Summer Projects - Teacher Guideline - Final - v3
Summer Projects - Teacher Guideline - Final - v3
Summer Projects - Teacher Guideline - Final - v3
1. The topics below are just suggestions.
2. The subject teachers may use these topics as is or modify them as per need.
3. Teachers do not have to stick to the class category. Students may be given a topic
from a higher or lower class as per need.
Social Science
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Investigate the role of Create a poster or a Evaluate clarity and
community helpers (e.g. presentation using non- organization of
police officers, firefighters, digital tools such as paper, poster/presentation.
nurses) and create a markers, or paint. Organize Evaluate accuracy and
presentation on their information in a clear and completeness of information
important work. logical manner. Include presented. Evaluate
information on the helper's understanding of the
role, importance, and helper's role and impact on
impact on the community. the community.
Use appropriate vocabulary
and terminology.
Study the effects of Write an essay using non- Evaluate clarity and
technology on everyday life digital tools such as paper organization of the essay.
and write an essay about and pen. Organize Evaluate ability to convey
how it has impacted your information in a clear and personal experiences and
own life. logical manner. Include opinions. Evaluate
information on the positive understanding of the effects
and negative effects of of technology on everyday
technology. Use life.
appropriate vocabulary and
Conduct a simple Write findings as a report Evaluate clarity and
experiment at home to using non-digital tools such organization of writing.
investigate how different as paper and pen. Organize Evaluate ability to draw
liquids (e.g. water, oil, findings in a clear and conclusions based on
vinegar) interact and write logical manner. Include findings. Evaluate
up your findings. information on the understanding of scientific
purpose, materials and concepts.
methods, observations and
results, and a conclusion.
Use appropriate scientific
Study the physical features Create a map using non- Evaluate clarity and accuracy
of India, including its digital tools such as paper, of the map. Evaluate ability
mountains, rivers, and markers, or paint. Include to represent physical
coastlines, and create a information on the physical features. Evaluate
map of the country. features of India. Use understanding of the
appropriate symbols and physical features of India.
legends. Ensure accuracy in
representation of the
Research and present on Create a poster or a Evaluate clarity and
the different states of India, presentation using non- organization of
highlighting their unique digital tools such as paper, poster/presentation.
culture, traditions, and markers, or paint. Organize Evaluate accuracy and
landmarks. information in a clear and completeness of information
logical manner. Include presented. Evaluate
information on the state's understanding of the state's
unique culture, traditions, unique culture, traditions,
and landmarks. Use and landmarks.
appropriate vocabulary and
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Practice basic arithmetic Create a set of maths problems and Evaluate the correctness of
skills by playing a set of fun their solutions. Or look up problems in the math problems and their
math games. your textbook. Some games in solutions as well as the ability
newspapers and magazines may also be to explain how to solve them
Create a chart or graph Maintain a record of different tasks Evaluate the clarity of the
that shows how long it done at home and how much time each chart or graph, the ability to
takes to complete various takes. Create a chart or graph that identify trends, and the use of
tasks displays the amount of time taken for appropriate units of
different tasks to be completed. measurement
Investigate the relationship Get together with your friends and run Evaluate the clarity and
between distance, time, a short race. First measure the distance organization of the report,
and speed by conducting a accurately using a measuring tape. the ability to draw
simple experiment Then measure the time taken by each conclusions based on findings,
friend using a stopwatch in the mobile and the understanding of
phone. Write a report that explains the scientific concepts
experiment, the observations, and the
Study different Create a measurement conversion chart Evaluate the completeness
measurement units and that shows how to convert between and accuracy of the
create a recipe or different units of measurement conversion chart and the
measurement conversion commonly used in cooking. ability to apply it to convert
chart for your favorite measurements accurately
Practice addition, Create a set of word problems that Evaluate the ability to identify
subtraction, multiplication, involve basic arithmetic operations and and apply the appropriate
and division skills by everyday life in India. You can also look arithmetic operation and
solving word problems up problems in magazines or solve the word problems
related to everyday life in newspapers. correctly.
