The Nepean Belief Scale (NBS) As A Tool To Investigate The Intensity of Beliefs in Anorexia Nervosa: Psychometric Properties of The Italian
The Nepean Belief Scale (NBS) As A Tool To Investigate The Intensity of Beliefs in Anorexia Nervosa: Psychometric Properties of The Italian
The Nepean Belief Scale (NBS) As A Tool To Investigate The Intensity of Beliefs in Anorexia Nervosa: Psychometric Properties of The Italian
Background People with anorexia nervosa (AN) show a peculiar impairment of insight regarding their condition, often
manifesting a denial of extreme emaciation and sometimes hiding or underreporting socially undesirable abnormal eating
patterns. Sometimes the intensity of the beliefs held by patients with AN reach a delusional intensity.
Objectives In this study, the Italian version of the Nepean Belief Scale was applied to a sample of patients diagnosed with
AN to investigate the intensity of their beliefs and convictions and its clinical correlates.
Methods The Nepean Belief Scale (NBS) was translated and adapted to Italian and applied to a sample of patients diagnosed
with AN based on the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5).
Results The Italian version of the 5-item NBS showed excellent reliability. Convergent validity was proved by negative
association with levels of insight measured with the Schedule for the Assessment of Insight in Eating Disorders. Beliefs
of delusional intensity were reported by 10% of participants. Those with a greater intensity of beliefs, either overvalued or
delusional ideas, were more likely to report poorer general cognitive performances on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.
No association was observed between NBS score and age, body mass index, symptoms of eating disorders, body dissatis-
faction, or levels of depression. Fear of weight gain and control seeking were the most often reported themes at the NBS.
Conclusions The Italian version of the NBS is a reasonably reliable, valid, and usable tool for the multidimensional assess-
ment of insight in AN.
Level of evidence Level III, Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case–control analytic studies.
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summing up all item scores, ranging from 0 to 20 (The Ital- test's reliability, a consequence which is more often observed
ian version is reproduced in Appendix 1). Internal consist- for cognitive and neuropsychological measures [35].
ency and inter-rater reliability of the NBS were found good The EDE-Q is a self-report questionnaire consisting
(> 0.70) in past studies on clinical samples [16, 27, 30]. of 28 items that assess four main symptom areas of eat-
Based on the replies on the BABS in a past study [16], the ing disorders, namely dietary restraint, eating concerns,
following thresholds were applied to the scores on the NBS: weight concerns, and shape concerns [36]. Participants are
0–10, “good/fair insight”; 11–15, “over-valued idea”; 16 or required to rate the intensity of their behavior or thoughts
higher, “delusional belief”. during the last 28 days on a scale ranging from 0 to 6,
The SAI-ED is a semi-structured interview that measures with a global score also being produced. Clinical samples
three major components of insight, such as the ability to indicate good reliability of the tool, typically > 0.80, which
recognize that one has a mental illness, the ability to rela- was confirmed in the Italian validation, too [37].
bel unusual mental events as pathological, and compliance The BSQ is a 34-item self-report questionnaire spe-
with treatment [22]. The SAI-ED includes two questions on cifically aimed at assessing body dissatisfaction prompted
awareness of the illness and the need for treatment, rated on by the feelings of being fat [38]. Participants rate their
a 0–2 scale; four questions on the recognition of symptoms responses on a six‐point scale, with a time interval focused
of eating disorder and their relabeling as attributable to the on the past 4 weeks, where higher scores indicate greater
illness, plus a question on the hypothetical contradiction dissatisfaction with body shape. The validity and reliabil-
between own’s view of the condition and concerns of other ity of the BSQ-34 have been proved [39], with reliability
people, all rated on a 0–4 scale. There is also a final ques- judged excellent (around 0.90), as confirmed in the Italian
tion on treatment adherence, aimed at collecting therapist validation [40].
impressions, rated on a 0–5 scale. The SAI-ED produces two The STAI is a self-report questionnaire comprising 40
global scores: a subtotal on awareness of illness and symp- items that measure anxiety levels [41]. For the purposes
toms, the sum of the first seven items (ranging from 0 to 24); of this study, the version Y of the STAI has been used
and a total score, measuring the global level of insight, the [42]. Participants rate their levels of anxiety on a scale
sum of all items (ranging from 0 to 29). The reliability of the from 1 (never) to 4 (always) for each item, based on their
SAI-ED was reported to be high [22]. In the initial valida- current state anxiety (20 items) or habitual trait anxiety
tion study, the lack of insight was likely for a global score (20 items). The reliability of the STAI varies from 0.65 to
on the SAI-ED ≤ 18 [22]. In the Italian validation study, the 0.90, depending on the sample [43]. The Italian validation
SAI-ED had moderate reliability (intraclass correlation coef- confirmed the psychometric properties of the STAI.
