The Effect of Pine Tree Sawdust On The Volume Compressibility of Expansive Soils

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International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications

Volume 10-Issue 04, 29 - 33, 2021, ISSN:- 2319 - 7560

The Effects of Pine Tree Sawdust on the Volume

Compressibility of Expansive Soils

Ekrem Kalkan Necmi Yarbaşı

Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering Faculty Engineering Faculty
Ataturk University Ataturk University
Erzurum, Turkey Erzurum, Turkey

Abstract: Expansive soils are very important natural geological materials used in the geotechnical applications in the worldwide. After
compacting, they are used as hydraulic barriers in earth structures, such as core of earth fill dams, landfill liners, and etc. However,
these soils have some defects from technical points of view. To remove the defects, one of the soil improvement methods is mixing of
these soils with granular materials. In this study, pine tree sawdust was used as granular additive material to stabilize the expansive
soils. The effects of pine saw dust on the volume compressibility of expansive soils were investigated by using experimental studies
under laboratory conditions. The test results showed that the pine saw dust positively affected the geotechnical properties in term of
volume compressibility manner. As a consequently, the geotechnical properties of the expansive soil when blended with pine tree
sawdust indicates that the pine tree sawdust is a good modification material for this problematic soil.

Keywords: Expansive soil, waste material, pine tree sawdust, soil stabilization, volume compressibility

behavior and improve the strength and properties of soil (Edil,

1. INTRODUCTION 2003; Kazemain and Barghchi, 2012).
The soil is one of the oldest and perhaps most complex
geological materials that humanity has been working on. In some geotechnical engineering projects, such as core of
Various problems have begun to be encountered by using the earth fill dams, landfill liners, and etc, to achieve lower values
expansive soil as foundation or material. The expansive soil of hydraulic conductivity it requires to compact clayey soils at
changes in volume in relation to changes in water content. wet of optimum water content. Shear strength of clayey soils
This occurs as swelling upon wetting, and shrinkage upon in general is relatively low and when they subject to seasonal
drying. These soils have poor volume stability in the presence drying, loss of water occurs due to desiccation that alters their
of water (Jones and Jefferson, 2012; Li et al., 2014; Khanduri, properties, including reduction in soil plasticity, possible
2020). These soils have a problem worldwide undergoing cracking, and increasing of hydraulic conductivity (Soltani-
considerable volume changes such as swelling on absorbing Jigheh and Jafari, 2012).
water and shrinking on evaporation.
Expansive soils pose the problem of swelling on absorption of
Moreover, moisture fluctuations of them cause distinct water during monsoon and shrinkage on evaporation of water
changes in soil strength (Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993; Sheng in summer (Chen, 1988, McKeen 1988; Nelson and Miller,
et al., 2008; Phanikumar, 2009; Lin, and Cerato, 2012; Poonia 1992; Kenneth, 1993). As a result of the swell-shrink behavior
et al., 2019). Such soils should generally be avoided for the of expansive soils, lightly loaded structures such as
purpose of construction. Because, the structural damages of foundations, pavements, canal beds, and linings and
constructures built on expansive soils is well documented in residential buildings founded in them are severely damaged
literature (Petry and Little, 2002; Fall and Sarr, 2007; Kalkan (Chen, 1988).
and Bayraktutan, 2008; Ozer et al., 2011; Jones and Jefferson,
2012; Tiwari et al., 2012; Kalkan et al., 2019; James, 2020; The several researchers have investigated the effect of
Kalkan et al., 2020; Yarbaşı and Kalkan, 2020a). Also, the granular material on the mechanical properties of mixed
damage to lightly loaded structures founded on expansive clayey soils (Holtz and Willard, 1956; Nakase et al., 1978;
soils has been widely reported (Cameron et al., 1987; Walsh Shakoor and Cook, 1990; Shelley and Daniel, 1993; Howell et
and Cameron, 1997; Fityus et al., 2004; Delaney et al., 2005; al., 1997). Vallejo and Mawby (2000) carried out direct shear
Miao et al., 2012; Li et al., 2014; Kalkan et al., 2015). tests on mixtures of Ottawa sand-kaolin clay and found that
shear strength of the mixtures depends upon their sand
The soil is one of the most important and primary media for contents (Soltani-Jigheh and Jafari, 2012).
any construction work. The strength and durability of any
structure depends on the strength properties of soil (Nath et Several soil stabilization methods are available for
al., 2017). Soil stabilization is defined as a technique to stabilization of expansive clayey soils. These methods include
improve the engineering characteristics in order to improve the use of chemical additives, rewetting, soil replacement,
the parameters such as shear strength, compressibility, compaction control, moisture control, surcharge loading, and
density, hydraulic conductivity. The techniques of soil thermal methods (Chen, 1988; Nelson and Miller, 1992; Yong
stabilization can be classified into a number of categories such and Ouhadi, 2007). Many investigators have studied natural,
as vibration, surcharge load, structural reinforcement fabricated, and by-product materials and their use as additives
improvement by structural fill, admixtures, and grouting and for the stabilization of clayey soils (Kalkan, 2020; Kalkan and
other methods. There are many techniques that can be used Yarbaşı, 2020; Kalkan et al., 2020; Yarbaşı and Kalkan,
for different purposes by enhancing some aspects of soil 2020a; Yarbaşı and Kalkan, 2020b; Yarbaşı and Kalkan,
2020c). 29
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications
Volume 10-Issue 04, 29 - 33, 2021, ISSN:- 2319 - 7560

