Communication Skills
Communication Skills
Communication Skills
Definition: communication is the giving, receiving, or exchange of information, opinions or
ideas by writing, speech or visual means or a combination of the three so that the material
communicated is completely understood by everyone concerned.
• To inquire
This involves obtaining information in various ways,e.g by asking questions or through
formulating questionnaires.
• Social interaction.
We communicate to establish and maintain relationships with others
• Completeness
Communicated message must be complete. Completeness refers to providing enough
information so that the intent of the message is understood by the receiver. Never make them
guess what you mean and never assume that the audience will know what you mean. Give
important information such as time, date, places, quantities, dimensions etc.
• Correctness
The sender must give correct facts and express them in the correct language.
• Courtesy
We must create friendship with all those to whom we communicate. Workmates, customers,
clients etc respond positively to those who treat them with respect and kindness. Use words such
as please, thank you, sorry, congratulations etc.
Channels of communication
A communication channel is a means through which a message is sent and received. In other
words, it's the method of communication used.
Feedback (stage 6)
Stage 1- Here the sender defines the information to be sent, by thinking about the aim of the
communication and the content to be conveyed.
Stage 2- This is the encoding process of putting the information into the form which is most
suitable both to the receiver and to the aim. In most cases, encoding involves putting ideas into
words. Sometimes, however, it will be best to encode an idea in a picture, or even in a gesture.
Encoding is a process through which the message is symbolized.
Stage 3- This is the actual transfer of information, by means of the message, medium and
Stage 4- At this point the receiver takes in the message for example by reading a letter, listening
to a speech or looking at a TV programme.
Stage 5- This is the decoding stage. The receiver interprets the message given in order to obtain
his/ her own idea of the information it conveys. Decoding is the process in which the message is
translated and meaning is generated out of it. This may or may be not the same as the
information which the sender wanted to convey. If the sender encodes the idea wrongly,
ambiguously or in terms which the receiver interprets according to his/ her own experiences
rather than the sender’s, then distortion is likely to occur and the receiver will gain a different
message from that intended.
Stage 6- This is the feedback stage. This is the receiver’s response to the sender’s message. The
responses can be both verbal and non-verbal. It is an important factor in the communication
process because it helps the sender to know whether the message has been understood or not.
Meaning is the significance that the sender (speaker/ writer/ designer) and the receiver each
attach to a message, and shared meaning occurs when the receiver’s interpretation of the message
is similar to what the speaker thought, felt, and intended.
Communication barriers
This is the name given to any factors which prevent the proper exchange of information apart
from those caused by the sender or the receiver. Communication barriers can pop-up at every
stage of the communication process (which consists of sender, message, channel, receiver,
feedback and context.
• Language barriers. Language barriers occur when people do not speak the same
language, or do not have the same level of ability in a language. However, barriers can also occur
when people are speaking the same language. Sometimes barriers occur when we use
inappropriate levels of language (too formal or informal) or we use jargon or slang which is not
understood by one or more of the people communicating. The receiver is less likely to
understand the message if the sender has trouble choosing the precise words needed and
arranging those words in a grammatically-correct sentence.
• Insufficient Knowledge of the Subject. If the sender lacks specific information about
something, the receiver will likely receive an unclear or mixed message. Have you shopped for
an item such as a computer, and experienced how some salespeople can explain complicated
terms and ideas in a simple way? Others cannot.
• Information Overload. If you receive a message with too much information, you may
tend to put up a barrier because the amount of information is coming so fast that you may have
difficulty comfortably interpreting that information
• Long Communication Chain. The longer the communication chain, the greater the
chance for error. If a message is passed through too many receivers, the message often becomes
distorted. If a person starts a message at one end of a communication chain of ten people, for
example, the message that eventually returns is usually liberally altered.
• Lack of Interest. If a message reaches a reader who is not interested in the message, the
reader may read the message hurriedly or listen to the message carelessly. Miscommunication
may result in both cases.
• Poor Communication Skills. Those who have weak reading and listening skills make
ineffective receivers. On the other hand, those who have a good professional vocabulary and
who concentrate on listening, have less trouble hearing and interpreting good communication.
Types of communication
• Formal communication: When communication occurs by following the prescribed rules
and procedures of the organization, it is called formal communication. Formal communication is
governed by the established chain of command.
Uses of formal communication
• Issuing instruction. The management uses it to pass forth instructions to staff on various
• Inform. Information concerning different issues is conveyed in an organization via formal
channels. This can be vertically or horizontally.
• Coordination. Formal communication tends to be used for coordinating routine
transactions within groups and organizations.
• Persuade.
• Motivate.
• Informal communication: When communication does not follow any prescribed rule or
procedure, it is called informal communication. The basis of informal communication is
spontaneous relationship among the participants. Informal communication is sometimes more
powerful and more effective that formal commutation.
Uses of informal communication
• Supplements formal communication.
• Informal communication is useful in supporting the social functions of groups. This is
because organizations are less explicit in regulating social relationships than they are in
regulating formal communication.
• Giving or getting help
Giving or getting help refers to joint problem solving for one person’s benefit. This type of
interaction commonly consists of a question-answer exchange. Often these questions are shouted
from a distance and results are in short, simple answers.
• Gets work done. The maintenance of personal networks and social relationships through
informal communication is understood to be a key factor in how people get work done.
• Intra-personal communication
Intrapersonal communication is an individual's internal use of language or thought. It can be
useful to envision intrapersonal communication as occurring in the mind of the individual. The
individual communicates in his/ her mind through the process of thinking and feeling.
Intrapersonal communication enables an individual to shape self-concept and develop one’s
convictions. It helps one to think, plan, analyze and interpret ideas and messages. It also provides
the opportunity to think of new ideas and be creative about new decisions, approaches and
Intrapersonal communication can encompass:
You use it when you:
• Think things through
• Interpret events
• Interpret messages of others
• Respond to your own experiences
• Respond to your interactions with others
• Oral Communication
Oral communication includes sounds, words, language and speaking. Language is said to have
originated from sounds and gestures. There are many languages spoken in the world. The basis
of language formation is: gender, class, profession, geographical area, age group and other social
elements. Speaking is an effective way of communicating and is again classified into two types
viz. interpersonal communication and public speaking.
Good Oral communication is an inseparable part of business communication. In a business, you
come across people from various ages, cultures and races. Fluent oral communication is
essential, when with dealing people in business meetings. Also, in business communication self-
confidence plays a vital role which when clubbed with fluent communication skills can lead to
Public speaking is another verbal communication in which you have to address a group of
people. Preparing for an effective speech before you start is important. In public speaking, the
speech must be prepared according to the type of audience you are going to face. The content of
your speech should be authentic and you must have enough information on the topic you have
chosen for public speaking. All the main points in your speech must be highlighted and these
points should be delivered in the correct order. There are many public speaking techniques and
these techniques must be practiced for an effective speech.
Advantages of Oral Communication
Verbal Communication has the following advantages:
1. Saving of Time
Under this form of communication the messages are communicated immediately without
consuming any time. Oral communication is the best option during an urgent condition and when
immediate action is necessary.
2. Saving of Money
It saves money as it needs no help of any particular media.
