SDLC - Assignment Brief - CSD 12 & 13

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Assignment Brief (RQF)

Higher National Diploma in Computing

Course Tittle Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Computing

Unit Number and Title: Unit 9: Software Development Lifecycles

Assignment Title Planning a System

Name of the Learner

Ref. No. of the Learner Pearson Regd. No.

Assignment Number (All Learning outcomes) Batch No & Semester CSD 12, 13

Issue Date 22 March 2023 Submission Date 22 April 2023

Re-submission Date Date Received 1st submission

Unit Assessor: Mr. Mohamed Ishraque Academic Year 2022/2023

Assessor Summative Feedback

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback - Formative

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date

Internal Verifier’s Comments

Signature of the IV Date

Student Agreement:
Student Signature
I understand the feedback given to me and agree to carry out the actions in
future works as required and indicated. Date

Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has
taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

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Student name: Assessor name:

Issue date: Submission date: Submitted on:



Assignment number and title:

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the rules,
however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing

practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully

detailed notes of all your sources of materials for material you have used in your work, including any material

downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further


Student Declaration

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism.

I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Date:

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Assignment Task Submission Format

1 Part 1 Report

2 Part 2 Report

Part 3.1 Report

Part 3.2 Report

Part 4.1 Report

Part 4.2 Report

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Assignment Evidence Formative Comments Date
P1 Report

P2 Report
M1 Report

D1 Report

P3 Report

P4 Report
M2 Report

D2 Report

P5 Report

P6 Report

03 M3 Report

M4 Report

D3 Report

P7 Report

M5 Report
M6 Report

D4 Report

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Higher National
Programme: Student Name: Unit Grade:
Diploma in Computing
9: SDLC Assessment
Unit 2022/2023
Unit Complettion
Assessor Name K. Mohamed Ishraque IV Signature [email protected]

Date Hand In
Assignment Formative Resubmission
Learning Objectives Criteria Targeted Issued(soft Date(Soft
No. & Title Feedback Date*
Copy) Copy)

LO1 Describe P1
different software P2 22 29
development M1 March March
lifecycles D1 2023 2023

LO2 Explain the
P4 22 05
2 importance of a
M2 March April
feasibility study
D2 2023 2023

LO3 Undertake a
M3 22 12
3 software
M4 March April
development lifecycle
D3 2023 2023

LO4 Discuss the P7

suitability of software M5 22 19
behavioral design M6 March April
techniques. D4 2023 2023

* Resubmissions must be approved by the Assessment Board

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Assignment Grading Assessor

Summative Comments
No. Criteria Signature
















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Higher Nationals in
Unit 9: Software Development Lifecycles

Assignment Brief Number: 1, 2

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Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing

Assignment Brief
Student Name/ID Number
Unit Number and Title 9: Software Development Lifecycles
Academic Year 2022/2023
Unit Tutor Mr. Mohamed Ishraque
Assignment Title Planning a System
Issue Date 22 March 2023
22 April 2023
Submission Date

IV Name & Date Mr. Mohamed Nizzad- 17 Nov 2022

Submission Format
The submission is in the form of two documents:
Part 1: A feasibility study (saved in either a Microsoft® Word® or PDF format).

Part 2: A SDLC Recommendation Report (saved in either a Microsoft® Word® or PDF


You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as
appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system.

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Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Describe different software development lifecycles.
LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study
Assignment Brief and Guidance
Hospital are the essential part of our lives, providing best medical facilities to people suffering
from various ailments. It is necessary for the hospitals to keep track of its day-to-day activities &

records of its patients, doctors, nurses, ward boys and other staff personals that keep the hospital
running smoothly & successfully.

But keeping track of all the activities and their records on paper is very complicated and
unreliable. It also is very inefficient and a time-consuming process Observing the continuous

increase in population and number of people visiting the hospital. Recording and maintaining all
these records is highly unreliable and inefficient. It is also a high cost to maintain these records

on paper. Thus keeping the working of the manual system the management decided to
implement an automated version of the manual system, named as “Hospital Management

System”. This project also covers various features like it maintains different levels of users
Maintaining Patient details, Providing Prescription, Precautions and Diet advice, Providing and

maintaining all kinds of tests for a patient, and Billing and Report generation. The system also
should provide excellent security of data at every level of user-system interaction and also should

provide robust & reliable storage and backup facilities.

Part 1
You will need to provide the following material as a written report:
1. Explain on SDLC, stages, models and describe two iterative and two sequential
software life cycle models.
2. Explain the spiral model and how risks is managed in the spiral lifecycle model.
3. Identify a suitable SDLC model for development of the System according to the
assessment and justify why it is appropriate with an example.
4. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of applying the Waterfall lifecycle model
to a large scale software development project.

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Part 2
You will need to prepare a feasibility study that includes the following:

1. Explain the purpose of feasibility study report.

2. Analysis of software needs using requirement gathering techniques, e.g. interviews,

observation, investigation of documentation, questionnaires, and focus groups.

