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DM AI Voice Prediction

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Acoustic Analysis and Prediction of Type 2

Diabetes Mellitus Using
Smartphone-Recorded Voice Segments
Jaycee M. Kaufman, MSc; Anirudh Thommandram, MASc; and Yan Fossat, MSc


Objective: To investigate the potential of voice analysis as a prescreening or monitoring tool for type 2
diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by examining the differences in voice recordings between nondiabetic and
T2DM individuals.
Patients and Methods: Total 267 participants diagnosed as nondiabetic (79 women and 113 men) or
T2DM (18 women and 57 men) on the basis of American Diabetes Association guidelines were recruited in
India between August 30, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Using a smartphone application, participants recorded
a fixed phrase up to 6 times daily for 2 weeks, resulting in 18,465 recordings. Fourteen acoustic features
were extracted from each recording to analyze differences between nondiabetic and T2DM individuals and
create a prediction methodology for T2DM status.
Results: Significant differences were found between voice recordings of nondiabetic and T2DM men and
women, both in the entire dataset and in an age-matched and body mass index (BMI [calculated as the
weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared])-matched sample. The highest predictive
accuracy was achieved by pitch (P<.0001), pitch SD (P<.0001), and relative average pertubation jitter
(P¼.02) for women, and intensity (P<.0001) and 11-point amplitude perturbation quotient shimmer
(apq11, P<0.0001) for men. Incorporating these features with age and BMI, the optimal prediction
models achieved accuracies of 0.750.22 for women and 0.700.10 for men through 5-fold cross-
validation in the age-matched and BMI-matched sample.
Conclusion: Overall, vocal changes occur in individuals with T2DM compared with those without T2DM.
Voice analysis shows potential as a prescreening or monitoring tool for T2DM, particularly when
combined with other risk factors associated with the condition.
Trial Registration: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: CTRI/2021/08/035957
ª 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) n Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health 2023;1(4):534-544

ype 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a effective strategies for disease detection that
chronic metabolic disorder character- can identify individuals earlier in the disease
From Klick Applied Sciences, ized by impaired insulin action and trajectory, allowing for timely interventions
Klick Inc, Toronto, Canada
(J.M.K., A.T., Y.F.); and Faculty
elevated blood glucose levels. Its rising preva- and alleviating the consequences for individuals
of Science, Ontario Tech lence and considerable effect on global health and health care infrastructures.
University, Oshawa, Canada have gained substantial attention in recent Recently, voice has emerged as a prom-
years, prompting a push for proactive mea- ising candidate for pathology detection and
sures. An estimated 175 million individuals screening. It is noninvasive, inexpensive, and
worldwide have undiagnosed diabetes, and convenient, as voices can be recorded using
the cumulative economic burden is estimated a smartphone or portable device. Not only
to reach nearly $2.1 trillion per year in 2030.1 does this increase patient comfort, but it also
In addition, diabetes diagnosis is associated has the potential for use in remote and under-
with an increased risk of mortality from cancer, served communities that may have limited ac-
renal disease, infections, liver disease, nervous cess to health care services.
system disorders, and chronic obstructive pul- Voice synthesis is a complex process that
monary disease.2 It is imperative to develop relies on the combined effects of the

534 Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health n December 2023;1(4):534-544 n https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcpdig.2023.08.005

www.mcpdigitalhealth.org n ª 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

