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Ankle Nerve Block

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Original Paper

Med Princ Pract Received: January 2, 2018

Accepted: March 12, 2018
DOI: 10.1159/000488321 Published online: March 12, 2018

Ankle Nerve Block Adjuvant to General

Anesthesia Reduces Postsurgical Pain and
Improves Functional Outcomes in Hallux
Valgus Surgery

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Mustafa C. Kir a Gulay Kir b
a Department
of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey;
b Department
of Anaesthesia and Resuscitation, Gaziosmanpaşa Taksim Ilkyardim Training and Research Hospital,
Istanbul, Turkey

Significance of the Study

• This study showed that ankle nerve block adjuvant to general anesthesia reduced postoperative pain
and improved foot function after hallux valgus surgery during a 1-year period. If there is no allergy to
the anesthetic or contraindication in patients who undergo hallux valgus surgery, ankle nerve block
should be added to general anesthesia for providing better pain control and foot function.

Keywords can Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Score (AOFAS), and length of
Ankle nerve block · General anesthesia · Hallux valgus · hospital stay were recorded. Independent variables were
Postoperative pain · Foot function analyzed by t test. Nonparametric data were analyzed by the
Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Patient age, demographics,
and body mass indices were similar between the 2 groups.
Abstract The average length of hospital stay was significantly longer
Objective: Postoperative pain is a frequent problem after or- in group A (p < 0.01). Group B had a longer time to first anal-
thopedic procedures like hallux valgus surgery. The aim of gesic need than group A (p < 0.01). Patients in group B re-
this study was to evaluate whether ankle block improves ear- quired less analgesic during the postoperative period. Pre-
ly and mid-term functional outcomes and postoperative operative VAS and AOFAS scores were not statistically dif-
pain management after hallux valgus surgery in patients re- ferent between the 2 groups. The postoperative day 1 VAS
ceiving general anesthesia. Subjects and Methods: This ran- score was significantly lower in group B than in group A. Fol-
domized controlled trial investigated 60 patients who un- low-up visits at 3, 6, and 12 months showed significantly low-
derwent hallux valgus surgery under general anesthesia. Pa- er VAS and higher AOFAS scores in group B than group A.
tients were prospectively randomized into 2 groups: general Conclusion: Ankle block added to general anesthesia may
anesthesia only (group A) and ankle block added to general improve early and mid-term postoperative functional out-
anesthesia (group B). Age, body-mass index, tourniquet comes and postoperative pain management in patients who
time, duration of surgery, first analgesic need time, periop- undergo hallux valgus surgery. © 2018 The Author(s)
erative analgesic regimen, visual analog scale (VAS), Ameri- Published by S. Karger AG, Basel

© 2018 The Author(s) Mustafa Caglar Kir

Published by S. Karger AG, Basel Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital
E-Mail [email protected] This is an Open Access article licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0 International License (CC BY-NC) Darulaceze Caddesi 25 Sisli, TR–34382 Istanbul (Turkey)
www.karger.com/mpp E-Mail drcaglarkir @ gmail.com
(http://www.karger.com/Services/OpenAccessLicense), applicable to
the online version of the article only. Usage and distribution for
commercial purposes requires written permission.

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Postoperative pain is frequently encountered after or-
thopedic practice. Acute pain after surgery may be due to
the existing disease or the surgical intervention itself, or
a combination of them [1]. Inadequate treatment of acute
pain is a critical risk factor for the development of chron-
ic pain. Persistent pain is suggested to have the potential
of influencing procedure-related functional outcomes
Although ankle block usually provides sufficient anes-
thesia for forefoot surgery, it might be unsatisfactory in
cases where tourniquet is applied or may lead to some
problems related to limited patient adaptation [2]. Gen-
eral anesthesia is still in widespread use and is the pre-

