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Introduction to Physical Metallurgy and Engineering Materials

MCQ and Answers

Fourth Sem. (Mech & Civil Engg.)

Concept of plastic deformation of metals:

Which of the following represents the slip mode of plastic deformation?




Answer: b
Explanation: The first image shows an ordinary crystal lattice. The second image shows the
mechanism of slip where a part of the crystal slides over another. The third image shows the
twinning mode of plastic deformation in which the atoms rearrange themselves to form a mirror
image. The last image shows a defect.

What is the SI unit for the stress of a material?

a) N
b) N m
c) N m-1
d) N m-2
Answer: d
Explanation: Stress is defined as the internal forces acting in a material. The various types of stresses
are shear, tensile, yield, and ultimate tensile strength. All these stresses are defined as
Newton/meganewton per square meter.

The process of increasing strength of a material by changing grain size known as __________
a) Grain boundary strengthening
b) Work hardening
c) Solid solution hardening
d) Precipitation hardening
Answer: a
Explanation: Grain-boundary strengthening is the technique of increasing the strength of materials
by changing their average crystallite size. This is otherwise known as Hall-Petch method. The Hall-
Petch constant is written in the form of MN m-3/2.

What is the value of Boltzmann’s constant?

a) 8.314
b) 1.38 * 10-23
c) 1.38
d) 8.314 * 10-23
Answer: b
Explanation: Boltzmann’s constant is associated with the kinetic energy of gas particles. It is denoted
as gas constant divided by Avogadro’s number. The value of Boltzmann’s constant is 1.38 * 10-23 J K-
and that of the gas constant is 8.314 J mol-1 K-1.

At what value of the index of strain rate sensitivity does the material behave superplastically?
a) 0
b) 0.2
c) 0.4 – 0.9
d) 1.0 – 1.2
Answer: c
Explanation: The relationship between stress and strain rate can be expressed as σ = A ϵm. Here, m
represents the index of strain rate sensitivity. For m = 0.4 – 0.9, the material exhibits superplastic

Mechanisms of Creep & Creep Resistant Materials:

Creep occurs at a temperature above ________

a) 0.16 Tm
b) 0.22 Tm
c) 0.4 Tm
d) 0.91 Tm
Answer: c
Explanation: Creep is defined as the permanent deformation of a material due to the application of
steady load. It is appreciable only at temperatures above 0.4 Tm.

__________ experiences creep at room temperature.
a) Iron
b) Copper
c) Nickel
d) Lead
Answer: d
Explanation: Room temperature is about the same as that of the melting point of lead. Therefore,
nickel experiences creep at that temperature under its own load. The room temperature of iron and
copper is 0.16 Tm and 0.22 Tm respectively, at which creep does not occur.

_______ is known as steady-state creep.

a) Primary creep
b) Secondary creep
c) Tertiary creep
d) Quaternary creep
Answer: b
Explanation: Creep occurs in three stages known as primary, secondary, and tertiary creep.
Secondary creep is also known as steady-state creep since the rate of work and recoveries are equal.

Which of the following does not affect creep?

a) Grain size
b) Thermal stability
c) Chemical reactions
d) Crystal structure
Answer: d
Explanation: Coarse-grained materials and those having higher thermal stability generally affect
creep resistance of a material. The chemical reaction involved and work hardening also influence the
creep resistance.

The time required for the occurrence of creep is known as _________

a) Creep resistance
b) Creep life
c) Creep limit
d) Creep recurrence
Answer: b
Explanation: Creep life is defined as the time required for the occurrence of creep fracture in a
material under static load. Creep limit is defined as the maximum static stress that will result in
creep. Creep resistance is known as the resistance offered by the material over creep.

Slip Systems:

Slip plane along with the direction of slip is called a slip system.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Slip system is a combination of a slip plane and the slip direction for which the
dislocation moves easily and leads to plastic deformation. For each crystal structure there exists its
own set of slip systems.

How many slip system are there in FCC lattice?

a) 12
b) 6
c) 10
d) 18
Answer: a
Explanation: The number of slip planes are four and the number of slip direction are three in an FCC
lattice. Therefore the total number of slip system is given by their multiplication that is twelve.

Slip planes do not occur where ______

a) Atom density is high
b) Atom density is low
c) Atoms are closely placed
d) direction of slip plane is the same as the translation vector which is the shortest
Answer: b
Explanation: Slip planes occur in planes where the atom density is high and hence the atoms are
closely packed. Further, the direction of slip plane is the same as that of the translation vector which
is the shortest.

Which law is related to slip plane and slip direction?

a) Bragg’s law
b) Fick’s law
c) Schmid’s law
d) Such a law doesn’t exist
Answer: c
Explanation: Schmid’s law gives us a relation between critically resolved shear stress and stress
applied on the material. Where critical resolved shear stress is that component of shear stress which
is in the slip direction.

Which of the following factors are more accurate when used for polycrystal metals?
a) Schmid’s factor
b) Taylor factor
c) Independent factor
d) Max factor
Answer: b
Explanation: Schmid’s factor is accurate for FCC crystal but for polycrystal metals use of the Taylor
factor gives us a more accurate result.

Deformation by Twinning:

The extend of deformation due to mechanical twinning is ___ than due to slip.
a) smaller
b) larger
c) equal
d) smallest
Answer: a
Explanation: The volume of any given crystal which is reoriented by mechanical twinning is quite
small. The total amount of deformation is smaller. While deformation extent is larger in slip.

In ___ crystals, slip systems are limited to three, making slip difficult.
a) BCC
b) FCC
c) HCP
d) SC
Answer: c
Explanation: In HCP crystals, slip systems are limited. Slip planes are basal planes {0 0 0 1}. Limited
number of slip planes makes slip difficult.

The plane passing through the twinning axis and separating the region of twinning from
undeformed part is called ___ planes.
a) Twinning
b) Slip
c) Basal
d) Close packed
Answer: a
Explanation: Twinning takes place along twinning axis. The plane passing through twinning axis is
called twinning plane. This plane separates the twinning region from the undeformed region in

What is twinning plane in FCC metals?

a) {1 1 1}
b) {1 0 0}
c) {1 1 0}
d) {2 1 1}
Answer: a
Explanation: Twinning plane for FCC metals is {1 1 1} plane. These are known as octahedral planes.
Twinning can only occur on this plane family.

What is twinning plane for BCC metals?

a) {1 1 1}
b) {1 0 0}
c) {1 2 3}
d) {1 1 2}

Answer: d
Explanation: Twinning plane for BCC metals is {1 1 2}. Twinning can take place only on these planes.

What is twinning plane for HCP crystals?

a) {0 0 0 1}
b) {1 0 1 0}
c) {1 0 1 2}
d) {1 1 1 1}
Answer: c
Explanation: In HCP crystals, twinning plane is {1 0 1 2}. Twinning occurs on these planes. {0 0 0 1}
are slip planes.

What is twinning plane for rhombohedral crystals?

a) {1 1 1}
b) {1 1 0}
c) {1 1 2}
d) {0 1 1}
Answer: d
Explanation: {0 1 1} are the twinning planes for rhombohedral crystals. In these crystals, twinning is
only possible in these planes. {1 1 1} is twinning plane for FCC crystals.

What is associated with a cry of tin?

a) Slip
b) Thermal vibration
c) Twinning
d) Quenching
Answer: c
Explanation: The cry of tin is referred to a cracking noise. It is associated from copious formation of
twins. It results from the bending of tin rod.

The stress-strain curve of single crystal undergoing twinning shows ____

a) No irregularity
b) Jagged irregularities
c) Sudden drop in the curve
d) Peaks
Answer: b
Explanation: The stress-strain curve of a single crystal undergoing twinning shows sharp, jagged
irregularities. Each irregularity corresponds to a small permanent deformation. These are created
because of twins.

Which of the following statement is false?

a) Annealing twins occur during annealing heat treatment
b) Mechanical twins generate due to plastic deformation
c) Annealing twins form in high stacking fault energy metals
d) Annealing twins are mostly observed in FCC metals
Answer: c
Explanation: Annealing twins form in low stacking fault energy metals. These are mostly observed in
FCC metals, example of this is brass, copper and austenitic stainless steels.

