Con2 Install Manual-M Rintoule
Con2 Install Manual-M Rintoule
Con2 Install Manual-M Rintoule
Appendix A
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ┌─────────┐ .
. │ SLAVE │ .
. ╔═════╡ CON2 AF │ .
. ║ │#03 - #15│ .
. ║ └─────────┘ .
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / & etc.
. ║ ┌─────────┐ .
. ╚═════╡ SLAVE │ .
. ╔═════╡ CON2 AF │ .
. ║ │ #02 │ .
FOT2(#01) to FOR1(#02) ║ └─────────┘ .
FOR2(#01) to FOT1(#02) ║ ┌─────────┐ .
. ╚═════╡ SLAVE ├────── { Pin1, Common Return
. ╔═════╡ CON2 AF ├────── { Pins 9 to 40 for
12 Volt . ║ │ #01 ├────── { machines 1 to 32.
power pack . ║ └─────────┘ .
. . ║ . . . . . . . . . .
F O ║
I P ║ FOT1(#00) to FOR1(#01)
B T ║ FOR1(#00) to FOT1(#01)
║ E C
12 Volt │CON2AF ├─40─── { Pin 1, Common machine return.
power pk │MASTER ├─WAY── { Pins 1,2,3,4 - JPot Reset 0 to 3.
│ #00 ├────── { Pin 39 Reset return for JPot groups 0 to 3.
└──┬───┬──┘ { Pins 9 to 38 signal for machines 1 to 30.
│ │
│ │
│ │ The Eprom goes into U3.
│ │ Master CON2's have JP3 set and RAM chips
│ │ in sockets U5 and U6.
│ │
J5 J6 (4,5) Master and/or Slave
│ │
NOTE: Connection to either MASTER or SLAVE ports J5 or J6 results in the same output
except in the special case of the INSTALL. In INSTALL a Cham2 MUST be connected to
EACH controller to confirm the PHYSICAL connection of its poker machines.
One wire pair is sufficient to connect all peripheral devices as used in most
Clubs. Large and complex installations should be prepared on their own merits. Of
course two pairs are required with mixed Cham2 and Cham1 installations.
│J5 or J6 (Master or Slave)
Between the different levels of equipment some rules must be followed, some required by
law, others from experience.
Any CON1 system can and only can use CHAM1 displays, Cham2 and Cham3 displays
cannot be attached as they cannot operate on the early version of communications protocols.
Naturally level 1 trigger devices are compatible but so to are level 2 (see below).
Any CON2 system BY LAW must have at least one CHAM2 display attached so that the
advanced features of the CON2 can be accessed. These include the communications check in
INSTALL and the Jackpot History file.
It is strongly recommendation that ALL jackpot levels should have its own CHAM2
display so that the PCID function is available, especially with larger links. Further, it is generally
recommended that all displays in the gaming areas should be CHAM2 and that the use of
CHAM1 be in remote signs such as (very effectively) in the foyer.
These work natively with CON2 but have the added capacity to support bit image graphics
as message files. They are not compatible with for CON1
The old Trigger Devices can be used with level 2, if the communications have been
changed by a Gateway, it is recommended that the primary trigger in any new system should be
the new JTD2.
The recommended jackpot groups to be used are from 0 to 3 as these are common for both
CON2 and CON1. Further only these groups can be converted by a Gateway to run a Cham1 or
JTD1 from a CON2.
(Appendix A)
│ B │
┌─────────┐ │ R │
│ SLAVE ├────────────┤ E │ Looms (trunk / in-bank)
╔═════╡ CON2 AF ├────────────┤ A │ connected here for rest of
║ │ ├────────────┤ K │ Slave Controllers.
║ │#03 - #15├────────────┤ │
║ └─────────┘ │ O │
║ │ U │
║ │ T │
║ └───┘
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / & etc.
║ ┌───┐
║ ┌─────────┐ │ B │
╚═════╡ SLAVE ├────────────┤ R │
│ ├────────────┤ E │
╔═════╡ CON2 AF ├────────────┤ A │
║ │ #02 ├────────────┤ K │
║ └─────────┘ │ │
║ │ O │
║ │ U │
║ │ T │
║ └───┘
║ ┌───┐
║ ┌─────────┐ │ B │
╚═════╡ SLAVE ├────────────┤ R │
│ ├────────────┤ E │
╔═════╡ CON2 AF ├────────────┤ A │
║ │ #01 ├────────────┤ K │
║ └─────────┘ │ │
║ │ O │
║ │ U │
║ │ T │
║ └───┘
╚══════════╗ ┌───┐
║ │ B │
┌────╨────┐ │ R │
│CON2A or├────────────┤ E │
│CON2AF ├─40─WAY─────┤ A │ (See detail next page)
│MASTER ├─RIBBON─────┤ K │
│ #00 ├────────────┤ │
└─────────┘ │ O │
│ U │
│ T │
The gaming electronics requires the presence of at least one experienced gaming
technician, an efficient install is aided by two personnel for such as testing of communication
lines. Experience from the typical 50 machine link is for a complete install is about one man
week. If the job is very large additional personnel may be required.
