A Text Analysis of Meaning in Research On Gender Language and L
A Text Analysis of Meaning in Research On Gender Language and L
A Text Analysis of Meaning in Research On Gender Language and L
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Walden University
Samantha F. Weissrock
Review Committee
Dr. Marlon Sukal, Committee Chairperson, Psychology Faculty
Dr. James Herndon, Committee Member, Psychology Faculty
Dr. James Brown, University Reviewer, Psychology Faculty
Walden University
Samantha F. Weissrock
Doctor of Philosophy
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Walden University
February 2022
Focusing on gender and leadership research, the purpose of the study was to examine
discursive messages used in research text regarding gendered leadership to explore the
phenomenon of word usage and language structure. The study employed critical
change and take on new meaning over time. Leveraging texts available in scholarly, peer-
juxtaposition to the final issue of the same publication have previously focused on
research question about what discursive messages regarding gender, performance, and
power are found in gender leadership research texts was examined at a microlevel,
mesolevel, and macrolevel. The microlevel found that gender, performance, and power
varied based on the research question applied to the text. The mesolevel found that power
was demonstrated through quantitative research design, that required the consumer to
western ideologies of success. The research question and findings of the study are
important with implications for positive social change by highlighting subtle yet powerful
messages that reinforce perceptions of inequality between men and women at work. The
findings can compel researchers to structure studies that move beyond women-focused to
Samantha F. Weissrock
Doctor of Philosophy
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Walden University
February 2022
To my father, Bill Seymour, and brother, Bill Seymour, Jr., two of the finest men
Finally, this paper is dedicated to all who question, seek, and ultimately find
members Marlon Sukal, Ph.D., James Herndon, Ph.D., and Jimmy Brown, Ph.D. Thank
you for your willingness and support to go along on this journey with me. Dr.Sukal,
thank you for challenging me to stay the course despite the obstacles that came along the
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
Background ................................................................................................................... 3
Definition of Terms..................................................................................................... 14
Assumptions.......................................................................................................... 16
Delimitations ......................................................................................................... 17
Limitations ............................................................................................................ 19
Significance................................................................................................................. 22
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 23
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 25
Literature Review........................................................................................................ 30
CDA… .................................................................................................................. 30
Feminism and Feminist Theory ............................................................................ 37
Language ............................................................................................................... 50
Gender ……………………………………………………………………………53
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 88
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 90
Methodology ............................................................................................................... 98
Ethical Procedures .............................................................................................. 142
Setting ………………………………………………………………………………147
Results ………………………………………………………………………………154
Interdisciplinary or Multidisciplinary ................................................................. 200
Implications............................................................................................................... 206
Appendix A: IPSY 8755 Leadership and Leader Development: Welcome & Course
List of Tables
Table 14. Final Codification and Summary: Article 001 ................................................ 156
Table 15. Final Codification and Summary: Article 002 ................................................ 158
Table 16. Final Codification and Summary: Article 004 ................................................ 160
Table 17. Final Codification and Summary: Article 005 ................................................ 161
Table 18. Final Codification and Summary: Article 007 ................................................ 163
Table 19. Final Codification and Summary: Article 008 ................................................ 165
Table 20. Final Codification and Summary: Article 010 ................................................ 166
Table 21. Final Codification and Summary: Article 011 ................................................ 168
Table 22. Final Codification and Summary: Article 012 ................................................ 169
Table 23. Final Codification and Summary: Article 013 ................................................ 171
Table 24. Final Codification and Summary: Article 014 ................................................ 173
Table 25. Final Codification and Summary: Article 015 ................................................ 175
Table 26. Final Codification and Summary: Article 016 ................................................ 178
Table 27. Final Codification and Summary: Article 017 ................................................ 179
Table 28. Final Codification and Summary: Article 018 ................................................ 181
List of Figures
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study
Focusing on gender and leadership research, this paper addressed a gap in the
literature, that has seldom considered the role of language used in research as an
influence on the perception of gender within leadership. In this study, I examined the
usage of text through the application of qualitative discourse analysis. Discourse analysis
has addressed authorship, gender, and leadership issues separately but has rarely brought
This research was significant in many ways. First, it helped identify the language
used in gendered leadership research, that may have shaped and influenced beliefs about
each sex (see Fairclough, 2016). Second, the study helped fill a gap in understanding
of gender inequality between female and male leaders through the language selection
used in the text (see Gee, 2017). Next, this study was significant to help gendered
leadership research find equal footing for both sexes (see Baxter, 2015) by discussing
how focus on perceived inequalities is based on biological sex, yet using the term gender
(Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018a), it is crucial that the research field of gendered leadership
uncouple the use of gender as female and include men equally into studies of language,
leadership, and gender. Concepts of gender in the United States and other first-world
countries have moved beyond bifurcated and binary representations of boy/girl and
male/female. As both sexes presence continues to grow, workplaces demand less
prescriptive expectations of men as leaders and women as caregivers. So too, the methods
for studying gendered leadership must become balanced (Subasic et al., 2018). The study
conversations to encompass both sexes, and move gendered leadership forward to a more
balanced approach. Furthermore, analyzing text selection in research studies has the
potential to increase awareness of the interaction of the researcher and research within
as gendered leadership. The chapter begins with background information, noting the
leadership and how word usage and language structure can be employed as an actor or
active participant to shape the perception of the adequacy of female leadership ability or
that of males as better leaders (see Latu & Mast, 2016; Martin, 2015; Szymanska &
Rubin, 2018). Following the background discussion, I outline the problem statement,
purpose statement, and nature of the study. Following the nature of the study, the chapter
addresses the research question and theoretical framework. Pertinent keywords are
summarizing the chapter and moving forward with relevant literature in Chapter 2.
At its core, the United States was built on social change. Social change begins
with a desire or call to reshape a group for all to rise to a better state. Nowhere can such a
call be seen more powerfully than the Declaration of Independence. The power and
eloquence of each word, to this day, remains the blueprint of the American identity. The
ideas conveyed within its text have become ingrained into the DNA of Americans as
profoundly as the document’s opening preamble declares: “We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
(U.S., 1772). The authors intentionally selected each word to invoke an emotional
response in the reader and incite the desire for social change. Since that time, words have
been used to generate passion, change, and move the American nation towards common
goals. In 1963, the words written in The Feminine Mystic by Friedan (1963) started a
female revolution within the United States. Friedan’s message served as a call to arms for
what became known as the second wave feminist movement and changed the country
working outside the home, progressing in chosen careers, entering the upper echelons of
corporations, and stepping into leadership positions (Lord et al., 2017). As a result of the
growing presence of women at work, a large body of research on women in the
workplace has emerged. Feminist researchers have sought to advance women into
leadership roles with various studies and conceptual models explaining women’s ability
to lead and theories explaining women’s failure to thrive (Coats, 2016). It has been said
that research about leadership has been conducted by men, for men, and focuses on male
attributes (Northouse, 2016). On the other hand, it has been asserted that gender research
has been conducted by women, for women, and to identify women’s issues (Morgenroth
& Ryan 2018a). Feminist research and media appropriated the word gender to argue for
female advancement issues and, until recently, the terms female and gender became
synonymous and were used interchangeably (Eagly, 2018) while the term men became
According to the United States Department of Labor (Toossi & Morisi, 2018), women
composed nearly 50% of the United States workforce in 2015, a percentage that is
expected to climb to 77.6% by 2024, creating an argument that women can no longer rely
leadership and gender research fields should work to find a middle ground.
ultimately creating a perception in the researcher’s mind and the reader to potentially
create a self-fulfilling prophecy (Fairclough, 2016; Gee, 2017). Ravitch and Carl (2016)
asserted that all research possesses bias due to the researcher’s interests, assumptions, and
acknowledged the role of the author as a participant in shaping fictional works and media
stories to take the reader on a journey to the desired outcome (Gee, 2014a, 2014b);
however, little research had been conducted to examine the possible impact of text used
the language used in gender leadership research as a direct or indirect impact on the
Problem Statement
leadership research as a direct or indirect impact on the researcher’s and the reader’s
perception of female and male leaders. The problem arose when, in response to the need
for a more balanced or inclusionary conversation regarding the influence of the biological
sex of leaders, an area of research examining the interplay of gender, language, and
leadership emerged (Baxter, 2015; Powell & Butterfield, 2015). The field of gender,
studies the relationship between society and language or, more specifically, the context in
gender, language, and leadership questions how concepts of gender shape workplace
conversations by examining how individuals use verbal and nonverbal language choices
that impact their ability to influence and lead others (Baxter, 2007, 2011, 2014, 2015,
2017). A problem with the field of gender, language and leadership has been the reliance
developed during the second wave feminist movement and has been criticized for its
that feminist theory sought equality between men and women; however, such an
assumption is misguided. Feminist theory is not a single entity but rather a collection of
theories that place women at the center. Feminist theory and research heavily favor
women and use the terms female and gender interchangeably (Cox, 2019). In the
language and leadership framework, sexism and marginalization are depicted as one
directional, meaning that each is reserved for men against women with little to no
consideration for male marginalization (Cox, 2019; Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018a). Finally,
The initial concept for the study was to analyze the text selection used in research
in the field of gender, language and leadership. However, the field was quite narrow, and
only a few researchers emerged having approached the phenomenon specifically. The
research problem became better defined after considerable research in gender, language
and leadership separately and combined. More than 15 years before the writing of this
contemporary linguists tended to focus on spoken word rather than written text, and a
shift to the examination of the written word would have significant consequences to
cognitive beliefs about success or suppression, that ultimately creates a perception in the
(Fairclough, 2016; Gee, 2017). Ravitch and Carl (2016) asserted that all research
possesses bias due to the researcher’s interests, assumptions, and beliefs that manifest in
author as a participant in shaping fictional works and media stories to take the reader on a
journey to the desired outcome (Gee, 2014a, 2014b, 2017). However, little research
appeared to have been conducted on the possible impact of text used in nonfiction gender
studies (Baxter, 2007, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017). Therefore, a problem existed in the lack
impact on the researcher’s and the reader’s perception of female and male leaders.
Purpose Statement
Focusing on the paradigm of gender and leadership research, I examined the role
of language used in research as an influence on the writer and reader through the
leadership collectively. The purpose of this study was to explore the discursive messages
used in research text regarding gendered leadership or gender in leadership and the
phenomenon of word usage and language structure applied to research text. Text (words)
reader’s perception of the adequacy of female leadership ability or that of males as better
leaders (Latu & Mast, 2016; Martin, 2015; Szymanska & Rubin, 2018). Leveraging text
available in a scholarly, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the intersection of gender
and leadership in juxtaposition to the final issue of the same publication previously
oriented, the text was analyzed to identify discursive themes that influenced the
perception of power, performance, and gender. The discursive ideas investigated were as
leadership roles.
Research Question
The following research question guided this study to explore the phenomenon of
the gendered leadership research as an actor and active participant in the written
messages communicated through the selection of word usage and the possible creation of
The framework for the study was situated in critical discourse analysis theory and
analysis is the process of examining the relationship between the written or spoken word
and the word’s meaning (Gee, 2017) and can be applied to a wide variety of studies
(Amoussou & Allagbe, 2018). Discourse analysis strives to understand the relationship
between word(s) and meaning; however, when applied to research, discourse analysis
becomes generic (McMullen, 2021). Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is a specific, cross
discipline approach to discourse analysis primarily concerned with the innate nature of
language’s ability to change and take on new meaning over time with a focus on one or
more social problems (Chouliaraki & Fairclough, 1999). Amoussou and Allagbe (2018)
defined CDA as
power and discourse, and particularly it investigates the way in which authority,
resisted in the discourse of written text and spoken words. (p. 13)
for the production and reproduction of ideology (Fairclough, 2016) and serves as a
theoretical framework and methodology that must be applied in tandem (Sriwimon &
Zilli, 2017; Wodak & Meyer, 2016). Jørgensen and Phillips (2002) explained the overlap
Norman Fairclough (1995a, 1995b) uses it both to describe the approach he has
developed and as the label for a broader movement within discourse analysis of
which several approaches, including his own, are a part. (p. 60)
Wodak and Meyer (2016) stated, “Critical Discourse Studies, as in all social
research, theory, methods, and analysis are closely interrelated, and decisions about one
affect the other” (p. 14). CDA’s theoretical underpinning, that lends to its uniqueness, is
the eight points defined to qualify as CDA research (Amousson & Allagbe, 2018):
• CDA is positioned as the primary foci and does not perform as a subdiscipline
perspectives and possible solutions to address and resolve the social wrong
through counter-ideologies.
A CDA framework was appropriate to this study due to its approach of language
as a primary driver for the production and reproduction of ideologies to such an extent
that language reinforces beliefs until beliefs become dogmatic and taken without question
(Fairclough, 2016). Furthermore, CDA has frequently been applied to the examination of
fiction and nonfiction gendered text in conjunction with and drawing upon the conceptual
power, dominance, and inequality, that can be applied to a wide number of topics,
using CDA as a framework have reassigned the term gender to be synonymous with
female and have omitted men as an active component of gender (Coats, 2016). Therefore,
or historical knowledge (Hansson et al., 2019). More directly stated, everything we think
feminist argument of male power by stressing that knowledge is attained through social
interaction, thereby making power shared throughout a given social group (Baxter, 2017).
Men cannot hold power over women without consent and vice versa. Through the
by men.
has been conceptualized from varying perspectives and attempts to explain effective
classified in four categories: traits, behavior and motivation, contingency, and integrative
leadership theories (Lussier & Achua, 2015). More recently, leadership research has
transformational behavior, ensuring future studies will continue to support the qualities of
an effective leader identified by skill rather than biological sex (Morgenroth & Ryan,
Each theory’s central theme discussed above acknowledges change (Baxter, 2017;
Fairclough, 2016; Powell & Butterfield, 2015). Alone, each theory addresses aspects of
social change that are needed in gendered leadership research. Collectively, CDA,
drawing on poststructural feminist theory and leadership theory, created a robust
and leadership research to a more holistic conversation. Based on the literature reviewed
and evidence to support implicit or explicit bias that manifested in research (Gee, 2017;
Lee et al., 2020; Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017) alongside the prevalence of female-feminist in
the field of gendered leadership research, I hypothesized that I would find instances that
generated messages asserting that women were at a leadership disadvantage through the
cross contamination of the terms of gender and direct or indirect female relationship.
The nature of this study was qualitative. My goal was to analyze the text of
gendered leadership research for ways discursive messages have shaped the social
The study was conducted as a CDA of existing literature on gender and leadership
to uncover themes that may have contributed to the perception of masculine or feminine
with understanding the effects of stylized text in written discourse (Fairclough, 2016;
Wodak & Meyer, 2016) and helped me to identify instances when stylized text was used
In this study, I examined the discursive messages used in research text regarding
gendered leadership and explored the phenomenon of word usage and language structure
applied to research text. Text (words) can be employed as an actor or active participant,
implicitly or explicitly shaping the reader’s perception (Gee, 2017; Wodak & Meyer,
study’s nature demanded both be executed in tandem (see Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017;
Wodak & Meyer, 2016). CDA was performed by asking questions that looked beyond
reading text at face value to look past obvious information in a transcript to the many
factors involved in creating and consuming the text itself (see Gill, 2009; Fairclough,
2016). The methodological steps involved in the study consisted of four stages and
subsequent steps. First, a social wrong was identified that could be approached in a
appropriate text meeting the criteria of gender, leadership, and language were analyzed.
Third, consideration was made whether social order needed the social wrong. Finally,
possible ways past the obstacles were identified (see Fairclough, 2016). Appropriate
instruments were created to capture, categorize, and synthesize the data, culminating in
Definition of Terms
The following definitions are for key terms and phrases used in the study and are
discourse analysis, primarily concerned with the innate nature of language’s ability to
change and take on new meaning over time, with a focus on one or more social problems
and with an emphasis on the relationship between power and discourse to investigate the
way in which authority, dominance, and social inequality are constructed, sustained,
reproduced, and resisted (Amoussou & Allagbe 2018; Chouliaraki & Fairclough, 1999).
CDA’s theoretical proposition suggests that language acts as an everchanging agent for
theoretical framework and methodology that must be applied in tandem (Sriwimon &
(Gee, 2017).
written or spoken word and the word’s meaning. The relationship between words and
meaning ultimately shapes, sustains, or changes specific social patterns (Gee, 2017;
due to the feminist movement and focuses on women’s issues and women’s liberation
from positions of disadvantage within various social, political, and economic systems
(Cox, 2019).
Gender: Refers to the social differences between women and men. While often
construction and is distinguished from biological sex (Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018b).
Language: Represents a collection of agreed upon symbols, both verbal and
nonverbal, in which members of a group share concepts, ideas, opinions, and emotions
(Gee, 2017).
Performance: How and how well leadership roles are enacted (Northouse, 2016).
meaning are not fixed or concrete; instead, knowledge and understanding are built on
Power: The capacity or ability to steer and affect others’ beliefs, attitudes, or
course of action through a social contract between leaders and followers. Power may be
welded by followers as equally as leaders and can be legitimate, cohesive, reward based
Sex: The physical differences between men and women, such as reproductive
systems, that are considered biological facts (Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018a).
The following assumptions were applied to the text regarding gender and
leadership: (a) Participants and authors analyzed within the text possessed bifurcated
gender as male or female, (b) male and female participants were equally qualified in
leadership roles, (c) researchers adequately disclosed conflicts of interest, (d) researchers
construct vetted research studies, and (e) researchers took active steps to mitigate
personal bias. The assumptions about the text and research analyzed were essential due to
the need to assume that men and women possessed equal positions and opportunities to
enact their leadership. Assumptions regarding the structure of studies and objectivity of
the text were essential to draw equal conclusions across studies about the data’s qualities
organizations, yet despite the ongoing evidence and prevailing perception that women
continue to lag behind their male counterparts, the question begged consideration to
identify contributing factors that promoted and sustained the ideology. The research
problem I identified was the lack of analysis on the language used in gendered leadership
research as a direct or indirect impact on the researcher’s and the reader’s perception of
female and male leaders. The decision to focus on how gender, language and leadership
manifests in research meant that other facets of experience that shape reality were
excluded. Due to the multiple ways text could be approached and the need for a
manageable number of data analyzed, delimitations were made, and factors such as race,
socioeconomic status, gender expression, sexual orientation, the nation of origin, and
research was made due to my interest in how word selection could generate or sustain
White, female, and leader of people within a Fortune 500 company, I noticed messages
regarding inequality were prevalent alongside efforts to encourage equality. More clearly
stated, initiatives to promote women in leadership often included direct research that
made (Eagly, 2018). The interest in messages received and interpreted by women
the blurring of the term gender to be synonymous with female (Coats, 2016), and early
approach to the text was possible; for example, by computer assisted methods (Stubbs,
2018), but the approach was discarded due to the limitations of purely counting the
variables’ frequency. Simply put, a quantative focus Focus on what and how many would
not have provided the level of intimacy with the text afforded by a qualitative research
approach (see Gee, 2017). Content analysis was considered as a mixed method approach
search words or phrases, that would have significantly limited my insights gained through
repetitive reading of text (see McBee-Black & Ha-Brookshire, 2020). On the other hand,
qualitative research wants to understand how a particular phenomenon affects the people
involved, either individually or as a group (Ravitch & Carl, 2016). Qualitative research
included a level of rigor and awareness of text as a consumer and producer of data.
Furthermore, a qualitative approach leaned hermeneutically as an iterative approach to
Although other approaches were considered, CDA was the most appropriate due to the
multiple ways and perspectives text could be examined, that created the opportunity for a
allowed for a more robust understanding of shared experience (see Fairclough, 2016).
CDA is framework and method (van Dijk, 2018); therefore, Chapter 3 provides an in-
attributes that could have been applied to the examination of text for meaning (see
Fairclough, 2016), that made the study highly transferable to other focuses of interest,
which provided limitations, but also provided a wide berth of perspectives to be explored.
gender, and consideration regarding race, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and
gender identity were delimited as factors within the study. Instead, I focused on how
aspects of the generalized concepts of gender were used in research and ways that
Consistent with the assertion that gender research has been conducted by women, for
women, and about women (Bucholtz, 2005; Coats, 2016), the most significant limitation
to this study was the small number of researchers who publish within the field of
The limitations noted above could have presented risks to the study. First, the
limited number of researchers in the gendered leadership field created risk and
uncommon and understandable that careers are shaped through specialization in a given
topic, which creates a potential for similar studies in type, design, and theoretical models
(Eagly, 2018). For example, Baxter’s (2007, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017) published work
Hurst working with others (Hurst et al., 2016; Hurst et al., 2017, 2018a, 2018b) appeared
to have analyzed a data set on gender and leadership from multiple angles and produced
The second limitation and, by extension, the risk was researchers in the field
informal networks manifest as researchers seek out others with similar ontological and
epistemological views or findings that align with and support their research (Lee et al.,
2020; Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017). Furthermore, selecting a research paradigm and
the examination of the selection of words, variables, and research paradigm selected by
the researcher(s) (Rehman & Alharthi, 2016). Given the field of gender leadership,
research appeared to consist of female-feminist, and primarily created a risk for research
From a study design perspective, the research was limited to binary concepts of
gender. Therefore, the study excluded other factors that could have been considered, such
as race, gender identity, or gender reassignment, that might have added to the research’s
discourse identities and voices (see Gee, 2014a, 2014b, 2017). For example, a
having lived a portion of her life as a man. Using transsexuality as an example, restricting
the study to a binary focus on gender alongside performance and power demonstrated the
opportunity for transferability to future studies, considering other attributes that add to
experience and knowledge. However, the current study limited the understanding of those
very attributes as a factor, meaning had research from a transsexual researcher appeared
in the texts included in the formal study, the discourse identity would have been lost.
As noted, the field of gender and leadership research appears limited, and
familiarity with the authors’ prior research work could have presented itself. However,
the study design employed rigorous protocols and systematic analysis that mitigated bias
to provoke thought and generate data. Triangulation and building tasks are traditional
strategies used by critical discourse analysts (Fairclough, 2016; Gee, 2016; van Dijk,
This research was significant in many ways. First, it helped identify the language
used in gendered leadership research that could shape and influence beliefs about each
sex (see Gabriel et al., 2018; Hansson et al., 2019; Liben & Bigler; 2015). Second, the
potentially reinforcing perceptions of gender inequality between female and male leaders
through the language selection used in the text (see Gee, 2017). Next, this study was
significant to help advance gendered leadership research find equal footing for both sexes
(see Baxter, 2015) through a discussion of how focus on perceived inequalities based on
biological sex, yet using the term gender, may have contributed to perceptions of
Finally, with media emphasis placed on the fluidity of gender (Morgenroth &
Ryan, 2018a), it is crucial that the area of gendered leadership uncouple the use of gender
as solely female and include men in the study of language, leadership, and gender.
Concepts of gender in the United States and other first world countries have moved
beyond bifurcated and binary representations of boy/girl and male/female. As both sexes
presence continues to grow, the workplace demands less prescriptive expectations of men
as leaders and women as caregivers. So must the methods for studying gendered
leadership become balanced (Subasic et al., 2018). The results of this study helped
feminist theory. Applying theories beyond women-focused feminist theory could reframe
move gendered leadership towards a more unified approach. Furthermore, analyzing text
selection in research studies has the potential to increase awareness of the interaction of
the researcher and research within other studies in the fields of sociology and psychology.
The preceding pages addressed the second wave feminist movement’s impact in
creating opportunities for women to enter the workplace and take up careers. As a result,
researchers have sought to understand women’s unique challenges in the workplace. The
greater understanding of how female language usage has shaped females’ ability to lead
or reach leadership roles. However, feminist theory reassigned the term gender to be
on the needs of women and excluded men. The initial concept for the study was to
analyze the text selection used in research in the field of gender, language and leadership.
However, the field was relatively narrow, and only a few researchers emerged, having
and leadership separately and combined, the research problem became better defined.
The need to focus on the written word and the importance of understanding gender was
identified more than 15 years ago (Bucholtz, 2005). Therefore, a gap in the literature was
direct or indirect influence on the researcher’s and reader’s perception of female and
male leaders. The RQ was shaped into the following: What discursive messages
regarding gender, performance, and power are found in gender leadership research text?
The study was outlined as qualitative using CDA. The study’s significance was provided,
the development of the study’s RQ was reviewed, and the assumptions, delimitations, and
influence on the literature and research on gender and leadership. The chapter continues
gender leadership research as a direct or indirect impact of the researcher’s and the
reader’s perception of female and male leaders within the context of work. The purpose
of the study was to address the need to examine discursive messages used in research text
regarding gendered leadership and to explore the phenomenon of word usage and
language structure applied to research text. The need to focus on the written word to
understand gender was identified more than 15 years ago (Bucholtz, 2005). Yet, there
was little found on the phenomenon of stylized text and discursive messages in research
(Gee, 2014a, 2014b). The negative impact of cognitive internalization of messaging has
2017. Therefore, the following RQ was explored: What discursive messages regarding
gender, performance, and power are found in gender leadership research text?
Chapter 2 begins with a review of the literature research strategy employed for
gathering scholarly works for this project. The section then addresses feminism and
language and leadership. Next, I review the literature on theories regarding gender,
language and leadership individually and follow with a review of literature on the
intersectionality of gender, language and leadership. The chapter concludes with a review
components of the study’s primary RQ: What discursive messages regarding gender,
performance, and power are found in gender leadership research text? A systematic
strategy was formulated and rigorously followed based on the RQ, that contained aspects
of gender, language and leadership. In order to thoroughly address the components, it was
gaps across concepts. The systematic review of literature allowed me to include work
from various authors and allowed for a more robust understanding of the phenomenon
under scrutiny, identification of gaps in the literature, and creation of the RQ to explore
research on the topic (see Grewal et al., 2016). Additionally, a literature review was an
important exercise that supported the assertation of a gap in the literature as it allowed me
protocol driven review manually searches journals and electronic databases (Grewal et al.
