Brazil P I Smuggling of Illegal Narcotics in Brazilian Ports Circular 01 - 2023
Brazil P I Smuggling of Illegal Narcotics in Brazilian Ports Circular 01 - 2023
Brazil P I Smuggling of Illegal Narcotics in Brazilian Ports Circular 01 - 2023
[email protected]
ISO 9001: 2015
CIRCULAR 01 | 2023
More than
16 tons of drugs
were seized
in the Port
of Santos
in 2022.
DIVERSIFICATION OF COCAINE TRAFFICKING THROUGH had been observed before the pandemic but became
BRAZILIAN PORTS particularly prominent during its course, and was especially
visible in terms of the destination countries of cocaine
trafficked from Brazilian ports.
2021 17,4
to monitor activities in the port channel.
2022 16,4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
From Colombia
Drug Smuggling
Report March 2022
PREVENT MEASURES IN SANTOS AND IN OTHER BRAZILIAN PORTS may be selected for inspection depending on variables such
as the shipper, the type of cargo and its destination. Europe is
As a result of problems faced, companies operating in Brazil one of the destinations that most raises the alert, as it is one of
are taking preventive measures. The procedures are recom- the main markets for international drug trafficking.
mended in berthed, at anchorage and during cargo opera- Although part of the arrests has been performed on board
tions at the port. vessels, owners are not facing criminal investigations as the
authorities have an understanding that the substances are
CORRECT IDENTIFICATION smuggled by criminals, not connected to the vessel opera-
tions, with few cases in which the crew was reported to be
During port operations, the Brazilian authorities stress the involved.
importance of correct identification of visitors, exercising accu- Most of the narcotics arrests are the result of containers being
rate identification of all entrants, inserting the full name, identi- scanned, use of sniffer dogs and anonymous denunciations.
fication number and company name at the vessel’s log. It is
also important to confirm the motivation of the visit, since there POLICE’S REPORT
are occurrences of people accessing vessels at times not
consistent with the desired service, or for services already In most of the cases where narcotics are found during opera-
performed by others. tions, the police are called on board and the substances
The correct identification is fundamental for the investigation removed, with the vessels sailing without relevant delays.
work of those involved in drug trafficking, due to the use of At this point we highlight the importance of reporting any
workers co-opted by criminals to access narcotics by the suspicious fact on board to the authorities, to agents and to
gangway, as well as to hoisting volumes by the seaside. the P&I correspondent, collaborating with the authorities on
the work against drug trafficking.
REPORT ANY SIGN OF CONTAMINATION Although the authorities are making a strong effort to increase
the combat against drug trafficking, the volume of illegal
The crew should also be aware of attempts to load drugs substances not seized is still high, with reports of narcotics
during cargo operations, with the possibility of loading being found at the destination ports, which depending on the
attempts through ship loaders. Any sign of contamination, local legislation, is bringing judicial matters to owners, ship
identified visually or by noise caused in the loader, should be and cargo agents.
reported to the terminal with immediate paralyzing of the
loading operation to confirm the possible contamination. The OTHER MEASURES
vessel must advise Port authorities to perform appropriate
actions to remove contaminant volumes. Other measures can be taken to enhance the security on
board. Some are basic as proper illumination on deck,
CAMERA MONITORING SYSTEMS permanent vigilance on the gangway, keeping accurate
records of visitors' activities on board, and a constant lookout
The deployment of CCTV monitoring systems is another at holds.
preventive measure highly recommended by the authorities The same procedures are recommended during cargo
to control access to the vessel and its compartments, includ- operations at the port, where in addition to deck monitoring
ing the deck and the storage rooms. The monitoring system and small vessels approaches, the access to ship compart-
inhibits the action of criminals and assists the authorities in ments should be closed, especially to storage rooms.
identifying the bandits. Therefore, active surveillance on deck and of possible
The proper identification of the ship's visitors and the use of attempts of foreign vessels' approaches should be applied,
cameras also increase the security barriers and improve the reporting any suspicious movement to the official channels of
ISPS Code system. communication by radio or telephone. The ship's accesses
It is highly recommended that the monitoring devices are and compartments must remain closed and monitored
positioned in protected places to avoid damage or shutdown throughout the stay in anchorage.
by criminals. Similarly, data must be preserved in safe storage The use of ship approach detection systems throughout the
in the internal compartments of the ship. stay in Brazilian waters is suggested.
Services providers can also be provided by third parties, such
CONTAINERS INSPECTIONS as sealing of the cargo holds by an independent surveyor as
well as performing underwater inspections, in case of any
Upon entering the terminal, the container may be submitted suspicion of drug trafficking. Security guards can also be
to a scanner inspection on a random system. The container arranged to increase the watch during cargo operations.
A partnership between Interpol, the UNODC Corruption and action. Among them are Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia,
Economic Crime Branch and the UNODC Research and Trend Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Panama and Peru, besides
Analysis Branch aims to support countries along the supply Cape Verde, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau and Nigeria.
chains of trafficked goods. The idea is to use a comprehensive, In this context, Interpol acts in investigative support, facilitating
integrated approach and go beyond Illicit apprehension to cross-border investigations, providing access to secure
carry out processes or proceeds from criminal actions aimed communication channels for exchanging information, and
at interrupting activities. analytical data support; international meetings to review case
This is CRIMJUST, funded by the European Union (EU), the US studies and share research-related information.
Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Operational activities, which include targeting operations and
(INL) and the Portuguese government. In total, 12 countries in addressing the operational overcome challenges, are also on
Latin America, the Caribbean and West Africa joined the the list, as is conducting training courses.