Program Module Name Schedule Term Student Reference Number (SRN) Report/Assignment Title Date of Submission
Program Module Name Schedule Term Student Reference Number (SRN) Report/Assignment Title Date of Submission
Program Module Name Schedule Term Student Reference Number (SRN) Report/Assignment Title Date of Submission
Module name Advanced Project Management
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Report/Assignment Title
Date of Submission
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BPP School of Business and Technology
Executive summary
This project report discusses the project management practices that can be adopted by
Cambridge University project management team to make the project of online teaching
successful. The Cambridge University has planned to shift to online teaching due to this
COVID 19 pandemic. It is to make this project successful, first of all it is required to make
adequate selection of the project. The section project selection and portfolio management
discusses that blended learning approach is the project that should be selected. It is also
essential to make choice for the development of online teaching module on the basis of the
evaluation of project performance indicators. The Organizational context section describes
the TOWS analysis which indicates that the project has more strengths and opportunities than
threats and weaknesses. The report also highlights that P3M3 project governance framework
is best suitable framework for making the project successful. The leadership section of the
report discusses that the project champions must be aware about the real objectives of the
organizations. Only then they would be able to adopt such a technical aspect that would help
in the achievement of the strategic objectives of the organization. Finally the report concludes
that Alignment of team members, knowledge of roles and responsibilities for the team
members and measurement of the process of change are the key steps that would help in
successful implementation of change in the organization.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................4
2. Project Selection and Project Portfolio..............................................................................................4
2.1 Selection of project and justification for the selection................................................................5
2.2 Recommendations for effective management of the Project Portfolio.......................................6
3. The Organisational Context...............................................................................................................6
3.1 The context of project of Cambridge University for moving to online teaching..........................6
3.2 Recommendations for Organizational Structure.........................................................................8
4. Project Governance...........................................................................................................................9
4.1 Comparison of Norwegian and P3M3 project management governance frameworks................9
4.2 Recommendations for the choice of project governance framework for Cambridge university
4.3 Recommendations for the development of governance institutions for Cambridge university
5. Leadership.......................................................................................................................................13
5.1 Role of the project leader..........................................................................................................13
5.2 Recommendations for how project champions can support the success of the project...........14
5.3 Discussion of the best way to manage the project champions..................................................14
6. Advanced Planning and Scheduling.................................................................................................14
6.1 Comparison of two Project Management Methodologies.........................................................15
6.2 Best Suited Project Management Methodology for the project of Cambridge University........16
7. Managing and Leading Change........................................................................................................17
8. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................18
9. References.......................................................................................................................................19
10. Appendix........................................................................................................................................22
10.1 Self-Assessment.......................................................................................................................22
1. Introduction
Project management plays an important role in successful completion of the activities of the
organization. There are only 2.5% of the organizational that remain successful in completion
of their activities on time. The only reason behind this is lack of effective project
management. Project management helps in making the project successful through breakdown
of the tasks and proper division of the tasks among the project team members and completion
of small tasks by the project team members’ results into successful achievement of the
ultimate goal of the organization. This business project is based on selection of advanced
business practices by Cambridge University that would help in making the project of shifting
to online teaching successful. The global pandemic in 2020 has highly affected the education
system at global level. All the schools and university are forced to shut or have started online
teachings for their students. Cambridge University has also switched to online mode of
teaching in 2020 (, 2021). This shift from offline to online mode has brought
various changes in the module structure and curriculum of university. This change brought
various challenges for the students as well as teachers because lack of digital skills among the
teachers as well as students was the main issue that created problems to manage the online
classes. This report is a detailed discussion of advanced project management techniques that
can help the organization to be successful in this project of shifting to online mode.
Interactive video sessions and learning modules through flipped classroom model can
help in making the project successful. It would help in enhancing one to one
interaction with the students because this model is based on the pedagogical
perspective (Bashir, et al, 2019).
University can also adopt a model based on blending learning approach. In this
approach, it is required for both students and teachers to be presented in physical
forms during online class. This approach is a suitable opportunity for the students to
interact with teachers online (Goble, 2018).
There is another approach named as self-paced learning module. This module helps in
the enhancement of quality teaching. University can also opt for development of the
new portal for digital transformation of the learning modules.
It would be an opportunity for the collaboration of students and teachers through virtual
connections. It would act as a growth in flexibility for the students because the students
would be able to learn anywhere and anytime. This would be technology enabled module.
There would be no barrier and boundaries for the student such as issues related to time and
location for entering this module. It would be proved as an enhanced way of interaction.
