Shrek Listening Comprehension

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Scene 1

a. Write the word you hear from the box to complete the dialog.
go forth unsuccessful champion so on and so forth winner

keep runner-up princess

Lord Farquad: That __________ shall have the honor, no, no, the privilege,

to __________ and rescue the lovely ___________ Fiona from the fiery

___________ of the dragon. If, for any reason, the ___________ is

___________ the first ___________ will take his place. And ____________.

b. Write the correct word below the picture.

Queen Prince Princess King

1 2 3 4

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

c. Order the dialogs.

______ What is that?
______ but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make
______ Some of you may die
______ Let the tournament begin!
______ Ugh, it’s hideous!

d. Put the words in order.

Shrek : that’s / very / Oh / nice / not
just / donkey / a / It’s
Lord F: new / Indeed. / plan / Knights!
kills / the / who / ogre / one / the / champion. / named /will / be
him! / Have / at
Shrek: come / hey / Now, / on / Oh, / on, / Hang / now
settle / just / Can’t / over / pint / a / this / we / ?
then / right / on! / No? / Come / all

e. Look at the chart and do examples.

Be willing to do Let something Have at Settle Over a beverage:

something: estar begin: Que someone: atacar something: hablar o discutir
dispuesto a hacer comience… a alguien resolver algo mientras
algo consumimos esta
Subj + am, is, are + Let + noun + Subj + have at + Ex: I finally Ex: I told her
willing + to + verb begin object settled my about my trip over
Ex: I’m willing to Ex: Let the Ex: The two boys differences with a tea.
share the room with competition begin! had at each my brother.
her. other.

Scene 2

f. Write the word you hear from the box to complete the dialogs.
thank have ‘till tag me (x2) try very give Shall

Donkey: Hey, Shrek! _________ , _________!

Woman: The chair! ______ him the chair!

Shrek: ________ you. Thank you, _______ much. I’m here ______ Thursday. _______

the veal! ,

Knight: _______ I give the order, sir?

Lord F: No. I _______ a better idea.

g. Order the dialog between Shrek and Lord Farquad.

______ Lord F: Congratulations, Ogre. You’ve won the honor of embarking on a
great and noble quest.
______ Shrek: Yeah, my swamp! Where you dumped those fairytale creatures.
______ Lord F: People of Duloc! I give you our champion!
______ Shrek: Quest? I’m already on a quest. A quest to get my swamp back!
______ Lord F: Indeed. All right, Ogre. I’ll make you a deal.
______ Shrek: What?
______ Lord F: Your swamp?

h. Look at the chart and do examples.

Shall (modal verb): Embark: embarcar. Indica Dump: deshacerse de,

ofrecer o sugerír algo. Es que comenzamos algo (un arrojar basura o terminar
formal y cortes. viaje, proyecto, trabajo una relació n amorosa con
nuevo) o subirse a un barco, alguien.
avió n, nave, etc.
Shall+ I/we + verb Ex: All passengers please Ex: You dumped me out of
Ex: Shall I open the embark now. your house.

i.Put the words in order.

Lord F: on / quest / and / Go / for / this / me / give / swamp / back / your / I’ll / you
Shrek: the / it / was? / Exactly / way
Lord F: last / toadstool / the / Down to / slime-covered
Shrek: squatters? / the / And
Lord F: good / as / gone / as
Shrek: kind / of / what / quest?

j. Write the correct word below the picture.

Fairy Dwarf Ogre Witch Giant Dragon Wizard Unicorn

1 2 3 4

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

5 6 7 8

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Word Bank: Scene 1

Vocabulary Pronunciation Spanish Example

Go forth gou forth Salir adelante, ir  The army went forth to
Se utiliza en contextos de battle.
guerra o batallas.
Lord lord Señ or
The Keep tha kip Fortaleza  The keep of the Dragon.
Once upon a uons apon a Habia una vez  Once upon a time there was
time there was taim ther uas a lovely princess.
Champion chaempien Campeon(a)
Winner uener Ganador(a)  The winner will be given a
Runner-up ranerap Subcampeon  In the Olympics. an athlete
Runners-up ranersap Finalistas who wins a silver medal is a
(plural) runner-up.
Success Sukses Exito  She was unsuccessful in
Successful suksesfal Exitoso passing her exam.
Unsuccessful anksesfal No exitoso
So on and so Sou on aend Asi sucesivamente, etcetera
forth forth sou forth
Sacrifice sakrefais Sacrificio o, como verbo  They offered a sacrifice to
sacrificar the gods.
 She had to sacrifice her life
for them.
Tournament tournament Torneo  Let the tournament begin.
Related words: Palabras relacionadas:
competition, competencia, evento,
event, match, partido, juegos.
Hideous jedies Horrible, repulsivo,  She was wearing a hideous
espantoso yellow dress.
Knight nait Caballero
Ogre ouger Ogro
Pint paint Pinta (equivale a medio
litro de una bebida)
Indeed endid En efecto/claro/de hecho  Do you agree? Indeed, I do
(En efecto, lo estoy)
 Is this your dog? Indeed (En
Hang on jaeng on Esperar (para pedirle a  Hang on, I’m not ready yet.
(phrasal verb) alguien que espere por un
Come on cam on Vamos/dale/anda  Come on! Let’s dance, Sally!
(phr. verb) Para alentar o provocar a  Come on, hit me with your
alguien best shot!
Word Bank: Scene 2

Vocabulary Pronunciation Spanish Example

Tag tag Etiqueta o, como verbo
Tag somebody Incluir a alguien al juego.
‘till tell Hasta (forma contraida  We’re open ‘till 6 o’clock.
de la preposicion “until”)
Try the veal chrai da viol Prueba la ternera.
Se usa antes de retirarse
del escenario y a modo
de saludo.
Sir ser Señ or. Se usa para
dirigirse de forma cortes
y respetuosa a un
hombre que se considera
People (plural) pipol Personas o gente.  There were fifty people at the
Person persen Persona. party.
Congratulations congralluleishens Felicitaciones  I congratulated them all on
Congratulate congralluleit Felicitar (verbo) their results.
Quest kuest Busqueda larga  Most conquers have traveled
the world on a quest for gold.
Swamp suamp Pantano
Fairytale feriteol Cuento de hadas
Deal diol Acuerdo/trato/negocio  It’s a deal! (¡Trato hecho!)
Make a deal meik a diol Hacer un trato
Get back get bak Regresar a un lugar en  We need to get back home
donde ya hemos estado. before it starts raining.
Get something Recuperar.  Don't lend him money - you'll
back never get it back.
Give something gev bak devolver  He’ll never give you your
back money back.
Down to doun tu Hasta: para referirse a  Out work must be accurate
algo de manera que down to the last detail.
incluye las mas pequeñ a
parte o menos
Slime slaim Limo/fango/ lodo
Toadstool toudstul Hongo o seta.
Squatter skuarer Usurpador de tierras y
As good as gone az gad az gon Casi como si nunca  It’s been only two days and
hubiera estado ahí. my salary is as good as gone.

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