Periodontal Considerations in Veneer Cases
Periodontal Considerations in Veneer Cases
Periodontal Considerations in Veneer Cases
David Peto
To cite this article: David Peto (2015) Periodontal Considerations in Veneer Cases, Journal of
the California Dental Association, 43:4, 193-198, DOI: 10.1080/19424396.2015.12222834
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in Veneer Cases
David Peto, DDS, MSD
David Peto, DDS, MSD,
oday’s patients are esthetically predictable and long-lasting results.
maintains a private practice driven. They are well informed This article will address concepts
limited to periodontics and very demanding when in smile design, as well as biologic
and implant dentistry in it comes to the results of width, altered eruption patterns and
Beverly Hills, Calif. He is a cosmetic dentistry. This appropriate gingival contouring to give
diplomate of the American
Board of Periodontology.
places an enormous responsibility the practitioner the tools to diagnose,
Conflict of Interest on the dentist and his or her team evaluate and treat veneer cases,
Disclosure: None reported. to diagnose, work up and treat these particularly for patients with gummy
cases. A very common treatment smiles, successfully and predictably. Most
option for the cosmetically driven important, it will highlight the value of
patient is the use of porcelain veneers. a team approach to patient care in order
Veneers are a minimally invasive to achieve ideal results for the patient.
technique to enhance patients’ smiles.
Far from being a simple treatment Principles of Smile Design
option, veneer cases can present Before beginning a discussion of the
many challenging issues. In order periodontal-restorative relationships, it
to achieve an excellent result, the is important to establish the ultimate
restorative doctor must address the esthetic end points that you are trying
tooth-related cosmetic concerns and to achieve. These principles are well
the soft tissue must exist in harmony known and have been described by
with the restorations. An understanding numerous authors.1-10 These ideas fall
of the relationship between the under the broad category of smile design.
periodontal tissues and restorations is The rationale behind smile design is to
essential in order to achieve esthetic, create a clinical situation where both
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the dental hard and soft tissues work from the frontal view. In addition, the utilizing the veneers to move the contact
harmoniously to create an ideal smile. central incisor is 2-3 mm wider than point more apically can help to improve
Dental midline: The dental midline the lateral and 1-1.5 mm wider than the the soft tissue fill in those sites.
should be perpendicular to the canine. Similarly, the canine is 1-1.5 mm Lip line: When smiling, the inferior
interpupillary line. The philtrum of the wider than the lateral incisor. Both the border of the upper lip should be level
lip is one of the most accurate anatomical central incisor and canine are longer than with or within 1-2 mm of the gingival
landmarks for the midline. The midline the lateral incisor by 1-1.5 mm. Maxillary margin. If there is excess gingival display,
should be parallel to the long axis of the premolars also play an important role in a gummy smile will result, compromising
face, perpendicular to the incisal plane filling up the buccal corridor, eliminating the esthetic outcome. Depending on
and should drop straight down from the darks space at the corner of the mouth the extent of gingival display, different
papilla between the central incisors. during smiling. The use of temporary treatment modalities exist to correct
Incisal lengths: When the mouth is crowns during the restorative phase is the problem. One such treatment — lip
relaxed, approximately 3.5 mm of the useful at this point in order to determine repositioning — is described below in
maxillary central incisors should be the ideal esthetics for each patient. the section on vertical maxillary excess.
visible. Appropriate tooth length is Patient-specific factors: Gender, age
also important for proper phonetics. and personality are crucial factors when
Tooth dimensions: The central considering smile rehabilitation. Tooth
Most authors recommend
incisors are the most prominent teeth dimension, shape, cusp anatomy and
in the mouth. Thus, proper restoration that proper harmony tooth shade are just a few elements
of these teeth is crucial in an esthetic be achieved by eye via that are impacted by these issues.
smile. The width-to-length ratio of proper adjustment of the
the centrals is typically 4:5. The shape Why Do Patients Want Veneers?
and location of the central incisors provisionals rather than strict If patients were satisfied with their
influences the appearance and placement adherence to a formula. smiles, they would not be pursuing
of the lateral incisors and canines. cosmetic dental treatment. In some
Various methods have been used to cases, patients are unsatisfied with
determine ideal proportions. The golden the shade of their teeth or are trying
proportion is perhaps the most well Zenith points: The zenith point to correct mild chipping and uneven
known. It is based on the mathematical is the most apical position of the incisal edges. For patients who have
ratio of 1.6:1:0.6, a ratio commonly found tooth margin where the gingiva is the excellent oral hygiene, stable occlusion
in nature. However, is it difficult to apply most scalloped. It is located distally and sufficient tooth structure, these
in practice, as patients have different arch to an imaginary vertical line drawn cases are fairly straightforward. The
forms, lip anatomy and facial proportions. through the center of the tooth. conscientious restorative doctor, working
In fact, strict adherence to this formula Interdental embrasures: In order to together with the laboratory, can achieve
could lead to esthetic failure.11 Other achieve maximal esthetics, soft tissue an excellent, long-lasting result.