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Create a picture Use at least 20 words. The pictures may Evaluate completeness and
dictionary by drawing be hand-drawn or cut out from accuracy of dictionary.
and labeling pictures of newspaper. All pictures should be
neatly labeled in English.
objects or animals with
their corresponding
English words.
Listen to a simple Written document, clearly Evaluate accuracy and
English song and write indicating the song title and artist. completeness of lyrics.
the lyrics by pausing
and replaying the song
multiple times.
Create a comic strip Use at least 6 phrases/vocabulary Evaluate clarity of plot and
using simple English words. The comic strip may be hand- effectiveness of English
phrases and drawn and should contain some usage.
dialogue and narration written in
vocabulary. English.
Write a short paragraph Use at least 5 sentences. Written Evaluate clarity of writing and
about your favorite document, using proper sentence accuracy of English.
food, movie or hobby in structure and vocabulary.
Watch a short video on Choose a video that is easy to Evaluate accuracy and
a topic of interest and understand and not too lengthy. One- completeness of summary.
create a one-page page summary, using simple sentences
and proper grammar.
summary using simple
Surrounding Environment
Suggested Topic Mode of Writing/Presentation Mode of Assessment
Go on a nature walk or Create a collection of items and Evaluate clarity and
hike and collect items organize them according to organization of collection.
that represent different season or weather condition. Evaluate accuracy and
seasons or weather Include a written description of completeness of
conditions. each item and why it represents descriptions. Evaluate
a particular season or weather understanding of seasons
condition. Use appropriate and weather conditions.
vocabulary and terminology.
Study the effects of Create a visually appealing Evaluate clarity and
litter on the poster or short video that effectiveness of
environment and educates people about the communication. Evaluate
create a poster or short harmful effects of litter on the accuracy and completeness
video that encourages environment and encourages of information presented.
people to pick up trash them to pick up trash and Evaluate understanding of
and dispose of it dispose of it properly. Include the impact of litter on the
properly. information on the types of environment.
litter commonly found in your
community, how litter affects
the environment, and steps
people can take to reduce litter.
Explore the benefits of Create a visually appealing chart Evaluate clarity and
recycling and create a that educates people about the organization of chart.
recycling chart that benefits of recycling and shows Evaluate accuracy and
shows what items can what items can be recycled and completeness of information
be recycled and how how they should be sorted. presented. Evaluate
they should be sorted. Include information on the understanding of the
types of materials commonly benefits of recycling.
recycled, the process of
recycling, and the
environmental benefits of
Investigate the Create a guide that includes Evaluate clarity and
different types of trees information about the different organization of guide.
in your community and types of trees in your Evaluate accuracy and
create a simple guide community, their physical completeness of information
that describes their characteristics, and their presented. Evaluate
characteristics. importance. Include pictures or understanding of the
illustrations of each type of different types of trees in
tree. Use appropriate your community.
vocabulary and terminology.
Practice observing skills Create a nature journal that Evaluate clarity and
by creating a nature includes written and/or organization of journal.
journal that records the illustrated descriptions of the Evaluate accuracy and
different flora and different flora and fauna found completeness of
fauna found in and in and around your city/village. descriptions. Evaluate
around your Organize the journal in a clear understanding of the
city/village. and logical manner. Use different flora and fauna
appropriate vocabulary and found in and around your
terminology. city/village.
Social Science
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Investigate the impact of Use reliable sources to gather Evaluate clarity and
urbanization on the information on the topic. organization of
environment in West Organize findings in a clear and writing/presentation.
Bengal, and suggest logical manner. Include Evaluate accuracy and
ways to promote suggestions for promoting completeness of
sustainable sustainable development. Use information presented.
development. appropriate vocabulary and Evaluate understanding of
terminology. the impact of
urbanization on the
environment and ability
to propose solutions.
