RFA Final Notes Converted 1
RFA Final Notes Converted 1
RFA Final Notes Converted 1
Chapter Topic
1 Introduction, types and its importance
2 History of rainfed agriculture & watershed in India
3 Problems and prospects of rainfed agriculture in India
4 Soil and climatic conditions prevalent in rainfed areas
5 Drought: introduction and its types/classification of drought
Effects of drought on physio- morphological characteristics of the plants
7 Mechanism of crop adaptations under moisture deficit condition
8 Strategies for drought management
9 Water harvesting: importance and its techniques, Efficient utilization of water through
soil and crop management practices and Management of crops in rainfed areas
10 Contingent crop planning for aberrant weather conditions
11 Watershed management: introduction, Concept and its objective
12 Principles and components of watershed management
13 Factors affecting watershed management
Lecture- 1
Rainfed farming-introduction and definition and importance
Agriculture is the single largest livelihood sources in India with nearly two thirds of people
depend on it. Rainfed agriculture is as old as agriculture itself. Growing of crops entirely under
rainfed conditions is known as dryland agriculture.
Total geographical area of India is 328.12mha. In this 175 mha of land is degrading every
year due to erosions (soil, water & wind). Among the total geographical area dryland area is 85
mha. Total net cultivated area in India is 143mha.
Depending on the amount of rainfall received, dryland agriculture can be grouped into three
Dry farming: It is cultivation of crops in regions with annual rainfall less than 750 mm. Crop
failure is most common due to prolonged dry spells during the crop period. These are arid
regions with a growing season (period of adequate soil moisture) less than 75 days. Moisture
conservation practices are necessary for crop production.
Dryland farming: Cultivation of crops in regions with annual rainfall more than 750 mm. In
spite of prolonged dry spells crop failure is relatively less frequent. These are semiarid tracts
with a growing period between 75 and 120 days. Moisture conservation practices are
necessary for crop production. However, adequate drainage is required especially for vertisols
or black soils.
Rainfed farming: is crop production in regions with annual rainfall more than 1150 mm.
Crops are not subjected to soil moisture stress during the crop period. Emphasis is often on
disposal of excess water. These are humid regions with growing period more than 120 days.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific distinguished
dryland agriculture mainly into two categories: dryland and rainfed farming. The
distinguishing features of these two types of farming are given below.
1.2 Dryland vs. rainfed farming:
A. Pre-Independence period:
From time immemorial, the chief form of agriculture in the dryland tracts of India was
cultivation of drought resistant crops viz., millets for food and fodder. It used to be a gamble
with rainfall. During good rainfall years, the hardships of farmers seem to have been mitigated,
as surplus grain and fodder were available. But, as water is the most important single factor of
crop production, the inadequacy and extremely uncertainty of rainfall often caused partial or
complete failure of crops leading to periodic food scarcities and famines.
Drought was a frequent phenomenon. These factors made the economic life of the dryland
cultivator extremely difficult and insecure. To address these issues, the Government of India
appointed the First Famine Commission in 1880. The Commission recommended creation of
protective irrigation projects in the dry tracts.
The Government of India constituted Royal Commission on Agriculture in 1928. The
Commission revived the Department of Agriculture of the Government of India, and
simultaneously founded the Departments of Agriculture in all the provinces. The Departments
concentrated more on the best performing crops, but neglected millets and other crops of the
rainfed areas. A few years of study at Manjari Farm led to the conclusion that the problem of
cultivation of dryland crops was vast in extent and complex in nature. It required simultaneous
in-depth research on different aspects such as conservation/collection of excess rainwater, soil
characteristics and water requirements of crop plant.
The dry spells extended from 3 to more than 8 weeks during the rainy seasons. It was thus
felt that for good crop production, conservation of soil moisture and minimization of surface
evaporation comprised the most suitable interventions. Soil Loss and Moisture Conservation.
In the Deccan Plateau, under normal cultivation, soil slope, low rate of infiltration and high
intensity rainfall causes runoff. It was between 12 and 20 per cent with a concurrent upper soil
loss of 10-14 t/ha/year due to erosion. During the rainy season, in the cropped fields, about 10
per cent of the rainfall was lost as runoff from black, and about 25 per cent from red soils. It
was realized that the land needed some kind of vegetal cover to minimize the runoff and soil
loss. Kharif (rainy season) crops such as pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum) and pigeonpea
(Cajanus cajan) provided cover to the soil, thus resulting in considerable reduction in runoff
and soil loss. Deep ploughing, soil stirring and mulching helped to conserve soil moisture.
Fallowing was also useful. Good yields were realized from sowing in wider rows with low
seed rates of selected crop varieties.
The practices, thus developed were given for different dry tracts in the form of principles
of dry farming applicable to Indian conditions and suggestions were made for future line of
research and extension. The packages of practices were popularly known as Bombay, Madras
and Hyderabad Dry Farming Practices.
The recommended practices constituted the following:
• Constructing contour bunds as the basic and essential treatment
• Occasional deep ploughing of lands, once in 3 years
• Repeated shallow cultivation of soils (4 to 5 inter-cultivations) to remove weed and
conserve moisture during the rainy season, particularly for rabi (postrainy) season sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor)
• Adding moderate quantities of Farm Yard Manure to maintain the fertility and physical
conditions of eroded soil, • sowing in wider rows (45 cm row spacing for sorghum) with lower
seed rate
• Adopting mixed cropping / crop rotations wherever possible
• Fallowing a part of the holding every year.