ficient [ICC] = 0.71; 95%CI 0.49–0. 86) (Sciarrillo, submit- The BDI-II is a self-report questionnaire consisting of
ted manuscript). 21 items that assess the presence and severity of depres-
The MoCA is a widely used cognitive screening tool that sive symptoms [29]. Participants rate their behavior or
is designed to assess various cognitive domains, including thoughts on a scale of 0 to 3, with higher scores indicat-
attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, ing greater severity of depression symptoms. Scores above
language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking, 16 are indicative of severe depressive symptomatology.
calculations, and orientation. The MoCA consists of a brief The tool has a high internal consistency, with a reliability
questionnaire and a series of tasks that assess different cog- of around 0.90 across samples [44]. The reliability and
nitive ability [31]. It takes approximately 10–15 min to com- validity of the BDI-II have been confirmed in the Italian
plete. The MoCA is commonly used to screen for cognitive version [45].
impairment and it is also used in research studies to assess
cognitive function and to track changes in cognitive ability
over time. The MoCA has acceptable internal consistency Procedure
(Cronbach’s α > 0.70) [31, 32]. Acceptable inter-rater and
intra-rater reliability were reported for the Italian validation, Participants were individually interviewed with the NBS,
too, when used to detect cognitive impairment [33]. How- SAI-ED, and the MOCA in a quiet room, with the inter-
ever, the MoCA was developed to be sensitive to mild cogni- views typically lasting an average of 15 min for each task.
tive impairment in geriatric populations: in healthy people, Furthermore, participants were also requested to complete
inter-rater reliability, when measured with the kappa coef- additional questionnaires through the REDCap platform
ficient, varied from 0.46 to 0.94 [34]. This is likely to depend (Research Electronic Data Capture, Vanderbilt University),
on the ceiling effect, which occurs when a large percentage using a tablet or smartphone. The time taken to complete
of participants achieve the highest score on a test. The ceil- these questionnaires was not measured. Prior to the assess-
ing effect limits the ability of a test of discriminating sub- ment, participants were required to provide informed written
jects at the top level of the performance, thus decreasing the consent, and anonymity was ensured.
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Data analysis Italian language, and 6 were outside the age cutoff (n. = 2
were < 18 years old, and n. = 4 were > 50 years old).
Analysis was done with the Statistical Package for the Social The final sample included 38 patients diagnosed with AN,
Sciences (SPSS) version 28 (IBM Corp. Released 2021) of whom, 28 with AN restricting type (AN-R), and 10 with
and dedicated packages running in R [46]. The significance AN binge-eating/purging type (AN-BP).
threshold was set at p < 0.05. All analyses were two-tailed. Participants included one male (3%) and 37 females
Continuous variables were reported as means with stand- (97%), of whom six did not adhere to a binary classifica-
ard deviations and range. Skewness and kurtosis were also tion of the genre. Age in the sample ranged from 18 to
reported, with values ≥ 2 indicating deviation from the nor- 49 years, with mean = 24 ± 9. BMI ranged from 11 to 17,
mal distribution according to a conservative threshold for with mean = 14 ± 2. Duration of illness ranged from 0.5 year
sample size ≤ 50 [47]. to 35 years, with mean = 7 ± 9.
Categorical variables were reported as counts and per-
centages. Analysis of continuous variables was performed
with Student’s, or Welch’s t-test in case of violation of the Reliability
homogeneity of the variance, or with analysis of variance
(ANOVA). Categorical variables were analyzed with Chi- Inter-rater reliability was fair for MoCA (ICC = 0.53; 95%CI
square, with Yates correction when necessary. Pearson cor- 0.32 to 0.73), and moderate to excellent for SAI-ED (0.74;
relation coefficient was used to measure the association 0.56–0.86), and NBS (0.80; 0.67–0.89). Cronbach’s alpha
between continuous variables. Effect size in between-group for questionnaire varied from good to excellent for EDE-Q
comparisons and correlations was assessed with reference (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.93), BSQ (0.97), STAI (0.95), and
to the thresholds suggested by Cohen [48]. BDI-II (0.95).