3. More Effective
As there is direct touch/ contact of the sender and receiver message transmission proves to be
more effective. The sender of message can also exercise his personal influence over the receiver
of message.
4. Knowledge of Reaction of Message
An important advantage of oral communication is that under this method of communication, the
sender of message can judge the reaction of the message on its receiver. He comes to know
whether the receiver of the message will follow it or not.
• Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication is the way in which we express our feelings, emotions, attitudes,
opinions and views through our body movements. Body language is a non-verbal way of
communication. Body posture and physical contact convey a lot of information. Body posture
matters a lot when you are communicating verbally to someone. Folded arms and crossed legs
are some of the signals conveyed by a body posture. Physical contact, like, shaking hands,
pushing, patting and touching expresses the feeling of intimacy. Facial expressions, gestures and
eye contact are all different ways of communication. Reading facial expressions can help you
know a person better.
Creative and aesthetic non-verbal communication includes singing, music, dancing and
sculpturing. Symbols and sign language are also included in non-verbal communication.
When we communicate, non-verbal cues can be as important, or in some cases even more
important, than what we say. Non-verbal communication can have a great impact on the listener
and the outcome of the communication.
Non-verbal communications include facial expressions, the tone and pitch of the voice, gestures
displayed through body language (kinesics) and the physical distance between the
communicators (proxemics). These non-verbal signals can give clues and additional information
and meaning over and above spoken (verbal) communication.
Non-verbal Messages Allow People To:
• Reinforce or modify what is said in words. For example, people may nod their heads
vigorously when saying "Yes" to emphasise that they agree with the other person, but a shrug of
the shoulders and a sad expression when saying "I'm fine thanks,” may imply that things are not
really fine at all!
• Convey information about their emotional state.
• Define or reinforce the relationship between people.
• Provide feedback to the other person.
• Regulate the flow of communication, for example by signalling to others that they have
finished speaking or wish to say something.
Non-verbal communication include:
• Body Movements (Kinesics)
• Posture
• Eye Contact (occulesics)
• Para-language
• Closeness or Personal Space (Proxemics)
• Facial Expressions
• Physiological Changes
• Body Language or Body Movements (Kinesics)
Body movements include gestures, posture, head and hand movements or whole body
movements. Body movements can be used to reinforce or emphasise what a person is saying and
also offer information about the emotions and attitudes of a person. However, it is also possible
for body movements to conflict with what is said. A skilled observer may be able to detect such
discrepancies in behaviour and use them as a clue to what someone is really feeling.
Research work has identified the different categories of body movement/ gestures that are
detailed below with each category describing the purpose they commonly serve:
• Emblems: these gestures have direct verbal translations, like nodding the head for ‘yes’,
shaking the head for ‘no’ or waving the hand for ‘hello’. They may be used in place of words.
• Illustrators: Gestures which accompany words to illustrate a verbal message are known
as illustrators. For example, the common circular hand movement which accompanies the phrase
'over and over again', or nodding the head in a particular direction when saying 'over there'.
• Affect Displays: These are facial expressions or gestures which show the emotions we
feel. These are often unintentional and can conflict with what is being said. Such expressions
give strong clues as to the true emotional state of a person.
• Regulators: Gestures used to give feedback when conversing are called regulators, for
example head nods, short sounds such as 'uh-huh', 'mm-mm', and expressions of interest or
boredom. Regulators allow the other person to adapt his or her speech to reflect the level of
interest or agreement. Without receiving feedback, many people find it difficult to maintain a
• Adaptors: these are unconscious movements of the body that originate from the nervous
state of our mind. E.g. in an interview, when the candidate is nervous or uncomfortable with the
questions asked, he/ she may unconsciously crack knuckles, shake legs or tap the foot
• Posture
Posture can reflect people's emotions, attitudes and intentions. Research has identified a wide
range of postural signals and their meanings, such as:
Open and Closed Posture: Two forms of posture have been identified, ‘open’ and ‘closed’,
which may reflect an individual's degree of confidence, status or receptivity to another person.
Someone seated in a closed position might have his/her arms folded, legs crossed or be
positioned at a slight angle from the person with whom they are interacting. In an open posture
you might expect to see someone directly facing you with hands apart on the arms of the chair.
An open posture can be used to communicate openness or interest in someone and a readiness to
listen, whereas the closed posture might imply discomfort or disinterest.
Mirroring: Notice the way a loving couple relate to each other. You might like to observe a
close relationship in person or on television. You will see that the partners' postures will match,
as if one partner is a mirror reflection of the other. For example, if one partner drapes an arm
over the back of a chair this might be replicated in the other person's position. If one partner
frowns, it could be reflected in the other partner's facial expression. This 'mirroring' indicates
interest and approval between people and serves to reassure others of interest in them and what
they are saying.
• Para-language (paralinguistics)
Para-language relates to all aspects of the voice which are not strictly part of the verbal message,
including the tone and pitch of the voice, the speed and volume at which a message is delivered,
and pauses and hesitations between words.
These signals can serve to indicate feelings about what is being said. Emphasising particular
words can imply whether or not feedback is required.
• A voice that has tremors will not make feel very positive about the speaker.
• A high speed of talking in interviews or negotiations or presentations will not instill
confidence in the interviewers or audience.
• Closeness and Personal Space (Proxemics)
The study of personal space is termed proxemics.
Every culture has different levels of physical closeness appropriate to different types of
relationship, and individuals learn these distances from the society in which they grew up.
When someone violates an appropriate distance, people may feel uncomfortable or defensive.
Their actions may well be open to misinterpretation.
In Western society, four distances have been defined according to the relationship between the
people involved.
The Four Main space zones/ distances
• Intimate Distance (touching to 45cm)
• Personal Distance (45cm to 1.2m)
• Social Distance (1.2m to 3m)
• Public Distance (3m)
These four distances are associated with the four main types of relationship - intimate, personal,
social and public.
Each of the distances are divided into two, giving a close phase and a far phase, thus making
eight divisions in all. It is worth noting that these distances are considered the norm in Western
• Intimate Distance: Ranges from close contact (touching) to the 'far' phase of 15-45cm.
In British society, it tends to be seen as an inappropriate distance for public behaviour and, as
mentioned above, entering the intimate space of another person with whom you do not have a
close relationship can be extremely disturbing.
• Personal Distance: The 'far' phase of personal distance is considered to be the most
appropriate for people holding a conversation. At this distance it is easy to see the other person's
expressions and eye movements, as well as their overall body language. Handshaking can occur
within the bounds of personal distance.
• Social Distance: This is the normal distance for impersonal business, for example
working together in the same room or during social gatherings. Seating is also important;
communication is far more likely to be considered as a formal relationship if the interaction is
carried out across a desk. In addition, if the seating arrangements are such that one person
appears to look down on another, an effect of domination may be created. At a social distance,
speech needs to be louder and eye contact remains essential to communication, otherwise
feedback will be reduced and the interaction may end.
• Public Distance: Teachers and public speakers address groups at a public distance. At
such distances exaggerated non-verbal communication is necessary for communication to be
effective. Since subtle facial expressions are lost at this distance so clear hand gestures are often
used as a substitute. Larger head movements are also typical of an experienced public speaker
who is aware of changes in the way body language is perceived at longer distances.
