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This is a study entitled “M.Ed. Level Students’ Beliefs and Practices on

Academic Writing for Their Career Development”. This chapter consists of
background of the study, statement of problem, objectives of the study,
research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and
operational definitions of the key terms.

1.1. Background of the Study

Writing is a skill that is required in many contexts throughout life. It is one of

the important skills of language which brings rigorousness and activeness to
the learners. Samanian and Roohani (2018) view that writing is a demanding,
complicated, and fundamental skill which is highly noticeable in the process of
learning a foreign language. Writing is a process where learners can develop
the range of academic writings. It has an essential role in human life. We need
to learn in order to write and share our thoughts, feelings, knowledge and ideas
as well as skills. Similarly, Dehghan and Chalak (2016) write that writing plays
a pivotal role in today’s contacts among the members of various discourse
communities all around the world.

Writing has been considered as an important part of successful learning in the

field of second and foreign language (L2) teaching and learning. It means
writing supports L2 learners to clarify their own thoughts and improve the
quality and quantity of their own learning. Similarly, learning to write is
considered as a complex skill for EFL students because various cognitive,
metacognitive, and linguistic processes are involved and students face
difficulty in planning their writing process, organizing, drafting, and revising
their writing (Mertens, 2010).

Moreover, Akkaya and Aydin (2018) write, “Academic writing is the process
of sharing original research with other scholars in accordance with certain
standard rules.” This process requires correctly the steps of scientific academic
writing. One of the most pivotal components to solidify thinking is academic
writing. They further write, “Academic writing is one of the steps of the
academic research process through which scientists report situations of
thinking, experience, observation, application / testing etc. as to the solution of
a scientific problem identified”. Academic writings are “written and printed”
reports (Day, 2005, p. 9) that describe “original research results”, “with a
strongly structured intellectual system” (Bayat, 2014, p. 157), that requires
“logic, clarity, truth” (Aceto, 2003, p. 8) to “inquire, render unknown, known,
and shed light on darkness” (Karasar, 2006, p. 22).

In the same way, Gillet, Hammond and Martala (2009) mention that in
academic writing, it is necessary to produce logically structured ideas with
well-thought out, verified points and to consider different opinions.
Furthermore, Monippally and Pawar (2010) opine, “What is common in all
categories of academic writing is that where the ideas are centralized and
people remain in the background, the author’s personal feelings play no role
what so ever in the presentation of ideas or insights.”

Career development is an on-going and life long process. It is directly

connected to and affected by the goals and objectives set out by the students.
Identity, values, competence, behaviour, and environment are the aspects of
career development. Students need to train themselves to get success in their
career path and develop different skills for their career advancement. After
learning the desired skills, they have to achieve the goals and targets set out by
themselves. Students’ effort and practice determines their development of
academic and professional career. Career development provides the framework
with Skills, goals, awareness, assessment and performance which helps the
students to move in the right direction and achieve the goals. Self-awareness,
decision making, planning, educational development plans, career awareness

exploration, and documentation are the components of career development
through which students can take help to develop their writings.

Moreover, academic writing is a process where one can develop his/her

professionalism through his /her own efforts. There are several areas, for
example, future professional career, academic career, community of practices,
professionalism, environment, identity and value. for students’ career
development but I focused on academic career and professionalism in this
study. While writing, students need to read related documents. Academic
writings help students to develop their ideas, knowledge, and skills for their
new creations of their own interest. Academic writing is a standard form of
writing. University level students’ seem not well familiar about how to manage
cohesion and cohesion, resources, evidence, reference, and students become
confused how and when to break up paragraph. Therefore, academic writing is
very challenging to develop career through academic writings. Though the
students need to know these all lacks while constructing academic writing, they
become unable to manage these factors because of many reasons. In this study,
career development means students’ academic and professional career
development that I focused on.

Academic writing builds up global identity of the students. It allows to convey

their understanding. Since, academic writing makes students practical, active
and helps them to broaden their knowledge, skills and ideas, I am interested in
research study on academic writing.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Writing is very important and rigorous skill. It does not only make students
able to express their ideas and knowledge critically but also help them how to
organize those ideas in cohesive and coherent way. Academic writing is seen as
complex intellectual activity. Academic writing is a means to communicate
where one can express his/her ideas by writing journal papers, articles,
workshops, and conferences.

Many researches have been carried out in the field of academic writing but
very rare researches have been carried out on career development through
academic writing.

Moreover, students are not up-to-date in the area of academic writing and their
career development. They do not have the culture of writing in these days.
Though the ability to write well is a crucial component of academic
achievement, the university level students lack these abilities because of
different problems i.e. lack of resources, internet, the supportive readers and so
on. Thus, to explore students’ perception on their academic writing, to know
their approaches and performance that they employ in their writing is very
crucial. Therefore, this study aimed to study the different perspectives of
students and to know the strategies for career development and challenges they
face while writing and how they perceive writing related issues such as their
difficulties in writing, roles of academic writing in career development,
attitudes towards writing, and themselves as a writer, have become the major
concerns of my study.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of my study were as follows:

i. To analyse students’ beliefs and practices on academic writing.

ii. To find out the strategies they adopt for career development.
iii. To explore the challenges they face in academic writing.
iv. To suggest some pedagogical implications.
1.4. Research questions

This study has addressed the following research questions:

i. What are the beliefs and practices of students on academic

ii. What are the strategies they adopt for career development?
iii. What sorts of challenges do they face in doing academic writing?
1.5. Significance of the Study

Academic writing is very important not only for the students but also the
researchers, academicians and scholars who want to update their knowledge,
skills, ideas, and status in this modern day-to-day life. Writing articles,
journals, or text books, etc. help researchers, writers or academicians to adjust
in this multicultural societies. Academic writing makes students up-to date. It
focuses on students’ beliefs, ideas, understanding power, attitudes, and views
about English academic writing that help in paying attention to their personal
theories and assumptions when talking about writing and development of
writing. Academic writing explores students’ belief of what experience may
bring progress to their writing (Xiaohao Ma, 2018).

Similarly, Clarence (2012 as cited in Drennan, 2017) argued that writing is the
part of a contested social space where writing itself is the part of negotiating
and constituting that space. In this regards, academic writing is the means to
communicate with colleagues and the language in journal papers, articles,
workshops and conferences. Writing enables human thoughts to become
visible, allows them to be developed, restricted, and modified, and helps new
ideas to be triggered (Fulwiler, 2002, p. 32).

This study will help those students/teachers who have involved in academic
writing. This will be also significant for all academicians who want to do
further research in the field of academic writing. It will be useful to disseminate
their researches. It will make students and teachers professionally aware. This
will also help the policy maker to conclude academic writing course as a path
of career development. It will be effective for the course designer in the sense
that academic writing suggests and teaches the professionals how to develop
their career. The curriculum development centers will also get benefits from the
study as it helps to produce good academicians, writers, and professionals.
Finally, this study will be significant for all related people who want to know
further about academic writing.

1.6. Delimitations of the Study

This study has the following delimitations which can be mentioned below:

i. The study was limited to the M.ed. level thesis group students of
Central Department of English Education.
ii. This study was based on narrative inquiry research design.
iii. Six students were the sample of this study.
iv. This study was based on in-depth interview with six M.ed. level
thesis students of English education at Tribhuvan University,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
v. Non-random purposive sampling strategy was used to select the
participants for this study.
1.7. Operational Definition of the Key Terms

The key terms that I used in my study have been defined below with their
contextual meaning:

Belief: Belief means assumptions, views, thoughts and feelings about the
academic writing.
Practices: Practices refer to students’ habit of writing articles, reference book,
journals and reports.
Academic Writing: Academic writing refers to the formal writing and
includes articles, reference book, journals, reports and assignment. Academic
writing develops our habits of writing and makes us habituate for further
research. One has to read the articles, newspaper article, and journals to
develop his/her capacity, knowledge, ideas and skills. Through the articles,
journals, we can establish good relationship internationally. Academic writing
for career development means to read, to write, to share and to reflect. While
writing, one should focus on consideration of originality, write clear arguments
and sentences with clear supporting details, maintain unity in writings and
consider the cohesive and coherent devices of the text.

Career Development: Career development refers to academic career and
professional career of university level thesis group students’.
University Level Students: University level students mean the students of
M.Ed. forth semester of central department of English education.


This section provides the information of previous research study and other
related literature of career development. This chapter includes the review of
related theoretical literature, review of the related empirical literature,
implications of the review of the study and conceptual framework.

2.1 Review of Related Theoretical Literature

Reviewing the related literature in the field of research seems very important
because it provides the researcher clear concept about the research work. It
helps to find out the gaps and problems to explore the new ideas from the
existing theories and findings. Moreover, it becomes the base for the researcher
to conceptualize the whole ideas in order to carry out the research in scientific
and systematic way. Thus, in order to carry out my research, I reviewed those
literatures which were related to my topic i.e. academic writing and career

2.1.1 Academic Writing

Writing is one of the essential and important resources/tools which include

several spaces in higher education. Drenna (2017) says, “The writing centre
serves as an intermediary between students and academic lecturers”. Similarly,
Xiaohao Ma (2018) views, “Academic writing as the written form of advanced
general English and related to it to certain surface features i.e. vocabulary,
grammar, text organization and the grammatical features like tense, voice and
sentence frames, as the key aspect of academic writing”. Furthermore, Luna
and Ortiz (2013) point out, “The importance of moving on from writing to
academic writing is due to our students’ necessity to be part of a very
competitive world in which people with excellent competence in all areas of
the language have better opportunities.” Likewise, Brian (2010) views that

academic writing is indeed vital for growth and the enhancement of important
skills to be able to lead a successful life after the completion of studies”.
Oshima and Hogue (2007, p. 3) define that academic writing in English is
probably different from academic writing in your native language. The words
and grammar and also the way of organizing ideas are probably different from
what you are used to.