2016). Snowballing is the process of reviewing references used by researchers in the field
contacts, or experience with the topic, that can be leveraged. Finally, a researcher may
stumble over a viable paper while searching. J.W. Creswell and J. D. Creswell (2018)
provided step-by-step guidance and encouraged researchers to (a) identify keywords; (b)
search multiple databases; (c) use a thesaurus to identify terms to search; (d) locate an
article similar to the topic for terms used to describe it; (d) search databases that provide
full text articles; start with broad syntheses of the literature, such as overviews and
summaries of the literature; (e) work backward from the most recent article; (f) find a
book on the topic; (g) look for conference papers; and (h) contact authors.
As with other researchers, I came to the topic at hand due to interest (see Eagly,
2018) and possessed prior knowledge of the influence of language to shape perceptions
of the reader and writer (see Gee, 2017). Therefore, two notable strategies were avoided
to remain as subjective as possible. First, I chose to set aside personal and professional
research and authorship conducted in prior works. Except for Baxter (2011, 2014, 2015,
2017) and Tannen (1990,1994), whose works spurred my initial interest and desire to
investigate the relationship between language, gender, and leadership, research was
conducted fresh and without assumptions of potential findings. Second, snowballing was
avoided. While snowballing or chasing citations could have been helpful, I avoided the
process to prevent unintentional bias due to social networks that manifest within research
communities investigating similar phenomena using similar conventions (see Lee et al.,
2020; Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017). Consideration was made in the research strategy of the
negative aspects of informal networks. Researchers may align, seek out, and cite other
researchers whose research, concepts, interests, or results mirror their own within
advancements and research topics are further explored, extended, or published (Williams,
2018). Lee et al. (2020) found that nine of the top 10 most cited leadership journals
remained consistent from 2008 through 2017. Therefore, they found articles retrieved
from the following journals proved to be the most often cited: The Leadership Quarterly,
Behavior, and Human Decision Processes, and Psychology Bulletin. Upon closer
examination, they found thematic trends prevalent in the top 10 cited journals:
leadership was found elsewhere. Although literature may have been published across
specific field such as Sex Roles, Gender in Management and Journal of Sociolinguistics.
W. Creswell and J. D. Creswell (2018), the primary research strategy employed for this
study was protocol driven with hand searches that used multiple electronic library
databases and search engines including Google Scholar, Walden University’s Thoreau,
PsychINFO, SocINDEX, SAGE Premier, Emerald Insight, Elsevier, Research Gate, and
Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Preliminary search keywords included gender,
locating literature published between 2015 and 2020 was applied to meet expectations for
a majority of publications cited within the 5 years before the literature review. However,
Reisigl & Wodak, 2016) as a key metric for current research, and original or founding
articles were read for the origin of source, meaning, intent, and context, and were cited in
the literature review where appropriate. The strategy helped me understand the possible
meaning that may have been lost, repurposed, or weakened due to repetitive or threaded
citations. For example, the concept of gender fluidity is a popular topic in mainstream
media. Butler’s (1990) seminal work Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of
Identity is considered the requisite literature for gender fluid discussions and entry of the
term into academia. A Google Scholar (2020) search of citations of the term gender
fluidity between 2015 and 2020 resulted in 23,100 citations. However, in the introduction
to the reprint of her work, Butler noted that her research has been misinterpreted and the
importance overemphasized as she was a graduate student writing her thesis paper and
chose a topic that allowed her to explore the questioning of her sexuality (as cited in
or targeted focus. Combinations of keywords were applied using search criteria using
AND or NOT, such as gender AND leadership or gender NOT female. Filters were
applied to retrieve only peer-reviewed, full text, scholarly journals available in English.
Keywords were broadened to include CDA, critical discourse analysis, men, women, sex,
gender, workplace, and organization. Alerts were set for immediate notification of new
research published. Despite the methodological search, each area of interest possessed
large bodies of work that could approach each topic from multiple aspects, causing
articles to be discarded due to lack of fit for the study. For example, keywords gender
AND workplace returned Bhuyan’s (2018) peer-reviewed, full text, English research the
Politics of the Workplace: Gender and Ethnic Identities at Work – A Study of Select
American Novels, that analysed the writing of four novels “to examine whether the
Finally, due to the sheer size and years of study in gender, leadership, and
language (see Baxter, 2017; Northouse, 2016; Wodak & Meyer, 2016), emphasis was
placed on western cultures due to cultural considerations that shaped the use and meaning
All told, over 240 articles were retrieved and audited for potential inclusion in the
review. An additional 18 book chapters and 39 books were reviewed, notated, and
considered for inclusion: 163 of the texts audited are referenced, 115 are within 5 years of
the study’s start in 2018. As a foundation of the study included messages being carried
forward through repeated citation and informal networks, discussed later in this chapter,
following section reviews the existing literature on CDA gender, language and leadership
were grouped by theme and ends with a collective review of available literature on the
Literature Review
Discourse analysis is the process by which the relationship between the written or
spoken word and the word’s meaning or implications is considered (Hansson et al.,
2019). Discourse analysis takes an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach to
explore different social domains and can be applied to a wide variety of studies
(Fairclough, 2016; Wodak & Meyer, 2016). Although there is no single agreed definition
• A recognition that the ways people understand the world is based upon
• A conviction that the world is socially constructed and understood, not by the
In the context of discourse analysis, discourse refers to all forms of speech and
text that take place (Wodak & Meyer, 2016); as such, discourse analysts are interested in
text and how the text is organized. How and what is communicated between individuals
is made by choice from many possibilities depending on the situation, creating a need for
interpretive context. For example, how I speak about the interplay of biological sex and
leadership will vary according to the audience. How I write on the same topic and the
word selection I choose will be dependent upon the anticipated reader’s familiarity with
the material and the need to create more or less of a persuasive argument (see Gee, 2017).
On a more practical level, if asked, “How was your day?” your response will vary if I am
in the role of your intimate partner, your best friend, or your boss. Discourse analysts use
interpretive context to consider the more subtle aspects of the text, critically review what
is reported and, notably, what is omitted within the given context (Fairclough, 2016).
world’s construction through discourse and is situated in critical theory. CDA as theory
and method are profoundly intertwined, and one cannot be conducted without the other.
Jørgensen and Phillips (2002) explained the overlap of theory and method:
Confusingly, the label “critical discourse analysis” is used in two different ways:
Norman Fairclough (1995a, 1995b) uses it both to describe the approach he has
developed and as the label for a broader movement within discourse analysis of
which several approaches, including his own, are a part. (p. 60)
Wodak and Meyer (2016) stated, “Critical Discourse Studies, as in all social
research, theory, methods, and analysis are closely interrelated, and decisions about one
affect the other” (p. 14). The interconnectedness of theory and methodology demonstrates
that each can be thought of as circular, iterative, and intertwined. The theory required the
selection of concepts and relations and assumptions that led to the research’s organization
and assisted in the development of procedures and instrumentation that informed the
attributed to the relative newness of the formalization of CDA and followed by the
agreed upon the application of their craft (Jørgensen & Phillips, 2002).
The combination of the recent emergence of the field alongside the contemporary,
networked cohort of analysts has had positive and negative impacts on the study of
discourse. From a negative perspective, the field has had a relatively small number of
linguistic experts available for reference. However, due to the group’s collaborative
nature, CDA has been applied to a plethora of topics with consensus by experts across
fields as to the approach and steps of analysis to identify power relationships and social
wrongs through the systematic investigation of discursive text. For example, discourse
text, and context to produce ideologies. A sociocognitive approach (van Dijk, 2016) was
concerned with the relationship between discourse and social structures. Fairclough’s
(2016) dialectical relational theory suggested that social wrongs can be addressed by
analyzing their causation and assertion that language changes over time. Discourses and
dispositives (Jager & Maier, 2016) theorized that knowledge contained in linguistically
conducted practices such as verbal and written speech and nonverbal linguistics naturally
materializes or produces an outcome. Van Leeuwen (2016) took the discourse approach
modes, styles, semiotic outcomes, and actions in one area are reperformed in other social
usage and repetition to identify themes. CDA theory can also be applied to visual and
multimodal texts (Jancsary et al., 2016) and social media (Khosravnik & Unger, 2016).
CDA is predominantly shaped by its emphasis on the innate nature of language’s
ability to change over time and take on new meaning alongside examination of instances
of power, dominance, and inequality (Amoussou & Allagbe, 2018). CDA stresses the
sense in the current space (Hodges, 2018). The general philosophical assumptions and
Different social understandings of the world lead to various social actions, and
therefore, the social construction of knowledge and truth has social consequences. CDA
seeks to understand ways that social power can enact, reproduce, or abuse through the use
of language (van Dijk, et al., 2018). CDA draws upon the Marxist view of capitalism that
characterizes a society through ideology, that creates imaginary relations between people
and social formation (Hansson et al., 2019). However, research must align with CDA’s
theoretical underpinnings that lend to its uniqueness in the eight-points defined to qualify
• CDA is positioned as the primary foci and does not perform as a subdiscipline
• CDA focus is on relations of power, dominance and inequality and how each
perspectives and possible solutions to address and resolve the social wrong
through counter-ideologies.
discussed in Chapter 3. In short, CDA was performed by asking questions that look
beyond reading text at face value. Analysts are committed to looking past obvious
information in a transcript to the many factors involved in creating and consuming the
text itself (Gill, 2009). From a methodological perspective, CDA consists of four stages
• Step 1: Select a research topic that relates or points to a wrong that can be
• Step 2: Select texts, and focuses, and categories for their analysis, in light
• Step 3: Carry out an analysis of the text, both interdiscursive and linguistic
semiotic analysis.
• Stage 3: Consider whether the social order needs the social wrong.
used as the skeleton on which to build to shed light on themes that may reinforce
perceptions through the sequencing of topics, word selection, sentence structure, or
conjunction with one or more theories, such as this project’s emphasis on repetitive
invisible themes found in leadership, gender and language that link to social ideologies
that may have manifested in the workplace and position women as less capable leaders
(Hansson et al., 2019; Martin, 2015; Latu & Mast, 2016; Szymanska & Rubin, 2018).
Feminism, feminist movements, and feminine concerns are complex and tangled
web. A literature review on the feminist component of this study was no small task when
contemplating which themes warrant inclusion or exclusion. For example, sexual assault
and victim shaming remain real and significant challenges for many women and men;
however, relevance to the study at hand was nominal. Therefore, consideration of which
threads to incorporate and where feminism and feminist activism diverge remained under
assert that women were equally as intelligent as men and should have equal opportunities
for education (Caffery, 2018). Similarly, Wollstonecraft, the mother of modern day
feminism, criticized societies’ treatment of women in her 1792 book, The Vindication of
(Wollstonecraft & Brody, 2020). In modern times, feminism and feminist theory are
typically conceptualized in waves. Marsha Lear first applied the narrative in her 1968
New York Times article, The Second Feminist Wave. There are three, arguably four,
feminist waves that have developed within the United States. Briefly stated, the first
wave focused on women’s right to vote; the second wave aimed to achieve equal pay and
autonomy of the female body; the third wave sought inclusivity for minorities such as
queer and color; and the fourth wave transitioned feminist activism and theory to social
Regardless of the number of waves that feminism has enjoyed, the application of
specified era brings a perceived political slant and irrevocably entwines the wave with the
politics of the timeframe that sustains it. In another sense, the wave hopes for its own and
future waves extinction (Chamberlain, 2016). The focus of feminism on the past is
needed to sustain its future which creates a disconnect from the present. The literature
reviewed by Evans and Chamberlain (2015) suggested there are additional flaws with the
concept of waves in they create generational barriers, exclude women of color, favor
Western feminists, cause confusion when waves are combined, and create dissonance
when women are faced with no option that fits their experience. Furthermore, while
feminism is a transnational social movement that has been widely studied by academia
and heavily politicized, the emergence of feminist movement waves varies by country,
including a disparity of waves between first world countries such as Europe and the US
from concepts of thinking and doing. Feminist theory and scholarship heavily rely on
activism and vice versa, but both create limitations when applying waves as a part of the
narrative. First, each wave is temporal and generationally divided. Second, each wave has
attempted to fix the former wave’s problems while members of the prior wave castigate
errors, discount advancements, and hold onto grudges. Finally, the older generation feels
they possess more wisdom while the younger feel they are more relevant to current issues
(Chamberlain, 2016).
instead, it refers to a set of theories that are concerned with explaining the relative
position of women in society by placing women at the center of the concern and can be
applied in tandem with complementary theories such as political, race, and organizational
(Calder-Dawe & Gavey, 2019; Chamberlain, 2016), as shown to be the case in a review
The first wave feminist movement categorically lumps any efforts for gender
equality between the mid-1800s and the 1960s and includes many changes in the political
and social landscape of the United States (Caffery, 2018). The first wave feminism
movement included the women’s suffrage movement, that called for the right of women
to vote, own property, and have educational opportunities (Cameron, 2015). In the United
States, the wave boasted highly recognized women such as Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner
Truth, Ida B. Wells, and Margaret Fuller. While these women were significant and
crucial to the United States’ development, an in-depth review of literature into antiquity
The most widely known effort for female equality stemmed from the women’s
liberation movement, later coined the second wave feminist movement (Caffery, 2018).
The women’s liberation movement was spurred by Betty Friedan’s book The Feminine
Mystic (Friedan, 1963) and the feminist and journalist Gloria Steinman (Bloch, 2019;
Eagly, 2018). Although the women’s liberation movement’s demands were multifaceted,
the call for women’s ability to enter the workforce made the movement and resulting
theories deeply intertwined with gender, language and leadership concepts. The women’s
liberation movement or second wave feminist movement (SWFM) has been criticized as
a platform for bored, educated, wealthy White women to lament their unhappy,
unfulfilling lives as wives and mothers (hooks, 1987). Citing the desire to enter the
workforce and the inability to do so, the movement failed to consider that many lower-
class, single, or minority women were already employed and required to provide
economically for their families. It was not until minority activists such as bell hooks (who
took on the lowercase capitalization of her name in honor of her grandmother) raised the
concept of race, sex, and class as interrelated aspects of sexism (hooks, 2015) that other
aspects of womanhood were considered. Prejudice arose during the SWFM when radical
feminists called for men’s subrogation, and middle class White women dismissed Black
and Latino women from conversations and rallies. However, hooks noted the sentiment
was not one sided as Black women railed against association with a group who could not
relate to their struggle as Black and female. The movement splintered into, at times,
hostile groups at odds with each other making a negative aspect of the movement the
prejudice that was given to and received by women from other women (hooks, 1987).
Internal friction and fragmentation resulted in many women agreeing equality was
needed but felt the movement was too radical for them to call themselves feminist.
by men and implied the men were White, heterosexual, and free (hooks, 2015). The
initial catalyst to spur the movement was not heavily researched, documented, planned,
developed during the 1960s as a by-product of the women’s liberation movement when
women came forward as a self-proclaimed oppressed group and demanded equality for
women in all areas of social, political, economic, cultural, and sexual matters. Feminist
theorists and female academics began to look closely at theories in many areas to
understand how strongly the theories supported or increased patriarchy. Within a decade
and a half, four themes in feminist approaches emerged (a) focus on women; (b) focus on
sex roles (including gender roles, gender relations); (c) development of feminist
approach; and (d) focus on epistemological concerns. Feminism and feminist theory have
leadership, and gender, to name only a few (Chamberlain, 2016), and significant research
and gender leadership (Baxter, 2015, 2017; Powell & Butterfield, 2015). Feminist and
feminist theories have encountered a longstanding problem and issue in agreeing on “who
are we fighting” and remain at odds with internal bickering (Evans & Chamberlain,
2015). Feminist research has been argued to be made by women, for women, and on
behalf of women (Coats, 2016), making arguments against themselves on a topic that is
unclearly defined. Feminists across theories have not and cannot agree on a definition of
“woman” due to arguments that the concept of “woman” is a social construct. Kristeva
(as cited by Alcoff, 1997, p. 418) explains, “A woman cannot be; it is something which
does not even belong in the order of being. It follows that a feminist practice can only be
negative, at odds with what already exists so that we may say ‘that’s not it’ and ‘that’s
still not it’.”. Evans and Chamberlain (2015) agreed and noted feminism inherently
evokes political problems with the assumption that all women possess a common
Marxism as an existing framework for feminist theory (Beetz & Schwab, 2018). Marxism
and feminism were akin as methods and calls to action in that both have sought to
understand and change the world. However, feminist scholars using Marxism were, at
theoretical and saturated in politics. Marxism theorized that class was the fundamental
capitalism but argued that sex was also a factor as women were a part of yet separate
from the men within their class (Cox, 2019). For example, a woman may be the wife of
an upper-class male; however, she is still only the wife and not afforded the same
privileges as her male counterpart. Marxist and non-Marxist approaches to feminist
theory placed family as the key component to female oppression, whether that be a
the family related to a woman’s role as wife and mother. Unfortunately, feminism theory
and other research fields have fallen prey to the effects of reductionism by failing to look
at a woman as a whole and complex being; instead, feminist theories have created a
perspective and there lacked a unified female experience, second wave feminist scholars
women through a common wound suggesting all women are oppressed by men (Eichler,
1985). Structural approaches such as Marxist feminists argued gender difference is rooted
difference between the sexes. Radical feminists are another structural approach in which
members believed that women experience common oppression, that provided women
with a privileged position to expose the subordination of women, that women are better
served by separate, women only organizations, and have gone so far as to write stories of
utopian worlds in which men were entirely removed from society (Mellor, 1982).
Marxists and radical feminists found common ground in the argument that women see the
world differently from men; women are more intuitive than men and are in touch with the
world. The common thread between structural approaches is that women are
multifaceted, multivoiced, and possess fractured identities, suggesting that men are not.
Structuralist approaches have been argued to be “the construction of theory of women, by
women, and for women” (p. 718), making women separate from men. Structural
approaches have also been criticized for portraying a superior White account that ignores
the influence of race, class, and socioeconomics. In many ways, feminists have been
female’s life, feminists created separateness or otherness that may not have been
feminists face a problem in acknowledging their role in marginalization or admit they are
a victim powerless against men as the superior sex. As Alcoff (1997) noted, feminists
must self-reflect on a society built on the control of women where all evidence of what it
means to be a woman is built on misogyny and sexism. Alcoff further suggested men
have defined women, yet, men are not subject to defined script and have the luxury of
free will. A counterargument to Alcoff can be made that a woman’s role has been
constructed by other women such as Emily Post for proper manners and socialites for
fashion. Cultural feminists have defined women based on previous social constructs that
were purely determined and enforced by men who have different views, interests, fear,
and potential hatred for women (Mellor, 1982). Cultural feminists believe men attempt to
dominate women due to male jealousy or hatred attributed to the male inability to give
birth. Cultural feminists consider themselves separate from radical feminism due to
beyond separation from men (Mellor, 1982). On the other hand, cultural feminism has
the internal strife between feminism, attitudes about feminism are improving. Doyle
reporting scale to 75 female and 75 male university students and found a substantial shift
towards profeminism in attitude occurred nearly equally between men and women alike.
Due to the fractured and often negative view of feminism and the changes in attitudes
towards feminism, soon thereafter, the SWFM gave way to the third wave movement
The third wave feminist movement (TWFM) sought to distance itself from the
SWFM feminist, which was perceived as white, middle class, and exclusionary (Aune &
however, much of the research conducted on the wave was published in academic
journals that were not available to the public creating a skewed and blurred view of a
successful demarcation between the respective wave (Evans & Chamberlain, 2015). The
ethnicity, class, sexuality, and disability (Calder-Dawe & Gavey, 2017; Dean & Aune,
2015); however, the wave had been criticized as still exclusionary of color, lesbians,
bisexuals, working class, disabilities and transgender women and men. (Evans &
Chamberlain, 2015).
agree with structuralist approaches that gender is constructed, fragmented, and complex
but departs by adding that gender and sexuality go beyond the duality of boy and girl in
(Robnett et al., 2018). Much like the SWFM, the TWFM has been criticized for its
disregard for the history of the feminist movement and favoring white, well-educated
young women (Evans & Chamberlain, 2016). However, poststructural feminists distance
removing the concept of victimization exclusively by men yet still experience uniquely
female challenges (Baxter, 2017). In the poststructural approach, the fight is against
social ideologies regarding the female’s ability to achieve. The intersectionality of the
female experience became focal and, at times, self-destructive with the proliferation of
accept because of their positioning, which suggests that separateness, otherness, and
social construction of gender are attributed only to women and that men are not subject to
the pressures of the social construction of gender. Some feminist theorists have turned to
theorists such as Foucault and Derrida argue that gender enactment is not undetermined
rather overdetermined by social constructs, and the construct known as the woman is a
TWFM era. Liberal feminists agree that men and women are essentially the same, and
each sex is subject to stereotyping and prejudice requiring the removal of gender
distinctions. A prime example of liberal feminism, and most relevant to this paper, argues
to remove barriers that prevent women from competing for leadership roles in the context
of work should include empowering men to move into more nurturing positions as a
caregiver within the home through the redistribution of gender norms, roles, and
expectations (Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018a). Poststructural and liberal feminist theories
appear to be among the more applied theories to workplace studies (Baxter, 2007, 2011,
There is debate whether the fourth wave of feminism (FWFM), that gained
attention in the 2010s and is noted by its use of social media, warrants consideration as a
wave. While critics question if a new wave is needed or if the introduction of technology
between feminists and provides an opportunity for a feminist to engage when they cannot
physically attend events (Chamberlain, 2016; Evans & Chamberlain, 2015). Arguments
in favor of a new wave suggest feminism is losing momentum and interest among the
younger generations of women due to their inability to identify with issues that have been
resolved or advanced by feminists of the FWSM, SWFM, and TWFM. A fresh wave,
fully demarcated from prior waves with themes and objectives that are relevant today,
would spark current youth and upcoming generations’ interest. (Evans & Chamberlain,
2015) especially in light of current feminist efforts, which have shifted towards gender
over sex with the emergence and inclusion of LGBTQA. the internet and social media
2016). Due to waves’ temporal nature, members must choose an era they best identify
with, that creates a separate identity and causes conflict as well as friction. For example,
SWFM proponents view TWFM members as wave materialistic, while FWFM identifiers
view the earlier waves as exclusionary. The only agreement between the various
movements is that each views the others as self-centered while they are altruistic. Until
feminists cease clinging to a wave metaphor that manifests in a specific wave narrative, a
Feminist and feminist research has been typically approached from negativity rather
than embracing female advances (Winegard et al., 2015). However, Alice Eagly (2018,
pp. 879-880) provided compelling data based on peer-reviewed research supporting the
• Women are 28% of the CEOs when all U.S. organizations are considered, and
showed a steady decline in the tendency of men to emerge more than women.
decrease in everyday harassment between 1994 and 2016 (e.g., sexual teasing,
suggestive looks).
intensive institutions for recent cohorts indicated that women who applied for
positions had a better chance of being interviewed and receiving offers than did
have progressed at similar rates from assistant to associate to full professor after
• In recent years, high potential female job candidates have enjoyed a wage
premium over men because of their diversity value within U.S. businesses.
A final note on feminism and feminist theory before moving forward with a
literature review on language, gender, and leadership is to reassert feminist research and
media appropriated the word gender to argue for female advancement (Eagly, 2018).
Until recently and still, predominately, the terms female and gender have been used
interchangeably with person (Coats, 2016). Although feminism self-reports the inclusion
of all, considerable research and support for feminism and feminist research are directed
towards women, as evidenced in the preceding pages. There remains little research,
support, or framework to acknowledge men or men as gendered. Men’s studies and issues
founded in 1892, for the first time in its 129-year history, acknowledged males and
announced guidelines for counseling men and boys in 2019 (Pappas, 2019).
Language provides the ability to connect with another to create a common goal or
meaning and sets humankind apart from all other animals on this planet. Language is
composed of agreed upon symbols, both verbal and nonverbal, shared concepts, ideas,
opinions, emotions, and what it means to be human (Ochs, 2012; Fairclough, 2016; Gee,
2016). As such, it cannot be sufficiently stressed that language is purely symbolic and
subjective. For example, every word written within this paper’s confines is a symbolic
Understanding the text written within this paper is dependent upon the reader possessing
a commonly shared meaning of the symbols of letters, words, sentence structure, and
some prior subjective exposure to content or ability to translate and transform abstract
concepts based upon previous abstract thinking (Hurst et al., 2018b; Smith, 2018).
Since humans learn over time, it is quite understandable to rely on the general
the intended object’s structure or function. Our understanding level is built on prior
experience, and it is the prior experience that allows meaning to manifest (Fairclough,
2016; Smith, 2018). Philosophers and theologians discuss language’s symbolic nature in
challenging and abstract ways, such as etymology or esoterically, that are not relatable to
the typical person. A more relevant example of the symbolic nature of language is a small
child learning to speak. A toddler sees a cow and says “moo,” a duck and says “quack,” a
pig and says “oink,” and so on. Much like Old MacDonald’s farm, the child refers to
every animal as the sound it makes. A more auditory-visual aligned word for cow would
be “moo” because the noise generated more closely aligns with the mental image than the
seemingly random word “cow,” that we have come to know in the English language. In
French, the same creature is known as “la vache”; “die Kuh” in German; and baqara or
بقرةin Arabic. Ultimately, the association we make with the phonetic sounds of “cow,”
“vache,” “Kuh,” or “baqara” marry to our mental image of a creature that generates the
sound “moo.” Each word represents the same creature but is vocalized differently and is
received differently by individuals who either do or do not speak the same language.
Subjectivity comes into play as a visual representation of conceptual meaning that must
be shared by participants (Ochs, 2012; Fairclough, 2016; Gee, 2017). For example, an
American may view the cow as a potential dinner, where a Hindu may see it as a sacred
creature, and a Muslim may not recognize the English alphabet’s structural shapes.
Discourse is the level of language in which symbols through sound are strung
together into words and syntax (Wodak & Meyer, 2016) into a collection of
conversations that, over time, create meaning (Gee, 2017). Discourse continues over time
until each participant forms a mental impression that becomes ingrained within their
mind based on their interpretation of the exchanges. In theory, each person within the
group will have the same mental image, but that is not necessarily the case because of the
influence of other instances of discourse from previous interactions with other people.
