Air Susp

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• To take advantage of superior technological standard of LHB
• coaches and keeping the cost low, stainless steel body
coach on ICF bogie with Air Spring as secondary suspension
(Stainless steel SG coaches) have been introduced. With
increase in load and speed the existing coil spring ICF type
bogie suspension of coaches, the bogies clearance basically
meant for absorbing dynamic movement of the coach, just
vanish resulting into severe hitting between various bogie
components. This leads to premature failure of bogie
components and poor riding behavior of the coach.
To overcome this problem, air (pneumatic) suspension (air spring)
at secondary stage has been taken up with optimized values of
stiffness and damping characteristics.
Advantages of air suspension
Constant floor height of
coach. Excellent ride comfort.
Capable to sustain Super Dense Crush Loads of suburban traffic.Safe
running of train.
Virtually Constant natural frequency from tare to full loads. Integral
input signal for load dependent braking and acceleration.
Isolation of structure borne noise.
Improved reliability, reduced
maintenance. High durability.
Possibility of voluntarily choosing air spring characteristics.
3D View of ICF Bogie fitted with Air suspension system
In this system the properties of air are used for cushioning
effect (springiness). Enclosed pressurized air in a predefined
chamber called air spring, provides various suspension
characteristics including damping. Air spring is height controlled
load leveling suspension device. With changing loads air spring
reacts initially by changing the distance between air spring
supports and vehicle body. The leveling valve is, in turn,
actuated, either by getting the compressed air pressure to the
air spring or releasing air pressure from it to the atmosphere.
This process continues until original height is restored.
Working principle of Air spring
Comparison with existing coil suspension:
Unlike steel spring, air springs retain their height
under changing loads. The low natural frequency of air
spring suspension remains virtually constant.
In case of coil spring, deflection is proportionate to the load,
therefore, under high payload situation, space constraint
become critical, leading to the use of stiffer springs resulting in
unsatisfactory ride behavior and reduced speed potential.
Air springs through their control mechanism, offer a load
proportionate stiffness, constant floor height and prospects of
better ride behavior with higher speed potential.
A soft flexible characteristic under vertical direction is
achieved by compression of the air.
An excellent lateral spring characteristic is achieved by variation
in effective area in lateral direction. Good self damping is
achieved by placing an optimized orifice between air spring and
additional reservoir.
To avoid unnecessary air consumption due to all modes
of vehicle oscillation or change in air pressure is achieved
by designing delayed reaction of leveling valve.
Constructional details of air spring
This Air spring is a cylindrically shaped bellow that rolls over a
custom contoured pedestal. This Air spring has nine major parts.
1. The Air Spring (or Elastomeric Rubber Part)
2. The Bead Skirt
3. The Upper Mounting Plate
4. The Bead Ring

Constructional details of air spring

The Pedestal Assembly (or Piston)
6. Emergency Spring
7. Bumper Support Plate
8. Spacer Plate
9. Base Plate
The brief description of each part of the total assembly follows:
Air spring (Elastomeric Rubber Part)
The Air Spring is a highly engineered pneumatic cylinder. It is
made of elastomeric material and is nearly cylindrical in shape.
It contains nylon cords that are laminated with elastomeric
rubber and cured together for an airtight seal. At each end of the
Air Spring there is a bead wire for reinforcement and sealing
/Bead skirt
The bead skirt is made of aluminum and a bead groove is
machined for a precision circumferential fit to assure the bead
wire seats properly to seat with the top or upper mounting
This aluminum is high grade and more than strong enough to
be used in any application, since the air spring carries the load.
it is very lightweight for ease of handling, as well as overall weight
reduction. This bead skirt will help provide the horizontal or lateral
characteristics the Firestone customers require.
/Upper mounting plate
Upper mounting plate is made of steel or aluminum. The upper
plate is to be placed upon the bead skirt with the elastomeric
rubber part bead wire seating in the bead skirt and to be bolted
together to form the upper seal.
This is engineered with a specific mounting arrangement as
specified. The mounting plate is fitted with an air entrance for
inflating the parts to a desired pressure. The air passage is designed
such that an orifice could be added to attain additional air damping
if so desired. The upper plate, further more, acts as a shield to keep
foreign material, oil and grease off the rubber part.
/Bead ring-The bead ring is also made of aluminum and is
located at the bottom of the assembly and serves the same
purposes as a bead skirt, and forms the lower seal. The bead ring is
bolted to the pedestal. /Pedestal
assembly (or piston) The pedestal (or piston) serves the purpose,
as a component in the lower sealing procedure and support
member. This steel part act as a lower mounting surface. The
pedestal (piston) is tall enough to let the air spring oscillate with
the given load conditions placed upon the spring. Vertical dynamic
stiffness is obtained with either a contoured pedestal or a reservoir.
/Emergency spring
The emergency spring (on bumper) provides an auxiliary spring
system in the event of an air system failure. It is an integral
feature of the air spring assembly and is secured to the upper
mounting place with four bolts. It also has a rulon pad bounded
to its contact surface to help facilitate lateral motion in the
zero pressure condition.
Bumper support plate and spacer plate
The bumper support plate is a steel plate (with two grooves and
a hole in the center) which goes on top of the spacer plate (with
two grooves and NO hole in center). These two plates are
bolted to the top of the pedestal assembly with four bolts. The
bumper support plate provides smooth surface for the
emergency spring with rulon pad to slide on laterally in the zero
pressure condition. In zero pressure condition, the grooves
allow for the introduction of air to the assembly.
/Base plate
The base plate is a steel plate, which is bolted to the bottom of
the pedestal assembly with 6 bolts. This plate has three counter
bore holes, which allows for the attachment of the assembly.
Basic structure of rubber part of an air spring

