Lec 2
Lec 2
Lec 2
Lesson 1
Input x
Input y
X > y? Output y
Output x
Decision Table id=CF181EB161C022255A86CF181EB161C022255A86&aja
Quantity < 50 Y Y N N
The if
The if-else
The if Statement
• The if statement will execute a given
sequence of statements only if the
corresponding Boolean expression evaluates
to true.
The if-else Statement
• The if-else statement allows your program to perform one action if the
Boolean expression evaluates to true and a different action if the
Boolean expression evaluates to false.
The switch Statement
• The switch statement allows multi-way branching. In many
cases, using a switch statement can simplify a complex
combination of if-else statements.
Repetition Structures
The while Loop
• The while loop repeatedly executes a block
of statements until a specified Boolean
expression evaluates to false.
The do-while Loop
• The do-while loop repeatedly executes a
block of statements until a specified
Boolean expression evaluates to false. The
do-while loop tests the condition at the
bottom of the loop.
The for Loop
• The for loop combines the three elements of
iteration—the initialization expression, the
termination condition expression, and the
counting expression—into a more readable
The foreach Loop
• The foreach loop is an enhanced version of
the for loop for iterating through collections
such as arrays and lists.
• Recursion is a programming technique that
causes a method to call itself in order to
compute a result.
Exception Handling
• An exception is an unexpected error condition that occurs
during program execution.
• When exception occurs, the runtime creates an exception
object and “throws” it.
• Unless you “catch” the exception, the program execution
will terminate.
• Exceptions are an object of the System.Exception class or
one of its derived classes.
– Example: DivideByZeroException exception object is
thrown when the program attempts to divide by zero.
– Example: FileNotFoundException exception object is
throws when the program cannot find a given file.
Unhandled Exceptions
• What happens when the file c:\data.txt is not
found in this code?
Handling Exceptions with try-catch
• Place the code that throws the exceptions
inside a try block.
• Place the code that handles an exception
inside a catch block.
• You can have more than one catch blocks
for each try block. Each catch block handles
a specific exception type.
• A try block must have at least a catch block
or a finally block associated with it.
Exception Handling Sample
The finally Block
• The finally block is used in association with the try block.
• The finally block is always executed regardless of whether
an exception is thrown.
• The finally block is often used to write clean-up code.
try-catch-finally Example
• Algorithms
– Flowchart, decision table
• C# Programming Language
– Variables, constants, data types, arrays, operators,
• Decision Structures
– if, if-else, switch
• Repetition Structures
– while, do-while, for, foreach, recursion
• Exception Handling
– try-catch, try-finally, try-catch