This is a very important phase as links as such tend to be built into the fabric of a site and
so the more work is carried out ahead of the approved turn on date, the less likely there is for
major problems at the last moment.
By their very nature random links (as independent gaming devices) cannot affect the
operation of the poker machines upon which they are dependant. Therefore pre-install can
include the entire install, except for those items that interact with the patrons, being the LED
displays and the jackpot sounding system. How far pre-install does occur will depend on the site
itself including such factors as delivery of new poker machines and bases and delicencing of
existing link systems.
11) Connect trunk looms to Breakout boards and plug into controllers.
12) Prepare PCID file from floor plan and load into controller.
13) Set controller to INSTALL test mode, ensure a display is connected to the controller under
test (link signage or a potable display).
14) Confirm slot communications and PCID nicknames by Install Test.
15) Label machines with addresses on the Link.
16) Install reset/occurrence system/s and check continuity.
17) Install audible jackpot system, generally the amplifier with the controllers and speakers out
in the pit.
18) Dummy run link to test whole system including controller settings (minimum, maximum
increments and denomination tables) and correspondence of jackpot groups to
reset/occurrence system, display panel and PCID nick-names. Ensure ALL jackpot groups
are fired several times.
19) Prepare messages for displays and confirm management acceptance.
20) Confirm management acceptance of jackpot music content and speaker volume.
21 Carry out incrementation check on all level of jackpots with management member to
confirm values with them in there own mind. If the incrementation is say 0.255%, play
$3.92 ($1÷0.255) for 1¢ extra going from $3.90 to $3.95.
22) Dummy run link for final confirmation of functions and to train staff.
23) Confirm with management that their computer system has the correct settings. Many
systems support only 2 decimals places for percentages and often three will be needed.
The controllers must be placed in a permanent secure position, this generally excludes poker
machine top boxes (except for small links). Positions such as a cashiers booth or a counting
room are recommended, they must be in a locked box and access controlled. A major advantage
of the above positions are they have, by their nature, an extra layer of access control and may
even be under observation.
The same rules that apply to poker machines also applies to link controllers. As a system, it is
not to be active till the approval date except for testing purposes by the technician, at completion
of a test it is to be deactivated (any active displays should display a message "THIS SI A TEST"
The following is suggested to select a position but it is common to combine it with the
reset device:
1) Near the Jackpot Reset.
2) Near or at the cashier or similar.
3) Within view of a sign.
4) Installed securely (see security).
In a position to provide good views for both players and staff. They can be installed at any
time and connected to the looming for testing as long as they do not appear to be an active link
before approval.
Check denomination multiplier table in the Master controller using PSP to confirm settings,
item "E" from the main menu. The standard random link token value is 5c so that a 5 cent
appears as "001", 10 cent "002", 20 cent "004", $1 "020" and $2 is "040".
Controller test mode must be carried out at install, page 8 of PSP then scroll through the
"F3" options till "INST" is shown and "SEND". The Chameleon 2 displays attached to the
controller will show "3.10vr" being the software version number and an "r" for random.
As each machine is played the display will show its hardware number determined by which
pin on the 40 way it is plugged into (pin number - 8) and the PCID name. Note them down, it is
required by the L.A.B. that these details be attached to the poker machine.
To confirm the machines connected to slave controllers a display must be plugged into J5
or J6 on that slave controller.
Looming for a simple single controller array is similar as for existing small random jackpot
systems. There are added complexities due to the capabilities.
Poker Machine
As a minimum for each bank one wire for each poker machine and controller plus whatever
spares are prudent for possible future controllers and pokies on the bank.
Regardless of the number of jackpot displays only a pair of wires are essential, this assumes
that all of the displays are the new Cham2.
Where Cham1 displays are also included totally separate circuits need to be provided from
the Gateway but subject to the same requirements as for Cham2.
BreakOut Boards
These can be positioned and connected to the looming. The breakouts must be housed
securely, preferable with the controllers.
There is a variation that includes an LED so that pulses can be viewed by the player and
staff. It reinforces player attraction to the link in many coin play as well as trouble shoots for
machines with meter runaway problems.