respiratory system, the nervous system, and 5. Combine existing risk factors (age and
the larynx. Anything that affects these systems BMI) with voice results to predict T2DM
can influence the voice, whether it is percep- status.
tible audibly or detectable through computer
We first performed statistical analysis of
analysis.3 In T2DM, individuals experience
the acoustic voice features to identify differ-
sustained periods of high blood glucose.
ences in the voices of T2DM men and women
Point-in-time glucose concentrations have
compared with healthy controls, in both the
been hypothesized to affect the elastic proper-
entire dataset and in an age-matched and
ties of the vocal chords,4 and long-term
BMI-matched dataset. We then used the
elevated glucose can have detrimental effects
extracted features and simple machine
such as peripheral neuropathy and myopathy
learning models to create a prediction method-
(ie, the damage of nerve and muscle fibers,
ology for the detection of T2DM. Finally, we
respectively).5,6 Myopathy has been shown to
incorporated age and BMI into the prediction
correlate with an increased prevalence of voice
results, increasing the accuracy of the pro-
disorders and dysphagia,7 potentially because
posed method. Overall, the success of the pre-
of muscle weakness within the larynx, whereas
diction model in this pilot study justifies the
hoarseness, vocal straining, and aphonia are
use of voice analysis in T2DM screening.
present in individuals with diabetic neuropa-
thy.8 Furthermore, T2DM has been linked to
an increased prevalence of psychological dis-
orders such as depression, anxiety, eating dis-
Previous Work
orders, and decreasing cognitive function, all
Vocal biomarker prediction of disease has
of which have been linked to vocal
been used for pathologies ranging from coro-
changes.6,9-13 Overall, there is strong justifica-
nary artery disease to pulmonary function to
tion for vocal differences occurring in T2DM,
Parkinson disease to COVID-19 detection.17-
and previous work has shown there are 22
Studies that have employed machine
distinct vocal differences between T2DM and
learning methods in voice pathology predic-
nondiabetic individuals.14-16
tion range from using a large set of features
The objective of this manuscript is to
(>6000 features) in the time and frequency
assess the feasibility of voice for the prediction
domains,19 to small feature sets (10 fea-
and detection of T2DM. Although there have
tures).18 Common prediction models include
been some promising preliminary results,
Logistic Regression (LR), Naive Bayes (NB),
there is limited data on vocal changes between
Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision
nondiabetic and T2DM individuals in age-
Tree, and Random Forest models.18-20,22,23
matched and basic metabolic indexematched
Looking specifically at diabetes, a recent
populations, and analysis has yet to be per-
study assessing vocal changes in cystic
formed on a fixed sentence despite the re-
fibrosiserelated diabetes analyzed 7 features:
ported success in determining glucose-related
fundamental frequency, fundamental fre-
voice changes from spoken sentences and
quency variation, jitter, shimmer, noise-to-
free speech.4 This manuscript aims to address
harmonic ratio, voice turbulence index, and
the following points to identify vocal changes
relative average perturbation (RAP). This study
in T2DM:
used LR to determine the predictive capabil-
1. Simulate real-world scenarios by collecting ities of significant (P<.05) features.24 In
data using a mobile application and using T2DM, previous studies have focused primar-
a fixed phrase recording. ily on identifying features that may be different
2. Perform analysis of voice features separately between the T2DM and nondiabetic popula-
for men and women. tions, with varying results. A study of 83 par-
3. Perform analysis of voice features in age- ticipants conducted in Thailand indicated that
matched and BMI-matched sample. fundamental frequency decreases significantly
4. Use relevant voice features to predict T2DM in T2DM women when compared with nondi-
status. abetic women.14 However, this study did not

n n
Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health December 2023;1(4):534-544 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcpdig.2023.08.005 535

TABLE 1. Demographic Characteristic Information for Study Participantsa,b

Entire Dataset Matched Dataset
Characteristic ND T2DM P ND T2DM P
Number of participants 79 18 d 11 11 d
Total number of recordings 5636 1183 d 503 505 d
Age (y) 32.6610.85 28.209.52 <.001 45.7310.47 45.9110.85 .97
BMI, kg/m2 28.209.52 35.0911.36 .01 29.095.29 31.415.40 .32
Number of recordings per participant 71.3423.75 65.7225.39 .37 77.5410.56 70.9120.39 .35
Number of participants 113 57 d 29 29 d
Total number of recordings 7935 3711 d 1964 2047 d
Age (y) 32.7311.36 48.9610.03 <.001 45.0010.92 44.7610.61 0.38
BMI, kg/m2 27.697.54 30.8714.33 <.001 27.774.46 26.703.28 0.19
Number of recordings per participant 70.2223.23 65.1136.78 0.27 67.7233.27 70.5925.40 .72
BMI, body mass index; ND, nondiabetic; T2DM, type 2 diabetic mellitus.
Values are displayed as mean  SD. P-values from independent 2-tailed t test. Statistical significance (P<.05).