Similarly, Rodríguez (2004) notes that academic writing is focused on higher

education students. In the same way, Bednar (n.d., cited in Robayo Luna &
Herrnandez Ortiz, 2013) defines academic writing as formal writing that
implies great effort to construct coherent and well argumented texts whose
production is difficult for the writer, but easier for the reader. Likewise, Jordan
(1998 as cited in Rodríguez, 2004, p. 19) says, “Academic writing
encompasses a range of approaches and types of practice for it that requires
various techniques to train student writers”.

Moreover, Rose (1985) proposes, “Writing as a discipline requires a complete,

active, struggling engagement with the facts and principles of a discipline.”
Similarly, According to Arkoudis and Tran (2007), “academic writing as a
form of thinking is fundamental for academic success of the international
students”. In this regards, Hyland (2007 cited in Singh, 2015) also highlights
that as a form of thinking especially in tertiary literacy, students’ ability in
sustaining arguments and synthesizing ideas to write in English for academic
purposes is crucial for academic success.

Likewise, Akcaoglu (2011) argues:

Academic writing is an essential component of a successful

academic career; however, the number of graduates who are

blamed for being unprepared for the academic writing tasks in the

universities is rapidly increasing. One of the reasons for this is

the amount of knowledge related to the processes regarding the

needs and perceptions of graduate students through which

students acquire the academic writing skills to achieve success is

very little (p. 4).

Thus, academic writing is the proper and formal means of presenting the
researched works and other technical uses of the language. Academic writing is
a core or fundamental part because it gives the way to build up career.
It helps learners to develop their potentiality towards professionalism. Writing
articles and journals encourages students to broaden their knowledge, skills and
ideas. It gives new knowledge and helps us for selection and promotion of the
career. Therefore, students need to develop academic writings in day- to-day
life for their career. It updates the recent ideas, knowledge, and skills as well
as builds up global identities all over the world. But while talking about the
challenges, students face a lot of problems due to the lack of supportive
resources, not getting support from intuitions, readers, limited textbooks in the
library, not available internet resources, reference, lack of evidence, students
become confused how and when to break up the paragraph, lack of cohesion
and cohesion, topic sentences, building objectives and other methodology.

2.1.2 Types of Academic Writing

Academic writing is a very good source of gaining different ideas and

knowledge on certain topic and to be the professional one. Academic writing
refers to all writing which is created for the purpose of study (Chin, Koizumi,
Reid, Wray & Yamazaki, 2012). All university students are especially
evaluated on the basis of their writing, so writing is an essential for students’
academic success. In this regards, Listyani (2018) opines;

In academic writing, students will learn about the fundamentals

or a good argument. They learn how to find mistakes, fallacies, or

inconsistencies in others’ arguments, so that they will not be

easily deceived. They will also learn how to formulate their own

arguments and influence or persuade others to agree with their

opinions. Clear ideas in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation will

make students stay in a good, strong stance with consistency and

good reasoning. Elements graded in an academic essay are

generally the focus of the essay, organization, structure,

development, supports, elaboration, critical thinking, style, and

mechanics (p. 175).

The University of Sydney (2006) mentioned that there are mainly four

types of academic writing. They are descriptive, analytical, persuasive,

and critical. Each of these types of writing has specific language features

and purposes. These types have been discussed in brief below;

i. Descriptive: The simplest type of academic writing is descriptive. Its

purpose is to provide facts or information. For example, writing a
summary of an article or a report of the results of an experiment.
ii. Analytical: Most academic writing is analytical. Analytical writing
includes descriptive writing, but we also re-organise the facts and
information that we describe into categories, groups, parts, types or
relationships. The kinds of instructions for an analytical writings
include: analyse, compare, contrast, relate, examine.
iii. Persuasive: In most academic writing, we are required to go at least one
step further than analytical writing in persuasive writing. Persuasive
writing has all the features of analytical writing, i. e. information plus
re-organising the information with the addition of our own point of

view. For example, most essays are persuasive, and there is a
persuasive element in at least the discussion and conclusion of a
research article.
iv. Critical: Critical writing is common for research, postgraduate and
advanced undergraduate writing. It has all the features of persuasive
writing with the added feature of at least one other point of view. While
persuasive writing requires us to have our own point of view on an issue
or topic, critical writing requires us to consider at least two points of
view, including our own. For example, we may explain a researcher's
interpretation or argument and then evaluate the merits of the argument,
or give our own alternative interpretation.

2.1.3 Characteristics of Academic Writing

Academic writing develops our habits of writing and makes us habituate for
further research. We cannot develop anything without writing. So, we have to
read the articles, newspaper article, and journals to develop our capacity,
knowledge, ideas and skills. Through the articles, journals, we can establish
good relationship internationally. Therefore, we write it to share our
experiences around the world. Academic writing makes us professionally grow.
It is a part of life in this modern day. Moreover, Academic writing for career
development means to read, to write, to share and to reflect. Writing journals
articles are for upgrading our ideas, knowledge and skills. Due to the limited
textbooks, e-library, online sites, access on ICT, multimedia, projects
supporting teacher to upgrades ICT skills for communication career
development. Likewise, Listuani (2018), writing is an activity which involves a
number of things to be mastered, namely lexical and grammatical knowledge,
coherence, cohesion, and mechanics. Kim (2017) writes, “In general, good
writing should exhibit the following characteristics”:

i. Originality: While doing academic writing, students should be

conscious about the originality of their writing.

ii. Clear arguments and sentences: As we know, academic writing is
full of clear arguments and standard form of sentences, students, while
writing thesis, journal articles, reference book, etc. should be more
careful about clear arguments and sentences.
iii. Clear supporting details: Writing becomes clear and comprehensive
to the readers when there is the use of clear supporting details.
iv. Unity: Unity is one of the most important characteristics of academic
writing. When our writing lacks unity, then it becomes vague for the
readers to understand. So, while doing academic writing, students
should focus on this characteristic of academic writing.
v. Appropriate style: Academic writing should be based on the
appropriate style offered by any particular institution.
vi. Use of correct grammar and appropriate vocabulary: It is
important to make writing standard, comprehensive and weighty. So,
academician should be conscious about the appropriate use of grammar
and vocabulary.
vii. Conciseness: Academic writing should not be exaggerated. It should
be short and sweet with appropriate information.

Thus, while writing, we should focus on aforementioned characteristics. The

writers should take consideration of originality, write clear arguments and
sentences with clear supporting details, maintain unity in writings and consider
the cohesive and coherent devices of the text.

2.1.4 Principles of Academic Writing

Whitaker (2009) has given the following Principles of academic writing:

i. Clear Purpose. This principle believes that there is certain reason and
purpose behind writing. The most common purposes in academic writing
are to persuade, analyse, synthesize, and inform. According to this
principle, writing has the following purposes;

a. Persuasive purpose: In persuasive academic writing, the
purpose is to get our readers to adopt our answer to the question.
So, we will choose one answer to our question, support our
answer using reason and evidence, and try to change the readers’
point of view about the topic. Persuasive writing assignments
include argumentative and position papers.
b. Analytical purpose: In analytical academic writing, the purpose
is to explain and evaluate possible answers to our question,
choosing the best answer(s) based on our own criteria. Analytical
assignments often investigate causes, examine effects, evaluate
effectiveness, assess ways to solve problems, find the
relationships between various ideas, or analyse other people’s
arguments. The synthesis part of the purpose comes in when we
put together all the parts and come up with our own answer to the
question. Examples of these assignments include analysis papers
and critical analyses.
c. Informative purpose: In informative academic writing, the
purpose is to explain possible answers to our question, giving the
readers new information about our topic. This differs from an
analytical topic in that we do not push our viewpoint on the
readers, but rather try to enlarge the readers’ view.
ii. Audience Engagement: As with all writing, academic writing is directed to
a specific audience in mind. Unless our instructor says otherwise, consider
our audience to be fellow students with the same level of knowledge as
ourselves. We have to engage the students with our ideas and catch their
interest with our writing style. Imagine that they are skeptical, so that we
must use the appropriate reasoning and evidence to convince them of our
iii. Clear Point of View: Academic writing, even that with an informative
purpose, is not just a list of facts or summaries of sources. Although we will
present other people’s ideas and research, the goal of our writing is to show

what we think about these things. Our writing will have and support our
own original idea about the interested topic.
iv. Single Focus: Every paragraph (even every sentence) in our writing
supports our writings. We should not include unnecessary, irrelevant,
unimportant, or contradictory information in it. It means we should focus on
single ideas to make our writing comprehensive and thematic one.
v. Logical Organization: Academic writing follows a standard
organizational pattern. For most of the academic writing, there is an
introduction, body, and conclusion. Each paragraph logically leads to the
next one. So, while writing, we should be strategically unique to organize
our writing in a suitable order.
a. The introduction catches the readers’ attention, provides
background information, and lets the reader know what to expect.
b. Body paragraphs support the writing. Each body paragraph has
one main point to support the writing, which is named in a topic
sentence. Each point is then supported in the paragraph with
logical reasoning and evidence. Each sentence connects to the
one before and after it. The readers do not have to work to find
the connection between ideas.
c. The conclusion summarizes the writing, main points and shows
the reader the significance of the writings.
vi. Strong Support: Each body paragraph should have sufficient and relevant
support for the writing and topic sentence. This support should consist of
facts, examples, description, personal experience, and expert opinions and
vii. Clear and Complete Explanations: This is very important for the writer,
we need to do all the work for the reader. The reader should not have to
think hard to understand our ideas, logic, or organization. English readers
expect everything to be done for them. Our thoughts and its processes
should be clearly and completely explained.

