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Chapter 2

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Chapter - 2

Thermodynamic Properties of Pure substance

Learning objectives
• By the end of this chapter you will be able to:
• Define pure substance and phase of a pure substance.
• Explain phase change process using property diagrams.
• Use steam table to get property values at different regions of phase change
• Differentiate ideal gases from real gases.
• Used ideal gas equation of state to determine unknown properties.
• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of ideal gas equation of state and
other equations of states.

What is pure substance?
• A substance that has a fixed chemical composition throughout is
called a pure substance.
• Chemical elements and compounds are pure substances.
• A mixture of various chemical elements or compounds also qualifies as a pure
substance as long as the mixture is homogeneous.
• A mixture of two or more phases of a pure substance is still a pure substance
as long as the chemical composition of all phases is the same.

A mixture of liquid and gaseous water is a

pure substance, but a mixture of liquid and
gaseous air is not.
Phases of a pure substance
• A phase is identified as having a distinct molecular arrangement
that is homogeneous throughout and separated from the others by
easily identifiable boundary surfaces.
• The two phases of H2O in iced water represent a good example of this.
• There are three principal phases; solid, liquid, and gas.
• A substance may have several phases within a principal phase, each
with a different molecular structure.
• For example, Carbon, may exist as graphite or diamond in the solid phase.
• Helium has two liquid phases.
• Iron has three solid phases.
• Ice may exist at seven different phases at high pressures.

Phase of a pure substance

Solids Liquids Gases

• Strong intermolecular bonds • weakest intermolecular

• Molecules closely packed and • groups of molecules forces
arranged in a lattice. move about each other. • No molecular order exist.
• Molecules oscillate about • Intermolecular forces are • Collusion is the only mode of
equilibrium position. weaker than solids but interaction.
• Oscillation velocity increase stronger than gases. • Are relatively at higher
with temperature. energy level.

Phase change process
• There are many practical situations where two phases of a pure
substance coexist in equilibrium.
• Water exists as a mixture of liquid and vapor in the boiler and the condenser
of a steam power plant.
• The refrigerant turns from liquid to vapor in the freezer of a refrigerator.
• As a familiar substance, water is used to demonstrate the basic
principles involved.
• Remember, however, that all pure substances exhibit the same
general behavior.

Phase change process
Compressed liquid / Subcooled liquid

1 • Water exist in liquid form and

when a slight amount of heat is
added, the water wont vaporise.
• As the temperature rises, the
liquid water expands slightly, and
so its specific volume increases.
• As more heat is transferred, the
temperature keeps rising until it
reaches 100°C
At 1 atm and 20°C, water exists
in the liquid phase (compressed
liquid) 7
Phase change process
Saturated Liquid

2 • At this point water is still a liquid,

but any heat addition will cause
some of the liquid to vaporize.
• That is, a phase-change process
from liquid to vapor is about to
take place.
• A liquid that is about to vaporize
is called a saturated liquid.

At 1 atm pressure and 100°C, water

exists as a liquid that is ready to
vaporize (saturated liquid). 8
Phase change process
Saturated Liquid-Vapor mixture

3 • Once boiling starts, the

temperature stops rising until the
liquid is completely vaporized.
• During a boiling process, the only
change we will observe is a large
increase in the volume and a
steady decline in the liquid level
as a result of more liquid turning
to vapor.
As more heat is transferred, part of
the saturated liquid vaporizes
(saturated liquid–vapor mixture) 9
Phase change process
Saturated Vapor

4 • At this point all the liquid is

converted in to vapor at
atmospheric pressure and 100°C.
• If a slight heat is lost then the
vapor will start condensing.
• A vapor that is about to
condense is called a saturated

At 1 atm pressure, the temperature

remains constant at 100°C until the last
drop of liquid is vaporized (saturated vapor) 10
Phase change process
Superheated Vapor

5 • Once the phase-change process

is completed, we are back to a
single phase region again (this
time vapor), and further transfer
of heat results in an increase in
both the temperature and the
specific volume.
• A vapor that is not about to
condense (i.e., not a saturated
vapor) is called a superheated
As more heat is transferred, the
temperature of the vapor starts to
rise (superheated vapor) 11
Fig. T-v diagram of a constant pressure heating process of water
latent heat
• It is the amount of energy absorbed or released during a phase-
change process.
• latent heat of fusion: energy absorbed during melting / energy
released during freezing.
• latent heat of vaporization: energy absorbed during vaporization
/energy released during condensation.
• The magnitudes of the latent heats depend on the temperature or
pressure at which the phase change occurs.

