NIRF Engineering 2024
NIRF Engineering 2024
NIRF Engineering 2024
Ministry of Education
Government of India
Welcome to Data Capturing System: ENGINEERING
Submitted Institute Data for NIRF'2024'
Institute Name: Tagore Engineering College [IR-E-C-16541]
PG [2 Year Program(s)] 36 36 - - - -
PG [2 Year 17 21 38 38 0 0 8 30 18 0 0 20
Total Students
Full Time 0
Part Time 9
Full Time 3 0 0
Part Time 0 0 0
Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Capital expenditure for previous 3 years
Academic Year 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21
Annual Capital Expenditure on Academic Activities and Resources (excluding expenditure on buildings)
Library ( Books, Journals and e-Resources only) 645000 (Six lakhs Fourty Five Thousand) 650000 (Six Lakhs Fifty Thousand ) 122247 (one lakh twenty two thousand two hundred and forty
New Equipment and software for Laboratories 1900000 (Nineteen Lakhs) 1500000 (Fifteen Lakhs) 1500000 (Fifteen lakhs)
Engineering Workshops 226738 (Two Lakhs Twenty Six Thousand Seven Thirty Eighty 120000 (One Lakhs Twenty Thousand) 50188 (fifty thousand one hundred and eighty eight)
Other expenditure on creation of Capital Assets (For setting up 1254961 (Twelve Lakhs Fifty Four Thousand nine Sixty one) 407408 (Four lakhs seven thousand four hundred and eight) 313171 (Three lakhs thirteen thousand one hundred and
classrooms, seminar hall, conference hall , library, Lab, Engg seventy one)
workshops excluding expenditure on Land and Building)
Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Operational expenditure for previous 3 years
Academic Year 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21
Salaries (Teaching and Non Teaching staff) 58236443 (Five Crores Eighty Two Lakhs Thirty Six Thousand 50833792 (five crores eight lakhs thirty three thousand seven 44540411 (Four crores forty five lakhs forty thousand four
Four Forty Three ) hundred and ninty two) hundred and eleven)
Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure or consumables and 12604326 (One Crore Twenty Six Lakhs Four Thousand Three 10098000 (One crore ninety eight thousand) 5062466 (Fifty lakhs sixty two thousand four hundred and sixty
other running expenditures(excluding maintenance of hostels Hundred and Twenty Six) six)
and allied services,rent of the building, depreciation cost, etc)
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops 310000 (Three Lakhs and Ten Thousand) 260000 (Two sixty Thousand) 258485 (two lakhs fifty eight thousand four hundred and eighty
Calendar year 2022 2021 2020
Amount Received in Words Two Lakhs Seventy Thousand Two Lakhs Zero
Amount Received in Words Five lakhs twenty five Thousand five lakhs twenty five thousand Zero
2. Do your institution have provision for walking aids, including wheelchairs and transportation from one building to another for Yes
handicapped students?
3. Do your institution buildings have specially designed toilets for handicapped students? Yes, more than 80% of the buildings
Faculty Details
Srno Name Age Designation Gender Qualification Experience (In Currently working Joining Date Leaving Date Association type
Months) with institution?
32 JUDES DIVYA T 35 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 162 Yes 18-07-2011 -- Regular
76 JISHA KUMARI A V 40 Assistant Professor Female M. Phil 221 Yes 17-08-2006 -- Regular
92 AJITH MOHAN H 37 Assistant Professor Male M.E. 114 Yes 04-01-2016 -- Regular
94 MEKALA DEVI M 38 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 103 Yes 05-12-2016 -- Regular
96 PACKIYA RAJ A 39 Assistant Professor Male M.E. 163 Yes 12-12-2011 -- Regular
100 PON MIZPAH D 38 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 190 Yes 25-06-2012 -- Regular
101 J ANTONY MASILA 43 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 167 Yes 17-02-2011 -- Regular
102 ANTONI GRACY G 32 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 79 Yes 25-06-2018 -- Regular
104 DOLPHIN KIRUBA 34 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 139 Yes 19-06-2013 -- Regular
105 PREETHI D 39 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 212 Yes 01-08-2011 -- Regular
106 MANIMOZHI R 46 Associate Professor Female M.E. 274 Yes 21-07-2006 -- Regular
107 SELVAKUMARI P 40 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 210 Yes 01-06-2011 -- Regular
108 MEENAKSHI N 44 Associate Professor Male M.E. 269 Yes 02-01-2010 -- Regular
109 VARADHARAJAN A 41 Assistant Professor Male M.E. 215 Yes 02-01-2010 -- Regular
110 DHIVYA J 34 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 149 Yes 01-08-2012 -- Regular
111 SUDHEER REDDY 36 Assistant Professor Male M.E. 157 Yes 05-12-2011 -- Regular
112 PRIYADHARSINI K 39 Assistant Professor Female M. Phil 198 Yes 27-01-2010 -- Regular
116 Bharvatha Varthini S 35 Assistant Professor Female M.E. 54 Yes 01-07-2020 -- Regular
119 SARAVANAN S 47 Assistant Professor Male M.E. 192 Yes 26-09-2022 -- Regular