NeuroQuizzes Aa

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Neuro Quiz #2 A side effect of intravenous fluid

+ A nurse is caring for a patient with administration

Indicative of respiratory distress
increased ICP following a traumatic brain
injury. The nurse understands that which +A nurse is caring for a patient with
of the following is the most reliable increased ICP who is scheduled for a
indicator of neurological status in this lumbar puncture. What is the nurse's best
patient? action?
Ensure the patient is NPO for 6 hours before
- Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score the procedure.
Pupil size and reactivity
Position the patient in a side-lying position
Extremity strength
with legs pulled up and head bent down onto
Level of consciousness
the chest.
+ A patient with a spinal cord injury is Advise the patient to remain flat for several
hours after the procedure.
experiencing severe neurogenic shock.
-Obtain informed consent for the
Which of the following is the most
appropriate nursing intervention?
Immediate administration of high-dose
+The nurse is caring for a patient who
suffered a spinal cord injury 24 hours
Placement of the patient in a Trendelenburg
position ago. Which of the following interventions
- Administration of intravenous fluids and is most important at this time?
vasopressors Encouraging high-fiber diet to prevent
Application of a cervical collar to immobilize the constipation
spine Monitoring for signs of autonomic dysreflexia
Frequent repositioning to prevent pressure
+A patient with a suspected cerebral ulcers
hematoma presents with fluctuating levels -Administration of corticosteroids to
of consciousness and a headache. Which reduce inflammation
of the following actions by the nurse is +A patient with a spinal cord injury at the
most appropriate initially? C5 level is at risk for which of the
Administer a diuretic to decrease ICP.
following complications?
- Prepare the patient for immediate CT
Elevate the head of the bed to 45 degrees.
Autonomic dysreflexia
Provide analgesics to manage headache
-Both B and C are correct
+A nurse notes that a patient with
increased ICP has bradycardia with a +A patient with a history of a right-sided
bounding pulse. The nurse understands cerebral hematoma presents with left-
this is due to: sided weakness. The nurse understands
-A compensatory mechanism to increase that this presentation is due to:
cerebral perfusion pressure
An early sign of septic shock
-Damage to the motor cortex on the right +Which of the following is a priority
side of the brain affecting the opposite nursing intervention for a patient with a
side of the body. cervical spine injury and respiratory
Increased ICP affecting the brainstem and
spinal cord pathways.
Administration of high-flow oxygen via nasal
Compensatory mechanisms shifting brain tissue
to the unaffected side.
-Immediate intubation and mechanical
Inflammation and edema on the left side of the
Placement in a sitting position to facilitate
+When caring for a patient with increased breathing
ICP, which of the following nursing actions Application of a soft cervical collar
is contraindicated? +A patient with increased ICP is receiving
Monitoring fluid intake and output closely
mannitol. Which of the following outcomes
-Using a pillow to slightly elevate the
indicates the treatment is effective?
patient's head
Decreased urine output
Administering stool softeners to prevent
-Improved Glasgow Coma Scale score
Increased blood pressure
Performing passive range-of-motion exercises
Decreased serum sodium
every 8 hours
+A nurse is planning care for a patient
+While assessing a patient with increased
with a concussion. Which of the following
ICP, the nurse observes a widening pulse
interventions should be included in the
pressure, bradycardia, and irregular
patient’s care plan?
respirations. The nurse interprets these
Encourage ambulation every 2 hours to prevent
findings as: deep vein thrombosis.
Perform neurological checks every 4 hours.
Normal findings in a patient with increased ICP Restrict fluid intake to reduce cerebral edema.
-Indicative of imminent brain herniation -Provide a quiet environment and limit
Signs of early shock stimulation.
Expected outcomes following administration of
+A nurse is providing education to a
