TG ESKILLS3 Module1 - EN

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Teacher’s guide

eSkills 3
Module 1 My devices
Task 1 Store

Teacher Class Date

Overview storage devices but not necessarily how to

Recognizing all types of storage devices, not only connect them. You must show them which
by name, but also by which device to use on what ports these devices connect to, not only on
occasion. computers, but on smart phones, tablets, etc.
as well.
Objectives 5. How to connect/insert and disconnect a
• To recognize the different types of external device
storage devices. Most students don’t know how to properly
• To learn about some of their characteristics, such disconnect a USB stick or memory card. They
as their capacity and size. simply unplug them from the USB port. Another
common mistake is, when students insert a
Skills CD-DVD into the computer and push the CD-
• To describe the characteristics of each storage DVD drive by hand so as to close it. They should
device. always use the proper button.
• To connect and disconnect storage devices. To disconnect from the USB port:
1. Click or right-click the icon at the bottom
What is needed right-hand corner of your desktop.
Prerequisites 2. Click Eject USB Drive
Before the lesson starts, print the file “ES.3.1.1_
Labels.docx” in order to hand it out with the
• eSkills 3 Student’s Book
• ES.3.1.1_Worksheet_1.docx
• ES.3.1.1_Worksheet_2.docx
• ES.3.1.1_Worksheet_3.docx
• ES.3.1.1_Worksheet_4.docx
• ES.3.1.1_Evaluation_Sheet.docx
• ES.3.1.1_Labels
Tools & Equipment
• External storage devices (Disk Drive, CD/DVD,
USB flash memory, Memory card).
• Scissors, glue, pencil

Learning difficulties
1. Difference between CDs - DVDs
Sometimes students don’t understand the
difference between a CD and a DVD. They have
trouble understanding when to use each one.
2. Difference between external and internal
Hard Disks
Students can’t tell the difference between an Lesson Description
external and internal Hard Disk. They may 1. Introduction
understand that one is inside a computer but Introduce the topic of the lesson which is the
they usually don’t know that an internal and an purpose of storage devices.
external hard disk is the same machine but with a • First you can ask students a series of questions,
different cover. such as:
3. Store and transfer data o What do you think data is?
Students must understand that storage devices o Where is data stored?
are not only used for storing data but also for o Apart from computers, where can we save
transferring it. To show this, you can provide data?
some examples and then ask students to give o How can we transfer data?
their own examples. • Storage devices are mainly used to store files and
4. Connecting a storage device folders and to transfer them from one device
Students may know the characteristics of to another. Justify their usage by asking what

eSkills 3 / MODULE 1 / TASK 1 -3- Copyright © 2017 Binary Logic SA

difficulties they would face in the absence of docx”. Students have to sort the storage devices
such devices. by storage capacity. Ask them to write the name
• Ask them questions such as: of each device from smallest to largest inside the
o In your everyday life you probably use storage circles. Encourage them to ask you if they need
devices in order to save or transfer data. help. Also, they can use their Student’s Book,
> Can you name any of them? Module 1, Task 1 (Store) as a guide.
> Which of them do you have in your home? 3. Completion - Evaluation
> Which of them do you have in your school? • Collect all worksheets and file them in the class
• Show them some storage devices (such as a Disk, folder.
a CD, a DVD, a USB flash memory, a Memory card) • Hand out an Evaluation Sheet to every student
• When you present the CD/DVD, explain that they and ask them to complete it.
are similar and cannot be easily distinguished • Collect them and see if they understood all the
before they read the specifications. objectives that we had for this lesson.
• Emphasize that the only difference is capacity. • Check which part of the lesson students didn’t
DVDs store much more data than CDs. In order completely understand and make any changes
for students to understand this, provide an required in the teaching process.
example: On a CD you can store about twenty
songs, but you can store hundreds on a DVD. Notes
On a DVD you can also store movies and large
programs, but not on a CD.
• When presenting the storage devices that
connect via USB, you must mention that it’s
important to properly disconnect these devices,
both to protect them and to protect the
computer. Show them how to safely remove an
external device using the safe mode on the right-
hand side of the task bar.
• Present the devices and their specifications
one by one. At the same time ask if anyone has
used one of them before. Hand out the storage
devices to students in order for them to touch
and examine them. Point out again that we not
only use them for storage but for transferring as
well. Provide some examples of how to use them
but keep asking students to participate in the
discussion by providing their own examples.
You can also point out the difference in cost.
2. Development – Implementation
Hand out the “ES.3.1.1_Worksheet_1.docx”,and the
printed pages of the ES.3.1.1_Labels.docx file.Ask
students to cut and glue the given devices from
Group A in the right place. Encourage discussion
and the exchange of ideas. Some may have used
them before and can help others.
Point out again that we not only use them for
storage but for transferring as well. Provide some
more examples of how to use them but keep
asking students to participate in the discussion by
providing their own examples.
• Then, hand out the “ES.3.1.1_Worksheet_2.docx”.
Ask students to cut and glue the given devices
from Group B in the right place. Point out that
in this case the devices are used to transfer
data to the computer. We are interested in the
connectivity and not the device itself.
• Ηand out the “ES.3.1.1_Worksheet_3.docx”.
Students have to use a pencil in order to circle
the devices needed for each occasion. Ask them
to provide their own examples of cases when we
need each storage device. Note that there may
be more than one answer.
• Finally, Ηand out the “ES.3.1.1_Worksheet_4.