Constructional details of rubber part of air spring

Periodical inspection of air springs system on coaches are
as under: Primary/ Secondary Schedule:
Inspection site: Pit line Visual check of general condition which
includes any external damages, air leakage, infringement of
any fittings etc.Draining of 150-liter air reservoir of air spring.
Schedule ‘A’:
Inspection site: Pit line
Carry out Primary/ Secondary Schedule
Draining of 40-liter reservoir.
Cleaning of leveling valve filter.
Schedule ‘B’:
Inspection site: Pit line
Carry out Schedule ‘A’
Checking of installation lever with inflated air spring for normal
function, tightening of installation lever nuts and protection
screen nuts.
Tightening of brackets of all flexible
hoses. Cleaning of air filter of 150 liters
reservoir. Schedule ‘C’:
Inspection site: Sick line
Carry out schedule ‘B’ Thorough checking of air spring, bulging of
bellow, air leakage.
Air suspension pipe leakage check by using soap water.
Removing dust mud & oil deposit if any, on air spring & control
equipment Thorough checking of lower spring beam for any crack
and deformation.
Tightening of air spring bottom plate bolts and nuts.
Measurement of bogie clearances related to air springs.
IOH/POH : Inspection site: Depot /Work shop
Carry out ‘C’ and Thorough visual check of air spring as per para
“INSPECTIONS OF AIR SPRING” after dismantling Ref:
Para “Dismantling of air spring from lower spring beam
(cradle) and bogie bolster”.
Checking securing arrangement of steel pipeline.
Carry out leakage test as follows-
Testing procedure for leakage
Connect the hose pipes on the under frame piping with the
levelling valve of the bogies. Connect the pressure gauges to the
drain plug locations of 150-litre reservoir.
Provide packing in the gap between bolster & bogie frame.
Connect the 150-litre reservoir on the under frame to the
compressed air source of pressure 6 kgf/ Allow air into the
air springs to a value of 6 kgf/sq. cm in the pressure gauge
adjusting the horizontal lever of the leveling valve and keep it in
the same position. Close the isolating cock connecting MR pipe
with 150-litre reservoir.
Test all pipe joint for leakages.
Check the pressure gauge readings after one hour. The
pressure drop should be within 0.1 kgf/ the air
completely by dropping the horizontal lever.Remove the packing.
Release the air completely by dropping the horizontal
lever.Remove the packing.
Adjustment of installation lever is essential for proper
levelling of coach body. The adjustment needs to be carried
out in this schedule or intermediate dismantling of leveling
valve system. The procedure to be follows is as under:
Procedure for Adjustment of installation lever
Adjustment of installation levers is essential for proper
levelling of coach body. The adjustment needs to be carried
out in AOH/POH or intermediate dismantling of levelling valve
system. The procedure to be followed is as under:
Keep the coach on a level track.
Connect pressure gauges to the drain plug locations of
all 40-litre reservoirs in the bogie.
Place the car body on the two bogies and hook it up
to the air supply (by opening the isolating cock).
First open only the isolating cock (thereby releasing the air supply
for “1st ” bogie and affix the level control rod assembly to the
On the rod assemblies set the general level (-5mm) that
the car body is ultimately to have above the bogie
frame and the upper edge of the bogie.
Insert the suitable block (10 mm under the nominal
height and preferably of hardwood) centrally between
the bogie frame and the car body and lower the car
body onto the block by removing the valve rod
Shut the isolating cock again, thereby interrupting the
supply of air to “1st ” bogie and open isolating cock, and
thereby releasing the air supply to “2nd” bogie.
Affix level control rod assemblies to the valves and set
the assemblies to desired level.
Insert a suitable block (preferably hardwood) centrally
between the bogie frame and the car body and lower
the car body onto block by removing the valve and
Shut isolating cock again, thereby cutting off the air supply to
“2nd” bogie and open isolating cock, and thereby releasing the
air supply to “1st ” bogie. Attach level control rod assemblies to
the valves and, after aeration, carefully adjust settings on both
rod assemblies simultaneously (proceeding from below)
until the desired car body height has been attained.
Remove the block from “1st ”bogie.
Reopen isolating cock, thereby releasing air to “2nd”
bogie, and while at the same time hanging the rod
assembly back in place in “2nd”bogie.
Remove the block from “2nd”bogie.
Recheck the height at all measuring
Tighten the installation lever lock nuts with the
horizontal lever, so that the setting will not be
disturbed. Repeat the above procedure for the second
Disconnect the pressure gauges and replace the
drain plugs.
CAUTION: If the difference in pressure of the air in the air springs
of the same bogie is more than setting pressure of the duplex
check valve i.e. 1.5 bar, then the air will continuously escape from
one air spring to the other through the duplex check valve and
then to atmosphere.

