SF EC Data Obj Tbls Ref
SF EC Data Obj Tbls Ref
SF EC Data Obj Tbls Ref
1 Change History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Learn about changes to the documentation for Data Model Field Information in Employee Central in recent
All configuration files for Employee Central, for example, master data models, master picklists, as well as
country/region-specific files, have moved from the SAP Help Portal to the Software Download Center .
2H 2022
1H 2022
Changed The <Domain> field in Social Accounts is Social Accounts [page 92]
Changed We updated the information about the Biographical Information [page 57]
field <country-of-birth>. By default,
the list of field values come from the pre
defined MDF object "Country/Region".
New You can now use five more fields for Addresses [page 51]
address lines (from <address21> to
<address25>), for address lines in alter
nate language one (from <address21-
alt1> to <address25-alt1>), and
for address lines in alternate lan
guage two (from <address21-alt2> to
Changed We add information about using the Job Information [page 110]
<employee-notice-period> field in
cascading picklists.
The tables in the list give you the technical information about the foundation objects we deliver.
Most of the foundation objects include customer-specific fields, listed in the last rows of each table. These are
fields you can customize to use any way you want, if the foundation objects as delivered do not have all the fields
needed to satisfy your requirements even if, for example, you edit the field labels. You do not have to use the
customer-specific fields, but they are there if you need them.
Beware that hiding all fields in a block using a business rule is not supported and will potentially cause
unexpected behavior in the system. You must have at least one field on this object enabled to avoid inconsistent
For information on how foundation objects are processed in the Corporate Data Model, including how to create
your own foundation objects, refer to the SAP SuccessFactors Data Model Reference guide.
For an explanation of what foundation objects are, and some links to more information about them, refer to the SAP
SuccessFactors Data Model Reference guide.
For information on MDF Foundation objects, refer to the Working with MDF Foundation Objects section of the
Implementing Employee Central Core guide.
Table Columns
• Standard
If the field appears as part of the standard delivery for the relevant foundation object, “Yes” appears in this
column. “No” appears in the column if the field is not part of the standard delivery.
• Field ID
Each foundation object consists of one or more fields. This column lists the technical IDs of the fields. You
cannot change this ID.
• Field Label
This is the text that appears in the user interface (UI). You can change this to suit your own requirements.
• Data Type
HRIS Fields can handle data of various types (for fields of MDF FOs, see note below.). The options are:
Fields with these data types can handle mathematical operations.
Fields like this can handle two options. On the UI, the most common options for such fields are “Yes” and
You can enter dates in fields of this type.
For MDF Foundation Objects (generic objects), custom fields are no longer restricted to set number of fields
per datatype. Instead, you can now assign any number of fields, subject to a maximum of 200 fields, depending
on your requirement to a datatype. Other points that apply to custom fields for MDF FOs:
• For each object, you can assign a maximum of 200 custom fields.
• There is no restriction on the name specified for the custom field. However, as a standard, all names
specified will automatically be prefixed with cust_ to indicate it is a custom field.
• For the different datatypes you can assign to a field, click the Data Type dropdown for the field in the
Configure Object Definition page.
• The enum data type cannot be assigned to a custom field. This is restricted for pre-delivered fields.
• Use the clob data type for fields that require a max length greater than 255. For example, Job Description.
• If you choose to assign one of these datatypes to a custom field (boolean, date, datetime, time,
autocomplete, picklist, Generic Object, Foundation Object, attachment and user), do not specify the max
length as the system will automatically take care of this.
Related Information
BusinessUnit is an MDF Generic Object. Use the Configure Object Definition page to maintain this object.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes description Description Translatable 128 As defined No If you need a more detailed
in the Con
description of the business
figure Ob
unit than the Name field
ject Defini-
tion page. can provide, enter it here.
Yes effectiveS- Start Date Date — As defined Yes Enter the date the busi
tartDate in the Con ness unit becomes active.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effecti- End Date Date — As defined No You can also enter the date
veEndDate in the Con the business unit stops be
figure Ob ing active.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Status Enum — As defined Yes Possible values are Active
tatus in the Con and Inactive. Do not con
figure Ob figure this as a picklist.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes headOfUnit HeadOfUnit User — As defined No You can enter the identifier
in the Con of the person heading the
figure Ob business unit.
ject Defini-
tion page.
For a country/region-specific setup of corporateAddress, refer to the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
Country/Region Specifics Implementation Guide.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
No start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date when
the corporate address be
comes effective.
Yes address1 Address 1 STRING 256 None No You can enter the first line
of address here.
Yes address2 Address 2 STRING 256 None No You can enter the second
line of address here.
Yes address3 Address 3 STRING 256 None No You can enter the third line
of address here.
Yes city City STRING 30 Both No This is where you enter the
city or town the company
is located in.
Yes county District STRING 256 None No This is where you enter the
county the company is lo
cated in.
Yes state State STRING 256 None No This is where you enter
the state the company is
located in.
Yes province Province STRING 256 None No This is where you enter the
province the company is
located in.
Yes zip-code Zip Code STRING 256 None No This is where you enter the
ZIP code of the place the
company is located in.
Yes country Country STRING 256 Both Yes This is where you enter the
country the company is lo
cated in.
No ad Custom STRING 256 Both No You can use these fields
dress21-25 Strings for data not covered by the
21-25 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No
string1–20 Strings 1–
Cost Center is now an MDF Generic Object. Use the Configure Object Definition page to maintain this object.
Yes costCenter External Ob String 40 As defined No This field contains the
ject ID in the Con cost center ID in exter
figure Ob nal format. If you have
ject Defini- multiple financial systems
tion page. from which you upload
cost centers into Em
ployee Central, make sure
that the cost center IDs
are unique. Usually, down
stream systems like pay
roll do not understand this
unique ID and you have to
provide the cost center ID
in its external format.
Yes costCenter Costcenter User 255 As defined No Specify the cost center
Manager in the Con manager's identifier here.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Start Date Date 255 As defined Yes Specify the date on which
tartDate in the Con the cost center becomes
figure Ob active.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effecti- End Date Date 255 As defined No Specify the date on which
veEndDate in the Con the cost center stops be
figure Ob ing active.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Status Enum 255 As defined Yes Possible values are Active
tatus in the Con and Inactive. Do not con
figure Ob figure this as a picklist.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes legalEntity Legal Entity Generic Ob 38 As defined No Specify a legal entity to be
in the Con associated with the cost
figure Ob center. By default, this
ject Defini- field is set to not visible.
tion page. That can be changed in the
object definition.
Yes parentCost Parent Generic Ob 255 As defined No Cost centers can be hier
Center ject in the Con archical. If this is the case
figure Ob in your business, use this
ject Defini- field to specify a higher-
tion page. level cost center.
2.1.4 Department
Department is now an MDF Generic Object. Use the Configure Object Definition page to maintain this object.
Yes costCenter Cost Center Cost Center — As defined No You can assign the depart
GO in the Con ment to a cost center by
figure Ob entering the cost center
ject Defini- details here.
tion page.
Yes description Description Translatable 128 As defined No If you need a more detailed
in the Con description of the depart
figure Ob ment than the Name field
ject Defini- can provide, enter it here.
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Start Date Date — As defined Yes Enter the date the depart
tartDate in the Con ment becomes active.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effecti- End Date Date — As defined No You can also enter the date
veEndDate in the Con the department stops be
figure Ob ing active.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Status Enum — As defined Yes Possible values are Active
tatus in the Con and Inactive. Do not con
figure Ob figure this as a picklist.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes headOfUnit Head of De User — As defined No You can enter the de
in the Con
partment partment head's identifier
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes parentDe Department Department — As defined No You can enter the depart
partment GO in the Con ment that is on the next
figure Ob level up in the cost center
ject Defini- hierarchy.
tion page.
2.1.5 Division
Division is now an MDF Generic Object. Use the Configure Object Definition page to maintain this object.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes description Description Translatable 128 As defined No If you need a more detailed
in the Con description of the division
figure Ob than the Name field can
ject Defini- provide, enter it here.
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Start Date Date — As defined Yes Enter the date the division
tartDate in the Con becomes active.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effecti- End Date Date — As defined No You can also enter the date
veEndDate in the Con the division stops being
figure Ob active.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Status Enum — As defined Yes Possible values are Active
in the Con
tatus and Inactive. Do not con
figure Ob
figure this as a picklist.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes headOfUnit Head of Di User — As defined No You can enter the division
vision in the Con head's identifier here.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes parentDivi Division Division GO — As defined No You can enter the division
sion in the Con that is on the next level up
figure Ob in the division hierarchy.
ject Defini-
tion page.
2.1.6 Geozone
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes adjustment Adjustment STRING — Both No If the pay range for this ge
Percentage Percentage ozone is to differ by a cer
tain percentage from that
for another geozone, you
can specify the percentage
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more detailed
description of the geozone
than the Name field can
provide, enter it here.
Yes start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date the geozone
becomes active.
Yes end-date End Date DATE — None No You can also enter the date
the geozone stops being
Yes status Status STRING — Both Yes Possible values are Active
and Inactive. Do not con
figure this as a picklist.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Legal Entity is now an MDF Generic Object. Use the Configure Object Definition page to maintain this object.
For information on country/region-specific fields that were earlier referenced through legalEntityLocal, refer to
the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Country/Region Specifics Implementation Guide.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes countryO Country Country GO — As defined Yes Enter the country that
fRegistra in the Con makes up this geozone.
tion figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes currency Currency Currency — As defined Yes Enter the currency that is
GO in the Con used for this legal entity.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes defaultLoca Default Lo location FO — As defined No You can enter a location
tion cation in the Con that applies to all employ
figure Ob ees in this legal entity.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes default Default Pay PayGroup — As defined No You can enter a pay group
PayGroup Group in the Con that applies to all employ
figure Ob ees in this legal entity.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes description Description Translatable 128 As defined No If you need a more detailed
in the Con description of the legal en
figure Ob tity than the Name field
ject Defini- can provide, enter it here.
tion page.