2.1.5 Process of Academic Writing

Writing articles and journals encourages students to broaden their knowledge,

skills and ideas. Academic writing gives new knowledge to the students and
helps them for selection and promotion of career and also help to implement
the new ideas. Therefore, students need to do academic writing in day- to-day
life for their career development. Different aspects and factors of academic
writing play important role to develop career. According to Mason, Harris and
Graham (2011as cited in Samanian & Roohani, 2018, p. 96), many students
struggle with the writing process as a complicated task because it requires the
simultaneous combination of several strategies and the application of various
mental resources. Writing has a very important place in sharing our knowledge,
ideas, and skills towards others. Academic writing plays a critical role in the
students’ career development. The writers need to understand the knowledge of
writing strategies and components of a text in order to use to shape and
organize the writing process for becoming successful. There is not a fix process
and fast rule for developing writing for career development. Normally, we need
to draft our ideas, review the literature, cite the sources, develop the new
concept, and see the gap. Oshima and Hogue (2007) mentioned the following
process of writing.
i. Prewriting
ii. Organizing
iii. Writing
iv. Polishing; revising and editing

In general, academic writers adopt the following writing process:

i. Choosing a topic
ii. Thinking
iii. Planning
iv. Writing
v. Revising
vi. Editing
vii. Proofreading

The above process of writing is not all in all. Writers can also adopt some other
process according to the nature of the subject matter and writing purpose.

2.1.6 Importance of Academic Writing

Academic writing always plays a large and central role for students’
career development. It is very important to have knowledge on academic
writing. Some of the importance of academic writing has been discussed

i. Academic writing teaches students to analyse:

Academic writing usually requires students to look at somebody else’s
work or ideas and then form an informed opinion on it. Students instead
of merely describing the work of other people, they have to think about
why it has been carried out and how it has been organized. It means
when they write or read any academic writing, they analyse it in terms
of many aspects.
ii. Academic writing allows students to convey their understanding:
When students learn about a complex subject at university, usually, it
becomes difficult for them to explain what they have understood when
they do academic writing. For example, articles, journals articles,
reference books, etc. give students the chance to explain what they have
learnt by using the correct terminology and styles to make the
information understood by others.

iii. Academic writing has a strong focus on technique and style:

Students learn about style and how to write articles, journal articles,
reference book, etc. in their academic careers. Many lecturers have
preferred styles or format of writing. Thus, academic writing forces
students to take these styles and techniques into consideration and create
a paper that will impress readers.

iv. Academic writing teaches students to think critically and
Like other importance of academic writing, this is also the one.
Academic writings help students to look at different ideas and research
from a different perspective. Students have to learn to analyse theories
from a number of different viewpoints and then make statements based
on what they understand. This is an extremely useful skill for students to
learn in their life. Academic writing also teaches students to be
objective while collecting the information and giving them in another

From the above importance, it can be said that academic writing is very
important for the students to improve their writing and career
development. Academic writing offers students to be known within the
country and across the world.

2.1.7 Aspects of Career Development

Career development is a life-long process of managing learning, work,

leisure and transitions in order to move towards a personally determined.
Every individual is responsible for their own career development.
However, they have to understand how important career development is. It
requires workforce to the continual changes. There are many aspects to
look at for career development. Regarding the aspects, Mukhina (2014)
mentioned that purpose, value, identity, environment, competence and
behaviour. are the important aspects of career development. Academic
writing is also one of the best ways to develop one’s career. It is closely
interrelated with the aspects of career development.

i. Purpose: Each and every work has its own purpose. To fulfil
the purpose, one has to connect him/her-self with different
activities such as making network with others, searching
resources, managing required things and so on. Academic

writing is also done for purpose determined by writers or
academicians. Similarly, to fulfil the purpose of writing articles,
journals, reference books, one has to gather new ideas by
reviewing the different literatures related to it.
ii. Value and Identity: Value and identity are essential aspects of
career development. Value and identity are the inter-related
terms which go side by side. One’s identity develops as a
consequence of the interplay between biological, psychological,
sociological and historical influences. Academic writing plays a
vital role in constructing and developing value and identity in
the sense that it establishes good relationship in the global
community through writers’ or academicians’ writings.
iii. Behaviour: Behaviour is the most focused aspect in any work.
It is a part of social and cultural phenomena. One’s value and
identity is determined by what type of character or behaviour
he/she has. If one has good character, he/she gets more
responsibilities as opportunities to work with others in his/her
own related field. So, behaviour is most in developing career.
Academic writing is not away from behavioural aspects such as
building rapport, speaking politely, consulting guides and so on.
A good character is praised and demanded everywhere in
academic works.
iv. Environment: Environment is a broad term. It includes all
activities, techniques, strategies of doing work and variables
around. It is such an aspect which creates a situation according
to the context of developing career professionally. In academic
writing, environment plays pivotal role to think freely and
deeply about the topic that one has determined.

Thus, value, identity, environment, behaviour and purpose are the essential
aspects of career development. Academic writing is also closely connected

to all these aspects of career development. One can be obviously good
writer or academician when he/she follows all these aspects in a connected
way in his/her works/writings.

2.1.8 Situation that Causes Anxiety in the Students’ Writing

Since, writing is systematic, rigorous and requires great efforts and conscious
thoughts, many writers avoid it. If they dare to write then they feel different
types of problems and anxieties because of different situations. It means their
writing get affected not only because it is systematic, rigorous but also because
of the audience, social and pragmatic context. In this regards, the University of
Texas Writing Center (2016 as cited in Holmes, Waterbury, Baltrinic & Davis,
2018) also writes that writing is also affected because of the following reasons.

i. Adapting to a new style of writing: Many writers feel difficulties and

anxieties while writing because they have to choose different styles for
different genres for different levels. They also feel difficulty in writing
because the same pattern of writing is not acceptable for different
organizations and audiences. For example, writing a research paper is
different from writing a reference book.
ii. Writing for a tough audience: Writers get more stressed and feel more
uncomfortable while writing for the tough audience instead of writing to
their colleagues and juniors. For example, we have to think more and
consider more about the cohesive and coherent devices in our writing
while writing to our professor. It happens so because they are more
critical and expertise in their field.
iii. Thinking about criticism received on writing in the past: writing is
not the things that are limited to anyone individual. It means our writing
is made for a large number of audiences. It is also the matter of getting
criticism from different readers. Thus, while writers writing the text
become more tensed of different criticism made by different experts and
novice readers

iv. Not clearly and completely understanding the writing: sometime, the
writers fall in dilemma about what to write or what not to write. They
feel anxiety and become unable to write properly because they don’t get
clear instructions from their supervisor.

Additionally, Cone (2016) assumed;

Writing anxiety may result from a variety of social and

academic factors. Students worry about class grades, paper

deadlines, fear of failure, life or social issues, a

competitive nature or pressure from significant others to

be a high achiever. Researchers noted that students may

fear a professor who in their judgment is intimidating or

difficult to please. Understanding and being aware of these

triggers may be helpful in providing assistance to students

who are struggling with negative feelings about writing (p.


2.2. Review of Empirical Literature

There are many researches that have been carried out in the field of academic
writing and career development. Some of them which have entirely related to
my study are reviewed in this section.

Acharya (2017) carried out a research entitled “Students’ awareness on

plagiarism in academic writing”. The objectives of this study were to identify
the perception of M. Ed. and MA students towards plagiarism and to find out
the factors that lead to plagiarism. This study was based on survey research
design. Non- random purposive sampling procedure was used to select the
sample for this study. Questionnaires were used as a tool to collect the require

data. It was found that plagiarism occurs when there is limited knowledge on
the content, and limited time is provided to complete the assignment.

Similarly, Khatiwada (2015) conducted a research on, “Components

incorporated in academic journals articles of T.U.”. The study aimed at
exposing the formats of the articles in journals produce from the various
Nepalese institution and tracing out the effective structure through comparing
and analysing them minutely. This study was based on survey research design.
Non- random purposive sampling procedure was used to select the sample for
this study. Questionnaires were used as a tool to collect the require data. The
major findings of this research was that the few journal articles published in
Nepal found to be rule bound with the mainstream standard of writing articles
in academic journals but most of the articles seemed autonomous, violating the
standard rules.

Likewise, Akkaya and Aydin (2018) carried out a research on “Academics’

views on the characteristics of academic writing”. The purpose of this research
was to examine the characteristics of academic writing based on the views of
the academicians creating it. A semi structure interview was used as a tool.
They found that the academicians presented the highest number of comments
about the characteristics related to sections containing methodology and results,
discussions and suggestions.

