15.1 Version 4
15.1 Version 4
15.1 Version 4
Task 15
Design, develop and review three (3) assessment tools
Task 15 - Tool 1 of 3
Task overview
Assesses: TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes, TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
C. This unit applies to individuals who use, or are preparing to use, oral communication skills to
complete workplace activities. This includes existing workers and individuals preparing for
employment through vocational education and training. This unit should be integrated and
contextualised with vocational training to support achievement of vocational competency.
5 Report on the trial and review of an assessment tool that documents feedback and
recommendations for improvement.
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Assessment plan
General information
Competency standards The candidate has to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to
participate effectively with others in the workplace including internal
and external customers.
The candidate has to successfully participate in three tasks designed to
cover the performance and knowledge evidence.
To be deemed competent, candidate has to provide work which is valid,
sufficient, reliable and authentic.
Assessment activities
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Venue or equipment For the assessment of this unit of competency the following are the
requirements venue and equipment requirements.
Access to online help
Simulated workplace environment
Computer system
People to be informed The relevant stakeholders- Administration staff, trainers and the
of the assessment candidate taking the summative assessment
Recording and The result of the assessment and other evidentiary records must be
reporting: retained, If you require a copy of this assessment submission please be
sure to copy it prior to submitting it to us.
●How will results be
recorded? To the concerned candidate and updated in the relevant folders for
record keeping purpose
●To whom will results
be reported?
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2. observation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Elements and performance criteria
1 Prepare to interact with others at work
1.1 Identify type of interaction and audience 1.1
1.2 Interpret purpose of interaction and the information
required for exchange
1.3 Establish appropriate style, tone and register of
communication to meet audience standards
1.4 Identify oral communication strategies required for
1.3 2
spoken interaction
2 Participate in interactions with others
2.1 Use oral communication strategies to communicate
2.2 Interact using conventional grammar, every day and
some specific vocabulary and routine pronunciation 2
appropriate to the workplace
2.3 Recognise and use appropriate non- verbal
1.4 2
communication strategies
3 Review performance
3.1 Confirm if intended meaning and information has
been communicated
3.2 Seek feedback and evaluate effectiveness of own
3.3 Identify strategies for improvement 2
Foundation Skills
Learning Identify type of interaction and audience
Establish appropriate style, tone and 1 2
register of communication to meet
audience needs 1.3
Oral Identify oral communication strategies 2
communication required for spoken interaction 1.4
Use oral communication strategies to
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2. observation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
communicate effectively 2.1
Identify type of interaction and
Seek feedback and evaluate effectiveness
of own performance 3.2
Identify strategies for improvement3.3
Navigate the
world of work
Interact with Identify type of interaction and audience
others 1.1
Interact using conventional grammar,
every day and some specific vocabulary,
and routine pronunciation appropriate to
the workplace 2.2
1 2
Recognise and use appropriate non-
verbal communication strategies 2.3
Confirm if intended meaning and
information has been communicated 3.1
Seek feedback and evaluate effectiveness
of own performance3.2
Get the work
Performance evidence
● participate in at least two different spoken
interactions at work appropriate to audience and 2
● Participation must include speaking and listening 2
Knowledge evidence
● different types of workplace interactions and their
typical audiences
● common purposes of workplace interactions 1.6
● different registers, styles and tones of workplace
interactions and their application to differing 2
● relevant oral communication strategies that support
effective spoken interactions at work
● range of tenses and appropriate use 2
● intelligible pronunciation of key language
● routine and some specialised vocabulary 2
● Non-verbal feedback strategies and their application.
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2. observation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Assessment conditions
● Competency is to be assessed in the workplace, a workplace simulated environment or a
vocational training context. Spoken exchanges must be undertaken with real individuals.
Skills must be demonstrated using routine oral exchanges that reflect those typically
undertaken in a workplace.
The following resources are to be made available:
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1. Cover sheet
5. Marking guides
Practical task – A process or activity that has a tangible end result such as a finalised
document/diagram or a piece of furniture.