Yes external Legal Entity String 32 As defined Yes Define a unique code by
Code ID in the Con which the system can dis
figure Ob tinguish the different legal
ject Defini- entities from each other.
tion page.
Yes name Legal Entity Translatable 90 As defined No You can enter a short
Name in the Con name for the legal entity
figure Ob here.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Status Enum — As defined Yes Possible values are Active
tatus in the Con and Inactive. Do not con
figure Ob figure this as a picklist.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Start Date Date — As defined Yes Enter the date the legal en
tartDate in the Con tity becomes active.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effecti- End Date Date — As defined No You can also enter the date
in the Con when the legal entity stops
figure Ob being active.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes standard Standard Decimal — As defined No In this field, you can en
Weekly Weekly in the Con ter the number of hours
Hours Hours figure Ob employees are expected to
ject Defini- work in this geozone.
tion page.
2.1.8 Location
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more detailed
description of the location
than the Name field can
provide, enter it here.
Yes start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date when the lo
cation becomes active.
Yes end-date End Date DATE — None No You can also enter the date
the location stops being
Yes status Status STRING — Both Yes Possible values are Active
and Inactive. Do not con
figure this as a picklist.
Yes standard Standard DOUBLE — Both No You can enter the stand
Hours Weekly ard weekly hours for a lo
Hours cation.
Yes timezone Timezone STRING — Both No You can enter the time
zone for the location.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more de
tailed description of the
location group than the
short Name can provide,
enter it here.
Yes start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date the location
group becomes active.
Yes end-date End Date DATE — None No You can also enter the date
the location group stops
being active.
Yes status Status STRING — Both Yes Possible values are Active
and Inactive. Do not con
figure this as a picklist.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Job Classification is now an MDF Generic Object. Use the Configure Object Definition page to maintain this object.
For information on country/region-specific fields that were earlier referenced through jobClassLocal, refer to
the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Country/Region Specifics Implementation Guide.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes description Description Translatable 4000 As defined No If you need a more detailed
in the Con description of the job clas
figure Ob sification than the short
ject Defini- name can provide, enter it
tion page. here.
Yes fulltimeEm Is Full Time Boolean — As defined No Enter “Yes” to indicate that
ployee Employee in the Con employees with this classi
figure Ob fication work full time or
ject Defini- “No” to indicate that they
tion page. work part time. No picklist
Yes effectiveS- Start Date Date — As defined Yes Enter the date the job clas
tartDate in the Con sification becomes active.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effecti- End Date Date — As defined No You can also enter the date
in the Con the job classification stops
figure Ob being active.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Status Enum — As defined Yes Possible values are Active
tatus in the Con and Inactive. Do not con
figure Ob figure this as a picklist.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes external Job Code String 32 As defined Yes Define a unique code by
Code in the Con which the system can dis
figure Ob tinguish the different job
ject Defini- classifications from each
tion page. other.
Yes jobFunction Job Func JobFunction As defined No You can enter the job func
tion GO in the Con tion relating to this job
figure Ob classification.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes name Job Title Translatable 90 As defined No You can enter a short
in the Con name for the job classifica-
figure Ob tion here.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes parentJob Parent Job JobClassifi- — As defined No You can enter the job code
Classifica- Classifica- cation GO in the Con that is on the next level up
tion tion figure Ob in the job code hierarchy.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes payGrade Pay Grade payGrade — As defined No You can enter the pay
FO in the Con grade for this job classifi-
figure Ob cation.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes standard Standard Decimal — As defined No You can enter the standard
Weekly Weekly in the Con weekly hours for the job
Hours Hours figure Ob classification.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Job Function is now an MDF Generic Object. Use the Configure Object Definition page to maintain this object.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes description Description Translatable 128 As defined No If you need a more detailed
in the Con description of the job func
figure Ob tion than the short name
ject Defini- can provide, enter it here.
tion page.
Yes external Job Func String 32 As defined Yes Define a unique code by
Code tion ID in the Con which the system can dis
figure Ob tinguish the different job
ject Defini- functions from each other.
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Status Enum — As defined Yes Possible values are Active
tatus in the Con and Inactive. Do not con
figure Ob figure this as a picklist.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Start Date Date — As defined Yes Enter the date the job
tartDate in the Con function becomes active.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effecti- End Date Date — As defined No You can also enter the date
in the Con
veEndDate the job function stops be
figure Ob
ing active.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes name Name Translatable 90 As defined No You can enter a name for
in the Con the job function here.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes parentJob Parent JobFunction — As defined No You can enter the function
Function Function GO in the Con code that is on the next
Job figure Ob level up in the function
ject Defini- code hierarchy.
tion page.
2.3.1 Frequency
Yes annualiza Annualiza LONG — Both Yes Use this field to record the
tionFactor tion Factor number of times in a year
an employee would be paid
at this frequency to ach
ieve an annual salary. Ex
ample: Enter “12” if the
employee is paid monthly.
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more de
tailed description of the
frequency than the short
name can provide, enter it
Yes name Name STRING 90 Both No You can enter a name for
the frequency here.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Pay Calendar is now an MDF Generic Object. Use the Configure Object Definition page to maintain this object.
Yes payGroup Pay Group STRING — As defined Yes Enter the code for the pay
in the Con group to which this pay pe
figure Ob riod applies.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes toPayPer Pay Period DATE — As defined Yes Enter the date a given
Begin Date in the Con pay period starts. Exam
figure Ob ple: First of the month.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes toPayPer Pay Period DATE — As defined Yes Enter the date a given pay
iod.payPer End Date in the Con period ends. Example: 16th
iodEndDate figure Ob of the month.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes toPayPer Pay Check DATE — As defined Yes Enter the date a pay check
iod.pay Issue Date in the Con is issued for a pay pe
CheckIssue figure Ob riod. Example: 18th of the
Date ject Defini- month.
tion page.
Yes toPayPer Pay Periods LONG — As defined No You can enter the number
Per Year in the Con of pay periods in a year.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes toPayPer Processing STRING 256 As defined No You can enter an identifier
Run ID in the Con for pay processing runs
figure Ob here.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes toPayPer Run Type STRING 256 As defined No The list of values
in the Con comes from the picklist
figure Ob RUNTYPE.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes canOverride Can Over BOOLEAN — Both No You can enter “Yes” if it will
ride be possible to override this
pay component for individ
ual employees to whom it
would otherwise apply, or
“No” if it will not be possi
Yes currency Currency CURRENCY — Both No You can specify the cur
rency in which the pay
component is paid.
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a longer de
scription of the pay com
ponent than the short
name can provide, enter it
Yes end-date End Date DATE — None No You can also enter the date
the pay component stops
being active.
Yes external Pay Compo STRING 32 Both Yes Define a unique code by
Code nent ID which the system can dis
tinguish the different pay
components from each
Yes frequency Frequency STRING — Both Yes Specify how often a pay
Code component is paid. Exam
ple: annually.
Yes IsRelevant Relevant for BOOLEAN — None No Here you can specify if this
ForAdvance Advance pay component is used
Payment in the advance payments
Yes maxFrac Maximum LONG — None No In this field you can define
tionDigits Decimal Pla for each pay component
ces how many decimals are
maximally shown in the
amount field.
Yes name Name STRING 90 Both No You can enter a name for
the pay component.
Yes number Number DOUBLE — Both Edit This field supports Unit-
based pay components as
well as number of units.
Yes payCompo Pay Compo STRING — Both Yes Possible values are
nentType nent Type Amount, Percentage and
Number. Do not configure
this as a picklist.
Yes payCompo Pay Compo DOUBLE — Both No You can specify a value for
nentValue nent Value the pay component here.
Yes start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date the pay
component becomes ac
Yes status Status STRING — Both Yes Possible values are Active
and Inactive. Do not con
figure this as a picklist.
Yes taxTreat Tax Treat STRING — Both No You can indicate whether
ment ment the pay component is
taxed or not.
Yes target Target BOOLEAN — Both No You can enter “Yes” in this
field if the pay component
is a target figure or per
centage, or enter “No” if it
is not.
Yes usedFor Used for STRING — Both No Controls whether this pay
CompPlan Comp Plan component will be used by
ning ning the comp module. Possible
values are None, Comp,
Varpay and Both. Do not
configure this as a picklist.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Yes currency Currency CURRENCY — Both No You can specify the cur
rency in which the pay
components in this group
are paid.
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more detailed
description of the pay
component group than the
short name can provide,
enter it here.
Yes end-date End Date DATE — None No You can also enter the date
the pay component group
stops being active.
Yes external Pay Compo STRING 32 Both Yes Define a unique code by
Code nent Group which the system can dis
ID tinguish the different pay
component groups from
each other.
Yes start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date the
pay component group be
comes active.
Yes status Status STRING — Both Yes Possible values are Active
and Inactive. Do not con
figure this as a picklist.
Yes systemDe System De BOOLEAN — None No You can enter “Yes” in
fined fined this field if the system
generates pay component
groups for you, based on
other data, or “No” if they
are created manually.
Yes useForCom Use for BOOLEAN — Both No You can choose whether
paratioCalc Comparatio the pay component group
Calculation should be used as part of
the comp ratio calculation.