identify any differences in men, a result Diabetes Association (ADA).26 All participants
confirmed by a previous study conducted in signed informed consent. The study received
2012.25 On the contrary, a study conducted full ethics clearance, and all methods were con-
in 2021 on 51 people with diabetes indicated ducted in accordance with relevant guidelines
that individuals with T2DM had an increased and regulations. Participants were instructed
absolute jitter value compared with their to record their voice at least 6 times a day for
healthy controls, although the sample was 2 weeks into a custom mobile application,
not segmented into male and female categories saying the fixed sentences “Hello, how are
for the analysis.15 Voice analysis conducted on you? What is my glucose level right now?”
177 voice samples in 2016 found a decrease in Voice recordings were submitted and uploaded
all vocal parameters for women with T2DM to a secure cloud database, where they were
and all vocal parameters for men with T2DM accessed by our researchers. All participants
except absolute jitter and RAP.16 All previous had no diagnosed neurological or speech disor-
studies in T2DM analyzed sustained phona- ders, and all participants were nonsmokers. A
tion of the vowel a. Features used in analysis total of 267 participants were included (170
were fundamental frequency (3 studies), har- men: 113 nondiabetic and 57 T2DM; and 97
monic noise ratio (4 studies), jitter (3 studies), women: 79 nondiabetic and 18 T2DM),
shimmer (4 studies), RAP jitter (3 studies), recording a total of 18,465 voice samples.
amplitude perturbation quotient (APQ)
shimmer (2 studies), phonation time (2 Data Split
studies), and voice turbulence index (1 study). To evaluate voice changes due to T2DM status
(and not to confounding factors such as age or
METHODS BMI), the data was segmented by participant
ID into an age-matched and BMI-matched
Participants and Study Design dataset (referred to as the matched dataset”)
Participants were recruited as part of a larger for both men and women. Because of a large
study involving the relationship between voice proportion of nondiabetic participants that
and glucose control between August 30, 2021 skewed younger than the T2DM sample, a
and June 30, 2022. Participants were recruited number of nondiabetic recordings that had
from 4 sites in India and diagnosed by a physi- no age or BMI match in the T2DM arm were
cian as nondiabetic or type 2 diabetic accord- excluded from the matched sample. An equal
ing to guidelines set by the American number of T2DM and nondiabetic participants
n n
536 Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health December 2023;1(4):534-544 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcpdig.2023.08.005

were included in the matched dataset, such recordings from an individual were placed
that 50% of men with T2DM and 61% of into the same fold and there were the same
women with T2DM were included. Statistical number of nondiabetic and T2DM individuals
analysis and prediction model training were in each fold. After cross-validation, the
performed on the matched dataset, and the matched dataset was used to retrain the
remaining data was used to test the fully model. The model performance was assessed
trained model (referred to as the test dataset). on the testing set (ie, the data not used in
The increased proportion of women with the matched dataset) using the retrained
T2DM was to allow for sufficient recordings model, feature set, and threshold determined
for analysis whereas leaving sufficient data through cross-validation of the matched data.
for testing the trained prediction model. In to- The procedure for the initial model experi-
tal, there were 4011 recordings and 1008 re- mentation is presented in Figure 1. Class pre-
cordings for men and women, respectively, diction was performed using the T2DM
in the matched samples. probability results from the model prediction
for each recording. If the probability of the
Feature Extraction recording was greater than or equal to a set
To allow for comparison with the most com- threshold, the individual was predicted to
mon features present in previous findings, T2DM, and if the probability model results
voice features corresponding to pitch, inten- were less than the threshold, the individual
sity, harmonic noise ratio (HNR), shimmer, was predicted to be nondiabetic.
and jitter were extracted. Voice features were After the initial model implantation, there
extracted using Parselmouth, a publicly avail- were a few methods applied to improve the
able Python integration for Praat, a voice and prediction accuracy, the methods are as
speech analysis software.27,28 A total of 14 follows:
voice features were extracted from each audio
1. Average all prediction probabilities from an
recording. Labels and descriptions of voice
features can be found in Appendix A (available
2. Average T2DM prevalence at the partici-
online at https://www.mcpdigitalhealth.org/).
pant’s age with prediction probability
Increased absolute values of shimmer and
jitter are associated with increased perceived
breathiness, hoarseness, and roughness in the
voice, which can be linked to certain pathol-
ogies. These features are typically used exclu-
sively in sustained phonation of vowel Voice data
sounds; however, they have been found to
Feature extraction
be useful in identifying dysphonia when calcu-
lated from an entire sentence recording.29 For Voice features
this reason, jitter and shimmer values were
chosen to be evaluated in addition to the
pitch, intensity, and harmonic noise ratio 5-fold cross
vocal parameters. Matched data Testing data

