BS5400!5!1979-Code of Practice For Design of Composite Bridges

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PART*5 7 『·比 2466 『 0011462 7 •

! BS! BS*54 口口 I

BS 5400: Part 5 : 1979

. UDC 624.21.01 : 624.016

. Steel, concrete and composite bridges

Part 5. Code of practice for design of composite bridges

Ponts en acier, en beton et ponts composites

Partie 5. Code de bonne pratique pour le calcul des ponts composites

Brucken aus Stahl, Beton und Gemischtbau
Teil 5. Richtlinie fLir die Berechnung von Brucken aus Gemischtbau

. British Standards Institution

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BSI BS*54 口口 PART*5 ?『 • 1b246 』『 口 01 L 问 63 『

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

aJ11 .

用 99

Foreword 7.2 Effective span
Cooperating organizations Back cover 7.3 Effective breadth
Recommendations 7.4 Distribution of bending moments and
2222233333334 999999
1. Scope vertical shear forces
2. References 7.5 Longitudinal shear
3. Definitions and symbols 7.5.1 Spacing of shear connectors
3.1 Definitions 7.5.2 Design of shear connectors
3.2 Symbols 7.6 Torsion
4. Design: general 7.7 Composite plate
4.1 Design philosophy 8. Cased beams and filler beam
4.1.1 General construction
4.1.2 Design loads due to shrinkage of concrete 8.1 Scope
4.1.3 Design loading effects 8.2 Limit state requirements
4.2 Material properties 8.3 Analysis of structure
4.2.1 General 8.3.1 Transverse moments in filler beam

4.2.2 Structural steel decks (approximate method)

AAA555nbnbnb6771 工
4.2.3 Concrete, reinforcement and Analysis of sections


prestressing steels Serviceability limit state


4.3 Limit state requirements Ultimate limit state

4.3.1 General Longitudinal shear
4.3.2 Serviceability limit state Serviceability limit state
4.3.3 Ultimate limit state Ultimate limit state

5. Design and detailing of superstructure Temperature and shrinkage effects

fo 『 the serviceability limit state 4 General
5.1 Analysis of structure 4 Longitudinal stresses and strains
5.1.1 Distribution of bending moments and Longitudinal shear
44444 Control of cracking
vertical shear forces

, 4
5.2 Analysis of sections General
5.2.1 General Cased beams

a- 4t4E 咽, 444t4t4t4
5.2.2 Analysis Filler beams

5.2.3 Effective breadth of concrete flange Design and construction


5.2.4 Deck slabs forming flanges of composite Permanentformwork


beams General
5.2.5 Steel section Materials
5.2.6 Control of cracking in concrete Structural participation


5.3 Longitudinal shear Temporary construction loading


5.3.1 General Design


5.3.2 Shear connectors General

5.3.3 Design of 号 hear connection ,
Non-participating formwork

5.4 Temperature effects and shrinkage Participating formwork


modified by creep Precast concrete or composite precast 22222

5.4 ‘ 1 General concrete permanentformwork


5.4.2 Temperature effects 9.6.1 Design

5.4.3 Shrinkage modified by creep 9.6.2 Welding of reinforcement
ι 叮4

5.5 Deflections 9.6.3 Interfaces

5.5.1 General 9.6.4 Cover to reinforcement
5.5.2 Calculation of deflections 10. The use of friction grip bolts as shear 2222222222223
qLq4qLnLqL叮LqLqLqL 叮LqL 叮ιn/』叮

6. Design and detailing of superstructure connectors in composite beams

『 A『 A叶

for the ultimate limit state 10.1 General

6.1 Analysis of structure 10.2 Design requirements: static loading
6.1.1 General 10.2.1 Serviceability limit state
6.1.2 Deck slabs forming the flanges of 10.2.2 Ultimate limit state
composite beams 14 10.3 Fatigue
6.1.3 Composite action 14 10.4 Other considerations
6.1.4 Distribution of bending moments and 11. Composite columns
vertical shear forces 14 11.1 General
6.1.5 Temperature effects and shrinkage 11.1.1 Scope
modified by creep 11.1.2 Materials
6.2 Analysis of sections 11.1.3 Shear connection
6 ‘ 2.1 General 11.1.4 Concrete contribution factor
4 叮4 呵ι

6.2.2 Definitions 11.1.5 Limits on slenderness

6.2.3 Analysis of compact cross sections 11.2 Moments and forces in columns
6.2.4 Analysis of slender cross sections 11.2.1 General

6.3 Longitudinal shear 11.2.2 Semi-empirical design method for
qL呵’』叮ι 呵ι

6.3.1 General restrained composite columns

6.3.2 Deck slab 11.3 Analysis of column cross section
6.3.3 Transverse reinforcement 11.3.1 General
6.3.4 Shear connectors 11.3.2 Axially loaded columns

7. Composite box girders 11.3.3 Columns under uniaxial bending about

7.1 General the minor axis

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BSI BS*540 口 PART*S ?『 • 162466 『 日日 11464 口 ••
~「=」=---=- 一一

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. 11.3.4 Columns under uniaxial bending about

the major axis restrained from failure
about the minor axis
11.3.5 Columns under uniaxial bending about
the major axis unrestrained against



Effective breadth ratios If! for internal
spans of continuous beams
Clear distance (mm) between bars in
tension for propped construction
Clear distance (mm) between bars in

failure about the minor axis 24 tension for unpropped construction 7

11.3.6 Columns under biaxial bending 24 7. Nominal static strengths of shear
11.3.7 Ultimate strength of axially loaded connectors for different concrete
concrete filled circular hollow sections 24 strengths 8
11.3.8 Tensile cracking of concrete 25 8. Properties of concrete flange for
11.3.9 Design details 25 calculation of temperature effects 13
12. Influence of method of construction 9. Shrinkage strains and creep reduction
on design 25 factors 13
12.1 Sequence of construction 25 10. Maximum percentage redistribution of
12.2 Permanent form work 25 bending moments at the ultimate
13. Prestressing in composite construction 25 limit state 15
13.1 General 25 11. Effective length of columns 23
13.2 Methods of prestressing 25 12. Values of constants C1 and C2 for
13.3 Limit state requirements 25 axially loaded concrete filled
circular hollow sections 25

13.4 Prestressing the steel beam 25
13.5 Stress limitations in concrete at transfer 25 13. Strut curve selection chart 28
13.6 Loss of prestress 26 13.1 Values of coefficient K1 for column
cu 『 vea 29
Appendices 13.2 Values of coefficient K1for column
A. Calculation of effective breadth ratios If! 27 curve b 29
A.1 General 27 13.3 Values of coefficient K1 for column
A.2 Equivalent simply supported spans 27 curvec 30
A.3 Point loads not at midspan 27 14. Values of 1f1 coefficient 30
A.4 Combination of loads 27
B. Calculation of crack widths in composite Figures
members 27 Distribution of longitudinal stress in
B.1 General 27 the concrete flange of a composite
B.2 Formula for estimating crack widths due beam 6
to flexure 27 2. Shear connecto 『S 9
c. Fo 『mulae and tables for the design 3. Dimensions of haunches 11
of coπ1posite columns 28 4. Dimensions of spedmens for test on
C.1 Coefficient K1 28 shear con nectars 11
C.2 Coefficient K2 30 5. Range of concrete mixes for which
C.3 CoefficientK3 31 table 9 can be used 14
C.4 Ultimate moment of resistance Mu of 6. Shear planes and transverse
composite columns 31 reinforcement 17
Tables 7. Coefficient K 19
8. Force diagrams for calculating Mu 33

Values of the partial safety factor for
9. Chart for evaluating Mu of concrete
materials Ym 4
filled circular hollow sections 34
2. Effective breadth ratios If! for simply
supported beams 5
3. Effective breadth ratios If/for cantilever
beams 5

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BSI BS*5400 PART*5 7 『·汕 E 4 b 』『 001 L 比 5 2 •
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

Britsh Standard
Steel, concrete and composite bridges
Part 5. Code. of praGtice for design of composite bridges

1 ‘ Scope assumed to contribute to the' strength of the composite

This Part of this British Standard supersedes CP 117: slab.
Part 2 and augments the provisions of BS 5400 Pa 『ts3, 4 3.1. 9 non-participating permanent form work.
and 10 for structural steel and reinforced or prestressed Permanent form work that may or may not act compositely
concrete when components of these materials are so with the in situ concrete but where the formwork is

interconnected thai ~hey a.ct compositely. neglected in calculating the strength of the slab. ·
It gives recommendations for rolled or fabricated steel 3.1.10 filler beam construction. Rolled or built-up
sections, cased or uncased, and for filler beam systems. steel sections that act in conjunction with a concrete slab
Consideration is g[ven to simply supported and continuous and which are contained within the slab.
composite beams, composite columns and to the special 3.1.11 interaction
problems of composite box beams. The recommendations
for the concrete element cover normal and lightweight complete interaction. This implies that no slip
occurs between the steel and the concrete slab or
aggregate, cast in situ and p『ecast concrete. Prestressing
and the use of permanent formwork designed to act encasement.
compositely with in situ concrete a 『e also covered. partial interaction. This implies that slip occurs at
the interface between steel and concrete and a discontinuity
2. References in strain occurs ..
The titles of the standards publications referred to in this 3.1.12 shear connector. A mechanical device to ensure
Part of BS 5400 are listed in the inside back cover.

interaction between cone 『ete and steel.

3.1.13 connector modulus. The elastic shear stiffness
3町 Definitions and symbols
of a shear connector.
3.1 Definitions. For the purposes of this Part of this
3.2 Symbols. The symbols used in this Part of this
British Standard the following definitions, and those given
standard have been derived in accordance with appendix F
in Part 1, apply.
of CP 110 : Part 1 : 1972 and are as follows.
3.1.1 cased composite beam. A beam composed of
Ab Cross-sectional area of transverse reinforcement
either rolled or built 『 up structural steel sections, with a
concrete encasement, which acts in conjunction with a in the bottom of the slab

Abs Cross-sectional area of other transverse
concrete slab where the two elements are interconnected
reinforcement in the bottom of the slab
so as to form a composite section.
Abv Cross-sectional area of additional transverse
3.1.2 uncased composite beam. A beam composed of reinforcement
either rolled or built-up structural steel sections, without a Ac Cross-sectional area of concrete
concrete encasement, which acts in conjunction with a Ae Effective cross-sectional area of transverse
concrete slab where the two elements are interconnected reinforcement
so as to form a composite section. AAAA
frss Cross-sectional area of top flange of steel section
3.1.3 composite box beam. A steel box girder acting Cross-sectional area of reinforcement
compositely with a concrete slab. Cross-sectional area of the steel section
NOTE. In a closed steel box the concrete is cast on the top steel flange Area of the encased tension flange of the
whereas in an open steel box the box is closed by the concrete slab. structural steel member
3.1.4 composite column. A column composed either of a At Area of tension reinforcement, cross-sectional
hollow steel section with an infill of concrete or of a steel area of transverse reinforcement near the top
section cased in concrete so that in either case there is of the slab
interaction between steel and concrete. a’ Distance from the compression face to the point
3.1.5 composite plate. An in situ concrete slab cast at which the crack width is calculated
upon, and acting compositely with, a structural steel plate. acr Distance from the point considered to the surface
of the nearest longitudinal bar
3.1. 6 concrete slab. The structural concrete slab that b Width of section or portion of flange or least
forms part of the deck of the bridge and acts compositely
with the steel beams. The slab may be of precast, cast in situ bbbb lateral dimension of a column
Effective breadth of portion of flange

or composite construction. Breadth of flange

3.1. 7 composite slab. An in situ concrete slab that acts External dimension of the wall of the RHS

compositely with structurally participating permanent Effective breadth of the composite section at the

fo 『mwork. level of the tension reinforcement

3.1.8 participating permanent form work. Form work bw Half the distance between the centre lines of
to in situ concrete, when the strength of the formwork is webs
c A constant (with appropriate subscripts)

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8 S 工 B S*5 归口
F PART*5 7 『田 162466 『 m 114 6 6 4 • -.8S_fi400 : Part _5 ~= ~19Z9
oreword _ T一二 -「一士一一一一一一
BS 5400 is a document combining codes of practice to Part 8 Recommendations for materials and
cover the design and construction of steel, concrete and workmanship, concrete, reinforcement and
composite bridges and specifications for loads, materials prestressing tendons
and workmanship.
Part 9* Code of practice for bearings
It comprises the following Parts: Part 10 Code of practice for fatigue.
Part 1General statement In the drafting of BS 5400 important changes have been
Part 2Specification for loads made in respect of loading and environmental assumptions,
design philosophy, load factors, service stresses and
Part 3*
Code of practice for design of steel bridges structural analysis. Furthermore, recourse has been made
Part4 Code of practice for design of concrete bridges to recent theoretical and experimental research and several
Part 5Code of practice for design of composite bridges design studies have been made on components and on
complete bridges. It is to be expected that as design
Part 6Specification for materials and workmanship, experience of different bridge types is accumulated, further
steel modifications will be required.
Part7 Specification for materials and workmanship, It should be noted that this Part of BS 5400 supersedes
concrete, reinforcement and prestressing tendons CP117:Part2.

*In course of preparation.

1\ The relationship between Part 3 and Part 5. The design of

飞 composite bridges requires the combined use of Part 5 and
Part 3 of BS 5400.
Par:t 5 was published in 1979, the major decisions on scope
and approach having been taken some years previously;
Part 3 was published in 1982. It is natural therefore that
some differences will exist between Part 3 and Part 5.
Part 3 has been drafted on the assumption that for the
design of steelwork in bridges with either steel or concrete
decks the methods of global analysis and all the procedures
for satisfying the limit state criteria wi!I be as prescribed
in Part 3. For beams Part 3 may be used without anv
modification in conjunction with those provisions of
Part 5 that are applicable to the properties of the
composite slab and its connection to the steel section.
Part 5 also co 『1tains optional provisions for increased
redistribution .of longitudinal moments in compact
members or for plastic analysis of continuous beams for
the ultimate limit state, which could prove economical in
some instances. These procedures require special
consideration of increased transverse deformations of
the slab, which is not covered in Part 5, and of stability
of the bottom flange, which is not covered in Part 3:
they should not be used unless proper account is taken
of these considerations.
It will be noted that more serviceability checks are
required for composite than for steel bridges. This differ·
ence is due to the special characteristics of composite
construction, such as the large shape factor of certain
composite sections; the addition of stresses in a two·phase
structure (bare steel/wet concrete and composite); and the
effects of shrinkage and temperature on the girders and

on the shear connectors.

The method given in 4.1.3 (a) of Part 5 should not be
.used, when the relationship between loading and load
effe~ts is non linear, and the values of rm for structural
'steel given in table 1 of Part 5 should not be used and
referef1Ce made to table 2 of Part 3.
It is intended to revise Parts 3 and 5 to coordinate them
fullγafter there ha_s bee_n_ suffic;~f'l!_号xperience of their

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BS 工 BS*54 口口 PART*5 ?『 .. 162466 『 口口 L 1467 6 ..
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. 命 DDd 叫“

nHAUh n
Minimum cover to the tension reinforcement
External diameter
Depth to neutral axis in composite column
Separation of symmetrically placed reinforcing

Longitudinal shear force
Design load
Longitudinal shear per unit length
Design longitudinal shearforce per unit length of
beam on the particular shear plane considered
Plastic section modulus
ds Thickness of the concrete cover of encased steel Design loading effects

section A constant stress of 1 N/mm2 re-expressed where

Depth of steel web in compression zone necessary in units consistent with those used for
Static secant modulus of elasticity of concrete other quantities


山 7th
Modulus of elasticity of steel reinforcement Spacing of bars

Modulus of elasticity of structural steel Tension


Tensile force per unit length Wall thickness

Concrete strength Flange thickness


孔 XYααα
Enhanced characteristic strength of triaxially Web thickness
contained concrete Neutral axis depth, coordinate

Conc 『ete strength at (initial) transfer Coordinate

Characteristic concrete cube strength Concrete contribution factor
Longitudinal stress Modular ratio
Maximum longitudinal stress in concrete flange Ratio of the product of the partial safety factors

Characteristic strength of reinforcement 'YfL 'Yt3 for H B loading to the corresponding
Tensile stress in uncracked concrete flange product for HA loading for the limit state being
Reduced nominal yield strength of the steel casing considered

Nominal yield strength of structural steel 卢 Ratio of the smaller to the larger of the two end
Thickness (with appropriate subscripts), moments acting about each axis with
greatest lateral dimension of a column appropriate subscripts
he Thickness of the concrete slab forming the flange 卢L Coefficient of linear thermal expansion
of the concrete beam YtL Partial safety factor for loads and load effects
I Second moment of area (with appropriate 'Yfl, y12, 'Yf3 Partial safety factors for loads and load effects
subscripts) 'Ym Partial safety factor for strength

A constant (with appropriate subscripts) At Difference between the free strains atthe
A constant (with appropriate subscripts) centroid of the concrete slab and the centroid of

Length of the shear plane under consideration the steel beam

Distance from face of support to the end of a Ecs Free shrinkage strain
cantilever, or effective span of a beam (distance Em Average strain
between centres of supports) or length ofcolumn E1 Strain at the level considered
between centr~s of end restraintst 厅 Imperfection constant for composite columns
IE Length of column for which the Euler load equals ,.1. Slenderness function (with appropriate
the squash load subscripts)

le Effective length of a column or Ix or Iv as Euler slenderness function
appropriate Coefficient of friction
Is Distance from end of beam Ratio of the average compressive stress in the
One-fifth of the effective span concrete at failure to the design yield strength of

M Bending moment (with appropriate subscripts) the steel, taken as 0.4 fcu/0.91 fy

A矶nax Maximum moment Bar size

Mu Ultimate moment of resistance Creep coefficient
A χv

Mux Ultimate moment of resistance about the major Creep reduction factor
axis Non-dimensional coordinate
Muv Ultimate moment of resistance about the minor Effective breadth ratio, coefficient
4. Design: general
Mx Moment acting about the major axis,
longitudinal bending moment per unit width of 4.1 Design.philosophy
filler beam deck 4.1.1 General. Design should be in accordance with
Mv Moment acting about the minor axis, Part 1.
longitudinal bending moment per unit width of 4.1.2 Design loads due to shrinkage of concrete. For
filler beam deck shrinkage modified by creep the partial safetyfactory1L
m Constant should be taken as 1.0 for the serviceability limit state and
N Ultimate axial load at the section considered 1.2 for the ultimate limit state.
Nax,Nay Axial failure loads NOTE. For the definition of the pa时ial safety factor, see Part 1.
Nu Squash load of a column
Nx Design failure load of a column subjected to a 4.1.3 Design loading effects. The design loading effects
constant design moment Mx S* for design in accordance with this Part of this British
Nxy Strength of a column in biaxial bending Standard may be determined from the design loads Q *
Ny Design failure load of a column subjected to a from either:
constant design moment My (a) S*=effects of ( γt30*) or
n Total number of connectors per unit length of

(b) S*= Yt3 (effects of Q *).
The partial factor of safety γf3 ShOL』 Id be taken as 1.10 at
n, Number of connectors per unit length placed
the ultimate limit state and 1.0 atthe serviceability limit
within 200 mm of the centre line of the web
Pu Nominal static strength
p Failure load of the connectors at concrete Where the relationship between loading and load effects is
strength fc non-linear, as for example in slender columns or in beams

tin appendix A I is used as the distance between adjacent points at which the bending moment is ze 『o.