Yes useForRan Use for BOOLEAN — Both No You can enter “Yes” if
gePenetra Range Pene this pay component group
tion tration can be used to determine
how far into a given pay
range an employee has
progressed or “No” if it is
not used for that.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more de
tailed description of the
pay grade than the short
name can provide, enter it
Yes end-date End Date DATE — None No You can also enter the date
the pay grade stops being
Yes external Pay Grade STRING 32 Both Yes Define a unique code by
Code ID which the system can dis
tinguish the different pay
grades from each other.
Yes paygradeLe Pay Grade LONG — Both No You can use this field to
vel Level enter the level of the rel
evant pay grade. For ex
ample, level 1 for a new
Yes start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date the pay
grade becomes active.
Yes status Status STRING — Both Yes Possible values are Active
and Inactive. Do not con
figure this as a picklist.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Pay Group is now an MDF Generic Object. Use the Configure Object Definition page to maintain this object.
Yes description Description Translatable 128 As defined No If you need a more de
in the Con tailed description of the
figure Ob pay group than the short
ject Defini- name can provide, enter it
tion page. here.
Yes effectiveS- Start Date Date — As defined Yes Enter the date the pay
tartDate in the Con group becomes active.
figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.th
Yes effecti- End Date Date — As defined No You can also enter a date
veEndDate in the Con the pay group stops being
figure Ob active.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes effectiveS- Status Enum — As defined Yes Possible values are Active
tatus in the Con and Inactive. Do not con
figure Ob figure this as a picklist.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes external Pay Group String 32 As defined Yes Define a unique code by
in the Con
Code ID which the system can dis
figure Ob
tinguish the different pay
ject Defini-
tion page. groups from each other.
Yes primary Primary String 256 As defined No You can enter an e-mail ad
ContactE ContactE in the Con dress for the group's main
mail mail figure Ob contact.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes primary Primary String 256 As defined No You can enter the identifier
ContactId ContactID in the Con of the main contact for this
figure Ob group.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes primary Primary String 256 As defined No You can enter the name of
Contact Contact in the Con the group's main contact.
Name Name figure Ob
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes secondary Secondary String 256 As defined No You can enter an e-mail ad
ContactE ContactE in the Con dress for the group's sec
mail mail figure Ob ondary contact.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes secondary Secondary String 256 As defined No Enter the identifier of the
ContactId ContactID in the Con secondary contact for this
figure Ob group.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes secondary Secondary String 256 As defined No You can enter the name
Contact Contact in the Con of the group's secondary
Name Name figure Ob contact.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Yes weeksInPay WeeksIn Number — As defined No You can specify how many
Period PayPeriod in the Con weeks a pay period for this
figure Ob group should last.
ject Defini-
tion page.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes currency Currency CURRENCY 256 Both No You can specify the cur
rency in which the pay
range is indicated.
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more de
tailed description of the
pay range than the short
name can provide, enter it
Yes end-date End Date DATE — None No This is the end date
the previous pay range
stops being effective. The
system calculates the
end date automatically de
pending on the start date
Yes external Pay Range STRING 32 Both Yes Define a unique code by
Code ID which the system can dis
tinguish the different pay
ranges from each other.
Yes frequency Frequency STRING — Both Yes Define how often a pay
Code component is paid — for
example, annually.
Yes midPoint Mid Point DOUBLE — Both No Enter the mid point for
this pay range that lies be
tween the minimum and
the maximum pay, for ex
ample: 75,000.
Yes minimum Minimum DOUBLE — Both No Enter the minimum pay for
Pay Pay this pay range, for exam
ple: 70,000.
Yes start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date the pay
range becomes effective.
Yes status Status STRING — Both Yes Possible values are Active
and Inactive. Do not con
figure this as a picklist.
Yes custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes company Legal Entity STRING — Both No The list of values comes
from the legal entity foun
dation objects that are
available in the system.
Yes costCenter Cost Center STRING — Both No The list of values comes
from the cost center foun
dation objects that are
available in the system.
Yes jobCode Job Classifi- STRING — Both No The list of values comes
cation from the job classification
foundation objects that are
available in the system.
Yes payGrade Pay Grade STRING — Both No The list of values comes
from the pay grade foun
dation objects that are
available in the system.
Yes payGroup Pay Group STRING — Both No The list of values comes
from the pay group foun
dation objects that are
available in the system.
Yes resolver Approver STRING — Both Yes In this field, you define who
Type Type should approve the work
flow request. The possible
values are:
• Person
• Dynamic Group
• Position (if Position
Management is ena
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more detailed
description of the dynamic
role than the short name
can provide, enter it here.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more de
tailed description of the
pay grade than the short
name can provide, enter it
Yes emplStatus EmplStatus STRING 45 None No You can use this field to
enter the change in sta
tus that is causing the rele
vant event. Example: “Ter
mination” if the relevant
employee has left the com
Yes end-date End Date DATE — None No You can also enter the date
the event reason stops be
ing active.
Yes event Event STRING 45 Both Yes Use this field to describe
the event covered by this
event reason.
Yes implicit-po Follow-Up STRING 32 None No You can use this field to
sition-action Activity in specify which event rea
Position sons trigger a follow-up ac
tivity on the assigned po
sition, such as reclassifica-
tion or transfer.
Yes inside-work- Display in STRING 256 Both No You can define which
experience Internal Job event reason should be
History displayed in the Internal
Job History block in the
Employee Profile. This
block is a custom back
ground block on the Em
ployee Files page.
Yes start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date the event
reason becomes active.
Yes status Status STRING — Both Yes Possible values are Active
and Inactive. Do not con
figure this as a picklist.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
2.4.4 WfConfig
Yes description Description STRING 128 Both No If you need a more detailed
description of the WFCon
fig than the short name
can provide, enter it here.
Yes escalation Escalation Generic Ob — Both No You can use this for
ject the auto-escalation feature
based on the Escalation
MDF object.
Yes custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
Yes custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
This field is relevant when you set up reminder notifications with individual time spans for different workflow
foundation objects. Enter the number of days after which the workflow approver is reminded to take action on a
pending workflow.
Note that if you set up the time span for reminder notifications at quartz job level, you do not need to set up this
field in the Corporate Data Model as the system will ignore any entries made in this field.
For auto delegation, all incoming workflow requests are automatically redirected to the delegate the user has
selected in the My Info tile. For manual delegation, the approver can delegate the current workflow request for the
current workflow step to any system user. The approver can revoke this delegation later. If the delegate declines the
delegation, the workflow request is assigned back to the approver.
Note: This field is only supported when the workflow step approver type is Role and approver is configured with
Employee, Employee Manager, Employee Manager Manager, or Employee HR. It is not applicable when the workflow
step is configured with multiple approver roles, such as dynamic role, dynamic group or job relationship type roles
(matrix manager, custom manager, second manager and additional manager).
You can configure an alternate workflow that is used for future-dated records; if there are no future-dated records,
or if this field has an invalid value, the main workflow is used. The list of values contains the workflow foundation
objects defined in the system.
When a workflow is completed, CC users are informed by e-mail or notification that contains a link. This field
defines to which page this link leads to.
If you select Yes, the link leads the CC users to the workflow approval page. If you select No, the link leads the CC
users to the Employment Information page.
Yes actorRole Contributor STRING — Both Yes Select one of the following
• Employee
• Employee Manager
• Employee Manager
• Employee HR
• Matrix Manager
• Custom Manager
• Second Manager
• Additional Manager
Yes actorType Contributor STRING 32 Both Yes Select one of the following
Type contributor types:
• Role
• Dynamic Role
• Dynamic Group
• Person
• Position
2.4.6 wfConfig CC
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes actorRole CC Role STRING — Both Yes Select one of the following
CC roles:
• Employee
• Employee Manager
• Employee Manager
• Employee HR
• Matrix Manager
• Custom Manager
• Second Manager
• Additional Manager
Yes actorType CC Role STRING 32 Both Yes Select one of the following
Type CC role types:
• Role
• Dynamic Role
• Dynamic Group
• Person
• External Email
• Position
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Length Visibility Required How to Use this Field
Yes actionType Edit Trans STRING 256 None No See note for actionType be
Yes approver Approver STRING — Both Yes Select one of the following
Role Role approver roles:
• Employee
• Employee Manager
• Employee Manager
• Employee HR
• Matrix Manager
• Custom Manager
• Second Manager
• Additional Manager
• Role
• Dynamic Role
• Dynamic Group
• Position
Yes skipType No Approver String 32 Both No See note for SkipType be
Behavior low.
When you create a new workflow, you have to define if the workflow step approver can edit the submitted workflow.
The options are:
• No Edit: The approver cannot edit an already submitted workflow. This is the standard option for an approver.
• Edit with Route Change: The approver can edit an already submitted workflow. The edited workflow will then
go through the approval process again from the beginning.
• Edit without Route Change: The approver can edit an already submitted workflow. The edited workflow will
then continue with the next step approver.
Define how the system should react when there is an empty position or dynamic group:
1. Workflow step approver is not assigned in case of Role, and Dynamic Role with person resolver type.
2. Workflow step position has no incumbents in case of Position.
3. Workflow step dynamic group has no members in case of Dynamic Group.
4. Workflow step dynamic role is assigned to an empty position or an empty dynamic group.
The tables in the list below give you the technical information about the person objects and their fields that are
relevant for Employee Central.
You can define these in the Succession Data Model and the country/region-specific Succession Data Model with
the XML file or Manage Business Configuration tool. You can find more information on these data models in the
Setting Up the Succession Data Model and Setting up Country/Region-Specific Data Models sections of the
Implemening Employee Central Core guide.
Beware that hiding all fields in a block using a business rule is not supported and will potentially cause
unexpected behavior in the system. You must have at least one field on this object enabled to avoid inconsistent
• The standard XML file for the data models contains only a subset of these fields, but you can use all the fields
listed in these tables, for example, to override default attributes.