Unfortunately, the returns from the adoption of these technologies resulted in lower yields (40
to 100 kg grain/ha) probably due to: discouragement to use inputs and nonavailability of proper
biological material.
1. 1923 Establishing Dryland Research Station at Manjri (Pune) by Tamhane
2. 1972 Establishment of ICRISAT
3. 1985 Birth of Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture at Hyderabad
4. 1970 Research Centres established under AICRPDA in 23 locations
5. 1986 Launching of NWDPRA programmes by Government of India in 15 states.
6. The average annual rainfall of India is 1192 mm where as in Andhra Pradesh it is 890 mm.
The land degradation in rainfed areas has resulted from climatic variations and
unplanned over-exploitation of natural resources by human activities, and increasing
pressure of human and livestock population. It has become unavoidable to cultivate even
the marginal lands. The pasturelands are degraded due to overgrazing caused by both
increase in livestock population and decrease in area under grazing due to encroachment
for cultivation and urbanization.
As a result more and more forests are being used for grazing purpose. At present
nearly 70% of rainfed area is affected by wind erosion and sand deposition. Out of an
estimated 142 million ha net cultivated area, about 86 million ha (60%) is rainfed. Even
after reaching the full irrigation potential, nearly 50% of the cultivated area will remain
At present about 60% of India’s population as also 60% of livestock depends on
agriculture. By 2025 AD, it is likely to reduce to 40% due to continued migration of rural
people to semi urban/urban areas out of the projected population of 1.5 billion. The average
land holding is likely to be 0.08 ha from the present 0.15 ha, which would be uneconomical
for farming. Rainfed farmers are economically weak with little ability to withstand risk.
Out of the 97 million farm holdings, 76 per cent are small.
• Most of the cropping in the arid and semiarid regions continues to be under rainfed
• A majority of the farmers are small farmers with meagre resources.
• The poor resource base permits only low input subsistence farming with low and unstable
crop yields.
• The low productivity of agriculture in dry farming regions is due to the cumulative effect
of many constraints for crop production.
• The constraints can be broadly grouped in to
• Climatic constraints,
• Soil related constraints,
• Traditional cultivation practices
• Heavy weed problem
• Lack of suitable varieties and
• Socio economic constraints.
3.1 Climatic constraints:
1. Rainfall characteristics: Among the different climatic parameters rainfall is an important
factor influencing the crop production in dry regions are:
(i) Variable rainfall: Rain fall varies both in time and space dimension. Annual
rainfall varies greatly from year to year and naturally its coefficient of variation is very
high. Generally, higher the rainfall less is the coefficient of variation. In other words,
crop failures due to uncertain rains are more frequent in regions with lesser rainfall.
The average annual rainfall of India is 1192 mm where as in Andhra Pradesh it is 890
mm. Based on the average annual rainfall, the India can be divided into four zones.
More than one third of total geographical area in India receive rainfall less than 750
Table: Classification of India into different zones based on rainfall
3.5 Lack of suitable varieties: Most of the crop varieties available for cultivation in dry lands are
meant for irrigated agriculture. There are no any special varieties exclusively meant for dryland
areas. Hence still more efforts are required to develop varieties in different crops exclusively
meant for dryland agriculture.
3.6 Socio-economic constraints: The economic condition of the dryland farmers is very poor
a. Less access to inputs
b. Non availability of credit in time
c. The risk bearing capacity of dryland farmer is very low. Hence the dryland farmers
resort to low input agriculture which results in poor yields.
Management of Natural Resources:
• The national resources that are to be managed on sustainable basis are soil, water,
vegetation and climate .India is blessed with vast natural resources of land, water,
vegetation and climate but with poor quality of life. They can be managed by
• Characterization and development of sustainable land use plans for each agro ecological
region in the country
a) Soil and moisture conservation
b) Integrated soil fertility management
c) Inter basin transfer of surface flow which is otherwise going as waste for
seas and oceans
d) Creation of live storage of water by constructing reservoirs
e) Integrated water management of surface and ground water sources
f) On farm irrigation water management to enhance water use efficiency
Lecture 4
4.1 Soils:
❖ Rainfed soils are generally of poor quality (low fertility, high erodibility, fragile, shallow
and susceptible to loss of physical integrity).
❖ These have very weak buffering and resilience capacity.
❖ The soils suffer from excess of salts (saline-alkali soils) in arid and semi-arid areas and
acids (acid soils) in sub-humid and humid areas.
❖ Micronutrients and ameliorants (mainly lime) are deficient and need supplementation
❖ The soils are mostly coarse textured, highly degraded with low water retentive capacity,
multiple nutrient deficiencies, and thus are not conducive for intensive cropping.
The principal factors of soil formation are nature of parent material, climate, vegetation,
soil organisms and topography, which are the same both in dry as well as in humid regions.
However, in arid regions, physical weathering predominates soil formation. Erosion and re-
deposition are the most important soil forming processes in arid regions. Rainfall is an important
factor which affects the type and predominant properties of soils.
Soils developed in the semi-arid areas of Deccan Plateau are mainly Vertisols (black soils)
and Alfisols (red and related soils), while in the arid zone of Rajasthan, they are Arid soils and
Most of the Alfisols are sandy loams with a sub-soil alluvial layer of clay, less water
retentive and prone to drought. The Vertisols are deep (15-240 cm) with a clay content of 30-70%
and rich in bases. The clay types are smectite, montmorillonite and beidellite. The soils have high
water holding capacity, frequently fertile and less drought prone.