Study the Indian Use reliable sources to gather Evaluate clarity and
freedom struggle and information on the topic. organization of chart.
create a chart that shows Organize findings in a clear and Evaluate accuracy and
the different phases of logical manner. Include key completeness of
the movement. events and figures in the information presented.
movement. Use appropriate Evaluate understanding of
vocabulary and terminology. the Indian freedom
struggle and ability to
create a visual
Study the different forms Use reliable sources to gather Evaluate clarity and
of government, including information on the topic. organization of chart.
democracy, monarchy, Organize findings in a clear and Evaluate accuracy and
and dictatorship, and logical manner. Include key completeness of
create a chart that shows features and examples of each information presented.
the key features of each. type of government. Use Evaluate understanding of
appropriate vocabulary and different forms of
terminology. government and ability to
create a visual
Investigate the structure Use reliable sources to gather Evaluate clarity and
of the Indian information on the topic. organization of diagram.
government, including Organize findings in a clear and Evaluate accuracy and
its executive, legislative, logical manner. Include key roles completeness of
and judicial branches, and responsibilities of each information presented.
and create a diagram branch. Use appropriate Evaluate understanding of
that shows how they vocabulary and terminology. the structure of Indian
work together. government and ability to
create a visual
Study the importance of Use reliable sources to gather Evaluate clarity and
voting and civic information on the topic. organization of poster.
responsibility, and create Organize findings in a clear and Evaluate accuracy and
a poster that encourages logical manner. Include completeness of
people to participate in information on the importance of information presented.
elections. voting and civic responsibility. Evaluate ability to create
Create a visually appealing poster a visually appealing and
that encourages people to effective poster that
participate in elections. Use promotes civic
appropriate vocabulary and responsibility.
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Use simple Use graph paper to sketch out a Evaluate creativity and
geometry to plan for the maze or obstacle complexity of the maze or
design a maze or course. Include measurements obstacle course. Evaluate clarity
obstacle course and angles used. Provide clear of instructions provided.
and have friends instructions for completing the Evaluate ability to apply
or family members maze or obstacle course. Be knowledge of geometry to
try to complete it. creative and have fun! create a fun and challenging
Investigate the Research and identify different Evaluate accuracy and
properties of types of triangles. Create a chart completeness of information
triangles, includingthat includes information on the presented in the chart. Evaluate
their angles and number of sides, angles, and understanding of different types
sides, and create a properties of each type of of triangles and their properties.
chart that shows triangle. Use appropriate Evaluate use of appropriate
the different types mathematical vocabulary and mathematical vocabulary and
of triangles. terminology. terminology.
Study the concept Research and identify different Evaluate accuracy and
of symmetry, and types of symmetry found in completeness of information
create a design Indian art and architecture. presented in the design.
that showcases Create a design that showcases Evaluate understanding of
different types of different types of symmetry. different types of symmetry and
symmetry found in Include information about the their use in Indian art and
Indian art and types of symmetry used and the architecture. Evaluate use of
architecture. significance of these designs in appropriate terminology and
Indian art and architecture. Use vocabulary.
appropriate terminology and
Investigate the Research and identify the Evaluate accuracy and
properties of properties of circles, including completeness of information
circles, including radius, diameter, and presented in the model.
radius, diameter, circumference. Create a model Evaluate understanding of the
and circumference, of a clock that accurately properties of circles and their
and create a model displays these properties. Label use in creating a clock. Evaluate
of a clock that each part of the clock and use of appropriate mathematical
shows these include appropriate vocabulary and terminology.
properties. measurements. Use appropriate
mathematical vocabulary and
Study the Research and identify different Evaluate accuracy and
properties of types of polygons, including completeness of information
different types of squares, rectangles, and presented in the models.
polygons, including pentagons. Create a collection of Evaluate understanding of the
squares, models that accurately display properties of different types of
rectangles, and the properties of these shapes. polygons and their use in
pentagons, and Label each part of the model and creating the models. Evaluate
create a collection include appropriate use of appropriate mathematical
of models that measurements. Use appropriate vocabulary and terminology.
showcase these mathematical vocabulary and
shapes. terminology.