In the same way, Akcaoglu (2011) carried out a research entitled “An
assessment of academic writing needs of graduate students”. This study mainly
aimed at investigating the academic writing needs and writing self-efficacy
beliefs of graduate students studying at an English-medium university, Ankara.
Descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, and multiple regression
analyses were employed to analyze the data. The results of descriptive statistics
indicated that the graduate students need a wider vocabulary repertoire in order
to cope with the challenges of academic writing and they are mostly assigned
longer research papers. In addition, using journal articles published in the area

of specialization during writing was the most common method and more than
half of the graduate students stated that when stuck with finding the right word,
they first look for a Turkish word first.

The study on “International Graduate Students’ Academic writing practices in

Malaysia: challenges and solutions” conducted by Singh (2015) focused on the
challenges faced by non-native English speaking international graduate
students in their academic writing practices while they studied at a university in
Malaysia as well as the solutions they employed when faced with the
challenges. He used academic literacies questionnaire to collect data. Based on
131 participants, the findings indicate that non-native English speaking
international graduate students faced challenges in their academic writing
practices in the instructional settings where English was used as a medium.
Similarly, the results revealed that some challenges those students face were
mainly attributable to the fact that English in Malaysia is not the native or first

The research entitled “Development of English academic writing competence

by Turkish scholars” by Buckingham (2008) investigated how a group of 13
Turkish scholars from the humanities facility of the prominent Turkish
University perceive the development of their discipline-specific second
language writing skill. He used personal interview to elicit data and excerpts
from the interviews. She found that the acquisition of scholarly writing
expertise was an extended process of exploration of genre conventions, with a
strong component of largely self-directed analysis of linguistic and
organizational knowledge.

Similarly, Sulak (2018) carried out a research on “Investigation of writing

habits of primary school teachers”. The aim of the study was to examine the
writing habits of primary school teachers. The case study, a qualitative research
method, was used in the study. The semi-structured interview was used in the
research as the data collection tool. In the study, it was found that 57% of

primary school teachers did not use writing skills in their daily life or that they
used writing skills occasionally, used writing skills the most in taking notes or
poetry, 61% of them participated in classroom writing activities and used Word
and social media to write on digital platforms.

In the same way, Carvajal Medina and Roberto Florez (2013) conducted a
research entitled “Collaborative work as an alternative for writing research
articles.” The study aimed at analysing how collaborative work relates to
undergraduate electronics students’ academic writing development in English
as a foreign language at a Colombian university, following some specific
writing stages. They used field notes, students’ artifacts, and semi-structured
interviews as the instruments to gather information. The results showed that
writing is achievable if students can follow stages and receive feedback from
the teacher. Moreover, collaborative work allowed students to write re-search
articles in an easy and dynamic way.

In this regards, Pineth (2013) carried out a research on “The academic writing
challenges of undergraduate students: A South African case study.” This article
discussed the academic writing challenges of undergraduate students at Cape
Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa. It examined challenges such
as lack of a mastery of academic writing conventions, analysis of writing
topics, using writing to construct social identities; ability to research and apply
knowledge across different context and poor sentence skills. It also focused on
the implications of these challenges for students’ academic development and
possible strategies to address these challenges. He interviews with twenty 2nd
year students, 1st year student reflections and discussions with four
Communication lecturers. He found that academic writing challenges of
students in universities of technology are consequences of students’ linguistic
and general literacy backgrounds, their attitudes toward academic writing and
the privileging of middle-class literacy practices in South African higher

The study on “Investigation of writing strategies, writing apprehension, and
writing achievement among Saudi EFL- major students” by Asamari (2013)
explored the relationship between writing strategies that EFL university
students employed and writing apprehension, relationship between writing
strategies use and students` writing achievement, and differences between high
and low writing anxiety in their writing strategy use. The data were drawn from
198 (68 males and 130 females) EFL-major university students. Interviews
were conducted with some students to explore salient effective writing
strategies that they used and the difficulties they faced during writing
composition. Correlation, t-test, and ANOVA analyses were used to determine
relationships between writing strategies and writing achievement and between
students of high and low anxiety. The finding showed that some of the Saudi
undergraduates’ writing apprehension is pertinent to writing achievement. It
also indicated that students with low writing anxiety were more users of writing
strategies than the high anxious ones. Moreover, a significant negative
correlation was found between students’ writing apprehension and their writing

Though, the above mentioned scholars have conducted their research on

different topic, no one has conducted a research to identify students’ beliefs
and practices on academic writing for their career development. Thus, to study
the different perspectives of students and perceive writing related issues i.e.
their difficulties in writing, attitudes towards writing assessment and feedback
and themselves as a writer, I have selected this problem.

2.3. Implications of Review for the Study

There are many researches that have been carried out in the field of academic
writing. Some of them which are entirely related to my study are reviewed in
this section.

The guidebook of Whitaker (2009) and Asmari (2013) helped me to understand

different ideas related to the theories, principles, characteristics, and procedures

of academic writing. Similarly, the study of Singh assisted me in understanding
the practices of academic writing. Moreover, the study of Sulak (2018), Medina
and Florez (2013) and Buckingham (2008) made me understand clearly the
different scenario of academic practices of different countries.

On the other hand, the research conducted by Akcaoglu (2011) helped to

design the research design, ways of selecting the participants, etc. Similarly,
the study of Akkya and Ayadin (2018) made me familiar with the procedures
of collecting data and its analysis. Finally, the study done by Acharya (2017)
and Khatiwada (2015) disclose the fact of Nepalese context of academic
writing in Nepal and to design the questionnaire.

2.4. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework is very important for the researchers in the sense that it
provides visual representation of the work. The main purpose of this conceptual
framework is to see the relationship among various concept and variables of the
study. On the basis of all reviewed documents I have developed the following
conceptual framework to process this study ahead.

Academic Writing

Types Principles

Descriptive Clear purpose

Analytical Audience engagement
Persuasive Clear point of view
Critical Single focus
Logical organization
Strong support
Clear & complete

Characteristics Process Importance

Teaches students to
Originality Choose a topic analyse
Clear arguments and sentences Thinking
Allows students to
Clear supporting details Planning convey their
Unity understanding
Appropriate style Revising Strong focus on
Use of correct grammar and technique and style
appropriate vocabulary Proofreading Teaches students to
think critically and
Conciseness objectively

Students’ belief & practices on Academic Writing


This chapter contains design of the study, population, sample and sampling
strategies, research tools, sources of data, data collection procedure, data
analysis procedure and ethical consideration.

3.1 Design of the study

I have used narrative inquiry research design in order to complete this study. In
narrative research designs, researchers describe the lives of individuals, collect
and tell stories about people’s lives and write narratives of individual
experiences. (Connelly & Clandinin (1990) as cited in Creswell (2012).
Moreover, Menian (1998) as cited Khanal (2073) states, “Narrative may be
seen as a means of gaining an in-depth understanding of the situation and
meaning for those involved with the resulting insights having the potential to
directly influence policy, practice and future research.” In this way, Sapkota
(2017, p. 170) views, “The study of narrative is the study of the ways human
experiences the world”.

Thus, research is a systematic investigation that follows a stepwise procedure.

A systematic and scientific process has been adopted in order to conduct a
research study. I have adopted the research process given by Creswell (2012).
They are;

1. Identify a research problem

2. Review the literature
3. Develop a purpose statement and research questions
4. Collect qualitative data analyze and interpret qualitative data
5. Write and evaluate a study

3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling strategy

All the students of M.Ed.level thesis group of English education at Tribhuvan

University were the population of this study. The sample of the study was six
thesis year M.Ed. students from the central Department f English education at
T.U.. The sample was taken by using non - random purposive sampling

3.3 Research Tools

In order to gather required data and information for this study, in-depth
interview and semi- structured questionnaire were used as the major research

3.4 Sources of Data

I have used both primary as well as secondary source of data to collect required
information. The primary sources of data were collected with the help of semi
structured questionnaire and in-depth interview. Similarly, the secondary
sources of data were books, articles, journals and theses.

3.5 Data Collection Procedures

I have adopted the following stepwise procedures in order to collect required

data and detail information to support the present study.

1. At first, I visited the selected field. Then, I met the participants and
described the purposes of my study.
2. Then after, building a good rapport with them, I got their permission to
record their voice.
3. After getting their permission, I took in-depth interview with them.
4. At the same time, I used a cell phone to record their voice.
5. Finally, I thanked them.

3.6 Data Analysis and Interpretation Procedures

The collected data have been analyzed and interpreted systematically and
descriptively. I have followed descriptive analysis process to interpret the data
in a systematic way.
3.7 Ethical Considerations

Ethical consideration is one of the most essential and valuable aspects of

research which a researcher has to follow while conducting a research work.
All of the respondents have their own right to privacy. Thus, to sustain their
confidentiality, I took informed consent with the students of masters’ degree. I
clearly informed the purpose of this study to my respondents. Likewise, I kept
their pseudo name in order to get detail information. Thus, they should be sure
that there is no any harmful thing in their personal career because I kept it
secret. The data have used only for the purpose of this study.