patient with a mild concussion. Which of
+A patient with a history of spinal cord the following instructions should the nurse
injury is experiencing a headache and include?
sweating above the level of injury. The "You should expect persistent headaches for
blood pressure is 220/120 mm Hg. The the next few months."
nurse should first: -"Avoid activities that could result in
Elevate the head of the bed to 45 degrees another head injury."
-Check the bladder for distension "It's important to stimulate your brain with
Administer prescribed antihypertensive puzzles and reading."
medication "Resume normal activities as soon as you feel
Apply a cold compress to the forehead able."
+The nurse is evaluating a patient's risk The nurse recognizes these symptoms as
of developing a spinal cord injury after a indicative of:
diving accident. Which of the following Neurogenic shock
factors would increase the patient's risk? Spinal shock
-Diving in shallow water -Autonomic dysreflexia
Hemorrhagic shock
Wearing protective headgear
Experience in diving QUIZ #3
Diving into a wave
+For a patient experiencing absence
+A nurse is assessing a patient with a seizures, which symptom is most commonly
cerebral contusion. Which of the following observed?
findings would the nurse report Sudden loss of muscle tone
immediately? -Brief, sudden lapses in attention
Complaints of nausea Intense muscle spasms
-A decrease in level of consciousness Prolonged confusion after the event
A headache that worsens with movement
+During the recovery phase post-cerebral
Bruising behind the ears
aneurysm repair, which complication is
+In planning care for a patient with a most critical for the nurse to monitor?
spinal cord injury, which of the following Rebleeding of the aneurysm
goals is most appropriate? Hypertension
The patient will regain full mobility within 6 -Vasospasm
months. Hyponatremia
-The patient will demonstrate proper use
of assistive devices before discharge. +A nurse is planning care for a patient
The patient will experience no complications with a small, unruptured cerebral
related to immobility. aneurysm. Which goal is most
The patient will report pain is managed to a appropriate?
tolerable level. Prepare the patient for immediate surgical
+The nurse is caring for a patient with
-Monitor the aneurysm size and symptoms
increased ICP. Which of the following
medications would the nurse expect to
Encourage physical activities to promote blood
administer to reduce ICP? flow.
Beta-blockers Initiate end-of-life care discussions.
-Corticosteroids +During the acute phase of a stroke, a
Antibiotics nurse notices that the patient has
difficulty recognizing objects by touch.
+A patient who has sustained a spinal cord This symptom is known as:
injury at the level of T6 is experiencing Hemiplegia
severe hypertension, bradycardia, and
sweating above the level of the injury.
+For a patient at risk of a cerebral The patient will regain full speech abilities by
aneurysm, which lifestyle modification discharge.
should the nurse promote?
+A patient with epilepsy expresses
Increase caffeine intake to improve alertness. concern about the stigma associated with
Start a high-intensity workout regimen the condition. What is the nurse's best
-Maintain a low-sodium diet and control "Most people will not notice your condition."
blood pressure. "You should avoid social situations that might
Take aspirin daily to reduce the risk of clot trigger a seizure."
formation. _-"Let's discuss ways you can educate
+A nurse is caring for a patient others about epilepsy."
"Epilepsy is not a common condition, so stigma is
experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure. Which
action should the nurse take?
Restrain the patient to prevent injury. +A patient recovering from a subarachnoid
Insert an oral airway during the seizure to hemorrhage due to a cerebral aneurysm
ensure patency.
rupture is experiencing photophobia.
-Place the patient on their side to
Which nursing intervention is most
facilitate breathing and prevent
Encourage the use of sunglasses when outside.
Administer oral glucose immediately to prevent
Maintain a well-lit room to reduce eye strain.
-Dim the lights in the patient's room.
+During a swallowing assessment of a Increase the patient's screen time to

