Advertisement For CRAV Students With Application Form and Prospectus 2024-25

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jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB

¼us'kuy ,dsMeh vkWQ vk;qosZn½

¼vk;q"k ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds v/khu ,d Lok;Ùk laxBu½
/kUoUrfj Hkou] ekxZ la[;k&66] iatkch ckx ¼if'pe½] ubZ fnYyh&110 026
nwjHkk"k la[;k% 011&41681265 bZ&esy% [email protected]

Áos'k lwpuk 2024–25

jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB] ubZ fnYyh ,d o"khZ; ^^jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB dk Á ¼lh-vkj-,-oh-½ ikB~;ØEk^^ esa
Áos'k gsrq fnukad 07 tuojh] 2024 ¼jfookj½ dks ubZ fnYyh] iq.ks] t;iqj] csx
a yq#] okjk.klh rFkk f=”kwj es]a mu ;ksX;
vk;qosZfnd fpfdRldks ds fy, fyf[kr ijh{kk vk;ksftr dj jgk gS] ftUgksua s ch-,-,e-,l- ¼vk;qosZnkpk;Z½@,e-Mh-
¼vk;qosZn½@,e-,l-¼vk;qosZn½ dh mikf/k fdlh Hkh ,sls fo'ofo|ky;@egkfo|ky; ls vftZr dh gks] tks s Hkkjrh;
fpfdRlk dsUnzh; ifj"kn~ ¼vkbZ,elhlh½ vf/kfu;e 1970@,ulhvkbZ,l,e vf/kfu;e 2020 ds rgr ekU;rk ÁkIr gksA
bPNqd vkosnd ik=rk] fo"k;] vkosnui= ds fu/kkZfjr Ák:i] ikB~;Øe&foojf.kdk vkSj vU; tkudkjh gsrq bl
fo|kihB dh osclkbV dks ns[ksa vkSj fof/kor~ Hkjs gq, vkosnu&i= dks dsoy Mkd ds ek/;e
ls mijksä irs ij 27 fnlEcj] 2023 rd ;k blls iwoZ Hkstuk gksxkA

jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB


(An autonomous organization under Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India)
Dhanwantari Bhawan, Road No.66, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi-110026
Phone Nos.: 011- 41681265 Email: [email protected]


Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, New Delhi (RAV) is holding a Written Test on 07th January, 2024
(Sunday) at New Delhi, Pune, Jaipur, Bengaluru, Varanasi and Thrissur for the admission in One
year “Certificate Course of Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (CRAV)” for the eligible Ayurvedic
doctors, having qualified BAMS (Ayurvedacharya)/M.D. (Ay.)/M.S. (Ay.) degree from any
University/College, recognized under IMCC Act-1970/NCISM Act 2020. Interested candidates may visit
the Vidyapeeth’s website for details of eligibility, subjects, prescribed format of
application, prospectus, other information etc. and they must sent their duly filled in application only
through Post on above address on or before 27th December, 2023.

Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth
jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB
/kUoUrfj Hkou] ekxZ la[;k&66] iatkch ckx ¼if'pe½] ubZ fnYyh&110 026
nwjHkk"k la[;k& (PHONE NOS.) 011&41681265
d`i;k viuk uohure
dyj ikliksVZ vkdkj dk
QksVksxzkQ fpidk,a vkSj
,d o"khZ; ikB~;Øe ds fy, vkosnu&Ái= uhps ckWDl esa viuk
gLrk{kj djs
recent colour passport
2024-25 Photograph and Sign in
the below column

1- ijh{kk ds fy;s ojh;rk dk dsUnz%

Preference for Examination Centre:

miyC/krk ds v/khu ij] ijh{kk ds fy, ojh;rk dk dsUnz igys vkvks igys ikvks ds vk/kkj ij fn;k tk,xkA
vH;fFkZ;ksa dks fdlh Hkh nks dsUæksa dk p;u djuk t:jh gSA d`i;k dsUæksa dh ojh;rk la[;k esa vFkkZr~ 1] 2]
3 vkfn esa gh nsAa
Preference will be given on first come first serve basis, subject to availability. Candidates must have to opt
any two centres. Kindly give Preference of Centres only in number i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc.

¼i½ ubZ fnYyh ¼ii½ iq.ks ¼iii½ t;iqj ¼iv½ csaxyq# ¼v½ okjk.klh ¼vi½ f=”kwj
New Delhi Pune Jaipur Bengaluru Varanasi Thrissur

2- vk/kkj ua-@Aadhar No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

3- iSu ua-@PAN No. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4- vH;FkhZ dk iwjk uke ¼cM+s v{kjksa es½a

Candidate’s full Name (in Block Letters) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5- ekrk dk uke ¼cM+s v{kjksa esa½

Mother’s Name (in Block Letters) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6- firk dk uke ¼cM+s v{kjksa esa½

Father’s Name (in Block Letters) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7- fyax% iq#’k efgyk vU;

Gender : Male Female Others

8- oSokfgd fLFkfr% fookfgr vfookfgr

Marital Status : Married Unmarried

9- oxZ% lkekU; vkschlh ,llh ,lVh bZMCyw,l ih,p

Category : General OBC SC ST EWS PH
10- (a.) tUe frfFk/Date of Birth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(b.) mez 27-12-2023 rd@Age as on 27.12.2023 ---------------------¼o’kZ½-------------------------¼eghuk½----------------------¼fnu½

11- vk;q lhek esa NwV gk¡ ugha

Seeking age relaxation : Yes No

If yes/ ;fn gk¡ %

vU; fiNM+s oxZ* vuqlwfpr tkfr@tutkfr 'kkjhfjd fodykax ljdkjh ukSdjh**

OBC* Scheduled Caste/Tribe Physically Handicapped Govt. Service**

* vU; fiNM+s oxZ ds vH;fFkZ;ksa dks viuk Áek.k&i= ÁLrqr djuk gksxk tks fd dsoy Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk vuqeksfnr
gks@OBC candidates have to submit their certificate which is approved by Government of India only.

** LFkk;h jkT;@dsUæ ljdkjh MkWDVj@Permanent State/Central Govt. Doctor

¼Ák;ksftr vH;fFkZ;ksa ds ekeys esa] mUgsa viuk lacaf/kr ljdkjh vukifÙk Á t:j Hkstuk gksxk@ In case of
Sponsored candidates he/she must send his/her NOC from respective Government).

12- orZeku irk ¼cM+s v{kjksa esa½ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

¼Mkd?kj o fiu dksM lfgr½ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Present Address (in Block Letters) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(State Post Office & Pin Code) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13- LFkk;h irk ¼cM+s v{kjksa es½a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

¼Mkd?kj o fiu dksM lfgr½ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Permanent Address) (in Block Letters) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(State Post Office & Pin Code) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

14- E-mail @bZ&esy -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15- Mobile No. @eksckby ua- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16- ÁkIr 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rkvksa dk fooj.k ¼Á lfgr Lo&vfHkÁ Áfr;ksa ds lkFk½
Academic qualifications (with self attested copies of all Certificates)

Øekad mÙkh.kZ ijh{kk laLFkku@egkfo|ky; dk uke cksMZ@fo'ofo|ky; mÙkh.kZ djus ÁkIrkadksa dk

Sl.No. Examination passed Name of Institution/College Board/Univ. dk o"kZ Áfr'kr
Year of passing Percentage of
marks obtained
1- ek/;fed ijh{kk
Secondary Exam.
2- bUVjehfM,V ijh{kk
Intermediate Exam.
3- vk;qosZnkpk;Z
4- vk;q0 LUkkrdksÙkj

17- bUVuZf'ki iw.kZ djus dh frfFk

Date of completion of Internship -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

18- esfMdy jftLVªs'ku la[;k ,oa o"kZ

Medical Registration Number & Year -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

19- Hkqxrku dh fo/kh fnukad

Mode of Payment ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date ------------------------------------------

lanHkZ la[;k jkf”k

Transaction No. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Amount ------------------------------------------


eSaus foojf.kdk vkSj vkosnui= dks lE;d Ádkj ls i<+ fy;k gS vkSj bldh fo"k; oLrq dks le> fy;k gSA
blds vykok] ;g Á fd;k tkrk gS fd mijksDr lwpuk esjs Kku o fo'okl esa iw.kZr;k lgh gSa vkSj dqN Hkh
Nqik;k vFkok feF;k ÁLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSA
I have gone through the prospectus and also this application and I understand the contents thereof.
Further, it is certified that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
that nothing has been concealed or misrepresented.

