A Novel Design and Implementation of Smart Home Security System: Future Perspective
A Novel Design and Implementation of Smart Home Security System: Future Perspective
A Novel Design and Implementation of Smart Home Security System: Future Perspective
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
As technology is still evolving, there is not a specific
appropriate standard to define a ‘smart home’ nor a distinctive
features to classifying ‘smart home’ in relation to various
related terms used and from similar other systems. We can say
home system as ‘smarter’ due to collective intelligence of
individual home appliances, all electronics and non electronic
items in collaboration with other devices in surroundings. The
term ‘smart home’ is used for all residence those are equipped
with something that makes inhabitants to monitoring all things
automatically and facilitates home environment so as optimize
and automate all facilities designed for basic day today need
of an individual. The basic principles on which a smart home Fig. 2. Categorization of smart home fields according to the
stands fruitful mentioned in Fig. 1. intended services.
With the advent of Internet of Things (IOT) it hopes to
connect all things those have their certain unique identities
In the era of technology, where smart homes are pacing steps
with self configuring capabilities to communicate data
with other dedicated technology, categorizing smart home
associated with users and their environment and to take
fields according to intended services provided for comfort,
actions based on their operating conditions. It is not just
monitoring & security. Fig. 1 classifying the comforting zone
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 2 (2019) pp. 363-368
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
as activity identification and event automation so as to provide traditional locks were used to guard the home. Somewhere
the satisfaction relax environment. Secondly to monitoring there are chances for key loss. Due to this short come full
local and remote environment when events may become system break down. The main objective of this system is to
obscure remotely. Thirdly, the factor which is more make our home security more efficient and more reliable. It is
concerning towards keeping secure authentication according low cost, low power consumption, with battery backup. This
to proper access control by providing appropriate user system works in those conditions also when in case security
identification. breached, so in response alert notification send and alarm
Security has become an important part of life everywhere. It is
necessary to secure home as the possibilities of intruders are
increasing intentionally or unintentionally to gain access
B. Proposed System Features
inside premises for harming and to become potentially threat
to life, property which may cost to loss of unauthorized This Smart Home Security System developed with advanced
materials and information. Whatever may be the technology, feature to overcome shortcomings of previous security
it is always with humans as being an assistant and somewhere system. It is more than normal home security using phone
but under the domain of IOT we configure and control those application to monitor door lock and intrusion detection.
things which are traditionally not associated with internet.
Controlling system up to 100 meter
Intrusion detection and surveillance system purpose is to
detect intrusion using sensors (such as PIR sensor) and raise Monitoring with mobile app
alert. Smart home security system can potentially become a Alarming in case intrusion detect
device where they can interact more seamlessly with the
immediate environment. There is potential in smart home Capturing image from camera
security system to make the home a service rich safe and
Alert notification through GSM
secure environment. But instead still we face many challenges
and hurdles while advancement and acceptance of these Password protect through keypad
services. However, the smart home security system based on
GSM (Global system for mobile communication) provide Friendly user interface with LCD display
enhanced security by signalling whenever disturbances in Power backup in case power failure
sensor occurs and in response beside raising alarm, a text
message is also sent to a desired number to take necessary Automatic door lock after unlocking
actions. The proposed approach has been implemented under Low cost system with affordable price
two case scenarios.
The first system implemented when in case all members are
present inside home premises and simply accessing main door III. SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION
for in-out using 4x4 matrix keypad and authorising Smart Home Security System for facilitating authorised access
themselves by giving unique password for system to provide and monitoring intrusion detection divided according to need
access. The second system implemented only in case this and on time basis for saving energy into two sub-system. The
system is activated by the residence and when all members first system (module1) implemented when in case all
away from home. After activation of second system it works members are present inside home premises and second system
in parallel to first system by giving enhanced security with (Module2) implemented only in case it is activated by the
PIR motion detector, buzzer for raising alarm, GSM module residence and when all members away from home.
for sending alert message, camera for capturing image, so as
to warn members of home regarding any intrusion trying to Components used in first security system (Module1):
4x4 matrix keypad,
Arduino Uno microcontroller
16x2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
Smart Home Security System is design and developed
keeping in mind to monitor our home security from intrusion. Potentiometer
Sonoff SV
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 2 (2019) pp. 363-368
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 2 (2019) pp. 363-368
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 2 (2019) pp. 363-368
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
C. Software Design
The phone Application helps to control the home security lock
according to the user requirement. It is a smart security that
manages all door lock through the application. It lets app to
flip the switches for locking-unlocking electromagnetic lock.
Protect Valuable is the most important benefits of the security
Fig. 12. Circuit diagram of Module2 Security System system. In many case we lost our many valuable things due to
home invasion. A home security has an alarm that scares off
many unwanted things and can notify on phone application if
someone tries to break-in. Remote surveillance allows you to
remotely access to home security system at any hour of the
day, from any location. Individual can monitors what happens
via cameras through phone as well as lock door and other
devices also. With a home surveillance, don’t need to worry
about home safety.
In case of a power failure if problem arise the security system
has a backup plan for it and which provide the backup power
after the power failure.
Smart home security system is more efficient than the
traditional method of the door locking system which helps to
regulate your security according to user convenience to
monitor and controlling authorized entry inside home. If
above security system integrated with internet connectivity
through ZigBee module it will help to monitor intrusion
remotely from anywhere. Somewhere we can implement this
system to work on real time processing for providing the live
Fig. 13. Working flow diagram of Module2 Security System recording with camera. System is easy to extend further with
different modules and various sensors as per requirement of
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 2 (2019) pp. 363-368
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com