Every conversation has the power to shape our minds, how we think, influence how
others think, and create a level of belief in ourselves (Karawoksky et al., 2017). Much
like the image of a cow is a cow, what we hear and see in the world around us becomes
sex as a factor in using language within a short publication titled Language and a
Woman’s Place (Lakoff, 1975). Lakoff outlined what became known as woman’s
heavily criticized due to the positioning the female manner of speech as inferior to that of
men and that male styles of expression are that which are ideal in Western cultures (Hall
& Bucholtz, 1995). Additional criticism has been made based on Lakoff’s lack of
scientific research to form the theoretical framework. Lakoff acknowledged data was
obtained from introspections of her use of language, those around her, and media.
hyperbole that was, at times, overly defensive rather than scientific and “embarrassingly
self-indulgent” (Showalter, 1975). Lakoff unwittingly set the stage for future research to
position female speech and thereby position women as the lesser sex. Nonetheless,
Lakoff’s observations of the female use of language and the terminology she outlined
within the 1975 publication remain an intricate part of gender sociolinguistics and gender
leadership research.
and analyzing linguistic data (Baxter, 2007; Bucholtz, 2005; Butler, 1990; Cameron,
2015; Coats, 2016; Holmes, 1995). Linguist and professor Deborah Tannen (1990)
laypersons by writing numerous accessibly written books, including You Just Don’t
1994). More recently, feminist and sociolinguist Judith Baxter applied poststructural
essential to understand the differences between sex and gender. Sex is physical
differences between men and women, such as reproductive systems, that are considered
biological facts (Cox, 2019). Sex is deemed to be binary or bifurcated as male or female,
with the rare exception of hermaphrodites, that possess both male and female
are typically larger than women and women possess physical structures required for
suggested that due to evolutionary biology and the need to reproduce, identifying and
placement into male or female sex categories is the first and foremost effort expended by
Plumlee et al., 2016), Cameron (2015) argues gender is the social, cultural, psychological
constructs that are imposed on each biological sex that suggests gender is binary
alongside sex. Adding to the complexity of gender are the numerous approaches applied
to gender studies. Gender can be applied to social roles, social norms, gender identity,
and gender roles, to name only a few. Each vantage point will add to the overall concept
of gender, but such a multifaceted approach creates disconnected views and meanings of
maleness and femaleness. Gender norms are cultural ideas about how men and women
are supposed to act (Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018b). Gender roles are the learned behavior
about how to be a woman or man (Karakowsky et al., 2017). Taken together, the
concepts of gender norms and gender roles oversimplify gender. Gender identity is the
personal and individualistic sense of one’s gender and how it correlates to biological sex
within a given context, situation, or community (Szymanska & Rubin, 2018). The
combination of perception of biological sex and how sex overlays with concepts of
gender categories are the foundation of a person’s social identity (Lortie et al., 2017).
Cameron (2015) suggests that gender refers to psychsociocultural constructs imposed on
the normative biological binaries of maleness and femaleness, making gender a learned
interpretation of cultural meaning. More simply and popularly received by the public,
some researchers argue that gender is how children are taught to behave as boy or girl
within a given culture, making gender identity shaped by social categories and
femininity (Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018a). According to McDowell (2015), how one sees
oneself as a man or woman in gender identity is not something one is born into; it is what
one does.
Gender has been said to be fluid, but the concept of gender as a spectrum is more
accurate. Judith Butler (1990) published her seminal work on gender as performative and
introduced the concept of gender as performed. The performative theory postulates that
gender is fluid (Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018b). The term fluidity was applied to mean how
gender is perceived and applied changes as an individual grows older (Butler, 1990).
Infants are unaware of their maleness or femaleness yet play with gender-specific toys
within a few years. Small children will hold hands and hug one another only to one day
find the other sex is repulsive. At the onset of puberty, hormones begin to produce
pronounced physical, mental, and psychological differences in the young male or female
(Cameron, 2015). Changes in gender enactment continue throughout life. For example,
female career development will emphasize varying aspects of work based on her gender
identity in different life phases. At the same time, the hard-nosed, career-driven male may
one day soften into a loveable grandfather. To that end, Butler was not suggesting the
fluidity of gender as an idea that we can change our gender preference or gender identity
at will. Gender is wired in the brain as strongly as any other aspect of a person’s
personality (Jenkins & Finneman, 2018); it is the perceptions of how to enact gender that
to the body of knowledge regarding gender (Starr & Zurbriggen, 2017). Bem’s (1981)
seminal work adds to the discussion of gender by asserting that in every culture, the
distinction between male and female serves as an organizing method and that assignment
to one sex or another allocates adults to a role based on biological sex, including
culturally anticipated behavior. Bem’s gender schema theory states the phenomenon of
sex-typing arises from a cognitive need, rather than social need, to classify concepts as a
form of processing information, and those concepts are translated into current meaning
based on historical knowledge (Bem, 1981; Liben & Bigler, 2015). Schemas are
cognitive networks of associations that organize and guide an individual’s perception and
serve as a standard to compare their adequacy against the prescribed prototype (Bem,
1981), meaning the human brain requires cognitive processing and structure. Due to
cognitive processing, we are always aware of the sex of those we interact. As a result,
cognitively, we bring to every interaction our familiarity with societal gender stereotypes
and the gendered norms to which women and men are expected to conform (Morgenroth
female brain construction. Leading experts on gender science Michael Gurian and
Barbara Annis (2008, pp. 9-10) note the male and female intelligence is equivalent but
2016) is another instance in which the fluidity or spectrum of gender is present in each
person. Reiterating gender and sex are different concepts; there is a limitation to the
English language in discussing male versus female brains. Mavisakalyan (2015) argues
that languages possess gender systems that require linkage with other sentence elements.
Languages fall into one of three categories (a) highly gendered, those with gender
distinction in the first, second, and third person pronoun; (b) mildly gendered, a distinct
third person only pronoun; and (c) gender neutral, those with no gender pronoun. The
impact of gender intensity on the individuals living in and speaking each language is
identified with men and relational traits as feminine as usually associated with women
(Gabriel et al., 2018). The delineation of traits created a binary and bifurcated conceptual
model that does not allow for variation. However, every individual possesses a varying
degree of agentic and communal traits, that places each person on a spectrum of gender.
A man whose tendencies are all “masculine” would possess no compassion, and a woman
who is all “feminine” would possess absolutely no ability to make decisions. The culture
in which individuals are raised will impact each of us to some degree, but gender is also a
part of our DNA (Cameron, 2015; Plumlee et al., 2016). The wiring of gender in
humanity’s DNA explains why women are more nurturing and men are more agentic
Leadership Theories
explain effective leadership provide numerous approaches (Gardner et al., 2020; Lee et
al., 2020; Lord et al., 2017; 2020; Vasilescu, 2019). Leadership theory seeks to
leadership theories (Lussier & Achua, 2015). Lord et al. (2017) agree and note that before
World War 1, studies focused on traits theory but gained psychologists’ interest with a
surge of leadership research conducted in applied psychology beginning with the end of
be noted that since leadership theory entered academic consideration in 1900, a unified
definition of leadership has yet to be agreed upon (Ghasabeh et al., 2015; Vasilescu,
2019). The inability of leadership scholars to create a unified theory can be attributed to
leadership being conceptualized in many ways. Some theorists place the leader at the
sharing between the leader and follower, placing the follower in charge of the leader’s
ability to lead effectively (Siangchokyoo et al., 2020). The reciprocal view of leadership
multilevel event taking place at an individual, team, organization, and across groups
closer examination, each builds upon the other and creates a more holistic view of
workplace relationships, dependencies, and discourse. Early work in trait, behavioral, and
solid foundation and developed a lexicon for discussing the universality of leadership
(Lussier & Achua, 2015), and applied psychology saw higher numbers of research studies
focusing on leadership (Lord et al., 2017). Tools were established to measure personality,
leadership ability, and technique (see Blake & Mouton, 1964; Goldberg, 1990; Stodgill,
1974). Trait theory attempted to identify particular attributes possessed by all exceptional
leaders. Behavioral and motivational theory considered the action, behavior, and
motivation of the leader and the follower. While perspectives remained separate, each
complemented and supported. Zaccaro et al. (2018) call the need for an integrated review
of theories due to the many aspects of leadership that should be considered holistically to
identify the ability to lead effectively. By the 1960s, researchers such as Fiedler
introduced contingency theory (Hussain & Hassan, 2015). Later, Weber and Burns
introduced style theory that employs a distinctive way of leading (Vasilscu, 2019) to
Trait Approach
The predominately accepted leadership model before the 1940s; trait theory
asserts the ability to lead as an intrinsic or innate quality possessed from birth, greater
importance than skill, and research attempts to identify particular attributes possessed by
all exceptional leaders (Gottfredson & Reina, 2020). The earliest systematic study of
leadership argued that leaders were born rather than made and suggested leaders could be
identified through innate qualities and characteristics possessed by the famous military,
political, and social leaders (Ghasabeh et al., 2015; Spector, 2016). Leadership research
during the 1840s believed “great” individuals only possessed leadership qualities;
thereby, the term great man theory was coined. The great man theory concept was
popularized by Thomas Carlyle, who gave a series of lectures, later put into print, on the
role of heroes in shaping history (Spector, 2016). While there were a few notable
exceptions, such as Joan of Arc and Catherine the Great, the great man theory’s key
theme was that each leader was considered extraordinary or exceptional and sent by God
in male form. By today’s standards, Carlyle’s great man theory is often regarded as
offensive due to the apparent belief that God only sent men to lead (Mouton, 2019;
Spector, 2016); however, the lectures were written during the Victorian era and culturally
appropriate to the day. Great man theory remained unchallenged until the 1860s when
Herbert Spencer argued the qualities possessed by and associated with great male leaders
were purely a product of the times and circumstances of leadership (Northouse, 2016),
yet remained intact as the primary leadership theory until the 1930s when researchers
questioned the universal application of the theory. Although seemingly antiquated, the
great man theory is still prevalent in current leadership research reviews (see Ghasabeh et
al., 2015; Hussain & Hassan, 2015; Lord et al., 2017; Mouton, 2019; Shafique & Beh,
those deemed to be the best leaders (Lord et al., 2017). In 1948 Stogdill analyzed 124
trait studies conducted between 1904 and 1947 (Ghasabeh et al., 2015). Stogdill found
that leaders differ from others by possessing eight traits: intelligence, alertness, insight,
found a situational component to leadership (Hussain & Hassan, 2015). Stogdill heavily
stressed the situational element, and an individual may step forward as a leader in one
instance but not another (Northouse, 2016). Mann (1959) conducted a similar study that
examined over 1,400 findings from leadership in small group settings. While Mann’s
results mostly agreed with Stogdill regarding leadership as traits-oriented, less emphasis
dominance, extraversion, and conservatism were the primary traits of influential leaders.
Stogdill (1974) conducted secondary research, that analyzed 163 new studies and
compared findings to the 1947 results. Stogdill was able to validate his findings from the
original study and renamed or expanded upon characteristics. However, in the 1974
study, Stogdill placed less stress on the situational components. In 1984, Lord and
associates re-evaluated Mann’s 1959 study using meta-analysis. They found that
intelligence, masculinity, and dominance were related to how followers perceived their
leaders, making intelligence, masculinity, and dominance the key traits to leadership
(Ghasabeh et al., 2015). Soon after, Kirkpatrick and Locke (1991) conducted a qualitative
synthesis of the earlier research outlined in this section and found that leaders possess:
drive, motivation, integrity, confidence, cognitive ability, and task knowledge, arguing
Zaccaro et al. (2018) suggest there are foundational leadership traits: cognitive abilities,
and associates assert that influential leaders possess high cognitive, social, and emotional
intelligence and suggest genetic factors. Adding to Zaccaro’s and team’s research,
Baczyńska and Rowiński (2015) suggest individual leadership differences can predict
leader effectiveness.
The traits possessed by great leaders have received considerable attention since
the earliest studies of the 1840s (Hussain & Hassan. 2015), and while there is no
universal agreement on all the traits possessed by the best leaders, the primary traits
leadership or leadership traits can be had without including Goldberg’s (1990) big-five
theory. Developed from early linguist research, the big-five theory states there are basic
dimensions of personality:
and hostile.
Although the big-five theory can be applied from a multitude of perspectives, the
assessment of personality). They clustered data into underlying themes aligned to the big-
five theory and found LMAP research scales correlated strongly with corresponding
Skills Approach
As with trait theory, skills theory approaches leadership from the individual leader
perspective (Baczyńska & Rowiński, 2015). Where the skills theory differs from trait
theory is the shift to emphasis of innate, largely fixed attributes to skills that can be
learned or grown over time. Arguably the father of skills theory was Robert Katz, who
published his seminal article Skills of an effective administrator in the Harvard Business
Review. Katz (1955) suggested three basic skills assigned to influential leaders or labeled
the knowledge and ability to work with people. Finally, conceptual skill is to work with
ideas and concepts. A more simplistic translation is the best leaders have a well-rounded
skill set that includes the ability to understand the overall product (technology), work
with people, and creatively think in terms of ideas over tangibles. For example, strategic
given problem. Katz asserted the importance of each skill varies according to the position
of the leader within the organization. Top management requires a greater emphasis on
human and conceptual skills, but technical skills are less critical. Frontline leaders or
supervisors require higher technical and human skills but require less conceptual ability,
Skills theory remained little changed until the 1990s when Mumford and his
comprehensive leadership theory (Northouse, 2016). Mumford and team were provided
access to over 1,800 Army officers at varying levels of leadership. Over many years, the
researchers collected and examined data to explain what factors create effective
influences. What is essential about the Mumford team’s skills model is the stress on the
conditions. Mumford continued skill research continued into the twenty-first century
through collaboration with other researchers to understand how skills are acquired over
the life of a leader’s career and how skills are transferred or reapplied as the leader moves
through what leaders do and how they act and include the leaders’ actions toward their
approaches emphasize people versus production, identify the need for both people and
production leaders, and create opportunities for co-leadership (Lussier & Achua, 2015).
Behavioral theories began to emerge in the latter part of the 1940s through the
efforts of three distinct research and well known groups who, for the first time, suggested
that leadership is not based on a trait. The Ohio State University research team analyzed
how individuals acted when they were leading groups or an organization through the
describing different aspects of leadership behavior. Data from the questionnaire were
gathered for six years from a wide variety of organizational settings. Led by Stogdill, the
Ohio State team found responses clustered into two general leadership behaviors (a)
different approach as Likert and team (1961) focused attention on the impact of the
Michigan identified two orientations that are remarkably similar to the Ohio State
findings. The University of Michigan coined the terms production oriented, closely
universities was their original view of the interdependence of the two behaviors. In the
opinion of the Ohio State researchers, the behaviors were independent of one another.
however, later agreed with the Ohio State assertion of the separateness of the behaviors.
The benefit of independence of the behaviors is the ability to adjust each without losing
the emphasis on the other. Finally, the managerial grid of the early 1960s, that has been
trademarked as the leadership grid, is possibly the most well known and widely used
behavioral theory. Developed by Blake and Mouton (1964), concern for production or
task-oriented behavior and concern for people or relationship oriented behavior is placed
on a grid to demonstrate how leaders help organizations reach their goals. The two
former studies list the behaviors from a low to high or two tiered model; the grid adds a
third or middle tier that provides an option for middle ground. While each study and
model that emerged added positively to leadership theory overall, each contributed to the
perception that to be a great, effective leader, one must rank high in all tasks and
and predict behavior and performance based on an individual’s need for achievement,
power, or affiliation, and McGregor’s theory X and theory Y that attempted to explain
and predict leadership behavior based on leaders’ attitudes about followers (Lussier &
Achua, 2015; McGregor, 2006). However, the motivation theory most relevant to the
and their treatment of followers explains and predicts the followers’ behavior and
motivation (Good et al., 2018). Developed by Rosenthal (1995), the Pygmalion effect
suggests a high expectation established for an individual will cause the individual to rise
to the occasion and perform at a higher level. The Pygmalion effect is often used
creating a favorable climate, input, output, and feedback. First suggested by Merton in
prophecy impacts an individual’s beliefs at such a deep level the person rises to the
occasion to achieve the foretold vision or prophecy. Similar to path-goal theory, the
or perception of their ability to achieve the desired outcome (Duan et al., 2017). There is
that a manager’s high (or low) expectation creates a subtle and unconscious change in the
way the leader treats the follower (Khorakian & Sharifirad, 2019; Zaccaro et al., 2018).
believes his or her followers’ capacity for success. In recent studies, the Pygmalion effect
has been highly linked to transformational leadership styles (Anderson & Sun, 2017;
Duan et al., 2017). Critics of studies surrounding the Pygmalion effect argue against the
suggests cognitive categories leaders have regarding followers’ traits and behaviors
before realizing experience (Khorakian & Sharifirad, 2019). Much like stereotypes,
LIFTs are the mind’s strategy to streamline the complexity of our daily interactions;
LIFTs help us make sense of what we see, interpret, understand, and respond to
followers. Not surprisingly, LIFTs are much like dominos; activating one tends to prompt
potentially creating bias, for example, suggesting to a leader someone is more promising
(while not explicitly stating others are not). Interpersonal contrasts assert the mere
perception and create a disadvantage for anyone within a control group setting. However,
the perception of the leader regarding the followers’ ability may change over time. As
evidenced by research exploring the Pygmalion effect, how a leader interprets the leader-
follower interpersonal dynamics shapes the leader’s judgment and behavior toward the
associate, which creates changes within the employee, allowing the leader to reshape time
after time what they think about the employee. LIFTS tend to color the manager’s
expectations for the follower, which influences interaction and creates the employee’s
Pygmalion effect.
The third dominant leadership paradigm emerged in the 1960s, and as the name
suggests, contingency or situational theories support the idea leaders need to change
behavior based upon the situation. Situational leadership is prescriptive and suggests that
leadership is composed of both directive and supportive dimensions, each of which must
be appropriately applied dependent upon the situation (Ghasabeh et al., 2015; Hershey,
1985). In essence, the approach suggests that followers fall along a continuum of
development and directive needs. According to the theory, leaders must continuously
identify where each follower lies along that continuum and provide the proper guidance
or support for their continued growth and success (Hersey & Blanchard, 1969a; Hersey &
Blanchard, 1969b; Hussain & Hassan, 2015). Although there are numerous contingency
theories, the common theme is the emphasis between the leader and the follower. The
theories provided a more prescriptive view of leadership than earlier theories descriptive
view; models were developed along with theories to assist leaders in identifying
appropriate leadership styles. Theories also considered variables such as (a) leader:
personality traits, behavior, and experience; (b) followers: capability and motivation; and
(c) situation: task, structure, and position power. The field produced many popular
theories, with the earliest work being that of Fiedler’s contingency theory (Fiedler, 1967;
Shafique & Beh, 2017), which identified the leader style, assessed the situation, and
matched leaders according to the situation. Fiedler believed leaders should change the
situation, not their style. If the organization was not a good fit, then move elsewhere.
Fiedler laid the groundwork for subsequent theories moving the field of leadership
research forward.
Path-Goal Theory
emphasizing the relationship between the leader and the follower. Developed by Mitchell
and House (A. Phillips & C. Phillips, 2016; Plumlee et al., 2016), the leader’s role is to
clear the path from obstacles for the follower to reach predetermined goals. In reaching
goals, the employee is then rewarded and becomes more motivated to achieve new goals.
For example, an employee who is motivated by achievement or a need to excel is best led
through frequent challenges, while an individual who needs higher affiliation is best
guided in a supportive manner. The path-goal theory differs from skills and behavior
theories, that place the leader at the center of attention by shifting focus to the employee’s
focal; however, the leader-member exchange theory (LMX) considers the interactions
between leaders and followers (Duan et al., 2017) and is the second most studied
leadership theory (Carter et al., 2020). Originally called vertical dyad linkage (Kim et al.
2020), the LMX theory suggests a linkage or relationship between the leader and follower
in one of two forms. Members of the in-group benefit from a better relationship with the
leader and receive more information, care, and support; whereas members of the out-
group are excluded from information sharing, support, and nurture from their leader,
making them less confident and successful (Carter et al. 2020; Epitropaki et al. 2020;
Khorakian & Sharifirad, 2019). LMX does not suggest a one-size-fits-all approach to the
in-group and out-group designation. Each LMX relationship is unique, and the extent an
employee feels included or excluded from the group will vary, but the leader determines
the invitational categoricity. Research has shown a high LMX improves employee well-
being (Rudolph et al. 2020), the follower’s self-efficacy is increased (Khorakain &
behavioral, and contingency models to create a more holistic picture of effective leaders.
Popularly recognized integrative theories are transactional and transformational
transformational leaders focus on the needs of the individual (Carter et al., 2020). The
term transformational leadership was first coined by Downton (1973) and has risen to
become one of the most popular leadership theories to date and the most widely studied
form of leadership (Carter et al., 2020). Burns, writer and authority on leadership studies,
laid out a new leadership concept that separated leadership styles as transforming and
transactional and moved leadership theories beyond pure traits. Since the concepts were
first introduced by Burns (1979) more than four decades ago, much has been written
Burns, leadership is an aspect of power with the ability to motivate others to achieve
specific goals held by the leader. Burns believed that leadership involved both the leader
and follower’s wants and needs, that can be seen in two distinct ways. First, transactional
exchange of money for services by the employee’s ability to meet specific goals or
leadership ultimately becomes moral in that it raises the level of human conduct and
ethical aspiration of both leader and led, and thus it has a transforming effect on both.”
(Burns, p. 382). In 1985, Bass presented a similar model of leadership based on Burns’
work. Bass (1999) suggested the nature of work, and thereby leadership, required a
market place, automation, and an increase in educated professionals. Rather than a single,
resulting in flatter organizations with less hierarchy and created a need for people to be
motivated by means other than economics. Additional arguments suggested the nature of
work changed when Baby Boomers rejected their parents hard work as materialistic
values that stemmed from the poverty of two World Wars and the Great Depression
(Ferree & Hess, 2002). Ferree and Hess go on to assert the prosperity that followed post-
war America allowed for the entrance of women in the workforce ultimately placed
greater emphasis on social relationships within the confines of work due to the relational,
clarification of goals and standards important and intervening only if there is a failure to
elevates the follower to align with the leader’s vision, goals and objectives through
will want to be like and act like the dynamic, charismatic leader. Bass and Burns agreed
charismatic leadership creates a domino effect where the positive, elevated (or lowered)
expectation of the leader effects employees’ overall performance (Bass et al., 1987;
Burns, 1979). Much like the Pygmalion effect outlined by Rosenthal (1995),
transformational leaders appear to have the ability to create environments where
employees can rise above previous expectations merely because of the belief of the leader
Bass and Burns disagree about the either/or nature of transformational and
transactional leadership (Bass et al., 1987; Burns, 1979). Burns’ model argued that
leaders possess one style or the other. Bass’s model suggested that both transactional and
Bass, transactional leadership identifies goals, objectives, and clear success criteria;
leadership can induce stress, but transformational leadership helps everyone to deal with
dimensions that result in differences in work performance, satisfaction, and overall trust
• Passive management by exception takes place when the leader only intercedes
• Idealized behavior is displayed when the leader sets and lives by example,
overall growth.
• Lack of management is the sole dimension as the leader fails to provide any
concepts, Bass returned to discuss each style’s impact on organizations and discussed the
overlap and separateness of other existing theories (Bass, 1999). Bass found that
hierarchy of needs (c. 1943) by creating a space where followers’ basic needs are met and
allow for growth beyond the need for safety, relies on a leader-member exchange through
the dyadic nature of leader and follower to increase loyalty, trust, and respect, and effects
moral and personal development by the leader’s observation of need and providing of
through a sense of morality and attempts to help others reach their highest potential.
synonymous in that each theory suggests that leaders must possess a set of dynamic
personality characteristics, behaviors, and effect on followers that, much like the
Pygmalion effect, causes the followers to rise beyond what they thought possible (Good
et al., 2018). Transformational leadership styles have been shown to increase team
performance, job satisfaction and increase trust among team members (Khorakian &
Sharifirad, 2019). Bass (1999) stated several studies showed that women tend to be
somewhat more transformational than males more recent research agrees (Morgenroth &
Ryan, 2018a; 2018b). Bass questioned the validity of women as better leaders due to a
possible performance bias that creates the need for women to work harder to perform
equally to men or the implicit desire of followers to see their female leaders succeed and
report performance with a level of unintended leniency. More recent research supports
the suggestion that leadership attributes associated with transactional leadership style
align with stereotypical male traits, and transformational leadership favors stereotypical
female characteristics (Powell & Butterfield, 2015). The alignment of gender and
between female and transformational behavior, and future studies will continue to support
the qualities of an effective leader identified by skill rather than biological sex (Powell,
There has been a significant increase in the number of scholarly research studies
on leadership in the last decade. Lee et al. (2020) conducted a qualitative study of
leadership theories from the top ten leadership journals to identify emergent theories. The
complexity leadership. Over recent years, many leadership theories have begun to appear,
transparent, and moral. Once again, there lacks a single unified definition of authentic
(Anderson & Sun, 2017). The theory began in response to highly publicized abuse of
leadership in public, private, and governmental sectors, that created a societal cry for
leaders who care about others and lead from a more altruistic position (Northouse, 2016).
Servant leadership originated through Greenleaf’s works during the 1970s and
has been of interest for over 40 years (Anderson & Sun, 2017). The essence of servant
leadership is an individual enters into leadership out of a need to serve others, and
through the desire to place the needs of the follower first, the follower thrives. Although
there are varying tenants and theories about servant leadership, consistent is the spiritual
thread of service. Greenleaf (2014) based his original work on his observations of
Hermann Hesse’s novel Journey to the East (c. 1956), in which a servant provides
inspiration and motivation to a group of travelers and ultimately inspires the group
onwards through selfless care. More recently, Blanchard and Hodges’ (2003) popular
book titled The Servant Leader utilized Jesus of Nazareth’s life as a guideline for
gain acceptance as more and more leaders are seeking ways to bring more purpose and
breath to increase listening skills, decision-making capacity, reduce stress and increase
dynamics and acknowledges people are unique and complicated with layers of
motivational drivers (Bass, 1990). Psychodynamics was first applied to leadership theory
by Freud and Strachey (1922) but was primarily discussed from a political leadership
aligned with the context of work, the clinical paradigm of psychodynamic theory argues
there is a logical explanation behind every human act, even if it seems irrational, and we
are products of past experiences that continue throughout life (Northouse, 2016).