LFkku@Place : -------------------------------------- vH;FkhZ ds gLrk{kj

fnukad@Date : -------------------------------------- Signature of Applicant
fuEufyf[kr Á dh Lo;a lR;kfir Áfr;k¡%
Self attested copies of the following documents:

Øekad visf{kr Á vkosnui= esa layXu Á a

nLrkostksa esa lgh ¼½ dk fu'kku
Tick mark () the enclosures
attaches with application form.
1- ek/;fed ijh{kk Á ¼10oha½
Secondary Examination Certificate (10th)
2- bUVjehfM,V ijh{kk Á ¼12oha½
Intermediate Examination Certificate (12th)
3- lHkh vk;qosZnkpk;Z@,e-Mh- mikf/k dk Á ¼vLFkk;h ;k fMxzh½
Certificate of all BAMS/MD (Provisional or Degree)

4- bUVuZf'ki Á certificate

5- esfMdy jftLVsª'ku Á Registration certificate

6- fuokl&LFkku ds irs dk Áek.k&tSls ikliksVZ] Mªkbfoax ykblsal]

vk/kkj dkMZ] igpku i= ¼oksVj vkbZ-Mh-½ bR;kfn
Address proof i.e. Passport, Driving license, Aadhaar Card, Voter
I.D., etc.
7- vukifRr Á] vxj vH;FkhZ ljdkjh dk;Zjr gS rks
No Objection Certificate, if candidate in Government service

8- Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk vuqeksfnr tkfr Áek.k&i=] ;fn tutkfr@

vuqlwfpr tkfr@vkfFkZd :i ls detksj oxZ ¼bZMCyw,l½*@vU;
fiNM+s oxZ* ¼lk/ku lEiUu oxZ ds ugha½ rks ¼dsna zh; lwph½
Caste certificate approved by Government of India, if ST/
SC/ Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)*/OBC* (Non-
Creamy Layer) (Central List)

9- 'kkjhfjd fodykaxrk laca/kh Á

Certificate of Physical Disability
10- vk/kkj dkMZ dh Áfrfyfi@ Copy of Aadhar Card

11- iSu dkMZ dh Áfrfyfi@ Copy of PAN Card

12- Hkqxrku dh jlhn@ Payment Receipt

13- Áos”k i=@ Admit Card

14- vkWuykbu xwxy QkeZ Hkjk@ Filled online Google Form?

vuqns'k@Instructions :
1- lHkh Øekadksa esa fn;s fooj.k dh iqf"V gsrq vkosnd lHkh Á dh Nk;kÁfr;ka] Li"V vadrkfydk,a tks fd
vH;FkhZ }kjk Lo;a Á gks]a bl vkosnui= ds lkFk HkstAsa
Please send photocopies of all certificates in support of the description given under all columns and
also the clear photocopies of all self attested.

2. d`i;k vius orZeku] vLFkk;h ,oa fuokl irksa dk Lo;a }kjk lR;kfir Á yxk,aA
Please furnish proof of permanent and present address and nativity under self certification.

3- lsokjr vkosndksa dks viuk vkosnui= vius foHkkx@laLFkk@ljdkj ds foHkkxk/;{k ds ek/;e~ ls vukifÙk
Á ,oa pfj= Á ds lkFk vxzsf"kr djokuk pkfg, A
In-service applicants should get their application forwarded through their Head of the
Deptt./Instt./Govt. with N.O.C. and character certificate.

4- izos'k ijh{kk i= dsoy ik= vH;FkhZ dks gh Hksts tk;sx

a sA vH;FkhZ dks Áos'k&ijh{kk ds fy, Lo;a ds [kpsZ ij
mifLFkr gksuk iM+sxk A
Hall Ticket for entrance test will be issued to eligible candidates only. The applicant should appear
for entrance test at his/her own expenses.

5. bPNqd vH;FkhZ;ksa dks viuk vkosnu&i= dsoy Mkd ¼LihM iksLV] dwfj;j vkfn½ ;k gLrxr ds ek/;e ls
funs”kd] jk’Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB] /kUoUrfj Hkou] ekxZ la[;k&66] iatkch ckx ¼if”pe½] ubZ fnYyh&110026
ij vfUre frfFk vFkkZr~ 27 fnlEcj] 2023 rd ;k mlls iwoZ Hkstuk gksxkA
Interested candidates must be sent their application through only Post (Speed Post, Courier etc.) or
By Hand on Director, Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, Dhanwantri Bhawan, Road No.-66,
Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi-110026 on or before 27th December, 2023.

6. vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd os viuk vkosnu i= mijksä irs ij Hkstus ls igys osclkbV ij
fn, x, xwxy QkeZ dks Hkj dj lcfeV djsa vU;Fkk mudk vkosnu i= fcuk fdlh lwpuk ds jnn~ dj
fn;k tk,xkA
Candidates are to be informed that they must have to submit their Google Form which is available
on official website before sending the application form through post on above address otherwise
their application form will be rejected without any intimation.

7- * vU; fiNM+s oxZ ds vH;fFkZ;ksa dks viuk Áek.k&i= ÁLrqr djuk gksxk tks fd dsoy Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk
vuqeksfnr gks u fd jkT; ljdkj }kjk vuqeksfnrA ;fn vH;FkhZ viuk vU; fiNM+s oxZ Áek.k&i= Hkstrs gSa
tks fd jkT; ljdkj }kjk vuqeksfnr gS rks mUgs ,d lkekU; vH;FkhZ ds :i esa fxuk tk,xk vkSj dksbZ vU;
ekSdk@ykHk mUgsa Áek.k&i= ÁLrqr djus gsrq ugha fn;k tk,xk vkSj *vkfFkZd :i ls detksj oxksZa dks vius
Á ÁLrqr djus gksxa s tks fd l= 2024&25 ds fy, fu/kkZfjr tkjh djus okys Ákf/kdkjh }kjk vuqeksfnr
* OBC candidates have to submit their certificate which is only approved by Government of India
not by State Government. If candidates send their OBC certificate which is approved by State
Government then they will be counted as a General Candidate and no other chance/benefit will be
given them to submit their certificate and *Economically Weaker Sections have to submit their
certificates which is approved by prescribed issuing authority for the session 2024-25.

8- vH;fFkZ;ksa dks viuk Áos”k&i= vkosnu&i= ds lkFk Hkj dj Hkstuk gksxk flok; vkosnu Øekad] vuqØekad
vkSj ijh{kk dsUæ dsA
Candidates have to send their Admit Card along with Application form duly filled except
Application No., Roll No. and Examination Centre.
jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB
jk-vk-fo dk Á ikB~;Øe ¼lh-vkj-,-oh½
fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fy, Áos'k&i=
ADMIT CARD for Written Test

vkosnu Øekad@Application No. vuqØekad@Roll No.

ijh{kk frfFk@ Exam Date mifLFkr gksus dk le;@ Reporting Time Áos”k can gksus dk le;@ Entry Closing Time
11:00 AM 11:40 AM

vH;FkhZ dk uke fyax d`i;k viuk uohure

dyj ikliksVZ vkdkj dk
Candidate’s Name : Gender : QksVksxzkQ fpidk,a vkSj
uhps ckWDl esa viuk
tUe frfFk gLrk{kj djs
Date of Birth : Category : Kindly paste your
recent colour passport
Photograph and Sign
vk/kkj ua-* in the below column
Aadhar No.* :

Address :

ijh{kk dk fnu@le; :
Date/Time of examination on : (12:00 PM TO 01:40 PM)

ijh{kk dsUæ@ Examination Centre :

* vH;FkhZ dks vius lkFk mldk@mldh ewy vk/kkj dkMZ ykuk vko”;d gSA blds fcuk mUgsa ijh{kk Hkou esa Áos”k djus
dh vuqefr ugha nh tk,xhA
Candidates must have to bring his/her original Aadhar Card without which he/she will not be permitted to enter
into the examination hall.

uksV % ijh{kk lac/a kh foLr`r funsZ”k vxys i`’Bksa ij ns[ksa A

Note : Please see the detailed instructions on next page.
1- vH;fFkZ;ksa dks viuk Áos”k&i= vkosnu&i= ds lkFk Hkj dj Hkstuk gksxk flok; vkosnu Øekad] vuqØekad
vkSj ijh{kk dsUæ dsA
Candidates have to send their Admit Card along with Application form duly filled except
Application No., Roll No. and Examination Centre.