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ferred method for foot procedures in many countries [2].
Ankle block is often applied as an adjuvant to general an-
esthesia to establish postoperative analgesia in these cases
[3]. The advantages of ankle block include the capability Fig. 1. Local anesthetic application to the posterior tibial nerve
of controlling acute surgical pain, quicker patient ambu- (PTN). MM, medial malleol; AT, achilles tendon.
lation, and absence of adverse effects related to opioids or
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [4]. In addition, it
was reported to provide superior postoperative analgesia
compared to opioids [5]. B (n = 30) received general anesthesia plus ankle block. All subjects
Hallux valgus is a relatively common forefoot disease underwent a standard general anesthesia procedure consisting of
in clinical practice [6]. Cases that are refractory to conser- inhalation anesthesia (N2O/sevoflurane) via a laryngeal mask fol-
vative therapy, painful, and of intermediate/advanced lowing induction with propofol 2–3 mg/kg, fentanyl 2–5 µg/kg,
midazolam 0.2 mg/kg, and rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg [9]. Long-acting
severity are treated by surgery [7]. The aim of our study opioid analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were
was to prospectively investigate the early and mid-term not used in either group. Ankle tourniquet was performed at the
effects of ankle block performed along with general anes- malleolar level by applying a pressure that was 100 mm Hg higher
thesia on postoperative pain and functional foot out- than the systolic blood pressure [2]. In group B, 5 mL bupivacaine
comes in hallux valgus surgery. 0.5% was administered to each anatomic landmark after general
anesthesia and tourniquet. Figure 1 depicts the posterior tibial
nerve, at the medial malleolar level and posterior to pulsation of the
posterior tibial artery. Figure 2 shows the superficial peroneal
Materials and Methods nerve, lateral to the extensor digitorum longus at the junction of the
4th phalanx and ankle joint. The photograph in Figure 3 shows the
A prospective comparative study including 65 patients with dorsomedial part of the superficial peroneal nerve, dorsolateral to
randomized allocation was conducted between September 2013 the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint eminence at the lateral of the ex-
and August 2015 following ethics committee approval. Power tensor digitorum longus. The deep peroneal nerve is 2 cm lateral to
analysis was conducted with a power analysis and sample size soft- the dorsalis pedis artery or extensor hallucis longus or intermalleo-
ware package (NCSS, Kaysville, UT, USA), using simulation under lar line. Finally, the saphenous nerve is 1 cm anterior to the medial
Poisson distributions with the Mann-Whitney U test, and a target malleolus (Fig. 4) [9]. All subjects underwent distal metatarsal os-
≥0.05. The inclusion criteria consisted of ages 18–60 years, an teotomy and a modified McBride procedure conducted by the same
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score of I–II, no pe- orthopedic surgeon. Local anesthetic infiltration was not per-
ripheral neuropathy or allergy to local anesthetics, and no history formed before or after incision in any of the patients.
of foot procedures. Five subjects with known allergy or intolerance The standard postoperative analgesia consisted of paracetamol
to local anesthetics, who had diabetic or peripheral neuropathy or 15 mg/kg i.v. 4 times a day. In case of severe pain (VAS >3), intra-
rheumatologic disorders, who had developed malunion, infection, venous tramadol 2 mg/kg was added to the analgesic regimen. Age,
or surgical technique-related complications, and who did not have body mass index, ASA score, tourniquet time (TT), first analgesic
regular follow-up data were excluded from the study. Informed need time (FANT), duration of surgery (DOS; knife to skin to
consent was obtained for the procedure and follow-up. closed wound), and length of hospital stay were recorded.
The patients were divided into 2 groups: patients in group A Visual analog scale (VAS) and American Orthopedic Foot and
(n = 30) received general anesthesia alone, while patients in group Ankle Score (AOFAS) were used to assess the pain and foot func-

2 Med Princ Pract Kir/Kir

DOI: 10.1159/000488321
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Fig. 2. Injection of local anesthetic to the Fig. 3. Injection of local anesthetic to the Fig. 4. Saphenous nerve anterior to the me-
superficial peroneal nerve. deep peroneal nerve (DPN). EHL, extensor dial malleolus.
hallucis longus; LM, lateral malleolus.