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BSI BS*54 口 D PART*5 ?『 • 162466 『 口口 L 1468 8 •
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

designed using simple plastic theory, the method given in

(a} is the more simple.
4.2 Material properties
4.2.1 General. In analysing a structure to determine the
load effects, the material properties associated with the
5. Design and detailing of the superstructure
for the serviceability limit state
5.1 Analysis of structure
5.1.1 Distribution of bending moments and vertical
shear forces
unfactored characteristic strength should be used General. The distributions of bending moments and
irrespective of the limit state being considered. For analysis vertical shear forces, due to loading on the composite
of sections, the appropriate value of the partial factor of member, may be calculated by an elastic analysis assuming
safety Ym. to be used in determining the design strength, the concrete to be uncracked and unreinforced. The
should be taken from Part 3 or Part 4 depending on the effects of shear lag may be neglected.
materials and the limit state. Except where specifically Continuous beams. In continuous beams, at each
stated, it may be assumed that allowance has been made
internal support, the apparent tensile stress in the concrete
in the limiting stresses and expressions given in this Part of
at the top surface of the slab due to the maximum design
this British Standard, for the values ofγm given in table 1.
hogging (negative) moment obtained from should
be calculated. For this calculation, the composite section
Table 1. Values of the partial safety factor for should be taken as the appropriate steel member acting
materials Y'm compositely with a concrete flange equal in breadth to the

effective breadth determined in accordance with 5.2.3. The

Material Servfceability Ultimate concrete should be assumed to be uncracked and

limit state limit state unreinforced. If this tensile stress ftc exceeds 0.1 fcu then
Structural steel 1.0 1.10 either:
(a) a new distribution of bending moments should be
Reinforcement 1.0 1.15 determined as in but neglecting the stiffening
effect of the concrete over 15 % of the length of the span
Concrete 1.0 or 1.3 1.5
on each side of each support so affected. For this purpose,
(as appropriate)
longitudinal tensile reinforcement in the slab may be
Shear connectors 1.0 1.10 included. Or, alternatively,
(b} provided adjacent spans do not differ appreciably in
4.2.2 Structural steel. The characteristic or nominal length, the maximum design sagging moments in each
properties of structural steel should be determined in span adjacent to each support so affected shot』 Id be
accordance with Part 3. increased by40ftc/fcu %to allow for cracking of the
4.2.3 Concrete, reinforcement and prestressing concrete slab at the support. In this case, no reduction
steels. The characteristic properties of concrete, should be made in the support moment.
reinforcement and prestressing steels should be determined Prestressing in continuous beams. Where the
in accordance with Part 4. For sustained loading, it should concrete flange in the hogging (negative) moment
be sufficiently accurate to assume a modulus of elasticity of region of a continuous composite beam is longitudinally
concrete equal to one half of the value used for short term prestressed the distribution of bending moments and
loading. vertical shear forces should be determined in accordance
4.3 Limit state requirements with
4.3.1 General. Except where otherwise recommended in 5.2 Analysis of sections

this Part of this British Standard the design of structural 5. 2.1 General. Composite elements should generally be
steelwork and structural concrete elements forming part designed to satisfy the requirements of the serviceability
of a composite structure should satisfy the recommendations limit state given in 4.3.2 in accordance with 5.1 and 5.2.
of Parts 3, 4 and 10. However, for slender cross sections (see where
4.3. 2 Serviceability limit state. A serviceability limit both the distribution of bending moments and the stresses
state is reached when any of the following conditions in the composite section are determined by elastic analysis
occur: at the ultimate limit state, temperature and shrinkage effects
being included, no check need be made on the flexural
(a) the stress in structural steel reaches the appropriate
stresses atthe serviceability limit state, provided the stress
limit given in Part 3; limitations at the ultimate limit state given in (a) are
(b) the stress in concrete, reinfi:ircement or prestressing not exceeded.
tendons reaches the appropriate limit given in
5.2.2 Analysis. Stresses due to bending moments and
Part 4; vertical shear forces may be calculated by elastic theory
( c) the width of a crack in concrete, calculated in using the appropriate elastic properties given in 4.2 and
accordance with 5.2.6, reaches the appropriate effective breadths as given in 5.2.3, assuming that there is
limit given in Part 4; full interaction between the steel beam and the concrete
(d) the slip at the interface between steel and concrete in compression. Vertical shear should be assumed to tie
becomes excessive. resisted by the steel section alone and the tensile strength
NOTE. This is assumed to occur when the calculated load on a of concrete should be neglected.
shear connector exceeds 0.55 times its nominal static strength; 5. 2. 3 Effective breadth of concrete flange
( e) the vibration in a structure supporting a footway or General. Except as provided in 5.3.1, for longitud-
cycle track reaches the appropriate limit given in inal shear, and 5.5.2, for deflections, and in the absence of a

Part 2. rigorous analysis, allowance for in-plane shear flexibility
4.3.3 Ultimate limit state. General recommendations in the flange (shear lag e忏ects) should be made by using an
for composite structures at the ultimate limit state are as effective breadth offlange.
given in Part 1. NOTE. The total effective breadth of flange associated with each web
should be taken as the sum of the effective breadths of the po 『tions of
flange considered separately on each side of that web.

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BSI BS*5 句口口 PART*5 ?『 • 162466 『 口口玉 L 46 『 T.
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. The effective breadth be of each portion should be taken as:

(a) lflb for portions between webs
bis equal to half the distance between the centre
lines of webs, measured at the mid-plane of the
Table 4. Effective breadth ratios If/ for internal
spans of continuous beams

loading uniformly
distributed 。ver a length
”。t less than 0.5 I
p。 int
”、 idspan*
loading at

concrete flange; and

Midspan Quarter Internal Midspan Quarter Internal
(b) 0.85 'fib for portions projecting beyond an outer web span support span supp 。 rt

。 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
bis equal to the distance from the free edge of the
0.02 0.99 0.94 0.77 0.84 1.0 0.84
projecting portion to the centre line of the outer web,
0.05 0.96 0.85 0.58 0.67 1.0 0.67
measured atthe mid-plane of the concrete flange
0.10 0.86 0.68 0.41 0.49 1.0 0.49
I is the distance from face of support to the end of a
cantilever orthe distance between the centres of
0.20 0.58 。‘42 0.24 0.30 0.70 0.30
0.30 0.38 0.30 0.15 0.19 0.42 0.19
supports of a beam (except as noted in
0.40 0.24 0.21 0.12 0.14 0.28 0.14
If/ is the effective breadth ratio from tables 2, 3 or 4.
0.50 0.20 0.16 0.11 0.12 0.20 0.12
Values of 1f1 at cross sections and for ratios b/I other
than those covered by tables 2, 3 or4 may be *To be used only for point loads or reactions of significant magnitude
obtained by linear interpolation. not for wheel loads or axle loads.

Table 2. Effective breadth ratios If/ for simply Standard highway or railway loading. The effective
supported beams breadth ratios If/ to be used in stress calculations on
structural elements subjected to standard highway or
railway loading, as specified in Part 2, should be the
L。ading uniformly Point l。 ading at appropriate values for uniformly distributed loading given
bf/ distributed 。ver a length midspan*
not less than 0.5 I in tables 2, 3 or 4.
Quarter Quarter Width over which slab reinforcement is effective.
IMidspan span Support Midspan span Support Only reinforcement placed parallel to the span of the steel
beam within the effective breadth ofthe concrete slab
。 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
should be assumed to be effective in analysing cross
0.02 0.99 0.99 0.93 0.91 1.0 1.0
0.05 0.98 0.98 0.84 0.80 1.0 1.0
0.10 0.95 0.93 0.70 0.67 1.0 1.0 Longitudinal stiffening. The effective breadth ratios
0.20 0.81 0.77 0.52 0.49 0.98 1.0 given in tables 2, 3 and 4 take no account of the increase
0.30 0.65 0.60 0.40 0.38 0.82 0.85 in shear lag in the flange of a composite beam due to the
0.40 0.50 0.46 0.32 0.30 0.63 0.70 presence of longitudinal stiffening members. Tables 2, 3
0.50 0.38 0.36 0.27 0.24 0.47 0.54 and 4 may be taken to apply where the cross-sectional
area of longitudinal stiffening members within breadth b
*To be used only for point loads or reactions of significant magnitude does not exceed one quarter ofthe cross-sectional area
not for wheel loads or axle loads.
of the flange within breadth band where these areas are
calculated for steel and concrete on the basis of the modular
ratio. Effective breadth ratios for heavily stiffened steel
Table 3. Effective breadth ratios If/ for cantilever
flanges are given in Part 3.

. End spans of continuous beams. For end spans of a
continuous beam, the effective breadth ratios If!, for the
Loading uniformly Point l。ading at
bf/ distributed over a length free end* portion between the end support and the adjacent point of
n。t less than 0.5 / contraflexure, may be calculated in accordance
Quarter Free Quarter Free with for simply supported spans by considering
Support point end Supp 。 rt point end the end span as an equivalent span of length 0.91.
near near
support support Transverse members. The effective breadths given
in tables 2, 3 and 4 take no account of any contribution to
。 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 the in-plane shear stiffness of a flange that may be made by
0.05 0.82 1 凰O 0.92 0.91 1.0 1.0 transverse members connected to it.
0.10 0.68 1.0 0.84 0.80 1.0 1.0
5.2.3. 7 Effective breadth at internal supports. The effective
0.20 0.52 1.0 0.70 0.67 0.84 1.0
breadth ratio at an internal support may be taken as the
0.40 0.35 0.88 0.52 0.49 0.74 1.0 mean value of If/ obtained atthatsupportforeach span
0.60 0.27 0.64 0.40 0.38 0.60 0.85
adjacent to that support. For a concrete flange in tension
0.80 0.21 0.49 0.32 0.30 0.47 0.70
that is assumed to be cracked the mean effective breadth
1.00 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.24 0.36 0.54
ratio If/ obtained from table 3 or table 4 as appropriate, may
*To be used only for point loads or reactions of significant magnitude be modified by adding (1-lfl) /3.
not for wheel loads or axle loads.

. --``,,,`,,,,,`,`,,`,```````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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BSI BS*S 与 0 日 PART*S ?吁 • 162466 『 口口 L 1470 6 •

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

--``,,,`,,,,,`,`,,`,```````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Indeterminate structures and special loadings. For If the calculated value of fL turns out to be negative it
indeterminate structures not specifically covered by should be taken a~ zero.
to and for load positions other than those given in 5. 2. 5 Steel section
tables 2, 3 or 4, the effective breadth ratios If! may be
determined by the method given in appendix A. General. The steel section should be designed in
accordance with the recommendations of Parts 3 and 1O.
5.2.4 Deck slabs forming flanges of composite beams
Consideration should be given to the effects noted Effects to be considered. The slab should be in to
designed to resist: Unpropped construction. Except as noted
(a) the effects of loading acting directly on it, and
in, where the steel section carries load prior to the
(b) the effects of loading acting on the composite development of composite action, the resulting stresses and
member or members of which it forms a part. deflections should be added algebraically to those later
These effects should be considered separately and, where induced in the composite member, of which the steel
they arise together, in conjunction ‘ Coexistent stresses section forms a part, and the appropriate limit states should
acting in the same direction should be added algebraically. be satisfied.
NOTE. Recommendations for the design of slabs subject to longitudinal Propped construction. Where composite action
shear are given in 5.3 and 6.3. has been assumed fort he whole of the design load, Serviceability requirements. Except as directed consideration should be given to the nature and layout of
in 5.2.1, the stresses in the concrete slab and reinforcement the props to ensure that the assumptions made in the design
should be determined by elastic analysis and should not will be achieved. Where significant prop settlement cannot

exceed the appropriate limits given in Part 4. Crack widths be avoided the reduction in propping force should be taken
should be controlled in accordance with 5.2.6. into account. Coexistent stresses. In calculating coexistent Slab cast in specified sequence. Where the deck
stresses in a deck slab, which also forms the flange of a slab is cast in a specified sequence the dead load stresses
composite beam, account may betaken of the effects of may be calculated on the composite section in accordance
shear lag to reduce the longitudinal bending stress in with 12.1, using the effective breadth determined
regions of the flange remote from the web/flange junction. from 5.2.3 and the relevant design procedures.
The longitudinal stressh, at any point in the flange NOTE. For the purpose of estimating the effective breadth of the flange,
distance xfrom the centre line of the web, may be I, in 5.2.3, should be taken as the continuous length of concrete in the
flange containing the section under consideration which is assumed to
calculated from : act compositely.
h=fmax [ χ4 十k{1χ4)] 5. 2.6 Control of cracking in concrete
where General. Adequate reinforcement should be
provided in composite beams to prevent cracking from
X =(平) adversely affecting the appearance or durability of the
k = 去( 5 l{l-1) for portions between web centre lines, or NOTE. Special recommendations for cased beams and filler beams are
k = 主( 4.25 l{l-1) for portions projecting beyond an given in clause 8.
outer web Loading. In calculating crack widths in reinforced
fmax is the maximum stress in the concrete flange due to concrete flanges of highway b『idgesthe loading should
longitudinal bending of the composite section only comprise dead loading, superimposed dead loading,
calculated by elastic analysis using the effective flange HA loading (with the HA wheel load excluded except for

breadth determined in accordance with 5.2.3 cantilever slabs, the top flange of beam and slab decks and
open-type composite steel box girder bridges) and/or
If!, bare as defined in 5.2.3, and
pedestrian loading. In arriving at the design value for the
xis as given in figure 1



Midpoint 叫」
webs or free edge r
of slab I I / III I I I I If max

Figure 1. Distribution of longitudinal stress in the concrete flange of a composite beam


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一二二 一一一
BSI B S * 5 4 0 0 P A R T * 5 77 = 1624669 0011471 8
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

various loads the partial safetyfactors yft and yfz may be deemed to satisfy the recommendations of,
appropriate to load combination 1 (see Part 2) should be inrespect of composite beams in moderate conditions of
used with yf3equal to 1.O,except that for HA and HB exposure, provided the nominal cover to the reinforcement
loading the total partial safetyfactor on loads yn yfz yf3 is not greôter than 30 mm.
should be taken as 1.O,i.e. the nominal load is adopted. For The clear distance between adjacent bars near the tension
spans less than 6.5 m 25 units of HB loading with face of a composite beam should be not greaterthan the
associated HA loading should be considered. spacing given in table 5 or 6, as appropriate, depending on
For railway loading the values of yfi yf2given in Part 2 with thestress in the reinforcement at the ultimate limit state and
yf3 equal to 1.O should be used. the amount of redistribution carried out in the analysis a t
the ultimate limit state. Limiting crack width. The engineer should satisfy
himself that cracking will not be excessive with regard to Reinforcement bars of diameter less than 0.45 times the
the requirements of the particular structure, its environment diameter of the maximum sizeof tension bar at the section
and the limitsto the widths of cracksgiven in Part4. considered should be neglected for the purpose of this
Surface crack widths in a composite beam underthe action clause.
of the loadings specified in be Calculated by 5.3 Longitudinal shear
the method given in appendix B. in a concrete flange
where the effects of global and local loading coexist the 5.3.1 General. Longitudinalshear per unit length of the
crack width due to global longitudinal bending should be composite beam q, whether simply supported or continuous,
determined in accordance with 5.2.6 and appendix B.The should be calculated for the serviceability limit state on the
crack width due to longitudinal local bending in the slab basis of elastic theory using the properties of the
should be determined in accordance with Part 4. The sum transformed composite cross section calculated assuming
of the crack widths dueto longitudinal global and local the concrete flangeto be uncracked and unreinforced.The
bending, calculated in thismanner, should not exceed the effective breadth of concrete flange may be assumed to be
(I) appropriate limit. In calculating thestrain dueto globai
longitudinal bending account may be taken of the beneficial
constant over any span and may be taken as the
quarterspan value for uniformlydistributed loading given

effect of shear lag in regions remote from the webs in in table 2,3,0r4, as appropriate.
accordance with Where thesecond moment of area ofthecomposite Maximum distance between barsin tension in section, thus obtained, varies significantly along the length
highway bridges designed for HA andlor HB loading. of any span account should be taken of thevariation of
Reinforcement provided in accordance with this clause stiffness in calculating the longitudinal shear flow.

