Component - I Role Name Affiliation: Paper 6 - Module 37 - Production of Single Cell Protein
Component - I Role Name Affiliation: Paper 6 - Module 37 - Production of Single Cell Protein
Component - I Role Name Affiliation: Paper 6 - Module 37 - Production of Single Cell Protein
Component – I
6.37.1 Introduction
This module deals with the single cell proteins, its production and importance.
Through this module the learner will be exposed to technologies and methods followed in
SCP production, thereby insisting the importance of SCP.
Many countries in the world are facing malnutrition by means of protein deficiency in
human and animal food. It is vital to produce protein in large quantities in all available
methods. The increasing demand forced the producers to look into non-conventional protein
sources. Single Cell Protein (SCP) refers to sources of mixed protein extracted from pure or
mixed cultures of algae, yeasts, fungi or bacteria that are grown from agricultural wastes. The
microbial biomass contains about 45 to 55 % protein on an average. In some bacteria, the
protein content is as high as 80%. Along with protein, the biomass also contains other
essential nutrients so that it is an ideal supplement to conventional food supply.
6.37.2 Objectives
6.37.3 Overview
This module is formulated to give an insight about the importance of SCP in Food
biotechnology. The production technologies and methods along with the advantages and
disadvantages of SCPs are presented for better explanation. The student will be able to
understand the potentials of SCPs through the proposed module.
SCPs are produced, when the waste materials including wood, straw, cannery and
food processing wastes, hydrocarbons, residues from alcohol production, human and animal
Paper 6 – Module 37 – Production of Single Cell Protein [Year]
excreta are subjected to fermentation by microbes. SCPs are found in very low concentrations
and thus extracting SCPs from the waste remains a challenge. Precipitation, centrifugation,
floatation, coagulation and the use of use of semi-permeable membrane are the alternate ways
developed by the engineers to increase the SCP yield.
The criteria used in choosing appropriate strains for SCP production includes,
substrate must be used as carbon and nitrogen source with high specific growth rates and
productivity. It should be able to show tolerance towards pH and temperature, non-
pathogenicity and absence of toxins. The microorganism must be easily available for
harvesting with high protein yield.
A variety of bacteria, mould, yeast and algae are being employed in SCP production are listed
The usage of microorganisms for the production of SCP has both advantages and
(a) Bacteria: They are generally high in protein and possess faster growth rate. The
disadvantages include the small size of bacterial cells and low density which affects
Paper 6 – Module 37 – Production of Single Cell Protein [Year]
harvesting of biomass from fermented medium, which ultimately increases the cost of
operation. The nucleic acid content is quite high in bacteria which have the tendency
to increase uric acid level in human blood upon consumption.
(b) Yeast: The larger size of yeast facilitates easier harvesting of the product. The lower
nucleic acid content, high lysine content and ability to grow in acid pH are the added
benefits of yeast. Despite this, yeast has lower growth rate, low protein content and
low methionine content, when compared to bacteria.
(c) Fungi: Filamentous fungi are easy to harvest, but they have low productivity, because
of their lower growth rate and low protein content.
(d) Algae: They bear cellulosic cell walls in it that are hard to digest by human beings.
There are also chances of concentrations of heavy metals in the product, when algae
are used in the medium.
(a) Sulphite waste liquor – Candida utilis biomass has been produced as a protein
supplement by fermentation of sulphite waste liquor.
(b) Cellulose – cellulose from wood waste and natural sources are the starting material
for SCP production
(c) Whey
(d) Glucose
The carbon source present in the medium must be able to cultivate heterotrophic
organisms. Examples of those carbon sources includes fossil carbon like n-alkanes, gaseous
hydrocarbon, methanol, ethanol, renewable sources like carbon dioxide molasses,
polysaccharides, distilleries, confectionaries and canning industries. Solid substrates like salts
of potassium, manganese, zinc, iron and ammonia are also included in the medium to
facilitate cultivation of many microorganisms.
Microbial cells are produced (a) as a source of protein for animal or human food or (b) for
use as a commercial inoculum in fermentation of food, agriculture products and in waste
water treatment. SCPs are produced generally by two types of fermentation.