Written communication is writing the words which you want to communicate. Good written
communication is essential for business purposes. E-mails, reports, articles and memos are some
of the ways of using written communication in business. Written communication can be used for
formal business communication and also for informal communication purposes. Mobile SMS is
an example of informal written communication.
• Visual communication
Visual communication is visual display of information, like, photography, signs, symbols and
designs. Television and video clips are the electronic form of visual communication.
A picture is retained in our memory longer than words or quotes. Research shows that people
remember visuals the best, followed by speech, accompanied by reading.
• Impactful
A graphic of any kind can elicit a stronger reaction from the reader. Compare saying "Nature is a
wonderful thing" to an audience, to an image of young, cuddly animals. The image will move
people emotionally and be more effective.
• Effective
It is a much more efficient way of communicating - not just in time required for relaying
information, the effort is much less too. For example, if I had to describe the usage of a pen to a
group of people, it would be much easier for me to do so with a pen at my aid, and the point
would get across better when those present actually see the pen being written with.
• Removes ambiguities
Ambiguities are more common with only oral communication, especially now with
globalization, as people from diverse backgrounds and linguistic abilities are working together. A
visual, on the other hand, makes everything very clear. For example, if I say "The Kremlin is a
colorful, domed structure", some would imagine it to be like a grand cathedral, whereas a few
others would think of it shaped liked an igloo. But with a picture, everyone would instantly know
how it actually looks.
• Time consuming: Making a graph or pie chart requires more time and effort, as it
involves selecting, compiling, and presenting a large amount of information in a visually-
pleasing manner. Whereas oral communication takes no time to exchange information.
• Distracting. Visuals can be distracting, shifting the focus away from the presentation
itself. For example, using a fancy, illegible font can actually distract members of the audience
from what is being said. A visual can also close up the viewer, if it is too disturbing or
• Problem for general readers: General people are not prefers to communicate through
visual communication with others. Sometimes it cannot create an impression upon people or
listeners. It is less influential and cannot be used everywhere.
• Audio-visual communication
This is the use of both a sound and a visual component for communication. It involves the use of
slide-tape presentations, films, television programs, church services and live theater productions.
• Technical Problems
Regardless of your equipment, there are many things that could go wrong that may disrupt your
presentation. A bulb might burn out on your projector or it might be blurry or hard to focus.
When using a PowerPoint presentation, font and colors may show up differently on screen or the
music and sound might not play. CDs can skip. DVDs may be scratched or not compatible with
your player.
• Distractions
Visual aids are more of a distraction if used throughout the entire presentation versus during key
points. Special effects and light from the projector can draw attention away from the speaker.
Too much information can also be distracting, because the audience will be trying to read and/or
take notes while the speaker has moved on to the next subject. There also may be too many slides
for the audience to interpret or the audio and visual may not match up. An entertaining video can
take the focus off the speaker and the presentation, while a dry video and low lighting can put
students to sleep.
• Expensive
Professionally created audiovisuals are expensive. Slides, videos, and films cost money unless
borrowed from a library. The equipment used e.g. video cameras, computer hardware and
software can be very costly.
• Time
Audiovisual presentations can take a considerable amount of time to prepare. It takes time to
produce your own video or slides. Films may be difficult to obtain, or it can take time to get
permission to use them. Posters and transparencies may require extensive preparation. Creating a
PowerPoint presentation can also be time consuming.
• Space
If you choose to use an audiovisual aid, the size of the room should be taken into consideration.
It is critical that all students are able to see or hear your presentation. If the room is too large for
everyone to see the visual aid, or if part of your audience is forced to view the presentation at
odd angles, some students will struggle to keep up with your lesson.
• Convenience
Certain audiovisual aids such as VCRs for older video recordings, can be bulky and difficult to
Communication etiquette
• Acknowledge communications: When someone communicates with you, respond in a
way that indicates you got the message and will act appropriately. In some cases, the response
will simple be a thank you.
• Provide follow up on previous communications: When you have had a communications,
there is an expectation of something being done. You take the action as communicated. The
remaining thing to be done is to communicate what has been done.
• Be respectful in all communications: There is never a time when you should be
disrespectful of those you communicate with – even if you are responding to communications
that were disrespectful to you.
• Communicate new information to those who need the information: Whenever you obtain
information that is generally not known by others, provide people with this information. The key
is to think of who needs to know the information and what parts of the information would be
useful to these people.
• Communicate through the appropriate media: Tough sensitive issues should be
communicated in person. Information that is primarily factual can be communicated
electronically. Communications that require discussion does not work well electronically.
• Communicate through channels: You should rarely communicate directly to those above
your functional leader or client unless approved by the person above you. The only time when
skipping of your boss might be appropriate is when there is an ethical or similar issue where your
boss is uninvolved.
• Use the correct titles: You need to learn how to address different people. Some will have
titles. Some will prefer to be addressed formally (Mr., Ms).
• Telephone Etiquette- It is essential to learn how one should interact with the other person
over the phone. Telephone etiquette refers to the way an individual should speak on the phone.
Never put the other person on long holds. Make sure you greet the other person. Take care of
your pitch and tone.
• Politeness. Remember to always say please and thank you when you interact with others,
in person or over written correspondence. Being polite makes you pleasant to work with and
shows respect.
Protocol is a system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in
formal situations. Most of the communication encounters in business are formal.
Communication protocol therefore means standard procedures that are adhered to in
communication activities in an organization.
A company needs an overall communication protocol to establish a minimum standard of
dialogue and interaction which is directly proportional to the scenario at hand. To put it more
simply, the more important the issue, the higher the level of effective communication required.
With an effective communication protocol in place, what your clients will see is excellence in
service and they will be aware of the stage in which some process or activity they are interested
in has reached.
A complete communication protocol consists of the following:
• It shows who is included in the communications.
• It indicates what will be communicated. It shows how far or deep the communication will go.
• It gives guidelines on when to communicate.
• It tracks of the communication in order to ensure that it is maintained and effective.
• It explains why a certain level or depth of communication required for a given issue.
• It shows the channel to use e.g. phone, e-mail, posting on website, face to face presentation e.t.c.
• It is the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and effective way. It involves the skill in
handling affairs without arousing hostility.
We all need to know what to say and how to say it in any situation. We need to know how to
communicate with diplomacy, tact and confidence.
The way in which we communicate can elicit positive or negative emotions. If we communicate
aggressively, without respect or sensitivity, or angry emotions we will prevent effective
communication from taking place. Communicating with diplomacy and tact is an approach that
combines strength and sensitivity and keeps negative emotions at bay.
Why be diplomatic?
In modern day and age, one has to practice diplomacy as it is essential to get one’s way in a
world that is highly competitive. What you say matters a lot. One has to be careful while
conveying issues as they would have an impact on one’s surroundings. Building up of personal
relationships depends upon your choice of words and how you convey them to the concerned
It is essential to be diplomatic as what we convey does influence others actions. Much has to be
accomplished in our daily lives, and we need to interact with others in order to achieve it. We
may have to convince others and also get our way.
In the arena of international politics, much is conveyed diplomatically. Countries have to foster
relations between each other and naturally they have to be very careful in their public dealings.