• Those fields listed in the tables, but not in the Succession Data Model, still appear on the UI if their default
visibility is set to “both”. If you want to hide those fields, add them to the corresponding data model and set
the visibility to “none”.
• For start-date, end-date, event-reason and event-reason-code, you cannot change the default
visibility. That means even if you change the visibility in the XML file for the Succession Data Model, the
system ignores this and the default visibility as listed in these tables is considered.
• Fields listed in the standard XML files, but not in these tables, are not relevant for Employee Central 2.0. You
should leave their visibility to “none”. Exceptions to this rule are customer-specific fields that you can use as
3.1.1 Addresses
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes item-id Item ID LONG — None No This field is used for inter
nal purposes. Do not use it
in the data model. Even if it
is used, it won't be visible
on the UI.
• Home
• Mailing
• Benefits
• Payroll
Yes address1-25 Address 1– STRING 256 Both No You can enter 25 lines for
25 address here.
Yes city City STRING 256 Both No This is where you enter the
city or town the employee
lives in.
Yes county County STRING 256 Both No This is where you enter the
county the employee lives
Yes state State STRING 256 Both No This is where you enter the
state the employee lives in.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes zip-code Zip Code STRING 256 Both No This is where you enter the
ZIP code of the place the
employee lives in.
Yes country Country STRING 256 Both Yes The list of values comes
from the predefined pick
list <country>.
You must not config-
ure any picklist or
child picklist for the
<country> field, as
this field is hard-coded
in the system.
No address1– Alt1 Ad STRING 256 None No You can enter 25 lines for
alt1 (lines 1– dress1 the address in alternate
25) languages here, for exam
ple, the employee's native
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
No city-alt1 Alt1 City STRING 256 None No You can enter the city or
town in alternate language
1 here.
No state-alt1 Alt1 State STRING 256 None No You can enter the state in
alternate language 1 here.
No province- Alt1 Prov STRING 256 None No You can enter the prov
alt1 ince ince in alternate language
1 here.
No county-alt1 Alt 1 County STRING 256 None No You can enter the county in
alternate language 1 here.
No zip-code- Alt1 Zip STRING 256 None No You can enter the zip code
alt1 Code in alternate language 1
No country-alt1 Alt1 Country STRING 256 None No You can enter the coun
try in alternate language 1
No address1– Alt2 Ad STRING 256 None No You can enter 25 lines for
alt2 (lines 1– dress 1 address in alternate lan
25) guage 2 here.
No city-alt2 Alt2 City STRING 256 None No You can enter the city in al
ternate language 2 here.
No state-alt2 Alt2 State STRING 256 None No You can enter the state in
alternate language 2 here.
No province- Alt12 Prov STRING 256 None No You can enter the prov
alt2 ince ince in alternate language
2 here.
No county-alt2 Alt 2 County STRING 256 None No You can enter the county in
alternate language 2 here.
No zip-code- Alt2 Zip STRING 256 None No You can enter the zip code
alt2 Code in alternate language 2
No country-alt2 Alt2 Coun STRING 256 None No You can enter the coun
try try in alternate language 2
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes emp-users- Employ STRING 50 None No This field is filled with the
sys-id ment Users users_sys_id of the em
Sys ID ployee on a global assign
ment when a host country
address is created, thereby
linking the address to the
This field is never visi
ble on the UI.
Yes notes Note STRING 4000 Both No This is a text field where
the user can enter ad
ditional information if re
This field can't be
displayed on the Em
ployee Profile.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1-20- Strings 1– for data for the second lan
alt2 20 in Lan guage not covered by the
guage 2 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1-10- Dates 1–10
alt2 in Language
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Two sets of alternate languages are supported for Addresses. Alternate fields can be enabled in the Succession
Data Model rather than in the Country/Region-Specific Data Model. Country/Region-Specific settings would
be ignored for alternate fields. Each alternate field represents some existing parent field in the element model
in alternate script. The alternate fields take the visibility and permission from the parent fields. If any of the
alternate fields have entries, they can be displayed on the screen. However, in edit mode, these fields are
automatically hidden.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes birth-name Birth Name STRING 128 Both No You can enter the employ
ee's birth name here, for
example: Smith.
Yes country-of- Country/ COUNTRY 100 Both No You can enter the employ
birth Region Of ee's country of birth here.
By default, the list of val
ues come from the prede
fined MDF object "Coun
Yes date-of- Date Of DATE — Both No You can enter the employ
birth Birth ee's date of birth here.
Yes date-of- Date Of DATE — None No You can enter the employ
death Death ee's date of death here.
Yes person-id- Person Id STRING 32 Both No This field contains the em
external ployee ID. You can man
ually assign employee IDs
or have system-generated
IDs. When you use sys
tem-generated IDs, set the
visibility to “view” and
add the attribute allow-
Yes place-of- Place Of STRING 100 Both No You can enter the town the
birth Birth employee was born, for ex
ample: Chicago.
Yes region-of- Region Of STRING 100 Both No You can enter the admin
birth Birth istrative district where the
employee was born. This is
a free text field.
The behavior of
this field changes
when payroll integra
tion is enabled in
your instance. The
system will dynam
ically change the
field behavior based
on the value given
in the <country
of birth> field.
Also, depending on
the <country of
employment>, this
field may be made
mandatory. For more
information, refer to
the end of this docu
Once this field is
populated with a
value, it cannot be
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Region of Birth
When payroll integration is enabled, the system may dynamically change region of birth field and override the data
model configuration. The following is a list of areas or countries affected by the behavior changes.
The dynamic behavior of the <region-of-birth> field will be activated only when the instance the Enabled
Payroll Integration or Enable Employee Central Payroll feature is switched on in Provisioning.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your
implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product Support.
Countries Supported
Mandatory or Not
region-of-birth is True True True Value in data Value in data Value in data
mandatory model model model
value =
Picklist or Not
If no picklist ID is mentioned in the data model, then whenever the <country of birth> chosen is any of the
five countries, the region-of-birth field will be converted to a picklist field with corresponding picklist ID (which is
different for each of the five countries). For other countries, the field will remain as a free text. If a picklist ID is
mentioned in the data model, then the region-of-birth field will always be a picklist field irrespective of the value in
country of birth. The picklist ID will also remain same as the one mentioned in the data model.
When importing values, ensure that the correct values are filled out in the template.
• If the <region of birth> field has been assigned a picklist in the data model, then the standard procedure
for working with fields with picklist assignment must be followed while filling the import file
• If the field does not have any picklist assigned to it in the data model, then
Current Behavior
• The picklist IDs are hard-coded in the system. They cannot be changed!
• The behavior is based on the current active effective-dated Job Information record. So, the behavior can
change for a user who has multiple job information records when the country of employment changes.
• This works only on Employee Profile page, and only for the employees, not their dependents.
• Does not work in the New Hire process.
• Does not work for future hires since this is based on the current active job information record.
• You must enter a country of birth for the country of employment - you cannot leave it empty.
3.1.3 Dependents
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes item-id Item ID LONG — None No This field is used for inter
nal purposes. Do not use it
in the data model. Even if it
is used, it won't be visible
on the UI.
Yes relationship- Relationship STRING 50 Both Yes You have to define the rela
type tionship of the dependent
to the employee.
• Child
• Stepchild
• Child of Domestic
• Spouse
• Registered Partner
• Divorced Spouse
• Father
• Mother
• Brother
• Sister
• Related Persons
• Domestic Partner
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–30 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
30 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–20 Dates 1–20
For more information, refer to the Employee Central Payment Information guide for details.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes email-ad Email Ad STRING 100 Both Yes Enter an email address
dress dress here.
Yes email-type Email Type STRING 32 Both Yes Enter the type of
email address. The list
of values comes from
the predefined picklist
ecMailType and uses
the following values:
• Personal
• Business
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Yes address Address STRING 1000 Both No Enter the address of the
dependent here. This field
is only available for de
Yes dateOfBirth Date of Birth DATE None No Enter the date of birth of
the contact. This field is
only available for depend
Yes ecNameAlt1 Name in Al STRING 256 None No Enter the name of the
ternate contact in alternate lan
Character 1 guages. This field is only
available for dependents.
Yes ecNameAlt2 Name in Al STRING 256 None No Enter the name of the
ternate contact in alternate lan
Character 2 guages. This field is only
available for dependents.
Yes email eMail STRING 100 None No Enter the email address of
the contact person.
Yes gender Gender STRING 2 None No You can define the gen
der of the contact here.
This field is only available
when the person identified
in the Primary Emergency
Contact block is a depend
ent. The list of values
comes from a predefined
Yes isDisabled Disabled BOOLEAN None No You can indicate if the de
pendent is disabled or not.
This field is only available
for dependents.
Yes name Name STRING Both No You can enter the full name
of the contact person.
Yes phone Phone STRING 256 Both No Enter the phone number of
the contact person.
Yes relationship Relationship STRING 50 Both No You can define the rela
tionship of the contact
person with the employee.
The relationship can be
child, spouse, and so on.
The list of values comes
from the predefined pick
list relation.
Yes custom- Emergency STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1 Contact for data not covered by the
Custom fields supplied as stand
String 1 ard.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
You must not config-
ure any picklist or
child picklist for the
<country> field, as
this field is hard-coded
in the system.
No end-date End Date DATE None No This is the end date the
previous global informa
tion stops being effective.
The system calculates the
end date automatically de
pending on the start date
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
It is recommended to
leave the <Gender> field
in Personal Information
empty if you choose to
maintain the country/re
gion-specific field.
Predefined picklists
of the country/region-
specific gender field
are available for Ger
many and India.
