Case Report

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Case Reports in Otolaryngology

Volume 2012, Article ID 931350, 4 pages

Case Report
An Unusual Presentation of Ludwig’s Angina
Complicated by Cervical Necrotizing Fasciitis:
A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Kristelle Chueng,1 David J. Clinkard,1 Danny Enepekides,1

Yousef Peerbaye,2 and Vincent Y. W. Lin1
1 Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre,
Toronto, ON, Canada M4N 3M5
2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada M4N 3M5

Correspondence should be addressed to David J. Clinkard, [email protected]

Received 2 April 2012; Accepted 29 June 2012

Academic Editors: A. Rapoport and R. J. Stokroos

Copyright © 2012 Kristelle Chueng et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Ludwig’s angina can seldom be complicated by necrotizing fasciitis. Due to the rapidly progressing nature of this infection and the
potential for airway compromise and death, it is important to be aware of different ways in which this disease process can present
in order to recognize and treat it emergently. We report here an unusual presentation of a case of Ludwig’s angina complicated by
necrotizing fasciitis in an elderly patient. The clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment are discussed in detail as well as a brief
literature review on craniocervical necrotizing fasciitis.

1. Introduction abscess [6]. Alternatively, CCNF has been documented to

result from periodontic disease, tooth impaction or failed
Ludwig’s angina is a rapidly progressing necrotizing cellulitis tooth extraction [7, 8]. CCNF is thought to be caused by
affecting the posterior oropharynx, submaxillary, and sublin- polymicrobial infection, with both facultative aerobic and
gual spaces [1]. It usually arises following a dental extraction anaerobic bacteria being implicated (e.g., Peptostreptococ-
or infection and is potentially fatal due to airway obstruction cus, Staphylococcal species, and Streptococcal species) [7].
[2]. Patients may present with dysphagia, trismus, drooling, Predisposing factors that have been identified in association
and shortness of breath [2]. The management of Ludwig’s with CCNF include extremes of age, immunosuppression,
angina involves antibiotics, maintenance of a secure airway diabetes mellitus, alcohol, and tobacco smoking [4, 7].
to prevent asphyxia, and surgical drainage if necessary Histopathology confirms the diagnosis of necrotizing
[3]. Infrequently, Ludwig’s angina has been documented fasciitis but early recognition of CCNF can usually be
to extend deeper into the soft tissues and progress to achieved based on a combination of clinical evaluation
craniocervical necrotizing fasciitis (CCNF). and laboratory investigations [4, 7]. The clinical disease
Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare soft tissue infection resulting process usually begins with painful edema and erythema
in the death of subcutaneous and fascial tissue [4]. The followed by a purplish discolouration of the skin, gas-filled
infection spreads along the fascial planes and can extend into bullae, pus formation, and eventually frank necrosis of the
surrounding vessels, nerves, and muscle tissue [5]. It usually affected area. In the early stages of the disease, it may be
occurs in the extremities, abdomen, perineum, and rarely difficult to differentiate between CCNF and nonnecrotizing
in the head and neck [4]. In most cases of craniocervical soft tissue infections such as cellulitis or erysipelas. Although
necrotizing fasciitis, the original source of the infection there are no clinical features that are pathognomonic for
is odontogenic, usually an undiagnosed or treated dental CCNF, certain physical signs increase its likelihood. Pain,
2 Case Reports in Otolaryngology

hyperpyrexia, and tachycardia that are out of keeping with

the degree of soft tissue involvement are more suggestive
of CCNF. Furthermore, anesthesia of the affected area as
a result of nerve involvement is an early sign of NF.
Certain laboratory values (WBC > 14 × 109/L, serum Na <
135 mmol/L, blood urea > 15 mg/dL) have also been found
to be associated with CCNF, although they are nonspecific
for this disease entity.
These clinical and laboratory findings are useful in
formulating a presumptive diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis,
but they are not always present. The following case is an
example of an atypical presentation of necrotizing fasciitis
that progressed from Ludwig’s angina.