eSkills 3 / MODULE 1 / TASK 1 -4- Copyright © 2017 Binary Logic SA

eSkills 3
Module 1 My devices
Task 2 Print

Teacher Class Date

Overview Form groups of 4. Try to make these groups equal

The general purpose of this lesson is for students in knowledge in order to evaluate their effort easily.
to be able to recognize the different types and 2. Explorations – Implementation
characteristics of printers. • Hand out the “ES.3.1.2_Worksheet_1.docx”. Ask
students to match the columns. Encourage
Objectives discussion and the exchange of opinions. Let
To learn which printing devices exist. them decide what the name of each printer is.
• When students done the activity, show them an
Skills Inkjet printer. Show them where the paper and
To understand what kind of printers there are and ink is placed and where the On button is. At this
what purpose they are used for. point, show them how to connect the printer to
the power grid and to the central unit. If time
What is needed is enough you can print an image in order for
Resources students to see how the printer works.
• eSkills 3 Student’s Book • Then hand out the “ES.3.1.2_Worksheet_2.
• ES.3.1.2_Worksheet_1.docx docx”and ask students to do the activity. They
• ES.3.1.2_Worksheet_2.docx can use the Student’s Book, Module 1, Task 2
• ES.3.1.2_Worksheet_3.docx (Print) as a guide.
• ES.3.1.2_Worksheet_4.docx • After they complete the activity hand out the
• ES.3.1.2_Evaluation_Sheet.docx “ES.3.1.2_Worksheet_3.docx”.Before starting the
• ES.3.1.2_PrintersAround.pptx activity show students all types of printers using
Tools & Equipment a projector and the file “ES.3.1.2_PrintersAround.
• An Inkjet printer. pptx”. Explain how each printer works and point
• A projector. out their characteristics.
• Then, hand out the “ES.3.1.2_Worksheet_4.
Learning difficulties docx”and ask them to answer the questions.
1. Printing Quality Now students can return to the previous activities
Sometimes students can’t understand the difference and correct any mistakes. Encourage discussion
between different printing options. among students for exchanging ideas or they can
2. Printing speed ask for your help if necessary.
Students must understand the importance of 3. Completion - Evaluation
printing speed and how it can affect quality. • Collect all worksheets and file them in the class
Lesson Description • Hand out an Evaluation Sheet to every student
1. Introduction and ask them to complete it.
Introduce the purpose of the lesson to motivate • Collect them and see if they understood all the
student interest in the various printer types. objectives that we had for this lesson.
Students are going to learn what type of printers • Check which part of the lesson students didn’t
they use or see in their everyday lives. completely understand and make any changes
Say a few words about the characteristics of each required in the teaching process.
printer and what we can print with them. For
example, explain to them why photos have to be
printed in higher quality than text documents, Notes
or that one of the specifications of printers is
how many pages a printer can print per minute.
Depending on the model and type of the printer
the printing speed is different.
Explain to students that a printer is a peripheral
device and not a main part of a computer. A
computer can function without a printer. At this
point you can tell them again what a peripheral and
output device is.
Finally, show them how to properly connect a
printer to your computer. Note that most printers
are connected through a USB port.