There would be free flow of interaction between students and the teachers. This blended
learning approach would train the students to be virtual citizens (Lam, Hew and Chiu, 2018).
They would become able to present themselves in an online society of enquiry academically
as well as socially. The blended learning would make it possible for all the students to use
new technologies used under this approach because the technologies used for teaching under
this module are very easy and most of the students would be aware about these technologies
(Lalima and Lata Dangwal, 2017).
Project evaluation: It is essential for the organization to analyse the effectiveness of the
project before making investment in it. This initial evaluation would provide a better
direction towards further development of the project. It would help the organization to
identify the benefits as well as limitations of the projects and would also assists in better
decision making to avoid any challenges in the project (Musau and Kirui, 2018).
Evaluation of cost: It is also very important to evaluate the cost of the project before
proceeding with the development of the project (Severo, et al., 2020). It helps the
organization to work on the financial requirements of the project and helps in making
decisions accordingly. This cost analysis is also required after the development of the project.
Calculation of indicators associated with the performance of the project: For Cambridge
University, it is essential to make choice for the development of online teaching module on
the basis of the evaluation of project performance indicators. In case, the results after the
evaluation of these indicators would be unsatisfactory, then university can also opt for
different module for online teaching (Dimitrova & Dimitrova, 2019).
Table 1: TOWS Matrix
Opportunities Threats
One to one Difficulty for
interaction of teachers to teach
students and using new
teachers. methodology
Exploration of
knowledge of the
students in technical
weakness of the project if module in this online
blended learning approach teaching process would
would be followed for this increase the number of
online teaching by opportunities for the
Cambridge University. students. The students
Though, it would take some would be able to log in for
time for the teachers and their class any time and at
students to understand the any place (Xue, et al,
process, but once they get 2018). They can get
familiar with this approach, themselves connected to
it would add the benefits for teachers instantly and can
the students, teachers and get feedback for the work
organization. done by them. This would
also enhance the digital
skills of the students. This
would further help them to
explore their knowledge in
various technical aspects as
Source: Authors’ Creation
There would be divisional heads to look after the tasks in every division.
It would be the best method to assess the outcome from every division.
This would initiate quick decision making process.
It would be very easy to develop this organizational structure.
There would high cost of project because a large number of employees would be
involved in this,
This can also lead to high inefficiencies of the employees.
It would lead to increased rivalries among the people who are associated with such
There can be differentiation in the strategies adopted at the departmental level and can
produce differentiated results as well (Rahmat et al., 2020).
4. Project Governance
Project governance is defined as the infrastructure that deals with responsibility and
accountability related to the project. The main focus of the project governance frameworks is
to help the project managers to achieve the maximum output in the specified period of time.
These project governance frameworks help the project managers to make effective and quick
decisions to make required changes in the project (Shkola, et al., 2021).
This project governance framework came into existence in 2000 with the efforts of some
project managers in Norway (Stoyka, et al., 2021). The main purpose of the project managers
while introducing this framework was to work on the increasing costs of the project. It is with
their efforts a framework named as Norwegian governance framework came into existence
that assures for sustainable investment in the projects at global level. This system not only
ensures the cost effectiveness but also makes sure about the quality of the project. Besides
this, this framework also ensures the achievement of the desirable outcomes within the
specified time frames (Stoyka, et al., 2021). This framework also helps in making the process
of decision making more effective as well as accurate. Most importantly, this system is an
assistance for the supervisors in the project for making the reliable delivery of the project
This framework is accountable for the quality assurance at every step of the process.
The process of management of the issues is very less complex under this framework
(McGrath and Whitty, 2020).
This framework provides flexibility to the completion of every task of the project.
If the organization has adopted agile approach, then this type of framework for
planning regarding resources to be used in the project is inappropriate.
The scope of this framework is limited
Figure 2: Framework of the P3M3 governance model
This framework enhances the alignment of business processes as per the strategic
objectives of the organization.
This framework also helps the project team member to attain optimum level of
performance (Pellerin and Perrier, 2019).
4.2 Recommendations for the choice of project governance framework for Cambridge
university project
From the comparison of the two project governance frameworks, it is clear that the use of
P3M3 project governance framework would best help the Cambridge university project to be
successful. This framework would help the project management to obtain the desired
outcome (, 2021). The case depicts that the university has planned to shift to a
new mode of delivering education to the students, therefore online delivery of lessons to the
students is the major concern of the university. According to Jiancheng, et al., (2021) from
overall prospect of the online teaching and online learning aspects P3M3 plays an important
role. This method increases flexibility in the project for all team members also increases the
level of communication among them. In case of online teaching project of Cambridge
University, it is required to provide a flexible system to the students and the teachers so that
they can be able to have effective interaction with each other.