The analysis and interpretation of data of my study have included in this


4.1 Analysis of Data and Interpretation of Results

The data were collected from the semi structured interview and the collected
data were analysed and interpreted descriptively. The findings have been
derived from the analysis of data and interpretation of the results.

I have used thematic approach to determine or analyse what stories were told
and what stories revealed about each individual participants. The narratives
were first viewed holistically and then analysed thematically on university level
students’ beliefs and practices on academic writing for their career
development. Thus, I have carried out seven sub headings under participants’
beliefs, perceptions and practices.

4.1.1 Students’ Views on Academic Writings

Under this section, I have included narratives told by the participants about
academic writing. The conclusion after each response has been presented.
Basically, I have analysed the participants’ views about academic writing with
the help of following questions: What is academic writing?. And how do you
perceive academic writing for career development?

The participants viewed that academic writing is a formal form of writing.

Academic writing is a systematic way of writing. Academic writing is widely
used in academia. Standard forms of language are used in academic writing.

In response to aforementioned questions, Aryan shared:

Academic writing is a formal writing and closely based on

investigated knowledge because it utilises polite, standard and

specific words. It is style of expression that students or

researchers use to define the intellectual boundary of discipline.

Of course, academic writing is one of the best ways of developing

career. When students are engaged in writing, they come to know

about mechanism of writing. It can develop nature of writing

when they publish different articles, journals or present writing

based things. It can develop their efficiency and confidence. As a

result, they go ahead in their professional field. I do not mean

that it is only the way to develop career in related field. There are

other ways such as workshop, seminars, speech programs,

collaboration and so on. But academic writing can be a good tool

to make ourselves as a good writer, researcher, teacher,

presenter if we utilize it usually not occasionally. In the context of

Nepal, academic writing is not cared or valued at school level.

The students are very poor in producing standard form of


From the above views of participant, it can be said that academic writing is a
style of expression used to define intellectual boundary of discipline. We can
be more strong and confident when we pour our intellectual discipline to
academic writing. It can be easily said that the more we use our brain the more
we become active for career development. Similarly, he also said that academic

writing is a formal writing. Thus, his view was largely supported by the ideas
mentioned in, Bednar (n.d., cited in Luna & Ortiz, 2013) that academic writing
as formal writing that implies great effort to construct coherent and well
argument texts whose production is difficult for the writer, but easier for the

Similarly, it can also be noted from Aryan’s views that academic writing must
be done usually not only occasionally. Thus, we can say that if we write
regularly, we will become successful in our career.

Likewise, Swastika shared,

Academic writing generally means the writing which affects the

students’ abilities and shows students are professionals. If they

write articles, report writing, and theses, they can develop their

capacity as well as career. Academic writing develops their

career effective and better.

Here, she focused more on student’s abilities in academic writing. Writing also
affects student’s abilities. From her response, it can be said that academic
writing develops students’ capacity in related field. She also shared that the
more we write the more we become successful in our career.

She also shared,

I think it’s a complimentary part. First thing is the academic

degree. Every faculty has academic writing as a core part but the

students don’t write articles, journal. They do not research. Their

focus is on only getting job. Professionals of Tribhuvan

University, they write and publish journals, articles, reference

books, etc. and they get scholarship and they go abroad for study.

They share their ideas internationally. I think academic writing

supports everyone to reach goal and even in my life.

From the analysis of participant’s information, it can be said that academic

writing is a complimentary part. She also said that the students do not practice
academic writing which is core part rather they think about their job. Academic
writing supports ones to get the destination and achieve the goals of life.

Likewise, Jiban shared,

Academic writing is not a simple work or normal work. Academic

writing is a systematic writing because we have to put our ideas,

thoughts, and logic in connected way.

From the above participant’s information, it can be said that academic writing
is a systematic way of writing because academic writing requires ideas,
thoughts and logics in a connected way. He also said that it is not a simple
work or normal work. It means while writing academic texts, we should follow
some stepwise procedures.

Likewise, Tulesh shared,

Academic writing is a formal writing which follows some

structures. It is written for certain purpose. Moreover, academic

writing develops the career of all the professionals. It is a

process where teachers search a lot of materials which helps

them to sharpen their knowledge to the related field.

From the above participant’s views, it can be said that academic writing is a
formal writing because it follows some structure. He also views that academic
writing is written for certain purpose and develops ones career. Academic
writing makes students able to search several resources or materials to support
his/her writings. He shared that academic writing helps to sharpen someone’s
knowledge and skills.

By analysing the participants’ responses, it can be said that academic writing is

the expression of intellectual boundary of discipline and closely based on
investigated knowledge which affects the students’ ability. Academic writing
helps to sharpen someone’s knowledge and skills. It is written for certain
purpose. Academic writing can bring changes to greater extent for one’s career
development if academic writing is to be practiced daily. Similarly, academic
writing makes the professionals more active, effective, and confident in a
related field. In the context of Nepal, students’ focus is on only getting job, not
on academic writing.

4.1.2 Academic Writing as a Process

In this section, I have analysed about the process of academic writing that
participants employ while writing academic texts. Here, the participants viewed
that academic writing is a systematic writing which has a process. It includes
planning, thinking, consulting resources, writing first draft, sharing writing to
correct errors and presenting final draft after editing. In the process of
academic writing freedom, motivation and ethical works are important
variables. The detail of each response has been explored below.

For this, I have asked one question to know students’ beliefs or views. The
question was: which process do you adopt for academic writing?

In response to the aforementioned question, the participants shared the different


Tulesh Shared,

What I do first is to read the necessary materials and after

reading, I collect the data then I write for the first time and I read

my writing and record. To be better, I listen to my record and

again I write to correct errors. Then, I maintain cohesion and

coherence, grammar, etc in the next draft. This is not end of my

writing. For the betterment, again I give my writing to my

colleagues and guides. Sometimes, I email articles to the editors

of NELTA and ELT forum.

From the above participant’s information, it can be said that before starting
writing, we should consult with more related materials. Similarly, Colleague’s
and guide’s feedback and correction seems very important part for making
academic writing better and systematic. As per the respondent’s responses,
collecting data, checking data, and writing can be seen as an important process.

Similarly, Swastika shared,

Yes, there is a format and process of academic writing. The

things are; planning, reading some materials, writing first draft

with own ideas, editing, revising and making final draft.

Likewise, Raju also focused on what Swastika shared. He pointed out that we
can write what comes in our mind after thinking.

By analysing the participants’ responses, it can be said that academic writing

has process where one can plan, think, write, share and rewrite.

Moreover, Jiban shared,

Everything has procedures. Even, while cooking and making

Khichadi, we must put Chamal, Daal, water and other

ingredients into cooker. That’s why, Academic writing also has

procedures. Without thinking about what we write, it will not be

successful. Motivation in writing is necessary. Reflecting,

sharing, etc. are important thing.

From the above responses, it can be said that motivation is important in

academic writing. Similarly, while writing academic texts, students should
think about something new he process like reflecting, sharing, etc.

Similarly, Aryan shared,

Academic writing is a scientific process. Before writing, first we

have to make a plan. We must not forget to follow the ethical

work, when we plan to write and collect the data. After writing,

analysis must be done to cure or remove mistakes or errors. On

the other hand, what I say is one has to avoid the process and

must go for writing till his/her ideas make him/her stop to be

fluent, confident, established, bona fide writer and speaker. After

this, you manage your body of writing. Freedom in writing makes

writer best. But, I do not mean that there is no process.

From the above responses, it can be said that along with system, students
should feel free while writing academic texts. It means, freedom in writing

makes the writers or students fear less and free to drop words by the core of the

Throughout the responses, it can be revealed that academic writing follows a

system which includes planning, thinking, and consulting resources, writing
first draft, and sharing writing to correct errors and presenting final draft after
editing. Besides this systematic process or steps, there are other parts which we
cannot avoid if we want to become confident and best writer in a related field.
The most important parts are freedom, ethical work and reflective thinking in
writing. Motivation is necessary in writing. Freedom in writing makes the
writers best.

4.1.3 Academic Writing as a Part of Career Development

This section shows that how academic writing plays a vital role in developing
someone’s career. Academic writing, as a part of career development, joins us
with various strategies of doing writing. To show academic writing as a part of
career development, some views have been presented on the following
questions like; how can academic writing develop your career?

In response to the aforementioned question, the participants shared the

following views.

Tulesh shared,

Of course, academic writings develop the career of all the

professionals. As a teacher, all the teachers should be the

academic writer. I believe because teaching profession is a

profession where we have to teach academic writing to the

students. If teacher himself or herself is not competent in

academic writing, then there may be the problem. So, teachers

should be the academic writer. Academic writing is processes

where teachers search a lot of reference materials and practice

to sharpen their knowledge, and they get exposure from different

materials which help in their career development.

From the above responses, it can be revealed that connecting and consulting
different materials is needed when we do our writing. Moreover, it can be said
that the more we practice the more we gain knowledge about what we should
do to become a good writer.

Likewise, Jiban shared,

Obviously, academic writing helps for one’s career development.

It also helps me to engage in learning through reading and

writing. If we are supposed to develop our career or if we are

groomed in academic writing, we have to read, reflect, think and

then we have to develop the way of writing.

Here, from the aforementioned view, it can be said that brainstorming and
reflecting on the ideas are important in academic writing. This process helps us
to grow richer in writing.