All configuration files
for Employee Cen
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–30 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
30 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE None No
date1–20 Dates 1–20
Yes card-type National Id STRING 256 Both Yes Depending on the coun
Card Type try/region selected, the
corresponding national ID
card type is displayed in
this field, for example:
Yes country Country STRING 100 Both Yes Select the country/region
in which the national ID
has been assigned from
the list of countries.
Yes national-id National Id STRING 256 Both No Enter the number of the
national ID in the corre
sponding format, for ex
If you use only the
National ID field, then
it can be set as a re
quired field. If you al
low temporary IDs in
the system, then Na
tional ID must not be
set to required.
Yes temporary- Temporary STRING 256 None No Enter the temporary ID.
Yes start-date Start Date — — Both No Enter the start date of the
validity period.
This field has
been deprecated and
should no longer be
This field has
been deprecated and
should no longer be
Yes notes Note STRING 4000 Both No This is a text field where
the user can enter ad
ditional information if re
This field can't be
displayed on the Em
ployee Profile.
Yes deuev-code Deuev Code STRING 256 None No This field is specific to Ger
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
Yes birth-name- Birth Name STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter the
alt1 Alt1 employee's birth name in
an alternate language.
The birth name must
first be enabled to
use the alternate lan
guage fields. The ad
min must also be
given permissions for
the alternate language
Yes birth-name- Birth Name STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter the
alt2 Alt2 employee's birth name in
an alternate language.
The birth name must
first be enabled to
use the alternate lan
guage fields. The ad
min must also be
given permissions for
the alternate language
Yes birth-name Birth Name STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter the
employee's birth name.
Yes business- Business STRING 128 None No Here you can enter a busi
first-name First Name ness first name that may
be needed in some coun
tries or regions. For exam
ple, if an employee keeps
using an original name in
business after the official
name is changed, you can
enter the original name as
the business name.
Yes business- Business STRING 128 None No Here you can enter a busi
last-name Last Name ness last name that may
be needed in some coun
tries or regions. For exam
ple, if an employee keeps
using an original name in
business after the official
name is changed, you can
enter the original name as
the business name.
Yes business- Business STRING 128 None No Here you can enter a busi
first-name- First Name
ness first name in an alter
alt1 Alt1
nate language that may be
needed in some countries
or regions.
Yes business- Business STRING 128 None No Here you can enter a busi
last-name- Last Name ness last name in an alter
alt1 Alt1 nate language that may be
needed in some countries
or regions.
Yes business- Business STRING 128 None No Here you can enter a busi
first-name- First Name ness first name in an alter
alt2 Alt2 nate language that may be
needed in some countries
or regions.
Yes business- Business STRING 128 None No Here you can enter a busi
last-name- Last Name ness last name in an alter
alt2 Alt2 nate language that may be
needed in some countries
or regions.
Yes certificate- Certificate DATE — Both No Here you can enter the
start-date Start Date start date of the certificate
that confirms that the em
ployee is challenged.
Yes certificate- Certificate DATE — Both No Here you can enter the
end-date End Date end date of the certificate
that confirms that the em
ployee is challenged.
Yes challenge- Challenge STRING 1 Both No Here you can select if the
status Status employee is challenged.
Yes display- Display STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter the
name Name display name of the em
ployee. For example, if an
employee with the official
Chinese name Shengjie
chooses to be called Ja
son, you can enter Jason
as the display name.
This field is not used in
General Display Name.
General Display Name
uses a standard ele
ment in Succession
Data Model - display
Name. For more in
formation, see Field
Requirements for the
User Data File.
Yes display- Display STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter an em
name-alt1 Name Alt1 ployee's display name in a
second language.
Yes display- Display STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter an em
name-alt2 Name Alt2 ployee's display name in a
third language.
No end-date End Date DATE None No This is the end date the
previous personal informa
tion stops being effective.
The system calculates the
end date automatically de
pending on the start date
Yes first-name First Name STRING 128 Both Yes Enter the employee's first
name here.
Yes first-name- Alt1 First STRING 128 Both No You can enter the employ
alt1 Name ee's name in alternate lan
guages used by the em
ployee's native language.
Yes first-name- Alt2 First STRING 128 Both No You can enter the first
alt2 Name name in alternate lan
guage 2 here.
Yes formal- Formal STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter the
name Name employee's formal name.
Yes formal- Formal STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter an em
name-alt1 Name Alt1 ployee's formal name in a
second language.
Yes formal- Formal STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter an em
name-alt2 Name Alt2 ployee's formal name in a
third language.
• Male
• Female
• Unknown
• Undeclared
• Others
1. Go to Upgrade
Center Optional
Upgrades .
2. Select Enhancement
to Gender Values –
Inclusion of Additional
Gender Values.
The changes
by the upgrade
can be reversed
within 10 days. To
reverse changes,
in the Upgrade
Center, select
View Recently
Upgrades. On the
Completed Up
grades page, se
lect Undo against
Enhancement to
Gender Values.
Yes initials Initials STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter an em
ployee's initials, for exam
ple: J.D.
Yes is-overrid Customize STRING 128 Both No Here you can customize
den Name For the employee's name for
mat mat, by selecting the
country whose name for
mat you wish to use. You
can do this by clicking on
If the changes to
employee's personal
information are man
aged by workflows, to
edit an employee's for
mal name in Personal
Information block, you
must enable the
field with the
Manage Business
Configuration tool or
the XML file.
Yes last-name Last Name STRING 128 Both Yes Enter the employee's last
name here.
Yes last-name- Alt1 Last STRING 128 Both No You can enter the last
alt1 Name name in alternate lan
guage 1 here.
Yes last-name- Alt2 Last STRING 128 Both No You can enter the last
alt2 Name name in alternate lan
guage 2 here.
Yes marital-sta Marital Sta STRING Both No The list of values comes
tus tus from the predefined pick
list ecMaritalStatus
and contains the following
• Married
• Single
• Divorced
• Widow
• Unknown
• Cohabitation
• Separated
• Head of Household
• Partnership
• Cohabitation with
Contract (Nether
• Cohabitation with
out Contract (Nether
• PACS (France)
Yes middle- Middle STRING 128 Both No You can enter the employ
name Name ee's middle name here, if
Yes middle- Alt1 Middle STRING 128 Both No You can enter the mid
name-alt1 Name dle name in alternate lan
guage 1 here.
Yes middle- Alt2 Middle STRING 128 Both No You can enter the mid
name-alt2 Name dle name in alternate lan
guage 2 here.
Yes name-for Name For STRING 128 Both No Here you can specify the
mat mat format of the employee's
Yes name-for Name For STRING 128 Both No Users can select the name
mat-code mat Code format code from a list of
values at employee level.
The list shown in this field
is linked to the name for
mat configuration object
of Employee Central. Each
format that is defined in
this object is shown in the
field and the user can de
cide (on employee level)
which format is to be ap
plied to their name.
Yes name-prefix Prefix PICKLIST 128 Both No Here you can select an
honorary title before the
employee's name if appli
cable, for example van
or van der, and so on.
The list of values come
from a predefined picklist
nameprefix. This field
is getting converted from
a free text to a picklist
field. To get more details
on how to do the con
version, refer to the an
nouncement "New Picklist
for Name Prefix Field" un
der Optional Upgrades in
Upgrade Center.
Yes nationality Nationality STRING 128 Both No You can enter the employ
ee's nationality here, for
• Germany
There are validations
in the system to check
the Nationality, Sec
ond Nationality and
Third Nationality fields
avoid that incorrect
data is entered in
the fields. Nationality
and Second National
ity cannot have the
same value in both
fields. The Third Na
tionality can only be
entered if there is also
a Second Nationality.
If the information in
the Nationality fields
is provided from an
external system such
as Recruiting and/or
Onboarding 1.0 please
make sure that the
corresponding source
nationality fields are
mapped to the right
target fields with the
right meaning. Also
make sure that the na
tionality fields do not
have the same value
Yes native-pre Native Pre STRING 256 Both No You can enter the prefer
ferred-lang ferred Lang red native language of the
Yes notes Note STRING 4000 Both No This is a text field where
the user can enter ad
ditional information if re
This field can't be
displayed on the Em
ployee Profile.
Yes partner- Partner STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter the
name Name name of your partner.
Yes partner- Partner PICKLIST 128 Both No Here you can select
name-prefix Name Prefix an honorary title before
the employee's partner's
name if applicable, for ex
ample van or van der, and
so on. The list of values
come from a predefined
picklist nameprefix.
Yes preferred- Preferred STRING 128 Both No You can enter the employ
name Name ee's chosen name or nick
Yes second-na Second Na STRING 128 Both No If the employee has a sec
tionality tionality ond nationality, you can
enter it in this field.
There are validations
in the system to check
the Nationality, Sec
ond Nationality and
Third Nationality fields
avoid that incorrect
data is entered in
the fields. Nationality
and Second National
ity cannot have the
same value in both
fields. The Third Na
tionality can only be
entered if there is also
a Second Nationality.
If the information in
the Nationality fields
is provided from an
external system such
as Recruiting and/or
Onboarding 1.0 please
make sure that the
corresponding source
nationality fields are
mapped to the right
target fields with the
right meaning. Also
make sure that the na
tionality fields do not
have the same value
in all the nationality
Yes second-last- Second Last STRING 128 None No Enter the employee's sec
name ond last name here.
Yes since Marital Sta DATE 128 Both No You can enter the date
tus Since since when the marital sta
tus you indicated in the
field marital-status
is valid.
Yes salutation Salutation STRING 128 None No The list of values comes
from the predefined pick
list salutation and
contains the following
standard fields:
• Mr
• Mrs
• Ms
Yes second-title Second Title STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter the
second title, for example:
Phil. as the second title
of Dr. Phil. John Smith.
