CSE 462 - Lab Assignment 02
CSE 462 - Lab Assignment 02
CSE 462 - Lab Assignment 02
The goal of this assignment is to implement a hybrid cryptosystem using both
symmetric and asymmetric cryptography mechanisms. We will use AES as the
symmetric cryptography algorithm and RSA as the asymmetric cryptography
As shown in Figure 1, we will at first encrypt the plain text using AES. The key used
to encrypt the plain text will be encrypted using RSA. The AES ciphertext and the
encrypted AES key will be sent through any communication channel where the key
will be at first RSA decrypted to be used for the AES decryption of the ciphertext.
Tasks 01
Independent Implementation of AES
a. Key Expansion: The Encryption key will be provided by the user as an
ASCII string of any length. But the key will always be of length 16. Your
program must handle keys of any other size (i.e. discard chars after 16th or
pad necessary number of chars with it). Choose the padding char as you like.
b. Encryption: The program will encrypt a block of text of 128 bits with the
keys generated in the previous step. Do the same for other blocks.
c. Decryption: Decrypt that encrypted text block and observe if they match
with the original text. Do the same for other blocks.
d. Report time-related performance in the code.
❖ A helper file named “BitVector_Helper.py” is attached for your convenience.
You may import it if you want to. Think of it as a Plug & Play type file.
❖ I have made this file for you which will direct you in detail to implement
sub+InvSubBytes, Mix+InvMixColumn steps.
Sample I/O:
Sample Input 01:
In ASCII: Thats my Kung Fu
In HEX: 5468617473206d79204b756e67204675
Plain Text:
In ASCII: Two One Nine Two
In HEX: 54776f204f6e65204e696e652054776f
Cipher Text:
In ASCII: )ÃP_W¶ ö@"³→☻×:
In HEX: 29c3505f571420f6402299b31a2d73a
Decipher Text:
In ASCII: Two One Nine Two
In HEX: 54776f204f6e65204e696e652054776f
Execution Time:
Key Scheduling: 0.0004014000005554408 sec
Encryption Time: 0.22660769999492913 sec
Decryption Time: 0.29179450002266094 sec
Sample Input 02:
In HEX: 53555354204353453139204261746368
Plain Text:
In ASCII: IsTheirCarnivalSuccessful
In HEX: 497354686569724361726e6976616c5375636365737366756c
Cipher Text:
In ASCII: }♣ÄÍ→▲´ÊBÈw∟◄▼3QeP"¦♫
Decipher Text:
In ASCII: IsTheirCarnivalSuccessful
In HEX: 497354686569724361726e6976616c5375636365737366756c
Execution Time:
Key Scheduling: 0.00021090000518597662 sec
Encryption Time: 0.3442144000000553 sec
Decryption Time: 0.5365762000001268 sec
Plain Text:
In ASCII: YesTheyHaveMadeItAtLast
In HEX: 59657354686579486176654d616465497441744c617374
Cipher Text:
In ASCII: §T§w¶X6Á☺Eq♠@YÖ↑ñW▼qûî^½m:Ï
Decipher Text:
In ASCII: YesTheyHaveMadeItAtLast
In HEX: 59657354686579486176654d616465497441744c617374
Execution Time:
Key Scheduling: 0.00023350000265054405 sec
Encryption Time: 0.33451689999492373 sec
Decryption Time: 0.5017264999914914 sec
Sample Input 04:
In HEX: 42554554435345565353555354435345
Plain Text:
In ASCII: BUETnightfallVsSUSTguessforce
Cipher Text:
In ASCII: 64¡¼é-ÔÌDCÍ2
Decipher Text:
In ASCII: BUETnightfallVsSUSTguessforce
Execution Time:
Key Scheduling: 0.0001728000061120838 sec
Encryption Time: 0.35366069999872707 sec
Decryption Time: 0.5599523999990197 sec
Task 02
Independent Implementation of RSA
a. Your program will at first generate the key pairs (both public and private)
with an input of K (Take K = 16, 32, 64, 96). You must randomly generate
two distinct prime numbers p and q each being 𝑲/𝟐 bits for given key
length K. Choose such algorithms which can generate faster prime numbers.
b. Take plain text as input and encrypt it character by character.
c. Decrypt the ciphertext and match it with the original plain text.
