Chap - 05 - LIFE PROCESSESS - Holozoic Nutrition - Compressed - Compressed
Chap - 05 - LIFE PROCESSESS - Holozoic Nutrition - Compressed - Compressed
Chap - 05 - LIFE PROCESSESS - Holozoic Nutrition - Compressed - Compressed
Life processes
(III) Holozoic nutrition
This is a kind of nutritional methods that takes place in five steps- ingestion, digestion,
absorption, assimilation, and egestion.
Ingestion- process of taking in food either as part of plant, animals or whole organism.
Digestion- process in which complex food substances are broken down and converted into
simpler forms with the help of digestive enzymes.
Absorption- The digested food is absorbed by the body cells.
Assimilation- The process in which absorbed food is used for the release of energy and for
growth and repair.
Egestion- The process of removing undigested food out of the body.
In single-celled organisms, the food is taken in by the entire surface.
(i) Amoeba
Amoeba is a unicellular animal living in water.
It takes in food by forming finger like projections called pseudopodia and forms a food
The f complex food substances are digested inside the food vacuole and then absorbed
into the cytoplasm.
Finally, the undigested food is discarded/ thrown (egested) out through the cell surface.
Amoeba senses food.
1) Food is enclosed inside the food
vacuole by extension of pseudopodia.
2) Enzymes are secreted from the
cytoplasm into the vacuole and 1 2
digestion is done.
3) Digested food materials are absorbed.
4) Absorbed food is used in cell.
5) Undigested food (waste) is discarded.
5 4 3
The cells have a definite shape and possess cilia all over its cell surface.
Food is taken in at a specific spot (oral groove) by the movement of cilia which cover the
entire surface of the cell.
The food passes from oral groove (mouth) into the narrower part called gullet (buccal
small intestine
large intestine
Teeth Tongue
(1) Teeth:
There are two sets of teeth formed during the life-
Temporary milk teeth – these are 20 in number that are replaced by permanent
Permanent or adult teeth - these are 32 (20 + 12) in number.
The permanent teeth are of four different types:
Incisors (I), canine (C), premolars (PM) and molars (M).
The teeth help in cutting, grinding and chewing the food.
(2) Tongue:
It is a freely movable muscular organ. The upper surface of the tongue has small
salivary amylase
Starch (carbohydrate) Maltose + Glucose (simple sugar)
Proteins Polypeptides + amino acids
Rennin (proteolytic enzyme) in infants helps in milk digestion.
→ Protects the inner lining of stomach from the action of the dilute hydrochloric
acid under normal conditions.
Dental caries
Crown is the part above the gum line. The upper most layers are enamel and dentine. Enamel
forms hard surface of teeth.
Tooth decay (also known as cavities or caries) is the breakdown of teeth due to acids produced
by bacteria.
The acid is produced by the bacteria when they break down food particles or sugar present on the
tooth surface.
These acids dissolve the hard tissues (enamel, dentin and cementum) of the teeth and causes
gradual softening of enamel and dentine and lead to demineralisation of the enamel.
Masses of bacterial cells together with
food particles stick to the teeth to form
dental plaque.
Saliva cannot reach the tooth surface to
neutralise the acid as plaque covers the
Brushing the teeth after eating removes
the plaque before the bacteria produce
If untreated, microorganisms may
invade the pulp, causing inflammation
and infection.
Regular cleaning of the mouth and the
teeth, a diet low in sugar can help
Fig.: Structure of a tooth prevent dental caries.
Brushing teeth twice a day and flossing between the teeth once a day is needed.