2- ijh{kk&Hkou@d{k esa Áos'k ysus ds fy,] vH;FkhZ dks vius lkFk Áos'k&i= vkSj vk/kkj dkMZ ykuk vko';d
Candidate must bring Admit Card and Aadhar Card with him/her to secure admission hall/room. to
the examination
;fn dksbZ vH;FkhZ vius lkFk mijksDr nLrkost ysdj ugh vkrk gS rks mls ijh{kk dsUæ esa Áos”k ugha fn;k
tk,xk vkSj mudh vH;fFkZrk fujLr dh tk ldrh gSA
If a candidate fails to bring above documents, he/she would not be admitted in the examination
centre and his/her candidature could be cancelled.

3- vH;FkhZ dks viuk cky&iSu ¼dsoy uhyk vFkok dkyk jax½ vius lkFk ykuk vko';d gSaA
Candidate must bring his/her own Ball pen (Blue or Black only).

4- vk;qosZnkpk;Z ¼ch-,-,e-,l-½ ikB~;Øe ds lHkh fo"k;ksa esa ls ,dy ÁR;qÙkj cgq&fodYi okys 100 Á'uksa dk ,d
Á'u&i= gksxk] ftlesa ÁR;sd iz'u&i= ,d vad dk gksxk ijh{kk dh vof/k ,d ?kaVk pkyhl feuV gSA
There shall be one paper consisting of 100 Single Response Multiple Choice Questions from all
subjects of BAMS course. Each question carries one mark. The duration of test will be one hour &
40 minutes.

5- D;ksafd dksbZ _.kkRed vad ugha fn, tk;sx

a ]s vr% vH;FkhZ lHkh Á'u dk mÙkj ns ldrs gSaA
Since there is no negative markingl candidate may attempt all the questions.

6- mÙkj&iqfLrdk esa dgha Hkh dqN vfrfjDr ugha fy[kk tkuk pkfg,A
There should not be any extra writing on answer-sheets.

7- fdlh rjg dh udy ugha dh tkuh pkfg,] vxj vH;FkhZ bl Ádkj dnkpkj djrs gq, idM+k tkrk gS rks
mls ds fy, v;ksX; ekuk tk;sxkA
There should not be copying of any kind. The candidates found indulging in malpractices will be

8- fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa izo's k&ijh{kk dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dh Nkuchu@iqu% ewY;kadu dh vuqefr ugha gksxhA
No Scrutiny/Revaluation of the answer book of the entrance test shall be allowed on any ground.

9- vH;fFkZ;ksa dks izo's k&i= ds vfrfjDr dksbZ Hkh dkxt ¼isij½ ijh{kk Hkou esa ys tkus dh vuqefr ugha gSA
The candidates should not possess any paper except Admit-Card in the examination.
ikB~;ØEk foojf.kdk ¼ÁksLiSDV~l½
jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB] Hkkjr ljdkj] vk;q"k ea=ky;] ubZ fnYyh ds }kjk iw.kZ
foRr iksf"kr ,d Lok;Rr laxBu gSA ;g jftLVªkj lkslkbVht fnYyh iz'kklu }kjk 11
Qjojh] 1988 dks lkslkbVh iathdj.k vf/kfu;e&1860 ds 21 ds vUrxZr iathd`r
gS vkSj ;g /kUoUrfj Hkou] ekxZ la[;k&66] iatkch ckx ¼if'pe½] ubZ fnYyh&110
026 esa dk;Z dj jgk gSA

;g fo|kihB vk;qosZn ds {ks= esa fo[;kr fo}kuksa ,oa fo'ks"kKksa@fpfdRldksa dks xq#
ds :i esa fu;qDr djrk gS vkSj ^^xq# f'k"; ijEijk** dh ikjEifjd i)fr ds
vUrxZr ikB~;Øe pykrk gSA

jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB dk Á ikB~;Øe ¼lh-vkj-,-oh-½

lh-vkj-,-oh- dkslZ ds ckjs esa % jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB] lQyrkiwoZd ch-,-,e-,l-

fMxzh ÁkIr fd;s gq, vk;qosZfnd MkWDVjksa dks O;fäxr Áf’k{k.k miyC/k djkus ds fy,
vk;qosZn esa Áek.k i= dk vk;kstu dj jgh gSA bl mÌs’; dh ÁkfIr ds fy, jk"Vªh;
vk;qosZn fo|kihB us loZfofnr vk;qosZn fpfdRldksa dk lwfpc) djrk gS ftUgsa lacaf/kr
fo’ks”krk esa 20 o”kksZa ls vf/kd dk vH;kl gSA lQy gq, Nk=ksa dks ^xq# f’k”;
ijEijk* ds ek/;e ls bu xq#tuksa ds ikl fu;qDr fd;k tk,xk tgka Nk= lacaf/kr
fo’ks”krk esa Kku o Áf’k{k.k dk YkkHk ysxsa A ikB~;Øe ds lQy lekiu ds var esa]
Nk=ksa dks Áek.k i= ¼lh-vkj-,-oh-½ Ánku fd;k tk,xkA ftu uSnkfud fof’k”Vrkvksa
Áf’k{k.k Ánku fd;k tk,xk] ds vUrxZr os gSa % 1- dk;fpfdRlk 2- L=h jksx vkSj
Álwfr ra= 3- {kkjlw= 4- eeZ fpfdRlk 5- HkXu vkSj vfLFk fpfdRlk 6- ‘kkykD;
¼us= jksx½ 7- ‘kkykD; ¼nar jksx½ ,oa bl Ádkj dh vU; uSnkfud fof’k”Vrk,a xq#vksa
dh miyC/krk ij fuHkZj djrh gSA ch-,-,e-,l Lukrd ftUgsa HkS”kT; dYiuk vkSj
vkS”kf/k fuekZ.k esa #fp gS mudh fu;qfä mu Áfrf”Br xq#vksa ds ikl dh tk,xh
ftuds ikl vk;qosZfnd vkS”kf/k fuekZ.k gsrq lqfo/kk gksxhA bl ikB~;Øe dh vof/k
,d o”kZ gS ftlesa Nk=ksa dks xq# ds funsZ’kksa ds vuqlkj lacaf/kr fo’ks”krk esa uSnkfud
vkSj vU; drZO;ksa esa Hkkx ysuk gksrk gSA Nk=ksa dks jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB ds fy,
fd, x, dk;ksZa dh ekfld vkSj =Sekfld fjiksVZ dks ÁLrqr djuk gksrk gSA mUgs
xq#@jk-vk-fo- }kjk fn;s x, fo”k; ij ,d fo’ks”k ‘kks/k fuca/k Hkh fy[kuk gksrk gSA
jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB Nk=ksa dks v/;;u ds nkSjku f’k{kk vkSj thou ;kiu dh
ykxr dks iwjk djus ds fy, Nk=o`fr Ánku djrk gSA jk-vk-fo- }kjk xq# dk vkoaVu
Áos’k ijh{kk esa Nk=ksa dh ;ksX;rk] 250 fdeh dh nwjh vkSj mldk@mldh xq# ds
pquko ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tk,xkA Nk=ksa dks ;g le>uk pkfg, fd lh-vkj-,-oh- ,d
f’k{k.k vkSj Áf’k{k.k ikB~;Øe gS uk fd ,d ukSdjh ;k jkstxkj] blfy,] Nk=o`fÙk dks
osru ds :i esa ugh ekuk tkuk pkfg,A
Nk=ksa dks ;g Hkh /;ku j[kuk pkfg, fd bl Á ikB~;Øe dk
vkb-,e-lh-lh- vf/kfu;e 1970 ds rgr Hkkjrh; fpfdRlk dsUnzh; ifj”kn ¼lh-lh-
vkb-,e-½ }kjk vk;ksftr fdlh Hkh ikB~;Øe ls dksbZ laca/k ugh gSA