❖ Dryland soils are generally low in organic matter and alkaline to slightly acidic in reaction
in the surface have calcium carbonate (CaCO3) accumulation in the upper 150 cm of soil
layer, weak to moderate profile development, coarse to medium texture and having low
biological activity.
❖ Nearly two-thirds of India’s land mass has more than 3% slope and is highly undulating.
❖ The top soil shows many textural groups like loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silt loam to
clay loam.
❖ The soils are predominantly coarse textured and hence retain less water and nutrients.
Crops grown on them are prone to drought and nutrient deficiencies.
❖ The low organic matter content is due to sparse vegetation producing little residues. The
top soil when eroded, is devoid of organic matter, thus resulting in deficiencies of several
❖ Removal of vegetation, intensive agriculture, uncontrolled and excessive grazing, and large
unprotected fields devoid of protective vegetation are known to cause wind erosion.
❖ The inherent properties of dryland soils lead to degradative processes in rainfed semi-arid
tropics, impose the following constraints for successful crop production
1. Much reduced permeability.
2. Poor or restricted root development
3. Tillage and seeding problems
4. Poor seedling establishment
5. Uneven soil wetting
6. Salinity and shallow water table and
7. Poor soil fertility.
4.3 Climatic Constraints:
The drylands of the world show great diversity in their temperature characteristics and
precipitation patterns.
Low rainfall or failure of monsoon rain is a recurring feature in India. This has been
responsible for droughts and famines.
The word drought generally denotes scarcity of water in a region.
Though, aridity and drought are due to insufficient water, aridity is a permanent climatic
feature and is the culmination of a number of long term processes.
However, drought is a temporary condition that occurs for a short period due to deficient
precipitation for vegetation, river flow, water supply and human consumption.
Drought is due to anomaly in atmospheric circulation.
Aridity Vs. Drought
Early season drought: The early season drought occurs due to delay in commencement
of sowing rains. Farmers sow the seed by taking advantage of early rains. A long dry spell
may lead to withering of seedlings and poor crop establishment.
Mid season drought: This occurs in association with long gaps between two successive
rain events, if moisture stored in the soil falls short of water requirement of crop during the
dry period. On other occasions the mid season drought may be associated with low and
inadequate rainfall in the growing season to meet the crop water needs as per the
phenological stage.
Late season or terminal drought: If the crop encounters moisture stress during the
reproductive stage due to early cessation of rainy season and rise in temperature the
situation hastens the process of maturity.
The ability of a crop species or variety to grow and yield satisfactorily in areas subjected
to periodic water deficits is termed as drought resistance
Plants can adopt to drought either by avoiding stress or by tolerating stress due to different
mechanisms. These mechanisms provide drought resistance.
7.4 Avoiding Stress
Stress avoidance is the ability to maintain a favourable water balance and turgidity
even when exposed to drought conditions, thereby avoiding stress and its consequences.
A favourable water balance under drought conditions can be achieved either by:
(i) conserving water by restricting transpiration before or as soon as stress
is experienced; or
(ii) accelerating water uptake sufficiently so as to replenish the lost water.
1. By closing stomata we can reduce the transpiration (stomata will be closed due to increase
in ABA concentration, thereby reducing water loss).
2. These (CAM) plants store enough water in their tissues. They open stomata at night. They
have thick leaves and possess modifications (such as phyllodes and phylloclades) under
water stress conditions. They fix carbon during day time with the help of malic acid and
CO2, which is released internally during respiration.
3. By developing smaller leaves with thick cuticle
4. By increasing photosynthetic efficiency. (C4 crops should be grown under these conditions
because they will have high photosynthetic efficiency to supply water compared to C3 crops
because of the presence of enzyme PEP Carboxylase)
5. Having sunken stomata with hairs (pubescence) to reflect light and to reduce the
transpiration eg. Soybean, Nerium
6. Shedding their leaves during summer to avoid excess water loss
7. Dehydration of protoplasm
8. Reducing enzyme activity
9. By developing awns, thorns in some crops.
10. By deposition of lipids on the leaf surface to reflect light. Ex: Sorghum, Sugarcane etc.
11. Favoring the syntheses of ABA (stress hormone) and Ethylene (senescence hormone)
The plants try to uptake more water whenever water is available and act as a water conservers in
the future for the growth and development of the crop. Water uptake is done by either more
development of roots, root- shoot length.
1. Development of adventitious roots helps the plant to absorb more water and keeps the plant
for survival.
2. The crops selecting should have high root length instead of shoot length. Because if more
shoot length and less root length is there means less absorption of water and more
transpiration will be there. If mote root than shoot means vice versa will be there and
conserves moisture in the metabolism of the plant.
3. Hydraulic conductance of plants (increasing either the diameter of xylem vessels or their
7.5 Drought tolerance with low tissue water potential: The ability of the plant to endure periods
without significant rainfall and to endure low tissue water potential. Ability to produce flowers
with a minimum of vegetative structure enables them to produce seeds on a limited water supply.
Based on the desiccation tolerance of the protoplasm, plants can be classified as poikilohydric or
homohydric plants.
The protoplasm of poikilohydric plants can withstand almost complete dehydration and can also
withstand dehydration and rehydration in concert with available water without damage.
