e must demonstrate that cleaning and maintenance of interior glazing surfaces and equipment (lighting, smoke detectors, and other systems that are mounted within atrium spaces) can be achieved without extraordinary means and methods. submit this information with the construction documents. the design of the building must include provisions for cleaning the interior and exterior surfaces of all windows. Consider the selection of self-cleaning (e.g., tio2) glass to reduce the need for exterior window washing. A cost benefit analysis is required for this option.
the provision of stanchions with moveable davits is the preferred design. Davits eliminate the need to transport cantilever systems and the necessary counterweights to the roof, reducing the risk of roof damage. stanchions must be spaced to accommodate expected scaffold lengths. Pitch pockets for waterproofing purposes are not allowed.
If temporary structural attachments are anticipated, the structure must be designed to support the work platform load, including oshA safety factors. In some cases, gsA may decide to install engineered systems for window washing and access to elevated locations that must be incorporated into the building design. If the design is for buildings three stories or 12,200 mm (40 ft.) and higher, it must conform to oshA standard 29 CFr 1910.66, subpart FPowered Platforms, Man Lifts, and Vehicle-Mounted Work
Platforms, AnsI standard A120.1, safety requirements for Powered Platforms for Building Maintenance, and AnsI/IWCA I-14.1-2001, Window Cleaning safety. While engineered systems are convenient to use, the building owner, public or private, has the responsibility to maintain and certify the equipment, including the scaffold. elaborate systems such as multipoint suspension scaffolds that use tracks and rollers can require multiple roof penetrations and impede general maintenance access on and about the roof. regardless of the system selected, secondary tieback anchors must be provided in the vicinity of anticipated suspended scaffold operations. Anchors must be designed to support a 5,000-pound load in any direction. Where feasible, anchors must be located to facilitate routine inspection and load testing. Facade tiebacks must be provided on buildings over 75 feet high. Facade tiebacks prevent wind-induced scaffold kickout and uplift. Integrated systems such as channels eliminate the need for contractors to drill into the facade or improvise attachments. Window-washing systems that are widely used in the region of the project must be considered and the preferred system and equipment be identified during design. In large and/or highrise buildings, such glass surfaces as atrium walls and skylights, sloped glazing, pavilion structures, and windows at intermediate design surfaces must be addressed.
Interior Doors,
Interior doors in tenant spaces should be flush, solidcore wood doors. Steel doorframes should meet the requirements of SDI Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames. Provide matching-edge veneers for transparent-finished wood doors. Avoid the use of wood doorframes except to match wood doors in specially designed areas.
Partitions should be selected for use based on the type of space and the anticipated activity within that space. For subdividing within tenant areas, preference should be given to the use of prefinished, demountable partitions that can be easily relocated with a minimum of time and waste. The following should be evaluated: the volume of people; their activities; the type, size, weight, and function of equipment (mail carts, forklifts, etc.) that will be used in the space; and any free-standing, moveable or wall-mounted equipment that will impose lateral loads (built-ins, wall-mounted televisions, etc.). Each potential wall system must be evaluated for structure, backing, finish, and protection factors. GSA prefers partition systems that are simple to construct, made from readily available materials, economical, and easily moved and reassembled by common laborers. Metal stud systems must meet the requirements ASTM C754. The application and finishing of gypsum board should follow standard ASTM C840. Adequate tolerances should be designed where the top of a partition abuts the underside of the building structure; allow for deflection and long-term creep. Partitions used at the perimeter of a humidified space must include a vapor barrier. In computer rooms the need for air plenum dividers below the floors must be checked.
Facility Specialties,
Waste Removal Equipment,
Waste is normally removed from GSA buildings by contract maintenance firms. The firm will usually collect the waste from receptacles in the occupied spaces into carts, which will be taken to larger containers at the waste pickup station. The firm will usually provide the containers as part of its contract. The minimum architectural requirements for waste removal are: access for waste handling equipment from the occupied areas of the building to the pick-up station; housing for the on-site containers; and maneuvering space for the collection vehicles. In calculating numbers
of containers, assume separate containers for recyclable materials (paper, bottles and cans, metals, and other materials). Waste handling stations must be completely screened by walls and doors or gates constructed of materials complementary to those of the building.
Locker Rooms,
Gypsum wallboard must not be used as a substrate for any shower room surface. Cover floors with hard surfaces that can be disinfected. Lockers should be raised off of the floor for cleaning. Locker rooms will have the following elements:
z Lockers with integrated combination locks or
Drinking Fountains,
At least one water fountain should be provided on every floor near toilet rooms and near auditoria. One drinking fountain per location, and 50 percent of all fountains in the facility, must be accessible to disabled persons per ABAAS. Retain original fountains in historic buildings, retrofitting hardware and remounting, when possible, to provide access for the disabled. Where modifying historic fountains is not practical (e.g., fountain mounted in stone or other ornamental wall), supplement with new fountains of similar materials and detailing to original fountains.
Interior Finishes,
Building Design Standards,
The A/E must establish Building Design Standards when designing the building for the purpose of creating guidelines for all future interventions and alterations. This will ensure a cohesive, consistent, and streamlined approach for the buildings long-term design. When selecting any finishes for projects in federally owned space, refer to the Building Design Standard established for that particular building as listed in the Asset Business Plan.
All GSA carpet selections must meet the NSF/ANSI 140 Standard, USDA Biobased carpet recommendations, and comply with the GSA Carpet Specification Guide, see Appendix D. When selecting carpets, colors in the medium range are preferred and show the least amount of stain and soiling. Dark and light colors should be avoided, especially in high-trafficked areas. Carpet tile is preferred and must be used whenever there is access flooring, a cellular floor, or a ducted floor system. This will ensure ease of maintenance of the systems under the floor and also in carpet replacements. The amount of foot traffic should be considered when selecting carpet types and colors.
GSA provides a tenant improvement allowance for finishes and features within its rental charge. The tenant may accept the finishes established as part of the allowance or choose to upgrade at their expense, if they comply with the Building Design Standards previously established by the building designer. Codes, Executive Orders, and LEED requirements may have a bearing on the type of finishes in an area and must be consulted. For fire safety requirements, see Chapter 7, Fire Protection and Life Safety, Interior Finishes. Designers must specify, where practical, finishes that contain recycled, renewable, and/or reusable materials and that eliminate or minimize the release of harmful substances during installation and use. Finishes must be specified based on the value they provide over their useful life; considerations include maintenance and disposal costs in addition to first cost.
Resilient Floor,
Resilient flooring materials include products such as linoleum, rubber, cork, and vinyl. All linoleum products must be made with ether recycled or renewable ingredients, linseed oil, cork dust, natural jute fiber, or wood powder salvaged from sawdust. Adhesives used to install resilient flooring must be 100 percent solvent-free and meet low-VOC requirements. Avoid surfaces that require extensive use of volatile cleaning and waxing compounds. Resilient flooring may be used in office spaces to support tenant requirements and promote improved indoor air quality, and in offices adjacent to utilitarian spaces such as loading docks.
3.16 3.x
Materials to use,
retardants (halogenated flame retardants include PBDe, tBBPA, hBCD, Deca-BDe, tCPP, tCeP, Dechlorane Plus, and other retardants with bromine or chlorine),
z PVC (an exception is made
Wayne Lyman Morse United States Courthouse, Eugene, Oregon, Natural light pours in through glass walls, clerestories, and skylights, to animate the curving white walls of the public spaces.
Adhesives and sealants , All adhesives and sealants used on the interior of the building (defined as inside of the weatherproofing system and applied on-site) must comply with the requirements of the following reference standards:
z Biobased adhesives and sealants in accordance with usDAs BioPreferred guidelines z Adhesives, sealants, and sealant primers: sCAQMD rule 1168 with a corresponding effective date of July 1, 2005, and rule amendment date of January 7, 2005. z Aerosol adhesives: green seal standard for Commercial Adhesives gs-36 requirements in effect on
undercoats: south Coast Air Quality Management District (sCAQMD) rule 1113, Architectural Coatings, effective January 1, 2004.
Architectural Applications,
Indoor carpet adhesives , Carpet pad adhesives , Wood flooring adhesives , rubber floor adhesives , subfloor adhesives , Ceramic tile adhesives , VCt and asphalt adhesives , Drywall and panel adhesives , Cove base adhesives , Multipurpose construction adhesives , structural glazing adhesives ,
Substrate-Specific Applications,
Metal to metal, Plastic foams, Porous material (except wood), Wood, Fiberglass,
Architectural paints, coatings, and primers applied to interior walls and ceilings,
Flats , nonflats
50, 50, 100, 60, 50, 65, 50, 50, 50, 70, 100,
Anticorrosive and antirust paints applied to interior ferrous metal substrates , 250 g/L, Clear wood finishes: Varnish , Lacquer, Floor coatings, sealers: Waterproofing sealers , sanding sealers , All other sealers , shellacs: Clear , Pigmented, stains, 350 g/L, 550 g/L, 100 g/L, 250 g/L, 275 g/L, 200 g/L, 730 g/L, 550 g/L, 250 g/L,
Sealant Primers ,
Architectural nonporous, Architectural porous, other, 250, 775, 750,
Sealants ,
Architectural, 250, 300, 250, 450, 420, nonmembrane roof , roadway , single-ply roof membrane , other ,
Specialty Applications,
PVC welding , CPVC welding , ABs welding , Plastic cement welding , Adhesive primer for plastic , Contact adhesive , special-purpose contact adhesive , structural wood member adhesive , sheet applied rubber lining operations , top and trim adhesive , 510, 490, 325, 250, 550, 80, 250, 140, 850, 250,
Aerosol Adhesives,
general-purpose mist spray, general-purpose web spray, special-purpose aerosol adhesives (all types),
65% VoCs by weight, 55% VoCs by weight, 70% VoCs by weight,
use reprocessed latex paint in accordance with ePAs CPg and biobased paint on all painted surfaces where feasible. the A/e must require reprocessed latex paint be submitted and approved. Follow the manufacturers recommendations for the application and maintenance of all paint products.
Interior Doors,
the finish for doors in general office spaces should be limited to a paint grade finish, wood, wood veneer, glass, or glass front. glass doors may be used at entrances to tenant suites. refer to the Building Design standards.
Architectural Woodwork,
For all new installations of wood products, use independently certified forest products. For information on certification and certified wood products, refer to the Forest Certification resource Center (www.certifiedwood.org), the Forest stewardship Council united states (www.fscus.org), or the sustainable Forestry Initiative (www.aboutsfi.org). Wood products used must not contain wood from endangered wood species, as listed by the Convention on International trade in endangered species. the list of species can be found at the following website: www.cites.org/eng/resources/species.html. Particle board, strawboard, and plywood materials must comply with Department of housing and urban Development (huD) standards for formaldehyde emission controls. Plywood materials must not emit formaldehyde in excess of 0.2 parts per million (ppm), and particleboard materials must not emit formaldehyde in excess of 0.3 ppm. All materials composed of combustible substances, such as wood plywood and wood boards, must be treated with fire retardant chemicals by a pressure impregnation process or other method that treats the materials throughout as opposed to surface treatment.
Wall Covering,
use wall covering that will maintain an acceptable appearance in the location used for a minimum of 10 years. Wall coverings must be those that use nontoxic, permeable, PVC free, bio-based, renewable or recyclable, materials with low-VoC (volatile organic compound) or VoC-free adhesives weighing not less than 13 ounces per square yard or equivalent. examples of these materials include, but are not limited to, recycled cotton, sustainably harvested wood, jute, sisal, wool, polyester, polyethylene, and vinyl. other wall covering examples include, but are not limited to, stone and other hard surface elements that meet code requirements, gsA specs, and Building Design standards. In the event the government chooses to install a high-performance paint coating in lieu of a wall covering, the minimum standard is low-VoC green seal standard gs-11.
Window Covering,
Provide adjustable window coverings at all windows that are appropriate to the elevation, sun exposure and daylighting, and operable window strategies. Provide controls for coverings on clerestory and atria windows. As applicable to support building performance, provide automated blinds that respond to sun angle and internal temperatures. Blinds and sun-filtering shades are preferred over draperies, which have limited adjustments and are difficult to clean and maintain.
U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters, Suitland, Maryland, Sustainability was a priority in the design of the headquarters, and paramount in the choice of materials.
For all open, internal, and circulation stairways use finishes that match or relate to the adjacent spaces. For stair treads, use noncombustible resilient materials with nonslip nosing on the treads. Wall surfaces in these areas should be drywall substrate with a simple, straightforward finish such as paint or wall covering. Absorptive materials are desirable in stairways for their acoustic effect. stair runs should have painted gypsum board soffits where appropriate. Doors between adjacent building areas and stairways should match other doors in the building areas. Doors should have the same finish on the interior and exterior. In stairways used for utility purposes or only for emergency egress, unfinished or painted surfaces are appropriate. Always provide nonslip nosings on the treads. utility and egress stair doors should be painted metal.
Public corridors should be designed in such a way that each part of the building correlates with each other, keeping a holistic and consistent design approach. Wayfinding should be reflected in the material, colors, and placement of finishes. Corridors that carry significant foot traffic and provide major circulation pathways throughout the building must have materials selected that are extremely durable and require low maintenance. to improve acoustic control in corridors adjacent to work spaces, avoid specifying hard, reflective surfaces. Doors along public corridors should be of a quality equivalent to that of other elements in these spaces and higher quality than those in the interior spaces. the finish on both sides of the door should match. At interior spaces with high levels of public use, provide glazed entry door systems along public corridors.
Passenger elevators usually receive the highest amount of traffic in the facility. their finishes should relate to the entrance and lobby areas and should be focal points for the interior design of the building. Although finishes need to be durable, high-quality architectural design of cabs and entrances is a priority. surfaces should be scratch resistant and easily replaced or refinished.
hard surface floors, such as stone, brick, or tile, are usually poor choices because cab floors tend to be unstable. over time, grouted materials often loosen or crack. Carpet, wood, or high-quality resilient materials are better choices and perform well acoustically. use carpet materials with low pile height and high density. Wall materials must present a high-quality image and be sufficiently durable to take some abuse. Materials must be installed on removable panels or other replaceable devices to facilitate maintenance and renewal of finishes. Ceilings must be replaceable. In passenger elevators recessed down-lights or indirect fixtures should be used. Finishes for freight elevators must be very durable and easy to clean. stainless steel walls and doors are preferred. Flooring must be sheet vinyl or resilient vinyl tile. Ceiling light fixtures must be recessed and protected from possible damage.
surface material must be designed for lavatories. Lavatory bowls must be under-mounted and have front lips that keep water from spilling onto the floor.
z Provide a large, continuous mirror on at least one wall
Locker Rooms,
use ceramic or porcelain tile for the floors and walls in locker rooms. Ceilings must be solid with water resistant finishes.
new filtration media must be installed and the building flushed out by supplying a total air volume of 14,000 ft3 of outdoor air per ft2 of floor area while maintaining an internal temperature of at least 60 F and, where mechanical cooling is operated, relative humidity no higher than 60 percent.
z the space can only be occupied following the delivery of a
building core and must be designed with good quality, long-lived finishes. they are an extension of the public spaces of the building. toilet partitions must be suspended from the ceiling or extended from walls to expedite cleaning and avoid soil buildup at floor supports.
z use ceramic or porcelain tile for the floors and walls
minimum of 3,500 ft3 of outdoor air per ft2 of floor area to the space, and provided the space is ventilated at minimum rate of 0.30 cfm/ft2 of outside air or the design minimum outside air rate, whichever is greater, a minimum of three hours before occupancy and during occupancy, until the total of 14,000 ft3/ft2 of outside air has been delivered to the space.
in toilet rooms. Carefully chosen patterns and colors can enhance the design image.
Storage Rooms,
storage rooms will have painted walls and VCt flooring.
Custodial Spaces,
Janitors closets will have painted walls and ceramic tile floor and base.
Maintenance Shops,
Maintenance shops will have painted walls and waterproof floors.
Metals, Paper and cardboard and plastic wraps, rigid foam, carpet, and insulation, All others , combined weighted average,
* *
Kitchens/Lounge Areas,
this section describes smaller kitchens typically used by employees. Flooring in these kitchens should be resilient. Walls should have durable, washable finishes such as vinyl wall covering or ceramic tile, depending on intensity of use. Ceilings should be acoustic material with consideration given to the use of moisture resistant ceiling materials in kitchens with higher humidity.
Asphalt; concrete and concrete blocks; brick, tile, and masonry materials; untreated lumber; plywood, oriented strand board, and particle board; gypsum wallboard scrap; glass; plumbing fixtures; windows; doors; cabinets; architectural fixtures; millwork, paneling, and similar; electric fixtures, motors, switch gear, and similar; hVAC equipment, duct work, control systems, switches.
Artwork ,
the A/e lead designer is substantially involved in the integration of art into the design of new or existing Federal buildings and must personally participate as a member of the Art in Architecture panel (see Introduction for brief description of panels responsibilities). the Art in Architecture project begins concurrently with the selection of the A/e and is timed so that the artist or artists have sufficient time to collaborate with the A/e on integrating their work into the overall design concept for the building. Please consult the Art in Architecture Program Policies and Procedures. When artwork from the Fine Arts Collection, including works previously commissioned through the Art in Architecture program, is installed in or on the grounds of a Federal facility, gsA policy is to retain the existing location of the artwork. the funding available for art will be used to conserve the artwork, to enhance its presentation, and to provide interpretive information such as a plaque. For more information, please consult the Fine Arts Policies and Procedures.
Cris Bruch, Artist, Shortest Distance, Wayne Lyman Morse United States Courthouse , Eugene, Oregon
Artist Cris Bruch was one of four artists commissioned by the Art in Architecture program to create works for the new courthouse. Shortest Distance is installed on the front plaza.
Signage Master Plan,
A proposed signage Master Plan inclusive of facility interior through the areas covered by the First Impressions Program, including parking areas, must be developed by the A/e and reviewed by the regional chief architect and the First Impressions program manager for consistency and design before fabrication and installation. signage must identify site entrances, parking, and the main building entrance. Contact the gsA First Impressions national program manager for additional information regarding signage in Federal facilities. note: site signage is found in Chapter 2. graphics and signs must be clear and simple, and must be standardized to ensure easy identification of the building entrance, parking, and all the tenant agencies and services located in the building. signs combining pictograms and printed messages are recommended for a more universal understanding. sign design must comply with ABAAs; underwriters Laboratory (uL) Illuminated signs standard; and oshA standards for safety signs. signage in historic buildings must be compatible with original designs, using historic finishes, colors, and typefaces. typefaces must be acceptable within ABAAs requirements; signs required to comply with ABAAs must have sans serif characters. signage must be designed to be adjustable for tenant moves and changes. these techniques should be specified to ensure easy maintenance and compatible expansion. Integrating electronic monitors and other available new technology is an important design consideration. employing electronic means to display building amenities, missing persons, Federal job postings, building-related messages, and other public notices makes updating easier and reduces clutter. While using new technology is useful and conveys progress, it is important that these installations be successfully integrated into the buildings architecture, most particularly in historic buildings. Additional information about gsA graphic standards can be found at www.gsa.gov/logo.
A cornerstone is required for all new buildings as a part of the exterior wall. the cornerstone must be a cut stone block having a smooth face of size adequate to present the following incised letters: unIteD stAtes oF
AMerICA, (PresIDents nAMe), PresIDent, generAL serVICes ADMInIstrAtIon, (ADMInIstrAtors nAMe), ADMInIstrAtor, (YeAr oF ProJeCt CoMPLetIon). only
these two names are allowed on the cornerstone. the words unIteD stAtes oF AMerICA should be in letters 50 mm (2 in.) high and other letters should be proportionally sized by rank. All names should be those individuals in office at the time construction funds were appropriated, if construction is completed during a subsequent Presidents term of office.
form depending on the architectural layout and orientation of the elevator lobbies at each floor. Provide labeling as required in PBs orDer 3490.1. the signage must consist of a CADD-generated floor plan for each floor with the evacuation routes identified (show routes to two different exits with directional arrows). Provide a You Are here designation pointing directly to the signs final installed orientation. Also, provide a main heading titled eVACuAtIon PLAn. this signage may contain a zoomed-in core area of the building (for a larger view of routes) if all evacuation routes and evacuation stairways are legibly shown. the signage must contain a legend for clarification purposes of any additional items shown on these evacuation plans. For buildings that have occupant evacuation elevators and/or fire service access elevators, note on plans with the appropriate signage. For other buildings, include the following statement on plans
In CAse oF FIre Do not use eLeVAtorsuse stAIrs,
Presidential Directive,
z Missing Children Posting,
entry doors. (no smoking is allowed within 25 feet of a building entrance or opening).
z Accessible entry signs (with symbol) are to be placed at
z Photographs of the President and Vice-President executive Branch Identification (sizes: 20 x24 inches, 11x14 inches, 8 x10 inches). z the Bill of rights, Constitution, and Declaration of Independence Charters of Freedom Display.
entry doors.
z signs prohibiting weaponsFederal Weapons Warning
unless there have been acceptable elevators provided for emergency egress.
regulationrules and regulations governing Conduct on Federal Property (title 41 CFr, Part 102-74,subpart C) are to be placed by the guards desk.
z signs requiring display of Federal identification
Federal Management regulationrules and regulations governing Conduct on Federal Property (title 41 CFr, Part 102-74,subpart C) are to be placed by the guards desk.
z rules and regulations Concerning Public Buildings and
ArChIteCture AnD InterIor DesIgn Alterations in existing Buildings and historic structures
E. Ross Adair Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Originally a postal lobby, this first floor space retains its historic finishes and features: marble floors, marble walls, decorative plaster ceilings, and ornamental cast-aluminum door and window surrounds.
employed. refer to pages 1-14 in the secretary of the Interiors standards for rehabilitation and guidelines for historic Preservation. For some buildings a historic structures report is also available. early and frequent coordination between the architect, state historic preservation officer, regional historic preservation officer, preservation specialists, external review groups, and other appropriate gsA specialists is imperative to timely resolution of conflicts between renovation and preservation goals. to the extent feasible, gsA seeks to achieve the rehabilitation of historic structures. rehabilitation is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features that convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values. In general, alterations in historically significant spaces must be designed contextually to blend with original materials, finishes, and detailing, and to ensure a uniform and inviting first impression. When substantial repairs or alterations are undertaken in significant and highly visible locations, opportunities must be sought to restore original features that have been removed or insensitively altered, to re-establish the original design integrity of the space. Alterations affecting the configuration of significant spaces should be as transparent as possible, using glass and contemporary materials, as appropriate, to minimize the visibility of the alteration(s) while subtly distinguishing new construction from original construction. the architectural, mechanical, and electrical systems in historic buildings often differ greatly from todays design and construction standards, and frequently many of these building systems need to be upgraded substantially or completely rebuilt or replaced. the end result should be a
building whose architectural, mechanical, and electrical systems support its modern use while retaining its historic and architectural character. understanding the exact requirements of the user is essential to effectively implement the program for remodel projects. Close interaction between designers and users, to communicate and incorporate program information during the concept design phase, will enable the designers to meet the users needs without incurring excessive construction cost. Practical solutions often develop in a dialogue with the users that would not have been relayed by an administrator. Alteration design requires ingenuity and imagination. It is inherently unsuited to rigid sets of rules. each case is unique. the paragraphs that follow are intended to be guidelines and helpful hints to be used when appropriate and disregarded when not.
ArChIteCture AnD InterIor DesIgn Alterations in existing Buildings and historic structures
an equal or greater level of safety. see Chapter 1, Purpose of the Facilities standards for the Public Buildings service. Architects will be expected to work closely with the gsA regional fire protection engineer, who will have final authority on life safety code compliance issues. Alternative approaches outlined in state historic building codes, rehabilitation codes, and performance-based codes to resolve conflicts between prescriptive code requirements and preservation goals should be explored. For alteration projects, meet current codes unless a special hazard is created by combining new and old systems. When such conflicts occur they need to be resolved with the gsA project manager. see Chapter 7, Fire Protection and Life safety, for additional information.
entirely banned. even today asbestos sometimes finds its way into such products as drywall mud and flashing cement. therefore, before the design of a renovation or demolition project, an evaluation must be conducted to determine if asbestos is present in the project area. this evaluation includes the review of any available asbestos surveys and consultation with gsA regional environmental, health, and safety offices. If asbestos is present, presumed, or suspected in the project area, a prealteration asbestos assessment must be performed to determine whether and to what extent asbestos may be disturbed (41 CFr 102-80.15). A site inspection is required. Presumed and suspected asbestos must be sampled and tested. Inaccessible areas affected by the project must also have destructive samples collected and tested. Projects with the potential to disturb asbestos must include controls to protect the construction contractor, building occupants, the public, and the environment. gsA complies with state and local asbestos regulations where they exist, in addition to the Federal neshAP, including notification requirements. Designers should consult with gsA regional environmental, health, and safety offices for specific guidance. Waste containing asbestos is generally not considered as hazardous waste but must be transported and disposed of in accordance with Federal, state, and local environmental regulations.
Commemorative Plaques,
Design commemorative plaques to blend with the surrounding architectural finishes and fabricate in highquality materials resistant to damage by impact and other risks common to high traffic areas. Avoid damaging masonry wall materials by anchoring into mortar joints
only, or devise other nondestructive support acceptable to gsA. For historic facilities, use historic features such as original signage and ornamental hardware as a guide for selecting plaque materials, finishes, detailing, and lettering styles. All sign installations in restoration zones, such as historic entrance lobbies and ceremonial spaces, are subject to nhPA section 106 review, coordinated by gsAs regional historic preservation officer (rhPo). sign placement, anchoring, size, and design must be approved by the rhPo before external reviews are initiated or plaques are fabricated. the rhPo needs to approve the location.
Horizontal Distribution,
Fortunately, many older buildings have tall floor-to-floor heights, which give the architect two options: a raised access floor or a very deep ceiling space. the other option is to create a deep ceiling space and zone it carefully for the most efficient fit of all engineering systems. Ceilings should never be dropped below the level
ArChIteCture AnD InterIor DesIgn Alterations in existing Buildings and historic structures
In narrow buildings, it may be possible to create a furred horizontal space adjacent to the exterior and core walls, which can be used as a raceway for utilities. Vertical furring on columns and walls for receptacles is another possibility and can be integrated as an architectural feature. If space is tight, all-water or water-and-air systems should be considered for air conditioning, instead of all-air systems. utility distribution in historic buildings is the most difficult because ceilings and floors often have to be preserved or restored. In these cases, decentralized air conditioning units with little or no ductwork become feasible. Prewired systems furniture, which is available in wood, is also a very good solution.
8 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chapter 4 ,
na n c y h a n kS c e n te R, old p oS t oF F ic e B ui ldi n G, waS h in Gton , d c, a R chi t e ct : wi l l ouGh B y j . ed B Rook e , co nS t R u ct ed : 1 8 9 2 1 8 9 9, R e S t o R a t i on an d Ren ov at i on S: 1 9 7 7 1 9 9 2, l iS t e d i n the n ational Re Gi Ste R o F hi S t o R i c p l ac eS i n 1 9 7 3 .
Structural engineering
4.1 Goals and Objectives, 4.2 References, 4.3 Alterations in Existing Buildings and Historic Structures, 4.4 Design Standards, 4.5 Structural Systems, 4.6 Progressive Collapse, 4.7 Building Materials, 4.8 Building Elements, 4.9 Structural Loads, 4.10 Geotechnical Considerations, 4.11 Seismic Safety Standards, 4.12 General Design Considerations for Seismic Upgrading, 4.13 Use of Recycled Materials,
111, 112, 113, 114, 114, 115, 115, 116, 117, 117, 118, 119, 120,
Codes and Standards,
the codes and mandatory standards adopted by gSa for the design of all new buildings are discussed in Chapter 1. additional codes and standards for the design of structural systems are included in the text of this chapter and listed in appendix B1, references. the designer must exercise good judgment when applying these criteria to ensure the integrity of the structure and to obtain the greatest level of protection practical given the project constraints. there is no guarantee that specific structures designed in accordance with this document will achieve the desired performance. However, the application of the criteria will enhance structural performance if the design events occur. Designers of gSa projects must contact the gSa/PBS Office of the Chief architect to obtain access to the iSC Physical Security Criteria for Federal Facilities.
StruCtural EnginEEring
alterations in Existing Buildings and Historic Structures
of the alterations. the most important of these is the Building Preservation Plan (BPP), which identifies zones of architectural importance, specific characterdefining elements that should be preserved, and standards to be employed. For some buildings a detailed Historic Structures report is also available. See Chapter 1, general requirements.
Design Standards,
in selecting load resisting systems, the goals are simplicity of the structural framing layout and symmetry in the structural system reaction to design loadings. the selection must consider the need for economy, function, and reliability. Both load resistance factor design (lrFD) and allowable
Structural Systems,
Cast-in-Place Systems,
Systems that have fewer limitations in cutting openings during future alterations are preferred over other systems.
Precast Systems,
Precast floor framing systems should be used only for gSa office buildings when the design can be demonstrated to adapt well to future changes in locations of heavy partitions or equipment. Precast systems may be considered for low-rise structures such as parking garages, industrial buildings, and storage and maintenance facilities.
stress design (aSD) are acceptable design procedures for gSa buildings. if lrFD is chosen, the design narrative must specifically address floor vibration.
United States Courthouse, Hammond, Indiana, The four-story courthouse is composed of twin monolithic limestone-clad wings joined by a three-story, glass-walled atrium with a vaulted ceiling.
StruCtural EnginEEring
Progressive Collapse / Building Materials
4.7 4.x
Progressive Collapse,
assessment of the potential for progressive collapse and the evaluation of risk reduction measures must be
Building Materials,
all building materials and construction types acceptable under the model international Building Code are allowed. However, special consideration should be given to materials that have inherent ductility and are better able to respond to load reversals (i.e., cast-in-place reinforced concrete and steel construction). Careful detailing is required for material such as prestressed concrete, precast concrete, and masonry to adequately respond to the design loads. the construction type selected must meet all performance criteria of the specified level of protection of the iSC.
in accordance with the Progressive Collapse Analysis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization Projects. Designs that facilitate or are vulnerable to progressive collapse must be avoided. Designers may apply static and/or dynamic methods of analysis to meet this requirement. ultimate load capacities may be assumed in the analyses. in recognition that a larger-than-design explosive (or other) event may cause a partial collapse of the structure, new facilities with a defined threat must be designed with a reasonable probability that, if local damage occurs, the structure will not collapse or be damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original cause.
z rooftop mechanical equipment must be designed to withstand hurricane wind loads. the structural engineer must detail how the equipment is attached to the structure. z Perimeter security systems can prevent storm surges from impacting the building. z Windows designed to meet iSC glazing protection level 3b held up well during the hurricane.
z roof ballast from adjacent structures caused some windows to fail. z Outside louvers must be capable of withstanding hurricane-wind-driven rain. z also refer to Performance of Physical Structures in Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane rita: a reconnaissance report, niSt technical note 1476. Visit http://www.bfrl.nist. gov/investigations/pubs/ NIST_TN_1476.pdf.
Building Elements,
Floor Vibration,
the floor-framing members must be designed with a combination of length and minimum stiffness that will not cause vibration beyond the slightly perceptible portion of the Modified reiher-Meister Scale or equivalent vibration perception/acceptance criteria. recommended vibration design criteria for general office space should be based on t. M. Murray, Tips for Avoiding Office Building Floor Vibrations, Modern Steel Construction, March 2001, and Steel Design guide Series 11, Floor Vibrations Due to Human Activity, american institute of Steel Construction. More stringent vibration considerations may be required for fixed seating areas such as those in courtrooms or judges chambers.
Nonstructural Elements
all nonstructural elements, components, and equipment located within a building or on the site must be anchored and/or braced to withstand gravity, wind, seismic, temperature, and other loads as required by iBC for new buildings and aSCE/SEi 41 for existing buildings.
Building Facade,
the building facade must be designed and detailed so connections will be corrosion resistant, can accommodate movements, and can resist the imposed forces.
Footings and permanent support structures, such as tiebacks, must not project beyond property lines.
StruCtural EnginEEring
Structural loads / geotechnical Considerations
Structural loads,
Design loads must be in accordance with international Building Code (iBC) except as noted:
geotechnical Considerations,
the requirements for the geotechnical engineering investigation and report are listed in appendix a, Submission requirements.
Telecommunication Closets,
use 4.75 kPa (100 psf) minimum distributed live load capacity, which exceeds the minimum live load capacity stated in Eia/tia Standard 569, standard part 7.2.3 of 2.4 kPa (50 psf). Verify if any equipment will exceed this floor load requirement.
Pioneer Courthouse, Portland, Oregon,
A National Historic Landmark, the Pioneer Courthouse is shown supported on pin piles as the stone foundation is prepared for seismic base isolation. Seventy-five friction pendulum isolators were placed under the building, allowing the building to move 18 inches in any direction during a seismic event.
Seismic Performance,
the performance objective of a seismic upgrade is life safety, defined as safeguarding against partial or total building collapse, preventing the obstruction of entrance or egress routes, and preventing falling hazards in a design basis earthquake.
compliance with current standards. Evaluation and mitigation of existing gSa buildings must meet the requirements of iCSSC rP 6 (niStir 6762), Standards of Seismic Safety for Existing Federally Owned and leased Buildings, with the following modifications: Evaluation of existing buildings must be in accordance with the provision of the aSCE Standard, Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings, aSCE/SEi 31. the primary objective of the standard is to reduce the lifesafety risk to occupants of Federal buildings and to the general public. life safety is the minimum performance objective appropriate for Federal buildings.
performance level. the earthquake accelerations associated with the 23 of the 2%/50 years earthquake will result in significantly higher seismic design values than those resulting from a 10%/50 years earthquake in some areas of the country.
StruCtural EnginEEring
general Design Considerations for Seismic upgrading
Seismic Instrumentation,
new and existing Seismic Design Category D, E, and F buildings over six stories in height with an aggregate floor area of 5,574 m2 (60,000 sq. ft.) or more, and every Seismic Design Category D, E, and F building over 10 stories in height regardless of floor area, must be provided with u.S. geological Survey (uSgS)-approved recording accelerographs. uSgS developed guidelines and a guide specification for Federal agencies for the seismic instrumentation of buildings. the guidelines describe the locations and the types of instruments used for several typical buildings. typical costs were also developed for existing buildings. the Seismic instrumentation of Buildings (with Emphasis on Federal Buildings), Special gSa/uSgS project, uSgS Project no: 0-7460-68170, can be downloaded as a PDF file at http://nsmp.wr.usgs.gov/ celebi/gsa_report_instrumentation.pdf.
Base Isolation,
Base isolation must be considered for buildings located in regions of high seismicity for 2- to 14-story buildings, particularly on rock and firm soil sites that are stable under strong earthquake ground motion. the base isolation system must be shown to be as cost effective as conventional foundation systems. the effects of the base isolation system on the framing, mechanical, and electrical systems must be included in the evaluation of cost effectiveness.
U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters, Suitland, Maryland, Construction materials include recycled content, and the various woods on both the exterior and interior were harvested from sustainable forests.
8 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chapter 5 ,
u .S . c e n S uS B uR e a u he a dq u a R t e R S, Sui tl a n d , M a Ryl a n d, a R chi t e ct : Sk i d M oRe, owi n GS & M eRRi l l, p R o j e ct M an aGeR: j aG R. B h aRGav a,
Mechanical engineering
5.1 Goals and Objectives,, 5.2 Codes, Standards, and Guidelines, 5.3 HVAC Performance Characteristics 5.4 Design Criteria, 5.5 HVAC Systems, 5.6 Special Area HVAC Systems, 5.7 Mechanical and Service Space Requirements, 5.8 HVAC Components, 5.9 Air Distribution, 5.10 Humidification, 5.11 Water Treatment, 5.12 Primary Heating Systems, 5.13 Primary Cooling Systems, 5.14 Piping Systems, 5.15 Thermal Insulation, 5.16 Vibration Isolation, Acoustical Isolation, and Seismic Design, 5.17 Meters, Gauges, and Flow Measuring Devices, 5.18 Building Automation Systems (BAS), 5.19 Testing and Balancing, 5.20 Plumbing Systems, 5.21 Alterations in Existing Buildings and Historic Structures,
121, 122, 123, 126, 131, 135, 138, 141, 149, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 166, 167, 176,
This chapter identifies the mandatory criteria that must be used to program and design mechanical systems, which are defined here as heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, humidification and water treatment systems, primary heating systems, primary cooling systems, pumping and piping systems, building automation systems, and plumbing systems.
Design Intent,
An integrated design procedure must be used, beginning with the pre-concept design phase of the project, to ensure that the mechanical systems and other building components function together and result in a building that meets the projects program requirements, as referenced in Chapter 1, General Requirements. Mechanical systems must be designed to support all performance objectives defined for the projects program requirements. Compliance with Appendix A, Submission Requirements, is required to demonstrate that mechanical systems have been integrated into the project at each phase of the design. Maintainability and reliability are requirements for Federal buildings. The design and installation of all mechanical systems and equipment must allow for their removal and replacement, including major components such as boilers, chillers, cooling towers, pumps, and air-handling equipment. HVAC systems must be specifically designed to meet all of the defined performance objectives of the project at the full-load and part-load conditions that are associated with the projected occupancies and modes of operations.
Land Port of Entry, Champlain, New York,
A dynamic use of light, siting, form and surface in the design of this station emphasizes the sense of arrival and passage.
and to keep the space dew-point temperature less than 12.8C (55F) at all times in conjunction with other HVAC systems. The DOAVS must be capable of operating independent of any other air distribution system. The DOAVS can be coupled with building exhaust air heat recovery to precondition the outdoor air. During unoccupied hours, run the DOAVS at reduced capacity to maintain positive pressure in the perimeter zones with thermally conditioned air that provides a space dew-point temperature less than 12.8C (55F). Use one of these three installation methods: 1. The DOAVS ducted directly to the occupied spaces. 2. The DOAVS ducted directly to terminal units serving occupied spaces or zones. 3. The DOAVS ducted through air flow control devices (airflow measuring station and airflow control damper) to the return side of the floor-by-floor air-handling units. In this case, the DOAVS must be provided with a means of bypassing the air-handling units and directing airflow to the supply ducts during unoccupied hours. Do not use return air plenums to provide airflow pathways for pressurization during unoccupied hours.
Provide ventilation as required by ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. The HVAC system must have Dedicated Outdoor Air Ventilation Systems (DOAVS) sized to meet the latent or total heat exchange. The DOAVS must deliver temperature and humidity conditioned outside air to the occupied spaces at the required ventilation air flow rates. The DOAVS are used to maintain positive pressure in the perimeter zones with respect to outdoor air pressure,
Air Quality,
To provide for the health and comfort of the building occupants, design the ventilation system using either the Ventilation Rate Procedure (Section 6.2) or the Indoor Air Quality Procedure (Section 6.3) specified in ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010.
Air filtration must be provided in every air-handling system including the DOAVS. Air-handling units must have a prefilter and a final filter, each located upstream of the cooling
HVAC Performance Characteristics
and heating coils. The filter media must be fabricated so that fibrous shedding does not exceed levels prescribed by ASHRAE 52.2-2007. The pre-filters must have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 8, and the final filters must have a MERV of 13, as defined in ASHRAE 52.2-2007. Filter racks must be designed for a maximum bypass leakage air around the filter media of 0.5 percent of the design supply airflow rate. Filters must be sized at 2.5 m/s (500 fpm) maximum face velocity.
this standard. The U.S. Court Design Guide, the Land Ports of Entry Design Guide and the Child Care Design Guide have more stringent requirements. Other specific tenant mission requirements must be met. The effects of noise and vibration control of HVAC components, ductwork and piping in terms of Room Criteria and Vibration Criteria at full and part-load heating and cooling conditions are to be calculated in accordance with the procedures described in Chapter 47, ASHRAE Applications Handbook, 2007
Contaminant Control,
The HVAC system must prevent occupant exposure to harmful and objectionable levels of indoor air contaminants. These include but are not limited to: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ozone, particulates, and radon.
Occupant Controls,
Limit the size of thermostatically controlled zones so that tenants have more direct control over their thermal comfort and to reduce impacts of variable loads to the tenants. Off hours operations should reset the control sequence to energy conserving conditions.
Pressurization Control,
To reduce the infiltration of warm moist air and resultant mold problems in moist ASHRAE climate zones, the DOAVS must continually provide a positive pressure in the perimeter zones with respect to outdoor air pressure. At a minimum the DOAVS must bring in ten percent more air than the mechanically exhausted airflow rates. The amount of outside air needed will vary for occupied and unoccupied hours. Under CO2 demand control the ventilation airstream of DOAS must be 10% greater than the fixed exhaust. Generally during unoccupied hours the exhaust systems will be off and the DOAS will supply only enough OA to pressurize the building. No exhaust (energy recovery) should be necessary to pressurize the building. In dry climates the building pressurization should be neutral or slightly positive to minimize thermal infiltration.
Energy Efficiency,
Although the HVAC system uses energy to heat, cool and ventilate the building, many of the loads that create the need for heating and cooling are not generated from the HVAC components. Lighting design, fenestration, envelope design, solar orientation, equipment loads, and tenant activity all affect the loads that must be controlled by the HVAC system. Effective energy conservation can only result from an integrated design approach. Nevertheless, the HVAC system must be designed to address the building loads in the most energy efficient manner possible. Energy use maximums for the building are given in Chapter 1. The A/E must use energy modeling as described in Appendix A to verify the energy performance of the design.
Limit tenant exposures to noise and vibration from HVAC systems. Acceptable limits are provided in Chapter 3 of
Conservation of Water,
Design the HVAC system to conserve the use of domestic water. Use water efficient cooling towers. In moist climate zones condensate water from the DOAVS should be reused rather than drained to the sewer system. Consider condensate reuse from other air-handling units (AHUs) as appropriate.
parts, and materials should be readily available and the equipment should be repairable by crafts people available in the local area. This is especially important in the remote locations of some Land Ports.
Design the HVAC system so that equipment failures and normal maintenance have minimal impact on the tenants. Failure of one piece of equipment should not shut down large portions of the building. Install piping and valves so that equipment can be easily isolated for repair and so that different combinations of equipment can be used during replacement and overhaul. Equipment components, spare
GSA often upgrades HVAC systems in large buildings in phases over many years while parts of the building are occupied. The design should consider how the systems will be replaced in the future. Vertical and horizontal distribution should allow parts of the system to remain in operation and zones of the building to be occupied during system replacement.
Design Criteria
Design Criteria,
This section identifies the criteria to be used for the design of the HVAC system. must be maintained in accordance with Chapter 4.1 of Installation Standards, of the Fine Arts Collection Policies and Procedures.
less than 2.5 m (PM2.5), and not to exceed 50 g/m3 for particles less than 10 m (PM10).
z Radon (Rn): Not to exceed 4 picocuries/liter.
Table 5-1 Notes, 1. Dry bulb (DB) temperatures are degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit), to be maintained at +/-1C (+/-2F) of setpoint.
Summer DB 1,3, 24 (75), 22 (72), 24 (75), 24 (75), 24 (75), 26 (78), 26 (78), 35 (95)5, 35 (95)5, 26 (78)5, 40 (104)6, 40 (104)5, (none), 24 (75), 30 (85), 24 (75), 24 (75), 24 (75),
RH 2,3,4,
RH 2,3,4.
2. Unless specifically noted, minimum permissible relative humidity in conditioned areas is 30 percent and maximum permissible relative humidity is 60 percent. 3. Dry bulb and relative humidity are to be maintained at 150 mm (6 in.) to 1,800 mm (6 ft.) above the floor.
22 (72), 22 (72), 22 (72), 22 (72), 21 (70), 13 (55), 13 (55), 13 (55), 13 (55), 18 (65),
4. Relative humidity should be maintained within +/-5 percent RH of setpoint in spaces. 5. Maximum temperature. The space is to be mechanically cooled if necessary. 6. Room must not exceed temperature with generator running. 7. Must comply with EIA/TIA Standard 569. 8. Minimum DB temperature in the building must be 13C (55F), even when unoccupied. 9. A/E to confirm ADP equipment manufacturers requirements as more stringent. Provide in-room display and monitor device (such as wall-mounted temperature and humidity chart recorder). 10. System must be designed for process cooling. Cooling system must be a dedicated independent system. 11. Provide independent temperature control. 12. Minimum relative humidity requirements may be omitted in moderate southern climate zones, upon the approval of local GSA representatives.
18 (65), 45, 22 (72), 18 (65), 22 (72), 22 (72), 22 (72), 22 (72), 22 (72), 45, 22 (72), 30*, 3012,
13. The values shown are for dry bulb temperatures in occupied spaces, when the air speed is less than 0.2 m/s (40 ft/min) and when the net thermal radiant exchange between the occupants and surrounding surfaces is negligible. Otherwise, the values shown are for operative temperatures as defined in ASHRAE Standard 55.
, ,
Courtrooms ,
Additional areas may be required to operate under negative pressure based on the tenant program of requirements.