Soil stabilization is one of the most widely followed than soil, sawdust inexpensive and environmentally safe (Rao
techniques to control the swelling behavior of expansive soils et al., 2012; Oyedepo et al., 2014). The grain-size distribution
in lightly loaded structures (Selvakumar and Soundara, 2019). of pine tree sawdust was illustrated in the Figure 1.
The stabilization techniques to control the swelling
characteristics in expansive soils can be grouped into 2.2. Methods
mechanical, chemical and polymer as well as unconventional 2.2.1. Preparation of samples
stabilizer methods (Petry and Little, 2002; Ikizler et al., 2009;
Before preparation of samples, the expansive soil and pine
Estabragh et al., 2014; Kalkan et al., 2019; Kalkan, 2020;
tree sawdust materials were mixed at the different contents of
Yarbaşı and Kalkan, 2020a). In the chemical stabilization,
them. Under dry condition, expansive soil and pine tree
some additives such as lime, cement, fly ash, silica fume etc.,
sawdust materials were mixed to prepare mixtures of
are added, which physically interacts with the soil and change
expansive soil-pine tree sawdust. The amounts of pine tree
the index properties (Chen, 1988; Çokça, 2001; Kalkan and
sawdust were selected to be 0,5%, 1% and 1,5 % of the total
Akbulut, 2004; Kalkan, 2009; Kalkan, 2011; Jamsawang et
dry weight of the mixtures (Table 1). The dry mixtures were
al., 2017; Chittoori et al., 2018; Kalkan et al., 2019). In recent
mixed with the required amount of water recognized to give
times, the use of polymer-based product such as geosynthetics
the optimum water content. All mixing was done manually
in expansive soil stabilization (Al-Omari and Hamodi, 1991;
and proper care was taken to prepare homogeneous mixtures
Sharma and Phanikumar, 2005; Viswanadham et al., 2009; at each stage.
Buzzi et al., 2010) is widely practiced due to their desirable
properties and durability (Jewell, 1991; Koerner, 1999;
Selvakumar and Soundara, 2019). Table 1. The expansive soil and pine tree rates of mixtures

In this study, the pine tree sawdust was used as alternative Expansive soil Pine tree sawdust Total
low-cost stabilizer material. The main objectives of this Samples (%) (%) (%)
research are to investigate the utilizable of pine tree sawdust
MIX0 100 - 100
as additive material for stabilization of expansive soils in
geotechnical applications in term of volume compressibility MIX1 99,5 0,5 100
manner. The stabilized expansive soils were subjected the MIX2 99,0 1,0 100
consolidation tests and the results obtained were compared MIX3 98,5 1,5 100
with that of natural expansive soils

2. MATERİLA and METHODS 2.2.2. Standard odometer test

2.1. Materials The compressibility behaviors of expansive soil and
The expansive soil material was supplied from the clayey soil expansive soil-pine tree sawdust mixtures were assessed from
deposits of Oltu-Narman sedimentary basin, Erzurum, NE standard odometer tests. The standard oedometer test is a
Turkey. The expansive soil samples were taken 0,75 m deep. classical laboratory test that allows characterizing the soil
According to the United Soil Classification System, expansive stress-strain behavior during one-dimensional compression or
soil are inorganic clays of high plasticity (CH). These soils swelling. The samples compacted at their optimum moisture
have high expansion potential as a result of over content in a standard proctor mold and then extruded using a
consolidation, high-very high plasticity and montmorillonite cutting ring were subjected to one dimensional consolidation
content (Kalkan, 2003; Kalkan and Bayraktutan, 2008). The tests in accordance with ASTM D 2435.
grain-size distribution of expansive soil was given in Figure 1.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Effects of pine tree sawdust on the
coefficient of volume compressibility
The effects of pine tree sawdust on the coefficient of volume
compressibility (mv) of pine tree sawdust-modified expansive
soil were illustrated in Figure 2. The mv of pine tree sawdust-
modified expansive soil samples significantly increased with
addition of more pine tree sawdust content up to 0,5%, 1%
and 1,5%. Contrary to this situation, the consolidation
coefficient (cv) increases (Figure 3). These mv and cv value
were varied at the same consolidation pressure and its might
be due to content of clay mineral in the pine tree sawdust-
modified expansive soil (Shirazi et al., 2010). The decrease in
the void ratio and compressibility of pine tree sawdust-
modified expansive soil samples was attributed to the addition
Figure 1. Grain size distribution of expansive soil and pine of low plastic material and the interaction between clayey
tree sawdust minerals and pine tree sawdust particles (Kalkan and Akbulut,
2004). A large number of researchers studied the effect of
Wood cutting factories, generates a by-product known as mineral composition on the compressibility and swelling
sawdust. The pine tree sawdust waste material was obtained behavior of expansive soil (Mesri and Olson, 1971; Mitchell,
from the carpenters in the industrial zone of Oltu (Erzurum), 1993; Di Maio et al., 2004).
NE Turkey. The pine tree sawdust is an organic waste
resulting from the mechanical milling or processing of timber 3.2. Image Study
(wood) into various standard shapes and useable sizes. Figures 4a and 4b show SEM micrographs of natural
Consisting of soil-like particulate materials that are lighter expansive soil and 0,5% pine tree sawdust-modified 30
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications
Volume 10-Issue 04, 29 - 33, 2021, ISSN:- 2319 - 7560

expansive soil samples, respectively. It is seen from the 4. CONCLUSIONS

images that the addition of pine tree sawdust to the expansive In this study, the effects of pine tree sawdust on the
soil caused the structural change pine tree sawdust-modified compressibility behavior of expansive soils. According to the
expansive soil samples. Silt and clay grains of expansive soil test results, additive of pine tree sawdust improved the
showed angular or subangular shapes (Figure 4a). compressibility behavior of expansive soil samples. As a
result, the pine tree sawdust can be used as an additive
material for the stabilization of the expansive soils in the
geotechnical applications in term of the compressibility
behavior of expansive soils.

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