Table 5. Clear distance (mm) between bars in tension for

propped construction
Stress in Typeof % redistribution t o
reinforcement a t section considered
u l t i m a t e limit
state, N / m m 2
-25 1-20 FI5 -10 -5 O

25OIY 200 210 225 235 250 260 275

41 O I Y m 120 130 135 145 150 160 165
46O/Y, 110 115 120 130 135 140 150

Table 6. Clear distance (mm) between bars in tension for

unpropped construction
Stress in Type of % redistribution
reinforcement a t section considered
ultimate limit
state, N/mm2
Uncracked -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 O

25OlY 230 240 255 270 285 300 300

41 O I Y 140 150 160 165 175 185 190
46OlY I125
1130 1140
I l
1145 1155
*Ultimate limit state.

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BSI BS*5 问口口 PART*5 7『 • 162466 『 口口 11 与 72 T •

BS 5400 : Pa 『t 5 : 1979

5.3.2 Shear connectors Nominal strengths of shear connectors embedded
in normal density concrete
(a) Static strengths. Table 7 gives the nominal static
strengths of commonly used types of connectors, which Nominal strengths of shear connectors in haunched
slabs. Where the haunch does not comply with the
nominal static strength of the shear connectors Pu shot』 Id be
determined experimentally by push-out tests (see
The fatigue strength should be determined in accordance
with Part 10.
are illustrated in figure 2, in relation to the specified
characteristic cube strengths of the normal grades of Tests on shear connectors
concrete. The nominal strengths given in table 7 may be (a) Nominal strength. The nominal static strength of a
used where the slab is haunched provided thatthe shear connector may be determined by push-out tests.
haunch complies with 6.3.2 Not less than three tests should be made and the
reference should be made to nominal static strength Pu may be taken as the lowest
(b) Fatigue strengths. The fatigue strength of connectors value of fcuP/fc for any of the tests, where Pis the
should be determined in accordance with Part 10. failure load of the connectors at concrete strength fc, and
( c) Strengths of connectors not included in table 7. fcu is the specified characteristic cube strength at 28 days.
Static strengths should be determined experimentally by (b) Details of tests. Suitable dimensions for the push-out
push-out tests in accordance with Where the specimen are given in figure 4. Bond atthe interfaces of
connector type is included in table 7, but the appropriate the flanges of the steel beam and the concrete should be
size is not given, the fatigue strength should be prevented by greasing the flange or by other suitable
determined in accordance with Part 10. means. The slab and reinforcement should be either as

given in figure 4 or as in the beams for which the test is Nominal strengths of shear connectors embedded designed.
in lightweight concrete. The strengths given in (a) and (b) The strength of the concrete fc, at the time of testing,
may be used where the slab is haunched provided that the shot』 Id not differ from the specified cu be strength fcu of
haunch complies with the concrete in the beams by more than 士 20%.
NOTE. For other haunches see The rate of application of load should be uniform and
(a) Static strengths. The nominal static strengths of such that failure is reached in not less than 1 O min.
headed stud connectors embedded in lightweight ( c) Resistance to separation. Where the connector is
concrete of density greater than 1400 kg/m3 may be composed of two separate elements, one to resist
taken as 15 % less than the values given in table 7. Static longitudinal shear and the other to resist forces tending
strengths of other sizes of stud and of other types of to separate the slab from the girder, the ties which resist
connectors should be determined experimentally by the forces of separation may be assumed to be
push-out tests made in accordance with sufficiently stiff and strong if the separation measured in
(b) Fatigue strengths. The fatigue strength of shear push 『 out tests does not exceed half of the longitudinal
connectors embedded in lightweight concrete of density slip at the corresponding load level ‘ Only load levels up to
greater than 1400 kg/m3 should be determined in 80 % of the nominal static strength of the connector
accordance with Part 10. need be considered.

Table 7. Nominal static strengths of shear connectors for different concrete strengths
Type of connector Connector material Nominal static strengths in kN
per connector for concrete

strengths few N/mmZ
20 30 40 50
Headed studs (seefigure2 (a)) Mate 『 ial with a characteristic
yield stress of 385 N/mm2
minimum elongation of 18 %
and a characteristic tensile
Diameter Overall height strength of 495 N/mm2
盯1 盯1 盯1 町1

25 100 139 154 168 183

22 100 112 126 139 153
19 100 90 100 109 119
19 75 78 87 96 105
16 75 66 74 82 90
13 65 42 47 52 57
Bars with hoops (seefigures2(b) and2(c)) Grade 43 of BS 4360 : 1972
50mm × 40mm × 200mm bar 697 830 963 1096
25mm × 25mm × 200mm bar 348 415 482 548
Channels (see figure 2(d) ) Grade 43 of BS 4360 : 1972
127mm × 64mm × 14.90 kg × 150mm 351 397 419 442
102mm × 51 nim × 10.42 kg × 150mm 293 337 364 390
76mmx38mm × 6.70 kg × 150mm 239 283 305 326
Friction grip bolts BS 4395 see clause 10

NOTE 1. fcu is the specified charac~eristic c~be strength at 28 days:

NOTE 2. Strengths for concrete of intermediate grade may be obtained by linear interpolation.
the capacities are proportional to the lengths fo 『 lengths greater than 100 mm.
NOTE 4. For stud connectors of o内1erall height greater than 100 mm the nominal static strength should be taken as the values given
in table 7 for 100 mm high connectors unle臼 the static strength is determined from push-out tests in accordance with、

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BSI BS*S 句口口 PART*S ?『 • 162 H 』』『 口口 L L 句 73 1 •
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. Not less th n 1.5 D -n

Automatic stud weld

D dia.

(a) Stud connector


Welds to develop the tensile

st 「ength of the hoop

20 dia.

(b) 50 mm x 40 mm bar connector

All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure 2. Shear connectors

. --``,,,`,,,,,`,`,,`,```````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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BSI BS*54 口 0 PART*5 7 『. 16246 b 『口 B 1 L 句?问 3.
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

Welds to develop the tensile

strength of the hoop
12 dia.


(c) 25 mm x 25 mm bar connector


(d) Channel connector

All dimensions a 『e in millimet『es.

Figure 2. Shear connectors (concluded)

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BSI BS*540 口 P ART*S ?『 • 1 』 246 』『 口口 L 1475 5. BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. --``,,,`,,,,,`,`,,`,```````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

All dimensions are in millimetres

Figure 3. Dimensions of haunches

. Load

254><146><43 UB


15 cover i十! l__ l __j


Bedded in mortar
O「 solidbase

All dimensions are in millimet『es.

NOTE. Reinforcement should be of 10 mm diamete 『 mild steel.

Figure 4. Dimensions of specimens for test on shear connectors

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二一一」二J二三2二二二二~二= ~
I BSI BS*5 句口口 PART*5 7 『 • 162466 『 口 01147 』 7 .
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

5.3. 3 Design of shear connection General. The longitudinal spacing of the
connectors should be not greater than 600 mm orthree
times the thickness of the slab or four times the height of the
~onnector, including any hoop which is an integral part of Up/,的 on shear connectors. Where the shear
connectors are subject to significant calculable direct
ten.sion due either to:
(a) forces tending to separate the slab from a girder
caused, for example, by differential bending of the
the connector, whichever is the least, except that: girders or of the two sides of a box girder or tension-field
(a) in negative (hogging) moment regions ofcontinuous action in a web, or
cross girders no connector should be placed within a (b) transverse moments on a group of connectors
distance 2bt ofthe nearest connectors on the main resulting from transverse bending of the slab particularly
girder; where bt is the breadth of the tension flange of the in the region of diaphragms or transverse cross bracing,
steel cross-girder; then additional ties, suitably anchored, should be provided
(b) connectors may be placed in groups, with the group to resist these forces. Alternatively, stud shear connectors
spacing greater than that specified for individual may be used and should be checked for the ultimate limit
connectors, provided consideration is given in design to state and, if applicable, for fatigue ‘
the non-uniform flow of longitudinal shear and of the The effect of axial tension on the static or fatigue shear
greater possibility of slip and vertical separation between strength of a connector should be taken into account as
the slab and the steel member. follows, unless the reduction in Pu or the increase in Omax
The distance between the edge of a shear connector and the is less than 10 %.
edge of the plate to which it 1s welded should be not less For stud connectors the nominal static ultimate shear

than 25 mm (see figure 2). strength Pu' in the presence of tension Tu may be taken as
The diameter of stud connectors welded to a flange plate, Pu ’ = Pu-Tu/\13
which is subject to tensile stresses, should not exceed one where
and a half times the thickness of the plate. Where a plate is
not subject to tensile stresses the diameter of stud Pu is the nominal stati~ ultimate shear strength as
connectors should not exceed twice the plate thickness. defined in 5.3.2. 丁
Where a stud is subject to shear Q and tension Tu the value
The leg length of the weld joining othertypes of connectors
of Omax, to be used fo 『 calculating the shear range in
to the flange plate should not exceed half the thickness of
fatigue calculations, should betaken as
the flange plate.
Except where otherwise permitted for encased and filler
beams shear connectors should be provided throughoutthe
Omax= J I
02 十二去
T 2

length of the beam. Horizontal cover to connectors. The horizontal Design procedure: general. Shear connectors
distance between a free concrete surface and any shear should be designed initially to satisfy the serviceability
connector should be not less than 50 mm (see figure 3). At limit state in accordance with The initial design
the end of a cantilever, as for example in a cantilever- should be checked in accordance with Part 10 for fatigue.
suspended span structure, sufficient transverse and Except as directed in and 6.1 .3 no check on the
longitudinal reinforcement should be positioned adjacent static strength of shear connectors need be made at the
to the free edge of the concrete slab to transfer the ultimate limit state.
longitudinal shear connector loads back into the concrete Design procedure, static loading. The size and
slab. spacing of the connectors at each end of each span should

. Resistance to separation. The slab should be be not less than that required for the maximum loading
positively tied to the girder in accordance with the following considered. This size and spacing should be maintained for
recommendations. at least 10 % of the length of each span. Elsewhere, the size
(a) The overall height of a connector, including any hoop and spacing of connectors may be kept constant over any
which is an integral part of the connecto 『, should be not length where, under the maximum loading considered, the
less than 100 mm O 『 the thickness of the slab less 25 mm maximum shear force per unit length does not exceed the
whichever is the lesser. design shear flow by more than 10 %. Over every such
length the total design longitudinal shear force should not
(b) The surface of a connector that resists separation exceed the product of the number of connectors and the
forces, i.e. the inside of a hoop, the inner face of the top design static strength per connector (0.55 × nominal
flange of a channel or the underside of the head of a stud, static strength).
should neither extend less than 40 mm clear above the
bottom transverse reinfo 『cement (see figure 6) nor less
than 40 mm into the compression zone of the concrete 5.4 Temperature effects and shrinkage modified by
flange in regions of sagging longitudinal moments. creep
Alternatively, where a concrete haunch is used between 5.4.1 General. Longitudinal stresses due to the effects of
the steel girders and the soffit of the slab, transverse temperature and shrinkage modified by creep need only be
reinforcing bars, sufficient to satisfy the requirements considered at the serviceability limit state in composite
of 6.3.3, should be provided in the haunch at least 40 mm beams where the cross section of the steel member is
clear below the surface of the connector that resists compact, as defined in, or in slender sections as
uplift. Where the shear connection is adjacent to a directed in (b). Account should be taken ofthe
longitudinal edge of a concrete slab, transverse longitudinal shear forces arising from these effects in the
reinforcement provided in accordance with 6.3.3 should design of all composite beams for the serviceability limit
be fully anchored in the concrete between the edge of the

state. Where appropriate, variations in the stiffness of a
slab and the adjacent row of connectors. composite beam along its length, e.g. due to changes in the
( c) Where the slab is connected to the girder by two cross section of the steel member or where the concrete
separate elements, one to resist longitudinal shear and flange is cast in stages, should be taken into account when
the other to resist forces tending to separate the slab calculating the longitudinal shear force per unit length.
from the girder, the ties which resist the forces of
separation should be in accordance with (a) and (b).

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BSI BS*54 口口 PART*S ?『 • 162466 『 口口 11 问?? 『 ••

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. 5.4.2 Temperature effects Effects to be considered. Longitudinal stresses and
longitudinal shear forces due to temperature effects
should be taken into account where appropriate. The
effects to be considered are:
20/ls at each end of the beam to zero at a distance Is from
each end of the beam, where

Is =叫高TM

(a) primary effects due to a temperature difference Q is the longitudinal shear force due to the primary
through the depth of the cross section of the composite effects of temperature
member; ~fis the difference between the free strains at the
(b) primaryeffectsduetoa uniformchangeof centroid of the concrete slab and the centroid of the steel
temperature in a composite member where the beam, and
coefficients of thermal expansion of the steel and K spacing ofthe connectors (mm)

concrete are significantly different; and - connector modulus (N/mm)
( c) secondary effects, in continuous members, due to The value of Kin mm2/N will vary with the connector and
redistribution of the moments and support reactions concrete type and may be taken as follows:
caused by temperature effects of the types described in
(a)or(b). Stud I Other
c。 nnect。 rs I connectors
In the absence of a partial interaction analysis, longitudinal
stresses and shear forces due to temperature effects should Normal density concrete I 0.003 0.0015
be calculated by elastic theory assuming that full Lightweight aggregate concrete I 0.006 0.003

interaction exists between the concrete slab and the steel
beam. The stiffness should be based on the transformed Alternatively, where stud shear connectors are used the
composite cross section using a modular ratio αe rate of transfer of load may be assumed to be constant for a
appropriate to short term loading and assuming the distance lss from each end of the beam where lss is equal to
concrete slab to be of effective breadth as given in table 8. one-fifth of the effective span. Longitudinal stresses. Longitudinal stresses due to
temperature effects may be calculated using the
Table 8. Properties of concrete flange f。r assumptions given in
calculation of temperature effects
5.4.3 Shrinkage modified by creep. When the effects
of shrinkage modified by creep adversely affect the
Purp。se of calculati 。n Effective breadth State in which maximum resultant forces on the shear connectors or the
。f concrete flange c。ncrete slab is
to be deter『冒1ined assun、 ed to be maximum resultant stresses in the concrete slab and the
from clause stee! b::iam, they should be calculated in the manner
described for temperature effects in,
Longitudinal bending 5.2.3 Uncracked
and, but using values of Ecs the free shrinkage strain
stresses due to
and a modular ratio α9, appropriate to long term loading,
primary effects
which may be taken approximately as 2 Es/ Ee or more
Longitudinal shear 5.3.1 Uncracked accurately as Es/仇Ee.
force due to where
primary effects Ee is the static secant modulus of elasticity of concrete
Es is the elasticity of structural steel.
Moments and reactions Uncracked
due to secondary NOTE. Values of Ecs and φc are given in table 9.

effects The values in table 9 should only be used where the concrete
specification complies with the limits given in figure 5. For
Longitudinal bending 5.2.3 Cracked in situations outside the scope of figure 5 and table 9 or
stresses due to tension where a better estimation of the effect of shrinkage
secondary effects modified by creep is required, the value of free shrinkage
strain Ecs and the creep coefficient rf; may be determined in
5 ‘ 4.2.2 Coefficient of linear expansion accordance with appendix C of Part 4.
(a) Structural steel and reinforcement. The coefficient The value of 仇 shm』 Id then be taken as
of linear expansion PL may betaken as 12 × 1 Q-6/。c.
(b) Concrete. The coefficient of linear expansion 卢t.,Of
r/; 1
c-1 十4
normal density concrete (2300 kg/m3 or greater) made
with aggregates other than limestone or granite, may be Table 9. Shrinkage strains and creep reduction
taken as 12 x 1 o-s ;。C. The use of limestone or certain factors
granite aggregates may reduce the coefficient of linear
expansion of the concrete to as low as 7 x 10-6 /。 C.ln
Environment Ecs φc
these circumstances a value appropriate to the particular
aggregate should be used. For lightweight aggregate Very humid, e.g. directly I -100x10-6 I 0.5
concrete (density 1400 kg/m3 to 2300 kg/m3} the over water
coefficient of linear expansion may normally be taken as Generally in the I -200x10-6 I 0.4
8x1o-s ;。 c.
open air Longitudinal shear. The longitudinal shear force Q, Very dry, e.g. dry I -300x10-6 I 0.3
due to either a temperature difference through the depth of interior enclosures

the cross section or differential thermal expansion between
the concrete and steel beam, may be assumed to be
transmitted from the concrete slab to the steel beam by 5.5 Deflections
connectors at each end of the beam ignoring the effects of 5. 5.1 General. Recommendations for deflections and
bond. The forces on the connectors should be calculated on general guidance on their calculation are given in Part 1.
the basis that the rate of transfer of load varies linearly from The partial load factory1L is given in Part 2 and Yt3 is given
in 4.1.3.