Annealing twins largely effect strain hardening properties.

a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Annealing twins form during annealing of low stacking fault energy metals. These twins
have an insignificant effect on strain hardening of the material. It is due to the small contribution to

Deformation by twinning is not a dominant mode of deformation in FCC metals.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: FCC metals consist of many slip systems at room temperature. Thus slip is easy in these
metals. So twinning is not a dominant mode of deformation.

Yield Point Phenomenon:

The elongation that occurs at constant load is called ____

a) Homogeneous elongation
b) Elastic elongation
c) Yield point elongation
d) Constant elongation
Answer: c
Explanation: Yield point elongation is the elongation that occurs at constant load. It is about 15 to 20
times the elastic elongation. Elastic elongation is 0.1 percent for most of the metals.

Yield point is the point of _________ at which transition from elastic to plastic happens.
a) Stress
b) Strain
c) Toughness
d) Resilience
Answer: a
Explanation: The stress at which transition occurs above the elastic limit is called yield point. It can
be sharp or gradual.

Which material shows yield point phenomena?

a) Aluminium
b) Copper
c) Low carbon steel
d) Glass
Answer: c
Explanation: Aluminium and copper are ductile materials with gradual yield point. Glass is ceramic
which rarely undergo yielding. Low carbon steel shows yield point phenomenon.

Yield point elongation is ____ times the elastic elongation.

a) 2
b) 20
c) 200
d) 2000
Answer: b
Explanation: Elastic elongation is generally 0.1 percent. Yield point elongation is 15 to 20 times the
elastic elongation. This point may vary from material to material.

. What term is used for the load at which a sudden drop occurs in a conventional tensile curve?
a) Plastic instability
b) Upper yield point
c) Lower yield point
d) Static load
Answer: b
Explanation: Yield point is of two types. The upper yield point is the load at which a sudden drop
occurs in a conventional tensile curve. Lower yield point is lower constant load at which appreciable
yielding occurs.

Which of the following term will be seen in the plastic zone?

a) Yield point
b) Fracture point
c) Proportional limit
d) Elastic limit
Answer: b
Explanation: The fracture point is the point of stress at which the fracture of specimen takes place
usually after plastic deformation. Whereas yield point, proportional limit and elastic limit can be
seen in the elastic region of the stress strain.

Stretcher strains are because of ____

a) Necking
b) Strain hardening
c) Lüders bands
d) Cold rolling
Answer: c
Explanation: stretcher strains are because of lüders bands. These bands generate irregularities on
the sheet surface. It destroys the surface finish.

What process is used to overcome stretcher strains?

a) Deep drawing
b) Skin rolling
c) Bending
d) Finishing
Answer: b
Explanation: Skin rolling treatment is given to sheets. It removes the discontinuous yield point from
tensile curve. Hence stretcher strains don’t ruin the sheet surface finish.

Hot and Cold Working of Metals:

Cryogenics deal with temperatures around _________

a) -50oC
b) -90oC
c) -180oC
d) -250oC
Answer: c
Explanation: Cryogenics is defined as the study of materials at a low temperature. This often stands
at -150oC in general use but has a standard set by National Institute of Standards and Technology as -
180oC. This comes into consideration due to the boiling point of gases.

What is the boiling point of nitrogen?

a) 20.27
b) 27.09
c) 77.36
d) 111.7
Answer: c
Explanation: Cryogenics refers to the study and production of materials under low temperatures.
The boiling points of cryogenic fluids like hydrogen, neon, nitrogen, and methane are 20.27K,
27.09K, 77.36K, and 111.7K in that order.

Liquid oxygen is produced by ____________ method.

a) Batch distillation
b) Steam distillation
c) Extractive distillation
d) Fractional distillation
Answer: d
Explanation: Liquid oxygen (Lox) is a common cryogenic gas commonly used in aerospace and
medical applications. It is formed from the oxygen in air by fractional distillation method.

What is the appearance of liquid nitrogen?

a) Yellow
b) Colorless
c) Bluish-gray
d) Black
Answer: b
Explanation: Liquid nitrogen is a cryogenic liquid formed from nitrogen at low temperatures. It is a
colorless liquid that results in brisk freezing.
How can cryogenic temperatures lower than 30,000K be measured?
a) Silicon diode
b) Calorimeter
c) Superconducting granules
d) Roton detector
Answer: a
Explanation: Cryogenic particle detectors often operate around absolute zero temperature. Up to
30,000K, resistant thermometers like PT-100 sensor are used. Below this temperature, silicon diode
is used for measurement of temperature.

Cold working is generally carried out __________

a) Below melting point
b) Above recrystallization temperature
c) At room temperature
d) Cryogenic temperature
Answer: c
Explanation: Cold working is defined as the plastic deformation of a material which results in strain
hardening. It usually occurs at room temperature. Hot working is generally carried out above
recrystallization temperature but below its melting point.

How does hot working affect grain structure?

a) Refines it
b) Distorts it
c) Warps it
d) Has no effect
Answer: a
Explanation: Although hot working refines the grain structure of the material, it does not improve its
surface finish. Cold working, on the other hand, improves surface finish while distorting the grain

Which of the following is an application of hot working?

a) Shapes the metal
b) Finishing
c) Thinning of material
d) Dimensional accuracy
Answer: a
Explanation: Hot working of materials is done to help shape the metal and produce raw material for
cold working. Cold working, on the other hand, is used for finishing, thinning, and improving
mechanical properties while also improving dimensional accuracy of the metal.

Which of the following is a drawback of cold working?

a) Oxide formation
b) Surface scaling
c) Decarburization
d) Low ductility

Answer: d
Explanation: When hot worked, surface scaling and decarburization of the material occurs, with the
formation of oxide. On cold working, the cold worked part may experience strain hardening and less

Which of the following is a hot working process?

a) Stamping
b) Squeezing
c) Forging
d) Bending
Answer: c
Explanation: Forging, pipe welding, and spinning are the most commonly employed hot working
processes, whereas those of cold working include pressing and deep drawing, tamping, squeezing,
bending, and shearing. Rolling and extrusion methods are common to both hot and cold working.

What is the hot rolling temperature of mild steel?

a) 200oC
b) 450oC
c) 1000oC
d) 1200oC
Answer: c
Explanation: Hot rolling is carried out at a temperature above 0.7 Tm. Here, Tm is known as the
melting point temperature in Kelvin. This temperature is at 1000oC for mild steel and 450oC for

Which rolling mill does the following figure illustrate?

a) Three-high
b) Four-high
c) Cluster
d) Tandem
Answer: d
Explanation: This picture is that of a tandem mill containing two or three four-high rolling mills. A
four-high rolling mill is a roll stand containing four parallel rolls one above the other.

Cold forging is done for _________

a) Improving strength and hardness

b) Adding forging scale
c) Eliminating carburization
d) Rough surface finish
Answer: a
Explanation: Cold forging processes are carried out to improve strength, hardness, and surface
finishing while eliminating a forging scale and decarburization. They are commonly employed for
making rivets, bolts, and nails. Cold heading is one such cold forging process.

Which of the following is a characteristic of hot rolling?

a) Refines grain structure
b) Economic
c) Slow speed
d) Uniform size
Answer: c
Explanation: Hot rolling is carried out at temperatures above 0.7 Tm. It is stopped about 100-200oC
above the critical temperature to prevent strain hardening. This process has a high speed of rolling,
is economic, refines the coarse grain, and produces uniformity in the size of products.

__________ involves hammering of heated bars inside closed impression dies.

a) Press forging
b) Drop forging
c) Hammer forging
d) Upset forging
Answer: b
Explanation: Drop or die forging is a slow process which involves hammering of heated bars of metal
inside closed impression dies. It is used to make small parts weighing a few grams to even heavy
parts weighing several kilograms. It is used for complex shapes like connecting rods and crankshafts.

Solid Solution Strengthening:

Asymmetrical stress field results in _________ strengthening in comparison to non-symmetrical

stress field.
a) Less
b) Higher
c) Very high
d) Equal
Answer: a
Explanation: A solute atom possesses non-symmetrical stress field when the lattice distortion is not
equal in all directions. This stress field is developed due to defects. This type of stress field gives a
higher degree of strengthening.

Match the following.