Saturation temperature and saturation
• The temperature at which water starts boiling depends on the
pressure; therefore, if the pressure is fixed, so is the boiling
• At a given pressure, the temperature at which a pure substance
changes phase is called the saturation temperature Tsat.
• at a given temperature, the pressure at which a pure substance
changes phase is called the saturation pressure Psat.

Saturation temperature and saturation
• Tsat increases with Psat. Thus, a substance at
higher pressures boils at higher temperatures.

The liquid–vapor saturation curve of a pure substance

Consequences of Tsat and Psat Dependence
• It allows us to control the boiling temperature of a substance by
simply controlling the pressure. Example;

• In science studies such as superconductivity

and cryogenic application.
• The boiling temperature of nitrogen at
atmospheric pressure is −196°C
• Any heat transfer from the environment to the
test section is absorbed by the nitrogen, which
evaporates isothermally and keeps the test
chamber temperature constant at −196°C.
Consequences of Tsat and Psat Dependence
• vacuum cooling

• Based on reducing the pressure of the

sealed cooling chamber to the
saturation pressure at the desired low
temperature and evaporating some
water from the products to be cooled.
• Its expensive and fast cooling which is
more desirable for products with
larger surface area to mass ratio like
lettuce and spinach.
Vacuum freezing 17
Property diagrams for phase-change
• The variations of properties during phase-change processes are best
studied and understood with the help of property diagrams.
The T-v Diagram
• Adding weight on top of the piston
rises the pressure which is
accompanied by :
• State 1: smaller specific volume
• State 2: elevated saturation
temperature and increased
specific volume
The T-v Diagram
• State 3: shorter line connecting the saturated states.
• State 4: lesser specific volume.
• State 5: lesser specific volume for the same temperature value.
• As we keep increasing the pressure the line connecting the saturated
liquid and saturated vapor shorten and become a point; which is
called critical point.
• At critical point the saturated liquid and saturated vapor are identical.
• At critical point we have critical properties; such as critical pressure,
critical temperature, critical specific volume etc…

The T-v Diagram
• At supercritical pressures (P > Pcr), there is
no distinct phase-change (boiling) process.
• there is no line that separates the compressed
liquid region and the superheated vapor region.
• Its considered as superheated vapor at
temperatures above critical temperature and
compressed liquid at temperatures lower than
critical temperature.
• A saturation dome is formed connecting all
the saturated liquid and saturated vapor
points .
The T-v Diagram

The P-v Diagram
• Its much like that of T-v diagram except the constant
temperature line has a downward trend.
• Consider a compressed liquid at 1 MPa and 150℃.
• As mass is removed gradually the pressure reduced.
• To keep the temperature constant, the water exchange
heat with the environment.
• When the pressure reaches 0.4762MPa, the water starts
vaporizing. At this point we stop removing weight.
• During vaporization both pressure and temperature are
The P-v Diagram

The P-v Diagram
• It can be extended to include the solid phase.
• under some conditions all three phases of a pure substance coexist in
• On P-v or T-v diagrams, these triple-phase states form a line called the triple
• The states on the triple line of a substance have the same pressure and
temperature but different specific volumes.
• The triple line appears as a point on the P-T diagrams and, therefore, is often
called the triple point.
• For water, the triple-point temperature and pressure are 0.01°C and 0.6117
kPa, respectively.

The P-v Diagram

The P-v Diagram
• At triple point all the three phases coexist in equilibrium.
• No substance can exist in the liquid phase in stable equilibrium at
• 𝑃 < 𝑃𝑡𝑝 for all substances and
• 𝑇 < 𝑇𝑡𝑝 for substance that contract during freeing.
• substances at high pressures can exist in the liquid phase at
temperatures below the triple-point temperature.
• water cannot exist in liquid form in equilibrium at atmospheric pressure at
temperatures below 0°C, but it can exist as a liquid at −20°C at 200 MPa
• Passing from the solid phase directly into the vapor phase is called
• occurs at pressures below the triple point value, since a pure substance cannot
exist in the liquid phase at those pressures.

