Bcos 183 Dec2022 QP
Bcos 183 Dec2022 QP
Bcos 183 Dec2022 QP
BCOS-183 1 P.T.O.
4. Discuss in detail about the various components
of mail merge. Explain the process of mail merge
in three steps. 5+15
BCOS-183 2
dm{UÁ` _| ñZmVH$ (gm_mÝ`)
gÌm§V narjm
{Xgå~a, 2022
BCOS-183 3 P.T.O.
4. _ob _O© Ho$ {d{^Þ KQ>H$m| Ho$ ~mao _| {dñVma go MMm©
H$s{OE & _ob _O© H$s à{H«$`m H$mo VrZ MaUm| _| g_PmBE & 5+15
5. _mBH«$mogm°âQ> EŠgob (ñà¡S>erQ> EoßbrHo$eZ) _| {ZåZ{b{IV
H$s Š`m Cn`mo{JVm h¡ ? 10+10
BCOS-183 4