Building Pressurization,
In moist climate zones keep dry air flowing through building cavities to retard infiltration through the building envelope using a control strategy and a Sequence of Operations designed to maintain the outdoor air ventilation rates at least 10 percent higher than the mechanically exhausted air. The control strategy should be specific to each floor of the building during both occupied and unoccupied periods. The building HVAC and BAS systems must have an active means of measuring and maintaining this airflow differential. The following areas must be kept under negative pressure relative to the surrounding building areas:
z Detention cells, z Isolation and/or decontamination areas, z Toilets, z Showers, z Locker rooms, z Custodial spaces, z Mail sorting rooms, z Battery charging rooms, z Kitchen areas air can be returned from the dining
area space; air from all other spaces must be exhausted directly to the outdoors.
Design Criteria
A diversity factor must be determined for loads on airhandling units, based on simultaneous peak loads at the thermostatic zones served by each air handler. Central plant equipment must be designed based on the block load whole-building simultaneous peak load.
Design Criteria
requirements and not simply on defaults assigned by the simulation program. The optimization of envelope and massing must be completed in the concept stage. Systems and subsystems must be finalized in design development. The energy analysis done for the construction documents must use actual design parameters. The simulation program must be a computer-based program for the analysis of energy in buildings. Simulations must be based on 8,760 hours per year, with hourly variations in occupancy, lighting power, miscellaneous equipment power, vertical transportation, thermal mass effects, and thermostat setpoints. The simulation program must provide for HVAC system operation defined in accordance with the operational program for each day of the week and holidays, the number of required HVAC zones, part-load performance curves for mechanical equipment, capacity and efficiency correction curves for mechanical equipment, airside and waterside economizers, heat recovery, and automatic control systems as defined in Appendix Section A.6. Any variations in the input summary must be documented. Use one of the following public domain or commercial software programs: Energy-Plus, DOE-2.1E, DOE-2.2, Trane Trace 700, Carrier HAP, ELITE.
U.S. Census Bureau Computer Facility, Bowie, Maryland,
A section drawing shows the underfloor air-handling system.
The compliance methodology must be in accordance with Sections 5 (except Section 5.6), 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007, and with A.6 in Appendix A of the P100. Each analysis must be based on the actual parameters and values defined in the projects program
The energy analysis report for each phase of design must include a narrative describing how the energy goal is to be achieved and be based on the input and output parameters as described in Appendix Section A.6. Include a statement of the expected error in the energy analysis.
HVAC Systems
The design team must select and design an HVAC system that provides the performance criteria listed in Section 5.3 and is optimized for the building type, climate zone, and program requirements. Generally the HVAC system consists of three components: a central system, a distribution system and a terminal control system (Building Automation System).
A waterside-economizer cycle must be analyzed during the design of the chiller plant and incorporated in the design if it improves the performance criteria listed in Section 5.3.
Boiler Plant,
The central boiler plant within the building or on the property must be provided with modular boilers. For boiler plants greater than 300kW (1,000 MBH), a minimum of three boilers must be provided, each sized at 40 percent of peak load of heating and humidification, for a total of 120 percent capacity. If peak capacity requirements require more than three boilers, provide equal-sized boilers to meet 100 percent of capacity plus one boiler. For buildings less than 300kW peak demand, two equally sized modular boilers sized at 67 percent of peak demand must be provided. Domestic water heaters requirements are described in Section 5.20.
Central Systems,
The term central refers to systems that are singularly located within the building such as a chiller or boiler plant. Section 5.8 describes additional requirements for the components of these systems. All mechanical and electrical equipment within the building or on the property must be located 1.6 meters (5 ft.) above the 100-year flood plain. All central system equipment must have direct digital control (DDC) self-contained controllers that are connected to the Building Automation System (BAS). All equipment such as chillers, boilers, and motors for pumps and air-handling units, and other auxiliary equipment with motors must have metering devices for determining energy consumption data, and must be capable of transmitting the data to the BAS.
Circulation Systems,
All hydronic circulation systems must be designed for variable flow, in accordance with the requirements of Section 5.8.
Cooling Towers,
Each chiller must have its own matching cooling tower or cell, and condenser and chilled water pump. Multiple cooling towers must have equalizing lines and the necessary automatic control valves for individual chiller/ cooling tower operation.
Chiller Plant,
If the whole building or property simultaneous peak cooling load is 1760 kW (500 Tons) or more, a minimum of three chillers must be provided. The three units must have a combined capacity of 120 percent of the total peak cooling load, with load split percentages 40-40-40 or 50-50-20. If the whole-building simultaneous peak cooling load is less than 1760 kW (500 tons), a minimum of two equally sized chillers at 67 percent of the peak capacity must be provided. All units must have adequate valving to isolate of the offline unit without interruption of service.
Thermal Storage,
Ice on coil thermal storage systems must include prefabricated tanks with glycol coils and water inside the tank. The tank must be factory insulated and the vendor must guarantee its capacity and performance. Other types of thermal storage systems may be considered.
The ice storage system must have self-contained BACnet or LonTalk microprocessor controls for charging and discharging the ice storage system.
Distribution Systems,
Requirements for the construction, configuration, location and control of distribution systems and equipment are provided in the following Sections:
5.6, Special Area HVAC Systems, 5.7, Mechanical and Service Space Requirements, 5.8, HVAC Components, 5.9, Air Distribution, 5.10, Humidification, 5.11, Water Treatment, 5.12, Primary Heating Systems, 5.13, Primary Cooling Systems, 5.14, Piping Systems, 5.15, Thermal Insulation, 5.16, Vibration Isolation, Acoustical Isolation, and
Seismic Design,
VAV systems,
All fan-powered variable air volume (VAV) boxes must be equipped with a minimum of MERV 10 filters and access panels. For interior zones, heating coils are not permitted in VAV boxes except for areas below the roof or the floors above unheated exposed spaces. Fan-powered, series-type, VAV terminals are permitted in zones, such as conference rooms, courtrooms, or other assembly areas that require constant supply air flow rates.
Equipment such as air-handling units, VAV boxes, or other equipment that requires maintenance, is not permitted below a raised-access floor.
Air-Handling Units,
When using VAV heating and cooling systems, horizontally zoned AHUs for each floor are preferred. Locate AHUs either on the floor they serve or one floor above or below. Return air from the floor it serves must be ducted directly to the AHU. Do not use the mechanical room as a return air or relief plenum. Fan systems with motor ratings greater than 22.4 kW (30 horsepower), or designed such that failure of the fan will result in significant impacts on the performance of the building HVAC system are not permitted.
HVAC Systems
Special Area HVAC Systems
command centers must have dedicated air-handling units, separate from all other air-handling units in the building, with individual controls to condition these spaces as required. The energy requirements for these special areas are significant and must be included in the building energy analyses.
Lobbies and atriums must be maintained at positive pressure with respect to the outdoors, but negative with respect to adjacent spaces. Entrance vestibules must be maintained at negative pressure with respect to adjacent spaces, but at positive pressure with respect to the outdoors. Radiant floor cooling and chilled beams are not permitted.
In accordance with the Courts Design Guide each courtroom must have its own dedicated air-handling unit, and each courtroom must be provided with a minimum of three thermostatic zones. Refer to Chapter 8 and the 2007 U.S. Courts Design Guide published by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOC) for additional requirements.
Auditoriums must have dedicated air-handling units. The use of airside economizer cycles must be determined in accordance with Section 5.5.
Special Area HVAC Systems
Firing Ranges,
Special HVAC considerations are required for firing ranges. A firing range must be provided with a dedicated airhandling system. Heating and cooling supply air must be delivered to the area along and behind the firing line for occupant comfort conditions and to maintain a positive pressure in this area relative to down range and target areas. Powered exhaust air must be extracted from down range and target areas in sufficient quantity to remove smoke and maintain a clear line of vision to the target. Sixty percent of the total exhaust must be extracted at a point approximately one-third the distance from the firing line to the target area, and 40 percent of the total exhaust must be extracted from above the target area. All exhaust air must be filtered to preclude the emission of lead particulates and gunpowder residue into the atmosphere. The discharge of firing range exhaust air to the outdoors must be carefully located to prevent recirculation into the outdoor air intake of any HVAC system. Firing range systems must be capable of continuous operation, isolated from other building systems. A special filtration system must be provided to have clean air in the firing range. Design must include pre- and final high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters.
Kitchens with cooking ranges, steam kettles, ovens, and dishwashers must be provided with dedicated makeup air and exhaust hoods or exhaust systems in accordance with the IMC and ASHRAE Applications Handbook. The operation of the kitchen exhaust systems must not affect the pressure relation between the kitchen and surrounding spaces. Both supply air and makeup air must be supplied and exhausted through the kitchen hood heat recovery system. Kitchen hoods must extract air for exhaust from the surrounding areas to maintain the kitchen at negative pressure relative to the dining and adjacent areas. A separate AHU must be provided for the kitchen hood whenever makeup air from adjacent spaces is inadequate to meet the exhaust and pressurization requirements.
Areas of Refuge
Where required by the program or the client agency, the areas of refuge for emergency conditions must be provided with dedicated air-handling units, connected to emergency power to maintain positive pressure relative to surrounding spaces. See Chapter 8, USMS Security Guidelines, and ISC for additional design criteria.
Mail Rooms
A separate dedicated air-handling system must be provided for each mail room. Airflow must maintain negative pressure in the room relative to adjacent spaces.
Twenty-Four-Hour Spaces
All areas designated as requiring 24-hour operations must be provided with dedicated HVAC systems. Among these areas are:
z Computer and server areas, z Command Centers, z BAS computer processing areas, z Other areas designated by client agencies.
Special Area HVAC Systems
During normal operating hours, the use of the building central heating and cooling system is permitted. If the buildings 24-hour peak load, including the dedicated outdoor air ventilation systems, exceeds 176 kW (50 tons), a dedicated chiller must be combined with the central system in which a dedicated central chilled water supply loop is provided. All 24-hour HVAC systems must be supported by emergency power.
To the extent possible, avoid any plumbing, piping, sanitary or storm piping in these areas. In large information technology equipment rooms of 465 m2 (5,000 sq. ft.) or larger, cooling of the sensible load (computer load) and control of the outdoor air ventilation and space relative humidity must be provided by separate air-handling systems. If the computer room houses critical components, as defined in the projects program, the HVAC systems must be connected to the emergency generators.
Conference Rooms,
Each conference room must have a separate thermostatically controlled zone. The outdoor air ventilation rate for each conference room must be designed for its peak occupancy.
Mechanical and Service Space Requirements
as required for on-site inspection and cleaning. Equipment access doors or panels must be readily operable and sized to allow full access for replacement or repair. Large central equipment must be situated to facilitate its replacement. The HVAC design engineer must ensure that provisions are made for removal and replacement of the largest and heaviest component that cannot be further broken down, without damage to the structure. Ensure access doors and panels are fire rated and selfclose where installed in a fire rated enclosure.
Equipment Access,
Adequate methods of access must be included for items such as chillers, boilers, air-handling units, heat exchangers, cooling towers, reheat coils, VAV terminals in ceiling spaces and in equipment rooms, pumps, water heaters, and all devices that have maintenance service requirements.
Service Access,
Freight Elevators,
To facilitate equipment access, maintenance, removal and replacement, a freight elevator stop must be provided to serve each floor and penthouse level housing HVAC equipment.
Vertical Clearances,
Central plant mechanical equipment rooms must have clear ceiling heights of not less than 3.7 m (12 ft.). Catwalks with stairways must be provided for all equipment (including cooling towers) that cannot be maintained from floor level. Where maintenance requires the lifting of heavy parts [45 kg (100 lb) or more], hoists must be installed. Design of service areas must preclude the need for hatchways.
Where stairs are required, they must allow for safe transport of equipment and components. Ships ladders for access to the roof are not permitted.
Horizontal Clearances,
Mechanical equipment rooms must be configured with clear circulation aisles and adequate access to all equipment. The arrangement must consider the future removal and replacement of all equipment. The mechanical rooms must have adequate doorways or
Mechanical and Service Space Requirements
areaways and staging areas to permit the replacement and removal of equipment without the need to demolish walls or relocate other equipment. Sufficient space areas for maintenance and removal of coils, filters, motors, and similar devices must be provided. Chillers must be placed to permit the pulling of tubes from all units. The clearance must equal the length of the tubes plus 610 mm (2 ft.). Air-handling units require a minimum clearance of 762 mm (2 ft. 6 in.) on all sides, except on the sides where filters and coils are accessed, where clearance must be equal to the length of the coils plus 610 mm (2 ft.). Maintenance plans must be prepared on separate drawings that indicate the paths for removal and replacement of major equipment items. These clearance plans must also show clearances and, where applicable, access panels. These plans must be submitted in accordance with Appendix A.3.
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 and ASHRAE Standard 15-2007. Unit heaters must be provided to maintain thermal conditions listed in Table 5-1. Water lines must not be located above motor control centers or disconnect switches and must comply with the requirements of NFPA 70. Mechanical rooms must have floor drains in proximity to the equipment they serve to reduce water streaks or drain lines extending into aisles. Mechanical rooms must not be used as return air, outdoor air, or mixing plenums.
Roof-Mounted Equipment,
Mechanical equipment, except for cooling towers, aircooled chillers, evaporative condensers, and exhaust fans, is not permitted on the roof of the building. Access to roofmounted equipment must be by stairs or freight elevator; ships ladders are not permitted.
Housekeeping Pads,
Housekeeping pads must be at least 152 mm (6 in.) wider on all sides than the equipment they support and must be 152 mm (6 in.) thick.
Mechanical Rooms,
All mechanical rooms must be mechanically ventilated to maintain room space conditions as indicated in
Mechanical and Service Space Requirements
Safety Requirements,
Battery rooms must be equipped with emergency eyewash and shower equipment (ANSI Standard Z358.1). Floor drains required at the emergency shower (within the battery room acid containment curb) must extend with acid waste piping to an acid neutralization tank before discharge to the sanitary sewer or building drain.
Loading Docks,
The entrances and exits at loading docks and service entrances must be maintained at negative pressure relative to adjacent spaces. Overhead radiant heating or unit heaters must be provided.
Combustion Air,
Generator combustion exhaust must be discharged at a minimum of 1 m (3 ft.) above the roof level and in compliance with the generator manufacturers installation guidelines.
HVAC Components
Air-Handling Units,
AHU Capacities,
On buildings more than 12 m (40 ft.) tall, intakes must be located a minimum of 40 feet above grade. On buildings less than 12 m (40 ft.), the intakes must be located as high as practical on the roof or on a wall. Table 5-2 provides requirements for minimum separation distances between ventilation air intakes and other building features. Outdoor air intakes must be ducted directly to the AHU cabinet; the equipment room must not be used as an outdoor air intake plenum. Table 5-2 , Air Intake Minimum Separation Distances,
Object, Garage entry, loading dock, Driveway, street, or public way, Limited-access highway, Cooling tower or evaporative condensers, Exhaust fans and plumbing vents, Kitchen supply and exhaust air, Minimum Distance, m, ft, 7, 3, 7, 7, 5, 7, 25, 10, 25, 25, 15, 25,
All air-handling units must be sized to not exceed 11,800 L/s (25,000 cfm). Smaller units are permitted to facilitate flexible zone control, particularly for spaces that involve off-hour or high-load operating conditions.
HVAC Components
Supply air must be no lower than 10 C (50 F) dew point temperature and 11 C (52 F) dry bulb temperature to prevent condensation on the duct surfaces.
moisture carryover. Heating coils must be selected at or below 3.8 m/s (750 fpm) face velocity.
UV-C Emitters/Lamps,
UV-C Irradiation: Ultraviolet light (C band) systems must be incorporated in all AHU containing cooling coils. The UV-C lamps must be installed downstream of the coils and above the condensate pans. UV-C systems must be designed for the minimum irradiance required to prevent the growth of microorganisms. Ozone concentrations in the discharge air from the UV-C system must not exceed 50 ppb (see Section 5.3). Systems must be specifically manufactured for this intended use. Safety interlocks must be provided on all access panels/doors. AHUs large enough for personnel entry must contain a provision for the deactivation, isolation, and locking out of the system power source in addition to safety interlocks provided. One or more sight glasses must be located to allow maintenance personnel to safely determine lamp operation.
HVAC Components
13, as defined in ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2007. Filter racks must be designed for a maximum bypass leakage air around the filter media of 0.5 percent of the design supply airflow rate. Filters must be sized at 2.5 m/s (500 fpm) maximum face velocity. The filter housing and all air-handling components downstream of the filter housing must not be internally lined with fibrous insulation. Double-wall construction or an externally insulated sheet metal housing is permitted. The filter change out pressure drop, not the initial clean filter rating, must be used in determining fan pressure requirements. Differential pressure gauges and sensors must be placed across each filter bank to allow quick and accurate assessment of filter loading as reflected by airpressure loss through the filter, and the sensors must be connected to the BAS. Where occupancy requirements or building functions are likely to generate airborne particles, vapors, or gases that result in concentrations exceeding those in Section 5.3, special air filtration or air cleaning components must be provided for the supply and return air, or dedicated and localized exhaust systems must be used to contain these contaminants.
and fan assembly, primary air damper assembly, and any accessories. VAV terminals must be pressure-independenttype units. Air leakage from the casing of a VAV box/ terminal must not exceed 2 percent of its rated capacity. VAV terminal units must be selected to provide the airflow rate required for the full-load thermal capacity of the zone and for the noise requirements for the space.
All AHU must have DDC (BACnet or LonTalk) selfcontained controls that are capable of being connected to the central BAS. Also, the controller must have a currentsensing device that transmits information to the BAS for calculating the energy consumption of the AHU motor.
All fan-powered VAV terminal units must have DDC (BACnet or LonTalk) self-contained controls that are capable of being connected to the BAS. Also, the
HVAC Components
controller must have a current-sensing device that transmits information to the BAS for calculating the energy consumption of the fan motor.
are used in the system. For active chilled beam units, MERV 10 filters must be provided in the return air intakes. Active chilled beams, or air delivery devices used with passive chilled beams or radiant panels, must be designed such that necessary minimum static pressure shall be generated by the DOAVS to maintain a sufficient airflow rate (e.g. induction ratio to the terminal units) at part-load conditions to remain above the minimum Air Distribution Performance Index (ADPI) pursuant to the requirements of PBS P 100-2010, Section 5.9.
Chilled beams and radiant panels must have DDC (BACnet or LonTalk) self-contained zone controls that are capable of being connected to the BAS. Also, the controllers must have current-sensing devices that transmit information to the BAS for calculating the energy consumption of the fan and pump motors for the supply air and water.
All fan coil units must have DDC (BACnet or LonTalk) selfcontained controls that are capable of being connected to the BAS. Also, the controller must have a current-sensing device that transmits information to the BAS for calculating the energy consumption of the fan motor.
Finned-Tube Radiation,
Hot water finned-tube radiation must have individual zone thermostatic control capable of connecting to a selfcontained microprocessor that can interface with a BACnet or LonTalk DDC BAS.
HVAC Components
The type of heat recovery equipment may be selected from the following alternatives:
All motors must comply with the requirements of Section 10.4.1 of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007. Motors that are 0.37 kW ( hp) and larger must be polyphase.
Boilers for hydronic heating applications must be modular units, with efficiencies that comply with the values given in Table 6.8.1F, Chapter 6 of ASHRAE Standard 90.12007. Boilers must be installed in a dedicated mechanical room with all provisions made for breaching, flue stack, and combustion air, as stated in Section 5.7. The modular units must be packaged, with all components and controls factory preassembled. Controls and relief valves to limit pressure and temperature must be specified separately. Boilers must be piped to a common heating water header with provisions to sequence boilers online to match the load requirements. All units must have valving to provide isolation of offline units without interruption of service. Boiler systems must be provided with expansion tanks, heat exchangers, water treatment, and air separators, as required.
and a pump for part-load conditions. The runaround coils, if selected, must be installed at the exhaust or relief discharges from the building and at the outdoor air intake into the building.
Products of combustion from kitchen cooking equipment and appliances must be discharged directly from the building to outdoor air through the use of kitchen ventilation systems involving exhaust hoods, grease ducts, and makeup air systems where required. A Type I hood must serve commercial kitchen equipment applications constructed in compliance with UL 710 and designed in accordance with the IMC. Grease ducts must be constructed in accordance with the IMC. Both supply air and makeup air must be supplied and exhausted through the heat-recovery type kitchen hood system. The velocity of the kitchen exhaust air must comply with the applicable IMC requirements.
Each boiler must have a DDC (BACnet or LonTalk) selfcontained controller that is capable of being connected to the BAS. The controller must have a current-sensing device that transmits information to the BAS for calculating the energy usage (natural gas, fuel oil, electricity), and the energy consumption of the fan and fuel-pump motors.
HVAC Components
Chillers must be piped to a common chilled water header with provisions to sequence chillers online to match the load requirements. All required auxiliaries for the chiller systems must be provided, such as expansion tanks, heat exchangers, water treatment, and air separators, as required. Each chiller must have an automatic shutoff valve. Chiller condenser piping must be equipped with recirculation/bypass control valves to maintain incoming condenser water temperature within the chiller manufacturers recommended minimum set point. The design of refrigeration machines must comply with the Clean Air Act amendment Title VI, Stratospheric Ozone Protection, and CFR 40, Part 82, Protection of Stratospheric Ozone. CFC refrigerants are not permitted in new chillers. Commonly used refrigerants such as HCFC-123, HFC-134a, and HFC-410a are acceptable. Refrigeration machines must be equipped with isolation valves, fittings, and service apertures, as appropriate for refrigerant recovery during servicing and repair, as required by Section 608 of the Clean Air Act, Title VI. Chillers must also be easily accessible for internal inspections and cleaning. BACnet or LonTalk microprocessor-based controls must be used. The local control panel must have self-diagnostic capability; integral safety control and setpoint display, such as run time; operating parameters; electrical low voltage and loss of phase protection; current and demand limit control; and output/input-COP [input/output (kW/Ton)] information. Chiller staging controls must be capable of DDC communication to the central BAS. Each chiller must have a metering device for transmitting energy consumption data to the central BAS.
Each hot water pump or combination of pumps must have a DDC (BACnet or LonTalk) controller that is capable of being connected to the BAS. Also, each controller must have one or more current-sensing devices that transmit information to the BAS for calculating the energy consumption of the pump motors.
Chiller efficiencies for full-load and part-load operations (i.e., COP and IPLV) must not be less than those listed in Section of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007. For chilled water systems of 500 tons and larger, centrifugal chillers must be used. Below 500 tons, reciprocating compressor, scroll, and rotary screw-chillers are permitted. Below 65 tons, air cooled chillers are permitted. Variable frequency compressors or head pressure control, if used, must be demonstrated on a life-cycle cost basis.
Cooling Towers,
Multiple cell towers and isolated basins are required to facilitate operations, maintenance, and redundancy. The number and capacity of cells must match the number and capacity of chillers. Supply piping must be connected to a manifold to allow for any combination of equipment use. Cooling tower basins and housing must be constructed of stainless steel. Wind and seismic design must be in conformity with the International Building Code. Cooling towers must be equipped with makeup and blowdown meters, conductivity controllers and overflow alarms. Cooling towers must be equipped with efficient drift eliminators that achieve drift reduction to a maximum of 0.002 percent of the recirculated water volume for counterflow towers and 0.005 percent of the recirculated water flow for cross-flow towers. Where economically feasible, capture and use condensed water from the cooling coils of OAVS with cooling capacities greater than 65,000 Btu/h (19kW) as a supplemental source for cooling tower makeup water. Induced draft cooling towers with multiple-speed or variable-speed condenser fan controls must be provided. Induced draft towers must have a clear distance equal to the height of the tower on the air intake side to comply with the air velocity requirements of the manufacturer. Multiple towers must have equalization piping between cell basins. Equalization piping must include automatic isolation valves and shutoff valves between each cell to control water flow only over those towers that are in use. The piping arrangement, and strainer and filter placement must be provided for removal of accumulated solids and sediments from the system. Cleanouts for sediment removal and flushing from basin and piping must be provided.
Cooling towers must have ladders and platforms for ease of inspections and replacement of components. Variablespeed pumps for multiple cooling towers must not operate below 30 percent of rated capacity. If the cooling tower is located on the building structure, vibration and sound isolation must be provided (see Section 5.16 for additional details). Cooling towers must be elevated to maintain required net positive suction head on condenser water pumps and to provide a 1.2 m (4 ft.) minimum clear space beneath the bottom of the lowest structural member, piping, or sump, to allow reroofing beneath the tower. Special consideration must be given to de-icing cooling tower fills if they are to operate in subfreezing weather, such as chilled water systems designed with a waterside economizer. A manual shutdown for the fan must be provided. If cooling towers operate intermittently during subfreezing weather, provisions must be made for draining all piping during periods of shutdown. For this purpose, indoor drain-down basins are required. Cooling towers with waterside economizers that are designed for yearround operation must be equipped with basin heaters. Condenser water piping located above grade and down to 1 m (3 ft.) below grade must have heat tracing. See Chapter 7, Fire Protection Engineering and Life Safety, for fire protection requirements for cooling towers.
Each cell must have a DDC (BACnet or LonTalk) selfcontained controller that is capable of being connected to the BAS. Each cell must have a metering device for transmitting energy and water consumption data to the central BAS. The controller must have a current-sensing device that transmits information to the BAS for calculating the energy consumption of the fan motor.
Waterside Economizers,
Plate heat exchangers, designed and manufactured specifically for use as waterside economizers, must have a 1.2C (2F) approach between the entering condenser water and the leaving chilled water temperatures. The waterside-economizer must be capable of providing 5.5C (42F) chilled water at the heat exchanger and must have a dedicated pumping system. The cooling towers used for the waterside economizer cycle must have complete freeze protection and must be capable of operation at design winter conditions. Waterside economizers must be piped in parallel and sequenced with the chillers online to match the load requirements. Waterside economizers must have automatic control and shutoff valves.
Each pump or combination of pumps must have a DDC (BACnet or LonTalk) self-contained controller that is capable of being connected to the BAS. Also, the controller must have a current-sensing device that transmits information to the BAS for calculating the energy consumption of the pump motor or motors.
BACnet or LonTalk microprocessor-based controls must be used. The local control panel must have selfdiagnostic capability; integral safety control and setpoint display. Waterside economizer staging controls must be capable of DDC communication to the central BAS. The waterside economizer must have a metering device for transmitting energy consumption data to the central BAS. The controller must have a current-sensing device that transmits information to the BAS for calculating the energy consumption of the pump motors.
Air Distribution
Air Delivery Devices,
113-2005. Adequate space ventilation requires that the selected diffusers effectively mix the total air in the room with the supplied conditioned air that contains adequate ventilation air. Air is to be returned or exhausted from occupied zones through grilles, slots and other openings located in sidewalls and ceilings.
Supply air is distributed to occupied zones through various types of air delivery devices, including ceiling diffusers, and grilles mounted in sidewalls, sills, and floors. Air is supplied to these devices from variable air volume (VAV) terminal units or constant air volume (CAV) terminal units, including series-type fan-powered VAV terminal units. Ceiling diffusers or booted-plenum slots must be specifically designed for VAV air distribution. Booted plenum slots must not exceed 1.2 m (4 ft.) in length unless more than one source of supply air is provided. The locations of the air delivery devices and the ranges of their outlet airflow rates must be selected to ensure that the air diffusion performance index (ADPI) values remain above 80 percent during all full-load and part-load conditions, and below the specified noise level to achieve the background noise criteria, in accordance with the test procedures specified in Appendix A of ASHRAE Standard Table 5-3, Recommended Air Velocities for Supply, Ducted Return, and Exhaust,
Controlling FactorNoise Generation, Main Ducts, Branch Ducts, m/s, fpm, m/s, fpm,
Sizing of Ductwork,
Constant-volume supply, return, and exhaust ductwork must be sized using the equal friction method. Pressure drops must not exceed 20 Pa (0.08 in. w.c.) for every 30 m (100 ft.). Supply air ductwork for variable-volume systems must be sized using the static regain method. Supply, return, and exhaust air ductwork must be sized to limit the design static pressure to values that will minimize fan power, consistent with the functional requirements of the zones being served. The design air velocities must not exceed the values shown in Table 5-3, when noise generation is a controlling factor. Energy consumption, security, and sound attenuation must be major considerations in the routing, sizing, and material selection for the air distribution ductwork. In mechanical equipment rooms a minimum 2.1 m (7 ft.) clearance must be maintained under ductwork for maintenance purposes. Sizes and pressure classification of all ductwork must be identified, labeled and specified in the construction documents.
Application, Private offices, Conference rooms, Libraries, Theaters, Auditoriums, General offices, Cafeterias,
6, 4, 7.5, 9,
4, 2, 5, 6,
Air Distribution
Construction of Ductwork,
Supply, return and exhaust air ductwork must be designed and constructed in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007, Section Ducts and Plenum Leakage; the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Duct Design
Chapter; the ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook, Duct Construction Chapter; SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction StandardsMetal and Flexible; and the following:
Ductwork must be fabricated from galvanized steel, black iron, copper, aluminum, or stainless steel sheet metal, depending on applications and code requirements. Metal thickness, configurations of ducts and fittings, methods of ductwork reinforcement, and duct construction methods must comply with the SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction StandardsMetal and Flexible. Sheet metal materials must be free of pitting, seam marks, roller marks, stains, discolorations, and other imperfections. Insulated flexible duct (flex duct) may be used for ductwork downstream of the terminal units where static pressures are less than 250 Pa (1 in. w.c.). The length of the flex duct must not exceed the distance between the low-pressure supply air duct and the diffuser plus 20 percent, to permit relocation of diffusers in the future, while minimizing replacement or modification of the hard ductwork distribution system. Flex duct runs must not exceed 1.5 m (5 ft.), must not contain more than two bends, and must be installed in accordance with manufacturers guidelines. Pressure loss in ductwork must be designed to comply with the criteria stated in 5.9. This can be accomplished by using smooth transitions and elbows with a radius of at least 1.5 times the radius of the duct. Where mitered
Air Distribution
elbows are used, double foil sound-attenuating turning vanes must be provided. Mitered elbows are not permitted where duct velocity exceeds 10.2 m/s (2,000 fpm).
negatively pressurized to the values that represent the pressures exerted on the duct system at the intended locations of the tested sections (i.e., supply, return, exhaust), and not the total static pressure developed by the supply, return, or exhaust fan. The maximum leakage rate of each duct section must not exceed 38 l/s/100 m2 (7 cfm/100 ft2) of duct surface area. If the failure rate is more than one out of ten tests, all sections must be tested.
connections of the return and exhaust air ductwork are made to the return air fan, AHU, and the exhaust air fan, the ends of the ducts are to be blanked off (airtight) and the return and exhaust air distribution system negatively pressurized with calibrated fans to values that represent the upstream pressures at the return air fan, AHU and exhaust fans at full flow conditions. At least three contiguous measures at 10-minute intervals are to be obtained with repeated values to within +/- 5 percent of the test pressure. The maximum leakage rate of the return and exhaust air distribution system from the return or exhaust air grilles to the return air fan, AHU or exhaust fan must not exceed 5 percent of the design return airflow rate for the return air fan, AHU, or the exhaust airflow rate of the exhaust fan. For large systems (approaching the 11,800 l/s or 25,000 cfm limitation), the return and exhaust air distribution system may be tested in sections with plastic sheeting separating the sections. After the test, the plastic is to be cut away through access doors installed for that purpose. The maximum leakage rate of the sections combined must not exceed 5 percent of the design return airflow rate for the return air fan, AHU or exhaust air fan.
Makeup water for direct evaporation humidifiers must originate directly from a potable source. Humidifiers must be designed so that microbiocidal chemicals and water treatment additives are not emitted in ventilation air. All components of humidification equipment must be stainless steel. Air washer systems are not permitted for cooling. Where humidification is necessary, atomized hot water, clean steam, or ultrasound must be used and must be generated by electronic or steam-to-steam generators; chemically treated water must not be used for humidification. When steam is required during summer seasons for humidification or sterilization, a separate clean steam generator must be provided and sized for the seasonal load. Humidifiers must be centered on the air stream to prevent stratification of the moist air. All associated equipment and piping must be stainless steel.
Each humidifier must have a DDC (BACnet or LonTalk) self-contained controller that is capable of being connected to the BAS. Each humidifier must have a metering device for transmitting energy and water consumption data to the central BAS.
Water Treatment
A licensed water treatment specialist must design the water treatment for closed and open hydronic systems with consideration of the operational and maintenance needs of all system equipment including such components as boilers, chillers, cooling towers, other heat exchangers, pumps, and piping. The design must address four aspects of water treatment: biological growth, dissolved solids and scaling, corrosion protection, and environmental discharge regulations. Subject to the specific requirements of the components, the performance of water treatment for closed and open systems must include:
not to exceed 1,000 organisms/ml, and an additional limit of 10 CFU/ml Legionella. The methods used to treat the systems makeup water must have demonstrated prior success in existing facilities on the same municipal water supply and must follow the guidelines outlined in ASHRAE Applications Handbook. The chemical feed system must have BACnet or LonTalk self-contained controls.
Closed Systems:
z The pH must be in the ranges of 8.59.5 for chilled
to exceed 5 ppm.
Open Systems:
z The pH of the water must be maintained between
5 ppm.
Primary Heating Systems
GSA requires low-temperature hot water heating systems, with the lowest working pressure suitable for the system and a maximum temperature limitation of 93.3C (200F). Supply temperatures and the corresponding temperature drops for space heating hot water systems must be set to best suit the equipment being served. Total system temperature drop must not exceed 16.7C (30F). The temperature drop for terminal unit heating coils must be 11.1C (20F). The design water velocity in piping must not exceed 2.4 m/s (8 fps), or the design pressure friction loss in piping systems must not exceed 0.4 kPa/m (3 ft. per 100 ft.), whichever is smaller, but not less than 1.2 m/s (4 fps). Steam heating for individual spaces is not permitted.
Freeze Protection,
Propylene glycol manufactured specifically for HVAC systems must be used to protect hot water systems from freezing where extensive runs of piping are exposed to weather where heating operations are intermittent, or where coils are exposed to outdoor air. Freeze protection circulation pumps must be provided along with polypropylene glycol. Heat tracing systems are not acceptable for systems inside the building. Glycol solutions must not be used directly in boilers, because of corrosion
caused by the chemical breakdown of the glycol. The water makeup line for glycol systems must be provided with an inline water meter to monitor and maintain the proper percentage of glycol in the system. Provisions must be made for drain down, storage, and reinjection of the glycol into the system.
If steam is furnished to the building, it must be converted to hot water with a heat exchanger in the mechanical room near the entrance into the building. The designer must investigate the use of district steam condensate for preheating domestic hot water. Steam heating is not permitted inside the building, other than the conversion of steam to hot water in the mechanical room.
Radiant Heat,
Radiant heating systems (hot water or gas fired) may be overhead or underfloor type. Electric radiant heating is permitted for small, remote areas.
The primary cooling system includes chillers, chilled piping, and piping specialties. The chilled water systems must have a temperature differential between 5.5C and 6.7C (10F and 12F) for HVAC systems that primarily use fan coil units. For HVAC systems that primarily use air-handling units, the temperature differential must be between 6.7C and 8.9C (12F and 16F). The chilled water system must have a design supply water temperature between 4.4C and 7.2C (40F and 45F). In climates with low relative humidity, 7.8C (46F) may be used. Design water velocities must not exceed 2.4 m (8 ft.) per second, and pressure drop must not exceed 0.4 kPa/m (3 ft per 100 ft) of pipe.
Mechanical equipment rooms must be designed in accordance with the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 15-2007: Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration. Chiller leak detection and remote alarming must be connected to the BAS. Propylene glycol manufactured specifically for HVAC systems must be used for freeze protection. The concentration of antifreeze must be kept to a practical
minimum because of its adverse effect on heat exchange efficiency and pump life. The water makeup line for glycol systems must be provided with an inline water meter to monitor and maintain the proper percentage of glycol in the system. All coils exposed to outdoor airflow must be provided with freeze protection thermostats and control cycles. Provisions must be made for drain down, storage, and reinjection of the glycol into the system.
Piping Systems
Piping Systems
All HVAC piping systems must be designed and sized in accordance with the latest editions of the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook and the ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbooks. Hot water and chilled water systems must use a fourpipe main distribution system. Dual temperature piping systems are not permitted. Loop piping for terminal or branch circuits must be equipped with automatic flow control valves. Each terminal unit or coil must be provided with isolation valves on both the supply and return, a flow-indicating balance valve on the return line, a two-way
control valve, and either variable primary pumping or constant primary/variable secondary pumping. Isolation valves must be provided on all major pipe branches, such as at each floor level, building wing, or mechanical room. Connections to terminal units shall be with rigid piping; flexible piping or hose is not permitted.
Piping Material,
Materials acceptable for piping systems are black steel, cast iron and copper. Table 5-4 cites which commercial standard must be used for piping material.
Use, Chilled water up to 300 mm (12 in.) dia., Condenser water up to 300 mm (12 in.) dia., Hot water up to 100 mm (4 in.), Natural Gas , Fuel Oil, Steam ,
Comment, 1035 kPa (150 psig) fittings, Test to 2,100 kPa (300 psig), Weld and test to 2,100 kPA (300 psig), 100 kPa (15 psig) to 1035 kPa (150 psig), 1,035 kPa (150 psig) fittings, Standard weight pipe over 300 mm (12 in.) dia.,
Chilled water over 300 mm (12 in.) dia., Condenser water over 300 mm (12 in.) dia., Steam condensate, Chilled water up to 102 mm (4 in.), Condenser water up to 102 mm (4 in.), Domestic water, Refrigeration,
Use Type K below-ground with brazed joints and Type L above ground, Lead-free solder connections, Type ARC,
Cast Iron,
Pipe Fittings,
Pipe fittings must be in conformance with the GSA specifications. For copper piping, brazed and soldered fittings are acceptable; press type, grooved or mechanically formed T type fittings are not acceptable. Steel piping may be threaded, flanged, welded, or grooved type.
Cathodic Protection,
The need for corrosion protection for underground metallic piping must be evaluated by a soils resistivity test. Cathodic protection or another means of preventing pipe corrosion must be provided, if required by the geotechnical report.
Air Control,
Pressurized diaphragm expansion tanks must be appropriately sized for closed piping systems. Air separators and vents must be provided on closed hydronic systems to remove accumulated air within the system. Automatic bleed valves must only be used in accessible spaces in mechanical rooms, where maintenance personnel can observe them, and they must be piped directly to open drains. Manual bleed valves must be used at terminal units and other less accessible high points in the system. Air vents must be provided at all localized high points of the piping systems and at each heating coil. Likewise, system drains must be provided at all localized low points of the heating system and at each heating coil.
Thermal Insulation
Thermal Insulation
All insulation materials and accessories must comply with the fire and smoke-developed index in accordance with the requirements in the IMC. Accessories such as adhesives, mastics, cements, and tapes must meet the same requirements. Insulation must be provided in accordance with Section of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007. Insulation that is subject to damage or reduction in thermal resistivity must be contained within a metallic jacket. If subject to becoming wet, it must also be enclosed with a vapor seal (such as a vapor barrier jacket). All exposed piping must have PVC jacketing, and concealed piping must have all-purpose jacketing.
Duct Insulation,
All exposed ductwork must have sealed canvas or rigid fiberboard jacketing. All concealed ductwork must have foil face jacketing. The insulation must comply with fire and smoke-developed index in accordance with the requirements in the IMC. Accessories such as adhesives, mastics, cements, tapes, etc., must meet the same requirements.
Equipment Insulation
All equipment, including air-handling units, chilled and hot water pumps, and heat exchangers, must be insulated in accordance with the requirements in the IMC. All pumps must have removable jacketing. All hot water and chilled water heat exchangers must be insulated in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007.
Piping Insulation,
Thermal Resistance,
All piping systems, including hot water, steam and steam condensate, domestic hot cold water, chilled water, condenser water, brine, and refrigerant must be insulated in accordance with of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007, without exceptions.
must be insulated for a minimum of 1.83 meters (6 ft.) below the roof line to prevent condensation from forming and must include a vapor barrier jacket on this insulation. All piping exposed in plenums, or above the ceiling, must be insulated to prevent condensation. The thermal pipe insulation for plumbing systems must comply with fire and smoke-developed index in accordance with the requirements in the IMC.
Isolation hangers must be used for all piping in mechanical rooms and adjacent spaces, up to a 15.2 m (50 ft.) distance from vibrating equipment. The pipe hangers closest to the equipment must have the same deflection characteristics as the equipment isolators. Other hangers must be spring hangers with 19 mm (0.75 in.) deflection. Positioning hangers must be specified for all piping 203 mm (8 in.) and larger throughout the building. Spring and rubber isolators are required for piping 51 mm (2 in.) and larger that is hung below noise-sensitive spaces. Floor supports for piping must be designed with spring mounts or rubber pad mounts. Anchors and guides for vertical pipe risers must be attached rigidly to the structure to control pipe movement. Flexible pipe connectors must be designed into the piping before it reaches the riser. Channel supports for multiple pipes and heavy-duty steel trapezes must be provided to support multiple pipes. Hanger and support schedules must have the manufacturers number, type, and location.
Isolators must be specified by type and by deflection, not by isolation efficiency. See ASHRAE Guide for Selection of Vibration Isolators and ASHRAE Application Handbook for types and minimum deflections. Specifications must be worded so that isolation performance becomes the responsibility of the equipment supplier.
Use acoustical coating or external wrapping on the ductwork to impede fan-generated noise immediately outside of any mechanical room wall. The ductwork
Vibration Isolation, Acoustical Isolation, and Seismic Design
chambers, jury rooms, and prisoner consulting rooms and from prisoner detention areas must be attenuated to meet the acoustic requirements in Chapters 3 and 8.
Thermometers and pressure gauges are required on the suction and discharge of all pumps, chillers, boilers, heat exchangers, cooling coils, heating coils, and cooling towers. To avoid pressure gauge tolerance errors, a single pressure gauge must be installed, valved to sense both supply and return conditions. For coils with less than 0.63 L/s (10 gpm) flow, provisions for use of portable instruments to check temperatures and pressures must be made. Duct static pressure gauges must be provided for the OAVS and AHU air supply fan discharge, branch takeoffs of vertical supply risers, and at all duct locations at which static pressure readings are being monitored to control the operation of a VAV system. Differential static pressure gauges must be placed across filters in air-handling units. A temperature gauge is required at the outdoor air intake to each air-handling unit.
Testing Stations,
Permanent or temporary testing stations must be provided for startup and testing of building systems. Connections must be designed so that temporary testing equipment can be installed and removed without shutting down the system.
must monitor the status and energy consumption of the lighting systems. Fire alarm systems, security systems, and elevator systems must not be controlled by a BAS. These systems must have independent control panels and networks. The BAS system must monitor the status of these systems only, in order to prompt emergency operating modes of HVAC and lighting systems.
Temperature Controls,
Preprogrammed standalone single or multiple loop microprocessor PID controllers must be provided to control all HVAC and plumbing subsystems. PID loops must be used. All chillers, boilers, terminal units, and air-handling units must have self-contained BACnet or LonTalk controllers, which must communicate with the BAS. Control the heating and cooling in each zone by a thermostat or temperature sensor located in that zone. Perimeter systems must have at least one thermostat or temperature sensor for each perimeter zone. A 1.7C (3F) dead band must be used between independent heating and cooling operations within the same zone. Night setback and setup controls must be provided for all comfort conditioned spaces, even if initial building occupancy plans are for 24-hour operation. Morning warm-up or cool-down options must be part of the control
Level of Integration,
When planning a BAS, the necessary training must be identified and provided for the operating staff. Lighting systems controlled by a BAS must have independent control panels and networks. The BAS
Building Automation Systems (BAS)
system. Controls for the various operating conditions must maintain pressurization requirements during occupied and unoccupied periods.
Humidity Controls,
Indoor and outdoor humidity sensors must be calibrated in-place during system startup and at least annually thereafter. Dew point control provides more stable humidity levels. However, RH sensors are permitted, provided they have been calibrated in-place and collocated with dry bulb sensors so that the BAS can convert these two signals to a dew point value for control purposes.
IAQ Controls,
Instrumentation and controls must be provided to ensure outdoor air intake rates are maintained during occupied and unoccupied hours.
Hydronic Systems,
Systems supplying heated and/or chilled water to comfort conditioning systems must include controls that automatically reset supply water temperatures required by temperature changes responding to changes in building loads (including return water temperature) or by outdoor air temperature.
and equipment for occupied hours, unoccupied hours, and weekends and holidays. Examples of monitoring and control points for the equipment are shown in Table 5-5. All automatic valves and dampers must have positive positioners installed to indicate operational status. The BAS must be capable of receiving current sensor digital signals from all field-installed controllers and calculating the energy and water consumption by using appropriate voltages and phases. The central BAS must provide for standalone operation of subordinate components. The primary operator workstation must have a graphical user interface. Standalone control panels and terminal unit controllers can have text-based user interface panels, which are hand held or fixed. The BAS monitoring capability must include logs of data created by user-selectable features. In new buildings and major renovations, the BAS must have approximately 20 percent spare capacity for future expansion.