tional status of the patients. VAS is a 10-point scale which is used Table 1. Age, BMI, LOS, ASA, TOD, and TT of patients
to evaluate pain in a quantitative manner, where 0 denotes no pain
and 10 denotes severe pain. AOFAS is a 100-point scoring system Group A (GA) Group B (GA + block) p
that assesses 3 different parts of the foot – the hindfoot, the mid-
foot, and forefoot. It is used to assess pain, function, and alignment mean SD mean SD
of patients undergoing forefoot surgery [8]. VAS and AOFAS were
recorded at 3, 6, and 12 months during clinical visits. Age, years 44.7 9.48 47.6 6.48 0.172
BMI 26.36 3.46 24.96 3.87 0.146
Statistics LOS, days 2.43 0.67 1.3 0.46 0.01
After the distribution of data was assessed by the Kolmogorov- ASA score 1.30 0.46 1.30 0.46 1.00
Smirnov test, independent variables were analyzed by the t test. DOS, min 48.76 6.61 48.86 7.38 0.956
Nonparametric data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U TT, min 52.26 6.48 60.76 7.87 0.001
test. Statistical significance was accepted at p < 0.05.
GA, general anesthesia; LOS, length of hospital stay; ASA,
American Society of Anesthesiologists; DOS, duration of surgery;
TT, tourniquet time.

There were no significant differences between the 2

groups in terms of patient age, demographic data, and group B was significantly shorter than in group A (p <
body mass index (Table 1). Thirty-five subjects were op- 0.01). We found transient nerve paralysis in 1 case in each
erated on the right foot, and 25 cases on the left foot. TT group, one at the medial margin of the foot and the other
was found to be significantly longer in the general anes- at the dorsum of the foot, which resolved spontaneously
thesia + block group (p < 0.01). The time to first need for in 3 weeks without medical treatment. Preoperative VAS
postoperative analgesic was significantly longer in the and AOFAS scores were not statistically different be-
general anesthesia + block group than in the general an- tween the groups. The postoperative day 1 VAS score was
esthesia group (678.46 ± 92.32 vs. 64.33 ± 17.17 min, p < significantly lower in the general anesthesia + ankle block
0.01). DOS was not significantly different between the group than in the general anesthesia group (2.96 ± 0.71
groups (p = 0.956). The average length of hospital stay in vs. 1.3 ± 0.65, p < 0.01). Follow-up visits at 3, 6, and 12

Outcomes of Ankle Nerve Block after Med Princ Pract 3

Hallux Valgus Surgery DOI: 10.1159/000488321
Table 2. VAS of patients difference was detected between the groups. In the cur-
rent study, preemptive local anesthesia was not per-
Group A Group B p formed after general anesthesia. The aim was only to as-
mean SD mean SD sess the efficacy of ankle block as an adjuvant to general
anesthesia. Turan et al. [15] found that the ankle block
Preoperative 6.6 0.81 6.1 1.28 0.097
group had markedly lower 24-h VAS scores. Paracetamol
Early postoperative 2.97 0.71 1.30 0.65 0.001
3rd month 1.53 0.51 0.60 0.49 0.001 and tramadol were used for the postoperative analgesic
6th month 0.63 0.61 0.30 0.47 0.021 regimen. Different results between the 2 studies might be
12th month 0.40 0.62 0.13 0.34 0.045 attributed to preemptive lidocaine administration before
the incision or the use of different postprocedural analge-
VAS, visual analog scale.
sic regimens.
Ankle block application after the inflation of tourni-
quet is suggested to provide better pain control than ap-
Table 3. AOFAS of patients plication before inflation [4]. On the other hand, a pro-
longed TT may increase the risk of tourniquet paresis,