Connection to the major brands are detailed below and they entail at least 95% of the
installed machines. In the case of orphans, where there may be non-Australian devices we prefer
an IDC (Insulation Displacement Connectors) at the Turnover meter and an extended testing
The recommended interface cards by Ay-Jay come in two configurations being the standard
and the enhanced, the latter offers a door mounted LED so that players have feedback of their
play. They are polarity insensitive due to a bridge and therefore there is no particular mention as
to which of the pair of wire to where from the poker machine.
This manufacturer has been about for some period but has been represented in significant
numbers since their introduction by their Tokenised machines. No break in is required as there is
a purpose connection in the top box on the meter array with pins 8 and 9 being appropriate.
Pins 4 and 1 or 2 on the 20 way ribbon.
Using a short extension rainbow ribbon, the
required wires extend past the IDC plug and
are pined to a standard panduit IDC.
Pins 3 (com) and 10 (T/O) are to the
turnover meter on the 12 way molex. Using a
short male/female extension, the required
wires extend past the molex plug and are
pined to a standard panduit IDC.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
The major problem is the volatility, small volume and overseas sourcing of components.
The most stable factor is that the mauve wire is the common and the turnover is yellow from plug
Interface cards must be connected to the Hard Turnover meters, there are some machines
that have not been fitted with such during the middle 1980's with the major class being early
Aristocrat video poker machines. If there are no hard meters they must be installed. Full details
can be obtained from Alan Frith.
As indicated there are orphans such as due to inconsistent production such as for
Pacific(Universal) or small volume such as Jades. From experience these machines represent
only 5% of the total and justifiably fall under a miscellaneous heading.
Inherent with dealing with such few
machines the technician will not be in position
to confirm experience with orphans, therefore
it is likely to be superior outcomes if the they
confirm the correct looms by connecting at the
turnover meter by use of an approved IDC
(preferable) or second by soldering to the
terminals both being followed by an extended
testing regime.
Regardless, testing should go beyond the simple "INSTALL" check for majority machines
and include an increment test. This involves calculating how much credit must be played on the
machine to produce an increase in the value (usually) the smallest jackpot.
It is common for a jackpot to have a 0.5% contribution, playing $2 through should produce
an increase of the display of 1¢ if communications are good. Similarly if the increment is
0.167% tha calculation is $1÷0.167% = $5-98", that is going from $5.95 to $6.00.
Mains Power
The supply is to be a clean 240 volts, that for the signage and displays can be piggy backed
from the slot machines as the draw is not heavy.
For the other gaming electronics and in particular the controllers the power is to be
continuous clean mains. Their draw is minimal but any electronics runs better when left on
Controller Housing
It is recommended that all the links are to be together in an agreed secure position with
easy, comfortable access, lighting, at least two shelves better three, power, and a secure key lock
on the door to the same type as used for the machines. Suitable secure positions include such as
cash handling areas, supervisors offices and data retrieval offices.
Trunk Looming
This is defined as the multi-core cable that connects the wiring from the looms in the banks
back to where the controllers are housed. Local knowledge is essential as the best route has to be
determined including going through obstacles such as drilling through concrete floors and walls.
Reset/Occurrence Preparation
Apart from the laying of cable (Trunk), a suitable position for the jackpot reset has to be
agreed on. Generally the best position for a link will not be at a bank, possibly being at the
cashier. Once a configuration is agreed on then it is housed to suit.
Connection is via a serial communications port, the computer shorthand being the "COM"
port, usually there being COM1 and COM2 on a typical machine. They are normally a male plug
on the back of the PC and are usually what is called a D9, that is a "D" shaped shroud with nine
pins. On older machines it may be a D25, that is with 25 pins but a "D" shape.
The default password is "135642" and is entered by the F10 function key.
The controller will emulate being played from a full complement of machines at maximum
As jackpots occur confirm the following, ensure all levels go off:
1) The jackpot settings of the displays.
2) Confirm reset button to jackpot level.
3) Confirm occurrence meter to jackpot level.
4) Inspect the hardware and PCID jackpot messages to ensure they correspond.
Essential in what has become a large distributed system, but a few simple rules below if
applied, will ensure that the system can operate securely. Any system installed outside these
rules voids all warrantees, the installer is absolutely liable.
See install check list.
It must be in a tamper resistant housing with fixings either enclosed so that access is from
such as a locked container, access controlled room or is closed with a SEAL.
A key lock is required to be able to operate the reset. Security is achieved if the lock is
placed on the common return wire, if interrupted no reset will work.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
It is mandatory that the hardware number and (if used) PCID name be attached to the poker
machine in a sturdy manner so that players can see them.