Table 5-5 , Minimum Control and Monitoring Points for Typical HVAC Equipment,
Air-Handling Units, Start/stop, Heating control, Cooling control, Humidification control, Supply air reset, Static pressure reset, Building and zone, Pressurization control, Damper position (economizer), Supply air discharge temperature, Return air temperature, Mixed air temperature, Supply airflow rate, Filter differential pressure, Airflow measuring station, Cooling Towers, Start/stop, Leaving water temperature reset, Flow, Isolation valve position, Entering water temperature, Leaving water temperature, Terminal Boxes, Start/stop, Discharge temperature reset, Supply volume reset, Heating control, Zone temperature reset, Supply air reset, Zone pressurization control, Utilities, Natural gas consumption, Electricity consumption and demand, Water consumption, Fuel oil quantity,
Leaving water temperature reset, Leaving water temperature reset, Demand limiting, Isolation valve position, Leaving water temperature, Entering water temperature, kW draw, Flow, Return airflow rate, Reset, Isolation valve position, Leaving water temperature, Flow, BTU draw, Entering water temperature,
Maintenance Scheduling,
The central BAS must include programs for scheduling maintenance of the mechanical and electrical equipment, including information on what parts and tools are needed to perform each task.
return, and exhaust air pathways, and as a total system, after compliance with air leakage tests has been achieved in accordance with Section 5.9. Performance testing of the HVAC system and its components must be conducted after TAB has been completed. The certified contractor(s) must submit written reports on the procedures and results of the TAB and the performance testing.
The A/E must specify that factory representatives be present for the startup of all major equipment, such as boilers, chillers, cooling towers, heat exchangers, airhandling units, exhaust fans, packaged pump systems, and BAS.
Hydronic Systems,
Leak testing must be conducted at static pressures as required by code (or at 150 percent of maximum design working pressure of piping systems where no code requirement exists), with maximum permissible leakage. Waterflow rates together with thermal and acoustic conditions must be tested, adjusted, and balanced in all hydronic systems after compliance with leakage tests has been achieved. Performance testing of HVAC and plumbing hydronic systems must include remote outlet temperature maintenance, system and circuit pressure equalization, and control of water hammer at peak draw. These tests must also evaluate compliance with specifications and design intent for the operation of water heaters, mixing valves, circuit setters/balancing valves, return pumps, and pressure reducing/regulating valves. The certified contractor(s) must submit written reports on the procedures and results of the TAB and the performance testing.
Performance Testing
The A/E must specify performance testing of all systems and equipment, including chillers, boilers, air-handling units, exhaust fans, water heaters, and related systems, for part load and full load during summer, winter, spring, and fall seasons, per the schedules specified by the designer. The A/E must specify the services of an organizationcertified NEBB, AABC, or TABB contractor to conduct this performance testing.
Plumbing Systems
Water conservation is a requirement of all plumbing systems. The A/E must specify low-flow plumbing fixtures.
Distribution water pressures must not exceed the system material, piping, and device-rated maximum working pressures, or maximum pressures at the fixture, equipment, or outlet, as required by the International Plumbing Code. The A/E must schedule and specify pressure regulating valves or valve stations where pressures at maximum working pressure may exceed the code maximum. Pilot-operated pressure reducing valves (or valve stations) with expansion bypass (for domestic hot water) must be used to regulate supply water pressures within distribution zones. Individual outlets must use pressure reducing valves compliant with International Plumbing Code requirements. Pressure reducing valves must be specified to operate at peak flow within the entire range of low hydraulic grade line (HGL) and maximum working pressure of the system (high HGL, plus pump shutoff head for pressure boosted systems). A packaged and third-party-tested triplex (three-pump) booster pumping system or duplex (two-pump) with a 120170 gallon hydropneumatic storage pressure tank must be used where water flow test and water purveyor low hydraulic grade line (low HGL) water pressures do not provide required pressure demands at peak draw. Water pressure boosting must generally be provided only to those areas or floor elevations where insufficient water pressures may be experienced/expected utilizing the low HGL. Outlets on floor elevations or areas that can be served with the required pressures provided at low HGL must not be pumped. The entire water service must not be pressure boosted if only portions of the building systems require pressure maintenance boosting. The water service supply source (utility) low hydraulic grade line (low HGL), low head elevation of water source tank or pump, adjusted for friction and head losses/gains, must be used for determining the available water source pressure, pump suction calculations, and selection. The
water service supply source (utility) high hydraulic grade line (high HGL), high head elevation of utility service water supply source tank or pump, plus booster pump shutoff head for boosted systems (system maximum working pressure), adjusted for static pressure head losses/gains, must be used for determining the maximum system working pressures.
Instantaneous water heaters are not permitted as a primary source of potable hot water. For incidental use, sporadic equipment demands, or remote individual fixtures (e.g., lavatory, sink, shower, service sink), the use of instantaneous water heaters is permitted. Point-of-use instantaneous water heaters are permitted for use at emergency fixtures to supply tepid water immediately at the emergency fixture or group of emergency fixtures. Domestic hot water supply temperatures must be generated and stored at a minimum of 60.0C (140F), and tempered to deliver 51C (124F) to outlets, where permitted by the International Plumbing Code and consistent with ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000. Hand washing, lavatory, sink, and similar fixtures accessible to the disabled, elderly, or children must be tempered to deliver 29C (85F) 63C (109F) water temperatures at the fixture or group of battery fixtures. Bathing and showering fixtures (except emergency showering) must be tempered to deliver water 29C (85F) 49C (120F) water temperatures at the fixture or group of battery fixtures, in accordance with procedures in ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000. Individual fixture or battery thermostatic mixing valves must be provided where distributed, or zone, outlet temperatures may exceed 51C (124F). Hot water supply to dishwashers must be at 60C (140F), and the temperature must be boosted from 60C (140F) to 82C (180F) for the final sanitizing rinse. There must be no dead legs or capped spurs within the potable domestic water plumbing system. Rubber fittings and device components are not permitted within the potable domestic hot water or return systems, as they have been associated with persistent colonization of Legionella spp. For additional information on water temperature, control of Legionella spp., and water safety, refer to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities
(Section 5, Maintenance Procedures Used to Decrease Survival and Multiplication of Legionella spp. in PotableWater Distribution Systems); ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000; and ANSI Standard Z358.1 (1999), Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment. The domestic hot water distribution system must consist of a piping system that connects water heaters to all fixtures, equipment, and outlet demands requiring potable domestic hot water. Circulation return systems with circuit setters/balancing valves or temperature maintenance systems must be provided for all branches in excess of 25 feet from the water heater or circulated distribution main. Domestic hot water must be available at each hot water outlet within 15 seconds of the time of operation. Domestic hot water return circuits of substantially varying pressures, as a result of pressure zoning or static head, cannot successfully be joined to a single pressure zone water heater. Locate individual pressure zone water heaters within the pressure zones, where return pressures would vary substantially, causing deadhead on the lower pressure return circuits. Hot water return systems must have circuit setters (balancing valves) and test plugs at each return circuit, and systems must be balanced.
Water hammer arrestors must be provided at each elevation change of every horizontal branch to fixture batteries, at all quick-closing automatic valves (mechanical makeup, drinking fountains, flush valves, single lever control faucets, temperature regulating valves, dishwashers, return pumps, and similar), and at each floor on each horizontal main for branches with/without individual fixture or battery water hammer arrestors, for both hot and cold water. Water hammer arrestors must be compliant with the Plumbing and Drainage Institute (PDI) Standard PDI-WH201, ANSI/ASME A112.26.1M, or as required by the International Plumbing Code, and as recommended/required by the fixture and equipment manufacturer or warranty. Domestic cold and hot water distribution systems must be insulated in accordance with Section 5.15, Thermal Pipe Insulation for Plumbing Systems.
Water Metering,
Meters with remote capability must be provided to collect water use data for each water supply source (e.g., domestic potable water, reclaimed water, rainwater). Utility company service entrance/interval meters are allowed to be used. Supply meters on water systems exceeding the thresholds shown in Table 5-6. Table 5-6, Water Supply Source Meter Thresholds,
Water Source, Domestic potable water, Municipally reclaimed water, Alternate sources of water, Main Metering Threshold, 1,000 gal//day (3,800 L/day), 1,000 gal/day (3,800 L/day), 500 gal/day (1,900 L/day),
Plumbing Systems
Provide sub-metering with remote metering to collect water use data for each building subsystem exceeding the thresholds shown in Table 5-7. Table 5-7 Subsystem Water Metering Thresholds, Subsystem,
Cooling towers (Meter on make-up water), Evaporative coolers, Steam and hot-water boilers, Irrigated landscape area with controllers, Separate campus or project buildings, Separately leased or rental space, Any large water-using process,
All plumbing fixtures must be water-conserving/saving-type fixtures, faucets, and valves. Low-flow water fixtures must be provided.
Sub-Metering Threshold,
Primary flow through tower(s) > 500 gpm (30 L/s), Makeup water > 0.6 gpm (0.04 L/s) , > 500,000 BTU/h (50 kW) input , > 2,500 m2 (25,000 sq. ft.), Consumption > 1,000 gal/day (3,800 L/day), Consumption > 1,000 gal/day (3,800 L/day), Consumption > 1,000 gal/day (3,800 L/day),
All building meters and sub-meters must be configured to communicate water consumption data to a meter data management system which must be capable of electronically storing data and creating user reports showing calculated hourly, daily, monthly and annual water consumption for each meter and sub-meter.
Plumbing Fixtures,
Plumbing fixtures must comply with the International Plumbing Code and local building codes. Plumbing fixture accessibility clearances, installation, and accessories must be compliant with The Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standard (ABAAS).
Emergency Fixtures,
Eyewash (0.025 L/s [0.4 gpm] per fountain), face wash (0.2 L/s [3 gpm] each), or shower (1.3 L/s [20 gpm] each) must be tempered immediately at the fixture or group of fixtures within 7.6 m (25 ft) to deliver tepid water between 29C (85F) and 37.8C (100F), at 0.207 megapascal (30 psi), within 10 seconds, for a minimum period of 15 minutes, and must account for temperature drop across the valve (generally 7C or 20F) at flow.
for below-grade piping. Aboveground piping must have hubless (no-hub) fittings and joints (by pipe manufacturer) with pipe support compliant with hubless (no-hub) pipe standard, compliant with code (generally within 12 inches of each side of each joint).
function at 4.9 L/min (1.3 gpm) or less and comply with a 26-second performance requirement when tested in accordance with ASTM F2324) ,
z Dishwashers that comply with the requirements of the
GSA requires the use of plumbing products labeled under the EPA WaterSense program. WaterSense is a partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Its mission is to protect the future of our nations water supply by promoting and enhancing the market for water-efficient products and services. More information is available at http://www.epa.gov/ watersense/index.html.
consume no more than 7.5 L/hour (2.0 gal/hour) in full operational mode ,
z Combination ovens that consume no more than
requirements of the USEPA Energy Star Program for Commercial Ice Machines ,
z Hands-free faucet controllers (foot controllers, sensor-
activated, or other) for all faucet fittings within the food preparation area of the kitchen and the dish room, including pot sinks and washing sinks.
Plumbing Systems
drain and system opening must have -inch maximum strainer openings for rodent-proofing. Discharges must be elastomeric pinch valves or similar for rodent-proofing. Receptor drain outlets must be two times the area of combined inlet pipe areas. Equipment room areas require large diameter cast iron strainers, and parking garages require large diameter tractor grates rated for expected wheel loading. Drainage for ramps requires either trench drains or roadway inlets, if exposed to rainfall. Trap primers must be provided for all sanitary drains (floor drains, receptors, open site drains, hub drains, and similar) where drainage is not routinely expected or is seasonal.
Sand/Oil Separator,
Floor drains and/or trench drains in vehicle repair garages must discharge to a sand/oil separator before discharging to the sanitary sewer.
Sanitary Drainage,
Rain water, cooling coil condensate drainage, and similar clearwater drainage must not discharge to the sanitary drainage system. Chemically treated mechanical discharge from cooling towers, boilers, chillers, and other mechanical equipment must not discharge to the sanitary drainage system without proper treatment for protection of the environment and waterways. Steam condensate must not discharge directly to the sanitary drainage system without proper treatment for protection of the environment. Floor drains must be provided at each item of kitchen equipment where accidental spillage is anticipated and to facilitate floor-cleaning procedures. Drains to receive indirect wastes for equipment must be of the floor sinktype of stainless steel construction with a sediment bucket and removable grate.
for below-grade piping, with pipe support compliant with hubless (no-hub) pipe standard compliant with code (generally within 300 mm (12 in.) of each side of each joint). The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA 2007), Section 438, requires rainwater to enter a natural hydrological cycle for rate, quantity, and temperature.
Storm Drains,
Rainwater (storm) drains include domed roof drains, secondary roof drains, hub and receptor drains (that do not receive floor drainage), deck drains, parking garage drains, trench drains, area well drains, and similar. Roof drains and planter drains in nonpedestrian/vehicle areas must have high dome strainers. Receptors, hub drains, trench drains, and similar drains must have a dome bottom strainer (in addition to pedestrian/vehicle grate strainers where required) to reduce splashing, increase free area, and prevent debris blockage. Drain body, frame, and grate strainers must be rated for expected wheel loading and must include drain adapters, extensions, receivers, deck clamps, gravel stops, and similar, as required by building construction. The drain strainer free area must be equal to, or greater than, the free area of the calculated outlet pipe size area. Drain
Plumbing Systems
strainers in pedestrian areas must be a heel-proof type. Every drain and system opening must have 6 mm (-in.) maximum strainer openings for rodent-proofing. Discharges must be elastomeric pinch valves or similar for rodent-proofing. In general, drains must be cast iron body type, with nickel-bronze strainers for finished pedestrian areas, aluminum domes for roof drains, ductile iron or bronze finish for unfinished pedestrian areas. Rainwater drains and equipment room areas must require large diameter strainers. Drainage for ramps must require either trench drains or roadway inlets, if exposed to rainfall. Trap primers must be provided for P-traps.
The requirements of the foundation and subsoil drainage system must be identified, capacity calculated, and materials identified by the geotechnical soils engineer and identified in the geotechnical report. The layout and installation details and materials (identified by the geotechnical report) must be specified and identified in the structural foundation drawings and indicated on the architectural drawing sections and details. The extension from the system end to the sump pump or daylight termination must be identified on the plumbing drawings.
Service Entrance,
Natural gas service utility piping entering the building must be protected from accidental damage by vehicles, foundation settlement, or vibration. Wall penetrations must be above grade and provided with a self-tightening swing joint located upstream of the building and wall penetration. Where wall penetration above grade is not possible, the gas pipe must be within a Schedule 80 black steel, corrosion-protected, sealed and vented, gas pipe sleeve that extends from 3 m (10 ft.) upstream of the building wall penetration exterior (or excavation shoring limits if greater) to a minimum of 300 mm (12 in.) downstream of the building wall penetration. Gas piping must not be placed in unventilated spaces, such as trenches or unventilated shafts, where leaking gas could accumulate (which could result in an explosion).
through 5.20 is required whenever feasible. Parameters of reuse and disruption of service must be clearly specified in construction documents. The result of these projects should be enhanced performance, not just equipment replacement. Alteration projects can occur on three basic scales: refurbishment of an area within a building, such as a floor or a suite; major renovation of an entire structure; and upgrade/restoration of historic structures.
Alterations in Existing Buildings and Historic Structures
In the first instance, refurbishment of an area within a building, the aim must be to satisfy the new requirements within the parameters and constraints of the existing systems. The smaller the area in comparison to the overall building, the fewer changes to existing systems must be attempted. In the second case, major renovation of an entire structure, the engineer has the opportunity to design major upgrades into the mechanical, electrical, and communications systems. The mechanical services can come close to systems that would be designed for a new building, within the obvious limits of available physical space and structural capacity. In the third instance, where a historic structure is to be altered, special documents must be provided by GSA to help guide the design of the alterations. The most important of these is the Historic Building Preservation Plan which identifies zones of architectural importance, specific character-defining elements that must be preserved, and standards to be employed. Refer to the GSA Technical Preservation Guideline HVAC Upgrades in Historic Buildings for design solutions addressing a variety of GSA historic building types and configurations. When a system is designed, it is important to anticipate how it will be installed, how damage to historic materials can be minimized, and how visible the new mechanical system will be within the restored or rehabilitated space.
The following steps must be followed for HVAC work in historic buildings:
z Design HVAC systems to avoid impacting other systems
equipment from the edge of the roof to minimize visibility of the equipment from grade. Alternatively, explore creating a vault for easier access to large mechanical equipment. If equipment cannot be concealed, specify equipment housings in a color that will blend with the historic face. As a last resort, enclose equipment in screening designed to blend visually with the facade.
z Locate equipment with particular care for weight and
vibration on older building materials. These materials cannot accept the same stress as when the equipment is used in newer construction.
z If new ceilings are to be installed, ensure that they do not
block any light from the top of existing windows or alter the appearance of the building from the outdoors. Original plaster ceilings in significant spaces, such as lobbies and corridors, must be retained to the extent possible and modified only as necessary to accommodate horizontal distribution. Use soffits and false beams where necessary to minimize the alteration of overall ceiling heights.
z In buildings containing ornamental or inaccessible
ceilings, piping and ductwork must be routed in furred wall space or exposed in the occupiable building area. Exposed ducts must also be considered in historic industrial buildings with open plan, tall ceiling, and high window spaces suited to flexible grid/flexible density treatments.
Alterations in Existing Buildings and Historic Structures
concealed or would be historically problematic. For example, adapt existing radiators with modern heating and cooling units, rather than adding another type of system that would require the addition of new ceilings or other nonoriginal elements.
z To the greatest extent possible, ensure that space is
minimize the alteration of significant spaces. In previously altered spaces, design systems to allow historic surfaces, ceiling heights, and configurations to be restored. Reuse of HVAC system elements is permitted only with written documentation obtained from GSA Property Management by the A/E.
z Retain decorative elements of historic systems where
available to maintain and replace equipment without damaging significant features and select components that can be installed without dismantling window or door openings.
z Select temperature and humidity conditions that do
possible. Ornamental grilles and radiators and other decorative elements must be retained in place.
z Retain and enhance the performance of the original
6 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chapter 6 ,
u .S . c e n S uS B uR e a u coM p ute R F a c il ity, a R t i S t : k e it h Son n i eR, a R t w o R k : cenozoic codex ,
electrical engineering
6.1 Goals and Objectives,, 6.2 Codes, Standards, and Guidelines, 6.3 Design Criteria, 6.4 Utility Coordination, 6.5 Distribution System Alternatives, 6.6 Space Conditions, 6.7 Secondary Branch Power Distribution, 6.8 Interior Lighting Technologies and Controls, 6.9 Exterior Lighting and Control Systems, 6.10 Branch Wiring Distribution Systems, 6.11 Voice and Data Distribution System, 6.12 Emergency and Standby Power Systems, 6.13 Clean Power Systems, 6.14 Grounding Systems, 6.15 Safety Systems, Equipment, and Personal Protection, 6.16 Alterations in Existing Buildings and Historic Structures, 6.17 Lighting Design Criteria for Specific Areas, 6.18 Photovoltaic Systems,
179, 180, 182, 194, 198, 200, 202, 204, 210, 211, 214, 215, 218, 222, 225, 226, 227, 230,
this chapter identifies the mandatory criteria that must be used to program and design electrical power, lighting, and communications systems in gSA buildings. these systems support the many types of equipment in a reliable fashion. During the life span of a Federal building, many minor and major alterations are necessary as the missions of government agencies change. the flexibility to adjust to alterations must be designed into the building systems from the outset. Electrical power, lighting, and communications systems must provide ample capacity for increased load concentrations in the future, as described in Section 6.3, and allow modifications to be made in one area without causing major disruptions in other areas of the facility. the electrical system design must be signed by a registered professional electrical engineer.
with the exception of fire alarm and security systems, which must function as stand-alone systems with a monitoring-only interface to the BAS (see Section 5.18 for additional requirements). Security is important in the design, construction, and operation of electrical power, lighting, and communications systems design. refer to iSC Security guidelines. Electrical power, lighting, and communications systems must be adapted to support all performance objectives defined for the project, typically including sustainability, workplace performance (productivity and efficiency), fire safety, security, historic preservation, and improved operations and maintenance. Compliance with Appendix A, Submission requirements, is required to demonstrate that these systems have been adapted into the project at each phase of the design. Maintainability and reliability are paramount to the operation of Federal buildings. therefore, the design and installation of all electrical systems and equipment must allow for repair, removal, and replacementincluding major components such as switchgear, motor control centers, and emergency/standby generatorswithout removal of exterior walls and impact to adjacent equipment and building occupants. Electrical power, lighting, and communications systems must be specifically designed to meet all of the defined performance objectives of the project at full-load and part-load conditions that are associated with the projected occupancies and modes of operation. Commissioning of major changes to electrical power, lighting, and communications systems must be initiated at the conceptual design phase of the project and continue through all design and construction phases. refer to Chapter 1 for information regarding commissioning and the role of the electrical engineer in the commissioning process.
Design Intent,
the design of electrical power, lighting, communications systems, and other building components must function together resulting in a building that meets the projects program requirements, as well as incorporating gSAs commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency. gSA recognizes that communication needs and technology are growing at an increasingly rapid pace. Work stations are becoming more powerful, requiring faster and easier access to more information. it is gSAs intent to provide the wiring and interfaces to support these requirements. the design of all communications cabling systems is the responsibility of gSAs Federal Acquisition Service (FAS). A computer-based Building Automation System (BAS) that interfaces, monitors, and automatically controls lighting, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning is critical to the efficient operation of modern Federal buildings, including courthouses, office buildings, and other facilities. gSA requires the integration of building automation systems,
For special design considerations and design criteria for U.S. Court facilities, see Chapter 8, Design Standards for U.S. Court Facilities.
innOvAtivE DESign,
iESnA lM-80-08, Measuring lumen Maintenance Ul: Underwriters laboratories, of lED light Sources, iESnA tM-15-07, luminaire Classification System for Outdoor luminaires, iEEE: institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Ul50, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment for types 12, 3, 3r, 4, 4X, 5, 6, 6p, 12, 12K, and 13, Ul67, panelboards,
Design Criteria
the purpose of this section is to identify the criteria that must be used to determine the requirements for the lighting, communications, and electrical power systems.
Daylighting typically refers to two separate concepts: the ability of occupants to see outdoors and the displacement of electric lighting due to the harvesting of daylight. the lighting must comply with Section 9 of ASHrAE Standard 90.1, with the following modifications and additions: 1) in addition to ASHrAE Standard 90.1, Automatic Controls for lighting in Daylight Zones: lighting in all daylighted zones, both under overhead glazing and adjacent to vertical glazing, should be provided with controls that automatically reduce lighting power in response to the available daylight by either:
z A combination of dimming ballasts and daylight-sensing
automatic controls, which are capable of dimming the lights continuously, or,
z A combination of stepped switching and daylight-sensing
automatic controls, which are capable of incrementally reducing the light level in steps automatically and turning the lights off automatically. 2) Where there are multiple rows of luminaries parallel to the window within the daylight zone, wire and control each row separately. [Advanced Energy Design Guide (AEDg), Dl9], 3) in addition to ASHrAE Standard 90.1, reflectances for Surfaces in Daylight Zones: Surface reflectances must be a minimum of 80 percent for ceilings and 70 percent for walls in daylight zones. [Advanced Energy Design Guide (AEDg), Dl3], to further increase energy savings, occupancy sensors should be used in all daylighted zones with enclosed spaces such as: small offices, pantries, conference rooms,
restrooms, and storage areas (refer to Section 6.8). in these spaces all occupancy sensors must have manual on automatic off local controls. references for daylighting design include the IESNA Lighting Handbook and IESNA RP-5, Recommended Practice of Daylighting. Whenever daylighting systems are to be included in the design for daylight harvesting, the design must ensure adequate illumination, avoid glare issues, and assist in the integration of the lighting and thermal performance with the architectural, interior, and daylighting designs. refer to Chapters 3 and 5 for multidiscipline coordination requirements.
time experience in lighting design with at least two of the three following qualifications of lC, iESnA member, or iAlD member, and that devotes the majority of his/her professional time to the design of architectural lighting.
Illumination Levels,
illumination level requirements and power allowances for typical interior spaces are indicated in tables 6-1 to 6-4. the designer should consider that recommended illuminance levels do not necessarily have to be generated solely from permanently installed ceiling or wall mounted systems. in fact, task/ambient lighting systems often lead to more energy-efficient solutions and provide individual occupant control. For those areas not listed in the table, the current version of the IESNA Lighting Handbook must be used for reference.
Museum standards for lighting works of art range from 5 to 10 footcandles for extremely light-sensitive materials such as paper and textiles to 20 to 40 footcandles for moderately sensitive materials such as oil paintings and wood. Ultraviolet (Uv) filters should be considered for all light-sensitive artwork. Analysis of Cri (minimum suggested is 82), color temperature, and ensuring light is diffused evenly on the artwork must be addressed. See Chapter 4.1, installation Standards, in Fine Arts Collection Policies and Procedures 2007 for additional information.
* refer to the design guide for the courts for the lighting requirements of the designated courts areas and marshal areas (USMS publication no.64),
the maximum lighting power density will change in accordance with the adjustment of lighting levels. Any change in lighting power density has to be approved by OCA. the lighting designer should strive to develop systems that are 20 percent below these values. refer to local energy code requirements for inclusion of task lighting in the calculation of lighting power density.
Table 6-3 ,
lZ 1,
Developed areas of national parks, state parks, forest land, and rural areas. Areas where lighting might adversely affect flora and fauna or disturb the character of the area. the vision of human residents and users is adapted to low light levels. lighting may be used for safety and convenience but it is not necessarily uniform or continuous. After curfew, most lighting should be extinguished or reduced as human activity levels decline.
lZ 2,
Area predominantly consisting of residential zoning, neighborhood business district, light industrial with limited night time use and residential mixed use areas. lighting may typically be used for safety and convenience but it is not necessarily uniform or continuous. After curfew, lighting may be extinguished or reduced as human activity levels decline.
lZ 3,
Moderately high
All other areas. Areas of human activity where the vision of human residents and users is adapted to moderately high light levels. lighting is generally desired for safety, security and/or convenience and it is often uniform and/or continuous. After curfew, lighting may be extinguished or reduced in most areas as human activity levels decline. High activity commercial districts in major metropolitan areas as designated by the local jurisdiction. Areas of human activity where the vision of human residents and users is adapted to high light levels. lighting is generally considered necessary for safety, security, and/or convenience and it is mostly uniform and/or continuous. After curfew, lighting may be extinguished or reduced in some areas as activity levels decline.
lZ 4,
note: lighting zone designations must be confirmed with the program requirements.
,Table 6-4 Lighting Power Allowance for General Exterior Lighting (Base and Tradable),
lighting application, Base Site allowance (may be used in tradable or nontradable surfaces), tradable Surfaces, Uncovered Parking areas: Parking areas and drives, Building grounds: Walkways less than 10 feet wide, Building grounds: Walkways 10 feet wide or greater Plaza areas , Building entrances, lZ0, no base site in lZ0,, no tradable surfaces allowances in lZ0, lZ1, 500 W, lZ2, 600 W, lZ3, 750 W, lZ4, 1300 W,
0.04 W/ft2,
0.06 W/ft2,
0.10 W/ft2,
0.13 W/ft2,
0.7 W/lf,
0.7 W/lf,
0.8 W/lf,
1.0 W/lf,
0.14 W/ft2,
0.14 W/ft2,
0.16 W/ft2,
0.2 W/ft2,
Table 6-5 Lighting Power Allowance for Specific Exterior Lighting (Nontradable Surfaces),
lighting application, nontradable Surfaces, Building facades , lZ0, a single luminaire of 60W or less may be installed for each roadway/parking entry, trail head, and toilet facility, lZ1, not allowed, lZ2 0.1 W/ft2 for each illuminated wall or surface 2.5 W/lf for each illuminated wall or surface length, 0.75 W/ft2 of covered and uncovered area, 0.5 W/ft2 of covered and uncovered area, lZ3 0.15 W/ft2 for each illuminated wall or surface 3.75 W/ft2 for each illuminated wall or surface length, 0.75 W/ft2 of covered and uncovered area, 0.5 W/ft2 of covered and uncovered area, lZ4, 0.2 W/ft2 for each illuminated wall or surface 5.0 W/ft2 for each illuminated wall or surface length, 0.75 W/ft2 of covered and uncovered area , 0.5 W/ft2 of covered and uncovered area,
guarded facilities,
0.75 W/ft2 of covered and uncovered area, 0.5 W/ft2 of covered and uncovered area,
Table 6-5 notes: nontradable Surfaces: lighting power density calculations for the following applications can be used only for the specific application and cannot be traded between surfaces or with other exterior lighting. the following allowances are in addition to any allowance otherwise permitted in the tradable surfaces section of this table. this is from aSHraE 90.1-2007 addendum i.
z All light from uplighting fixtures must be directed onto
Site Lighting,
Site lighting is considered to be any exterior lighting that illuminates the area around the building, defines entrances and exits, or enhances traffic flow. Site lighting must adhere to the following criteria:
z illumination of exterior exit discharges must be in
Architectural Lighting,
Architectural lighting is considered to be any lighting that illuminates the architectural building form, and it is typically uplighting from the ground with minimum use of downlighting from the building to minimize light pollution. Compliance with the following criteria is required: For stone and masonry:
z total architectural lighting connected wattage must not
z landscape and building illumination lighting must be
z All light from uplighting fixtures must be directed onto
6.3 6.x
within the parking structure must not exceed a maximum of 0.2 W/sf lighting power density (lpD). A target lpD of 0.16 W/sf is desired through the use of selected controls like occupancy sensors or daylighting controls. these controls could help save at least 20 percent of energy compared to the total installed power times the full operating schedule of the parking structure. At a minimum all luminaires located along the perimeter must be connected to photosensors for daylight harvesting strategy. lamp sources include: Fluorescent lamps: 32 W (nominal) 4 ft. t8 lamps (F32t8). these lamps should have mercury meeting toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (tClp) standards, produce at least 2,900 lumens (initial), have a correlated color temperature between 3,500 and 4,100 K, a color rendering index 80 and have a lamp lumen depreciation (llD) of 92 percent or greater at 20,000 hours. LED sources must have an operating temperature rating between -40C and +50C, have a correlated color temperature between 3,000 and 4,500 K with a color rendering index 70. Luminaires must meet the following standards:
z Have a luminaire efficacy of a minimum of 63 lumen
be 0.25 footcandle, and the uniformity ratio, maximum to minimum, must be less than 15:1. recommended illuminance values for roadway lighting are listed by road and area classifications. refer to the IESNA Lighting Handbook, roadway lighting, Chapter 22, Figure 22-8, for recommended maintained luminance and illuminance values for roadways.
Maximum illuminance, 0.05 fc, 0.10 fc, 0.30 fc, 0.80 fc, 1.50 fc,
Parking Structures,
Fixtures for parking areas must be either fluorescent, light emitting diode (lED), or high intensity discharge (HiD). Care must be taken in locating fixtures to conform to the traffic patterns and to maintain the required vehicle clearance. recommended illuminance levels for parking structures are shown in the IESNA Lighting Handbook, roadway lighting, Chapter 22, Figure 22-22. in general, at nighttime the minimum horizontal maintained illuminance value must be 1 footcandle (measured at the floor), the minimum vertical maintained illuminance values must be 0.5 footcandle, and the uniformity ratio, maximum to minimum, must be less than 10:1. lighting
before reaching the l70 lumen output degradation with no catastrophic failures per iESnA standard lM-80-08.
z lumen depreciation per iESnA standard lM-79-08.
6.3 6.x
Table 6-7 , Maximum Allowed Lumens in the Uplight Zone for Luminaires,
Uplight low, (90 100),
lZ0, 0 lumens (U0),
10 lumens (U1), 100 lumens (U2), 500 lumens (U3), 1,000 lumens (U4),
10 lumens (U1), 100 lumens (U2), 500 lumens (U3), 1,000 lumens (U4),
Table 6-8 , Maximum Allowed Lumens in the Glare Zone for Asymmetric Luminaires,
Forward High, (60 80),
lZ0, lZ1, lZ2, lZ3, lZ4, 660 lumens (g0),
Table 6-9 , Maximum Allowed Lumens in the Glare Zone for Bilaterally Symmetric Luminaires
Forward High, (60 80),
lZ0, lZ1, lZ2, lZ3, lZ4, 660 lumens (g0),
emergency lighting must be provided at doors equipped with delayed egress locks and at access-controlled egress doors. Where automatic, motion sensor-type lighting controls are installed, they must be provided with illumination timers set for a minimum 15-minute duration, and the motion sensor must be activated by any occupant within the means of egress.
Emergency electric lighting systems may consist of separate luminaries and wiring with an independent power source, e.g., a diesel generator, or separate luminaries or unit devices supplied by the normal power supply and a secondary source that comes on automatically when the normal power supply fails.
Load Criteria,
in determining electrical loads for Federal buildings, it is important to look beyond the immediate requirements stated in the project program. Future moves and changes have the effect of redistributing electrical loads. Unless otherwise specifically defined in the program requirements, the connected receptacle loads (see table 6-10) and lighting loads (see tables 6-1 to 6-5) must be combined with other electrical loads in the building, multiplied by the appropriate demand factors and with spare capacity added, to determine the overall electrical load of the
Emergency Lighting,
Emergency lighting for means of egress must illuminate designated stairs, aisles, corridors, ramps, escalators, walkways, and passageways leading to an exit. Emergency lighting must also be provided at exit discharges extending to the public way or a minimum distance of 50 feet from the exit discharge. in addition,
building. the specific electrical power loads must be determined independently for the following load groups:
z lighting, z receptacle loads, z Motor and equipment loads, z Elevator and other vertical transportation loads, z Miscellaneous loads,
Lighting Loads,
the lighting and daylighting systems must be sensitive to the architectural design, provide adequate quality and quantity of illumination for interior and exterior lighting, comply with the design criteria, minimize maintenance requirements, and use 30 percent less electrical energy (kwh) than required for compliance with Section 9.6 (Alternative Compliance path: Space-by-Space Method) of ASHrAE Standard 90.1-2007.
Miscellaneous Loads ,
these loads include:
z Security, communication, BAS, and alarm systems, z Heat tracing, z Kitchen equipment, z Central computer servers and data centers, z Uninterruptible power supply (UpS) and battery rooms,
Receptacle Loads,
A list of typical receptacle load requirements is shown in table 6-10. refer to Section 6.10 for further information on the receptacle design conditions and constraints. Table 6-10 , Minimum Receptacle Load,
Area/Activity, Service Equipment, W/m2, Office/enclosed, Office open, non-workstation areas, Core and public areas, technology/server rooms, 14.00, 14.00, 5.00, 2.50, W/ft2, 1.30, 1.30, 0.50, 0.25, Distribution Equipment, W/m2, W/ft2 , 27, 35, 10, 5, 2.50, 3.25, 1.00, 0.50,
Electrical loads for miscellaneous equipment must be based on the rated electrical power requirements or brake horsepower of the specified equipment and on the nominal full-load efficiencies that exceed those in table 10-A of ASHrAE Standard 90.1. Demand factors identified in nFpA 70 must be applied. refer to Section 5.3 for additional criteria.
540.00, 50.00,
700, 65.00,
taking into account various energy-conserving devices such as variable frequency drives applied to brake horsepowers, energy-efficient motors, occupancy sensors, and so on. the designer must also avoid adding the load of standby motors and must be careful to distinguish between summer and winter loads by identifying such noncoincidental loads. A diversity factor must be applied to account for the fact that the maximum load on the elevator system, as a typical example, does not occur at the same time as the peak air conditioning load. Once the estimated peak demand load is established, the factor for load growth must be added.
Visual Impact
Main switchgear:
25 percent spare ampacity and 25 percent spare circuit capacity,
Options regarding the location and selection of electrical work that will have a visual impact on the interior and exterior of the building must be closely coordinated with the architectural design. this includes the placement and specification of the lightning protection system, colors, and finishes of light fixtures, outlets, switches, and device plates.
All distribution equipment ampacities must be calculated in accordance with nFpA Article 220 and as modified in this chapter. if the addition of 25 or 35 percent spare circuit capacity results in the need for a two-section panel, the design engineer must limit the spares to the capacity of the panel in question and assign sufficient space in the electrical closet layout to accommodate a future panel and associated transformer. All panelboards must be fully populated with breakers of a size and rating of breakers actively being used in the panelboard. Spare overcurrent devices must be provided for the installation of future protective devices. Before adding the spare equipment ampacity to account for future load growth, it is important that the load study reflect actual demand loads rather than connected loads. the designer must apply realistic demand factors by
Except for isolated ground systems, all low-voltage power distribution systems must be supplemented with a separate, insulated equipment grounding conductor.
Lightning Protection,
lightning protection must be provided in accordance with nFpA 780. the system must be carefully designed to ensure that static discharges are provided with an adequate path to ground. Surge arrestors on the main electrical service must be provided. Systems served at utilization voltages 208Y/120v or 480Y/277v must be provided with two levels of protection for sensitive electronic loads.
Site Requirements,
the routing of site utilities and location of manholes must be determined early in the design process in coordination with the site civil engineer. the designer must coordinate with the utility company to determine the capabilities, rate structure options, and associated initial costs to the project and must evaluate the available utility service options.
Where it is necessary to run communication cables parallel to power cables, two separate ductbanks must be provided with separate manhole compartments. the same holds true for normal and emergency power cables. Ductbanks must be spaced at least 300 mm (1 ft.) apart. Site entrance facilities, including ductbanks and manholes, must comply with the requirements stated in Federal information processing Standard 175, Federal Building Standard for telecommunication pathways and Spaces. [See also EiA/tiA (Electronic industrial Association/ telecommunication industry Association) Standard 568-A and related bulletins.] Where redundant service is required (power, communications, and/or life safety), alternate and diverse paths with 1-hour fire separations must be provided.
Concrete-Encased Ductbanks,
Concrete-encased pvC Schedule 40 ductbanks must be used where runs are under permanent pavements and where service reliability is paramount. Concrete-encased ducts must be provided with a cover that is at least 750 mm (30 in.) thick. Ductbanks under railroads must be reinforced. Ducts must slope toward manholes and all entries into buildings must have watertight seals. Changes in direction must be by sweeps with a radius of 1.2 m (4 ft.) or more. Stub-ups into electrical equipment may be installed with manufactured elbows. Duct line routes must be selected to avoid the foundations of other buildings and structures. Electrical power and communication ducts must be kept clear of all other underground utilities, especially high-temperature water, steam, or gas.
Manholes must be spaced no farther than 150 m (500 ft.) apart for straight runs. the distance between the service entrance and the first manhole must not exceed 30 m (100 ft.). Double manholes must be used where electric power and communications lines follow the same route. Separate manholes must be provided for low- and medium-voltage systems. Manholes must have clear
interior dimensions of no less than 1,800 mm (6 ft.) in depth, 1,800 mm (6 ft.) in length, and 1,800 mm (6 ft.) in width, with an access opening at the top of not less than 750 mm (30 in.) in diameter. Mediumvoltage manholes must be sized in accordance with utility company requirements. Manholes must have a minimum wall space of 1,800 mm (6 ft.) on all sides where splices may be racked. Manholes must be provided with pulling eyes, sumps, and grounding provisions as necessary.
Exterior Concrete,
Concrete pads constructed to support exterior mechanical and electrical equipment must be provided with sufficient conduit penetrations to provide the necessary power and control connections plus an additional 50 percent for future equipment additions and modifications. Spare conduits need not extend more than 1,200 mm (4 ft.) past the end of the concrete slab. All spare conduits must be capped at both ends.
A minimum of two spare stubs must be provided (to maintain a square or rectangular ductbank), so that the manhole wall will not need to be disturbed when a future extension is made. Stubs for communications manholes must be coordinated with gSAs Federal technology Service.
Handholes may be used for low-voltage feeders (600v and below), branch circuits, or communications circuits. if used, they must be not less than 1,200 mm (4 ft.) in depth, 1,200 mm (4 ft.) in length, and 1,200 mm (4 ft.) in width, and must be provided with standard manhole covers and sumps of the same type provided for manholes. generally, at least four racks must be installed. Where more than two splices occur (600v feeders only), a 1,800 mm (6 ft.) by 1,800 mm (6 ft.) by 1,800 mm (6 ft.) manhole must be required.
lighting and communication circuits that penetrate fire walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers, smoke partitions, and between floors must be properly sealed in accordance with the requirements of the iBC with approved firestopping materials.
digital relaying. Meters must be digital pulse-type for connection to and monitoring by the Advanced Metering Equipment. All switchgear sections must be installed on four-inch concrete housekeeping pads.
Medium-Voltage Conductors,
Conductors must be copper, insulated with Xlp or Epr. insulation must be rated at 133 percent of the voltage rating. individual conductor size must not exceed 240 mm2 (500 kcmil).
Network Transformers,
Where continuity of service is determined to be critical by the program, network transformers must be considered as the first priority. network transformers must be liquid-filled and have a kvA rating as required, with copper primary and secondary windings. transformers must be equipped with provisions for fans and/or dual temperature ratings to increase the rated capacity and must be provided with sufficient contacts to permit the remote monitoring of the status of the network protector, temperature and pressure in the enclosure, and other components recommended by the manufacturer. Fans must not be used in determining the initial rating of the transformer. in addition, transformers must be provided with voltage taps 2.5 percent with a no-load tap changer. network transformers and tap changers located in areas subject to flooding or water backup must be specified as waterproof. network transformers must be provided with disconnects for safe isolation servicing. the energized status of the transformers must be monitored by the Advanced Metering System.
Medium-Voltage Switchgear,
Design of the medium-voltage switchgear must meet all of the requirements of the local utility. Switchgear must be provided with enclosed, drawout-type vacuum interrupter breakers, one per each size fully equipped spare cubicle/ breakers up to 1,600 amps, a breaker lifting device, and a ground and test device. the ground and test device must be stored in a spare switchgear cubicle. voltmeters, ammeters, and watt-hour digital meters with demand registers on each feeder must be provided for medium-voltage switchgear in addition to utility-approved
Double-Ended Substations,
Where either a primary selective or primary selectivesecondary selective (double-ended) substation is selected, the following paragraph applies: if reliability is critical and spot networks are not feasible, double-ended substations must be used. transformers must be equipped with provisions for fans to increase the rated capacity. the sum of the estimated demand load of both ends of the substation must not exceed the rating of either transformer and must not exceed the fan cooling rating. All double-ended substations must be equipped with two secondary main breakers and one tie breaker configured for open transition automatic transfer, initiated through the use of an under-voltage relaying scheme. Breakers must be of the electrically operated drawout type.
Secondary Distribution,
Main Switchgear (480 V Service),
in the case of double-ended substations, all main and secondary feeder breakers must be drawout power type. Each metering section must contain a voltmeter, ammeter, and watt-hour meter with demand register. Meters must be pulse type for connection to and monitoring by the BAS. Switchgear must be front and rear accessible. All breakers in the 480 volt-rated service main switchgear must be fully rated. Series rating is not to be permitted. Main and feeder breakers must be provided with integral solid-state ground-fault protection tripping elements.
Network Substations,
network substations are usually close-coupled to the secondary switchboards serving the respective loads. All circuit breakers up to and including the secondary switchgear main circuit breaker must be drawout type.
transformers in double-ended and network substations must be dry type with epoxy resin cast coils or liquid filled, 300 C insulation, non-petroleum-based insulatingoil type. liquid-filled transformers must be used outdoors and for below-grade vault construction. provide lightning arrestors on the primary side of all transformers. provide surge suppression on the secondary and/or downstream busses. Where silicon or oil-filled transformers are used, the design must comply with all spillage containment and electrical code requirements.
Surge Suppression,
Surge suppression on the main incoming service secondary switchboard must be provided.
Switchgear Metering,
All main switchgear metering sections should contain a voltmeter capable of reading all phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltages. the meter section should have a switchable ammeter and a three-phase totalizing watt-hour meter. the power meter should be networked and/or tied into the Advanced Metering System.
Space Conditions
it is the joint responsibility of the architect and the electrical engineer, functioning as part of an integrated design team, to provide adequate space and suitable locations for the electrical systems serving the facility and a planned method to install and replace this equipment. However, it is the sole responsibility of the electrical engineer, during the concept phase, to provide detailed space requirements and suggested preferred locations of all critical space requirements for the power and communications systems for the facility. the cooperation of the architect is then required to provide the required space conditions, clear of any structural columns or beams as well as shear walls, stairways, duct shafts, and other obstructions. Equipment space selection must take into consideration adjacencies, such as stairs, mechanical
rEQUirED, FlOOD plAin ClEArAnCE ,
rooms, toilets, elevators, air/piping shafts, and fire-rated assemblies, to permit secondary distribution of electrical and telecommunications circuitry to exit the assigned spaces. in addition, electrical equipment must be located at five feet above the 100-year flood plain. the electrical engineer must determine from local jurisdictions any additional freeboard requirements above this base level. Do not run electrical power or communication systems within stair enclosures unless power or communication serves the stair or is part of the emergency communication system. note: the designers must refer to Chapter 3, Section 3.8, Chapter 5, Section 5.7, and Chapter 7, Section 7.6 for design criteria related to the following elements of the electrical and communication systems: Main equipment rooms, Communications rooms, Security control center, UpS systems and batteries, Electrical rooms, Building engineers office, Fire command center, Emergency generator,
Electrical equipment must be located at five feet above the 100-year flood plain.