models exist. Most authors recommend embrasures should be present between the In most cases, however, the esthetic
that proper harmony be achieved by eye teeth. Lack of gingiva in this area results deficiencies are more extensive. What this
via proper adjustment of the provisionals in the formation of a black triangle. This means is that when a patient presents for
rather than strict adherence to a formula. is frequently seen in patients who have veneers, there are numerous underlying
Bhuvaneswaran1 provides the a history of bone loss due to periodontal factors that make treatment more difficult.
following guidelines for tooth proportion: disease. If the contact point between teeth The restoring doctor must therefore
The central incisors should be 10-11 is greater than 5 mm from the crest of the carefully evaluate the patient and the
mm in length. Width is 75-80 percent of alveolar bone, black triangle formation type of case that is presented and develop
this value. Maxillary laterals are never is likely. However, if the contact point a thorough treatment plan to achieve
symmetrical and they influence gender is within 5 mm of the osseous crest, a the patient’s goal of a revitalized and
characterization. Only the mesial half of papilla will be present almost 100 percent beautiful smile. Often this will require the
the maxillary canines should be visible of the time.12 If bone loss has occurred, direct involvement of a periodontist. The
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following sections will detail diagnosis, In cases of extreme wear, a reduction in Altered Passive Eruption
surgical and restorative treatment planning, the VDO is likely.14 If there has been a loss Another common cause of short
and proper phasing of the esthetic veneer in the vertical dimension, more extensive clinical crowns is altered passive eruption
case, specifically in the challenging restorative work may need to be done. (APE). APE occurs when the marginal
situation of correcting a gummy smile. In these cases, full-mouth reconstruction gingiva is malpositioned on the anatomic
There are two main causes of gummy may be necessary to re-establish the VDO. crown. In such cases, the tissue does
smiles. The first is short clinical crowns (Guidelines for re-establishing the VDO not approximate the cemento-enamel
and the second is vertical maxillary are beyond the scope of this discussion.) junction (CEJ).15-17 During normal tooth
excess (VME). In some patients, Once the proper VDO has been eruption, the attached gingiva moves
both of these issues are present. established, patients with short clinical apically.18 This process usually continues
crowns should be seen by a periodontist into the early or mid 20s.19 In patients
Short Clinical Crowns so that he or she can partner with the with APE, the gingival margin fails to
One of the most common reasons restoring doctor. Using a team approach, migrate to the appropriate level. Coslet
that patients pursue veneer treatment the surgeon will be able to assess the case et al.20 divided patients into two main
is for the correction of short clinical types based on the relationship of the
crowns. Patients with short teeth are gingiva to the anatomic crown. These
often afraid to smile or even speak in classes were subdivided according to
public. Short teeth give the appearance
Clear communication the position of the osseous crest.
of age and wear and because of the during the restorative Type 1 is represented by the presence
drastic change in length-to-width ratio, planning stages enables of the gingival margin coronal to the
these teeth are very unesthetic. both the restoring doctor and CEJ. There is typically a wide band
Short clinical crowns may be the of keratinized tissue from the gingival
result of very different processes. A surgeon to develop the ideal margin to the mucogingival junction. The
main cause of short teeth is incisal wear, treatment plan for the patient. mucogingival junction is usually apical to
where normal-length teeth have been the alveolar crest. Type 2 is represented
reduced. A second reason for short by a normal width of keratinized gingiva
clinical crowns is altered passive eruption. from the margin to the mucogingival
While certain elements of treatment for and determine if surgical intervention junction. In this type, all of the gingiva
these conditions will overlap, there are is necessary in order for the dentist and is located on the clinical crown and the
important distinctions that emerge. patient to achieve the desired restorative mucogingival junction is located at the
outcome. In cases where the VDO did level of the CEJ. Both types are subdivided
Incisal Wear not change over time, crown lengthening into A and B. In subgroup A, the normal
The loss of tooth structure is a natural may be necessary in order to expose distance of 1.5-2.0 mm from CEJ to
consequence of age and wear. In cases sufficient tooth structure to restore the osseous crest is observed. In subgroup B,
of normal physiologic wear, the vertical case in the most ideal way. In cases where the alveolar crest is at the level of the CEJ.
dimension of occlusion (VDO) is not the patient’s bite had to be opened to Diagnosis of altered passive eruption
changed, largely due to dentoalveolar restore the VDO, there may be no need is accomplished via clinical and
compensation.13 In these cases, the for crown lengthening. If there is sufficient radiographic exam. Because the clinical
patient’s profile has not been affected since space for veneers of appropriate incisal crowns are short, excessive wear must be
the vertical dimension and freeway space length, crown lengthening may result in ruled out. This can be accomplished by
have been maintained. An easy way to teeth that appear too long because they checking for evidence of parafunction
determine if the VDO has been affected now need to meet the lower incisors (i.e., worn cusp tips, linea alba on
is by having the patient bring in old at a greater vertical dimension. Clear the cheeks indicating repeated cheek
photos and comparing the facial esthetics. communication during the restorative biting, trauma to the lateral borders of
If the VDO has been maintained, then planning stages enables both the restoring the tongue). If altered passive eruption
there will be no change in the distance doctor and surgeon to develop the is suspected, consultation with a
from the patient’s nose to chin. ideal treatment plan for the patient. periodontist is recommended in order to
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