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Conduct an Choose a family member or Evaluate clarity and accuracy of
interview with a friend to interview and prepare a summary. Evaluate ability to
family member or list of questions beforehand. conduct an interview and use
friend in English, Record the conversation using a
record it and write phone or other device and appropriate English vocabulary
a summary of the transcribe the relevant portions. and grammar.
conversation. Write a summary of the
conversation, including key
points and interesting details.
Use appropriate vocabulary and
Read a book or a Choose a book or short story to Evaluate clarity and organization
short story in read and take notes on the plot, of book report. Evaluate ability
English and create characters and theme. Organize to summarize plot, characters
a book report your notes into a clear and and theme and use appropriate
summarizing the logical summary of the book. English vocabulary and grammar.
plot, characters Include your personal opinions
and theme. and thoughts on the book. Use
appropriate vocabulary and
Read the editorial Choose an editorial to read and Evaluate accuracy and
page of any identify at least 5 new words. completeness of word
English newspaper Look up the meanings of these definitions. Evaluate ability to
and write the words and write them down. Use use new words correctly in
meanings of at the new words in your own sentences and use appropriate
least 5 new words. sentences to demonstrate English vocabulary and grammar.
understanding. Use appropriate
vocabulary and grammar.
Write a letter to a Choose a friend or family Evaluate clarity and accuracy of
friend or family member to write to and think letter. Evaluate ability to use
member in English about what you want to say. appropriate English vocabulary
using simple Write a letter in English using and grammar and convey
phrases and simple phrases and vocabulary personal information effectively.
vocabulary you you have learned. Include
have learned. personal information and ask
questions. Use appropriate
vocabulary and grammar.
Research a famous Choose a famous tourist Evaluate clarity and accuracy of
tourist destination destination and research travel guide. Evaluate ability to
and write a travel information about it. Write a research and organize
guide in English. travel guide in English, including information, use appropriate
information on attractions, English vocabulary and grammar,
accommodations, and local and effectively convey
customs. Use appropriate information about a tourist
vocabulary and grammar. destination.
Include images and/or maps, if
Surrounding Environment
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Study the effects Include information on the types Evaluate clarity and organization
of weather of weather patterns studied and of chart/graph. Evaluate accuracy
patterns on the their effects on the local and completeness of data
local environment. Use appropriate presented. Evaluate
environment and scientific vocabulary. Provide a understanding of the relationship
create a chart or clear and accurate between weather patterns and
graph that shows representation of data. the environment.
changes over
Study the impact Include information on the Evaluate clarity and organization
of air pollution on sources and types of air of poster. Evaluate accuracy and
the health of pollution in urban areas of West completeness of information
people and Bengal. Provide examples of the presented. Evaluate
animals in urban impact on human and animal understanding of the impact of air
areas of West health. Use appropriate visuals pollution on human and animal
Bengal, and and graphics to support the health.
create a poster message. Include suggestions
that highlights for reducing air pollution.
the issue.
Investigate the Include information on the Evaluate clarity and organization
impact of causes and effects of of presentation. Evaluate accuracy
deforestation and deforestation and habitat and completeness of information
habitat destruction in West Bengal. presented. Evaluate
destruction on Provide examples of the impact understanding of the impact of
the biodiversity on biodiversity. Include deforestation and habitat
of West Bengal, suggestions for protecting the destruction on biodiversity.
and create a environment and promoting
presentation that sustainable practices. Use
suggests ways to appropriate visuals and graphics
protect the to support the message.
Investigate the Include information on the Evaluate clarity and organization
impact of climate causes and effects of climate of poster. Evaluate accuracy and
change on the change on the Sundarbans completeness of information
Sundarbans mangrove forest. Provide presented. Evaluate
mangrove forest, examples of the impact on the understanding of the impact of
a UNESCO World environment and local climate change on the Sundarbans
Heritage Site communities. Use appropriate mangrove forest.
located in West visuals and graphics to support
Bengal, and the message. Include
create a poster suggestions for reducing the
that highlights impact of climate change on the
the issue. forest.
