Learn Words (Part 02)
Learn Words (Part 02)
Learn Words (Part 02)
Synonyms: teeter, walk unsteadily, stagger Usage: "a perilous journey south"
Usage: "a hunched figure tottering down the path" 5) Detract (Verb) - घटाना
Meaning: more important than anything else; Synonyms: belittle, take away from, diminish
Synonyms: most important, of greatest importance, Usage: "these quibbles in no way detract from her
Usage: "the interests of the child are of paramount 6) Concerted (Verb) - संयक्त
ु रूप से व्यवस्थित
Usage: "staff were under enormous pressure and Usage: "Lindsey experienced a sharp pang of guilt"
Usage: "the scandal had no discernible effect on Usage: "there is no need to be unduly alarmed"
his career"
Usage: "the ridge formed a stark silhouette against 4) Contention (Noun) - असहमस्त, स्ववाद
Meaning: exercise a veto against (a decision or Usage: "the captured territory was the main area of
Usage: "the president vetoed the bill" Meaning: bitter indignation at having been treated
Synonyms: pain, sharp pain, shooting pain Usage: "his resentment at being demoted"
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6) Bickering (Verb) - क्षुद्र औि तुच्छ मामलों में बहस किना 10) Rigour (Noun) - स्नठिता
Meaning: argue about petty and trivial matters. Meaning: the quality of being extremely thorough
Synonyms: nourishment, food, nutriment Meaning: give or grant someone (power, status, or
Usage: "poor rural economies turned to potatoes Synonyms: give, grant, tender
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Usage: "the powers accorded to the head of state" Meaning: reprimand (someone) severely.
Meaning: move slowly and carefully in order to Usage: "he was castigated for not setting a good
Antonyms: barreling, bolting, breakneck Meaning: the quality of being convenient and
Usage: "he crept downstairs, hardly making any practical despite possibly being improper or
Usage: "Davis beat his old adversary in the Meaning: difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant.
Synonyms: smug, self-satisfied, pleased with Meaning: drastically alter or destroy the structure
oneself of.
an unfertilized egg"
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1) Connivance (Noun) - स्मलीभगत Usage: "she made to open the door, but he
Antonyms: assistance, abetment, aid Meaning: move (troops or equipment) into position
Usage: "this infringement of the law had taken for military action.
Antonyms: concentrate
Usage: "thugs went on the rampage and wrecked a Synonyms: shocking, disgraceful, scandalous
Synonyms: plunder, pillage, steal from Meaning: exemption from a rule or usual
4) Detained (Verb) - देि किना Usage: "although she was too young, she was
Meaning: keep (someone) from proceeding by given special dispensation to play before her
Synonyms: delay, hold up, make late 8) Reviled (Verb) - बुिा-भला कहना
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Meaning: criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting Usage: I had many such experiences at meetings
Usage: "he was now reviled by the party that he Meaning: a vast number of people or things.
9) Ordained (Verb) - आस्धकारिक तौि पि आदेश देना Usage: "legions of photographers and TV
Usage: "equal punishment was ordained for the Meaning: a division or contrast between two things
entirely different.
10) Credence (Noun) - स्वश्वास या थवीकृ स्त Synonyms: division, separation, divorce
single political question which has been referred to Usage: "the Everton tale of woe continued"
Synonyms: public vote, plebiscite, popular vote 5) Sway (Verb) - स्नयंिण किना
of action).
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Synonyms: influence, affect, bias Meaning: pleasure, especially when gained from
Usage: "he's easily swayed by other people" Synonyms: satisfaction, fulfillment, indulgence
Meaning: concise and exact use of words in writing Usage: "a thirst for sexual gratification"
or speech.
Usage: "the staff will edit manuscripts with a view harsh and loud noise.
Synonyms: infamous, of ill repute, with a bad Meaning: dismiss something as unimportant.