Diplomacy plays an important role in striking deals. Senior leaders of various countries do not
convey much in their talks. They have to be careful in what they say. They do not reveal or
convey everything. They play with words. In fact, they do a lot of “sweet talk”.
How to be diplomatic in communication.
• Think before you communicate. Even if you are angry or felling offended, think before
you say or do anything. Try to keep calm and evaluate the situation objectively and assess the
factual information before you without including emotions.
• Use decisive language. Speak clearly in simple language so that the person or people you
are addressing won’t misunderstand your points.
• Be non-confrontational. Avoid language that could be heard as confrontational or overly
• Avoid highly emotional situations. If you are involved in a discussion that’s already
emotionally charged or argumentative, suggest to the parties involved to take a break and return
to it after calm has returned.
• Choose a diplomatic posture. Use neutral body language to put your points across.
Maintain eye contact. Avoid waving your hand when you talk as this can be viewed as aggressive
or distracting. Do not engage in smiling all the time as it indicates lack of serious intent. People
will not take you seriously.
• Stand your ground. Be firm in your responses and opinion but allow some degree of
Telephone etiquette
• When talking hold the mouthpiece an inch away from your lips and the earpiece close to
the ears.
• Speak politely, confidently and in a positive and friendly tone.
• Always be prepared to receive a call. To give and to receive information. Have a paper,
pen or pencil, telephone directory and an appointment book near or at hand.
• When you pick the receiver, you should first introduce your company, the department or
even you if desirable. Say a pleasant ‘good morning’ or ‘good afternoon’. It adds a cordial note
to the response. Listen carefully without interrupting the caller.
• If part of the message is not clear, politely ask the caller to repeat it.
• Avoid mumbling words together or talking through the nose or teeth.
• Avoid clichés like ‘yes’, ‘ah’, ‘I see’, etc.
• Do not shout into the telephone. Do not speak too low. Try to be as natural as possible.
Try to speak as if the person you are speaking to is sitting next to you.
• In long distance calls, it is good to be loud but shouting should be avoided at all costs.
• In telephonic communication. Time is the most vital factor and so do not waste time in
idle personal talk. But at the same time do not sound abrupt also.
Good writing skills are essential for effective communication. Learning to write well takes time
and practice.
Punctuation is the system of signs or symbols given to a reader to show how a sentence is
constructed and how it should be read.
Sentences are the building blocks used to construct written accounts. They are complete
statements. Punctuation shows how the sentence should be read and makes the meaning clear.
Every sentence should include, at least, a capital letter at the start, a full stop, exclamation mark
or question mark at the end. This basic system indicates that the sentence is complete.
Semi-colon (;)
The semi-colon is perhaps the most difficult sign of punctuation to use accurately. If in doubt,
avoid using it and convert the added material into a new sentence.
As a general rule, the semi-colon is used in the following ways:
• When joining two connected sentences.
For example:
We set out at dawn; the weather looked promising.
Colon (:)
The colon within a sentence makes a very pointed pause between two phrases. There are two
main uses of the colon:
• It is most commonly used when listing.
For example:
She placed the following items into the trolley: beer, fruit, vegetables, toilet rolls, cereals and
cartons of milk.
• Or it can be used within a heading, or descriptive title.
For example:
Human Resource Management: Guidelines for Telephone Advisers
• A colon may introduce direct speech
E.g. The counselor said: “Abstain from premarital sex.”
• A colon separates hours from minutes
E.g. 11:30am
• A colon introduces an example or an explanation of something already mentioned
E.g. The miser had one wish: to keep all his money.
Apostrophe (’)
The apostrophe, sometimes called an inverted comma has two main uses.
The apostrophe indicates possession or ownership.
For example:
The girl's hat was green, (girl is in the singular).
This shows the reader that the hat belongs to the girl.
The girls' hats were green, (girls in this instance are plural, i.e. more than one girl, more than one
This indicates that the hats belong to the girls.
Another use of the apostrophe is to indicate where a letter is omitted:
For example:
We're going to do this course. (We are going to do this course.)
Isn’t this a fine example of punctuation? (Is not this a fine example of punctuation?)
The time is now 7 o’ clock. (The time is now 7 of the clock)
Note that a common mistake is to confuse its with it’s.
It’s indicates to the reader that a letter has been omitted.
For example:
It’s a lovely day is an abbreviated way of saying: It is a lovely day.
Note that in most formal writing, the practice of using abbreviated words is inappropriate.
See also: Common Mistakes in Writing for more on using apostrophes correctly.
Hyphen (-)
The hyphen is used to link words together.
For example:
• sub-part
• eighteenth-century people
• week-end
• second-class post
• gender-neutral
• non-verbal
The hyphen is also used when a word is split between two lines. The hyphen should be placed
between syllables at the end of the upper line and indicates to the reader that the word will be
completed on the next line.
Computer applications such as Word Processors can be set to automatically hyphenate words for
you, although it is more common to use extra spacing to avoid hyphenation.
Brackets ( )
Brackets always come in pairs ( ) and are used to make an aside, or a point which is not part of
the main flow of a sentence. If you remove the words between the brackets, the sentence should
still make sense.
For example:
“The strategy (or strategies) chosen to meet the objectives may need to change as the
intervention continues.”
Brackets are also used in text citations. E.g. According to Jane (2014) climate change is to blame
for the disrupted rainfall patterns in Kenya,
Slash (/)
Many people use the slash instead of or, and etc. There is, however, a modern convention in
gender-neutral writing to use ‘she/ he’.
Courtesy in writing
Communicating in a business environment involves communicating with individuals. In both
written and oral communication, it is possible to be courteous while being direct and business-
oriented. The writer should be aware of the reader’s feelings. Most people respond more readily
to a positive interaction, according to a study conducted by the University of North Carolina that
found 52 percent of those interviewed said they “lost work time worrying about incidents of
Strategies used:
• Proper salutations
Everyone appreciates having the correct salutation attached to their name. If a person is a doctor
or if a woman is married, they expect to have the correct salutation in a business letter. E.g. Mr.,
Mrs., Miss, Dr, Hon e.t.c.
• Proper greetings
The standard and most widely accepted way that a greeting is used to open a letter is “Dear,”
followed by the proper salutation, and the person’s last name. If you write a letter without using
this standard opening, it may immediately alienate your reader. Also, the greeting of “To Whom
it May Concern,” often comes off as cold or distant.
• Proper tone
You should always try to use the appropriate tone or attitude in your business correspondence.
The better you know someone, the more informal the tone can be. However, in most business
settings, the tone should remain somewhat formal. This formal tone relays the fact that your
message is courteous, but should also be taken seriously. The proper tone should make the reader
comfortable, while maintaining a certain level of respect.
• Clarity
Courteous writing should be respectful, clear, and concise. Clarity is important because it does
not waste valuable time. Confusing messages will often be perceived as wasteful by the reader.
Clarity of thought and purpose is another essential element of a courteous letter.
What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. Learning to write
good paragraphs will help you as a writer stay on track during your drafting and revision stages.
Good paragraphing also greatly assists your readers in following a piece of writing. You can have
fantastic ideas, but if those ideas aren't presented in an organized fashion, you will lose your
readers (and fail to achieve your goals in writing).
