PropertyPro Class Business Case

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Utiva Design School

Product Design Business Case

About PropertyPro………….. h​ ttps:// is a real estate property centre platform in

Nigeria. With a web-based platform for property rentals and
sales, They provide users with the best property search
experience both online and offline by connecting them with
legitimate and verified real estate agents.

Problem Statement:
The cost of Building a house in Nigeria, especially in some urban
cities like; Lagos, Abuja or Port Harcourt can be very high. Some
of the reasons for this include; high costs of building materials,
high skilled labour costs, costs associated with poor roads and
sewerage systems. There is the issue of lack of adequate
infrastructure and more. All these things put together, make it
hard to invest in the real estate sector of the economy.

Also, the Real estates sector of the Nigerian economy is usually

capital intensive. Financing remains a problem both for
property developers and prospective homeowners.

Furthermore, the “omo-onile” menace is crazy! Most of the

scams in the Nigeria real estate sector are perpetuated by the
“omo-oniles”​. Apart from the fact that they are known to extort
money from buyers who are developing their properties, most
of them sell the lands inherited from their parents or
grand-parents to more than one person. They tend to act on
lands that have been sold but are yet to be developed and then
they sell to a new buyer. Sometimes, they even sell lands that
have been developed half-way to buyers and these buyers, in
turn, find themselves in a continuous battle for possession of
the land. Unfortunately, the ​“omo-oniles” are nowhere to be
found and there are no means for these buyers to get their
money back. They demand levies for everything! Ranging from
a levy for the foundation of a building to fencing of land, to
erecting a gate, to levies for every building material transported
to the site! All these are enough reasons to discourage anyone
from investing in real estate.


You are a Product Designer and you have just joined a

real-estate company, Within the next 1 month,
as part of your role, you will be working together with your team
to ensure that it achieves its mission for customer retention
from the Product Design Perspective.

Your Job is to work through this Journey with him from the
Product Design Perspective which are:

Problem Create a 1 page document with your team

Revalidation that describes the problem and come into
the meeting with a more identifiable design
Customer Draft a writeup detailing the customer/user
Segments and research. Present the Empathy Maps, User
Niches Personas, Research Method/document.

Study the customer segmentation and

understand how the current design is being
used by the different customers at the
different identified segments
Market Study the different feedback to understand
Validation the users experience with the current
solution & identify the major challenges
Solution Navigate through the entire current platform
and identify different user experience &
interface challenges and how you can make
it better
Product Create a low fidelity mock-up for the
Functionalities intended design
The Product Understand and create a Product Vision for
Vision the Product
The Product Work with your team to build a high-fidelity
Design prototype for your Product t​ hat​ has
high-resolution images in such a way they
can be viewed in full screen, while zooming
in and out
Customer Use Customer Reviews to monitor your
Reviews Product Performance and and get valuable
feedback, identify where the major gaps are
Backend The tools, architecture and technology that
Technology would be used to build the product will be
provided by your instructor.

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