(i) Substitutional solid solution (i) Long range interaction

(ii) Interstitial solid solution (j) Short range interaction

(iii) Elastic interaction (k) Non-symmetrical stress field

(iv) Electrical interaction (l) Symmetrical stress field

a) i-k, ii-l, iii-i, iv- j

b) i-k, ii-l, iii-j, iv- i
c) i-l, ii-k, iii-i, iv- j
d) i-l, ii-k, iii-j, iv- i
Answer: c
Explanation: Substitutional solid solution possesses symmetrical stress field. While interstitial solid
solution produces non-symmetrical stress field. Elastic interaction is of long range and electrical
interaction is short range interaction.

Substitutional solute atoms result in __________ and interstitial atoms in __________

a) Symmetrical stress field, the symmetrical stress field
b) Symmetrical stress field, the non-symmetrical stress field
c) Non-symmetrical stress field, the symmetrical stress field
d) Non-symmetrical stress field, the non-symmetrical stress field
Answer: b
Explanation: Substitutional solid solutions possess symmetrical stress field. While interstitial solid
solutions produce non-symmetrical lattice distortion. Hence it possesses non-symmetrical stress

Solid solution strengthening depends on the valency of solute atoms.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: For ionic materials, solid solution strengthening depends on various factors related to
solute atoms. One of them is valency of solute atoms.

For noticeable materials’ strengthening, alloying should be done with atoms of a solute material
having ________
a) High shear modulus
b) High ductility
c) Low toughness
d) Low elastic modulus
Answer: a
Explanation: For higher degree of solution strengthening, alloying should be done with element
having high shear modulus. It will increase the local shear modulus in the material. It increases the
stiffness of the alloy.

Recovery, Recrystallisation and Grain Growth:

The beginning of a new phase transformation is known as ________

a) Nucleation
b) Growth
c) Segregation
d) Coring
Answer: a
Explanation: Nucleation is the first step that occurs in the formation of a new phase. In this process,
molten metal appears in regions which then become crystals. It involves assembly of atoms by
diffusion, changes in structure, and formation of nuclei.

In nucleation, particles having radius less than rc are known as _______

a) Nuclei
b) Embryo
c) Element
d) Atom
Answer: b
Explanation: In the homogeneous or self-nucleation process, there is the formation of particles in
the melt. When their radius is less than rc(embryo), they tend to redissolve which lowers the energy.
Particles having a radius more than rc tend to grow and are called nuclei.

How is the critical radius of particles calculated?




Answer: b
Explanation: In nucleation or self-nucleation process, there is the formation of particles in the melt.

The critical particle radius is defined as Here, rc is the critical radius and ∆F is the free

In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum __________

a) At freezing point
b) Above boiling point

c) Below melting point
d) At room temperature
Answer: c
Explanation: From the free energy change diagram for homogeneous nucleation, it is seen that the
rate of nucleation is affected by a change in temperature. It is maximum at a point below the
melting point temperature.

Heterogeneous nucleation differs from others due to ________

a) Faster rate of nucleation
b) Supercooling
c) Wetting
d) Growth
Answer: c
Explanation: In heterogeneous nucleation, the liquid metal must be wetted with the foreign
particles. Wetting is defined as the spontaneous spreading of one phase over the surface of another.
Very little or no supercooling occurs in this type of nucleation.

In supercooled metals, the grain growth occurs in ____________ manner.

a) Dendritic
b) Pyramidal
c) Granular
d) Linear
Answer: a
Explanation: Growth is defined as an increase in the size of the nucleus, which occurs after
nucleation. Grain growth may occur dendritically if the liquid metal is supercooled.

Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

a) Liquidus line
b) Solidus line
c) At equilibrium
d) At freezing point
Answer: a
Explanation: In a phase diagram, two phases are known as liquidus and solidus exist. Liquidus line is
that line above which the alloy is in a liquid state and where solidification starts. At solidus line, the
alloy is in solid state and solidification is complete.

Which of the following does not apply to non-equilibrium solidification?

a) Porous
b) Dendritic
c) Inhomogeneous
d) Integrated
Answer: d
Explanation: Non-equilibrium solidification occurs under non-equilibrium conditions and involves a
fast cooling rate. This results in the formation of porous, dendritic, and cored (segregated) material
with inhomogeneous composition.

Micro-segregation pattern can be identified using ________ technique.
a) Positron emission radiography
b) Single photon emission computed tomography
c) Magnetic resonance imaging
d) Autoradiography
Answer: d
Explanation: In microsegregation, compositional differences occur on a microscopic level. These
samples can be studied by metallographic and autoradiographic techniques.

solid solutions:

Why are Hume Rothery’s rules followed?

a) Extensive solid solution
b) Liquid solution
c) Weak solid solution
d) Extensive liquid solution
Answer: a
Explanation: To form an extensive solid solution, Hume Rothery’s rules are obeyed. An extensive
solid solution is generally considered as one that is greater than 10 atomic percent soluble.

According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than ________
a) 5%
b) 15%
c) 35%
d) 55%
Answer: b
Explanation: Hume Rothery’s rules state that the atomic radius or size of solute and solvent must not
differ by more than 15%. This must be in order to minimize the lattice strain.

What is formed when the electronegativities of atoms differ?

a) Solid solutions
b) Liquid solution
c) Intermetallic compound
d) Maraging steel
Answer: c
Explanation: According to Hume Rothery’s rules, the solute and solvent mist have similar
electronegativities. If this difference is too large, the metals are inclined to form intermetallic
compounds in place of solid solutions.

For interstitial solid solutions, atomic radii difference must not differ by more than ________
a) 25%
b) 37%
c) 59%
d) 73%
Answer: c
Explanation: For interstitial solid solutions, Hume Rothery’s rules state that the radius of solute
atoms must not be larger than solvent atoms by more than 59%. Moreover, they should have similar
electronegativities and valencies.

Dissolution of limited amount of solute in solvent, the solution is a __________

a) Saturated solution
b) Unsaturated solution
c) Supersaturated solution
d) Oversaturated solution
Answer: a
Explanation: If the solvent is dissolving a limited quantity of solute, it is known as a saturated
solution. An unsaturated solution is considered one where a small quantity of solute is dissolved in a
solvent, whereas for a supersaturated solution, the amount of solute in a solvent is more.

A solution of exchange of impurities for solvent atoms is called a _________

a) Interstitial solid solution
b) Substitutional solid solution
c) Saturated solution
d) Unsaturated solution
Answer: b
Explanation: When the solute atoms (impurities) are substituted for parent solvent atoms in a crystal
lattice, the atoms are called substitutional atoms. Such a mixture of two elements is called a
substitutional solid solution.

What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

a) Interstitial solid solution
b) Substitutional solid solution
c) Supersaturated solution
d) Unsaturated solution
Answer: b
Explanation: The Cu-Ni system obeys Hume Rothery’s laws of similar atomic radii (1.28 and 1.25),
same FCC crystal structure, similar valencies (+1 and +2), and similar electronegativities (1.9 and 1.8).
These elements are completely soluble in one another and form a substitutional solid solution.

Which of the following is a random substitutional solid solution?

a) Cu-Zn
b) Au-Cu
c) Cu2MnAl
d) Carbon in ϒ iron
Answer: a
Explanation: A random substitutional solid solution is one in which the solute and solvent atoms
occupy random positions in the crystal lattice. Cu-Zn, or brass, is such a random substitutional solid

Which type of solid solution does this figure illustrate?

a) Interstitial solid solution

b) Substitutional solid solution
c) Supersaturated solution
d) Unsaturated solution
Answer: a
Explanation: An interstitial solid solution is one which solute atoms fit into spaces between solvent
atoms. These spaces are known as interstices. In the figure, a system of carbon in FCC ϒ iron is

Properties of Crystals:

Allotropes differ in which of the following properties:

a) Atomic Number
b) Atomic Mass
c) Crystal Structure
d) Electronegativity
Answer: c
Explanation: Allotropes are different crystalline structures of the same element. Hence, they have
the same atomic number, atomic mass and electronegativity. For e.g., graphite and diamond are
allotropes of carbon.

Co-ordination number of a crystalline solid is:

a) Number of particles in the unit cell
b) Number of nearest neighbours of a particle
c) Number of octahedral voids in a unit cell
d) Number of tetrahedral voids in a unit cell
Answer: b
Explanation: Coordination number of a crystal structure is the number of particles with which a
given particle is in direct contact.