The P-T Diagram
• This diagram is often called the phase diagram since all three phases
are separated from each other by three lines.
• The sublimation line separates the solid and vapor regions.
• The vaporization line separates the liquid and vapor regions and
• The melting (or fusion) line separates the solid and liquid regions.
• These three lines meet at the triple point, where all three phases coexist in
• The vaporization line ends at the critical point because no distinction can be
made between liquid and vapor phases above the critical point.
• Substances that expand and contract on freezing differ only in the melting line
on the P-T diagram.

The P-v-T Surface
• we can represent the P-v-T behavior of a substance as a surface in
• Here T and v may be viewed as the independent variables (the base)
and P as the dependent variable (the height).
• All the points on the surface represent equilibrium states. All states
along the path of a quasi-equilibrium process lie on the P-v-T surface
since such a process must pass through equilibrium states.
• All the two-dimensional diagrams we have discussed so far are merely
projections of this three-dimensional surface onto the appropriate
P-v-T surface of a substance that P-v-T surface of a substance that
contracts on freezing. expands on freezing (like water).

Property tables
• the relationships among thermodynamic properties are too complex
to be expressed by simple equations.
• Some properties can be measured and others can be calculated and
found by some relations.
• The results of these measurements and calculations are presented in
tables in a convenient format.
• the steam tables are used to demonstrate the use of thermodynamic
property tables.
• Before we get into the discussion of property tables, we define a new
property called enthalpy.

• It’s a combination property, most often in
analysis of certain types of process (in power
generation and refrigeration) we encounter
with internal energy (u) and Pv.
• Grouping them simplifies the equation and the
summation of the two is called enthalpy (h).
ℎ = 𝑢 + 𝑃𝑣 (kJ/kg)

H = 𝑈 + 𝑃𝑉 (kJ)

Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor States
• The subscript f is used to denote
properties of a saturated liquid and the
subscript g to denote the properties of
saturated vapor.
• The subscript commonly used is fg, which
denotes the difference between the
saturated vapor and saturated liquid
values of the same property.
• 𝑣𝑓 = specific volume of saturated liquid
• 𝑣𝑔 = specific volume of saturated vapor
• 𝑣𝑓𝑔 = 𝑣𝑔 − 𝑣𝑓
• ℎ𝑓𝑔 represent the enthalpy of
vaporization / latent heat of vaporization 33
Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor States
• Examples
1. A rigid tank contains 50 kg of saturated liquid water at 90°C.
Determine the pressure in the tank and the volume of the tank.
2. A mass of 200 g of saturated liquid water is completely vaporized at
a constant pressure of 100 kPa. Determine (a) the volume change
and (b) the amount of energy transferred to the water.

Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture
• we need to know the proportions of the liquid and vapor phases in
the mixture.
• This is done by defining a new property called the quality x as the
ratio of the mass of vapor to the total mass of the mixture:
•𝑥= where; 𝑚𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑚𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑟 + 𝑚𝑙𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑
• Quality has significance for saturated mixtures only.
• Its value is between 0 (saturated liquid) and 1 (saturated vapor).
• A saturated mixture can be treated as a combination of two

Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture
• Consider a tank that contains a saturated liquid–vapor mixture. The
volume occupied by saturated liquid is Vf , and the volume occupied
by saturated vapor is Vg. The total volume V is the sum of the two:

Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture
• For others also

More generally
Where y can be; u , h, or v

Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture
• Example:
1. A rigid tank contains 10 kg of water at 90°C. If 8 kg of the water is in the liquid
form and the rest is in the vapor form, determine (a) the pressure in the tank
and (b) the volume of the tank.
2. A 0.08 m3 vessel contains 4 kg of refrigerant-134a at a pressure of 160 kPa.
Determine (a) the temperature, (b) the quality, (c) the enthalpy of the
refrigerant, and (d) the volume occupied by the vapor phase.

Superheated Vapor
• We have superheated region to the right side of saturated vapor line
and also above critical temperature.
• Since we have single phase temperature and pressure are
• Compered to saturated vapor, this region is characterised by:
• Lower pressures (P < Psat at a given T )
• Higher temperatures (T > Tsat at a given P)
• Higher specific volumes (v > vg at a given P or T)
• Higher internal energies (u > ug at a given P or T )
• Higher enthalpies (h > hg at a given P or T)

Superheated Vapor
• Example :
1. Determine the temperature of water at a state of P = 0.5 MPa and h
= 2890 kJ/kg.

