Introduction To Digital Marketing DKeGMwr1eF

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SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies


Program: BBA (Branding & Advertising) Semester : III
Course/Module : Introduction to Digital Marketing Module Code:
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Internal Continuous Term End Examinations

Lecture Practical Tutorial (TEE)
(Hours (Hours (Hours Credit Assessment (ICA)
(Marks- 50 in Question
per per per (Marks - 50) Paper)
week) week) week)
4 4 Marks Scaled to 50 Marks Scaled to 50
Pre-requisite: NIL
 Develop digital marketing strategies by setting up their own marketing framework of business
goals, market insights, customer journey, marketing channels, and marketing objectives.
 Plan effective marketing content and channels that can maximize the ROI of their marketing
 Analyze their audience and marketing performance along with newly emerging marketing
technologies to upgrade their marketing strategies.
 Create a marketing campaign using the most effective channel to achieve their marketing
objectives on popular marketing platforms such as Facebook and Google Ads.
After completion of the course, students would be able to :
 Explain emerging trends in digital marketing and critically assess the use of digital marketing
tools by applying relevant marketing theories and frameworks.
 Interpret the traditional marketing mix within the context of a changing and extended range of
digital strategies and tactics.
 Demonstrate cognitive knowledge of the skills required in conducting online research and
research on online markets, as well as in identifying, assessing and selecting digital market
Detailed Syllabus: ( per session plan )

Unit Description Duration

1 Basics of Digital Marketing 2
Definition, Process,
Difference Between Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing, Advantages 2
of Digital Marketing
Need, Scope, History of Digital Marketing, 2
Approaches to Digital Marketing, 2
Digital marketing framework; Digital Marketing mix, 2
Introduction to tools of Digital Marketing 2
2 Search Engine Optimization 2
SEO-Concept, Meaning, Importance,
SERP, Website Development tools, 2
Basics of Search Engine, How Search Engine Works, 2
What are keywords? Different types of keywords, 3
Process of SEO, Introduction to On Page SEO and Off Page SEO 3
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
3 Social Media Marketing 6
Introduction to Social Media Marketing,
Social Media Platforms-Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram.
Merits and Demerits of Social Media Platforms
4 Content Marketing 6
Basics of Content Writing, what is Content Marketing? Use of Content
Marketing, Objective and Process of Content Marketing, Successful Content
Marketing Campaigns
5 Search Engine Marketing 3
Basics of Search Engine Marketing,
Introduction to Online Advertising –Types & Benefits of Display and Text 3
Basics of Google Ads, 3
Meaning of -PPC, CPC, CPA, CPM, CPA, CPL etc. 3
6 Tools in Digital Marketing 2
Social media marketing tools: Sprout Social, Audience
E-mail marketing tools: HubSpot, SendGrid, Moosend 2
SEO (search engine optimization) tools: Ahrefs, Clearscope, SEMRush 2
Conversion optimization tools: Unbounce, Optimizely, Hotjar 2
Lead enrichment tools: Clearbit, Datanyze 2
Landing page and lead capture tools: OptiMonk, Typeform 2
Total 60
Text Books:
1. Ian Dodson, The Art of Digital Marketing, Wiley, 1st Edition, January 2016
2. Seema Gupta, Digital Marketing, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition, August 2022
3. Amresh Bharati, Digital Marketing, Invincible Publication, December 2022
Reference Books:
1. Dr. Ragavendra K and Shruthi P, Digital Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1st
Edition, 2016
2. Philip Kotler, Marketing 4.0 – Moving from Traditional to Digital, Wiley, April 2017
Any other information :

Details of Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA): 50 Marks

Test I: 10
Test II: 10
Term Work: 30
Details of Term Work: Assignments, Viva, Presentations

Signature Signature
(Prepared by Dr. Anirrban Ghosh) (Approved by Dr. Anirrban Ghosh)

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