izf’k{k.k% bl ikB~;Øe esa fpfdRlk dk;Z esa yxs gq, ns’k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa ds
izfrf"Br dekZH;kljr oS|ksa@fo}kuksa ds ekxZn’kZu esa vk;qosZn fpfdRlk dekZH;kl
¼fDyfudy izSfDVl½ vkSj vk;qosZn vkS"k/kky; ¼vk;qosZn QkesZlh½ dk izf’k{k.k 'kkfey gSA

vko’;d ;ksX;rk%

ik=rk% Hkkjrh; fpfdRlk dsUnzh; ifj"kn~ ¼vkbZ-,e-lh-lh-½

vf/kfu;e&1970@,ulhvkbZ,l,e vf/kfu;e 2020 dh f}rh; vuqlwph esa 'kkfey
fdlh laLFkku@ egkfo|ky;@fo’ofo|ky; ls vk;qosZnkpk;Z ¼ch-,-,e-,l-½ dh
mikf/k gksA bUVuZf’ki 27 fnlEcj] 2023 rd iw.kZ gks tkuh pkfg,A

vk;q lhek ¼fnukad 27&12&2023 ds vuqlkj½% vk;qosZn esa Lukrdksa ds fy,

vf/kdre 30 o"kZ ¼tUe 27&12&1993 ls iwoZ u gks½ vkSj vk;qosZn esa LukrdksÙkj
vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, 32 o"kZ ¼tUe 27&12&1991 ls iwoZ u gks½A rFkkfi] vU;
fiNM+s oxZ ds vH;fFkZ;ksa dks 3 o"kZ dh NwV nh tk;sxh ¼vFkkZr~ Lukrd dks
27&12&1990 rFkk LukrdksÙkj vH;FkhZ dk tUe 27&12&1988 ls iwoZ u gks½ vkSj
vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr dks 5 o"kZ ¼vFkkZr~ Lukrd dks 27&12&1988 rFkk
LukrdksÙkj vH;FkhZ dk tUe 27&12&1986 ls iwoZ u gks½A ljdkj }kjk izk;ksftr
vH;fFkZ;ksa ¼dsUnzh;@jkT; ljdkj ds v/khu dk;Zjr fpfdRlk vf/kdkfj;ksa½ ds fy,
vf/kdre vk;q lhek 35 o"kZ jgsxh ¼tUe 27&12&1988 ls iwoZ u gks½A ‘kkjhfjd
:i ls fodykax vH;FkhZ dks 5 o”kZ dh vfrfjDr NwV nh tk,XkhA

ikB~;Øe dh vof/k% ,d o"kZ

f'k{kko`fRr % f’k”;ksa dks jk”Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB ds ‘kklh fudk; }kjk r; vkSj
le;&le; ij la’kksf/kr ekfld f’k{kko`fr dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA

vkj{k.k %
le;&le; ij izpfyr dsUnzh; ljdkj ds fu;eksa ds vuqlkj miyC/k dqy
fjfDr;ksa esa ls vuqlwfpr tkfr] vuqlwfpr tutkfr] vU; fiNM+k oxZ] vkfFkZd :i ls
detksj oxZ ¼bZMCyw,l½ ,oa 'kkjhfjd :i ls fodykax ¼ih,p½ vH;fFkZa;ksa ds fy,
vkjf{kr LFkkuksa ds fu;eksa dks dk;kZfUor fd;k tk;sxkA vkj{k.k ds fy, dsUnzh;
ljdkj ds fu;e ykxw gksaxsA vU; fiNM+k oxZ ds ekeys esa] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks viuk
Áek.k&i= ÁLrqr djuk gksxk tks Hkkjr ljdkj ds fn’kkfunsZ’kksa ds vuqlkj dsaæ ljdkj
ds fy, tkjh fd;k tkrk gSA dsoy dsUnzh; ljdkj }kjk vuqeksfnr Áek.k&i= gh
Lohdkj fd;k tk;sxkA
ljdkj ls izk;ksftr vH;fFkZ;ksa ¼LFkk;h fpfdRlk vf/kdkfj;ksa½ ds fy, vkj{k.k
miyC/k gSA izk;ksftr vH;fFkZa;ksa dks fdlh izdkj dh f'k{kko`fRr ns; ugha gksxh vkSj ;g
vfrfjDr vH;FkhZ ds :i esa jgsaxsA o"kZ esa dqy miyC/k fjfDr;ksa esa ls vkj{k.k 10

izfr'kr ls vf/kd ugha gksxk vkSj ,d xq# ds ikl bl rjg ds ,d f'k"; ls vf/kd
ugha fy;k tk;sxkA

vkosnd izos’k ysus ls iwoZ d`i;k fn, x, funs’kksZa dks /;ku ls i<+sa A

izos’k ds iwoZ ds funsZ’k

1- bPNqd vH;FkhZ;ksa dks viuk vkosnu&i= dsoy Mkd ¼LihM iksLV] dwfj;j vkfn½
;k gLrxr ds ek/;e ls funs’kd] jk”Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB] /kUoUrfj Hkou]
ekxZ la[;k&66] iatkch ckx ¼if’pe½] ubZ fnYyh&110026 ij vfUre frfFk
vFkkZr~ 27 fnlEcj] 2023 rd ;k mlls iwoZ Hkstuk gksxkA

2- vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd os viuk vkosnu i= mijksä irs ij

Hkstus ls igys osclkbV ij fn, x, xwxy QkeZ dks lcfeV djsa vU;Fkk mudk
vkosnu i= fcuk fdlh lwpuk ds jnn~ dj fn;k tk,xkA
3- lkekU;] ih,p] bZMCyw,l ,oa vU; fiNM+s oxZ ds vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, izos’k 'kqYd
D 2000@& $ 18% th,lVh = D 2360/- vkSj vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr
tutkfr ds fy, D 1000@& $ 18% th,lVh = D 1180/- gSaA ,dckj tek fd;k
x;k ‘kqYd fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa okil ugha fd;k tk;sxkA

4- vH;fFkZ;ksa dks gekjh osclkbV ij fn, x, fyad ds ek/;e ls gh mijksä ‘kqYd

dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA vH;fFkZ;ksa dks ;g Hkh lq>ko fn;k tkrk gS fd os
jlhn dks MkmuyksM@fÁaV djus ls igys lQy ysunsu la[;k uksV dj ysa ;k
mldk LØhu’kkWV dj ysaA
5- mEehnokjksa dks HkqxRkku dh jlhn vkosnu i= ds lkFk Hkstuk gksxkA Hkqxrku
jlhn fuEufyf[kr izd`fr dk gks ldrk gS%&
 ^ysunsu lanHkZ la[;k* dks Li”V :i ls n’kkZrs gq, ‘kqYd dh lQy gLrkarj.k
jlhn dk LØhu‘kkWVA
 cSad iklcqd dh LØhu‘kkWV@QksVksdkWih Li”V #i ls n’kkZrs gq, ‘kqYd ds ysunsu
dk fooj.kA
6- dsoy ogh vH;FkhZ vkosnu djsa] tks ^xq# f'k"; ijEijk* ds v/khu izf'k{k.k ysus
ds bPNqd gSaA lQy vH;FkhZ] ftUgksaus igys ls gh lhvkj,oh ikB~;Øe iw.kZ dj
fy;k gS os fQj ls vkosnu ugha dj ldrs gSaA

7- ikB~;Øe dk v/;;u ,oa izf'k{k.k fo'ks"k :i ls Þxq# f'k"; ijEijkß ds

vUrxZr gksxk] ftlesa f'k";ksa ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd os xq#tuksa ds LFkku ds
lehi vius vkokl rFkk Hkkstu bR;kfn dh O;oLFkk Lo;a djsa A