To conclude a review of leadership theory, while many theories have been
discussed, the concept of leadership has moved from transactional approaches that
focused on getting the job done to focus on leader attributes, concern for the employee,
all people, internal and external to their followers, organization, or cause. Positively,
and leadership, two concepts must be clarified. First, references to male versus female
what is perceived as appropriate behavior for each sex varies across culture, individual
advantages and limitations of each appear to have added to the perception of separateness
or conflict between femininity and leadership. First, the English language creates a
bifurcated and polarized view of gender, asserting that one is male or female (Liben &
Bigler, 2015). Languages can possess full, partial, or bifurcated gender connotations, and
the extent of grammatical gender reference may have salient social and cognitive
maleness or femaleness (Motschenbacher, 2016). Early research placed men at the center
research has failed to move past the assumption that leadership is solely focused on the
male leader (Martin, 2015). It has been argued the need to assert the biological sex of
separateness or otherness from their male counterparts and further emphasizes differences
Historically, the concept of leadership has been gendered. The very notion of
authority has been associated with maleness simply because of the male appearance as a
strong and commanding presence (Constantinople, 1973). Heighten by the great man
theory (Spector, 2016) and early trait theory, the physique was identified as a leadership
trait due to robust male leaders’ predominance (Bernard, 1928; Kohs & Irle, 1920). By
extension, normative masculine ways have become associated with leadership roles,
while normative feminine behavior has been associated with leadership in communal or
maleness and femaleness (Jenkins & Finneman, 2018). Adding to the perception of the
maleness of leadership is the separate spheres ideology, which suggests men and women
perform best in distinct aspects of society. Separate spheres ideology (SSI) is a system of
belief that (a) gender differences in society are innate, rather than culturally or
situationally created; (b) these inherent differences lead men and women to participate in
different spheres of society freely; and (c) gendered differences in participation in public
and private spheres are natural, inevitable, and desirable (Miller & Borgida, 2016, p. 34).
sexes and highlights women have always been in leadership roles within the communal
sphere. SSI argues women function best in communal, nurturing roles while men are
most comfortable outside the home. For either sex to navigate in the sphere of the other
creates role incongruity due to misalignment between the prescriptive and descriptive
ideologies of appropriate behaviors, which both the individual and the follower feel.
sex, in her classic research on perceived normative masculine and feminine traits,
talking time, task-oriented, and referentially oriented. In the same study, Constantinople
expectations have followed the same gendered guidelines. Hurst et al. (2016) suggested
an influence of the Industrial Revolution on the male psyche as men moved from the
farmlands into the cities. The pressures of manhood compounded with media depiction of
men who went from rags to riches to attain the American Dream. The Industrial
that could work day and night. Hurst and peers asserted the Revolution created a “man as
machine” mentality in the United States, which demanded the belief if machines did not
rest, neither should the men who created them. They suggested the man as machine
have primary responsibility for the family unit. In feminism, the concept is often
extended to include male responsibility for the community or the public sphere as a
whole. Males are taught from birth an expectation to perform as providers for the family
unit, that places extreme emphasis and pressure on the male work-life as a component of
their masculine identity (Farrell, 1993; Goldberg, 2009). The expectation has been, a man
will begin his career upon completing his education, if not sooner, and provide the bulk
of financial stability for all of his dependents (McDowell, 2015), including his spouse.
Due to the expectation of financial support, men’s careers are linear and continual with
the occasional break for family holidays and rare illness where women tend to take roles
based on need or opportunity rather than a predetermined career path (Hurst et al., 2016;
Hurst et al., 2017, 2018a, 2018b). Male children are taught through parenting, society, or
media to be hierarchical, and the ideal male is successful, strong, and dominant in all
areas including against other men (Goldberg, 2009). Due to the combined pressures as a
provider and emphasis on being on top, the CEO for an American Fortune 500 company
seems to be the position that leadership, including gendered leadership research, strives to
reach. What is often not discussed in research or media are the many obstacles facing any
individual seeking such a role, including the willingness to uproot the family unit to
pursue career advancement or the extreme pressure, self-sacrifice, and relentless drive
that is placed on the individual who attempts to reach executive levels. On average, CEOs
must exert 24 years of unbroken work (Bothko et al., 2018). Much like their male
counterparts, a study conducted on the path of senior female leaders revealed, each
female attaining the position of CEO acknowledged a reliance and credit to the love and
the CEOs (Moor et al., 2015). Given 23% of women in the United States are single
parents (Bureau, 2016), the likelihood of managing the needs of home and work demands
of an upwardly mobile career becomes limited. Women’s careers are often directed by
outside influences such as childrearing and caretaking of family members (Carli & Eagly,
2016). Hurst et al. (2016) concluded that many women are unwilling to make the
The causes for female failure to step into senior leadership roles have resulted in
catchphrases like “sticky floor,” “glass ceiling,” “leaking pipeline” and “labyrinth” (Carli
& Eagly, 2016), suggesting an external force or barrier prohibits female advancement. A
review of trait theory of leadership noted that while no universal list exists, self-
confidence and determination were agreed upon by all research studies (Northouse, 2016)
women in senior leadership roles may be women’s lack of self-confidence or the negative
(Baxter, 2015, 2017). The expectation to lead is likely another factor due to a varying
level of emphasis on their job throughout their career (Hurst et al., 2018a). Research has
shown that the number one reported barrier between women and the C-suite is that
women are held to a higher standard than men (Hurst et al., 2016). The unspoken
implication is the high standard is reserved for men against women. However, Hurst et al.
(Hurst et al., 2016; Hurst et al., 2017, 2018a, 2018b) conducted a series of four studies
structured in gender equity that placed importance on fairness for all rather than females
alone. Although the women surveyed explicitly stated they held the exact expectations
for male and female leaders, their implicit expectations revealed otherwise (Hurst et al.,
2017). In short, their findings showed women made allowances in favor of men for
Conversely, the study found an implicit expectation on the part of female followers that
their female leader would provide emotional support, compassion, allow for personal life
demands, and act as an advocate, role model, or big sister. In another study, the authors
found that women do not perform consistently through their career; instead, they favor a
in the form of balance, challenge, and authenticity (Hurst et al., 2018a). Emphasis on a
challenging career typically comes early when the female’s family needs are low, balance
is the focus of mid-career to meet professional needs and family demands, and
authenticity that is focused later in the career to be “true to oneself”; however, men are
not afforded this privilege as expected benefactor to the family at large. Finally, Hurst et
al. (2017) found that women expected their female leaders to treat them as equal rather
than subordinate, an expectation they did not place on their male leaders.
While there has been a considerable amount of research on the impacts of gender
on women and career progression, far less research has been conducted on men as leaders
other than to suggest male privilege and domination. Fortunately, there does appear to be
a slight shift in the dialog regarding gender. Founder and CEO of 20-First Consulting, a
reach a balance in the workplace, challenges facing men must be addressed. Wittenberg-
Cox argued, while gender biases do hold back women at work, men who take time off for
family needs may be more harshly penalized than women. Gloor and peers (2018) agree
with Wittenberg-Cox as their research found. However, men were offered comparable
paternity leave; they tended not to take as much, if any time, unless supported or
The nature of work is changing. Arguments have been made about the social and
should be noted there are female dominated workplaces in that men are far less
represented and are often perceived as less than, separate or other due to the role
incongruity between perceptions of masculinity, the work being performed alongside the
linguistic strategies used by males within feminine work roles. McDowell (2015) used an
typically considered a role held by women. McDowell found male-nurses often take on
feminine strategies to perform their roles and maintain a relational practice. Martin
(2015) conducted a meta-analysis of 163 leadership studies and found while concepts of
leadership are becoming more androgynous, leaders are still perceived as possessing
masculine traits.
Interestingly, the summation has been, while masculinity remains the ideal leader,
research on women as leaders, much of what is known of the male leader is assumed or
implied. Still, there is a perceived incongruity between the leadership role and the
feminine role ascribed to women, such as communal attributes that characterize females
rather than the agentic qualities attributed more strongly to men and expected of leaders
(Baxter, 2015).
Attempts to uncouple the concept of gender as female and leadership as male has
been made by researchers such as Girdauskiene and Eyvazzade (2015) and Martin (2015)
who argue the framework of female leaders closely aligns with the positive attributes of
roles as contributors to the disadvantage of women in labor markets and career outcomes.
gender linguistics within the field of language and gender. Motschenbacher noted
problems arose when revised editions of literature were re-released while heavily relying
on former, outdated materials presented as new or updated. The study questioned the
scholarly use of language, in research and other written forms, as static representations of
meaning that can be codified. Additional challenges were made to the application of the
discourse, analysis of women’s language at work has continued to gain ground and has
been applied from varying perspectives. The late Judith Baxter conducted many CDA
2007; 2011; 2014; 2015; 2017). Baxter (2015) found in leadership workplace discourse
(a) men are hierarchical; (b) women are both egalitarian and competitive; (c) females in
mixed groups use subtle forms of sexuality to interact with males and (d) women block
other women from becoming a leader. Additional work by Baxter (2017) includes a study
style is overly aggressive. Cameron (2015) argued sex/gender differences in language are
gender, language and leadership from the male perspective and found males employed in
leadership and feminine leadership are variable and dependent upon internal and external
influences. As concepts of gender and leadership are changing, so should the lexicon
would do well to replace concepts of feminine and masculine with transformational and
leaders alike.
There has been a significant body of research conducted since the 1960s to
understand the challenges women face in the confines of work. As a result, sociolinguists
within the confines of work, and the sociolinguistic subdiscipline of gender, language and
leadership emerged in the mid-1960s. Over time, feminism and feminist theory
transferred the term gender to be synonymous with female (Cox, 2019), resulting in
studies that considered gender and leadership to focus solely on women leaders (Baxter,
2015, 2017; Baxter & Al-A’ali, 2014; Jenkins & Finneman, 2018).
This project aimed to help identify the language used in gendered leadership
research that may shape and influence beliefs about each sex (Gabriel et al. 2018;
Hansson et al., 2019; Liben & Bigler; 2015). The study aimed to fill a gap in
perceptions of gender inequality between female and male leaders through the language
selection used in the text (Gee, 2017). I identified the RQ of, “What discursive messages
regarding gender, performance, and power are found in gender leadership research text?”
The project’s goal was to help contribute to positive social change by assisting gendered
oriented feminist theory. As such, I reviewed the facets of leadership, gender, and
language was discussed. I began Chapter 2 with a review of feminism and feminist theory
as a crucial influence on the emerging literature and research on gender, language and
leadership. The chapter then reviewed the literature on theories regarding gender,
assigned to the binary sex of male and female emerged. The Chapter concluded with a
following chapter. Additionally, Chapter 3 outlines the specifics of the study and methods
to be utilized.
Chapter 3: Research Method
the language used in gender leadership research, which has a direct or indirect impact on
the researcher’s and the reader’s perception of female and male leaders within the context
of work. The purpose of the study was to examine discursive messages used in gendered
leadership research text and to explore the phenomenon of word usage and language
structure applied to research text. The study applied the follwoing RQ: What discursive
messages regarding gender, performance, and power are found in gender leadership
research text? Chapter 3 includes the research design and rationale for the application of
qualitative CDA used in the study, the methodology employed for collection and analysis
of the data, potential threats to validity, how threats were addressed to minimize risks,
ethical issues, and how those ethical issues were managed. As noted in Chapter 2,
discourse analysis is a process to examine the relationship between the written or spoken
word and the word’s meaning or implications, that ultimately shape, sustain, or change
specific social patterns (Hansson et al., 2019). CDA, developed by Fairclough (2016),
served as a theoretical framework and methodology and was applied in tandem as one
informs the other (Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017; Wodak & Meyer, 2016). I discussed CDA as
through the selection of word usage and the possible creation of themes of power,
• RQ: What discursive messages regarding gender, performance, and power are
The design of the study was qualitative and was conducted as a CDA of existing
methods (see Stubbs, 2018), the approach was discarded due to limitations as purely
counting the frequency of variables. Focusing on “what” and “how many,” quantitative
research would not have provided the level of intimacy with text afforded by a qualitative
research approach (see Gee, 2017). Content analysis was considered as a mixed method
predetermination of search words or phrases for analysis, that would have significantly
limited insights gained through repetitive reading of the text (McBee-Black & Ha-
phenomenon affects the people involved, either individually or as a group (Ravitch &
Carl, 2016).
and execution. I noted that all research, regardless of rigor of structure, contains bias
through the multitude of choices made due to beliefs, interests, and assumptions making
innate in language whereas quantitative studies do not question the role of research
composition in outcomes (Gee, 2014a, 2014b). Therefore, the qualitative design made for
the most appropriate study design for questioning the role of text as an actor capable of
influencing the reader and writer. Finally, the qualitative research design was consistent
with understanding stylized text’s effects in written discourse (see Gee, 2017) to identify
instances when text was used as a linguistic strategy to position gender in discourse (see
considered other approaches, CDA was the most appropriate for this study due to the
multiple ways and perspectives text could be examined, which created the opportunity for
allowed for a more robust understanding of shared experience (Fairclough, 2016). For
example, another analyst could conduct a similar study on leadership by considering race
rather than this study’s chosen focus on gender, power, and performance. CDA allowed
the choice to examine a limited number of discursive messages for a narrower focus on
the text and facilitated attendance to the primary research question: What discursive
messages regarding gender, performance, and power are found in gender leadership
research text? Poststructural feminist discourse analysis was initially considered for the
study. Still, it was discarded due to its mandate to place women at the focal point of
research, and I wished to address the question of gender in leadership beyond the female
change over time and take on new meaning, and stresses the intertextuality of words that
connotates each person draw on historical or prior knowledge to make sense in their
current space (Fairclough, 2016; Wodak & Meyer, 2016). Different social understandings
of the world lead to various social actions, and therefore, the social construction of
knowledge and truth has social consequences. Also, the application of CDA aims to
understand how social power could enact, reproduce, or abuse through the use of
language (van Dijk et al., 2018). CDA was used to shed light on visible and invisible
themes within the written text, that may reinforce perceptions of gender inequality in the
omission of data. Repetitive invisible themes were then linked to social ideologies, that
may play out in work and position women as less capable leaders (Hansson et al., 2019).
CDA does what other methods do not, which is to interact with the data and
challenge the analyst to question, “Does what I am reading sound true?” and “Is there an
interested in revealing ideologies, and implications of power within the text (Fairclough,
2016; Wodak & Meyer, 2016) through the triangulation of CDA approach to bias or
blindness was broadened compared to a single approach (Reisigl & Wodak, 2016).
CDA has been applied to a plethora of topics with consensus by experts across the
field regarding the approach and steps of analysis to identify power relationships and
social wrongs through the systematic investigation of discursive text. Even though CDA
was identified as the best to approach text in research, there are many lenses of CDA, and
the following triangulation was determined to be the most appropriate fit for the study:
the written word and the word’s meaning or implications that shape, sustain,
corpus linguistics approaches was made in favor of the research question because,
together, they addressed questions about how text may have leaned on prior research to
support current assertions and assumptions about shared knowledge, and identify themes
within the text that can be further explored. Other approaches to CDA that were
action modes, styles, semiotic outcomes, and actions in one genre are then
(Jancsary et al., 2016) and social media (Khosravinik & Unger, 2016).
texts within social structures, which was outside the scope of this project. Discourse and
dispositives were ill-fitting as primarily concerned with the relationship between text and
responses from the author(s) regarding their multiple discourse voices. Finally, CDA was
appropriate to this study as it acknowledged the subjective and multiple ways to interpret
meaning; so, while discourse analysts are receptive to other interpretations, discourse
analysis research is often conducted alone (Fairclough, 2016; Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017)
and lent itself well the purpose of the project as a capstone to a doctoral program.
As I investigated the use of text, study design and text logic became intertwined.
First, locating a body of text dedicated to the triangulation of gender, language, and
date, there is only one such journal fitting the basis for the study, that made the journal
the logical text for analysis. How to construct the study then became my focus. CDA
examines each word and word combination for possible data inclusion (Fairclough, 2016;
Gee, 2017; Hansson et al., 2019, Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017). Therefore, three study designs
were considered. First, I considered the gender leadership body of text in juxtaposition to
Leadership Quarterly, the most cited peer-reviewed journal on leadership for the last 2
decades (Lee et al., 2019). The journal comparison design was discarded as the absence
of gender in research articles potentially eliminated a vital component of the study. The
next study design considered analysis of a single and unpublished issue of the journal due
to be published after the submission of this study as a proposal for a doctoral capstone.
The single-issue design was discarded due to the potential of a special issue that would
The final study design emerged as the journal was examined, identified, and
intersection of gender and leadership (Emerald, 2019). The journal was formerly named
CDA and I was interested in how language changes over time, sustains or resists
power (Amoussou & Allagbe, 2018), I conducted analysis of leadership studies found in
a 2021 issue of Gender in Management versus the final issue of Women in Management
Review in 2007. The study designed allowed me to understand what advances towards
gender inclusivity for men and women collectively were made in the 14 years since the
For this study, I took on the role of reading and interpreting text for themes that
analysis, there were many ways to understand the meaning; therefore, as is typical, the
research was conducted in solitude (see Gee, 2017). Noting a considerable body of
literature regarding women in leadership, the study’s original concept was to conduct a
meta-analysis on the body of work dedicated to men and leadership. When I was unable
and leadership, but the field was limited, and researchers were nearly exclusively female.
Although no personal or professional conflict existed between myself and the data
that the approach would lack the rigor or credibility often associated with quantitative
studies. My skeptical view was resolved while completing the review of literature for two
approached purely quantitively since each person experiences work differently. Second,
I acknowledge that biases were possible due to the passion, interest, and focus
needed to remain dedicated to a specific research topic. Ravitch and Carl (2016)
suggested that all research, regardless of approach, contains bias due to the researcher’s
necessary involvement through interests, assumptions, and beliefs that guide their choices
for design, variables, analysis, and interpretation. Conversely, Sriwimon and Zille (2017)
argued that bias could be revealed and mitigated with adherence to well-defined and rigid
methods, like those laid out in this chapter. Nonetheless, extensive efforts were made to
manage ethical issues and biases, that could have manifested while conducting the
text from varying perspectives to expose bias or blindness possible from a single
approach (see Reisigl & Wodak, 2016). Findings were continuously questioned and
addition, Gee’s (2014) building tasks and tools of inquiry alongside Saldaña’s (2016)
reflexive strategies for analytical memo writing were applied as outlined within this
CDA was performed by asking questions that look beyond reading text at face
value. As such, I was committed to looking past obvious information in a transcript to the
many factors involved in creating and consuming the text itself (see Gill, 2009). From a
methodological perspective, CDA consists of four stages and subsequent steps
• Step 1: Select a research topic that relates or points to a wrong that can be
• Step 2: Select texts, and focuses, and categories for their analysis, in light
• Step 3: Carry out an analysis of the text, both interdiscursive and linguistic
semiotic analysis.
• Stage 3: Consider whether the social order needs the social wrong.
Using the study as guidelines for applying CDA methodology, the following
pages provide a step-by-step guide. To begin stage one, I chose a topic of wrong from a
semiotic aspect. Semiotics is the study of the use or interpretation of signs and symbols
within the discursive event or, in the case at hand, written text (Wodak & Meyer, 2016).
As such, the topic should relate or point to a wrong that can be approached in a
transdisciplinary way. For example, I wanted to examine how the language used in
research studies on gender in leadership may impact or influence the reader as well as the
writer. Transdisciplinary also came into place in various ways. I employed the use of
The second stage was to select the text and carry out the analysis. To conduct
analysis, I drew upon techniques and recommendations from discourse analysis and
qualitative coding, that made a reliable and repeatable process for identifying and coding
data as well as looking for themes within and across text using coding strategies and
To begin, it was recommended I document the author’s name, article title, sex of
the researcher, nature of the study, keywords and assign a catalog identifier used to tie
back to the coding results to allow identification of the various discourses emerging
through the language selection (Gee, 2014a; 2014b). Understanding the author and
approach to the text aided in fulfilling Stage 2: Step 1 to analyze dialectical relations
between discourse and other elements, between orders of discourse, and other elements of
social practice between the text and elements of events. In any given discourse event, the
writer and reader alike draw upon multiple discourse genres and take on varying styles
resulting in interdiscursivity. Genres are the signs and symbols associated with a
particular activity, and styles are semiotic behaviors related to a given role (Fairclough,
2016; Reisigl & Wodak, 2016). Interdiscursivity is the totality of various voices used in a
discourse event. A practical example of interdiscursivity can be seen in the role of a
female student who employs academic writing styles in the genre of undergraduate
studies in economics. Suppose the student is to submit an opinion piece on a topic of her
choosing. The economic topic she selects is out of preference, which is influenced by her
life experiences. Still, she is expected to write appropriately in the academic genre and
school or graduate-level student). The roles of student, female, author and economist
each possess individual discourses that will compete to varying degrees in the writer’s
voice and tone. The extent each discourse emerges is considered orders of discourse
(Fairclough, 2016). The student is influenced by her ideology which will influence her
topic of research and opinion, that places her in a position of power to influence the
reader but also places her under the power of the expectations of each discursive element
as well as the authority of the professor with the power to score her work. The professor
possesses their order of discourse based on their background, experience, and interests
that influences how they consume and respond to the student’s work.
The first reading of the text was conducted as if I were a layperson to gain the
paper’s overall gist without critical analysis of the language (Wodak & Meyer, 2016).
The act of making strange was used to position myself as a foreigner to the research
(Gee, 2017) rather than a discourse analyst. An analytical memo (Saldaña, 2016), an
uncensored journal entry, was written, noting the gist of the research and overall
The next crucial aspect of discourse analysis was to approach transcripts with the
underlying meaning or motivation (Gee, 2014a, 2014b, 2017; Gill, 2009). As such, I
Although coding was necessary and conducted following the traditional cycle coding and
categorization, CDA relies on intimate familiarity with the text gained through numerous
readings to keep the spirit of the text as a whole rather than the sum of its parts (Wodak
& Meyer, 2016). Passages that appeared to be codable moments were highlighted and
grouped into paragraphs/sections with a line separating when the topic or subtopic
single idea or unit (not to be confused with a numbered line of text spanning the single
width of the page) or a stanza that are sets of lines about a single topic connected in the
form of a piece of information that is lumped. The process of highlighting and separating
such as sentence structure, individual word usage, or counting the frequency of keywords
and can be coded either manually or with the aid of computer software (Wodak & Meyer,
2016). Due to the seemingly unending options available, it was necessary to limit the
focus of analysis to keep data within a manageable analysis level. I used methodological
triangulation of discourse analysis techniques using more than one method and more than
one data set to examine the same phenomenon. The study satisfied the requirement for
multiple datasets as it analyzed various research articles independently and collectively to
examine the phenomenon of language. Preliminary codes were expected to emerge and
allowed me greater focus, reduced bias, and increased validity (Gee, 2014a, 2014b, 2017;
Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017; Wodak & Meyer, 2016). For example, the study considered the
following conditions:
• Corpus linguistics examines recurring codes which reveal themes that can be
Upon reading, the text was lumped into topics/subtopics and assigned codes
through cycle coding. Initial coding allowed for open-ended, tentative coding using a
small number of codes that could change as more appropriate codes emerge compared to
that are more ridged (Saldaña, 2016). An additional benefit of initial coding was that it
descriptive strategies. However, using a small number of codes repeatedly avoided over
proliferating. Finally, lumping code into stanzas helped identify and code only the most
capture example criteria of codes. The goal of an iterative reading and coding process
was to move from particular data elements to identify general themes and concepts that
appear in the text. Data elements were coded and grouped as categories that were further
In keeping with the study’s design, I read articles separately, notated, and coded
(Reisigl & Wodak, 2016). Textual silence considers what the text does not say or what
was omitted (Gee, 2017). For example, to say “only 125 women are CEOs of Fortune 500
companies” lacks a definition of the remaining 375 CEOs (i.e., Black, gay, transgender,
etc.) or that Fortune 500 only applies to companies headquartered in the United States.
The omission requires the reader to assume the remaining CEOs’ gender classification. In
binary gender classification, such as the English language, they would be presumably
implies shared meaning (Fairclough, 2016). In the example above, the language selection
assumes the reader’s knowledge of the number of CEO positions available of Fortune
500 companies is 500. Historical reliance (Reisigl & Wodak, 2016) is the extent to which
example, Butler’s (1990) seminal work in Gender Trouble is frequently cited for
include using positive or negatively weighted words such as “only,” that suggests 125 is
an unacceptable number of female Fortune 500 CEOs. Combining the reviewed strategies
course of action through a social contract between leaders (text) and followers
study, the research text interacts with the reader with expert power as the text is assumed
to be authoritative, rigorously researched, free from bias, and the consumer is educated in
the topic being questioned and methodology employed. Therefore, emphasis was placed
on identifying how language was used as a capacity or ability to steer and affect others’
binaries of maleness and femaleness, making gender a learned system of knowledge that
meaning (Holmes & Schnurr, 2006; Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018b). Emphasis was placed
on how language was employed implicitly or explicitly to denote gender and gender
Performance: How and how well leadership roles are enacted (Northouse, 2016).
Discourse analysis examines how language enacts with social and cultural
perspectives through its use and structure (Gee, 2014a; 2014b). The methodological
(Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017). Various indicators served as a ledger, and by following the
signs, greater meaning can be gleaned. The following concepts can be thought of as a
ledger’s keys and considered during the analysis and coding of text.