Portfolio – When you need to gather a collection of documents. Commonly used for RPL. Can also
be used to capture images of products, drawings examples etc.
3rd Party report/questionnaire – Capture information from the candidate’s workplace. May be part
of a log book if work placement is part of the assessment.
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* Candidates must provide a REAL signature. If submitting your portfolio electronically, either
insert an electronic signature in the space above, or print this page, sign it, then submit a scan of
the signed page.
ASSESSOR to complete this section
Name of assessor
* USI stands for Unique Student Identifier. If you don’t yet have a USI go to: http://www.usi.gov.au/create-your-USI/Pages/default.aspx Use
this USI every time you enrol in nationally recognised training or assessment.
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
52 Collins Street
If this is your first time being assessed with us, start by reading our Student Handbook.. It will
● What competency-based assessment is and how it works
● Your rights and responsibilities in assessment
● How to compile and submit assessment tasks
● Meeting your needs—opportunities for support or adjustments
● How to get help if needed.
1 written Questions This is first of the two assessment tasks you must
complete satisfactorily to be deemed competent in this
Read the assessment description carefully.
In this task, you must answer 4 questions that cover the
knowledge requirements of this unit.
You must respond and submit then to the
Read the plagiarism policy and procedures carefully to
understand the consequences that you could face if your
work is plagiarised
Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of
project or assessment.
You must answer questions to the required standard to be
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
Task Description
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
Assessment instrument:1
Written questions
General information about this assessment activity
Competency standard For this assessment, you have to provide knowledge evidence
regarding workplace interactions, different registers, styles
and tones of workplace interactions.
You must provide knowledge evidence in regards to oral
communication strategies, appropriate use of tenses,
pronunciation, specialised vocabulary, non-verbal feedback
strategies and their application.
Candidate name
Candidate instructions This is first of the two assessment tasks you must complete
satisfactorily to be deemed competent in this unit.
In this task, you must answer four questions that cover the
knowledge requirements of this unit.
You must respond to all the questions and submit them to the
You must answer questions to the required standards.
Assessment must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
Read the plagiarism policy and procedure carefully to
understand the consequences that you could face if your work
is plagiarised.
Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be
Students with special needs can seek assistance from
assessors depending upon the nature of the need.
Your trainer will provide you feedback and notify you about
the results within two weeks of submission.
Requirements for In order to gain competency in this task, you must answer all
satisfactory completion the questions related to the unit topics to the required
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Paragraph-style questions
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
A space
B memo
C Gestures
D Voice
Assessor comments
Assessor signature Date signed
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Assessment instrument: 2
General information about this activity
Candidate name
Assessor name
Observation date
Requirements for satisfactory You must participate in the spoken interaction at simulated
completion workplace appropriate to audience and purpose and
demonstrate listening and speaking skills
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You and student must both sign and date the record to validate
that the assessment has taken place, and this should be attached
to the student’s work.
The candidate will demonstrate the skills required to interact
Performance Objective: with others at workplace.
The assessor will divide the students into groups and provide
topics for discussion. The students need to:
Identify type of audience and interaction.
Establish appropriate style, tone and register of
communication to meet audience needs.
Use oral communication strategies to communicate
Interact using conventional grammar, every day and
some specific vocabulary, and routine pronunciation
appropriate to the workplace.
Confirm if intended meaning and information has been
Role play
After participating in the first role play, you are required to
arrange a meeting with your assessor . In this meeting you need
to seek feedback on your performance from your assessor and
ask for the suggestion which you can incorporate in the future
Observation criteria
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Assessor comments
Assessor signature Date signed
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
Competency standard For this assessment, student has to provide knowledge evidence
regarding workplace interactions, different registers, styles and
tones of workplace interactions.
Student must provide knowledge evidence in regards to oral
communication strategies, appropriate use of tenses,
pronunciation, specialised vocabulary, non-verbal feedback
strategies and their application.