Yes suffix Suffix STRING 128 None No You can enter a name suf
fix, such as Jr, Sr, PhD, and
so on.
Yes third-nation Third Na STRING 128 Both No If the employee has a third
ality tionality nationality, you can enter it
in this field.
There are validations
in the system to check
the Nationality, Sec
ond Nationality and
Third Nationality fields
avoid that incorrect
data is entered in
the fields. Nationality
and Second National
ity cannot have the
same value in both
fields. The Third Na
tionality can only be
entered if there is also
a Second Nationality.
If the information in
the Nationality fields
is provided from an
external system such
as Recruiting and/or
Onboarding 1.0 please
make sure that the
corresponding source
nationality fields are
mapped to the right
target fields with the
right meaning. Also
make sure that the na
tionality fields do not
have the same value
in all the nationality
Yes third-name Third Name 256 Both No If the person has a third
name, you can enter that
Yes third-name- Third Name 256 Both No If the person has a third
alt1 name, you can enter that
here for the first alternate
Yes third-name- Third Name 256 Both No If the person has a third
alt2 name, you can enter that
here for the second alter
nate language.
Yes title Title STRING 128 Both No Here you can enter an em
ployee's title, for example:
Dr. for Dr. John Smith.
Yes custom- Preferred STRING 256 Both No You can enter the employ
string1 Name ee's preferred name here.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string2–30 Strings 2– for data not covered by the
30 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–20 Dates 1–20
Two sets of alternate languages are supported for Personal Information. Alternate fields can be enabled in
the Succession Data Model rather than in the Country/Region-Specific Data Model. Country/Region-Specific
settings would be ignored for alternate fields. Each alternate field represents some existing parent field in the
element model in alternate script. The alternate fields take the visibility and permission from the parent fields.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes country- Country STRING 32 Both No You can enter the country
code Code code here, for example,
0049 for Germany.
Yes area-code Area Code STRING 32 Both No You can enter the code for
the region or state here.
Yes phone-num Phone Num STRING 100 Both Yes You can enter the phone
ber ber number here.
Yes extension Extension STRING 32 Both No You can enter the exten
sion of the phone number
Yes phone-type Phone Type STRING 100 Both Yes The list of values
comes from the picklist
ecPhoneType and con
tains the following values:
• Home
• Business
• Billing
• Cell
• Fax
• Private Mobile
• Other
• Shipping
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes domain Domain STRING 100 Both Yes You can select the in
stant messaging domain
for your social account,
for example, Yahoo Mes
senger, AOL Instant Mes
senger, and so on.
Yes im-id Instant Mes STRING 100 Both Yes You can enter the ID that
saging ID identifies the user in the
instant messaging applica
Yes url URL STRING 256 Both No You can enter the corre
sponding URL to the in
stant messaging domain
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes country Country STRING 256 Both No This field is used to cap
ture the country/region for
which the document is
Yes document- Document STRING 256 Both No The type of the document
type Type for which the ID needs to
be captured is given in this
Yes document- Document STRING 256 Both No You can enter the title of
title Title the document.
Yes document- Document STRING 256 Both No You can enter the number
number Number of the document.
Yes issuing-au Issuing Au STRING 256 Both No You can enter the authority
thority thority that issued the document.
Yes issue-date Issue Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date when the
document was issued.
Yes issue-place Issue Place STRING 256 Both No You can enter the place
where the document was
Yes notes Note STRING 4000 Both No This is a text field where
the user can enter ad
ditional information if re
This field can't be
displayed on the Em
ployee Profile.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
The tables in the list below give you the technical information about the employment objects and their fields that
are relevant for Employee Central.
You can define these in the Succession Data Model and the country-specific Succession Data Model. You can find
more information on these data models in the Setting Up the Succession Data Model and Setting up Country/
Region-Specific Data Models sections of the SAP SuccessFactors Data Model Reference guide.
Beware that hiding all fields in a block using a business rule is not supported and will potentially cause
unexpected behavior in the system. You must have at least one field on this object enabled to avoid inconsistent
• The standard XML file for the data models contains only a subset of these fields, but you can use all the fields
listed in these tables, for example, to override default attributes.
• Those fields listed in the tables, but not in the Succession Data Model, still appear on the UI if their default
visibility is set to “both”. If you want to hide those fields, add them to the corresponding data model and set
the visibility to “none”.
• For start-date, end-date, event-reason and event-reason-code, you cannot change the default
visibility. That means even if you change the visibility in the XML file for the Succession Data Model, the
system ignores this and the default visibility as listed in these tables is considered.
• Fields listed in the standard XML files, but not in these tables, are not relevant for Employee Central 2.0. You
should leave their visibility to “none”. Exceptions to this rule are customer-specific fields that you can use as
Related Information
Yes job-level Job Level STRING 256 Both No This field is not in use for
Employee Central 2.0 and
must be configured with
visibility “none”.
Yes is-eligible- Is Eligible BOOLEAN — None No You can indicate if the em
for-benefits For Benefits ployee is eligible for bene
fits. Possible values are Yes
and No.
Yes is-eligible- Is Eligible BOOLEAN — None No You can indicate if the em
for-car For Car ployee is eligible for a com
pany car. Possible values
are Yes and No.
Yes is-eligible- Is Eligible BOOLEAN — None No You can indicate if the em
for-leave- for Leave ployee is eligible for leave
loading Loading loading. Possible values
are Yes and No.
Yes notes Note STRING 4000 Both No This is a text field where
the user can enter ad
ditional information if re
Yes pay-group Pay Group STRING — None No You can define the pay
group of the employee
Do not add picklists
for this field.
Yes pay-type Pay Type STRING 256 Both No The list of values for the
pay type is predefined by
picklist PayType. Possi
ble values are salaried,
commissioned, and so on.
Yes payroll-id Payroll Id STRING 64 None No Here you can enter the
ID of the payroll that is
used to compensate the
Yes payroll-sys Payroll Sys STRING 32 None No Here you can enter the ID
tem-id tem Id of the payroll system used
for compensating the em
Yes salary Salary SALARY — Both No This field is not in use for
Employee Central 2.0 and
must be configured with
visibility “none”.
Yes salaryRate Salary Rate STRING 50 Both No This field is not in use for
Type Type Employee Central 2.0 and
must be configured with
visibility “none”.
Yes salaryRa Salary Rate LONG — Both No This field is not in use for
teUnits Units Employee Central 2.0 and
must be configured with
visibility “none”.
Yes salaryCur Currency STRING 20 Both No This field is not in use for
rencyCode Employee Central 2.0 and
must be configured with
visibility “none”.
Yes seq-number Sequence LONG — Both No This field tells you the se
quence of transactions for
that day, for example, 1 of
2, 2 of 2. This field is only
required for import, and
will appear in the import
template if you have ena
bled the field.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–100 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
100 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–30 Dates 1–30
In compensation information as well as recurring and non-recurring payments, fields of type DOUBLE can now
be hidden. To do this, set the pii field to TRUE (pii="true"). This allows the users to decide for themselves what
information is visible and prevents unauthorized eyes from seeing the information by mistake.
Yes user-name User Name STRING 32 None Yes You can enter a unique
user name for new em
ployees during the hire
process. This value is
also displayed on the
Username field on the Tal
ent Profile page.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes assignment- Assignment STRING 256 Both Yes This is an identifier for
id-external ID external the employment of a user
and can be used for inte
grations with external sys
tems. It is unique and
Yes benefits-eli- Benefits Eli DATE — Both No This is the start date from
gibility- gibility Start which the employee is eli
start-date Date gible for benefits.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes company New Assign STRING 256 Both Yes This field is required when
ment Com you have enabled Concur
pany rent Employment.
Yes eligibleFor Eligible for BOOLEAN — Both No You can indicate if the em
Stock Stock ployee is eligible for stock.
Yes firstDate- First Date STRING 256 Both No You can enter the employ
Worked Worked ee’s first date at the com
pany here.
Yes initialOp Initial Op LONG — Both No This is the initial number of
tionGrant tion Grant options granted to the em
Yes initialStock Initial Stock LONG — Both No This is the initial number of
Grant Grant stocks granted to the em
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Only enable this field if
contingent workforce
is enabled in your sys
If the isContingent
Worker field is present
in employmentInfo
HRIS Element, ensure
that its Visibility prop
erty is set to View and
Allow Import is set
to Yes to avoid valida
tions while saving your
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes jobCredit Job Credit STRING — Both No The job credit corresponds
to the seniority an em
ployee can acquire before
joining the company.
Yes prevEm Previous STRING — Both No This field shows the pre
ployeeId Employ vious employee ID if the
ment ID employee has been at the
company before. The new
ID differs from the old ID,
because the employee is
considered as a new hire,
even if the employee has
worked for the same com
pany before.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes professio Professional DATE — Both No You can use this field to
track dates for professio
nalService Service Date
nal experience.
Yes seniority Seniority DATE — Both No This is the date from which
Date Start Date seniority should be calcu
Yes serviceDate Service Date DATE — Both No You can use this date to
grandfather service to re
hired employees. In rare
cases, a job credit is given
to an employee and serv
ice date is adjusted. For ex
ample, if an employee is
rehired with less than a 6-
month break, the service
date is set to the original
hire date.
Yes start-date Hire Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the date of the cur
rent hire for an employ
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes sourceOfRe Source of STRING — None Yes This field is required for
cord Record integration between Em
ployee Central and SAP
ERP as well to Integration
All configuration files
for Employee Cen
tral, for example,
master data models,
master picklists, as
well as country/re
gion-specific files,
have moved from the
SAP Help Portal to
the Software Down
load Center .