Remove all body Bogie connection.

Remove duplex check valve from bolster.
Remove lateral & vertical shock
Remove equalizing rod connection from both ends of lower spring
beam if provided.
Remove connection between arm of leveling valve &
installation lever. Remove all 4 No. bolts and nut with the help
of M16 Allen key and spanner from bottom plate of air spring &
lower spring beam.
Lift bolster up to bogie frame to clear the spigot of the air spring.
Slide air spring from lower spring seat.

Inspect all welding joints of the lower spring beam (cradle)

and repair if required.
Inspect air spring fixing holes of lower spring beam for
elongation. If elongated reclaim them to diameter 17 mm or 26
mm. Inspect the top surface of lower spring beam for corrosion;
remove the corrosion paint with primer and black paint.
Air suspension pipelines:
The air spring piping may be checked for any leakage/ damage by
soap test and repair if required.
“O” rings provided on air spring spigot must be changed.
Mount air spring on lower spring beam and match the holes
of bottom plate of air spring and holes of lower spring beam.
Tight all 4 nuts and bolts with the help of suitable Allen key
and spanner.
Place the bolster on air spring ensuring no damage to spigot
of air spring.
Connect leveling valve arm with installation lever Mount
vertical and lateral shock absorber.
Connect all flexible /fixed pipe connections of bogie.
All the threaded joints of air spring be sealed with thread
sealing tape to avoid air leakage.
The filter of levelling valve must be cleaned.
Firstly find out the type of bogie as AC EOG (16 T), AC SG (16T), or
NON AC (13 T) coaches and make RCF or ICF.
The coach should be placed at leveled track.
The primary springs should be grouped which indicate grouping of
different type of primary springs for air spring bogie and other
types of bogies.
Place the proper primary springs and compensating rings in
AC EOG,AC SG and NON AC coaches with air spring bogie.
After the bogie corner height is maintained, adjust the air
spring height as per relevant suspension diagram with
the help of installation lever.

After POH and before assembling the bogie, measure
the wheel diameter.
Depending upon the wheel diameter, place wooden packing of
required thickness under the flange of lower spring seat as
indicated in the following table:
Average wheel diametre of the Thickness of hard
two wheels on the same bogie. packing ring (mm)
889 mm to 864 mm 13
863 mm to 840 mm 26
840 mm to 825 mm 38

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