Best is in association with the reset. If used it can be placed anywhere subject to:
There reliability of the Mikohn controller has been proven over a decade of use with the
software operating without intervention by technical staff. But, being the centre of what is often
the largest jackpot generating device in a site, there are often operational, jurisdictional and
accounting reasons to extract and confirm data from the controller.
There is a range of methods available with the most detailed being on-line data retrieval
systems such as Mikohn's "JIS" and Aristocrat "DACOM", through to the more general batch
approaches which is the purpose of this discussion.
With version 3.xx CON2 software, the major enhancement is the controller has the option
of protecting key settings, that is they are protected or fixed in the EPROM. Anything
communicated with respect to these settings is ignored, this can be confirmed by SENDing a new
value (PSP2) and then LOADing back, the value will not have changed. Also values can be
protected, that is they vary with operation but cannot be manually altered, the most important
being the current jackpot level.
Other values are largely cosmetic options and are not discused such as should a "$" or a
"¥" be displayed.
There are three pieces of software and one technique available to audit various data in the
controller being:
• PSP2 This software allows verification / setting (non-fixed) of the jackpot settings
including minimum, maximum, incrementation rates, communications,
jackpot history (slowly) and denomination settings. Also if values are
altered by PSP these are logged with a date/time stamp by the controller
(this log is itself protected).
• C2ACCT This software allows verification of communications while the system is live.
Specifically the investigation of and preventative checks for intermittent
communication errors by counting of turnover pulses.
• C2HIST This software allows the verification of the jackpot history of the controller in
live systems in a rapid efficient manner by such as management.
• INCREMENT The increment test only requires an understanding of how links opperate
to confirm that it is increasing at the correct rate. Though slow, it is
powerful and should be carried out on a few random machines at install.
When the key F2 is pressed, the controller is requested to supply the data for the jackpot
group indicated by F6, in this case for jackpot group 0 (JP0).
BASE VALUE This is the value that corresponds to the minimum value for the link, often
referred to as the "START UP" and is expressed in dollars, for the example it
would display
BASE VALUE : 00,000,050.00
CURRENT VALUE This is the value that has been incremented by play on the gaming
machines and is available NOW to be won. If the link is allowed to be
quiet so that any attached displays have had time to complete their
ODOMETERing, both the signs and CURRENT will be the same.
HIDDEN JP This is not an active value insomuch as it should AT ALL TIMES be the
same as the BASE VALUE, it is used as a reference by the controller that it is
a valid random link.
A 1/2 cent or 0.5% increment link, is as a fraction 0.005, with a one cent
denomination which is 1/100 of a dollar the value is 0.00005. This would be
displayed as:
INCREMENT1 :000 050 00
At sites where there are only 5¢, 10¢, 20¢, $1 or $2 machines, the system
denomination used is 5¢. Therefore a 1/2 cent per dollar increment would
convert to again a fraction of 0.005, but with a 5¢ token, which is 1/20 of a
dollar, the value is divided by 20 to give 0.00025.
INCREMENT2 This is relevant only for progressive links and has no meaning with
random/mystery links.
░Extract :Menu2░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░ ░
░ J A C K P O T S U M M A R Y ░
░ ┌─────────────────────────────┐ ░
░ │MACHINE TOTAL :00,000,000.00│ ░
░ │JACKPOTTOT :00,000,000.00│ ░
░ │DENOMINATION :00.01 │ ░
░ │FLIP RATE :01 │ ░
░ └─────────────────────────────┘ ░
░ Page 2 ░
The CON2 version 3.10 major enhancement was the addition of recognition of
denomination, that if there is both 5¢ and a $2 machines connected there is a table to contain
multipliers so that the link correctly values each signal from the machines. For instance if the 5¢
has a multiplier of 1 then the $2 will have one of 40. These setting can be either Fixed in the
EPROM or RAM resident.
Select the controller whose settings are of interest by cycling through F5 then load the data
using F2.
Inspect the settings by hitting the key F6 and they appear as:
The final audit test requires no special software and is extremely accurate as the system is
being tested in its operational state but it requires that no others are playing, it is very slow,
sometimes may require a lot of play and has a small but increased chance of triggering a jackpot.
In general only a few machines need to be reviewed and rather than testing communication it is a
powerful test of the increment rates.