The Basic Rule: Keep one idea to one paragraph
The basic rule of thumb with paragraphing is to keep one idea to one paragraph. If you begin to
transition into a new idea, it belongs in a new paragraph. There are some simple ways to tell if
you are on the same topic or a new one. You can have one idea and several bits of supporting
evidence within a single paragraph. You can also have several points in a single paragraph as
long as they relate to the overall topic of the paragraph. If the single points start to get long, then
perhaps elaborating on each of them and placing them in their own paragraphs is the route to go.
Elements of a paragraph
To be as effective as possible, a paragraph should contain each of the following: Unity,
Coherence, A Topic Sentence, and Adequate Development. As you will see, all of these traits
overlap. Using and adapting the following elements to your writings will help you construct
effective paragraphs.
• Unity
The entire paragraph should concern itself with a single focus. If it begins with one focus or
major point of discussion, it should not end with another or wander within different ideas.
• Coherence
Coherence is the trait that makes the paragraph easily understandable to a reader.
• A topic sentence
A topic sentence is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the paragraph is
going to deal with. Although not all paragraphs have clear-cut topic sentences, and despite the
fact that topic sentences can occur anywhere in the paragraph (as the first sentence, the last
sentence, or somewhere in the middle), an easy way to make sure your reader understands the
topic of the paragraph is to put your topic sentence near the beginning of the paragraph. (This is
a good general rule for less experienced writers, although it is not the only way to do it).
Regardless of whether you include an explicit topic sentence or not, you should be able to easily
summarize what the paragraph is about.
• Adequate development
The topic (which is introduced by the topic sentence) should be discussed fully and adequately.
Again, this varies from paragraph to paragraph, depending on the author's purpose, but writers
should be wary of paragraphs that only have two or three sentences. It's a pretty good bet that the
paragraph is not fully developed if it is that short.
Some methods to make sure your paragraph is well-developed:
• Use examples and illustrations
• Cite data (facts, statistics, evidence, details, and others)
• Examine testimony (what other people say such as quotes and paraphrases)
• Use an anecdote or story
• Define terms in the paragraph
• Compare and contrast
• Evaluate causes and reasons
• Examine effects and consequences
• Analyze the topic
• Describe the topic
• Offer a chronology of an event (time segments)
How do I know when to start a new paragraph?
You should start a new paragraph when:
• When you begin a new idea or point. New ideas should always start in new paragraphs.
If you have an extended idea that spans multiple paragraphs, each new point within that idea
should have its own paragraph.
• To contrast information or ideas. Separate paragraphs can serve to contrast sides in a
debate, different points in an argument, or any other difference.
• When your readers need a pause. Breaks between paragraphs function as a short
"break" for your readers—adding these in will help your writing more readable. You would
create a break if the paragraph becomes too long or the material is complex.
• When you are ending your introduction or starting your conclusion. Your
introductory and concluding material should always be in a new paragraph. Many introductions
and conclusions have multiple paragraphs depending on their content, length, and the writer's
.Essay writing
An essay is a short piece of writing that generally shows the author's view on a particular subject.
There are many different kinds of essays, including narrative, descriptive, argumentative and
Types of essays
Narrative Essays
The first important thing to remember about a narrative essay is that it tells a story. The author
may write about
• an experience or event from his or her past
• a recent or an ongoing experience or event
• something that happened to somebody else, such as a parent or a grandparent
The second important thing about a narrative essay is that the story should have a point. In the
final paragraph, the author should come to an important conclusion about the experience that has
just been described.
Descriptive Essays
The purpose of a descriptive essay is to describe a person, place, or thing in such vivid detail that
the reader can easily form a precise mental picture of what is being written about. The author
may accomplish this by using imaginative language, interesting comparisons, and images that
appeal to the senses.
Informative/Explanatory Essays
An Informative/Explanatory essay teaches or informs your reader about a subject. This type of
essay can explain how something works, how to perform a task, the steps in a procedure, or why
something is the way it is. Ultimately, the reader should have a better understanding of the
subject after reading your paper.
Argumentative essay
The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic;
collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise
The following steps, however, can be used to write any kind of essay.
• Memorandum
A memo is:
• a short document used for communicating inside an organisation
It contains To, From, Date, Subject Headings and Message sections
Elements of a memo
Memos should have the following sections and content:
• Main heading. The heading ‘memo’ or ‘memorandum’ makes clear the purpose of the
document and ensures that it stands out.
• 'To' section. Contains the name of the receiver.
• ‘From' section. Contains the name of the sender.
• 'Date' section.
• A Subject Heading. It should be brief and exact. It makes clear immediately what the
memo is about.
• First paragraph. This provides a background, context or reason for the information or
instructions contained in the second paragraph. It should be kept short.
• Second paragraph. This is the actual message, information, instructions or reminder and
should follow logically from the first paragraph.
• Initials of the sender. In some organizations the writer will add his/ her initials at the foot
of the memo.
• Press release
A press release, news release, media release, press statement or video release is a written or
recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing
something newsworthy. Typically, they are mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to assignment editors and
journalists at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations or television networks.
Steps follow in coming up with a good press release
• Grab attention with a good headline.
The beginning of a press release -- just as with a magazine article, book or promotional pamphlet
-- is the most important. A strong headline will pull in journalists seeking good stories. Your
headline should be as engaging as it is accurate.
• Get right to the point in the first paragraph.
Because reporters are busy people, you must assume that they will only read the first sentence
and then scan the rest. Get the message of your press release out quickly. Every important point
should be addressed in the first few sentences. The subsequent paragraphs should be for
supporting information.
• Include hard numbers.
Include in the press release hard numbers that support the significance of your product or
announcement. If you're claiming a trend, you need proof to back it up. Quantify your argument
and it will become much more compelling.
• Advertisement
A paid, non-personal communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or
influence an audience.
Start with the end in mind. What do you want the reader to do? Do you want them to call you?
Do you want the reader to send an application in? Do you want them to buy something? Once
you know your objective that everything in your ad should be designed to accomplish that
A lot of people think that what they want is exposure to as many people as possible. If you have
lots of money to spend then that could be a good idea. But, if you are concerned about your
budget and you want to minimize your cost per sale then I suggest you are better off with an ad
that is geared toward creating a response.
Potential clients get flooded with marketing messages every day. If you want to stand out from
the crowd you will need to craft a headline that will grab their attention.
You need to get their attention but it also needs to be relevant to your product or service and be
Eliminate big words with lots of syllables and technical jargon because too many people will not
be able understand you.
Features describe and benefits sell. Don't make the mistake of writing only about the features of
your product. Write also about the benefits.
• Notice writing
A notice is a very short piece of writing which is usually formal in style. It is widely used by
individuals and organizations to announce events and celebrations, births and deaths, occasions
like inaugurations or sales, to issue public instructions, to make appeals and to extend invitations.
Most notices are meant to be pinned up or pasted on special boards meant for this specific
purpose only. There must be one or more such notice board in the school and other organization.
Whereas notices issued by the Government departments and other big organization also appear in
various newspapers.
How to Write a Notice?