(Gee, 2017). Grammar is the entire or whole structure and system of a language,
including lexicon, syntax, and semantics (Gee, 2014a, 2014b, 2017). Lexicon is the words
knowledge. The syntax is the structure of a language that can be a single word or a series
of words that can fit into larger units, and those words can become part of another larger
unit is known as recursive syntax. As the system of rules, Syntax determines how
different words can combine into phrases or sentences, or clauses. These language rules
are stored in the minds of those participating in the communication alongside the social
conventions associated with the discourse. Semantics is the core meaning of a word or
group of words based on the rules of their grouping or context of use. The core meaning
is the literal or basic meaning of a word’s definition without the specific context of use.
core meaning “believe.” Applied to discourse analysis, and the text should be examined
adverbs, and other filler words (Gee, 2014a, 2014b, 2017). The verb, adverbs, and any
helping verbs are called the predicate and comments on the subject or topic. As with a
or sentence is structured will shape the perception of the reader. Consider the difference
between the following clauses: “Samantha is Sarah’s sister” and “Sarah is Samantha’s
sister.” Both sentences are accurate and contain the same information; however, the first
is about and highlights Samantha, and the second is about and highlights Sarah. Clauses
can take many forms and reside within the same sentence. The main clause is considered
On the other hand, the subordinate clause sits in the background as information
that is assumed, understood, or shared knowledge or, as often described, as taken- for-
granted due to its ability to shape meaning (Gee, 2014a, 2014b, 2017). The grammatical
decision of what to foreground or background is the writer’s onus; however, the lexical
choices in the interpretation of meaning lie with the reader. A good example is the
following sentences with the same clauses switched from main and subordinate. “Despite
a large percentage of Mexican speaking citizens, English remains the national language
in the United States” compared to “English remains the national language in the United
States, despite a large percentage of Mexican speaking citizens.” As the main clause, the
many Mexican-speaking citizens are residing in the country. The latter can be interpreted
the national language or the United States as a country or political body. When analyzing
text, I identified sentences that contained foreground and background information and
considered if the nature or implied meaning of the sentence would change if repositioned.
process the information known as the lexical density. Much like occasions when it is
necessary to re-read a passage to digest the information, the reader’s ability to mentally
process a clause’s complexity is determined by their familiarity with the content, the
types of words selected, and word placement by the writer (Gee, 2014a, 2014b, 2017).
Words fall into one of three major classes: content words (subject, verb, adverb, etc.),
function words (the, this/that, a/an, etc.), and proper nouns (names). A Clause Worth of
sentences. The higher the score of a CWOI, the more difficult the sentence is to process
for the reader. When writers combine main and subordinate clauses, the main clause
usually consists of new information. The subordinate clause has information that is
assumed to be understood by the reader. So, it is the number of content words in the main
clause that can measure the complexity or density of the sentence (Gee, 2014b). The
more content words, the higher the CWOI score. Specialized discourse, such as in
academia, tends to be dense due to the lexicon that must be known and shared to
understand concepts being shared or argued. Analysts should consider the transcript’s
lexical density and note overly complex sentence structures that require additional
Finally, writers can make connections within and across sentences by using cohesion
markers to link concepts together. The following list explains various cohesion markers
• Pronouns are located in the second sentence links back to the preceding
are now talking about a part of a whole discussed in the preceding sentence.
allows the writer not to repeat the information while signaling the second
• Ellipsis […] indicates a place where information has been left out (omitted)
• Lexical cohesion is found when words are lexically related or another form of
signal how the reader relates the second sentence to the first. “However”
In addition to cycle coding, analytical memos were written during each step as a
(2016). Gee provides a series of seven building tasks and six Tools of Inquiry that can be
used as reflective questions to encourage the analyst to approach the text from various
vantage points. Using the tasks and tools produced questions that can be considered
practices (activities) is this piece of language being used to enact (i.e., get
language attributing to others, and how does this help the speaker or writer
“valuable,” “the ways things are,” “like me or not like me,” and so forth)?
irrelevant to another?
• Sign systems and knowledge discourse analysis question: How does this piece
female, technical language vs. everyday language, words vs. equations, etc.)
or different ways of knowing and believing or claims to knowledge and belief
• Figured worlds have also been called “folk theories” or “cultural models” and
• Form function correlations are any correlation in which a given word or type
• Situated meanings are the specific meanings words and phrases take on in
a socially situated identity of any sort (this identity may be associated with a
social group, profession, culture, practice, social role, or interest-driven
The preceding tasks and tools may appear overly complex and burdensome to
employ during analysis; however, I considered each of the tools of inquiry to provoke
questions. The seven big questions or building tasks were used separately or collectively
to prompt new ways of approaching and documenting codable moments during analytical
• Building task 7 (sign systems and knowledge): How are situated meanings,
• Reflect on and write about your code choices and their operational definitions.
• Reflect on and write about the participants’ routines, rituals, roles, and
and assertions.
• Reflect on and write about the possible networks and processes (links and
• Reflect on and write about any personal or ethical dilemmas with the study.
• Reflect on and write about the analytic memos generated thus far.
• Reflect on and write about the final report for the study.
Upon completing the coding cycles, analytical memos were coded and considered
in the final analysis. Review and inclusion of analytical memos were valuable due to the
articles that were read and coded one at a time. Each article was critically read, and I
applied a short, tentative code per the guidelines of initial coding to the lumps of texts
partitioned in the precoding phase. Upon completion of the first cycle of coding, I
reviewed and subsumed the codes into broader categories. Each code was logged and
thoroughly documented in a codebook for future consideration. The second cycle coding
organization based on the first cycle coding (Saldaña, 2016). I conducted iterative rounds
of cycle coding were as needed. During these rounds, patterns, similarities, differences,
were composed regularly throughout the process using the tools and techniques laid out
in this section, even if only a thought or idea. Finally, codes were assembled and recoded
into more accurate or specific phrases, and a summary report was written using extracts
from analytical notes and coding that identified significant themes. Each article was then
completed across all text examined for themes and concepts at a microlevel, mesolevel,
Microlevel Analysis
• What words or phrases are used to refer to or are associated with a specific
Mesolevel Analysis
• To what extent were linguistic strategies used to create cognitive alignment
• Did the language construction employ the use of positive or negative words or
Macrolevel Analysis
Once the final analysis was completed, I wrote a summary report in order to
complete stages 4 and 5 as a written evaluation of the data at the article level, journal
issue level and aggregated into an all-encompassing evaluation of the body of work as
of power. The journal issues compared and contrasted for insight into linguistic strategies
was necessary I locate a body of literature that addresses gendered leadership specifically
and is reasonable in size. The body of literature examined for this research project was
Gender in Management. The literature was selected due to the publication’s status as
essential reading to those interested in gender-related leadership and the only journal that
focuses on gender within the context of management (Emerald, 2019). Gender in
the Emerald Human Resources, Learning & Organization Studies eJournals Collection
and has been in continuous publication since 1985. The journal was initially named
Women in Management Review (WIMR), consisting of 151 issues from Vol. 1 Issue 1,
1985 through Vol. 22 Issue 8, 2007. In 2008, the journal was moved to an online
publication and renamed Gender in Management (GIM) with ten issues beginning with
Volume: 23 Issue: 1 to Volume’s most recent release: 36 Issue: 5. Each volume produces
approximately eight issues per year, with the most recent publication released in June
2021. GIM is an international journal and can be located under the search categorization
leadership. The site goes on to state advancement is made through empirical research,
theoretical developments, practice, and current issues in the international field. The
journal addresses social issues, including political and legislative decisions, social and
Content for the journal is received unsolicited from authors across the world on
topics that, according to the journal, make a contribution to gender in management and
leadership (Emerald, 2019). Topics published with the journal include management and
leadership styles, career issues; equality and diversity issues; forms of capital; flexibility
issues; legal issues; work-life balance; emotions in the workplace; employee-employer
issue, articles must focus on the subject of gender within management and leadership.
Manuscripts may include structured research and thought articles and include
implications of the work. Authors are required to provide disclosure of their positions on
gender and leadership, reflexive practices used, and a statement of goal, context, other
points of view, and theoretical bases. The journal is targeted to and predominately used
training and development professionals; and women managers. The following are
Theories and Practices for These Times (Volume 34, Issue 3) - Guest Editors:
Carole Elliot, Sue Pritchard, and Valerie Stead. The emergence of this special
forms of organising.
33, Issue 3) - Guest Editor: Ramanjeet Singh. Although the relation between
gender and entrepreneurship is a well-researched area, this special issue
Editors: Sanjay Kumar Singh and Rabindra Kumar Pradhan. The management
academic inquiry in this field is relatively new, and this special issue was
articles in this issue which have the potential to develop new insights to solve
the pressing problems which are being faced by the managers and leaders
The specific texts for this project were Women in Management Review (2007),
Volume 22, Issue 8, 2007 and Gender in Management (2021), Volume 36, Issue 6, 2021.
Women in Management Review, Volume 22, Issue 8 was selected as the final issue
Gender in Management, Volume 36, Issue 6 was selected for three reasons. First, as
leadership and, therefore, fits the project’s scope (Emerald, 2019). Second, the rigors and
reputation of Emerald Publications and the journal of Gender in Management ensure the
research was conducted on a robust variety of topics and of high quality. Third and
equally important, the issue was expected to be published in July 2021 and was not
released prior to the initial proposal submission for the project, making it improbable for
research. Examination of the two journal issues independently and in juxtaposition to one
another was expected to provide valuable insight into the advancement of gender
balanced research in gendered leadership research. Finally, it should be noted that while
the text analyzed was openly available, neither body of work was retrieved or reviewed
A benefit of conducting CDA was the multiple ways and perspectives in which
text could be examined and created the opportunity for a broader understanding of a
social phenomenon such as gender in leadership research and allowed for a more robust
understanding of shared experience (Hansson et al., 2019; Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017). As
such, there was no one-size-fits-all instrument mandated for use when conducting CDA.
However, drawing upon discourse analysis strategies and qualitative research guidelines,
I was able to create a repeatable and reliable process. Based on Saldaña's (2016)
following data collection instruments to ensure standardization across the life of the
Four components were applied to the text: precoding, coding, summary, and
analytical memoing. Precoding prepared the articles for more detailed examination and
allowed for familiarity with the text. Coding was an iterative review of text through cycle
coding. The summary resulted in a comprehensive review of themes within and across
articles. Finally, analytical memoing served as a strategy for the remaining objective.
I assigned an article number to each article that allowed for easier reference to
track and report information. Each article was assigned a numerical identifier, and the
article’s title and author(s) were recorded (see Table 1). Gee (2014a, 2014b)
Table 1
Note. Data capture of the author(s)’ sex, education, and area of interest assists in identifying the various discourse
The article structure was logged (see Table 2) Capturing article structure using the
instrument assisted in the comparison of coding outcomes across datasets and allowed me
to investigate regarding what choices were made by the researcher(s) in the construction
of the study as a potential factor in the language selection employed. The next step
required I reverse engineer each article by decomposing the article into chapters (Gee,
2017). Decomposition evaluated each section on its own merits and then examined how
each part fits and functions together. Articles were decomposed and sections considered
• Abstract: What is the general theme of the article and its intended goal?
or excluded?
participants, and the size of the population? What were the data collection
• Results: What were the study’s findings? Did the finding support the
• Conclusion: What were the final discussion points of the article? How was the
Table 2
Note. Data capture of keywords, theoretical framework, methodology, variables, and population will aid in identifying
The entire work was double spaced, rows numbered for ease of reference, and
wide margin space for coding notes, as is tradition with qualitative analysis (Saldaña,
2016). Finally, passages that appeared to be codable moments were highlighted and
separated into paragraphs/sections with a line separating when the topic or subtopic
appeared to change. The process of highlighting and separating topics assists in
Initial coding strategies allowed for open-ended, tentative coding with a small
number of provisional codes that changed as more appropriate codes emerged compared
strategies that would have been more ridged. Finally, lumping code through into stanzas
helped identify and code only the most essential parts of data. To ensure standardization
of coding, a codebook format was developed using Saldaña’s (2016) suggestions (see
Table 3).
Table 3
Code Detailed Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Typical example Atypical example
Name of the code 1-3 sentence Conditions for Exceptions of the Examples of data An extreme or
description of the the phenomenon phenomenon that that best unique example
coded qualities or that merits the do not merit the represent the of data that still
properties code code code represents the
Note. Codebook will aid in the standardization of data collection across text.
Codable moments noted in the precoding phase were documented (see Table 4),
including the line location, text lump, and observation summary (Saldaña, 2016). The
observation summary included notation of the textual instance such as textual silence,
Building on data captured in the first cycle coding exercise, the text’s second (see
Table 5) and subsequent readings included progressively more specific codes (Saldaña,
2016). Each entry was dated, and an analytic memo was created outlining recodification.
Table 5
Note. Building on data captured in the first cycle coding exercise, the text’s second and subsequent readings will
d Initial code represents the original categorization of text as power, performance, or gender during first cycle coding.
e Adjusted code represents an adjustment to code during second and subsequent coding cycles.
Final Codification and Summary
At this point, the process identified data elements that were translated into codes.
Those codes were aggregated and assembled, and recoded into more accurate phrases to
unearth categories and themes (see Table 6), leading to overarching theories or assertions
Saldaña (2016). Once completed, I wrote summary report using extracts from coding and
notes. Each article was summarized on its merit, compared to other articles within the
journal. Finally, a comprehensive report was completed across all text examined for
Table 6
Note. Codes from the analysis will be aggregated, assembled, and recoded into more accurate phrases to unearth
Analytical Memos
Analytical memos were coded and grouped for emergent themes, categories, themes,
concepts, assertions, etc. As noted in this chapter, I wrote analytical memos as free text
and employed multiple strategies to increase perspective and validity (Gee, 2017;
Saldaña, 2016). Each analytical memo was dated, assigned a numerical identifier for
In the absence of universally predefined tools to analyze the text, I acted as the
instrument’s creator and executor (Ravitch & Carl, 2016). However, a rigorous and
systematic analysis method made for a significantly reliable and bias-free set of
instruments literature (Sriwimon & Zilli, 2017). To validate the appropriateness of the
instruments, the sets of protocols identified and outlined in the proceeding pages I
practiced them against a randomly selected leadership study. The validation exercise
served four purposes (a) identifed and allowed me to correct of unforeseen design issues,
(b) assessed the amount of labor and feasibility of analyzing the expected ten to 12
articles to be used in the formal study, (c) established data for gendered leadership
research that did not specify gender as a factor in leadership, and (d) allowed for a
practice exercise to ensure the effectiveness of the study design. The steps outlined within
this section, while informally a validation exercise, aided me in the format and design to
identify, organize and track data elements for analysis and transform from data to codes
results. The validation article for review was selected at random from Walden
University’s ISPY 8755 Leadership and Leader Development course curriculum (see
towards a specific researcher. Also, the use of an article that had been deemed worthy of
ensured the work met the university standard for leadership study. The original article
randomly selected was Thorn (2012), Leadership in international organizations: Global
Interestingly, the article was a study conducted by Margaret Thorn. The chance
selection raised the question of the sex of the author should be removed in the design of
the formal study. However, my knowledge of the sex and other gleanable information
about the author served as an indicator of the orders of discourse and various discourse
identities influencing the writer (Gee, 2017). Ultimately, I discarded the article due to its
lack of rigor and citations that presented itself more as an opinion piece than an article on
leadership. The second article randomly selected was found to be of a similar vein, but I
made the decision to move forward with the practice exercise as the formal study would
I read the article initially for general knowledge of content and overall impression
as if read by a college student rather than a doctoral candidate as the act of making
strange or as a foreigner to the research (Gee, 2016). The following review of the article
applied the primary research question, “What discursive messages regarding gender,
performance, and power are found in gender leadership research text?” Subsequent
research text?
• What discursive messages regarding performance are found in the leadership
research text?
research text?
understanding of the text at a microlevel, mesolevel, and macrolevel and created the
The text was analyzed at a microlevel for how language was employed as a tool to
assert implicitly or explicitly power, performance, and gender. Foucault (1972) famously
asserted that what is not said is more important than what is said. Therefore, the emphasis
identify how text employed the use of power, performance, and gender, identification of
implicit and explicit instances of historical reliance (Reisigl & Wodak, 2016), linguistic
strategies, and language construction contained within the text sought to find:
Once the microlevel analysis was completed, the data were reviewed at a
mesolevel. Instances of interdiscursivity revealed the reconstitution of the text from the
diverse discourses, genres, and orders of discourse; the employment of semantic prosody
forms of gender.
“glass elevator,” “great man,” “sticky floor,” and “glass ceiling” or implied
for instances of work placement or usage. For example, the use of “only,”
(Gee, 2017).
recontextualized in leadership practices that are represented in the context of other social
written word and the word’s meaning or implications which ultimately shapes,
• Corpus linguistics analyzes data outputs to identify themes that can be further
To follow are examples of how the analysis was constructed and conducted using
the instrumentation developed for the study. First, the article was assigned a unique
numerical identifier and documented with the paper’s title and author (see Table 7). The
numerical identifier allowed for easier reference to track and report information within
and across articles. Next, the author’s sex, education, and areas of interest were captured
(see Table 8). Authorship contributed to the identification of various discourse identities
within and between texts. Information regarding the structure of the research design was
documented (see Table 9), and the article was decomposed and separated into sections
• Abstract: What is the general theme of the article and its intended goal?
or excluded?
participants, and the size of the population? What were the data collection
methods used? What variables were selected and which were omitted?
• Results: What were the study’s findings? Did the finding support the
• Conclusion: What were the final discussion points of the article? How was the
Table 7
000 Breaking stereotypes: An Asian American’s view of leadership development Akutagawa, Linda
Table 8
Table 9
Table 10
Decomposition of Article
The entire work was double spaced, rows numbered for ease of reference and
wide margin space for coding notes as is tradition with qualitative analysis (Saldaña,
2016) and passages that appeared to be codable moments were highlighted and separated
into paragraphs/sections with a line separating when topic or subtopic appears to change
(Figure 1). The work provided examples of linguistic strategies used in the research
provided populate provisional codes for the codebook to be used in the study (see Table
11). The highlighted lumps of codable moments were analyzed and assigned an
observation summary of the text selection’s linguistic strategy (see Table 12).
Figure 1
Code Detailed Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Typical example Atypical example
Power Use of language Use of language All examples of When looking at TBD
to influence the as a means to power implicitly the near
meaning influence the or explicitly invisibility of
meaning stated will be APIs on
considered for nonprofit and
inclusion. foundation
boards of
directors and the
CEO level, it is
not surprising
that the API
community has
been dismissed,
and disengaged
Code Detailed Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Typical example Atypical example
23-26 Applied to Asian Americans, they lead to the Uses metaphors and stereotypes to reinforce
perception that people of Asian descent are “not
leaders” or “lack leadership ability,” a
perspective that hurts Asian Americans across
all sectors, all industries, and all the various
roles they assume.
28-44 Despite rapid growth in the Asian American Weighted CWOI- excessive cognitive processing
population and workforce, | and despite high
rates of educational achievement and talent
growth, | the conclusion from a recent
environmental scan | by Leadership Education
for Asian Pacifics, Inc. | (LEAP, 2012a) |
reveals that Asian Americans remain among the
least-represented groups | in leadership roles in
the | private, public, | and nonprofit sectors, |
still finding themselves on the outside looking
in, | at work and in political and | educational
environments | that are neither fully diverse nor
fully inclusive.
The second cycle coding expanded upon the first cycle coding by applying an
initial code of power, performance, or power that may have been adjusted during
additional readings or compared between or across articles to be analyzed (see Table 13).
Finally, the coded data elements were aggregated, analyzed, and assigned a final code
category to identify themes (see Table 13). Analytical memos played an essential role in
the study and were examined for codable moments. An example of a coded analytical
23-26 Applied to Asian Americans, Uses metaphors and stereotypes to Performance N/A
they lead to the perception reinforce
that people of Asian descent
are “not leaders” or “lack
leadership ability,” a
perspective that hurts Asian
Americans across all sectors,
all industries, and all the
various roles they assume.
28-44 Despite rapid growth in the Weighted CWOI- excessive cognitive Power N/A
Asian American population processing
and workforce, | and despite
high rates of educational
achievement and talent
growth, | the conclusion from
a recent environmental scan |
by Leadership Education for
Asian Pacifics, Inc. | (LEAP,
2012a) | reveals that Asian
Americans remain among the
least-represented groups | in
leadership roles in the |
private, public, | and
nonprofit sectors, | still
finding themselves on the
outside looking in, | at work
and in political and |
educational environments |
that are neither fully diverse
nor fully inclusive.
As the intention of CDA (and this study) was to analyze the text’s language, my
analysis of data closely followed the data collection protocol outlined in the previous
section of this Chapter. Per the guidance of Wodak and Meyer (2016), I reviewed each
article initially with a novice’s curiosity through the act of making strange (Gee, 2017),
as much as possible, rather than that of a doctoral candidate. Thereafter, I approached the
transcripts as a skeptical reader and suspended opinion by focusing on the way that
language was used in the construction organization and function of the discourse rather
data were analyzed for patterns in data in variability (difference within and between) and
consistency as well as investigating the way language was used or not used or what was
not said through textual silences (Fairclough, 2016; Foucault, 1972; Gill, 2009).
Following repetitive reading and coding themes, the data were aggregated and examined
employed during the data collection phase allowed for a robust set of data that was
Microlevel Analysis
Power: The capacity or ability to steer and affect others’ beliefs, attitudes, or
course of action through a social contract between leaders and followers. Power may be
based by possessing desirable information, expert, or referent (Northouse, 2016, pp. 10-
• What instances of power were found within the text?
binaries of maleness and femaleness, making gender a learned system of knowledge that
• What words or phrases are used to refer to or are associated with a specific
Mesolevel Analysis
Macrolevel Analysis
Once data were analyzed at each level within and between journal issues, a
summary of findings at each level was created. Finally, Women in Management Review,
Volume 22, Issue 8, 2007 and Gender in Management, Volume 36, Issue 6, 2021 are
Issues of Trustworthiness
Numerous protocols were identified and outlined to ensure the study’s credibility
and the data identified were intact. I employed methodological triangulation by drawing
approach (Fairclough, 2016), and corpus linguistics (Mautner, 2016) to generate multiple
perspectives, reduce bias, and reveal blind spots. Gee’s building tasks and tools of
inquiry, alongside Saldaña’s (2016) reflexive strategies, increased the level of questions
and approached the text from various perspectives. Also, I possessed a willingness to
question personal assumptions, perceptions, and biases at every step of the process. A
final note on credibility returns to the assertion of CDA there are no wrong answers or
correct interpretations. The application of CDA to analyze text outlined in this study
allowed me to embrace multiple ways of viewing data, approaches, and factors, all of
which added to research through the addition of many voices, perceptions, and
The nature of this study focused on the intersection of gender and leadership;
however, the approach I laid out to investigate the possible ways language selection used
in research shaped perceptions of the consumer can be readily applied to other bodies of
text, such as the intersection of leadership and race. Although Gender in Management is
the only journal dedicated to the study of gender in management and leadership
(Emerald, 2019), this study could be replicated across past and future issues to identify
themes of how research on gender and leadership has or has not changed over time.
External validity is also possible, as found in the instrument validation exercise that
reviewed text in an article on leadership that did not expressly rely upon gender as a
leadership factor. Furthermore, the areas of interest such as gender, power, and
performance could easily be replaced with other focal points such as race, socioeconomic
According to Ravitch and Carl (2016), dependability refers to the stability of the
data. As this study was conducted as an analysis of secondary data published within a
single issue of Gender in Management, the data are stable. Gender in Management
(Emerald, 2019) is the only journal dedicated to discussions of gender, leadership, and
management. The issues analyzed were Women in Management Review, Volume 22,
methodological triangulation to reduce bias and reflect the data from multiple
perspectives. Coding was thoroughly documented and I applied the protocols laid out
within this chapter. Audits of the data collection began with the first reading as
preliminary jottings and continued through cycle coding. Following the repetitive reading
and coding, the data were aggregated and examined for regularity and variability through
deviant cases and coherence analysis. I systematically tracked, recorded, reflected upon,
and considered the data through each aspect of triangulation. Data were considered and
I considered strategies since the conception of this study and actively applied to
ensure that I and study remained confirmable. Numerous protocols were identified and
outlined to ensure the credibility of the study and the data identified. Also, I possessed a
willingness to question assumptions and perceptions at every step of the process. Leaning
on Ravitch and Carl (2016), I developed reflexive validity questions early in the research
Ethical Procedures
criticism of CDA and qualitative research, in general, has been the subjective nature of
data collection and data analysis. CDA and the study mandated I conduct research in
isolation which potentially posed ethical concerns. I created and documented actionable
steps and systematic approach strategies in this chapter to reduce research bias or
(2017) Ethical Principals of Psychologists and Code of Conduct were closely reviewed
and aligned. Although all ten Principals and Codes were reviewed, Section 8: Research
and Publication (2017, Standard 8.0) was most relevant to the project:
• 8.01 Institutional approval upon entering into the University Research Review
phase, a request for formal approval for the study and data collection was
• 8.02 Informed consent to research did not apply to the study as it did not use
human participants.
• 8.03 Informed consent for recording voices and images in research did not
apply as the study did not include the recording of audio or visual images.
apply, and there were no known conflicts between the researcher and text
• 8.05 Dispensing with informed consent for research informed consent was
dispensed and not required as the study was the analysis of secondary data
• 8.07 Deception in research did not apply as the study consisted of secondary
• 8.08 Debriefing did not apply as the study consisted of secondary data
• 8.09 Humane care and use of animals in research was irrelevant to the study
• 8.10 Reporting research results data was not fabricated and all study results
were reported regardless of the expected outcome, any errors in data that
might have arisen, immediate steps to correct, omit or retract were taken.
• 8.11 Plagiarism all writing and results in the project are of the researcher;
• 8.12 Publication credit all publication credits were freely made to original
• 8.13 Duplicate publication of data the study was original and did not contain
• 8.14 Sharing research data for verification should the requests for data
• 8.15 Reviewers all confidentiality and property rights were held in place as
In summary, I analyzed existing text, impact to human participants did not exist,
and concerns with the treatment and data storage were nominal because the text analyzed
was readily available on Emerald Publishing’s website and open to the public. However,
I did not access either body of work until URR approval was granted.