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Meaning: inspiring fear or respect through being Antonyms: stand up, sit up
impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable. Usage: "she slumped against the cushions"
Antonyms: pleasant-looking, comforting, easy 9) Belie (Verb) - सच्चा प्रभाव देने में स्वफल होना
Antonyms: fortunate, beneficial Usage: "his lively, alert manner belied his years"
Usage: "in 1874, the islands were ceded to Britain" human nature"
Editorial 10 – 09 – 2021
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Synonyms: skill, skilfulness, expertness Usage: "Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a
Meaning: not having arrived, happened, or been Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic
behind schedule
Usage: "the rent was nearly three months overdue" Antonyms: normal, common
Usage: "they emphasize the need for daily, one-to- Usage: "the city was devastated by a huge
Meaning: care for and protect (someone or Meaning: the action of evacuating a person or a
Synonyms: bring up, care for, provide for Synonyms: removal, clearance, shifting
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Usage: "there were waves of evacuation during the Synonyms: declaration, contention, statement
Synonyms: fly up, wing, wing its way Meaning: renounce one's throne.
Usage: "the bird spread its wings and soared into Antonyms: be crowned, accede to
Meaning: the action of returning a military attack; 5) Veered (Verb) - अचानक कदशा बदलना
Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon, sympathy Antonyms: stayed, went direct, gone direct
Usage: "the bombings are believed to be in Usage: "an oil tanker that had veered off course"
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Usage: "a probe into city hall corruption" Usage: In March 1848, authorities charged several
Usage: "the nearby sheep stampeded as if they Synonyms: native, aboriginal, local
Meaning: relating to cultivated land or the Usage: "her family fled religious persecution"
cultivation of land.
Usage: "Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian Synonyms: legal, lawful, licit
rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. Meaning: ready or eager to fight or argue.
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Usage: "he made some enemies with his Meaning: a feeling or thought that something is
Meaning: regard or represent as being of little Usage: "she had a sneaking suspicion that he was
Usage: "he never missed an opportunity to Meaning: create (something) strong, enduring, or
6) Accentuates (Verb) - अस्धक ध्यान देने योग्य या प्रमुख Antonyms: remain, stand, stay
attention to, point up Meaning: impair the quality or appearance of; spoil.
Usage: "a website which enabled staff to air their Synonyms: encouragement, reminder(s),
grievances" reminding
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Meaning: give or grant someone (power, status, or Synonyms: come to a climax, come to a
Synonyms: abstain, desist, hold back make or become bent or twisted out of shape,
Antonyms: aided, allowed, assisted typically as a result of the effects of heat or damp.
step of releasing confidential correspondence" Synonyms: attack on, assault on, raid on
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Meaning: yearn to possess (something, especially Usage: They have regarded its renewal and its
Meaning: the action or state of setting someone or Usage: "he cut his finger, and blood spurted over
Usage: "the segregation of pupils with learning Meaning: high-pitched and piercing.
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Usage: "news of the attack will be met with sorrow exploration, research, or war.
8) Truce (Noun) - युिस्विाम संस्ध Usage: "an expedition to the jungles of the
Usage: "the guerrillas called a three-day truce" Usage: "the fence had been trampled down"
Usage: "he called for punitive measures against Antonyms: disenchant, disgust, dissuade
the Eastern bloc" Usage: "a show which should entice a new
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Antonyms: loss, forfeiture, deprivation Usage: "the steering box was recently overhauled"
6) Trespassing (Verb) - स्बना अनुमस्त के प्रवेश किना Synonyms: extensive, wide-ranging, global
Meaning: enter someone's land or property without Antonyms: narrow, restricted, limited
encroach on
Usage: "there is no excuse for trespassing on Meaning: give new and improved form, structure,
Usage: "the lorry was unable to manoeuvre Meaning: done with speed and efficiency.