2) Homoiohydric plants
Majority of the plants are homoiohydric plants. During growth and development, the protoplasm
of homoiohydric plants cannot withstand low water potential without injury. Dehydration caused
mechanical injury to the protoplast by physical tearing and destruction during water extraction and
Small cells with no vacuoles and also the cells that lose their vacuoles and also the cells
that lose their vacuoles during dehydration can withstand the most severe desiccation without
mechanical injury. The changes in viscosity of the protoplasm and permeability of the
membrane play a role in desiccation tolerance. Sugars play a role in protecting this mechanism
in desiccation resistant species and varieties. Sugars may also provide protection against
Rainwater is the key input in dryland agriculture. In a tropical country such as India which
experiences extreme variation in rainfall both in space and time, rain water management
assumes vital importance in cutting down risks and stabilizing crop production in dry
areas. When rains are received with an intensity far reaching infiltration rate, runoff is
inevitable. It varies from 10 to 40% of total rainfall. Of this at least 30% can be harvested
into water storage structures.
9.2.1 Land Alterations: Clearing away rocks and vegetation and compacting the
soil surface can increase runoff. However, land alteration may lead to soil erosion except
where slope is reduced. When erosion is not excessive and low cost hill side land is
available, land alteration can be very economical way to harvest rain water in arid lands. Water Spreading: In arid areas, the limited rainfall is received as short intense
storms. Water swiftly drains into gullies and then flows towards the sea. Water is lost to the region
and floods caused by this sudden runoff can be devastating often to areas otherwise untouched
by the storm. Water spreading is a simple irrigation method for use in such a situation. Flood
waters are deliberately diverted from their natural courses and spread over adjacent plains. The 28
water is diverted or retarded by ditches, dikes, small dams or brush fences. The wet flood plains
or valley floods are used to grow crops. Microcatchments: A plant can grow in a region with too little rainfall for its
survival if a rain water catchment basin is built around it. At the lowest point within each
microcatchment, a basin is dug about 40 cm deep and a tree is planted in it. The basin stores the
runoff from microcatchment. Traditional water harvesting systems: Tanka, nadi, khadin are the important
traditional water harvesting systems of Rajasthan. Tanka is an underground tank or cistern constructed for collection and storage of
runoff water from natural catchment or artificially prepared catchment or from a roof top.
The vertical walls are lined with stone masonary or cement concrete and the base with 10 cm
thick concrete. The capacity of the tank ranges from 1000 to 6,00,000 lt. Nadi or village pond is constructed for storing water from natural catchments.
The capacity of nadis ranges from 1200 m3 to 15000 m3 Khadin is unique land use system where in run off water from rocky catchments are
collected in valley plains during rainy season. Crops are grown in the winter season after
water is receded in shallow pond on the residual moisture. Tanks: Runoff water from hill sides and forests is collected on the plains in tanks. The
traditional tank system has following components viz., catchment area, storage tank, tank bund,
sluice, spill way and command area. The runoff water from catchment area is collected and
stored in storage tank on the plains with the help of a bund. To avoid the breaching of tank bund,
spillways are provided at one or both the ends of the tank bund to dispose of excess water. The
sluice is provided in the central area of the tank bund to allow controlled flow of water into the
command area. Percolation Tanks: Flowing rivulets or big gullies are obstructed and water is
ponded. Water from the ponds percolates into the soil and raises the water table of the region.
The improved water level in the wells lower down the percolation tanks are used for supplemental 29
irrigation Farm Ponds: These are small storage structures for collection and storage of runoff
water. Depending upon their construction and suitability to different topographic conditions
farm ponds are classified as
Excavated farm ponds suitable for flat topography
Embankment ponds for hilly terrains and
Excavated cum Embankment ponds
There are three types of excavated farm ponds – square, rectangular and circular. Circular
ponds have high water storage capacity. Farm ponds of size 100 to 300 m3 may be dug to store
30 per cent of runoff. The problem associated with farm ponds in red soils is high seepage loss.
This can be reduced by lining walls. Some of the traditional methods for seepage control are the
use of bentonite, soil dispersants and soil-cement mixture.
Bentonite has excellent sealing properties if kept continuously wet, but cracks
develop when dried. Soil-cement mixture can be used. A soil-cement lining of 100 mm
thickness reduces seepage losses up to 100 per cent. The pit lined continuously develops
cracks but no cracks develop when applied in blocks. The other alternative sealant for
alfisols is a mixture of red soil and black soil in the ratio of 1: 2.
In arid and semi-arid regions, rains are sometimes received in heavy down pours
resulting in runoff. The runoff event ranges from 4 to 8 during the rain season in arid and
semi-arid region. The percentage of runoff ranges from 10 to 30% of total rainfall. The
size of the farm pond depends on the rainfall, slope of the soil and catchment area.
Clay soils linings are generally the most economical. Evaporation losses can be reduced in
farm ponds especially in arid regions by rubber or plastic floats. White plastic sheet is
economical and easily available. Farm pond technology is economically viable.
Lecture 10
Contingent Crop Planning For Aberrant Weather Conditions
a. Alternate crop & varieties: Castor (Aruna), green gram, cowpea, sunflower
b. Dry sowing/Kurra sowing
c. Pre sowing
d. Seed soaking/treatment
e. Alternate crops/ varieties
f. Transplanting of one month old Bajra seedlings.
g. Complete weed control
h. Grow legumes/oilseed crops in place of cereals
i. Most suitable crop for this condition is Sunflower.