8- vH;fFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd xq#tuksa dh ojh;rk lko/kkuhiwoZd nsaA vH;fFkZ;ksa dk

p;u mudh ;ksX;rk] 250 fdeh dh nwjh rFkk xq#tuksa dks nh x;h ojh;rk ds

vk/kkj ij fd;k tk,xkA ,d ckj xq# vkaofVr gksus ds i'pkr~ fdlh Hkh
:i@fLFkfr esa vH;FkhZ dk ,d txg ls nwljh txg ij LFkkukarj.k ugh fd;k

9- LFkkuh; f’k";ksa ftudk ¼LFkk;h irk@orZeku irk@tUe LFkku½] xq#tuksa ds LFkku

ls 250 fd-eh- ls de gks] mUgsa ,sls xq#tuksa ds v/khu izos’k nsus gsrq fopkj
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA f’k”;ksa dks bl laca/k esa vius LFkk;h] orZeku vkSj ewy
fuokl irksa dk Lo;a }kjk lR;kfir nsus gksaxsA

10- lh-vkj-,-oh- ikB~;Øe 2024&25 ds fy, lwphc) xq#tuksa rFkk laLFkkvksa ds

uke ckn esa fn, tk,axsA vH;fFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd oks lHkh lwphc) xq# rFkk
laLFkk dk ojh;rk ds vk/kkj ij Øeakdu djsaA vH;FkhZ ojh;rk ds Øe esa dqy
xq#tuksa dh fdruh Hkh la[;k dk fodYi ns ldrs gSaA

11- ;g iw.kZdkyhu ikB~;Øe gS vkSj f'k";ksa dks dksbZ futh dekZH;kl ¼izkbosV izSfDVl½
;k fdlh izdkj dk O;olk;@jkstxkj] fdlh vU; izdkj dk izf'k{k.k@v/;;u
bR;kfn djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA

12- fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fy, mifLFkr gksus ;k p;u i'pkr~ izf’k{k.k esa izos’k ysus ds
fy, ;k=k ;k nSfud HkÙkk ns; ugha gksxkA

13- ;g ikB~;Øe dsUnzh; Hkkjrh; fpfdRlk ifj"kn~ ¼lh-lh-vkbZ-,e-½ }kjk ekU;rk

izkIr ugha gSa] ;g ikB~;Øe vk;qosZfnd Lukrdksa dh Kkuo`f} ds fy, rS;kj fd;k
x;k gS rkfd os csgrj fpfdRld@fo}ku cu ldsa A

14- ikB~;Øe esa izos'k ds fy, vkosnu djus ls iwoZ vH;FkhZ dks ;g Li"V :i ls
/;ku esa j[kuk pkfg, fd jkstxkj fnykus ;k ikB~;Øeksa dks Hkkjrh; dsUnzh;
fpfdRlk ifj"kn~¼lh-lh-vkbZ-,Ek½ }kjk ekU;rk iznku djokus dh ftEesnkjh
fo|kihB@Xkq# dh ugha gS A

15- tks vH;FkhZ xq# ds lxs laca/kh ¼ifr ;k iRuh@cPps@HkkbZ@cgu ;k muds laca/kh½ gSa]
mudk bl ikB~;ØEk esa mlh xq# ds v/khu f’k"; ds :i esa p;u ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA vko’;d gksus ij bl vk’k; dh ?kks”k.kk ÁLrqr djuh gksxhA

16- dsoy ogh vH;FkhZ fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fy, ik= le>s tk;saxs] ftUgksaus bUVuZf’ki
27-12-2023 rd ;k blls iwoZ iw.kZ dj yh gks A

17- ijh{kk Hkou ds vUnj fdlh izdkj ds bySDVªkWfud en tSls eksckby Qksu]
isu&Mªkbo ;k fdlh Hkh vU; midj.k iw.kZr;k izfrcfU/kr gSaA vxj dksbZ vH;FkhZ
bu midj.kksa dks j[krs gq, ik;k x;k rks mUgsa izos’k ijh{kk ls oafpr dj fn;k
tk;sxk A

Áos'k dh fof/k%
1- f’k";ksa dk p;u] fyf[kr ijh{kk ij vk/kkfjr gksxk A

2- vk;qosZnkpk;Z ¼ch-,-,e-,l-½ ikB~;Øe ds lHkh fo"k;ksa ls ,dy mÙkj okys 100

cgqfodYi iz’uksa okyh fyf[kr ijh{kk yh tk;sxhA izR;sd iz’u ,d vad dk gksxk
vf/kdre vad 100 gksaxs vkSj ijh{kk dh vof/k 1 ?kaVk 40 feuV gksxhA

3- D;ksafd dksbZ _.kkRed vad ugha fn;s tk;saxs] vr% vH;FkhZ lHkh iz’Ukksa dk mÙkj
ns ldrs gSaA

4- fyf[kr ijh{kk dk ewY;kadu vks-,e-vkj- 'khV ¼bySDVªkfud ek/;e~@dEI;wVj½ ls

fd;k tk;sxkA viw.kZ vFkok xyr rjhds ls Hkjh xbZ mÙkj iqfLrdk vekU; gksxh
vkSj bldk mÙkjnk;h izkFkhZ gksxkA vius mÙkj vafdr djus ¼Hkjus½ ds fy, dsoy
uhyh ;k dkyh L;kgh okys ckWy iksbUV isu dk gh iz;ksx djsaA vU; lHkh jax
izfrcfU/kr gSaA isafly dk iz;ksx ugha djsaA

5- ;fn fdlh xq# fo’ks"k ds fy, vH;fFkZ;ksa ds cjkcj vad vkrs gSa Rkks ekun.M ds
fy, mez dks fy;k tk;sxk vkSj ofj"Brk esa tUe frfFk dks izkFkfedrk nh

6- fyf[kr ijh{kk dh frfFk ,oa le;% jfookj] 07 tuojh] 2024 vijkà

12%00 cts gSA mEehnokjksa dks 11%00 cts rd ijh{kk dsanz esa ÁLrqr gksuk
gksxk vkSj mUgs fdlh Hkh dher ij 11%40 cts ds ckn ijh{kk dsanz esa Áos’k
djus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk,xhA

7- fyf[kr ijh{kk dk LFky%

i. ubZ fnYyh
ii. iq.ks ¼egkjk”Vª½
iii. t;iqj ¼jktLFkku½
iv. csaxyq# ¼dukZVd½
v. okjk.klh ¼mÙkj Áns’k½
vi. f=’kwj ¼dsjy½

izos'k ds ckn fuca/ku ,oa 'krZsa

1- p;u fd, x, vH;fFkZ;ksa dks] Lo;a dk ,d cU/k&i= ¼ckWUM½ 100@&#0 ewY;
ds xSj vnkyrh LVkEi isij ij ¼fu/kkZfjr izk:i ij½ naMkf/kdkjh ¼EkftLVªsV½
@jktif=r vf/kdkjh }kjk fof/kor~ djokdj izLrqr djuk gksxk ¼dsoy
uksVjh ls ekU; ugha gS½A f'k";ksa dks izos'k ls iwoZ ysfdu
p;u i'pkr~ LoLFkRkk Hkh izLrqr djuk vko';d gSA izos’k ysus ds ,d
eghus ds Hkhrj lHkh vkSipkfjdrk,a iw.kZ djuh vko’;d gksaxhA ,d fu/kkZfjr
vof/k ds Hkhrj vxj leLr vkSipkfjdrk,a iwjh ugha dh xbZ rks vH;fFkZ;ksa dk
izos’k fcuk fdlh fopkj ds rRdky izHkko ls jn~n dj fn;k tk;sxkA

2- bl ikB~;Øe eas izf'k{k.k ysuk vkSj ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ djuk 'kkfey gSA

3- f’k";ksa dks izf’k{k.k ds nkSjku ekfld] =Sekfld ,oa okf"kZd fjdkMZ Hkstus gksaxs]
tSlk muds p;ui= esa mYysf[kr gksxkA