Antonyms: slow
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Meaning: a surprising and previously unknown fact Meaning: make (an action or process) happen
Synonyms: disclosure, surprising fact, divulgence Synonyms: speed up, accelerate, hurry
Usage: "revelations about his personal life" Usage: "he promised to expedite economic
stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract. Meaning: the quality of lacking transparency or
5) Intriguing (Verb) - स्र्जज्ञासा या रुस्च र्जगाना Usage: "the work at present lacks cohesion"
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Meaning: touch or fidget with something in a Meaning: take part in something so as to prevent
Synonyms: fidget, play, toy Synonyms: intercede, involve oneself, get involved
Usage: "Lena fiddled with her cup" Usage: "he acted outside his authority when he
Meaning: make a formal judgement on a disputed 5) Augur (Verb) - अच्छे या बुिे परिणाम को स्चस्ित किना
Usage: "the Committee adjudicates on all betting Usage: "the end of the cold war seemed to augur
disputes" well"
Meaning: the desertion of one's country or cause in Meaning: demand or specify (a requirement),
Usage: "his defection from the Labour Party" Usage: "he stipulated certain conditions before
their marriage"
Synonyms: strengthen, support, reinforce Meaning: having a great deal of money; wealthy.
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8) Paradox (Noun) – असत्याभास या स्विोधाभास Usage: "the government took the unprecedented
Usage: "the uncertainty principle leads to all sorts Usage: "she promised she would curb her temper"
Synonyms: confirm, endorse, sustain Usage: "a current punitive interest rate of 31.3 per
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Meaning: make (someone) feel very tired. Synonyms: mercy, mercifulness, leniency
Synonyms: hanging, being hanged, the noose Antonyms: prevented, stopped, counteracted
Antonyms: abandoning, disregard, failure Usage: "a situation which entails considerable
minute reprieve"
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Usage: "I was rather dubious about the whole idea" Antonyms: unthreatening, auspicious, benevolent
Usage: "a probe into city hall corruption" Antonyms: answer, question, reply
Meaning: make (something) continue indefinitely. Meaning: a person's natural tendency or urge to
Synonyms: keep alive, keep going, keep in act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.
inadvertence" inclination"
Editorial 28 – 09 – 2021
Meaning: appear to be or do something, especially Meaning: a person's ancestors or family and social
falsely. background.
Usage: "she is not the person she purports to be" Usage: "her early life and antecedents have been
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Meaning: action or speech that makes someone Usage: "a cohort of civil servants patiently drafting
Usage: "you should remain calm and not respond Synonyms: criminal, lawbreaker, offender
3) Inflated (Verb)
structure) with air or gas so that it becomes Meaning: a thing that discourages or is intended to
Usage: "never use an air line on a garage forecourt Antonyms: incentive, encouragement
Antonyms: commendation Usage: "I was rather dubious about the whole idea"
9) Lackadaisical (Adjective)
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Usage: "a lackadaisical defence left Spurs adrift in Usage: "the hungry flames devoured the old
Meaning: doubtful as to whether something will Meaning: reduce something in size, amount, or
Synonyms: skeptical, doubtful, distrustful Synonyms: erode, wear away, eat away
Usage: "most residents are cynical about efforts to Usage: "the shortlist of fifteen was whittled down to
Editorial 29 – 09 – 2021
Meaning: express eager enjoyment, interest, or Meaning: the state of being legally responsible for
Antonyms: renewing, replacing, building Synonyms: hesitate, delay, drag one's feet
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Meaning: take or use most or all of (something) in Usage: "wars act as a spur to practical invention"
Synonyms: monopolize, keep to oneself, dominate 3) Succour (Noun) - पिेशानी में सहायता
Meaning: the process of reducing something's Usage: "the wounded had little chance of succour"
Usage: "the council is trying to wear down the Antonyms: unimportant, optional
Editorial 30 – 09 – 2021
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Synonyms: allotment, assignment, issuing Usage: "a thorough and painstaking work which
Synonyms: consequence, result, effect Usage: "comments seen as implicit criticism of the
Usage: "the legacy will be used for new this with a toast"
period of time.
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