· Submerged fermentation
· Semisolid state fermentation
Paper 6 – Module 37 – Production of Single Cell Protein [Year]
The process of SCP production involves some engineering operations likely stirring,
mixing of multiphase system, heat transfer from liquid phase to surroundings and transport of
oxygen. The flowchart for SCP production is shown below
One of the important operations in the SCP production is aeration. Generally heat is
generated in the cultivation process and that should be subsequently removed by a cooling
device. If heat is generated in higher rate without proper removal, it is more likely to affect
the survival of the microorganism inside the fermentor. Harvesting the produced microbial
biomass involves major considerations. Single cell organisms are usually recovered by the
process of centrifugation (Example: yeast and bacteria). Filtration with appropriate
membrane is used, when the biomass contains mostly filamentous fungi. Major portion of the
Paper 6 – Module 37 – Production of Single Cell Protein [Year]
water content from the media should be removed in early stages as much as possible. The
final drying of the product must be carried out only under clean and hygienic conditions.
Manufacture process used by the British Petroleum Industry for SCP from hydrocarbons is
shown below :
The estimated yield of 250 tons of protein in 24 hours is achieved by using 100 lbs of
yeast. A 1000 lbs steer can synthesize only 1 lb of protein in 24 hrs after consuming 12 to 20
lbs of plant proteins. Algae that are grown in small ponds can produce upto 20 tons of
protein. The obtained yield is 10 to 15 times higher than soybean and 25 to 50 times higher
than corn. The below table shows the yield of protein when specific microorganisms are used
with their appropriate substrates.
Initially, British Petroleum entered SCP production, reasoning it as production of low cost
and high value SCP from petroleum for preparation of protein additive to animal feed. The
main consideration was to remove imported protein additives such as soya bean meal. In
1973, the dramatic increase in oil price and decrease in price of agricultural products such as
Paper 6 – Module 37 – Production of Single Cell Protein [Year]
soya bean caused a major impact in SCP production. When oil prices increased in 1973, and
the cost of substrate for SCP production reaches 40 – 60% of total manufacturing cost, the
negative impact on hydrocarbon based SCP occurred. Agricultural crops are the major
competitor to SCP for production of animal feed and those crops respond to market forces
and maintained price stability. If SCP is to be used successfully, it should be up to four main
As compared with traditional methods of producing proteins for feed or human foods, large
scale production of the microbial biomass includes the following advantages:
To estimate the nutritional value of SCP, factors such as nutrient composition, amino
acid profile, vitamin and nucleic acid content, allergies and gastrointestinal effects should be
considered. SCPs are good source of vitamins, particularly B-complex, with modest amino
acid composition furnished with thiamine, riboflavin, glutathione and folic acid. Yeast SCPs
are playing a greater role in synthesizing aquaculture diets. Yeast strains with probiotic
properties boost larval survival by colonizing the gut of fish larvae. The amino acid
composition of SCP synthesized from Candida utilis is given below
The average composition of some main groups of microorganisms are listed below
Apart from the nutritional benefits, waste materials are used as substrate in SCP
production and hence reduce environmental pollution.
Some microorganisms are capable of producing toxins and periodic quality checks
must be performed to ensure that biomass product does not contain such particles in it. For
some humans, microorganisms that are consumed causes indigestion and allergenic reactions.
The high nucleic acid content is also undesirable. The need of high operating cost and
Paper 6 – Module 37 – Production of Single Cell Protein [Year]
6.37.10 Conclusion
This module focuses on single cell protein production and its importance. SCPs with
rich protein (60-70%) with high concentration of vitamins B complex and low fat values suit
them as a good for human and animal consumption. The use of SCP as food ingredient is still
in stages of development. There are a lot of prospects concerning improvement of using SCP
in various means. Genetic engineering could enhance the synthesis of SCP with huge yield
with no toxic by-products produced with the SCP. The application of agro-industrial waste in
bioprocesses such as cultivation of SCP provides a solution to the pollution problems. Further
research and development will facilitate the usage of SCP as a supplement in diet in
developing and underdeveloped countries to fight against malnutrition.