Center .
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
The <isRehire> field is a transient field used during import when a user is created for the Rehire with New
Employment scenario. This value is not saved to the database, it is only needed for the import.
To use the Global Assignment Details block, you have to turn on Global Assignments in the Admin Center.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes assignmen Assignment STRING 256 Both Yes This is an identifier for
tIDExternal ID external the employment of a user
and can be used for inte
grations with external sys
tems. It is unique and
Yes assignment- Assignment STRING 128 Both Yes Select the type of the
type Type global assignment. The list
of values comes from the
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes company Company STRING 256 Both Yes Enter the company the
employee goes to for the
global assignment. You
can choose from the com
panies that are available in
the system.
Yes end-date Actual End DATE — Both Yes When you end a global
Date assignment, you need to
specify the actual end
date. The date cannot be
Yes planned- Planned End DATE — Both Yes Enter the date when the
end-date Date global assignment is sup
posed to end.
No payroll-end- Payroll End DATE — Both No The date of the last payroll
date Date for the global assignment.
If a field is not defined in the data model, it cannot be used in business rules.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your
implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product Support.
This field has been
deprecated and can
no longer be used.
Yes business- Business STRING — None Yes If you have defined busi
unit Unit ness unit foundation ob
jects, this field contains
the external code of those
business units.
Yes company Company STRING — None Yes This is the company or le
gal entity where the em
ployee is hired.
Yes contract- Contract DATE 0 Both No Enter the date in which the
end-date End Date contract ends.
Yes cost-center Cost Center STRING — None No If you have defined cost
center foundation objects,
this field contains the ex
ternal code of those cost
Yes country-of- Country STRING 256 View No This field contains the
company country the company is
located in. The values
are derived from the
country (territory ID) of
the legal entity, showing
the values from the pick
list ISOCountryList.
The field cannot be
edited. Fields in the sec
tion Job Information
can use the picklist
ISOCountryList as
parent picklist, for ex
ample for the hris-field
notice-period. In this
case it is mandatory that
the field country-of-
company is visible in the
same block as the field us
ing this picklist as parent
Yes default- Default STRING — None No This field is relevant for the
overtime- Overtime Employee Central Payroll
compensa Compensa Time Sheet.
tion-variant tion Variant
Set this field to define the
form of the overtime com
pensation received by em
Yes department Department STRING 128 Both No If you have defined depart
ment foundation objects,
this field contains the ex
ternal code of those de
Yes division Division STRING 128 Both No If you have defined divi
sion foundation objects,
this field contains the ex
ternal code of those divi
Yes dynamic- Dynamic STRING 256 Both No For the payroll time sheet,
break-con Break Con you can specify that a dy
fig-code figuration namic break rule is applied
on days where no breaks
are configured in the em
ployee’s work schedule.
For those days, a dynamic
break rule will automati
cally create breaks after a
specific number of hours
of working time.
Yes eeo-class EEO Class STRING 256 Both No You can define the class
for equal employment op
Yes employee- Employee STRING 256 None No This field indicates if the
class Class worker is an employee, a
contractor, an intern, and
so on.
This field can be
used with a cas
cading picklist. You
can enable this
in Manage Business
Configuration. If you
do that, you must as
sign the <country-
of-company> as the
parent picklist.
Yes employee- Employee STRING 100 Both No You can define whether the
type Type employee type is hourly,
salaried, exception hourly,
not applicable, and so on.
This field will only be
displayed for leave of
absence job history re
Yes holiday-cal Holiday Cal STRING — None No This field is relevant for
endar-code endar Time Off.
Yes is-cross- Is Cross BOOLEAN — None No You can indicate if the em
border- Border ployee is a cross-border
worker Worker worker.
Yes is-fulltime- Is Fulltime BOOLEAN — None No You can indicate if the em
employee Employee ployee is a full-time em
Yes is-shift-em Is Shift Em BOOLEAN — None No This is where you indicate
ployee ployee if the employee works in
Yes is-side-line- Sideline Job BOOLEAN — None No This field indicates if the
job-allowed Allowed employee is allowed to
take up a sideline job sup
plementary to the employ
ee's main occupation.
Yes job-code Job Classifi- STRING 128 Both Yes This is the job classifica-
cation tion of the employee.
Yes job-title Job Title STRING 256 Both No This field is automatically
filled with the job title de
fined in the job classifica-
tion foundation object.
Yes local-job-ti Local Job Ti STRING 256 None No Here you can enter the lo
tle tle cal job title if it differs from
the company-wide used
job title.
Yes location Location STRING 128 Both No If you have defined loca
tion foundation objects,
this field contains the ex
ternal code of those loca
Yes manager Manager STRING None No This field does not appear
on the UI. Leave the visibil
ity to “none” to prevent
this field from showing up
in the role-based permis
sions setup.
Yes manager-id Supervisor HRIS_FIN 384 Both No You can choose from the
DUSER list of existing users in the
system to identify the em
ployee's manager. This in
formation is then used to
build the Org Chart.
Yes notes Note STRING 4000 Both No This is a text field where
the user can enter ad
ditional information if re
No notice-pe Notice Pe STRING 256 Both No In this field you define
riod riod the amount of time that
must be given, by either
an employer or an em
ployee, before the date
on which the work agree
ment is terminated. The
list of values comes from
the predefined picklist
Yes pay-grade Pay Grade STRING 256 None No If you have defined pay
grade foundation objects,
this field contains the ex
ternal code of those pay
Yes pay-group Pay Group STRING 256 None No This field is not to be
used. Leave the visibility
to “none” to prevent this
field from showing up in
the role-based permission
This field is depre
cated and can no lon
ger be used. In addi
tion, this field is not
supported for any fea
tures released after Q1
Yes paySca Pay Scale STRING 256 None No This is the pay scale area
leArea Area
to which the employee is
Customers who use a
picklist for this object
should migrate this
picklist to foundation
objects using the Pro
visioning job “Initialize
migration of picklist
fields payscale area
and type to MDF ob
jects”. New customers
should not use a pick
list for this field.
Yes payScale Pay Scale STRING 256 None No This is the pay scale type
Type Type
to which the employee is
Customers who use a
picklist for this object
should migrate this
picklist to foundation
objects using the Pro
visioning job “Initialize
migration of picklist
fields payscale area
and type to MDF ob
jects”. New customers
should not use a pick
list for this field.
Yes paySca Pay Scale STRING 256 None No This is the pay scale group
leGroup Group
to which the employee is
Yes payScaleLe Pay Scale STRING 256 None No This is the pay scale level
vel Level
to which the employee is
Yes probation- Probation DATE — None No Here you enter the end
period-end- ary Period date of the employee's
date End Date probationary period.
Yes radford-job Radford STRING 128 Both No These are standardized job
codes from the Radford
code JobCode
consulting company.
Yes refresh- Enable STRING 128 Both Yes The new property indi
comp-re Compensa cates whether the corre
quired tion Refresh sponding field needs to
trigger the refresh of
compensation information
when there is a change in
the job information.
Yes seq-number Sequence LONG — Both Yes This field tells you the se
quence of transactions for
that day, for example, 1 of
2, 2 of 2.
Yes shift-code Shift Code STRING 256 None No The shift code indicates in
which shift the employee
works in.
Yes shift-factor Shift Per DOUBLE — None No This field indicates the
compensation multiplier
for working a specific shift,
for example, 1.5 for a
weekend day or holiday.
Yes shift-rate Shift Rate DOUBLE — None No This field indicates the dif
ferential for a specific shift,
for example, on a weekend
or holiday.
Yes sick-pay- Sick Pay STRING 256 Both No This field indicates if the
supplement Supplement employee gets an addi
tional payment when on
sick leave. Continued pay
is affected when an em
ployee is unable to work.
Yes standard- Standard DOUBLE — None No You can define the stand
hours Weekly ard weekly hours the em
Hours ployee is supposed to
work. This should be the
same amount as defined in
the employee's contract.
Yes time-record Time Re STRING — None No This field is relevant for the
ing-admissi cording Ad Employee Central Payroll
bility-code missibility Time Sheet.
Yes time-record Time Re STRING — None No This field is relevant for the
ing-profile- cording Pro Employee Central Payroll
code file Time Sheet.
Yes time-record Time Re STRING — None No This field is relevant for the
ing-variant cording Var Employee Central Payroll
iant Time Sheet.
Duration-Based Record
ing - Time recording based
solely on the duration of
the work recorded for a
specific period, for exam
ple, in hours and minutes
for a given day of work.
Yes time-type- Time Profile STRING — None No This field is relevant for
profile-code Time Off.
No triggerMa User de BOOLEAN n/a None No You can use this field if
trixRelation fined. You
you've enabled matrix re
Sync define the
lationship sync in Position
label on the
BCUI when Management Settings, but
adding the would like to skip it.
field to the
Job Infor
Yes workingDay Working STRING 256 Both No You can enter the num
sPerWeek Days Per ber of working days each
Week week. It is not a working
• 5
• 3.5
Yes work-period Work Period STRING 100 None No This field belongs to the
Standard Weekly Hours
field to denote how many
hours an employee should
work each week.
Yes custom- Custom STRING 256 None No Do not use the type
string1 String 1 attribute for this cus
tom string (neither
object” nor
object” nor
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string2–160 Strings 2– for data not covered by the
160 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–50 Dates 1–50
Yes hireDate Hire Date DATE — View No For more information, refer
to the Event-Based Date
Fields section of Entry
Yes termination Termination DATE — View No
Dates, Event-Based Dates,
Date Date
and TimeIn Calculation for
Job Information.