Sometimes the rain may cease very early in the season exposing the crop to drought during
flowering and maturity stages which reduces the crop yields considerably:
Long breaks in the rainy season are an important feature of Indian monsoon. These intervening
dry spells when prolonged during crop period reduces crop growth and yield and when unduly
prolonged crops fail.
a) If mild moisture stress at 30-35 days after sowing, thinning of alternate rows of
Sorghum and Pearl millet
b) If severe moisture stress at 30-35 days after sowing, cutting of sorghum and Pearl
millet and rationing
c) If moisture stress at blooming stage, cutting of sorghum and Pearl millet and
d) Breaking of monsoon for short while, shallow inter cultivation for eradicating
weeds/soil mulch
e) Wider spacing for moisture conservation
f) Spray of 2 % urea after drought period is useful for indeterminate crops like castor,
pigeon pea and groundnut
g) Soil mulching to reduce evaporation losses
h) Life saving irrigation
i) If dry spell in 10 days of sowing, resowing
j) Weed control to save water, nutrients
10.3.7 Contingent Crop Plan for dryspell during crop growing period:
a) Ratooning
b) Mulching
c) Thinning
▪ Crops have to be selected with suitable crop duration to coincide with the
length of the growing season.
Cyclone ‘Hudhud’ made a landfall on 12th October 2014 at Visakhapatnam and caused serious
damage to agriculture in four districts each in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. State wise crop advisory
is given below for reference and adoption and contingency measures to minimize and prevent
further damage in standing corps.
Andhra Pradesh
North coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh (Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and East
Godavari) suffered widespread damage due to gale accompanied by downpour.
Crops Damage Advisory/ Contingency measures
Rice Crop in various growth • Drain out excess water by making alleys at periodic
stages affected due to intervals in the lodged crop
partial or complete • Take up staking of plants at grain filling stage
lodging due to high • After flood water is receded, apply 25 Kg urea and 10-
speed winds and partial 15 Kg of MOP as booster dose to long duration
inundation due varieties
• Apply 15-20 Kg of Potash or spray of multi-K (13-0-
accompanying rain.
45) @ 10 g/l of water for medium duration varieties
Long duration crop
• Early planted rice which is in maturity stage may be
varieties are in panicle sprayed with 5% salt solution to prevent seed
initiation to grain filling
stage while medium • Spray hexaconozole @ 2ml/l as prophylactic spray to
maturing varieties are inprevent occurrence of sheath blight/blast disease
flowering stage. Rice at incidence
flowering stage has 37
• Spray streptocycline @ 0.1 gm/l if bacterial leaf blight
been seriously affected. is noticed (varieties: BPT – 5204, MTU-1001, MTU-
Flood is imminent in • In partially lodged crop in panicle initiation stage
low lying villages of especially in long duration and susceptible fine rice
Srikakulam district in varieties, keep a watch on brown plant hopper
the command areas of population at the base of plants. Observe if population
Nagavali river due to is in rising trend as conditions are conducive for pest
heavy inflows. outbreak if drizzly and cloudy weather conditions
prevail for few more days. Apply need based spray
immediately after cessation of rain based on close
monitoring of pest incidence
Maize Lodging and stress due • Staking of lodged plants
to excess soil moisture • Provide quick drainage of excess water by opening
• Harvest cobs at physiological maturity or marketable
green cobs or for fodder purpose in case crop is badly
• Undertake earthing up of plants in partially affected
• In mild to moderately affected fields due to
lodging/uprooting, take up prophylactic or need based
spray to prevent fungal diseases (blight & rot)
Oilseeds Lodging in sesame, • Harvest at physiological maturity of pods in sesame,
water logging in undertake quick drying, threshing, safe
(groundnut storage/marketing
and sesame) • Provide quick reduction in soil moisture in groundnut
fields to prevent premature germination by opening of
drainage channel immediately after flood water
recedes and harvest at physiological maturity
• In slightly affected water logging groundnut fields
take up need based spray of fungicide (chlorothalonil
@ 2g/l) to prevent late leaf spot incidence
• In case of severe shortage of green fodder to milch
cattle, harvest groundnut and use haulms for feeding
Short Water logging in pulses • Harvest late planted pulses (blackgram & greengram)
duration and lodging in pigeon at physiological maturity
pulses and pea • Provide early drainage from water logged fields
pigeon-pea • Use damaged plants as fodder to milch cattle
• Stake lodged plants in pigeonpea and undertake
earthing up of plants at the earliest opportunity for
• In badly affected fields due to water logging, harvest
crop for fodder purpose
Sugarcane Lodging and water • Staking of lodged plants
logging • Provide quick drainage by opening furrows
• Earthing up of affected plants
Vegetable Lodging and water • Standing crops damaged due to lodging and water
crops logging in tomato, logging
brinjal, raddish and • Harvest produce at the earliest opportunity undertake
cucurbit crops shifting, grading and marketing of produce
• Harvest at physiological maturity
• Undertake nipping of apical buds to induce sympodial
branching to compensate for production loss
• Apply light booster dose for fertilizer
• If soil application is not possible, apply foliar spray of
2% urea/DAP 0.1% MOP
• To prevent root, foliar and fruit diseases (rot, leaf spot,
blight), apply foliar spray of fungicides/bactericides
(Mancozeb 2g/l, carbendazim, 1g/l, copper oxy chloride
3g/l, plantamycin 0.6g/l) or soil drenching with copper
oxy chloride 30g/l)
Coconut, Breaking of • Propping/staking of partially lodged/uprooted trees
Banana, branches, lodging, • In banana, remove lodged plant to allow one good sucker
Cashew & partial or complete to replace the lost plant
pulpwood uprooting of trees • Prune broken branches of trees (flat cut at breakage point)
plantations and apply Bordeaux paste to cut end
(Casurina, • Apply booster dose of fertilizer after optimum moisture
conditions return in the orchard
• For coconut, apply COC 3g/l of water in whorls after
clearing the broken/dropped leaves in young trees
• Fresh planting may be taken up in place of the lodged,
uprooted older trees
• Under take gap filling in the orchard in case of complete
loss of plants due to uprooting in plantation crops
Gajapati, Koraput, Malkangiri and Rayagada were the worst affected districts. Detail of crop
damage and contingency measures are give below:
Crops Damage Advisory
Paddy Lodging, • Staking of lodged plants
partial • Make alleys at intervals to clear excess water
submergence • Apply N @ 20 Kg/ha for quick recovery in late rice or
spray 2% urea to crop in flowering stage
• Heavy rainfall is likely to trigger outbreak of swarming
caterpillar and cut worm (panicle stage) in late rice.