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BSI BS*54 口口 PART*S ?『 • 162466 『 0011478 日 • •
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979


300 丘正 Wa~e 「 l cement

0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 ‘
Figure 5. Range of concrete mixes for which table 9 can be used

5.5.2 Calculation of deflections. In calculating wheel loading and global bending of the composite beam
deflections consideration should be given to the sequence should not exceed the limits given in Advantage
of construction and, where appropriate, proper account may be taken of the effects of shear lag in the manner
should be taken of the deflections of the steel section due described in

to loads applied to it prior to the development of composite
action and of partial composite action where deck slabs Where slabs form the flanges of composite beams which
are cast in stages. have compact steel sections (as defined in the
design of the slab cross section should be in accordance
Deflections may be calculated by elastic theory using the with Part 4 ‘
elastic properties given in 4.2 and assuming full interaction
between the concrete and steel beam and neglecting Proper account should be taken of the interaction between
concrete in tension. Allowance for in-plane shear longitudinal shear forces and transverse bending ofthe slab
flexibility (shear lag effects) in the flange should be made in in the region of the shear connection. The methods given
calculations based on the elementary theory of bending by in 6.3 may be deemed to satisfy these recommendations.
using an effective breadth of flange. 6.1. 3 Composite action. Where the cross section is
To determine the effective breadth of flange the effective compact (as defined in ), and premature failure of
breadth ratio for all types of loading may be taken as the steel compression flange by lateral-torsional buckling
constant along any equivalent simply supported span, as is prevented in accordance with Part 3, composite action
defined in, A.1 and A.2, and equal to the value may be assumed to exist for the whole of the loading at the
given in table 2 for the quarter span under uniformly ultimate limit state, even when unpropped construction is
distributed load, except that tor cantilevers the value given used, provided thatthe shear connectors and transverse
in table 3 for the quarter point near the support under reinforcement are designed in accordance with 6.3 for the
uniformly distributed load should be used. corresponding longitudinal shear. Where the cross section
is slender (as defined in the requirements
In the absence of a more rigorous analysis of the effects of
of 5.2.5 should be observed.
creep, the deflections due to sustained loading may be
calculated by using a modulus of elasticity of concrete 6.1.4 Distribution of bending moments and vertical
appropriate to sustained loading determined in accordance shear forces.

with 4.2.3. Alternatively, under sustained loading, the Elastic analysis. The design envelopes of bending
modulus of elasticity may be taken as 1 /(1 十份 times the
moments and vertical shear forces which are produced by
short term modulus given in 4.2.3 where 功 is the creep
the whole of any particular combination of loads applied to
coefficient determined in accordance with appendix C of
the composite member, may be found by elastic analysis,
Part 4.
assuming the concrete to be uncracked. The effects of
shear lag may be neglected.
6. Design and detailing of superstructure for the Alternatively, the stiffening effect of the concrete over 15 %
ultimate limit state of the length of the span on each side of each internal
6.1 Analysis of structure support may be neglected but tensile reinforcement may be
6.1.1 General. Except where alternative methods are given taken into account.
in 6.1.2 and, elastic analysis should be used to Redistribution of moments in principal
determine the distribution of bending moments, shear longitudinal members. Redistribution of the bending
forces and axial loads due to the design ultimate loadings moments obtained from a particular combination of loads by
specified in Part 2. The use of alternative methods should either of the methods given in may be carried out
be in accordance with 8.2 of Part 1. from the supports to the span by amounts not exceeding the
6.1. 2 Deck slabs forming the flanges of composite values given in table 10, as appropriate, provided that:
beams. The deck slab should be designed to resist the (a) equilib 『 ium between the internal forces and external
effects of loading given in but design loads relevant loads is maintained under each appropriate combination
to the ultimate limit state should be used. In general, the of ultimate loads;
effects of local wheel loading on the slab should be (b) the ultimate moment of resistance-provided at any
determined by elastic analysis. Alternatively, an inelastic section of a member should be not less than 70 % of the

method of analysis, e.g. yield line theory, may be used elastic moment obtained from covering all
where an appropriate solution exists. appropriate combinations of loads nor less than the
Where slabs form the flanges of composite beams which maximum moment obtained from the redistributed
have sfender steel sections (as defined in the moment diagram, whichever is the greater;
stresses in the concrete and reinforcement should be ( c) premature failure of the steel compression flange by
determined by elastic analysis. The coexistent stresses in lateral 『 torsional buckling is prevented in accordance with
the concrete and reinforcement due to the effects of local
--``,,,`,,,,,`,`,,`,```````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Part 3;

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BSI BS*540 口 PART*5 ?『 • 162 H 』』『 口口 L L 与?『 2 .

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. ( d) proper account is taken of the effects of redistribution

of longitudinal moments on cross members (if any) and
their connections.

Tabl~ 10. Maximum percentage redistribution of

positive (sagging) or negative (hogging) bending may be
determined by simple plastic theory making the following
(a) the effective breadth of the concrete flange b0, on
either side of a web, may be taken as 1/6 but not greater
bending moments at the ultimate limit state
than the actual breadth b, where I is the span of the
composite beam;
Slenderness of ”
Type of analysis used i
{b) subject to the provision of {e) the whole ofthe area
steel cross section* Cracked I Uncrac业ed
of the steel member and of the longitudinal reinforcement
Slender 0 10 within the effective breadth of the concrete flange is
Compact 20 30 stressed to the design yield strength in tension or
compression, i.e. nominal yield strength/Ym;
*As defined in 6.2.2.
{c) the strength of concrete on the tension side of the Plastic analysis. Plastic analysis may be used to plastic neutral axis should be neglected;
determine the distribution of bending moments and vertical ( d) the area of concrete on the compression side of the
shear forces in simply supported and continuous composite plastic neutral axis is stressed uniformly to its design
superstructures provided that: compressive strength, which may be taken as 0.4 times
{a) all cross sections of the steel member at which, the characteristic cube strength;
according to calculations, inelastic behaviour will occur

( e) where necessary, allowance should be made in
are compact (as defined in; negative (hogging) moment regions for the influence of
(b) premature failure ofthe steel compression flange by vertical shear on the ultimate moment of resistance as
lateral torsional buckling is prevented in accordance with given in
Part 3; Vertical shear. The design ultimate shear strength
(c) the length of an end span in a continuous beam does of a compact composite section in the absence of bending
not differ from that of an adjacent span by more than moment shot』 Id be calculated in accordance with Part 3
15 % nor do the lengths of two adjacent interior spans neglecting any composite action in vertical shear.
differ by more than 25 % ; Influence of vertical shear on ultimate moment of
( d) the concrete slab is of normal density concrete having resistance. No reduction for the effects of vertical shear need
a characteristic strength within the range 20 N/mm 2 to be made in calculating the ultimate moment of resistance of
45 N/mm2; a compact composite section :
(e) not more than half the design ultimate load for any (a) if the vertical shear at the ultimate limit state is less
span is concentrated within a length 1/5, where lis the than 30 % of the design ultimate shear strength as given
effective span. in,
6.1. 5 Temperature effects and shrinkage modified (b) in negative (hogging) moment regions, if the vertical
by creep. When the steel section is slender (as defined shear does not exceed the design ultimate shear strength
in, the effects oftemperature and shrinkage as given In, and the cross-sectional area of the
modified by creep on the longitudinal stresses in the longitudinal reinforcement within the effective breadth
composite section need only be considered at the ultimate of the slab exceeds 0.15 times the total cross sectional ”

limit state except as directed in (b). The methods area of the steel member and the design yield stress for
given in 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 may be used but the partial factors this reinforcement is not less than that for the steel

of safety should be appropriate to the ultimate limit state. member.
No account need be taken of the effects of temperature and Where neither condition is satisfied, it may be assumed in
shrinkage modified by creep in the design of the shear calculating the ultimate moment of resistance that the
connectors at the ultimate limit state but the longitudinal longitudinal stresses in the steel section are distributed in
shear forces arising from these effects shot』 Id be considered any convenient manner that, in combination with the shear
in the design of the transverse reinforcement (see 6.3.1 stresses, gives equivalent stresses that nowhere exceed the
and 6.3.3). yield stress as defined in Part 3.
6.2 Analysis of sections 6. 2.4 Analysis of slender cross sections
6.2.1 General. The strength of composite sections should Ultimate moment of resistance
be assessed by inelastic or elastic analysis, as appropriate, (a} The ultimate moment of resistance of slender cross
in accordance with 6.2.2 to 6.2.4. sections (as defined in may be calculated by
6.2.2 Definitions elastic theory using an effective breadth of flange, Compact cross sections. Cross sections may be determined in accordance with 5.2.3, and the pa 『ti al
considered as compact when the web and compression safety factors on material strength for the ultimate limit
flange possess sufficient stiffness to enable full plasticity state. The elastic moduli of steel and concrete shot』 Id be
and adequate rotation to be developed without loss of those recommended for the serviceability limit state.
strength due to local buckling. This may be considered to The tensile strength of the concrete should normally be
have been achieved when the slenderness of all steel plates neglected but consideration should be given to the
or sections that contribute to the strength of the web and possibility of premature buckling of a steel compression
compression flange is less than the relevant limiting values flange if concrete in a tension flange remains uncracked.
for compact sections as given in Part 3.
Except where permitted by (b) below, the stresses in

. Slender cross sections. Slender cross sections are structural steelwork should nowhere exceed those
those which do not satisfy the definition of compact given specified for the ultimate limit state in Part 3.
The stresses in reinforcement bars should not exceed the
6. 2. 3 Analysis of compact cross sections design yield strength at the ultimate limit state given in Ultimate moment of resistance. The ultimate Part 4.
moment of resistance of a compact cross section in both

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BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

The compressive st『ess in the concrete due to flexure

should nowhere exceed 0.53 times the characteristic
cube strength.
(b) In negative moment regions of unpropped
continuous composite beams yielding of the steel tension
Attention is drawn to the difference between the meaning
of the symbols q and qp:
q is the total longitudinal shear force per unit length of
composite beam at the steel/concrete interface,
determined in accordance with 6.3.1.
flange may be permitted provided: qp is the design longitudinal shear force per unit length
(1) the ultimate strength o~ the cross section is of beam on the particular shear plane considered. It
determined from an elastic/plastic analysis with may be equal to or different from q, depending on the
equilibrium maintained between the internal forces and shear plane
external loads under each combination of loads; (b) Only reinforcement transverse to the steel beam that
(2) redistribution of stresses is ca 『ried out in is fully anchored on both sides of a possible plane of
accordance with the recommendations of Part 3; longitudinal shear failure (shear plane) should be
(3) the shear connectors and transverse reinforcement included in the definitions given below. Cross-sectional
are designed in accordance with 6.3 for the areas of transverse reinforcement per unit length of beam
corresponding longitudinal shear; are defined thus:
( 4) the amount of redistribution of bending moments A1 is reinforcement placed near the top of the slab
at the ultimate limit state does not exceed the amount forming the flange of the composite beam and may
given in table 10 for slender cross sections; inclt』 de that provided for flexure

(5) temperature and shrinkage effects are considered Ab is reinforcement placed in the bottom of the slab or
at both the serviceability and ultimate limit states and haunch at a clear distance not greater than 50 mm from
the requirements of 4.3.2 are satisfied; the nearest surface of the steel beam, and at a clear
distance of not less than 40 mm below that surface of
(6) account is taken of the method of construction.
each shear connector that resists uplift forces, including
(c) In simply supported beams the ultimate moment of that bottom reinforcement provided for flexL』 re
resistance of the composite section may be determined
Abs is other reinforcement in the bottom of the slab
by the method given in provided the plastic placed at a clear distance greater than 50 mm from the
neutral axis of the composite section lies within the
nearest surface of the steel beam
concrete slab or the compression flange of the steel
section. The effects of temperature, shrinkage and creep Abv is reinforcement placed in the bottom of the slab or
need not then be considered in calculating the ultimate haunch, but excluding that provided for flexure, which
bending strength but account should be taken of the complies in all other respects with the definition of Ab
longitudinal shear force due to these effects as 『equired above
by 6.1.5. NOTE‘ Where the depth of a haunch does not exceed 50 mm. Vertical shear. Vertical shear shot』 Id be assumed to reinforcement in the bottom of a slab may be included in the
definitions of Ab andAbv provided that it is placed at a clear distance
be resisted by the steel section alone. Nowhere should the of not less than 40 mm below that surface of each she a 『 connector
stress exceed the stress limitations for the ultimate limit which resists uplift forces and at a clear distance not greater than
state given in Part 3. 80 mm from the nearest su 『face of the steel beam.
6.3 Lon.gitudinal shear Examples offive types of shear plane are given in figure 6 with typical
arrangements of reinforcement that satisfy the definitions of Ab, At
6.3.1 General. Longitudinal shear per unit length of the and Abs given above ‘
composite beam q should be determined in accordance Ae is the reinforcement crossing a shear plane that is

with 5.3.1 but using the design loadings appropriate to the assumed to be effective in resisting shear failure along
ultimate limit state. that plane.
6.3.2 Deck slab. The deck slab and its reinforcement For planes in unhaunched beams that do not cross the whole
should be designed to resist the forces imposed on it by the thickness ofthe slab (plane 2-2 in figure 6) A0=2Ab.
shear connectors without excessive slip or separation and For planes that cross the whole depth of the slab (shear plane type
without longitudinal splitting, local crushing or bursting. 1 斗 in figure 6) Ao is the total area of fully anchored reinforcement
inte 『sected by that plane, inclt』 ding reinforcement provided for
Particular care should be taken where there is a free concrete flexure, e.g. in shear plane 1-1 in figure 6(a) Ae=At十Ab.
SU 『face adjacent to a connector, e.g. at an end or a side of a
For planes in haunched beams that do not cross the whole depth of
slab or in a haunch. the slab (shear plane types 3-3, 4-4, or 5-5 in figure 6) Ao is the total
NOTE. Designs in accordance with 6.3.1 to 6.3.3 satisfy these area offully anchored reinforcement intersected by that plane, which
recommendations for the ultimate limit state and may be deemed to is placed at a clear distance of not less than 40 mm below that
satisfy the fatigue and serviceability recommendations fortransverse SU 『face of each shearconnecto 『 that resists uplift forces and may
reinforcement. Designs which satisfy the fatigue and se 『viceability include the area of the hoop in a bar and hoop connector where
『ecommendations for shear connectors given in 5.3 may be deemed to appropriate.
satisfy the recommendations for the shear connectors for the ultimate For planes of type 5-5 (see figure 6(d)) in cased beams Ao is the total
limit state. Special consideration should be given to details which are cross-sectional area of stirrups (both legs) crossing the shear plane
not in accordance with 5.3 and 6.3.1to6.3.3. (see 8.5.2 and 8.8). Haunches. Where concrete haunches are used ( c) Ls is the length of the shear plane under
between the steel flange and the soffit of the concrete slab consideration
the sides of the haunch shot』 Id lie outside a line drawn at
fry is the characteristic yield strength of the transverse
45° from the outside edge of the connectors as shown in
reinforcement but not greater than 460 N/mm 2
figure 3 ‘ The recommendations of 5.3 and 6.3 to 6.3.3. 7
inclusive should also apply. fcu is the characteristic cube strength of concrete or the
cube strength used in the design of the slab, if account is
6. 3. 3 Transverse reinforcement

taken of loading at agesοther than 28 days, but not Definitions and general requirements greaterthan 45 N/mm 2
(a) The design method given in to is sis a constant stress of 1 N/mm 2 re-expressed where
applicable to haunched and unhaunched composite necessary in units consistent with those used for the
beams of normal density concrete O『 lightweight other quantities
aggregate concrete. The method takes account of
(d) the size and spacing of transverse reinforcement at
interaction between longitudinal shear and transverse
each end of each span should be not less than that
bending of the slab.

r r
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BSI BS*54 口口 PART*S 7 『 • 162466 『 口口 L 1481 口 ••

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979



. At

Shear plane I Ae

1-1 I (At 十 Ab) or (At 十 Abs)

2-2 I 2Ab

3~3 I2(Ab 十 Abs)

4-4 I 2Ab
5-5 I As defined in (b)

. (c)


/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
EJ,, \ EJ

(d) b

. NOTE. Forshea 『 plane type 5-5 Ls total length of shear plane minus one third bf.

Figure 6. Shear planes and transverse reinforcement


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~ 一一~,」二二-)
BSI BS*54 口口 PART*5 ?『 • 162466 『 0011482 2 •

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979


required for the maximum loading considered. This size

and spacing should be maintained for at least 10 % of,the
length of each span. Elsewhere, the size and spacing may
be kept constant over any length where, underthe
maximum loading considered, the maximum shear force
6,3.3.4 Minimum transverse reinforcement. The cross-
sectional area, per unit length of beam, of reinforcement in
the slab transverse to the steel beam shOL』 Id be not less than
0.8 she/元’V
per unit length does not exceed the design value over that
length by more than 10 %. he is the thickness of the concrete slab forming the flange
of the composite beam Longitudinal shear. The longitudinal shear force per
unit length Qp on any shear plane through the concrete Not less than 50 % of this area of reinforcement should be
should not exceed either: placed near the bottom of the slab so that it satisfies the
definition of Abv given in (b).
(a} k1sls + 0.7Ae 儿v or
Where the length of a possible plane of shear failure around
(b} k2Lsfcu the connectors (shear plane 2 』 2 in figure 6) is less than or
where equal to twice the thickness of the slab he reinforcement in
k1 is a constant equal to 0.9 for normal density concrete a'ddition to that required for flexure shoL』 Id be provided in
and 0.7 for lightweight aggregate concrete the bottom of the slab transverse to the steel beam to
prevent longitudinal splitting around the connectors. The
k2 is a constant equal to 0.15 for normal density concrete cross-sectional area of this additional reinforcement, per
and 0.12 for lightweight aggregate concrete unit length of beam, Abv should be not less than 0.8 she/fry.
lffcu is taken to be less than 20 N/mm2, thetermk1sls in (a} This additional reinforcement need not be provided if the

