Why Study Javascript?
Why Study Javascript?
Why Study Javascript?
JavaScript Introduction
JavaScript Can Change HTML Content
One of many JavaScript HTML methods is getElementById().
The example below "finds" an HTML element (with id="demo"), and changes the
element content (innerHTML) to "Hello JavaScript":
<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>
<p id="demo">JavaScript can change HTML content.</p>
<button type="button" onclick='document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello
JavaScript!"'>Click Me!</button>
In this example JavaScript changes the value of the src (source) attribute of
an <img> tag:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>
<p>JavaScript can change HTML attribute values.</p>
<p>In this case JavaScript changes the value of the src (source) attribute of an image.</p>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('myImage').src='pic_bulbon.gif'">Turn on the
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript in Body</h2>
<p id="demo"></p>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "My First JavaScript";
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
External JavaScript
Scripts can also be placed in external files:
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
External scripts are practical when the same code is used in many different web
JavaScript files have the file extension .js.
To use an external script, put the name of the script file in the src (source) attribute of a <script> tag:
<script src="myScript.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
You can place an external script reference in <head> or <body> as you like.
The script will behave as if it was located exactly where the <script> tag is
External scripts cannot contain <script> tags.
External References
An external script can be referenced in 3 different ways:
With a full URL (a full web address)
With a file path (like /js/)
Without any path
This example uses a full URL to link to myScript.js:
<script src="https://www.abc.com/js/myScript.js"></script>
<script src="/js/myScript.js"></script>
<script src="myScript.js"></script>
JavaScript Output
JavaScript Display Possibilities
HTML content:
<p id="demo"></p>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 5 + 6;
Using document.write()
For testing purposes, it is convenient to use document.write():
<!DOCTYPE html>
Using window.alert()
You can use an alert box to display data:
<!DOCTYPE html>
alert(5 + 6);
Using console.log()
For debugging purposes, you can call the console.log() method in the browser to
display data.
<!DOCTYPE html>
console.log(5 + 6);
JavaScript Print
JavaScript does not have any print object or print methods.
You cannot access output devices from JavaScript.
The only exception is that you can call the window.print() method in the browser
to print the content of the current window.
<!DOCTYPE html>
JavaScript Statements
let x, y, z; // Statement 1
x = 5; // Statement 2
y = 6; // Statement 3
z = x + y; // Statement 4
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript Statements</h2>
<p>A <b>JavaScript program</b> is a list of <b>statements</b> to be executed by a computer.</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
let x, y, z; // Statement 1
x = 5; // Statement 2
y = 6; // Statement 3
z = x + y; // Statement 4
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "The value of z is " + z + ".";
JavaScript Statements
JavaScript statements are composed of:
Values, Operators, Expressions, Keywords, and Comments.
JavaScript Keywords
JavaScript statements often start with a keyword to identify the JavaScript action
to be performed.
Here is a list of some of the keywords you will learn about in this tutorial:
Keyword Description
Var Declares a variable
Let Declares a block variable
Const Declares a block constant
If Marks a block of statements to be executed on a condition
Switch Marks a block of statements to be executed in different cases
For Marks a block of statements to be executed in a loop
Function Declares a function
Return Exits a function
Try Implements error handling to a block of statements
JavaScript Literals
The two most important syntax rules for fixed values are:
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 10.50;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 'John Doe';
JavaScript Variables
In a programming language, variables are used to store data values.
JavaScript uses the keywords var, let and const to declare variables.
An equal sign is used to assign values to variables.
In this example, x is defined as a variable. Then, x is assigned (given) the value 6:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript Variables</h2>
<p id="demo"></p>
let x;
x = 6;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
JavaScript Operators
JavaScript uses arithmetic operators ( + - * / ) to compute values:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript Operators</h2>
<p>JavaScript uses arithmetic operators to compute values (just like algebra).</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = (5 + 6) * 10;
JavaScript Expressions
An expression is a combination of values, variables, and operators, which
computes to a value.
The computation is called an evaluation.
For example, 5 * 10 evaluates to 50:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript Expressions</h2>
<p>Expressions compute to values.</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 5 * 10;
let x, y;
x = 5 + 6;
y = x * 10;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = y;
JavaScript Comments
Not all JavaScript statements are "executed".
Code after double slashes // or between /* and */ is treated as a comment.
Comments are ignored, and will not be executed:
JavaScript Variables
Variables are Containers for Storing Data
The var keyword was used in all JavaScript code from 1995 to 2015.
The let and const keywords were added to JavaScript in 2015.
The var keyword should only be used in code written for older browsers.
let x = 5;
let y = 6;
let z = x + y;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
"The value of z is: " + z;
<p id="demo"></p>
const x = 5;
const y = 6;
const z = x + y;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "The value of z is: " + z;
Mixed Example
const price1 = 5;
const price2 = 6;
let total = price1 + price2;
When to Use var, let, or const?
1. Always declare variables
2. Always use const if the value should not be changed
3. Always use const if the type should not be changed (Arrays and Objects)
4. Only use let if you can't use const
5. Only use var if you MUST support old browsers.
JavaScript Identifiers
Start the statement with let and separate the variables by comma:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>JavaScript Variables</h1>
<p>You can declare many variables in one statement.</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
let person = "John Doe", carName = "Volvo", price = 200;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = carName;
Re-Declaring JavaScript Variables
If you re-declare a JavaScript variable declared with var, it will not lose its value.
The variable carName will still have the value "Volvo" after the execution of these statements:
var carName = "Volvo";
var carName;
Note : You cannot re-declare a variable declared with let or const.
JavaScript Let
The let keyword was introduced in ES6 (2015)
Block Scope
Before ES6 (2015), JavaScript had Global Scope and Function Scope.
ES6 introduced two important new JavaScript keywords: let and const.
Variables declared with the var keyword can NOT have block scope.
Variables declared inside a { } block can be accessed from outside the block.
var x = 2;
// x CAN be used here
Redeclaring Variables
Redeclaring a variable using the var keyword can impose problems.
Redeclaring a variable inside a block will also redeclare the variable outside the
var x = 10;
// Here x is 10
var x = 2;
// Here x is 2
// Here x is 2
Redeclaring a variable using the let keyword can solve this problem.
Redeclaring a variable inside a block will not redeclare the variable outside the
let x = 10;
// Here x is 10
let x = 2;
// Here x is 2
// Here x is 10
What is Good?
let and const have block scope.
var is hoisted.
Redeclaring a JavaScript variable with var is allowed anywhere in a program:
var x = 2;
// Now x is 2
var x = 3;
// Now x is 3
With let, redeclaring a variable in the same block is NOT allowed:
var x = 2; // Allowed
let x = 3; // Not allowed
let x = 2; // Allowed
let x = 3; // Not allowed
let x = 2; // Allowed
var x = 3; // Not allowed
let x = 2; // Allowed
let x = 3; // Allowed
let x = 4; // Allowed
Let Hoisting
Variables defined with var are hoisted to the top and can be initialized at any
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript Hoisting</h2>
<p>With <b>var</b>, you can use a variable before it is declared:</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
carName = "Volvo";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = carName;
var carName;
Variables defined with let are also hoisted to the top of the block, but not
carName = "Saab";
let carName = "Volvo";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript Hoisting</h2>
<p>With <b>let</b>, you cannot use a variable before it is declared.</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
try {
carName = "Saab";
let carName = "Volvo";
catch(err) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = err;