Assessor Instructions You must inform the student that written questions are to be
completed as part of their assessment.
A framework should be set for the completion and submission
of written questions for assessment.
On completion of the assessment, mark the student’s answers
against the model answers provided in the marking guide.
Mark the outcome of this task as either satisfactory or not
satisfactory by completing the assessment outcome record at
the end of the task in the student version of the assessment tool.
This task will form the part of the evidence gathered for the
overall assessment for this unit.
You and student must both sign and date the record to validate that the
assessment has taken place, and this should be attached to the student’s
Requirements for In order to gain competency in this task, student must answer
satisfactory completion all the questions related to the unit topics to the required
Paragraph-style questions
Point out something important about the audience or the current setting.
3 List 4 oral communication strategies for spoken interactions.
Right kind of vocabulary
Clarity of purpose
Identification audience requirements
Active listening
4 List four non-verbal communication for spoken interactions.
Body language
5 What are workplace interactions ?
Electronic Communication. ...
Meetings. ...
Team Projects. ...
Conversations With Your Boss or Direct R
A Space
B Memo
C Gestures
D Voice
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
Assessor Instructions You must inform the student that written questions are to be
completed as part of their assessment.
A framework should be set for the completion and submission
of written questions for assessment.
On completion of the assessment, mark the student’s answers
against the model answers provided in the marking guide.
Mark the outcome of this task as either satisfactory or not
satisfactory by completing the assessment outcome record at
the end of the task in the student version of the assessment
This task will form the part of the evidence gathered for the
overall assessment for this unit.
You and student must both sign and date the record to validate that
the assessment has taken place, and this should be attached to the
student’s work.
Requirements for satisfactory The student must participate in the spoken interaction at simulated
completion workplace appropriate to audience and purpose and demonstrate
listening and speaking skills.
Observation criteria
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
Candidate name
Assessor name
1 written
☐ ☐
2 Observation role play
☐ ☐
☐ ☐
☐ ☐
☐ ☐
Result for the unit of competence
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
Step 3 – Summarise.
Your reviewer will then summarise the key findings from the trial and review in the report
format on the following pages. You will need to submit the completed trial report along with
your first draft
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Date of trial/report
Training and
Assessment pathway ☐ ☐ RPL
Observation ☐
Written questions ☐
What assessment methods/instruments were used
in this pilot assessment? Verbal questions ☐
(tick all applicable boxes)
Third party questionnaire ☐
Portfolio ☐
Other ☐
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Cluster 3 – Assessment Task 15
1) Are assessment tasks valid—suitable for the unit/s assessed; free of unnecessary assessment tasks or requirements;
produced evidence that was valid, sufficient, current and authentic; produced evidence that let assessors confidently
make an evidence-based decision of competence
2) Are the assessment tasks fair—assessment activities possible for target candidate/s to complete; offer candidates
sufficient opportunity to demonstrate skills and knowledge held?
1) Does preliminary assessment information give a clear, complete and accurate description of the assessment
activities, requirements, timeframes, and information about candidate rights and responsibilities in assessment?
2) Are instructions for each task clear and complete—gave an accurate description of the task; answered all candidate
questions; interpreted the same way by candidates and assessors, alike.
Are instructions and guidance for assessors clear and complete—did they answer all assessor questions; did they
provide all information needed to reach an assessment decision; did all assessors interpret these instructions and
marking guidance the same way?
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to note details of the assessment: candidate name and information; assessor name; details of unit/s assessed;
assessment date/s; candidate consent to be assessed
for candidates to provide required information and responses to questions
for assessors to document/record: quality of evidence provided (including comments); results for each
assessment task; overall result for the unit/s; general feedback on performance; action plan if needed.
2) Was the assessment tool documentation laid out in a logical sequence and formatted for easy use by assessors and
candidates alike?
1) Is assessment documentation free of grammar, punctuation, capitalisation, spelling, typos or other errors?
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Signature Date
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