The reliability of the self-report questionnaires was meas-
ured with Cronbach’s alpha to facilitate comparisons with
previous studies. According to a shared rule, Cronbach’s Scores on the measures used in the study
alpha is assumed to be fair when it is equal to or greater
than 0.70 in a questionnaire measuring one latent dimen- Table 1 lists the scores for each measure used in the study.
sion, good when is greater than 0.80, excellent when exceeds No deviation from the normal distribution was observed
0.90 [49]. based on skewness and kurtosis. As for the MoCA, a ceil-
Reliability of the SAI-ED, NBS, and MOCA was assessed ing effect was found: 9 participants (24%) scored 30, the
as inter-raters agreement with ICC with 95% confidence maximum value on the test, and an additional 8 (21%) scored
interval (CI). The calculation was with a two-way random- 29. Overall, 45% of the sample scored at maximum or near
effects model. According to a shared rule of thumb, ICC maximum value on the MOCA. The high ceiling effect justi-
values between 0.40 and 0.59 indicate fair reliability; 0.60 fies the observation of a relatively low reliability of the test
to 0.74 indicate moderate reliability; values 0.75 and above in the sample.
indicate excellent reliability [50].
This is a pilot validation study, and sample size require-
ments were kept to a minimum. For reliability purposes, a Table 1 Mean scores of the measures used in the study in the sample
sample size of 25/30 participants can be enough to maintain (n. = 38)
a balance between the power and the precision of reliability Mean (SD) Range Skew Kurtosis
estimates [51]. Validity was estimated by correlational anal-
ysis. For a two-tailed alpha at 0.05, power at 80%, and for a
Restraint 3.7 (1.8) 0–6 − 0.5 − 0.9
minimum clinically meaningful effect size of 0.45 (= 20% of
Eating concern 3.1 (1.5) 0.2–5.4 − 0.4 − 0.9
shared variance), the required sample size was 33. The cal-
Shape concern 4.3 (1.6) 0.9–6 − 0.6 − 1.00
culation was done with G*Power 3.1 [52]. The final sample
Weight concern 3.5 (1.9) 0.2–6.0 − 0.3 − 1.3
size in the study was above these minimum requirements.
BSQ 122 (43) 46–187 − 0.2 − 1.2
State anxiety 57 (13) 31–77 − 0.6 − 0.2
Trait anxiety 60 (11) 34–74 − 0.8 − 0.4
BDI-II 25.3 (15.9) 3–56 0.5 − 0.9
MoCA 27.2 (2.8) 19–30 − 1.1 0.6
Overall, 60 patients were invited to take part in the study.
SAI-ED 21.5 (4.5) 12–29 − 0.1 − 0.9
Among them, 11 refused, 4 were too ill to be involved in the
NBS 9.9 (4.9) 2–18 − 0.2 − 1.2
study, 1 was discarded because had difficulties in reading the
Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity (2023) 28:92 Page 5 of 9 92
Intensity of belief at the NBS Table 3 Correlations between socio-demographics and clinical fea-
tures and the Nepean Beliefs Scale total scores in patients diagnosed
with anorexia nervosa (n. = 38)
The mean beliefs score in the sample for the NBS was
9.9 ± 4.9; range: 2 to 18. Item-total correlation was good Nepean Beliefs Scale
(> 0.70), except for item 4 (Resistance). Maximum intensity Age (years) r = − 0.09; p = 0.59
of the beliefs (score = 4) was rated by less than one-fifth of Body mass index (kg/m2) r = − 0.09; p = 0.59
the sample for each item (Table 2). EDE-Q
According to the predefined thresholds, 19 (50%) par- Restraint r = 0.05; p = 0.76
ticipants showed good/fair insight, 15 (39.5%) overvalued Eating concern r = 0.18; p = 0.28
ideas and 4 (10.5%) had a delusional intensity of beliefs. Shape concern r = 0.10; p = 0.55
Participants with poor insight at the SAI-ED were 11 (29%). Weight concern r = 0.19; p = 0.25
There was no statistically significant association between BSQ r = 0.09; p = 0.59
these three degrees of belief and categorically rated poor STAI
insight: χ2 = 3.35; df = 2; p = 0.19. However, several cells State anxiety r = 0.42; p < 0.01
have less than 5 counts, thus the result must be taken with Trait anxiety r = 0.27; p = 0.10
caution. BDI-II r = 0.18; p = 0.28
MoCA r = − 0.57; p < 0.01
Association of clinical variables with the intensity SAI-ED
of beliefs on the NBS Awareness of illness and symptoms r = − 0.46; p < 0.01
Adherence to treatment r = − 0.39; p = 0.02
The intensity of belief, as rated continuously on the NBS, Level of insight r = − 0.54; p < 0.01
was unrelated to age, BMI, symptoms of eating disorders as
rated on the EDE-Q, body dissatisfaction rated on the BSQ,
levels of depression on the BDI-II (Table 3).