patient who had a stroke, the nurse notes strengthen eye muscles.

coughing and choking. What is the priority +A right-handed patient who had a right
nursing intervention? hemisphere stroke is admitted to the
Offer fluids to clear the throat.
rehabilitation unit. Which outcome should
Place the patient in a supine position.
the nurse expect during the assessment?
-Initiate a referral to a speech therapist
-Impaired judgment and spatial awareness
for a swallowing evaluation.
Difficulty in speaking and understanding
Continue to monitor the patient's swallowing
with each meal.
Paralysis on the left side of the body
+A nurse is planning care for a patient Memory loss and difficulty in learning new tasks
with aphasia following a stroke. Which +A nurse is educating a patient with
goal is most appropriate? aphasia and their family on strategies to
The patient will express needs verbally within
improve communication. Which strategy is
two weeks.
most effective?
-The patient will use alternative
Speak in long, complex sentences to promote
communication methods within one week.
The patient's family will understand aphasia
-Use simple, short sentences and allow
completely within one day.
time for the patient to respond.
Correct the patient's mistakes firmly to prevent +A patient with a diagnosed cerebral
them from recurring. aneurysm reports a sudden, severe
Encourage the patient to speak quickly to
headache described as "the worst
improve fluency.
headache of my life." What is the nurse's
+A patient with epilepsy is prescribed a priority action?
new antiepileptic drug (AED). What is the Administer a strong analgesic for headache
priority nursing education for this patient? relief.
Discontinue the drug immediately if a seizure -Prepare the patient for immediate
occurs. surgical evaluation.
Adjust the dose independently based on seizure Advise the patient to rest in a dark, quiet room.
control. Monitor the patient for further symptoms.
-Report any new or worsening mood to the +A nurse is caring for a patient who has
healthcare provider. had a left hemisphere stroke. The patient
Take the medication only when experiencing an has difficulty speaking and understanding
language. Which type of aphasia is this
+A patient diagnosed with epilepsy is being patient most likely experiencing?
discharged. What is the most important Global aphasia
safety instruction for the nurse to -Broca's aphasia
emphasize? Wernicke's aphasia
Anomic aphasia
Avoid cooking meals at home.
Swim alone for relaxation. +A nurse is providing discharge
-Wear a medical alert bracelet. instructions to a patient who has had an
Never take a bath. aneurysm coiling procedure. Which activity
+A nurse observes a patient begin to restriction should the nurse emphasize?
experience a seizure. The initial action "Limit reading and screen time to avoid eye
should be to:
-"Avoid lifting objects heavier than 10
Administer an intravenous antiepileptic drug
pounds for six weeks."
"You can return to your usual exercise routine
Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Document the time the seizure started.
"Increase your intake of fluids to prevent
-Ensure the environment is safe to
prevent injury.
+A patient with a history of stroke is +A patient recovering from a stroke
showing signs of frustration when trying experiences difficulty in planning steps to
to speak. Which nursing intervention is complete tasks. The nurse recognizes this
most appropriate to facilitate as a symptom of:
communication? Expressive aphasia
-Encourage the use of gestures and -Apraxia
pictures. Dysarthria
Speak loudly to the patient. Agraphia
Complete the sentences for the patient.
Avoid eye contact to reduce pressure.
QUIZ #4 A sign of permanent nerve damage.
-An expected part of the recovery
+A nurse is teaching a patient with MG process.
about pyridostigmine. What information is Indicative of the need for immediate surgery.
most important to include: Unrelated to GBS and requires no further
"Take the medication with meals to reduce assessment.
gastrointestinal side effects."
"You may discontinue the medication if you +A nurse is caring for a patient with PD
experience muscle cramps." who is at risk for falls. What is the most
-"Take the medication 30 minutes before effective intervention to reduce this risk?
eating to improve swallowing and chewing." Keep the patient in a wheelchair.
"Increase your dose if you are feeling more weak Use sedatives to reduce agitation.
than usual." -Ensure clear paths and remove rugs from
the floor.
+A nurse is planning care for a patient Encourage the use of high-heeled shoes for
with GBS. Which intervention is crucial to stability.n 4
include for preventing complications?
+For a patient with GBS and autonomic
-Passive range-of-motion exercises to
prevent contractures. dysfunction, which nursing observation
High-calorie diet to promote rapid recovery. requires immediate intervention?
Immobilization of limbs in a fixed position to -Fluctuations in blood pressure.
reduce pain. Consistent heart rate of 60 bpm.
Administration of antibiotics to prevent Temperature variation of -17 °C (1°F) in 24
secondary infections. hours.
Mild anxiety about the hospital stay.
+A patient with PD exhibits a mask-like
facial expression. The nurse understands +A patient is diagnosed with Guillain-
this is due to: Barre Syndrome (GBS). The nurse knows
