Arise My Soul Arise
Arise My Soul Arise
Arise My Soul Arise
1. A rise, my soul, a rise; shake off thy guil ty
2. He ev er lives a bove, for me to in ter
3. Five bleed ing wounds He bears; re ceived on Cal va
4. The Fa ther hears Him pray, His dear a noint ed
5. I now am re con ciled; His par doning voice I
fears; The bleed ing sac ri fice in my be half ap
cede; His all re deem ing love, His pre cious blood, to
ry; They pour ef fec tual prayers; they strong ly plead for
One; He can not turn a way, the pre sence of His
hear; He owns me for His child; I can no long er
pears: Be fore the throne my sure ty stands, Be
plead: His blood a toned for all our race, His
me: “For give him, O for give,” they cry, “For
Son; His Spi rit an swers to the blood, His
fear: With con fi dence I now draw nigh, With
fore the throne my sure ty stands,
blood a toned for all our race,
give him, O for give,” they cry,
Spi rit an swers to the blood,
con fi dence I now draw nigh,
My name is writ ten on His hands.
And sprink les now the throne of grace.
“Nor let that ran somed sin ner die!”
And tells me I am born of God.
And “Fa ther, Ab ba, Fa ther,” cry.
Public Domain