Investigate the Include information on the Evaluate clarity and organization
local flora and different types of flora and of field guide. Evaluate accuracy
fauna of West fauna studied. Provide accurate and completeness of information
Bengal, including descriptions and images of presented. Evaluate
birds, insects, and different species. Use understanding of the local flora
plants, and create appropriate scientific and fauna of West Bengal.
a field guide that vocabulary. Organize the field
showcases guide in a clear and logical
different species. manner.
Social Science
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Study the impact of the Conduct research on the topic Evaluate accuracy and
monsoon season on using credible sources. Use completeness of the chart.
India's economy and relevant statistical data and Evaluate ability to identify
infrastructure, and create maps to illustrate the impact and analyze the impact of
a chart that shows the of the monsoon on India's the monsoon on India's
different phases of the economy and infrastructure. economy and
monsoon. infrastructure.
Investigate the impact of Conduct research on the topic Evaluate effectiveness and
the Partition of India on using credible sources. Use creativity of the poster.
the country's history, relevant images and text to Evaluate ability to identify
politics, and society, and highlight the key aspects of and analyze the impact of
create a poster that the Partition and its impact on the Partition on India's
highlights the issue. India's history, politics, and history, politics, and
society. society.
Study the cultural and Conduct research on the topic Evaluate clarity and
artistic traditions of West using credible sources. Use organization of the
Bengal, including its relevant images and videos to presentation. Evaluate
music, dance, and showcase the key aspects of ability to identify and
theatre, and create a West Bengal's cultural and analyze the cultural and
presentation that artistic traditions. Use artistic traditions of West
showcases these appropriate terminology and Bengal.
traditions. contextual information to
enhance the presentation.
Research and present on Conduct research on the topic Evaluate clarity and
the life and work of using credible sources. Use organization of the
Mahatma Gandhi, and relevant images and videos to presentation. Evaluate
explore his philosophy of showcase the key aspects of ability to identify and
non-violence and civil Mahatma Gandhi's life and analyze the life and work of
disobedience. work. Explore his philosophy Mahatma Gandhi and his
of non-violence and civil philosophy of non-violence
disobedience and its relevance and civil disobedience.
in today's world.
Study the role of media in Conduct research on the topic Evaluate accuracy and
politics, and create a chart using credible sources. Use completeness of the chart.
that shows the different relevant statistical data and Evaluate ability to identify
types of media and their examples to illustrate the role and analyze the role of
impact on public opinion. of media in politics and its media in politics and its
impact on public opinion. Use impact on public opinion.
appropriate terminology and
contextual information to
enhance the chart.
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Study the concept of Create a chart that shows Evaluate clarity and
fractions, including how to different types of fractions organization of the chart.
add, subtract, and compare (proper, improper, mixed) Evaluate ability to correctly
them, and create a chart that with examples. Explain identify different types of
shows the different types of how to add, subtract and fractions and perform
fractions. compare fractions. operations with them.
Investigate the concept of Create a budget for a Evaluate accuracy and
money, including the Indian hypothetical monthly completeness of the
currency, and practice skills income. Include budget. Evaluate ability to
like counting money, making calculations for expenses, correctly count money,
change, and budgeting. savings, and any additional make change and perform
sources of income. basic financial calculations.
Study the concept of Solve a set of word Evaluate accuracy and
measurement, including units problems related to completeness of the
like meters, litres, and grams, measurement, including solutions. Evaluate ability to
and practice skills like unit conversions. Provide correctly convert between
converting between units and explanations and units and solve word
solving word problems calculations for each problems related to
related to measurement. problem. measurement.
Investigate the concept of Create a schedule for a Evaluate accuracy and
time, including units like typical day that includes completeness of the
seconds, minutes, and hours, specific times for each schedule. Evaluate ability to
and practice skills like telling activity. Use time correctly tell time, solve
time, solving word problems conversions to show how word problems related to
related to time, and creating long each activity takes. time, and create a schedule
a schedule of daily activities. of daily activities.