Logistic regression, Gaussian NB, and SVM Optimal Optimal model Retrained
Model prediction
were selected as models for the analysis, which T2DM
threshold and features model
are in line with models used in related work.
Justification for these models and for exclusion
of other models can be found in Appendix Model
B.30e36 A 5-fold cross-validation was per- evaluation
formed on the matched dataset to find the
optimal model, feature set, and threshold for FIGURE 1. Flowchart of analysis and machine learning process. T2DM, type
prediction. The folds were segmented by indi- 2 diabetes mellitus.
vidual and diabetic status, such that all
n n
Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health December 2023;1(4):534-544 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcpdig.2023.08.005 537

TABLE 2. Acoustic Analysis of Audio Recordings.a,b

Entire Dataset Matched Dataset
Feature ND T2DM P P-adj Cohen’s d ND T2DM P P-adj Cohen’s d
Meanf0 213.2334.49 191.7337.38 <.001 <.001 0.6 210.0337.22 194.6537.13 <.001 <.001 0.41
stdevF0 38.6619.97 32.8819.63 <.001 <.001 .29 44.5821.19 34.1119.99 <.001 <.001 0.51
Meaninten 65.396.33 65.65.61 .3 >.99 .04 64.725.65 66.464.65 <.001 <.001 0.34
stdevInten 7.72.96 8.763.43 <.001 <.001 .33 8.433.03 8.593.26 .29 >0.99 0.05
HNR 12.13.95 11.534.32 <.001 <.001 .14 11.153.79 11.744.42 .004 .06 0.14
Localshimmer 0.120.04 0.120.03 .37 >.99 .03 0.120.04 0.120.04 <.001 <.001 0.2
Localdbshimmer 1.130.27 1.130.25 .5 >.99 0.02 1.190.27 1.130.27 <.001 <.001 0.24
apq3Shimmer 0.050.02 0.050.02 .002 .03 0.1 0.060.02 0.050.02 <.001 <.001 0.23
apq5Shimmer 0.070.03 0.070.03 .09 >.99 0.06 0.080.03 0.070.03 <.001 <.001 0.24
Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health

apq11Shimmer 0.110.04 0.110.03 .02 .25 0.08 0.120.04 0.110.04 <.001 <.001 0.2
Localjitter 0.020.01 0.020.01 .86 >.99 0.01 0.020.01 0.020.01 <.001 <.001 0.44
LocalabsoluteJitter 0.000100.00005 0.000120.00005 <.001 <.001 0.24 0.000120.00005 0.000110.00005 .03 .45 0.11
rapJitter 0.0110.004 0.0100.004 .02 .24 0.08 0.0120.004 0.0100.004 <.001 <.001 0.4
ppq5Jitter 0.0110.004 0.0110.004 .97 >.99 0.001 0.0130.004 0.0110.004 <.001 <.001 0.41
meanF0 140.0429.71 140.232.79 .8 >.99 0.01 141.433.7 139.3533.91 .06 .82 0.06
stdevF0 25.3423.48 28.7825.56 <.001 <.001 0.14 29.2925.6 29.4926.73 .81 >.99 0.01

meanInten 67.146.70 62.648.08 <.001 <.001 0.61 65.876.29 62.887.90 <.001 <.001 0.42
December 2023;1(4):534-544

stdevInten 8.003.56 8.923.00 <.001 <.001 0.28 8.342.89 9.022.96 <.001 <.001 0.23
HNR 10.613.34 10.763.12 .02 .30 0.05 10.533.11 10.533.01 .95 >.99 0.002
localShimmer 0.120.03 0.130.03 <.001 <.001 0.19 0.120.03 0.130.03 <.001 <.001 0.15


localdbShimmer 1.160.23 1.210.22 <.001 <.001 0.25 1.180.22 1.220.21 <.001 <.001 0.17
apq3Shimmer 0.050.02 0.050.02 .02 .34 0.05 0.050.02 0.050.02 .52 >.99 0.02
apq5Shimmer 0.070.02 0.080.02 <.001 <.001 0.2 0.080.02 0.080.02 .003 .05 0.09
apq11Shimmer 0.120.04 0.140.04 <.001 <.001 0.35 0.130.04 0.140.04 <.001 <.001 0.28
localJitter 0.020.01 0.020.01 <.001 <.001 0.24 0.0220.007 0.0240.007 <.001 <.001 0.2