A positive association was observed between state but and other related (13%) or multiple/unclassified categories
not trait anxiety and total scores on the NBS. The inten- (11%).
sity of beliefs, rated on the NBS, was negatively related to
general cognition, as measured with MoCA, and treatment
adherence and insight, as measured by the SAI-ED. Put in Discussion
another way, those with a greater intensity of beliefs, either
overvalued or delusional ideas, were more likely to report The results of this pilot study indicate that the Italian version
poorer performances on the MoCA, adhere less to treatment, of the NBS shows moderate-to-excellent intra-rater reliabil-
and be rated with a lower insight. ity and possesses good concurrent validity, as revealed by
the inverse correlation between the intensity of the belief
Emerging themes during the NBS interview and levels of insight as measured on the SAI-ED. Moreover,
NBS scores were negatively related to treatment adherence,
The self-reported beliefs of the participants that emerged confirming that beliefs of particular intensity, assimilable to
during the interview with the NBS were analyzed to identify overvalued or delusional ideas, impair treatment adherence
any recurring thematic connections. Various themes emerged and might negatively affect therapy outcomes.
from the sample, listed in Table 4, including concerns about As already noted, a key advantage of the NBS is the offer-
weight gain (39%), efforts to exert control (21%), percep- ing of an operational definition of the belief and its charac-
tions of self-worth (5%), critical self-evaluation (11%), teristics, and this facilitates the accurate recording of beliefs
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Fear of weight gain “Adding the legumes to my diet will surely make my weight increase by 1 kg.” 15 (39%)
Control seeking “If I keep under control my diet, then I will consequently take control of all aspects of my 8 (21%)
Self-worth “I’m convinced I’m not thin enough despite my weight.” 2 (5%)
Negative evaluation “My legs are fat and ugly despite what everybody tells me.” 4 (11%)
Other “As more I move, as more my emotions come out and I feel them.” 5 (13%)
Multiple/unclassified “Some foods are damaging to my body, even if nobody told me they are [ex. bread, pasta, 4 (11%)
floury, fruit].”
in patient populations [16, 30]. In this study, the mean score might influence the finding of delusional intensities on the
for conviction was relatively high—2.6 (see Table 2), and NBS. However, the negative association of NBS scores with
one-fifth circa of patients rated their belief as probably a measure of general cognition might depend on the negative
true. Fixity of the belief was on average high, too (mean impact of malnutrition on cognition, albeit we did not find
score = 2.1; median = 2), and one-fifth of patients endorsed an association of BMI with NBS scores.
their belief as true even against contrary evidence. This was As in past studies [16, 53], we did not find a relationship
confirmed by relatively high scores on fluctuation, with 16% between body dissatisfaction and intensity of beliefs in our
of the patients holding their belief as true over time. A lower sample. Instead, we found a link between trait anxiety and
fraction of patients expressed resistance to the belief (5%) the intensity of beliefs on the NBS. This might suggest that
or communicate the awareness that their belief was unrea- those with overvalued or delusional ideas experience greater
sonable (5%). Overall, results were closer to those found in anxiety because of their beliefs, thus making them less ready
patients with OCD [27] than in patients with psychosis [30]. to have their highly regarded beliefs challenged during treat-
The percentage of patients with beliefs of delusional ment. On a therapeutic ground, this is important since the
intensity (10%) was similar to the one found in past studies primary treatment of delusional ideas is with antipsychot-
with different tools, e.g., 16% in Hartmann et al. [53], 10% ics, and the efficacy of antipsychotics such as olanzapine or
in Mountjoy et al. [54], but lower to the percentage observed aripiprazole in the reduction of delusional beliefs in AN has
in a past study with the NBS (23.7%) [16] or when measured yet to be established [66, 67].