d. Report time-related performance in the following format:
Sample I/O:
Bit Size = 16
Plain Text:
Encrypted Text(ASCII):
[53296, 32514, 13868, 59107, 55418, 47636, 13868, 21544, 47636, 47636,
32514, 47636, 59107, 55418, 47636, 13868]
Decrypted Text:
Execution Time:
Key Generation: 4.220000118948519e-05 sec
Encryption Time: 2.370000584051013e-05 sec
Decryption Time: 3.3899996196851134e-05 sec
Bit Size = 32
Plain Text:
Encrypted Text(ASCII):
[1268954923, 3419348944, 3190642909, 1478590601, 1579240218,
2079935148, 3190642909, 1466721226, 2079935148, 2079935148,
3419348944, 2079935148, 1478590601, 1579240218, 2079935148,
Decrypted Text:
Execution Time:
Key Generation: 6.839999696239829e-05 sec
Encryption Time: 4.909999552182853e-05 sec
Decryption Time: 0.0004470999992918223 sec
Bit Size = 64
Plain Text:
Encrypted Text(ASCII):
[287496, 614125, 328509, 592704, 300763, 571787, 328509, 636056, 571787,
571787, 614125, 571787, 592704, 300763, 571787, 328509]
Decrypted Text:
Execution Time:
Key Generation: 0.05144229999859817 sec
Encryption Time: 3.860000288113952e-05 sec
Decryption Time: 0.0003893999964930117 sec
Bit Size = 96
Public Key: (e,n)=(3,79228162514229434696431832827)
Private Key:
Plain Text:
Encrypted Text(ASCII):
[287496, 614125, 328509, 592704, 300763, 571787, 328509, 636056, 571787,
571787, 614125, 571787, 592704, 300763, 571787, 328509]
Decrypted Text:
Execution Time:
Key Generation: 7.056494499993278 sec
Encryption Time: 1.990000600926578e-05 sec
Decryption Time: 0.0005146999901626259 sec
Task 03
Implementation of the Hybrid Cryptosystem
You need to implement the Hybrid Cryptosystem just as in Figure 1 (1st Page).For that
a. Firstly, encrypt the plaintext using AES algo provided the AES key and then
encrypt the key using RSA algo. N.B.: After generating private key and public
key using RSA, store the private key (PRK) inside a folder called “Don’t
Open This”.
b. Suppose, ALICE is the sender and BOB is the receiver. ALICE just needs to
send the AES encrypted ciphertext (CT), the RSA encrypted key (EK) to BOB
keeping the public key (PUK) within herself. So, she will do it by storing them
in that secret folder named “Don’t Open This”.
c. BOB will read them from the folder, decrypt the encrypted key using RSA
using his private key (can also be found in that same folder), then decrypt the
ciphertext using AES decryption using that RSA decrypted key, and then write
the decrypted plain text (DPT) in the same folder and finally match it with the
original plain text.
d. To clear some confusion, you can dedicate two file like alice.py and bob.py to
simulate the user’s corresponding activities to perform.
e. It would be very much appreciated if you reuse the file from task 1& task 2 for
task 3 without readding the same codes for this task.
N.B.: It would be very much realistic if you knew the concept of “Socket
Programming” (should have been covered from Java - Thread Programming but
what you can do, huh! ) Where we could communicate client to client (actually
one of the clients is the Server) and run them separately in two different thread and
make transactions (send & receive) messages (data).
Some Guidelines:
❖ I hope Cryptography Slide can help you with required knowledge to
implement these tasks. Moreover, you can contact me for more info.
❖ Sample I/O 01 for task 1 will help you cross-validating each subSteps of
AES algo which you can find from slide no. 59 to slide 76 of crypto slide.
❖ Time mentioned in sample I/O are mere approximations. You can have
better efficiency than mine.
❖ For task 2, as you will generate p & q randomly. So, my sample I/O’s p &
q may differ with you. Thus, you can put your own I/O in this regard.
❖ You need to submit corresponding source files (py/c/cpp/java etc as there
is no restriction over choosing a programming language but python is
❖ Also, you need to submit a report containing required successfully tested
sample I/O in each of the tasks and also mentioning the issues you’ve
faced during implement this humongous task.
❖ To clear some confusion and be on the same page, possible files I am
expecting from all of you, can be like these i.e. aes.py (for task 1), rsa.py
(for task 2), alice.py & bob.py (for task 3).
❖ You can use library for some data manipulations or very simple functions
like int(value,base), hex(val), gcd(val1,val2), perf_counter(). But not the
whole algorithm itself.
❖ You need to make one single short video covering all the tasks which
should contain,
o Code walkthrough in brief (what functionalities you’ve
implemented and what they do in high level) in a functional time-
flow based chronological order of your algorithm.
o Successful Testing of the sample I/O ‘s I’ve provided.
o You may add your own sample I/O. I won’t mind .
o Mention the issues you’ve faced during implement this humongous
❖ Lastly, put all of the files along with video drive link inside a folder. Zip
it and upload.
❖ Please DON’T FOREGT TO Hand In in the Google Classroom.
❖ Do not copy from any web source or friend or seniors. The persons
involved in such activities will be penalized by -100% of the total
marks and will be marked *RED* for future assignments. [FYI, some
are penalized and also marked already].
Mark Distribution:
Task Marks
1 60
2 20
3 20
Total 100