Electrical Rooms,
Electrical rooms are generally located within the core areas of the facility and must be stacked vertically. Adequate numbers of electrical rooms must be provided, such that no electrical room serves more than 930 m2 (10,000 sq. ft.). Electrical rooms must be provided with minimum clear dimensions of 1,800 mm by 3,000 mm (6 ft. by 10 ft.). if transformers are located in the rooms, ventilation must
Communications Rooms,
Communications rooms are also generally located within the core areas of the facility and must be stacked vertically. rooms must be sized to contain adequate floor space for frames, racks, and working clearances in accordance with EiA/tiA standards. Depending on the equipment selected, provisions may be required for 24-hour air conditioning in these rooms. the installation of dedicated electrical panelboards within the communications rooms should be considered to minimize electrical noise and to prevent unauthorized access.
Since all UpS systems are considered above standard for gSA space, the requirement for a UpS system will be a tenant agency requirement. to establish the proper size, locations, and environmental requirements for the UpS and battery systems, the electrical engineer must arrange to meet with the architect and representatives of the tenant agencies to determine the required/estimated load and physical size requirements and the nature of the critical loads. refer to the UpS and battery manufacturers installation instructions for heat dissipation requirements, weights, dimensions, efficiency, and required clearances in the design. For small systems up to 50kvA, the UpS modules and sealed cabinet batteries must be installed in the room with the equipment being served. For medium and large systems greater than 50kvA, the UpS system must be provided with standby generator backup to limit the battery capacity. the UpS system equipment and batteries must be in separate rooms and located on the lowest level above the 100-year flood plain
because of the weight of the batteries and the noise of the UpS equipment. Space for storage of safety equipment, such as goggles and gloves, must be provided. Special attention must be given to floor loading for the battery room, entrance door dimensions for installation of the UpS, and ceiling height for clearance of the appropriate HvAC systems and exhaust systems.
Each gSA building with a local security force must have a control center. in the event that the building will not be served by a local security force, this room may be combined with the building engineers office or the fire command center. the security control center must be located within the most secure area of the building and must be sized to house the command station for the security guards and their equipment, for current as well as anticipated future building needs.
See Chapter 7, Fire protection and life Safety, for specific requirements for the Fire Command Center.
grouped motor controls must be used where eight or more starters are required in an equipment room. Motor control center (MCC) construction must be nEMA Class i, type B copper, with magnetic (or solid-state if appropriate) starters and either molded case circuit breakers or fused switches. the minimum starter size in motor control centers must be Size 1. MCCs must be provided with Advanced Metering for remote monitoring. Control circuit voltage must be 120v connected ahead of each starter via a fused control transformer. reduced-voltage starters may be used for larger motors to reduce starting kvA. time-delay relays must be incorporated in the starters or programmed in the BAS system to reduce inrush currents on the electrical system. Where variable frequency drives (vFDs) are used on a project, an lCC evaluation must be conducted to determine when vFDs must be incorporated into the MCCs. if determined not appropriate, then vFDs must be powered from distribution panels installed for that purpose. See below for additional vFD requirements.
the secondary main branch power distribution system conveys power to the various load groups distributed throughout the building. the decision as to whether this power is conveyed to the various loads in copper cables-in-conduit or in copper bus duct must be based on the following factors:
z Size and shape of the facility , z Design of the main switchgear, z Coordination with piping and ductwork in the lower
z Design of the electric rooms proximity to the
transformer vault,
z Ceiling space available, z Access to bus splice connections for testing, z Flexibility, z reliability, z Cost,
At the early stages of a project, alternate designs comparing the factors listed above must be evaluated to determine the feeder assignments. results must be submitted in accordance with Appendix A.
Bus Duct,
Bus ducts must be copper, fully rated, 3-phase, 3-wire or 3-phase, 4-wire with 100 percent neutral and an integral ground bus, sized at 50 percent of the phase bus. nEMA Class 3r or higher jacketing should be considered if the bus duct is to be installed in areas to be sprinkled or located adjacent to steam lines. Calculations supporting the specified short-circuit rating must be submitted in accordance with Appendix A.
ElECtriCAl EnginEEring
Secondary Branch power Distribution
interlocking the AtS with the elevator group controller, programming must be made by the elevator supplier to set up a controlled return to the terminal floor and then to limit the number of elevators in that bank that can be run concurrently. Elevator machines must be powered from circuit breakers with a shunt trip and with padlocking capability, located in the elevator machine rooms. Electrical design standards in ASME A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, must be followed.
variable frequency drives must be used on all speed control motors larger than 3.7 kW (5 horsepower) to reduce the energy consumption of the project. However, vFDs generate harmonics, which are injected into the secondary power distribution system. these harmonics must be minimized through the use of filters tuned to the peak harmonic generated by the drive. All vFDs must be provided with a contactor bypass option. vFDs must use a minimum 6-pulse width modulation (pWM) design because of their excellent power factors and high efficiencies. vFDs must be specified with passive harmonic filters and also with isolation transformers where required. individual or simultaneous operation of the variable frequency drives must not add more than 5 percent total harmonic voltage distortion to the normal bus, nor more than 10 percent while operating from the standby generator (if applicable), per iEEE 519, latest edition. the load side of the main breaker must be the point of common coupling. A harmonic (voltage and current) analysis must be conducted by the electrical engineer, including all calculations, and submitted in accordance with Appendix A, Sections A.3 and A.4. Where the harmonic analysis indicates noncompliance, the application of 12-pulse, pulse width modulation, or zig-zag transformers or other approved alternate method must be used to reduce the total harmonic voltage distortion. thermal sensors must be specified that interlock with the vFD control circuit for additional protection for motors running at low speeds and subject to overheating. this is in addition to the standard over-current protection required.
vFDs must use a minimum 6-pulse width modulation design because of their excellent power factors and high efficiencies.
Where a narrow distribution or specific cutoff is required, downlights must use ceramic metal halide lamps with a minimum fixture efficiency of 65 percent. lED or halogen downlights with appropriate light distributions may be substituted for CFl or ceramic metal halide where appropriate. lED lamps should not be used in fixtures not designed for their application. Many fixtures have different lamp and ballast options. For ease of maintenance, all similar lighting situations must use the same lamps, ballasts, or self-contained lED luminaires where possible. luminaires with 50,000 hour lifetime or greater as tested to iESnA lM-80 should be considered where appropriate to minimize maintenance. task lighting portable luminaires, such as desk lamps or task lights, and undercabinet lighting should be considered as sources to direct light to horizontal work surfaces.
Effort must be made to minimize the number of lamp types within a facility to simplify lamp maintenance. All linear fluorescent lamps must be Supert8 or t5, low-mercury lamps with efficacies above 90 lumens/W. the maximum lumen depreciation must be 5 percent. the lamp color temperature must be either 3,500K or 4,100K and be consistent throughout the building. lamps must have a Cri greater than or equal to 85. the minimum rated lamp life must be 20,000 hours. All CFls must have minimum efficacies of 60 lumens/W and a maximum lumen depreciation of 15 percent. the minimum rated lamp life must be 10,000 hours. the lamp color and Cri must be consistent with the linear fluorescent lamps. no CFls below 13W may be used; these lamps typically have lower efficacy, poor power factor, and no electronic ballast options.
All luminaires must be appropriately selected based upon the expected application. luminaires must be recessed, pendant, or surface mounted. indirect/direct luminaires must have a minimum 2 percent indirect component and a maximum 50 percent direct component. luminaires must have a minimum luminaire efficiency of 65 percent. Where parabolic luminaires are used, louvers must be semi-specular or diffuse finishes; specular finishes must not be used. All recessed downlights must use compact fluorescent lamps (CFl), lED, halogen, or ceramic metal halide lamps as follows: Where a general broad distribution is required, downlights must use CFls with a minimum fixture efficiency of 50 percent. no black baffles are allowed.
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interior lighting technologies and Controls
All ceramic metal halide lamps used in finished spaces must have a Cri greater than or equal to 80. lED replacement modules must not be used in an existing luminaire designed for an incandescent or CFl or HiD luminaire unless tested for that specified luminaire due to poor heat transfer. High-efficiency halogen lamps and Hir lamps may be used in all incandescent fixtures. Metal halide lamp fixtures designed to be operated with lamps rated greater than or equal to 150 watts but less than or equal to 500 watts must contain:
z a pulse-start metal halide ballast with a minimum ballast
situations. tandem wiring must be implemented to reduce the number of ballasts, where applicable. Electronic ballasts must be used wherever possible and have a sound rating of A. if EM ballasts must be used in special applications, EM ballasts must have a sound rating of A for 430MA (Standard Output) lamps or B for 800 MA lamps, and C for 1,500 MA lamps. Special consideration must be given to the ballast types where an electronic clock system is also specified to confirm compatibility of application.
Lighting Controls,
Except for hallways, exit stairways, and lobbies, all lighting that is not intended for 24-hour operation should have automatic lighting controls. lighting control or switching zones should follow the operation and function of the space. proper zoning allows for better control of lighting, especially during after-hours operation, while proper circuiting can minimize the complexity and cost of the lighting control system. For general illumination, fixtures with more than two lamps must be capable of being switched with A/B switching or dimming ballasts that allow the lighting output to be reduced to at least 50 percent. the maximum power penalty due to dimming must be no greater than 20 percent of the full power input. tandem wiring must be implemented to reduce the number of ballasts, where applicable. to control large open areas, programmable relay or circuit breaker-based controls must be used. these systems typically include standard or astronomical time clocks, occupancy sensors, photosensors (light level), and override switches, but they can include myriad options such as iD card readers and individual pC-based lighting controls.
of 92 percent for wattages greater than 250 watts and a minimum ballast efficiency of 90 percent for wattages less than or equal to 250 watts. in retrofit scenarios, all fluorescent lamps must be recycled by firms that recover the mercury that is contained within the lamps. All pCB-containing ballasts must be disposed of through specialized disposal firms that destroy the pCBs.
Ballasts for fluorescent lamps must be nEMA premium when applicable. Ballasts for other types of linear and compact fluorescent lamps and lED fixture drivers must be electronic with a minimum power factor (pF) of 0.95 and a maximum total harmonic distortion (tHD) of 10 percent. programmed start ballasts must be specified for use in linear fixtures that are frequently switched on/off, such as with occupancy controls. Continuous dimming or step-dimming ballasts must be used in special application
to adjust sensitivity based on ambient temperature, air temperature variations, or HvAC air movement. Each occupancy sensor must be marked/labeled identifying the panel and circuit number. no occupancy controls must be used in mechanical or electrical rooms or other spaces where occupants could be in physical danger due to loss of light (see Section 6.8, Specific lighting Constraints, for additional requirements).
Occupancy Controls,
Occupancy sensors must be provided for the following space and occupancy types:
z Enclosed offices, z All pantries, kitchens, and conference dining rooms, z Conference rooms, z restrooms with three or fewer flush valves, z All storage and file rooms, z Any other regularly unoccupied spaces not mentioned,
Photo Controls,
photosensors are typically used to either control dimming ballasts for lumen maintenance or reduce lighting levels in response to available daylighting. photo sensors must be provided for the following space and occupancy types:
z All regularly occupied perimeter spaces. z All other spaces that are anticipated to provide daylight
that will displace the installed lighting by at least 500 fullload hours per year. lighting systems are designed for maintained lighting levels so that appropriate light levels are provided as the system ages. this results in initial lighting levels approximately 20-35 percent higher than required. lumen maintenance control strategy requires reducing the initial lighting levels to the actual target maintained lighting levels. this is accomplished via dimming ballasts and photosensor control. As the system ages, the control system monitors the artificial lighting levels and makes adjustments to provide the constant target illuminance value. integrated photo/occupancy sensors must be provided for perimeter offices with depth less than 15 ft. from vertical glazing and/or ceiling heights higher than 9 ft. photo control systems must reduce the electric lighting by simple on/off, stepped dimming, or full dimming controls.
Occupancy sensors must be high-frequency ultrasonic or dual-technology passive infrared/ultrasonic sensors, based on the application. Each occupancy sensor must have a manual override and must control no more than one enclosed space, though some applications may require multiple occupancy sensors to adequately control a single space. Occupancy/vacancy sensors must not false trigger or reactivate time delay due to adjacent corridor traffic. Each sensor shall allow the adding or deleting of specific fixtures or zones to the assigned sensor through handheld remotes. Occupancy sensors should allow remote control adjustments of operational parameters (sensitivity, time delay), and should be able to transmit, receive, and store system information through the remote control. Sensors shall be located, shielded or controlled by internal logic
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interior lighting technologies and Controls
the control strategy must be closed loop (sensing daylight and electric illumination at the same time) but must be programmed to minimize lamp cycling and occupant distraction. Daylight sensors shall allow the adding or deleting of specific fixtures or zones to the assigned sensor through handheld remotes. Sensors should allow remote control adjustments of operational parameters (set points and fade rate), and should be able to transmit, receive, and store system information through the remote control. Sensors must detect changes in ambient lighting level and provide dimming range as required by sequence of operation. the control software shall be capable of controlling multiple zones utilizing the input from a single light sensor, allowing separately adjustable settings for each control zone and shall be capable of using photosensor input to trigger preset scenes in spaces with multiple scene preset controls.
All luminaires within 15 ft. of windows or within 7 ft. of skylights (the daylighted zone) shall be separately controlled from luminaires outside of daylighted zones. luminaires closest to the daylight aperture shall be separately controlled from luminaires farther from the daylight aperture, within the daylight zone. provide daylight harvesting controls for all luminaires within the daylighted zone. provide smooth and continuous daylight dimming for any daylighted zone with permanently seated office workers in open/enclosed office areas, conference/meeting, and all other regularly occupied spaces in the daylighted zone. provide multilevel (or at a minimum on/off) switched daylight harvesting controls for nonwork areas or in areas where the light sources cannot dim as in HiD lamps. provide bilevel dimming (or at a minimum switching) in stairwells, lunch room, break room, and all the regularly occupied spaces outside the daylighted zone. Daytime set points that initiate dimming shall be programmed to be not less than 125 percent of the nighttime maintained designed illumination levels. in spaces utilizing pendant workstation-specific luminaires, the ambient lighting component shall be zoned and controlled as a general, space-wide lighting system. the control system shall not allow luminaires or portion of luminaires providing ambient lighting to the space and vertical surfaces to be controlled by occupant or vacancy of individual workstations. Only the downlight task-lighting component dedicated to a specific workstation can be controlled by the occupant of that workstation. Ambient lighting shall be extinguished only when all workstations in a zone are vacant.
Override Controls,
An easily accessible local means of temporary override must be provided in all spaces to continue operations per iBC or local energy code. this override is typically embedded in a timer switch located in the space, but pC-based and other override strategies are acceptable. However, overrides must be automatic; phone systems that depend on facility managers to control the local lighting are not permitted.
Use occupancy/vacancy sensors with manual-on functionality in all spaces except toilet rooms, storerooms, library stacks, or other applications where hands-free operation is desirable and automatic-on occupancy sensors are more appropriate. provide occupancy/vacancy sensors for any enclosed office, conference room, meeting room, and training room. For spaces with multiple occupants or where line-of-sight may be obscured, provide ceiling- or corner-mounted, or luminaire-integrated sensors with manual-on switches. For workstation-specific open plans, occupancy sensors without manual-on are to be used. Conference, meeting, training, auditoriums, and multipurpose rooms shall be provided with controls that allow for independent control of each local control channel, as well as the capability of establishing up to eight preset lighting scenes in each room. Such multiple scene controls shall include a 0-60 second fade rate option. Occupancy/vacancy sensors shall be provided to extinguish all lighting in the space. it shall not be acceptable for the system to automatically turn on the last preset selected. Such multizoned controls shall require manual selection of a preset or zone to turn on any lights in the space. in non-daylighted spaces it shall be acceptable to allow an occupancy sensor to turn on a designated preset or zone representing the lowest wattage grouping in the space. in large meeting, training, auditoriums, or other such spaces, provide appropriate interfaces such as rS232 for audio-visual interaction, and DMX control for lED or theatrical controls, as needed for the specific project. in meeting spaces with movable dividing partitions, provide wall stations or keypads labeled to indicate the room lighting is to be controlled in zones, or as one large room.
Exit Signs,
Exit signs must meet the requirements in nFpA 101 and be energy efficient and environmentally friendly products (e.g., light emitting diodes (lED type, photoluminescent type). tritium exit signs must not be installed.
Emergency Lighting,
Emergency lighting must be provided in accordance with the requirements of nFpA 101 and the iBC. At a minimum, unswitched emergency lighting must be provided in the following areas:
z lighting in zones covered by closed-circuit tv cameras, z Security zones, z Fire command center, z Security control center, z Where required in nFpA 101, z UpS and battery rooms,
Emergency lighting may be manually switched from within in the following areas:
z Communication equipment rooms, z Electrical rooms, z technology/server rooms, z Engineers offices,
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interior lighting technologies and Controls
Supplemental battery-powered emergency lighting must be provided in the following spaces to bridge the generator startup time:
z generator rooms, z Main mechanical and electrical rooms, z Any locations where lighting cannot be interrupted
media presentations. See Section 6.3 for lighting criteria. the lighting design should be coordinated with the audiovisual requirements for these areas.
Specific lighting criteria for courtrooms and judges chambers are referenced in Chapter 8, Design Standards for U.S. Court Facilities.
capacitive/ride-through circuitry, or instant-on lamp sources, such as fluorescents and lED are required. Exterior lighting circuits must be controlled by the BAS or photocell and a time of day controller, with an astronomical dial, to include both all-night and partnight lighting circuits. A minimum of 30 percent of the architectural, site, and parking lighting must be switched off three hours after the building is typically unoccupied or at 11:00 pm, whichever is later.
ElECtriCAl EnginEEring
Branch Wiring Distribution Systems
Placement of Receptacles
receptacles in corridors must be located 15 m (50 ft.) on center and 7.5 m (25 ft.) from corridor ends.
Office Space,
receptacles for housekeeping must be placed in exterior walls and walls around permanent cores or corridors. Where receptacles are placed on exterior walls, installation of conduits and wallboxes must minimize air infiltration and moisture incursion. See Section 5.3 and Chapter 3 for additional requirements. placement of receptacles in walls must be avoided where raised access floors are used. See Section 6.10, Underfloor raceway Systems, for additional requirements. For areas where raised access floors or underfloor raceway systems are not used, placement of receptacles must comply with the project requirements. Each office and workstation must have an isolated ground receptacle located adjacent to each convenience that could be used for powering computer based equipment. there should be a minimum of two for each office and a minimum of one for workstations. if modular furniture is to be installed, it may be necessary to connect the ig receptacle box to the convenience box with a conduit to allow wire extension to modular furniture whips.
120 volt circuits for convenience receptacles must be limited to a maximum of 1,440 volt-amperes (8 receptacles at 180 watts). Each special purpose receptacle must be circuited on a dedicated circuit to a protective device to match the rating of the receptacle. in gSA buildings, general wiring devices must be specification grade. Emergency receptacles must be red. isolated grounding receptacles must be orange. Special purpose and dedicated receptacles must be gray. the color of standard receptacles and switches must be coordinated with the architectural color scheme; for example, white, not ivory, devices must be used if walls are white or light gray. Building standard receptacles must be duplex, specification-grade nEMA 5-20r. Communication room equipment receptacles should be locking type to prevent accidental disconnection. Special purpose receptacles must be provided as required. Device plates must be plastic, colored to match the receptacles. Device plates and lighting switch plates must be labeled on the exterior with typewritten machine-made labels indicating the panel and circuit number from which they electrically feed. Occupancy-based, time-schedule based, or buildingmanagement system based plug load controls should be considered by the designer for all office cubicles and private office workstations.
Maintenance Shops,
Maintenance shops require plug-mold strips above work benches with duplex outlets 900 mm (36 in.) on center. receptacles must be wired on alternating circuits. receptacles or circuit breakers must be of the ground fault interrupt (gFi) type. provide emergency power off stations and associated contactors for shops containing freestanding equipment.
Toilet Rooms,
Each toilet room must have at least one gFi receptacle at the vanity or sink. Carefully coordinate the location of the receptacles with all toilet accessories.
All wiring beneath a raised access floor must meet the requirements in nFpA 70 and must be routed in rigid metal or flexible conduit to underfloor distribution boxes. One distribution box per bay is recommended. Flushmounted access floor service boxes must be attached to the underfloor distribution boxes by means of a modular, prewired system to facilitate easy relocation.
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Branch Wiring Distribution Systems
cables and fiber optic cables. the CAt 6 cables cannot tolerate the proximity to the power cables and neither of these cables is compatible with the sharp bends from the header ducts to the cells and to the outlets, which significantly diminishes the practical use of these systems.
panelboards must be constructed to comply with the requirements of Ul 67 and Ul 50. All panelboard interiors must be constructed using harddrawn copper of 98 percent conductivity, with AiC bracing greater than the calculated available fault current. the minimum short circuit rating for 208Y/120v panelboards must be 10,000 amperes symmetrical. the minimum short circuit rating for 480Y/277v panelboards must be 14,000 amperes symmetrical. A 200 percent neutral must be provided for panelboards serving office loads feed from the secondaries of K-rated transformers or harmonic canceling transformers. A full-size copper ground bus for connecting ground conductors must be bonded to the steel cabinet. provide isolated ground bus where required. Branch circuit breakers must be bolt-on designed for replacement without disturbing the adjacent units. Breakers must comply with the requirements of Ul 489, thermal magnetic type with a short-circuit rating greater than the calculated available fault current. panels must be specified with door-in-door trim.
Conduit Systems,
the specification must list the various types of conduit systems that are approved for use on the project and the specific raceway applications for which they are to be used, as follows: RSC rigid galvanized steel conduit AnSi C80.1 Exposed outdoors, wet, or damp locations, RAC Aluminum conduit (with steel elbows) indoor feeders exposed and/or concealed, IMC intermediate steel conduit AnSi C80.6 indoor feeders exposed and/or concealed, EMT Electrical metallic tubing (full compression steel fittings) AnSi C80.3 Branch circuit wiring, exposed and/or concealed, FMC Flexible steel conduit connections to recessed lighting fixtures and concealed in movable and/or dry wall partitions, LFMC liquid flexible steel conduit with pvC jacket. Connections to vibrating equipment (motors, transformers, etc.) PVC Underground feeders encased in concrete envelope. indoors and outdoors. transition to steel or aluminum when not encased.
Aluminum or copper conductors are acceptable for motor windings, distribution transformer windings, switchgear bussing, and switchboard bussing, where the conductor is purchased as part of the equipment. Copper conductors must be used for cables and conductors.
Communications Raceways,
Communication raceways must meet the installation requirements in nFpA 70.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Satellite Operations Facility, Suitland, Maryland,
Equipment in the mission control center monitors satellites that are used to collect weather and climate data. An entire floor of computers is housed to support these activities.
ElECtriCAl EnginEEring
Emergency and Standby power Systems
the EpSS must supply emergency loads through an automatic transfer switch upon failure of the normal supply. the transfer time limit must not exceed 10 seconds. Emergency illumination must include all required egress lighting, illuminated exit signs, and all other lights specified as necessary to provide required illumination. See Sections 6.3 and 6.8 for additional criteria and requirements. An emergency supply source must supply equipment classified as emergency through an automatic transfer switch upon failure of the normal supply. Emergency loads (life safety loads) must include:
z Emergency lighting, z Fire alarm system , z Exit signs , z Automatic fire detection equipment for smokeproof
z Emergency voice/alarm communication systems , z Smoke control systems, z Exit stairway pressurization systems,
Generator System
the emergency and standby generator system must consist of one or more central engine generators and a separate distribution system with automatic transfer switches, distribution panels, lighting panels, and, where required, dry-type transformers feeding 208Y/120v panels. the electrical engineer must coordinate with the mechanical engineer and architect on the design of the generator system.
Service Conditions,
if possible locate the generators outside and on grade. if installed outdoors, they must be provided with a suitable walk-in acoustic enclosure and jacket water heaters to ensure reliable starting in cold weather. When installed at high altitudes or in areas with very high ambient temperatures, the generators must be derated in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Operation of starting batteries and battery chargers must also be considered in sizing calculations. in humid locations heaters can reduce moisture collection in the generator windings. Critical silencers are required for all generators. Acoustical treatment of the generator room must be provided as necessary. temperature and ventilation must be maintained within the manufacturers recommendations to ensure proper operation of the unit. Calculations to support the size of the intake air supply for combustion, cooling, and radiation, as well as exhaust piping and exhaust paths, must be provided by the mechanical engineer in accordance with Appendix A, Sections A.3 and A.4.
technology/server rooms,
z HvAC systems for technology/server rooms,
and any other ancillary heating equipment necessary to freeze-protect the building,
ElECtriCAl EnginEEring
Emergency and Standby power Systems
radiators must be unit mounted if possible. if ventilation is restricted in indoor applications, remote installation is acceptable. Heat recovery and load shedding must not be considered. the remote location of radiators must be designed to avoid excess pressure on the piping seals. A permanently installed load bank, sized at 50 percent of generator rating, must be provided. the load bank may be factory mounted to the radiator. Care should be taken in selecting materials that will tolerate the high temperatures associated with radiator-mounted load banks to include belts, flex connections, motors, sprinkler heads, and so on.
a generator alarm annunciator must be located within the fire command center. the generator output breaker must have a contact connected to the BAS indicating output breaker position, to allow annunciation of the open position on the BAS.
the engine generators must be sized to serve approximately 150 percent of the design load and to run at a maximum of 60 percent to 80 percent of their rated capacities after the effect of the inrush current declines. When sizing the generators, the initial voltage drop on generator output due to starting currents of loads must not exceed 15 percent. Day tanks must be sized for a minimum capacity of four hours of generator operation. provide direct fuel oil supply and fuel oil return piping to the on-site storage tank (see Section 5.20 for additional requirements). piping must not be connected into the boiler transfer fuel oil delivery loop. Care must be exercised in sizing fuel oil storage tanks by taking into account that the bottom 10 percent of the tank is unusable and that the tank is normally not full (normally at a 70 percent level) before the operation of the generator.
the generators and the generator control panel must be located in separate rooms or enclosures.
Load Shedding,
life safety generators should be designed to operate in parallel with the local utility, thus allowing for load shedding and smart grid and intelligent building initiatives. Before designing emergency generators for peak shaving purposes, local, State, and Federal authorities must be contacted due to the need for possible noise, air quality permitting, and additional hardware requirements.
Generator Alarms,
generator alarms must be provided on the exterior wall of the generator room. All malfunctions must be transmitted to the BAS. in all buildings, with or without BAS,
battery charging load must be added to the required standby load (see Section 6.12) when sizing the standby generator. if the UpS system is backed up by a generator to provide for continuous operation, the generator must provide power to all necessary auxiliary equipment, i.e., the lighting, ventilation, and air conditioning supplying the UpS and the critical technical area (see Section 6.12).
in some facilities, technology/server room backup systems are designed by the tenant agency. if this is the case, shell space and utility rough-ins must be provided. in facilities where UpS systems are to be provided as part of the building construction, they must be designed as described in this section. All UpS systems are considered to be above standard for gSA space. tenant agencies with UpS requirements should be advised that a maintenance contract is recommended. requirements for UpS systems must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. if UpS is required, it may or may not require generator backup. When generator backup is unnecessary, sufficient battery capacity must be provided to allow for an orderly shutdown.
in some gSA buildings the power distribution system for computer centers is designed by the tenant agency. if this is the case, utility rough-in must be provided under the construction contract. if power distribution is to be provided under the building contract, it must be designed according to the criteria in this section.
prone environments, use shielded (grounded at one end) cables or install wiring in ferrous metal conduit or enclosed cable trays.
z locate metallic signal or data lines and equipment at a
Harmonic distortion will create overheating and power quality problems such as overheating in transformer and conductor neutrals, motor failure, false tripping of protective devices, computer operational problems, and hardware component failures. to correct these problems, the electrical design engineer must investigate the use of K-rated transformers (K-13 or higher) with a 200 percent neutral, must feed branch circuit panelboards with 200 percent neutrals, and/or the use of harmonic mitigating transformers (HMt). HMt are preferred since they actually cancel the harmonic frequency distortion. All isolated ground, computer room, and communication room transformers should have these features specified.
safe distance from arc-producing equipment such as line voltage regulators, transformers, battery chargers, motors, generators, and switching devices.
z provide isolation transformers, electronic power
grounding Systems
grounding systems must be designed to coordinate with the specific type and size of the electrical distribution system, including the following applicable generic types of grounding systems or grounding components.
to minimize extraneous noise on certain systems, particularly those in which harmonics are generated, the specific system grounds must be separated before grounding at the service grounding electrode or counterpoise.
Isolated Grounds,
isolated grounds must be applied where the equipment served may be particularly sensitive to external interference from sources generating third harmonics and higher. in these instances the grounds, beginning from the panelboard ground and the grounding conductor from the raceway to the grounding terminal at the receptacle or outlet box, must be electrically isolated from the main grounding system. the isolated grounds must terminate at a common ground or counterpoise. in buildings where a 208Y/120v service is supplied by the power company and there is no intermediate transformer isolating the utilization voltages from the various harmonic generators previously mentioned, the use of isolated ground panels serving the office power requirements must be installed.
Raised Floors,
All access floors must be grounded. A grounding conductor must be bonded to every other floor pedestal and must be extended to the technology/server room common ground bus.
Where feasible, a grounding conductor (counterpoise) must be provided in an isosceles triangle configuration with sides greater than or equal to 3 meters (10 ft.). the conductor must be tinned copper not less than no. 4/0 AWg and must be electrically connected to the incoming domestic water services (provided the piping for the water service is a conducting material) on either side of the building as well as the various clusters of three ground rods spaced at intervals. ground rods must be 15 mm (5 8 in.) diameter by 2,400 mm (96 in.) long and must be tin coated copper. the counterpoise loop will involve direct burial in earth 600 mm (24 in.) below grade. the following items must be connected to the counterpoise loop. All ground rod and grounding connections must be exothermically welded:
z lightning protection system down conductors z transformers in substations, z Emergency generator ground, z telecom and data room grounds, z Separately derived grounds, z isolated ground panels, z Main switchgears, z normal and emergency distribution systems, z Flagpoles,
ElECtriCAl EnginEEring
Safety Systems, Equipment, and personal protection
Security Systems,
Every government building, virtually without exception, whether new or existing, large or small, recent vintage or historic, must have provisions for a security system. the type and level of security system must be determined by gSA, FpS, and the client agency. the security requirements must be integrated into the design for the project. the systems must be integrated with the emergency and standby power systems.
Alternate Systems,
the requirement of a Ul certification imposes certain restrictions or limitations on the design of the system, which may be in conflict with the architectural design, particularly if the facade includes large curved surfaces that preclude the installation of air terminals and where the spacing of down conductors is limited. in those instances, the electrical engineer may appeal to the contracting officer to waive the Ul certification requirement on the basis that the design generally follows the Faraday Cage principle of lightning protection.
Arc Flash,
the design engineer must submit a computer-generated arc flash analysis for the entire building electrical distribution system. the data from the arc flash calculations for individual pieces of electrical equipment must be transposed to nFpA 70E-approved labels and all panelboards, motor control centers, switchgear, and major electrical equipment must be appropriately labeled and protection boundaries delineated per OSHA 1910 Subpart and nFpA 70E requirements.
Grounding ,
the down conductors must follow direct paths from the air terminals to the ground connections or to the counterpoise loop. lightning ground conductors should have long sweeping bends and not hard 90 degree bends forcing them to conform to architectural building features.
ElECtriCAl EnginEEring
lighting Design Criteria for Specific Areas
Energy Conservation,
At a minimum, the entire lighting system including accent and decorative lighting must reduce lighting energy consumption by 20 percent below AnSi/ASHrAE/iESnA Standard 90.1-2007. if stricter Federal energy criteria become mandated, they must supersede this requirement.
Direct-indirect pendants are the preferred means of meeting the lighting standards and requirements. recessed fixtures should only be considered in open offices for spaces with ceiling heights 9 ft.- 6 in. AFF or in cases where the existing ceiling cannot be disturbed due to asbestos or other OSHA-identified hazard. recessed fixtures may be acceptable in private offices.
either two t8 Hp fluorescent lamps (high performance with 3,100 lumen) or t5 fluorescent lamps. t5HO lamps are acceptable in well-shielded pendant luminaries or cove details. Adequately shield all bare lamps with baffles or lenses. Baffles must be semi-specular, diffuse, or highreflectance white.
lamps or t5 fluorescent lamps. luminaire should have a total luminaire efficiency of 80 percent or higher for 2 ft. x 4 ft. troffers.
Effort must be made to minimize the number of lamp types within a facility to simplify lamp maintenance. All linear fluorescent lamps must be Super t8 or t5, low-mercury lamps with efficacies above 90 lumens/W. the maximum lumen depreciation must be 92 percent or higher. lower wattage, high-performance lamps may be used if dimming capacity and temperature sensitivity are appropriate for the application. the lamp color temperature must be either 3,500K or 4,100K and be consistent throughout the building. lamps must have a Cri greater than or equal to 80. the minimum rated lamp life must be 24,000 hours. Ballasts are described in Section 6.8, interior lighting technologies and Controls.
Lighting Controls,
Control the downlight and uplight components separately. private offices may be controlled with ceiling or wallmounted occupancy sensors. if DAli control systems are installed the occupant should be able to set their preferred light level for their workstations task component either through a computer-based solution, a handheld personal digital assistant (pDA), or a wireless remote. if the fixtures are located in the daylighted area then an automatic photosensor must be integrated into the fixtures design and operation. the control photosensor must be capable of automatically regulating the light intensity of at least the ambient component.
ElECtriCAl EnginEEring
lighting Design Criteria for Specific Areas
to minimize maintenance and frequent re-lamping it is recommended to use 32 W (nominal) 4 ft. t8 lamps (F32t8), preferably Super t8 with 3,100 initial lumen. Energy-saving t8 lamps should not be used as they are not dimmable yet. the lamp color temperature must be either 3,500K or 4,100K and be consistent throughout the building. lamps must have a Cri greater than or equal to 80. the minimum rated lamp life must be 24,000 hours.
Ballasts for fluorescent lamps must be class p, electronic high frequency programmed, rapid start type ballasts with a normal ballast factor of 0.88 (nominal) and a minimum pF of 0.90. Ballast must have a maximum tHD of 20 percent and have a sound rating of A.
Energy Conservation,
At a minimum, design the entire lighting system to be 20 percent below ASHrAE Standard 90.1-2007. Use lighting controls to reduce the energy usage (kwh) of the luminaires when the space is vacant by a minimum of 50 percent.
Lighting Controls,
install and aim sensors in locations to achieve coverage of areas indicated. Coverage patterns must be derated as recommended by manufacturer based on mounting height of sensor, furniture and partitions locations, obstructions, and finish of interior surfaces. Occupancy sensor should be a ceiling-mounted ultrasonic type or dual technology (ultrasonic and passive infrared). Sensor should incorporate a failsafe feature such that lamps fail on in the event of sensor failure.
Use bilevel linear fluorescent luminaires controlled by an integral ultrasonic motion sensor in stairwells and similar low-occupancy spaces. the luminaire must operate at a low standby light level during vacancy and instantly switch to full light output upon occupancy.
party test entity must have an advanced understanding of the installation, operation, and maintenance of the pv system installed. third party test entities must be licensed (certified) where required by applicable codes and standards. At completion of witnessing the pv system testing, the third party test entity must provide to the gSA project manager documentation verifying that the pv system is in compliance with the design and specifications and all applicable codes and standards.
the installation of pv systems at gSA Federal buildings must comply with the requirements in the international Building Code and national Fire protection Association (nFpA) 70, national Electrical Code.
gSA may encounter photovoltaic systems that will require an alternative means of compliance. please note that it is not intended to prohibit the use of alternative systems, methods, or devices not specifically prescribed, provided gSA approves all proposed alternatives. in addition, all fire protection and safety issues must be reviewed and approved by the gSA regional fire protection engineer that may include consultation with the local fire department. Before the pv system installation, the gSA project manager must meet with the contractor, gSA property manager, gSA fire protection engineer, gSA safety specialist, and local fire official to ensure the proposed pv system design and layout is acceptable to all parties. Before the acceptance of the pv system, the gSA project manager must confirm that the pv system has been tested. All testing must be witnessed and documented by a qualified independent third party test entity. the third
pv systems must be marked in accordance with nFpA 70, Article 690, and the following:
Before pv system installation, the gSA project manager must ensure the proposed pv system design and layout is acceptable to all parties: gSA property Manager, gSA Fire protection Engineer, gSA Safety Specialist, local fire officials,
in height with white letters on a red background. the materials used for marking must be reflective and weather resistant in accordance with Ul 969 that is suitable for the environment.
the pv system must be designed such that designated pathways are provided on the roof. the pathways must meet the following requirements: the pathway must be located over structural roof members. the center line axis pathways must be provided in both axes of the roof and must be located on structural members or located on the next closest structural member nearest to the center lines of the roof. Each pathway must be a straight line and not less than 4 feet in clear width to each roof standpipe outlet, and to skylights and/or ventilation hatches. Each pathway must provide not less than 4 feet of clear width around each roof access hatch with at least one pathway not having less than 4 feet of clear width to the parapet or roof edge.
letters having a principal stroke of not less than 3 4 inch wide and be at least 6 inches high on a contrasting background.
Smoke Ventilation,
the pv system must be designed such that smoke ventilation opportunity areas are provided on the roof and meet the following requirements: Each array must be no greater than 150 x 150 feet in distance in either axis. ventilation options between array sections must meet one of the following:
z a pathway 8 feet or greater in width; z a pathway 4 feet or greater in width that borders on
there must be a minimum 6 foot wide clear perimeter around the edges of the roof. Exception: if either axis of the building is 250 feet or less, there must be a minimum 4 foot wide clear perimeter around the edges of the roof.
4 ft. x 8 ft. venting cutouts every 20 feet on alternating sides of the pathway.
Figure 6-1, PV Array Example, Large Commercial Building (Axis >250 ft.) 8 ft. Walkways,
these examples were developed by the Orange County Fire Chiefs Association with guidance from the California State Fire Marshall.
Figure 6-2, PV Array Example, Large Commercial Building (Axis >250 ft.) 4 ft. Walkways with Venting 8 ft. x 4 ft. Venting Opportunities Every 20 ft. along Walkway,
Figure 6-3, PV Array Example, Small Commercial Building (Axis <250 ft.) 8 ft. Walkways,
these examples were developed by the Orange County Fire Chiefs Association with guidance from the California State Fire Marshall.
Figure 6-4 , PV Array Example, Small Commercial Building (Axis <250 ft) 4 ft. Walkways with Venting 8 ft. x 4 ft., Venting Opportunities Every 20 ft. along Walkway ,
Location of DC Conductors,
Exposed conduit, wiring systems, and raceways for pv circuits must be located as close as possible to the ridge or hip or valley on the roof to reduce trip hazards and maximize ventilation opportunities. Conduit runs between subarrays and conduit runs to DC combiner boxes must be designed in a manner that minimizes total amount of conduit on the roof. the DC combiner boxes must be located such that conduit runs are minimized in the pathways between arrays. to limit the hazard of cutting live conduit in fire department venting operations, DC wiring must be run in metallic conduit or raceways when located within enclosed spaces in a building and must be run, to the maximum extent possible, along the bottom load-bearing members.
in addition to the pathway requirements noted above, a 3-foot clear path of travel must be maintained to and around all rooftop equipment.
Ground-Mounted PV Arrays,
ground-mounted pv arrays must also comply with the above applicable requirements. Setback requirements do not apply to ground-mounted, free-standing pv arrays, however, a clear brush area of 10 feet on all sides is required for ground-mounted pv arrays.
provide detailed lock Out/tag Out instructions for all equipment. provide lightning protection meeting Ul 96 and nFpA 780. the design must meet the local, State and Federal criteria for wind, snow, and seismic loads. pv Modules must be Ul listed and must be properly installed according to manufacturers instructions, nFpA 70, and as specified herein.
8 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chapter 7 ,
lan d p oRt oF e n tR y, RayM on d , M on ta n a, a R cht e ct S : haM M on d B eeB y Rup eRt ai n Ge aRc h i t ec t S, p R o j e ct M a n aGeR: Sc ot t M c c ol l ouGh,
8 A I
7.1 Goals and Objectives, 7.2 References, 7.3 General Design Requirements, 7.4 Means of Egress, 7.5 Interior Finishes, 7.6 Fire Alarm and Emergency Communication Systems, 7.7 Water Supply for Fire Protection, 7.8 Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems, 7.9 Non-Water-Based Fire Extinguishing Systems, 7.10 Elevator Systems, 7.11 Special Fire Protection Requirements, 7.12 Required Design Guides and Manuals, 7.13 ISC Physical Security Criteria for Federal Facilities, 7.14 Historic Structures, 7.15 Mass Notification Systems, 7.16 Performance-Based Design, 7.17 Commissioning Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems,
235, 237, 237, 238, 240, 241, 245, 246, 249, 250, 252, 256, 257, 260, 262, 263, 264,
the goal of GSas fire protection and life safety program is to incorporate into all projects fire protection and life safety systems that are effective in detecting, extinguishing, or controlling a fire event, thereby improving overall building safety to an acceptable level. the primary goal is to protect human life from fire and products of combustion. the secondary goals are to reduce Federal Government and taxpayers potential losses from fire (i.e., protect Federal real and personal property, maintain client agency mission continuity, and control environmental impact).
engineering life safety applicable to the specific project as determined by the GSa regional fire protection engineer, and which can be verified by documentation. (Please note that GSa does not require the design professional to be licensed in the State where the project is being constructed, so the design team fire protection engineer may be licensed in any State that formally recognizes a professional fire protection engineer.) the design team fire protection engineer must perform the following: analysis of:
z Building construction, z occupancy classification, z Means of egress, z Fire alarm system, z Water-based fire extinguishing system(s), z non-water-based fire extinguishing system(s), z Smoke control system(s),
this chapter provides the fire protection and life safety requirements for GSa facilities to meet the goals identified above. areas where GSas requirements differ from the referenced national codes and standards are delineated in Chapter 1. the provisions located in the introduction and in Chapter 1 within this document also apply to this chapter. all other text is mandatory.
Calculations for:
z egress, z Water supply, z Smoke control (fire dynamics) and timed egress, z audibility for fire alarm system,
Where work areas consist of portions of a building, the requirements within this chapter must be limited to the work area in which work is being performed, unless specified otherwise by the GSa regional fire protection engineer.
design of all fire protection and life safety systems, including, but not limited to:
z Fire alarm system, z Water-based fire extinguishing system(s), z Smoke control systems and stair pressurization systems,
Design Team Fire Protection Engineer ,
a fire protection engineer must be a full participant of the design team for each phase of the project from concept through design, construction, and occupancy. the design team fire protection engineer must be licensed and have at least six years experience, of which at least three consecutive years are directly involved in fire protection
the design team fire protection engineer must also establish and maintain a dialog with the GSa regional fire protection engineer to ensure that all fire protection and life safety issues are addressed throughout each phase of the project. See the appendices for new Construction and Modernizations and for alteration Projects for specific submission requirements.
of occupancy to the GSa project manager. issuance of a certificate of occupancy must not be construed as an approval of any violation of a national code or GSa design standard or criterion. the GSa regional fire protection engineer is required to issue a certificate of occupancy to the GSa project manager once the GSa regional fire protection engineer has determined that to the best of his or her knowledge all fire protection and life safety systems have been completed, inspected, successfully tested, and approved, and all outstanding fire and life safety deficiencies have been corrected to afford a reasonable degree of safety to the building occupants from fire and similar emergencies. the GSa regional fire protection engineer is authorized to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy that allows partial occupancy of the building in a specific area(s) before completion of the project. the temporary certificate of occupancy identifies the specific area(s) of the project where occupancy is permitted and will be issued only if all life safety and fire protection systems serving the areas proposed for occupancy and all the floors below it have been completed, inspected, successfully tested, and approved by the GSa regional fire protection engineer. Following the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy, the GSa regional fire protection engineer is required to set a time frame for the completion of all remaining life safety and fire protection systems and the correction of any outstanding life safety and fire protection deficiencies. the GSa regional fire protection engineer will issue a (final) certificate of occupancy to the GSa project manager once the GSa regional fire protection engineer has determined that to the best of his or her knowledge all fire protection and life safety systems have been completed, inspected, successfully tested, and approved, and all outstanding fire and life safety deficiencies have been corrected.
Alternative Designs,
the design team fire protection engineer may propose alternative designs to that prescribed herein, but the GSa regional fire protection engineer must approve the alternative design. Such review must determine if the proposed alternative is deemed equivalent or superior to the intent of the prescribed requirements in this chapter. See Chapter 1 for additional information.
Certificate of Occupancy,
no portion of a project may be occupied until the GSa regional fire protection engineer has issued a certificate
7.3, ,
7 .2
the national codes and standards adopted by GSa are discussed in Chapter 1. additional codes and standards for the design of fire protection and life safety systems are included in the text of this chapter and listed in appendix B, references.
Wayne Lyman Morse U.S. Courthouse, Eugene, Oregon, Shown underway, the project has been honored for construction excellence. Completed at one of the lowest per-square-foot costs of any federal courthouse, the building attained LEED Gold on its completion in 2006.
Building Construction,
For each construction type, fire-resistive ratings of structural members, building height, area, separation, and requirements for rated exterior walls and openings for protection from exposure by adjacent buildings or hazards must comply with the requirements in the iBC.
Occupancy Classifications,
occupancy classifications must meet the requirements in the iBC.
