12th Class Guess Papers 2024 Com Long

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Guess Paper Annual 2024 Computer Science 12

103. Predict the output of the following code segment: int a =2; while ( a< =7) { printf(\n a = %d”, a ); a + +
104. Rewrite the following code using do-while loop. void mian() { int x = 10; do { printf("%d \n", x%2);
x = x -1; } while(n >= 1); }
105. Write output. int x = 5, y = 3; do { x = x*2; y = y+2; } while(y < 7); printf("%d",x);
106. Define infinite loop?
107. Why is sentinel value used in loops?
108. Define for loop.
109. Find output of the following code. #include <stdio.h> void main { int i, p=1; for(i=1; i<6; i+=1) p*2;
printf("p is = %d",p); }
110. What is the final value of x after executing the following code? for(int x = 0; x < 10, x++)
111. Predict the output from the following code. int n; cirscr (); for(n = 5; n >= 1; n--) printf("%d\n",n);
112. Trace the output. int i, j = 10; for(i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { Prinft("\n Pakistan"); }
113. Define Compound Statement?
114. What is sentinel controlled loop?
115. Define goto statement.

Note : Attempt any ONE question.
1. What is File? Explain File types from storage point of view.
2. How would you define a table? Also write characteristics of tables.
3. Write down four major components of database system in detail.
4. What is Query? Discuss different types of queries.
5. Define ER Diagram. Explain it with the help of an example.
6. Write any four advantages of DBMS.
7. Discuss different methods of modifying a table in MS-Access.
8. Briefly explain the database design process with the help of diagram .
9. What is a form? Explain its uses and advantages.

Note : Attempt any TWO descriptive answers ( either from “ C-Language” or from
“ Visual Basic” ) of the following questions.
( C- Language )
1. What is meant by programming language? Discuss different types of programming languages.
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Guess Paper Annual 2024 Computer Science 12
2. Write a program that inputs three numbers and displays the maximum number by using if-else, if
3. What is for loop? Write down syntax and working of for loop with example.
4. Write down the step-by-step procedure to create a C-program?
5. Write a program in C-language that accepts three numbers from user and display the largest number
using nested if.
6. What is nested loop? Write its syntax and explain its working with flowchart and example.
7. Describe characteristics of High Level Language.
8. What is Switch Statement? Write its syntax, draw flow chart and explain its working.
9. Write a program that inputs a number from the user and displays the factorial of that number.
10. Write any eight characteristics of C-Language.
11. What is if-else statement? Draw its flow chart, also explain its working with an example.
12. Write a program in C that inputs a number from the user and displays the table of that number using
for loop
13. Discuss printf function in detail.
14. What is nested “ if ” statement? Explain its working with example.
15. Write a program that displays counting from 10 to 1 using For loop

( Visual Basic )
1. What is meant by programming language? Discuss different types of programming languages.
2. Write a program in VB that inputs three numbers and displays the maximum number by using nested
if statement.
3. What is for next loop? Write down syntax and working of for next loop with example.
4. How can we create a project in VB? Explain its different steps.
5. Write a program in VB that input three numbers by using three text box and display the largest
6. What is nested loop? Write its syntax and explain its working with flowchart and example
7. Describe characteristics of High Level Language.
8. Write a program to swap the value of two variables without using third variable.
9. What is if-then-else statement? Draw its flow chart, also explain its working with an example. 8
10. Write a program in VB that inputs a number from the user and displays the table of that number
using For—Next loop
11. What is variable? Write down the rules to give name to the variable.
12. Define array. Explain its different types in Visual Basic (VB).
13. Write a program that displays counting from 10 to 1 using For-Next loop

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