Packing efficiency of a crystal structure is the ratio of:

a) Volume occupied by particles to the total volume of the unit cell
b) Volume occupied by particles to that by voids
c) Total volume of the unit cell to the volume occupied by particles

d) Volume occupied by voids to that by particles
Answer: a
Explanation: Packing efficiency represents the fraction of the unit cell volume that is utilized to hold
the particles.

HCP and BCC are called close-packed structures. Close packed structures have:
a) Highest packing efficiency
b) Highest void fraction
c) Highest density
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Due to the largest number of particles in a unit cell, close-packed structures have the
highest packing efficiency and hence, lest void fraction. Density is NOT a property of the crystal
structure but the substance and depends also on molar mass.

An octahedral void is surrounded by:

a) 8 atoms
b) 18 atoms
c) 6 atoms
d) 16 atoms
Answer: c
Explanation: An octahedral void resembles a regular octahedron with atoms situated at all the six

Which of the following is a property of amorphous solids?

a) Sharp melting point
b) Isotropy
c) Long range order
d) Definite heat of fusion
Answer: b
Explanation: Due to irregularity in structure, the average of physical properties like density, thermal
and electrical conductivity etc. is same along any direction for a particular amorphous solid.

Which of the following is a crystalline solid?

a) Copper wire
b) Glass bottle
c) Polythene bag
d) Rubber ball
Answer: a
Explanation: Copper wires are made of crystalline copper. In fact, most metallic objects are
crystalline. However, research for the large-scale production of amorphous metals is in progress.

The smallest portion of a crystal which when repeated in different directions generates the entire
crystal is called:
a) Lattice points
b) Crystal lattice
c) Unit cell
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: Unit cell is the smallest unit of a crystal which repeats itself to generate the crystal.
Lattice point represents the centres of atoms in a unit cell. Crystal lattice refers to the entire
structure of a crystalline solid.

Which of the following is not a property of metal glass?

a) Transparent
b) Poor thermal conductivity
c) High magnetic susceptibility
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Metal glass is a form of metal which like glass, is amorphous but not transparent. Most
of the metal glasses are alloys, having high yield strength and high elastic strain limits. High magnetic
susceptibility, low coercivity and comparatively higher electrical resistance than their crystalline
counterparts make them an ideal material for power transformers.

Grain boundaries are one of the causes of corrosion of metals?

a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Grain boundaries are the regions that separate two grains in polycrystalline metallic
solids. The absence of properly defined structure results in residual stresses. Hence, grain
boundaries are the weak spots in the structure and are often the site of a fracture.

Binary Phase Diagrams:

How many components are present in binary phase system?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 1
Answer: c
Explanation: In binary phase system there will be only two components.

The line above which the alloy is liquid is called __________

a) Solidus line
b) Tie line
c) Liquidus line
d) Lever line
Answer: c
Explanation: The liquidus line is the line above which the alloy is liquid. At the temperature just
below this line crystal of solid solution start forming.
It can be noted that the two substances are soluble in each other in the entire range of compositions
in both liquid and solid state. This kind of system is known as ___________
a) Binary phase system
b) Unary phase system
c) Multiple phase system
d) Isomorphous system
Answer: d
Explanation: Isomorphous phase diagram is the phase diagram in which the two components are
soluble in each other over an entire range of composition in both solid and liquid phases.

What is used for the determination of Phase amounts?

a) Tie line and Temperature–Composition Point
b) Lever line
c) Temperature–Composition Point
d) Pressure
Answer: b
Explanation: Lever rule is used to determine the relative amount of each phase in a mixture. It takes
the help of a tie-line at a given temperature.

A 53% Ni Cu-Ni alloy is cooled from the liquid state to 1300°C. Calculate the % of liquid and solid at
a) 28, 72
b) 38, 62
c) 35, 65
d) 65, 35
Answer: b
Explanation: The tie line at 1300‫ﹾ‬C intersects solidus at 58% Ni and liquidus at 45% Ni.
Apply the lever rule to get the liquid fraction
% Liquid = 100* (5)/(13) = 38%
%Solid = 100* (53 – 45)/(58 – 45) = 62% (100 – %Liquid).

Which among the following condition about a simple binary system is not a part of Hume- Rothery
a) Same crystal structure
b) Size difference is less than 15
c) Electronegativity’s have similar values
d) Composition should be almost similar
Answer: d
Explanation: Hume-Rothery rules doesn’t state anything about the composition of the system.
Hume-Rothery rule states about the atomic size factor, it states about the similarity of 2 elements
based on the solid solubility factor, it tells about the dissolving capacity of a metal based on its
valency and it relates the electronegativity with solubility.

Enthalpy of mixing is negative, for such systems melting will be more difficult in the alloys and a
maximum melting point mixture may appear.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: In these systems melting will be more difficult in the alloys and a maximum melting
point mixture may appear. This type of alloy also has a tendency to order at low temperatures. If the
attraction between unlike atoms is very strong the ordered phase may extend as far as the liquid.

What happens when the the atoms in the alloy ‘repel’ each other making the disruption of the solid
into a liquid phase possible at lower temperatures than in either pure A or pure B?
a) Alloys melt at temperature below melting point
b) Alloys melt at temperature above melting point
c) Alloys melt at room temperature
d) Alloys solidify
Answer: a
Explanation: The effect of a positive enthalpy of mixing in the solid is already apparent at higher
temperatures where it gives rise to a minimum melting point mixture so hence the alloys melt at
temperature below the melting point.

The stable composition range of the phase in the phase diagram need not include the composition
with the minimum free energy, but is determined by _____
a) Relative free energy of adjacent phases
b) Enthalpy of phases
c) Free energy of stable phase
d) Relative enthalpy of adjacent phases
Answer: a
Explanation: The Relative free energy of adjacent phases is used to determine the composition with
minimum energy, actually this is an interesting result of common tangent construction.

According to Gibbs rule the number of phases (P) present in a system in equilibrium is given
a) P=C+N-F
b) P=C+F-N
c) P=F+N-C
d) P=C+N+F
Answer: a
Explanation: P+F=C+N, where F is the degree of freedom, N is the non-compositional variable and C
is the number of components. Here the degree of freedom is an intensive variable hence can be
varied independently while still maintaining the equilibrium.

The equations for free energy and chemical potential can be used to derive the effect of
temperature on the limits of solid solubility in a terminal solid solution.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The equations for free energy and chemical potential can be used to derive the effects

and this can be proved by using a phase diagram and from the equation dG= -SdT + VdP + μdN, it is
clear that the free energy changes with the change in pressure, temperature and chemical potential.

What happens to the internal energy when atoms are moved from their respective sites?
a) Internal energy remains constant
b) Internal energy increases
c) Internal energy decreases first then increases
d) Internal energy decreases
Answer: b
Explanation: The removal of atoms from their sites increases the internal energy of the metal
because atoms at their respective positions are stable. If they are disturbed, forced, or moved from
their respective sites then due to the broken bonds around the vacancy the internal energy

Eutectic Systems:

What is the line that defines the solubility limit of A in B and B in A from the figure?

a) Solidus line

b) Liquidus line
c) Solvus line
d) Solidus line and Liquidus line
Answer: c
Explanation: In addition to liquidus and solidus lines there are two more lines on A and B which
define the solubility limits B in A and A in B respectively. These are called solvus lines.

. What is the point at which three phases (L+α+β) coexist at point E?

a) Peritectic point
b) Eutectic point
c) Eutectoid point
d) Peritectoid reaction
Answer: c
Explanation: Eutectic reaction is the reaction in which the Liquid phase directly converts into two
different solid phases at a constant temperature known as eutectic temperature.

The micro structure of hypoeutectic alloys at room temperature consists of ________

a) Proeutectic β and α
b) Eutectic mixture (α+β)
c) Proeutectic β and eutectic mixture (α+β)
d) Proeutectic α and eutectic mixture (α+β)
Answer: d
Explanation: In hypoeutectic alloys the αphase solidifies first and the micro structure at RT consists
of this αphase (called proeutectic α) and the eutectic (α+β) mixture.

Why Pb-Sn eutectic alloys are used for soldering purpose?

a) The melting point at eutectic point is maximum
b) The melting point at the eutectic point is minimum
c) The melting point at the eutectic point is constant
d) The boiling point at the eutectic point is maximum
Answer: b
Explanation: The melting point at the eutectic point is minimum. That’s why Pb-Sn eutectic alloys are
used as solders. Al-Cu, Al-Si, Ag-Cu are other eutectic systems.

