Eerc Ahsystems 2307 Antenna-Beamwidth

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The Importance of Antenna Beamwidth in RF Testing

Antenna beamwidth determines the expected signal strength given the direction and radiation
distance of an antenna. The beamwidth will vary given a number of different factors such as the
antenna type, design, orientation and radio frequency. Understanding beamwidth and how it
influences a test environment is critical to accurate and repeatable tests.

How beamwidth is measured

To calculate an antenna beamwidth, it is first important to understand directional antennas and
antenna gain. Gain is more than increased signal strength. It is directly associated with antenna
directionality: increased signal strength in one direction is obtained by reducing signal strength
in another. Antenna gain is referenced against a theoretical, pure omnidirectional antenna that
radiates power equally in all directions, in the shape of a perfect sphere. Gain is measured in
decibels (dB), which is a logarithmic scale since radio frequency (RF) power drops
logarithmically with distance. All of these components of gain are important to consider during
product testing to ensure that tests are correct, accurate and repeatable.

Figure 1. The half-power value, also called the -3 dB point, which is represented by the red lines in Figure 1,
determines and defines the main RF lobe and its width, or beamwidth. Source: A.H. Systems

Radiation patterns of antennas are expressed on

circular plots showing the lobes of propagation.
These 2D charts represent a 3D signal and show
where antenna gain is expected to be stronger and
weaker. For a pure omnidirectional antenna, this
would look like a circle in a 2D chart or a sphere in
3D, but most antennas have some directionality.
On a chart, directionality shows up as multiple
radiation lobes that extend out from the origin, with
higher gain represented by a longer lobe.

Since directional antennas radiate in an expanding

pattern, measuring and evaluating the output or Figure 1: Half power beamwidth
receiving gain in a particular direction for an antenna can be challenging. As an analogy,
consider that an inflated (and perfectly round) balloon represents an omnidirectional antenna.
Squeezing the balloon’s sides would result in a shape resembling that of a directional antenna.

Reducing the chart to a number on the width of the pattern makes the area of coverage seem
larger than it really is. To account for this, the half-power value, also called the -3 dB point and
represented by the red lines in Figure 1, determines and defines the main RF lobe and its width,
or beamwidth. Given as a number for beamwidth, the half-power width is a more accurate
representation of where the signal chiefly radiates.

Other factors to study in testing are the E and H fields. RF radiation consists of both magnetic
fields (H) and electric fields (E), and these two field planes are always perpendicular to each
other. This is important when an antenna is designed to radiate with a specific polarization. The
polarization of an antenna corresponds to the E plane, although it also has a perpendicular H
plane. Antenna polarization has a significant influence on signal strength.

Accounting for different antennas and frequencies

Each antenna has a specific beamwidth pattern, but this pattern is not constant across all
frequencies. Because of this, it is important to consider the frequency of operation when testing
to account for beamwidth differences. Higher frequencies have a smaller wavelength; so,
generally speaking, higher frequencies have a narrower beamwidth and are more directional.
The divergence of the beam is related to the frequency by a formula, so it is fairly easy to
account for these effects.

Figure 2. A typical test setup in an anechoic chamber with a log periodic antenna, where its beamwidth at 1 m
covers 0.536 m2 of testing area. This demonstrates the necessity of calculating the required testing distance
relative to beamwidth and antenna. Source: A.H. Systems

Each antenna has different characteristics

and directionality. Selecting the appropriate
antenna with the corresponding beamwidth
for a specific test is important. In addition to
beamwidth, factors such as its resonant
frequency, bandwidth, polarization and gain
will play a role. No single antenna design can
cover all aspects, so selecting the best
antenna for each test is necessary.

Log periodic antennas have wide-frequency

bandwidth while at the same time can also be
designed to have a fair amount of
directionality. Typically, the beamwidth of a Figure 2: Beamwidth coverage
log periodic is related to the boom length, element spacing, taper and number of elements.
Beamwidth is typically used for testing the half-power. This can be calculated based on the
antenna characteristics and is often obtained from the manufacturer. The half-power beamwidth
of the antenna, along with the distance to the device under test (DUT) provides the information
needed to set up a test environment. An online Beamwidth Coverage Calculator is available
from A.H. Systems Inc.

Horn antennas have reasonable directivity, are used at microwave frequencies and are fed by
waveguides. They have a wider bandwidth than some other microwave antenna solutions,
which makes them a good antenna choice for testing. Among the different kinds of horn
antennas are the pyramid, conical or corrugated horn. The different types affect the radiation
pattern and beamwidth. One such example is a horn antenna designed to have polarity by
flaring the sides so that it can be aligned with the E or H plane.

Testing procedure
Testing products for RF compliance, output, susceptibility or other criteria is necessary to meet
FCC requirements and to assure quality and design. Tests are done in an anechoic chamber
designed to absorb RF energy so that only the intended signals are present. An antenna or
antenna system is placed at various points around the device to determine its characteristics. A
number of details must be taken into account, such as the test frequency, type of antenna,
position, orientation, beamwidth as well as its distance to the DUT, all of which are important
criteria to achieve repeatable and reliable results.

A spurious emissions test is designed to identify non-intended or non-primary transmissions

from the DUT. This test is often done to comply with FCC part 15, but it may also be completed
to understand how a device is operating or how it could influence devices around it. The test
setup involves placing the DUT at a specified distance from a receiving antenna of a known
beamwidth and observing the received signals at various frequencies, as well as antenna
placement. The combination of this data creates a picture of all RF emissions from the DUT and
determines if it is in compliance.

RF susceptibility testing determines how an outside RF signal will affect the normal function of a
device. Like spurious emissions, testing is done in an anechoic room where a radiating antenna
is placed a specific distance from the DUT. The antenna transmits a signal of a specified
strength and frequency although multiple frequencies are often tested. A receiving probe may
be used to ensure the field strength is correct near the DUT. The device is then operated to
determine when or if the outside RF interferes with normal operation and at what level. Devices
such as radio receivers tend to be affected the most due to overloading the receiver, but devices
such as computer equipment are impacted at some level due to interference with clock
frequencies and other circuitry. This A.H. Systems’ Field Intensity Calculator to help determine
field strength.
Repeatability is important for any test and this applies to RF testing. Tests should be repeatable
utilizing the same equipment and facility, and also should be repeatable at multiple places and
with different equipment, provided the testing procedure is set up correctly and the equipment is
calibrated. Some reasons for different results from an RF test are due to the testing antennas,
so care must be executed during setup and test equipment selection.

Test setup is another important factor where beamwidth comes into consideration. To set up the
system, an antenna with a known beamwidth that corresponds to the equipment and frequency
is used to calculate the necessary distance to cover the entire DUT. Depending on the size of
the DUT and the beamwidth of the antenna, it may be necessary to set up the antenna in
multiple locations. Once the beamwidth has been calculated, it may be determined that it does
not fully cover the DUT. In this case, it will be necessary to repeat the test with a second or third
placement of the antenna so that the entire device is covered.

RF testing requires accuracy, repeatability and understanding of the test equipment and
environment. Many characteristics must be controlled to meet the criteria. Calculating and
understanding antenna beamwidth is critical as it impacts many test results. Selecting the
correct antenna and placement that corresponds to the beamwidth is critical.

For help selecting a test antenna, calculating beamwidth or beamwidth measurement services,
contact A.H. Systems inc.

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