Similarly, Indu shared,

Of course, academic wriitng helps in career development. It’s not

like literature, so, we cannot just write randomly rather we have

to follow some rules and process. So, these kinds of rules and

pattern actually help us to focuses on what actually we want to

write. We have to write some articles, journals or reference

books which help us really in improving our career. We have to

be regular in writing.

From the above participant’s responses, it can be revealed that academic

writing becomes less important when we do not follow certain rules, structure,
process, pattern and cohesion and coherence in writing. For improving career,
we have to write articles, journals, notes etc. regularly or on daily basis.

In the same way, Aryan shared,

Writing is a skill that required in many contexts throughout life.

Academic writing is utilized to show somebody how to compose

and how to grow in their writings. Indeed, academic writing

creates the situation for everyone and gives the ideas how to

become a good professional. To develop our career, academic

writing helps us in many ways. It connects us with various

sources of professionalism such as workshop, seminar etc. It

boosts knowledge and confident and creativity that helps us to

present complex ideas, connects us with the world. It develops

our nature of searching ideas from different sources and it also

helps to grow mentally, physically, socially and economically as


From the analysis of aforementioned responses, it can be said that academic

writing plays the role of pillar to boost the recent knowledge, ideas, skills to
become a god professional. Also it is seen as a creator which creates friendly
environment to connect with the entire world. It builds creativity and confident

and makes up- to date in this modern era. Here, it can be said that academic
writing definitely has credit of making one’s to think globally and act locally.

By analysing the participants’ responses, it can be said that academic writing is

a fundamental part of career development in the sense that it makes one to
update with recent ideas. It helps to think globally and act locally, boosts
knowledge in related field, creates environment of culture for writing, develops
the habit of writing, etc. Moreover, academic writing makes someone a good
writer as well as good communicator. It brings changes from a simple writer
into academician and also focuses to develop the inner capacity of writing
along with creativity.

4.1.4 Strategies/ Activities for Career Development

This section deals with the strategies/ activities adopted by the students
(university level) to boost academic writing and professionally career
development. As we know, without strategies our way of doing writings
becomes standard less. Everyone grasp some technics that interlink with other
factors or variables.

The aforementioned section deals with the analysis of different beliefs or views
given by the participants. To be clear, some questions have been asked. They
are: What sorts of strategies/ activities do you adopt to be professionally
developed? Do you think articles, journals, and reference books are necessary
for career development? And how many articles or journals and reference
books have you writer in your career?

In response, Aryan shared,

Yes, I adopt a variety of activities to be professionally competent.

Academic writing itself is one of the activities. There are other

activities such as writing articles, journals, involving in seminar,

speech programs, workshops, mentoring and different ELT

programs. Moreover, I say that keeping journals, writing articles

and reference books are very important activities for career

development in the sense that keeping these things require us to

fulfil our goal. Our goal provides the opportunity to articulate

them clearly, establishes future goals, facilitates critical thoughts

and feelings, and helps us professionally grow. I am not giving

more time to write article or journals but I have published one

reference book on critical discourse analysis which encourages

me to write more and more. So, I think I must give time to write

academic writings.

From the above participant’s responses, it can be revealed that writing itself is
an important strategy for career development. On the other hand, involving in
seminar, workshops, conferences, speech programs, and different ELT
programs are the activities or strategies of academic writing which provide an
opportunity to articulate us clearly. Through academic writings, one can think
critically about anything in related field. Academic writing helps us
professionally grow. Academic writing also establishes the goals for further
career and research study.

Similarly, Jiban said,

First of all, we have to be enthusiastic, devoted, committed to our

work personally, socially and professionally. For this, we should

write, reflect, and engage ourselves in workshops, leadership

programs, conferences, and ELT seminars to extend our

networking with the people of global community. So, these are

the strategies of academic writing through which we can develop

our career. Moreover, writing articles, journals, and references

books are very valuable means to support our ideas and extend

our concept in a systematic way. And one thing, the more we read

the more we write. Actually, we can gain much knowledge only

being based on our knowledge of academic writings. It is said

that many minds many thoughts. People may have many beliefs,

understanding, and inner ideas that make them to be free form

confusion of anything related to academic writing.

From the participant’s responses, it can be said that the strategies or activities
of academic writings such as different workshops, conferences, ELT seminars
and leadership programs where one can be enthusiastic, devoted and committed
to work personally, professionally and socially. Academic writing helps to
build up network with others in global community.

Moreover, Tulesh Shared,

So, activities mean first I think in which area I have to write and

why I am writing. For example, I write homework because I have

some experiences. So that, what I do is I start reading different

literature reviewed by the different scholars then I begin to write.

So, this is the way I write and while writing I give first draft to my

colleagues to read. After getting feedback, I write my academic

writings, academic reports based on that feedback and later I

finalize it. Moreover, writing article is important because when

we write we read also. The next thing is, it helps to get exposure

of different areas, and we know that education is not limited to

certain areas. We get the exposure of different areas. While

writing, different materials help us to develop our career.

From the above responses, it can be revealed that before writing we should be
clear about the area. Similarly, we should also be clear about the purpose of
writing. Indeed, any work has certain or fixed purpose where every activities or
strategies are focused upon. Involving in other programs like workshops,
seminars, conferences, trainings, etc. help us to get exposure in adequate rate
which will create a kind of situations of blooming our knowledge. Moreover, it
can also be concluded that reviewing literature and getting feedback at the end
of the writing are essential parts.

Likewise, Swastika shared,

Actually, we consult our supervisors and teachers firstly. We

should focus on title, the format and rules and regulation of

writing. We should read materials of related field. Also, we

should focus on peer review, weaknesses and strengthens in

academic writing.

From the above participant’s responses, it can be revealed that ethical works,
consulting guides, teachers or stakeholders and clearing the title, format are
essential parts of academic writing. Identifying weaknesses and strengths in our
works, helps us to get clues to fulfil our purposes at right time. It can also said
that peer review is one of the best techniques in completing work like writing.

Like others, Raju and Indu have thrown light upon the same strategies or
activities of academic writing.

By analyzing the participants’ responses, it can be concluded that the writing
on different areas itself is the best way of developing one’s career. There are
other tools or essential parts of developing career. They are seminars,
workshops, conferences, trainings, mentoring, speech programs, discussion and
collaboration in a related field, networking etc. It can also be concluded that
our devotion to our work gives us power and effort to use our mind to become
successful in related field. Moreover, ethical works like following rules and
regulations, consulting guides etc. must be cared and put into consideration. To
accomplish the work, we cannot deny reviewing literature, format, title and
other ingredients of writings as strategies or techniques. To be specific,
methodology of writing must be followed along with different techniques.

4.1.5 Challenges Faced

This section deals with the challenges that students face when they write. Each
and every one has different strategies, techniques, or ways of writing. They
write in their own way and face several problems, difficulties or challenges.
Therefore, “as cognitive, content, and academic demands increase, the
development of ELL’s writing skills becomes a multi-dimensional challenge
for students” (Angel & Garcia, 2017).

Each and every works has its own process and format for completion. In the
same way, academic writing has its own process and format. Even the process
and format makes us easy to go ahead quickly to some extent but we have to
face various problems and challenges when we write. The participants’
response revealed that in the context of Nepal, students generally face
challenges and problems in the area of grammar, vocabulary and cohesion and
coherence. The students also face problem in selecting topic, citation and using
format. The detail of each response has been stated below.

Here, under this section, the informations have been collected on the basis of
responses for the following questions: what are the challenges that you faced
while doing academic writing?

In response, Aryan shared,

See, writing process is not an easy job. When we write we have to

think, rethink, collect ideas and generates ideas. So, this process

pushes us to complexity. As I am non-native speaker of English,

most of the time, I face problem related to grammar,

vocabularies and cohesion and coherence. How to format small

mechanisms into text structures is another challenge for non-

native speakers.

The aforementioned information shows that not-native speakers face challenges

related to text structure i.e. cohesion and coherence. They also face problems
related to grammar and other mechanisms of language. Furthermore, it is
difficult to construct social identities. We become able to write when we gather
information from different sources related to our writings. We need ideas and
different strategies or techniques which are the necessary things to be

Likewise Raju and Swastika shared,

Firstly, what we say is the format itself as a challenge. We have a

habit of writing freely, but we don’t have a habit of writing in a

format. So, we feel difficulty. And the next is methodology.

Choosing a topic is a main problem in academic writings. How to

start and how to write a topic sentence are also problems. Other

minor problems are citation, references, collection of data and

other things like rules and regulation are also challenges of


From the above information, it can be said that students face challenges
regarding the format because they have the habit of free writing. It means
students have less idea about the format of standard writing. It can be said that
as no-native speakers, Nepali students face challenges or problems related to
citation, references and methodology.

Likewise Jiban shared,

While writing something, I feel very difficult to connect ideas.

Vocabularies, appropriate grammatical uses etc. are the areas

where I feel difficulties. Also due to mother tongue hindrance in

second language like English, I feel difficulty to connect ideas.

This above information shows that besides vocabularies, grammar use and
usage, L1 hindrance in L2 is the main problem. Nepali students face challenge
related to L1 with L2 or vice-versa when they do language related work.
Mother tongue affects the process of writing to greater extent. Shifting from L1
to L2 is a complex challenge itself for the students at all levels.