This methodology consists of use of various tools associated with artificial intelligence and
information technology. The main focus of these tools is only to bring revolutionary
variations through the upgradation of the techniques under project management. This P3M3
methodology is useful for the project because it is helpful for the alignment of team member
so that each member can contribute for the achievement of the short term goals. According to
Ekow and Manu, (2021), this methodology with agile approach helps in attaining highest
values for the educational institutions for any new change or new project implementation.
According to Jiancheng, et al., (2021), this methodology is also highly cost effective as
compared to other traditional project governance frameworks. As per the views of (Ekow and
Manu, 2021) this methodology is an appealing procedure to the project managers which
results into accurate observations and analysis. Therefore, it can be said that selection of this
methodology is justified in this case. This methodology would also guide and direct the
project managers of Cambridge University for appropriate selection of the procedures for the
successful implementation of the new mode of online teaching.
The university should start training and development sessions for the faculty members
so that they can be able to deal with the digital technology for delivering online
sessions to the students without any difficulty (Guertler and Sick, 2021).
It also required to enhance the technical skills of the students to make use of online
portal for logging into the class and to make use of all the associated functions.
It is also required to regularly govern the project so that the errors in the project can
be minimized and there can be regular evaluation of the driving force of change in the
The above given recommendations would help the project team members to understand the
requirements of the project and would also help in accurate selection and incorporation of the
best project governance institution. According to Jiancheng, et al., (2021), there are various
different areas in which application of P3M3 project governance framework has helped in the
development of better governance institution (THE, 2021). The Open University in UK is the
best example of similar real life example of the case that has adopted P3M3 Project
governance framework and similar strategies for the development of the governance
5. Leadership
5.1 Role of the project leader
According to the project of Cambridge University, the main role of the project manager
would be to work on the achievement of objective of digital literacy so that online mode of
teaching can be convenient to both teachers and the students (McGrath and Whitty, 2020).
The project manager would have to develop strategies so that all the team members can be
trained for making use of software and technologies which would further make the use of
portal convenient to students and teachers. It would also be required to allocate extra
resources for making the online learning convenient to the students from remote areas
(Pellerin and Perrier, 2019). It is also essential to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the
project team members. The only way to mitigate errors in this project is through making
allocation of the tasks according to the potential of the team members.
The project managers are directly answerable to CEO of the organization. According to
Srivastava, et al., (2017), project managers or project leaders are responsible for maintaining
dynamic project operations and are accountable for the success of the overall project. In this
project, the project manager are responsible for setting strategies, delivery of product concept
and for providing direction to all the team members for the tasks assigned to them.
5.2 Recommendations for how project champions can support the success of the
Project champion in project management is known as the individual who takes overall burden
of ensuring the active involvement of all the project members, achievement of their short
term goals and for achieving success within the specified time frame. Project champion is
also responsible for the identification of the strategic success of the different functions of the
project. According to Stoyka, et al., (2021) project champion is responsible for guiding
operations of all the team members. The study also mentioned that involvement of the project
champion leads to enhancement of potentials of the project team members. In this way,
project champion acts as a formidable experience for every team member (Thesing, et al.,
Advantages of PRINCE2
This methodology increases engagement of the stakeholders and can help in better
management of the operations at organizational level. Especially in case of online
teaching, it can help in the effective management of the curriculum management for
making the online education effective during this pandemic period.
This methodology focuses on the continuous improvement and is also used for the
adoption of new systems at organizational level. This continuous improvement would
be helpful for making online education more effective by Cambridge University.
Disadvantages of PRINCE 2
Agile Methodology
Agile is known as a popular planning schedule that is used in the organizations at global
level. This planning schedule is based on the iterative approach that guides and directs for
processing the project (Srivastava et al., 2017). This methodology was developed around 20
years ago and has become popular at global level in past 10 years. This is known as n
iterative approach for software development and project management. The main principles of
agile methodologies are based on high customers’ satisfaction, simplicity, continuous
attention and frequent changes when required.
The main advantages of agile methodology consists of flexibility and quick responses
for the changes. This is the key factor that can help Cambridge university project.
During this pandemic, the university is shifting from Offline to Online mode of
teaching, therefore, it is essential for the organization to make quick changes in its
learning modules and curriculum.
This methodology consists of better communication and emphasize on the
requirements of the customers. Continuous feedback process helps the organizations
for meeting the project deliverables.