What is required is the incrementation for the jackpot levels of the link. The overhead
signs increment one cent at a time, with a half cent incrmentation rate the meter will roll over 1¢
for every $2 of play. To calculate for each 1¢ increase divide 1¢ by the increment fraction (eg
1¢÷0.005=200¢). A common increment rate is 0.167% which requires $5.99 of play
In practical terms the jackpot level needs to be played a credit at a time till it rolls over the
display, then commence play and confirm that the display rolls over with the correct level of play
subject to the resolution of the system token. With a link having 5¢ and $2 machines connected
each play of a 5¢ is at most only 4¢ over rather than a possible $1.99 with a $2 machine.
There are three tests available to confirm the system and in particular communications
between the controller and the gaming machines and key controller settings. The primary test is
INSTall requiring PSP2 and mainly used at that time, another is to inspect the soft turnover
registers in the controller using C2ACCT and the last requires no software but needs knowledge
of the increment rates (by site record or use PSP2) and plenty of time.
When first entered, the menu 8 appears as:
░Extract :Menu 8░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░ C O N T R O L L E R T E S T M O D E S ░
░ ░
░ ░
░ ░
░ ░
░ ░
░ Controller Chameleon ░
░ ░
░ ░
░ ░
░ SEND LOAD ---- 00 SEND ---- HELP EXIT ░
░ F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 Page 1 ░
░ ░
When F3 is pressed the display changes from "----" to "INST" (for install), then press the
F1 to send it to the Master controller. The link is suspended and the overhead signs then display
the version number of the controller, which for random/mystery links is currently "v3.10r".
When a coin is played in an attached machine the position it is connected to on the controller is
displayed. NOTE: If PCID has been loaded, in addition to the position, the message for that
machine is also displayed.
The display of this information is limited only to those machines and displayed on those
signs connected to the controller being tested. If a Master controller is to be tested, then only
machines and signs connected to it are relevant, if then SLAVES are to be tested then sign must
be connected to them in turns.
To clear the "INSTall" mode press F3 till "----" returns and then using F1 send it to the
Master controller, the link is no longer suspended.
The strength of this software is it does not interrupt play as only the machines being
confirmed needing to be put out of play and crucially, there are no effects on the jackpot cycle or
any other function.
This software accesses the soft registers in the controller, and as accounting information
has a low processing priority, allow some seconds when the system is busy for the file to be
updated. Further, if the controller is not ready to respond, it will ignore the request responding
with all zero values.
This software is particularly useful where communications are under review such as when a
new machine is connected or when machines are suspected to have dropped off the link or where
intermittent errors are suspected.
To confirm a slots communications, take a reading and then play and confirm that the
correct increase in turnover has occurred. Note this file records pulses received by the controller
with out any adjustment for the denomination of the machine. If the machine is played 5 times
whether a $2 or a 5¢ the increase is "5". The column of the turnover pulses is the first one to the
left of the port numbers.
░ ░
░ 1 COM1 C Change controller number ░
░ 2 COM2 F Fill records with record number ░
░ R Receive database N Fill records with all nines ░
░ S Send database Z Fill records with all zeros ░
░ W Write report to disk Q Quit ░
░ ░
░ ░
░ 1: 0, 0, 0, 0 17: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 2: 0, 0, 0, 0 18: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 3: 0, 0, 0, 0 19: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 4: 0, 0, 0, 0 20: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 5: 0, 0, 0, 0 21: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 6: 0, 0, 0, 0 22: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 7: 0, 0, 0, 0 23: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 8: 0, 0, 0, 0 24: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 9: 0, 0, 0, 0 25: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 10: 0, 0, 0, 0 26: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 11: 0, 0, 0, 0 27: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 12: 0, 0, 0, 0 28: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 13: 0, 0, 0, 0 29: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 14: 0, 0, 0, 0 30: 0, 0, 0, 0░
Error! Bookmark not defined.
░ 15: 0, 0, 0, 0 31: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ 16: 0, 0, 0, 0 32: 0, 0, 0, 0░
░ ░
░ ░
░ COM1: Controller 0 ░
This software allows the easy interroation of the jackpot history stack which records full
details of the jackpots in order with date/time controller/port address, which group and how
much. It does not affect the play od the controller, similarly to its sister software, C2ACCT.
Appendix A :Page 45
This controller type is capable of supporting 30 poker machines on the Master and 32 per
Slave controller, up to 15 Slaves, for a grand total of 510 machines (connected via the fibre optic
ports). The Master supports fewer machines as it requires two port positions to manage the
jackpot reset functions. It is permitted in N.S.W. to run up to 4 jackpot levels.
The master as described below, is identified by the selector being at "0" and "JP3"
(jumper 3) being ON.
Appendix A :Page 46
This is physically the same as the Master above except the selector is set to OTHER THAN
"0", from 1 to F, and that jumper "JP3" if OFF.