Compressed Liquid
• Compressed liquid tables are not as commonly available.
• They are very much like the format of the superheated vapor tables.
• Variation of properties of compressed liquid with pressure is very
• In the absence of compressed liquid data, a general approximation is
to treat compressed liquid as saturated liquid at the given
• 𝑦 ≅ 𝑦𝑓@𝑇 where y is v, h, u
• Form the three; v, u and h, enthalpy (h) is sensitive to pressure
Compressed Liquid
• Instead of taking hf for low to moderate pressures and temperatures,
• ℎ ≅ ℎ𝑓@𝑇 + 𝑣@𝑇 𝑃 − 𝑃𝑠𝑎𝑡@𝑇
• In general, a compressed liquid is characterized by;
• Higher pressures (P > Psat at a given T )
• Lower temperatures (T < Tsat at a given P)
• Lower specific volumes (v < vf at a given P or T)
• Lower internal energies (u < uf at a given P or T )
• Lower enthalpies (h < hf at a given P or T )

Compressed Liquid
• Example:
1. Determine the internal energy of compressed liquid water at 80°C
and 5 MPa, using (a) data from the compressed liquid table and (b)
saturated liquid data. What is the error involved in the second case?

Reference state and reference values
• The properties u, h and s can not be measured directly and obtained
by property relations.
• But the property relations give the change in properties (u, h and s)
not their values at a point.
• Therefore, we need to choose a convenient reference state and assign
a value of zero for a convenient property or properties at that state.
• For example for water the state of saturated liquid at 0.01℃ is taken as
reference state and at this state (𝑢 = ℎ = 𝑠 = 0)
• For refrigerant 134a the reference state is saturated liquid at −40℃.
• some properties may have negative values as a result of the reference state


The ideal gas equation of state
• Property tables give accurate information about properties of a
system but they are bulky and prone to typographic error.
• It is desirable to have some relation among properties which is
general and accurate.
• Any equation that relates the pressure, temperature, and specific
volume of a substance is called an equation of state.
• The simplest and best-known equation of state for substances in the
gas phase is the ideal-gas equation of state.
• This equation predicts the P-v-T behavior of a gas quite accurately
within some properly selected region.

The ideal gas equation of state
• The ideal gas equation of state is given by;
𝑃𝑣 = 𝑅𝑇
• Where : P is the absolute pressure in (KPa)
• v is the specific volume in (m3/kg)
• T is absolute temperature in (K)
• R is a gas constant in (kJ/kg.K)
• R is different for different gases and its obtained by:
Where Ru is the universal gas constant and M is the molar mass

The ideal gas equation of state
• molar mass M can simply be defined as the mass of one mole.
• For example; when we say the molar mass of nitrogen is 28, it simply means
the mass of 1 kmol of nitrogen is 28 kg; or 1gmol of nitrogen is 28 g.
• The mass of a system is equal to the product of its molar mass M and
the mole number N;
• 𝑚 = 𝑁𝑀 (Kg)
• The ideal-gas equation of state can be written in several different
• 𝑃𝑉 = 𝑚𝑅𝑇
• 𝑃𝑉 = 𝑁𝑅𝑢 𝑇
• 𝑃𝑣ҧ = 𝑅𝑢 𝑇

The ideal gas equation of state
• For a fixed mass writing the ideal gas equation twice at two states :
𝑃1 𝑉1 𝑃2 𝑉2
• =
𝑇1 𝑇2
• An ideal gas is an imaginary substance that obeys the ideal gas
• Real gases behave as ideal gas at lower density, i.e at lower pressure
and higher temperature.
• Dense gases such as water vapor in steam power plants and
refrigerant vapor in refrigerators, however, should not be treated as
ideal gases, instead property tables are used.
At lower pressures below 10 kPa water
vapour can be treated as an ideal gas
regardless of temperature with
negligible error.

The ideal gas equation of state
• Example:
1. The gage pressure of an automobile tire is measured to be 210 kPa
before a trip and 220 kPa after the trip at a location where the
atmospheric pressure is 95 kPa. Assuming the volume of the tire
remains constant and the air temperature before the trip is 25°C,
determine air temperature in the tire after the trip.

