Interpretation of Bone Marrow Aspiration in Hematological Disorder
Interpretation of Bone Marrow Aspiration in Hematological Disorder
Interpretation of Bone Marrow Aspiration in Hematological Disorder
2, 309 - 312
al Pathologi
Journal of
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of Nepal
Nepal M
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Original Article
Background: Hematological disorders are quite frequent in all age group. Most of this hematological
disorder first present as anemia. Bone Marrow Aspiration plays a major role in the diagnosis of its
Bone marrow aspiration;
underlying cause. The aim of this study was to analyze the causes of hematological disorders, its spectrum
and to interprete the bone marrow aspiration findings.
Megaloblastic anemia
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective and prospective study carried out in the department
of Pathology of Nepal Medical College in a period of two years. (July 2010 - June 2012). Bone marrow
examination of 57 cases of suspected hematological disorders was carried out. All details of the patients
were obtained from the record file in the department of pathology.
Results: Out of 57 cases of bone marrow aspiration, erythroid hyperplasia was seen in 12 cases (21%).
Megaloblastic anemia was seen in 7 cases (12.3%) and microcytic anemia was seen in 4 cases (7%).
There were 6 cases (10.5%) of Idiopathic Thrombocypenic Purpura. Acute leukemia was diagnosed in 7
cases (12.3%) and among this acute myeloid leukemia (10.5%) was more common than acute lymphoid
leukemia (1.8%). Myelodysplastic syndrome and multiple myeloma was seen in 3.5 % cases each.
Aplastic anemia and kalaazar was seen in 5.3% and 1.8% cases respectively.
Conclusion: Bone marrow examination is an important step to arrive at the confirmatory diagnosis
of many hematological disorders.
Anemia is common worldwide and particularly so in without bone marrow examination the diagnosis is usually
developing countries.1 Hematological disorder in any not a confirmatory. Bone marrow examination also gives
age group usually presents with anemia. The spectrum explanation for unexplained cytopenias and leukemia.2
of hematological disorders is relatively different in the It gives a more complete picture of the reaction of the
developing world than the developed countries.2 Most of hemopoietic tissue to anemia than can be gained from
the time the diagnosis can be arrived at by detail clinical peripheral blood smear (PBS) alone.1
examination and few simple investigations. However
Bone marrow aspiration (BMA) is the most frequent and
Correspondence: safe invasive procedures done routinely in the hospitals for
Dr. Sujata Pudasaini,MD the diagnosis and management of hematological disorder.1-3
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology There is very little or no risk of bleeding and can be safely
Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal done in case of severe thrombocytopenia.2
E-mail: [email protected]
Bone marrow aspiration in hematological disorders 310
This study was carried out with the aim of finding out the
causes of haematological disorders, its spectrum and to
interprete the BMA findings.
Bone marrow examination findings are given in Table 3. Figure 3: Bone marrow aspirate showing plasma cells
(Wright stain,X1000)
Erythroid hyperplasia was the common finding in our study.
In these cases there were no other significant findings. Out
of 12 cases of erythroid hyperplasia, 2 cases show few The differential diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia was
micronormoblast and 3 cases show mild megaloblastoid commented in each of these cases as clinical correlation with
changes however they were not of the significant number. biochemical and other parameters are required to diagnose.
Hence they were grouped under erythroid hyperplasia. Acute leukemia was seen in 7 cases (12.3%). Out of this,
Megaloblastic anemia (12.3%) was more common than 6 cases (10.5%) were AML and 1 case (1.8%) was ALL.
microcytic anemia (7%). Infective pathology (12.3%) Out of 6 cases of AML, the commonest type was AML M3
includes all the cases with normal to slightly hypercellular (3 cases; fig.2), followed by AML M2 (2 cases) and AML
marrow with increased myeloid erythroid (M:E) ratio and M1 (1 case). There were 2 cases of multiple myeloma
cells of myelopoiesis showing shift to left. Clsuters of LD where 22% and 16% of the nucleated cells were plasma
bodies were seen (fig.1). cells. Though the diagnosis was given as multiple myeloma
(fig.3), biochemical, radiological and clinical correlation
In all cases of hypoplastic anemia the marrow was was recommended in each case.
hypocellular and all 3 lineages of cell were suppressed.
BMA findings were correlated with PBS which also DISCUSSION
showed pancytopenia. However bone marrow biopsy was
not done in these cases. Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) The spectrum of hematological disorders is very wide. Bone
was diagnosed in cases with increased erythroid series of marrow examination is safe and a useful test in reaching the
cells with megaloblastic changes and dyserythropoiesis. final diagnosis.2
311 Pudasaini S et al.
In our study the most common age group undergoing BMA Table1: Age distribution of the patients
was 31- 45 years. In a study done by Niazi et al, the majority Age group No. of patients Percentage (%)
of the patients were from the age group 1- 30 years.4 In our < 15 years 4 7%
study the age of the patients ranged from 9 months and 75
15- 30 years 17 29.9%
years with the mean age of 37.9 years. 27 (47.4%) were
31- 45 years 24 42.1%
males and 30 (52.6%) were females with (M: F=1:1.1). Age
and sex distribution was compared with other studies as >45 years 12 21%
shown in Table 4. Total 57 100%
The commonest indication of BMA was pancytopenia Table 2: Cellularity of the bone marrow in the aspirates
(50 %) followed by bicytopenia (36%). Similar to our smears
finding pancytopenia was the commonest indication in Cellularity of the marrow No. of cases Percentage (%)
a study done by Ahmed et al.7 But in contrast to these Hypercellular 35 61.4%
studies, pancytopenia was the third common indication Normocellular 15 26.3%
(11.9%) in a study done by Bashawri et al.8 In our study,
Hypocelullar 7 12.3%
thrombocytopenia alone was seen in 14 % cases.
Total 57 100%
Hypoplastic anemia was seen in 3 cases (5.3%). Diagnosis ITP was seen in 6 cases (10.5%). Other studies showed
Bone marrow aspiration in hematological disorders 312