Emotional distress. that the priority nursing intervention is
Excessive use of facial muscles. to:
-Reduced blinking and facial mobility. -Prepare for mechanical ventilation.
Side effects of medication. Encourage frequent ambulation.
Administer high-dose corticosteroids.
+A nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed
Provide emotional support and reassurance.
with Myasthenia Gravis (MG). Which of
the following symptoms would the nurse +Which of the following strategies is most
expect to find? effective in managing cognitive changes in
Muscle strength improves with use. a patient with MS?
-Ptosis and diplopia. -Use of mnemonic devices to improve
Hyperreflexia. memory.
Decreased level of consciousness. High doses of corticosteroids to reduce
+During recovery from GBS, a patient
Complete avoidance of mentally challenging
reports tingling sensations in their feet. tasks.
The nurse recognizes this as:
Frequent, vigorous exercise to increase cognitive the nurse mention as a common sign of an
function. MS exacerbation?
+For a patient with PD experiencing Decreased heart rate.
dysphagia, which nursing action is most Improved vision.
appropriate? -New or worsening neurological symptoms.
Encourage rapid eating to reduce fatigue. Decrease in spasticity.
-Provide thickened liquids and soft foods.
+During an assessment of a patient with
Offer large meals three times a day.
Increase spicy foods to stimulate swallowing. MG, the nurse observes muscle weakness
that improves with rest. This finding is
+Which dietary recommendation is most consistent with which characteristic
appropriate for a patient with PD feature of MG?
experiencing constipation? Periodic paralysis.
High-protein diet to promote muscle strength. Continuous muscle contraction.
Low-fiber diet to simplify digestion. -Fluctuating muscle strength throughout
-Increased fluid intake and a high-fiber the day.
diet. Progressive muscle weakness without
Restricted fluid intake to manage urinary improvement.
+A patient recovering from GBS is
+A patient with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) beginning to ambulate with assistance. The
reports fatigue as their most debilitating nurse knows that this indicates:
symptom. Which nursing intervention is The need to limit activity to prevent relapse.
most appropriate? Progression to the plateau phase of the illness.
Encourage high-intensity aerobic exercises to -The start of the recovery phase.
boost energy. That full recovery is unlikely.
-Schedule activities in the morning when
+A nurse is discussing bladder management
energy levels are highest.
with a patient who has MS. Which
Recommend caffeine intake to temporarily
alleviate fatigue. suggestion is most appropriate?
Advise complete bed rest during the day. Limit fluid intake to decrease the need to
+Which intervention is most important for Use intermittent catheterization as a primary
a patient with MG? management strategy.
Administering muscle relaxants to decrease Ignore the urge to urinate to increase bladder
muscle weakness. capacity.
-Providing small, frequent meals to -Engage in pelvic floor muscle exercises to
prevent aspiration. improve bladder control.
Encouraging vigorous exercise to strengthen +A patient with MG is scheduled for
muscles. surgery. What is the priority nursing
Limiting fluid intake to reduce the risk of
aspiration. Discussing the use of general anesthesia to
prevent MG crisis.
+A patient with MS asks about symptoms
that may indicate a relapse. What should
Ensuring the patient does not take their MG To regain lost muscle strength
medication on the day of surgery to prevent To prevent the progression of ALS
drug interactions. -To maintain optimal functioning within the
-Communicating with the surgical team disease's progression
about the patient's condition and potential To focus on aggressive new treatments to cure
need for postoperative ventilation. ALS
Advising the patient to limit physical activity one
+A patient with trigeminal neuralgia is
week before surgery to conserve strength.
scheduled for a microvascular
+A patient with Parkinson's Disease (PD) decompression procedure. Postoperatively,
has difficulty initiating movements. Which what is the priority nursing assessment?
nursing intervention could help improve the Assessing for facial droop
patient's mobility? Monitoring for signs of infection
Evaluating for changes in pain intensity
Encourage complete bed rest.
-Checking for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Recommend high-intensity interval training.
-Use visual cues to facilitate walking.
Prescribe anticoagulants to prevent blood +Which medication is commonly prescribed
clots. to treat Bell's Palsy in its early stages?
+A nurse is planning care for a patient
with MS who experiences spasticity.
Which of the following interventions Antidiabetic medications
should be included? +A nurse is instructing a patient with
Application of cold packs to the affected
Bell's Palsy on facial exercises. What is
the purpose of these exercises?
-Performing passive range-of-motion
-To strengthen facial muscles and prevent
exercises twice daily.
Prescribing anticholinergic medications to
To increase facial muscle size
decrease muscle tone.
To cure Bell's Palsy
Encouraging prolonged bed rest to decrease
muscle tone. To reduce the need for medication