Upon entering into the University Research Review phase, I made a request for
formal approval for the study and data collection from Walden University’s IRB. I took
preemptive steps to construct ethical research and completed the certification process
The more significant concern of potential prior exposure or familiarity of the text
authors could not be entirely eliminated. However, I took actionable steps to reduce the
likelihood of exposure that were implemented since the onset of developing the study,
additional research from other forms of literature on the topic for the duration of the
Association’s Division 35 Society for the Psychology of Women and Division 51 Society
for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities. To reduce ethical concerns
regarding recruitment of data due to selection bias and premature assumptions about the
text authors, I conducted on an issue released following the approval of the study.
position, interest, and decision to apply CDA to text on gendered leadership through the
analysis of Women in Management Review (2007) Volume 22, Issue 8, 2007 and Gender
in Management (2021) Volume 36, Issue 6, 2021. I explained the text selection logic with
the aim to add to the body of literature on the topic by examining the research question,
“What discursive messages regarding gender, performance, and power are found in
gender leadership research text?” The value of microlevel, mesolevel, and macrolevel
eliminate bias from research (Gee, 2016). Nonetheless, strategies for reducing risk by
applying methodological triangulation were laid out for the systematic review of the
protocol or guidelines were available for data identification or collection. In the absence
against a randomly selected leadership study that did not specifically question gender as
protocols used during the formal study. Also, Chapter 3 discussed the approach to
research and the body of literature for analysis. Data collection strategies, credibility,
The purpose of the study was to examine discursive messages used in research
text regarding gendered leadership and to explore the phenomenon of word usage and
language structure applied to research text. The study applied the following research
question: What discursive messages regarding gender, performance, and power are found
in gender leadership research text? Chapter 4 begins with a demographical review of the
text source, followed by a summary of the employed data collection. The chapter moves
to the processes used in the data analysis phase, including codes applied and categories
and themes that emerged. Next, the chapter provides evidence of trustworthiness by
during the study’s execution. Results of the analysis are presented at microlevel,
mesolevel, and macrolevel as outlined in Chapter 3, and the chapter closes in a summary
As I used predetermined, existing text that was publicly available, there were no
conditions that influenced or changed the text collection that deviated from the study
The specific texts for the project were Women in Management Review (WIMR),
Volume 22, Issue 8, 2007 and Gender in Management (GIM), Volume 36, Issue 6, 2021.
The WIMR (2007) issue was selected as the final issue published by a
management/leadership journal focused solely on female interests before the journal
(2021) was selected as the only journal dedicated to research on gender-related leadership
and the specific issue was projected to be released after the proposal for the project was
Data Collection
A total of 18 bodies of text were retrieved from the online publications. During
the precoding phase, pages were formatted into individual word processing documents,
remain free from exposure before the analysis phase. Texts were double spaced, and lines
were numbered for ease of reference and tracking during the data coding, analysis, and
Once formatted, I began analysis. Articles were read individually for general
content, and no analytical comments were made. In the next reading, I marked passages
that appeared to be codable moments into lumps raning from a few words to paragraphs,
resulting in an extensive data set for additional review. Concepts or ideas were lumped
and highlighted, and an observation summary was handwritten for later review to
maintain a manageable data set. Three of the commentaries did not focus on gender and
leadership and were discarded during the text analysis due to lack of fit for the study.
WIMR article 006 reviewed a book regarding diversity management; however, the
commentary emphasized the focus of the book as race and ethnicity employment‐related
a Society of Human Resources Management ranking of the best 50 small and midsized
companies to work. The remaining 15 articles were fully read, and lumps of codable text
were transitioned to the Second Cycle Coding table for further analysis, which is
discussed in the following pages. Through iterative readings, some data were combined
while text was discarded until core themes emerged and reached saturation.
relationships between text and authorship as discussed within this paper. The sex,
education, and areas of interest for each author were documented in to gather text
authorship information. Article 006 through Article 012 did not provide clear authorship;
therefore, unknown was listed as “unknown” for sex, education, and areas of interest.
population size for each study for review after the completion of microlevel analysis.
throughout the study, which were transcribed and analyzed in the final stages of the
Data collection, which included retrieving text from public internet locations,
converting and formatting into word processing documents, locating and compiling
organization, and analysis, was conducted over the course of 6 weeks and in excess of
270 hours of effort. Data were recorded in tables as previously outlined in Chapter 3 and
The intention of this research study was to investigate how language upholds or
While textual analysis could have resulted in codes and categories along other veins such
as race or ethnicity, the focus remained on gender, leadership, and language. I read
articles individually, and segments of texts were lumped for later review, with a brief
highlighted and grouped into paragraphs/sections with a line separating when the topic or
subtopic appears to change. Initial coding allowed the use of observation summaries for
open-ended, tentative statements that I reviewed later and changed as more appropriate
codes emerged (see Table 11). Each article was read separately, notated, and coded for
current arguments, and positive or negative linguistic strategies (see Reisigl & Wodak,
Power: The capacity or ability to steer and affect others’ beliefs, attitudes, or
course of action through a social contract between leaders (text) and followers
identifying language, that was used to steer and affect others’ beliefs, attitudes, or course
of action:
binaries of maleness and femaleness, making gender a learned system of knowledge that
meaning (Holmes & Schnurr, 2006; Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018b). Emphasis was placed
on how language was used implicitly or explicitly to denote biological sex, gender
attributes, or traits:
Performance: How and how well leadership roles are enacted (Northouse, 2016).
Numerous protocols were identified and outlined to ensure the study’s credibility
relational approach (Fairclough, 2016), and corpus linguistics (Mautner, 2016) that
generated multiple perspectives, reduced bias, and revealed blind spots. Gee’s (2014a,
2014b) building tasks and tools of inquiry, alongside Saldaña’s (2016) reflexive strategies
discussed in detail in Chapter 3, increased the level of questions and approach to the text
The nature of this study focused on the intersection of gender and leadership;
however, the approach laid out the possible ways language selection used in research
could be applied to other bodies of text, such as the intersection of leadership and race.
Although Gender in Management was the only journal dedicated to the study of gender in
management and leadership (Emerald, 2019), I saw opportunities to replicate the analysis
in relation to race, religion, or locale. External validity was possible, as the exercise could
review text in articles on leadership that did not expressly rely upon gender as a
leadership factor. Furthermore, the areas of interest such as gender, power, and
performance could have been replaced with other focal points such as race and
socioeconomic status.
This study was conducted as an analysis of secondary data published within two
Women in Management Review represented the journal’s early work before being
rebranded as gender focused in 2007. The issues analyzed were Women in Management
Review (2007), Volume 22, Issue 8, 2007 and Gender in Management (2021), Volume
methodological triangulation to reduce bias and reflect the data from multiple
perspectives. Coding was thoroughly documented, applying the protocols laid out within
Chapter 3. The data were aggregated and examined for regularity and variability through
deviant cases and coherence analysis following repetitive reading and coding. Data were
Strategies were considered since the conception of the study and actively applied
to ensure I, as the researcher, and study remained confirmable. Numerous protocols were
identified and outlined to ensure the credibility of the study and data identified. Also, I
was willing to question personal assumptions and perceptions during each step of the
process. Leaning on Ravitch and Carl (2016), reflexive validity questions were
established early in the research design to support continual reflection and focus on
and power in text in gender leadership. The specific research question of “What
discursive messages regarding gender, performance, and power are found in gender
leadership research text?” was applied to the text. Discussion focused on text, not author;
therefore, all data were deidentified. A total of 18 articles, seven of which were nonpeer-
reviewed commentaries that were reviewed for possible instances of power, performance,
and gender are discussed. Three were discarded due to lack of fit, while the remaining
four were reviewed at the microlevel and mesolevel. The data within the peer-reviewed
scholarly research texts were reviewed at the microlevel, mesolevel, and macrolevel.
First, the findings of gender, performance, and power are presented at the article level to
satisfy microlevel analysis. The data are then presented at the macrolevel through the
comparison of data from the issue of WIMR (2007) against GIM (2021) to understand
how gender, performance, and power have changed or remained the same across time and
provide insight into the composition of authorship. Finally, at a macrolevel, data are
gender. The term gender was applied when reference was made to masculine or feminine
gender traits, and the term sex to bifurcated male or female. Analysis focused on:
• Gender was explored in the ways women and men were represented as
order during microlevel analysis alongside two examples of gender, performance, and
power located in the respective final codification and summary table. Article 001
Turkey. The text compared hiring and promotion practices within the three types of
Turkish banks: state owned, private, and public. Power was asserted through the
comparison of Turkey against first-tier countries such as Europe and the United States
through the direct assertion that Turkey should take on western philosophies and that
women working outside the home would be viewed as a symbol of progress (see Table
14, power). The text used reference to legislative intervention to enforce education as a
means to drive economic progress. Power was subtle, although strongly played in the
examination of practices of the foreign banks against Turkey when additional research
revealed all foreign banks included in Article 001’s study were headquartered in western
countries (Germany, Great Britain, and the United States), reinforcing a “west is best”
narrative. Power was further exerted through the devaluation of the role of women as
leaders of the community and diminished the value of raising children through references
of both sexes towards the preference of female focus on home family rather than paid
employment (see Table 14, power.) Gender was oriented to normative, bifurcated male
and female sex with a focus on the female sex and the text specifically referenced the
need for women in the workforce. The text noted women attained hire educations yet,
encountered a commonly cited “glass ceiling” metaphor (see Table 14, gender).
However, the text went on to suggest that the uptick of women employed should be
considered a phenomenon that would not last (see Table 14, performance). Finally, the
text suggested women were relegated to lower paying roles such as customer services, yet
later admitted the causation was due to self-selection, not discrimination (see Table 14,
Table 14
Social attitudes and values also play a role in keeping women Text applies metaphor to Gender
just below the executive ranks. Schein’s (2001) dictum support gender-role ideology
“think manager – think male” continues to be affirmed in a
global context.
Among the various explanations for the dearth of women at Text applies metaphor to Gender
the top is the existence of the proverbial “glass ceiling” support gender-role ideology
When questioned further, she offered self-selection as the Arguments thus far supported Performance
primary reason. gender-discrimination
Lumpa Analysis Final code/Category
There is some speculation that this increase in female Negative linguistic strategy Performance
employment in banking may be a temporary phenomenon
that may reverse itself once more qualified males enter the
labor force.
In an effort to move the country into the western paradigm, Supports western ideologies Power
the founders sought to advance the role of women as a as superior
“symbol” of progress.
Even today researchers continue to find evidence that Cultural values are dismissed Power
Turkish men and women still view home and family as in favor of economic gains
preferred roles for women (Kabasakal, 1999; Zeytinoglu,
1998; Aycan, 2004), the persistent residues of a patriarchal
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
Throughout this project, it has been asserted that text takes the reader along on a
journey to a desired outcome. Article 002 supported the storytelling narrative capability
female Indian entrepreneurs. The text was beautifully and, at times, poetically
constructed. Therefore, power was exerted as the influence of the writing style, as women
Table 15, power). Linguistic strategies continued as implicit bias was referenced as
“software of the mind” and “reminiscent of the ‘the native’ or ruled, who could not equal
the ruler” (see Table 15, power). Gender was oriented towards normative, binary sex to
the extent women were said to be “the cultural and biological reproducer of future
generations” (see Table 15, gender). Furthermore, the text labeled and referenced the
three participant groups as flowers: rose, jasmine, and basil, that added to the cognitive
feminization of the studied population (see Table 15, gender). Performance within the
text was convoluted. The purpose of the study was to understand migrant, female Indians
within New Zealand; however, the text focused on ethnic issues such as language, accent,
and skin color as barriers that confused racism with sexism that could easily have been
argued as a work barrier to Indian migrants regardless of biological sex or gender identity
Table 15
Furthermore, if one considers that the ethnic minority woman is Reinforces gender Gender
both a cultural and biological reproducer of future generations, ideology as hyper-
then such positioning is less likely to lead to marginality with feminine or hyper-
underemployment or unemployment which can become fertile masculine
seeding grounds for violence, riots and terrorism, if not by the
women, then by their sons, brothers, husbands and fathers.
Gulab (or rose) stands for the women who are stop-gap Reinforces gender Gender
entrepreneurs and use the micro-enterprise as a stepping-stone ideology as hyper-
while they seek employment, or to supplement their feminine or hyper-
underemployment. Mogra (or the jasmine flower) stands for the masculine
women who have made a conscious choice to have their own
enterprise. Tulsi (or sacred Basil, which is a holy plant for the
Hindus), corresponds to those women who come from the
Indian business caste and who have a family business and would
rarely think of employment outside of this.
…when they see me and my brown skin, they seem to think I Comingles racism with Performance
cannot function in a Western world . . . sexism
…being told that she was: “over qualified had lack of Kiwi
experience and a strange accent”…
This socialization among members of their own or similar ethnic Comingles racism with Performance
communities is often reinforced by perceptions of being seen as sexism
ethnic and hence unable to understand the English language,
being spoken down-to, as well as “smelling of curry”
In other words, the imperial mindset is so deeply embedded in Hyperbolic use of Power
the software of the mind that ethnic minority migrants are linguistic strategies
automatically treated as “the other” reminiscent of “the native”
or ruled, who could not equal the ruler
Article 003 questioned the influence of family on the career choices of women in
Nigeria. The text suggested that women of lower socioeconomic status and high religious
affiliation selected gender-dominate roles such as nursing. In contrast, those from higher
socioeconomic and lower religious affiliations were more likely to pursue STEM careers.
Power was shown within the family unit and cultural perception that specific careers
were more appropriate for men compared to women (see Table 16, power). Also, the text
examined eight hypotheses and, as a quantitative study, was a densely technical design
that relied on shared knowledge to understand the outcome and expert power in the
translation and explanation of statistical findings (see Table 16, power). Gender was
discussed along with careers, and certain careers were deemed gender-dominate and
presented along the binary sex lines of male and female. For example, nursing and
teaching were stated as female-dominated career paths while STEM (science, technology,
engineering and mathematics) was considered male-dominated (see Table 16, gender).
The influence of gender was intertwined with performance through the alignment of
gender with career selection (see Table 16, performance). The text emphasized the need
to remove barriers for women to enter STEM careers; however, no discussion was made
regarding family or cultural barriers that males faced that may have prevented more men
from entering into teaching or nursing careers (see Table 16, gender). Finally, the
relationship between cultural power and gender expectations intertwined to the extent job
performance became aligned with preconceived sex norms and internal motivation (see
was demonstrated through historical reliance on earlier research to support the study’s
design and outcome and to assert the importance of gender in mentor-mentee relations
(see Table 17, power). Gender was discussed as normative, binary aspects of male and
female and applied to the combinations of mentoring-mentee relationships: male-male,
male-female, female-female and female-male. The female sex was noted as the primary
focus of mentoring programs and that women required assistance to develop and advance
in the workplace. In contrast, the male sex was suggested to receive training to develop
more facilitative traits (see Table 17, gender). The sex of the mentor and mentee in
Table 16
With this, more female students will be able to go into Textual silence of barriers for Gender
wider range of careers in male-dominated occupations men entering female-dominate
according to their interests and abilities. careers
For instance, most women are employed in low paying, Reinforces ideologies of Performance
traditionally female careers and work such as nursing, monetary compensation and
teaching, social work, sales, care taking, and dismantles cultural values
administrative support positions (Chovwen, 2003).
However, women are underrepresented in science,
mathematics and technology education and careers in
Nigeria (FME, 2003).
The relationships were such that the higher the attitude Demonstrates influence of Performance
towards religion, socio-economic status, achievement family on career choices and not
motivation and family involvement scores, the more the barrier metaphors
female students tended to choose nursing and engineering
(gender-dominated) careers.
The sum of scores for each item stands for the measure of Exerts power through scientific Power
attitude towards religion of the respondents. High scores language
reflect positive attitudes toward religion. The test-retest
reliability with three weeks interval of administration
among 100 undergraduate students was 0.85. The internal
consistency as measured by Cronbach’s a was 0.78. The
scale correlated positively with an attitude toward religion
scale (i.e. a religious commitment scale by Mockabee et
al., 2001) (r ¼ 0.72, df ¼ 98, P , 0.05).
Lumpa Analysis Final code/Category
The purpose of this study therefore, is to investigate the Demonstrates influence of Power
influence of family, individual difference and cultural family on career choices and not
factors on the choice of gender-dominated occupations barrier metaphors
(specifically nursing and engineering) in some tertiary
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
Table 17
However, rather than assuming that Supports gender ideology that leadership Gender
certain functions are less likely with skills are accessible regardless of
male mentors, adequate training could biological sex
assist males in developing the necessary
skills for providing these particular
Consistent with Kram’s (1980, 1985) Historical reliance on earlier scientific Power
observations, other researchers have literature to support current study
found that psychosocial functions are
those most likely to be affected by the
gender composition of the relationship.
Early research on mentoring (Kanter, 1977; Historical reliance on earlier scientific Power
Kram, 1980; Levinson, 1978) recognized the literature to support current study
importance of gender in developmental
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
In contrast, women provided more relational and career support (see Table 17,
performance). The text suggested that regardless of the status of females in the
relationship (mentor or mentee), the mentoring outcomes were more supportive than in
male-only relationships. While the text approached the study in support of generalized
gender norms of female as transformational and male as transactional, the findings of the
study argued psychosocial-related functions did not vary across the sex of mentor-mentee
relationships and asserted the findings have more significant implications towards
entrepreneurs’ career growth. The gist of the article was that women created networks
differently from men due to lack of access to networks in early careers. Women were
found to have more family members in their networks. However, as careers progress, the
ratio of male/female network members leveled across sexes that the authors suggested
was due to women taking on male strategies (see Table 18, performance). Gender was
presented as normative, binary sex, with females being the focal point of the study (see
Table 18, gender). The text made the comparison between female professional networks
and male professional networks, asserting that women, in general, did not (and do not)
have access to male networks, which caused female performance to suffer in early career
stages and that to succeed, women create male-oriented networks (see Table 18, gender).
Female performance ideology was upheld as failure to thrive through historical reliance
on earlier research, and success was measured against reaching an unspecified “echelon”
(see Table 18, performance). Power was produced within the text through the assertion
that individuals cannot choose diversity within their network and back pedaled to state
individuals make choices where to focus (see Table 18, power). Finally, power was
exercised through dense, quantitative study design, that assumed the reader’s knowledge
of ANOVA and expert power to discern textual meaning (see Table 18, power).
Table 18
Taken together, our findings suggest that just as Supports ideologies that women Gender
women in traditional organizations adapt social must take on male attributes for
networks similar to men in order to succeed, their career success
entrepreneurial counterparts build more “male-
oriented” networks as they proceed through venture
Why are female and male “established” entrepreneurs’ Acknowledges that both sexes Gender
networks so similar? One explanation is that must make career choices
entrepreneurs face the same set of key challenges and
must make decisions about networks which enable
them to access similar resources to meet these business
Our results suggest that, as female entrepreneurs move Supports ideologies that women Performance
forward in the entrepreneurial process, they tend to must take on male attributes for
increase the proportion of males in their social career success
Other studies of gendered management networks report Supports ideology of female Performance
that women have more women in their networks and discrimination with failure to
men have more men in their networks (Burke et al., discuss female motivation for
1995) and women’s exclusion from formal networks network selection
limits their ability to advance to the highest echelons in
an organization.
Lumpa Analysis Final code/Category
In these traditional organizations, individuals cannot Supports ideologies that women Power
readily “choose” diversity in work networks. In must take on male attributes for
contrast, the process of starting a new venture involves career success
the entrepreneur self-selecting individuals to
participate in his/her network.
The sample is representative of the national population Expert power through scientific Power
and the data are analyzed using basic descriptive language
statistics, ANOVA and linear regression...Table I
presents the means of the six dependent variables
across the four stages of the entrepreneurial process as
well as a mean for all four stages taken together. Table
I reveals no significant gender differences in
entrepreneurs’ network size, density, proportion of
business relations or proportion of emotional support
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
focus on race and ethnicity and was discarded due to lack of fit. Article 007 was
all persons against female anger. Power was demonstrated through the textual framing of
the study, that introduced the topic of perceptions of leadership capabilities based on the
leader’s sex and display of anger (see Table 19, power). The commentary began with
reference to a male politician’s statement that a popular female presidential candidate was
disagreement with the assertion (see Table 19, performance). Power was also
regardless of sex, education, political affiliation, etc. (see Table 19, power). In short, the
study found that all people viewed female anger as inappropriate and detrimental to
leadership capabilities; however, men were not sanctioned for anger outbursts (see Table
19, gender). Gender was introduced as binary, normative sex with a focus on perceptions
of female leaders’ anger (see Table 19, gender). Performance centered around perception
of leader’s anger according to biological sex with the impact of factors such as
justification of, or sorrow over, on the ongoing perception of individual’s capacity to lead
effectively and displayed anger were viewed as less competent and out of control (see
Table 19
“participants rated the angry female CEO as Supports gender-role ideologies Gender
significantly less competent than all of the other
targets, including even the angry female trainee.”
The Chairman of the Republican National Committee Supports gender-role ideologies Performance
caused something of a furor in 2006 when he asserted
on national television that Senator Hillary Rodham
Clinton was too angry to be elected president.
They viewed “angry female targets as significantly Supports gender-role ideologies Performance
more `out of control' than the angry male targets and
unemotional male and female targets.”
The new research finds these views to prevail among Discussion of implicit bias Power
men and women alike, liberals and conservatives alike,
sexists and non-sexists alike… the findings suggest
bias against angry women to be “a deep-seated and
even implicit reaction that people are subject to
regardless of their conscious beliefs that sexism or
group dominance is wrong.”
Dr Brescoll's paper, which was judged the best Expert power as researcher Power
dissertation-based submission to the Academy of
Management's division on gender and diversity in
organizations, concludes:
[W]omen, like men, have the same need to achieve
status and power. At the same time, to achieve and
maintain high social status, professional women may
also have to behave unemotionally in order to be seen
as rational. Thus, it is important to identify strategies
that professional women can use to express anger
without incurring a social penalty. The present studies
make a gesture in this regard with the finding that
external, situational explanations for anger ameliorate
negative responses to angry women.
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
Article 008 was a brief commentary on public managers' view of their leadership
that measured leaders against specific behaviors and showed that leaders regularly
underestimated themselves compared to their peers and staff's opinion of the leader’s
ability. Gender was primarily aligned to performance as the text acknowledged the study
found stereotypical views of female leaders as more supportive, keeping promises, and
developing staff (see Table 20, gender). Female managers were suggested to have more
awareness over stress levels, remain more positive and were rated higher by their team
compared to male counterparts (see Table 20, performance). Conversely, male managers
were rated higher in transactional leadership roles such as line manager (see Table 20,
performance). Power in the text was confusing with an assertion of the capabilities of
public sector managers but lacked a definition of public sector managers, comparison of
findings against other domains and why the outcomes were essential to the advancement
Table 20
The results throw up some stereotypical views of Reinforces gender stereotypes Gender
gender difference with women managers recognized
for a nurturing role. Women managers also have a
more positive view of their own ability to recognize
stress, make people feel important and help others to
Team members consistently rate women managers Reinforces gender stereotypes Performance
more highly than male managers on 86 percent of
behaviors (36 out of 42). They rate women as more
successful than men at keeping promises; consulting
others; developing staff; and clarifying direction.
Lumpa Analysis Final code/Category
Line managers tend to rate the leadership skills of male Reinforces gender stereotypes Performance
managers who work for them more highly than they do
female managers. They rate men more highly than
women on 70 percent (29 out of 42) leadership
behaviors, but the differences in ratings are small.
The work foundation's analysis of data from across the Assertion of performance without Power
UK public sector shows clear agreement on what definition
public sector leaders do best and where they could
improve their leadership performance. Public sector
leaders are most successful when it comes to taking
responsibility for their own and their team's actions;
not taking credit for other people's successes; and
giving praise where it is due.
Team members rate managers highly for an ability to Assertion of performance without Power
develop relationships inside and outside the definition
organization and to operate using trust rather than
suspicion. Their line managers give them credit for an
ability to set a good example by practising what they
preach and for raising issues upwards with courage and
conviction. However, public sector managers are seen
to be less good at providing an inspirational view of
the future and delegating effectively.
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
program guidelines within the United Kingdom. Article 010 examined the narrative of
dedicated to women. Article 010 demonstrated how power, performance and gender
could be intertwined to make a discussion of one without the other(s) difficult. The text
exhibited power, performance and gender when it, specifically and only, addressed
female gender stereotypes as problematic and without discussion of the negative impact
of male gender stereotypes (see Table 21, gender). Additionally, the text exercised power
through the use of linguistic strategies that employed strongly charged words and
(see Table 21, performance). Power continued to be exercised as the text communicated
findings but failed to provide evidence and positioned the text as expert power (see Table
21, power). Next, the commentary stated “findings strongly suggest,” forcing the reader
to assess personal agreement as the text did not provide proof or criteria for the findings
(see Table 21, power). Gender was discussed from the female perspective and subject to
gender stereotypes that negatively impact female performance and power within the
confines of work (see Table 21, gender). Female performance was measured against
western countries, specifically, Europe and America, that suggested westernization as the
role model for planet Earth and local cultures of countries that did not align to the west
were antiquated, ergo, wrong (see Table 21, performance). Finally, in the realm of power,
the text failed to note gender stereotypes were generated and applied to both sexes.
Table 21
This report, the third in Catalyst's in-depth series Use of metaphors and Gender
examining the pervasive and damaging effects of stereotypes support ideologies
gender stereotyping in the workplace, focuses on of gender inequality
the consequences of gender bias and three
specific “double-bind dilemmas” frequently
experienced by women business leaders.
Women leaders are perceived as “never just Supports ideologies of male- Gender
right.” If women business leaders act consistent as-leader
with gender stereotypes, they are considered too
Catalyst census shows that, even though women Assertion of imbalance Performance
make up over 50 percent of the management, without discussion of
professional, and related occupations in the USA, appropriate balance
only 15.6 percent of Fortune 500 corporate
officers and 14.6 percent of Fortune 500 board
directors are women.
Although multiple research studies show that Historical reliance that Performance
men and women exhibit similar leadership styles, supports gender stereotypes
Catalyst's prior research indicates that men do not
face the persistent gender stereotyping that
frequently place women business leaders in
“double-bind, `no-win' dilemmas.”
Lumpa Analysis Final code/Category
Catalyst findings strongly suggest that gender Supports ideology of female Power
stereotypes lead organizations to routinely disadvantage
underestimate and underutilize women's
leadership talent.