with BABS (e.g., 20% in [25]; 22.7% in [22]). Discrepan-
cies might depend on some unmeasured characteristics of Strengths and limitations of the study
the samples, such as psychiatric or somatic comorbidity,
which was rarely or never reported in past studies. Indeed, The use of two interviews to investigate beliefs and insight in
in research, psychiatric comorbidity should be better inves- the sample is the most significant strength of the study since
tigated as clinicians often tend to underdiagnose the present self-report tools are more exposed than interviews to misun-
clinical pictures that are different from ED [55]. derstanding, hiding, and social desirability replies. It must
In this study, MoCA scores were negatively related to be considered that while the SAI-ED has been developed
scores on the NBS, thus indicating that as poorer the cogni- specifically for patients with eating disorders, the NBS has
tive performances on the MoCA, as greater the chances of been devised for use in patients with obsessive–compulsive
finding delusional intensities on the NBS. In patients with disorder. Nevertheless, its application in this and a past study
psychosis, the NBS showed good convergent validity with [16] indicates that the tool can be applied to patients with
the BABS [30]. Patients with schizophrenia-spectrum psy- AN. It is worth noting that the Italian validation of the SAI-
chosis are known to display cognitive impairment on the ED has not yet been published and that the Italian NBS has
MoCA [56]. Comorbidity of AN with psychosis has long not been validated so far in people with obsessive–compul-
been debated [57–59], but some features such as rigidity sive disorder (OCD), who were the original clinical target of
of thought [60, 61], abnormal bodily perception [62], and the tool. Thus, evidence on the reliability and validity of the
hallucinations-like experiences such as the “anorexic voice” Italian NBS in patients with AN should not be extrapolated
[63], might be assimilated to psychotic-like traits. Moreover, to Italian patients with OCD before appropriate testing.
the phenotypic relationships between eating disorders and Some limitations have to be taken into account, too. The
psychosis seem supported by shared genetic vulnerability sample size was not large enough to allow more complex
[64], as confirmed by their familial co-aggregation [65]. The statistical analyses, e.g., a comparison between AN-R and
fraction of patients with AN also displaying psychotic traits AN-BP participants. The small sample size might also have
Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity (2023) 28:92 Page 7 of 9 92
prevented the detection of a statistically significant asso- Author contributions All authors contributed to the study’s conception
ciation between the three degrees of belief drawn from the and design. Material preparation and data analysis were performed by
AS, FB, MM, and AP. GAD oversaw and had responsibility for the
NBS and categorically rated poor insight on the SAI-ED. We research activity planning and execution. AS, FB, MCL, MM, FT, ML,
could not address the role of psychiatric or somatic comor- ND contributed to the organization of the study and the acquisition of
bidity in the sample since information was limited. Partici- the data. AS, FB, MM and MP had responsibility for data process-
pants included help-seeking individuals requiring inpatient ing and management. AP wrote the first draft of the manuscript and
all authors commented on the subsequent versions of the manuscript.
treatment, which implies some insight among them. Moreo- GAD contributed to the interpretation and discussion of the findings
ver, the most severe patients were not recruited for ethical and revised the initial draft into a more general framework. All authors
reasons. The sample cannot be considered completely repre- read and approved the final manuscript.
sentative of the population from which it was drawn. All but
Funding Open access funding provided by Università degli Studi
one patient were women. Therefore it cannot be assured that di Torino within the CRUI-CARE Agreement. Open access funding
the findings will hold in male patients with AN. provided by Università degli Studi di Torino within the CRUI-CARE
Agreement. This research was performed as a part of the institutional
activity of the units, with no specific funding. All expenses, including
What is already known on this subject? salaries of the investigators, were covered by public research funds
assigned to the units.
Insight and intensity of beliefs about weight and body con- Data availability The corresponding author had full access to all the
cerns influence adherence to treatment and outcome in data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data
patients with AN [15, 19, 23]. The NBS has been devised to and the accuracy of data analysis. Data sharing is not applicable since
measure intensity of beliefs in patients with obsessive–com- consent to publish was for aggregated data only.
pulsive disorder as a proxy of insight [27]. NBS was proved Code availability Standard codes were used in the analysis. Sample
to be applied to patients with psychosis, too, a popula- codes will be shared upon demand.
tion with difficulties in achieving awareness of illness and
insight about it [30]. Overall, the NBS is an agile tool that Declarations
can be applied in the short term with adequate reliability,
Ethics approval and consent to participate This study was performed
a clear advantage in patients that may be challenging to be in line with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Local ethics
evaluated. committee approved the study.
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