Air Susp
Air Susp
Air Susp
• To take advantage of superior technological standard of LHB
• coaches and keeping the cost low, stainless steel body
coach on ICF bogie with Air Spring as secondary suspension
(Stainless steel SG coaches) have been introduced. With
increase in load and speed the existing coil spring ICF type
bogie suspension of coaches, the bogies clearance basically
meant for absorbing dynamic movement of the coach, just
vanish resulting into severe hitting between various bogie
components. This leads to premature failure of bogie
components and poor riding behavior of the coach.
To overcome this problem, air (pneumatic) suspension (air spring)
at secondary stage has been taken up with optimized values of
stiffness and damping characteristics.
Advantages of air suspension
Constant floor height of
coach. Excellent ride comfort.
Capable to sustain Super Dense Crush Loads of suburban traffic.Safe
running of train.
Virtually Constant natural frequency from tare to full loads. Integral
input signal for load dependent braking and acceleration.
Isolation of structure borne noise.
Improved reliability, reduced
maintenance. High durability.
Possibility of voluntarily choosing air spring characteristics.
3D View of ICF Bogie fitted with Air suspension system
In this system the properties of air are used for cushioning
effect (springiness). Enclosed pressurized air in a predefined
chamber called air spring, provides various suspension
characteristics including damping. Air spring is height controlled
load leveling suspension device. With changing loads air spring
reacts initially by changing the distance between air spring
supports and vehicle body. The leveling valve is, in turn,
actuated, either by getting the compressed air pressure to the
air spring or releasing air pressure from it to the atmosphere.
This process continues until original height is restored.
Working principle of Air spring
Comparison with existing coil suspension:
Unlike steel spring, air springs retain their height
under changing loads. The low natural frequency of air
spring suspension remains virtually constant.
In case of coil spring, deflection is proportionate to the load,
therefore, under high payload situation, space constraint
become critical, leading to the use of stiffer springs resulting in
unsatisfactory ride behavior and reduced speed potential.
Air springs through their control mechanism, offer a load
proportionate stiffness, constant floor height and prospects of
better ride behavior with higher speed potential.
A soft flexible characteristic under vertical direction is
achieved by compression of the air.
An excellent lateral spring characteristic is achieved by variation
in effective area in lateral direction. Good self damping is
achieved by placing an optimized orifice between air spring and
additional reservoir.
To avoid unnecessary air consumption due to all modes
of vehicle oscillation or change in air pressure is achieved
by designing delayed reaction of leveling valve.
Constructional details of air spring
This Air spring is a cylindrically shaped bellow that rolls over a
custom contoured pedestal. This Air spring has nine major parts.
1. The Air Spring (or Elastomeric Rubber Part)
2. The Bead Skirt
3. The Upper Mounting Plate
4. The Bead Ring
After POH and before assembling the bogie, measure
the wheel diameter.
Depending upon the wheel diameter, place wooden packing of
required thickness under the flange of lower spring seat as
indicated in the following table:
Average wheel diametre of the Thickness of hard
two wheels on the same bogie. packing ring (mm)
889 mm to 864 mm 13
863 mm to 840 mm 26
840 mm to 825 mm 38