S.No Questions Unit K-Level CO PO
1. What is the prime objective of software engineering? I 1 1 PO2
2. Define software engineering paradigm. I 3 1 PO2
3. What do you mean by spiral model? I 2 1 PO1
4. Write a brief note on waterfall model. I 3 1 PO3
5. Distinguish between process and method. I 2 1 PO1,PO3
6. Give the importance of software engineering. I 2 1 PO1,PO3
7. Define software evolution process. I 4 1 PO3
List out some of the characteristics of software as a I 3 1 PO4
9. List the difference between process and product I 1 2 PO2,PO3
10. Distinguish clearly between verification & validation. I 2 2 PO2,PO3
11. What is meant by architectural design? I 1 2 PO5
12. Define System Modeling. I 1 2 PO5,PO6
13. What is SDLC? I 2 1 PO1,PO3
14. Discuss about Incremental model. I 3 2 PO1
15. Define Software Verification &Validation. I 2 1 PO1
16. Explain in detail about SDLC? I 2 2 PO1,PO3
17. Discuss about the various activities involved in software I 3 2 PO1,PO3
18. Explain the following: (i) waterfall model (ii) Spiral model I 2 2 PO4,PO5
(iii)RAD model (iv) Prototyping model.
19. Which is more important-the product or process? Justify I 1 2 PO2,PO3
your answer
20. List the characteristics of software as a product I 1 2 PO8,PO9
21. Describe the process involved in software evolution process. I 4 2 PO8,PO9,PO
22. Explain about unified process model I 2 1 PO3
23. Explain about spiral model. I 2 2 PO1,PO3
24. How does the change in software reflect in design models I 4 2 PO1,PO3
25. What are the prototyping approaches in software process? I 2 2 PO1,PO2,PO
Mention any two non-functional requirements on II 1 2 PO2
software to be developed
2. What is known as SRS? How is it maintained? II 2 2 PO1,P03
Distinguish between expected requirements and excited II 1 2 PO1,PO2,P
requirements O3,PO5
What is meant by software prototyping? II 1 2 PO1,PO2,P
What are the non-functional requirements of software? II 3 2 PO1,PO2,P
What is data dictionary? How is it used in software II 1 2 PO1,PO3
7. What is evolutionary process model? II 1 2 PO3
8. What is prototype model? II 2 2 PO3
9. What is spiral model? II 1 3 PO3
10. Write a brief note on data modeling activity? II 1 2
11. What is meant by Information flow Continuity? II 1 2
12. Define Behavioral Modeling. II 1 2
13. What is meant by Data dictionary? II 1 2 PO1,PO3
14. Define Process Specification. II 1 2 PO1,PO3
15. What does data dictionary contain? II 3 2 PO1,P3,5
16. Explain system modeling II 2 2 PO1,PO2,3,5
17. List the characteristics of SRS II 2 2 PO1,PO2,3,5
18. List down the objectives of Software Analysis modelling II 1 2 PO1,PO2,P3
19. Explain data modelling II 2 2 PO1,P2,3,5
20. What is the purpose of DFD? What are the components of II 6 2 PO1,PO2,3,5
21. State the benefits of modular design II 3 2 PO1,PO2,P
22. Explain about ER and UML? II 2 2 PO1,PO2,P
23. What are the commonly used architectural styles? II 3 2 PO1,PO3
24. Explain about Requirement engineering process II 3 2 PO3
25. Explain the design concepts II 6 2 PO3
26. Explain in detail about the functional and non-functional II 5 2 PO8,PO9
requirements of software
27. Explain about Requirement engineering process II 5 2 PO8,PO9
28. Explain about software requirement elicitation and analysis II 3 2 PO1,PO3
29. Explain about software testing techniques. II 3 2 PO1,PO3
30. Discuss the role of SRS. II 2 4 PO1,PO3
What are the elements of Analysis model? What are the III 1 4 PO7,PO8
elements of design model? PO9
How the Architecture Design can be represented? III 1 4 PO5,PO6,P
Define design process. List the principles of a software III 1 4 PO3,PO5
4. What is the various objectives of software design? III 3 4 PO8,P9,10
5. What are software design concepts? III 1 4 PO1,3,11
6. What are the various levels of software design? III 1 4 PO1,3,11
7. What are the common activities in design process? III 1 4 PO1,3,11
8. What are pattern based design? III 1 4 PO1,3,5
9. What is meant by web app design? III 1 4 PO7,8,9
10. What are the various elements of data design? III 1 4 PO5,6,7
11. List the requirements for data design. III 1 4 PO3,PO5
12. Explain in detail the various software design concepts. III 1 4 PO8,8,10
13. What is real time design? III 1 4 PO1,3,11
14. What is the benefit of modular design? III 1 4 PO8,9,10
15. What is meant by system design? III 1 4 PO3
16. What are the various software architectures available III 6 4 PO3,
17. Explain in detail about the characteristics and criteria for a III 5 4 PO7,PO8
good design PO9
18. What is structural model? III 1 4 PO5,P,7
19. Explain the set of principles for software engineering design III 5 4 PO3,PO5
20. Explain about system design concepts. III 5 4 PO8,P9,10
21. What do you mean by modularity in software development? III 1 4 PO1,PO3
Why is it needed?