ShOL』 Id be replaced by k3fculs where k3 is a constant equal minimum compressive force per unit length of beam, acting
to 0.04 for normal density concrete and 0.03 for lightweight normal to and over the surface of the shear plane, is greater
aggregate concrete. than 1.4 she.
In haunched beams, not less than half the reinforcement Minimum transverse reinforcement in haunched
required to satisfy (a) above in respect of shear planes beams. The cross-sectional area of transverse reinforcement
through the haunch (planes 3-3 and 4-4 in figure 6), in a haunch per unit length of beam Abv as defined
should be bottom reinforcement that complies with the in (b) should be not less than
definition of Abv in (b). 0.4 sls/fry Interaction between longitudinal shear and where
transverse bending
Ls is the length of a possible plane of shear failure around
(a) Beams with shear planes passing through the full the connectors (see shea 『 plane type 3-3 or 4-4 in figure
depth of slab. Where the sh~ar plane passes through the 6).
full depth of the slab no account need be taken ofthe
interaction between longitudinal shear and transverse Curtailment of transverse reinforcement. The
transverse reinforcement provided to resist longitudinal
shear may be curtailed provided the recommendations
(b} Unhaunched beams with shear planes passing round of 6.3.3 are satisfied in all respects fortheshear planes
the connectors. In unhaunched beams where the design through the slab of type 1-1 in figure 6. For this purpose the
loading at the ultimate limit state causes transverse longitudinal shear force per unit length Qp for such a plane,
tension in the the region of the shear connectors, may be assumed to vary linearly from the calculated
account shOL』 Id be taken of the effect of this on the maximum force on the relevant plane, which is adjacent to
strength of shear planes that do not cross the whole the shear connectors, to zero mid-way between the centre-

depth of the slab (plane 2-2 in figure 6) by replaCi 『1g line of the beam and that of an adjacent beam or to zero at (a) by an adjacent free edge.
Qpζ k 1 sls 1.4Abvfry + 6.3.3. 7 Detailing of transverse reinforcement. The spacing of
Where the design loads at the ultimate limit state can bottom transverse reinforcing bars, if provided to satisfy the
cause transverse compression in the slab in the region of recommendations of 6.3.3, should be not greater than four
the shear connectors account may be taken of the times the projection of the connectors (including any hoop
beneficial effect of this on the strength of shear planes which is an integral part of the connector) above the bars
that do not cross the whole depth of the slab (shear plane nor greater than 600 mm.
type2 ” 2 in figure 6), by replacing 6.3.2 (a) by 6.3.~ Shear connectors. The design of the shear
Qp ~ k1 sls 十 0.7 Aefry 十 1.6FT connectors need not be considered at the ultimate limit
state except as directed in, 6.1.3, and (b)(3).
Then the size and spacing of shear connectors should be
FT is the minimum tensile force per unit length of beam in determined in accordance with except that
the transverse reinforcement in the top of the slab due to longitudinal shea 『 per unit length shOL』 Id be determined in
transverse bending of the slab. Only loading that is of a accordance with 6.3.1 and the design static strength, per
permanent nature should be considered when connector at the ultimate limit state, should be taken as
calculating FT.
0.8Pui γm
NOTE. For remaining symbols see (a), (b) and (c).
(c) Haunched beams. In haunched beams, where the
design loading at the ultimate limit state causes transverse Pu is the nominal strength (as defined in and
tension in the slab in the vicinity of the shear connectors, Ym = 1.10 or
no account of this need be taken, provided the 0.8 Pu' IYm (for design in accordance with

reinforcement required to satisfy is
reinforcement that satisfies the definition of Abv and the 7. Composite box girders
haunch dimensions satisfy the recommendations 7.1 General. The design of composite box girders should
of satisfy the relevant recommendations for steel box girders
Where the design loading at the ultimate limit state causes given in Part 3 together with the recommendations for
transverse compression in the region of the shear uncased beams given in this Part of this British Standard
connectors, no account need be taken providing the and also those given in this clause.
recommendations of are satisfied. .-----飞

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BSI BS*54 口口 PART*S ?『 • 162 问』 b 『 口口 L 1483 斗 ..
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. 7.2 Effective span. The effective spans for bending of

longitudinal or transverse box girders should be as defined
in Part 1.
7.3 Effective breadth. The effective breadth of concrete
flange should be determined in accordance with clauses 5
number of connectors per unit length of gi 『derwithin breadth bw,
including any provided in accordance with 7.5.1 or7.7(a).
If the connector density (number of shear connectors per
unit area of steel flange) in any area outside the effective
breadth of the steel flange exceeds the least density within
or 6 as appropriate. For closed box girders when the steel the effective breadth at the cross section considered, the
top flange, which is continuous between webs, acts connectors additional to those that would give equal
compositely with the concrete deck slab the effective densities should be omitted when calculating n in this
breadth of the composite plate may also be determined in design method.
accordance with clauses 5 or 6 as appropriate. • NOTE. This method is not applicable when connectors a『e placed in
groups or when the number of connectors in any transverse row across
7.4 Distribution of bending moments and vertical the flange is small.
shear forces. In the absence of more exact analysis the
distribution of longitudinal bending moments and vertical
shear forces may be calculated in accordance with 5.1.1 4.0
or 6.1 as appropriate.
7.5 Longitudinal shear
7 .5.1 Spacing of shear connectors. The concrete slab

should be positively tied down to the top steel flange plate
in accordance with the requirements of

In closed box girders, shear connectors should be provided
over the whole area of the top flange plate at spacings
longitudinally and transversely not greater than 600 mm or
three times the thickness of the concrete slab orfour times
the height ofthe connector (including any hoop which is
an integral part of the connector), whichever is the least.
The longitudinal spacing of these shear connectors should
not exceed twenty-five times, and the transverse spacing
should not exceed forty times, the thickness of the top
flange plate. 。
0.25 。‘so 0.75 1.0
Alternatively, connectors may be placed in groups with the
!1 ’ Jn
spacing greater than that specified for individual connectors,
provided consideration is given to the non-uniform flow of Figure 7. Coefficient K
longitudinal shear and to the greater possibility of slip and
vertical separation between the slab and the steel member 7.6 Torsion. In open box girders with no steel top flange
and of buckling of the flange plate between connectors. continuous between webs consideration should be given
to the effect of cracking of the concrete flange in negative
The distance from the edge of the top flange plate to the (hogging) moment regions on· the torsional rigidity of the
near edge of the nearest row of shear connectors should not box girder and on the distribution of torsional shear forces.
exceed twelve times the thickness of the plate.
7. 7 Composite plate. Where the concrete deck slab is
7.5.2 Design of shear connectors. The shear connectors c;ast on the top steel flange plate of a closed box girder the

in box girders should be designed in accordance with plate and the concrete slab, including the reinforcement,
clause 5 for the serviceability limit state, except that in may be considered as acting compositely in resisting
closed box girders the number of shear connectors required longitudinal and transverse effects of loading on the deck,
to satisfy and and their distribution over the provided that:
breadth of the steel flange plate should be determined as (a) adequate shear connectors are provided to transmit
follows. the resulting shear force atthe interface, ignoring the
NOTE 1. The connectors atanycross section are assumed to be alt of effect of bond ;
the same type and size. The design of the shear connectors between
each steel web and its associated concrete flange should be considered (b) adequate ties a 『e provided in accordance
for each web separately. with and to prevent separation of the
The longitudinal shear force Ox on a connector at distance two elements ;
xtrom the web centre line should be determined from ( c) the combination of coexistent effects is taken into
consideration, as required by and 6.1.2, together
Ox=哩 I K( 1 一主- )2 十 0.15
,,」、 IJW ,,」
I with the effects caused by the weight of wet concrete
acting on the steel flange plate alone during construction.
Consideration should be given to the effects of temporary
q is the design longitudinal shear due to global and local construction loading in accordance with 9.4.
loadings per unit length of girder at the serviceability
Where these conditions are not satisfied the deck slab and
limit state for the web considered, calculated assuming
the steel top flange plate should be designed as non-
full interaction between the steel plate and the concrete
composite elements in accordance with Part 3 or Part 4 as
slab (in accordance with 5.3.1 ).
appropdate. Proper account should be taken of the
K is a coefficient determined from figure 7 additional shear forces due to transverse bending of the
bwis 向 ual to half the distance between the centre lines of deck and the effects of local wheel loading that may be

adjacent webs, or, for portions projecting beyond an imposed on the shear connectors provided to resist
outer web, the distance from the centre line of the web to longitudinal shear in accordance with 7 .5.
the free edge of the steel flange.
8. Cased beams and filler beam construction
NOTE 2. The force on any connector due to coexistent global and local
loadings should not exceed its design strength atthe serviceability 8.1 Scope. This clause applies to simply supported filler
limit state determined from clause 5. beam decks, with or without the soffit of the tension flange
NOTE3. lnfigure7n ’ is the number of connectors per unit length placed of the steel member exposed, and to simply supported or
within 200 mm of the centre line of the web considered and n is the total continuous cased beams. The recommendations apply only
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BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979
BSI BS*54 口口 PART*5 ?『 .. 16 E 句』』吁 口口 11484 6 .
where the encasement or filling is of normal density
concrete (2300 kg/m3 or greater). .
8.2 Limit state requirements. Except where special
requirements are given in the following clauses cased beams
and filler beams decks should be designed for the
determined by an elastic analysis in accordance
The effects of shear lag may be neglected in filler beam
8.5 Longitudinal shear
serviceability and ultimate limit states in accordance with
clauses 4, 5 and 6. 8.5.1 Serviceability limit sta 归, The longitudinal shear
force per unit length between the concrete and steel beam
8.3 Analysis of structure. The distributions of bending shOL』 Id be calculated by elastic theory, in accordance
moments and vertical shear forces, due to the design with 5.3.1 except that, in positive (sagging) moment
loadings at the serviceability and ultimate limit states, regions of cased beams and in filler beams, concrete in
should be determined by an elastic analysis in accordance tension should be neglected. Shear lag effects may be
with 5.1 and 6.1. Redistribution of moments at the ultimate neglected in filler beam decks. The shear force to be
limit state (see shol』 Id not be permitted in cased transferred should be that appropriate to the area of
beams. concrete and steel reinforcement in compression.
In simply supported filler beam decks transverse bending For highway bridges and footbridges the longitudinal shear
moments may be determined by a distribution analysis of the force, other than that due to temperature and shrinkage
the deck as an orthotropic plate or by the method given effects, may be assumed to be resisted by bond between the
in 8.3.1. steel and concrete provided the local bond stress nowhere
8.3.1 Transverse moments in filler beam decks exceeds 0.5 N/mm 2 in cased beams or 0. 7 N/mm 2 in filler

(approximate method). This method is applicable to beams. The bond may be assumed to be developed
filler beam decks subject to standard highway loading type uniformly only over both sides of the web and the upper
HA and/or up to 45 units of type HB loading where the surfaces of the top and bottom flanges of the steel beam,
following conditions are satisfied: where there is complete encasement, and over both sides
(a) the construction consists of simply supported steel of the web and the upper surface of the top flange of the
beams solidly encased in normal density concrete; steel beam where the beam soffit is exposed. Where the
local bond stress, calculated in the manner described,
(b) the span in the direction of the beams is not less than exceeds 0.5 N/mm 2 in cased beams or 0.7 N/mm 2 in filler
6 m and not greaterthan 18 m and the angle of skew does beams the bond should be ignored entirely and shear
not exceed 20。; connectors provided, in accordance with 5.3.2 and 5.3.3,
(c) the clear spacing between the tips of the flanges of to transmit the whole of the longitudinal shear.
the steel beams does not exceed two-thirds of their 8.5.2 Ultimate limit state. The longitudinal shear force
depth; per unit length of beam should be calculated in accordance
( d) the overall breadth of the deck does not exceed 14 m; with 8.5.1 but for the design loading atthe ultimate limit
(e) the amount of transverse reinforcement provided in state. In cased beams other than filler beams, where shear
the top of the slab is not less than 300 mm 2/m if mild steel connectors are not provided to transmit the longitudinal
is used or 200 mm2/m if high yield steel is used. shear force due to vertical loading (see 8.5.1), particular
attention should be given to shear planes of type 5-5 (figure
The maximum design transverse sagging moment per unit
6(d) ). The total cross-sectional area per unit length of beam
length of deck A矿y due to either HA or H B loading, at any
offully anchored reinforcement intersecting the shear
point not less than 2 m from a free edge, may be taken as
surface Ae, should be not less than
My= (0.95 - 0.04/) Mx αL
(qp - k1sls)/0.7 fry

Mx is the longitudinal bending moment per unit width of qp is the longitudinal shear force per unit length at t~e
deck at the point considered due to the design HA loading
ultimate limit state acting on that shea 『 plane
for the limit state considered
Ls is the total le 『1gth of shear plane minus one-third bt
/is the span in metres
NOTE. The remaining terms are as defined in 6.3.3.
αL is the ratio of the product of the partial safety factors
8.6 Temperature and shrinkage effects
'Y flγ13 for H B loading to the corresponding product for
8.6.1 General. Temperature and shrinkage effects need
HA loading for the limit state being considered
not be considered in filler beam construction. In cased
Longitudinal bending moments per unit width of deck due beams, other than filler beams, consideration should be
to HA loading may be found by analysis of the deck as a set given to the effects of temperature and shrinkage at the
of separate longitudinal strips each of width not exceeding serviceability limit state. In the absence of more precise
the width of one traffic lane. information the effects of temperature in cased beams
It may be assumed that there is a linear reduction in My from shol』 Id be determined using the temperature effects given in
the value at 2 m from the free edge ofthe deck to zero at the Part 2 for a similar reinforced concrete structure. The effects
edge. of shrinkage as modified by creep should be assessed using
The transverse hogging moment at any point may be taken the values of free shrinkage strain Ecs and the reduction
as 0.1 My per unit length of deck. factor for creep 仇 as given in 5.4.3.
8.6.2 Longitudinal stresses and strains. Longitudinal
8.4 Analysis of sections stresses and strains due to temperature effects and
8.4.1 Serviceability limit state. Longitudinal bending shrinkage modified by creep should be calculated in
stresses in the steel and concrete should be determined by accordance with 5.4.2 and 5.4.3.

an elastic analysis in accordance with 5.2 except that the 8.6.3 Longitudinal shear. Shear connectors should be
effects of shear lag n:iay be neglected in calculating the provided at the ends of cased beams, to transmit the
stresses or deflections in filler beam decks. Vertical shear longitudinal shear force a, due to temperature effects and
should be assumed to be resisted by the steel section alone. shrinkage modified by creep as described in
8.4.2 Ultimate limit state. Longitudinal bending stresses and 5.4.3. The longitudinal shear force to be transmitted by
in the steel and concrete at the ultimate limit state should be the connectors should be the change in net longitudinal

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20 the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*540 口 PART*5 7『 • 162 与』』『 口口 L 1485 8 •

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. force in the steel beam due to temperature and shrinkage

effects calculated on an elastic basis assuming full
interaction. It may be assumed to be distributed at the ends
of the beam in the manner described in The
concrete should be assumed to be uncracked. The effective
construction. Where the steel plate forming the top flange
of a closed box girder acts as permanent formwork to the
concrete deck slab separate recommendations are given
in 7.7.
Special attention should be given to the provision of a
breadth of the concrete flange should be determined in suitable seal between the steelwork and the permanent
accordance with (see table 町, formwork to minimize the possibility of corrosion
8.7 Control of cracking throughout the life of the bridge. This seal should be placed
along the edges of steelwork which have been previously
8. 7 .1 General. Subject to the recommendations of 8. 7 .2 painted.
and 8. 7.3, the methods given in 5.2.6 may be used to ensure
that cracking is not excessive at the serviceability limit state. 9.2 Materials. Materials suitable for use as permanent
Tensile reinforcement, provided to satisfy the formwork are as follows:
recommendations of this clause, may be assumed to (a) reinforced or prestressed precast concrete;
contribute to the section properties of the composite beam. (b) precast concrete acting compositely with a steel
8.7.2 Cased beams girder or lattice which is eventually embedded in the
Longitudinal bars placed in the side face of beams to control overlying in situ concrete;
flexural cracking should be of a diameter φsuch that: (c) profiled steel sheeting;

φ 卡 J~;二Z ( d) reinforced plastic or asbestos cement sheeting or

Sb is the spacing of bars in the side face of the beam, Particular care should be exercised by construction staff and
b is the breadth of the section at the point where the operatives to prevent accidents from occurring when
crack width is being considered, materials of a fragile nature (e.g. those given in (d)) are
used as permanent formwork.
s is a constant stress of 1 N/mm 2,『e-expressed where
necessary in units consistent with those used for other 9.3 Structural participation. Permanent form work may
quantities, be considered as either:
fry is the characteristic yield stress of the reinforcement. (a) structurally participating with the overlying in situ
concrete slab under the action of loading imposed upon
Where the overall depth of a cased beam exceeds 750 mm the slab after casting; or
longitudinal bars at 250 mm spacing or closer should be
(b) structurally non-participating.
provided in the side faces of the beam over a distance of
two-thirds ofthe overall depth measured from the tension Permanentformwork made from the materials given
face, unless the calculation of crack widths (see appendix in 9.2 (d) should be considered as structurally non-
B) shows that a greater spacing is acceptable. partic1patmg.
The clear distance from the corner of a beam in the tension 9.4 Temporary construction loading. The design loads
zone to the nearest longitudinal bar that is enclosed by a due to temporary construction loading should be determined
stirrup should not exceed half the clear distance between in accordance with Part 2.Consideration should be given to
bars determined from table 5 o 『 6 as appropriate. the mounding of concrete that may occur during casting as
8.7.3 Filler beams. The widths of cracks due to transverse well as the loads from construction plant and personnel.
bending of a filler beam deck should be determined in 9.5 Design
accordance with Part 4, as for a reinforced concrete slab,

9.5.1 General. The permanent formwork should be
neglecting any contribution from the steel beams to the capable of carrying the design loads due to temporary
control of cracking. construction loading withoutfailure or excessive deflection.
8.8 Design and construction. The concrete cover to the The design should satisfy the relevant limit states given in
steel beam should nowhere be less than 50 mm except that Part 3 or Part4 as appropriate.
the underside of the bottom flanges of filler beams may be 9.5.2 Non-participating formwork. Where the
exposed. The soffit and upper surface of exposed flanges of permanent formwork is structurally non-participating
filler beams should be protected against corrosion. account should be taken of any effects of differential
In cased beams, other than fifler beams, stirrups to 『med by shrinkage or composite action that may adversely affect the
reinforcing bars shm』 Td enclose the steel beam and the structure. Requirements for cover to reinforcement and
reinforcement provided for control of cracking of the beam crack control applicable to the in situ slab should be
encasement. The spacing of stirrups in cased beams should satisfied ignoring the presence of the form work. Connection
not exceed 600 mm. The total cross-sectional area of between the permanent formwork and the in situ concrete
stirrups (both legs) crossing a possible plane of shear should be the minimum to prevent separation.
failure of type 5-5 (figure 6 (d) ), should be not less than 9.5.3 Participating form work. Where composite action
0.8 sls/f.『v per unit length of beam between the permanent form work and in situ slab is relied
where upon the design of the composite slab should satisfy all
relevant recommendations of this Part of this British
Ls is as defined in figure 6(d) Standard.
sis defined in 9.6 Precast concrete or co 口1posite precast concrete
NOTE. Alternatlvely, mesh of equivalent area may be used. permanent formwork
Concrete cover to reinforcement should be in accordance
9.6.1 Design. Precast concrete units should comply

with the recommendations of Part 4.
with the relevant clauses given in Part 4. Continuity between
9. Permanent formwork units may be provided by lapping reinforcement projecting
from units by post-tensioning or by using high-strength
9.1 General. The recommendations of this clause apply to
formwork for in situ concrete, generally supported from the
steelwork, which becomes part of the permanent