3. Prepare a detailed account of feasibility criteria and constraints, e.g. legal, social,

economic, technical, timescales and organizational constraints also identification, evaluation

and recommendation of solutions, with justification.
Note: The feasibility study report format has been attached.

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Describe different software development lifecycles

P1 Describe two iterative and M1 Describe, with an example, D1 Assess the merits of
two sequential software why a particular lifecycle applying the Waterfall lifecycle
lifecycle models. model is selected for a model to a large software
development project.
development environment
P2 Explain how risk is managed
in the Spiral lifecycle model

LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study

P3 Explain the purpose of a M2 Discuss the components D2 Assess the impact of

feasibility report. of a feasibility report. different feasibility criteria on a
software investigation

P4 Describe how technical

solutions can be compared

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Higher Nationals in
Unit 9: Software Development


Assignment Brief Number: 3, 4

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Higher National Certificate/Diploma in

Assignment Brief
Student Name/ID Number
Unit Number and Title 9: Software Development Life Cycles
Academic Year 2022/ 2023
Unit Tutor Mr. Mohamed Ishraque

Assignment Title Hospital Management System

Issue Date 22 March 2023
22 April 2023
Submission Date

IV Name & Date Mr. Mohamed Nizzad - 17 Nov 2022

Submission Format
The submission is in the form of two documents:
Part 1: IEEE SRS Standard Report filled and completed, with supportive document
containing DFD diagrams using Microsoft Visio

Part 2: A Critical Evaluation Report (saved in either a Microsoft® Word® or PDF format),
1000 to 1500 words.

Part 3: Mapping Table and Report (saved in either a Microsoft® Word® or PDF format)
– No word count

Part 4: A Report on Finite State Machines (saved in either a Microsoft® Word® or PDF
format), 1000 to 1500 words.

You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as
appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system.

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Unit Learning Outcomes
LO3 Undertake a software development lifecycle
LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioural design techniques.
Assignment Brief and Guidance
Hospital are the essential part of our lives, providing best medical facilities to people suffering
from various ailments. It is necessary for the hospitals to keep track of its day-to-day activities &

records of its patients, doctors, nurses, ward boys and other staff personals that keep the hospital
running smoothly & successfully.

But keeping track of all the activities and their records on paper is very complicated and unreliable.
It also is very inefficient and a time-consuming process Observing the continuous increase in

population and number of people visiting the hospital. Recording and maintaining all these
records is highly unreliable and inefficient. It is also a high cost to maintain these records on paper.

Thus keeping the working of the manual system the management decided to implement an
automated version of the manual system, named as “Hospital Management System”. This project

also covers various features like it maintains different levels of users Maintaining Patient details,
Providing Prescription, Precautions and Diet advice, Providing and maintaining all kinds of tests

for a patient, and Billing and Report generation. The system also should provide excellent security
of data at every level of user-system interaction and also should provide robust & reliable storage

and backup facilities.

Part 3.1
You must create a system specifications report that will investigate a business need and use
appropriate software tools and techniques to carry out the investigation. The final report must
document these needs in manner understandable by various individuals throughout a system
development lifecycle (project manager, team lead, testers etc.)
A DFD Diagram for Context and Level 1 is a must, level 2 may be described where the feature
requires further detailing and explanation, and describe Use case Diagram, Activity Diagram,
Class Diagram & ER Diagram for Maintaining Patient details.

An SRS IEEE Template is provided to you as a software copy distribution, you must follow
them same format and structure

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Part 3.2
Critically evaluate software quality improvements and how the use of function design paradigms in the
software development life cycle improves software quality, in a report ranging from 500 to 1000 words.

Part 4.1
Explain how the user and software requirements have been addressed using a requirement
mapping table, take two requirements from the specification map and explain their behaviour
with an example You must justify how data driven models can improve the reliability and
effectiveness of software, include all in a report (no word count)
Part 4.2
Finite State Machines are models that create defined states of outcomes, whereas Extended
FSM create multiple options with unplanned outcomes, which are handled
Write a report ranging from 1000 to 1500 about the differences of FSM and Extended FSM

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO3 Undertake a software development lifecycle

P5 Undertake a software M3 Analyze how software D3 Critically evaluate

investigation to meet a requirements can be how the use of the
business need. traced throughout the function design paradigm
in the software
P6 Use appropriate software lifecycle.
development lifecycle can
software analysis improve software quality.
tools/techniques to carry M4 Discuss two
out a software approaches to improving
investigation and create software quality.

LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioral design techniques

P7 Explain how user and M5 Suggest two software D4 Present justifications

software requirements behavioral specification of how data driven
have been addressed. methods and illustrate software can improve the
reliability and
their use with an
effectiveness of software.

M6 Differentiate between
a finite state machines
(FSM) and an extended-
FSM, providing an
application for both.

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