Tulesh also shared the same thing what Raju and Swastika said. He also
focused on methodology related challenge where he put light on ethical
challenge such as rules and regulation.

Throughout the participants’ responses, it can be revealed that students face

challenges or problems in the area of grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, and
coherence in the context of Nepal. Nepali students, as non-native speakers of
English language or other second languages face challenges in connecting
ideas, connecting or linking or regenerating mechanisms to the text structure.
How to format different parts of second language in writing is one of the
challenges for the students. Moreover, L1 hindrance in L2 is big problem or

4.1.6 Significance of Academic Writing for Career Development

Each works has its own importance or significance to human’s life. In the same
way, academic writing has a big role or significance for developing career of
those who are involved in this work. Writing enables human thoughts to
become visible, allows them to be developed, restricted, and modified, and
helps new ideas to be triggered (Fulwiler, 2002, p. 32). The participants
revealed that academic writing plays vital role in career development in the
sense that it develops research skills, nature of writing and provides
opportunity for identity globally. It teaches us not only about techniques but
also teaches us to be creative, analytic and holistic. The detail of each response
has been mentioned below.

I have asked questions to the participants to collect the information about

significance of academic writings. The information has been collected below
on the basis of the following questions: what is the significance of academic

In response to the aforementioned question, the participants have shared their


Aryan Shared,

Mostly, academic writing is cared after school life. So, it works

like a bridge between pre-knowledge and current knowledge i.e.

the knowledge gained in college life. This makes one’s mind

creative and analytic or holistic in related field. Academic

writing plays vital role in career development in the sense that it

helps in many ways such as academic writing teaches us how to

use techniques of writings, makes our writing complete and

correct, develops research skills, makes us good communicator,

develops our nature of writing and provides opportunity for

identity globally.

From the above responses, it can be said that academic writing teaches us not
only about techniques or strategies but also howto be creative, analytic and
holistic that makes our identity global. It also helps us to be good
communicator and researcher. It can also be said that academic writing works
like a bridge that connects pre-knowledge and current knowledge as the data
have shown.

Likewise Raju shared,

It is helpful to update our knowledge and when we start to write,

we have to review different literature first and if we review

other’s work, definitely we can get knowledge.

The above information shows that reviewing literature before writing is

necessary or has its own significance for blooming knowledge. It can be said
that academic writing is one of the best tools to update our recent ideas,
research skills, and knowledge.

In the same way form Swastika’s view on significance of academic writing, the
information shows that academic writing makes us better writer, reader, and
better personality. It also creates a kind of curious to write and read time and
again. So, it can be said that academic writing works like a laboratory where
one can experiment different mechanism and skills of writing.

Similarly, Tulesh shared,

Academic writing is very significant to sharpen our knowledge,

vocabulary power and to systematize our writing. It also makes

us to know others i.e. people. It makes us very good teacher and

we can deliver the subject in a systematic way in the classroom.

The researches have shown that a teacher who does not write,

cannot be good teacher.

The information shows that academic writing is the way of teaching and
learning in a systematic way. The students or teachers who are involved in
academic writing, they can be the best delivers. It can be said that besides
vocabulary power, improving knowledge, academic writing also boosts our
research skills. Academic writing helps in building rapport or good relationship
with others. It can also be said that academic writing helps students and
teachers to be famous.

Likewise, from Indu’s view on significance of academic writing, the

information shows that academic writing helps to broaden our knowledge to
become good researcher and it also habituates our way of writing. It can also be
said that research and knowledge are interrelated like skin and nail. It helps us
to be confident and improves our proficiency.

Moreover Jiban shared,

First, academic writing helps me to be more expressive, more

confident and I can also make my identity in my field either

nationally or internationally. I can produce more ideas. I can

have newer ideas and thinking.

The information shows that academic writing helps us to be more expressive in

nature, more confident and constructs identity at national and international
level. It can also be said that academic writing makes us to be productive one.

By analysing the participants’ responses, it can be revealed that academic

writing has greater role and significance in one’s career development like

others work related to educational field. Academic writing updates our recent
knowledge, skills, ideas, and builds up rapport in global community. It helps us
to be critic, productive and expressive in the field of research. Moreover, it
establishes identity at national or international level. Academic writing also
teaches us to do work in a systematic way. It helps to be good researcher,
writers, teachers, as well as student. It develops creativity and makes us
analytic and holistic in nature. Similarly, academic writing develops our nature
of writing as well as culture of writing. It makes our writing complete and
correct or errorless. It teaches us how to use techniques of writing and boost
our research skills. Academic writing develops vocabulary power.

4.1.7 Aspects of Career Development

Career development is the process that forms a person’s work identity. It is a

significant part of human development and spans over the individual’s entire
life time, beginning when the individual first becomes aware of how people
make a living (Mckay, 2018). Every individual is accountable for their own
career development. It has different aspects which are to be developed.

To know which aspects to be developed, the participants have given their views
on the basis following question: Which aspects of career development do you
want to develop through academic writings? Why and How?

In response to the aforementioned question, the participants have shared their


Aryan Shared,

We know that career development is a part under human

development. We find many aspects that are to be developed. I

mostly focus on environment and community of practice. When

we involve ourselves in narrative writing, we can develop our

ethics knowledge. I mean to say that community is a place where

we can experience many things which cause our work to be done

effectively and positively. If environment is good then everything

is good in the sense that everything depends upon it. So, I want to

develop myself through good environment in the sense that happy

environment gives us a situation to complete our work and our

value will be highly praised. And behaviour is depended on

environment of society.

From the aforementioned information, it can be revealed that environment,

community of practice, values, identity, and academic career are the aspects of
career development. From the responses, we can say that environment is an
umbrella term which captures all ingredients of career development. It can be
also said that positive environment helps us to develop ourselves to complete
our work and then our values will be highly worthy where behaviour depends
on that environment of society, culture, or community. He also focused that
community is a place where we can experience many things and helps us to do
our work effective, positive, and fruitful.

Likewise, Raju shared,

I want to develop professionalism and academic career because

when we write articles, journals and others that help us to

develop our profession and academic career. Academic writing

also develops our knowledge.

From the above information, it can be said that professionalism and

academic career are also the aspects of career development and these
aspects can be developed through writing articles, journals, and other

work like this. It can be said that academic writing helps to enrich our
professional knowledge and academic career.

Similarly, Jiban said,

Actually, I want to focus on professionalism and academic career

because professionalism is a way that helps me to enrich my knowledge,

capacity. While talking about next aspect i.e. community of practice I

should be able to establish myself as a real icon of that community. And

next thing is academic career that helps me to become famous writer in

this global community. Through writings, I can get name and fame

internationally. Everyone can know me by my creation. So, these are

also interrelated to each other.

From the above participant’s views, it can be said that professionalism,

community of practice and academic career are the aspects of career
development. Through these, we can develop everything in the field of
academic writings. Moreover, professionalism is a platform where one can
enrich critical thinking, knowledge, capacity. Similarly, it can also be said that
community is a place where one can be established oneself as a real icon of that
community because our voice or words determine us, our values, identity,
level, and humanism. Thereafter, academic career also plays an important role
to become a famous person in this global community where everyone can know
us, our position, and level through academic writings.

Moreover, from the information given by Indu, professionalism is one of the

aspects which mostly focused by those who are involved in educational field.
Being professional means being competent in subject matter. This aspect can
be developed through academic writings. It can be said that thesis writing,
writing journals and articles are the essential parts of boosting the aspect i.e.

professionalism. It not only makes us stand strong in the current position but
also makes us competent for the further position or level.

Similarly, academic writing is also an aspect of career development (data given

by Tulesh). It can be said that academic writing makes us established writer
and creator in the global era. Thus, it can also be said that academic writing
helps to make immoral to those who are involved in academic writing. For
example, Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Bhanu Baktta Acharya, Shakespeare, and so
on is living example of immortality.

Throughout the participants’ responses, it can be revealed that the value,

identity, environment, community practice, professionalism, and academic
career are the essential aspects of career development. Each and every aspect
must be developed for students’ career development. Among all these aspects,
professionalism is valued more by those who are involved in educational field.
Academic writing is seen as an important way of developing academic career.
But, it does not mean that one aspect can make someone to be fully developed.
Moreover, environment is also an umbrella term that captures all the
ingredients of career development where positive environment makes us stay to
be positive towards our ethical works. Value and identity is interrelated icon
where one cannot exist without another in the sense that value represents our
identity. So, if we lose our value, we easily can lose identity. Thus, it is better
to develop all aspects for career development. Career development is only
possible when we are rigorous, practical, and positive towards research work
and other works related to academic writings.


This chapter includes the components like findings, conclusions and

recommendations which have been based on the analysis and interpretation of

5.1 Findings

Trying to exploring the university level students’ beliefs and practices on

academic writing for their career development, I found the lived experiences
they shared with me were highly accounted. Views, a form of discourse and a
way of interaction provided me huge amount of insights for understanding the
university level students’ beliefs and practices closely. In this part, I have
presented the findings on the basis of the narrative reflection, activities
observation and in-depth face to face interview. Moreover, I have tried to
present the main themes of research finding separately that stemmed from the
data analysis, research objective and research questions.