According to the study, which interviewed senior Use of metaphors and Power
business executives from the USA and Europe, stereotypes support ideologies
men are still viewed as “default leaders” and of gender inequality
women as “atypical leaders,” with the perception
that they violate accepted norms of leadership, no
matter what the leadership behavior. Thus, the
studies say, the masculine leadership norm
creates three connected, but distinct, “double-
bind dilemmas” facing women leaders today.
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
Article 011 argued women are not the only group that faces discrimination to
attain senior positions and that other groups in the study faced more significant obstacles
compared to women. Gender was presented as normative, binary sex from the female
perspective and used the “glass-cliff” metaphor as having impacted female career
advancement (see Table 22, gender). Gender as male was presented in relation to
normative, binary maleness with the standard ideal of heterosexual, white male and that
performance was negatively impacted for all individuals who did not fit the ideal (see
Table 22, power). Power was presented through multiple instances of text quotations
inserted by and from the entity having conducted the study, which was presented as an
authority on diversity initiatives and issues (see Table 22, power; Table 22, performance).
Table 22
“The `glass cliff' is not specific to women but also Use of metaphors and stereotypes Gender
affects those who do not meet the standard idea of support ideologies of gender inequality
a heterosexual, white male workforce.”
Lumpa Analysis Final code/Category
But a new report from the Chartered Institute of Supports normative, binary biological Gender
Personnel and Development (CIPD) shows sex-based gender ideology
women are not the only ones to find themselves
up against this invisible barrier.
“To attract and retain talent, employers need to be Places onus of experiences of individual Performance
aware the impact negative experiences can have differences on organizations
on people's performance and take appropriate
action to address them. There is growing evidence
that a positive approach to diversity can bring real
business benefits – these important messages
together with guidance about how to make
progress need to be communicated to employers
and more work needs to be done to find practical
interventions that fully engage workforce
The CIPD research respondents who have been Use of metaphors to support ideologies Performance
affected by the “glass cliff” identify three core of gender inequality
issues for the attention of employers
“The `glass cliff' is not specific to women but also Discriminates against heterosexual, Power
affects those who do not meet the standard idea of white males
a heterosexual, white male workforce.”
“We cannot and should not depend on legislation Legislative mandates reinforcing Power
as the only lever for making progress. Research gender-disparity ideologies
shows that leading edge employers on diversity
don't just seek to comply with the law but tailor
good employment and working practices to
support business goals.”
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
Article 012 was discarded from analysis as a listing of the best small and mid-size
companies to work in America gathered from Great Place to Work Institute, LLC. Text
did not focus on performance, gender, or power and was removed from the current
project. Moving to Article 013, the text examined board effectiveness and gender
diversity in Nigerian banks. Expert power was prevalent throughout the text as a
quantitative study that relied heavily on statistical findings (see Table 23, power). Power
was produced and maintained through government intervention as the text provided
company board of directors (see Table 23, power). Performance was brought forth as the
study argued that mandated legislative quotas diluted the credibility of women that had
been attained through female achievement (see Table 23, performance). Gender was
discussed from multiple perspectives, including biological sex, gender identity and
congruence with the inclusion of both sexes and identity spectrum. Finally, the
combination of power, performance and gender was seen in assertions that theorists (see
women’s ability to be tougher and without bias compared to their male counterparts (see
Table 23
Resource dependency and agency theorists are also Reinforces normative, binary Gender
advocating for gender diversity because of the ability of gender ideology
female board members to provide dynamism to boardroom
politics, tougher and unbiased monitoring of agents than
men, especially, in the areas of board committees, attending
meetings and questioning the statuesque (Aslam et al.,
2019; Adams and Funk, 2012).
Female directors are perceived as a strategic resource to the Use of metaphors and stereotypes Gender
organization because, they possess higher average skills support ideologies of gender
relative to men, having successfully broken the glass ceiling inequality
effect (Gul et al., 2011). Female board members also
possess technical intelligence, social intelligence and
leadership skills needed for norm changes (Ellickson,
2001). Srinidhi et al. (2020) identified board norms (board
processes) and improved governance (board outputs) as the
two market-for-norms frameworks to board effectiveness of
female board members, even when they do not possess the
majority of the symbolic power.
Agency theorists, therefore, argue for a governance Relationship is made between Performance
structure that promotes effective monitoring of agents motivation theories and biological
against their self-serving behaviour to reduce agency cost. sex
Some of the governance structures recommended by the
agency theorists are in the constitution of a board dominated
by non-executive directors (traditionally used to measure
board independence from agents) and gender diversity. The
presence of nonexecutive directors and female
representation on the corporate board is deemed to promote
board independence and innovativeness
Lumpa Analysis Final code/Category
Their appointment into corporate boards is, therefore, Dismantles gender parity ideology Performance
because of previous achievements, which translates to and reinforces value of individual
appointing extremely competent board members. On the achievement
strength of this evidence, we do not recommend mandatory
female representation in corporate boards or quota-based
initiates that will dilute their achievement so far…
Countries have also enacted laws that encourage female Legislative mandates reinforcing Power
representation on corporate boards. Norway represents the gender-disparity ideologies
first effort in this direction, as the country enacted a law in
2003 that stipulated a 40% threshold of female directors in
all boards of public companies in Norway by 2008. Spain
enacted similar legislation in 2007 ….
Firstly, the p-value of the first-order autocorrelation is Expert power through scientific Power
significant, implying the rejection of the null hypothesis of language
non-autocorrelation for the AR(1) test. Secondly, the p-
value of the second-order autocorrelation is not significant,
which implies the absence or non-rejection of the null
hypothesis of non-autocorrelation for the AR(2) test. The
third is the non-significance of Hansen/Sargan test statistics,
implying the non-rejection of the null hypothesis…
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
of data collection spanning 50 years. Exerting expert power, the research team touted
investigation in earnest during the 1970s; however, a shift from power to gender was seen
in the insertion the research began as women entered the workforce en masse. The text
explained the original data collection was to understand why few women moved to
management positions, but the more recent emphasis moved literature away from female-
only gender stereotypes. The text advanced literature by distancing ideologies of men as
moving concepts of a good manager to one of androgyny (see Table 24, gender). Gender
was used as normative, binary representations through the discussion of the number of
women in “top management” and the use of normative male names of “Steve” and
CEO roles total 500 and failed to note the acceptable number for balanced hiring (see
Table 24, gender). Although the text aimed to move away from sex-oriented gender
ideology, the ideology was often reinforced through examples of the performance of male
and female stereotypes in management and cultural norms (see Table 24, power; Table
24, performance). After the historical background of the five decades of data collection
and inclusion of the new study were framed, the text moved toward a more balanced
binary male and female sex orientation. Through the continuation of expert power of fifty
years of research, the article concluded with a discussion and positive evidence towards a
move from stereotypical perceptions of the goodness of fit of male and female leaders to
more towards androgyny (see Table 24, gender; Table 24, performance; Table, power).
Table 24
The proportion of women at top management levels Negative linguistic strategy and textual Gender
remains very small (Powell, 2020); there are more silence
FTSE 100 CEOs named “Steve” than there are
female CEOs, and there is a tie with the number of
FTSE 100 CEOs named “Dave” (Ball, 2019).
Bem (1974) introduced the concept of androgyny to Supports androgyny ideology and Gender
the psychology of gender literature as an alternative dismantles normative, binary gender
to a narrowly masculine or narrowly feminine ideologies
behavioral profile; in contrast to the prevailing
gender-based standard, androgynous individuals
would be able to freely display both masculine and
feminine traits.
Stability and change in the linkage between gender Dismantles normative, binary gender Performance
and managerial stereotypes may provide a partial ideologies
explanation for why women remain disadvantaged in
attaining and advancing within managerial ranks
despite increases in their overall numbers.
According to role congruity theory (Eagly and Karau, Reinforces gender stereotypes Power
2002), the linkage between gender and managerial
stereotypes places female managers at a disadvantage
by forcing them to deal with the perceived
incongruity between the managerial role and their
gender role. If women display predominantly
feminine characteristics, they fail to meet the
requirements of the managerial role. However, if
women display predominantly masculine
characteristics, they fail to meet the requirements of
the female gender role. In contrast, because the
managerial role and the male gender role are
perceived as congruent, men’s legitimacy as
managers is not questioned.
in generalities of normative, binary male and female sexes and gender was discussed
exclusively as female throughout the text. The power of textual silence and assumption of
knowledge was evidenced through the use of negative linguistic phrasing such as “33%
of businesses across the globe have no women in senior leadership roles,” that required
the reader to both recognize that 66% of businesses around the world (66 out of 100)
amount (see Table 25, gender). Performance was presented through metaphors such as
“glass-ceiling” and “getting in, getting on and getting out,” that suggested that women
could not adequately perform as leaders regardless of effort, as well as an assertion that
young women unwittingly underestimated the difficulty involved in reaching the
unspecified “top jobs” metaphor (see Table 25, gender; Table 25, performance). Power
was shown through the study design, that presented female student participants with
leading questions with a potential to steer responses such as “Despite being talented,
female students fail to be recognized for several leadership positions and teams at the
institute/college” and “female students are seldom given full credit for their successes by
their team and peers” (see Table 25, power) In summary, the theme of the study
suggested young, female students were unaware of the challenges that laid between them
and their dreams but failed to question or consider young, male students may have, also,
been unaware of the challenges of their path to success or the sacrifice and resilience
needed to reach their dreams (see Table 25, performance; Table 25, power).
Table 25
In the USA, for example, women represent Negative linguistic strategy Gender
less than 16% of board members or senior and textual silence
leadership positions in Fortune 500
companies (Mulligen-Ferry et al., 2014;
Warner, 2014). Also, 33% of businesses
across the globe have no women in senior
leadership roles, and this number has not
changed since 2011, with the capability and
lack of preparedness being key challenges
(Catalyst, 2017).
Across the three phases of their career, Use of metaphor supports Gender
“Getting In, Getting on and Getting out” … ideologies of gender
found a wide range of issues such as inequality
education, recruitment, career phases,
succession planning, mentoring and career
patterns impact the career progress of
Lumpa Analysis Final code/Category
Women outnumber men on college campuses, yet Negative linguistic strategy Performance
less than 20% of them make it to the top assuming shared knowledge/
management levels (Warner, 2014). agreement of acceptable
Acceptance is where the respondent believes that Negative linguistic strategy Power
women do not have a preference for career steering consumers opinion of
growth but instead prefer family-based goals. An goodness of career or family
example item being “Women prefer a balanced
life more than gaining highly paid careers.”
Article 016 presented itself as a conceptual paper. The paper positioned females
as unable to reach an undefined “senior” position in hospital facilities (see Table 26,
gender; Table 26, performance). While women were asserted to be employed in greater
numbers than men, gender was discussed as a disparity towards women who, regardless
of promotion, were pigeonholed into roles that were deemed inferior: human resources,
marketing, risk, legal and nursing (see Table 26, power). Power was introduced through
the insertion of leading questions, for example: “how can we explain the gap between
desired leadership qualities and the shunning of talented women?” The text became
suggestions of creating co-leadership between nursing staff (women) and strategic leaders
(men) who would act as champions and mentors for the nurses and suggested implicit
bias was solely held by and the onus of male peers (see Table 26, performance).
was introduced as normative, binary male-female sex and focused primarily on the ability
of women to attain promotion compared to their male counterparts (see Table 27,
performance). The participants were sourced from and living within Pakistan, and gender
stereotyping was asserted as a primary cause for the lack of female promotion (see Table
27, gender). Power was demonstrated through religious and cultural norms that
maintained an attitude on the part of Pakistan’s society toward patriarchy, that both sexes
embraced (see Table 27, power). Conversely, efforts by the Pakistan government to
intervention (see Table 27, power). Performance was tied to gender stereotyping as the
study found that women were promoted less often and the text called for organizational
leaders to develop processes that supported government intervention strategies (see Table
27, performance; Table 27, power). Power and performance were combined as more
western countries (see Table 27, performance). Finally, although gender was discussed
from a normative, binary perspective, the text positively noted that both sexes faced
societal effects due to Pakistan’s rigid sex-role ideology and socioeconomic barriers and
The intersection of race and gender also distinctly Use of metaphors and Gender
sets this apart because for other women of color stereotypes support ideologies
and especially Black women, who face of gender inequality
overlapping discrimination unique to them
(Crenshaw, 1991) stereotype threat might play a
bigger role, i.e. the stereotype of an “angry Black
Ultimately, women who seek top management Stereotype and use of Gender
positions must weed through culturally formed negative linguistic strategy
stereotypes and barriers with confusing twists and
turns, dead ends and unusual paths (Eagly and
Carli, 2007).
However, gender disparity is still prevalent in Reinforces gender disparity Performance
senior health-care positions even though women ideologies without
continue to play critical roles in strengthening the examination of cause
integration of health services. Women are
significantly less likely to be promoted to senior
health-care management, and in most cases, even
after controlling for individual- and
organizational level characteristics (LaPierre and
Zimmerman, 2012).
Either way, women may be judged more harshly Textual silence: unconscious Performance
than their peers who are men with unconscious biases are by both sexes
biases that can significantly skew judgment in
hiring and promotion decisions.
How can we bridge the gap between mounting Exerts power through Power
evidence of women’s leadership effectiveness, on linguistic strategy to steer the
the one hand, and the shortfall of women’s consumer
representation in health-care senior management
on the other?
When promoted, women more often than men are Use of metaphors support Power
pigeonholed into support functions such as HR, ideologies of gender
marketing, risk, legal and nursing, that, while inequality
important, are not perceived as high-profile,
strategic service lines.
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
Table 27
Article 018 examined working age adults with nearly equal male/female
participants by biological sex. Although the study sought to understand why fewer
the subject of gender through a balanced discussion of biological sex, gender, gender
identity and role congruence (see Table 28, gender; Table 28, performance; Table 28;
power). Gender and performance were intertwined and explored the participants'
gender congruence (see Table 28, performance). Additionally, gender and performance
were discussed in unison through gender-role theory, that suggested activities, including
work related, were socialized based on biological sex to children making occupation
gender oriented (see Table 28, gender). The text and outcome of the research stated
an individual entering into an entrepreneurial career dependent upon how the individual
biological sex (see Table 28, gender). The text exerted power through the inclusion and
Table 28
The study follows gender-role theory in claiming that Supports gender-role theory and Gender
men and women are socialised to different gender roles. sex socialization ideologies
Specifically, already at an early stage of development,
boys and girls learn gender-appropriate activities and
behaviours (Eagly, 1987).
The most important findings include the hyper- Dismantles gender ideology as Gender
masculine perception of a successful entrepreneur. hyper-feminine or hyper-
Furthermore, we found that biological sex had no direct masculine
effect on the willingness to start a company. Rather, the
congruence between individuals’ gender-role
orientation and their gendered perception of a
successful entrepreneur was decisive in whether an
individual develops entrepreneurial intensions.
Secondly, the study corroborates the gendered
innovations project view that incorporating gender
considerations enhances the understanding of
differences between men and women in
entrepreneurship. The study shows that the explanation
of the differences should be sought in prevalent gender
norms and stereotypes rather than biological sex itself.
By contrast, the characteristics of entrepreneurship are Supports gender-role theory and Performance
incongruent with the socially shared notion of sex socialization ideologies
femininity... Consequently, one reason women may
have lower entrepreneurial intentions is the prevalent
stereotypes indicating that entrepreneurship is an
occupation inappropriate for them because either they
are incapable of becoming an entrepreneur or different
gender roles are prescribed for them.
Specifically, our results convey how biological sex and Dismantles gender ideology as Performance
gender interact in entrepreneurship: although women hyper-feminine or hyper-
expressed lower entrepreneurial intentions than men masculine
did, biological sex was not an explanation of the
difference. The model shows that entrepreneurial
intentions are best explained by psychological resources
that increase with perceived congruence between an
individual and the gendered notion of a successful
entrepreneur. Or worse, focussing on biological sex
might obscure the role of an individual’s gender
identification and gender stereotypes that indicate,
which occupations are appropriate for whom and who
can succeed in the field.
Lumpa Analysis Final code/Category
Congruence theory (Eagly and Karau, 2002) further Historical reliance on earlier Power
explains that the preferences are likely to be distorted research theory to support
because of the biases against adopting masculine roles current study
by individuals with predominantly feminine
characteristics (and vice versa).
Bem (1974) herself observed that she had identified Historical reliance on earlier Power
traits as masculine or feminine based on the frequency research theory to support
with which they were considered typical of men or current study
women at the time the questionnaire was developed.
a Lump indicates the text analyzed
(WIMR), Volume 22, Issue 8, 2007 and Gender in Management (GIM), Volume 36,
Issue 6, 2021 were compared in juxtaposition to one another. WIMR contained a total of
12 bodies of text. Of the bodies of work, five were scholarly-peer reviewed research
articles with clear authorship, and seven were commentaries of unknown authorship.
Although the purpose of the study was to investigate messages regarding gender,
performance, and power found in gender leadership research text and the focus of the
mesolevel comparison of the two issues was primarily on the 11 peer-reviewed scholarly
research articles, the commentaries warranted attention due to the accessibility of the text
to the layperson with the ability to shape perceptions of the consumer. The commentaries
were labeled as Article 006 through Article 012. Article 006, Article 009 and Article 012
were discarded due to lack of fit. Article 006 was identified as a book review on race and
released in the United Kingdom; and Article 012 listed a ranking of the top small to mid-
author(s) of Article 007, Article 008, Article 010 and Article 011 were unidentifiable.
Each of the commentaries was female focused and referred to gender from a normative,
binary perspective. Although each commentary discussed aspects of gender, power and
performance, power was the most prevalent factor. For example, while the commentaries
were accessible to laypersons, the text approached each article through expert power to
share content deemed important without the support of data or counter argument (see
Table 19, gender; Table 20, gender; Table 21, gender; Table 22, gender). Finally,
performance was discussed through inequality, metaphors or disadvantage (see Table 19,
performance; Table 20, performance; Table 21, performance; Table 22, performance).
WIMR issue was labeled Article 001 through Article 005. Analysis of Text Authorship
data (see Table 29) revealed three of five WIMR research articles were written by two or
more authors. The sex of the first author was female in all articles except for one, that a
male solely authored on coaching. In totality, there were ten authors (eight female and
two male), and nine of the ten possessed Ph.D.’s, with the education of the tenth being
unidentifiable. Analysis of the Text Structure (see Table 30) data revealed the research
methodology applied in four of the five studies was quantitative, with the fifth using a
across the studies. The keyword “women” was found in three articles, as was the
keyword “gender,” with one or both being found in each study; however, a direct
reference to men/males' sex or gender was not found. Three of the five studies focused on
a female issue within a specific country, and the country’s name was found within the
keywords, while the remaining studies did not note country origin as a factor in the study.
The six scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles analyzed in the GIM issue were
labeled Article 013 through Article 018. Analysis of Text Authorship data (see Table 29)
revealed all six articles were coauthored by three or more authors. The sex of the first
author was female in four articles and male in the remaining two; however, only Article
017 was authored by all males and Article 018 by all females, meaning four of the six
texts were authored by a combination of males and females. In totality, there were 20
authors (11 female and nine male), and all possessed Ph.D.’s except for one medical
doctor. Analysis of the Text Structure (see Table 30) data revealed the research
methodology applied in five of the six studies was quantitative, with the sixth presented
identified across the studies. The keyword “women” or “female” was found in three
articles, while the keyword “gender” was presented in five articles, with the exception
being Article 015. However, a direct reference to men/males was not found. Three of the
six studies focused on a females’ failure to advance in the workplace within a specific
country, and the country’s name was found within the keywords. In contrast, the
remaining studies did not note the location as a factor in the study.
normative perspectives of male or female was applied through the textual reference of
terms such as man, woman, male, female, he, she and so forth occurred all research
articles. Gender as non-binary, fluid concepts of masculinity and femininity were present,
although infrequently. Article 004 (see Table 17, performance) and Article 014 (see
Table 24, gender) possessed the text that approached the relationship of gender as non-
binary, maleness and femaleness. The juxtaposition of male and female relationships was
broached in Article 004 (see Table, 17, performance), Article 005 (see Table 18, gender)
and only once in Article 014 (see Table 24, gender). Performance and power emerged
differently according to the text’s focus. For example, performance was discussed
frequently through stereotyping (see Table 16, gender; Table 19, gender; Table 20,
gender; Table 21, power; Table 24, performance) or need for female advancement (see
Table 014, power; Table 21, power; Table 22, gender; Table 25, gender; Table 26,
gender). Analytical memos were used in the codification process and assisted the analyst
in making decisions or resolving questions regarding the text. For example, Article 001
banks and relied on the hiring practices of foreign banks as the standard to be reached.
Through reflection, building blocks, triangulation and additional research, the analyst
identified each of the foreign banks were located within Europe or America and revealed
a recurring theme in Article 001, Article 003, Article 015, Article 016 and Article 018 to
The final step in the study was to conduct analysis holistically at a macrolevel.
Collectively and across issues, the gender identity of the authors is unknown; however,
from a binary, bifurcated perspective of gender, there were more female/women authors
compared to male/men authors; however, GIM saw a significant uptick in the number of
male authors (see Table 29). Text authorship (see Table 29) and Text Structure (see Table
30) showed a relationship between the author’s areas of interest and focus of study and
Table 29
Text Authorship
001 Culpan, O. Female Ph.D. International Management, job satisfaction, human resources,
banking, finance, banking finance
Marzotto, T. Female Ph.D. American government, interest groups women, public policy and
social change, automobility and the environment, politics & stem
cell research
Demir, N. Male Ph.D.
Financing the rural and agricultural Sector in the EU, USA and
Turkey, measuring risks in finance with emphasis on the banking
system, stock market volatility, efficiency in banking, efficiency
of agriculture with environmental factors
002 Pio, E. Female Ph.D. Intersections of management and work, ethnicity, and spirituality
and religion
004 Fowler, J.L Female Ph.D. Mentoring relationships, learning and teaching processes, and
Gudmundsson, A.J. Female Ph.D. Human capability development, and encouraging the nexus
between research and business practice to stimulate and inform
O'Gorman, J.G. Male Ph.D. Memory, learning, GSR, cognitive neuropsychology, executive
function, neuropsychology assessment, autobiological memory,
013 Adamus, M. Female Ph.D. Reasoning, decision theory, rationality, economic psychology,
gender differences, gender discrimination
Čavojová,V. Female
Ph.D. Social cognition, cognitive psychology, decision processes
Šrol, J. Male
Ph.D. Dual process theory, reasoning, decision making, intuition,
individual differences, cognitive bias
014 Belasen, A.T. Male Ph.D. Healthcare, leadership, Ecology & Evolutionary biology
Belasen, A.R. Female Ph.D. Thermal biology, amphibians, reptiles, physiological ecology,
comparative physiology, thermoregulation
016 Okoyeuzu, C. Female Ph.D. Financial management, capital structure, corporate finance
Ujunwa, A.I. Female Ph.D. Banking, finance econometrics, development finance, finance
Onah, E.O. Male Ph.D. Comparative politics, elections and voting behavior, ethnicity,
political conflict
017 Powell, G.N., Male Ph.D. Gender and leadership, glass ceiling, work and family, gender
and entrepreneurship
Butterfield, D.A. Male Ph.D. Leadership, gender and leadership, promotion of women to top
management positions, leadership and organization phenom in
other cultures
Text Structure
001 Banking, Turkey, career Human Resources Quantitative Education, gender, bank Macro-analysis
development, job mobility, Assessment Theory type (state-owned, private of existing data
women, human resource or foreign)
003 Gender, Nigeria, careers, Gender-Dominated Quantitative Family involvement, 340 female
women, social interaction Occupation Theory attitude towards religion, students
achievement motivation, randomly
socioeconomic status, work selected
values (10): leadership,
interesting experience,
esteem, security, material
profit, social service,
independence, self-
expression, intellectual &
004 Gender, mentoring, mentors Mentor-mentee Gender Quantitative Personal and emotional 500
Theory guidance, learning participants,
facilitation, coaching, 272 mentees,
advocacy, career 228 mentors
development facilitation,
role modeling, strategies
and systems advice,
005 Entrepreneurialism, social Social Network Theory Quantitative Venture stage, social 134 females,
networks, gender, business networks, network node 266 male
formation composition, & density. entrepreneurs
013 Entrepreneurial intentions, Gender-role Theory, Quantitative Entrepreneurial intention, 552 working
gender-role orientation, Gender-Dominated perceived age adults,
female entrepreneurship, Occupation Theory masculinity/femininity of 49.5% female,
gender-role theory, self, of entrepreneurs, 51.5% male
congruence theory, theory of subjective social norms,
planned behaviour perceived behavioral
control, entrepreneurial
self-efficacy & risk
Article Keywords Theoretical framework Methodology Variables Population
015 Career progression, career Career Development Quantitative Denial, Acceptance, 484 female
pathways survey, glass Theory Resignation, Resilence Indian students
ceiling, India, United Arab located in the
Emirates, female students United Aram
Emirates and
016 Africa, gender, agency Agency Theory Quantitative Earnings per share, Return Annual reports
theory, bank performance Resource Dependency on asset, Tobin’s Q, Gender and statements
board independence, gender Theory diversity, independent of account from
diversity, System-GMM board size, Firm size, Firm 36 deposit of
age, GDP, Inflation rate, money banks
Exchange rate within Nigeria
from 2006-2018
017 Gender, leadership, Gender Gender Schema Quantitative Masculinity good-manager Dataset
stereotypes, androgyny, Theory score, Femininity good- collected across
managerial stereotypes manager score, Respondent 50 years from
gender, Time of data US business
collection, Population school students
018 Gender, careers, Human Capital Theory Quantitative Work experience, Number 500 adult
organisational behaviour, of promotions, Gender employees (164
Pakistan, human capital females, 336
males) working
in Pakistan
service industry
Note. Data capture of keywords, theoretical framework, methodology, variables, and population will aid in identifying
and leadership in GIM, there was continuity within or across text in that women remained
the primary focus. For example, Article 001 (see Table 014) focused on Turkish women
in banking and the need to modernize, Article 002 (see Table 015) discussed challenges
Indian migrant females face as entrepreneurs and Article 003 (see Table 016) focused on
Nigeria and the influence of family, culture, and religion impact on the career choices of
women. Negative linguistic strategies were used in that all three articles advocated
women working outside the home and discounted the value of contributions made and
necessary at a family and community level leaving the impression that worth is tied to
money. GIM used gender frequently; however, women were positioned as the primary
focus. For example, Article 013 (see Table 23, gender) discussed gender diversity from
the female board member perspective, Article 014 (see Table 24, gender) discussed
gender androgyny; however, stated there were more Fortune 500 CEOs named “Steve”
than there are female CEOs and Article 016 (see Table 26, gender) suggested that women
who desire to move to senior management roles must navigate twists and turns that men
binding was rarely, if at all, discussed, and in no instance was male gender or male sex
Power was demonstrated most frequently across all text through quantitative
research design that required the consumer to trust the interpretation of findings or
possess equal expert power to interpret findings (see Table, 30). Historical reliance to
support current research was evident throughout the text (see Table 18, performance;
Table 26, performance). Assumptions were made the reader understood the definition for
Fortune 500 companies, the number of “top” roles available as 500. Also, metaphors such
as “glass ceiling,” “glass cliff,” and “double-bind” were used and applied to women only
issues (see Table 14, gender; Table 21, performance). What was most concerning was
that none of the text addressed whether women or men wanted to work or attain an
unspecified “top job.” Article 001 (see Table 14, performance) made the only reference
found in the text that acknowledged self-selection as a factor for many women on a
career path that would not allow attainment of a senior banking position. The failure to
discuss desires for career choices supported the man as machine mentality and reinforced
that all humans, regardless of sex, should want to reach the highest level of the cultural
hierarchy (Hurst et al., 2016), that supported, maintained and encouraged a hierarchical
Article 003, Article 015, Article 016 and Article 018 were set in developing countries and
supported western ideologies of success. However, studies that discussed minority status
failed to question discrimination that men face. Indian men who could have been
included in Article 002 may have experienced discrimination due to their accent or smell
of curry (see Table 15, performance). Article 015 addressed only female concerns and
attitudes towards career progression (see Table 25, performance) and implied males do
navigation. While the macrolevel analysis may have appeared dim towards the
should be made to the aggregation of data due to the focus of the publication changed
from women focused to gender focused. While there is more work to be done, the
findings of this study revealed progress towards a more inclusive, non-binary discussion
of gender in leadership.