For any new project, if agile methodology is being applied, it would be big challenge
to deal with the cost, time, and resources (Pellerin and Perrier, 2019).
It is heavily required to provide training and skills to the workers to such type of
projects where agile methodology has been applied.
6.2 Best Suited Project Management Methodology for the project of Cambridge
For Cambridge University’s project of shifting to online mode of teaching, agile project
management methodology is the best suited methodology. This methodology can help in
providing project deliverable within the specified time frame. The project managers can also
make the project cost effective with the use of this agile approach. As the university is
adopting a new pattern to completely shift their education to online mode, agile methodology
would help in increasing the potentials of the project managers to get this project completed
on time and to make the project highly qualitative. This change of mode of education also
require new talent to work on new platform (De Marco, 2021). This agile approach would
also make the recruitment process of new staff as well as training and development of the
existing staff easier. There are a large number of studies that have supported that agile
approach in project management helps in enhancing the potential of the employees. It not
only helps in making the operations of the project innovative but also enhances security
measures for the project (Xue, et al, 2018).
The Open University in UK is the similar real life example of the university that has adopted
agile methodology for shifting to online mode of education. They have adopted an
experiment driven approach for agile methodology and advocates that it has made their teams
able to understand various new methods and techniques.
7. Managing and Leading Change
Change management is known as an appropriate approach that can help in the successful
implementation of the change in the project. Change management is all about improvement
of the current situation and to attain future desirables which are more efficient than the
current state. According to Prosci, (2019) Change management is not a new concept. Various
researchers have argued that change management is older than the project management. It is
for the delivery of the successful change in the project, it is essential to reduce discomfort of
change. Communication about the change is also an important element that can help in
making the change successful. In the current project of Cambridge University, it is essential
to make all the students and teachers about the change before implementing it. Prosci’s
ADKAR model has given emphasis on the communication of change in an effective manner
for success of the change (Musau and Kirui, 2018). Sustaining the change is also an essential
step in change management that is known as a best practical approach to make the change in
the project successful in the long run. For Cambridge University online teaching project, it is
essential to follow some certain steps for making the change successful.
First of all, it is required to clearly define the change and align the change as per the
project objectives. It is known as one of the most crucial steps to be incorporated by
the project managers. It would help in ensuring the operational values of the project.
All the project team members have knowledge about their roles and responsibilities.
At this stage, it is required to prepare a blueprint of change.
Third step is regarding the communication regarding change. There should be proper
channel where all the team members should be provided with an opportunity to get
their issues addressed.
Fourth step is regarding the measurement of the process of change. In this stage it is
also required to measure the impact of the change management.
According to Severo, et al., (2020) it is required to have efficient involvement of all the team
members in the change management process to make the change management process more
effective. According to Bashir, et al, (2019) active participation of the team members would
also help in exploring the potential benefits for achievement of the target of the projects.
Domino’s Pizza is the best example of change management process adopted for shifting to
creative online ordering process and resulted into high market share. The Open University
UK is the best example of change management in the educational sector that has shifted from
offline to online mode using the similar Change management criteria.
8. Conclusion
This project report is a detailed viewpoint about how Cambridge University can be successful
in the implementation of online mode of teaching using advanced project management
practices. Though the project management methodologies and project governance
frameworks would best help in the implementation of the new system but the university
would have to adopt some effective strategies that would make the new system familiar to the
students and teachers and there would not be any issue for them to understand the system.
These strategies should consists of training and development sessions for the teachers and
students to make use of the new portal so that they can maximize their potentials by working
on it.
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10. Appendix
10.1 Self-Assessment
Task Evaluation Grade Band
Project Selection and I visited the website of the university to 80
Portfolio Management obtain information for the completion of
this task. It is only with the secondary
information obtained from the website of
the university, project was selected. This
section has also discussed about selection
of portfolio management.
Organizational Context This part of the report has discussed 78
organisational structure that should be
adopted by the university to make the
project successful. The report discusses
the divisional organizational structure
through TOWS Matrix.
Project Governance In this part, I have discussed two project 76
governance frameworks and has selected
the best suitable project governance
framework that can help in making the
project success.
Leadership This part of the assignment is a critical 80
evaluation of role of a project leader as
per the case scenario. This section has
also discussed the significance of the
Leader to make the project successful.
Managing and Leading This part of the report is an advice for the 85
Change organization to incorporate changes in
the project in a structured manner. It has
also discussed how people should be
effectively involved for making this
change successful in the organization.