Means of egress
the means of egress requirements for the building must meet the requirements in nFPa 101. the technical egress requirements in nFPa 101 must be used in place of the technical egress requirements in the iBC.
more than 22.8 m (75 ft.) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, or more than 9.1 m (30 ft.) below the level of exit discharge serving such floor levels, exit stairways must be pressurized in accordance with the requirements in the iBC.
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 101:
z in buildings that are protected throughout by an
must be equipped with exit stair path markings and exit stair identification signs made of a material having a luminescent background.
stair. a minimum of two exit stairs are required for any multistory building.
z For common paths of travel and dead-end corridors,
GSa permits the nFPa 101 exceptions for sprinkler protection to apply to individual floors protected throughout by sprinklers, even if the other floors of the building do not have sprinkler protection.
z Fire escapes, as defined in the nFPa 101, are not
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 101: Materials. exit stair path markings and identification signs must be made of any material, including paint, provided that an electrical charge is not required to maintain the required luminescence. Such materials must include, but are not limited to, self-luminous materials and photoluminescent materials. Materials must comply with one of the following:
z aStM e 2072, Standard Specification for
requirements, where the building has an occupied floor surface located more than 22.8 m (75 ft.) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, the exit stair enclosures must be separated by a distance not less than 9.1 m (30 ft.) or not less than one fourth of the length of the overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served, whichever is less. the distance must be measured in a straight line between the nearest point of the exit stair enclosure.
Photoluminescent (Phosphorescent) Safety Markings; except that the charging source must be 10.8 lux (1 footcandle) of fluorescent illumination for 60 minutes, and the minimum luminance must be 5 mcd/m2 (0.46 mcd/ft2) after 90 minutes.
Emergency Exit Symbol. an emergency exit symbol with a luminescent background must be affixed on all doors that swing out from the exit enclosure in the direction of egress travel. the emergency exit symbol must also meet the following requirements:
z the emergency exit symbol must meet the requirements
Marking Systems.
z an alternative standard deemed equivalent and
approved by the GSa regional fire protection engineer. Exit Stair Illumination. Where photoluminescent materials are installed in exit enclosures, such exit enclosures must be continuously illuminated for at least 60 minutes before the building is occupied. Lighting control devices (e.g., motion sensors) that automatically turn exit enclosure lighting on and off based on occupant movement are not permitted. However, a lighting control device that dims the level of lighting and continues to provide a charging source of a minimum of 10.8 lux (1 footcandle) of fluorescent illumination is permitted, if approved by the GSa regional fire protection engineer. Exit Stair Handrails. all handrails and handrail extensions must be marked with a solid and continuous marking stripe and meet the following requirements:
z the marking stripe must be applied to the upper surface
centered horizontally, with the top of the symbol no higher than 457 mm (18 in.) above the finished floor.
William J. Nealon Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Scranton, Pennsylvania, A stairway within the glass-and-steel atrium that connects the 1931 building to the 1999 annex.
of the handrail or be a material integral with the upper surface of the handrail for the entire length of the handrail, including extensions.
z Where handrails and handrail extensions turn a corner
or bend, a gap in the marking stripe is permitted, but must be as small as practicable and in no case greater than 102 mm (4 in.).
z the marking stripe must have a minimum horizontal
width of 25 mm (1 in.).
z the dimensions and placement of the marking stripe
must be uniform and consistent on each handrail throughout the exit enclosure.
interior Finishes
the requirements in the iBC.
the interior finish requirements for walls, ceilings, floors, draperies, curtains, and movable partitions must meet
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the iBC:
retardant must be treated with fire retardant chemicals by a pressure impregnation process or other method that treats the materials throughout (as opposed to surface treatment).
Sam Gilliam, Artist, Census , U.S. Census Headquarters, Suitland, MD The library is designed as a freestanding pavilion to make it easily available to the public. Census, a colorful painted and sculpted artwork by Sam Gilliam is a focal point of the walnut panelled reading room.
approved by the GSa fire protection engineer after consultation with the local fire department. the room must be a minimum of 9.3 m2 (100 sq. ft.) with a minimum dimension of 2.4 m (8 ft.).
z Fire alarm and emergency communication system
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 72 and the iBC:
z all fire alarm systems installed in buildings must be an
control equipment that is installed in U.S. Courthouses must include redundant functionality installed within the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) Command and Control Center. the redundant controls must have the same capabilities and operation as the main fire alarm and emergency communication system control unit, including annunciation, except there must be no capability to initiate Signal Silence (turning notification appliances off), acknowledge (of any signal), and reset (resetting the system to normal) operations. in addition, the control units alarm, supervisory, and trouble audible signals must be capable of being silenced. Subsequent alarm, supervisory, and trouble conditions must cause the local audible signal to resound. the master microphone located at the main fire alarm and emergency communication system control unit must be arranged to take priority over the redundant microphone located in the USMS Command and Control Center.
z all fire alarm signals (i.e., alarm, supervisory, and
emergency communication system when any one of the following conditions exist: the building is two or more stories in height above the level of exit discharge. the total calculated occupant load of the building is 300 or more occupants. the building is subject to 100 or more occupants above or below the level of exit discharge.
z the emergency communication system must provide an
automatic voice message in response to the receipt of a signal indicative of a fire emergency. Manual control with the capability of making live voice announcements must also be furnished to provide occupants notification on either a selective or all-call basis.
z With the exception of mass notification, a fire alarm and
emergency communication system are not permitted to be integrated with other building systems such as building automation, energy management, security, and so on. Fire alarm and emergency communication systems must be self-contained, standalone systems able to function independently of other building systems.
z Fire alarm and emergency communication system control
trouble signals) must be automatically transmitted via a digital alarm communicator over leased phone lines to a UL-listed central station service. operation of a duct smoke detector must initiate a supervisory signal.
equipment that is installed in non-high-rise buildings must be located within a room separated from the remainder of the building by not less than a one-hour fire resistancerated fire barrier. the room must be provided in a location
Special Requirements,
the following requirement takes precedence over the requirements in nFPa 72 and the iBC:
Fire ProteCtion and LiFe SaFety Fire alarm and emergency Communication Systems
equipment as specified in this chapter. When smoke detection is installed in rooms having high voltage equipment, the smoke detection must not be installed directly above the high voltage equipment.
z duct smoke detectors must meet the requirements in
alarm system projects in accordance with the spacing and location requirements in nFPa 72.
Waterflow Switches,
Waterflow switch(es) must be installed in accordance with the requirements in nFPa 13, nFPa 72, and the iBC.
nFPa 90a.
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 13, nFPa 72, and the iBC:
z Waterflow switch(es) must be installed on each floor or
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 72:
z the design for achieving the required minimum dBa
at the main fire alarm control unit and all required annunciators.
Smoke Detectors,
Smoke detectors must be installed in accordance with the requirements in nFPa 72 and the iBC.
levels must take into consideration all building construction materials such as carpeting, hard surfaces, walls, doors, etc., and any other materials that can cause sound level attenuation and/or clarity problems in the placement and location of all audible notification appliances.
z Where emergency communication systems are provided,
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 72 and the iBC:
z area smoke detectors must not be installed in any of the
fire alarm speakers must be installed in elevator cars and exit stairways; however, they must only be activated to broadcast live voice messages (e.g., manual announcements). the automatic voice messages must be broadcast through the fire alarm speakers on the appropriate floors, but not in stairs or elevator cars.
z to prevent external tapping of the audio/speaker
following rooms: mechanical equipment rooms, electrical closets, telephone closets, and emergency generator rooms.
z Smoke detectors specifically for the protection of the
fire control unit(s), notification appliance circuit power extenders, and supervising station transmitting equipment must not be installed in a building protected throughout by an automatic sprinkler system.
z Smoke detection appropriate for the application must be
circuit(s) serving a sensitive compartmented information facility, any of the following methods are permitted to be used: Self-amplified speakers, remote dedicated amplification, remote signal modules,
installed in each of the following: uninterruptible power service rooms, electrical switch gear rooms, transformer vaults, telephone exchanges, and information technology
Special Requirements,
the following requirement takes precedence over the requirements in nFPa 72 and the iBC:
z all alarm signals transmitted from any fire alarm
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 72:
z Unless the project includes a new fire alarm system or
system initiation device must activate the respective building audible and visible notification appliances to notify the occupants.
z duct smoke detectors must not activate the fire alarm
a complete replacement of an existing fire alarm system, visible notification appliances are not required to be installed in areas where visible notification appliances do not currently exist or where noncompliant existing visible notification appliances currently exist. this requirement does not preclude the addition of new visible notification appliances to existing fire alarm systems that contain existing compliant visible notification appliances.
z Visible notification appliances must be installed only
in public and common areas. For the purposes of this requirement, visible notification appliances are not required to be installed in individual offices. Public and common areas include public rest rooms, reception areas, building core areas, conference rooms, open office areas, and so on.
z Visible notification appliances are not permitted to
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 72:
Fire ProteCtion and LiFe SaFety Fire alarm and emergency Communication Systems
where the aforementioned areas are exceeded. the floor SLCs must be isolated from the SLC risers and network. the system must be designed and installed so that a single wire to wire short or any other single Style 4 (Class B) impairment on an SLC does not affect more than one half of the area of the floor or 1,207 m2 (13,000 sq. ft.), whichever is less.
connected network circuits Style 7 Class X) must be installed as far from each other as practicable so that a single fire does not impact both risers.
z the two vertical risers must be protected by a minimum
two-hour rated enclosure or an approved two-hour rated cable or system that is not common to both vertical risers. (Pathway Survivability Level 2 or 3),
z the horizontal interconnection between the two vertical
risers at the top and bottom must be protected by a minimum two-hour rated enclosure, or an approved twohour rated cable or system, or an approved construction material having a two-hour fire resistance rating. (Pathway Survivability Level 2 or 3),
z all circuits (speaker/audio, SLC, network, and/or power)
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the iBC:
z each fire command center must be provided in a location
necessary for the operation of the notification appliances must be protected until they enter the evacuation signaling zone (usually a floor) by a minimum two-hour rated enclosure, or an approved two-hour cable or system, or an approved construction material having a two-hour fire resistance rating. (Pathway Survivability Level 2 or 3),
z a minimum of two distinct fire alarm audible notification
approved by the GSa regional fire protection engineer after consultation with the local fire department.
z each fire command center must be provided with
the responding fire department with the ability to operate the buildings lighting system from the fire command center.
appliance circuits and a minimum of two distinct visible notification appliance circuits must be provided on each floor.
z Circuit integrity cable, if used, must be installed in eMt,
all fire alarm systems must have at least one annunciator located in plain view within 7.6 m (25 ft.) of the primary fire department entrance to the building.
Circuits (SLC) per floor if the gross floor area is greater than 2,415 m2 (26,000 sq. ft.) but less than 4,830 m2 (52,000 sq. ft.) gross area. Provide a minimum of four Class B Signaling Line Circuits (SLC) for all floors
Fire ProteCtion and LiFe SaFety Water Supply for Fire Protection
below pressure maintenance pump (jockey pump) start pressure. the fire pump must be manually shut down.
z the fire pump installation must include a test header
must be factory assembled and packaged as a single unit. Separate transfer switches are not permitted. the fire pump controller must be monitored by the fire alarm system.
Fire Pumps,
When a fire pump is necessary to supplement fire water flow and pressure, the size and the installation of the fire pump must be in accordance with the requirements of nFPa 13, 14, and 20.
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 13, 14, and 20:
z the buildings fire pump must be sized for the sprinkler
Fire Hydrants,
new fire hydrants must be installed in accordance with the requirements in nFPa 24 and the iFC unless the locations of the existing fire hydrants provide adequate coverage for the subject project. the local fire department must be consulted with regard to the location of the fire hydrants and thread types for hydrant outlets.
system requirements only if the local responding fire department can provide the necessary flow and pressure for manual fire fighting operations (i.e., hose stations), through fire department Siamese connections. Where fire pumps are provided to supply other fire suppression activities, they must be sized in accordance with the appropriate nFPa standard.
Fire ProteCtion and LiFe SaFety automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems
dry pendent sprinklers, heating the space, or rerouting sprinkler piping to heated areas is required. Heat tape is not permitted on sprinkler piping.
z Seismic protection must be installed where required in
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 13 and the iBC:
z automatic sprinklers must be installed throughout all new
the iBC.
z Sprinkler systems must be designed using a minimum
construction and renovation projects where the building has a sufficient municipal water supply system for the design and installation of a sprinkler system at the site.
z automatic sprinklers must be installed throughout the
system design area of 139 m2 (1,500 sq. ft.). no decreases are permitted.
z Where floor openings are not classified as atriums, the
sprinklers at the ceiling must be zoned with the lower level if it is enclosed on the upper level (the enclosure is effectively creating a high ceiling). otherwise, sprinklers must be zoned with the upper level.
z Sprinkler system control valves must be located in
designated work area for all alteration projects where the building has a sufficient municipal water supply system for the design and installation of a sprinkler system at the site.
z Where project sites are located in remote or isolated areas
having insufficient or nonexistent water supplies in close proximity, design the fire sprinkler system in accordance with nFPa 13. See automatic Sprinkler Systems for remote or isolated Facilities for additional information regarding automatic sprinkler system requirements.
z Where automatic sprinklers are required to be installed,
accessible spaces. Sprinkler system control valves are not permitted in above-ceiling spaces.
z antifreeze sprinkler systems are not permitted to
be installed.
z Pre-action-type sprinkler systems are not permitted
to be installed.
z Sprinkler guards must be provided in the
they must be installed throughout all locations unless the subject locations are specifically exempted by nFPa 13 or the iBC. Where sprinklers are exempted from rooms or areas, such rooms or areas must be separated from adjacent sprinklered rooms or areas by fire barriers having a two-hour fire-resistance rating.
z all sprinkler systems must be wet-pipe sprinkler systems,
following locations: Sprinklers installed less than 2.1 m (7 ft.) above the floor, Sprinklers installed within elevator machine rooms and elevator pits, Sprinklers installed within electrical closets, Sprinklers installed within electrical equipment rooms,
Fire ProteCtion and LiFe SaFety automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems
transformer vaults must be provided with separate manual isolation valves and a separate water flow switch located outside the room in an accessible location. tamper switches must be provided on all such valves.
Types of Sprinklers,
Sprinklers must be selected based on the associated hazards within the occupancy to be protected in accordance with the requirements in nFPa 13 and the iBC.
minimum Schedule 10. Piping less than Schedule 40 must be roll grooved.
z threadable lightwall pipe is not permitted be installed. z Steel piping having a corrosion-resistant ratio less than
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 13 and the iBC:
z Sprinklers equipped with o-ring water seals are not
permitted to be installed.
Sprinkler Piping
Sprinkler piping, fittings, control valves, check valves, and drain assemblies must meet the requirements in nFPa 13.
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 13:
z Black steel piping and copper tubing must be used
for all wet-pipe sprinkler piping. Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride sprinkler piping is not to be installed unless specifically approved for installation by the GSa regional fire protection engineer.
nFPa 13 fire sprinkler system (which include all costs such as labor, materials, the adequate water supply source, pumps, etc.) exceed $10.00 per square foot; and
Fire ProteCtion and LiFe SaFety automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems
in the iBC.
13 fire sprinkler system to the adequate water supply source (which include all costs such as labor, materials, the adequate water supply source, pumps, etc.) are greater than 50 percent of the cost for the installation of the interior nFPa 13 fire sprinkler system.
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the iBC:
z all standpipes must be connected to the fire protection
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 13d:
z the water supply source for the sprinkler system must
water supply, permanently pressurized, and installed in accordance with the requirements in nFPa 14. the standpipe water supply must be in accordance with the requirements specified within this chapter.
z dry standpipes must be permitted to be installed only
be a minimum of 3,785.4 liters (1,000 gallons) and must be capable of meeting system demands for at least 30 minutes.
z antifreeze sprinkler systems are not permitted to be
Special Requirements,
the following requirement takes precedence over the requirements in the iBC:
z UL-listed locking fire department connection caps must
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the iBC:
z each fire main riser must be provided with 63 mm
be installed on all fire department connections where the local fire department has a program and the hardware to accommodate locking fire department caps.
removable 38 mm (1 in.) adapter and cap. threads and valves must be compatible with the local fire department requirements.
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the iBC:
z in office buildings protected throughout with quick-
response sprinklers, portable fire extinguishers must only be installed in areas such as mechanical and elevator equipment areas, computer rooms, UPS rooms, generator rooms, kitchen areas, special hazard areas, and so on.
elevator Systems
a17.1/CSa B44 and the iBC.
elevator systems must be designed and installed in accordance with the requirements in aSMe Standard
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the iBC:
z in sprinklered buildings, each elevator machine room
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the iBC and aSMe Standard a17.1/CSa B44: General. Where fire service access elevators are required, a minimum of two elevators each having a minimum 1,588 kilograms (3,500 pounds) capacity or one elevator having a minimum 1,814 kilograms (4,000 pounds) capacity serving every floor must be provided. at least one fire service access elevator must be sized to accommodate a stretcher in accordance with the requirements in the iBC. these fire service access elevators are not intended to be for exclusive use of the fire department and may be available for public use under nonemergency conditions. Phase I Emergency Recall Operation. actuation of any building fire alarm initiating device must initiate Phase i emergency recall operation on all fire service access elevators in accordance with the requirements in aSMe Standard a17.1/CSa B44. in addition, an independent, three-position, key-operated Fire recall switch conforming to the applicable requirements in aSMe a17.1/CSa B44 shall be provided at the designated level for each fire service access elevator. all other elevators must remain in normal service unless Phase i emergency
must be protected by a wet-pipe sprinkler system using standard response sprinklers having an intermediatetemperature rating, unless the GSa regional fire protection engineer permits the elimination of the sprinklers in the elevator machine room.
z the sprinkler system for the elevator machine room must
be provided with separate manual isolation valves and a separate water flow switch located outside the room in an accessible location. tamper switches must be provided on all such valves.
z Sprinkler protected elevator machine rooms containing
elevator control equipment must be provided with a means to disconnect automatically the main line power supply to the affected elevator before the application of water in accordance with the requirements in nFPa 72.
z enclosed elevator lobbies are not required to be installed
recall operation is manually initiated by the required three-position key-operated Fire recall switch or automatically initiated by the associated elevator lobby, hoistway, or elevator machine room smoke detectors. Water Protection. the fire service access elevator hoistway and associated elevator landings must be designed to prevent water from infiltrating into the hoistway from the operation of the automatic sprinkler system outside the enclosed fire service access elevator lobby. Elevator Machine Rooms and Machinery Spaces. Plumbing systems and automatic sprinklers must not be installed in the fire service access elevator machine rooms and machinery spaces. Fire Service Access Elevator Symbol. a pictorial symbol of a standardized design designating which elevators are fire service access elevators must be installed on each side of the hoistway door frame on the portion of the frame at right angles to the fire service access elevator lobby. the fire service access elevator symbol must be designed as shown in Figure 7-1, and must also meet the following requirements:
z the fire service access elevator symbol must be a
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the iBC and aSMe Standard a17.1: General. in any new construction project, when the building has an occupied floor more than 36.5 m (120 ft.) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, occupant evacuation elevators must be installed. all passenger elevators for general public use, except for those designated as fire service access elevators, must be designated as occupant evacuation elevators in accordance with this section. Phase I Emergency Recall Operation. an independent three-position key-operated Fire recall switch conforming to the applicable requirements in aSMe a17.1/CSa B44 must be provided at the designated level for each occupant evacuation elevator. Water Protection. the occupant evacuation elevator hoistway and associated elevator landings must be designed to prevent water from infiltrating into the hoistway from the operation of the automatic sprinkler system outside the enclosed occupant evacuation elevator lobby. Elevator Machine Rooms and Machinery Spaces. Plumbing systems and automatic sprinklers must not be installed in the occupant evacuation elevator machine rooms and machinery spaces.
symbol must be centered on the hoistway door frame. each symbol must not be less than 78 inches, and not more than 84 inches above the finished floor at the threshold.
of each protected area in an accessible location. each valve must be provided with a tamper switch that is connected to the buildings fire alarm system.
z activation of the sprinkler water flow switch must
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 90a:
z in buildings protected throughout by an automatic
disconnect power to the information technology equipment and to the HVaC systems with no time delay.
z the activation of one intelligent analog/addressable
photoelectric smoke detector utilizing early warning smoke detection technology (e.g., smoke detectors having enhanced algorithms, fire alarm control panel having capability to program individual smoke detector response parameters, or smoke detectors using air sampling technology for use in information technology equipment rooms) within a single protected area must disconnect power to the information technology equipment and to the HVaC system after a preset time delay.
z Clean agent fire extinguishing systems are not permitted
sprinkler system, smoke dampers are not required to be installed at penetrations of shafts unless smoke dampers are used as part of a smoke control system.
to be installed in information technology equipment rooms, unless warranted by risk and specifically approved by the GSa regional fire protection engineer.
z Underfloor spaces within information technology
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 75:
z a wet-pipe sprinkler system must be provided
equipment rooms must be protected with a fire suppression system only where the risk warrants this protection and when approved by the GSa regional fire protection engineer. if underfloor fire suppression is to be installed in an underfloor space that is 457 mm (18 in.) or greater in height, an automatic sprinkler system must be installed. if underfloor fire suppression is to be installed in an underfloor space that is less than 457 mm (18 in.) in height, use of a clean agent extinguishing system is permitted provided the design is specifically approved by the GSa regional fire protection engineer.
separate sprinkler zone. in addition, a separate manual isolation valve and a separate water flow switch must be located in an accessible location. a tamper switch must be provided on all such valves.
z atrium smoke control systems must be installed using
Special Requirements,
the following requirements pertaining to places of confinement take precedence over the requirements in the iBC when the aggregate number of detainees within each holding area is not more than 50 detainees, and where no individual is detained for more than 24 hours.
z Places of confinement must be designed in accordance
Cooling Towers,
Cooling towers must meet the requirements in nFPa 214.
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 214:
z Cooling towers that are more than 57 m3 (2,000 cu. ft.)
ment, including, but not limited to, prisoner holding cells, the main prisoner detention cell block, and prisoner attorney interview rooms.
z the sprinklers installed must be institutional quick-
in size and have combustible fill must be protected with an automatic deluge sprinkler system.
z automatic sprinkler protection is not required to be
response flush pendent sprinklers designed for standard and extended coverage applications.
z the institutional sprinklers must have a solder-link-type
installed in cooling towers that are over 57 m3 (2,000 cu. ft.) in size, constructed of noncombustible materials, and have noncombustible components (including piping) and noncombustible decks.
z automatic sprinkler protection must be installed in
fusible element, a tamper-resistant escutcheon, and a retaining flange that prevents sprinkler movement away from walls and ceilings.
atriums must be designed in accordance with the requirements in the iBC.
cooling towers that are constructed of combustible materials, have combustible components (such as PVC fill, louvers, drift eliminators, etc.), or have a combustible deck.
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the iBC:
accordance with the requirements in the nFPa 72. all smoke alarms within the residential housing unit must be interconnected in such a manner that the activation of any single smoke alarm will activate all the smoke alarms within the individual residential housing unit and produce an alarm signal that is audible throughout all inhabited areas of the individual residential housing unit.
z Manual fire alarm stations must not be installed in the
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in the irC:
z Stairways in residential housing units must have a
maximum riser height of 178 mm (7 in.) and a minimum tread depth of 279 mm (11 in.).
z residential housing units are required to be protected by
an automatic sprinkler system. the design of the automatic sprinkler system for the residential housing unit must be based on the design and installation requirements in nFPa 13d. each residential housing unit must be provided with a local waterflow switch that will initiate a local alarm. the sprinkler waterflow alarm must be arranged so that the operation of the waterflow switch must produce an alarm signal that is audible throughout all inhabited areas of the individual housing unit. the sprinkler system waterflow switch and control valve must be monitored for alarm, supervisory, and trouble conditions.
z residential housing units must be provided with
Chemical Laboratories,
Laboratories must meet the design requirements in nFPa 45 and the iBC.
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 45:
z Laboratories handling or storing hazardous chemicals,
flammable gases, flammable liquids, explosives, and biological laboratories must not be expanded in existing office buildings.
z all chemical laboratories must be equipped with
approved multiple-station smoke alarms in all of the following locations: in all sleeping rooms, outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping rooms
sprinklers, regardless of size. Sprinkler protection must be calculated to provide a density of 6.1 (L/min)/m2 (0.15 gpm/ft.2) over 279 m2 (3,000 ft.2 ).
Special Requirements,
the following requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 232:
z record storage facilities that store Federal records
must meet the requirements in the national archives and records administration (nara) guidelines published in the nara Code of Federal regulations 36 CFr Part 1234, appendix B alternative Certified Fire-safety detection and Suppression System(s) and, when specified by nara, the archival storage standards published in nara directive 1571.
Track Files,
a track file uses a single aisle to give access to an otherwise solid group of open-shelf files. access is gained by moving shelf units on rollers along a track until the proper unit is exposed.
z the track file system must be no more than 2.4 m Harvey W. Wiley Federal Building for FDA, College Park, Maryland, Each laboratory is designed with fume hood connections, point exhaust connections, and gas manifold towers at the bench.
Special Requirements,
track files must meet the following requirements:
z the track file system must be protected by an automatic
(8 ft.) in height.
z the track file system must be constructed entirely of
steel. at least 1.4 mm (.055 in.), 18-gauge sheet metal must be used for all parts of the shelving unit.
z the back cover of stationary end files must be solid
sheet metal.
z For floor loading requirements, refer to Chapter 4.
maintained between the top of the track file system and the sprinkler deflector.
Fire ProteCtion and LiFe SaFety required design Guides and Manuals
Fire ProteCtion and LiFe SaFety iSC Physical Security Criteria for Federal Facilities
Occupant Notification,
For low-rise buildings assigned a high-protection risk level (determined by the risk assessment), the design team must consider the risks associated with the fire alarm system not providing adequate occupant notification via live voice announcements due to an unwanted event. to address this concern, the design team must consider alternative solutions to reduce the unwanted event probability, hazard severity, or a combination of both to achieve an acceptable level of risk. one possible solution would be to require the fire alarm system installed in the building to be an emergency voice/alarm communication system. the emergency voice alarm communication system would provide an automatic response to receipt of a signal indicative of a fire emergency. in addition, the emergency voice/alarm communication system would provide manual control with the capability of making live voice announcements to provide occupant notification either on a selective or all-call basis. another solution would be to install redundant circuitry to reduce the risk of notification circuit failure.
if occupant evacuation elevators are provided, the buildings occupant evacuation plan (oeP) must specifically cover the purpose and use of occupant evacuation elevators during an emergency.
Exit Stairways,
For buildings assigned a high-protection risk level (determined by risk assessment), the design team must consider the risks associated with occupants evacuating a building with the loss of an exit stairway due to an unwanted event. to address this concern, the design team must consider alternative solutions to reduce the unwanted event probability, hazard severity, or a combination of both to achieve an acceptable level of risk. Possible solutions include, but are not limited to, increasing the number of exit stairways; hardening the exit stairways; increasing the travel distance between each exit stairway; and ensuring exit stairways do not discharge into lobbies, parking, or loading areas; incorporating horizontal exits.
level of risk. one possible solution may be to incorporate smokeproof enclosures within the facility to limit the infiltration of heat, smoke, and fire gases from a fire in any part of the building. the smokeproof enclosures may be permitted to be created by using natural ventilation, by using mechanical ventilation incorporating a vestibule, or by pressurizing the exit stairway enclosure.
Ventilation Systems,
Ventilation systems and equipment must be located away from high-risk areas such as loading docks and garages and protect the system controls and power wiring to the equipment. the ventilation system must be connected to emergency power to provide the ability to selectively run one or several air-handling units for smoke removal.
Historic Structures
For an overall fire protection plan and to emphasize the design teams responsibility to address fire protection and to preserve the historic integrity of historic structures, the design team must explore alternative approaches outlined in State rehabilitation codes, international existing Building Code, and national performance-based codes to resolve conflicts between prescriptive code requirements and preservation goals. in addition, the requirements and recommendations in nFPa 914 must be considered for rehabilitation projects in historic structures. the design team must also evaluate the U.S. department of Housing and Urban development Guideline on Fire ratings of archaic Materials and assemblies, which provides test data on the fire resistance of a variety of historic materials, and the GSa publication titled Fire Safety Retrofitting in Historic Buildings.
designed to minimize visual impact on significant spaces, including historic lobbies and corridors. Cross-corridor doors should be designed to provide maximum height and width clearance and avoid visually truncating the corridor. oversized hold-open doors will achieve this end in most circumstances. For more ornamental spaces, accordionrated doors may be used. transparent treatments, such as rated glass assemblies or historic doors modified to incorporate rated glass, should be considered when barriers should be kept closed to maintain a rated enclosure. nonprescriptive compliance solutions, such as modification of historic door assemblies, should be approved by GSas regional fire protection engineer.
z new fire-rated doors in preservation zones should be
the GSa regional fire protection engineer is the aHJ for all fire protection and life safety requirements who must exercise professional judgment to assess the acceptability of alternative compliance solutions. early and frequent coordination between the architects, State historic preservation officer, regional historic preservation officer, preservation specialists, external review groups, and the design teams fire protection engineer is needed for timely resolution of conflicts between fire safety and preservation goals.
designed to resemble historic doors in panel detailing and finish. true-paneled fire doors are preferred for replacement of original paneled stair or corridor doors.
be carefully placed to minimize damage to ornamental materials. develop detailed drawings for architecturally sensitive areas, showing precise sprinkler locations and finishing notes as necessary to ensure proper installation. Sprinklers should be centered and placed symmetrically in relation to ornamental patterns and architectural features defining the space, such as arched openings.
z Sprinklers and escutcheons should match original
architectural surfaces or hardware. oxidized brass or bronze heads are recommended for use in deeply colored (unpainted) woodwork. in elaborately decorated ceilings, heads should be camouflaged by custom coating and omitting escutcheon plates. in such cases, low-profile, quick-response sprinklers are preferred.
z in historically significant spaces, smoke detectors should
be placed to minimize destruction of ornamental surfaces. Where ceilings are elaborately embellished, explore alternative detection products and approaches such as air sampling detection, projected beams, low-profile spot detectors, recessed installation, or custom-coating detector housings to blend with ornamental finishes. application of special finish treatments outside of the standard factory process should be coordinated with, and approved in writing by, the manufacturer to ensure that UL labels and detector performance are not compromised. Smoke detector housings should be removed before application of special finishes.
United States Courthouse, Tallahassee, Florida, Built in 1935-36, the courthouse retains its original stair with iron balusters and bronze newel posts. In 1979, the courthouse was listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
communications systems that can be used to broadcast nonfire emergencies such as severe weather, biological/ chemical spills, terrorist acts, etc. to occupants within a single building, to multiple buildings, or throughout a campus. Mass notification systems use audible and visible notification appliances, similar to fire alarm and emergency communication systems, however, the appliances may be used to direct occupants to remain in the building for their safety, rather than evacuate or relocate as they would normally do in a fire emergency. Mass notification systems may merely be simple extensions to fire alarm and emergency communication systems, involving additional audible and visible devices. this would typically be for systems installed within a single building. Mass notification systems become more costly and complex when installed to serve multiple buildings or a campus, as these installations involve additional wiring, multiple command centers and the possibility of exterior audio and visual devices. Because of these variances, every mass notification system project needs to be evaluated individually, and involve the GSa regional fire protection engineer. it should also be noted that a good time to install a mass notification system is when a new fire alarm system is being installed, since mass notification systems generally use the same equipment contained in a fire alarm and emergency communication system. regardless of the scope, a mass notification system must be designed in accordance with nFPa 72. However, the following special requirements take precedence over the requirements in nFPa 72:
z Mass notification system control equipment must
generating both automatic prerecorded and manual (live voice) emergency messages via the audible notification appliances, including speakers that are installed in elevator cars and exit stairways.
z Live voice emergency messages must override any
the fire alarm and emergency communication system if approved by the GSa regional fire protection engineer.
z Visible notification appliances must be the same type
as used for the fire alarm system visible notification appliances; however, they must not be identified by the word fire.
z additional means for notifying occupants of a nonfire
emergency (e.g., such as emergency message displays, scrolling text message displays, video displays, or text messaging, etc.) are permitted provided they are approved by the GSa regional fire protection engineer.
z the building fire alarm and emergency communication
system must have manual over-ride capabilities at the main fire alarm and emergency communication control equipment and USMS Command and Control Center where appropriate. additional locations are permitted if approved by the GSa fire protection engineer.
z an abnormal condition of a mass notification system
component must not adversely affect the performance of the fire alarm and emergency communication system and vice versa.
be integrated with the fire alarm and emergency communication system control equipment.
Performance-Based design
GSa encourages the use of performance-based design for new construction and major renovation and alteration projects. Performance-based design is an engineering approach to fire protection design based on established fire safety objectives and functional statements, analysis of fire scenarios, and assessment of designs based on those objectives and functional statements. Performance-
to the GSa regional fire protection engineers concurrence, and a life safety solution is developed that is tailored to the specific building, fire, and occupant characteristics contained within the building being assessed. information on performance-based designs can be found in the international Code Council Performance Code, Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Engineering Guide to Performance-Based Fire Protection Analysis and Design of Buildings, and the SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering.
based design differs from traditional prescriptive design in that specific methods for achieving compliance with the design intent are established by the design team, subject
United States Courthouse, Phoenix, Arizona, The atrium smoke exhaust system was designed using a performance-based approach.
Fire ProteCtion and LiFe SaFety Commissioning Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems
all phases,
z Commissioning schedule, z required commissioning process documentation
and deliverables,
z required testing procedures, z recommended training,
the following materials must be added, as applicable, to the appendix of the completed commissioning plan:
z owners project requirements, z Basis of design, z Commissioning specifications, z design review, z Submittal review, z issues log, z Construction checklists, z Site visit and commissioning meeting minutes, z Systems manual review, z training, z Functional performance and seasonal testing procedures, z Warranty review, z test data reports, z Sequence of operation (matrix),
the project,
z General project information, z Commissioning team members, roles, and
the FCxa must assist the design team fire protection engineer in the development of the construction contract specifications to align the actions of the construction contractor with the commissioning plan, addressing all involved tests, special inspections, and certifications. all active and passive fire protection and life safety systems must be commissioned including, but not limited to:
z infrastructure supporting the fire protection and life
z Commercial cooking operations, z elevator systems, z Fire extinguishers, z Means of egress systems and components, z other passive and active fire and life safety systems
and equipment,
z other systems or installations integrated or connected
to a fire or life safety system, such as, but not limited to access control, critical processes, and hazardous operations.
z Fire and smoke dampers, z Fire and smoke doors, z through penetration fire stops, z Fire walls, barriers, and partitions, z Smoke barriers and partitions,
For more information on commissioning requirements, see the Building Commissioning Guide, available at http://www.wbdg.org/ccb/GSAMAN/building commissioningguide.pdf.
smoke-resistant assemblies,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chapter 8 ,
Wa yn e L . M ors e U. s . Co U r t ho U s e, eU ge n e , ore gon, a r Chi t e Ct : M orp h osi s, p r o j e Ct M an ager: ri C h ard B rod eri C k,
8 A I
Chapter 8
8.1 Goals and Objectives 8.2 General Requirements 8.3 Architectural and Interior Design 8.4 Structural Systems 8.5 Mechanical Systems 8.6 Fire Protection and Security Systems 8.7 Electrical Systems 8.8 Security Design: Agency Responsibilities
Design Guidance,
U.S. Courts Design Guide (USCDG),
this publication focuses on the functional program requirements, Court and court-related adjacency relationships, finish materials, and specific performance criteria for acoustics, environmental systems, including special heating, cooling, and lighting requirements. the USCDg also addresses security, telecommunications, and audiovisual design requirements. the USCDg includes a tabular comparison of funding responsibilities for all components of the courthouse and court functional space. (this information is organized into budget requirements for gSa, judiciary, and the judiciaryrelated executive branch agencies.) the USCDg refers to technical information related to performance criteria to help illustrate the rationale for the requirements and to establish the standard for level of quality.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S general requirements
general requirements,
Planning for Future Requirements,
the master plan for each courthouse facility is intended to accommodate 30 years of growth, and the design of the initial phase of construction must provide the spatial requirements for 10 years. the conversion of general office or other support spaces to courtroom use will potentially put greater demands on the HVaC, electrical, and communications systems. these systems will require expansion capacity and space for additional equipment related to the future courts in the initial building design. Historic courthouses require special considerations. For guidance on renovation of historic courthouses, consult with the regional historic preservation officer. accessibility ramps should be installed in historic buildings, unless such ramps will result in substantial loss of historic material. Under exceptional conditions, an application for a waiver may be made for a temporary ramp. Design for accessibility must comply with the requirements of the architectural Barriers act accessibility Standard (aBaaS). gSa and judiciary policy requires all Federal courtrooms have the lectern, counsel tables, witness stands, and jury boxes accessible in the original design, and the judges bench, clerks station, and other court personnel workstations adaptable for accessibility, regardless of local or State code. aBaaS requires a totally accessible interior route from the point of entry to all areas of a building used by the public. the design elements affected by this requirement include:
z Vestibule configuration, z Door sizes and pressure of operation, z Corridor widths, z elevator access and control, z toilet room and stall dimensions, z telephone and ttY (text telephone) provisions, z Drinking fountain location and dimensions, z Visual and audible alarm accommodations, z Signage design and location, z Quantity of accessible seating, z ramps or platform lift access to all raised seating,
access to all raised areas in courtrooms must be by platform lifts or permanent ramps. if platform lifts are provided, they must be an integral part of the architecture of the courtroom. Bench areas must be designed to accommodate this equipment, including structural slabs with a shallow pit for the lift platform.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S general requirements
U.S. Court facilities have several conditions that are unique to Federal building planning and design. there are provisions within the courtroom for fixed millwork to include elevated platforms for judges, witnesses, clerk staff, reporters, and jurors. in addition, design of spectator seating areas must consider visitors with physical challenges, including individuals with sight and hearing difficulties. (all areas of the courtrooms must accommodate listening systems for the hearing impaired, and translators, note takers, and interpreters for the visually disabled.) table 8-1 outlines the accessible standards that apply specifically to courts and highlights instances where policy or preferences developed by gSa, in conjunction with the Judicial Conference of the United States, differ from aBaaS. adaptability requires that dimensional consideration be included in the original design to incorporate accessible elements at a later time. Wherever ramps or platform lifts are provided for access to a raised area, railings must be provided as required.
electrical outlets, wiring, conduit, or raceways to support sound and visual communication equipment for persons with physical challenges will be provided by gSa. electrical service may be required for transcription services, telephone handset amplifiers, telephones compatible with hearing aids, closed caption decoders, text telephones (ttYs), or other devices to assist those with hearing or visual impairments.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S general requirements
Jury & ancillary Facilities, Jury assembly room, Jury deliberation rooms, attorney/witness rooms, attorney work rooms, and conference rooms, grand jury suite, Must be located on accessible route. refer to aBaaS for number of wheelchair spaces. aBaaS also determines requirements for listening devices, kitchenette-type service units, and associated vending and seating areas. one space at tables. Clearance provided at coat storage and dedicated toilet rooms. Portable assistive listening system (provided by judiciary) may be used if there is more than one deliberation room. Provide proper clearance for circulation and height at tables for wheelchairs.
refer to aBaaS for the number of wheelchair spaces and listening devices. Clearance provided at coat storage, service unit, and toilet rooms. Witness stand with wheelchair turning radius clearance.
USMS Facilities, Court holding areas, Visitor booths and attorney/prisoner areas,
each classification of holding must have one holding cell accommodating wheelchair clearances and an appropriate toilet plus lavatory in accordance with aBaaS. at least 5 percent, but no less than 1 percent, of booth/areas must provide clear floor space, maneuvering clearances and counter height dimensions for a wheelchair on both sides in accordance with aBaaS.
Floor Systems,
an important issue in the design of gSa-owned structures has been the evaluation and selection of an appropriate floor system, especially with the potential of using the cavity below for the horizontal distribution of power, data, telecommunications, and low-voltage system cabling, and the flexibility to position connections above the floor. accessible flooring systems can be defined as a suspended floor plane above the structural slab with relocatable modular components. raised access floor systems for Federal facilities must use a minimum of 150 mm (6 in.) above the concrete deck to allow adequate space for wire management systems and the crossing of large conduits. the requirement for raised access flooring in courthouses is described in Chapter 15 of USCDg. the height of the accessible floor system must be included in the determination of floor-to-floor dimensions. Select standard floor finishes within each function of the court facility primarily based on acoustic enhancement, general durability, and ease of access to underfloor electrical, telecommunication, and data distribution systems. the USCDg contains detailed information on specific requirements for the use of carpet and other floor finish materials under each category of functional space. See Chapter 12 of the USCDg. the USMS Publication 64 contains very stringent requirements for the USMS in all detention-related areas of its facilities.
of a facility,
z Physical and electronic security design features at
vulnerable areas that will decrease risk of attack to occupants or escape of prisoners,
z level of facility as determined by the iSC Facility
ceiling tile is recommended. the use of this system allows future flexibility in partition arrangement and corresponding relocation of mechanical diffusers, lights, sprinklers, and components of other systems such as speakers and fire alarm notification appliances.
in courtrooms, acoustic characteristics and aesthetics are the main considerations in the selection of a ceiling system. the ceiling design and materials must enhance the acoustic performance of the well area. (ideal reverberation time in a courtroom is 0.6 to 0.7 seconds. See Chapter 14 of the USCDg.) this will involve the use of reflective and absorptive materials in the space. at no point in the ceiling design must the highest point exceed the maximum ceiling height requirements in the USCDg.
Ceiling Systems,
the USCDg outlines all of the appropriate interior finishes for U.S. Court-related spaces. Chapter 3 of this document outlines the general parameters for selection of a ceiling system in typical office spaces. there are several types of spaces with custom ceiling system requirements, which may include courtrooms, public spaces, office and conference spaces of the courts or other agencies, and detainee areas. in historic buildings, acoustical requirements should be satisfied using removable finishes and features so that original ornamental surfaces may be maintained.
Public Spaces,
in public spaces, the ceiling system must accommodate future changes to the layout of the space and allow access for maintenance of the building systems above and within the ceiling plane, including mechanical systems, diffuser locations, communication devices, lights, and fire protection systems. acoustic tile in a suspended ceiling grid is typically provided in these areas, along with supplemental use of gypsum wallboard in soffits, perimeter coves, recesses, and reveals.
Detainee Areas,
in detainee areas, security and durability are the main considerations in the selection of a ceiling system. refer to USMS Publication 64 for suggested ceiling materials in these spaces.
intake counters,
lockers and benches, grooming shelf and mirrors, Metal lockers, Hooks or open closet rod and shelf for coats,
Check-in counter , Coat closet with rods , Kitchenette-type serving unit (cabinets above and below), USMS and CSo Work/Mail room,
Jury areas,
toilets with vanity and mirror , Kitchenette-type serving unit , Coat closet with rods, Central Mail Facilities,
cafeteria, etc.