Apply need based spray of chlorpyriphos @2 ml per 1itre
• Prophylactic spray of copper oxychloride, streptocycline
and imidacloprid to prevent bacterial leaf blight, blast
and insect attack (BPH) where crop is badly affected and
loss is complete, contingency crops like short duration
greengram followed by sesame are suggested.
Pulses and Water • Provide quick drainage
Groundnut logging • Harvest at physiological maturity to prevent premature
• Use residue for fodder purpose
Mango and Lodging, • Provide quick drainage in orchards/plantations
Papaya, breaking, • Prune broken branches in orchard crops and apply
Teak and uprooting of Bordeaux paste to cut ends
Cashew plants • Propping of papaya plants and harvesting of marketable
• Earthing and staking of lodged plants and application of
the booster dose of fertilizer
Vegetable Tomato, • Provide quick drainage
crops Brinjal, • Practice earthing up of plants
Chillies • Harvest at physiological maturity/marketable produce.
• Take up plant protection measures through foliar spray
of fungicides (copper oxy chloride 3g/l) or drench soil at
the base of plant to prevent rot/wilt
• Apply light booster dose of fertilizer under optimum
soil moisture conditions to stimulate growth
• Practice nipping of apical buds to promote sympodial
Lecture 11
Watershed management programme can also be described in symbolic form by the expression:
POWER. Here the letters symbolize the following:
P = Production of food-fodder-fuel-fruit-fibre-fish-milk combined on sustained basis
- Pollution control
- Prevention of floods
O = Over exploitation of resources to be minimized by controlling excessive biotic
interferences like over grazing
- Operational practicability of all on farm operations and follow up programmes
including easy approachability to different locations in watershed
W = Water storage at convenient locations for different purposes
- Wild animal and indigenous plant life conservation at selected places
E = Erosion control
- Ecosystem safety
- Economic stability
- Employment generation
R = Recharge of ground water
- Reduction of drought hazards
- Reduction of siltation in multipurpose reservoirs
- Recreation
Lecture 12
12.1 Principles of watershed management
12.2.6 Cost-benefit analysis to indicate estimated cost of each component activity, total
cost of project and expected benefit.
12.2.7 Fixing the time frame to show time of start, duration of project, time frame for
completion of each component activity along with the department / agency to be involved in
each component activity
12.2.8 Monitoring and evaluation to assess the progress of the project and to suggest
modification if any
These measures coupled with water harvesting help to improve the moisture availability in the soil
profile and surface water availability for supplemental irrigation. Based on the nature and type of
hydraulic barriers and their cost the conservation measures in arable lands can be divided into three
a. Permanent measures: These measures are provided for improvement of relief, physiography
and drainage features of watershed, aimed at controlling soil erosion, regulating surface runoff and
reducing peak flow rates. Bunds, terraces and waterways are the permanent measures in watershed
management project.
1. Waterways: both with and without vegetation- grassed waterways for safe disposal of
runoff water.
2. Bunds: contour bunds –Suitable for low rainfall areas (< 600 mm) and in permeable soils
having slope up to 6%.
3. Graded bunds – Suitable for high rainfall areas (> 600 mm) and for poor permeable soils
having 2-6% slope and for soils having crust like Chalka soils of Telangana region of A.P.
4. Terraces: Bench terracing: suitable for soils having slopes 16 to 33%. Bench terraces
reduce both slope length and degree of slope. At Ootacamund erosion rate decreased from
39 t/ha to less than 1.0 t/ha on 25% sloping land by bench terracing.
b. Semi permanent measures: These are usually inter bund treatments where field sizes are large
in conventionally bunded area. They are adopted to minimize the velocity of overland flow. These
measures may lost for 2 to 5 years.
1. Small section / key line bunds: A small section bund may be created across the slope at
half of the vertical bund spacing, which needs to be renovated at an interval of 2-3 years.
2. Strip Levelling: Levelling of about 4 to 5 m strips of land above the bund across the major
land slope help in reducing the velocity of surface flow. Strip levelling can be done by
running blade harrow at an interval of 2 to 4 years.
3. Live beds: One or two live beds of 2-3 m width on contour or on grade also serve the
purpose. The vegetation on the beds may be annual or perennial or both.
4. Vegetative or live barriers: One or two barriers of close growing grasses or legumes along
the bund and at mid length of slope can filter the runoff water or slow down over land flow.
Khus grass is widely recommended as vegetative barrier.
c. Temporary measures (Software treatments): These are simple treatments for in situ moisture
conservation and needs to be remade or renovation every year. Simple practices like contour
farming, compartmental bunding, broad bed and furrows, dead furrows, tillage and mulching have
gained wide acceptance in the recent past.