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Write a short story or a Include descriptive Evaluate clarity and creativity of
poem in English using language and show writing. Evaluate use of
simple words and creativity. Use appropriate appropriate grammar and
phrases. grammar and punctuation. punctuation.
Watch a video or a Include main events and Evaluate accuracy and
movie in English and characters. Use completeness of summary.
write a summary of the appropriate vocabulary Evaluate use of appropriate
plot. and sentence structure. vocabulary and sentence
Create a poster or a Include appropriate Evaluate clarity and creativity of
presentation on a topic images and captions that poster/presentation. Evaluate use
of interest with visuals clearly communicate the of appropriate visuals and
and captions in English. topic. Use appropriate captions.
sentence structure and
Read the editorial page Define each new word Evaluate accuracy and
of any English clearly and use it in two completeness of word definitions.
newspaper and write new sentences on your Evaluate use of each new word in
the meanings of at least own. a sentence.
5 new words.
Write a letter to a Include appropriate Evaluate clarity and organization
friend or family greetings, ask about their of the letter. Evaluate use of
member in English wellbeing and share news appropriate grammar and
using simple phrases about yourself. Use punctuation.
and vocabulary you appropriate grammar and
have learned. punctuation.
Surrounding Environment
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Research and present on the Use credible sources for Evaluate quality and
traditional practices of research. Create a credibility of sources.
sustainable agriculture presentation with visuals Evaluate clarity and
followed by indigenous and citations. organization of
communities in West Bengal, presentation. Evaluate
and explore their relevance understanding of
in modern times. sustainable agriculture
practices and their relevance
in modern times.
Study the impact of climate Use credible sources for Evaluate quality and
change on the environment, research. Write a report credibility of sources.
including rising sea levels, that includes a description Evaluate ability to describe
extreme weather events, of the impact of climate and analyze the impact of
and loss of biodiversity, and change, its causes, and climate change. Evaluate
suggest ways to promote possible solutions. ability to suggest
sustainability and reduce the appropriate solutions.
impact of climate change.
Investigate the concept of Use credible sources for Evaluate quality and
waste management, research. Create a poster credibility of sources.
including strategies like that includes a description Evaluate clarity and
reduce, reuse, and recycle, of waste management organization of poster.
and suggest ways to strategies and their Evaluate understanding of
promote waste reduction benefits, and suggestions waste management
and environmental for promoting waste strategies and their benefits.
conservation in local reduction in local Evaluate ability to suggest
communities. communities. appropriate solutions.
Study the impact of human Use credible sources for Evaluate quality and
activities like deforestation, research. Write an essay credibility of sources.
mining, and pollution on the that includes a description Evaluate ability to describe
environment, and suggest of the impact of human and analyze the impact of
ways to promote activities, its causes, and human activities on the
conservation and sustainable possible solutions. environment. Evaluate
development. ability to suggest
appropriate solutions.
Investigate the concept of Use credible sources for Evaluate quality and
renewable energy, including research. Create a model credibility of sources.
strategies like solar, wind, that demonstrates the use Evaluate effectiveness of
and hydro power, and create of renewable energy model in demonstrating
a model that demonstrates technologies. Write a short renewable energy
how these technologies report that includes a technologies. Evaluate
work. description of the understanding of renewable
technologies used and energy technologies and
their benefits. their benefits.
Social Science
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Study the different Use a variety of sources, Evaluate clarity and organization
rulers of India, including textbooks, articles, of writing/presentation.
including the Mughals, and videos, to research each Evaluate ability to accurately
the British, and ruler. Take detailed notes on research and analyze historical
independent India's their background, information. Evaluate
first Prime Minister accomplishments, and understanding of the impact of
Jawaharlal Nehru. impact on Indian history and historical figures on Indian
society. society.