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BSI BS*5 问口口 PART*5 ?『 .. L 』 E 466 『 口口 L 1486 T 圄

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

9.6.2 Welding ofreinforcement. Welding of

reinforcement should only be permitted when the effects of
repeated loading can be shown not to be detrimental to the
permanent structure ‘ Design and construction in
accordance with Parts 10 and 7 may be deemed to satisfy
Adequate reinforcement, usually in the form of spirals,
should be provided to ensure that the load is transferred
from the bolt to the interface without local splitting or
crushing of the concrete.
this recommendation. 11. Composite columns
9.6.3 Interfaces. Interfaces between precast and in situ 11.1 General
concrete should develop sufficient shear resistance to 11.1.1 Scope. This clause gives a design method for
ensure composite action in both the transverse and concrete encased steel sections and concrete filled circular
longitudinal directions. and rectangular hollow steel sections which takes account
9.6.4 Cover to reinforcement. The clear distance of the composite action between the various elements
between a precast unit and reinforcement to be embedded forming the cross section. Bending about the two principal
in the in situ concrete slab should exceed the maximum axes of the column is considered separately for each axis.
nominal size of aggregate used in the in situ concrete by A method is given in 11.3.6 for determining the effect of
not less than 5 mm. interaction when bending about both axes occurs
simultaneously. The column may be either statically
10. The use of friction WiP bolts as shear dete 『minate or rigidly connected to other members at one
connectors in composite beams
or both ends in which case the loads and moments depend
10.1 General. High strength friction grip bolts may be used 画 on the relative stiffnesses of adjoining members and cannot

to provide the shear connection between the steel member be obtained by statics alone. Members may be assumed
and the concrete slab forming the flange of the composite to be rigidly connected where, for example, the connection
beam. The following method may be used for the design of possesses the full rigidity that can be made possible by
the connection where general grade bolts complying with welding or by the use of high-strength friction grip bolts.
the requirements of BS 4395 : Part 1 or BS 3139 : Part 1 are 11.1.2 Materials
used. The use of higher grades of bolts is not excluded where
adequate tests have been carried out to determine the Steel. In columns formed from concrete encased
design criteria. steel sections the structural steel section should be either;
10.2 Design requirements: static loading (a) a rolled steel joist or universal section of grade 43 or
50 steel which complies with the requirements of BS 4 :
10.2.1 Serviceability limit state. The longitudinal shear Part 1 ; or
resistance per unit length developed by friction between the
concrete flange and steel beam should be not less than the (b) a symmetrical I-section fabricated from grade 43 or
longitudinal shear force per unit length at the serviceability 50 steel.
limit state calculated in accordance with clause 5. The Concrete filled hollow steel sections may be either
design frictional resistance developed by each bolt atthe rectangular or circular and should either:
interface should be taken as: (1) be a symmetrical box section fabricated from grade
ft x net tensile force in the bolt 43 or 50 steel; or
1.2 (2) comply with BS 4 : Part 2 or BS 4848 : Part 2, as
where appropriate; and
µ,the coefficient of friction at first slip, may be taken as (3) have a wall thickness of not less than:
0.45 provided the recommendations of 10.4 are satisfied.
bs v"i;l在 for each wall in a rectangular hollow

Where the concrete flange is cas在 in situ on the steel beam section (RHS), or
the value ofµ may be increased to 0.50 at the disc『etion of DeV1J8£s for circular hollow sections (CHS)
the engineer. The nominal initial tensile force in the bolt may
be taken as the proof load as given in BS 4604: Part 1 or where
BS 3294, as appropriate, provided the method of tightening bs is the external dimension of the wall of the RHS
complies with the requirements of these British Standards. De is the outside diameter of the CHS
In determining the net tensile force in the bolt account
should be taken of the loss of bolt tension due to shrinkage
Es isYoung ’ s modulus of elasticity of steel
of the concrete and creep of the steel and concrete. fv is the nominal yield strength of the steel
Where the connectors are su.bject to external tensile forces The surface of the steel member in contact with the concrete
in addition to shear, e.g. where loads are suspended from filling or encasement shm』 Id be unpainted and free from
the steelwork, account should be taken of the reduction in deposits of oil, grease and loose scale or rust.
effective clamping force in the bolt. Concrete. The concrete should be of normal
10.2.2 Ultimate lfmit state. Designs in accordance density (not less than 2300 kg/m3) with a characteristic
with 10.2.1 may be deemed to satisfy the recommendations 28 day cube strength of not less than 20 N/mm 2 for
fo 『 the shear connectors at the ultimate limit state. concrete filled tubes nor less than 25 N/mm 2 for concrete
10.3 Fatigue. For connections subject only to shear in the encased sections and a nominal maximum size of
plane of the friction interface no account need be taken of aggregate not exceeding 20 mm.
the effects of repeated loading. Reinforcement. Steel reinforcement should
10.4 Other considerations. The design of the connection comply with the relevant clauses on strength of materials
should ensure that there is a uniform bearing surface given in Part 4.
between the steel beam and the concrete flange. Where the 11.1.3 Shear connection. Provision should be made for

slab is precast it may be necessary to provide suitable loads applied to the composite colt』 mn to be distributed
bedding material between the slab and the steel beam. between the steel and concrete elements in such
Except as required by 9.1 the interface should be free of proportions that the shear stresses at the steel/concrete
paint or other applied finishes, oil, dirt, loose rust, loose mill interface are nowhere excessive. It is recommended that
scale, burrs and other defects which would prevent a shear connectors should be provided where this shear
uniform seating between the two elements or would stress, due to the design ultimate loads, would otherwise
interfere with the development of friction between them. exceed 0.6 N/mm 2 for cased sections or 0.4 N/mm 2 for
Tight mill scale is not detrimental. concrete filled hollow steel sections.

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BS 工 BS*S 句口口 PART*S 7『 • 162466 『 口口 L 1487 1·.
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. 11.1 .4 Concrete contribution factor. The method of

analysis in 11 .3 is restricted to composite cross sections
where the concrete contribution factor ac, as given below,
lies between the following limits:
for concrete encased steel sections 0.15 < αc < 0.8
loads and end moments as the restrained column, except
that where the column is free to sway, the equivalent
pin-ended column should always be considered to be in
single curvature bending with the smaller end moment in
a particular plane taken as the calculated value or three-
quarters of the larger end moment, whichever is greater.
for concrete filled hollow steel sections 0.1 < αc < 0.8 The strength of the equivalent pin-ended column should
where then be determined in accordance with 11.3.
0,45Acfcu Effective length. For isolated columns with
αc =---.-,-一一一-
IVU simple forms of end restraint the effective length may be
and the squash load Nu is given by: determined from table 11 ‘
Nu= 0.91 Asfy ~ 0.87 Arfry -二 0.45Acfcu Table 11. Effective length of columns
except that for concrete filled circular hollow steel sections
End restraint condition Effective length
αc and Nu should be determined in accordance with 11.3. 7.
In the previous expressions, Effectively restrained against rotation
and translation at both ends 0.7 /*
As is the cross-sectional area of the rolled or fabricated
structural steel section Effectively restrained against translation
at both ends and restrained against
A『 is the cross-sectional area of reinforcement
rotation at one end 0.85/*

Ac is the area of concrete in the cross section Effectively restrained against translation
fy is the nominal yield strength of the structural steel at both ends but not restrained against
fry is the characteristic yield strength of the end rotation 1.0/*
reinforcement Effectively restrained againsttranslation
fcu is the characteristic 28 day cube strength of the and rotation at one end and at the other
concrete. end imperfectly restrained against
rotation and not restrained against
11 .1 .5 Limits on slenderness. The ratio of the effective
translation 1.5 /*
length, determined in accordance with to the
least lateral dimension of the composite column, should not Effectively restrained against rotation
exceed: and translation at one end but not
(a) 30 for concrete encased sections; or restrained against either rotation or
translation at the other 2.01*
(b) 55 for concrete filled circular hollow sections; or
* /is the actual length of the column between centres of end restraints.
(c) 65 for concrete filled rectangular hollow sections.
Where columns form part of a single storey frame account
11.2 Moments and forces in columns
should be taken of the fl ext』 ral stiffness of the restraining
11.2.1 General. The loads and moments acting in the two members framing into the ends of the column when
principal planes of the column, due to loading atthe calculating its effective length.
ultimate limit state, should be determined by an appropriate
11 .2.2.5 Transverse loads. Transverse loads should be
analysis in which the actual length of the column is taken as included in the elastic analysis of the restrained column if
the distance between the centres of end restraints. Proper
this results in a more severe loading condition. In a braced
account should be taken of the rotational and directional
frame (or column) when the maximum resultant moment

restraint afforded by adjoining members and the reduction
within the length of the column Mmax. due to the whole of
in member stiffness due to inelasticity and axial
the design ultimate loads, is g 『eaterthan half the modulus
compression. Alternatively, the method given in 11.2.2
of the algebraic sum of the end moments the alternative
may be used.
loading condition of single curvature bending should also be
11.2.2 Semi-empirical design method for restrained considered with the end moments equal to Mmax· Single
composite columns curvature bending is here assumed to produce end
moments of the same sign at each end of the column. Scope. The semi-empirical method of analysis
given in to is only applicable to isolated 11 .2.2.6 Column self weight. The axial component of self
columns or columns forming part of a single storey frame weight may be considered as an additional end load acting
provided that the restraining members attached to the ends concentrically on the column. In raking columns, account
of the column remain elastic under their design ultimate should also be taken of the bending moments in the column
load; otherwise the stiffness of the restraining members due to the normal component of its self weight.
should be appropriately reduced in calculating the effective 11.3 Analysis of column cross section
length of the column and the end moments.
11.3.1 General. For these calculations, the actual column Moments and forces on the restrained column. should be replaced by a pin-ended column, of length equal
End moments and forces acting in the two principal planes to the effective length of the actual colt』 mn in the plane of
of the column should be determined either by statics, where bending, using the methods given in 11 .2.
appropriate, or by an elastic analysis neglecting the effect
Thex axis, also called the major axis, should be chosen so
of axial loads both on member stiffness and on changes in
the geometry of the structure as it deflects under load. The that the slenderness function λx is not greater than λy
where in general :
relative stiffness of members(///) should be based on the
λ = ~and

gross (concrete assumed uncracked) transformed
composite cross section using an appropriate modulus of
elasticity determined from Part 4, with I taken as the
distance between centres of end restraints. I I Eeι 气!-sls
E = πtI …-’
/YU I Equivalent pin-ended column. The actual column
should be replaced by an equivalent pin-ended column of le is the length of column for which the Euler Load equals
length equal to the effective length of the restrained column the squash load
in the plane of bending and subjected to the same end 工.-卢「

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、西=====ι===王三三三~二二二一 -~二==
BSI BS*5 问口口 PART*5 ?叮 • 162466 『 口口 11488 3 •
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

le is the effective length of the actual column in the plane where

of bending considered; the suffices x and y denote values Ny is the de叩1 川eload 们 col um 『
calculated for the major and minor axes respectively constant design moment My
Ee is the modulus of elasticity of concrete which, for the K1y and K2Y are determined from C.1 and C.2, using the
purpose of this clause, shot』 Id be taken as 450 fcu, where parameters appropriate to the minor axis.
fcu is the characteristic cube strength of the concrete
· K3 is determined from C.3.
Es, Er are Young ’ s moduli of elasticity for the structural
steel and reinforcement, respectively 11.3.4 Columns under uniaxial bending about the
le,儿, Ir are the second moments of area of the uncracked major axis restrained from failure about the minor
concrete cross section, the steel section, and the axis. Where the column is restrained from failure about the
reinforcement respectively about the axis of the minor axis the column should be designed so that:
composition column, used with an additional subscript (a) the design ultimate moment of resistance of the
x or y to designate the appropriate plane of bending composite section about the major axis Mux, determined
Nu is the squash load obtained from 11.1 .4or11.3. 7, as in accordance with C.4, should be not less than the
appropriate. maximum applied design moment acting about the major
axis Mx. Mx should be taken as not less than the moment
11.3.2 Axially loaded columns. In an axially loaded produced by the design load N acting at a constant
column, failure occurs by buckling about the minor axis due eccentricity of 0.03b, where bis the least lateral dimension
to initial imperfections in straightness of the steel member. of the column;
In practice, end moments due solely to the load acting at an

eccentricity may arise from construction tolerances. The (b) the design load acting on the column N is not greater
design methods given in axially than Nx, which is given by:
loaded columns therefore include an allowance for an
eccentricity about the minor axis not exceeding 0.03 times Nx=Nu I K1x- (K1x- K2x- 4几)生一叫住 γl
the least lateral dimension of the composite column. Where
this is inappropriate it may be increased at the discretion of where
the engineer and the failure load calculated in accordance Nx is the design failure load of a column subjected to a
with 11 .3.3. constant design moment Mx and the remaining notation Short columns. Where both the ratios/x/h and is as in 11.3.3 except that the parameters should be
ly/b do not exceed 12 the axial load at the ultimate limit calculated for the major axis.
state N should not exceed the axial load at failure Nay given NOTE. Values of K,x and K2x aredeterminedfrom C.1 and C.2.
11.3.5 Columns under uniaxia/ bending about the
Nay= 0.85KtyNu major axis unrestrained against failure about the
where minor axis. Where the end moments about the minor axis
are nominally zero and the column is unrestrained against
K1y is determined from C.1 using the parameters
appropriate to the minor axis failure about the minor axis the column is likely to fail in a
biaxial mode unless the axial load is very small. The
Nu is the squash load, obtained from 11.1.4or11.3. 7 column should be designed so that:
hand bare the greatest and least lateral dimensions of (a) the requirements of 11.3.4(a) are satisfied; and
concrete in the cross section of the composite
(b) the design load acting on the column N is not greate 『
than the strength of the column in biaxial bending Nxy

The factor 0.85 is a reduction factor to allow for the moments calculated from the equation given in 11.3.6(b) except
due to construction tolerances, as given in 11.3.2. that Ny should be calculated from 11.3.3{b) taking My as
equal to 0.03Nb to allow for construction tolerances,
11 .3.2.2 Slender columns. Where either of the ratios Ix/ h or where bis the least lateral dimension of the column.
Iv/ b exceeds 12 account should be taken of the eccentricity
due to construction tolerances by considering the column 11.3.6 Columns under biaxial bending. Where the end
in uniaxial bending about the minor axis. The load acting on moments about both axes a 『e non-zero failure occurs in a
the column N should be not greater than the load Ny biaxial mode.
calculated from 11.3.3 with the moment acting about the The column should be designed so that:
minor axis My taken as the moment produced by the applied (a) the maximum moment due to design loads at the
load N, acting at an eccentricity of 0.03 b, where bis the ultimate limit state acting on each axis Mx or My is not
least lateral dimension of the column. greater than the design ultimate moment of resistance of
11.3.3 Columns under uniaxial bending about the the composite section about the major axis or the minor
minor axis. Where the end moments about the major axis axis respectively; and
are nominally zero failure occurs by uniaxial bending about (b) the design load acting on the column N is not greater
the minor axis. The column shoL』 fd be designed so that: than the ultimate strength of the column in biaxial
(a) the design ultimate moment of resistance of the bending Nxy, which is given by
composite section about the minor axis Muy, calculated in 1 1 . 1 1
accordance witll C.4, should be not less than the Nxy Nx ' Ny Nax
maximum applied design moment acting about the minor
axis My. To allow for construction tolerances My should where
never be taken as less than the moment produced by the Nx is determined in accordance with 11.3.4(b)
design load N acting at a constant eccentricity of 0.03b,

Ny is determined in accordance with 11.3.3(b) and
where bis the least lateral dimension of the column.
Nax = K1xNu, where K1x is determined from C.1
(b) the design load acting on the column N is not greater
using the parameters appropriate to the major axis of the
than Ny, which is given by: colt』 mn.

Ny= Nu I Kw-(K1y-K2y-4K3)~在一 4ι (俘问

L v1uy;
’凹 uy \’ _J
11.3.7 Ultimate strength of axially loaded concrete
filled circular hollow sections. In axially loaded
columns formed from concrete filled circular hollow steel

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8 S 工 BS*54 口口 PART*5 ?『 • 162 与』』『 口口 L L 问凸『 5.
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. sections account may be taken of the enhanced strength of

triaxially contained concrete in the method given in 11.1.4
and 11.3.2 by replacing the expressions forαc and Nu given
in11.1.4 by the following:

0.45 fccAc
= ----;;:;-'-一-一
describe, on the drawings, the particular sequence or
method of construction on which his design is based,
including the position of any constructionjoi 『its.
Where a partially cast slab is assumed to act compositely the
shear connection should be designed for this condition as
well as for the final condition.