Compressibility factor Z
• Gases deviate from ideal-gas behavior significantly at states near the
saturation region and the critical point.
• This deviation from ideal-gas behavior at a given temperature and
pressure can accurately be accounted for by the introduction of a
correction factor called the compressibility factor Z.
• 𝑍= ------------------------ 𝑃𝑣 = 𝑍𝑅𝑇
• It can be also expressed as
𝑣 𝑅𝑇
• 𝑍 = 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 ; where is ; 𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 =
𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑃

Compressibility factor Z
• Gases behave very much the same at temperatures and pressures
normalized with respect to their critical temperatures and pressures
called reduced temperature and reduced pressure respectively.
• Reduced temperature : 𝑇𝑅 =
• Reduced pressure: 𝑃𝑅 =

• The Z factor for all gases is approximately the same at the same
reduced pressure and temperature. This is called the principle of
corresponding states.

Compressibility factor Z
• The following observations can be made from the generalized
compressibility chart.
• At very low pressures (PR << 1), gases behave as ideal gases regardless of
• At high temperatures (TR > 2), ideal-gas behavior can be assumed with good
accuracy regardless of pressure (except when PR >> 1)
• The deviation of a gas from ideal-gas behavior is greatest in the vicinity of the
critical point.

Compressibility factor Z
• When T and v or P and v are given instead of T and P the generalized
compressibility chart can still be used to determine the third property
(pseudo-reduced specific volume vR)
• 𝑣𝑅 = 𝑅𝑇𝑐𝑟

• Lines of constant vR are also added to the compressibility charts, and

this enables one to determine T or P.

• Example:
1. Determine the specific volume of refrigerant-134a at 1 MPa and
50°C, using (a) the ideal-gas equation of state and (b) the
generalized compressibility chart. Compare the values obtained to
the actual value of 0.021796 m3/kg and determine the error
involved in each case.

Other Equations of State
• Ideal gas equation of state is simple but with limited rage of
• It is desirable to have equations of state that represent the P-v-T
behavior of substances accurately over a larger region with no
• Such equations are naturally more complicated; several has been

van der Waals Equation of State
• Van der Waals equation improves the ideal gas equation by
considering the effects of intermolecular attraction forces and volume
occupied by the molecules themselves.
• 𝑃+ 𝑣 − 𝑏 = 𝑅𝑇
• The two constants a and b are determined at critical point of the substance,
where the intermolecular force is accounted by the term 2 and that of
volume occupied by molecules by 𝑏
• As the pressure increases, the volume occupied by the molecules becomes an
increasingly significant part of the total volume

van der Waals Equation of State
• The two constants are determined from the critical isotherm line;
which is horizontal at critical point, so

• Performing the differentiation and eliminating 𝑣𝑐𝑟

• Its desirable to express the constants a and b over wide range

instead of single point.

Beattie-Bridgeman Equation of State
• equation of state based on five experimentally determined constants.
It is expressed as

• Where

• The Beattie-Bridgeman equation is known to be reasonably accurate for

densities up to about 0.8ρcr.
• The constants appearing in this equation are given in Table 3–4 for various

Beattie-Bridgeman Equation of State

Benedict-Webb-Rubin Equation of State
• Extended version of Beattie-Bridgeman, have 8 constants.

• The values of the constants appearing in this equation are given in

Table 3–4.
• This equation can handle substances at densities up to about 2.5ρcr.

Virial Equation of State
• The equation of state of a substance can also be expressed in a series

• coefficients a(T), b(T), c(T), and so on, that are functions of temperature alone
are called virial coefficients.
• These coefficients can be determined experimentally or theoretically from
statistical mechanics.
• As pressure approaches zero, all the viral coefficients vanish and we remain
with the ideal gas equation.

• van der Waals: 2 constants. Accurate over a limited range.
• Beattie-Bridgeman: 5 constants. Accurate for ρ ≤ 0.8ρcr
• Benedict-Webb-Rubin: 8 constants. Accurate for ρ ≤ 2.5ρcr
• Strobridge: 16 constants. More suitable for computer calculations.
• Virial: may vary. Accuracy depends on the number of terms used.

• Example:
1. Predict the pressure of nitrogen gas at T = 175 K and v = 0.00375 m3 /kg
on the basis of (a) the ideal-gas equation of state, (b) the van der Waals
equation of state, (c) the Beattie-Bridgeman equation of state, and (d)
the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state. Compare the values
obtained to the experimentally determined value of 10,000 kPa.


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