Investigate the role of Use a variety of sources, Evaluate clarity and organization
geography on the including textbooks, articles, of writing/presentation.
agricultural patterns of and videos, to research the Evaluate ability to draw
tropical countries, and impact of geography on conclusions based on research
create a report that agriculture. Take detailed findings. Evaluate understanding
discusses the impact of notes on the factors that of the impact of geography on
climate, soil, and affect agriculture in tropical agricultural patterns.
topography on countries. Organize your
agriculture. report in a clear and logical
Study the different Use a variety of sources, Evaluate clarity and organization
types of economic including textbooks, articles, of chart/presentation. Evaluate
systems, including and videos, to research the ability to accurately research
capitalism, socialism, key features of each and analyze economic systems.
and communism, and economic system. Create a Evaluate understanding of the
create a chart that chart that clearly shows the key features of different
shows the key features similarities and differences economic systems.
of each. between each system.
Research and present Use a variety of sources, Evaluate clarity and organization
on the impact of including textbooks, articles, of presentation. Evaluate ability
globalization on India's and videos, to research the to draw conclusions based on
economy and society. impact of globalization on research findings. Evaluate
India's economy and society. understanding of the impact of
Take detailed notes on the globalization on India's economy
positive and negative and society.
impacts of globalization.
Organize your presentation
in a clear and logical
Explore the issue of Use a variety of sources, Evaluate clarity and organization
gender inequality in including textbooks, articles, of writing/presentation.
India, and suggest ways and videos, to research Evaluate ability to draw
to promote gender gender inequality in India. conclusions based on research
equity and Take detailed notes on the findings. Evaluate understanding
empowerment. causes and effects of gender of the issue of gender inequality
inequality, as well as in India, as well as potential
potential solutions. Organize solutions for promoting gender
your report in a clear and equity and empowerment.
logical manner.
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Study the concept of Review basic concepts in Evaluate ability to classify
geometry, including geometry, such as points, lines, shapes and identify their
shapes like squares, angles, and polygons. Use properties. Evaluate
rectangles, and triangles,everyday objects to identify accuracy of calculations of
and practice skills like and classify different shapes. perimeter, area, and
calculating perimeter and Practice calculating perimeter, volume. Evaluate ability to
area, and solving word area, and volume of simple apply geometry concepts to
problems related to shapes. Solve word problems solve word problems.
geometry. related to geometry.
Investigate the concept Choose a topic to investigate Evaluate ability to collect
of data analysis, including
and collect data using surveys, and organize data. Evaluate
skills like collecting data,
experiments, or other accuracy and clarity of
organizing data, creating methods. Organize the data graphs and charts. Evaluate
graphs and charts, and into tables and create ability to draw conclusions
interpreting data to draw appropriate graphs and charts. and make predictions based
conclusions. Analyze the data to draw on data analysis.
conclusions and make
Explore calculus concepts Review basic concepts in Evaluate understanding of
such as derivatives, algebra and functions. Learn calculus concepts. Evaluate
integrals, and rates of about limits, derivatives, ability to apply calculus
change, and apply them integrals, and rates of change. concepts to real-world
to real-world problems. Apply these concepts to real- problems.
world problems, such as
optimization, related rates,
and motion problems.
Investigate the concept Review basic concepts in Evaluate understanding of
of probability, including probability, such as sample probability concepts.
calculating odds and space, events, and probability Evaluate ability to apply
expected values, and use rules. Learn about conditional probability concepts to real-
simulations to explore probability, expected value, world situations.
probability in real-world and odds. Use simulations to
situations. explore probability in real-
world situations.
Study the concept of Review basic concepts in Evaluate understanding of
vectors, including vector algebra and geometry. Learn vector concepts. Evaluate
addition and subtraction, about vectors and their ability to apply vector
dot and cross products, properties, including vector concepts to physics and
and their applications in addition, subtraction, dot engineering problems.
physics and engineering. product, and cross product.
Explore the applications of
vectors in physics and
engineering, such as
displacement, velocity, and
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Write a book review Choose a book that you have read Evaluate clarity and
of a novel or a recently. Write a review that organization of writing.
memoir in English. includes a brief summary of the Evaluate ability to analyze
book, your opinion on its themes and express opinions on
and characters, and literature. Evaluate language
recommendations for who might proficiency.
enjoy reading it. Use appropriate
grammar and vocabulary.