Nu =0.91 f’vAs 十 0.45fccAc Consideration should be given to the speed and sequence
of concreting to prevent damage occurring to partly matured
where concrete as a result of limited composite action due to
fee is an enhanced characteristic strength of deformation of the steel beams under subsequent
triaxially contained concrete under axial load, concreting operations.
given by: It is recommended that, whenever possible, foading of the
composite section shoufd be delayed until the concrete has
f俨 feu 十 C1 ~fy,and attained a cube strength of not less than 20 N/mm 2.
f ’V is a reduced nominal yield strength of the steel Where the composite section is loaded before the concrete
casing, given by: has attained its 28 day characteristic cube strength the
f ’ y= C2fy elastic properties and limiting compressive stresses of the
concrete and the nominal strengths of shear connectors
where should be based upon fc, the cube strength of the concrete

C1 and C2 are constants given in table 12 at the time considered, except that no reduction in stiffness
De is the outside diameter of the tube of the concrete need be made if
t is the wall thickness of the steel casing 0.75feu < fe < feu
and the remaining symbols are defined as in 11.1 Where the cube strength of the concrete at the time
and considered fc, is not less than 20 N/mm 2, the nominal
strengths of shear connectors may be determined by linear
Table 12. Values of cons~ants C 1 and C2 for '."xially interpolation of the values given in table 7.
loaded concrete filled circular hollow sections 12.2 Permanent formwork. Recommendations for
temporary construction loading, which should be assumed
.iJJ_ c, I C2 in the design of permanent formwork, are given in 9.4.
13. Prestressing in composite construction
。 9.47 0.76
5 6.40 0.80 13.1 General. Prestressing can reduce, or in some
10 3.81 0.85 circumstances prevent, the cracking of concrete under
15 1.80 0.90 service loading so increasing stiffness and improving the
20 0.48 0.95 protection of steel from corrosion.
25 。 1.0 13.2 Methods of prestressing. Among the methods by
which prestressing may be achieved are the following:
11.3.8 Tensile cracking of concrete. No check for (a) a system whereby a moment is applied to the steel
crack control need be made in the following: section in the same direction as it will act in the structure.
(a) concrete filled hollow steel sections, or The tension flange is then encased in concrete and the

moment relaxed when the concrete has adequate
(b) concrete encased steel sections provided the design
axial load atthe ultimate limit state is greater than
0.2 fcuAc, where the symbols are as defined in 11.1.4. (b) the use of jacking to alter the relative levels of the
supports of a continuous member after part or the whole
Where the design axial load in concrete encased steel
of the concrete deck has been cast and matured~
sections is less than the value given in (b) and tensile
stresses due to bending can occur in one or more faces of (c) prestressing the concrete slab or sections of the slab
the composite section, the column should be considered as by tendons or jacking whilst it is independent of the steel
a beam for the purpose of crack control. Reinforcement section and subsequently connecting them;
should be provided in accordance with 5.2.6 using the (d) prestressing the steel beam by tendons prior to
bending moments appropriate to the serviceability limit concreting. The tendons may or may not be released after
state. the concrete has matured;
11.3.9 Design details. To prevent local spalling of the (e) prestressing the composite sections by tendons or
concrete, reinforcement should be provided in concrete jacking.
encased sections. Stirrups of an appropriate diameter Special consideration should be given to composite beams
should be provided throughout the length of the column at which are prestressed by an external system or by tendons
a spacing not exceeding 200 mm with the provision of at not directly bonded to the concrete. In these
least four longitudinal bars which are capable of supporting circumstances, the calculation of prestressing forces should
the reinforcing cage during concreting. take account of the deformation of the whole structure.
The concrete cover to the nearest surface of the steel 13.3 Limit state requirements. Composite members
member should be not less than 50 mm. Adequate clearance which are prestressed should be designed for the
should be provided between the steel elements to ensure serviceability and ultimate limit states in accordance with
proper compaction of the cone 『ete.

the general recommendations of this and other Parts of this
12. Influence of method of contruction on British Standard.
design 13.4 Prestressing the steel beam. Consideration should
12.1 Sequence of construction. The sequence of be given to the stability of the steel beam during
construction should be considered as an integral part of the prestressing. The stresses in the steelwork should not exc_eed
design process, for example, when calculating the stresses the limiting stresses given in Part3.
or deflections in a composite section. The engineer should
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BSI BS*5400 PART 刊刊. 162466 『口口 1149 口 1•[ -、~--二-、

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

13.5 Stress limitations in concrete at transfer.

Stresses in the concrete at transfer should be calculated in
accordance with 5.2.
Where the concrete is precompressed by the release of a
temporary prestress in the steel beam the compressive stress
Where the composite section is permanently prestressed the
stresses in the concrete at transfer, in tension or
compression should not exceed the limitations given in Part
4 for prestressed concrete.
13.6 Loss of prestress. The loss of prestress and the
in the concrete at transfer, before losses, should, in general, effects of shrinkage in non-composite prestressed concrete
not exceed 0.5 fci, where fci is the cube strength at transfer, members should be calculated in accordance with the
but may be increased to 0.6 fci when the strain in the recommendations of Part 4.
prestressing steel before transfer does not exceed 0.25 %‘ Where the concrete acts compositely with the steel
Where the concrete slab or a section of the slab is section account should be taken of the reduction in
permanently prestressed before it acts compositely with the prestress and the effect on the stresses in the composite

steel beam the stresses in the concrete at transfer, in section due to elastic deformation, shrinkage and creep of
tension or compression should not exceed the limitations the concrete and relaxation in the prestressing steel or
given in Part 4 for prestressed concrete. tendon.

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BSI BS*5 句口口 PART*5 7 『. 162466 『口 0114 『 1 3 •

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. Appendix A
Calculation of effective breadth ratios If/
A.1 General. The methods given in this appendix may be
used to determine the-effective breadth ratios !fl for
conditions not sp&cifically covered by 5.2.3 or where a
lf/1 …. lf!n are the effective breadth ratios for the same
section appropriate to each load component.

Appendix B
special study is warranted. Examples are where point loads Calculation of crack widths in composite members
of significant magnitude act on a bridge deck, either in
isolation or in combination with other loads, and where B.1 General. The bar spacing rules given in ensure
there are single spans with cantilevered projections that cracking is not serious in the worst practical situation.
continuous over the supports. It will almost invariably be found that wider bar spacings can
be used if the crack widths are checked explicitly,
The notation used in this appendix is the same as that used particularly in shallow members.
in 5.2.3 except that/shot』 Id be taken as the distance
between adjacent points at which the bending moment is The width of flexural cracks at a particular point on the
zero. Table 2 should be used to determine all effective surface of a member depends primarily on three factors:
breadth ratios If/ in conjunction with the methods given in (a) the distance between the point being considered to
this appendix. the nearest reinforcing bar placed perpendicular to the
A.2 Equivalent simply supported spans. In structures plane of the crack;
other than simply supported beams A.3 and A.4 may be (b) the distance from the point being considered to the
used to determine the effective breadth ratios by treating neutral axis;

each portion of a continuous beam between adjacent points (c) the average surface strain at the point considered.
of zero moment as an equivalent simply supported span.
The positions of the points of zero moment should be those NOTE, The formula in B.2 gives acceptably accurate results in most
corresponding to the particular loading under consideration. normal design circumstances for members in flexure.
In the special case of a portion of a span between a fixed
end and an adjacent point of zero moment, the equivalent B.2 Formula for estimating crack widths due to
span should be obtained by considering a fictitious flexure. Provided the stress in the tension reinforcement,
symmetrical span extending beyond the fixed end with the calculated neglecting the tensile strength of the concrete,
loading and reactions applied symmetrically about the does not exceed 0.8 f,v, the surface crack width, which
should not exceed the appropriate limiting crack width
fixed end.
in, may be calculated from the following equation:
A.3 Point loads not at midspan. For point loads at
,j a,,, Em
positions other than midspan the effective breadth ratio !fl, surface crack width = - _ ~·川-
under the point of application of the load, may be 飞 I aN
1 十 2 I 」忏」:!!!..
determined from: L n -X 』

\fl=; 仰
Cmin is the minimum cover to the tension reinforcement,
where Ber is the distance from the point considered to the surface
1f1Px is the value of 'V from table for a point load at midspan of the nearest longitudinal reinforcing bar,
With/=2X his the overall depth of the composite member,
tf!P{/-x) is the value of !fl from table 2 for a point load at xis the depth to the neutral axis of the composite section
midspan with 1=2(/-x) from the extreme compression fibre, used in the analysis

xis the shorter distance from the end of the span to the to determine E1
point of application of the load. Em is the average longitudinal strain at the level where the
In the special case of a simply supported beam with crack width is being considered, calculated allowing for
b/I < 0.1 the effective breadth ratio \fl, under a point load the stiffening effect of concrete in the tension zone from
anywhere in the span, may be taken as the effective breadth the following equation,
ratio \/IP from table 2 for a point load at midspan.
The effective breadth ratio at all points in the span or Em = E. - If1 .2bthtS 怡’一 x)l -3
I 1o-->
m 1 L(A1 十 Ast) fry (h-x) 」
equivalent simply supported span ata distance of more than
//4 from the point load may be assumed to be the value of where
!f1P given in table 2 at quarterspan. Within a distance //4 of bt is the effective breadth of the composite section at the
the point load the effective breadth ratio \II may be assumed level of the tension reinforcement
to vary linearly between the value at the load and the value
at// 4 from the point load. a ’ is the distance from the compression face to the point at
which the crack width is calculated
Where the distance between the point load and the support
ht is the overall depth of the composite member except
is less than //4 the effective breadth ratio throughout that
distance may betaken as the value underthe load point. that in composite beams, where the concrete flange is in
tension, it should be taken as the depth of the concrete
A.4 Combination of loads. Under combinations of flange
distributed and/or point loads the values of If! may be E1 is the longitudinal strain at the level considered,
derived from : calculated from a normal elastic analysis of the composite


section, assuming the concrete in the tension zone to have


M -机

zero tensile strength.


NOTE. The modularratiofortransient or permanent loading should
be used as appropriate. Tensile reinforcement provided to satisfy the
where requirements of this clause may be included in calculating the section
M1 ... Mn are the bending moments at the cross section properties of the comp口site member.
considered due to each component of load At is the area of tension reinforcement
Mis the total bending moment at the same section due to Ast is the area of the encased tension flange of the
load components 1 ton structural steel member, where appropriate 、
--``,,,`,,,,,`,`,,`,```````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 冒,、

*In calculating the value of 'P due account should betaken of the algebraic sign of the bending moments. 王
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BSI BS*540 口 PART*5 ?『 • 162466 『 口口 L 1 H 『 E 5 •

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

f『y is the
characteristic yield stress of the reinforcing bars,
but not greater than 460 N/mm2
sis a constant stress of 1 N/mm2, re-expressed where
necessary in units consistent with those used for other
Appendix C
Formulae and tables for the design 。f composite
C.1 Coefficient K1. Values of coefficient K1 used with the
additional subscripts x or y to describe the plane of bending
A negative value of Em indicates that the section is may be determined from tables 13.1 to 13.3; the appropriate
uncracked. table to be used being selected from table 13, depending on
the type of steel section used and the axis of bending.
Where it is expected that the concrete may be subject to
abnormally high shrinkage strains ( > 0.006) consideration
should be given to the inc『eased tensile strain in the concrete
slab. In the absence of a rigorous analysis, the value of
should be increased by adding 50 % of the expected Em
shrinkage strain.

Table 13. Strut curve selection chart

Shape of steel section Curve I Table

。 x串x
welded box sections
x-x, hx
y-y,hy 子「
rolled tubes
welded tubes
(hot finished)
a 13.1

b 13.2

I and H rolled sections:*

Buckling about the

x-x axis h/b > 1.2
h/b~二 1.2 13.2

I and H welded sections ’

Buckling about y-y
axis h/b> 1.2
h/b~豆 1.2

Buckling about x-x


I b I 13.2
日) flame out flanges
b rolled flanges

Buckling about y-y

___j 的 flame cut flanges 13.3
y b )『oiled flanges

Box sections stress relieved
by heat treatment
I a I 13.1

I and H sections, stress relieved

by heat treatment
Buckling about x-x axis
Buckling about y-y axis Ill I a
b 13.2

*Not applicable to sections where the flange thickness exceeds 40 mm.
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28 the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*540 口 PART*5 7『 • 162466 『 口口 L 1 H 『 3 7.
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. Table 13.1. Values of coefficient K1 for column curve a




1 ‘ 000








0.3 0.978 0.977 0.973 0.971 0.968 0.966 0.963 0.961 0.958 0.956 0.3
0.4 0.954 0.953 0.948 0.945 0.942 0.939 0.936 0.933 0.930 0.926 0.4
0.5 0.923 0.919 0.916 0.912 0.908 0.904 0.900 0.896 0.892 0.889 0.5
0.6 0.884 0.881 0.877 0.873 0.869 0.866 0.861 0.857 0.854 0.849 0.6
0.7 0.845 0.842 0.836 0.831 0.826 0.821 0.816 0.812 0.807 0.802 0.7
0.8 0.796 0.791 0.786 0,781 。‘775 0.769 0.763 0.758 0.752 0.746 0.8
0.9 0.739 0.734 0.727 0.721 0.714 0.708 0.701 0.695 0.688 0.681 0.9
1.0 0.675 0.668 0.661 0.654 0.647 0.640 0.634 0.629 0.619 0.613 1.0
1.1 0.606 0.599 0.593 0.585 0.579 0.573 0.565 0.559 0.553 0.547 1 .1
1.2 0.542 0.533 0.527 0.521 0.515 0.509 0.503 0.497 0.491 0.485 1.2
1.3 0.480 0.474 0.469 0.463 0.456 0.453 0.447 0.442 0.437 0.432 1.3
1.4 0.427 0.422 0.417 0.412 0.408 0.403 0.398 0.394 0.389 0.386 1.4
1.5 0.381 0.375 0.372 0.368 0.364 0.360 0.356 0.352 0.348 0.344 1.5
1.6 0.341 0.337 0.333 0.330 0.326 0.323 0.319 0.316 0.312 0.309 1.6

1.7 0.306 0.303 0.300 0.298 0.294 0.291 0.288 0.285 0.282 0.280 1.7
1.8 0.277 0.274 0.271 0.269 0.266 0.264 0.261 0.258 0.256 0.253 1.8
1.9 0.251 0.248 0.246 0.243 0.242 0.239 0.236 0.234 0.232 0.230 1.9
2.0 0.228 0.226 0.224 0.222 0.219 0.217 0.215 0.213 0.211 0.209 2.0
2.1 0.208 0.206 0.204 0.202 0.201 0.199 0.197 0.196 0.194 0.192 2.1
2.2 0.191 0.189 0.187 0.186 0.184 0.183 0.181 0.180 0.179 0.177 2.2
2.3 0.175 0.174 0.172 0.170 0.158 0.167 0.166 0.165 0.164 0.163 2.3
2.4 0.162 0.160 0.159 0.158 0.150 0.155 0.154 0.153 0.152 0.150 2.4
2.5 0.149 2.5

Table13.2. Values of coefficient K1 for column curve b

λ o.oo 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 λ
0.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.0
0.1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.1
0.2 1.000 0.997 0.993 0.989 0.986 0.983 0.980 0.977 0.972 0.969 0.2
0.3 0.965 0.961 0.957 0.953 0.950 0.945 0.941 0.937 0.933 0.929 0.3
0.4 0.925 0.921 0.917 0.913 0.909 0.905 0.901 0.897 0.893 0.889 0.4
0.5 0.885 0.881 0.876 0.872 0.867 0.862 0.858 0.853 0.849 0.843 0.5
0.6 0.838 0.833 0.828 0.823 0.817 0.812 0.807 0.802 0.796 0.791 0.6
0.7 0.785 0.780 0.774 0.768 0.762 0.757 0.751 0.745 0.739 0.733 0.7

0.8 0.727 0.721 0.715 0.709 0.702 0.695 0.690 0.683 0.677 0.670 0.8
0.9 0.663 0.656 0.650 0.643 0.636 0.631 0.624 0.618 0.611 0.605 0.9
1.0 0.599 0.592 0.586 0.580 0.574 。‘568 0.562 0.555 0.549 0.544 1.0
1.1 0.537 0.531 0.526 0.521 0.515 0.509 0.503 0.497 0.491 0.486 1 .1
1.2 0.480 0.475 0.470 0.465 0.459 0.454 0.449 0.444 0.439 0.434 1.2
1.3 0.429 0.424 0.419 0.415 0.410 0.405 0.401 0.396 0.392 0.387 1.3
1.4 0.383 0.379 0.375 0.370 0.366 0.362 0.358 0.354 0.350 0.346 1.4
1.5 0.343 0.339 0.335 0.332 0.328 0.324 0.321 0.317 0.314 0.311 1.5
1.6 0.307 0.304 0.301 0.298 0.295 0.292 0.289 0.286 0.283 0.279 1.6
1.7 0.277 0.274 0.271 0.268 0.265 0.263 0.260 0.258 0.255 0.253 1.7
1.8 0.250 0.248 0.246 0.243 0.241 0.239 0.236 0.234 0.232 0.230 1.8
1.9 0.227 0.225 0.224 0.221 0.219 0.217 0.215 0.213 0.211 0.209 1.9
2.0 0.207 0.205 0.203 0.202 0.200 0.198 0.197 0.195 0.193 0.191 2.0
2.1 0.190 0.188 0.186 0.185 0.183 0.182 0.180 0.179 0.178 0.176 2.1
2.2 0.175 0.173 0.172 0.170 0.169 0.168 0.166 0.165 0.164 0.162 2.2
2.3 0.161 0.160 0.159 0.157 0.156 0.154 0.153 0.152 0.151 0.149 2.3
2.4 0.148 0.147 0.146 0.145 0.144 0.143 0.142 0.141 0.140 0.139 2.4
2.5 0.138 2.5

. --``,,,`,,,,,`,`,,`,```````,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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BSI BS*540 口 PART*5 7 『. 162466 『口口 L 1 H 『问叮 ..
BS 5400 : Pa 同 5 : 1979