4- f'k";ksa dh mifLFkfr rFkk visf{kr v/;;u&fjiksVZ@fjdkMZ vkxkeh eghus dh 10osa

rkjh[k rd izkIr gksus ds mijkUr izR;sd eghus f'k";ksa dh f'k{kko`fRr tkjh dh

5- xq# dks ikB~;ØEk ds izR;sd nwljs eghus f’k"; dh ijh{kk vk;ksftr dj mldk
ewY;kadu djuk gksxk fd og vfUre ijh{kk rd ikB~;ØEk tkjh j[kus dk bPNqd
gS vFkok ugha ;fn ewY;kadu larks"ktud gksxk rks f’k"; dks ikB~;ØEk tkjh j[kus
dh vuqefr nh tk;sxh vU;Fkk f’k"; dks ikB~;ØEk NksM+Ukk gksxk vkSj 12 izfr’kr
C;kt dh nj ls f’k{kko`fÙk okil djuh gksxhA

6- f'k";ksa dh fyf[kr o ekSf[kd :i ls vfUre ijh{kk ml LFkku esa yh tk;sxh

tgka jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB fu.kZ; ysxkA

7- f'k";ksa ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd os xq# ds v/khu v/;;u djrs le; leqfpr

vuq'kklu cuk;s j[ksa vkSj vius v/;;u ij vf/kdre le; yxk,a A

8- ;fn f'k"; fu/kkZfjr vof/k esa ikB~;Øe dks iwjk ugha djrk gS ;k ikB~;Øe
mÙkh.kZ djus ds iwoZ chp esa gh v/;;u NksM+ nsrk gS ;k fo|kihB ds fu;eksa dk
mYya?ku djus ds ifj.kkeLo:i jk-vk-fo- }kjk mldk f'k";Ro lekIr dj fn;k
tkrk gS] rks mls jk-vk-fo- ls izkIr f'k{kko`fRr dh lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k 12 izfr'kr
C;kt lfgr okil djuh gksxhA vH;FkhZ ikB~;Øe ds fy, vkosnu djus ls
igys ;g lqfuf'pr dj ys fd bl 'krZ esa fdlh Hkh ekeys esa NwV ugha nh

9- ;g vko';d gS fd f'k"; vius xq# ds ekxZ&n'kZu esa lIrkg esa N% fnu]

izfrfnu de ls de vkB ls nl ?kaVs ds v/;;u@izf'k{k.k xzg.k djsa] ftlds
fy, mls fu/kkZfjr izk:i esa nSfud&Mk;jh rS;kj djuh gksxh A

10- dsoy ikB~;Øeksa esa Hkkx ysus ;k f'k"; dh lqfo/kk vuqlkj xq# ls feyus ls gh
iz;kstu iwjk ugha gksrkA f'k";ksa dks ,dkxz gksuk pkfg, vkSj vius xq# ls
fo"k;@fof'k"Vrk lh[kus ds fy, ftKklq gksuk pkfg,A

11- ;fn fdUgha vifjgk;Z ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds dkj.k dksbZ xq# izf'k{k.k dky esa lsok
dk;Z ls fuo`fRr ysrs gSa ;k jk-vk-fo- ml xq# dh lsok,a ugha pkgrk rks f'k";
dks fdlh vU; xq# ds v/khu mlh fo"k; esa tgka fjDr LFkku miyC/k gks]
LFkkukUrfjr dj fn;k tk;sxkA f'k"; dks vkifÙk djus dk dksbZ vf/kdkj ugha

12- f'k";] jfookjh; ¼lkIrkfgd vodk’k½ ,oa jktif=r vodk'k ds vfrfjDr ,d

o"kZ esa dqy 15 fnu ds vodk'k ds gdnkj gksaxs] ftlesa R;kSgkj@_rq dkyhu
vodk'k ¼xzh"e _rq] f'kf'kj _rq vkfn½ lfEefyr gksxkA ;fn f'k"; }kjk
vfrfjDr vodk'k fy;k tkrk gS rks ml vof/k ds fy, dksbZ f'k{kko`fRr ugha nh
tk;sxhA vodk’k vof/k ls igys vkSj mlds ckn vkus okyh NqfV~V;ka vkSj jfookj
NksM+ fn;s tk;saxsA ijUrq vodk’k vof/k ds chp esa vkus okyh NqfV~V;ka vkSj
jfookj dks vodk’k ds :i esa x.kuk esa fy;k tk;sxkA

13- mÙkh.kZ gksus okys lHkh f’k";ksa dks fu/kkZfjr ifj/kku esa izkIr djus ds
fy, nh{kkUr lekjksg esa mifLFkr gksuk vko’;d gksxk A

14- f'k"; vius ikB~;Øe ds nkSjku vU; laLFkkvksa }kjk vius fo"k; ls lEcfU/kr
fdlh ,d jk"Vªh; laxks"Bh@dk;Z'kkyk esa Hkkx ys ldrs gSaA ysfdu bldk [kpZ
jk-vk-fo- }kjk ugha mBk;k tk;sxkA

15- f'k";ksa ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd os fo|kihB }kjk izf'k{k.k dh xq.koÙkk o

vuq'kklu gsrq le;&le; ij la'kksf/kr fd, x,@cuk;s x, fu;eksa ,oa
fofu;eksa dk ikyu djsaA

16- mijksDr fu;eksa vkSj fofu;eksa ds ifj.kke Lo:i ;fn dksbZ fookn mRiUu gksrk
gS rks og fnYyh dh LFkkuh; vnkyrksa ds {ks=kf/kdkj ds vUrxZr gksxkA

jk"Vªh; vk;qosZn fo|kihB
vk;q"k ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZ fnYyh

jk-vk-fo- dk Á ikB~;ØEk ¼lh-vkj-,-oh-½ ds f”k’;ksa ds fy, vfUre ewY;kadu dk rjhdk

jk-vk-fo- dk ikB~;ØEk ¼lhvkj,oh½ ds ftu f”k’;ksa us vius izf”k{k.k dk ,d o’kZ iwjk
dj fy;k gS] mudk vfUre ewY;kadu fuEufyf[kr ekin.M ij vk/kkfjr gksxkA jk-vk-fo- dk
fn;k tkuk fuoy ewY;kadu ij fuHkZj gksxk] ftlesa ewY;kadu ds lHkh vyx&vyx la?kVd “kkfey
a sA
fdlh vH;FkhZ dks rHkh feysxk] tc og ewY;kadu ds lHkh ?kVdksa esa lesfdr :i ls
larks’ktud Lrj ÁkIr djsxkA ,slk u gksus ds ekeys esa vH;FkhZ ls U;wuÙke ,d eghus dh vof/k ds
ckn iqu% ijh{kk nsus ds fy, dgk tk;sxkA bl vof/k ds nkSjku ;fn og izf”k{k.k dk bPNqd gS vkSj
xq# Hkh mls izf'k{k.k nsuk pkgrs gSa Rkks og lEcfU/kr dsUnz esa viuk izf”k{k.k tkjh j[k ldrk gS] ijUrq
mls ;g izf”k{k.k vius [kpZs ij ysuk gksxk vkSj jk-vk-fo- bl vof/k ds fy, dksbZ f”k{kko`fÙk ugha nsxkA

ewY;kadu la?kVd %

1- vkUrfjd ewY;kadu

2- fl)kUr ¼F;ksjh½ ijh{kk

3- EkksuksxzkQ ¼fo'ks"k fucU/k½

4- fo”ks’k jksxho`Ùk fjiksVZ ¼Lis'ky dsl fjiksVZ½

5- ekSf[kd ijh{kk

1- vkUrfjd ewY;kadu
;g lEcfU/kr lh-vkj-,-oh izf'k{k.k dsUnzksa ij izf”k{k.k izHkkjh }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA ;g
ewY;kadu izf'k{k.k ikB~;Øe ds vUr esa fd;k tk;sxk vkSj og lh-vkj-,-oh izf'k{k.k ds ckn
lh-vkj-,-oh ikB~;ØEk ds f'k"; esa ik;h xbZ xq.kkRed lq/kkj ds ckjs esa lexz ewY;kadu nsxkA