Writing an effective notice is a kind of art that can be acquired with practice with keeping some
basic points in mind while writing them out. Your notice should give complete information and
must be written in a clear and thought through style and easily understandable language.
Content that a good effective notice must include in it are:
• Name of the Organization, Institution or Office issuing it.
• Date of issuing of a particular notice.
• The heading ‘Notice’ to make it very clear.
• A suitable description/ eye-catching caption or heading to hold the immediate attention of
the reader.
• Purpose for which it has been written like calling a meeting, drawing attention, making
an appeal or informing general public about some issue of concern etc.
• Details of schedule i.e. date, time, venue, programme, duration etc. in case the notice is
about an event to be organized in the near future.
Def 1: A summary is a condensed version of a larger reading.
Def 2: A summary is a shortened version of a text that highlights its key points.
The primary purpose of a summary is to give an accurate and objective representation of what
the work says.
To summarize, you must read a passage closely, finding the main ideas and supporting ideas.
Then you must briefly write down those ideas in a few sentences or a paragraph.
A summary is not a rewrite of the original piece and should not be long. To write a summary,
use your own words to express briefly the main idea and relevant details of the piece you have
read. Your purpose in writing the summary is to give the basic ideas of the original reading.
What was it about and what did the author want to communicate?
A summary:
• Is an essential condensation in your own words.
• Answers the question “what is the author really saying?”
• Is the result of careful “listening” to the author.
• Remains faithful to the author's emphasis and interpretation.
• Does not disagree with or critique the author's opinions.
Importance of summarizing
• The process of summarizing enables you to understand the original text better.
• It enables anybody who does not want to read the entire text have to know what it is all
• The knowledge you gain by summarizing makes it possible for you to analyze and
critique the original text.
Types of reports
• Oral Report
Oral Report- is a presentation of factual information to an audience by word of mouth.
• Written report
Written reports are a written document describing the findings of some individual or group and
are often used to display the result of an experiment, investigation, or inquiry.
• Management reports
These are reports used by business managers to monitor the success of their businesses and
operations. These reports may include financial, labor and traffic reports.
• Operations procedure
This is a prescribed procedure to be followed routinely. It is a particular course of action
intended to achieve a result.
• Formal reports
They are official in nature. They contain information resulting from investigations. They are
about major issues of importance. They are mostly used by a committee or a working party. The
findings are directed at the appointing authority.
• Informal reports
They are not official in nature. They are produced by junior clerks and personnel.
• Routine reports
These are reports submitted on a fixed time span e.g. daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis or
even annually. They may cover petty expenses on daily basis or attendance of workers on daily
basis. They may also cover various divisions or units of production on a daily basis.
• Statutory reports
These are those reports which have a legal status and they are required by law e.g. auditor
general’s, financial reports or chairman’s report to the annual general meeting of the company’s
• Financial reports
These are reports prepared by the manager of the finance department or the controller of finance.
They provide valuable information on the financial structure, the effectiveness of the use of
capital, the need and ways of reorganizing capital resources etc.
• Preliminaries
• Introduction
The introduction sets the scene for the main body of the report. It explains the aims and
objectives of the report in detail. It identifies any problems or limitations in the scope of the
report gives and a description of research methods, the parameters of the research and any
necessary background history.
• Methods
Information under this heading may include: a list of equipment used; explanations of procedures
followed; relevant information on materials used including sources of materials and details of
any necessary preparation; reference to any problems encountered and subsequent changes in
• Findings
This section should include a summary of the results of the investigation or experiment together
with any necessary diagrams, graphs or tables of gathered data that support your results. Present
your results in a logical order without comment. Discussion of your results should take place in
the main body (Discussion) of the report.
• Discussion
This is where you discuss the findings. The facts and evidence you have gathered should be
analysed and discussed with specific reference to the problem or issue. If your discussion section
is lengthy you might divide it into section headings. Your points should be grouped and arranged
in an order that is logical and easy to follow. Use headings and subheadings to create a clear
structure for your material. Use bullet points to present a series of points in an easy-to-follow list.
As with the whole report, all sources used should be acknowledged and correctly referenced.
• Conclusion
It describes that section of the report which interprets the facts and observations presented in the
findings. No new material should be introduced in the conclusion.
• Recommendations
This section is used to put forward a future course of action concerning the topic under
• Appendices
This is where you include all the supporting information you have used or is contained in the
body of the report. This might include tables, graphs, questionnaires, surveys or transcripts.
• Bibliography
It lists all published sources referred to in your report. It is listed alphabetically. There are
different styles of using references and bibliographies. Refer to the study guide Referencing and
Bibliographies and check your departmental handbook for guidelines. Texts which you consulted
but did not refer to directly could be grouped under a separate heading such as 'Background
Reading' and listed in alphabetical order using the same format as in your bibliography.
• Acknowledgements
Where appropriate you may wish to acknowledge the assistance of particular organisations or
individuals who provided information, advice or help.
• Glossary of Technical Terms
This is a brief, clear description of each term used. You can also include in this section
explanations of the acronyms (short forms), abbreviations or standard units used in your report.
Data collection
Data collection refers to the gathering of information to serve or prove some facts. Data
collection is aimed at proving or refuting some facts.
Data analysis
Data analysis refers to examining what has been collected in a survey or experiment and making
deductions and inferences. The methods or statistics used for data analysis are influenced by the
stated objectives, research questions or hypothesis, and the research design used.
Reading skills
Improving your reading skills will reduce unnecessary reading time and enable you to read in a
more focused and selective manner. You will also be able to increase your levels of
understanding and concentration.
Reading for study
You already use a range of reading styles in everyday situations. The normal reading style that
you might use for reading a novel is to read in detail, focusing on every word in sequence from
start to finish. If it is a magazine you are reading, you might flick through the pages to see which
articles are of interest. When you look in a telephone directory for a particular name, you
purposefully ignore all other entries and focus your attention on spotting the name you want.
These everyday reading skills can be applied to your studies.
To improve your reading skills you need to:
• have clear reading goals;
• choose the right texts;
• use the right reading style;
• use note taking techniques.
• Reading goals
Clear reading goals can significantly increase your reading efficiency.
Use your reading goals to help you identify the information that is relevant to your current task.
• Choosing a text
Assess the text to see if it contains information that is relevant to your reading goals.
• Reading style
Scanning is where you pass your eyes speedily over a section of text in order to find particular
words or phrases that are relevant to your current task. You can scan:
• the introduction or preface of a text;
• the first or last paragraphs of chapters;
• the concluding or summarising chapter of a text;
• the book index.
Skimming is the process of speedy reading for general meaning. Concentrate on identifying the
central or main points. Use this technique to:
• pre-view a selection of text prior to detailed reading;
• refresh your understanding of a selection of text following detailed reading.
Detailed reading and note taking
Once you have selected useful information, you can begin to read in detail. Note taking
techniques provide a useful aid to reading. Use:
• underlining and highlighting to pick out what seem to you the most central or important
words and phrases. Do this in your own copy of texts or on photocopies - never on borrowed
• keywords to record the main headings as you read. Use one or two keywords for each
main point. Keywords can be used when you don't want to mark the text;
• questions to encourage you to take an active approach to your reading. Record your
questions as you read. They can also be used as prompts for follow up work;
• summaries to check you have understood what you have read. Pause after a section of
text and put what you have read in your own words. Skim over the text to check the accuracy of
your summary, filling in any significant gaps.