eSkills 3 / MODULE 1 / TASK 2 -5- Copyright © 2017 Binary Logic SA

eSkills 3 / MODULE 1 / TASK 2 -6- Copyright © 2017 Binary Logic SA
eSkills 3
Module 1 My devices
Task 3 Capture

Teacher Class Date

Overview Lesson Description

The general purpose of this lesson is for the 1. Introduction
students to be able to recognize by name various Introduce the purpose of the lesson motivating
capture devices, their characteristics as well as when student interest with a series of questions:
to use each one. • Who has a digital camera?
• Who has a video camera?
Objectives • What do you do with these devices?
• To understand what it means to capture what • Why do we use the microphone?
you can see or hear. • Why do we use the Web camera?
• To identify the devices that can be used for Before you start, separate them into groups.
capturing. 2. Development
• To understand what each device can record. • First mention that everyone will see these devices
• To learn which devices can transfer sound or/and up close. .
video clips in real time. • Then hand out the capture devices to the
• To identify that the output of a capture device students. Make sure that all students of each
is the data that you can save, transfer, send group will hold the four devices in their hands
or edit, and how you can transfer them to the for a while. Ask the students to notice the
computer. characteristics of each device and afterwards
discuss them with their group members.
Skills • Present the capture devices one by one and
How you can capture your voice, your image or a make a small description. Don’t forget to hold
video clip and put it in your computer. the device that makes the presentation.
3. Implementation
What is needed • Hand out the “ES.3.1.3_Worksheet_1.docx”. Ask
Resources students to do the activity. Students have to
• eSkills 3 Student’s Book. match each capture device with its name. This
• ES.3.1.3_Worksheet_1.docx way they will learn the proper names of devices
• ES.3.1.3_Worksheet_2.docx that they see.
• ES.3.1.3_Worksheet_3.docx • Then, hand out the “ES.3.1.3_Worksheet_2.docx”
• ES.3.1.3_Worksheet_4.docx and ask students to do the activity. Also, they
• ES.3.1.3_Evaluation_Sheet.docx have to answer two questions at the end. They
Tools & Equipment may find out that a specific action can be done
Capture devices: Microphone, Web camera, Digital with more than one device. Encourage discussion
camera, Video camera. and exchange of ideas so that they can figure
this out.
Learning difficulties • Then, hand out the “ES.3.1.3_Worksheet_3.docx”
1. Connect a capture device to your computer and ask them to fill the table of the worksheet.
Show students how to connect a capture device • Finally, hand out the “ES.3.1.3_Worksheet_4.docx”
to the computer. Some students may find it and ask them to fill in the table. The students
impossible to do so. should choose the capture devices which are
They need to see that these devices with a integrated into some technological devices.
USB connection can easily be connected to the At the same time students can correct any mistakes
computer. in their worksheets. If they have any questions
2. Transfer data between a computer and they shouldn’t hesitate to ask you, but try to give
capture devices answers that will lead them to discover the truth on
Students should understand that it is very easy to their own. They can use the Student’s Book, Task 3
transfer data (images, audio, and video) between (Capture) as a guide.
computers and a capture device. 4. Completion - Evaluation
With the help of a USB or Memory card • Collect all worksheets and file them in the class
transferring data becomes simple. folder.
They just copy-paste the files to the device • Hand out an Evaluation Sheet to every student
they want. You can transfer some files, e.g. and ask them to complete it.
pictures and view them on a computer screen • Collect them and see if they understood all the
so that students can understand the direct file objectives that we had for this lesson.
transfer. • Check which part of the lesson students didn’t

eSkills 3 / MODULE 1 / TASK 3 -7- Copyright © 2017 Binary Logic SA

completely understand and make any changes
required in the teaching process.