Yes leaveOfAb Leave Of Ab DATE — View No
senceStart sence Start
Date Date
Yes relationship- Relationship STRING 100 Both Yes Here you choose the type
type Type of relationship. The list
of values comes from
the predefined picklist
jobRelType. Possible
values are:
• HR manager
• Matrix manager
• Custom manager
• Second manager
• Additional manager
• Delegate A
• Delegate B
Yes rel-user-id Name STRING 384 Both Yes You can select the manag
er's name from the list of
existing users in the sys
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 string 1 to for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
4.1.7 PayComponentNonRecurring
Yes alternative- Alternative STRING 256 Both No You can assign an alterna
cost-center Cost Center tive cost center to the non-
recurring payment by en
tering the cost center here.
Yes base-pay- Base Pay STRING — None No You can specify for pay
component Component components of type PER
CENTAGE of what exactly
the pay component is a
percentage, for example,
bonus = 10% of base sal
ary. Once this field is filled
for a pay component def
inition, all employee pay
components must use this
value of the base pay com
ponent group field (it can
not be overwritten).
If you enable this
field as editable in
the employee UIs, the
value help will offer
you all the pay compo
nent groups to which
the pay component
you are editing are
assigned. So for ex
ample, you would get
the pay component
group “Total annual
earnings” offered as
a possible base pay
component group for
employee pay compo
nent base salary, bo
nus, and car allow
If the rate in
the payscalelevel
is not available,
the rate specified
in the Foundation
Object is used.
No created-by Created-by STRING 100 None No This field is used for inter
nal purposes. Do not use it
in the data model. Even if it
is used, it won't be visible
on the UI.
Yes currency- Currency STRING 20 Both Yes Select the currency the
code Code pay component is issued
in from the list of curren
cies provided in this field.
No last-modi Last-modi STRING 100 None No This field is used for inter
fied-by fied-by nal purposes. Do not use it
in the data model. Even if it
is used, it won't be visible
on the UI.
Yes non-recur End Date of DATE default None No This field has the visibility
ring-pay-pe the Related ‘none’ by default. So if the
riod-end- Period customers require these
date fields, then they need to
change the data model to
have the visibility set to
‘both’. The field values will
be replicated to SAP ERP if
payroll is enabled.
Yes non-recur Start Date DATE default None No This field has the visibility
ring-pay-pe of the Re ‘none’ by default. So if the
riod-start- lated Period customers require these
date fields, then they need to
change the data model to
have the visibility set to
‘both’. The field values will
be replicated to SAP ERP if
payroll is enabled.
Yes pay-compo Type STRING — Both Yes If you have defined pay
nent-code component foundation ob
jects, this field contains
the external code of those
pay components.
Yes pay-date Issue Date DATE — Both Yes The date the compensa
tion is issued.
Yes sent-to-pay Sent To Pay DATE — None No The date the compensa
tion information is sent to
roll roll
Yes tax-treat Tax Treat STRING 32 None No This field shows whether
the pay component is
ment ment
taxed or not.
Yes unit-of- Unit of Generic Ob — Both No Displays the unit that is
measure Measure ject (Unit of used. For example, kg,
Measure ac pound, pieces, and so on.
cording to
Yes value Amount DOUBLE — Both Yes Here you define the
amount of the component
in numbers.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
In compensation information as well as recurring and non-recurring payments, fields of type DOUBLE can now
be hidden. To do this, set the pii field to TRUE (pii="true"). This allows the users to decide for themselves what
information is visible and prevents unauthorized eyes from seeing the information by mistake.
4.1.8 PayComponentRecurring
Yes base-pay Base Pay STRING — None No You can specify for pay
component Component components of type PER
CENTAGE of what exactly
the pay component is a
percentage, for example,
bonus = 10% of base sal
ary. Once this field is fil-
led for a pay component,
all employee pay compo
nents must use this value
of the base pay compo
nent group field (it cannot
be overwritten).
If you enable this
field as editable in
the employee UIs, the
value help will offer
you all the pay compo
nent groups to which
the pay component
you are editing are
assigned. So for ex
ample, you would get
the pay component
group “Total annual
earnings” offered as
a possible base pay
component group for
employee pay compo
nent base salary, bo
nus, and car allow
If the rate in the
pay scale level
is not available,
the rate specified
in the foundation
object is used.
No created-by Created-by STRING 100 None No This field is used for inter
nal purposes. Do not use it
in the data model. Even if it
is used, it won't be visible
on the UI.
Yes currency- Currency STRING 32 Both Yes Here you select the cur
code rency of the pay compo
nent. The values come
from the list of currencies.
Yes deferralper Deferral Per DOUBLE — None No This field is used for inter
centage centage nal purposes. Do not con
figure the visibility.
No end-date End Date DATE — None No This field is used for inter
nal purposes. Do not use it
in the data model. Even if it
is used, it won't be visible
on the UI.
Yes is-target Is Target BOOLEAN 1 None No This field is used for inter
nal purposes. Do not con
figure the visibility.
No last-modi Last-modi STRING 100 None No This field is used for inter
fied-by fied-by nal purposes. Do not use it
in the data model. Even if it
is used, it won't be visible
on the UI.
Yes pay-compo Pay Compo STRING — Both Yes Enter the pay component
nent nent that makes up the employ
ee's total compensation,
like base salary.
Yes pay-compo Pay Compo STRING 38 None No This field is used for inter
nal purposes. Do not con
nent-type nent Type
figure the visibility.
Yes paycomp Amount DOUBLE — Both Yes Here you define the
value amount of the component
in numbers.
Yes sent-to-pay Sent To Pay DATE — None No This field is used for inter
roll roll Date nal purposes. Do not con
figure the visibility.
Yes tax-treat Tax Treat STRING — None No This field is used for inter
ment ment nal purposes. Do not con
figure the visibility.
Yes unit-of- Unit of Generic Ob — Both No Displays the unit which
measure Measure ject (Unit of is used. For example, kg,
Measure ac pound, pieces, and so on.
cording to
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string1–20 Strings 1– for data not covered by the
20 fields supplied as stand
No custom- Custom DATE — None No
date1–10 Dates 1–10
In compensation information as well as recurring and non-recurring payments, fields of type DOUBLE can now
be hidden. To do this, set the pii field to TRUE (pii="true"). This allows the users to decide for themselves what
information is visible and prevents unauthorized eyes from seeing the information by mistake.
To use the Payment Information block with payroll integration, you have to turn on payroll integration in
Provisioning. Alternatively to use Payment Information without payroll integration, choose “Enable Direct
Deposit as a Payment Method in Payment Information even if Payroll Integration is not enabled” in Provisioning
and ensure that the Generic Objects setting is also selected.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your
implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product Support.
The fields of this element are defined in the Succession Data Model.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
• By bank transfer
• By check
• Cash
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
Yes company Pension Pro STRING 256 Both Yes Enter the pension provider
vider that pays the pension pay
out. You can select from
the pension providers you
have created as company
foundation object in the
Yes end-date Actual End DATE — Both Yes When you end a pension
Date payout, you have to enter
the actual end date of the
pension payout.
Yes payroll-end- Payroll End DATE — Both Yes Enter the payroll end date.
date Date This might differ from the
end date of the pension
Yes planned- End Date DATE — Both No Enter the end date when
end-date the pension payout is sup
posed to end. This does
not end the pension pay
out automatically.
Yes start-date Start Date DATE — Both Yes Enter the start date of the
pension payout.
Standard Field ID Field Label Data Type Max. Default Vis Is Re How To Use This Field
Length ibility quired?
No bonus Bonus Pay DATE — Both No Bonus pays are being paid
PayExpira Expiration until this date. By default,
tionDate Date this is the same date as
the termination date, un
less you change it here.
Yes eligiblefor Eligible for BOOLEAN — Both No This field indicates that the
SalContinu Salary Con employee is eligible for sal
ation tinuation ary continuation. Possible
values are Yes and No.
Yes end-date Termination DATE — View Yes Enter the end date of the
Date employee's working con
tract with the company.
Yes lastDate Last Date DATE — Both No The last day the employee
Worked Worked worked for the company.
By default, this is the same
date as the termination
date, unless you change it
Yes payrollEnd Payroll End DATE — Both No The last payroll for this
Date Date employee. By default, this
is the same date as the
termination date, unless
you change it here.
Yes salary-end- Salary End DATE — Both No Salary is paid until this
date Date date. By default, this is
the same date as the ter
mination date, unless you
change it here.
Yes StockEnd Stock End DATE — Both No Stocks are granted until
Date Date this date. By default, this is
the same date as the ter
mination date, unless you
change it here.
No custom- Custom STRING 256 None No You can use these fields
string16 to Strings 16– for data not covered by the
custom- 20 fields supplied as stand
string20 ard.
and custom-
Strings 81–
If the attachment field is configured for Job Information, then attachments are shown in the related Job
Information record in the History UI.
However, if the attachments field is not configured for Job Information or the logged-in user does not have
permission to view or edit that field, but the workflow initiator added the attachments to Job Information, then
system loads the attachment into the Employment Information attachments field in the Termination UI.
The following elements are deprecated and must not be used in the data models.
Job Information
• Additional-Manager
• Address
• Amount-of-Financial-Plan
• Custom-Manager
• ERN-Number
• Govt-Grant-Amount
• HR-Manager
• International-Org-Code
• Is-Primary
• Manager
• Manager-Employment-ID
• Matrix-Manager
• Pay-Group
• Second-Manager
• Time-Account-Profile-Code
• Track-ID
Compensation Information
• BonusInfo
• CompAdjustInfo
• DirectDeposit
• JobInfoLocal
• LeaveOfAbsence
• NameInfo
• PayrollInfo
• RelInfo
• StatusInfo
• WorkEligibilityInfo
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