Crystals of which material begin to form at point a from the figure?

a) Crystals of proeutectic α
b) Crystals of proeutectic β
c) Crystals of eutectic (α+β)
d) Crystals of proeutectic α and β
Answer: a
Explanation: While cooling a hypoeutectic alloy which is in a liquid state, the temperature drops
continuously till liquidus point, a, at which crystals of proeutectic αbegins to form.

At point b, the α (alpha) fraction is given by the lever rule as ________

a) mn/bn
b) bn/mn
c) ab/be
d) be/ab
Answer: b
Explanation: On further cooling the fraction of αincreases. At any point, b, in the two-phase region
the α fraction is given by the lever rule as bn/mn.

The inflection in the cooling curve between points a and e is due to _________

a) Latent heat
b) Low temperature
c) High temperature
d) Specific heat
Answer: a
Explanation: Solidification of proeutectic αcontinues till the eutectic temperature is attained. The
inflection in the curve between points a and e is due to latent heat.

At the eutectic point (e) the eutectic reaction proceeds at a constant temperature as ________

a) F = 1
b) F = 0
c) F = 2
d) F = 3
Answer: b
Explanation: At the eutectic point the solidification of eutectic mixture (α+β) begins through the
eutectic reaction which proceeds at a constant temperature as F = 0 (2 – 3 + 1).

Any composition left of point c or right of point d will cool and solidify like a _______

a) Eutectic
b) Proeutectic
c) Eutectoid
d) Isomorphous system
Answer: d
Explanation: Any composition left of point c or right of point d (α and β single phase region
respectively) will cool and solidify like an isomorphous system.

A 34.6% Pb-Sn alloy is cooled just below the eutectic temperature (183°C). What is the fraction of
proeutectic α and eutectic mixture (α+β)?
a) 70% and 30%
b) 64% and 36%
c) 36% and 64%
d) 30% and 70%
Answer: b
Explanation: The eutectic point is at 61.9% Sn and α boundary is at 19.2% Sn. Apply the lever rule %
proeutectic α = 100*(61.9 – 34.6)/(61.9 – 19.2) = 64%
% (α + β) = 100*(34.6 – 19.2)/(61.9 – 19.2) = 36%.

Isomorphism system:

How many components are present in unary phase system?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: a
Explanation: Unary phase systems which consist of a single component. Phase systems with two
components are called binary systems and those with three are called ternary systems.

In a binary isomorphous system which of the following is true?

a) The two metals are completely miscible in each other in liquid as well as solid form

b) The two metals are completely immiscible in each other in liquid as well as solid form
c) The two metals are completely miscible in each other in liquid form only
d) The two metals are completely miscible in each other in solid form only
Answer: a
Explanation: In a binary isomorphous system, the two metals are completely miscible in each other
in liquid as well as solid form.

The number of components are 2, the number of phases are 3 and degrees of freedom are 0. Then
which of the following equilibrium is it?
a) Invariant
b) Univariant
c) Bivariant
d) Trivariant
Answer: a
Explanation: We can solve the above question by using Gibb’s phase rule. When the given values are
put in the equation the value is obtained to be zero which makes the reaction invariant.

The number of components are 2, the number of phases are 2 and degrees of freedom are 1. Then
which of the following equilibrium is it?
a) Invariant
b) Univariant
c) Bivariant
d) Trivariant
Answer: b
Explanation: We can solve the above question by using Gibb’s phase rule. When the given values are
put in the equation the value is obtained to be one which makes the reaction univariant.

The number of components are 2, the number of phases is 1 and degrees of freedom are 2. Then
which of the following equilibrium is it?
a) Invariant
b) Univariant
c) Bivariant
d) Trivariant
Answer: c
Explanation: We can solve the above question by using Gibb’s phase rule. When the given values are
put in the equation the value is obtained to be two which makes the reaction bivariant.

An alloy 30 wt% Ni- 70wt % Cu at 1315 °C (2400 °F) will lie in which state?
a) Solid state
b) Liquid state
c) Mixture of solid and liquid state
d) α state
Answer: b
Explanation: An alloy 30 wt% Ni- 70wt % Cu at 1315 °C (2400 °F) will lie in the liquid state which we
can observe from its phase diagram.

An alloy 30 wt% Ni- 70wt % Cu at 1095 °C (2000 °F) will lie in which state?
a) Solid state
b) Liquid state
c) Mixture of solid and liquid state
d) α state
Answer: d
Explanation: An alloy 30 wt% Ni- 70wt % Cu at 1095 °C (2000 °F) will lie in the region where it is in α
state which can be observed from its phase diagram.

The copper-nickel system is an example of solid solution hardening.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The above statement is true and the copper-nickel system is an example of solid
solution hardening. Therefore changes are caused due to distortion in its lattice structure.

In a copper nickel system the tensile strength increases with an increase in the percentage of nickel
in the alloy.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The above statement is true. As nickel has more tensile strength than copper, the
tensile strength of copper increases with the increase in the percentage of nickel in the alloy.

In which of the following the alloy is rapidly cooled?

a) Anealing
b) Coring
c) Hot working
d) Cold working
Answer: b
Explanation: Hot working, cold working and annealing are all processes in which the alloy will be
heated. In coring the alloy is rapidly cooled down.

Eutectoid system and , Peritectoid system:

The eutectic point in the iron-iron carbide phase diagram occurs at __________ weight %
composition of carbon.
a) 0.022
b) 0.77
c) 2.11
d) 4.30
Answer: d

Explanation: The iron-iron carbide equilibrium diagram is constructed by plotting the composition of
carbon against the temperature. At 4.3 weight % of carbon, eutectic point is formed.

At what temperature does δ ferrite melt?

a) 1674 F
b) 1990 F
c) 2541 F
d) 2800 F
Answer: d
Explanation: δ ferrite is formed as a BCC phase due to heating of austenite at 2541 F. This δ ferrite
finally melts at 2800 F and these changes are plotted on the iron-iron carbide equilibrium diagram.

What is the solubility of α ferrite at 0oC?

a) 0.1%
b) 0.02%
c) 0.005%
d) 0.0004%
Answer: c
Explanation: α ferrite is an interstitial solid solution of carbon in a BCC crystal lattice. It has a
solubility of 0.02% at 723oC and decreases to 0.005% at 0oC.

What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

a) Body-centered cubic
b) Face-centered cubic
c) Hexagonal closely packed
d) Body-centered tetrahedral

Answer: b
Explanation: At room temperature, ferrite exists as a BCC crystal as seen on the iron-iron carbide
equilibrium diagram. Upon heating, this changes into austenite in FCC form at 1674 F.

How much iron does cementite contain?

a) 6.67%
b) 24.23%
c) 73.4%
d) 93.3%
Answer: d
Explanation: Cementite is an intermetallic compound of iron-carbon (Fe3C). It has a solubility that is
negligible with a composition of 6.67% C and 93.3% Fe.

What is the maximum solubility of carbon in austenite at 1148oC?

a) 0.09%
b) 0.8%
c) 2.08%
d) 14.35%
Answer: c
Explanation: Austenite is an FCC crystal with a solubility of 2.08% at 1148oC which decreases to 0.8%
at 723oC. δ ferrite has a maximum solid solubility of 0.09% at 1465.

At what temperature does peritectic reaction occur?

a) 1778oC
b) 1495oC
c) 1148oC
d) 723oC
Answer: b
Explanation: In a peritectic reaction, 0.53% C of liquid combines with 0.09% C of ferrite at 1495oC.
This results in the formation of ϒ austenite (0.17% of C).

Peritectic reactions are applicable for carbon contents up to _________

a) 0.1%
b) 0.26%
c) 0.55%
d) 0.96%
Answer: c
Explanation: In a peritectic reaction, 0.53% C of liquid combines with 0.09% C of ferrite at 1495oC.
This results in the formation of ϒ austenite (0.17% of C). This reaction affects only solidification of
steels with less than 0.55% carbon.

How much austenite does eutectic reaction form?

a) 4.3%
b) 6.67%
c) 11.28%
d) 17.89%
Answer: a
Explanation: In a eutectic reaction, 4.7% C of liquid at 1148oC forms ϒ austenite (2.08% of C) and
Fe3C (6.67% of C). This reaction holds great importance for cast irons.