2. Case Report Figure 1: Sagittal CT image of patient preoperatively. Note the

classic “sniffing” position of patient to maximize air entry in the
An 80 year-old healthy female presented to the emergency
presence of an upper airway obstruction. White arrows point to
department following a two-day history of dysphagia. On
significant gas formation in anterior cervical space.
initial examination, the patient was leaning forward with
her head in a sniffing position, her tongue was protruding,
and soft but audible stridor could be heard. She was afebrile
and had a heart rate of 84, blood pressure of 170/70,
respiratory rate of 18, and an oxygen saturation of 96%
on room air. Examination revealed anterior neck fullness
with a deep purplish discoloration of her skin. There was
significant swelling, and induration in the submandibular
and submental regions extending down towards the base of
neck. No major cartilaginous landmarks could be palpated.
Inferiorly, the sternal notch could be palpated. Intraoral
exam demonstrated some mild trismus, swelling, and pur-
plish discolouration of the base of the tongue, and a very firm
and woody floor of mouth bilaterally. Bloodwork showed
WBC (12.2), Na (141) and BUN (22.2), creatinine (226),
and CK (787, reference is <170) values. She was administered
intravenous antibiotics and supplemental oxygen.
A flexible nasopharyngoscopy was performed and signif-
icant airway edema including the tongue base and epiglottis
was noted. A CT scan was obtained which revealed signif-
icant gas in anterior cervical space suggestive of infection
(Figures 1 and 2). Figure 2: Axial CT image of patient preoperatively at level of hyoid.
Following transfer to the OR, surgical airway and Note again presence of gas in anterior cervical space and stranding
debridement was attempted. When sitting upright, the of fat suggestive of acute infection.
patients anterior neck was infiltrated with xylazine and an
awake tracheostomy was commenced. Immediately after the
incision was made, a large amount of purulent and necrotic
tissue was encountered. Blunt tissue dissection was carried
out until the anterior wall of the trachea was palpated. At that
point the patient began to desaturate. An urgent transverse necrotizing fasciitis of her neck. Postoperative CT scans
linear incision was carried out to enter the trachea and demonstrate clear loss of anterior neck soft tissue (Figure 3).
an endotracheal tube inserted and inflated. End-tidal CO2 While recovering in the ICU, the patient developed acute
was immediately obtained and the patient was manually renal failure and hypotension, which ultimately stabilized.
ventilated until her saturations which were as low as 30% for Further debridements were necessary to completely remove
a brief period of time stabilized at 99%. She was then placed the necrotic tissue (Figure 4) and the impacted mandibu-
under general anaesthesia and an extensive debridement of lar molar responsible for the infection was subsequently
her anterior neck, bilateral submandibular and sublingual extracted by oral surgery. Three weeks after admittance, a
spaces were carried out. pedicled deltopectoral flap was used to reconstruct her soft
Intraoperative pathology of the necrotic tissue confirmed tissue defect. The tracheostomy was eventually decannulated
the diagnosis of Ludwig’s angina which then developed into and the patient was discharged home.
Case Reports in Otolaryngology 3

gas gangrene in the superficial fascia [7]. Gas formation was

evident on the preoperative head and neck CT scans (Figures
1 and 2) in the anterior cervical region of the patient in the
case, which helped to support the diagnosis of CCNF. On
an MRI scan, necrotizing fasciitis appears hyperintense in
the fascial planes on T2-weighted images, and appears as an
area of hypointense attenuation that does not enhance with
contrast on T1-weighted images [7].
The mainstay of treatment for CCNF involves surgical
debridement of necrotic tissue and empiric broad-spectrum
intravenous antibiotics followed by culture-based antibiotics
[7, 9], as was done for the patient in the case. It is worth
noting that if she had not been in a centre where operative
intervention was possible, securing the airway prior to
Figure 3: Postoperative CT scan at level of the hyoid. Note: the transport would have presented significant challenges. The
extensive loss of soft tissue in the anterior neck compartment optimum way of managing her airway in such a scenario
(arrow). would have been via awake bronchoscopic intubation.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be administered as
adjunctive therapy although its use is controversial and
further studies are required to support its effectiveness in
treating necrotizing fasciitis [10]. Thoracotomy and drainage
can be performed in cases of CCNF complicated with
a mediastinal abscess [11]. Treatment should begin as
soon as a diagnosis is made to prevent further spread of
infection. Early and aggressive management is associated
with decreased mortality [7].
The complications of CCNF are both local and systemic.
Direct and distant spread of the infection can lead to
complications that include intracranial, retropharyngeal,
and pulmonary infections. Hematogenous dissemination
can also occur, leading to complications such as septic
Figure 4: Intraoperative image taken after repeat debridement. shock, rheumatic disease, and cardiac problems [12]. If left
Note: exposed submandibular gland on right side (single arrow) untreated, the rapid dissemination of the infection can be
and exposed hyoid bone (double arrow). fatal. Necrotizing fasciitis carries an average mortality rate of
about 30% [13].

4. Conclusions
3. Discussion
Ludwig’s angina complicated by craniocervical necrotizing
This paper illustrates an interesting scenario in which a fasciitis can present without the expected clinical or labora-
patient with prior dental surgery developed an atypical tory findings. Since delayed diagnosis is associated with high
presentation of Ludwig’s angina complicated by necrotizing mortality, doctors must maintain a high index of suspicion
fasciitis. Although she did present with signs of Ludwig’s for necrotizing fasciitis when managing a patient with
angina (i.e., dysphagia and respiratory distress), the only Ludwig’s angina. As soon as imaging modalities corroborate
sign of concomitant necrotizing fasciitis was the edema and the CCNF findings on clinical exam, the initial goals of
purplish discolouration of the skin overlying her neck region. management should be to secure the airway and perform
She did not present with many of the other characteristic aggressive surgical debridement. Craniocervical necrotizing
clinical findings (e.g., tachycardia, fever, and severe pain) or fasciitis is a surgical emergency that can be successfully
laboratory findings (e.g., very elevated WBC and low serum treated with appropriate and early intervention.
sodium) associated with typical necrotizing fasciitis. This
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