22. What is data flow oriented design? Explain III 1 4 PO1,PO3
23. What is object oriented design? Explain III 1 4 PO4,PO5
24. Explain about the various design concepts considered during III 2 4 PO2,PO3
25. What is design document? Why is it needed? Explain III 1 4 PO8,PO9
26. Explain about the various concepts involved in software III 2 4 PO2,PO3
27. Write short notes on Architectural & component design III 1 4 PO8,PO9
28. Explain about the various system design. III 4 4 PO8,P9,10
29. Explain about the User interface designs III 4 4 PO3
30. Explain integration testing in detail. III 6 4 PO1,PO3
1. What is stress testing? IV 1 3 PO1,PO3
2. Discuss about the Art of Debugging. IV 1 3 PO1,PO3
Distinguish between verification and validation IV 1 5 PO1,PO2,P
4. What are the roles of testing tools? IV 1 5
5. What do you mean by test case management? IV 1 5
6. Distinguish between alpha and beta testing? IV 4 5 PO3
7. What are the approaches of debugging? IV 2 5 PO1,PO3
8. What is regression testing? IV 2 5 PO1,PO3
9. Distinguish between black and white box testing: IV 3 5 PO3
10. Why testing is important with respect to software? IV 1 5 PO1,PO3
11. Define black box testing strategy? IV 1 5 PO3
12. What is static and dynamic testing? IV 2 5 PO5,P011
13. How regression and stress tests performed? IV 1 3 PO5
14. Write short notes on equivalence partitioning? IV 3 2 PO3
15. Write the types of system tests? IV 2 5 PO1,PO3
16. What is black box & white-box testing? IV 3 5 PO8,PO9,PO
17. What is unit testing? Why is it important? Explain the unit IV 6 5 PO3,PO4,PO
test consideration and test procedure. 5
18. Explain Integration & debugging activities? IV 3 5 PO3,PO4,PO
19. Discuss in detail about test strategies for conventional IV 4 5 PO8,PO9
20. Explain in detail about basic path testing. IV 2 5 PO8,PO9,PO
21. Describe the various testing activities IV 2 5 PO3
22. Explain Integration testing IV 6 5 PO1,PO3
23. Explain regression testing IV 1 3 PO1,PO3
24. Describe system testing IV 2 4 PO1,PO2,PO
25. List the benefits of integration testing IV 4 4 PO2,PO3
26. Explain about black box testing & white box testing? Explain IV 2 3 PO1,PO3
with example?
27. Explain in detail about the various software testing IV 5 5 PO1,PO2,P
techniques. O3,PO5
28. Explain about the software testing strategies IV 5 5 PO1,PO2,P
29. Explain about the testing documentation at various levels IV 3 5 PO1,P2,3,5
30. Explain in detail about Software quality assurance, control IV 4 5 PO1,PO2,P
and management. O3
List out the importance of cost estimation in software V 1 1 PO1,PO2,P
development. O3,PO5
Mention the advantages of CASE tools. V 1 1 PO1,PO2,P
How do you estimate time required for a software V 1 1 PO1,PO2,P
development project? O3
4. Draw the structure of CASE REPOSITORY and explain. V 6 2 PO1,PO3
5. What is meant by software change? V 2 2 PO3
6. Write short notes on empirical estimation models. V 3 2 PO3
7. Why the software needs maintenance? V 2 2 PO3
8. Define software re-engineering. V 1 2 PO3
9. What is Software Configuration Management. V 1 4 PO1,PO3
10. What is meant by version control. V 1 4 PO1,PO3
11. What is COCOMO V 1 4 PO3
12. What meant by process metrics V 1 4 PO1,PO3
13. What is meant by software quality assurance? V 1 4 PO1,PO3
14. What is meant by risk management? V 1 4 PO1
15. What are the risk management practices? V 1 4 PO3
16. Why software change occurs? V 2 1 PO8,PO9
17. List the pros and cons of size measure V 2 1 PO8,PO9,10
18. Explain about various software metrics V 2 1 PO3
19. Explain software maintenance V 2 1 PO1,PO3
20. List the types of software cost estimation models V 1 1 PO1,PO3
21. How Risk occurs & how is it managed? V 1 1 PO1,PO3
22. Explain constructive cost model V 1 1 PO1,PO3
23. Compare the various cost estimation models V 2 4 PO1,PO3
24. Explain expert judgment techniques V 2 5 PO5,PO6,7
25. Explain the top down and bottom up methods in cost V 6 4 PO5,PO6,PO
estimation. 7
26. Elaborate on the series of tasks of a software configuration V 2 1 PO1,PO3
management process.
27. Explain about software quality assurance. V 2 1 PO1,PO3
28. Briefly explain about calculating various software metrics. V 2 1 PO3
29. Explain about project scheduling process. V 2 1 PO1,PO3
30. Discuss about software Re-engineering V 2 4 PO1,PO3
31. Explain about the processes involved in risk management V 2 1 PO1,P2,3
32. Discuss about software metrics. V 2 4 PO1,PO3
33. Explain about Risk management process. V 5 5 PO1,P2,3,5
34. Explain about software maintenance and re-engineering V 5 5 PO1,PO2,P
process. O3,PO5
35. Explain about project scheduling process. V 5 5 PO1,P2,3,5