One of the most important concepts in object-oriented
programming is that of inheritance. Inheritance allows us
to define a class in terms of another class, which makes it
easier to create and maintain an application. This also
provides an opportunity to reuse the code functionality
and fast implementation time.
2. Multilevel Inheritance:
In Multi level inheritance, a class inherits its
properties from another derived class.
Class A it is a Base class (super) of B
class B1 {
// Base class 1 members
class B2 : access_modifer B1 {
// Base class 2 members
class DerivedClass : access_modifier B2 {
// Derived class members
Types of Inheritance
3. Multiple Inheritances:
In Multiple inheritances, a derived class inherits
from multiple base classes. It has properties of
both the base classes.
class B1 {
// Base class members
class B2 {
// Base class members
class DerivedClass : access_modifier B1, access_modifier B2 {
// Derived class members
Types of Inheritance
4. Hierarchical Inheritance:
In hierarchical Inheritance, it's like an inverted tree.
So multiple classes inherit from a single base
Class A
class B {
// body of the class
class D1 : access_modifier B {
// body of the class
class D2 : access_modifier B {
// body of the class
class D3 : access_modifier B {
// body of the class
Types of Inheritance
5. Hybrid Inheritance:
Hybrid inheritance is a combination of more than one inheritance type
within the same program. This is also called virtual inheritance. For
example, a complex hierarchy involving multiple types of inheritance.
Since it is a combination of more than one inheritance, there is no fixed
syntax for it. So, let's take a look at an example to get a better
understanding of this concept.
Types of Inheritance
5. Hybrid Inheritance:
Class A
Class B Class C
Class D