Directional Signage,
z Main directory at building entrancegraphic plan, z Floor directory on each floorgraphic plan, z Directory of building occupants with suite locations, z Directional signage for building access by persons with
physical challenges,
z Directional signage for parking/restricted entrances, z Directional signage for service vehicles,
Regulatory/Security Signage,
z Signage for core functionsrestrooms, stairs,
staff areas; if admission to controlled areas is based on acceptable identification, instructions for operating the call button/camera must be provided at the controlled door,
z Signage for dedicated systems/facilitieselevators,
stairs, staff restrooms (identification as dedicated and regulations for use must be stated),
z Signage for special locking arrangements
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S Structural Systems
Structural Systems,
General Requirements,
the selection of the primary structural system for a new U.S. Court facility must be based on a variety of functional, technical, and load criteria. Whatever system is selected, the building must be planned with the longest logical clear spans (spacing between columns) consistent with design to prevent progressive collapse, and simplified structural framing to provide flexibility for modification/ adaptation to accommodate areas of special use, including future courtrooms. (if space is dedicated to future courts, the column layout must not disrupt internal sightlines of the courtrooms.) Design of the courtrooms and court-area structural configuration must respond to the needs for electrical and data/telecommunications systems and their related horizontal/vertical distribution network. an important consideration for a structural design is the number and size of floor slab penetrations required in court areas for initial and future renovation. Floor-loading capacities must be planned to accommodate initial and planned future loads, particularly in areas near building cores that can serve as special high-service zones. adequate floor structural capacity must be provided to accommodate the secure, solid-filled, reinforced security walls wherever they may occur in the dedicated USMS space. adequate roof structure must be provided to carry general personnel and equipment loads, and to accommodate additional loads for antennas, satellite dishes, and window washing equipment. Special structural capacity must also be provided in the following areas of U.S. Court facilities:
z Court library stack areas (headquarters, satellite, and
by reference to international Building Code requirements in the location where construction is taking place. the minimum loading for these areas is 14.4 kPa (300 lbs/sf).
z Design floor loads of the USMS space as required by
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S Mechanical Systems
Mechanical Systems,
this section focuses on technical requirements for the mechanical engineering systems that should be provided in buildings designed to serve the U.S. Courts. Specific requirements are presented for all special or unique spaces used by the U.S. Courts and court-related agencies, including spaces designed to accommodate the U.S. Marshals Service. Federal court facilities must be designed to take advantage of integrated systems and controls to provide better building performance through energy conservation, economy of operations, maintenance, and flexibility for changes. opportunities for system integration must be evaluated throughout the design process. U.S. Court facilities require a variety of space types, each with its own set of specific requirements. in addition, court functions require flexibility in the time of operation and control of dedicated HVaC systems. See Chapter 15 of the USCDg.
z Maintain 45 to 50 percent relative humidity for summer
protect through penetrations and membrane penetrations of horizontal assemblies and fire-resistance-rated wall assemblies must meet the requirements of the international Building Code.
z Do not use duct lining. Ductwork must be acoustically
designed as described in Chapter 5 of the P100 and Chapter 15 of the Courts Design Guide.
z HVaC systems must be designed to provide optimum
General Criteria,
the selection of the HVaC systems, equipment, and source of energy must be in accordance with the guidelines and procedures established in Chapter 5. a life cycle cost (lCC) analysis must be conducted to ensure selection of the most cost-effective alternative environmental considerations. the HVaC system must be designed to provide 23.4C (74F) in judges chambers, courtrooms, and trial jury suites on average. the courtroom HVaC system must be designed so that courtroom thermostats can be reset from the building automation system to precool the courtrooms to 21.1C (70F) before scheduled occupancy.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S Mechanical Systems
trial jury suites (when located adjacent to a courtroom), judges chamber suites (when located adjacent to a courtroom), attorney/witness rooms, attorney work room, and courtrooms must be placed on the same system with separate zones having related thermostats and the design must account for variation in occupancy load. Humidification must be provided as specified in Chapter 5. See Chapter 15 of the USCDg. Mechanical systems will provide 5.7 cubic meters (20 cubic feet) per minute as a minimum per person in all occupiable areas of U.S. Court facilities. the HVaC systems must be zoned in such a manner that the requirements of the special areas can be satisfied by efficient use of the systems and equipment. to allow flexible and efficient use of the HVaC systems for hours of activity occurring at times other than standard building operations and to satisfy specific requirements in a U.S. Court facility, the central plant equipment (chillers, boilers, cooling towers, pumps, air handling units (aHUs), etc.) must be designed using redundant equipment of various sizes to satisfy the requirements of differing number and sizes of zones. (the goal is to service no more than two courtrooms per air handling unit.) Piping systems must allow arrangements to permit changing courtroom HVaC systems from primary to secondary chilled water for off hours. the HVaC design must allow submetering of utilities and equipment to permit the facility manager to allocate cost of operation beyond standard hours of operation.
the HVaC system design for the courtroom, judges chamber suite, and the jury deliberation room, which compose a single court set, must be designed to allow the HVaC system to operate after standard building operations hours in an efficient manner. the design must include winter humidification for areas in the building with custom millwork.
Temperature and Systems Control , the HVaC system serving judges chambers, courtrooms, and trial jury suites must provide an average temperature of 23.4 (74F). the courtroom system zone must be designed to allow thermostats to be reset from the building automation system to precool to 21.1C (70F) before scheduled occupancy. Air Distribution (See Chapter 15 of the USCDG), three HVaC zones must be provided: one for the judge and attorney areas; a second for the jury areas; and a third for the spectator area. the diffusers serving the spectator areas must be sized to serve the allowable seating capacity, plus 25 percent, to accommodate extra seating. the diffusers must be selected to meet minimum ventilation requirements at no loads, with no appreciable increase in system noise during load changes. a minimum air exchange per hour: appellate Judges enBanc and Panel, Special Proceeding Courtrooms 6-8; District, Magistrate and Bankruptcy Judges courtrooms 8-10 (See Chapter 14 of the USCDg). Six air changes per hour must be provided for rooms with a ceiling height up to 4.6 meters (15 ft.) and eight air changes per hour for rooms with a ceiling height greater than 4.6 meters
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S Mechanical Systems
(15 ft.). Systems must be designed to meet these requirements when spaces are fully occupied, unless otherwise noted. the maximum percentage of recirculated air must not exceed 85 percent. if the courtroom is served by a fan system dedicated to more than one courtroom, the return air from each courtroom and its associated areas must be ducted directly to the unit. return air from the chamber suites must be ducted directly toward the return air shaft for a minimum distance of 4.5 meters (15 ft.). Ductwork will be treated to meet the acoustical courtrooms/chambers design criteria.
Expansion Capability,
Since U.S. Court facilities should be expected to have a long, useful life, new construction and renovation projects must be planned to provide adequate mechanical and electrical capability to the site and building(s) to support future additions. it is particularly important to design the systems for specialized areas of the building (lobby, food service, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms) to support the anticipated 30-year needs of the occupants. this can be accomplished by building additional space for future growth of the HVaC systems during initial construction and temporarily allocating it to building or tenant storage. the a/e must locate equipment adjacent to the building perimeter wall that will abut future expansion for orderly tie-in to new system components.
Jury Facilities,
System Description and Control, trial jury suites should be served from the same system as the associated courtrooms. a separate thermostat for each trial jury room is desirable. Air Distribution, air distribution systems in the jury facilities must provide separate temperature control and a high degree of acoustical isolation, particularly in the grand jury and trial jury rooms. Ductwork will be treated to meet the acoustical deliberation room design criteria. Air Changes, in the jury assembly suites, trial jury suites, grand jury suites, and libraries, the system must provide 10 air changes per hour (aCH) with 80-85 percent return. refer to USMS Publication 64 for all detention requirements.
Acoustic Performance,
acoustic performance must be a major consideration in the selection of HVaC equipment. Systems serving the courtrooms and auxiliary spaces must be designed with sound attenuation to provide consistent and acceptable sound levels. this is particularly critical in the design of court facilities that require extensive use of sound and audiovisual equipment for recording and presentations. to control noise during all modes of operation and for all load conditions, the HVaC system should be provided with one or more of the following:
z Sound traps, z low-velocity, low static-pressure fan systems, z Special low-noise diffusers,
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S Mechanical Systems
if air is returned by the ceiling plenum, special attention should be given to the location of any partitions extending to the floor structure above and to the acoustical treatment of the required penetration of these partitions for return air. HVaC equipment, including aHUs and variable air volume (VaV) boxes, must not be located in close proximity to courtrooms, jury rooms, and chambers. the minimum distance should be 7.6 meters (25 ft.) between aHU and courtrooms. (refer to Chapter 5, theaters and auditoriums, for criteria regarding maximum duct velocity.) general system design must provide appropriate treatment of mechanical supply/return ducts to minimize sound and voice transfer from courtrooms, chambers, jury deliberation spaces, and witness rooms to surrounding areas. noise criteria (nC) (the limits that the octave band spectrum of noise source must not exceed) must range from 25 to 30 in courtrooms. (See Chapter 14 of the USCDg). For sound level maintenance, the courtroom must be served by constant volume air supply. the system must also support variable outside air requirements and variable cooling loads. air ducts serving the trial jury and grand jury suites must be double-walled sound-attenuating ducts for a length of at least 3.7 meters (12 ft.) from the diffuser or return air intake.
8.7 8.x
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S electrical Systems
electrical Systems,
gSa will provide emergency and secondary power distribution as a basic requirement. normal building distribution systems must be designed to comply with Chapter 6. they must include a special electrical distribution system consisting of an isolation transformer with associated branch circuit distribution equipment, and must be designed to serve the data network system and associated equipment supporting nonlinear loads. Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) must be provided to serve security, emergency smoke evacuation, and any other critical systems and be connected to the emergency power distribution system. additional systems must be provided by the tenants for any specific tenant related requirements.
Spare Capacity ,
general design requirements for office and courtroom areas must be based on anticipated loads and requirements as outlined in Chapter 6. the capacity of the feeders serving all areas of the building must accommodate growth to the extent shown in the 30-year long-range plan for the facility.
Number of Outlets ,
the number of outlets provided in U.S. Court facilities must be in accordance with table 8-3, electrical codes, and good practice.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S electrical Systems
Courtroom lobby,
one duplex receptacle and one dedicated outlet. one quadriplex receptacle for general purpose use. Mounted on inside of jury box enclosure. Per attorney table position. Printer.
attorney tables,
one quadriplex receptacle (general use). recessed floor box. one isolated ground quadriplex receptacle (general use) and one duplex receptacle for PC and monitor. one isolated ground duplex outlet at front rail (bar) for computer/monitor for Crt or other use.
equipment room/area,
Multiple outlets (as required) for sound, assisted listening system (alS), data, telecommunications, and video recording and presentation equipment. Duplex outlets at 20 ft. intervals along the walls of courtroom. Duplex outlets at two locations (minimum) in front of bench millwork. additional outlets at appropriate locations for ceiling-mounted screen, fixed or movable positions for slide projector, video monitor, video recorder, interactive white-board and image copier, and x-ray viewer equipment. locate underfloor boxes for multiple possible locations of a lectern and alternative locations for attorney tables. Provide additional outlets for initial/future location of video cameras. Provide outlet for wall-mounted clock. Provide outlet(s) for alS unit(s). Provide outlets as required for video conferencing/arraignment equipment, video monitors/VCr equipment, security, and so on. the courtroom well will have a suspended access floor system for flexible location of outlets.
*this table is comprehensive, but may not be complete as needs and systems change over time and from court to court. these requirements are in addition to those in Chapter 6.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S electrical Systems
Media room(s),
Distributed convenience outlets. Provide isolated ground outlets as required for video conferencing/arraignment equipment, video monitors/DVr equipment, security, sound-system, alS and other equipment, based on anticipated locations of equipment.
Quadriplex receptacle for general purpose use. two duplex receptacles for miscellaneous uses (tV monitor, slide projector use, etc.). two isolated ground duplex receptacles for PC, monitor, printer and other computer equipment. additional duplex receptacle for video arraignment and FaX equipment where required (initial/future use).
Duplex outlets for PC and monitor positions to be located in multiple positions (based on likely furniture placement). Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget.
one quadriplex receptacle (general use). Duplex isolated ground outlets, two minimum, for PC, monitor, printer, FaX. one quadriplex receptacle (general use). Duplex isolated ground outlet(s), two minimum, for PC, monitor, printer, FaX. Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget equipment not included in base building budget. refrigerator included in FF&e budget. other equipment (PC, monitor, printer, FaX, copier, etc.) not in FF&e budget.
Work area,
Quadriplex receptacle for general purpose use. Duplex outlets for coffee machine, microwave unit, refrigerator, based on equipment/furniture layouts. additional outlet(s) for copier.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S electrical Systems
equipment/outlets, Provide isolated ground outlets for video conferencing, tV monitor, projectors. Distributed convenience outlets in reception/waiting and general office areas. Provide outlets for outlets for floor-cleaning equipment and motor loads. Provide outlets as required for video conferencing/arraignment equipment, security, sound-system, alS or other equipment, based on anticipated locations of equipment. Distributed convenience outlets.
notes Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget.
Service Unit,
trial Jury Suite(s), Jury Deliberation room, Distributed convenience outlets, including provisions for cleaning/housekeeping. outlets (gFi) on separate circuit for kitchen type service unit equipment (microwave, coffee maker). isolated ground outlets for film/slide projection equipment, tV monitor and DVr, audio tape recorder/player. outlet for wall-mounted clock. Distributed convenience outlets, including provisions for cleaning/housekeeping. Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget.
other areas,
grand Jury, Witness Box, Jury Seating, Court reporters Workstation, Duplex receptacle. Convenience outlets, including provisions for cleaning equipment and motor loads. one quadriplex receptacle (general use), one isolated ground duplex receptacle for reporters computer/Crt. Provide additional duplex receptacle(s) at alternate court reporter position(s), if applicable. recessed floor box, if appropriate. gFi in toilet areas, per codes. Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget.
attorney tables,
one quadriplex receptacle (general use). recessed floor box, if appropriate. Foreperson: one quadriplex receptacle (general use). Distributed convenience outlets, including provisions for cleaning/housekeeping.
other areas,
Distributed convenience outlets, including provisions for cleaning/housekeeping. outlets (gFi) on separate circuit for kitchen type service unit equipment (microwave, coffee maker). outlets for film/slide projection equipment, tV monitor and VCr, audio tape recorder/player. outlet for wall-mounted clock. Power for sound, video system, if any.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S electrical Systems
Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget.
other area(s), law library, Circulation Desk, Public Waiting areas, entry Control,
isolated ground outlets for PC, other equipment. Distributed convenience outlets. Distributed convenience outlets, including provisions for cleaning/housekeeping. isolated ground outlets for security equipment. Distributed convenience outlets, including provisions for cleaning/housekeeping. one quadriplex receptacle (general use). Duplex isolated ground outlet(s), two minimum (for PC, monitor, printer, FaX) per workstation. recessed floor box, if/as required. Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget. Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget. recessed floor box, if/as required.
Staff offices,
Distributed convenience outlets; quadriplex receptacle(s) for general purpose use. additional outlet(s) for copier.
Calr areas,
Duplex isolated ground outlet(s), two minimum (for PC, monitor, printer, FaX) per workstation.
Distributed convenience outlets. Provide outlets for use at carrels and tables.
Multiple outlets (as required) for sound, alS, data, telecommunication and video recording and presentation equipment. Duplex outlet for microfiche machine.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S electrical Systems
one quadriplex receptacle (general use); duplex isolated ground outlet(s), two minimum, for PC, monitor, printer, FaX, per workstation. Provide additional outlet(s) for cash registers, additional printers, shared-access PCs, printers. Provide duplex outlet(s) for public access PCs, monitor, printer, and FaX equipment. Provide outlet(s) on separate circuits for public access copier(s).
Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget. Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget. Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget. Computer and office equipment (PC, monitor, printer) not in FF&e budget. equipment not included in base building or FF&e budget.
one quadriplex receptacle (general use). Duplex isolated ground outlet(s), two minimum, for PC, monitor, printer, FaX.
Distributed convenience outlets; quadriplex receptacle(s) for general purpose use. additional outlet(s) for copier(s), FaX equipment, etc.
Distributed convenience outlets, including provisions for cleaning/housekeeping. outlets (gFi) on separate circuit for kitchen type service unit equipment (microwave, coffee maker).
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S electrical Systems
Provide grounding as indicated in Chapter 6.
Exterior Connection,
Conduit and feeders must be installed on the exterior of the building to allow use of a trailer-mounted generator to connect to the buildings electrical system. this must be regarded as a tertiary source of power for systems in the building where operational continuity is critical. (an operational plan must be in place to provide this service quickly when needed.) emergency power must be derived from generators sized to carry the required loads. generators must be synchronized to serve a common distribution board which, in turn, serves appropriate automatic transfer switches (atSs) and the fire pump. Separate atSs must be provided for the life safety/security system, UPS system, and essential systems. essential systems will serve the ventilation and equipment loads required for personnel and building protection in the event of a commercial power failure or other catastrophic event.
Most courthouse computers and data/telecommunication equipment will not be connected to the building backup emergency generators or UPS system. to minimize this type of equipment operational and performance problem, it is necessary to mitigate the amount of electrical disturbance that this type of equipment will be subjected to. all courthouse desks and work areas should be provided with regular power receptacles as well as an isolated ground (ig) power receptacle. ig power systems are especially designed to minimize electrical disturbances, thus only computers and data/telecommunication should be connected. all other types of equipment including task lighting, heaters, radios, photocopiers, and vacuum cleaners should be connected to the regular power receptacles.
D e S i g n S ta n Da r D S F o r U . S . C o U r t Fa C i l i t i e S electrical Systems
Lighting Systems,
illumination levels, lighting types, and lighting controls in specific court functional areas are provided in the USCDg. See Chapter 15 of the USCDg. in all other spaces, illumination levels and lighting controls must be provided as specified in Chapter 6. task lighting must be variable to 100 FtC (1100 lx). the lighting system should have good color rendition and avoid bright spots on the ceiling plane. Modulation of lighting should be used to distinguish the courtroom well and spectator areas. the a/e must provide fixtures with accurate color rendition and avoid the use of metal halide fixtures. the use of indirect pendant-mounted fluorescent fixtures provides good, soft diffuse general lighting in a courtroom, complemented with recessed concentrated light sources at the judges bench, the witness box, and attorneys tables. lighting levels must consider the impact on courtroom finishes. an override switch will be located at the judges bench and at the courtroom deputy clerk station to allow an instantaneous override of all dimming controls in an emergency. the following lighting controls can be specified depending on the size of the courtroom, lighting arrangements, and lamp types:
z a more complex lighting installation consisting of local,
Control of lighting is the responsibility of the courtroom deputy clerk or another designated court officer and must be operated with a key. light switches must not be accessible from the spectator seating area or witness box. Provision of integrated electronic controls must be considered with preset lighting schemes having integrated controls for shading devices at windows and skylights, plus controls for presentation screens (if provided by the courts). the controls must allow varying levels of light to suit the needs and desires of the courtroom participants. electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps must not be used in areas that contain sensitive security devices or special equipment that is sensitive to electronic interference, such as alD infrared emitters. guidelines for site illumination are specified in Chapter 6. lighting in parking areas must allow for identification of vehicle color, and the design should avoid the use of lowpressure sodium fixtures. emergency lighting for courtrooms and security areas, to include USMS detention facilities, must have built-in batteries plus emergency generator service.
A 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 A I
Submission Requirements, A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, General Requirements, Performance Expectations Matrices, New Construction and Modernization, Alteration Projects, Surveys and Geotechnical Reports, Energy Analysis Input and Output, Resources, B.1, B.2, References, Acronyms and Abbreviations, 336, 342, 291, 296, 298, 316, 326, 330,
General Requirements
These design submission requirements have been developed to ensure a rational, well-documented design process and to facilitate reviews by GSA staff, tenant agencies, and local regulatory agencies or review boards as the design develops. The submission requirements listed here apply to all projects where design services are performed by architects and engineers under contract to GSA. These requirements are the minimum standards and the specific A/E scope of work will take precedence on each project. In each phase of work, project documents must be submitted to GSA in electronic and hard copy format as determined by the GSA project manager.
Drawing Lettering,
Lettering on drawings must be legible when drawings are reduced to half size and when they are microfilmed. This applies to concept and design development drawings as well as construction documents.
The millimeter is the only unit of measurement to appear on construction documents for building plans and details for all disciplines except civil engineering, which must be stated in meters. However, building elevation references are stated in meters. Use of millimeters is consistent with how dimensions are specified in major codes. No dimension requires the mm label. On the drawings the unit symbol is eliminated and only an explanatory note such as: All dimensions are shown in millimeters or All dimensions are shown in meters, is provided. Whole numbers always indicate millimeters; decimal numbers taken to three places always indicate meters. Centimeters will not be used for dimensioning. If dual dimensioning is utilized on drawings, SI units must be primary, with English units secondary and in parentheses.
Drawing Scale ,
All drawings are to be created at full scale and plotted at a selected scale. The drawings or views (such as details) should include numeric and graphic scales. The scale selected should be appropriate for high resolution and legibility to include reduced copies (such as half-sized). There are nine preferred metric scales: 1:1 (full size), 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:500, and 1:1000. Other scales may be used as needed (such as 1:2 half full size). Floor plan drawings should be plotted at 1:100 (close to 1 8 inch scale). Architectural floor plans must be dual dimensioned with English units and contain English scales so that spatial data management coordinators can reconcile the drawings with the program requirements.
Drawing Size,
All drawings of a single project must be a uniform standard size, as designated by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) below. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or architectural-sized sheets may also be approved for use.
Designation, Size (in), Size (mm),
Each sheet of the construction documents must bear the seal and signature of the responsible design professional. (Specification and calculations cover page only.) Electronic plans may have digital signatures and seals.
CAD Standards ,
The National CAD/CIFM Standards should be obtained from GSAs www.gsa.gov/cifm website. These guidelines should be followed for all CAD drawing formatting. Regional CAD standards are available through the Spatial Data Management (SDM) Coordinators and are considered supplements to the national standards. (Refer to the base scale examples in the previous paragraph.) A north arrow must be included on all site drawings and plan view drawings.
Cover Sheet,
Provide code certification statement for compliance with specified codes and standards by each discipline with the professional seal and signature. The intent is to formally recognize the responsibility for compliance.
216 x 279, 279 x 432, 432 x 559, 559 x 864, 864 x 1118,
Turnover Documents,
electronic and hard copy documentation on all building systems should be provided for the guidance of the building engineering staff and long-term asset management. documents should show the actual elements that have been installed, how they performed during testing, and how they operate as a system in the completed facility. examples are as follows: z Contractor redline as-built drawings and specifications (including building/site actual measurements, changes to details, actual panel schedules, etc.) as required by the construction contract. z Architect/engineers final record drawings to include final changes to design and contractor noted as-built conditions. z operating manuals with a schematic diagram, sequence of operation, and system operating criteria for each system installed. Custom-written operating manuals; minimum standard should be submission of Word documents. z training materials and videos. z equipment maintenance manuals with complete information for all major components. in addition, asset data and documentation, including special data and documentation as to engineering, calculations, record drawing information, and visual media, should be provided to document the configuration, engineering assumptions, actual material/ sizes installed for future maintenance, repairs, and improvements. prior to acceptance for design completion or substantial completion, all required submittals and deliverables must be verified by a Government representative as received and complete, such as:
do not remove this notice, properly destroy or return documents when no longer needed, the following mark must be affixed to the cover or first page of any document (such as the cover page on a set of construction drawings) containing pages marked as required by the paragraph above:
SenSitiVe but unCLASSiFied (Sbu), pRopeRtY oF tHe united StAteS GoVeRnment, CopYinG, diSSeminAtion, oR diStRibution oF tHiS doCument to unAutHoRiZed ReCipientS iS pRoHibited,
Specifications should be produced according to the 2004 edition Construction Specification institute (CSi) division format. each page should be numbered. Specifications should be bound and include a table of contents. the specifications must include instructions to bidders and division 1, edited to GSA requirements.
Editing of Specifications,
the A/e is responsible for the editing of all specification sections, including any Governmentfurnished guide sections, to reflect the project design intent, GSA policy requirements, and Federal law. technical specifications must be carefully coordinated with drawings to ensure that everything shown on the drawings is specified. Specification language that is not applicable to the project must be deleted.
do not remove this notice, properly destroy or return documents when no longer needed, the previous two statements must be prominently labeled in bold type in a size appropriate for the document or portable electronic data storage device or both, if applicable. on a set of construction drawings, for example, the statements must be in a minimum of 14 point bold type or equivalent. the Sbu markings must be used regardless of the medium through which the information appears or is conveyed. the construction drawings, plans, and specifications are to be disseminated only to those requiring the information necessary for design, construction bidding, construction coordination, or other GSA procurement competition processes.
Dimensioning in Specifications,
domestically produced hard metric products must be specified when they meet GSA guidelines regarding cost and availability; see Chapter 1, General Requirements, metric Standards, in this document. in the event a product is not available domestically in hard metric sizes, a nonmetric sized product may be specified, and its data will be soft converted to a metric equivalent.
z drawings: design, redline, and record drawings, z Submittals, fabrication, and shop drawings, including: z equipment schedules; z equipment (or other) data sheets, product literature, minimum standard should be submission of pdFs, allows for regional supplementation; z equipment inventories, testing, adjusting, and balancing (tAb) reports, and Commissioning functional performance test (Fpt) results to be submitted as electronic data tables (excel or Access files are acceptable), including fields specified in the specifications; z bAS point and device data must be submitted as electronic data tables, to include necessary unique identification information such as point numbers, device id numbers, network numbers, etc., as well as english-language descriptions and location information. z All test records, z Fire Sprinkler and Alarm Systems: Calculations (including energy, structural, lighting, fire alarm system voltage drops and battery requirements, fire sprinkler hydraulics, etc.), All electronic media must be in the latest versions and optimum file sizes of desktop media, such as Acrobat, microsoft, CAd .dwg format, video media, electronic photo (e.g., .jpg), and Webcam archive data. electronic data should be provided to the Government on Cd-Rom unless otherwise specified. For all software installed in support of installed equipment, provide backup Cds with all files necessary to reinstall, all user and programming support manuals, and all files produced for the specific installation (e.g., graphics files, ddC program files, etc.). note that specification section 01781, project Record documents, should be edited to reflect electronic Final Submittals and data as noted above.
narratives serve to explain the design intent and to document decisions made during the design process. Like drawings and specifications, narratives are an important permanent record of the building design. drawings and specifications are a record of what systems, materials, and components the building contains; narratives should record why they were chosen. the narrative of each submittal may be based on the previous submittal, but it must be revised and expanded at each stage to reflect the current state of the design.
manual and/or computer based calculations should accompany narratives where required to support technical analysis. each set of calculations should start with a summary sheet, which shows all assumptions, references applicable codes and standards, and lists the conclusions. Calculations should include engineering sketches as an aid to understanding by reviewers. the calculations for each submittal should be cumulative, so that the final submittal contains all calculations for the project. Calculations submitted at early stages of the project must be revised later to reflect the final design. Calculations must refer to code, paragraph of code used, standards, and text books used for specific portion of calculation. Refer to drawing number where the results of the calculations have been used. example: number and sizes of re-bars used in reinforced concrete members.
Energy Analysis
Performance Criteria,
As part of the development of concepts through construction documents there must be a check of building performance criteria as noted in Section A.2.
in addition to GSAs goal of uSGbC Leed Gold Certification for all new construction and major modernizations, the release of executive order 13524 on october 5, 2009, increased the importance of Federal energy goals. An energy analysis must be submitted at the preconcept phase of design and updated throughout the development of the project to continually look for creative ways to reduce energy use. many opportunities exist for the reduction, recycling, or production of new energy in site, architectural, and building systems design. An energy analysis as described in Section A.6 and in Section 5.3 (energy Analysis Criteria) is required for each project.
General Requirements,
the Government requires that the design team prepare cost estimates at a minimum for the following stages of design: z preliminary concept design stage with multiple schemes of design, z Final concept design preceding value engineering z Final concept design, z design development documents preceding value engineering, z Final design development documents, z 75% Construction documents, z 90% Construction documents, z 100% Construction documents, z postaward bid analysis, the cost management services required by GSA are summarized in table A-1.
detail Level
uniFoRmAt ii,
1, 2, 3, 4,
draft Final Concept Submission before Ve, Final Concept Submission After Ve implementation , draft design development Submissionbefore Ve, Final design development SubmissionAfter Ve implementation ,
uniFoRmAt ii
parameter and
1, 2, 3, 4
uniFoRmAt ii,
1, 2, 3, 4,
uniFoRmAt ii
iii iii
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
V, V, n/A
, ,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
n/A, Vi,
iii, iii,
CSi masterFormat,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,
uniFoRmAt ii
Note 1. All uniFoRmAt ii classification requirements must be in accordance with the AStm Standard e-1557-05. Note 2. Services to be any or all of the following: A) cost estimating, b) market studies, C) estimate reviews, d) cost estimate reconciliation meetings, and e) cost estimate revision. Cost estimates are required for all submissions, as dictated by the p120. estimate reconciliation meetings and estimate revision submissions required when a third-party estimate is prepared, or an estimate review is conducted. Note 3. if the project is for a campus development, cost estimates, including summary reports, detail reports, and GSA Forms 3473 and 3474, must be prepared for each campus component, building, canopies, and sitework. if a project is phased, a separate estimate must be prepared for each project phase.
Note 4. the organization of the cost elements must be in accordance with the GSA pricing policy, requiring a separation between the building core/shell costs, tenant improvement costs for each tenant, and the amortized capital security costs (i.e., vehicular barriers, secure doors and locks, progressive collapse, blast mitigation and window glazing costs) per each tenant, as applicable. Note 5. if the detailed drawings and outline specifications are available, provide the CSi masterFormat cost estimate at the greatest detail that the drawings and specifications would support. Note 6. the summary of the cost estimate in CSi masterFormat must correspond with uniFoRmAt Level iii as defined in pbS p120.
Note 7. the level of detail of the cost estimate in CSi masterFormat must correspond with uniFoRmAt Level V as defined in pbS p120. Note 8. the level of detail of the cost estimate in CSi masterFormat must correspond with uniFoRmAt Level Vi as defined in pbS p120. Note 9. unit prices must be broken down into labor, materials, and equipment, as defined in the p120. Note 10. After the construction contract is awarded, the A/e will analyze bid cost data, including the planned payment schedule, and review the iGe. upon reviews, the A/e must complete the GSA Form 3472, as identified in the pbS p120, and submit to the Regional and Central office for use in GSA cost database. 295
high impact matrix intercepts call for design solutions that will optimize functional interests, consistent with the need to integrate solutions that will support all functional objectives. High impact intercepts require formal design team technical discussions to help optimize design solutions. these technical discussions must take the form of either a preconcept design charrette and/or a series of design team technical meetings during the concept phase. the technical discussion agenda can
FunCtionAL obJeCtiVeS,
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SYStemS, Foundations, on/below Grade, Superstructures, enclosure, Roofing, interior Construction, interior Finishes, Walls, Window/doors, Coverings, openings, partitions /doors, Access Floors, Walls, Floors, Ceiling, Conveying, plumbing, HVAC, Fire protection, electrical, equipment, Furnishings, Special Construction, demolition, building Sitework, building elements, Hazardous materials, Site preparation, Landscaping, utilities, Sitework, Service/distribution, Lighting, Central plant, distribution, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 1 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1 1 1 1 3 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2,
Figure A-1 ,
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be organized by discipline (systems) and/or by functional objective heading, but should address: z Functional performance goals, z integrated solution options, z Heading off what can go wrong, z inspections/certification requirements, z Coordinating construction and turnover-phase issues/deliverables, For both the design concept and design development submissions, the design A/e must identify the attainment of building functional objectives as represented by the matrix. this must take the form
of a narrative report that, by system, indicates how the proposed design supports expected building performance. the Functional objectives matrix can be further refined by establishing a matrix for each expectation, e.g., that provided for sustainability, in Figure A-2. While not required, these matrices may help ensure a comprehensive response to functional objectives by breaking down each major function into its component principles/objectives. Sample matrices for productivity, security, and other functional objectives are available upon request through the office of design and Construction.
in d o q u or en a li t v y, .
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Sustainability Matrix,
SYStemS,, Foundations, on/below Grade, Superstructures, enclosure, Roofing, interior Construction, interior Finishes, Walls, Window/doors, Coverings, openings, partitions /doors, Access Floors, Walls, Floors, Ceiling, Conveying, plumbing, HVAC, Fire protection, electrical, equipment, Furnishings, Special Construction, demolition, building Sitework, building elements, Hazardous materials, Site preparation, Landscaping, utilities, Sitework, Service/distribution, Lighting, Central plant, distribution, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1,
Figure A-2 ,
Peer Review,
the peer review, arranged through the office of design and Construction programs, is required for all new construction projects and any modernization project with significant alterations to the building aesthetic or systems. designs must be presented to the pbS Commissioner, chief architect, chief engineer, key GSA project team members, and nationally Selected peers for approval. the peer reviews occur at all phases of the project to review design concepts, schedule, cost, energy goals, etc.
Figure A-3 , Design Process and Related Submission Requirements for New Construction and Modernization,
n n
Review Space directive, integrate expectations into major Systems and Features,
pRoGRAm ReVieW
n n n n
massing models (new Construction only), narrative to include proposed building Systems, Rendering/photos, Concept Level: drawings, narratives/Studies, Calculations, Cost estimates, design quality Review questionnaire
deSiGn CHARRette , pReLiminARY ConCeptS, (3 or more), VALue enGineeRinG, (Systems Level), CommiSSioneRS AppRoVAL , FinAL ConCeptS,
deSiGn deVeLopment,
n n n
System/Feature Analyses for Selection, Final Selection of All building Systems, intersystem Coordination,
pRoGRAm ReVieW, VALue enGineeRinG, (Analysis Stage), pRoduCtion StAGe , pRoJeCt diReCtiVe meetinG,
n n
Architectural background drawings Complete, design development Level: drawings, narratives/Studies, Calculations, Cost estimates, design quality Review, questionnaire,
Concurrence on narrative for All building design Characteristics & Systems, Space program Reconciliation,
ConStRuCtion doCumentS,
pRoGRAm ReVieW, 75% CompLete , 90% CompLete , 100% CompLete , poStdeSiGn SeRViCeS,
n n n n n
progress drawings, draft Specifications, narrative update, Current Calculations, Final: drawings, Specifications, narratives, Calculations, Cost estimate, design quality Review, questionnaire,
n n
team should develop their strategy for achieving Leed Gold Certification as defined by the u.S. Green building Council. during preliminary Concepts, three or more concepts must be presented; these preliminary Concepts are intended to be working level and not presentation documents. they are to be developed only to the level that allows selection of a concept that will still be within program operation and budget goals. this selected concept is to be further refined and presented as the Final Concept by the A/e.
Systems are not only structural, mechanical, fire protection, and electrical, but include all other building components such as the building envelope (wall, window, and roof), interior construction (flooring, ceiling, and partitions), service spaces, elevators, and so on. in this phase, the design team should submit a Leed worksheet or comprehensive plan for how the architectural and buildings systems will achieve a Leed Gold Certified building as determined by uSGbC. the design submissions consist of a combination of drawings, narratives, calculations, specifications, and cost estimates. Although final design development plans, sections, and elevations must be to scale, drawings made in the analysis stage to illustrate various options may be freehand. these submissions are not preliminary construction documents. the approval at the project directive meeting may require that building layout or size changes be incorporated into the construction documents. no design discipline should start work on construction documents until the project directive has been approved.
Program Review,
prior to initiating each phase of design, the design team (including the GSA, A/e, and customer agency) must meet to review design program expectations and to exchange ideas, lessons-learned, and concerns. Such technical partnering sessions allow a clearer understanding of expectations, a well defined project scope, and help keep the project on budget and schedule.
Preliminary Concepts,
A submission that demonstrates compliance with the building program (space tabulation of building program) including all adjacency and functional requirements. this submission also shows that the proposed project is within the zoning area, and that the building and massing are compatible with the surroundings. the aesthetics should support the design philosophy of GSA shown in the general approach to architecture in the preceding chapters of this document. building systems and building envelope appropriate for the conceptual designs must be defined in order that they can be evaluated early for effectiveness and efficiency related to operation, maintenance, and energy consumption. Since there are many options to accomplish these ends with any particular program and site, GSA will participate in the normal design process of comparing options by working with the A/e through preliminary Concepts. in this phase, the design
Final Concepts,
the concept phase study is conducted to focus on the macro level elements of the design. these elements include, but are not limited to, siting, building massing, and environmental and community impacts and concerns. the conceptual phase study workshop is generally of two to four days duration. For major projects, a presentation is made to the Commissioner of the public buildings Service for final approval.
Design Development,
this set of submissions reflects a more comprehensive project design developed from the selected final concept design. dd finalizes the selection of all systems with respect to type, size, and other material characteristics.
Production Stage,
the production stage is the development of each system with supporting calculations and narrative. plans, sections, elevations, and details showing systems must be included.
Project Directive,
the report summarizes analysis and design to date at completion of the dd phase. A meeting among GSA, the client, and A/e staff, particularly those who will be working on the construction documents, is held to review the project directive for concurrence.
b. Location of subway stations and other mass transit links, c. Location of distinct land use types and districts in the vicinity of the site (e.g., historic districts, retail nodes, civic districts, etc.),
2. Existing site plan (at least one block around site), describing:
a. Site boundaries, approximate topography, existing buildings, setbacks, and easements, b. Climatic conditions including path of sun, c. description of flood plain issues related to building location and mechanical and electric equipment, d. Location of on-site and off-site utilities, e. natural landscape, f. pedestrian and vehicular circulation (include direction of traffic on adjoining streets), g. neighboring land uses, existing and planned,
Construction Documents ,
this phase requires a detailed set of documents coordinated by all disciplines into one coherent document to become the basis for a construction contract. the construction documents should include all levels of detail drawings from site planning to construction details, as well as specifications, cost estimates, and calculations.
3. Site plans for each design scheme, showing: a. building location and massing, b. building expansion potential, c. parking and service areas, d. description of local plans for surrounding area, relation of each concept to those plans, and summary of relevant recommendations from local officials, 4. Floor plans, showing at a minimum: a. entrances, lobbies, corridors, stairways, elevators, work areas, special spaces, mechanical rooms for major equipment and air handlers, and service spaces (with the principal spaces labeled). dimensions for critical clearances, such as vehicle access, should be indicated. 5. Building sections (as necessary), showing:
a. Floor-to-floor heights and other critical dimensions, b. Labeling of most important spaces, c. Labeling of floor and roof elevations,
Site Survey,
if a survey is part of the scope of work for the project, see Appendix Section A.5 for requirements. the information requested in subparagraphs 1 and 2 may be in progress and not yet complete. present site sketches as appropriate.
1. Site location plan [at least 2 kilometers (1.25 miles) around site], showing: a. Site relative to location of city center, major landmarks, major parking facilities, major roads, and airport,
6. Photographs, a. minimum of six 8 x 10 photographs showing the site and elevations of existing buildings (or landscape, as applicable) surrounding the site,
7. Models, a. Massing models of each architectural design scheme on a common base. (No fenestration should be provided at this stage of design development.) 8. Narrative , a. Site statement, describing: i. Existing site features, ii. Climatic conditions, iii. Topography and drainage patterns, iv. Any existing erosion conditions, v. Wetlands and locations of flood plains, vi. Surrounding buildings (style, scale), vii. Circulation patterns around site, b. Site access, i. Noise/visual considerations, ii. Local zoning restrictions, iii. Federal Aviation Administration requirements, iv. Hazardous waste, v. Pollution, c. Historic preservation considerations, if applicable, i. Site photographs, showing contiguous areas and affected preservation zones, ii. Existing major site utilities, iii. Potential archeological artifacts, d. Description of each architectural design scheme, explaining: i. Organizational concept, ii. Expansion potential, iii. Building efficiency, iv. Energy considerations, v. Advantages and disadvantages, e. Sustainable design considerations, i. Potential for incorporation of renewable energy systems in the design, ii. Potential use of geothermal systems, f. Mechanical system and strategy to comply with P100, Chapter 5 and with the assigned energy goal in Section 1.9.
g. Fire protection design considerations, h. Security features, i. Code statement. Provide a brief statement from each design team discipline member regarding the code requirements that relate to the site and occupancy use. For example, items such as, but not limited to: classification of construction and occupancy group(s), fire resistance requirements and general egress requirements, etc., would be prepared by the design team fire protection engineer. j. Preliminary concept phase cost estimates, i. Provide a UNIFORMAT cost estimate for each proposed design scheme submitted, ii. Cost estimating must be in accordance with the P120 and Table A-1 in this document, iii. Provide separate estimate for phased work, or bid alternates/options, iv. Verify that each design scheme presented can be constructed within the project budget, k. Space program statement/reconciliationprovide in metric and imperial units, l. Preliminary energy analysis for compliance with the assigned energy goals for each architectural concept in accordance with Section A.6, m. Art in architecture statement. Provide statement defining the integration of art in architecture. At a minimum identify the location for the proposed art concept. n. A description of any deviation from the PBS P100.
Site Plan
(At least one block around site), describing: 1 Site boundaries, approximate topography, existing buildings, setbacks, and easements, 2 Building orientation with respect to path of sun, 3 Building massing and relationship to massing of surrounding buildings, 4 Future building expansion potential, 5 Location of on-site and off-site utilities, 6 Grading and drainage, 7 General landscape design, showing location of major features, 8 Pedestrian and vehicular circulation (include direction of traffic on adjoining streets), 9 Parking and service areas, 10 Fire protection, water supplies, fire hydrants, and fire apparatus access roads,
1 Description of site and landscape design final concept, 2 Demolition, if required, 3 Circulation, 4 Parking, 5 Paving, 6 Landscape design, 7 Irrigation, if any, 8 Utility distribution and collection systems, 9 Method for storm water detention or retention, 10 Landscape maintenance concept, 11 Fire protection, water supplies, fire hydrants, and fire apparatus access roads, 12 Accessibility path for the physically disabled, 13 Summary of consultation with local officials regarding site and architectural design and the designs response to relevant recommendations,
Final Concept,
Site Planning and Landscape Design,
The following information must be complete for the final concept submittal of all buildings. (If materials produced for the preliminary concepts submittal do not require modification, such materials are acceptable for this submission.)
1. Drawings, a. demolition plans, if required , b. Floor plans, showing at a minimum: i. Work areas, lobbies, corridors, entrances, stairways, elevators, special spaces, and service spaces (with the principal spaces labeled). dimensions for critical clearances, such as vehicle access, should be indicated. ii. office areas must show proposed layouts down to the office level of detail verifying the integration between the approved program and the building concept is achievable. c. proposed interior layouts showing: i. open office plan, ii. enclosed office plan, iii. indicate how major mechanical and electrical equipment can be removed/replaced, d. elevations of major building facades, showing: i. Fenestration, ii. exterior materials, iii. Cast shadows, e. elevations of major interior spaces, showing: i. Lobby/atrium, ii. typical public elevator lobby, iii. typical courtroom elevations, f. building sections (as necessary), showing: i. Adequate space for structural, mechanical and electrical, telecommunications, and fire protection systems, ii. mechanical penthouses, iii. Floor-to-floor and other critical dimensions, iv. Labeling of most important spaces, v. Labeling of floor and roof elevations, 2. Color rendering [minimum size must be 600 mm by 900 mm (24 in. by 36 in.).]
3. Photographs a. Four 200 mm by 250 mm (8 in. by 10 in.) color photographs, mounted, identified, and framed of the rendering or model image (showing at least two vantage points). in addition, provide for all building elevations (at least one vantage point per each elevation). b. two of the photographs are to be sent to the GSA project manager. c. provide two additional 600 mm by 900 mm (24 in. by 36 in.) photographs of the rendering for the GSA project manager. (For courthouse projects only.) 4. Model, a. provide a model of the final concept with sufficient detail to convey the architectural intent of the design. 5. Calculations, a. Acoustical calculations, including noise transmission through: i. envelope, ii. interior walls, floors (including raised floors), and ceilings, iii. mechanical and electrical equipment, b. Heat transfer through and dew point locations in building envelope, c. toilet fixture count analysis, d. illumination, daylighting, and glare analysis, e. passenger and freight elevator analysis, f. Loading dock analysis, g. energy analysis in accordance with Section A.6. 6. Narrative, a. Architectural program requirements, i. Show in tabular form how the final concept meets the program requirements for each critical function. ii. A revised description of any deviation from p100.
iii. description of final concept, explaining: (1) expansion potential, (2) building floor efficiency, b. Location and sizes of mechanical equipment rooms for accessibility, maintenance and replacement of equipment (including cooling towers and emergency generators), c. Conveying systems design (passenger and freight elevators, escalators), d. Loading docks, e. thermal, air leakage, and operational performance and maintainability of the building envelope, f. design strategy to attain the assigned energy goal, g. treatment of historic zones, if applicable, h. operations and maintenance goals (exterior and interior window washing, relamping, etc.), i. Sustainable design concepts (Leed strategy), j. Vertical transportation analysis (passenger and freight elevators and escalators), k. Code analysis, i. the Code criteria must be reviewed by each design team discipline member to the degree of detail necessary to assure that tasks accomplished in this phase meet all the Code requirements. ii. A Code/Criteria analysis must be prepared by each design team discipline member that documents an investigation of the applicable codes and agency criteria that will govern the design of a specific project. this analysis should alert the Government to any conflicts in the projects design criteria so that they can be resolved early. the analysis should also provide a common perspective for the design and review of the project. this analysis is probably most critical in building modernization and repair/alteration projects.
Historic Preservation,
8.5 in. x 11 in. report, signed by qualified preservation architect, including:
1. Narrative, a. General: project purpose, scope, groups, and individuals involved , b. existing conditions, describing: i. overall building size, configuration, character, ii. project location, iii. existing original materials and design, relevant alterations, c. preservation design issues and prospective solutions, including: i. Location of new work/installation: visibility, impact on historic finishes, ii. Compare options for preserving/restoring historic materials and design, iii. identify further study required to avoid adverse effects as applicable, 2. Photographs, a. General and detail views showing existing conditions at affected preservation zones, keyed to plan showing location and orientation of each view b. Captions identifying location, subject, condition shown, 3. Drawings , a. Reduced to 8.5 in. x 11 in., 11 in. x 17 in. foldout or placed in cover pocket, b. Site and floor plans, as applicable, c. Sketches or schematic CAd drawings (elevations, plans) showing preservation design concepts,
2. Narrative, a. identification of unusual local code requirements, b. Code compliance statement, c. name of model building code followed, d. building classification, e. identification of region of seismicity, wind speed, etc. f. identification of special requirements, such as high-rise, g. For new buildings: i. Statement certifying that the structural engineer has reviewed the building configuration for blast, seismic, and hurricane adequacy, and the criteria in pbS p100 have been met. the structural engineer and the architect must sign this statement.