Students’ views on Academic Writing:

From the analysis of the students’ views, it is clear that academic writing is a
systematic writing because we have to put our ideas, thoughts, and logic in a
connected way. In participants’ words, academic writing is a style of
expression used to define intellectual boundary of discipline. It needs rigorous
practice. Regularity must be focused for academic writing. Therefore, it makes
the professionals more active, effective and confident in a related field.
Academic writing helps to sharpen students’ knowledge. It also develops their
abilities. In the context of Nepal, academic writing is not cared or valued at
school level. The students are very poor in producing standard form of writing.

Academic Writing as a Process:

It was found that academic writing follows a system which includes planning,
thinking, and consulting resources, writing first draft, and sharing writing to
correct errors and presenting final draft after editing. All the participants shared
that it is a systematic process. It is necessary for consulting related materials
and reading before writing. Collecting data, checking data, and writing are
most important process. Colleagues and guides’ feedback and correction are
the other important parts.

Academic writing as a Part of Career Development:

All the participants revealed that academic writing is a fundamental part of

career development in the sense that it makes one to update his/her recent
ideas, think locally and act globally, boost knowledge in related field, create
environment of culture of writing and develops habit of writing. They thought
academic writing develops the inner capacity of writing along with creativity.
Academic writing requires some effort with procedure. It is written for
purpose. It is a work where students and teachers search a lot of materials that
help them to sharpen their knowledge in the related field.

Activities for Career Development:

From the analysis of participants’ views, it was found that besides academic
writing, there are other ways of developing career such as seminars,
workshops, conferences, trainings, mentoring, speech programs, networking,
discussion, collaboration and so on in a related field. In their views, our
devotion to our work gives us power and effort to use our mind to become
successful in related field. To accomplish the work, we cannot deny reviewing
literature, format, title and other ingredients of writings as strategies or
techniques. To be specific, methodology of writing must be followed along
with different techniques.

Challenges Faced:

It was found that students face challenges or problems in the area of grammar,
vocabulary, cohesion, and coherence in the context of Nepal. Nepali students,
as non-native speakers of English language, usually face problems in
connecting ideas, linking or regenerating language mechanisms to the text
structure. It can be easily said that L1 hindrance in L2 is a big problem or

Significance of Academic Writing for Career Development:

It was found that academic writing has greater role and significance in one’s
career development like others work related to educational field. It builds up
rapport in global community. It helps us to be critic, productive and expressive
in the field of research. It establishes identity at national or international level.
It makes us analytic and holistic in nature as it develops creativity. They
viewed that academic writing develops students’ nature of writing as well as
culture of writing. It teaches students how to use techniques of writing and
boosts their research skills. It makes one’s writing complete and correct or

Aspects of Career Development:

All the participants revealed that value, identity, environment, community

practice, professionalism, and academic career are the essential aspects of
career development. Each and every aspect must be developed for students’
career development. Among all these aspects, professionalism is valued more
by those who are involved in educational field. It was found that environment,
as an aspect of career development, must be standing positive in the sense that
positive environment makes us stable towards our works and ethics. Value and
identity is interrelated icon in work like academic writings. Ethical works like
following rules and regulations, consulting guides etc. must be cared and put
into consideration in academic writing.

5.2 Conclusion

I have drawn the conclusion on the basis of the findings of my study. This study
entitled “University Level Students’ Beliefs and Practices on Academic Writing
for Their Career Development” attempt to analyse students’ beliefs and practices
on academic writing, find out strategies they adopt for career and explore
challenges they face in academic writing. This study was based on the various
views and beliefs.

From this study, it can be concluded that various views, beliefs and practices of
academic writings play pivotal role in maintaining career development.
Academic writing is a core or fundamental part because it gives the way to build
up our career. It helps learners to develop their potentialities and abilities
towards professionalism. Writing articles, journals, reference books, reports,
assignments and so on, encourage students to broaden or sharpen their
knowledge, skills and ideas. It needs rigorous practice, therefore regularity
must be focused. Similarly, academic writing makes us more confident and
productive for making our identity globally.

Similarly, in order to develop professional career, students follow the strategies

like seminars, workshops, conferences, trainings, mentoring, speech programs,
networking, discussion, collaboration and so on in a related field. In their
views, our devotion to our work gives us power and effort to use our mind to
become successful in related field. To accomplish the work, we cannot deny
reviewing literature, format, title and other ingredients of writings as strategies
or techniques. And also it has a system and the way of doing things i.e.
strategies and techniques which students have to follow to produce good

Even though, academic writing evokes many changes, it welcomes many

challenges or problems. In the context of Nepal, students and teachers face
many challenges in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and maintaining different

ingredients or mechanism in text structure or in writing journals, articles,
reference books etc.
Among all aspects of career development like value, identity, environment,
community practice, and professionalism, professionalism is the most
frequently occurred- aspects in this study. The occurrence of searching
materials, consulting guides and other things for academic writing, boosts
knowledge and creativity which is no-less important for career development.
Moreover, along with system, student focuses and welcomes ethical works and
freedom in academic writing or any writing. Obviously, freedom in writing
makes the writers or students fear less.

5.3 Recommendations

The implications of this research work have been recommended on the basis of
findings and conclusion. The main implications of the study can be pinpointed
under the following three levels:

5.3.1 Policy Related

Policy refers to a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and

achieve rational outcomes. It justifies a particular course of action or activities
of a particular person, institution or a nation. Since effective implementation of
policies leads to successful completion of an action, it should be taken into
consideration. The main implications at this level are:

i. It will be effective for the writer to have an authentic preparation of

thesis writing.
ii. The university can also utilize the study to revise the course of study
for research writing and implement them.
iii. It will be effective for the course designer in the sense that academic
writing suggests and teaches the professionals how to develop their

iv. The policy can be made about criteria to measure aspects of career
development smoothly and dynamically in academic writings in
order to get world-wide credit.
v. The curriculum development centers can also get benefits from the
study as it helps to produce good academicians, writers, and
5.3.2 Practice Related

Today, academic writing has been an essential part of humans’ life. It has
become one of the best means to develop and share beliefs and practices in the
related field. It must be highly practiced. It must be done usually not
occasionally. From this study, the following practice related recommendations
can be pinpointed:

i. If students and teachers practice academic writing regularly, it will

develop habits of writing and culture of writing.

ii. It is suggested to the English language teachers that it would be better

to adopt the framework to give the students the knowledge of
academic writing in order to produce the good writers, readers and

iii. Individual lecturers and supervisors can be guided to improve the

super-vision by taking feedback from the findings of the study.

iv. Students, teachers or practioners can be made aware of ethical works

and environment of culture in which they are involved.

v. I hope, the students who were the participant of this study also draw
the insights and become more aware of themselves and their
relationship with larger social world.

5.3.3 Further research Related

The implications of the study have been recommended to other researchers for
their research study. The present research addressed students’ beliefs and
practices on academic writing for their career development. Yet, there is great
deal of room for research in this area. More than anything the following studies
can be suggested:

i. Further research can be performed to investigate shifts in the case of

academic writings.

ii. Another study can be done to evaluate features such as clarity,

adequacy, accuracy or sensibility in the academic writings.

iii. Politics is full of ideologies, persuasive language, symbols and

characters, where shifts occur. So, this will be one of the best
investigations for the research. For this, journals, newspapers and
magazines can be taken.


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Consent Form
Dear informant,

I would like to invite you to take part as a one of the respondents in my research
entitled M.Ed. Level Students’ Beliefs and Practices on Academic Writing
for their Career Development: A Narrative Inquiry under the supervision of
Dr.Gopal Prasad Pandey, Reader and Head of Department of English Education,
T.U. Kirtipur, Kathmandu. The purposes of my research are to analyse students’
beliefs and practices on academic writing and to find out how academic writing
helps them for career development. The expected duration of your participation
will be two hours. The research tool mainly will be the interview and your
reflection writing as secondary ones. Please let me know if you agree to
participate in it. Your participation will not only help me in my work but it
would definitely enrich my data and result.

Please inform me of your decision and hopefully your consent by responding.

See you soon,
Jay Prakash Mandal
M.Ed. 4th Semester
University Campus, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.
 There will not be certain risk & discomfort associated with this research.
 The information you provide for the purpose of this research is
confidential for interview.
 Interview will be recorded.
 I hope you will not leave yourself from process at any stage.

General Interview Guiding Questions

The interview questionnaires have been prepared to collect required

information for the research work entitled M.Ed. Level Students’ Beliefs and
Practices on Academic Writing for their Career Development: A
Narrative Inquiry, under the supervision of Dr. Gopal Prasad Pandey, Reader
and Head, Department of English Education, T.U, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.
I do hope the informants will co-operate by providing invaluable information to
accomplish my research.


i. What is academic writing? And how can it develop in your career?

ii. Do you practice academic writing in/for your career? Why?
iii. Do you think it is useful in professionalism and academic career? How?
iv. What sorts of activities do you adopt to be professionally developed?
v. Are articles, journals, and reference books an important/necessary for career
development? Why and how?
vi. How many articles or journals did you write in your career?
vii. What are the challenges that you faced while doing academic writing?
viii. What sorts of roles do academic writing play in career development?
ix. How do you perceive academic writing for your career development?
x. What is the significance of academic writing?
xi. In which aspects of career development you want to develop through
academic writing? Why and how?
xii. What are the processes of academic writing?
xiii. What are the strategies that you adopt while preparing academic writing?

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