Smart Irrigation System Using Iot

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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:03/Issue:06/June-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354


Prathamesh Chavan*1, Jay Shinde*2, Trupti Kherde*3
*1,2Student, Department Of Computer Engineering, MM Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
*3Lecturer, Department Of Computer Engineering, MM Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
The smart irrigation system is a fusion of the newest technology of sprayers with outlets that improve coverage
of irrigation controllers that are diluting and keep a check on moisture-related conditions on your property and
spontaneously adjust watering to optimal levels. As water supply is becoming scarce. In today’s world, there is
a high priority to acquiring smart ways of irrigation. The project depicts how irrigation can be handled smartly
using IoT. This project aims less the consumption of time and avoiding problems like sustained vigilance.
Keywords: Irrigation, IOT, Thinkspeak, Moisture Sensor.
A challenge for farmers is to sustain land health. Most of the farmers use vast portions of land for farming and it
becomes challenging to reach and track each corner of large lands. Sometimes there is a possibility of uneven
water sprays. This concludes in the poor quality crops which further leads to financial losses. In this scenario,
the Smart Irrigation System operating on the newest IOT technology is supportive and accompanies ease of
Review: 1
Ashwini B.V. has been studied on “Smart irrigation system using IoT for surveillance of crop-field”(2018)
In this study, Android app was used for the tracking of the field. This system was found feasible cost effective
for the optimization of the water resources. Hence the irrigation system helps farmers by makinh their work
smart with any human intervation.
Review: 2
J. Jegathesh Amalraj, S. Banumathi, J. Jereena John conducted an experiment on “Smart irrigation system for
agriculture using IoT”(2019)
In this study, three classic irrigation methods channel irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation were
used. Researchers conclude that the water usage is minimized when we use an automated irrigation system
that relies on the soil moisture as a parameter implemented.
Review: 3
M. Safdar Munir, Imran Sarwar Bajwa, Amna Ashra, Waheed Anwar, Rubina Rashid conducted an
experiment on “Intelligent and smart irrigation system using Edge computing and IoT”(2021).
In this study, edge computing technology was used with soil moisture, Humidity and temperature sensor for
tunnel farming. The sensor data is processed using the trained models of machine learning.
Material which are used for designing Smart Irrigation System is presented in this section.
a) ESP8266 NodeMCU Module (cp2102)
The NodeMCU cp2102 Wifi module is an seamless microcontroller that is uncomplicated to use to create
projects with WiFi and IoT (Internet of Things) applications. The board is built on the newest ESP8266 WiFi
Module chip with the ESP-12E. This WiFi development board is embeded with all the necessary components for
the ESP8266 (ESP-12E) to program and upload code. It has a built-in USB to serial chip upload codes, 3.3V
regulator and logic level converter circuit so you can abruptly upload codes and connect your circuits. This
board holds the ESP-12E chip with a 4MB flash memory limit that can accomodate your long project codes. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:06/June-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354

Figure1: ESP8266 NodeMCU.

b) Soil Moisture Sensor

Figure2: Soil Moisture Sensor.

The soil moisture sensor is one kind of sensor used to detect the content of water within the soil. As the linear
dimension of soil moisture needs eliminating, drying, as well as sample weighting. These sensors measure the
volumetric water content indirectly with the help of different rules of soil like dielectric constant, electrical
resistance, otherwise interaction with neutrons, and replacement of the moisture content.
c) DHT11 (Tempreature and humidity sensor)
The DHT11 is a basic, extreme inexpensive digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive
humidity sensor and a thermistor to quantify the surrounding air, and gives out a digital signal on the data pin
(no analog input pins needed). Its pretty simple to use, but requires careful timing to grasp data. You can
receive new data from it once every 2 seconds, so when using the library from Adafruit, sensor readings can be
up to 2 seconds old comes with a 4.7K or 10K resistor, which you will want to use as a catch from the data pin
to VCC.

Figure3: DHT11 Sensor

The IoT-based Smart Irrigation System works on the ESP8266 NodeMCU module which handles the
communication of the data and sending it to the server. The Soil Moisture Sensor detects the moisture in the
soil and sends the data. The DHT11 sensor detects the humidity and the temperature and sends this data to the
thinkspeak server using the NodeMCU and the thinkspeak API. This data will not only automatically irrigate the
land based on the moisture level in the soil, but also send the Data to the server to keep track of the land @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:06/June-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354
condition. The System will consist of a water pump which will be used to sprinkle water on the land depending
upon the land environmental condition such as Moisture, Temperature, and Humidity.

Figure4: Output Data

The Project ‘Smart Irrigation System’ is used for the optimization of water in the agricultural field without the
intervention of farmer by using a soil moisture sensor that senses the moisture content of the Soil using a
Microcontroller that turns ON/OFF the pump automatically according to the need of water for irrigation and
hence helpful in saving water.
We take this opportunity to thank all the members connected with this project for their useful administration,
help, and timely support which backed us to complete the project in a distinct amount of time. We would like to
convey regards to our Guide Mrs. Trupti Kherde for her support, motivation, guidance, and helpful suggestions
all over the project work. Lastly, our sincere credit goes to our family for their key support since we begin our
education and all the group members.
[1] Devraj Sen, Madhulika Dey, Shubham Kumar, Dr. C. S. Boopathi, ”Smart Irrigation using IoT”,
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[2] Yuthika shekhar, Ekta dagur, Sourabh mishra, “Intelligent IoT Based Automated Irrigation System”,
International Journal of Applied Research (ISSN 0973-4562) Vol. 12, No. 18, 2017, pp. 7306-7320.
[3] Dr. S. Velmurugan, “An IoT Based Smart Irrigation System Using Soil Moisture and Weather Prediction”
, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 8, Issue 7, 2020.
[4] Ashwini B.V. ,”A Study on Smart Irrigation System using IoT for Surveillance of Crop-Field”,
International Journal of Engineering and Technology,Vol. 7, No. 4.5 (2018).
[5] V. Manimegalai, A. Little Judy, A.Gayathri, S.Ashadevi, V.Mohanapriya, “Smart Irrigation System with
Monitoring and Controlling using Iot”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
(IJEAT), ISSN: 2249-8958. Vol. 9, Issue 4, April 2020.
[6] Pooja Shahaji Kakade, “IOT IN SMART IRRIGATION”, International Research Journal of Engineering and
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