Appendix A :Page 47
Appendix A :Page 48
This device has been designed to support both level 1 and 2 (CON1 & CON2) controllers,
set by the jumpers and dips below. There are two versions being V2.00 (original) and Ver 2.04
(released late in 1994), V2.00 fires one relay for each jackpot level and V2.04 fires a pair of
relays per jackpot.
Operating with the standard Reset/Occurrence device the centre pole of the relay is to have
+ve voltage with pins 1 going to the JP1 to JP4 and JP COM to the -ve voltage.
Appendix A :Page 49
Appendix A :Page 50
With V2.04 Jackpots on groups 0 to 3 set SW2 switches 0-3 to ON, for Jackpots 4-7 set
them to OFF.
Appendix A :Page 51
Appendix A :Page 52
With V2.04 Jackpots on groups 0 to 3 set SW2 switches 0-3 to ON, for Jackpots 4-7 set
them to OFF.
Appendix A :Page 53
Appendix A :Page 54
CON1 controller is that which has successfully available from the middle 80's in N.S.W..
It is capable of supporting only one random jackpot from groups zero to 3. It is only capable of
driving level one displays (Cham1), and does not support the advanced functions such as PCID,
essential for larger links.
Appendix A :Page 55
Appendix B :Page 57
Appendix B :Page 58
Appendix B :Page 59
Appendix B :Page 60
mini-loom is
to be plugged
in series with
the meters
Appendix B :Page 61
This mini-loom is to be
plugged in series with the
meters loom.
Appendix B :Page 62
Appendix B :Page 63
Appendix D :Page 71
Appendix D :Page 72
1) If the system appears confused or corrupted such as during installation or lightning, it may
require more than a factory reset by PSP. With a controller check that the date {see
date} has been set, if this does not work then earth then reseat the EPROM and RAM
Symptoms are most likely to be it wont work, but in theory can be anything strange, as a
general rule if you cant find anything else clear the chips.
For CON2 the EPROM is U3 and the RAMs are U5/U6 and for LOGIC2 board EPROMs
are U6/U7 and RAMs U4/U5. Be very careful of static, earth yourself by grasping an
earthed item such as the metal in a poker machine first.
2) "C16" indicates a "brown out", a state of the mains power being seriously below the 240
volts, it clears itself.
Occurs at powerup.
3) Jackpot Trigger Device Level 1 may play up on a CON2. The 5 volt power pack for the
level 1 Trigger Board may need to be connected to an approved power conditioner when
so used.
4) Jackpots only at maximum value then "C10". If the date and time are not set in the CON2
at install, or is lost, then it will react very strangely with the system running up to
maximum jackpot as the only consistent symptom.
5) "C9", the setup of Logic Board is incomplete or lost, common at install, acute power
outage (eg lightning) and if the RAM power backup fails. If is due to Ram backup
failure, it is obvious when turned on in the morning (super capacitor "C1" has shit itself).
Ensure the displays are set up according to the block diagram for "Multi Small Displays"
above and the EPROM is on the logic board. {see JPGRP"A"=x}
Appendix E :Page 73
6) Message is not correctly positioned on a chameleon. Confirm that the logic board has the
correct EPROM. A 1x2 may have a 1x3 or a 12cell has a 14cell EPROM (or visa versa).
Appendix E :Page 74
7) Chameleon does not react to controller.
1) Turn on, Cham2 logic boards, early version have an ON/OFF switch "S1".
2) Incompatible logic board and EPROM version or speed setting. {see 2.02}
5) Ensure that the ribbon cable has been correctly made, it is easy to reverse the
connector if making own (red always to one).
6) Ensure the ribbon is in the correct plug on the display, there are two, J3 does not
work for the large displays.
8) EPROM version number 2.02 assumes an 8MHz mini cham logic board and version 2.05
assumes the faster 10MHz logic board (see incompatible), this can be varied.{see
9) Sub jackpot groups not offered with multi smell displays at setup means the wrong logic
board EPROM variant has been installed. {see 07F7AH}
10) "EMPTY" displayed on chameleons. The logic board has been set with the MFILE=0
(user programmable) but it has not been programmed how to display. Are the wires
1) Program in page 4 "JPOT.DO" message with PSP, if not possible alter the MFILE
from 0 to any other. A common JACKPOT.DO message is "├α5≈_♠8".
{see S2}
2) The logic board wont talk to its EPROM, if "LOADING" does not show at a PSP
send, change EPROM or board. {see 2.02}
4) Occurs in morning, then the backup (super) capacitor may be failing. {see capacitor}
Appendix E :Page 75
11) No increment on a few machine/s when played is usually due to the common and the strobe
being the wrong way about, this causes NO damage.