For the system approved and selected from the three concepts, provide the following:
1. Drawings, a. Framing plans of the proposed structural system showing column locations, bay sizes, and location of expansion and seismic joints,
1. Drawings, a. demolition plans, if required, b. HVAC Systems, i. Floor plan(s): (1) identification of equipment spaces for mechanical equipment, (2) Location of mechanical equipment, including size, weight, access to loading docks and freight elevators, and clearance requirements for operation, maintenance, and replacement, ii. Flow diagram(s): (1) Air flow riser diagrams representing supply, return, outside air, and exhaust systems, (2) Water flow riser diagrams of the main mechanical systems in the mechanical room(s) and throughout the building, c. plumbing Systems, i. Floor plan(s): (1) proposed building zoning and major piping runs, (2) Locations of proposed plumbing fixtures and equipment, ii. Systems schematics and flow diagrams,
2. Narrative, a. HVAC, A written narrative describing the selected mechanical systems and equipment, including: i. indoor and outdoor design conditions for all spaces under occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions, ii. Ventilation rates, dehumidification, and pressurization criteria for all spaces under occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions, iii. equipment capacities, weights, sizes, and power requirements, iv. description of heating, cooling, ventilating, and dehumidification systems for each major functional space, v. description of heating, cooling, ventilating, and dehumidification control strategies for each air handling system under occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions, vi. Fuel and utility requirements, vii. A code compliance statement, b. plumbing, i. description of proposed plumbing systems, including domestic cold and hot water, sanitary and storm drainage, and irrigation, ii. evaluation of alternate sources for preheating of domestic water (solar or heat recovery), c. Calculations and energy and water analyses, i. building heating and cooling load calculations, ii. psychrometric calculations for HVAC systems at full load and partial loads. (partial loads at 50% and 25%, and unoccupied periods), iii. energy consumption calculations and analysis in accordance with Section A.6 , iv. Water consumption calculations and analysis including make-up water for HVAC systems, domestic water consumption, and water consumption for irrigation, v. Fuel consumption estimates, 3. Specifications, a. table of contents identifying specifications to be used on the project,
Fire Protection,
Fire protection and life safety submission requirements must be identified as a separate Fire protection section as outlined in this document.
1. Drawings, a. plans showing equipment spaces for all electrical equipment to include: panels; switchboards; transformers; uninterruptible power supply (upS); and generators, 2. Narrative, a. description of at least two potential electrical systems, b. describe the proposed lighting and lighting control system, c. proposed special features of electrical system, d. Code compliance statement,
1. Drawings, a. plans showing, i. equipment spaces for fire protection systems (e.g., fire pump, fire command center, etc.) ii. Fire protection water supplies, fire hydrant locations, fire apparatus access roads, and fire lanes, 2. Narrative, a. description of the buildings proposed fire protection systems including the egress system, b. Code compliance analysis, i. the design team fire protection engineer must prepare an analysis of the applicable codes and agency criteria that will govern the design of the specific project. For example, items such as, but not limited to classification of construction and occupancy group(s), rating of structural components, fire resistance requirements, interior finish, occupant load calculations, exit calculations, identification of areas to receive automatic sprinkler systems and/or automatic detection systems, smoke control systems, etc. would be prepared by the design team fire protection engineer as necessary to provide a complete fire protection and life safety analysis for the final concept.
Certification Requirements ,
the architect/engineer (lead designer) must certify that the concept design complies with the program requirements, pbS p100, GSAs energy goals, Federal energy goals, and local regulatory agencies and review boards. in bullet form, identify how proposed design features will support performance expectations of the project. expectations are identified in the projects design program and within the Functional objectives matrix, Figure A-1. Final concept energy analysis, in accordance with Section A.6.
Design Development,
Site Planning and Landscape Design,
1. Calculations, a. Site storm drainage combined with building storm drainage and sanitary sewer calculations, b. Storm water detention calculations, if applicable, c. parking calculations, if applicable, d. dewatering calculations, i. Calculations modeling dewatering rates during dry and wet season excavation. Calculations must take into account effect of dewatering on adjacent structures and improvements. ii. Calculations must assume a specific shoring system as part of a comprehensive excavation system. 2. Narrative, a. Site circulation concept, explaining: i. Reasons for site circulation design and number of site entrances, ii. Reasons and/or calculations for number of parking spaces provided, iii. Reasoning for design of service area(s), including description of number and sizes of trucks that can be accommodated, iv. proposed scheme for waste removal, v. proposed scheme for fire apparatus access and fire lanes, b. Site utilities distribution concept, i. brief description of fire protection water supplies, ii. brief description of fire hydrant locations, iii. drainage design concept, c. Landscape design concept, explaining: i. Reasoning for landscape design, paving, site furnishings, and any water features, ii. Reasoning for choice of plant materials, iii. proposed landscape maintenance plan and water conservation plan, iv. brief operating description of irrigation system,
d. Site construction description, i. brief description of materials proposed for pavements and utilities, e. Code analysis, i. the code criteria must be reviewed by each design team discipline member to the degree of detail necessary to ensure that tasks accomplished in this phase meet all the code requirements. ii. identify local zoning and all building code requirements and provide a complete analysis as they pertain to the project.
b. Heat transfer through dew point locations in building envelope, c. toilet fixture count, d. illumination, daylighting, and glare, e. passenger and freight elevator analysis, f. Loading dock analysis, g. energy analysis in accordance with Section A.6,
3. Drawings, a. demolition drawings, if required, b. Site layout plan, showing: i. All buildings, roads, walks, parking, and other paved areas (including type of pavement), ii. Accessible route from parking areas and from public street to main facility entrance, iii. Fire apparatus and fire lanes, c. Grading and drainage plan, showing: i. Site grading and storm drainage inlets, including storm water detention features, d. Site utilities plan, showing: i. Sizes and locations of domestic and fire protection water supply lines, sanitary sewer lines, steam/condensate lines, and chilled water supply and return lines, if applicable, e. Landscape design plan, showing: i. General areas of planting, paving, site furniture, water features, etc., ii. irrigation plan, if applicable,
1. Calculations, a. Acoustical calculations, including noise transmission through: i. envelope, ii. interior walls, floors (including raised floors), and ceilings, iii. mechanical and electrical equipment,
2. Narrative, a. building concept, explaining: i. Reasons for building massing, entrance locations, and service locations, ii. building circulation and arrangement of major spaces, iii. interior design, iv. Adherence to the building preservation plan, if applicable, v. energy conservation design elements, vi. Water conservation considerations, vii. explain how all these design considerations are combined to provide a well integrated cohesive design concept, viii. Analysis of refuse removal, recycled materials storage and removal, and maintenance requirements, b. building construction description, explaining: i. Structural bay size, ii. exterior materials, waterproofing, air barriers/ vapor retarders, and insulation elements, iii. Roofing system(s), iv. exterior glazing system, v. interior finishes, with detailed explanation for public spaces, c. potential locations for artwork commissioned under the Art in Architecture program, if applicable, d. use of recycled materials, e. Sustainable design concepts and Leed strategy,
f. Review of project for code compliance, i. Code criteria should be reviewed by each discipline to the degree of detail necessary to assure that tasks accomplished in this phase meet the code requirements. ii. For major alterations, provide a determination whether an accessible floor is needed. g. building maintenance, explaining: i. How unique and tall architectural spaces such as atriums or grand staircases will be cleaned, have their light fixtures maintained, have interior and exterior glass surfaces cleaned and typical maintenance performed. ii. How courtrooms, dining facilities, and other assembly spaces with fixed seating, multilevel spaces, or with sloped floors will have their ceilings, lights, and other ceiling elements maintained and repaired. iii. proposed scheme for window washing equipment, iv. Consideration and prevention of bird nesting on exterior surfaces, v. How major mechanical and electrical equipment can be serviced and/or replaced in future years giving the necessary dimension clearances, h. describe the project-specific security design, i. Report verifying the current designs compliance with the approved space program. Any deviations must be clearly reported. Report in metric and english units. j. Curtain Wall Report, i. in projects with complex curtain wall systems, describe size and locations of major movement joints to accommodate structural drift due to seismic and/or wind loading. describe proposed curtain wall attachment methods to accommodate these lateral movements. ii. describe water migration, iii. describe exterior fire safety systems, if applicable,
iv. describe typical interfaces between exterior wall system and interior finishes, v. describe interfaces between major enclosure assemblies such as glass curtain wall to precast or stone panels, vi. identification of at least three suppliers that can provide proposed exterior wall system, vii. Address any requirement for blast resistance in the context of Windgard simulations and/or blast testing results, as provided by the office of design and Construction, k. design development energy analysis, in accordance with Section A.6, l. building keying: Report must fully define the keying hierarchy for the entire building incorporating various levels of access, security, and fire egress. A/e should coordinate with GSA fire safety engineer for keying. m. Signage Report: Signage system and room numbering system must be integrated with keying system. n. provide two finish boards for both public and tenant interior areas and two finish boards of exterior finishes composed of actual material samples and color coded plans, sections, and elevations of major space showing their use.
d. building roof plan, showing: i. drainage design, including minimum roof slope, ii. dimensions, iii. membrane and insulation configuration of the roofing system, iv. mechanical equipment rooms and their relationship to freight elevators, e. elevations, showing: i. entrances, window arrangements, doors, ii. exterior materials with major vertical and horizontal joints, iii. Roof levels, iv. Raised flooring and suspended ceiling space, v. dimensions, f. interior elevations, showing: i. Lobby, atrium, ii. public corridors, iii. Jury assembly room, iv. Grand jury, v. Restrooms, vi. Chambers, vii. typical public elevator lobby, viii. typical courtroom elevations, ix. typical tenant corridors, x. typical conference rooms, g. one longitudinal and one transverse section, showing: i. Floor-to-floor dimensions, ii. Stairs and elevators, iii. typical ceiling heights, iv. General roof construction, h. exterior wall sections, showing: i. materials of exterior wall construction, including flashing, connections, method of anchoring, insulation, vapor retarders, and glazing treatments, ii. Vertical arrangement of interior space, including accommodation of mechanical and electrical services in the floor and ceiling zones,
3. Drawings, a. demolition drawings, if required , b. building floor plans, showing: i. Spaces individually delineated and labeled, ii. enlarged layouts of special spaces, iii. dimensions, iv. planning module, c. building reflected ceiling plans, showing: i. enlarged layouts of special spaces, ii. Spaces individually delineated, iii. materials labeled, iv. Ceiling heights labeled, v. Lighting fixture types indicated and scheduled,
i. proposed room finish schedule, showing: i. Floors, bases, walls, and ceilings, ii. Finish schedule may be bound into narrative, iii. perspective sketches, renderings and/or presentation model, if included in the project scope, j. proposed site furniture, showing: i. Site furniture cut sheets or photos, ii. proposed locations, k. diagrams illustrating the ability to access, service, and replace mechanical/electrical equipment showing the pathway with necessary clearance, l. Location of accessible pathways and services for the physically disabled, m. placement of Art in Architecture elements, n. design of typical building signage, including wayfinding and room identification, building directory, exterior building signage, and major interior building identification,
c. existing conditions, describing: i. overall building size, configuration, character, ii. project location, iii. existing original materials and design, alterations, iv. new findings from testing or analysis in concept phase, d. preservation solutions explored, how resolved and why, including: i. Location of new work: visual impact, protection of ornamental finishes, ii. design of new work/installation: visual and physical compatibility with existing original materials and design; materials/finishes chosen, iii. methods of supporting new work/installation, iv. preservation and protection of historic materials during construction through tenant move-in, e. effects, describing: i. How project will affect the buildings architecturally significant qualities, ii. measures proposed to mitigate any adverse effects on historic materials or design, f. photographs, i. General and detail views showing existing conditions at affected preservation zones, keyed to plan showing location and orientation of each photo view, ii. Captions identifying location, subject, condition shown,
design report containing structural design criteria and the following information:
1. Calculations, For any computer-generated results, submit a program users manual, a model of the input data, and all pertinent program material required to understand the output. A narrative of the input and results for computer-generated calculations for the recommended structural concept should be contained in the calculations as well.
a. Gravity load and lateral load calculations, with tabulated results showing framing schedules, b. Foundation calculations, c. Calculations showing that the system is not vulnerable to progressive collapse, d. Vibration calculations, e. blast calculations,
4. Photographs, a. two sets of 200 mm by 250 mm (8 in. by 10 in.) photographs for: i. rendering or model image (if changed from concept submission), ii. elevation views for all exposures (if changed from concept submission),
Historic Preservation,
8.5 in. x 11 in. report, signed by qualified preservation architect, including:
1. Narrative, a. Cover page: building name, address, project title, project control number, author (preservation architect), preservation architects signature, date of submission, b. General: project purpose, scope, groups and individuals involved, substantive changes to approach described in concept submission,
2. Drawings , a. Reduced to 8.5 in. x 11 in., 11 in. x 17 in. foldout or placed in cover pocket: b. Site and floor plans, as applicable, c. elevations, plans, and section details showing preservation design solutions for each issue identified, as approved by regional preservation officer,
2. Narrative, a. Code criteria should be reviewed by each discipline to the degree of detail necessary to ensure that tasks accomplished in this phase meet the code requirements. b. Comparative cost analysis of at least three potential framing systems, i. the analysis should compare first costs based on the design of a typical cross-section of the building, one interior column bay in width, including a comparison of lateral load-resisting elements. nonstructural building systems that have a bearing on the overall cost of the systems must be included. For example, in a comparison between steel and concrete systems, the cost of fireproofing the steel structure must be considered, if fireproofing is required by code.
ii. the analysis should include a brief narrative listing factors that may have a bearing on the final selection, such as the availability of local labor skilled in the erection systems, speed of construction, and other concerns. c. description of recommended structural concept, including: i. Choice of framing system, including lateral load-resisting elements, and proposed foundation design, ii. Verification of adequacy of all assumed dead and live loads, d. identify all code requirements and provide a complete analysis as it pertains to this project including but not limited to: i. Required fire-resistance rating of structural elements, ii. Summary of special requirements resulting from applicable local codes, e. proposed methods of corrosion protection, if applicable, f. Geotechnical engineering report, including boring logs (if part of scope of work), i. See Section A.5 for specific requirements, g. Geologic hazard report. See Section A.5 for specific requirements, h. blast consultants report and analysis (if part of scope of work),
1. Calculations and Energy and Water Analyses, a. updated building heating and cooling load calculations, b. updated psychrometric calculations for HVAC systems at full and partial loads (partial loads at 50% and 25%, and unoccupied periods), c. updated energy consumption calculations and analysis in accordance with Section A.6, d. updated water consumption calculations and analysis including make-up water for HVAC systems, domestic water consumption, and water consumption for irrigation, e. updated fuel consumption estimates, 2. Drawings: HVAC, a. demolition drawings, if required , b. Floor plan(s): i. Single line piping and ductwork schematic layout , ii. Show terminal air units, iii. perimeter terminal units, c. quarter-inch scale drawings of mechanical equipment room(s) showing all mechanical equipment, ductwork, and piping, including equipment access and service requirements in plan, elevations, and cross-sections, d. Roof plan showing all roof-mounted equipment and access to roof, e. Show adequate access from mechanical equipment room(s) to freight elevators, f. Single line schematic flow and riser diagram(s): i. Airflow quantities and balancing devices for all heating/cooling equipment, ii. Water flow quantities and balancing devices for all heating/cooling equipment, iii. Flow/energy measuring devices for water and air systems for all cooling, heating, and terminal equipment,
g. Automatic control diagram(s): i. Control flow diagrams showing all sensors, valves, and controllers (analog and digital) ii. Sequence of operations of all the systems that describes the control sequences during occupied, 24-hour operations, and unoccupied conditions, h. Schedules: i. provide schedules of major equipment that includes chillers, boilers, pumps, air handling units, and terminal units, cooling towers, and all equipment required for 24-hour operations, i. Air terminal devices, j. Air balance relationships between spaces,
3. Drawings: Plumbing, a. demolition drawings, if required , b. Floor plan(s): i. proposed building zoning and major piping runs ii. Locations of proposed plumbing fixtures and equipment, c. Systems schematics and flow diagrams, 4. Narrative: HVAC, A written narrative describing the final mechanical system and equipment selection including: a. updated indoor and outdoor design conditions for all spaces under occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions, b. provide a dew point analysis, c. updated ventilation rates, dehumidification, and pressurization criteria for all spaces under occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions, d. updated equipment capacities, weights, sizes, and power requirements, e. A complete description of the air side and water side systems and the associated components including operating characteristics, ranges, and capacities, spaces served, and special features,
f. Descriptions of control strategy and sequence of operations for all spaces under occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions, g. Updated fuel and utility requirements, h. A P100 compliance statement, i. A description of any deviation from the HVAC system as approved in the Final Concept submittal, in accordance with P100 ,
5. Narrative: Plumbing, a. Updated description of plumbing system, including domestic cold and hot water, sanitary and storm drainage, and irrigation systems, b. Updated evaluation of alternate sources for reheating of domestic water (solar or heat recovery), 6. Specifications, a. Draft of each specification section to be used on the project,
2. Drawings, a. Floor plans showing: i. Equipment spaces for fire protection systems (e.g., fire pump, fire command center), ii. Fire protection water supply lines, fire hydrant locations, fire apparatus access roads, and fire lanes, iii. Standpipes and sprinkler risers, iv. Remoteness of exit stairways, v. Location of firewalls and smoke partitions, vi. Identification of occupancy type of every space and room in building, vii. Calculated occupant loads for every space and room in the building, viii. Location of special fire protection requirements (e.g., kitchens, computer rooms, storage), b. Riser diagrams for sprinkler system, c. Riser diagram for fire alarm system, 3. Narrative, a. Building egress description , i. Includes egress calculations and stairway exit capacities, remoteness, exit discharge, etc. b. All building fire alarm and suppression systems, c. Smoke control system(s), where applicable, d. Special fire protection systems (e.g., kitchen extinguishing system), where applicable, e. Fire resistance rating of building structural elements , i. Coordinate with structural engineer, f. Fire alarm system, i. Interface of fire alarm system with BAS and security systems, ii. Review of building for compliance with life safety requirements and building security requirements, g. Interior finish requirements as they pertain to the life safety requirements, h. Mass notification system,
1. Calculations, a. Lighting calculations for a typical 186 m2 (2,000 sq.ft.) open office plan with system furniture, b. Lighting calculations for a typical one-person private office, c. Power calculations from building entry to branch circuit panel, d. Load calculations, e. Life-cycle cost analysis of luminaire/lamp system and associated controls, f. Power density analysis for lighting of each area, 2. Narrative, a. Description of alternative power distribution schemes, i. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Include the source of power, potential for on-site generation, most economical voltage, and primary vs. secondary metering. b. Proposed power distribution scheme, i. Provide a detailed description and justification for the selected scheme. Address special power and reliability requirements, including emergency power and UPS systems. c. Proposed lighting systems, i. Discuss typical lighting system features, including fixture type, layout, and type of controls, ii. Discuss special spaces such as lobbies, auditoria, dining rooms, and conference rooms, iii. Discuss exterior lighting scheme, iv. Discuss lighting control systems and daylighting, v. Describe the energy usage of the lighting system, vi. Interface with BAS, vii. Methods proposed for energy conservation and integration with BAS, viii. Engineering analysis for demand limit controls, d. Description of each proposed signal system, i. Description of proposed security systems features and intended mode of operation,
Fire Protection,
Fire protection and life safety submission requirements must be identified as a separate Fire Protection section as outlined in this document.
1. Calculation, a. Occupant load and egress calculations, b. Fire protection water supply calculations, i. Includes water supply flow testing data, c. Fire pump calculations where applicable, d. Smoke control calculations where applicable (e.g., atrium), e. Stairway pressurization calculations where applicable, f. Calculations contained in The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering for calculating sound attenuation through doors and walls for placement and location of fire alarm system audible notification appliances,
ii. proposed zone schedule, iii. proposed card access controls, CCtV assessment and intrusion protection system, if applicable , e. proposed telecommunications infrastructure , i. Systems proposed for infrastructure and cabling to accommodate the communications systems. these must be designed and provided in compliance with eiA/tiA building telecommunications wiring standards. f. Code criteria should be reviewed by each discipline to the degree of detail necessary to ensure that tasks accomplished in this phase meet the code requirements.
f. Security system site plan, i. proposed locations for CCtV, duress alarm sensors, and access controls for parking lots. if the system is not extensive, these locations may be shown on the electrical site plan. ii. Security system floor plans, iii. proposed locations for access controls, intrusion detection devices, CCtV, and local panels, g. Lightning protection and building grounding,
Assemble all project-related construction guide specifications and mark out all content that does not apply to the project.
Certification Requirements ,
the A/e (lead designer) of record must provide certification that the project has been designed and is in compliance with project program requirements, pbS p100, and GSAs energy goal. Assemble material for Leed rating submission, indicating features and points that ensure desired Leed rating. the A/e of record must provide certification that all Ve decisions made during dd are in compliance with the program requirements and pbS p100, and approved by the design team and all GSA and client stakeholders. in bullet form, identify how selected design features will support the projects performance expectations. All building systems involved with the project must be discussed, each addressing all performance expectations as covered in the design program and Section A.2.
3. Drawings, a. Site plan, i. proposed site distribution for power and communications, proposed service entrance and location of transformers, generators, and vaults, etc. b. Floor plans, i. proposed major electrical distribution scheme and locations of electrical rooms and closets and communication closets, ii. proposed major routing of major electrical feeder runs, bus duct, communication backbone systems, and security systems, iii. plan layouts of electrical rooms, showing locations of major equipment, including size variations by different manufacturers , c. Single line diagram of the building power distribution system, d. plan of typical office lighting layout, e. Single line diagram of other signal system including: telephones, security, public address, and others,
Construction Documents,
the construction documents must be complete, coordinated between disciplines, biddable, readable, and buildable, with no room for unreasonable additional interpretation. the drawings listed below represent requirements for GSAs review, and do not constitute any limitation on the documentation required to properly contract for the construction of the project, or limit the professional design liability for errors and omissions.
Update of code analysis. each design team discipline member must review, to the degree of detail necessary, the design to assure all the code requirements are met.
e. planting plan, showing: i. building outline, circulation, parking, and major utility runs, ii. Size and location of existing vegetation to be preserved (include protection measures during construction), iii. Location of all new plant material (identify function, such as windbreak or visual screen where appropriate), iv. erosion control, f. planting schedule, showing: i. quantity of plants, botanical names, planted size, and final size, g. irrigation plan, if applicable, i. include schematic of irrigation control system, h. planting and construction details, profiles, sections, and notes as necessary to fully describe design intent, i. Construction phasing, if part of project, i. Survey of surrounding buildings, structures, and improvements in both wet and dry season to document preconstruction elevations, j. potential archeological artifacts,
2. Drawings, a. project title sheet, drawing index, b. demolition plans if required, c. Floor plans, d. Show planning grids and raised access floor grid, if applicable, i. Reflected ceiling plans, ii. Show ceiling grid and location of all elements to be placed in the ceiling, e. building sections, i. Vertical zoning for electrical and mechanical utilities must be indicated on sections, f. Roof plans, i. Roof plans must show slopes, low points, drains and scuppers, equipment, equipment supports, roof accessories, and specialty items, if applicable, g. exterior elevations, h. Wall sections, i. interior elevations, j. details, k. Schedules. diagrams illustrating proper clearance for servicing and replacement of equipment, 3. Specifications, a. Room finish, ceiling types, floor finish, color, and door schedules can be incorporated into either the specifications or drawings, b. Call for thermographic scans of building envelope to identify sources of heat transfer, c. Call for assembly of visual and performance mockups for spaces such as courtrooms and sample office space fit outs, d. provide lighting fixture type schedule,
Architectural ,
1. Calculations and Compliance Reports, a. Final acoustical calculations, including noise transmissions through: i. envelope, ii. interior walls, floors (including raised floors), and ceilings, iii. mechanical and electrical equipment, b. Final heat transfer through and dew point locations in building envelope, c. Final toilet fixture count, d. Final illumination, daylighting, and glare analysis,
Historic Preservation,
Competency of bidder and restoration specialist qualification requirements, Sections 00120 and 009[00], cross-referenced in material specifications.
1. Final structural calculations, including: a. Gravity loads, b. Lateral loads, c. Foundations, d. thermal loads where significant, e. Vibration propagation, f. progressive collapse, g. Supports for nonstructural elements, including mechanical and electrical equipment on the roof and in equipment rooms, louvers, and other penetrations, h. Steel connections, i. blast analysis, 2. Drawings, a. demolition plans (when applicable), b. Full set of structural construction drawings, i. drawings must be fully dimensioned, noted and detailed for accurate bidding and construction, ii. Load criteria for all floor live loads, roof live load, roof snow load, wind load, earthquake design data, and special loads must be shown on drawings. Live load reduction of the uniformly distributed floor live loads, if used in the design, must be indicated. iii. basic wind speed (3-second gust), miles per hour (km/hr), wind importance factor, i, and building category, wind exposure, the applicable internal pressure coefficient must be indicated. iv. Seismic design criteria, such as seismic use group, spectral response coefficients SdS and Sd1, site class, basic seismic-force-resisting system, design base shear, and analytical procedure must be indicated. Additional information may be required by the local building official. v. Soil bearing pressure and lateral earth pressure must be indicated. vi. properties of basic materials must be indicated, vii. blast-resistant requirements if applicable, viii. indicate the codes and standards used to develop the project.
c. Schedules , i. Schedules for foundations, columns, walls, beams, slabs, and decks, as applicable, d. Structural details. (All typical details must be shown on the drawings.) i. include details for steel connections, ii. include details for all fire-rated assemblies, indicating underwriters Laboratories inc. or other nationally recognized testing laboratory fire resistance directory design numbers, iii. include details indicating if the assembly is restrained or unrestrained in accordance with Appendix x to AStm e119 (the classification must be determined by a licensed structural engineer), iv. include details for anchorage of building system equipment and nonstructural building elements (may be shown on mechanical, electrical, or architectural drawings, as applicable).
Structural ,
For any computer-generated results, submit a model of the input data and all pertinent program material required to understand the output. A narrative of the input and results should be contained in the calculations as well. Whenever a figure is obtained from some other page of the calculations, refer to that page number in parentheses next to the figure used in the calculation. provide sketches showing framing plans with dimensions and grid lines, free-body/force diagram in support of the calculations. Refer to drawing numbers where the calculated items are shown on the drawing: for example, structural sizes, connection details, etc. narrative/description must be submitted explaining the computer program used to perform the calculation.
1. Drawings HVAC, a. demolition plans, if required, b. Floor plan(s): i. double line piping and ductwork layout, ii. Show terminal air units, iii. perimeter terminal units, iv. Show locations of automatic control sensors (e.g., temperature, relative humidity, Co2, room pressurization), c. Roof plan showing all roof-mounted equipment and access to roof, i. Show adequate access from mechanical equipment room(s) to freight elevators, d. mechanical details: i. quarter-inch scale drawings of mechanical equipment room(s) showing all mechanical equipment, ductwork, and piping including access and service requirements in plan, elevations, and cross-sections,
ii. All valves must be shown. Indicate locations where temperature, pressure, flow, contaminant/combustion gases, or vibration gauges are required, and if remote sensing is required. iii. Mechanical room piping and ductwork layout must be double line. iv. All dampersboth fire dampers and volume control dampersmust be shown. Ductwork ahead of the distribution terminals must be indicated in true size (double line). e. Single line schematic flow and riser diagram(s): i. Airflow quantities and balancing devices for all heating/cooling equipment, ii. Water flow quantities and balancing devices for all heating/cooling equipment, iii. Show location of all flow/energy measuring devices for water and air systems for all cooling, heating, and terminal equipment, and their interface with the BAS, f. Automatic control diagrams: i. Control flow diagrams showing all sensors, valves, and controllers (analog and digital inputs for controllers, front end equipment, and system architecture), ii. Diagrams to show control signal interfaces, complete with sequence of operation of all heating, ventilating, and cooling systems during occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions, g. Schedules: i. Provide schedules of equipment that includes chillers, boilers, pumps, air handling units, terminal units, cooling towers, and all equipment required for 24-hour operations. ii. Air terminal devices, h. Air balance relationships between spaces,
c. Riser diagrams for waste and vent lines, d. Riser diagrams for domestic cold and hot water lines, e. Plumbing fixture schedule,
3. Narrative HVAC, a. A written narrative describing the final mechanical system and equipment selection including: i. Final indoor and outdoor design conditions for all spaces under occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions, ii. Final ventilation rates, dehumidification, and pressurization criteria for all spaces under occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions. iii. Final equipment capacities, weights, sizes, and power requirements, iv. Final psychrometrics of HVAC systems, v. A final description of the air side and water side systems and the associated components including operating characteristics, ranges, and capacities, spaces served, and special features, vi. Final descriptions of the control strategy and sequence of operations for all spaces under occupied, 24-hour, and unoccupied conditions, b. Final fuel and utility requirements, c. A final code compliance statement, d. A final P100 compliance statement, e. A final description of any deviation from the HVAC system as approved in the Final Concept submittal, in accordance with P100 , 4. Narrative: Plumbing, a. A final description of plumbing system, including domestic cold and hot water, sanitary and storm drainage, and irrigation systems, b. A final evaluation of alternate sources for preheating of domestic water (solar or heat recovery),
5. Calculations and Energy and Water Analyses HVAC, a. Final building heating and cooling load calculations, b. Final system pressure static analysis at peak and minimum block loads for occupied and unoccupied conditions, c. Building pressurization analysis for peak and minimum block loads for occupied and unoccupied conditions, d. Acoustical calculations for peak and minimum block loads for occupied conditions, e. Flow and head calculations for pumping systems for peak and minimum block loads for occupied conditions, f. Final selection of equipment, cut sheets of selected equipment, g. Final psychrometric calculations for the selected HVAC systems at full and partial loads (partial loads at 50% and 25%, and unoccupied periods), h. Final energy consumption calculations and analysis in accordance with Section A.6, i. Final fuel consumption estimates, j. Sizing of fuel storage and distribution system, k. Sizing of vibration isolators for mechanical equipment, 6. Calculations: Plumbing, a. Include entire building, including roof drainage calculations and hot water heating calculations, b. Water supply calculations, including pressure, c. Roof drainage calculations, d. Sanitary waste sizing calculations, e. Final water consumption calculations and analysis including make-up water for HVAC systems, domestic water consumption, and water consumption for irrigation, 7. Specifications, a. Completely edited version of each specification section to be used on the project,
2. Drawings: Plumbing, a. Demolition plans, if required, b. Floor plans, i. Plumbing layout and fixtures, equipment and piping; large-scale plans should be used where required for clarity,
Fire Protection,
Fire protection and life safety submission requirements must be identified as a separate Fire protection section as outlined in this document.
1. Drawings, a. demolition plans, if required, b. Full set of fire protection construction drawings, i. drawings must be carefully dimensioned, noted, and detailed for accurate bidding and construction, c. Fire protection details (all typical details must be shown on the drawings), i. building construction, (1) buildings construction type (e.g., 443, 222, etc.), (2) Firewalls and smoke partitions, (3) panel and curtain walls, (4) Fire-stopping configurations. include details of all openings between the exterior walls (including panel, curtain, and spandrel walls) and floor slabs, openings in floors, and shaft enclosures, (5) mass notification system equipment, ii. Life safety, (1) each stair, (2) Horizontal exits, (3) each required fire door, (4) Stairway pressurization fans, (5) Security door hardware, including operation procedures,
iii. Water supply, (1) Fire pump configuration, (2) Anchorage of underground fire protection water supply lines, (3) Standpipe riser, iv. Water-based fire extinguishing systems, (1) installation of waterflow switches and tamper switches, (2) Sprinkler floor control valves, sectional valves, and inspector text assembly, v. non-water-based fire extinguisher systems (1) Special fire extinguishing systems (e.g., wet chemical), vi. Fire alarm system, (1) Fire alarm riser, (2) typical firefighter telephone station, (3) typical firefighter telephone jack, (4) electrical closets for fire alarm system panels, (5) Fire alarm telephone panel (includes voice paging microphone and firefighter telephone system), (6) Visual indicating device control and power detail, typical for floors (state location), (7) Amplifier rack (state location), (8) typical location of duct smoke detectors, (9) outdoor fire alarm speaker, (10) Wall-mounted cone fire alarm speaker, (11) typical terminal cabinet, (12) Lay-in ceiling-mounted fire alarm speaker, (13) Lay-in ceiling-mounted fire alarm combination speaker/strobe, (14) Wall-mounted strobe device,
(15) typical manual fire alarm box installation, (16) Fire alarm system input/output matrix, (17) Graphic annunciator panel, (18) installation of the graphic annunciator, (19) Fire command center showing the locations of each panel to be installed,
2. Specifications, a. Final specifications, b. Specifications must be based on GSA Fire protection Supplements to masterspec, 3. Calculations, For any fire modeling generated results, submit a copy of the input data and all pertinent program material and assumptions required to understand the output and the analysis. A narrative of the input and results must be part of the calculations.
a. Final occupant load and egress calculations, b. Final fire protection water supply calculations. includes water supply flow testing data. c. Final fire pump calculations where applicable, d. Final smoke control calculations where applicable (e.g., atrium), e. Final stairway pressurization calculations, f. Fire modeling, g. Final calculations contained in The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering for calculating sound attenuation through doors and walls for placement and location of fire alarm system audible notification appliances,
Electrical ,
1. Drawings: General Systems must be fully drawn and sized to permit accurate bidding and construction. a. demolition plans, if required, b. Floor plans, i. Show lighting, power distribution, and communications raceway distribution, and locations of fire alarm and annunciator panels, c. Single-line diagram of primary and secondary power distribution, d. include normal power, emergency power, and upS e. Single-line diagram of fire alarm system, f. Single-line diagram of telecommunications system, g. Circuit layout of lighting control system, h. details of underfloor distribution system, i. Site plan, i. indicate service locations, manholes, ductbanks, and site lighting, j. Layout of electrical equipment spaces, i. Show all electrical equipment. include elevations of substation transformers and disconnect switches, k. Schedules for switchgear, switchboards, motor control centers, panelboards, and unit substations, l. Grounding diagram, m. Complete phasing plan (if required) for additions and alterations, n. Security systems site plan, i. Final locations of all security devices and conduit runs, o. Security system floor plans, i. Layout of all security systems, p. Storage areas for electrical equipment/spare parts,
2. Specifications, a. Final specification, b. Zone schedules may be bound into the specifications or shown on drawings, 3. Calculations, a. illumination level and lighting power calculations, b. Lighting power densities must be calculated by the electrical engineer. the illumination levels for all spaces are to be calculated by the architect, who must also calculate daylighting and glare. c. Short circuit calculations, d. Voltage drop calculations, e. overcurrent coordination study, f. Generator calculations, i. include starter loads,
Certification Requirements ,
the A/e (lead designer) must provide certification that the project has been designed and is in compliance with ASHRAe 90.1 and will meet GSA energy goal requirements. Certification will also indicate that the architectural/ engineering design elements have been integrated with the overall project design, and that the building can meet the programmed Leed rating. All Ve decisions made during construction documentation are in compliance with code requirements, the pbS p100 criteria and requirements, and have been approved by the GSA and client stakeholders. the A/e certification must be signed and sealed by a principal of the architectural/engineering firm in charge of the project.
Alteration projects
the design process and related submission requirements for alterations are somewhat different than those for new construction and modernizations. An alteration is defined as a limited construction project for an existing building that comprises the modification or replacement of one or a number of existing
building systems or components. Alterations are less than total building modernizations. Figure A-4 and the following definitions define the design process and related submission requirements for alterations, including renovations.
Figure A-4
, ConCeptS,
Review Space directive, Study, Adjacencies, Circulation, Aesthetics, n System/Features that integrate delivery of expectations,
n n
pRoGRAm ReVieW, deSiGn CHARRette, ConCept (1 or more), VALue enGineeRinG (Systems Level)
n n n n n
deSiGn deVeLopment,
n n n
System/Feature Analyses for Selection, 30% Complete documentation, Final Selection of All building Systems,
n n n n
ConStRuCtion doCumentS,
pRoGRAm ReVieW, 75% CompLete, 90% CompLete, 100% CompLete, poSt deSiGn SeRViCeS
n n n n n
progress drawings, draft Specifications, narrative update, Current Calculations, Final: drawings, Specifications, narratives, Calculations, Cost estimate, incorporation of Review Comments,
Design Development,
A set of submissions and meetings that will finalize the selection of type, size, and other material characteristics of all systems. Systems are not only structural, mechanical, fire protection, and electrical, but all other building components such as envelope (wall, window, and roof), interior (flooring, ceiling, and partitions), toilet and service rooms, elevators, and so on. the submission will consist of a combination of drawings, narrative, and calculations.
Site Planning and Landscape Design,
A sitework drawing and narrative need to be submitted only if sitework is a substantial part of the scope of work for the alteration.
1. Drawings, a. Site plans as described in Section A.3, 2. Narrative, a. existing site features, i. topography and drainage patterns, ii. Any existing erosion conditions, iii. Wetlands and location of flood plains, iv. Circulation patterns around site, v. Site access, b. noise/visual considerations, c. Local zoning restrictions, d. Historic preservation considerations, if applicable, i. potential archeological artifacts, e. Fire protection considerations, if applicable, f. Site analysis of utilities, if utilities are to be changed, g. description of site and landscape design concept, i. proposed changes to circulation design, ii. proposed changes to parking , iii. proposed method for stormwater detention or retention, iv. proposed changes to paving, v. description of local urban design goals for surrounding neighborhood and summary of relevant recommendations from local officials,
Phases of Construction ,
prior to each phase of design, a construction phasing plan must be prepared to ensure that services such as power, lighting, HVAC, plumbing, elevators, fire-safety, building security, telecommunications, and data are available in the area/spaces which will be occupied during the phased construction. this phasing plan must be coordinated with clients, property managers, and other stakeholders.
Construction Documents,
A set of detailed and coordinated submissions that become the basis of a construction contract. they must be produced in a general fashion that any construction contractor nationwide can understand. designs must be illustrated to distinguish between existing construction and new work, and be clear enough to result in a single interpretation of a specific set of data or facts. Language used in the specifications must be consistent and complementary to notes on the drawings. the documents must avoid using terms that the design specialist may know, but which have nothing to do with the purchase and installation of a product.
Demolition Plan,
prior to each phase of design, a demolition narrative and drawings must be prepared for each element (i.e., architectural, site, structural, mechanical, electrical, fire-safety) to ensure coordination of the demolition and removal of the elements. Abandonment-in-place of unused elements is not permitted.
Specifications to be organized according to CSi format, fully edited, typed, and bound.
A submission that will demonstrate that the space program has been accomplished, including any adjacency and functional requirements. this submission will also show that the proposed project is compatible with the project authorization and complies with the criteria and requirements in Chapters 1-9 of this document. A preliminary analysis of proposed building systems must be accomplished to determine the most cost-effective alternatives.
Code Analysis,
Code criteria should be reviewed by each discipline to the degree of detail necessary to ensure that tasks accomplished in each phase meet the code requirements.
An architectural concept needs to be submitted only if architectural work is a part of the scope of work for the alteration.
Historic Preservation,
8.5 in. x 11 in. report, signed by qualified preservation architect, including:
Structural drawings and narrative only need to be submitted if a structural upgrade is part of the scope of work.
1. Drawings, a. demolition plans, b. Floor plans, elevations, and sections as described in Section A.3, c. existing and new spaces, circulation, entrances, stairways, elevators, freight elevators, loading docks, special spaces and service spaces, and service rooms and space for mechanical, fire protection, electrical, and communication equipment. dimensions for critical clearances, such as vehicle access, fire apparatus access, deliveries, and maintenance should be indicated. 2. Narrative, a. Architectural program requirements, i. describe how the design meets the project authorization , b. design concept, explaining: i. General layout, ii. treatment of historic zones, if applicable, 3. Calculations, a. Where building renovation involves window or insulated wall systems, perform a life-cycle cost assessment to optimize selection,
1. Narrative, a. General: project purpose, scope, groups, and individuals involved , b. existing conditions, describing: i. overall building size, configuration, character, ii. project location, iii. existing original materials and design, relevant alterations, c. preservation design issues and prospective solutions, including: i. Location of new work/installation: visibility, impact on historic finishes, ii. Compare options for preserving/restoring historic materials and design, iii. identify further study required to avoid adverse effects as applicable, 2. Photographs, a. General and detail views showing existing conditions at affected preservation zones, keyed to plan showing location and orientation of each view, b. Captions identifying location, subject, condition shown, 3. Drawings, a. Reduced to 8.5 in. x 11 in., 11 in. x 17 in. foldout or placed in cover pocket: i. Site and floor plans, as applicable. ii. Sketches or schematic CAd drawings (elevations, plans) showing preservation design concepts.
1. Drawings, a. Structural plans as described in Section A.3, 2. Narrative, a. description of current structural systems, state of repair, variances from present codes and available spare load capacity. data may be obtained from review of original construction drawings and codes or from an analysis of the actual structure. i. this report may have been completed as part of the prospectus development study, b. identification of governing codes , c. description of recommended changes to the structural system, addressing: i. Structural materials, required selective demolition or alteration of existing structural elements, roof and floor framing system, means of resisting lateral loads, and connections between existing and new structural systems, d. if a seismic safety study exists for the building, describe any variations taken in design, compared to the studys recommendations.
mechanical drawings, narrative, and calculations need to be submitted only if the alteration scope of work involves changes to the mechanical systems.
Fire Protection,
Fire protection and life safety submission requirements must be identified as a separate fire protection section as outlined in this document.
1. Drawings, a. demolition plan of all piping, ductwork, equipment, and controls that are to be removed, b. drawings for new work must be provided as described in Section A.3, 2. Narrative, a. description of current mechanical systems, state of repair, variances from present codes and p100. data may be obtained from review of original construction drawings, p100 requirements and codes, and from an analysis of the actual facility. b. description of changes to existing systems as authorized and described in the prospectus and the building evaluation report, c. describe existing and proposed HVAC and plumbing systems, including available capacities, compliance with the criteria and requirements in Chapter 5 of this document and their operational characteristics , d. identify how new systems will be integrated with existing systems , e. provide analysis of energy conservation opportunities for the project, 3. Calculations and Energy Analysis, a. Calculations and energy analysis for alterations must show compliance with Chapters 1, 3, 5, and Sections A.3 and A.6.
1. Drawings, a. demolition plans, i. identify existing fire protection systems (e.g., sprinklers, fire alarm notification appliances), b. Floor plans, showing a minimum: i. new fire protection systems (e.g., sprinklers, fire alarm notification appliances), 2. Narrative, A fire protection narrative needs to be submitted only if the fire protection work is a substantial part of the scope of work for the alteration or involves changes to a fire protection system. a. Fire protection program requirements, b. description of the buildings proposed fire protection systems including modifications to the existing egress systems, c. Code statement identifying changes in building occupancy classification, occupancy group(s), fire resistance requirements, egress requirements, and so on.
b. describe both existing and new distribution systems within the building, i. Special power and reliability requirements should be addressed, including emergency power and upS systems.
An electrical narrative needs to be submitted only if the alteration scope of work involves changes to the type or location of major electrical systems.
1. Narrative, a. description of requested changes to existing systems. i. describe lighting, power, and signal systems, including available capacity versus criteria in Chapter 6, and operational characteristics. ii. describe code deficiencies. identify how new systems will be tied into existing systems. iii. this report may have been completed as part of the prospectus development study.