<.001 <.001 <.001 <.001


localabsoluteJitter 0.000160.00006 0.000180.00006 0.21 0.000170.00007 0.000180.00007 0.19

rapJitter 0.0110.004 0.0110.004 <.001 <.001 0.17 0.0110.004 0.0110.004 <.001 <.001 0.15
ppq5Jitter 0.0120.004 0.0130.004 <.001 <.001 0.22 0.0120.004 0.0130.004 <.001 <.001 0.22
apq, amplitude perturbation quotient; F0, fundamental frequency; HNR, harmonic to noise ratio; ND, nondiabetic; rap, relative average perturbation; T2DM, type 2 diabetic mellitus.
P-values from independent 2-tailed t test. Adjusted P-values (P-adj) from Bonferroni correction.
Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health


TABLE 3. Model Prediction Results.
5-fold CV Testing
Model ensemble Type Model Threshold Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy BCA Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy BCA
Just voice All recordings 3-feature LR 0.54 0.540.14 0.750.15 0.670.14 0.650.14 0.58 0.71 0.7 0.64
Just voice Averaged per individual 3-feature LR 0.54 0.530.07 0.900.22 0.720.13 0.720.13 0.57 0.87 0.84 0.72
Voice and age All recordings 3-feature LR 0.31 0.670.18 0.700.11 0.680.13 0.670.13 0.69 0.80 0.80 0.75

Voice and age Averaged per individual 3-feature LR 0.3 0.630.37 0.830.21 0.730.28 0.730.28 0.71 0.75 0.75 0.73
December 2023;1(4):534-544

Voice and BMI All recordings 3-feature LR 0.31 0.690.18 0.710.24 0.700.19 0.700.19 0.73 0.71 0.71 0.72
Voice and BMI Averaged per individual 3-feature LR 0.3 0.730.23 0.770.29 0.750.22 0.750.22 0.71 0.91 0.89 0.81
Voice, age, and BMI All recordings 3-feature LR 0.24 0.700.22 0.720.19 0.710.19 0.710.19 0.79 0.83 0.82 0.81
Voice, age, and BMI Averaged per individual 3-feature LR 0.24 0.630.37 0.830.21 0.730.28 0.730.28 0.71 0.93 0.91 0.82
Just voice All recordings 2-feature NB 0.46 0.490.09 0.700.13 0.600.08 0.600.09 0.52 0.74 0.69 0.63
Just voice Averaged per individual 2-feature NB 0.46 0.590.16 0.700.19 0.660.11 0.650.11 0.54 0.75 0.70 0.64

Voice and age All recordings 2-feature NB 0.29 0.560.06 0.730.10 0.640.03 0.650.04 0.60 0.87 0.81 0.74

Voice and age Averaged per individual 2-feature NB 0.28 0.580.19 0.730.24 0.660.13 0.650.13 0.82 0.87 0.86 0.85
Voice and BMI All recordings 2-feature NB 0.28 0.580.08 0.750.11 0.660.03 0.660.03 0.56 0.75 0.71 0.65
Voice and BMI Averaged per individual 2-feature NB 0.28 0.590.12 0.7900.16 0.690.11 0.690.11 0.57 0.76 0.72 0.67
Voice, age, and BMI All recordings 2-feature NB 0.22 0.580.06 0.740.11 0.670.03 0.660.03 0.66 0.84 0.8 0.75
Voice, age, and BMI Averaged per individual 2-feature NB 0.22 0.690.15 0.730.13 0.700.10 0.710.11 0.75 0.89 0.86 0.82
BCA, balanced class accuracy; BMI, body mass index; LR, logistic regression; NB, Gaussian Naïve Bayes
Model prediction results from averaging and demographic characteristic addition methods. See Appendix B for averaging and demographic addition methods.