1) Ensure that the common wire is on the correct pole of the interface card. Frithy uses
"PINK" as the common for his looms and the common pin is indicated by a pink
mark (the corner pin of the interface card).
3) Denomination multiplier may be "000", check using PSP item "E" from the main
Appendix E :Page 76
12) The Controller number is not shown on CHAM1 displays at jackpot. This is an
inconsistency, not an error, with old displays (Chameleon 1). A machine on the master
controller will not display a zero "0" before the machine number, slave controller
numbers are shown. {see PCID}
13) The pokies software name from PCID are not shown.
3) Testing, such as the "Incrementation" test will destroy this record in the CON2,
4) Changing of the EPROM or reseating the RAMS will destroy it, reload.
Appendix E :Page 77
14) Logic Board, Jackpot Reset and etc EPROM does not fit. This can occur due to the change
in the processor used as the long time used "Hitachi" chip is no longer available. The
last version for the old chip 1x2/1x3 logic board is Version 7.15, after that a pair of chips
are used, similarly the "E" version of the Gateways use a pair of chips and the same has
occurred for Jackpot Trigger Devices with only the new version available.
15) C31. At least one of the slave controllers has dropped off the system due to loss of power
or the fibre optic link has been broken. This will only occur after the master has initially
detected the existence of the Slave, if it has never been connected then it will not ask for
This loss of communications can also occur where the fibre buss is towards the limits of its
length, nominally 70 metres. In such a case enabling the jumpers (JP??) behind the
transmit fibre ports FOT1 and FOT2 boosts the signal, this is not to be done unless the
problem is due to attenuation. {see C30}
16) C30. The slave controller has lost communications with its master, it displays only on a
sign that is directly connected to it that slave controller (local, the same as for an
INSTALL check). {see C31 : see INSTALL}
17) Values lost from controller. If it happens twice without GOOD explanation the controller
is to be replaced immediately (excluding obvious external factors such as lightning
Immediate action in the case of multi controller systems is to swap the Master with a Slave
with the most different serial number and reconfigure while awaiting replacement of the
slave(ex-Master). {see setup}
1) If occurs after being turned off (eg overnight) then the memory backup capacitors
may have failed, till fixed leave mains on ALL the time. {see capacitors} Note
that it is recommended that the controller and in fact any electronics should remain
on ALL the time.
18) Actual incrementation percentage (%) too high or low in a stable and proportionate
manner. This is mainly due to connecting a machine to the wrong position on the
breakout. Use PSP menu item "E" to confirm denomination settings and then check off
each poker machines denomination. Reposition as needed at breakout.
19) Large Cham2 displays such as 1x2 or 1x2 do not work. This may be due to incompatible
mixing of the release of Driver board with a Logic board. Prior to December 1993 the
Drivers part # 341-006-60 or# 341-008-70C used a 68 pin XYLINX chip in U2 and a
Appendix E :Page 78
Cycle stealer "OVDR V1.0" or "OVLG V1.1" in U1 these can only be used with the
logic board running a cycle stealer chip in U9 or U10 version 1.1 or 1.0 part # 341-009-
11 or 341-016-10. The newer driver board has a part #321-010-40B and without a cycle
stealer chip and requires a logic board that uses a cycle stealer chip in U10 of OVLG
V1.2 or V1.3 or higher.
The new driver board can be easily distinguished by having no large square XILINX chip
and only a red power LED compared to a large square XILINX chip two LEDs, a red
power and a green communication.
Appendix E :Page 79
20) False Jackpots. If in doubt don't pay, use your 24 hours and get a tech with HIST2 or PSP
to check the history file of the last 100 jackpots in the controller. There are a
multiplicity of causes of this apparent state;
1) Early model tokenised machines. If the software has been updated to tokenised , the
hardware turnover meter can be so slow that it is easy for this meter to be
incrementing minutes after the player has departed. A disappearing problem, get
later version software/hardware.
2) Late model Aristocrat (Jan 94) 540 and converted Mark 2.5 (540 type) have a nasty
tendency to run away, so do some of the later model IGT. The only cure is the
pokie maker which has been occurring.
3) Some Poker machines are showing generalised malfunction of the Turnover system
so that they generate pulses that do not increment the hard meter but does tick over
the controller. The preferred CON2 settings suppress this. (These pulses have
voltage but no amperage.) Current generation Interfaces are buffered against this.