+A patient with meningitis presents with a

QUIZ #5 high fever, headache, and nuchal rigidity.
Which nursing intervention is most
+Which medication is commonly prescribed
for managing trigeminal neuralgia?
Encourage neck flexion for comfort.
-Administer antipyretics as ordered.
Place in a well-lit room.
Encourage increased fluid intake of caffeinated
+The nurse is discussing goal setting with Option 5
a patient who has ALS. Which goal is
most appropriate?
+A patient with trigeminal neuralgia +A nurse is caring for a patient suspected
reports episodes of severe facial pain of having bacterial meningitis. Which
triggered by brushing their teeth. What diagnostic test does the nurse anticipate
is an appropriate nursing intervention? will be ordered to confirm the diagnosis?
Advise the patient to avoid brushing teeth until Complete blood count (CBC)
the pain subsides. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
-Suggest using a soft-bristled toothbrush -Lumbar puncture
and lukewarm water for oral hygiene. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Recommend the application of topical analgesics
before dental hygiene. +A patient with ALS is experiencing
Encourage the patient to brush more vigorously difficulty swallowing. What is the most
to desensitize the nerve. appropriate nursing intervention?
+Which isolation precautions are most Encourage large, less frequent meals.
-Provide thickened liquids and soft foods.
appropriate for a patient with bacterial
Recommend dry foods to facilitate swallowing.
Increase meal times to encourage relaxation.
Standard Precautions
-Droplet Precautions +A patient with meningitis is experiencing
Contact Precautions severe headaches. Which non-
Airborne Precautions pharmacological intervention could the
+A nurse is providing discharge nurse suggest?
instructions to a patient recovering from Frequent head and neck exercises
Application of a warm compress to the head
meningitis. Which statement by the
Listening to loud music to distract from the pain
patient indicates a need for further
-Minimizing environmental noise and lights
+During care for a patient with ALS, the
"I will avoid crowded places for a few weeks."
nurse prioritizes monitoring for which of
-"I can stop taking antibiotics when I feel
the following?
Sudden episodes of hypertension
"I will follow up with my healthcare provider as
-Signs of respiratory distress
"I understand the importance of getting rest Hyperglycemic episodes
and staying hydrated." Acute vision changes

+A patient with Bell's Palsy expresses +A patient with viral meningitis is

concern about facial appearance. What is experiencing severe photophobia. Which
the best response by the nurse? nursing intervention should be prioritized?
Increase the room lighting.
-"Most cases of Bell's Palsy resolve
Administer pupil-dilating eyedrops.
completely without treatment."
-Keep the room dimly lit or dark.
"You should consider cosmetic surgery for
Encourage the patient to wear sunglasses
permanent correction."
"Facial exercises won't really help but might
make you feel better."
"This condition usually worsens over time."
+A nurse is caring for a patient with Joint inflammation.
Bell's Palsy. Which intervention is Increased intracranial pressure.
-Meningeal irritation.
important for eye care?
Peripheral neuropathy.
Applying a warm compress to the eye at bedtime
-Using an eye patch on the affected side
to prevent corneal abrasion
Encouraging frequent blinking to keep the eye
Instilling mydriatic eye drops to promote

+A patient with trigeminal neuralgia

describes the pain as "electric shock-like"
sensations. This description assists the
nurse in understanding that trigeminal
neuralgia is:
A chronic inflammatory process.
Characterized by constant dull pain.
-Associated with nerve damage causing
intermittent, severe pain.
Primarily psychogenic in origin.

+Which finding would the nurse expect in

a patient with meningococcal meningitis?
A petechial rash
-Both A and B
Neither A nor B

+Which statement by a patient with ALS

indicates effective coping strategies?
"I avoid talking about my condition with family to
not burden them."
-"I focus on enjoying hobbies that I can
still participate in."
"I plan to discontinue all my medications to avoid PASADONG PRELIMS!
side effects."
"I only eat once a day to reduce the effort of
swallowing." GOD BLESS AND GOOD LUCK!!
+During the assessment of a patient with Laurente, Amirrah xoxo
suspected meningitis, the nurse observes a
positive Brudzinski's sign. This finding is
indicative of:

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