Formal meetings are held at definite times, at a definite place, and usually for a definite duration
to follow an agreed upon agenda. The opposite is true for informal meetings.
They are notes recounting the transactions occurring at a meeting or official proceeding. Minutes
describe the events of the meeting, starting with a list of attendees, a statement of the issues
considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues.
Role of Meetings
Meetings are an important organizational tool as they can be used to:
• Develop ideas
• Solve problems
• Make decisions
• To understand a situation, exchange ideas and experiences
• To inform, explain, present ideas
• To give and get feedback on new ideas
• To give training
• To plan and prepare for action
• To resolve differences and misunderstandings
• To generate enthusiasm and seek cooperation
• To review past performance and evaluate it
• To create a feeling of continuity and solidarity in a body’s working.
Types of meeting
Types of meetings will naturally vary between different organisations. Below are some type of
meetings that take place in an organization:
• Departmental meetings
These are periodic meetings attended by all departmental staff to discuss and address
departmental issues (e.g. reviewing performance, setting objectives, reporting on the outcome of
actions taken and discussing any other matters in connection with departmental operations).
• Steering group meetings
A steering group may be formed to take a high-level overview of a project. The group is usually
composed of senior executives, project leaders and possibly external advisors to the organisation.
• Team briefings
These are meetings held by the team leader to discuss issues with members of the team (e.g.
progress reviews, allocation of tasks, setting objectives, performance and motivational issues).
• One-off informal meetings
These are meetings that take place anywhere at any time. They may be informal discussions
between one or two employees or a small group.
Planning a meeting
Planning improves participation by ensuring that discussion is on a single topic and that the
members are well prepared for the meeting. This is the responsibility of the Chairperson,
Secretary and Executive, depending on the type of organization.
Planning should include the following:
• Notification: Everyone should been notified of the date, time and venue of the meeting.
• Preparing the agenda: The agenda is a list of the most important issues for the members
to discuss. It is drawn from the Matters Arising from the previous meeting and from the
discussions of the Executive or Secretariat.
Conducting a meeting
• The chair calls the meeting to order at the scheduled start time even if someone is running
• Respect the schedules of your meeting participants and end the meeting on time as well.
If you can't cover all of the points within the allotted time, move it to the agenda of the very next
• Ask a secretary or other meeting participant to take minutes at every business meeting so
that everyone will recall what was discussed and decisions made.
• Pass out a written meeting agenda to each participant to clarify the direction of the
meeting. Pass out the previous meeting's minutes as well.
• Introduce any guests in attendance at your business meeting before you get started.
• Summarize the purpose of the meeting and what you want to accomplish at the very
beginning. Then start with the first item in your agenda.
• Follow your agenda closely and do not allow meeting participants to veer off of the order
of issues to discuss.
• Prohibit meeting participants from insulting, talking over, talking loudly, belittling or
raising his voice to other members at the meeting. This causes productivity to suffer. If someone
is being repeatedly violating these basic rules of conduct at your meeting, ask him to leave.
• Transition to each new item on your agenda with finality and do not backtrack. Moderate
the meeting if necessary by giving each member the go-ahead to speak his mind on the issue.
Ask each person to limit her point to two minutes or less.
• Leave time at the end of the meeting for a short question and answer session to clarify
points of confusion during the meeting or to allow a particularly vocal participant who has a
relevant and important point to voice his thoughts briefly.
• End your meeting on a positive note that inspires action. Summarize what each member
must do from this point forward to accomplish the goals and issues discussed.
Advantages of Meetings:
• It Saves time:
This is because one can meet a large number of people at a time.
• Improve decision:
Improved decision can be taken through meeting. This is because every matter is discussed
considering the pros and cons of an issue. A Proverb says, “Two heads are better than one.”
• Information Sharing
A key advantage of meetings, from those held within the office among staff to meetings between
a company and its clients, is that they provide an opportunity to share information. This could be
as simple as sharing updates on financials or recognizing new employees to more complex
issues, such as contract negotiations, new client presentations or addressing problems with an
account. An actual meeting pinpoints a time and place to have in-depth discussions without other
distractions or work getting in the way.
• Social and emotional support:
Members get personal support from each other when they meet and exchange ideas.
• Feeling of being consulted:
Members get the feeling that they have been consulted and this is useful in getting their
intelligent and willing cooperation.
• Idea development:
Ideas are systematically thought about, analyzed and improved in the meeting
• Various interest groups represented:
In a meeting many interest groups can be represented and minorities can also be given due
• Expensive:
Meetings are expensive to arrange – they require a venue, paperwork, prior communication, and
travelling by the attendees.
• Open to disruption:
• Formalities: There are many formalities to hold on a meeting. Agenda, minutes,
regulations are needed for a valid meeting.
• Well-prepared
• Everyone participates
The characteristics of a good agenda:-
1. The names of expected attendees.
2. The exact place date.
3. The starttime for starting the meeting.
4. Rough indication of the meeting next time.
5. The time expected to be end.
6. Objective of the meeting.
7. Issues discussed and resolved.
8. Action will taken.
Types of minutes
How you write your minutes should be determined by how they will be used.
Minutes can be informal or formal depending on their purpose and audience.
• Action minutes
These are written by internal groups, such as teams or project groups, which meet on a regular
basis and the minutes they produce minutes that emphasize action points without worrying about
keeping a detailed account of how or why decisions were made. The purpose of these minutes is
to provide a record of decisions that require action. Brief notes with lists of action points might
be all that is required. As the audience is internal, the style might be informal with action points
listed in a table, and discussion and decisions noted as bullet points.
Often, the minute-taker will be a member of the team or group, and is free to participate in the
• Discursive minutes
Here, discussions and decisions are recorded in paragraphs of full text with full sentences.
Usually, decisions are recorded as having been taken by the committee, or by the members. It is
rare to name individuals.
The minute-taker in this case is usually a formally appointed secretary. The secretary has a range
of tasks which includes assisting in setting the agenda; calling for, collating and distributing
papers; following up on action points; and providing briefings to the Chair. The secretary is not
expected to contribute to the discussions, leaving him/ her free to accurately and objectively
describe what took place at the meeting without bias or distraction.
• Verbatim minutes
These minutes offer a word-for-word account. The minute-taker is expected to record what was
said by all parties. All statements are directly attributed to a named individual. Verbatim minutes
are used to capture what passed at disciplinary panels. As with discursive minutes, the minute-
taker is not expected to contribute as this may compromise his/her role as an independent and
objective observer.
Minutes should be written in the past tense. As they are a record of a discussion that has taken
place, they always refer to an event in the past:
• It was noted that
• The Chair reported
• The Committee agreed that it would
Members noted that the papers could be viewed
Minute writing
Structuring minutes
As with any piece of writing, it is important to structure your minutes to make them coherent and
ensure that they flow. Structuring your minutes will not be difficult: as minutes are a
conventional type of document, there is a standard structure with certain items that are expected
regardless of the type of minutes you are writing.