2- fl)kUr ¼F;ksjh½ ijh{kk
lh-vkj-,-oh ds lHkh f'k";ksa dk ikB~;ØEk iwjk gks tkus ij muds fy, rhu ?kaVs dh
o.kZukREkd ijh{kk vk;ksftr dh tk;sxhA iz”u eq[; :i ls muds fof”k’V izf”k{k.k ds {ks= ij
dsfUnzr gksx
a s] rFkkfi] vk;qosZn vFkok mudh fo”ks"kKrk ls lEcfU/kr dqN lkekU; iz'u Hkh iwNs
tk ldrs gSaA

3- EkksuksxzkQ ¼fo'ks"k fucU/k½

lh-vkj-,-oh ds izR;sd f'k’; ls mlds xq#@izf”k{k.k izHkkjh ds ijke”kZ ls mlds izf”k{k.k
dh vfUre frekgh esa fo”ks’k jksx n”kk@fpfdRlk izfØ;k@vkS’kf/k&;ksx vkfn ij eksuksxzkQ
izLrqr djus ds fy, dgk tkrk gSA bl eksuksxzkQ esa uohurk gksuh pkfg, vkSj ;g lelkef;d
vk;qosZn dekZH;kl ds lUnHkZ esa izklafxd gksuk pkfg,A

4- fo”ks’k jksxho`Ùk fjiksVZ ¼Lis'ky dsl fjiksVZ½

lh-vkj-,-oh ds izR;sd f'k’; ls mlds xq#@izf”k{k.k izHkkjh ds ijke”kZ ls mlds izf”k{k.k
dh vfUre frekgh esa ,d fo”ks’k uSnkfud voLFkk vkfn ds laca/k esa fo”ks’k jksxh o`Ùk fjiksVZ
¼Lis'ky dsl fjiksVZ½ izLrqr djus ds fy, dgk tkrk gSA bl fo”ks"k jksxho`Ùk esa vlk/kkj.k gksuh pkfg, vkSj ;g lelkef;d vk;qosZn dekZH;kl ds lUnHkZ esa izklafxd
gksuk pkfg,A ;g dsl fjiksZV ,d fo”ks’k n”kk ds mipkj ds fy, fo”ks’k mipkj crkus ij dsfUnzr
gksuh pkfg,A bl fjiksVZ esa ml fo”ks"k n'kk ds fy, ,d [kkl mipkj pquus dh izklafxdrk ij
Hkh fopkj&foe”kZ fd;k tkuk pkfg, rFkk ;g crk;k tkuk pkfg, fd bl jksx dh jksx funku
lEcfU/kr uSnkfud fu.kZ; dSls fy;k x;kA

5- ekSf[kd ijh{kk
lh-vkj-,-oh ds izR;sd f'k’; ds fy, fl)kUr ijh{kk ds ckn ekSf[kd ijh{kk gksxhA ;g
ekSf[kd ijh{kk ckg~; ,oa vkUrfjd fo”ks’kKksa ds iSuy }kjk yh tk;sxhA bl ekSf[kd ijh{kk dk
mn~ns'; f”k’; ds “kkL= lEcU/kh Kku dks Kku ds O;kogkfjd :i ls mi;ksx djuss dh ;ksX;rk
dk ewY;kadu djuk gS tks vk;qosZn ds uSnkfud dekZH;kl esa ykHknk;d gksA


Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth is an autonomous organization fully funded by the

Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi. It is registered under Societies Registration Act
XXI of 1860 with the Registrar Societies, Delhi Administration on 11th February, 1988 and
functioning at Dhanwantari Bhawan, Road No. 66, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi–110 026.

The Vidyapeeth appoints renowned scholars and experts/practitioners in the field of

Ayurveda as Gurus and runs courses under traditional method of „Guru Shishya Parampara‟.

Prospectus for Certificate of Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (CRAV)

About the CRAV Course: The Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth is conducting the certificate
course in Ayurveda for the purpose of providing additional hands on training to the Ayurvedic
doctors having successfully completed the BAMS degree course. For this purpose the Rashtriya
Ayurveda Vidyapeeth has identified well known Ayurveda practioners having more than 20
years of practice in the concerned specialty. The successful students shall be posted with these
Gurus where the students will gain the knowledge and training about the concern specialty
through the method of „Guru Shishya Parampara‟. At the end of successful completion of the
course, the students will be awarded the certificate (CRAV). The clinical specialties in which
the training would be provided include 1. Kayachikitsa 2. Stree Roga and Prastuti Tantra 3.
Ksharsutra 4. Marma Chikitsa 5. Bhagna and Asthi Chikitsa 6. Shalakya (Netra Roga) 7.
Shalakya (Danta Roga) and such other clinical specialties depending upon availability of the
gurus. The BAMS graduates interested in Bhaishjaya Kalpana and Aushadhi Nirman are posted
with the reputed gurus having the facility of Ayurvedic Drug manufacturing. The duration of the
course is one year during which the students have to attend the clinical and other duties in the
concerned specialty as per the directions of the guru. The students have to submit Monthly and
Quarterly Report of the work done to the Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth. They also have to
write one dissertation on the subject given by Guru/RAV.

The Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth provides stipend to the students to meet the cost of
education and living during the course of study. The allocation with the Gurus shall be done by
the RAV depending upon the merit of the students in the entrance examination, 250 km distance
and his/her Gurus’ choice. The students must understand that the CRAV course is an

education and training course and not a job or employment, therefore, the stipends should
not be considered as salary.

The students should also keep in mind that this certificate course has no linkage with any
course conducted by Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) under IMCC Act 1970.

Training : This course involves training in clinical practices and Ayurvedic Pharmacy under the
guidance of eminent practicing Vaidyas/Scholars in different parts of the country.

Essential Qualification

Eligibility: BAMS (Ayurvedacharya) degree from any institution and university included in 2nd
schedule of IMCC Act-1970/NCISM Act 2020. Internship should have been completed by
27th December, 2023.

Age limit: (As on 27-12-2023): Maximum 30 years for graduates (not born before 27-12-1993)
and 32 years for Post graduates (not born before 27-12-1991). However, 3 years relaxation will
be given for OBC candidates (i.e. not born before 27-12-1990 for graduates and for Post
graduates not born before 27-12-1988) and 5 years for ST/SC (i.e. not born before 27-12-1988
for graduates and for Post graduates not born before 27-12-1986). Upper age limit will be 35
years for Government sponsored candidates (permanent medical officers working in
Central/State Government (not born before 27-12-1988). Additional 5 years relaxation will be
given to Physically Handicapped candidates.

Duration of course: One year.

Stipend: Students will be paid a monthly stipend as decided by Governing Body of RAV and
amended from time to time.

Reservation: Reservation of seats to SC, ST, OBC, Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and
Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates will be implemented for total number of vacancies
available as per government policy prevalent from time to time. Central government rules on
reservation will be applicable. In case of OBCs, candidates have to submit their certificate
which is issued as per Government of India guidelines application for Central Government. Only
Central Government approved Certificate will be accepted.

Reservation for government sponsored candidates (permanent medical officers) is

available. Sponsored candidates will not be paid any stipend and these are supernumerary in
nature. This reservation will not exceed 10% of the total number of vacancies available in that
year and not more than one such student under one Guru.


Instructions before Admission:

1. Interested candidates must be sent their application through only Post (Speed Post,
Courier etc.) or By Hand on Director, Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, Dhanwantri
Bhawan, Road No.-66, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi-110026 on or before 27th
December, 2023.

2. Candidates are to be informed that they must have to submit their Google Form which
is available on official website before sending the application form through post on
above address otherwise their application form will be rejected without any intimation.

3. Examination Fee D 2000/- +18% GST = D 2360/- for General, PH, EWS & OBC
candidates and D 1000/- + 18% = D 1180/- for SC/ST candidates to be paid. Fee once
paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.

4. Candidates must have to pay their above said fee only through the link given on our
website. Candidates are also suggested to note the successful Transaction No and take
a Screenshot before download/print the receipt.

5. Candidates must attach payment receipt with the Application Form. Payment receipt
can be of the following nature:
 Screen shot of successful transfer receipt of the fee indicating ‘transaction reference
number’ clearly.
 Screen shot / photocopy of bank passbook indicating clearly the transaction details of the

6. Only those candidates, who wish to undergo training under Guru Shishya Parampara,
may apply. Those who have completed CRAV Course before cannot apply again.