Table 13.3. Values of coefficient K 1 for column curve c










0.2 1.000 0.995 0.990 0.985 0.980 0.975 0.970 0.965 0.960
0.3 0.951 0.946 0.941 0.936 0.931 0.926 0.921 0.915 0.910 0.905 0.3
0.4 0.900 0.895 0.890 0.884 0.878 0.873 0.867 0.861 0.856 0.850 0.4
0.5 0.844 0.838 0.832 0.826 0.820 0.814 0.808 0.802 0.795 0.789 0.5
0.6 0.783 0.776 0.770 。‘764 0.757 0.753 0.744 0.738 0.731 0.726 0.6
0.7 0.719 0.712 0.706 0.700 0.693 0.687 0.680 0.674 0.667 0.661 0.7
0.8 0.654 0.647 0.642 0.635 0.629 0.623 0.617 0.611 0.605 0.599 0.8
0.9 0.593 0.587 0.581 0.575 0.570 0.565 0.559 0.553 0.547 0.542 0.9
1.0 0.537 0.532 0.526 0.521 0.517 0.511 0.506 0.501 0.496 0.491 1.0
1 .1 0.486 0.481 0.476 0.471 0.466 0.461 0.457 0.452 0.447 0.443 1.1
1.2 0.438 0.434 0.429 0.425 0.421 0.416 0.412 0.408 0.403 0.399 1.2
1.3 0.395 0.391 0.387 0.383 0.379 0.375 0.372 0.368 0.364 0.360 1.3
1.4 0.357 0.353 0.350 0.346 0.343 0.339 0.336 0.333 0.329 0.326 1.4
1.5 0.323 0.320 0.318 0.314 0.311 0.308 0.305 0.302 0.299 0.296 1.5
1.6 0.293 0.290 0.287 0.284 0.281 0.277 0.275 0.273 0.270 0.268 1.6

1.7 0.265 0.263 0.261 0.258 0.256 0.253 0.250 0.248 0.245 0.243 1.7
1.8 0.241 0.238 0.236 0.234 0.232 0.230 0.228 0.226 0.224 0.222 1.8
1.9 0.220 0.218 0.217 0.215 0.213 0.212 0.210 0.208 0.206 0.204 1.9
2.0 0.202 0.201 0.199 0.197 0.196 0.194 0.192 0.191 0.189 0.187 2.0
2.1 0.186 0.185 0.184 0.182 0.181 0.179 0.177 0.176 0.175 0.173 2.1
2.2 0.172 0.170 0.169 0.167 0.166 0.165 0.164 0.162 0.161 0.160 2.2
2.3 0.159 0.157 0.156 0.155 0.154 0.152 0.151 0.150 0.149 0.148 2.3
2.4 0.147 0.146 0.145 0.144 0.142 0.141 0.140 0.139 0.139 0.138 2.4
2.5 0.137 2.5

一 一

Alternatively, values of K 1 may be calculated from the in C.2.1 or C.2.2, as appropriate, between the following
following equations: limits:

O <~《 1
问[ 1 十马到]- J去[ 1 十与丑]?古 ’‘ 20

K2o < 0.75

where the imperfection constant 1J is given by except that ifthe calculated value of K2/ K20 is negative then
η =平f A.E(A. 一 0.2 )《 O K2 should betaken as zero.
λis determined from clause 11.3.1 using the pa 『a meters C.2.1 Concrete filled circular hol/o w sections

K2 『 115-30(2卢- 1) (1.8 - αc) - C3λ1 」
1 1 ana
), E = π !!:!至
一-;-一 K2o L 50(2.1 一卢) 』 ~
K2o = 0.9αc2 十 0.2
and !fl is determined from table 14
Table 14. Values of coefficient 1./fi fJ is the ratio of the smaller to the larger of the two end
moments acting about each axis, used with the additional
subscripts x or y to denote the plane of bending
Type of steel section Axis of Value 。f 'P
considered, the sign convention being such that fJ is
positive for single curvature bending
Rolled I (UB, Joist etc.) x-x 0.0020 αc is the concrete contribution factor-, calculated
y-y 0.0035 from 11.1.4 o 『 11.3. 7 as appropriate
Rolled H (UC etc.) x-x 0.0035
flanges up to 40 mm y-y 0.0055 C3 is a constant, which may betaken as 100
Ais the slenderness function, calculated from 11.3.1, for
Rolled H (UC etc.) x-x 0.0055 the major or minor axis as appropriate denoted Ax, },y
flanges over 40 mm y-y 0.0080 respectively.
Welded I or H x-x 0.0035 C.2.2 Concrete encased steel sections and concrete
flanges up to 40 mm y-y 0.0055 filled rectangular hol/o w sections

Welded I or H x-x 0.0035 K2 r9o - 25(2卢- 1) (1.8 - ltc) - C4}.l

flanges over 40 mm y-y 0.0080 K20 - L 30(2.5 - /J) J

Hot-rolled structural
hollow sections any 0.0020 C4 is taken as:
100 for columns designed on the basis of curve a
C.~ Coefficient K2. Values of the coefficient K2, used with 120 for columns designed on the basis of curve b
the additional subscripts x or y, to describe the plane of 140 for columns designed on the basis of curve c
bending, may be calculated from the equations given and the remaining terms are as given in C.2.1.

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BS工 BS*54 口口 PART*S ?『 • 16246 』『 口口 L 1 H 『 5 日 • •
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. C.3 Coefficient K 3
C.3.1 Concrete filled circular hollow sections. The
value of K3 should be calculated from the following
[(0.5卢十 0.4) (α口 2 - 0.5) + 0.15] C5).
P is the ratio of the average compressive stress in the
concrete at failure to the design yield strength of the
steel taken as 0.4fcu/0.91 fy
fcu is the characteristic 28 day cube strength of concrete
K3 = K3o 十 1 十( Csλ) 3 fy is the nominal yield strength of steel
whe『e C.4.2.2 Concrete encased steel sections: plastic neutral
K3o= 0.04 一(αc/15) except that K3o should not be axis outside the steel section. (See figure 8(a) ). This
taken less than zero condition arises when :
α.cand pare as defined in C.2.1 Pbds > As then
C5 is a constant which may be taken as 1.0
dr. = 生 and
C.3.2 Values of the coefficient K3 for encased “ bP
sections and concrete filled rectangular ho/low (h 一.dc) Ar
sections A矿山= 0.91fyAs2一一+ 0.87 fry 言的
(a) for bending about the strong axis of the steel section
lb-d.〓 A
(which may not bethe x-x axis as defined in 11.3.1 ), Muv = 0.91 叫丁丘!十 0叫亏 dr
K 3 should be taken as zero;
(b) for bending about the weak axis of the steel section, b is the breadth of concrete in cross section

K 3 should be calculated from; ds is the thickness of concrete cover to
K3 = 0.425 - 0.075卢← 0.005 C4). for encased encased steel section
sections As is the area of rolled or fabricated steel
but should be taken as not less than 一 0.03(1 十卢) nor
more than (0.2 一 0.25αc). For mino 卜 axis bending of dc is the distance of neutral axis from the
concrete filled rectangular hollow sections the value of most compressed face of concrete
K 3 may be taken as zero. The symbols are as defined Mux or Muy is the design ultimate moment of
in C.2.1 and C.2.2. resistance about the x and y axes
C.4 Ultimate moment of resistance M~ of composite respectively, in the absence of axial load
columns h is the depth of concrete cross section or
C.4.1 General depth of concrete in filled rectangular
hollow sections
The ultimate moment of resistance in pure bending of a
composite column formed from a concrete encased steel fry is the characteristic yield strength of
section or concrete filled hollow steel section may be reinforcement
calculated using the following assumptions: Ar is the area of reinforcement in the cross
(a) the whole of the area of steel, including the section
reinforcement (if any), is stressed to its design yield dr is the distance between symmetrically
strength in tension or compression, i.e. nominal yield placed reinforcing bars measured
strength/ Ym ; perpendicular to the axis of bending
(b) the strength of concrete on the tension side of the NOTE. The remaining symbols are as defined C.4.2.1.

plastic neutral axis is neglected; C.4.2.3 Cased sections: plastic neutral axis within top
( c) the area of concrete on the compression side of the flange/ major axis bending. (See figure 8 ( b ))‘ This
plastic neutral axis is tressed uniformly to its design condition arises when :
compressive strength, which should be taken as 0.4 fcu; pbds <Asand
(d) the flanges of the steel section are of constant 0.91 As马运 0.4fcu [bds 十 tt (b - bt)] _;_ 1.82 Atfv then
thickness and fillets are ignored.
dc =(As+ 2btds)/(bρ 十 2bt) and
Alternatively, for concrete encased steel sections and
concrete filled rectangular hollow steel sections the ultimate I (h-dc) l
Mu=0.91 fy I A「丁-- bf 仇 ( dc-ds) I +0.87fry2dr
moment of resistance may be calculated from the equations
given in C.4.2, which are based on the foregoing
A_t is the area of the top flange of the steel section
assumptions, and on the assumption that:
tf ‘ is the average thickness of the flange of a steer section
(1) the area of reinforcement in the cross section is
small with equal amounts in tension and compression; bt is the breadth of steel flange of I-section or the
external dimension of a rectangular hollow section ‘
(2) the concrete displaced by the steel section in an
encased column is neglected in calculating the NOTE. The remaining symbols are as defined in C.4.2.1 and C.4.2.2.
compressive force. C.4.2.4 Cased sections: plastic neutral axis in web/ major
NOTE. The ultimate moment of resistance 口f concrete filled circular axis bending. (See figure 8 ( c)). This condition arises when :
hollow sections may either be obtained from C.4.3 or calculated (As 一 2bttt) > ρ [bds 十 tf(b - bt)] then
using assumptions (a) to (d) above.
C.4.2 Equations for calculating Mu for concrete dr.口=一一一一一-
htw and
encased steel sections and concr四tefi//ed v (bρ 十 2tw)

rectangular ho/low sections I (h-dc) 1
C.4.2.1 The ultimate moment of resistance may be Mu=0.91 fy I As-τ- bttf (ds-dw)-twdw (吨 - dw) I
calculated from the equations given in C.4.2.2
to C.4.2.5 where: 十 0.87 frv~的
p 0.4fcu
0.91 马

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BsτBS*S 问口口 PART*S 7 『 • 16 E 斗 66 『 口口 L L 同『 b 2 • I
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

tw is the thickness of web of steel section
dw is the depth of steel web in compression zone
NOTE. The remaining symbols are as defined in C.4.2.1, C.4.2.2 and
C.4.3Equations for calculating Mu for concrete filled
circular hollow steel sections. The ultimate moment of
resistance Mu of a concrete filled circular hollow steel
section without reinforcement may be calculated from the
following equation:
Mu = 0.91 Sfy (1 十 0.01 m)
C.4.2.5 Cased sections: plastic neutral axis in flanges/ where the plastic section modulus of the steel section S, is
minor axis bending. (See figure 8 ( d)). This condition arises given by:
s= (3 (号- 1) 2
pbds <As then
de= (As 十 4ttds)/(bp 十 4的 and
m is determined from figure 9
Mu=0.91 马 [As乓生) -2tt ds 价也)]十 O叫生d where
De is the outside diameter of the steel section
NOTE. F口r definition of symbols see C.4.2.1, C.4.2.2 and C.4.2.3.
t is the wall thickness
C.4.2.5 Concrete filled rectangular hollow sections (See
figure 8(e))
p is as defined in C.4.2.1.

_, (As - 2bttt) --……

__ _,
( bp + 4的 u .....

Mu= 0.91 fy I『As2一_EL

(h ← d 飞 1
十 bt 俞(白十 de) I

NOT_E. For definition of symbols see C.4.2.1, C.4.2.2 and C.4 乒 .3.

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BSI BS*54 口口 PART*5 7『 • 162 马 66 吁 。口 L 1 H 『? 问 ..
BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

. dc

0.4 b de fcu

0.5 Ar (0.87 fry- 0.4 fcu)

0.5 Ar(0.87 fryl


0.4 b defcu
0.5 Ar (0.87fry-0.4 fcJ
bf (de- d5H2 x 0.91 牛0.4 fcul

. (b)
0.5 A 「( 0.87 fryl

0.4 b de fcu
0.5 Ar(0.87fry-0.4 fcul

dw bf ft (2x 0.91 今 0.4ιJ

~dy)2 x 0.91 马』 0.4 fcul

0.5 A 「 fry
(c) f

0.4 b dcfc
---, u 0. 巳「( 0.87 fry- 0.4 fcul

f4 「///俨/4H

L」 '
0.5 Ar(0.87fryl
」 b

0.4 b



e Fig叫

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BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979
BSI BS*54 口口 PART*S ?『 . 162 H 』』叮 口口 L L 问『吕 6 ..


10 20 30 40 50

30 UvnH e o’’l

28 0.20
26 0.16

20 0.09





10 0.03



6. 、

4 0.01

Daft (outside diamter/thickness}

。 5 10 15

Figure 9. Chart for evaluating M0of concrete filled circular hollow sections
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
ρ = 0

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|币SI BS*5400 PART 吗?『. 162 问 66 『口 0114 『『 8. !

. Standards publications referred to

BS 4 Structural steer sections
Part 1 Hot-rolled sections
Pa『t 2 Hot-rolled hollow sections
BS 3139 High strength friction grip bolts for structural engineering
Part 1 General grade bolts

BS 3294 The use of high strength friction grip bolts in structural steelwork
BS 4360 Weldable structural steels
BS 4395 High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering
Part 1 General grade
BS 4848 Hot-rolled structural steel sections
Part 2 Hollow sections
BS 5400 Steel, concrete and composite bridges
Part 1 General statement
Part 2 Specification for loads
Part 3 * Code of practice for design of steel bridges
Part 4 Code of practice for design of concrete bridges
Part 6 Specification for materials and workmanship, steel

Part 7 Specification for materials and workmanship, concrete, reinforcement and prestressing tendons
Part 8 Recommendations for materials and workmanship, concrete, reinforcement and prestressing tendons
Part 9* Code of practice for bearings
Pa『t 1 0 Code of practice fo『 fatigue
CP 110 The structural use of concrete
Part 1 Design, materials and workmanship
*In course ot preparation.

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BSI BS*54 口口 PART*5 7 『·· 16 E 同』』『 ι
口口 L 15 口口 口

BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

This British Standa 『d, having been prepared under the direction of
the Civil Engineering and Building Structures Standards
Committee, was published under the authority of the Executive
Boa 『d on 31 May 1979.

。 British Standards Institution, 1979

Contract requirements
Attention is drawn to the fact that this British Standard does not
purport to include a11 the necessary provisions of a contract.
Revision of British Standards
British Standards are revised, when necessary, by the issue either
ISBN 0 580 10347 1 of amendment slips or of revised editions. It is important that
Copyright users of British Standards should ascertain that they are in
Users of British Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in possession of the latest amendments or editions.
all BSI publications. No part of this publication may be reproduced
The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard:
in any form without the prior permission in writing of BSI.
Committee reference CSB/30 Draft for comment 75/10554
This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing
the standard, of necessary details such as symbols and size, type or
grade designations. Enquiries should be addressed to the
Publications Manager, 101 Pentonville Road, London N1 9ND
(Telephone 01-837 8801; Telex 23218),

Cooperating organizations
The Civil Engineering and Building Structures Standards 祷 Institution of Civil Engineers
Committee, under whose direction this British Standard was 普 Institution of Municipal Engineers
prepared, consists of representatives from the following Institution of Public Health Engineers
Government departments and scientific and industrial 棒 Institution of Structural Engineers
organizations: Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists
Aluminium Federation 普 London Transpo 『t Executive

骨 Association of Consulting Engineers Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food

Brick Development Association National Water Council
普 British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd. Royal lnstitL』 te of British Architects
British Steel Corporation 眷 Scottish Development Department
骨 British Steel Industry Trades Union Congress
普 Cement and Concrete Association
蕃 Concrete Society Limited The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together
Consumers Standards Advisory Committee of BSI with the following, were directly represented on the committee
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities entrusted with the preparation of this British Standard:
County Surveyor’ s Society Association of County Councils
普 Department of the Environment {Building Research
British Constructional Steelwork Association
Establishment) British Railways Board
Department of the Environment {Housing and Construction) Constructional Steel Research and Development Organisation
每 Department of the Environment {Transport and Road Research
Greater London Council
Laboratory) Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
Department of the Environment (PSA) Institution of Highway Engineers
Department of the Environment {Water Engineering Division Ministry of Defence
including Water Data Unit) Sand and Gravel Association Limited

棒 Department of Transport
Welding lnstitL』te
Health and Safety Executive

∞ω ∞品
Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. Date of issue Text affected


'British Standards Institution. 2 Park Street London W1A 2BS ·Telephone 01-629 9000 ·Telex 266933

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BSI BS*54 口口 PART*5 ?『 - L 』 E 与 66 『 口口 L 1501 2 •

AMO 3998

Amendment N。. 1
published and effective from 31 Maγ1982
to BS 5400 : Part 5 : 1979

St四I, concrete and composite bridges

Part 5. Code of practice for design of
composite bridges

Additional text

AMO 3998 Foreword

May 1982
At the end of the foreword insert the following additional text.
’The relationship between Part 3 and Part 5. The design of
composite bridges requires the combined use of Part 5 and
Part 3 of BS 5400.
Part 5 was published in 1979, the major decisions on scope
and approach having been taken some years previously;
Part 3 was published in 1982. It is natural therefore that
some differences will exist between Part 3 and Pa比 5.
Part 3 has been drafted on the assumption that for the
design of steelwork in bridges with either steel or concrete
decks the methods of global analysis and all the procedures
for satisfying the limit state criteria will be as prescribed
in Part 3. For beams Part 3 may be used without any
modification in conjunction with those provisions of
Part 5 that are applicable to the properties of the
composite slab and its connection to the steel section.
Part 5 also contains optional provisions for increased
redistribution of longitudinal moments in compact
members or for plastic analysis of continuous beams for
the ultimate limit state, which could prove economical in
some instances. These procedures require special
consideration of increased transverse deformations of
the slab, which is not covered in Part 5, and of stabilitγ
of the bottom flange, which is not covered in Part 3:
they should not be used unless proper account is taken
of these considerations.
It will be noted that more serviceability checks are
required for composite than for steel bridges. This differ-
ence is due to the special characteristics of composite
construction, such as the large shape factor of certain
composite sections; the addition of stresses in a two-phase
structure (bare steel/wet concrete and composite); and the
effects of shrinkage and temperature on the girders and
on the shear connectors.
The method given in 4.1.3 (a) of Part 5 should not be
used, when the relationship between loading and load
effects is non linear, and the values of γm for structural
steel given in table 1 of Part 5 shot』 Id not be used and
reference made to table 2 of Part 3.
It is intended to revise Parts 3 and 5 to coordinate them
fully after there has be叩 sufficient experience of their
application. ’

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