The structure of minutes is provided by the agenda which provides an outline of what will be
discussed and in what order. Regardless of when an item was actually addressed in the meeting,
the minutes should record the discussion and decisions under the appropriate item on the agenda.
The standard items of all minutes are:
• Title: the name of the meeting/ committee/ board, date, location and time;
• List of those in attendance: Members present, absent with apology, absent without
apology and any guest/s in attendance.
• Preliminaries
This is the introductory part of the meeting. The chairperson calls the meeting to order (time
when the meeting starts id indicated). A prayer may be said. The chairperson mentions the
apologies and welcomes the members.
• Minutes of the previous meeting: These will be read at the meeting where members will
either agree that they were a true record of the previous meeting, or they will note corrections to
be made to the minutes. Here one member proposes and another seconds that they are a true
• Matters arising: confirmation that action points from the previous meeting have been
• Business of the day: Agenda
• Any other business: this covers discussion of items that were not listed on the agenda;
• Adjournment: there being no other business the meeting was adjourned.
• Date of next meeting: With time and location if appropriate.
• Signing spaces: For the chairperson to sign and indicate the date.
Definition: An interview is a conversation between two or more people (the interviewer and the
interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer in order to obtain information from
the interviewee. It suggests a meeting between two or more people for the purpose of getting a
view of each other. It is a formal oral communication in which individuals interact for the
purpose of knowing each other.
Types of interview
• Job interviews
The interviewer who is a prospective employer wants to learn about the interviewee who is the
jobseeker and vice versa.
• Information interview
Interview seeks information that will contribute towards a decision or basic understanding.
Information flows mainly in one direction.
• Persuasive interviews
One person (the persuader) tells another about a new idea/ product/ service or explains why the
other should act on the recommendations. Usually the persuader asks about the other persons
needs and shows how the product or concept is able to meet those needs. The persuader must be
skilled enough to be convincing.
• Exit interviews
The interviewer usually a superior/ boss try to understand why the influence is leaving the
organization or transferring to another department or division.
The departing employee can often provide some understanding (insight) into whether the
business is being handled effectively or whether things could be improved. The interviewer tends
to ask the questions while the interviewee answers.
• Evaluation interviews
Interviews are often involved in the periodic evaluation that some companies make of their
workers. They may be inducted to gather information on matters e.g. worker attitudes, working
conditions, managerial effectiveness, and worker plans.
• Counseling interview
Here, a supervisor talks with an employee about their personal problems that are interfering with
work performance. The interviewer is concerned about the welfare of both the employee and the
organization. The goal is to establish the facts, convey the company’s concern and steer the
person towards a source of help.
• Conflict-resolution interview
The goal is to bring two parties close together, cause adjustments in perception and attitudes and
create a more productive climate.
• Disciplinary interviews
A supervisor tries to correct the behaviour of an employee who is flouting the organization rules
and regulations. The interviewer (supervisor) must not only get the employee to see the reason
for the rules and agree to comply but must also review the facts and explore the person’s attitude.
Types of customers
• Loyal Customers- These types of customers are less in numbers but promote more sales
and profit as compared to other customers as these are the ones which are completely satisfied.
These customers revisit the organization over times hence it is crucial to interact and keep in
touch with them on a regular basis and invest much time and effort with them. Loyal customers
want individual attention and that demands polite and respectful responses from supplier.
• Discount Customers- Discount customers are also frequent visitors but they are only a
part of business when offered with discounts on regular products and brands or they buy only
low cost products. More is the discount the more they tend towards buying. These customers are
mostly related to small industries or the industries that focus on low or marginal investments on
products. Focus on these types of customers is also important as they also promote distinguished
part of profit into business.
• Impulsive Customers- These customers are difficult to convince as they want to do the
business in urge or caprice. They don’t have any specific item into their product list but urge to
buy what they find good and productive at that point of time. Handling these customers is a
challenge as they are not particularly looking for a product and want the supplier to display all
the useful products they have in their tally in front of them so that they can buy what they like
from that display. If impulsive customers are treated accordingly then there is high probability
that these customers could be a responsible for high percentage of selling.
• Need Based Customers- These customers are product specific and only tend to buy
items only to which they are habitual or have a specific need for them. These are frequent
customers but do not become a part of buying most of the times so it is difficult to satisfy them.
These customers should be handled positively by showing them ways and reasons to switch to
other similar products and brands and initiating them to buy these. These customers could
possibly be lost if not tackled efficiently with positive interaction.
• Wandering Customers- These are the least profitable customers as sometimes they
themselves are not sure what to buy. These customers are normally new in industry and most of
the times visit suppliers only for confirming their needs on products. They investigate features of
most prominent products in the market but do not buy any of those or show least interest in
buying. To grab such customers they should be properly informed about the various positive
features of the products so that they develop a sense of interest.
• Be honest.
One of the most important things you own is a good reputation. Honesty with your coworkers
will build up your reputation. It’s one of the best ways to gain and keep respect.
• Avoid gossip.
Don’t listen to other people gossiping about coworkers. Most importantly, never gossip about
others. When you gossip, people wonder what you say about them and often avoid you.
• Show appreciation.
Be sure you thank a coworker who does something to make your job easier. Let coworkers know
you appreciate their contributions to the team. People like to be recognized and praised.
• Return favors.
A coworker might help you out by exchanging a day off with you. Return that favor. A sure way
to make people dislike you is to only take and never give.
• Avoid battles.
Let coworkers in conflict work out their own differences. Don’t take sides in their arguments.
This is a sure way to develop problems with coworkers. When you take sides, other people
usually resent your interference. Often both sides become unhappy with you.
Interpersonal skills
• Verbal communication
Effective verbal communication begins with clarity. This often requires nothing more than
slowing down and speaking more thoughtfully. Many people feel rushed to respond to questions
and conversations immediately, but it is better to pause for a moment in consideration, especially
if the question merits it.
• Non-verbal communication
Your body language is constantly speaking. Everything you do or don’t do says something about
you and how you are feeling. Your facial expressions (especially eye contact), your posture, your
voice, your gestures with your extremities and even the way you position yourself physically in a
room or amongst colleagues is constantly revealing your true attitude, for better or for worse.
• Listening skills
This is the ability to hear attentively and process information correctly. Effective listening
enables one to interpret a message and respond appropriately.
• Manners
Good manners tend to make many other interpersonal skills come naturally. With business
becoming increasingly more global, even for small businesses, manners are more important than
ever. A basic understanding of etiquette translates to other cultures and their expectations.
• Negotiation
This term means having the ability to discuss and reach an agreement in a professional manner.
• Problem solving
This is a very important skill for business people to have as constant problems are a common
result within organizations. The key aspects of successful problem solving are being able to
identify exactly what the problem is, dissecting the problem so that it is fully understood,
examining all options pertaining to solutions, setting up a system of strategies and objectives to
solve the problem, and finally putting this plan into effect and monitoring its progress.
• Responsibility and accountability
Responsibility and accountability are two reliable indicators of maturity. Saying you are going to
do something and then actually doing it is a sign of responsibility. This builds trust between
yourself and those they rely on you and it encourages others to seek your counsel and assistance.