Design Development,
Site Planning and Landscape Design,
1. Calculations, a. Storm drainage and sanitary sewer calculations, b. Storm water detention facility calculations, if applicable, c. parking calculations, if applicable, 2. Narrative, a. Site circulation concept, explaining: i. Reasons for site circulation design and number of site entrances, ii. Reasons and/or calculation for number of parking spaces provided, iii. Reasoning for design of service area(s), including description of number and sizes of trucks that can be accommodated, iv. proposed scheme for waste removal, v. proposed scheme for fire apparatus access (including aerial apparatus), roads, and fire lanes, b. Site utilities distribution concept, c. drainage design concept, d. Landscape design concept, explaining: i. Reasoning for landscape design, paving, site furnishings, and any water features, ii. Reasoning for choice of plant materials, iii. proposed landscape maintenance plan, iv. brief operating description of irrigation system, v. Summarize water conservation opportunities that have been studied, vi. brief description of fire protection water supplies, vii. brief description of fire hydrant locations, viii. Reasoning for urban design choices and their relation to local urban design goals, e. Site construction description, i. brief description of materials proposed for pavements and utilities, f. Code analysis, i. Analysis of applicable local zoning and building code requirements,
3. Drawings, a. demolition plans (when applicable), b. preliminary site layout plan, showing: i. Roads, walks, parking, and other paved areas (including type of pavement). Show access route for the physically disabled from parking and from public street to main entrance. ii. Fire apparatus access (including aerial apparatus) and fire lanes, c. preliminary grading and drainage plan, showing: i. preliminary site grading, storm drainage inlets, including detention facilities, d. preliminary site utilities plan, showing: i. Sizes, inverts, and locations of domestic and fire protection water supply lines, sanitary sewer lines, gas lines, steam/condensate lines and chilled water supply and return lines, if applicable, e. preliminary landscape design plan, showing: i. preliminary hardscape design, including site furniture, water features, etc., ii. preliminary planting scheme, iii. preliminary irrigation design,
1. Narrative, a. building concept, explaining: i. entrance locations and service locations ii. building circulation and arrangement of major spaces, iii. interior design, iv. Adherence to the historic building preservation plan, if applicable, b. building construction description, explaining, if applicable: i. exterior materials, waterproofing, air barriers/ vapor retarders and insulation elements, ii. Roofing system(s), iii. exterior glazing system, iv. interior finishes, with detailed explanation for public spaces, v. potential locations for artwork commissioned under the Art in Architecture program, if applicable,
2. Drawings, a. demolition plans, b. building floor plans, showing: i. Spaces individually delineated and labeled, ii. enlarged layouts of special spaces, iii. dimensions, iv. Accessible routes for the physically disabled as well as other compliance requirements regarding signage, toilets, etc., c. building roof plan, if applicable, showing: i. drainage design, including minimum roof slope, ii. dimensions, iii. membrane and insulation configuration of the roofing system, d. elevations of major building facades (if changes to the exterior are proposed), showing: i. existing and new fenestration, ii. existing and new exterior materials, iii. Cast shadows, e. two building sections (of renovated areas only), showing: i. Accommodation of structural systems, ii. mechanical penthouses, if any, iii. Floor to floor and other critical dimensions, iv. Labeling of most important spaces, f. exterior wall sections, showing: i. materials of exterior wall construction, including flashing, connections, and method of anchoring, ii. Vertical arrangement of interior space, including accommodation of mechanical, fire protection, and electrical services in the floor and ceiling zones, g. proposed room finish schedule, showing: i. Floors, base, walls, and ceilings, ii. Finish schedule may be bound into narrative,
Historic Preservation,
8.5 in. x 11 in. report, signed by qualified preservation architect, including:
1. Narrative, a. Cover, i. building name, address, project title, project control number, author (preservation architect), preservation architects signature, date of submission, b. General: project purpose, scope, groups, and individuals involved, substantive changes to approach described in concept submission, c. existing conditions, describing: i. overall building size, configuration, character, ii. project location, iii. existing original materials and design, alterations, iv. new findings from testing or analysis in concept phase, d. preservation solutions explored, how resolved, and why, including: i. Location of new work: visual impact, protection of ornamental finishes, ii. design of new work/installation: visual and physical compatibility with existing original materials and design; materials/finishes proposed (as specified), iii. methods of supporting new work/installation, iv. preservation and protection of historic materials during construction through tenant move-in, e. effects, describing: i. How project will affect the buildings architecturally significant qualities, ii. measures proposed to mitigate any adverse effects on historic materials or design,
2. Photographs, a. General and detail views showing existing conditions at affected preservation zones, keyed to plan showing location and orientation of each photo view, b. Captions identifying location, subject, condition shown, 3. Drawings, a. Reduced to 8.5 in. x 11 in., 11 in. x 17 in. foldout or placed in cover pocket: b. Site and floor plans, as applicable, c. elevations, plans, and section details showing preservation design solutions for each issue identified, as approved by Regional preservation officer,
b. Code analysis, i. building classification, required fire resistance of structural elements, identification of seismic zone, wind speed, etc., ii. identification of special requirements, such as high-rise, iii. Summary of special requirements resulting from applicable local codes, c. proposed methods of corrosion protection, if applicable, d. Geotechnical engineering report, including boring logs (if part of scope of work). See Section A.5 for specific requirements. e. Geologic hazard report,
1. Calculations, For any computer-generated results, submit a model of the input data and all pertinent program material required to understand the output. A narrative of the input and results should be contained in the calculations as well. a. Gravity load calculations, b. Lateral load calculation, c. Foundation calculations, d. Calculations showing that system is not vulnerable to progressive collapse, e. Vibration calculations, f. Results of any other studies necessary for the project design, 2. Narrative, a. description of structural concept, including: i. Choice of framing system, including lateral load resisting elements, ii. proposed foundation design, iii. Verification of adequacy of all assumed dead and live loads,
3. Drawings, a. demolition plans (where applicable), b. preliminary framing plans and key details, i. include column locations, bay sizes, and location of expansion and seismic joints, c. preliminary schedules, including: i. Column, beam, slab, metal deck, and wood framing schedules, as applicable, ii. preliminary seismic details,
in addition to the design development submission of the demolition plan, drawings, narrative, and calculations and analysis must be provided as described in Chapters 1, 3, 5 and Sections A.3 and A.6.
Fire Protection,
Fire protection and life safety submission requirements must be identified as a separate Fire protection section as outlined in this document.
1. Calculations, a. occupant load and egress calculations, b. Fire protection water supply calculations, c. Fire pump calculations where applicable, d. Smoke control calculations where applicable (e.g., atrium), e. Stairway pressurization calculations where applicable, f. Calculations contained in The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering for calculating sound attenuation through doors and walls for placement and location of fire alarm system audible notification appliances, 2. Narrative, a. building egress system, i. includes egress calculations and stairway exit capacities, remoteness, exit discharge, etc., b. All building fire alarm and suppression systems, c. Smoke control system(s), where applicable, d. Special fire protection systems (e.g., kitchen extinguishing system), where applicable, e. Fire resistance rating of building structural elements, i. Coordinate with structural engineer, f. Fire alarm system, g. interface of fire alarm system with bAS and security systems, h. Review of building for compliance with life safety requirements and building security requirements, i. interior finish requirements as they pertain to the life safety requirements,
3. Drawings, a. Floor plans showing: i. equipment spaces for fire protection systems (e.g., fire pump, fire alarm), ii. Fire protection water supply lines, fire hydrant locations, fire apparatus access roads, and fire lanes, iii. Standpipes and sprinkler risers, iv. Riser diagrams for sprinkler system, v. Riser diagram for fire alarm system, vi. Remoteness of exit stairways, vii. Location of firewalls and smoke partitions, viii. identification of occupancy type of every space and room in building, ix. Calculated occupant loads for every space and room in the building, x. Location of special fire protection requirements (e.g., kitchens, computer rooms, storage),
c. engineering analysis for demand limit controls, d. description of each proposed signal system, e. description of proposed security systems features and intended mode of operation, i. proposed zone schedule, ii. proposed card access controls, CCtV assessment and intrusion protection system, if applicable,
Electrical ,
1. Calculations, a. Lighting calculations for a typical 186 m2 (2,000 sq. ft.) open plan office with system furniture, b. Lighting calculations for a typical one person private office, c. power calculations from building entry to branch circuit panel, d. Load calculations, e. Life cycle cost analysis of luminaire/lamp system, f. Life cycle cost study on the options to integrate related building systems, 2. Narrative, a. proposed power distribution scheme, i. provide a detailed description and justification for the selected scheme, b. interface with bAS, i. methods proposed for energy conservation and integration with bAS,
3. Drawings, a. demolition plans, b. Site plan, i. proposed site distribution for power and communications, proposed service entrance and location of transformers, generators, and vaults, etc., c. Floor plans, i. proposed major electrical distribution scheme and locations of electrical closets , d. Floor plans, i. major routing of communications system, communications equipment rooms, and closets, e. underfloor distribution system, i. Show typical detail for power and communications services, f. one-line diagram, g. typical lighting layout, i. include lighting for special areas, h. exterior lighting scheme, i. Layout of electrical rooms, i. Show locations of major equipment, j. one-line diagrams of other signal systems, k. Security system site plan, i. Location for CCtV, duress alarm sensors and access control locations for parking lots shown. if the system is not extensive, these locations may be shown on the electrical site plan. l. Security system floor plans, i. Access controls, intrusion detection devices, and CCtV locations shown. preliminary local panel locations shown.
g. irrigation plan, if applicable, i. include schematic of irrigation control system, h. Construction details, profiles, and sections and notes as necessary to fully describe design intent, i. Construction phasing, if part of project,
3. Calculations, a. Final drainage calculations, including stormwater detention, b. Final parking calculations, if applicable, c. pipe sizing calculations for water and sewer pipes, d. pavement design calculations,
Architectural ,
1. Drawings, a. demolition plans, b. Floor plans, i. Show planning grids and raised access floor grid, if applicable, c. Reflected ceiling plans, i. Show ceiling grid and location of all elements to be placed in the ceiling, d. building sections, i. Vertical zoning for electrical and mechanical utilities must be indicated on sections, e. Roof plans, i. Roof plans must show slopes, low points, drains, and scuppers, if applicable, f. exterior elevations, g. Wall sections, h. interior elevations, i. details, j. Schedules, 2. Specifications, a. instructions to bidders, b. division 1, edited to suit specific GSA requirements, c. Room finish, color, and door schedules can be incorporated into either the specifications or drawings,
Construction Documents,
the construction documents must be complete, coordinated between disciplines, biddable, readable and buildable, with no room for unreasonable additional interpretation. the A/e firm must provide a signed and dated professional seal on all final contract documents. the cover sheet should also include a statement by the design A/e, certifying the design meets the listed design criteria. exceptions and waivers to the design criteria should also be listed on the cover sheet of the contract documents, including the name and date of the individual providing authorization.
Historic Preservation,
1. Specifications Division 1, a. Competency of bidder and restoration specialist qualification requirements, cross referenced in material specifications, 2. Technical specifications for repair and restoration of historic materials, including: a. Specialized materials and procedures for repair and restoration of historic materials, b. procedures for protecting historic materials in areas being altered, c. Sample review requirements of repair and restoration procedures, d. Sample submittal requirements for replacement materials and new installations in preservation zones,
v. Soil bearing pressure and lateral earth pressure must be indicated, c. Schedules, i. Schedules for foundations, columns, walls, beams, slabs, and decks, as applicable, d. Structural details. (All typical details must be shown on the drawings.) i. include details for steel connections, ii. include details for all fire-rated assemblies, indicating underwriters Laboratories inc. or other nationally recognized testing laboratory fire resistance directory design numbers, iii. include details indicating if the assembly is restrained or unrestrained in accordance with Appendix x to AStm e119 (the classification must be determined by a licensed structural engineer), iv. include details for anchorage of nonstructural building elements,
Fire Protection,
Fire protection and life safety submission requirements must be identified as a separate fire protection section as outlined in this document.
Structural ,
1. Drawings, a. demolition plans (where applicable), b. Full set of structural construction drawings, i. drawings must be fully dimensioned, noted and detailed for accurate bidding and construction. ii. Load criteria for all floor live load, roof live load, roof snow load, wind load, earthquake design data, and special loads must be shown on drawings. Live load reduction of the uniformly distributed floor live loads, if used in the design, must be indicated. iii. basic wind speed (3-second gust), miles per hour (km/hr), wind importance factor, i, and building category, wind exposure, and the applicable internal pressure coefficient must be indicated. iv. Seismic design criteria, such as seismic use group, spectral response coefficients SdS and Sd1, site class, basic seismic-force-resisting system, design base shear, and analytical procedure must be indicated. Additional information may be required by the local building official.
2. Calculations, For any computer-generated results, submit a model of the input data and all pertinent program material required to understand the output. A narrative of the input and results should be contained in the calculations as well. a. Final structural calculations, including: i. Gravity loads, ii. Lateral loads, iii. Foundations, iv. thermal loads where significant, v. Vibration propagation, vi. progressive collapse, vii. Supports for nonstructural elements, including mechanical and electrical equipment, viii. Steel connections,
Mechanical ,
in addition to the construction documentation submittal for the demolition plan, drawings, narrative, and calculations and analysis must be provided as described in Chapters 1, 3, 5 and Sections A.3 and A.6.
1. Drawings, a. demolition plans, b. Full set of fire protection construction drawings, i. drawings must be carefully dimensioned noted and detailed for accurate bidding and construction, c. Fire protection details (all typical details must be shown on the drawings), i. building construction, (1) buildings construction type (e.g., 443, 222), (2) Firewalls and smoke partitions, (3) panel and curtain walls, (4) Fire-stopping configurations. include details of all openings between the exterior walls (including panel, curtain, and spandrel walls) and floor slabs, openings in floors, and shaft enclosures. ii. Life safety, (1) each stair, (2) Horizontal exits, (3) each required fire door, (4) Stairway pressurization fans, (5) Security door hardware, including operation procedures, iii. Water supply, (1) Fire pump configuration, (2) Anchorage of underground fire protection water supply line, (3) Standpipe riser, iv. Water-based fire extinguishing systems, (1) installation of waterflow switches and tamper switches, (2) Sprinkler floor control valves, sectional valves, and inspector text assembly, v. non-water-based fire extinguisher systems (1) Special fire extinguishing systems (e.g., wet chemical),
vi. Fire Alarm System, (1) Fire alarm riser, (2) typical firefighter telephone station, (3) typical firefighter telephone jack, (4) electrical closets for fire alarm system panels, (5) Fire alarm telephone panel (includes voice paging microphone and firefighter telephone system), (6) Visual indicating device control and power detail, typical for floors (state location), (7) Amplifier rack (state location), (8) typical location of duct smoke detectors, (9) outdoor fire alarm speaker, (10) Wall-mounted cone fire alarm speaker, (11) typical terminal cabinet, (12) Lay-in ceiling-mounted fire alarm speaker, (13) Lay-in ceiling-mounted fire alarm combination speaker/strobe, (14) Wall-mounted strobe device, (15) typical manual fire alarm box installation, (16) Fire alarm system input/output matrix, (17) Graphic annunciator panel, (18) installation of the graphic annunciator, (19) Fire command center showing the locations of each panel to be installed,
1. Drawings, a. demolition plans, b. Floor plans, i. Show lighting, power distribution, and communications raceway distribution, c. Single-line diagram of primary and secondary power distribution, i. include normal power, emergency power, and upS, d. Single-line diagram of fire alarm system, e. Single-line diagram of telecommunications system, f. Circuit layout of lighting control system, g. details of underfloor distribution system, h. Site plan, i. indicate service locations, manholes, ductbanks, and site lighting, i. Layout of electrical equipment spaces, i. Show all electrical equipment. include elevations of substation transformers and disconnect switches, j. Schedules for switchgear, switchboards, motor control centers, panelboards, and unit substations, k. Grounding diagram, l. Complete phasing plan (if required) for additions and alterations, m. Security systems site plan, i. Final locations of all security devices and conduit runs, n. Security system floor plans, i. Layout of all security systems, o. Storage areas for electrical equipment/spare parts, 2. Calculations, a. illumination level calculations, b. Short circuit calculations, c. Voltage drop calculations, d. overcurrent coordination study, e. Generator calculations, f. include starter loads, g. upS calculation (if upS provided),
3. Code criteria should be reviewed by each discipline to the degree of detail necessary to ensure that tasks accomplished in this phase meet the code requirements.
2. Calculations, For any fire modeling generated results, submit a copy of the input data and all pertinent program material and assumptions required to understand the output and the analysis. A narrative of the input and results must be part of the calculations. a. Final occupant load and egress calculations, b. Final fire protection water supply calculations, c. includes water supply flow testing data, d. Final fire pump calculations where applicable, e. Final smoke control calculations where applicable (e.g., atrium), f. Final stairway pressurization calculations, g. Fire modeling, h. Final calculations contained in the SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering for calculating sound attenuation through doors and walls for placement and location of fire alarm system audible notification appliances,
Site Survey,
Site surveys are generally prepared for GSA projects involving sitework. the survey may be contracted separately by GSA or may be included in the scope of the A/e for the project. the guidelines given here apply in either case. in cases where GSA contracts for the survey directly, the A/e may be requested to review the scope of work for the survey and recommend modifications to the technical requirements to suit the specific project site. the geotechnical report must be available to all contractors so that there will be a common reference on which to base their bids. Also, the report would subsequently function as the basic reference for evaluating changed conditions or differing site conditions during construction and, therefore, need be of sufficient detail, number of borings, groundwater, and contamination evaluations to support the design and mitigate large changed conditions issues. the criteria listed here are not absolute; they should be modified by the civil engineer to suit the particular conditions of the project. All surveys should be prepared and sealed by a surveyor licensed in the state where the project is located.
Surveys should generally contain the following information: z Locations of all permanent features within limits of work, such as buildings, structures, fences, walls, concrete slabs and foundations, above-ground tanks, cooling towers, transformers, sidewalks, steps, power and light poles, traffic control devices, manholes, fire hydrants, valves, culverts, headwalls, catch basins or inlets, property corner markers, benchmarks, etc. z Location of all adjacent and abounding roads or streets and street curbs within limits of work, including driveways and entrances. type of surfacing and limits should be shown. For public streets, rightof-way widths and centerlines should also be shown. z Location of all trees, shrubs, and other plants within limits of work. For trees, caliper size should be shown; dead trees should be indicated. z Location of all overhead telephone and power lines within the limits of work and their related easements. z based on existing records, location of underground utilities, such as gas, water, steam, chilled water, electric power, sanitary, storm, combined sewers, telephone, etc., should be shown. Sizes of pipes (i.d.), invert elevations, inlet, or manhole rim elevations should be indicated. Where appropriate, information should be verified in the field. z based on existing records, location of underground storage tanks or other subsurface structures.
z topography field criteria should include such items as 300 millimeter or 600 millimeter (1 to 2 ft.) contour intervals plotted on a grid system appropriate to the scale of the survey; elevations at top and bottom of ditches and at any abrupt changes in grade; periodic top-of-curb and gutter elevations, as well as street centerline elevations; elevations at all permanent features within the limits of work; ground floor elevations for all existing buildings. z bearings and distances for all property lines within the limits of work. z official datum upon which elevations are based and the benchmark on or adjacent to the site to be used as a starting point. z official datum upon which horizontal control points are based. z if there are not already two benchmarks on the site, establish two permanent benchmarks. z elevations of key data points of all building structures and improvements directly adjacent and across the street from the project site during both wet and dry season. z delineate location of any wetlands or floodplains, underground streams, or water sources.
vested in a competent geotechnical engineer and/or engineering geologist with experience in this type of work and licensed to practice engineering in the jurisdiction where the project is located.
the purpose of the geotechnical investigation during building design is to determine the character and physical properties of soil deposits and evaluate their potential as foundations for the structure or as material for earthwork construction. the investigation must also determine the hydrological capacities of the soil. the type of structure to be built and anticipated geologic and field conditions has a significant bearing on the type of investigation to be conducted. the investigation must therefore be planned with knowledge of the intended project size and anticipated column loads, land utilization, and a broad knowledge of the geological history of the area. the guidelines given here are not to be considered as rigid. planning of the exploration, sampling and testing programs, and close supervision must be
1. Analysis of Existing Conditions, the report should address the following: a. description of terrain, b. brief geological history, c. brief seismic history, d. Surface drainage conditions, e. Groundwater conditions and associated design or construction problems, f. description of exploration and sampling methods and outline of testing methods, g. narrative of soil identification and classification, by stratum, h. narrative of difficulties and/or obstructions encountered during previous explorations of existing construction on or adjacent to the site, i. description of laboratory test borings and results, j. plot plan, drawn to scale, showing test borings or pits, k. Radon tests in areas of building location, l. Soils resistivity test, identifying resistivity of soil for corrosion protection of underground metals and electrical grounding design,
m. boring logs, which identify: i. Sample number and sampling method, ii. other pertinent data deemed necessary by the geotechnical engineer for design recommendations, such as: (1) unconfined compressive strength, (2) Standard penetration test values, (3) Subgrade modulus, (4) Location of water table, (5) Water tests for condition of groundwater, (6) Location and classification of rock, (7) Location of obstructions, (8) Atterberg tests, (9) Compaction tests, (10) Consolidation tests, (11) triaxial compression test, (12) Chemical test (pH) of the soil, (13) Contamination,
2. Engineering Recommendations, engineering recommendations based on borings and laboratory testing should be provided for the following: a. Recommendations for foundation design, with discussion of alternate solutions, if applicable, include: i. Allowable soil bearing values, ii. Feasible deep foundation types and allowable capacities, where applicable, including allowable tension (pull-out) and lateral subgrade modulus, iii. Feasibility of slab on grade versus structurally supported floor construction, including recommended bearing capacities and recommended subgrade modulus (k), b. discussion of evidence of expansive soils and recommended solutions, c. Lateral earth design pressures on retaining walls or basement walls, including dynamic pressures, d. design frost depth, if applicable, e. Removal or treatment of contaminated soil, f. discussion of potential for consolidation and/or differential settlements of substrata, with design recommendations for total settlement and maximum angular distortion, g. use and treatment of in-situ materials for use as engineered fill, h. Recommendations for future sampling and testing, i. Recommendations for pavement designs, including base and sub-base thickness and subdrains, j. Recommendations for foundation and subdrainage, including appropriate details, k. discussion of soil resistivity values, l. discussion of soil hydrological capabilities, m. discussion of radon values and recommendation for mitigating measures, if required,
Required Investigation,
When required by the project scope, a geologic hazard investigation that addresses the hazards indicated below should be performed. Whenever possible, a preliminary investigation should be performed in the planning stage of siting a facility, to provide reasonable assurance that geologic hazards do not preclude construction at a site. during a later stage of geotechnical investigations for a facility at a selected site, supplemental investigations may be conducted as needed to define the geologic hazards in more detail and/or develop mitigating measures. the scope and complexity of a geologic hazard investigation depends on the economics of the project and the level of acceptable risk. in general, major new building complexes, high-rise buildings, and other high value or critical facilities must have thorough geologic hazard investigations. Small, isolated buildings need not have elaborate investigations.
Soil Liquefaction,
Recently deposited (geologically) and relatively unconsolidated soils and artificial fills, without significant cohesion and located below the water table, are susceptible to liquefaction. Sands and silty sands are particularly susceptible. potential consequences of liquefaction include foundation bearing capacity failure, differential settlement, lateral spreading and flow sliding, flotation of lightweight embedded structures, and increased lateral pressures on retaining
walls. the investigation must consider these consequences in determining the size of the area and the depth below the surface to be studied. An investigation for liquefaction may take many forms. one acceptable method is to use blow count data from the standard penetration test conducted in soil borings. this method is described in publications by H. b. Seed and i. m. idriss, (1982), Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes: earthquake engineering Research institute, oakland, CA, monograph Series, 134 p. and H.b. Seed et al, (1985) the influence of Spt procedures in Soil Liquefaction Resistance evaluations: Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCe 111(12): pp. 1425-1445.
earthquake-inducing flooding can be caused by tsunamis, seiches, and dam and levee failures. the possibility of flooding must be addressed for new construction located near bodies of water.
Required Documentation,
investigations of geologic hazards must be documented. As noted in the paragraph entitled Required investigation above, a preliminary geologic hazard investigation must be conducted and a report issued during the siting phase for a facility. However, unless the geologic hazard investigations have been documented in a stand-alone report, they must be addressed in a section of the geotechnical engineering report prepared during the design phase of a project. the geologic hazard report, whether it is a separate report or a section of the geotechnical engineering report, must at a minimum contain the following: z List of hazards investigated, which must include the five described earlier in this section , z description of the methods used to evaluate the site for each hazard, z Results of any investigations, borings, etc., z Summary of findings, z Recommendations for hazard mitigation, if required, in some cases, estimates of site ground motions may be needed for assessment of geologic hazards such as liquefaction and slope failure.
new construction must not be sited where it may be within a zone of seismically induced slope failure or located below a slope whose failure may send soil and debris into the structure. Factors that affect slope stability include slope angle, soil type, bedding, ground water conditions, and evidence of past instability. the geologic hazard investigation must address the potential for seismically induced slope deformations large enough to adversely affect the structure.
Mitigative Measures,
A site found to have one or more geologic hazards may be used, provided the hazards are removed, abated, or otherwise mitigated in the design, or if the risk is judged to be acceptable. examples of mitigative measures include: removal and recompaction of poorly compacted soils; use of special foundations; stabilizing slopes; and draining, compaction, or chemical treatment of liquefiable soils. the geological hazard report must identify feasible mitigative measures.
Differential Settlement,
Loosely compacted soils either above or below the water table can consolidate during earthquake shaking, producing surface settlement. the potential for total and differential settlements beneath a structure must be assessed. if liquefaction is not expected to occur, then in most cases, differential settlement would not pose a significant problem to construction.
this Appendix defines the procedures to achieve compliance with the requirements in Section 5.3 (energy Analysis Criteria).
the Architectural/engineering design team (A/e) must reference and utilize the following format for building input parameters, schedules of building operations, and categories for reporting results for the baseline and alternate building models. these procedures must be consistent throughout the design process. input parameters and output data must be provided in all document submissions (see Section 5.3).
At each phase of the design process (i.e., conceptual design, design development, and construction documentation), the A/e must provide inputs as indicated in this appendix, if they are not otherwise defined in the program requirements (see p100 Section 5.3). the A/e must refer to ASHRAe Standard 90.1-2007 (including addenda) documents for climate zone and other pertinent information as may be required. if any changes are required to these input values due to special field conditions, the A/e must adjust the inputs giving an explanation in the beginning of the energy analysis report. the analysis must document the sources of input data and all assumptions.
Conceptual Design
the A/e must conduct an energy analysis for each of the three preliminary concepts (see Section A.3), using approved simulation software (See p100 Section 5.3). the primary variables in these analyses are orientation and massing. For the conceptual design, the performance parameters for the envelope, which include glazing, must be equal to the prescriptive minimum values listed in the applicable sections of ASHRAe Standard 90.1-2007, as referenced by p100 input table A6-1. All other parameters and input values as may be necessary to complete the model must be the minimum compliance values obtained from input tables A6-2 through A6-5. For the conceptual design analyses, glass and wall ratios and the shape must be configured to achieve the requirements of Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of p100. building site-energy and property site-energy consumption rates must be calculated for each of the three concepts, and presented as indicated by output table A6-6. For comparison purposes, all energy system alternatives for each concept must be adjusted to equivalent building site-energy consumption rates. For the final concept submission, the energy analysis must provide output data to indicate optimization of the envelope, massing, and orientation that minimize the annual building or property site-energy consumption rates. this energy analysis report must include a statement summarizing the optimization findings and comparing the results with the energy target (see Chapter 1).
Wall below Grade, Roof, insulation above deck, metal, Attic/other, mass, Steel-joist, Wood framed/other, unheated, Heated, Swinging, non-swinging, Glazing , Refer to Chapter 5, Section 5.3, Heat and moisture transfer, Refer to Chapter 5, Section 5.3 for requirements,
Slab on Grade,
doors opaque,
Design Development,
the A/e must optimize system performance using simulation software (See p100, Section 5.3) to minimize annual building site-energy and property site-energy consumption rates. the primary variables in these analyses are the internal electrical and thermal loads imposed by the interior and exterior lighting, power requirements, other fixed loads (e.g., elevators, computer facilities), and schedules in
Fenestration, infiltration,
1. Values for thermal Conductance (C), perimeter Heat Loss Factor (F), and thermal transmittance (u) shall be the minimum compliance values indicated in ASHRAe 90.1-2007 Chapter 5 and table 5.5 for the associated project climate zone. 2. the project climate zone is the zone in which the project building is located on the Climate Zone map and pursuant to the associated tables of AnSi/ASHRAe Standard 169.
accordance with P100, Chapters 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8. All other parameters and input values as may be necessary to complete the model must be obtained from those used in the final concept simulations and Input Tables A6-2 through A6-5 in this appendix. Project-specific envelope construction details must be applied as determined and detailed on the project submission drawings by the A/E. These analyses must be performed for the HVAC system as approved in the Final Concept submittal, in accordance with P100. If alternative HVAC systems and components are to be considered (See Section 5.5), energy analyses must be conducted and compared to the results from the analysis of the reference system that has the lowest first cost of the alternatives being considered, in accordance with P100, Sections 1.12 and 5.3. These results must also be used as the input data to the life-cycle analysis required in P100, Section 1.12.
At completion of the DD phase, the system selection must be completed from which annual building siteenergy and property site-energy consumption rates must be calculated. For these analyses, assume pump heads of 90 feet and fan total static pressures of 4 in. For the 100 percent DD submission, the energy analysis must provide output data to indicate optimization of the baseline reference system and any cost-effective alternatives that minimize the annual building or property site-energy consumption. This energy analysis report must include a statement summarizing the optimization findings and comparing the results with the final concept results. Additionally, this analysis must continue to document the sources of input data and all assumptions, and refinements to the assumptions made in the concept phase. Equipment performance capacities and
full- and part-load efficiencies must be substantiated by including representative equipment selections from manufacturers forming the basis of design. At least two additional simulations must be conducted to determine this impact of the input assumptions, which are to be varied to their maximum, or worstcase minimum, limits.
Construction Documents,
The A/E must refine the optimized results from the 100 percent DD submission by using the actual input values rather than the assumed input values for the envelope, lighting, and power wattage, assumed pump heads and fan static pressures, HVAC and thermal zoning criteria, and schedules of operation (i.e., in lieu of Tables A6-1 through A6-5 in this appendix). For the 90 percent construction document (CD) submission, the energy analyses must provide updated listings of input values including schedules of operation, and output data to indicate refinements in the optimization of the baseline and any costeffective alternatives in the 100 percent DD analysis that minimize the annual building or property siteenergy consumption rate. The 90 percent CD energy analysis report must include a statement summarizing the refined optimization findings and comparing the results with the 100 percent DD results.
5, 30, 10, 150, 70, 10, 150, 20, 50, 100, 25, 71.8 W (245 Btu/h), 60.1 W (205 Btu/h), ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 2009 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 2009
Area to be daylit,
Building Pressurization,
type, oAVS, AHu, AHu for special areas, Supply air temperature,
Capacity < 11,800L/s (25,000 cfm), < 11,800L/s (25,000 cfm), < 11,800L/s (25,000 cfm), dew point temp > 10C (50F), dry bulb temp > 11C (52F),
Comply with ASHRAe 90.1-2007 table , Comply with ASHRAe 90.1-2007 table G3.1.3.15 , prefilters, Final filters, Size, meRV 8, meRV 13, 2.5 m/s (500 fpm) maximum face velocity, meRV 10, meRV 10,
Filters ,
Filters (AHu),
Heat Recovery,
Sensible Heat Recovery,
efficiency, Filters,
70%, meRV 10 , Run around type heat pipe system, Cross flow, air to air heat exchanger,
Sensible heat wheel, total Heat Recovery, desiccant-impregnated enthalpy wheel, efficiency, polyphase, Single phase,
Variable speed drives, Variable speed drives, Comply with Section 10.4.1 of ASHRAe 90.1-2007, > 0.37 kW ( hp), < 0.37 kW ( hp), ASHRAe 90.1-2007 table 6.8.1F, modulating burner control, outside air reset,
Full load and part load efficiencies (Cop & ipLV), Comply with ASHRAe 90.1-2007 table 6.8.1, Central chilled water systems > 500 tons, Central chilled water systems < 500 tons, Control, Centrifugal chillers, Reciprocating compressor chiller, Chiller staging should be enabled, equal or exceed the number of chillers, induced draft, multispeed or variable speed, Comply with ASHRAe 90.1-2007 table 6.8.1G, Comply with ASHRAe 90.1-2007 table 7.8, 1/10th of the dHW pump Hp, 1.2C (2F) approach temperature, dedicated pumping system, 333
Cooling tower,
Waterside Economizers,
design Capacity,
Hour 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 6 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 7 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.1 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 8 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 74 84 74 9 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 74 84 74 10 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 74 84 74 11 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 74 84 74 12 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 74 84 74 13 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 74 84 74 14 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 74 84 74 15 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 74 84 74 16 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 74 84 74 17 1.0 0.1 0.7 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 74 84 84 84 74 18 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.1 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 19 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 20 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 21 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 22 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74 23 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 84 84 84 84 74
time of Area , office , operation Wd 8Am-5pm, WeH, Courtroom, Wd 8Am-4pm, WeH, 24-hr facility, 24/7, Wd 8Am-5pm, WeH, Courtroom, Wd 8Am-4pm, WeH, 24-hr facility, 24/7, 0 55 55 55 55 70 0 0 0 0 0 1 55 55 55 55 70 0 0 0 0 0 2 55 55 55 55 70 0 0 0 0 0 3 55 55 55 55 70 0 0 0 0 0 4 55 55 55 55 70 0 0 0 0 0 5 55 55 55 55 70 0 0 0 0 0 6 55 55 55 55 70 0 0 0 0 0 7 55 55 55 55 70 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4 8 70 55 70 55 70 1 0 1 0 1 9 70 55 70 55 70 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 10 70 55 70 55 70 0.4 0.1 0.4 0 0.4
Hour 11 70 55 70 55 70 0.5 0.1 0.5 0 0.5 12 70 55 70 55 70 0.6 0.1 0.6 0 0.6 13 70 55 70 55 70 0.5 0.1 0.5 0 0.5 14 70 55 70 55 70 0.4 0.1 0.4 0 0.4 15 70 55 70 55 70 0.4 0.1 0.4 0 0.4 16 70 55 70 55 70 0.5 0.1 0.6 0 0.5 17 70 55 55 55 70 0.6 0.1 0.2 0 0.6 18 55 55 55 55 70 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0.2 19 55 55 55 55 70 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 20 55 55 55 55 70 0.1 0 0 0 0.1 21 55 55 55 55 70 0.1 0 0 0 0.1 22 55 55 55 55 70 0 0 0 0 0 23 55 55 55 55 70 0 0 0 0 0
office ,
EO 13514 Federal Leadership in Environment, Energy, and Economic Performance, EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) (recycled products), http://www.epa.gov/cpg, USDA BioPreferred Program, http://www.biopreferred.gov, DOE Guidance for Electric Metering in Federal Buildings DOE/EE 0312, Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008, Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002,
PublicationsGeneral Federal,
40 U.S.C. 601a, Public Buildings Cooperative Use Act of 1976, Energy Policy Act of 2005, National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (NHPA), 40 CFR, Protection of Environment, Federal Management Regulation (FMR), based on the Public Buildings Amendments of 1988, Title 40, Subtitle II, Part A, Chapter 33, Section 3312, 36 CFR 67, Secretary of the Interiors Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, 29 CFR 1926, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Section 1926.62, Lead (including lead-based paint), 29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Section 1910.146(b)Definition of Confined space, EO 13423 Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management (includes guiding principles of Federal leadership in high-performance and sustainable buildings), http://www.wbdg.org/sustainableEO, Executive Order 13502, Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal Construction Projects, February 6, 2009 , http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/ E9-3113.pdf ,
The following references apply to all P100 chapters.
Guiding Principles of Federal Architecture, Hallmark of the Productive Workplace, 42 U.S.C. 4151 et seq., Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standard (ABAAS),
Web Sites,
www.gsa.gov/firstimpressions , (First Impressions Program), www.gsa.gov/workplace , (Workplace 20/20 Program), www.gsa.gov/bim , (3D-4D Building Information Modeling), www.wbdg.org/ccb/GSAMAN/ buildingcommissioningguide.pdf, (Building Commissioning Guide),
Federal Courthouses,
GSA Courthouse Visitors Guide, February 2003, GSA Courthouse Project Handbook, August 2004, U.S. Courts Design Guide, U.S. Marshals Service Judicial Security Systems Requirements and Specifications, Volume 3, Publication 64, 2005, U.S. Marshals Service Requirements and Specifications for Special Purpose and Support Space, Volume One: Architectural & Engineering, 2007; Volume Two: Electronic Security & Hardware, 2007,
Childcare Centers,
Child Care Center Design Guide (pbS-p140), Accreditation Criteria and Procedures of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (nAeYC),
33 u.S.C. 1251 Federal Water pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act), GSA pbS The Site Selection Guide, www.gsa.gov/siteselection, GSA pbS Site Security Design Guide, GSA Adm 1095.6, Consideration of Floodplains in decision making, GSA pbS Wetlands Impact Management Desk Guide, GSA pbS NEPA Desk Guide, GSA pbS Sustainability Matters, www.gsa.gov/sustainabledesign, u.S. Army Corps of engineers (u.S.C.o.e.) , Wetlands Delineation Manual, American national Standards institute (AnSi), American Standard for nursery Stock/American national Landscape Association (AnLA), www.anla.org, epA document no. epA-832-R-92-005,
interagency Security Committees physical Security Criteria for Federal Facilities and the iSC Security Level determination of Federal Facilities, dated February 21, 2008 (official use onlyrequest from project manager), GSA pbS Design Notebook for Federal Lobby Security, GSA pbS Site Security Design Guide ,
e1414, Standard test method for Airborne Sound Attenuation between Rooms Sharing a Common Ceiling plenum, e1918, Standard test method for measuring Solar Reflectance of Horizontal and Low-Sloped Surfaces in the Field, e1946, Standard practice for measuring Cost Risk of buildings and building Systems, e1980, Standard practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance index of Horizontal and Low-Sloped opaque Surfaces, e2396, Standard test method for Saturated Water permeability of Granular drainage media [Falling-Head method] for Green Roof Systems, e2397, Standard practice for determination of dead Loads and Live Loads Associated with Green Roof Systems, e2398, Standard test method for Water Capture and media Retention of Geocomposite drain Layers for Green Roof Systems, e2399, Standard test method for maximum media density for dead Load Analysis of Green Roof Systems, e2400, Standard Guide for Selection, installation, and maintenance of plants for Green Roof Systems,
GSA pbS Concession Management Desk Guide (pmFC-93), Fine Arts Collection policies and procedures, Chapter 10, pbS order no. 3490.1, document Security for Sensitive but unclassified paper and electronic building information, Section 7.d.(1.), Federal Standard 795, uniform Federal Accessibility Standards,
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):
Recommended Seismic design Criteria for new Steel moment-Frame buildings (FemA 350), Recommended Seismic evaluation and upgrade Criteria for existing Welded Steel moment-Frame buildings (FemA 351), Recommended post-earthquake evaluation and Repair Criteria for Welded Steel moment-Frame buildings (FemA 352), Recommended Specifications and quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel moment-Frame Construction for Seismic Applications (FemA 353), techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation for existing buildings (FemA 547),
Web sites,
http://fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/build01/PDF/ b01056.pdf, http://nsmp.wr.usgs.gov/celebi/gsa_report_ instrumentation.pdf,
Guideline 0-2005: the Commissioning process, Guideline #4-1993: preparation of operating and maintenance documentation for building Systems, Guideline #12-2000: minimizing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with building Water Systems, Guideline #29-2007: Guideline for Risk management of public Health and Safety in buildings,
American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),
Handbook of Fundamentals, Handbook of Refrigeration, Handbook of HVAC Applications, Handbook of HVAC Systems and Equipment, Standard 15: Safety Code for mechanical Refrigeration, Standard 52.2: method of testing: General Ventilation Air-Cleaning devices for Removal efficiency by particle Size, Standard 55: thermal environmental Conditions for Human occupancy, Standard 62.1: Ventilation for Acceptable indoor Air quality, Standard 90.1-2004: energy Standard for buildings except Low-Rise Residential buildings, Standard 100-2006: energy Conservation in existing buildings, Standard 105-1999: Standard method of measuring and expressing building energy performance, Standard 111-1988: practices for measurement, testing, Adjusting and balancing of building HVAC Systems, Standard 113-2005: method of testing for Room Air diffusion, Standard 135-2004: bACnet: A data Communication protocol for building Automation and Control networks,
American National Standards Institute (ANSI),
AnSi/ASHRAe/ieSnA: Standard 90.1-2004: energy Standard for buildings except Low-Rise Residential buildings, AnSi/uL50, enclosures for electrical equipment for types 12, 3, 3R, 4, 4x, 5, 6, 6p, 12, 12K, and 13,
Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual, Wireless Design Reference Manual,
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc., (SMACNA),
HVAC duct Construction Standards: Metal and Flexible HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual, Fire, Smoke and Radiation Damper Installation Guide for HVAC Systems, Seismic Restraint Manual Guidelines for Mechanical Systems,
nFpA 17A, Standard for Wet Chemical extinguishing Systems, nFpA 20, Standard for the installation of Stationary pumps for Fire protection, nFpA 24, Standard for the installation of private Fire Service mains and their Appurtenances, nFpA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, nFpA 45, Standard on Fire protection for Laboratories using Chemicals, nFpA 72, national Fire Alarm Code, nFpA 75, Standard for the protection of electronic Computer/data processing equipment, nFpA 90A, Standard for the installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, nFpA 101, Life Safety Code, nFpA 170, Standard for Fire Safety Symbols, nFpA 214, Standard on Water-Cooling towers, nFpA 232, Standard for the protection of Records, nFpA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and demolition operations, nFpA 914, Code for Fire protection of Historic Structures,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
ASme A17.1, Safety Code for elevators and escalators,
American Society of mechanical engineers, American Society of plumbing engineers, American Society of testing and materials, automatic transfer switch, Architectural Woodwork institute , building automation system, ballast factor , brick institute of America, building industry Consulting Service international, building information modeling, building information models , building life-cycle cost, building owners and managers Association international, building preservation plan , basic safety objective, cable television, constant air volume, Central Courthouse management Group , Criteria Change Request, construction drawings, construction documentation, Centers for disease Control, chlorofluorocarbon , compact fluorescent lamps ,
Code of Federal Regulations, combined heat and power plant, Comprehensive procurement Guidelines, Consumer price index,
AAMA , American Architectural manufacturers Association, ABA, Architectural barriers Act of 1968,
ABAAS, Architectural barriers Act Accessibility Standard , ACH , ACM, ADP, ADPI, AEDG, AHJ, AHU, AIHA , AISC , ALS , ANLA , ANSI, AOC, air changes per hour, asbestos-containing material, automated data processing, air diffusion performance index , Advanced energy design Guide , Authority having jurisdiction, air-handling unit, American industrial Hygiene Association, American institute of Steel Construction, assisted listening system , American national Landscape Association , American national Standards institute, Administrative office of the united States Courts,
CPTED , Crime prevention through environmental design, CPVC , CRF , CRI , CSC , DC, DD, DDC, DHS, DNL, EA, ECS , EIA, EIS , EISA 2007, EPAct 2005, EPO , EPPS , EPR , ETS , chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, condensation resistance factor, color rendering index, Court Security Committee, direct current, design development , direct digital control, department of Homeland Security, day-night average noise level, environmental assessment, emergency communications systems , electronic industries Alliance, environmental impact statement, energy independence and Security Act of 2007, energy policy Act of 2005
AOUSC, Administrative office of the united States Courts , ASD, allowable stress design,
emergency power off , emergency power supply system, ethylene propylene rubber, environmental tobacco smoke,
Federal Acquisition Regulation, Federal Acquisition Service, final concepts , fire commissioning agent , Federal emergency management Agency , field impact isolation class, Federal management Regulation , Federal protective Service , functional performance test , Forest Stewardship Council, Facility Security Committee , full-time equivalent, ground fault interrupt, General Services Administration , gross square feet, heat balance , high efficiency toilet, high efficiency urinal, hydraulic grade line, high intensity discharge, harmonic mitigating transformers , department of Housing and urban development, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, international building Code, international Code Council,
load resistance factor design, motor control center, minimum efficiency reporting value, memorandum of agreement, machine roomless,
IESNA , illuminating engineering Society of north America, IG, IGE, ILI, IMC, IRC , IRI, IRMA, ISC , ISC , ISO, JSST, LCC , LCS, LED , LEED, LID , LLD , LPD, LPOE, LPW, isolated ground, independent government estimate, indiana Limestone institute, intermediate metallic conduit , international residential code , international risk insurance, inverted membrane roof assembly , interagency Security Committee, interagency Security Criteria, international organization for Standardization, Judicial Security Systems team, life-cycle costing, luminaire classification system, light emitting diode, Leadership in energy and environmental design, Low impact development , lamp lumen depreciation , lighting power density, Land ports of entry, lumen per watt ,
NAEYC, national Association for the education of Young Children, NARA, NC, NC-B, NCMA NEBB, NEII, NEPA, national Archives and Records Administration , noise criteria, balanced noise criteria, national Concrete masonry Association, national environmental balance bureau, national elevator industries, inc., national environmental policy Act,
NESHAP, national emission Standards for Hazardous Air pollutants, NFPA , NHPA, NIC , NIST, NRCA, OAVS, ODCP, OMB, national Fire protection Association, national Historic preservation Act, noise isolation class, national institute of Standards and technology, national Roofing Contractors Association, outdoor air ventilation system, office of design and Construction programs, office of management and budget,
occupational Health and Safety Administration, public buildings Service pbS 100, telephone exchange, public buildings Service, Child Care Center design Guide, united States border Station design Guide, metric design Guide
room criteria, requirements development, rigid galvanized steel , relative humidity, Regional Historic preservation officer, record of decision, radiant time series , sound absorption average, sensitive but unclassified,
testing, Adjusting, and balancing bureau, total building Commissioning , toxicity characteristic leaching procedure, total dissolved solid , transfer function method , total harmonic distortion , tenant improvement, telecommunications industry Association, training manual, text telephone,
persistent bio-accumulative toxin, point of common coupling , precast Concrete institute, personal digital assistant , plumbing and drainage institute, power distribution unit, project estimating requirements, power factor, Concession management desk Guide , photovoltaic system, pulse width modulation , repairs and alterations, raised access floor,
SCAQMD, South Coast Air quality management district, SCIF, SDI, SFI , SFO, SFPE, SI , SIR , SLC, sensitive compartmented information facility, Steel door institute , Sustainable Forestry initiative, solicitation for offers, Society of Fire protection engineers , international system, savings to investment ratio, signaling line circuits ,
U.S.C.O.E., u.S. Army Corps of engineers , UFAD, UFAS , UL, UPS, USCDG , USMS, UST, UV , VAV, VE , VFD, VOC , XLP , underfloor air distribution, uniform Federal Accessibility Standards , underwriters Laboratory , uninterruptible power supply, u.S. Courts design Guide , u.S. marshals Service, underground fuel oil storage tank, ultraviolet, variable air volume, value engineering, variable frequency drive, volatile organic compound , cross-linked polyethylene ,
SMACNA, Sheet metal and Air Conditioning Contractors national Association, STC , SWAT, TAB, sound transmission class, smart water application technology, testing, adjusting, and balancing,
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