The goal of the proceeding pages was to examine discursive messages used in
research text regarding gendered leadership and to explore the phenomenon of word
usage and language structure applied to the text found in Women in Management Review
(WIMR), Volume 22, Issue 8, 2007 and Gender in Management (GIM), Volume 36,
Issue 6, 2021. Emphasis was placed on answering the research question of ‘What
discursive messages regarding gender, performance and power are found in gender
The chapter began by reviewing the setting, demographics, data collection, data
analysis, and evidence of trustworthiness before presenting the study results. A total of 18
articles were reviewed. WIMR contained 12 bodies of text and seven commentaries that
were reviewed at a microlevel and briefly discussed at a macrolevel, and rationale for
omission from the overarching findings was documented. The study reviewed 11 research
studies and investigated text at the microlevel, mesolevel and macrolevel. Microlevel
analysis revealed that gender, performance and power emerged with variation based on
the research question applied in the individual studies. Mesolevel analysis found
quantitative analysis was applied in nine of the 11 studies (see Table 30). The educational
level attained by the authors was Ph.D. except for one M.D. and an author whose
educational level could not be identified (see Table 29), and there was a relationship
between areas of interest and topic of study (see Table 29; Table 30). Although the
gender identity of the authors could not be documented, GIM found an increase in the
number of male authors compared to WIMR and all studies were authored
Table 21, power; Table 24, performance). Power was demonstrated most frequently
across text through quantitative research design, that required the consumer to trust the
interpretation of findings or possess equal expert power to interpret findings (see Table,
30). Historical reliance to support current research was evident throughout both issues
and within each article (see Table 18, performance; Table 26, performance). Assumptions
were made the reader understood the definition for Fortune 500 companies, the number
of “top” roles available as 500. Also, metaphors such as “glass ceiling,” “glass cliff,” and
“double-bind” were used and applied to women only issues (see Table 14, gender; Table
Article 001, Article 003, Article 015, Article 016 and Article 018 were set in developing
countries and suggested the need to take on western ideologies of success. However,
studies that discussed minority status failed to question discrimination that men face.
gender inclusivity with the increase of male authors and collaboration across sexes (see
Table 29). Analysis at each level provided insight and value; still, it should be noted
macrolevel analysis included data before the journal took steps toward discussions on
gender rather than women in leadership. There were notable attempts to move towards
gender balanced leadership through discussions of androgyny (see Table 24, gender).
Also, five of the six GIM articles took actionable steps to bridge the gap from women
only discussion to include gender or gender related theories (see Table 30). While
seemingly modest steps, the advancement made by Emerald Publications moved from
WIMR to GIM has met with encouraging results. The following chapter will conclude the
explicitly shaping the reader’s perception of the adequacy of female leadership ability or
that of males as better leaders (Latu & Mast., 2016; Martin, 2015; Szymanska & Rubin,
2018). The purpose of the study was to examine discursive messages used in research
text regarding gendered leadership and to explore the phenomenon of word usage and
language structure applied to research text. The study employed the following research
RQ: What discursive messages regarding gender, performance, and power are
management and the final issue released 2007 when previously focused on the
intersection of women and management, the text was analyzed for discursive themes with
the potential to influence the perception of power, performance, and gender. I analyzed
microlevel and mesolevel with the rationale for excluding the remaining three
revealed that gender, performance, and power emerged with variation based on the
research question applied in the individual studies. A mesolevel analysis found that
quantitative analysis was applied in nine of the 11 studies (see Table 30). The educational
level attained by the authors was a Ph.D., with the exception of one M.D. and an author
whose educational level could not be identified (see Table 29), and there was a
relationship between areas of interest and topic of study (see Table 29; Table 30).
Although the gender identity of the authors could not be documented, the 2021 issue
revealed an increase in the number of male authors compared to the 2007 issue and all
according to the text’s focus (see Table 16, gender; Table 19, gender; Table 20, gender;
Table 21, power; Table 24, performance). Power was demonstrated most frequently
across text through quantitative research design, that required the consumer to trust the
interpretation of findings or possess equal expert power to interpret findings (see Table,
30). Historical reliance to support current research was evident throughout both issues
and within each article (see Table 18, performance; Table 26, performance). Assumptions
were made that the reader understood the definition for Fortune 500 companies and the
number of “top” roles available as 500. Also, metaphors such as “glass ceiling,” “glass
cliff,” and “double-bind” were used and applied to women only issues (see Table 14,
across the text. Article 001, Article 003, Article 015, Article 016, and Article 018 were
set in developing countries and suggested the need to take on western ideologies of
success. However, studies that addressed minority status failed to question discrimination
gender inclusivity with the increase of male authors and collaboration across sexes (see
Table 29). Analysis at each level provided insight and value; however, it should be noted
that macrolevel analysis included data before the journal took steps toward discussions on
gender rather than women in leadership. There were notable attempts to move towards
gender balanced leadership through discussions of androgyny (see Table 24, gender).
Also, five of the six GIM articles took actionable steps to bridge the gap from women
only discussion to include gender or gender related theories (see Table 30). While
seemingly modest steps, the advancement made by Emerald Publications since 2007 met
Interpretation of Findings
Historically, the concept of leadership has been associated with men, and early
research placed men at the center of leadership studies (Northouse, 2016; Spector, 2016).
Gendered leadership research was said to have failed to move past the assumption that
leadership was solely focused on the male leader and women should be added as research
participants (Martin, 2015). The findings of this study demonstrated the opposite. The
data revealed that gendered leadership research overwhelmingly placed women at the
center of studies, that further supported Alcoff (1997) and Cundiff et al.’s (2018)
arguments that to assert the biological sex of women as a focal point to research,
leadership, or otherwise creates an unintended separateness or otherness from their male
counterparts and further emphasizes differences. Women were the focal point in 10 of the
Article 014 approached gendered leadership through androgyny. The data showed that
over half of the research studies addressed a female issue within a developing country
(see Table 30), and patriarchy was referenced in Article 001 (see Table 14, power),
Article 014 (see Table 24, power), and Article 017 (see Table 27, power). However, none
of the texts defined patriarchy or broached pressures on men, further extending the
evidence of research focus on women’s issues at the cost of men. The lack of inclusion of
male needs supported earlier research. For example, McDowell (2015) noted that there is
an expectation that a man will begin his career upon completing education, if not sooner,
and provide the bulk of financial support for the family unit. Hurst et al. (2016) and Hurst
et al. (2017, 2018a, 2018b) found that men’s careers were linear and continual, with the
occasional break for family holidays due to the expectation of financial support.
The data showed a bias held by both sexes against women leaders (see Table 19,
gender), that built on Hurst et al.’s (Hurst et al., 2016; Hurst et al., 2017, 2018a, 2018b)
research that showed that women make allowances in favor of men for leadership style
and revealed an implicit expectation of female followers that their female leader would
provide emotional support. Furthermore, the data found evidence to support Martin’s
(2015) meta-analysis of 163 leadership studies that found while concepts of leadership
are becoming more androgynous, leaders are still perceived as possessing masculine
traits. Each of these studies suggests that implicit expectations are placed on men and
women. In this study, I also found that implicit biases and gendered ideologies remain a
Attempts to uncouple the concept of gender as female and leadership as male has
been made by researchers such as Girdauskiene and Eyvazzade (2015), Martin (2015),
and Motschenbacher (2016). This study showed some effort to uncouple the terms to be
present in current literature. Article 014 (see Table 24, gender), published in 2021,
discussed gender androgyny, however stated that there were more Fortune 500 CEOs
named “Steve” than female CEOs. Cox (2019) asserted that feminism and feminist theory
transferred the term gender to be synonymous with female, resulting in studies that
considered gender and leadership to focus solely on women leaders. While the data could
not point to the appropriation of gender as female to feminist theory, the data found
Cox’s assertion of gendered leadership as female focus to be accurate. Article 001 (see
Table 014) focused on Turkish women in banking and the need to modernize. Article 002
(see Table 015) discussed challenges Indian migrant females face as entrepreneurs.
Article 003 (see Table 016) focused on Nigeria and the influence of family, culture, and
religion on the career choices of women. Negative linguistic strategies were used in that
all three articles advocated women working outside the home and discounted the value of
contributions made and necessary at a family and community level. In essence, worth is
tied to money. Article 013 (see Table 23, gender) discussed gender diversity from the
gender binding was rarely, if at all, discussed, and in no instance was male gender or
male sex present in the keywords (see Table 30). Lack of attention to male concerns
The framework for the study was situated in CDA theory. CDA is a specific, cross
discipline approach to discourse analysis primarily concerned with the innate nature of
language’s ability to change and, over time, take on new meaning through a focus on one
or more social problems (Chouliaraki & Fairclough, 1999). The eight points defined as
CDA must address a problem or issue that is oriented to social problems such as
sexism, racism, or social inequality (Amousson & Allagbe, 2018). The findings of this
study indicated that sexism and social inequality were fostered, maintained, and
along normative, binary male/female sexes rather than a construct of the social
differences between women and men (Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018b). In this study, I
intended to examine how research in the field of gendered leadership has changed over
time and what messages are presented in gendered leadership research. Modest advances
have been made; however, the 2021 publication of text reflected focus of gendered
leadership was women focused in all but one article (see Table 28).
Interdisciplinary or Multidisciplinary
perspective with a special focus on discourse and society (Amousson & Allagbe, 2018).
The findings of the study demonstrated a multidisciplinary approach to the text, with a
special focus on gendered leadership discourse. The findings of the study via a
textual silence (see Table 16, gender), and linguistic strategies (see Table 12, gender) to
demonstrate how power, performance, and gender were reproduced or resisted across the
CDA is positioned as the primary foci and does not perform as a subdiscipline of
study talk or text (Amousson & Allagbe, 2018). To conduct CDA is to critically question
the meaning of a word, phrase, or passage for possible underlying or alternative, hidden,
hidden, or omitted language with the ability to shape the opinion of the consumer on
gender (see Table 16, gender), performance (see Table 23, performance), power (see
CDA focuses on relations of power, dominance and inequality and how each is
reproduced or resisted by social group members (Amousson & Allagbe, 2018). In this
study, I found that power, dominance, and inequality were reproduced by the topic of
study, design of the study, and word selection of the research authors. Often power,
gender, and performance became intertwined (see Table 16, performance). For example,
the use of metaphors (see Table 14, gender) reproduced ideologies of gender inequality
against women placing males as dominant; however, the exact text could be argued to
reproduce ideologies of gender inequality and gave power to men as the text relied on
resistance within a social group (Amousson & Allagbe, 2018). Throughout this study,
gender role and gender stereotypes ideologies were presented to reproduce and resist
ideologies that would move the field of gendered leadership from normative, binary
perceptions of sexed based gender to one of true gender ideology (e.g., Table 14, gender;
(Amousson & Allagbe, 2018). I found quantitative analysis as the primary form of
research across studies (see Table 30). Research studies possess a level of expert power
in the use of study designs that use language and methods inaccessible to the layperson,
making the consumer of the text dependent upon the ability and willingness of the
author(s) to prove a clear and objective translation of the findings. Additionally, the data
revealed instances of textual silence through omission or application of text that could
reshape or legitimize new meaning. For example, phrasing such as “33% of businesses
across the globe have no women in senior leadership roles” required the reader to both
recognize that 66% of businesses around the world, or 66 out of every 100, have women
in leadership roles and, by extension, make a determination if 66/100 is an acceptable
critical or in opposition to those who abuse their power (Amousson & Allagbe, 2018). In
this study, I found and laid out instances of implicit, hidden, or omitted meaning in each
area examined (e.g., Table 25, power, Table 27, performance, Table 17, gender).
perspectives and possible solutions to address and resolve the social wrong through
discourse analysis as the final step is a call to action. I found evidence of the continuing
such, the data demands the path forward as the decoupling of biological sex and gender.
The advances made in the 2021 issue of GIM analyzed found modest advances have been
gender, and consideration regarding race, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and
gender identity were delimited as factors within the study. Instead, I focused on how
aspects of the generalized concepts of gender were used in research and ways that
who publish within the field of gendered leadership and concerns the text would be
revealed that the number of researchers is increasing, and more recent research has been
From a study design perspective, the research was limited to binary concepts of
gender. Therefore, the study excluded other factors that could have been considered, such
as race, gender identity, or gender reassignment, that may have added to the research’s
discourse identities and voices (see Gee, 2014a, 2014b, 2017). Data collection and
analysis revealed some information about the authors, such as education and areas of
interest. The biological sex of each author was documented; however, information about
gender identity was not examined. In consideration of this study’s assertion of the need to
decouple biological sex from concepts of gender, a limitation to the study was that it did
not allow exploration of information that emerged beyond the data points outlined in the
study design or allow for discussion of the influence of gender identity on gendered
leadership research.
From a study design perspective, the research was limited to binary concepts of
gender as male and female (Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018b). Therefore, I excluded other
factors that could have been considered, such as race, gender identity, or gender
reassignment, that may have added to the research’s discourse identities and voices or
inserted a level of unconscious bias (Gee, 2014a; Ravitch & Carl, 2016). Some
information was gleaned about the authors through data collection and analysis, such as
education and areas of interest (Gee, 2017). The biological sex of each author was
documented; however, information about gender identity was not examined. Gender
identity (Szymanska & Rubin, 2018) is the personal and individualistic sense of one’s
gender and how it correlates to biological sex within a given context, situation, or
community combined with the of perception of biological sex and how sex overlays with
concepts of gender categories manifests in one’s social identity (Lortie et al., 2017). This
paper has discussed the relationship between the research topic and the author’s interest
and social identities that manifest in published research. A limitation to the study was the
relationship between text authors and country of origin, as six of the 11 peer-reviewed
country (see Table 30). Future research could be conducted to examine the influence of
cultural components on gendered leadership studies and influences that assert western
mentalities and ideologies are standards that should be adopted worldwide. Furthermore,
there appears to be a trend toward collaborative research (see Table 29), and analysis on
the development of the informal networks that result in collaborative studies is warranted.
Additionally, this paper has argued the need to decouple binary sex from concepts
gendered leadership researchers (Szymanska & Rubin, 2018). Finally, the execution of
the study found the design and methodology to be trustworthy and could be replicated
infinitely across research text (Fairclough, 2016; Wodak & Meyer, 2016). This study
compared two issues of a scholarly peer-review journal; therefore, I recommend analysis
It has been said that research about leadership has been conducted by men, for
men, and focuses on male attributes (Northouse, 2016). On the other hand, it has been
asserted that gender research has been conducted by women, for women, and to identify
women’s issues (Morgenroth & Ryan 2018a). Through this project, I aimed to contribute
utilizing frameworks and models outside of female-oriented feminist theory. While the
findings of the study did not indicate explicit use of feminist theory to support the studies
presented, it did find that women were placed at the center of nearly all text which is a
hallmark of feminist theory (Cox, 2019). The findings, however, should be sufficiently
expand conversations to encompass both sexes, and move gendered leadership towards a
The implications of this study toward positive social change have been
demonstrated through the exposure of the subtle yet powerful messages that reinforce
perceptions of gender inequality between men and women at work. This study takes steps
toward positive social change by discussing how to focus on perceived inequalities based
on biological sex, yet using the term gender, may be contributing to perceptions of
inequality and the inability of female leadership within the research community with the
ability to impact change across all levels of society. Opportunity for positive social
change is extended through discussion to create awareness of the power of the academic
voice, written or spoken, on consumers that may unintentionally shape and influence
CDA. CDA (Fairclough, 2016) asserts the need to look past obvious meaning in written
or spoken word to address a social wrong from the semiotic aspect and to identify
whether the social needs the social wrong and identify possible ways past the obstacles.
This study found that gendered leadership research continues to place women at
the center of studies, and the needs of men are ignored (see Table 30). The study also
found women and gender are used interchangeably to the exclusion of men. Therefore,
the end of this study is to return to its opening paragraphs. Current media emphasis has
been placed on the fluidity of gender (Morgenroth & Ryan, 2018a), making it crucial the
research field of gendered leadership uncouple the use of gender as female and include
men equally into studies of language, leadership, and gender. Concepts of gender in the
United States and other first-world countries have moved beyond bifurcated and binary
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Appendix A: IPSY 8755 Leadership and Leader Development: Welcome & Course
Note: Any APA format errors are derived from the source material
4. Barnwell, D., Nedrick, S., Rudolph, E., Sesay, M., & Wellen, W. (2014).
5. Benefield, M., Fry, L. W., Geigle, D. (2014). Spirituality and religion in the
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6. Burris, K., Ayman, R., Che, Y., & Min, H. (2013). Asian Americans’ and
12(2), 285–305.
8. Dragoni, L., Tesluk, P. E., VanKatwyk, P., In-Sue, O., Moore, O. A., & Hazucha,
9. Drescher, M. A., Welpe, I. M., Korsgaard, M. A., Picot, A., & Wigand, R. T.
10. Eissa, G., Fox, C., Webster, B. D., & Kim, J. (2012). A framework for leader
9(2), 11–22.
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12. Giltinane, C. L. (2013). Leadership styles and theories. Nursing Standard, 27(41),
13. Hartman, N., Conklin, T., & Smith, J. (2007). What leaders say versus what
15. Hoch, J. E., & Morgeson, F. P. (2014). Vertical and shared leadership processes:
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17. Horn, P. (2014). Branding, vision statements, and core values – What’s the
19. Johnson, R. E., Lanaj, K., Venus, M., Changguo, M., & Chu-Hsiang, C. (2012).
20. Kaiser, R. B., & Curphy, G. (2013). Leadership development: The failure of an
22. Kastenmüller, A., Greitemeyer, T., Zehl, S., Tattersall, A. J., George, H., Frey, D.,
23. Lee, J., & Wei, F. (2011). The mediating effect of psychological empowerment on
the relationship between participative goal setting and team outcomes - a study in
24. Levine, M., & Boaks, J. (2014). What does ethics have to do with leadership?
25. Lorinkova, N. M., Pearsall, M. J., & Sims, H. P., Jr. (2013). Examining the
26. Lovelace, J. B., & Hunter, S. T. (2013). Charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic
27. Luciano, M. M., Mathieu, J. E., & Ruddy, T. M. (2014). Leading multiple teams:
29. Mead, N. L., & Maner, J. K. (2012). On keeping your enemies close: Powerful
30. Nelson, R. E. (2014). Leadership, personal values, and cultural context in Brazil,
China, and the USA. BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, 11(1), 47–63.
31. Nicol, A. (2014). More mission, less statement. Product Design & Development,
69(3), 34.
32. Nieminen, L., Biermeier-Hanson, B., & Denison, D. (2013). Aligning leadership
65(3), 177–198.
33. Small, E. E., & Rentsch, J. R. (2010). Shared leadership in teams: A matter of
34. Sperry, L. (2013). Executive coaching and leadership assessment: Past, present,
and future. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice & Research, 65(4), 284–
46(1), 34–41.
36. Stouten, J., van Dijke, M., & De Cremer, D. (2012). Ethical leadership: An
37. Terrell, S., & Rosenbusch, K. (2013). Global leadership development: What
competence, and build global leadership muscle. People & Strategy, 36(1), 40–
38. Thomas, C., Jr. (2014). Cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses to
40. Tost, L. P., Gino, F., & Larrick, R. P. (2013). When power makes others
41. Van Wart, M. (2013). Lessons from leadership theory and the contemporary
43. Warrick, D. D. (2014). What leaders can learn about teamwork and developing
The memo below was taken from an entry written May 27, 2020, discussing the
decision to abandon the original article selected for the practice exercise
ID: 000
I have decided that I will use an article for creating examples in Chapter 3 for the
process that I will use for data for analysis. I have selected a random article from
the leadership class I took as a part of my coursework. I discarded the original
article that I analyzed months ago because it was overly simplified, and it was
disappointing as an article on leadership. The article randomly selected this time
is also a female researcher.
This article briefly describes research identifying emerging findings on the current
and future qualities and attributes of leaders of international organizations. The author
provides a partial review of some of the preliminary findings of the research and will
describe the ways in which the international leaders’ development was influenced, the
qualities they consider to be most important for success for their organization today, and
the leadership attributes needed to meet the challenges of the future. The author will
compare the research findings with the management development competencies at the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), identify the “leadership development gaps” between
the current and future qualities of leaders, and recommend human resource programs to
Power relates to the language’s ability to steer the opinion of the consumer of the
text. The power of research language to influence the perception, expectation, and
continuation of the participant in the discourses begins at the onset of interaction with the
abstract. The content within the abstract is crafted at the leisure of the author with the aim
to pique the interest of the reader to continue in the discourse. The relationship of power
exchange begins with the consumer of the text’s desire to learn from the research actor,
that serves as authority and subject matter experts. The consumer is willing to accept the
text presented as truth, and therein lies the power of text as an active actor in discourse.
In the context of the pilot study, once entering the text’s body, the article
immediately applies textual silences and linguistic strategy by introducing the definition
knowledge or shared meaning. Textual silence and linguist strategy are combined with
issue for managing people in organizations today by executives from the United
Executives believe that developing leaders is the most important human resource
goal for achieving global success. The competencies and qualities that are cited as
These competencies and qualities are also highlighted in Dr. Rosen’s (Rosen,
Until this point, leadership has been textually positioned and tied to a
transformational model. The text employs textual silence and historical reliance in that
research cited from 1997, a full 15 years prior, found leadership as critical to companies’
success. By this point, the consumer of text has been primed to interject, accept, and
the desirability of transformational leadership can be found through the use of the
metaphor “global citizen” (L30) and to societal goodness-of-fit through phrases such as
“desirable and planned changes” (L13); “motivation and morality” (L16,) and “inspiring
followers” (L18) among others. Perhaps most profoundly, the text states that
transformational leaders “move followers beyond their self-interests for the good of the
group, organization and society” (L20). All told, the positive association with
leadership to incite alignment between consumer desire and text are located explicitly in
the text:
L14: Transformational leaders join leaders and followers for a higher purpose.
L15: Transformational leaders join leaders and followers for high levels of
Although the article seemingly relies heavily on performance measure and little
on gender, to the discourse analysts who are challenged to look past apparent meaning,
the relationship between gender and performance are implicitly and significantly present
throughout the text. Transformational leadership style has been suggested to align more
participants for the qualitative study consisting of 8 men and two women, to the
norms are prevalent throughout the offering. According to the information presented,
male attributes:
3. Being dictatorial
However, qualities defined by the 1997 research study noted by the Human
The competencies and qualities that are cited as important include honesty,
leaders, the research presented does not explicitly reference gender as an actor in
gender theory that a relationship between the text used and instances of power, gender,
essential not to do the same. As consumers of information, the reader seeks to find
leaders. As a discourse analyst, interpretation to the extreme would suggest the female
author and researcher sought meaning and designed supportive research between being
female and leader. As the text’s critical discourse analyst, I must admit to seeking similar
meaning and support to being female and leader. However, removing the lens to find
fault, I suggest that if more research on leadership looked past sec as a facto to leadership
and spoke only to leading others’ positive qualities, women could see themselves more
readily as leaders. Men would feel it was acceptable to take on more communal attributes
Reading the article purely from an academic perspective, I noticed the paper is not
I was pleasantly surprised at the unexpected article selection. I did not consider
the article?
• How can I balance yet keep in check what I know based on the considerable
understands other forms of leadership have their place and time as appropriate.
• The paper is not thoroughly cited, and much of which should be supported is
• Other textual silences include interviewees were secured and if the leaders
I was pleasantly surprised at the unexpected article selection. I did not consider
Since I am a doctoral candidate who studies leadership, language, and gender, there are
• What influence does my knowledge of the author’s sex have, in my opinion of the
• Do I immediately go one way or another because the author is female or male?
• How can I balance yet keep in check what I know based on the considerable