The land management refers to keep all those properties of land in proper order, which likely to
affect the soil yield potency. The land characteristics such as terrain, slope, formation, depth,
texture, moisture, in-filtration rate and soil capability are the main to consider under land
management activities for watershed development.
includes following activities:
a. Vegetative measures
b. Structural measures
c. Production measures; and
d. Protection measures.
a. Vegetative measures: These are the primary land management measures.
1. The development of grass lands/pasture lands for erosion/soil loss control
2. Adoption of contour farming and strip cropping practices on hill faces
3. Growing of vegetations on barren lands or by simply keeping the land under vegetations.
These measures are very effective to check the soil erosion, along with less cost expensive and
easily practicable for the farmers.
❖ The practices such as development of vegetative cover, plant cover, mulching, vegetative
hedges, grassland management, agro-forestry etc., are also included under this kind of
b. Structural measures: These include mechanical conservation measures such as bunding,
terracing, check dams etc., are used at the steep lands for controlling the soil loss, especially when
vegetative measures are ineffective.
❖ These measures are not so common as the vegetative measures because of involvement of
heavy expenditure of money.
❖ Similarly, the gully plugging structures like drop structures, spillways etc., used for gully
control; and farm ponds used for safe water storage in the farmland area, are also
considered as mechanical measures for land management.
❖ These structures offer their immediate effect on soil erosion/soil loss check, but very cost
expensive, requires proper site selection, design and construction. Because of this reason,
their construction is not possible by the farmers; the government normally executes it.
c. Production measures for land management include the practices such as mixed cropping, strip
cropping, cover cropping, crop rotations, cultivation of shrubs and herbs, contour cultivation,
conservation tillage, land leveling, use of improved variety seeds, horticultural practices etc.
❖ The objective of these measures is to enhance the production potential of the land either by
conserving the soil or enriching the nutrient status.
d. Protective measures are the landslide control structures, gully plugging structures, runoff
collection structures etc. Adoption of these measures depends very much on the land
e. Selection of crops and cropping systems to suit length of growing season
f. Optimum sowing time
g. Fertilizer schedules and balanced use of plant nutrients for crops and cropping systems
h. Weed management and package of practices for aberrant weather
i. Contingent cropping
12.3.4 Alternate land use systems: Alternate land use systems are discussed
Definition: A pattern of land use that is different from the existing or the conventional can be
described as an alternative land use system. The term alternate land use is applicable to all classes
of land to generate assured income with minimum risk through efficient use of available resources.
Agroforestry: Agroforestry may be defined as an integrated self sustained land management system,
which involves deliberate introduction/retention of woody components with agricultural crops
including pasture/livestock, simultaneously or sequentially on the same unit of land, meeting the
ecological and socio-economic needs of people. It is also defined as a collective name of land use
systems and technologies where woody perennials are deliberately used from the same land
management units as agricultural crops and/or animals in some form of special arrangement of
temporal sequence.
In agroforestry systems, there is both ecological and economic interaction between different
components. An agroforestry system is more acceptable than tree farming alone, since the
intercropped annuals regulate income when the trees are too young to yield beneficial produce.
The different agroforestry systems are:
1. Agri-silviculture
This alternate land use system combines perennial arboreal with annual arable crops. It integrate
crops and trees. Tree component gives fodder, fuel or timber, including green leaf manure. It is
ideal for class IV soils of drylands with annual rainfall around 750 mm.
Eg: Leucaena leucocephala + Sorghum
2. Silvi-pastoral system
This system is primarily meant for augmenting the scarce fodder supply. This system integrate
pasture and/or animals with trees (Fig.16.2).
Eg: Acacia + Cenchrus + Stylosanthus
3. Agri-silvi-pastoral system
This system integrate crop, pasture and/or animals with trees. Woody perennials, preferably of
fodder value, are introduced deliberately. Such systems can be used for food production and soil
conservation besides providing fodder and fuel.
4. Agri - horticultural system
It is one form of agroforestry in which the tree component is fruit tree. It is also called as food-
cum-fruit system in which short duration arable crops are raised in the interspaces of fruit trees.
Some of the fruit trees that can be considered are guava, pomegranate, custard apple, sapota and
mango. Pulses are the important arable crops for this system.
5. Horti - pastoral system
Horti-pastoral system is an agroforestry system involving integration of fruit trees with pasture.
Guava, custard apple and ber suits well in an horti pastural system with grasses like Cenchrus
ciliaris (anjan), Panicum antidotale (blue panic)
6. Alley cropping
Food crops are grown in alleys formed by hedge rows of trees or shrubs in arable lands. It is also
known as hedgerow intercropping or avenue cropping. It is recommended for humid tropics,
primarily as an alternative to shifting cultivation. In semiarid regions of India, alley cropping
provide fodder during dry period since mulching the crop with hedgerow pruning’s usually does
not contribute to increased crop production.
Advantages of alley cropping are: Provision of green fodder during lean period of the year •
Higher total biomass production per unit area than arable crops alone • Efficient use of off-season
precipitation in the absence of a crop • Additional employment during off-season • It serves as a
barrier to surface runoff leading to soil and water conservation.
7. Tree farming
Trees can flourish and yield abundantly where arable crops are not profitable. Farmers of drylands
are inclined to tree farming because of labour cost, scarcity at peak periods of farm operations and
frequent crop failure due to drought. A number of multipurpose tree systems (MPTS) have been
tested for their suitability and profitability under different situations.