At what temperature does eutectoid reaction occur?

a) 418oC
b) 666oC
c) 723oC
d) 928oC
Answer: c
Explanation: In a eutectoid reaction, 0.8% C of ϒ austenite at 723oC forms α ferrite (0.02% of C) and
Fe3C (6.67% of C). This reaction holds great importance for heat treatment of steels.

Alloy Steels:

What kind of steel requires definite amounts of other alloying elements?
a) Carbon steel
b) Alloying steel
c) Stainless steel
d) Tool steel
Answer: b
Explanation: Alloy steels are those steels which require a specific amount of the elements making up
its composition. Alloy steels consist of manganese, silicon, and copper as primary elements whose
quantities are equal to or more than 1.65%, 0.60%, and 0.60% respectively.

Which of these is not a function of alloy steels?

a) Increases strength
b) Improves ductility
c) Reduces cost
d) Improves machinability
Answer: c
Explanation: Alloy steels are used to improve properties such as strength, hardness, ductility, grain
structure, and machinability, among others. This, however, results in increased costs due to multiple
elements involved in the process.

Steels containing up to 3% to 4% of one or more alloying elements are known as ________

a) Low alloy steels
b) HSLA steels
c) High alloy steels
d) Stainless steels
Answer: a
Explanation: Low alloy steels consist of 3% to 4% of alloying elements making up its composition.
They have similar microstructure and heat treatments as plain carbon steels. HSLA and AISI steels
are the types of low alloy steels.

What does AISI steel stand for?

a) American-Indian Steel Institute
b) American-Indian Society of Iron
c) American Iron and Steel Institute
d) Alloys, Iron and Steel Institute
Answer: c
Explanation: American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) is an association, established in America, which
produces steel. AISI steels are used in machine construction. They are otherwise known as
construction steels or structural steels.

Which of these is not an application of HSLA steels?

a) Bridges
b) Automobiles and trains
c) Building columns
d) Leaf and coil springs

Explanation: HSLA steels are known as high-strength-low-alloy steels. These high strength steels are
primarily used as structural materials or construction alloys. They are used to reduce weight on
bridges, automobiles, pressure vessels, building columns, etc.

Steels containing more than 5% of one or more alloying elements are known as ________
a) HSLA steels
b) High alloy steels
c) Tool and die steels
d) Stainless steels
Answer: b
Explanation: High alloy steels are composed of more than 5% of alloying elements. They have
different microstructure and heat treatments than those of plain carbon steels. Tool and die, and
stainless steels are the types of high alloy steels.

Which of the following groups of alloying elements stabilize austenite?

a) Ni, Mn, Cu, and Co
b) Cr, W, Mo, V, and Si
c) Cr, W, Ti, Mo, Nb, V, and Mn
d) Co, Al, and Ni
Answer: a
Explanation: The alloying elements such as Ni, Mn, Cu, and Co have a tendency to alleviate
austenite, whereas Cr, W, Mo, V, and Si tend to stabilize ferrites. Alloying elements such as Cr, W, Ti,
Mo, Nb, V, and Mn tend to form carbides. Other elements like Co, Al, and Ni help to weaken carbides
and thereby form graphite.

Which family of steels are referred to as chromoly?

a) 40xx
b) 41xx
c) 43xx
d) 44xx
Answer: b
Explanation: The family of 41xx steel is usually called as chromoly or chrome-moly due to its primary
alloying elements, chromium and molybdenum. Steels such as 4130 and 4140 are generally used for
bicycle frames, and as parts of firearms, flywheels etc.

What is the common name of COR-TEN steel?

a) Weathering steel
b) Control-rolled steel
c) Pearlite-reduced steel
d) Microalloyed steel
Answer: a
Explanation: Weathering steels are otherwise also known as COR-TEN or corten steels. These steels
produce a corrosion resistance, which makes them ideal for eliminating the need to paint. All
choices¸ including corten steels are classifications of HSLA steels.

Alloy steels containing 0.05% to 0.15% of alloying elements are called _______
a) Weathering steel
b) Stainless steel
c) Tool and die steel
d) Microalloyed steel
Answer: d
Explanation: Microalloyed steels contain alloying elements in small quantities (0.05% to 0.15%).
These elements include niobium, vanadium, titanium, molybdenum, rare earth metals, among
others. They are used to refine the microstructure of the grain or for precipitate hardening process.

Cast Irons:

How much carbon is present in cast irons?

a) Less than 0.05%
b) Up to 1.5%
c) 1.5% to 2%
d) More than 2%
Answer: d
Explanation: Cast Irons are ferrous alloys containing more than 2% of carbon, along with silicon,
sulphur, manganese, and phosphorus. Maraging steels contain less than 0.05% carbon, while plain
carbon steels contain up to 1.5% carbon.

Cast iron is a _____ alloy.

a) Eutectic
b) Eutectoid
c) Peritectic
d) Peritectoid
Answer: a
Explanation: Cast irons are eutectic alloys made of iron and carbon. Since iron is available in
abundance, they are easy to find and are less expensive. Therefore cast irons are the cheapest of all

Iron obtained from broken ______ is known as white iron.

a) Cementite
b) Graphite
c) Pearlite
d) Bainite
Answer: a
Explanation: Upon, cementite becomes a silvery-white compound. This is due to the brittle nature of
cementite. This fracture results in white cast iron.

If the iron surface contains graphite, it is known as ________

a) Alloy cast iron
b) White iron
c) Grey iron
d) Spheroidal graphite
Answer: c
Explanation: When an iron containing graphite is fractured, the surface becomes grey. This is due to
the presence of graphite flakes in the iron structure. Hence, it is known as grey iron.

Which element causes cementite to behave in a stable manner?

a) Silicon
b) Sulphur
c) Manganese
d) Carbon
Answer: b
Explanation: Sulphur has a stabilizing effect in cementite. This helps it easily break the cementite and
produce white iron.

An iron with high-silicon content is a _______

a) White iron
b) Grey iron
c) Malleable iron
d) Pig iron
Answer: b
Explanation: Silicon causes cementite to behave in an unstable manner, which decomposes and
releases graphite. If there is a high-silicon presence, more graphite is released and makes it a grey
iron. If low-silicon is available, then it becomes a white iron.

What is the effect of phosphorus and sulphur in cast irons?

a) Induces brittleness
b) Increases strength
c) Destabilizes cementite
d) No effect
Answer: a
Explanation: Although sulphur stabilizes cementite, it causes brittleness. The same is true for
phosphorus, due to which both elements are limited to a minimum quantity. Manganese is used to
increase the strength of an iron, which also controls the harmful effects of sulphur.

Decomposition of cementite to form ferrite and graphite is known as _______

a) Decomposition of cast irons
b) Production of cast irons
c) Growth of cast irons
d) Prevention of growth of cast irons
Answer: c
Explanation: When cementite is heated at 700C it decomposes into ferrite and graphite. This causes
it to occupy more space than the original structure. This phenomenon is known as the growth of cast

Which of these are applications of grey cast iron?
a) Camshafts, engine blocks
b) Wear plates, pump linings
c) Brake shoes, pedals
d) Gears, rocker arms
Answer: a
Explanation: Grey cast irons have good strength and corrosion resistance. Therefore, they are used
in camshafts and engine blocks. White cast irons are used for pump linings, whereas malleable cast
iron is used for pedals and levers. Spheroidal graphite is used in gears and rocker arms.

T.T.T. diagram, concept of heat treatment of steels:

Non-equilibrium phases are shown for their time and transformation using _________
a) Fe-Fe3C diagram
b) TTT diagram
c) CCT diagram
d) TTT and CCT diagram
Answer: d
Explanation: Ferrite, cementite, pearlite, and austenite are equilibrium phases which are based on
the iron-iron carbide equilibrium diagram. For other non-equilibrium phases like martensite and
bainite, the Fe-Fe3C diagram cannot be used. In such cases, we use the TTT and CCT diagrams.

The CCT or the TTT diagrams are used for _________

a) One steel of specific composition
b) A family of various steels
c) Alloy system of various compositions
d) Combination of all alloys and steels with various compositions
Answer: a
Explanation: An individual equilibrium diagram like the Fe-Fe3C can be used to depict an entire alloy
system of various compositions. However, a TTT or a CCT diagram can only be used for one steel of a
specified composition.