3. Average T2DM prevalence at the partici- Model Formulation

pant’s BMI with prediction probability re- A 5-fold cross-validation of the age-matched
sults, and and BMI-matched dataset was used to evaluate
4. A combination of the above methods. model performance and identify the optimal
threshold for model prediction probability re-
More details on feature selection, model
sults. Features were selected if they had an un-
implementation, optimal model selection,
adjusted P<.05 in both the entire dataset and
and ensembling methods can be found in
the matched dataset and a Cohen’s d >0.2 in
Appendix B. All model training, testing, and
the matched dataset (Table 2). In both men
validation were performed in Python (Python
and women, there were 4 features that satis-
Software Foundation) using the Scikit-learn li-
fied these criteria. The features used in the
brary (version 1.2.0, Python version 3.10.8).
model evaluation were, in order of addition
according to descending Cohen’s d, pitch
SD, mean pitch, RAP jitter, and apq3 shimmer
Statistical Analyses for women, and mean intensity, apq11
Student’s independent 2-tailed t test was per- shimmer, intensity SD, and ppq5 jitter for
formed on demographic characteristic and men. Model testing was performed on the
vocal parameter values between the group test dataset, using the same optimal model
with T2DM and the nondiabetic group. The and threshold as determined by cross-
Bonferroni correction was applied to P-values validation.
in the vocal parameter statistical analysis to ac-
count for multiple comparisons. Statistical Female Model Results. The optimal model
analysis was performed in Python, using the for women after cross-validation was a 3-
SciPy package (version 1.9.3). Statistical signif- feature LR model and had a specificity of
icance is defined as P<.05. 0.750.15, a sensitivity of 0.540.14, and an
Model accuracy was assessed on the basis optimal threshold of 0.54 for all data re-
of the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of cordings (Table 3, Appendix C). The 3 fea-
the trained models. Equations for the calcula- tures used in the female model were the mean
tion of these metrics can be found in pitch, pitch SD, and RAP jitter. If the model
Appendix B. The net reclassification index prediction probabilities of T2DM for all re-
(NRI) was calculated to quantify the gain of cordings for a participant were averaged, the
adding vocal features to age and BMI risk fac- 3-feature LR female model had a specificity of
tors for T2DM (see Appendix B). 0.900.22 and a sensitivity of 0.530.07 for
the threshold of 0.54. The female test set had a
final specificity of 0.71 and sensitivity of 0.58
RESULTS (3-feature LR model for single recordings), and
The demographic characteristic information if prediction probabilities for all recordings for
for the entire dataset and the age-matched a participant were averaged, the 3-feature LR
and BMI-matched dataset can be found in model had a specificity of 0.87 and sensitivity
Table 1. Fourteen voice features were of 0.57 (Table 3).
extracted from each voice recording. Pitch,
pitch SD, and apq3Shimmer were significant Male Model Results. The optimal model for
after adjustment between the nondiabetic males was a 2-feature NB and had a speci-
and women in both the matched dataset and ficity of 0.700.13, a sensitivity of 0.490.09,
the entire dataset. For men, mean intensity, in- and an optimal threshold of 0.46 for all data
tensity SD, local shimmer, local absolute recordings (Table 3, Appendix C). The fea-
shimmer, apq11 shimmer, local jitter, local ab- tures used in the male model were the mean
solute jitter, RAP jitter, and 5-point percent intensity and apq11 shimmer values. If the
perturbation quotient (ppq5) jitter were signif- model prediction probabilities of T2DM for all
icant between the nondiabetic and diabetic in- recordings for each participant were averaged,
dividuals in both the matched dataset and the the 2-feature NB male model had a specificity
entire dataset (Table 2). of 0.700.19 and a sensitivity of 0.590.16

n n
540 Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health December 2023;1(4):534-544 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcpdig.2023.08.005

Female ROC, AUC=0.806±0.291 Female testing confusion matrix

0.91 0.088
0.8 Non-diabetic
(N=62) (N=6)

True label

0.29 0.71
0.2 T2DM
(N=2) (N=5)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Non-diabetic T2DM

1 - Specificity Predicted label
Fold ROC Average ROC ROC SD

Male ROC, AUC=0.714±0.144 Male testing confusion matrix

0.89 0.11
0.8 Non-diabetic
(N=75) (N=9)

True label


0.25 0.75
0.2 T2DM
(N=7) (N=21)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Non-diabetic T2DM