Create a vlog or a Choose a topic that you are Evaluate clarity and
podcast in English on passionate about and create a organization of the
a topic of interest. vlog or a podcast that discusses it. vlog/podcast. Evaluate ability
Include an introduction, key to express ideas and opinions
points, and a conclusion. Use on a topic. Evaluate language
appropriate grammar and proficiency.
Watch a TED talk or a Choose a TED talk or a short Evaluate clarity and accuracy
short documentary in documentary that interests you. of the summary. Evaluate
English and write a Watch it carefully and take notes ability to identify and analyze
summary of the main on the main points. Write a main points. Evaluate
points. summary that includes the key language proficiency.
ideas and your opinions on them.
Use appropriate grammar and
Write a personal Reflect on a recent experience or Evaluate clarity and
reflection or a event that had a significant organization of the
journal entry in impact on you. Write a personal reflection/journal entry.
English. reflection or journal entry that Evaluate ability to express
explores your thoughts and emotions and thoughts
feelings on the experience. Use clearly. Evaluate language
appropriate grammar and proficiency.
Participate in a group Choose a current issue that Evaluate ability to
discussion or a interests you and participate in a communicate effectively in a
debate in English on group discussion or a debate on group setting. Evaluate ability
a current issue. the topic. Use appropriate to listen actively and
language and engage in active participate constructively.
listening and constructive Evaluate language
dialogue. proficiency.
Surrounding Environment
Suggested Topic Additional Instructions Mode of Assessment
Study the impact of Research and gather data Evaluate clarity and organization
climate change on the from reliable sources. Use of writing/presentation. Evaluate
environment, including appropriate scientific ability to draw conclusions based
rising sea levels, extremevocabulary. Include on findings. Evaluate
weather events, and loss purpose, materials and understanding of scientific
of biodiversity, and methods, observations concepts related to climate
suggest ways to promote and results, and a change and sustainability.
sustainability and reduce conclusion. Suggest
the impact of climate practical ways to promote
change. sustainability and reduce
the impact of climate
Investigate the concept Research and gather data Evaluate clarity and organization
of waste management, from reliable sources. Use of writing/presentation. Evaluate
including strategies like appropriate scientific ability to draw conclusions based
reduce, reuse, and vocabulary. Include on findings. Evaluate
recycle, and suggest purpose, materials and understanding of scientific
ways to promote waste methods, observations concepts related to waste
reduction and and results, and a management and environmental
environmental conclusion. Suggest conservation.
conservation in local practical ways to promote
communities. waste reduction and
conservation in local
Study the impact of Research and gather data Evaluate clarity and organization
human activities like from reliable sources. Use of writing/presentation. Evaluate
deforestation, mining, appropriate scientific ability to draw conclusions based
and pollution on the vocabulary. Include on findings. Evaluate
environment, and purpose, materials and understanding of scientific
suggest ways to promote methods, observations concepts related to
conservation and and results, and a environmental impact and
sustainable conclusion. Suggest sustainable development.
development. practical ways to promote
conservation and
sustainable development.
Investigate the concept Research and gather data Evaluate clarity and organization
of renewable energy, from reliable sources. Use of writing/presentation. Evaluate
including strategies like appropriate scientific ability to create an accurate and
solar, wind, and hydro vocabulary. Create a functional model. Evaluate
power, and create a model that demonstrates understanding of scientific
model that how renewable energy concepts related to renewable
demonstrates how these technologies work. energy.
technologies work.
Create a ‘My Aim’ chart Create a chart that Evaluate clarity and organization
based on your career includes your career of chart. Evaluate understanding
interests and passions. interests and passions, of different career paths and
Refer to the Career along with information on required education and training.
Guidance Portal on the education and training
Banglar Shiksha for the required for different
same. career paths. Refer to the
Career Guidance Portal on
Banglar Shiksha for
information and guidance.