What does CCT diagram stand for?

a) Constant-critical-temperature
b) Constant-cooling-temperature
c) Continuous-cooling-transformation
d) Continuous-creep-transformation

Answer: c
Explanation: Martensite and bainite are non-equilibrium phases which cannot be depicted on a Fe-

Fe3C equilibrium diagram. In such cases, either the time-temperature-transformation or the
continuous-cooling-transformation diagrams can be used.

__________ is used to predict quenching reactions in steels.

a) Isothermal transformation diagram
b) Iron-iron carbide equilibrium diagram
c) Continuous cooling transformation diagram
d) Logarithm scale
Answer: a
Explanation: An isothermal transformation (IT) is a tool used by heat treaters to calculate quenching
reactions in steels. The IT diagram can also be called as a time-temperature-transformation diagram.

Which of the following is not an alternative name for the TTT diagram?
a) S curve
b) C curve
c) Adiabatic curve
d) Bain’s curve
Answer: c
Explanation: Owing to the shape of the diagram, TTT diagrams may be called S curves or C curves.
Due to their nature and type of work, they may also be known as isothermal transformation
diagrams or Bain’s curves.

The first step in constructing a TTT diagram involves _________ the sample.
a) Annealing
b) Normalising
c) Quenching
d) Austenising
Answer: d
Explanation: To construct a TTT diagram, a large number of the small specimen are collected and
austenised in a furnace. Next, heat treatment and quenching stages are carried out. After each
stage, the temperature and time are plotted as curves.

Austenising of samples for TTT diagram is done __________ temperature.

a) At room temperature
b) Below melting point
c) Above eutectoid temperature
d) Above boiling temperature
Answer: c
Explanation: A large number of small samples of the same material are collected and austenized in a
furnace above the eutectoid temperature. Then it is rapidly cooled at a desired temperature below
the eutectoid temperature.

Examination of transformation time after quenching is done ___________

a) At room temperature
b) Below melting point
c) Above eutectoid temperature
d) Above boiling temperature
Answer: a
Explanation: Austenising of the sample is done above eutectoid temperature, whereas quenching is
done below the eutectoid temperature. After each transformation time, the microstructure is
examined at room temperature and plotted in the form of curves.


Which of the following factors does not influence the variety and quality of metal?
a) Rate of heating and cooling
b) Quenching medium
c) Furnace
d) Grain size
Answer: d
Explanation: The variety of metal and various metallurgical processes depend upon the method and
rate of heating and cooling, furnaces used, and quenching medium. Grain size is one of the effects of
heat treatment, not a cause for any change.

How does the rate of cooling affect the hardness of the metal?
a) Slow cooling, hard material
b) Slow cooling, soft material
c) Rapid cooling, soft material
d) No effective change
Answer: b
Explanation: The rate of cooling is the controlling factor in developing either a hard or soft structure.
Rapid cooling from critical range results in a hard structure, whereas very slow cooling gives a soft

Which of the following is not a stage of annealing?

a) Heating
b) Soaking
c) Tempering
d) Quenching
Answer: c
Explanation: Annealing is defined as the softening process which involves heating the material at an
elevated temperature and then slowly cooling it. The annealing cycle consists of three stages of
heating to the desired temperature, holding at that temperature (soaking), and then slowly cooling

Full annealing is applied to which kind of materials?

a) Steel castings
b) Steel wires
c) High carbon steels
d) Sheet products
Answer: a
Explanation: When we refer to annealing, usually we only talk about full annealing. This method is
used to soften the material, to refine crystalline structure, and relieve stresses. This method is
applied to steel castings and steel ingots.

What happens when internal residual stresses are not removed?

a) Coarse structure
b) Reduction of grain size
c) Distortion
d) Recrystallization
Answer: c
Explanation: When internal residual stresses are not removed, distortion or warpage of the material
may occur. In order to remove these stresses, stress relief annealing is carried out.

Subcritical annealing is another name for ____________

a) Process annealing
b) Stress relief annealing
c) Recrystallization annealing
d) Spheroidise annealing
Answer: a
Explanation: Process annealed steels are heated around 550-650oC, held for some time for
softening, then cooled at any desired rate. This process induces a single phase morphology. This
process is otherwise known as subcritical annealing.

Commercial annealing is another name for ____________

a) Process annealing
b) Stress relief annealing
c) Recrystallization annealing
d) Spheroidise annealing
Answer: b
Explanation: When internal residual stresses are not removed, distortion or warpage of the material
may occur. Stress relief annealing is carried out to remove these stresses caused by castings,
quenching, machining, welding etc. Stress relief annealing is otherwise also known as commercial

Removal of internal residual stresses at low temperatures is known as ________

a) Recrystallization
b) Recovery
c) Morphology
d) Phase transformation
Answer: b
Explanation: Recovery is a low-temperature phenomenon used to remove internal residual stresses.
This is done with little change in mechanical properties and no major changes in microstructure.
Stress relief is also known as recovery.

What kind of annealing does this graph illustrate?

a) Process annealing
b) Stress relief annealing
c) Recrystallization annealing
d) Spheroidise annealing
Answer: d
Explanation: Stress relief annealing is carried out to remove the stresses caused by castings,
quenching, machining, welding etc. This can be done by prolonged heating of the material slightly
above and below the A1 line. Full annealing occurs above the A1 and A3 lines, whereas process
annealing occurs slightly below the A1 line.

Normalising & Quenching:

How is cooling of the material done is normalising process?

a) Furnace
b) Cooling tower
c) Still air
d) Liquid chamber
Answer: c
Explanation: Normalising is a process similar to annealing, which helps to refine grain structure,
increase strength, and relieve stresses and other properties. Cooling for annealing is done in a
furnace, whereas it is done in still air for normalising.

Normalising is best used for is what kind of materials?

a) Steel castings
b) Steel wires
c) High carbon steels
d) Low and medium carbon steels
Answer: d
Explanation: Normalising is a process similar to annealing, where the material is subjected to
temperature changes to alter their properties. This process is particularly employed for low and
medium carbon steels, as well as alloy steels.

For normalising, the steel is heated ___________ its upper critical temperature.
a) 30-40oC above
b) 30-40oC C below
c) 50-60oC C above
d) 50-60oC C below
Answer: c
Explanation: For hypoeutectoid steels, normalising is done by heating the steel 50-60oC C above its
upper critical temperature (A3 line). For hypereutectoid steels, it is heated above the Acm line. The
steel is held at that temperature for some time and then allowed to cool in still air.

Which of the following is not applicable for normalising process?

a) Economical
b) Time-consuming
c) Fine grain structure
d) Variable properties
Answer: b
Explanation: Normalising is carried out by heating of the steel at higher temperatures (compared to
annealing) and then cooling it in still air. Since cooling is different at different locations, their
properties will also vary. It also provides a fine grain structure and is less time-consuming.

The structure obtained by normalising depends on __________

a) Stresses induced
b) Toughness of material
c) Thickness of cross section
d) Strength of weld
Answer: c
Explanation: The type of structure obtained by normalising largely depends on the thickness of the
cross-section of the material, as this also affects the rate of cooling. Thin sections tend to give a finer
grain structure than thick sections.

Microstructure containing ferrite is termed as _________

a) Dark area
b) White network
c) Red area
d) Blue zone
Answer: b
Explanation: Normalising produces microstructure containing ferrite (white network) and pearlite
(dark area) for hypoeutectoid steels. For eutectoid steels, the microstructure is only pearlite.
Meanwhile, for hypereutectoid steels, it is a pearlite and cementite microstructure.

Which among the following media of quenching the slowest?

a) Caustic soda
b) Sodium chloride
c) Mineral oil
d) Air

Answer: d
Explanation: The rate of cooling heavily depends on the quenching medium used. 5-10% caustic soda
and 5-20% NaCl are the two most popular media in terms of severity, followed by cold and warm
water. This is followed by mineral, animal, and vegetable oils. Finally, air has the lowest severity of
the preferred media.

Which of the following is not a preferred vegetable oil for quenching medium?
a) Linseed
b) Brine
c) Rapeseed
d) Cottonseed
Answer: b
Explanation: Oils are generally more effective as quenching media as compared to air. In decreasing
order, mineral oil, animal oil, and vegetable oil are widely used. The commonly used vegetable oils
are linseed, cottonseed, and rapeseed.