1 - Specificity Predicted label
Fold ROC Average ROC ROC SD

FIGURE 2. Results from optimal model. (A) ROC curve for cross-validation of the matched dataset for
women (B) Confusion matrix for the test set for women (C) ROC curve for cross-validation of the
matched dataset for men (D) Confusion matrix for the test set for men. N is the number of participants.
T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; ROC, receiver operator curve; AUC, area under the ROC.

with a 0.48 threshold (Table 3). The male test determined in the voice-only prediction, so
set had a final specificity of 0.74 and sensi- the 3-feature LR model was used for women
tivity of 0.52 when predicting individual re- and the 2-feature NB model was used for men.
cordings (2-feature NB model), and if all the
prediction results for an individual were Female Ensemble Results. The optimal
averaged, the 2-feature NB model had a ensemble model prediction was achieved by
specificity of 0.75 and sensitivity of 0.54 averaging the female voice recording results
(Table 3). with the BMI prevalence of T2DM. The model
had an optimal accuracy of 0.750.22, with a
Incorporation of Demographic Characteristic specificity of 0.770.29 and a sensitivity of
Data 0.730.23 from cross-validation of the
To increase model accuracy, age and BMI matched dataset, and had an accuracy of 0.89,
prevalence were incorporated into the predic- specificity of 0.91, and sensitivity of 0.71
tion methodology. The features and model when predicting the test set (Table 3,
type were kept the same as the optimal model Figure 2). Looking at the receiver operator
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Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health December 2023;1(4):534-544 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcpdig.2023.08.005 541

curve (Figure 2), the average area under the the variation in these features found that
curve (AUC) was 0.810.29 for cross- women with T2DM reported a slightly lower
validation. The folds consisted of 3 folds pitch with less variation, and men with
with perfect prediction (AUC¼1), 1 fold with T2DM reported slightly weaker voices with
moderate prediction results, and 1 fold with more variation. These differences likely stem
poor prediction results (AUC<0.5), indicating from differences in disease symptom manifes-
some variability in the model prediction tations between the sexes. For example, mus-
results. cle weakness and atrophy, which have been
linked to vocal weakness and instability,7
Male Ensemble Results. The optimal occur in T2DM and are more common in
ensemble model prediction was obtained by men with T2DM than in women with
averaging the male voice recording prediction T2DM.37 On contrary, women with T2DM
results with the age and BMI prevalence of are more likely to experience high extracellular
T2DM. This model had an optimal accuracy water content and edema.38 Swelling and
of 0.700.10, with a specificity of edema of the vocal cords reduce the pitch
0.730.13 and a sensitivity of 0.690.15 and vibratory characteristics, resulting in a
from cross-validation of the matched dataset, parameter decrease similar to what was seen
and had an accuracy of 0.86, a specificity of in our results.39 Laryngoscopy and visualiza-
0.89, and a sensitivity of 0.75 when predicting tion of the vocal cords in T2DM should be
the test set (Table 3, Figure 2). The average performed in future studies to confirm these
AUC was 0.710.14 for cross-validation findings. Furthermore, cognitive function
(Figure 2). Overall, there was less variability decline and major depressive disorder
in the male cross-validation results, particu- (MDD) occur at a higher prevalence in women
larly for high sensitivity values, in which 4/5 with T2DM than in men with T2DM ,9,40 and
folds fell within the ROC SD. peripheral neuropathy occurs at a higher prev-
alence in men with T2DM .41 Cognitive
Net Reclassification Index Calculation impairment has been shown to have a signifi-
Net reclassification index was calculated for cant effect on the voice with strong predictive
both men and women in the matched dataset. capabilities,10 and MDD has been linked to
For women, the overall NRI from adding voice voice changes such as slower speech and a
to age and BMI was 0.36, and for men, the lower pitch.13 Sex differences in T2DM have
overall NRI was 0.28. Details of NRI calcula- become increasingly prominent, as seen in
tions can be found in Appendix D. the contrasting predictive features, and future
research should carefully account for this for
DISCUSSION a more comprehensive insight.
Overall, we found distinct differences between Comparing the results to previous find-
the voices of individuals with and without ings, fundamental frequency in women with
T2DM. These differences vary between men T2DM has been shown to decrease in previous
and women and reinforce previous findings work,14 which aligns with the results pre-
that the vocal manifestations of diabetes are sex- sented here. In men with T2DM , previous
specific. The most accurate prediction method findings varied from no significant features
involved an ensemble model with T2DM preva- to all features being significant, except
lence at the participant’s age and BMI for men jitter.14,16,25 Indeed, there were fewer features
and the participant’s BMI for women, resulting used in male prediction than in female predic-
in a maximum test accuracy of 0.89 for women tion, and features used in prediction did not
and 0.86 for men. Optimal models were a 2- include pitch, jitter, or HNR. Furthermore,
vocal-feature NB implementation for men and a previous work primarily used a stand-alone
3-vocal-feature LR for women. microphone or specific recording device to
Different features were used in the predic- collect data rather than a smartphone and an
tion between men and women. In women, the application-based approach. Application-
predictive features were mean pitch, pitch SD, based recording offers considerable advantages
and RAP jitter, and in men, mean intensity and over stand-alone microphones for voice data
apq11 shimmer were used. In simple terms, collection. Its accessibility options allow
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542 Mayo Clin Proc Digital Health December 2023;1(4):534-544 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcpdig.2023.08.005