7. The study and training of the course will be specifically under “Guru Shishya
Parampara” wherein the Shishyas are required to make their own arrangements of
lodging & boarding etc. near the place of Gurus.

8. The candidates are requested to give the preference for their gurus carefully. The
selections would be based on the basis of Merit, 250 km distance and the Preferences
given for respective gurus. Once allocated the Guru, the transfer from one training
centre to another would not be entertained in any case/condition.

9. The local students (permanent address/present address/nativity) of 250 kms or below

from the place of guru will not be considered under such gurus. The students need to
furnish proof of permanent, present address and nativity under self certification. While
giving choice of gurus the students should consider this point.

10. Names of the Empanelled Gurus and Institutions for CRAV course 2024-25 will be given
later. The students are requested to make an order of preference in reference to all
empanelled gurus and Institutions. The student applicants may opt any number of
gurus in order of preference.

11. The course is on full time basis and Shishyas are not allowed to do any private practice,
any type of business/job or any other training/course etc.

12. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates appearing for written test or for joining the
training after selection.

13. The course is not recognized by CCIM. The course has been designed to enhance the
knowledge of Ayurvedic graduates/postgraduates to make them better doctors/scholars.

14. Before applying for admission, it should be kept clearly in mind that
Vidyapeeth/Guru owns no responsibility for providing employment or to get the
course recognized by CCIM.

15. Those who are related to the Guru (relatives of self/spouse/children/ brothers/sisters of
guru) will not be selected as Shishya for the Course under the same guru. A declaration
of this effect may require to be submitted in this case.

16. Candidates who have completed internship on or before 27.12.2023 are eligible to
appear for Entrance Test.

17. Any kind of electronic item like- mobiles, pen drive or any other gadgets are strictly
prohibited inside the examination hall, and any candidate found possessing these items
will be debarred from Admission test.

Method of Admission:
1. Selection of students is based on Written Test.

2. There will be a Written Test of 100 single responses multiple choice questions (SRMCQ)
from subjects of BAMS course. Each question carries one mark and the maximum marks
are 100 and the duration of test will be 1 hour & 40 minutes.

3. Since there is no negative marking the candidates may attempt all questions.

4. Assessment of Written Test is done through OMR (computer) sheets. Invalidation of

Answer Sheet due to incomplete/incorrect filling of the answer sheet will be the sole
responsibility of the candidate. Please use only Blue or Black Ball point pen to mark
(darken) your answers. Pens with any other colour are not allowed. Do not use pencil.

5. In case of equal marks of candidates for a particular guru, the age will be taken into
criterion and seniority by Date of Birth will be given preference.
6. Date & Time of Written Test: Sunday, 07th January, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Candidate
shall be presented at centre by 11:00 a.m. and they will not be permitted to enter in the
examination centre at any cost after 11:40 a.m.

7. Venue for Written Test:

i. New Delhi
ii. Pune (Maharashtra)
iii. Jaipur (Rajasthan)
iv. Bengaluru (Karnataka)
v. Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)
vi. Thrissur (Kerala)

Terms & Conditions after admission:

1. Selected candidates shall have to submit a Bond by self in the prescribed format on non-
judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- duly certified by any Magistrate/Gazetted Officers
(Only notary certify will not be valid). Students are also required to submit fitness
certificate after selection. The admitted students have to complete these formalities within
one month after admission. If they fail to submit within the prescribed time limit, the
admission will be cancelled forthwith without any consideration.

2. The course includes receiving training and passing the examination.

3. The students are required to send the monthly, quarterly and annual records during their
training period as specified in their selection letter.

4. Stipend will be released every month on receipt of the attendance of Shishyas and
required study report/record of the patients by 10th day of following month.

5. Guru will conduct the assessment of student every two months of course whether the
student is keen to continue the course till final examination. If the assessment is
satisfactory then the student will be allowed to continue the course. Otherwise shishya
will have to leave the course and refund the stipend along with interest of 12%.

6. The Final examination of the students i.e. Written & Viva Voce will be held at a place
decided by RAV.

7. The Shishyas are expected to maintain proper discipline while studying under Guru and
to devote maximum time on their study.

8. If the Shishya fails to complete the course within the duration or leaves the study in
between before passing of course or his/her studentship is terminated by the RAV
consequent upon violation of rules of Vidyapeeth, he/she has to refund the full
amount of stipend, which was received from RAV together with 12% interest
thereon. This condition shall not be relaxable in any case, which may be ensured by
the candidates before applying for the course.

9. The student is required to study/ take training six days a week with a minimum of 8-10
hours study per day under the guidance of Guru, for which daily diary has to be prepared
by each student on the prescribed formats.

10. Mere attending the course or visiting the Guru as per convenience of the Shishya does not
serve the purpose at all. The Shishya should be attentive and keen to learn the
subject/specialties from the Guru.

11. If due to some unavoidable circumstances a Guru retires during the course or the RAV
does not require the services of that Guru, the student will be transferred under another
Guru of same subject, where vacancy is available. The student shall have no right to

12. The students are entitled, in addition to gazetted holidays & Sundays (weekly off), for 15
days leave in a year, including festival/seasonal vacations (summer, winter etc.). For any
additional leave, if availed of by the student, no stipend shall be payable for that period.
The holidays and Sundays prefixing and suffixing to leave period will be excluded. But
the holidays and Sundays coming in between the leave period will also be counted as

13. All passed-out students shall have to attend the Convocation for receiving
certificates in prescribed dress code.

14. The student can be permitted to take part in any one National seminar/workshop
organized by other institutions related to his/her subject during the course. But, no
expenses shall be borne by RAV.

15. The student shall be required to follow the rules and regulations amended/framed by the
Vidyapeeth for improvement in the quality of training and discipline, from time to time.

16. Any dispute arising out of any of the inference from aforesaid rules and regulations
subject to the jurisdiction of Courts at Delhi.

Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Final Assessment Method for CRAV Students

The final assessment for CRAV students who have completed their training of one year
would be based upon following parameters. The award of CRAV would be based upon the net
assessment comprising of all individual components of assessment.

To enable the candidate to get the award, a satisfactory status in all components of
evaluation is required. In case of inability to do so, the candidate would be asked to appear in the
examination again after a minimum period of one month. During this time if he desires so and if
the guru also desires so, he can continue his training at the respective centre but at his own
expense and RAV shall not give any stipend for this period.

Assessment Components:-

1. Internal Assessment
2. Theory Examination
3. Monograph
4. Special Case report
5. Viva voce

1. Internal Assessment:

This would be done by the in-charge of the training at respective CRAV training centres.
The assessment would be done at the end of the course and would give an overall assessment
about the qualitative improvements observed in CRAV student after the CRAV training.

2. Theory Examination:

A three hour descriptive examination would be conducted for all CRAV students upon
their completion of course. The questions would be mainly focusing upon the area of their
specialized training however some general questions pertaining to Ayurveda or their specialty
may also be asked.

3. Monograph:

Every CRAV student, in consultation with his guru / training in-charge, is asked to
submit a monograph in the last quarter of their training, on a particular disease condition/
procedure / formulation etc. This monograph should contain the component of novelty and
relevance in reference to the contemporary practice of Ayurveda.

4. Special Case report:

Every CRAV student, in consultation with his guru / training in-charge, is asked to
submit a special case report in the last quarter of their training, on a particular clinical condition
etc. This special case report should contain the component of unusual observations/novelty and
relevance in reference to the contemporary practice of Ayurveda. The focus of the case report
should be on establishing a particular regimen for treating a particular condition which resulted
in high response. The report should also discuss the relevance of choosing a particular regimen
for the given condition and how the clinical judgment was arrived referring to pathological state
of the disease.

5. Viva Voce:

Following the theory examination, there would be a viva voce for every CRAV student.
A panel of external and internal experts may take up the viva voce. The purpose of viva voce is
to assess the ability of the student to translate the textual knowledge into a practically useful
format of knowledge useful in clinical practice of Ayurveda.

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