4) Misunderstanding of what the staff is paying out on, this is a confusion that occurs
with new staff and newly installed systems. They may mix up the link number
with the house number, the hardware number with the nickname and the options
go on. Training is the only answer.
21) No MESSAGE displayed on display. The MFILE parameter for the display has not been
set to 0 (set to MFILE=0). Note that to display messages, information on how to
display the current jackpot must also be loaded to the logic board, a common JPOT.DO
message is ├α5≈_♠8. If a message is not to be displayed the recommended
MFILE setting is "4", this is the jackpot centre aligned and in DANCE colour (adjusted
on the logic board by switches S2, S3 and S4.).
22) Loss of controller values and PCID names. If this happens during a power down, such as
overnight it is usually a failure of the RAM power backup system a super capacitor
"C51". Immediate action is to ensure the power remains on all the time and replace the
capacitor. Reload data and PCID.
Appendix E :Page 80
Appendix E :Page 81
The white wire on the 240 volt lead into the chameleon power supplies is the active, black
is neutral and green is earth.
All power outputs have been 10.5 volts totally independent of what has been displayed on
the power supplies themselves. Only 10.5 volts. Early ones had 12 volts marked on them but
had been adjusted internally to 10.5 volts.
Output Wire
Voltage Colour ╔═╩═╩═╗ Pin
+12 purple ║o o o║ 3 Purple Logic board power
+ 5 yellow ║o o o║ 6 Red LED power
Gnd black ║o o o║ 9 Black Ground
-12 red ║o o o║ 12 -
+ 5 Yel Yel Note :This is the end near the Triacs on the Logic PCB.
-12 Red Red
+12 Org Pur
Gnd Blk Blu
Appendix F :Page 82
The maximum voltage to be switched by the relays is 110 volts, 240 volts is NOT to be
attached. It uses a 9 volt power pack as standard which is able to support 1 JTD2 and 2 mini-
photon cells. Unloaded the power pack rates at about 13 volts.
+9 ───────o├───── Ground
JTD2 power panduit "J4", the 1 is the +ve pin and 2 is the -ve.
To draw off low current of clean 5 volts the outputs for the mini-photons can be utilised.
Pin 2 is +5 and 10 is Ground.
Appendix F :Page 83
CON2 EPROM type 27C512-150
1) Cham1 version 7.20 up by editing address "7EB2H" from default "1" to "0".
2) Cham2 version 1.06 up by editing address "07FD8H" to "1" at bit 1.
Display Number
Each possible combination of attached displays requires that the address
on the "U7" EPROM chip "07F7AH" must be correctly set.
Note: With Triple the heavier 780-026-50 50 watt power supply is required for the double
combinations the standard unit being able to drive to 26 cells is sufficient.
This is available in two versions which are NOT mutually compatible with respect to the
LOGIC board
Appendix F :Page 84
The version 2.00 (2.04) software has the following options:
Value Effect
7FDCH Select which relay to respond to ALL jackpots
00H One to one for JP6=JPot0 to JP13=JPot7
01H First relay
08H Eighth relay
Flash Details
7FDEH Enable.
00H No flash, always ON.
01H Flash available.
Appendix F :Page 85
The 10 way ribbon used in level 2 communications such as between the logic and driver
and driver to driver utilises only 5 lines per sa. The ribbon is wired to:
1,3,5,7 & 9 Logic Ground
2 Sync Signal
4 Strobe
6 Not Used
8 Data
10 Clock
Suggested wiring for such as replacing the ribbon with standard shielded 6 multi-core is:
1 Logic Ground
2 Sync Signal
4 Strobe
8 Data
10 Clock
Appendix F :Page 86
Appendix F :Page 87
SW1 (second bank)
│ Photon│ Maximum │ Switch │
│ Size │ Value │ 1234567 │
│ 6 │ 9,999.99 │ OxxxxxO │
│ 7 │ 99,999.99 │ OxxxOxO │
│ 9 │ 999,999.99 │ OxxxOOO │
Appendix F :Page 88
1) SW1=4
2) SW2=0
2) SW1=8
3) SW2=0
Appendix F :Page 89
J7 (red line) & J6 to driver.
J3 (red line) & J2 to nowhere
│ ╔═══╦═╪═╗ │
│ ║ ║ │ ║ │
│ ╚═══╩═══╝ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ ╔═══╗ │
│ ║ ║ │
│ ╚═══╝ │
│ ╔═╪═╦═══╗ │
│ ║ │ ║ ║ │
│ ╚═══╩═══╝ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ ╔═══╗ │
│ ║ ║ │
│ ╚═══╝ │
J11 to 40 way
Appendix F :Page 90