Drugs Report Colombia
Drugs Report Colombia
Drugs Report Colombia
Drug Smuggling
March 2022
Cocaine Production
in Colombia.
Colombia currently accounts two thirds of the global area under coca
bush cultivation and cocaine production. According to the United
States Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs, it is estimated that Colombia´s potential pure
cocaine production increased from 918 metric tons in 2019, to 1,010
metric tons in 2020, which ratifies its undesirable position as the
greatest cocaine producer in the world .
Most common strategies/methods
currently used by drug traffickers.
Colombian drug traffickers develop every day new complex trafficking patterns to use
commercial vessels and their crews to transit illicit substances, especially cocaine,
Even though Colombian shipping terminals comply with ISPS standards and the Navy and
local authorities have implemented several controls to avoid and prevent drug smuggling,
drug traffickers have developed creative ways to hide illegal drugs inside and outside the
vessels calling at Colombian Ports.
Burying packages with drugs within bulk
4 cargoes. This method allows high quanti-
ties of illegal substances to be moved at
any time, usually within the stow.
Trafficking routes
from colombian
ports. 4
Colombia continues to be the primary cocaine
trafficking producer to North America and
Europe. According to UNODC in 2019, 87% of
the cocaine seized coming from abroad in the
United States was originated in Colombia.
However, it is important to note that less than 1% According to the UNODC and national authorities,
of the cocaine found is smuggled directly from the cocaine trafficking main routes to the United
Colombia. Conversely, drugs transit through a States begin in the Andean Countries departing
number of countries and ports before finally mostly from Colombia and Ecuador. Drug
reaching the final destination. trafficking is conducted mostly through the east-
ern Pacific route (74% of all cocaine smuggled to
North America), the western Caribbean route
(16%) and the Caribbean route (8%).
Preventive Measures
Vessels calling to Colombian ports should take actions to reduce the risks of drugs being
placed in any manner in/on the vessel. To fully protect Member´s interests concerning
drug smuggling at Colombian ports, we recommend the following advice and preventive
duration of the port call physical barriers on the inside and outside that limit
Secure and lock areas such as accommodations and deck stores and strictly moni-
tor the activities of stevedores, contractors, and other visitors. Stevedores and
other shore personnel should be kept away from crew quarters and non-working
cargo holds, and these spaces should remain closed.
The shoreside gangway ladder should be kept well-guarded. The seaside ladder
should also be stowed, secured, and surveilled.
The crew must inform the Ship Security Officer or Master if they are unsure whether
a person has a legitimate reason to be on board and deny access to those who
refuse or are unable to establish their identity and purpose of visit.
Extra crew members (or extra private guards) should be tasked to keep watch on
persons loitering on deck or elsewhere or board and, if possible, try to avoid leaving
outsiders (stevedores etc) wandering alone on board.
Actions to be taken
if drugs are found onboard.
If drugs are found onboard, the following actions would be highly
Photograph or video the area of the ship where the drugs were
found but leave it untouched and seal it off to prevent any
unauthorized access.
Additionally, it is important to note the strict punishments
established under Colombian law for events of drug trafficking:
The same code states (Article 377) that any person that may use or allow the use of
movable goods for the production, storage or carriage of illegal drugs will be subject to
the penalty of imprisonment from six (6) to twelve (12) years and a fine of between
1,000 to 50,000 Colombian monthly minimum wages. If the shipowner is found guilty of
any criminal charges by a court, the vessel could be permanently seized by Colombian
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In all of the aforementioned events, our
company A&A Multiprime is able to provide
immediate assistance by appointing a
trusted surveyor to monitor the whole
procedure and assist the master, and, if
necessary, appointing one of our trusted
criminal lawyers to defend the member's
interests, as we have done successfully in
the past.
Contact with us:
Should you have any
comments or Phone : +(571) 314 2844799