researchers to capture data using widely avail- as an accessible and cost-effective screening
able devices, expanding participant inclusivity. tool. An implementation of voice assessment
In addition, smartphone recording has the po- could aid in early intervention and manage-
tential to capture real-world situations, such as ment of T2DM, and continued development
speech and interactions in familiar surround- could reduce the rising burden of the disease
ings. Overall, researchers can obtain insights and improve health care outcomes.
into how voices change in everyday scenarios.
Incorporating vocal parameters, age, and POTENTIAL COMPETING INTERESTS
BMI into an ensemble prediction model was J.K., A.T., and Y.F. are all employees of the
able to achieve over 70% accuracy in an age- source of funding for the study, Klick Inc.
matched and BMI-matched dataset and Y.F. is listed as an inventor on 2 patents for
achieved even higher accuracy in the un- the estimation of blood glucose using voice
matched test dataset. This result indicates (patent numbers WO2022109713A1 and
that even the simple incorporation of age WO2022109714A1).
and BMI into an ensemble model with voice
creates an accurate prediction methodology
for T2DM. Furthermore, adding vocal features ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
to demographic characteristic information like The authors would like to thank everyone
age or BMI resulted in a positive NRI for both within Klick Applied Sciences for their sup-
men (NRI¼0.28) and women (NRI¼0.36), port, particularly Jouhyun Jeon for her contri-
indicating that voice combined with age and bution to the study design and consultation
BMI performs better at classifying risk than during data analysis.
age and BMI alone.
Finally, there were some limitations to the SUPPLEMENTAL ONLINE MATERIAL
presented methodology. The duration of Supplemental material can be found online at
T2DM may influence the voice,25 and future https://www.mcpdigitalhealth.org/. Supple-
work should incorporate the collection of mental material attached to journal articles
T2DM duration into the study protocol, and has not been edited, and the authors take
cognitive function metrics and MDD status, responsibility for the accuracy of all data.
to account for additional factors that may in-
fluence the voice. In addition, only a crude Abbreviations and Acronyms: ADA, American Diabetes
ensemble of demographic characteristic and Association; APQ, amplitude of the perturbation quotient;
BMI, body mass index; HNR, harmonic noise ratio; LR,
vocal features was used in the final model logistic regression; MDD, major depressive disorder; NB,
implementation. Future work could explore Naïve Bayes; NRI, net reclassification index; RAP, relative
alternative ways to incorporate demographic average perturbation; SVM, Support Vector Machine;
data into the model results and incorporate T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus
additional demographic characteristic features.
Finally, although there were thousands of Grant Support: The study was internally funded by Klick Inc.
audio recordings, the female T2DM popula- The study sponsor did not have a role in study design,
tion was small in the presented work, resulting collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, writing of
in some prediction variability in the model. the report, or decision to submit the paper for publication.
Future work should include a larger cohort Correspondence: Jaycee M. Kaufman, MSc, 175 Bloor St E
of individuals to confirm the findings pre- Suite 300, Toronto, ON, Canada M4W 3R8
sented here. ([email protected]).

CONCLUSION Jaycee M. Kaufman: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8183-
The material presented here reports a prom- 0206Yan Fossat: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1271-2633
ising application of voice analysis for T2DM
detection. Although the results are encour-
aging, further research with larger and more REFERENCES
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