Mineral oils are used in the hardening process of ____________

a) Pipes
b) Carbon
c) Alloy steel
d) Heavy forging
Answer: c
Explanation: Mineral oils are obtained during the refining of crude petroleum. These are widely used
as quenching media due to their severity of quench. Mineral oils are used in hardening alloy steels.

Which quenching medium is used for quenching of carbon and low alloy steels?
a) Vegetable oil
b) Water
c) Air
d) Animal oil
Answer: b
Explanation: Water produces the most severe quench followed by oils and air. For the quenching of
carbon and low alloy steels, water or an aqueous solution of NaOH or NaCl is used.

Which stage of quenching is the slowest?

a) Vapour-Jacket
b) Vapour-Transport cooling
c) Liquid-Cooling
d) They are all equally slow
Answer: c
Explanation: In general, both vapor-jacket and liquid-cooling are slow cooking stages. However,
liquid-cooling is the slowest as all the heat transfer occurs through conduction across the solid-liquid

Vapour-jacket cooling stage of quenching process occurs _________

a) Below boiling point
b) Above boiling point
c) Below melting point
d) At recrystallization temperature
Answer: b
Explanation: The vapor-jacket stage of quenching is a slow cooling stage since all the heat is
transported through a gas by conduction and radiation. This stage occurs when the metal is above
the boiling point of the quenchant.

Hardening and Hardenability:

For hardening of steel by quenching, the steel is cooled in __________

a) Furnace
b) Still air
c) Oil bath
d) Cooling tower
Answer: c
Explanation: After heating and soaking of the steel, it must be properly cooled. The steel is quenched
to room temperature in a water or oil bath.

a) Higher than
b) Lower than
c) Equal to
d) Half of
Answer: a
Explanation: Post heating and soaking, the steels must be cooled. The cooling rate must be higher
than the critical cooling rate to get the completely martensitic structure. The steel is quenched to
room temperature with the help of a water bath or oil bath.

Phase transformation during hardening transforms _________

a) BCC to FCC
b) FCC to BCT
c) BCT to HCP
d) FCC to HCP
Answer: b
Explanation: Due to rapid cooking, austenite is supercooled by nearly 500oC. The large force helps
convert the FCC into BCT structure. The resulting structure is called martensite.

The slip does not occur in martensite due to the presence of _______ in the lattice.
a) Silicon
b) Germanium
c) Carbon
d) Tin

Answer: c
Explanation: Martensite is a super-saturated solution of carbon in α-iron. Due to the presence of
carbon in the lattice, slip does not occur. As a result, martensite is strong, hard, and brittle.

The hardening process is carried out on ________ steel.

a) No carbon
b) Low carbon
c) Medium carbon
d) High carbon
Answer: d
Explanation: As the carbon content increases, the hardness also increases. Due to this, the hardening
process is carried out on high carbon steels containing 0.35-0.50% C.

How does the rate of cooling affect the hardness of steel?

a) Faster cooling results in low hardness
b) Slow cooling results in high hardness
c) Fast cooling results in high hardness
d) No change is found
Answer: c
Explanation: We know that hardness depends on the nature and properties of the quenching
medium. It was found that faster cooling resulted in greater hardness of the steel, and slow cooling
lowers the hardness.

How does the size of the specimen affect the hardness of steel?
a) Smaller size results are high hardness
b) Smaller size results in low hardness
c) Larger size results in high hardness
d) No change is found
Answer: a
Explanation: The size of the specimen also greatly affects the hardness of the steel during the
hardening process. As the size of the specimen increases, its hardness decreases. For example,
hardness with a 50 mm diameter steel bar will be higher than a similar one of 100 mm diameter.

___________ is defined as the ease of forming martensite.

a) Hardness
b) Hardenability
c) Toughness
d) Strength
Answer: b
Explanation: Hardenability is defined as a measure or ease with which hardness is achieved. It can
also be said that hardenability is the ease with which martensite is formed. Hardness, on the other
hand, is the ability of a metal to resist abrasion, indentation, and scratching.

Hardenability of a material can be measured using __________ test.

a) Jominy end-quench
b) Charpy
c) Rockwell
d) Izod
Answer: a
Explanation: Hardenability is the measure of inclination of a material to achieve hardness. It is
affected by the alloying elements in the material and grain sizes. The hardenability of the material
can be measured using the Jominy end-quench test method. Charpy and Izod impact testing
methods, whereas Rockwell is a hardness testing scale.

a) Composition of steel
b) Grain size
c) Temperature of specimen
d) Quenching medium
Answer: c
Explanation: The hardenability of the material can be measured using the Jominy end-quench test
method. The composition of steel, austenitic grain size, structure before quenching, and quenching
medium and method affect the hardenability of the steel.

Quenching of the sample in Jominy end-quench method is done at _______

a) 0oC
b) 25oC
c) 125oC
d) 200oC
Answer: b
Explanation: The given sample of material is heated above the upper critical temperature and
dropped into position in the frame of the apparatus. It is then quenched on one end at 25oC to
achieve different rates of cooling along the length of the sample.

Hardness readings are taken every ________ after quenching in Jominy end-quench test.
a) 0.01 mm
b) 0.1 mm
c) 1.6 mm
d) 2.5 mm
Answer: c
Explanation: The given sample of material is heated above the upper critical temperature. It is then
quenched at one end at 25oC. After cooling, a flat is ground along the length of the bar. Rockwell C
hardness readings are then taken for every 1.6 mm along the length from the quenched end, which
are then plotted in the form of a graph.


Which of the following is not a result of tempering?

a) Increased ductility

b) Improved toughness
c) Increased electrical conductivity
d) Internal stresses are relieved
Answer: c
Explanation: Martensite formed during the hardening process is too brittle and lacks toughness and
ductility. This makes it unusable for many applications. Therefore, a heat treatment process called
tempering is done to bring about these changes.

Tempering of martensite steel is done _________

a) Below eutectic temperature
b) Below eutectoid transformation temperature
c) At room temperature
d) At 1000oC
Answer: b
Explanation: Tempering is a process of heating martensite steel below the eutectoid transformation
temperature (250-650oC). It is held there for some time and slowly cooled to room temperature.

Internal stresses in martensite steel are relieved by heating at __________

a) 200oC
b) 500oC
c) 800oC
d) 1000oC
Answer: a
Explanation: Tempering usually involves heating the martensite steel below the eutectoid
transformation temperature (250-650oC). When this martensite steel is heated at temperatures as
low as 200oC, internal stresses are relieved.

What kind of transformation occurs during tempering of martensite steel?

a) BCC to FCC
b) BCT to HCP
c) FCC to BCT
d) BCT to α+Fe3C
Answer: d
Explanation: Tempering is a process of heating martensite steel below the eutectoid transformation
temperature. This heat treatment process transforms martensite (BCT, single phase) into tempered
martensite (α+Fe3C) by the diffusional process.

How is the tensile strength of the material affected due to tempering?

a) Increases with an increase in temperature
b) Decreases with an increase in temperature
c) Increases constantly
d) Does not change
Answer: b
Explanation: We know that hardness of the material decreases with an increase in tempering time.

Similarly, the tensile and yield strengths of the material also decrease with increase in tempering

How is the ductility of the material affected due to tempering?

a) Increases with an increase in temperature
b) Decreases with an increase in temperature
c) Increases constantly
d) Does not change
Answer: a
Explanation: The hardness and tensile and yield strengths of the material decrease with increasing
tempering temperature. On the other hand, however, it is noted that the ductility of the material
increases with an increase in tempering temperature.

Low temperature tempering occurs at __________

a) 50-150oC
b) 150-250oC
c) 350-450oC
d) 500-650oC
Answer: b
Explanation: Tempering temperature is classified into three classes. Low temperature tempering
occurs at 150-250oC. Medium and high temperature tempering occur at 350-450oC and 500-650oC

Medium temperature tempering develops a ________ structure.

a) Non-lamellar
b) Sorbite
c) Tempered-troostite
d) Bainite
Answer: c
Explanation: Medium temperature tempering is usually carried out in a temperature range between
350oC and 450oC. This process develops a tempered-troostite structure.

Tempering that results in a reduction of toughness is known as __________

a) Caustic embrittlement
b) Temper embrittlement
c) End-temper
d) Quench-temper embrittlement
Answer: b
Explanation: Tempering of some steels and alloys may result in the reduction of toughness. This
phenomenon is known as temper embrittlement.


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