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Group A Group B p which ranges from mild transient loss of function to per-
mean SD mean SD manent nerve injury [16]. While permanent nerve paral-
ysis is estimated to be a rare complication, transient in-
Preoperative 53.53 5.47 55.80 4.84 0.093 jury is more frequent. The transient nerve injury rate is
3rd month 76.67 3.43 86.80 3.74 0.001
6th month 87.60 2.40 89.73 2.80 0.002 reported to be between 3 and 4.9% in the literature [4, 16].
12th month 89.96 2.63 92.47 2.87 0.001 In the current study, TT was found to be significantly lon-
ger in group B than in group A (p < 0.05). Additionally,
AOFAS, American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Score. we found transient nerve paralysis in 1 case in each group
(n = 2, 3.3%), 1 at the medial margin of the foot and the
other at the dorsum of the foot in accordance with other
studies. These signs were completely resolved in the third
months showed significantly diminished VAS and in- week with no need for medical treatment. The equal
creased AOFAS scores in the general anesthesia + block number of transient paralysis in each group might be due
group than in the general anesthesia group (VAS scores; to the tourniquet itself rather than the block. Therefore,
p = 0.001, p = 0.021, p = 0.045, and AOFAS scores; p = ankle block after tourniquet application seems to be a safe
0.001, p = 0.002, p = 0.001, respectively; Table 2, 3). technique, although this needs to be confirmed in large
clinical studies.
FANT was also evaluated in our study; this was found
Discussion to be dramatically prolonged in patients who received ad-
ditional ankle block compared to those undergoing gen-
The principal finding in this study was that ankle block eral anesthesia alone. Urfalioglu et al. [17] compared spi-
added to general anesthesia seems to reduce chronic post- nal anesthesia and ankle block in patients undergoing
surgical pain (CPSP) and enhance foot function both in foot surgery, and reported that ankle nerve block signifi-
early and 1-year postoperative periods. Studies in the lit- cantly increased the time to first analgesic need and
erature report that ankle block is effective in early post- showed a more prolonged effect which is consistent with
operative pain control, allows early mobilization, and the current study.
prevents adverse effects secondary to oral analgesic use The mean length of hospital stay has been reported as
[10–14]. In their prospective study of 71 cases, Russell et 1–4 days in hallux valgus procedures [18, 19]. The length
al. [2] reported that ankle block markedly decreased the of stay in our study was in accordance with the literature.
postoperative 24-h VAS score and that it is a safe method. When the groups were compared in terms of hospital
On the contrary, Turan et al. [15] performed preincision- stay, ankle block was detected to statistically decrease the
al local lidocaine with general anesthesia in 90 cases and length of hospital stay (p < 0.01).
found no effect of adjuvant ankle block on acute surgical Acute postoperative pain was reported to occur in
pain. In their study, etoricoxib and paracetamol were ad- nearly three quarters of surgical patients, 80% of whom
ministered as the standard analgesic treatment, and no had an intermediate or severe level of pain [21, 22]. The

4 Med Princ Pract Kir/Kir

DOI: 10.1159/000488321
possibility of postoperative acute pain to become chron- while walking, which were also stated to be similar to
ic is 10–50%, depending also on the type of the proce- those in serious orthopedic procedures such as knee or
dure [23]. Inadequate treatment of acute postoperative hip arthroplasty.
pain, iatrogenic peripheral nerve injury, central neuro- The limitations of this study include the fact that this
nal sensitization, and genetic susceptibility may lead to was a single-center study, had a small sample size, and the
chronic postoperative pain [22]. CPSP is defined as lack of a group of patients receiving ankle block alone.
postoperative pain occurring in the absence of local Other limitations include the lack of a group consisting
complications and persisting for more than 2 months. of local analgesia added to general anesthesia control
Acute postoperative pain management and avoiding groups, and the lack of measurement of perioperative he-
perioperative nerve damage is suggested to reduce CPSP modynamic parameters.
as the intensity of acute postoperative pain correlates
with the risk of chronic pain development [1]. Ankle
nerve block inhibits the acute pain signaling intensity Conclusion
from the surgical site to the spinal cord and decreases
the sensitization of the central nervous system [24]. Re- Ankle nerve block added to general anesthesia seems

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mérand et al. [25] assessed 1-year CPSP after foot sur- to reduce chronic and acute postsurgical pain. Postopera-
gery and reported an intermediate-advanced level of tive pain control with ankle block also provides better
pain in 21% of patients during rest and 43% of patients foot function after hallux valgus surgery.

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Hallux Valgus Surgery DOI: 10.1159/000488321

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