eSkills 3 / MODULE 1 / TASK 3 -8- Copyright © 2017 Binary Logic SA

eSkills 3
Module 1 My devices
Task 4 Interact

Teacher Class Date

Overview some pictures of interactive devices in the first

The general purpose of this lesson is for students column and some sentences that describe them
not only to recognize and name interactive devices, in the second column.
but also to learn when to use them. • When they finish this activity and open the
Students’ Book they can check their answers. At
Objectives this point your role is to guide and answer their
To interact with your computer. questions related to the function of interactive
devices. Then students must close their books.
Skills The same procedure will be repeated for the
To recognize what type of devices you need to other two activities.
interact with your computer. • Hand out the “ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_2.docx”.In this
activity, ask students to select the correct phrase
What is needed in each of the eight sentences. The aim of this
Resources activity is for students to understand the basic
• eSkills 3 Student’s Book characteristics of the interactive devices.
• ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_1.docx • After the completion of this activity hand out
• ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_2.docx the “ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_3.docx”. Similarly,
• ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_3.docx there are some icons for interactive devices,
• ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_4.docx printers and other equipment for computers.
• ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_5.docx Ask students to check the devices that they
• ES.3.1.4_Evaluation_Sheet.docx can interact with. The aim of this activity is
• ES.3.1.4_Kinect_&_Wii.pptx for students to understand which devices are
Tools & Equipment interactive and which are not!
A projector 3. Implementation
• Hand out the “ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_4.docx”.
Learning difficulties Students must answer a personal question about
Students at this age can’t classify the peripheral their favorite video game. Encourage a discussion
devices to output, input and input - output devices. amongst students for exchanging ideas.
They do not understand the stream of instructions • Then, hand out the “ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_5.docx.
and data. The only thing that they realize is that Before students continue with this activity, using
when they make gestures or moves, on the screen the projector, show them the “ES.3.1.4_Kinect_&_
– or the speakers - the results of this action appear. Wii.pptx” file with some characteristics of
So, the meaning “interactive device” is perceived by Nintendo Wii Remote and Microsoft Kinect. Ask
the children as this “shape” of their perception. them to recognize them. Explain how each device
The mouse, the keyboard and the joystick are works. At the same time ask them if anyone has
interactive devices to the extent that a “character” any of these devices.
of a game they play acts according to the • Then help them to play the game! They must
commands these devices give. be divided into pairs. One of each pair (who will
But although the scanner is an input device like be the player) must hold a marker which will
the previous devices, it is not an interactive device symbolize the Wii Remote or the Kinect and the
according to their logic. other will be the video game character. Help
them be divided into pairs.
Lesson Description The one who holds the Wii: the player must make
1. Introduction virtual drawings and, the character will draw the
Introduce the purpose of the lesson to motivate same picture on the board!
students’ interest in the video games they used to The one who holds the Kinect: they will sit
play. First, ask them a series of questions like: opposite each other and the player must make
• Do you play any video games? some moves which the character will imitate!
• Which is your favorite video game? • Then they must discuss if the moves and the
• What device do you use to play video games? drawings were the same or if they were done by
Divide the students into groups of 3-4. the character at the same time.
2. Investigation 4. Completion - Evaluation
• Hand out the “ES.3.1.4_Worksheet_1.docx” and • Before collecting all the worksheets you can
ask students to check the correct answers about mention the results of the percentages of each
some interactive devices. In the activity there are interactive device that students have.

eSkills 3 / MODULE 1 / TASK 4 -9- Copyright © 2017 Binary Logic SA

• T hen,collect all worksheets and file them in the
class folder.
• Hand out an Evaluation Sheet to every student
and ask them to complete it.
• Collect them and see if they understood all the
objectives that we had for this lesson.
• Check which part of the lesson students didn’t
completely understand and make any changes
required in the teaching process.


eSkills 3 / MODULE 1 / TASK 4 - 10 - Copyright © 2017 Binary Logic SA

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