8. Timber-cum-fibre system (TIMFIB)
It involves growing trees and perennial fibre crops together on the same piece of land. Subabul
intercropping with agave appears to be more remunerative at Bijapur area of Karnataka.
9. Ley farming
This system involves rotation of legume forages with cereals. A rotation system which includes
pasture (ley) for grazing and conservation is called alternate husbandry or mixed farming. It is a
low risk system for drylands. Inclusion of Stylosanthes hamata (legume fodder) in rotation
improved soil fertility besides increasing sorghum yield.
Land capability classification is grouping of soils into different classes according to their capability
for intensive use and treatments required for sustained use. It emphasizes the need for using the
land only for what it is suited best to realize optimum returns, without land degradation. Land
capability classification system developed by USDA is useful for Agriculture. Eight land
capability classes are recognized and designated by Roman numericals from I to VIII. The Roman
numericals indicates increasing limitations and fewer choices for practical field crop use.
Land capability classes from I to IV are suitable for arable crop production
Land capability classes from V to VIII are suitable for alternate land use systems
CLASS I: This group of soils has few limitations on their use. They are deep (> 90cm), well
drained and nearly levelled. They are suitable for intensive cultivation. This group of soils is
represented by light green colour in land use maps
CLASS II: Soils have moderate limitations such as gentle slope, moderate erosion problem,
inadequate depth (22.5–45cm), slight salinity and alkalinity and relatively restricted drainage. Less
intensive cropping systems must be followed. They are represented by yellow colour in land use
CLASS III: Soils have moderate to severe limitations. The soil erosion, shallow water
permeability, low moisture retentively, moderate salinity and low fertility are the limitations for
their use. Soils can be used for crop production with special conservation practices like terracing.
Smothering crops such as legumes are more ideal than row crops. They are represented by red
colour in land capability maps.
CLASS IV: These soils will have very severe limitations that reduce the choice of crops. These
lands should be used for close growing crops or grasses with special soil conservation practices.
CLASS V: These soils generally not suitable for grain crops due to limitations such as rocky
soil, faded areas with no drainage facilities. Pastures can be improved on this class of land.
CLASS VI: These soils are suitable for growing grasses and forest trees. Limitations are same
as those for class V but they are more rigid. Their use may be restricted to woodland or wild life.
CLASS VII: These have severe limitations even for growing grass and forest trees. They are
steep soils of extremely shallow depth, used for woodlands and wild life.
CLASS VIII: Not suitable for forest trees and grasslands as they are steep, rough stony
mountains. Land use is restricted to recreation, watersheds and wild life etc.,
Lecture 13
1. Size of watershed determines the quantity of rainfall received, retained and disposed off
(runoff). A small watershed is pronounced by overland flow which is main contributor to
result in peak flow.
2. While a large watershed has no overland flow significantly, but channel flow is the main
characteristic. Large watersheds are also affected by basin storage.
3. Watershed size interacts with the extent of land use changes, as well as factors that affect
weather and climate.
4. In smaller watersheds, the predominant interaction is between weather scale runoff-causing
events storm whereas, in larger watersheds, the predominant interaction is between
climate-scale runoff-causing events. While large-scale events or land use changes may
impact small watersheds
13.1.2 Shape
1. Common watershed is square, rectangular, oval, fern leaf shaped, polygon-shaped, circular
or triangular type and long or narrow.
2. Larger the watershed, higher is the time of concentration of runoff
3. So more water will infiltrate and utilized by the vegetation.
4. Shape of the land is determined by geology and weather.
5. It greatly influences drainage patterns.
6. Density of streams and the shape of a watershed in turn, affect the rate of overland runoff
relative to infiltration.
7. A circular watershed would result in runoff from various parts of the watershed reaching
the outlet at the same time.
8. An elliptical (oval) watershed having the outlet at one end of the major axis and having
the same area as the circular watershed would cause the runoff to be spread out over time.
Thus, produces a smaller flood peak than that of the circular watershed
13.1.3 Topography
• Topographic configuration such as slope, length, degree and uniformity of slope affect both
disposal of water and soil loss.
• Time of concentration and infiltration of water are a function of these.
13.1.5 Soil
1. Physical properties of soil, specially texture, structure and soil depth influence disposition
of water by way of infiltration, storage and runoff.
2. Soil types influence the rate of water movement (lateral and vertical)
3. Finely grained soils, such as clays, have very small spaces between soil particles inhibiting
infiltration and thus promoting greater surface runoff.
4. Coarse textured soils, such as sands, have larger pore spaces allowing for greater rates of
infiltration and reduced runoff.
5. Surface roughness, soil characteristics such as texture, soil structure and soil moisture affect
the runoff in various ways.
6. Generally soils with a significant portion of small particles have low infiltration capacity,
whereas sandy soils have high infiltration capacity.
• The watershed length is measured along the principal flow path from the watershed outlet
to the basin boundary.
• As channel does not extend up to the basin boundary, So it requires to extend a line from
the end of the channel to the basin boundary.
1. Precipitation
2. Amount and intensity of rainfall
• The amount of rainfall and these parameters along with temperature, humidity, wind
velocity, etc. regulates factors like soil and vegetation.
• Soil properties reflect the climate of the region.
• In the same way, the vegetation type of a region depends totally on the climate type.
Type of vegetation regulates the functioning of watershed;
By giving priority to the local people – a good step in itself –where more people are making